OfWiVILtk, lo-uay K’td r 15 torti- ho UiOVibg cU’ rimit. ii.iing M»ttk ki liiii re buruiD^ .«* ' ti ll liiM >*(i .’iiiluri ( iUi!rcati I.-* vUati^lUg :a, M*y iS* , tlie iiuuie. landing lot* iiupeudiaif aj Th. >ra t j DailM iahiog took ^ m*y t»ko» pU««. i«ked Oattf bU wtgona, kro ruuuiDg tijat tbre« iver on the MoPhernoD Slight ekir- Milaj morn- letjr he«Yj D ail miila, lere owucn 7—A r»id- ralry luuved )u aud VVel- ud wur* met the l!d 8iate oavalrj, ’a re^meat. All quiot fiatittippi — b'rxdaj afior- e a party ut ariDg a rery . have reocut- B Miiisiiidippi, u pAit ut tbe uftcer a« t)tb iudt. oiy Quml>ere4 >tueDt uf mk- LTfcd by Pno«. ID ted troops) keu prisoner*. 4^2,UOU, only «, iiie rcHidav le m»un«r m '«da ot Kuby UB with whiefe *hju> 71 pieoea under i:'atrota, and suteeQ t) re 16 w&goo* oes, tb« tint >t (be euemj't aaater’s •lorM, to a e«mplet« t>etore. 'ibey tbraa on tbia wauld giTe a ) enemy iett in 8 that they in- >iisb Oontcder- isaippi. ilicuH, 24fh. —{Ji the bgbt >ned by (jren. ilCtlLUOud UU' laloruied that UTtb aud liid ,c th* li^bt was Our uica stood r roitrcd after led. About a [lU tiifUt ware Aie llunner.— aptufuil by ibe iabt! had bUO fcrd, aua amuag Pollard, ot till* to bup*.rintead be NV ar. ti Ditpiitck, ment uf Kick- g. Gen John ol bi3 com- lered to report krtera at Golds- H>d that Gen. id.—Ex’r. ce has received p tu the iStb. I, aiid miejaiag, loediug 14,U*JU. tiie ineqiiuUtjr !Q overcome. ^Uh. t the instanoe ana->li=8i*dippi ra iayior ua* d title ol Liieu* F ire truly »orry ort O. Jeukiuij late figut near Baca a- to re* btioujuer-joint not reoover. &cial ebtimatefl; Uia city lb be- ch. fKAiy, that the rumor •y i* not tru«. tul and gallant u louger in tii« the dtate dotb *Q ho. ^Juu/tdtraH. 3U notes are Mi, aud the bro- ng rates: liroli iiank ^iotofl f®r one; and N. 0. Trea- lourndl 2bth. /ta of April, of ttjivl, • lU a, 20’4 »&•! ^ 1 wiu p*y iiav« fonud it I or tleLTcr ii t® ^.JlBBOOQa il6 itpd »— Tabaood. 9 FAVETTE VI UbK. "llOVUAT KVKXljrO, H\y 30, \m. Thi 8tTCATio!( doe* not appear'to have andargooe material change tiuce oar last. The attempt of ^ruDt to ;;et aroBud Lee ha* broaght the armies uearer to Ri«hmoud, where Lee «oufront* the enemy, ^8 usual. I'he great battle will *oon take place— Uideed it u rumored that it wa« begun on aiaturday. JuhD«tou ban «tea«ed to retreat, and ww tight*. There ui the nitaal batuh of vontradi«ttery *tories from the Traai>-MiSHi**ippi. The people are anxious, but confident. Thi Habeas Corpi’*.—Au impression has pre- Tailed 10 a considerable aztent, both in and out of North Caroliua, that the saepension of the habeas e«^rpus by the last Cougreaa was in accordance with a itatement by Freaideut Davis of some circum- •unces existing in North Carolina to require it. la a speech in Congress last week, Mr. Gaither of ihw State effectually disposed of this notion. He •aid that the President did, (in his Message in se cret sessiotlu) refer specially to certain evidences of disloyalty and treasonable designs, and to dangers from spies, incendiaries and emissaries, but he made no special reference to any particular State. No distinction was drawn against North Carolina. Her delegation, divided m opinion as to the propriety of the passage of the saspension law, jealoas of her honor and sensitive to any apparent insult to her eitiaens, had never complained then or sincc, of the manner in which the President had referred to the State, or of any disrespect to her citizens, in lan- FBOX THE NORTH CAB0LI5A. SOLDIERS. [Corre*pond«D)e of the Fayetteville Observer.] (’amp tSOru Reo’t N. C. T., Howttr’s Fabm. » 8 mile* of } etereburg, Va., May 22, l / it i* the Sabbath, and with us a day of re*t without “its «himes or veaper bells." Aft«r six days of continu- wus and heavy skirmishing with the enemy and fatighb duty at nitfht, our mun are broken dowu, aud tho’ always in line of battlu are enjoyiug tlmt heavy honey dew of shuiibtir whish none but tho hard workaid 8oldi«r kuowa how to enjoy. I give below such h«ld notes of the bat tle of May 2oth as passed before me, and which, I believe, is called the tight at llowlet’s Farm. At day-light we left our liuea near t)ie Kichuiund and PeUrsburjj Turnpike, aud went into line of battle on a range ot hills lUVO or 12U0 yards of the sntreached posi tion of I he enemy which we had determined to storm. Gen D IL Hill was in command of Martin's and Wise’s brigades un the right, resting on the Appomattox, and Cien. Hoke on tho left, extending to or near the James. Tli)s ei^agement was to be preceded by an artillery fire ot half au hour, and at a shout from Hoke’s division on the left we were to move at quick, tlien double juick and the ruu, as tlie distance ami drtMS of the lines required. Our blankets hail been left, our horses sent to the rear," and everything in readiness for prompt aud energetic re sponse to the exiHjete^l signal. Soou it came, and a? each bri^adt' aud n giiuent took it up, lonjr l>ef)re its echoes had died away aiuoug the distant hilU, our brave boys, over fences, thro’ branohiw thro’ briers, ^uiany of them barefooted,) were elisrging under heavy tire the breastworks of the enciuy, with an enthu-iiasni which 1 cauBot describe, but which it was my happiness to be hold aud will long remembor. As the whole eori's de scended from the hills and appeared in the tields 1k-1ow, 1 thought it tho grandest sight I ever beiield. We were preceded by a line of skiriaishers at a distance of l&M yds., aud the enemy poured upon us a short but trailing tire, but happily they were demoralized too badly lo tak.' deliberate aim; this accouuts lor tlie few casualties in the reg't—42 beiug, I thiuk, tlie loss. The enemy had st^oula iu gray uniform, aud when tho men opeai d upon them our ollicerk rentniined tlieui. till, true to yaukee dupiicry aud deception, they turned aiui tired upon us. Vi-u iiiav rewt assured it was uo u.-^e to s«iy a word after that. Some of the boldest of tluiii tired upon the 17th reg’t till they got in 10 paecs »iul then threw up their hands for quarter; the au>wer wus, the bayonets aud Confederate bullets. The men cliarged over the brea.stworks, which were LATE?»T MAIL AND TKLE0RAPH1C.NEW8. Prom Qenhee’s Army.—Ha^ovkr Juxctiow, May 25.—Yestenlay Thomas’s, McGowan’s and Lane’s brigades, of Wilcox’s division, with Scales’s ot the same division in support and rvserve, w**ri! sent for ward to meet tlie enomv. who had crossed the Norlli gaage or thought. Mr. Gaither regretted that the Message had not been published; there was nothing I I precipitately abandoned, and would have pursued them in it but what wa.^ undoubtedly true, and nothing | still lurther but were recalled. Tiie treuclung tools dis- That the President or his friends desired t« conceal ftom our own people, but" it does contain facts and circamstances which it would be improper to reveal to the enemy. We are glad to see this statement by Mr. Gaither. Tub Vbrt Error or tob Moon.—Among the notions, the offspring of sheer demagoguism, which the BO-called peace men of North Carolina advance with apparent earnestness, is that of submitting any treaty of peace that may be made with the United I aiid had scarcely gotu-u so beiore the New Kngiaud Pu litates to a vote of the people. Mr. J. T. Leach tributed among the prisoners and detailed meu were put in iustant requisitiou for the purpobe of streugtheniug the works agaiust the heavy artillery tire of the eueiuy on a neighboring hill—a terrible tir^opeued on us wliilc 80 engaged, aud pending this, Blouut's Ueorgia buttery dashed up as gaily as to a tournament under a hro wiiicli soou put him horr> du combat by killiug all his horac-s and several of his men. Capt. Blount told me he had been in 13 pitched battles. Crettysburg iui’ludcd, aud while it lasteU it was as trying a time as ever he saw. His meu behaved with as much coolness as if it was au innocent display of pyrotechny and death wcs not busy around. Capt. Marshall's battery was soon in position has introduced this feature into his resolutious which Congress laid upon the table, and he haii gone fur ther and stipulated that the States shall appoint oommissioners to treat, along with those of the Con- tsderate State*. 6uch propositions are not only subversive ot the Confederate government and iu direct 5ouliict with the Constitution, but iubversive of all governments. The people themselves have wi«ieiy conferred apon the Confederate government some of their sovereign rights, such as they coukl neither conveniently nor With proper understanding exercise in person. A- inong these is th* nghl^ the axclusive right, to de- «lare war and make treaties. Every man of a thimble- full of brains must know that these are things which the people cannot do with conyeniente or saft^iy. Mr Leaeh and Mr. Holden have no ia.-k of brains; snow this. But it seems to flatter very ignorant peo ple to veil them that they must have a vote upon the treaty of peace. The idea is not only absurd in itself but it is an insult to the people whom it is meant to fatter, for did not those people themselves vest this power in the Confederate government? These dema gogues pretend that the people did not know what Ley were about, and ought now to take back a right which they had solemnly conferred upon their agents, the Confederate government. Away with such tom- foelery. *JoT. Grabam os TH» Habeas Corpus.—The Richmond papers have not reported the speech de livered by Gov. Graham in the Confederate Senate on I'nesday last on the habeas corpus question. The Whig compliments it editorially as follows: •Mr. Graham, of N. C., presented hie views at length on the habeas corpus question, taking the ritans concluded to drive us from our positiou. They came up with a yell over the crest of the hill, but it wn- such a yell as l aiue from ihe chattering teeth of a badly scared loe. The old da^ we saw coming over the crest' of the hill, but no sooner had its outliues bet-a luUy seen, than down it weut most disgracefully before our eye.-., and the whole charging force retired before a tire us well directed and cool as any of us could'desire. In au oj eu held there is a large blasted chestnut tree about the cen tre of the lines of the ti^th ri^’t, aud here were pcj.sted IZ pieces of artillery from tirst to last—and hence tlii.^ reg't and the 42d reg't N. C. T. received the heaviest tire from the enemy. Not a tri'e or limb but showo the murk of shrapnel, grape and rouud shots in ail the woods iiu- metUately in rear of this chestnut tree. These battpriea were supported by tiie 66th and 4id reg'ts. Col. Urown of the 4 Jd and Lt. Col Lamb of the 17tb were wounded, the latter painfully but not dangerously iu the shoulder The casualties in the brigade were only 200, which Gen. ,Hili sitid was almost miraculously aiuall.all things considered. Loth tield and Ime odiccrs behaved well, so much So B« to excite favorable remark from brigade com manders. The men with only S exceptions were really eathutiiastic in the work, i he 8 laggards, some ot them of family and position at home, were puni>hed at once and reduced to ranks when holding uou-comiui.--9iont'd odic«^. VVhiie it is ahuo^t Invidious to sj>ecify, 1 cun mon tion the names of only a few M'hose conduct fell more purtieularly under my ayo. Col. iloore of the o'Hh i- cool and comj>etent, and 1 l>el!eve there is a reciproc.il oonlidence between the men aud officers. Two y»-ars ago this would have made some noise a.' :i clever engagement with closer results; now it is ‘ Saul has slain liiB thousandi but uavid hfs tens of thousands.” Ihe practical results are howt-ver, that we have wiili a very small loss thrown forward our right one luile aud shortened our line of battle « miles. W’e have a com mauding [*osition, and rest assured the “Beast” will nev er see Kichmuud while we liave an arm to strike, except he tigures iu a menagerie which iieaurcgard will tit up as aoou as haud-bills are out. Uen. Gilmore is with liutler. We hear and see theni working like bearers, but they are confronted every where by our lines of bold, deteruiintM.1 men. A deserter came in yesterday and said the negro troops wouli charge us next. All 1 have to say is, let cutfee com*-, 1 am partial to his color, and the boys will certainly make the wool fly. We are in Hoke’s division; ien. Hill temporarily com ground that the act suspending the pnvilege of this but he rcfu.es t. take a pt-rmaufiit commaiul. writ was not only in contravention of the Constitu ton, but also encouraged the enemy to believe that such a stringent measure was necessary to suppress d.saffcction in our midst, when it was well known to us that no such disaffection existed. Mr. Graham concluded his remarks with a vindication of North until he gets a Court of Intjuiry upon his cas‘. Uh lu' is a hero; l love to U>ok at a uiau so Christian, so patri otic, so brave—the inca l>elieve iu him. He is always busy and brings to the discharge of every duty an cxp*.-- rieuce rich in the toils and honors of war. .e is ou Beauregard's stalF. (iea. .Martin char;retl with his bri Scales was sent to take them in rear. A sharp tight ensu‘d. and th* trooj)S were rapidly }>re?sing them back, when just as Scales was opening on their liunk and rear, Thofnas’s brigade, for some uue.vplained reason, gave way, and thus the frnit.s of victory were lost. We, however, captured some GO prisoners, who say that when our men commenced giving back the enemy were already on the run, and our boys were within a very few yards of their batteries. Our loss is put at about 3;'>0. iMtring the same evening Mahone, commanding Anderson's division, ns.mnlted Laidley’s brigade of the enemy, who had crossed jjt Oxford Mills, captur ing some (»0 prisoners. To-day there has been nothing done save slight skiruHsiiiug. May ‘Jti.—Very little infantry skirmishing to day. Rii'h. 'llfh. Kh'tijioxd, May *J8.—(4rant has recros.-Jvd the North Anna, aud is again .on the move, it is su])- poscd in the tiirectiou of our right; and he has thrown a force of infantry aud cavalry acro.-^s the Pamunkey at liaiiovi r I’own, about '20 miles from Kiciimmd. in a northeasterly direction. This is the direct ronle to the Peninsula. :.nd wouhi seem to indicate that (irant ha- abandoned, as hopeless, his project of getting to Iliclimond Vty the Northern line of opera tions. Beyond the "strategic movements," above al!u(L d to. and f ome pkirmishinir, nothincr of inten st occurred on thf* lines yesterday.—Ihspatch. (irant ha.«. at last, been forccd to the route which McCh lian attempted, and tailed, and which, we be lieve, will re.«ult in his ‘>mplctc discomtit'’rc. It was his intention, no doubt, to fitt;ick Lee at the •luuctitkn; l>iit xU t«> tli^ li«- could ni>t bring his men up’to the scratcli. Instead ql' boldly fighting his way to Kichinond, 'ny over whelming Gen. Lee with his pretended vast num bers, he is trying to fueak round our right wing, tret on the Penin-iula. (where he expects to unite witii Hntler.) and have his gunboats to retreat to when pressed by (tt'n. liOe.—St.-riliucl. Asui.a.M), .May ‘JT. ,>iir army is moving rapidlv ou lines almost parallel with the route which (irant is following. Two i)risoners just brought in, belong ing to the si.\th corps, say their command received orders vesterday to march to the White llonse. Ku hmo.nd. May lii)—The enemy cro.ssed the I’a- munkey river yesterday at Hanover town ami Old (,’hurch. Hancock's, Wright's and Burnside's forees have certainly crossed; Warren's not accouutjcd for. Our army up to thi> mornii ir hail tormcd no line of '•attle, but Wen- awaiting the enemy's movcmcul.' ;ind dispo.-.vion. Tiiere wa-i it ou-ider.iijie e.iv-.ilry tikfht at Hall's Shop on yeslerday, oetwecii Fitz Le>- aud H*impton's cavalry and a large force of yank. . cavalry. Our c:»vulry, at tirst, lorccd the enemy back. tiTit It is uow supposed the tu>'my g.ive back in order to draw as in. Laic lu the evening our cavalry drew off. Imving lost, it is said, some thirtv killed and 7j to lOO wounded; some of them them fell into the enemy's hands. I'herc has beea no engagement t»-day, aud it is supposed the enemy do not intend an immediate at- tiick, but will rely upon entrenching. yrvm \orthf rn (.reorgia.—Ilt avy yi>jhfinj — Atlanta. .May 'JT.—Operations yesterday were con fined to skirmishing, and the enemy feeling for our position, (->ur right is resting on the road from Ackworth to Dallas, [in Pauldiug (.‘ounty (»n the Alabama line,J about miles north east from New Hope church, and extenils from the latter pciut near ly west. The movements of the enemy indicate a disposition to get in our n-ar across the Ltov.ah river. Atlanta, May 27.—Our advance came up will; the enemy at New Hope, i miles ea-it of Dalla.', at noon on \Vednesday. (ien. Hood's corps was first in the tight. Parts of two Divisions, .Stevenson s and Hindman s only, were engaged. The enemy charged twice and were handsomely repulsed, (ien. Cuui- ming is severely woundetl m the breast and arm, and Gen. Ik'ynolds slightiy. (Jur army was moving up to the tield yesterday morning ('.iSth) in tine condition. Nkw lloeK, VIA Marietta, May '-'fj.—The enemy are moused lu our froul, ou the houth itide ot Pump- kinville ^'.'j ercek. There was very heavy musketry and artillery sklrmis’iing from suunse to dark ye»- terd ly, principally ou our right "lug. We captured ‘2D0 to ;iou pnsom rs, among tiu-m a Liyut. Col. and 4 Lieutenants. Our troops are tull of cotihd-'nce and anxious for u g> uerai cu;;ag' un ut which is like ly to lake pla -c tu-da>. Sivirmu'hing uow going on. Nhw lIoi'K, May vi i \Liri;t:a.—G' ucr.il Cic- Iturne's divi.'iou eiitrag 'i the l.ii yauke-.: army corp.' under Howard this. mornin,'’ .ib )ut 10 o'. ! aii'i after a deopcrale coaicsi sii^fitahy repuUe I tliem with a loss ot bi twci’u ."(DOiJ and ToOit. We captured l.'iO to 'iOK prisi^ners beside.> tin- wound; d, and au immense quantiiy ot arms aud a. coutrcnieut'S. G-n. Cleburne says the yankee dead were left close up iu his front. Their line of breastworks in front of (ien. present at Little Rock with the wreck of 10,000 troope. I Qfn, McClellan.—Richmond papers mention a ! ^ threatened by Price. The yankee Gen. Thayer is killed, I report that McClellan is now with Grant, and acting , f Aiex.maria. Porter's j as a restraint upon his impetuosity. I ^cL. HARRlNOTO!f aasaiM net t IS «ietjiined above bv low water. W e have possw-I * ^ ■ • that gentleman aa a nuitabl* p«nMi%• fe* eicn of Red river above ind IkIow, and have a heavv ' Hailu Prau^rs —“The christians of Macon, Ga. ^^r for Sh*riff of Harnett county, at tk«tlOTti«lto a.^k their bretWn everyvyhere in the Conrcderacy to . ‘he flrrt Thm-day in August u«t. unite with them in prayer for our country, daily, at, 5 o'clo' k. p. m.” ! ron THB oB*KRTiR. ■ T«tert •f CMSMty. Th« re ported death of 11 Col John T Jones, of 2f>th ' in ih; (-ei v'cc, I t»ke iQi.- oi*tbvii . aaaraa#- ■ “ -- .. ’ X) i, fone OK each side. Col. (Jritfiu with shftq)shooteri and ft butt TV of artillery surprised two gunboats—the April 8. MANT TOTM M*4tpdJHt» iu Xortiiern Mexico all quiet. (Jr\ April tho yankcf^ irmded a force of S'.'O ut l.ava-:i and iset tire t4> the town. Several blocks were consumed. ( untos. La., via Simmitt, May 2', via Mobile. May p. m. yesterday, the yankee army broke UD their caiiips at Morganza where they had been fortifying, and iTioved down the river—the cavalr}' aud art'dlery on laud, the iiifantry ou transports. " harton’s Texas cavalry whs .0 luiles west of them, at Morgauza ferry, anil our infantry was at Simsiwit waiting for Walker'i couiiiiand to come ujt. A Major of the onfederate army, who cro.sswi over yesterday reports that 7 gunboats and 7 transports were ciiptured on U(.,l river, and that the whole uumt>er of pri!juers in Arka'isu-i and Louisiana was 16,000. ol. Hlu'lby from Niitchez reports that the enemy had burned houses, cotton gins, corn cribs, everything. Many faiLiiliv.j (ieprivcd of food and clothiug. Iiu'ti ! au!>y has gouc to Xatchez. le’ttT li;iJ been rec*^iveil in this city from (General Hawthorn, dated pril 28th, irom General Price’s army, eayiii2T that, up to that date, we had captured and killed 8.0 ot Steele’s army, and taken 5.50 wagous and 15 pitM-e-! of Hi tiUery. — h ichmoud Knq irtr 'IHih Reir't N ’ T, (formerly Vance’s,) has been confirmed. ' JJ ipg candidate to repra*itat Maatir He was well known to the writ»*r as a young man of ; of S*mp*''n in iVe Hoaceof CommoDSof tk*aaztL*|^- more than ordinary promise, aud ariione the first of those choice f-pirits who left the University of N 0 and entered the ranks fis privat^s ia a Company from Chapel Hill in April 'fit; Was in the 1st N C Reg’t at the battle of Be thel; after serving out the period for which they had ‘Tolunteered. young Jones immediately entered the army again, and has closed his brief but honorable career; by a sacrifice of his life for his country. Ue was a young man of high moral character, was a candidate for con firmation in the Episcopal Church; yielded to the decree of God not only willingly, but, as a by-stander remarked, cheerfully, saying, “It ia all right.” Wti are also sorry to learn that Edward Jones, son of l>r J B Jones of Cliapel Hill, (who was wounded and captured on the 6th) has lost his leg above the knee. His father has #one on for him. Carolina from imputations of disloyalty to the South- j gade and bore himselt to the satL^factiou of his troops ern cause. Tbe whole speech was deliirered in ex cellent temper, and was not only characterited by elegance of rhetoric, but by force of argument, which secured for the speaker the constant attention of the Senators present lu a brief sketch of the conclusion of the speech given by the Examiner, he argued that the proper course was for military commanders to arrest and imprison disloyal men and traitors, as they had a rght to do. “and he (Mr. Graham) would go as far who cheered him as we gained th(! works. Ihe (leueral said “never mind youi* cheers, boys; work now, work now,” and they did wyrk. Upon the bfxlies of the enemy are found anything but the chaste literature of th‘ South What a god send it will l)e to be delivered frum these whited sepulchres, of outward form so fa'ir. But I mu.st close. I am ^nc«)uraged by what I s je, what I kuow, and what I gathefr from a re perusal of our Re volutionary history. Thv crisis is uf>ou us—I hope is past. We have brave ir»n in the fiehl and a people at home whose destinies hang upon the issues of tbi.s strug Fi't m the Xorfh.—Richmond papc'rs of the 28th have Northern news to the *24th inst. Secretary Stanton telegraphs to Gen’l Di.x that ‘•orticia! reports show that many thousand veteran troops ha\c be 11 forwarded to (ien. Grant. Up wards of liti.oou si( k and wounded have been trans ported from the field to Washington. Over 8,0UU prisf uers have bci'ii transported from the field to prison d-'oots. autl large amouiits of artillery and other im;>lo>Hi'iii..4 ol'ua ii.ct.ive cuinpiu^u broUftiit way. The grand army of the I’otomac is now fully a." siroiip" iu numbers and better equipped than when the cumpaign opened. Several thousand reinforce ments have alst) been forwarifed to other armies in the field. an*l ample supplies to all. During the ^amc time over volunteers for 100 days have been mustered into the service, clothed, armed, and equipped, and trau.«ported to their respective po- sition..” Admiral Porter telegraphs from the mouth ot Red river. .May 10. to the Navy Department, that the portion of the squadrtm caught above the falls at Ak'.\audria have been relieved by building a tree dam acro?s the river, at tiie lower falls, which en abled all the vessels to pass over-in safety. A dis pat ti, dated mouth of lie*! River, May I.'), stated tha’. (Jen. Banks would probably reach Simmsport, ou :hc Alt hal'alava, on the lOth. The enemy have .-v.t' u:‘tcd Alc.\;iu>lria and movt'd toward.s Simms | Aviiiural Porter's licet was greatly annoyed wink* pt-is.ug out of itcd River by the Couledcrate gucnila.'. i'.ie New York Journal of Commerce aud World hiive becu suppressed b^- the oulitary authorities. The Herald, ia a gloomy articlc ou this subject, savs; • 'I'lie recent .suppression of public journals in till.' city, aud the arrests of editors and others, a e a species ol prophetic facts in the history of our gov ernment. 'I'hey loreshadow the advent into our his tory of questions whose decision has rent many a great State to fragments, aud of elemeuta that have always been dangerous to the liberties of the people.” In the House of Representatives, on the ^3d, Mr. Pruyn nought to introduce resolutions of censure of this suppression but objection was made, whereupon Mr. I’ruyn moved a suspension of the rules, which wa.s disagreed to. 79 to 51. Congress "proposes to consider” u general bank rupt law. The Herald hopes the measure will pass, aud says: The inll.ited paper currency system of finance must end in a dn-adful crash sooner or later; and wh>- I that cra.’h comes a bankrupt law will be abso- luieiy nei e.'sary to dig out our merchants from the rums of Chase's finances, and set them upon their fc' t to begin their work anew.” Tue correspondent of the Cincinnati Commercial estim.iti-s the !o>ses at Resac.a at tilHJ killed, 3UU0 wounded -lO'.t missing. 4 iirigadiers wounded. Hook er, s!ightl’; Kilpatrick, painfully; Manson, seriously; Willich. It IS feared, mortally Tue New York Times’ special correspondent says the .')th urmy corps [(Jrant s army] loss is 1'240 kill- d, il,.‘)7ti Wounded, TOO missing. The stragglers in the whole army e.stimated at 20,000. On the lyth li)ssv*s ti.e to si.x thousand. 'I’he Florida destroyed the ship Avon, of Boston, on the '-".^ih ot .March I'lv K.' ntw ky Provost Marshal has been ordered I eiiroii ue::ri. -s, or take them as substitutes. Ij lid qiU)Ud at Ijr.i. L.VJ'KU.—iln iiMoND, May'iS.—The New York II ;a:d ol' tlie 2.’iin ii;io been recoivcd. li.'ld iS quoted at ISS. Tlie World .ind Journal of Commerce were .sup- pres.-ed lor puolishing a bogus proclamation from 1.,'u.oiu ealiiug tor 400.000 men and appointin day tor Fa.'ting and Prayer. I'iie Kdiiors ofler Loring's comm ind has been abandoned. (,)ur loss I lurge n-ward tor the perpetrators ot the houx. probably between 4000 and 5000. Skirmishmg is still | ^ he London correspondent of the New York going on, FOB THB OBSaRTaS. Ditfd. in Flospital at Richmond, on the 17th May 1864, Capt tVri.MS H. Poi-k. of Co E, 5lst Regt N. C. T.. who f'-li- mortally wound-d in a chars^e near Drewry’s Bluff, Ta.. on the ICth inst, as'.'d ?.» years. Capt. Pope was from RohePon county and the only son of J. T. Pope, Fsq. At the hefrinniiig o! thi-« p-rufl;2le he was a cadet at the ('harlott*; Military In-titr.te. N.C., but like many others, when he heard th»t the Joe was treading tbe soil or ■'Ta.. he d**»ert’d his .^Ima Mat*T and cho'^e the tented field-participated in'the engagement at Yorktown—a sboit time after wnich he was elected 1st Lieutenaut in a company from his own county This pot^ition he held until abont a year since, when by reason of the resig nation of his Captaiu he was promoted to Captaincy of the company, which position he h'dd until the memorable >6th. A’though quite young, he bad already established by bearing a high military repuiatioe. and his atT'.lu" mann»-r« anti geritlpmrtnfj deportm.-nf mad* him the pride of the Reg’t. Amid the many who fell kilh'd and wounded from the .‘list R *a't on that day. there are none whose loss is more keenly felt by the Reg’t than that of the gallant Pope. In his case how true are the words: “The path of glory leads but to the grave.’’ He fell with his face to the foe, proudly loading his company on to victory. It may U? some consolation to his father, mothe” and only sister to know that he wa.s not afraid to die, as he so expres-^ed himself to me a short time alter being wound ed . Yours. N. Casualties Sid .V C Jtrmy. t.i Maf 10. Co .^—Wiiuoileil: Jnhn Luther, slifcht, net k and sbonlder, i R k^inith. thitfh, nItL'lit Missing: 8. A 'Viiuiiiletl Capl J K Kyle, slight, hciH, l-l Jai Huske, slight. Mis \ini: 4. r—Mjxsine* Will FerrUl. I)—Jrtfk Allen Wountftd; C(ipt 1- R (sibson, Icfl leg 'h“t rt «l e«i. Smui'I Z’glrr. .^fvtre. «houltler. K—'inmlt’ft: Iru* A .Mi .\ ttr. arm .'intl .Visaing 5 F VV..II. (i i'>n.intc »i!r. r ahl arm iririured. J r KPby, » "‘i iUStit*r; N K.-ill, Mlijflu. fiiiuer; H Hruwn. slight, J A M»ck. n»: i loot nirjpui'ueil; A Browa. J VV Hr -- ks, let'; ; » I. TiP tl. rii'hi • de; T L A=*'bier,breMst Missing:?. M J Harv’rll right iifiii; V L tile. thixb, alnce iiicluiiinjf VVtiis n —I\(jK iVe i.r er'' \\ nmitled' (' Keener, boweU, w»- vfre’v; L N t>ice. stir'll, mck ;inl ta«e MUsing: i. ioclQiiiug Lt Ml I—VVMUf>»kd M BlnyiiKk. thuaih 5. J l»E»tltuy,Htrspiirtl 8t*wari^, a;- any one in passing a bill of indemnity to protect I gle. We are all terribly, 'ieif erjteiy tn e truest VVe be- ., * , . P 1 /» I * ^ A.' I f 1.^1.U i tramrtrit n ti.*A \l7til ienerala who, by mistake or upon false information, had arrested innocent persons.” • Mr. Graham spoke of North Carolina. If any one supposed that anything in the condition of that State h^ at any time called for the passage of this Jaw, that opinion was, in his belief, erroneous. When Lincoln, by his proclamation, had declared war, she said there was no neutrality for her. She threw herselt, heart and soul, into the contest, and in the manner in which she had borne herself, in her cuntribution to the cause in men and means, in the valor of her sons on every battle field, she well might challenge comparison with any State of the •Confederacy. He had learned from the Adjutant General of North Caroliua, that that State had con tributed to the war 37.88 > men, beaidoa two regi-. ments. the muster rolls of which had not been re ceived. Of this number there were now 50,000 In the field. When Gen. Lee began the fight in the Wilderness with that army which was the admiration of the world, one-half of them were North Carolin- iana. Ue knew not what was the number now, re lieve, I bfUeoe before another twelvemonth we will ouce more return to our homes with hearts full of gratitude to (iod for his goodness, and instea'I of eating our brenii vith scarceness, the earth will yield h.jr fruits and our presses burst out with new wine. Hastily, tc. SAN8 SOI Cl. Tlie lollowing non-commissioned officers behaved with conspicuous gallantry and attracted the favorable notice of both General and Regimental officers Sergeants Nnan, Co. 11; Wiggs, Co. B; Becton, Co. F; H rring and rhillip-, Co. C, Layton, Co. Ct; Barne-» aud Cameron. Co. K; Paylor, Co E, now Lt. Co. E; Adeiphos Munroo, now Serg’t-Major of the Reg't. LiKVT U. W’ Bteoman.—A letter fronx Kirk land’s Brigade to the Raleigh Confederate, describ- cfcotivi* itj tiitj Utttiie Ol Tne Wilder ness, says that “Amidst the hottest of the fire, when the gunners had been driven from one of onr pieces, Lient. Winship Stedman, with a few of his men ol the 44th, brought it oflF by hand—an action compli dnced by the dead who were under the sod, and the I mented by the Generals who saw it." Lient. Sted- wounded in the hospitAls. “He did not think another law to suspend the writ either necessary or expedient. He was not even prepared to say that he was content that the pres ent law should remain in force until it expired by limiution. Ue thought the burden imposed by it on the necks of th« people should be withdrawn; y«t, man was wonnded in the same battle, severely ihongh not dangerously, in the shoulder. He ar rived at home a few days ago and is doing well 24th N. C. Troops.—In addition to the casnalties in onr last, Co. F, (Cumberland Plow Boys) lost on if a bill, properly guarded, suspending the writ of 20th Reuben Weaver killed; Marshall T. Autry habeas cortiut, shouldjbe brought forward, he did not I j: mounded in shoulder; Robert Brown missing know that ne •hould withhold his vote. i ^ ^ ^ The vote was then taken on the rtJBolotion, [to in- \uire into the expediency of continuing the suspen- iion 1 and it was agreed to." None are reported in Co. G, (Robeson.) I'herc are several matters in the Legiahitnre and Congressional proceedings, &c. &c., that invite Edi- Ltrhtmsg.—On Thursday afternoon last the kitchen of Alex'r McPherson, Esq. of this county was struck by lightning and considerably shattered There were eleven of his servants in the kitchen at torial remark. But our columns are too full of news, j the time, of whom one, a girl of 7 years, was killed The enemy's left is gradually giviug way. Battlh-fikld, 18 miles from Mar:;tla. May 28 Heavy skirmishing began at day-light yesterday, on our lelt, and continued without intermission until ’clock, when the enemy made a desperate assault pou dtevenson's division, and were haudsomeiy re pulsed with severe loss. 'I'his wai the 4th assauit upon this point resultiug iu heavy loss to the enemy. battery which had been run up withiu 200 yard of Stuart's line opeued a territic tire on us. Our sharpshooters killed every guuuer and horse, ami the battery wa.s abandoned last night. At 12 o’clock the enemy advanced on oure.\tn*me right, aud were amlmshed by Cleburne's division, who followed up the advantage with a charge which completely routed the enemy. I'hey left in our hand their dead and wounded, a brigade commander, ainl 118 prisoners. Their loss .'iOOO to 0000. Oars (500. Brisk skirmishing going*ou lo-diiy i«etwecn the ex treme lelt wings, i’nc enemy ar,itnassing on their l.d't. Nkw H OPK, .May 29.—Granbury's i)rigade was placed in action at 5 p. m. y-.sterday 1o resist the enemy’s attempt to turn our dank. The engagemen immediately became furious and raged with unabated violence till B p. m. 'lb>; enemy's lines advauced to within ."> pi'.ces ot several time.- lo :ui)in.iri.''ihe**hr'i'ad; was not aiiowed to hazaid tlie Newo says that the M >rsey rams would be sold to Maximilian, who is collecting a powerful fleet. In the House of Commons on the 2d May. Mr. La}ard admitted that an Agent had been sent from Havana to the Contedcrate Stales, in order to com- uai'-ate with the Confederate Governmeut; but he was not allowed to pass through tho blockade. Sir C. Liphinstone a:?liel whether sending an Agent did not amount to hu acknowledgment of the Confed erate States? No reply was made from the Minis terial Bcnches. Br/lh'an' in Florida.—CHARiiEsiON, May 2G.— The f'.iUowing telegram was received at Head iiaarter.'. yesterday evening, from Gen. Anderson commanding in Florida: ‘C ipt. J. .1. Dickson, 2d Florida Cavalry, with a detachment of lii ty men. crossed the Upper St. John' River on the ii'ght of the i'Jth, aud captured 5(> of the «!iieiny s pickets, with their arms aud accoutre ments. Among them were two commissiimed otfi cers and eleven negroes. No loss ou our part.” Dtufh jf Col. Jnhn C- Lamb.—Lt. Col. John C Lamb, 17th N. O. Ueg t, died iu this city yesterday He was wounded in the action of yesterday week i.« ‘ ^ -••ug a‘'T)ati through his lea mreast. CoT. Lamb was from Elisabeth City, N. C., aud was a true gentleman and a noble soldier. Ptl. E.rpress, 28lh. position by a charge until li 1’. M , u h ni Walthall's bvi- ad>- avrivd and took position iiutnjiiiate'y in rear, wh'-a tiie chargi; was >ound'‘d and tne l.rig id • swf pt through the woods, retaking ^ lines ol ba.lie without llriiig a gun aad capturing m iiiy pri«'*ai I .Jerliiam's reg't. liovmi'.- brigade, d -tached at .*>J 1’. M.. was sent tft the right oi I g,.,. ^,{4),ig deoiared uutit for the place. They come u[i to- Graubuiy's. which wa-' )K.'i'ig outtlanKed. It arrived iu I following resolutions «tc. were introduced by timj aud ch.vrgjd aud drave the eucmy. i^jirtham s los;^ | q rnember'*:—Mr. Fuller, tho memorial of Gov’t em Cosop.Kss.—Little of interest has occurred since our la«t. (hi Friday >Ir. Foote offered resolutlous looking to a change in the Tre;isury Department—Mr. Memmiu- J8 killed, «.') wouud'd. (iraubiiry's loss 35 killed, l.iO wounded, in bis trout the ein my left iu one C. id 288 dead and lOO J to 1200 wouaded. I’risoaers report Maj. Gens Howard and Johnston aud IJrig. Gei'. Riug wound ed. Skirmishing cou'inued till night. The eiumy are coastauHy shiViiug their pjsition from centre to l«ft. From Petersburg.—The enemy’s guubouts were eneaged Thursday night, and yesterday, in shelling our left, near James River. Yesterday, too, the enemy sent several shell in the direction of our cen tre. Th‘'re were no casualties. Ou 'I’hursday night the enemy made a slight attack upon a portion ot ployees at Fayetteville, praying for increase of compen siutlon; and a bill to provide for transfers from local and special .service to the army in the field. Mr. Smith, a re solution instructing the Military Committee to report bill to organize Mallett’s battalion as a regiment. Mr, Gilmer, memorial and bill in relation to the 4 per ceut. Confederate bonds held by the disbursing officer of the Common Schools of X. . Mr. J. T. Leach, a series of resolutions declaring the supremacy of the civil over the military law. An I "po'-l'i 't 'feasHre—The Richmond ^hig learns that the ^pccialJoint Committee of Congress has matured Colquitt’s Georgia brigade, onr right, but were easi- I ^ ijjH providing that persons now paying a t*x in kind ly repulsed, and left five dead iu our hands. Yes- j shall, in addition, deliver another tenth of the products With all onr efforts at condensation, we cannot *iake room for the half we would like to publish. ^V.nMr.'JiCATioxs.—When the battlcB began in T irginia we had an appalling number of these on hand, and the lot is now mucn larger. The writers must be patient. We will do the best we can with them. Proceedings of meetings, long obitnaries, and political aiHscuIations must give way for the sti rii^j fevtutB of the day. another of 9 was stunned, and a man was considera bly injured in the head. Last Summer Mr. McPherson had a stable on an other plantation struck by lightning aud consumed, with its contents. relief of WASHIN i' ON Acknowledged iu o ur las»t deceived from Thos. U. TQliujj K-yle, 6 pie«es (ittO yds.j 4-4 sheetinBL it fM efln c Okphax ExnowasNT Fond.—The subscribers to this ^'und met in Raleigh on iriday last. . We suppose that the fuudy collected through the l^rioi al exertions of the Rev. Dr. Deems, now a- 10 iuts to little short of three hundred thousand u...urs. An address delivered by the Dr. to the oiemoers of the Legislature was responded to in the Itum of $i21,4UU, BubMmbsd Moberf, iu wnis fpvn |90 im #S500. ly repulsed terday the enemy manifested some disposition to re new the assault, and for a while there was heavy skirmishing, but finding there was hot work in store for him, he soon retired.— Express, 28th From the T-ow Jf fs- i—Clin-ton, Lor., Mwy 24, \in Suiiunit May—I’cinkH ha^j retn-aied froru .Alex andria. by wny of Siiiisp.iri, A. .J. Snilth’s corps had gone to Natchez and Vicksburg, tl-e balance in full r«'- trwjit towards New Orleans. Maj. (ien. t’anby has arrh- cd and assumed couiiuand. Banks having gone to New Orleans. U is riiorLed and believed that Lt. Gen. !>ick Taylor is crt>s»ing the river I'J. miles below where Banks crossed. _ . IlorsroN, Texas, May la, via Sumiipt 2Sth.—Since A- pril 8th we have whipped two yankee armies, one in Louisiana, tiie other iu Arkansas, driving the latter to Little Kock; and surrounding the former at A lexandria, capturing ia all 34 jtieces of iirtillery, 8,00u small arms, 6,00ti pribouers, 1200 wagons, 2 gunboats, 4 transports, and killing and wounding 8,000 yauiees. Our loas in wparf, Woondbd Knd giUi&ig •bont Bi it the IIIID, In this_ town, on Saturday last, JaNKT DOUGLAS, infant daughter ol Uoa. Thos C. aud Caroline D. Fuller. In this towu, ou the '•fifth inst.. Mr. BENJ. S. VALEN TINE. aged 21 years. The funeral will take place this afternoon ia the .MethfHlist Church at 4 o'clock. The put»- lic generally is iavit* d to attend. « .^t the residence of her father, at tha Arsenal, Mrs. EUFHEMIA NV. AHE A RN, in the i6th year of her age. She leaves a husband, three small children, her parents, brothors and sisters, to mourn her loss. Of stricture ot the throat in Marian District, S. C., on the 8th Dec. 1SC3, Mrs. ELIZABETH, wife of W. H. llajs aud eldest daughter of Maj. Jesse Ford. She had been a consistent member of the Baptist church for many year.-!, aud though her disease was painful in the extreme she bore it with Christian fortitude, conscious of her dls- solutiou to her last uomeuts. She left a sore distressed husltaud and two liiile sons, but one of them very soon followed after. She also left an aged mother and a large circle of relatives aud friend# to mourn their loss, but we mouru not as those who have uo hope. She was in the 7 th year of her age. BleiiSed are the dead that die in : Lord. ■At the .same residence, March bd. 1864, very suddenly, supposed to txi of braiu fever, W ALTER F., mfant son ot vV. 11 aud Elizabeth Uays, aged 'i years lU months aud S days. So fades a lovely blooming flower, Krail smiling s-olace of an hour. Com. Xear Springlield, Kiehmoud county, N". C., ontlnj 16th May. 18t)4, Mrs. MARY GIBSON, wife of Samuel J. ibsou, Esij., in her 45th year. She wa^- fcr many j'ears a consistent, honored and behjved mwml)er of the Me- thoiii«t Church. Pure in heart, mild and serene in dis- po'itiou, she was universuli}' esteemed by her acquaint- tinci'-^. who may well say ot her that “her voice was not heard in the sireet.” She leaves a husband and four children and inuny rei.itives aiil friends to mourn their eai liil}' bei’cavemejit; but consoled with the firm belief hat as a pure, peiiceablt; and pious life is rewarded in iiea\en, ^he is there. Southern Ch'n Adv. please copy. In ilaruett county, .ioh of April, Mrs. CATHARINE I10L1>KR, wife of .Mr. Ithra Holder, Co. H, f>Oth N C T. For many years this excellent woman was a consistent member ol tne Metiiodist E. Church, and the frequent luariiMJ pages in her Bible will long attest where she gained tliat instruction which alone can render life a blessing and make Death easy aud really the consumma tion of all the truly pious Christian desires. She was one who feared the Lord; in death as in life she illus trated the true Christian character. She leaves a dear husband aud two children to mourn their loss. Sad will be this announcement when it reaches her dear husband. Oh, weej) not for her; your loss is her eternal gain! weep not for her, but pri-pare to meet th}' (rod; let the vacant seat in Spring llill Church admonish the living that they too must die. S. J. O. In Moore county, at the residence of Gen. W. 1). Dowd, 4th May, of Consumption, JO.SI .11 T. PHILLIPS, aged ulM)Ut 415 years, one of our worthiest and most res^wcted oiti/.ens, whose memory will long and atfectionately be cherished by his friends and relative.s. Truly may it be said of him, that he was one of the noblest works of God, an honest man 111 Moore Ooii uy. on the ISth inst., Mr. » OLIN Mc- F.VPVEN'. in the 64th year oi hi- age. He was a member ;.l tne i’reshyt, rian church, a koid lathcr and atfectiouate !nis'iand. and wa-* loved b all who kaew him. Weep not. kind fri'-nds. lor he uas gone to rest. FrienD. At his residence, iu Chatham 'ounty, on the 10th May, Mr. \V '»1 M. BL'RNS. in the 70th year of his age. By tilts sad dibpeu.sation of Diviiie f’rovldcnc'?. an arrecifoii- a'c wife, three little children, many lelat'.ves. a large t»im me whole community, have been called to mourn the departure of one. whose many manly and noble tpiaiities had homid h'm to them by cords of the strougest love and atl'ection. for as a huslmud he was loving. a.s a father indulgent, as a master he was kind, as a relative aud friend confiding and always ready and willing to oblige, and as a eitizeu he was patriotic and beuevolent. The blow of this sep.aration. tl}* refore, falls heavily upon the hearts of the Ijereaved, but they are com forted by the asi«urancc that their los.s, though irrepara ble, is his eternal gaiu. —Co*. lature it will be ilnpoiiBible for ai« I* goo 1 people of ol4 Sftmpano (witbont an fore the Augusr el«ot'.OB, I o&U tkat mj |iria* oiplei are too well knowa to my oountyBeB t« of ary doubt as to the coonw 1 rtali p«rrae if Loving my country and bearinf anai in I can only add “ttiat whaievar may t«nd to k«r icterosts and ini6pend''Dt nationality,” aiy Mta- cst des’re to aooompli-^b, and to snob will Bywkaladjiis and talfo's be devoted SolioUiag4he Bufraf«« «f onnutymen, I am gentlei»»n, 70UT oM’t Mrr’t JAMES R LASSITIK. 01 6g J Rpg’t N. 0. Trcofa. M»y 27. W !• The Annaal Bteetiog of tho StookholdMl of th' t'ac F ir ^a^>s ion c.iiik ■>. »i-i t>e kald la Town H»ll in Fajmevill? on Friday Joaa W, 1864 at 12 o’clock. M. W N TILLING BA8T. Tr«««’r. May 28. It tB The Annual Meeting of the Stookholdoit of the Fay«ttevt)lc Om . tyin wwi be «i>l! la th* Town HfcU in Faye*;?vi.’e cn Tliutaday Jnae 1864, at 12 o’clock, M W TILLIN0HA8T, Tr«M.f'r May 28 t« >t FayetteTtlle Arsenal and ira«rj,) •VI AT Ikvl. / WAHTED, rer>t, a pasture for eev uiy of baraea. A fa!r JL prioo will be pAS'ure niOBi ba vrttUa 10 r 12 mih's of Fayettevi'l^ Appl^ t« SSifl JVlzJ fAYLOK. at t>e itrifral itilAYED, IjIROM the Arsenal a Fayeti.-vil;«. Slh M*y, l«at., ' a small pale red MILCH COW; I thiak •¥« waa lUt in thp ears; sbe is whit-e up the right flaak and beUy; b»r foet are white; bae horns turned inward, ar as soaia oall tbem ornmply Any person knowing wber* (ht ic and will inform me of the same or send her to the wV- scribe.', shall be liberally rewarded E. MONAOHAM. May28__ >»> 4.p> Iku^Tifm m MCMJtmjB. wn. MAcimiti H»s rr-n ivf>il and offers for sale: ^AA 0R()J>8 ENGLISH PONE PANT BUTTOlfi OUU ’ C'-se Madder Prints, 1.612 yds ; I 1 C-isp Black ani White Muslins, 1 '^78 yd« , I 1 3«le Soarlei F'annel. all Wool, 67* yia ; 20 U..» Gents Neck TtfS, Faney; 20 Re»®8 Ruled Note Paper; 1 r»se Steel Pens. 1000 boxe*:; I Case Kip Brojran Snoes, 69 pair*; 1 Case Kaivee aud Forks, 200 sets. 5 Barrels Alum, 1,376 lbs ; 6 liarrels English 6'een Copperaa, l.tM Ikn 8 Kegs Refined Bo~ax, 88^.lbe; 5 Barr#s Epsom Salts. Ikst 1 Barrel Cao^hor, l'*7 lbs; 1 Bale Shue Thread, 87 Ibr, 8 Bags Black Pepper, 268 lb« May as Mtw The Confederate Xax for BlaSleu County will attend at the followiav Uaaa and places to receive the lists of propvrty aad tihiar suVjcc'B of taxation for 18&4, also the additiwai tazM on incomes or profita for 186S, and the toartarlj ratanu to 81st March 1864, Ttx: HoUow, Monday Jane Cth White Oak, Tuesday June 7th. ^ Beaver Dj^m, Wednesday Jane 8th, Colly, Thutcsday June 9th. French’s Creek, Friday June 10»h. Carver’s Cre®k, Monday June ISitb White’s Creek, Tuesd-y June 14th. Brown Marsh, Wednesday June 16th. Bladensboro’, Thursday June 16 h Eli» cthlowx Friday and Saturday June 17 Jl It. Th*t coll'fotor will atteTtl the a^ovs appeiaiowata M receive all anrearagea of T-x?^-. Paa '*i*i atiaaiamM is required W A ^'"K NSOS J W H WiliJ'E, EMiabethtown. M»v 21 lIr«e~sue of fursi ruM, BT virtue oi the power i ia U' t>y liif wil’> of tha IflJe Dr A M io- we will se 1 a* Si^wartcville, c Q3*y, N C , on Thursd»y 9fh day ol Jana L Large Lot of Handsome Parlor Farolr tnre and Carpets. Also, a iS'ge aico'int of Fura'lare, W*e4- "oles B’jreaus, B*da>e%ds, Washstand^, B*ds, Mat- tr,.'«ses, B’ankcts and Bed Furniture, ne^ r)y all new aad in good keeping -Also, a l»rj5> lot of Dining Rom and Kitchen Fu»-nlUrt, Tables, Crockery. C>}ina »nJ Glass Ware, Puts, U'^»a, Cooking S»oTflS, &B &o., with a great Taricty of CTHl- FDL HOUSE KEEPING aniclas not to be pnro>»*«!e« from first haaJs Also, Carriage and Harnesa, Wa^on and H^ae-s, Hogs, and Cows and GaWes. Also, a Select Liorary of y.*laable Bauks T"e sal" will be larue and the termo U >eial. JOHN A INGWa. DHNOAN CUA8 MALLOY, W. H. CO.T, FATETi'KVlLLK MARKET.—May 30. «EVIEW OF THE M \KKET The onW ehang s o note a e: Flour 4^126 to $160 per M ; Corn f26 to t'28 pfr hu«h(l; Rjc to $30 per bu«h'-l; T.ard f I; 8u;;ar $7 to $10 per lb. Tl»e i'riendM of the Tolan* ttser Navy and the citizens generally are in vited to attend a meeting at the FayetteviUe llall at o’clock Monday 30th in-t At the request of the Agent, Rev. W. Harris, N. C. V. N. H t)4 and t.-> >,), to be paid for by the post qnartermasters on delivery, at tbe assessed value thereof. Supplies ne cessary for the producers’ family and onlinary bu.-^iuess cxeinpted. fmpressnients to be made only if the service •ilionl.l require more than can^)e obt.iined thus or by pur- chu^i—to be made only by collectors of the tax in kinii. Articles imprt sJ^ed to be pail for by the post qnartermastiT, «iio shall ecjualize impressmeutw so a? to avoid oi.|ircs,»iii ' any portion of tlie community. Any cthf r tlian tithe colleclortj attempting to make impress- ment.- to l)e tined ti\e times the amount impressi>d and imprisoned not e.tcoeding hve years. MABKISD. ^ At the res'dence of the bride’s mother, ou the 11th ult., by the Kev. J. B. Martui, Mr. OBaDIAH FAKRAR to .Hii^s ANNIE E. CLEGG, all of (’hatham. At the residence of the bride’s father, on Thursday evniing May l^th, by Rev. T. B. Uaughion, Chaplain 50th lieg’t N. C. Troons, 1st Lieut. SaM’L B. JOHN STON, Co. H, 17th Reg't N. C- T.. to Uiai if AKT B. DOWMIHG, Of ewtdlqr. !!• C. UttnoTfr Junction, Ta. May 1861. From Co. C, 54th Reg’t N \ Troops, who arrived at ity Point previous to 20th April 1864, are hereby notified that they are regularly exchangetl, and ordered to r'port forthwith to their company. J. MARSHALL WILLIAMS, It 1st Lt. •'omm’>rCo. We are requested to announce fA Ui:. a M iiNtjR 'M as a cantii- Ujivi. ii»r r«*-o’iect'0n to the H-3UB« of Commons from Rich m'’Dd Ci.naty. v.j 27. 8I-8t Hr, Editor, we wish throngh y-'ur columns to suggest t*>e name of Col A. J. Mo QUEEN of Richmond County to represent the Senator ial D'.striot, composed of Richmond and Robeeon, in the next General Assembly of North Carolina We^respeet- fnll'"' rt'commend him to the voters of those ooantes hoprag that ho will aonsent to beeome a eandi*ate. MANY CITIZENS. lix’ra. sen May 2R _18?4. RAlfAWAir, From the subscriber, cn tlie 2y«n AprU vij bay DENNIS, »ge^ 27 years, abou' 6 feet 7 L.'jkea high; n»s very dark complexion, and also « soar cn kia Ufl ■ anl, causf'd by a burn, and weit^ha a^out 170 p>anda. I will pay fi'iy doihrs for his arrest, or ooutinemeat la any JmI so that I g'^t him again Spri’-gfte’d, N. C , I HUGH MoG'EOO». 8«- 'PHE pu^sorib; r w . » ur •> L the %pt>rf>hi»«qion n c n8n-nj- n' • r'oy named APRIL w** • I' ft my p’ lUi' reward for i 3 U 0^ a nrjr* ii B olen eoany tb- Slat inaf 8»i'l n»«ro •!> 25 i'-ar* • f mft, ••fhl complected, about 6 tcet 10 sncbt^s * tgh; he has a saar nn oDP of hia legs a little above the ankle made by aa axe; he is a ren arkably active, trim, well made n‘gr». It is likely he may makicg hit wav op to LisaetnioB, •8 his wife has be^n recently taken here by Dr H H- Robinson, who owns her; or he may b^ trrlrg lo rH t« thft yankeea. J. W LB^’EBNB. B \k'r’s Crppk Bladen Co , May 27 86 St Mrsk ■* A. OroTea will remoT* her «ooonl on next, to t.h>' a u»« in WDirti Miss E. Jossnp hat benn teaching. No pains for the advancement of hrtr pupils will be aparcd. Terms eight dollars per quarter. May 26 ^6 «tpd Rosin Oil. BBLS. SUPERIOR QUALITY OFROSIR OIL. ^or sale by MOO»£, CASHWILL k TO. May 26. 250 85 Im STRAYED, FROM my place on tt:e 21st last., a COW and 04LF. Tbe Cow is white with red spots Tha aalf tkt t>ame color Calf nomarked. m^rk of cow not reeolleai- rd Tbe cow was paroitased from Mr Alaz MoLaad of Moore eoanty, and it is probable that aha haa f««a4 her way back with the calf I will pay a liberal reward for their recovery or any information so that I gettkrai again. WM mXCHBLI*. Near FayetteTille, May 28 8S»f Sot I c i^. ” {HEREBY forewarn all persons from trading w!th er harboring my wife, LANET BENNETT, fo. merly L^ney Howard, whc left on 24th of Mareh. 1^^, ■/ bed and board without any just causn 1 wilt ^ct b« liable for any debt that she may oontract whilr :o ab* sent WM BENNtTT. Lethe P. O., Richmond. N C , \I»y 6. a4-«4pd FOR 8AE.E. A LIKELY Negro Woman, about twenty-«’ght ar nine years of age, and one Boy about three jeart of ftge. Th« womftn is % good field or boa*« bfc id, as far as the owner knows she is perfectly kcn^et- Cotton at one dollar per lb wUl be taken in paym^at or a good note with approved secn’'»«y. wi» j *1^* inontkis’ otedit if wanted. WM.

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