PTTBLIO LAWS. £nACTED Fkb’y 16, 1864. not bcaria^ intenwt, 1st Itiu I>1 Dated shi«ll bo iilluwcd until ihd •hall be atibjcot to • tax 0/ 88J per oent. on ey- j tT ft mj ^ » ery dollar promtnoa on the face thereof, wd tax th« ^•c««ling p«ra>fr«fh, b«twe#n tlie ti0« to attach to said nrttos wherever eiroolatcd, and ' aam^i therein, 10 j»«r eent., in addition t* ■uch profits M iBcoma, uud«r tli« id. th« aruoHAt of profits •xic««]in^ inftds d uring wthar of the yeftrs 1863 and 1S54, l>y any h*iik or hanking ootnpauT, insurance, «annl, nairijfation, iui- portinjr and exporting, tslc^rapli, sxprttSt, rnilroad, tnannfaaturing, 4ry d(»ek, or otiiar taxing said notes shall be allowed tUl the firnt fund the Sftiue in 6 per derate States, psyable "iO interest pavablc >oiin- ipti at* priaotiars «f war h«ld bj tUa ufadarata ahall ba llaUa to hm plaaa^ ia aw fits ia tka fiald for tlia war, as i€ ha wara batwaan tha aj(M af It and 45. Sec. S. Tiiaf baraafter tho dntla« af pra- ro»t and hoapital gnnrda and darks, aui clerks, ^anJs, agv^nts, oinplojea« ar lab^r- to abandon tha Couiederata cause, or to ro- | eint in the Cotntnissurj and Qnnu«ruiaatar't IX. Of an«s]iriraaiaa, or attarmpla fea H^er- • prk States. X. Of aonipiracies, or attampta or prapa- rationa to aid tha «nein5. XI. Of parsons adrisinir or inciting others Aist the Coutadwrate States, or to adhere to the cneiUT. XII. Uf unlawfully burning,^ destroying or injuring, or attempting to burn, destroy “>■' *» “«« «.?, j™*' .ny d^sri^tio... »r iniu™ *n; bri,iB« or railrosj, or U.l»- boaHo-per cent, per an-! ‘"“e ‘‘‘e ' whether nieorparatttJ ar aat, SS eeut4>u j r*;^pJnc lina of a.)minnnioatiou, or property, num. payable on the 1st at January and July of. « alorosaid, shall be h^'ld to have been receiyod, each year. ' by tho amoant of aaui tax Iho dis-! sa«h «xe«ss. ilc. ft. The following I with the intent of aiding thn enemy. Departments, in the Ordnancc bureau, ani of clerks and empi lyees of anvy a);euta, as also in the execution v»f tha enndlment act, and all similar duties, shall be performed by persons wko are %riliiin the agea of ,1S nnd 4a years, and wli«> by the report of a Uoard of anny surgeons shall be reported _ from I XIII. Of treasonable deaij^ns to impair 1 as unable to j>erform active service in tbe Tho «?orprary of the Troa>ury is hr*hv ’ «^>»o'»'«i‘>«‘ the saHjrt.n t« the ' taxatiea iBilar tliis aet ilull be allowed, j tbe military p>wer of the GovMrnmo?jt by j lield, but capable ot' perf»>riaing sotne of the iithorized to isoio the bonds roqaired tor the subjcet, shall be— t^-wit: | de^troyin^f, or attemptini; to destroy, T«su?el« ! ahov« aaid duties, specifying whieh, and indiujj proriJt d for in the precodiHs: bection, Sr.0. lli. That Treasury noros herotolow issned J, Property of eMh lMft4 of a tuiaily to j or aruis, or munitions ef war, or ar«enals,! when these person!^ shall hare been aseifUtid authorized lundiui; p ^ aud autil the bonds can be prepar«>d he may issue * bearjn;^ interest at the rate ot 87 3U on the $lnO | the value of $»0O; anti fer each minor child , , certvuoiit 's to ftnswer tbe purpose. Such bonds P«r annum, shsi!-no longer be tcoeivcil in paj- the family to tbe fafUier Talue of $ 100; | the Confedenite States. be eacii sou aetuaJly engaired iu the arr. or who bae died or ^ • ' r ■ L 1 IT I 1 L ^ i III the uiilitarr or aaral serriae, an'i SCO ■->. 3 hat uil Trt'xsurv nofi'H nf’the ilpnrt 117- wun thf Un\ti>d Mare-t, beann^ the ri^to ot , t ' *• ,i *• t i tu J.t.wury not. sot trie aeno.iu- ... .i,,:,. i.,, , .4 i who wj*s a member ot the family when he J, not b'’Hrin;^ i'lt^irest, which i>h.itl 'Creft spctu(.d ou thcir ia«e, payable lit o» 1 - - and certificatcci shall bp receivable without inter-, Jut-a, but soall u ' ami fwr eacli sou aetuailr •njta#i est m paymetJt of ail Government dues pavabh ‘^onMidpred bonds ot the ConfVderate Swe*». pnys-, in the ’'ear 18tU, c.xcopt export aiiJ import duties. ratification of a treaty nt j 1 entered tlie service^ to tbe farther value of uatiau "i J 10\> not be presooted lor hinditi^ under the provisions JaouAry ol each and every year e-i>A of the 1st section of this uc't.shHll, from and alter SfiO. 14 That the See.otiry of the Treasury the 1st d-iy of April IS(;4, ,-astot the Mississippi hereby, authurlzt'd, in cape the exi- i If- * roj>erty of the widow of any omirer. pultiii* diit's, ?iijd S'tid nofes, if not so {•re?'*n'ed at :J;at rruo, siialt, i^i addition to the !>•){ of J orttf* Uiij in the 4t) st’efion nt this act, be tp n tf.x ut lu j»>r c.'nt per •iionih un til pr.'i lOtCH ’.vUi '^r m t M- i '4'r tor |; .yuv„. . nut !'x *i ■' 3urv • f-.' • '.'f-(i, tuTii's sh»i! Htt>*ch t' s^'ii cv-r ere i al 'd. and shuVi l«e di dueled wiu iH'vor pr•^^Il^et^ f '.-m J n. ro ■ lur liii'iluTuj. and s: I.r -.thin f'-rr t>'c fic V ' J f'"i- in ' iii-j net ll(i nOft?« rih il i«.sue of 'I'l a- Sec. 2. The Preuideut shall cause proper oSicers to investigate the cases of ail pt^rH»nf so arrested, or detained, in order that they may be discharged if improperly detaino I, unless they can be spe«.lily tried in tho lue course of law. Sec. 3. That during tho suspension afore said, no military or other omcer shall l>e cunpelled, in answer to any writ of hai>eiv« corpus, to ap|>CHr in j»er8on, or to return the iHMly of any person or persons dotaine»l by him, by th« Hiithority of the I'resiilent, Se- ft-rai Hs he u»:»y d>>tMu proper, payable two yeara ; [1J_ Pro|>«rty of every efBcer, soldier, j cn*tary of Wnr, or the Oeneral otliccr com Hff^r a r;iiiUo:mon of a rri-ary of renee with the maritje, actually enj'aiTcd in tho I niicd States, bcanni: at tbe rate of bix > „ji|it.n.y ,»r nnval service, or of anch a»» luivu p:r o. ..r, p, r amniai, payable serui anntiHliy, un.i , .iiM-bUJ i.. -u«». -rvlo-. t» »».« .«bi« unfjr Ky f ^JoX); prt.vidcl, that tlio ahov«exomp foundries, workshops, er otbi*’’ f#roperty of j to those duties a« far as practicable, the Pre- silant^hall a»»eign or detail to their perform ance such boditis of tro»p«, or individuals, required to be enrolled under the 5th sec tion of this act, as may be n«eded f»r the river, nnd the 1st day of July 18lJ4, west of t l^e ^'neies of ^he Governujc it shouM require it, to ; soklier, sailor or iiiariae, wfio may have Missi>«;ipy>i, h> h** reeeiv«b!e in pnyntent of P 'y ' deu):ind of Hny puHUc CTi'ditor vrhose debt; died or Iteen killed in Uie military or naval miy be eositr^cted after tt*e piis.'^i >;« of this aet, ! servii^o, «>r wfiere there is no widow, then i»f wltm.; to r evive the Kamo in a c Ttificate ot in-j the family, being miner cUildreu, to the di-bt*'d!ie'"i, to be is;ae»i by said S-'Cretary in sueh value of $1000. ' '' * I""' I- "il wd 'rp'a^ury nott'P not fun !' d or u- d in rayru> n' "t taxes at the dates acJ piju’.1 prL-jt 1't*d iu the l.*>t neciioa of this ant. t’leri' be i vied at ■naid a tax • I ooi ctnts t >r every tloJJar promised th.' t.1 - ii • onf said tax n'viii attach to said notes wh-rev. r r-ir.Ml it^-d, a»:d ?h;i!l be collected manlin^ the Trans Mississippi department; but ii|»»n the certificate, uniler oath, of the ..ftt t^er haviiijjf eliHr^e nt uiiy turn »•» dMtAinHd. thiit such person is detained l»y him as a pri8on«r f*»r any of thw causes hereinbefore rpecitiod, uinler the authority af'»ri'«aid, fur ther pnKjeedings under the writ of hai^eas thorisod to increa e the uumber of dcp':»sitories «o i • That where property has been in jured corpus shall immediately cease and remain refil l wttiM to be pre?ertb> d by the l^oerefciry of . 11, ^ , • »r 11 r. , u ti ; ^ . i t'ona sliJi not app V to anv person, the I re::>ary, ill;! iiu o» rtioCHtes ?-n»ll t»e oxenjpt, , ‘ frotij taxation in pri itipal and iQtero«t. [•roperty, e\c’usive of household furnitur»\ 15 The SoeretLrj cl ti e Troagurr Is a'l-1 aMCs»«»l at a value cxeeelin4f ’•tr !•'c ni tbe tr :u“!iry, ir- «leposi by fiiX 0 ‘h:*eior«, and bv all Goreni- rt* rect'iviuL' the eaaie irhe*iever pre- ’■.ly i'crit or tor landiu;;, cr ia D.iv!!Jont by d-a.K' tfiritH '.cii IE ■•'t ’*fi. 8cntr:.(i ! 1 of Irurcr ;u'..”'t dijes, ct tor pr*stai;e, or iu ex- ei'.ai;^'c }^ r neTv nou-s. a. herciaafrer provided, and said Fr>,j--'ary n '.tea skall lie friidable in botido as provit; d ifi ;he lit -irc'ioa oi thia act, until the l>‘ ’:;y >'i Jauu -ry iSGi, at the rate of G(>| cruta on t,;v* d->Ilnr; and it sb.iU be the du'y of the 81 c- rcta: y ot t c i rc!»'ary. at any t»CLe between the ». 1 i» «to *• j| Jkl I id dates and places ^ meet the requir'!n»iifs of this act, and with *’’ tlusfroved by the enemy, or tiio owner loJJar promised on that vi»>w to e*cnl\v «iich of the banks of these?- | thered'hi»a been t«»mporarily di’prived oftlif era! ?'ar(>js as ht- may deeio expedient. | me or occupancy thereof, or of the mea^^^ Sec 1(> The Seorrtary o1 the Treasury whall ^ of cultivating tho same, by re;uon of tlic* presence or the proxituity of the enemy. I ^ress, and no Ioniser. fo'lhwith advertise this act in sunh ne»:jpat>er- pai>l»xfied 10 tfie several Stytf**, and by such other ttwo' a?i aha!! seenre imiu«-dia;e publicity; anil the Secretary of VV’ar an-i ti»e Seorelary oi the Navy hJuU each e^use it to be published in ^ene ral order for t.h.H informatioa of the army uud nary. ^BC 17 The -42d section of the act for the usses-Jnent at d eolbction of taxes, approved May 1st I8--3, IS fierehy rcpeal^Hl Sec 18 The tiecretary of the Treasury is «us|iended so long as this act shall continue m force. Sec. 4. This act shall continue in force f*»r ^orisiM^ to W delir^Hid eoA pen* as afer«aAi4 at eqairaient rftlbs. S. Biich pefsen shall further bind hin»!iwf to sell tbe marketable surplus of provision!* and graia bow on hand, snd which he tnj\^ raise from year to year while hisexcm;»ti.)ri continues, to the Governuicntt>r t» the tun- ilies of soldiers, at prices tixcd by the Coio jnissioners of the State under the ini;>re^ meat act; Provided, that any p^rj^.n ej[. empted as «foreiaid, sIjhII be entitled t, » vreJit *»f 35 per oent. on any am.^uni ot vrhicb U« Bsay deliver witiiia three luutitli* fioyi the passaj^e ef this act: Provided fn«. tiier, that persons eomint; within the jiroti- siwas of this ejceiuption ih*ill not b« of tbe i>enefit thereof by rc’t.VTi of bi-.v'ir^ been enrolled since tbe 1st day of 4. In addition to t!ie foregoing tion», the Secretary of War, under tho di rectiiJti of the Pror,ident, tnay exetiipr .,r tail stich other persons as he nifty ht 5f 1 be cxetupted o«i account of discharj^e of such duties: Provided, tbat • pul>lic neceesity, and to insure the prKJuo- persons l>etween tho aj^es of 17 and 18 shall ■ tion of jjjrain and other provisions for tha army anti the families of soldiers, lie luav also, grant exemptions or details, uu sucll terms a.^ he may prescribe, to such over seers, fanners or planters an he may 1)« bo as!ij?ned to those tTutios: Provided fur ther, that nothing contained in this actslmll l>e so C'tnsirued a.H to prevent the President from detailin'; arti«ans, mechanics, *»r per sons of scientific skill, to perform indispen- >able duties in tho departments or bureaus herein mentioned. Sec. 9. That any Qnartermasfer or As sistant Qnartennjister, Commissary or As sistant Commissary, (other than those serv ing witli l>ri^mlo« or r,j^iinoiitA in tite tiuKl.) «»r offir*ers in the Ordnance Bureau, or Navy Agents, or Provost Marshal, or officer iti the conscript service, who shall hereafter employ or retain in his employment any perKon it) any of>their said departments or Imreaus, or in any of the dutii*s mentioned in the 8th section of this act, in violation of the provisions hereof, shall, on convictioi the »*8Msment on such property may Iu- I ri‘dm*«d, in j»ro|>ortion t^ i)j^ damage sus tuined by tl’.e owner, or the tax jujse»»«4Ml thrreon m.iy !»e roiiuced in the same ratio hr the district ct»Hi-ctor, on satisfactory evi I deuce submitted to him by the owner or a«- set^or. Smc. 6. Tliat the taxes on pro}H»rty laid for tiie year 1SC4, shall l>e assessed as on ninety davs after the next meeting of Con- j thereof by a court-martial or military court, I be ca&liiered; and it shall be the duty of nay 'Tuu >rr7 rr tTv ~ I department »r district commander, upon o • BILL. j proof, by the oath of any credible person. Section 1. ihat irom ami after the paasa^je fjjat any such ofiicer has violated this pr»- '»t this act ail white men, residents ( ' ’ ‘ - - Confederate State**, between the ages jf the j f^ision, immediately to relieve such officer 1^1 from duty; and said commanders shall take • /•» . .. ... 1st of and the lat of July, 1S64, west of hereby authorised - nd required, upon the appli- ^''6 day -d the ]>a^sjige of this act, and be ■.atioii (d the bj’.der of any call certifie&te, which, due and collected on the l-*t day ot June by the iirst section of »be aet ro provide for the ne'^t, or aa sx>n after as practicable, allow- f iniing a id farthor i-suo of Treasury notes, ap | iu*: an extension of 90 «lays West of thf proved Mirch 23d l‘6.3, « required to be MissiMippi riv«r The a«lditiona! taxes on ch^’r-a'ter t’eemed to be a b.'sd. to issue to aueh ^ ii,c.MnM or prollu for the year 1S03, levied a bond therefor upon ti e terir.s provided | Uy thi» act, shall be assessed and Collcctel i fortiiwith; and the taxes on inc‘*»tnes or pn*- fir* for the year 1864, shall l>e as^essel and the Mi:^-i«^ippi river. roJ the Ist'of January to 8ub^til'at(> and eitUa*i^e nc^ Trtiasury notes for thr saiEe a' the r -.t'‘ ot cents on tbo dul- .ar; Ir n’i-f^d, i ha; notes o: ti'.e denouiination of fUK) shun not br i nti;l'd to the privilege of said and 50, shall hejn the rnilitary service of | protupt tuctisnres to have him tried for such * ‘ ^ ' otfence; and any commander as aforesaid failing to perform the duties enjoined by this section, shall upon being duly convicted thereof, be discharged from the service. Sec. 10. Tnat all laws granting exemp tions from military service be, and the same rhw Confederate States tor the war. Sec. i. That all the persons aforesaid,- be tween tho ages of 18 and 45, now in service, shall be retained during the present war with the U. S., in the same regiments, bat talions and companies, t»* which they beh»n Isfied will bo more useful to the country iq the pursuits of agriculture than in the mili- tary service; Provided, that such exemption ifhall cease whenever the fanner, planter or overseer shall fail diligently to euiulov in good faith, his own skill, capital and Ulm oxcluaivoly iu tho production tit’ gri\in, and provisions, to be sold t*> the Govermuerit and the fainiliea of soldiers at prices not exceed ing those fixed at the time for like articles by the Commissioners of the State under the impreesment act. 5. The president, treasurer, auditor atid 1 superintendent of any railroad coinpanv tn- 1 gaged in transportation for the Government and such officers and employees thereof aa the president or superintendent shall certify on oath to be indispensatile to tho efficient operation of said railroad: Provided, that tfie number of persons so exempted by thig act on any railroad shall not exceed one per son fi>r each mile of such road in actual use for military transportation; and said exempts shall be reported by name and description, with tbe names of any who have left the omployinent of said company, or wbo mar cease to be indispensable. 6. That nothing herein contained shall be construed as repealing the act approved that the rijjht to '"oid exchan*j:e: Fr,n'.’ t'vrthu fund any c' •'t: j lreu.iury notes, after the 1st day by «aii! a^t, of Januirj l:s6r), i^ hereby f,iken aw;y; And pro- "" """■ •*,fj fhvit u'oa all such Tr-'asury uoles wtiich luay r.-main out-'tand:Dg on the 1st day of JaiiUarj 1'S5. and which may not be eschanvod tor n^'iT Trcas’.'.rj nc‘'^, as h of ]’o rein provided, a tax p^’ . h -.-«by iTap''sp2. ,, ■’ a I" day of Ar”-! next, L-Tf-r,'!-ro •:.*«:) to the Scc-c>'",ry 0^ tii*^ ' eii"t.'j '■'.iuo r '"''v _ry fjot^Gat>d •• •Secrctiry of ty.- Iroiisary may, aOor timo, i-stie new *!• G •rM. -n -jucli furm h-, b^oi^y P'-'y-’ble tw ) y,-':ir' ihe ranfcafi of i-' Tr:th the Uiii*,ed to b ifioH «jf a treaty S'^d new i.-«acs in p*4y;„r:it of nil r u^'iic du-w, cro“pt and iujport d-iMrs, to b? is-ued iii excna^go tor old uces »t tbe ra^e of 2>i -f the 3ew fcr 3 of th- old issnos, whether add old not?^ he 8>irTcr.^.-rcd fo’- cschanjrf, \rj tbe holders theroci. or be received into the'Treasnrv tmder tfi-: proTiaiora of this act; and the holders of the tif'VT n;: or of rh- oM no‘e-. cT^cpt those of tbe J- 'Qjinat-.on of e!%, alr^r they arc raduced to -6. ceit^ OD the -JoilRr by the rax aforesaid, may cor ver‘ the p.ane in‘o call c?rfi8eates beariujsr io- ter;',?t at tho rato of 4 per cent, per aanam, and trro years af\^r 8 ratiSoction ot a treaty of peace with the United States, cnlcsa sooner converted into new notes. An Act to lay addWfynul TiX€9 fw tm com i/uni tUfencs wd of Gmtnunrtit. Sec. 1. T!;e Cungre»s of the Confederal- ?tata« of Aincrica do enact, T'mt in adtli t’.on to tlip taxe^ levied t>y the act “to Iht razes t'lr t!ip co!fi!n'r! d^'fonce and to carrr on the (^oveniTtuMit of the Conlbt’erata Stafws,'* Hpprt'ved iWrth of April I8l;8, there sh»ll l»c levied, from the paesuijo of this act, nn tiie 8nl>;tfts of ta.Tntion hereafter meiitioijcd. anl collected fn>m every pei'son, coii^rfiipr- eliip, ass'Kjiatinn >r cor’x>ration, liable tliore- to. taxe* :vs follows, to-wit: I. Upon the value of property, real, per- 8o-;al and mixed, of evarv ki’id and de»cri|>- tion, n»t hereinafter exempted or taxed at a at the passage ot this act, with ihe same or- hereby repealed, aud hereafter none I April the 14tb 1863, eutTtled an act'^to ex- ganization and ofhcers, unless regtilarly | gJuiH exempted except the following: empt contractors for carrying tho maiis ot transterrcd or disclmrged, in accordance | 1. ^i] shall l>e held unfit for milita-1 the Confederate States, aud the drivsrs ot with tliQ laws and regulations for gov-, ^y service, nnder yules to be prescribed by i post coaches and hacks, from militarv wr- eniment ot .he army: 1 rov.ded, hat com- ‘ u.e Secretary of War. , Jic«: Provided, that Lu the e.xeuiptions puiiea from one S.a.«, organiKed aguiiiht i 2. The Vice President of the Confederate | granted under this act sbmii wily continue collected according to the provisions of the j their consent, expressed at the time, with i Sutes, the members mid officers of Oingress I whiUt the porsons exempted ar'e actually tax and asHtwment acts of 18(}3. j regiments or battalions from another State, ' i ^ 1 o. . r • 1 . ” .1 . . . r j Ssc. 7. S * mnch of the tax act of the 24th . ■•ball have the privilege of i>eiiig transferred day of A^)ril 1863, as levies a tax on in- j to organizations of troops, in tlie same arm cornes d**.nvt‘d from pn*perty (*r effects on | d'tiie service, from the States in which eaid the aniount or value of which a tax is levie>f i companies were rHi^ed; and tiie soldiors tr«Mn oy tiiis act, and also the 1st section of (»aid j one Slate, in coinpnnies from jinother State, n-t, arc p'Rj»ciuied for the year lHt}4, and ; •'imll be allowed, if they de«ire it, a tmTistVr Mo ofetimated rent, hire or interest on f>ro I 'o organisatioiiij from their owu States, iu l>ertv or credit.s herein taxed ad valorem, { ti>e same arm of the service, shall be asfliiMsed or taxed as incomes uudei | Sec. 3. That at the expiration of six months the tax art ot lsH3. and of the several State Legislatures, and ;• engaged iu their respective pursuits or oe> such 1‘ther Confederate and State officers as ! capatioBtk tho Pr.*sident, or the Governor of the re 1 j$ec. 11. That tha President be, and he ie •^pective States, may cortity to be necessary j hereby, authoriz;d to grant details, for the j’roper adminis^tration of the Con-j general rules aud regtiiations to be isausd federate or State Governments, as tbe case j from the War Department, either of pers^ms m;ty he. 1 between 45 and 50 yea;.' of age, or froia tbs 3. Every minister of religion authorized to | Hrmy in the field, in ail oases where, in his preach according to the rules of his church, j jadginent, justice, equ .y and necessity re- ,1.. 1 •• t t . L I and who, at the pas.-4age ot this act, shall be ! quire such details, aud .a may revoke such 1 I T r 1 . “ -r t , S ; 0.|rcr„„.e„t 1 Uutk-s; »u,.eriuton.ientsphy 11'ro.iJed, th« the v.nnr hcreiu xraLi to tends of h, 8t«te. IwM.: 'I'® uMi.e Wurv iW ,ho deaf and daml.' t!,e Pr«iU«.lt t.> in .ku details «*d e«mp- ■ ""I Wind a,.d th, insane: 0..0 editor for ! tio„reT»l) not l,e c>u.:ru».l to autborileu!. difftrBiit rate, 5 |>«r cent.: Proridfld, That held bv or for irinora*'or*'lm.»ir-r'^li»n I Jrirata who ilmll Tlien *'■ ' •'«'"(? [’“ijlielied at the time i eieinptioti or detail of »bv cmiracuir fur from !).m tal o„ thj of rropertr mn-, ,r „ ' iv rai'w™ or ni.atic, .liall be priTat, »ho ihall t ..11 b« m service, or in : ti,;, »ot, and sneh o.liplorce, as said «di- j fnruiahi.ia supplies of auy kiud to the Gov ployed in agricnltnr, si.all he dedncted the ili;,n‘‘e^lmll no^^xcZrtTuOo: of such pa/iMDt,“eu to Xe“pcreon o^'r'per- i r T''’ 'l -- ' 1 , ' J i 1 . por ^ publication ot such newspaper; the j the head or secretary ot the iepartment me- Aa Act to the irrivHt^f of iKt Writ I * r f i ^ I public printer of the Confederate and State ; king such contract shall ceriiiy that the per* ftf flaber^ C'jrpm in etrU\in 019M. | . ,i > i Governments, and Knch jonrneymen print-( guual services of such contractor are indis* Whereas, the C'>ri6titnlion of the Confed i provided who j ^ public printer shall certily,itensable to the execution of said contract: value of th« tax in kind delivered therefrom as assessed under tbe law impt;sing it, and delivered to tbe Government; Provided, Tiiat no credit shall be allowed beyond 5 •rate States of America t)rovide8 in Article ^ unng the period of dix {oath, to be iiidi8peneH!)ie to perfona the 3^ that “the privi ' and plate, jewels, jewelry and watcbcs, 10 I lege of the writ of hafH*as corpus shall not > without leave. ' apothecary store, who was doing bust per cent. IT. f)n the value of geld and silver wares j Section i>. Paragraph 3, that Arnmonf ^ tho expoDsc* of the Gov- j per cent. " - - > , aiHp^nded unless when in case of rebel of the Trea^’iry Is^h-rrhT^ ^f property taxed under *i'l^asion, the public safety may re per ce^t bonds to an amt).jnt not"oxceSiir"’fi” ' a.s8C8sed on the basis of F'*'® and whereas, the power of sus hitndr''d milliofis of dollars, the prinoital a^d i^^ ' value of the i»8mo, or similar pro-, tl»c privilege of Kiid writ as re-og t'^rrst wberpot shall he free frota ta.-tation and * tieiirhborhood where assesaea, in j ®aid A.rtic!e 1, is vested sole! for tho payacnt of intorc',t thereon th« entiro n«'t ’ reccjp^a o{ any export d»Jty hereafter laid oo the ^11 nf aay cotton, tobacco, end naval Vorofi, wh;c.) «hnU exj.orfed Iroai the (’onM^'rafe »• and tIte net prowe-i- of tht i -re 7 f’ ;'; of the Trea-'urv 13 ' it, t-. s^ll „r : t-.'-J b.«d^.,r„v p>t;t rbcrr.if. ti Mpua f.u? .)cst »r.rn:3 he can, so ah to t ar.prupnan..n. by a„d nt the s^me ' -ato ari l r ‘n-,. th.- **i.»unt of the oircu- dou-s wi‘bia re.a«ocable aad ;;c. ,*1. The buud ^ : - - Solely in the year I860, except in canes whore land, ^ Cengre«i.s, which is the exclusive judg»* slaves, cotton or tol>acco have been pnr- j iieco8f»ity of such suspension*; and chased since the 1st day of January 18«2, '^^'•^"cas, in the opinion of the C»ngress, the in which cjwe the eaid land, slaves, cotton 1 sutety re piirca the sns|>ensiori of said a’!l tobacco 80 purchaKed, shall lie a**-sefwed i i»/he existing case of the invjwion ot es of the United rertident has a-*ked 1 rit of halH^as cor ^ . ,/ V,T wi . , - >ngrcsfl of conditions »f exchange, or jtjisoclution, ainal. naviir:i.tion, irn|)ortin:;, j render the mwjattision , exportlnif, inaurance, tnainifactui ing, t«lc-1 a ir'eauure proper for the public express, railroad, and dry dock corn jinvasitin and insurrection; and all other joint :to-k companies I ”'VT’ ^*'^'■^•’*•’6, ot every kind, whether incorporated or not. i Cotiirress of the Confederate States of 0 per cont. j America do enact. That durin:; the pro«ent Tb.c value of property taxed under this '>f the Confetierate States, the priv e*ction s!ui\l be aft-.crtsed upon the basis ofi’'^*i^® '*f '^f bal>eas corpus J>e, ainJ th»* market value of auch property in the / icrV/if»>rh*MMi wfieru aM«onsed, m Huch J public printing; one skilled apothecary in Sec. 4. That uo person shall he relieved ^s' such on the 10th day of Oci’r 1S63, from the operation ot this act by reason of ! continued said business, without havmg been heretotoredischarged from the, ^irenniisioii, since that period; all phyei- army where no disability now - ‘ siiall those who havo furnished ;h» auy longer exempted Provided, tnat no p«i-son od on account of rebgious opinions and who,,.]„^y,^,..ntists; all presidents and teachvrf lae paid tbe tax levied to relieve liim trom 1 eolb*ges, theologicj^.l seminaries, acade-1 »ei vice, shall be required to render military , ,njyj, schools, who have l>een regnl:'»'lj ( engaged as such for two years next before Provided farther, that when any sucfi cod- tractor shall fail, diligently aud taitiifullj, to proceed with the execution of such con tract, his exemption or detail shall cea»e. Sec. 12. That in appointing local boards of surgeons for the eiaminatiou (»f persons . .-..v,.. cur - an.huns>-d by the Gth ncc- ' rency m may be in tfen«ral izuo t.liar«. In tl»u iS act D, «y b;i ethnr rczistrred or oou- purchase a!»d eule of such property,'at tho XI r..o p'-'tici t thf^Q Hjsy elect; time of merit. Sec. 3. Upon the amount of all gold and silver coin, gold dust, gold or silver bullion, wiietljer held hy the batiks or other corpo- mn unt ti'in i>j po i bor ! an 1 tiity , ly t,r- ex s-.’oh r»’L''i,!;; ijnH n fl, m ; • pr-.-;,.; : .0. f}!.-,/ ;i,-4r"rd for each other uoder Ho r?'tr,ry of the Treasury b- lor 3100. aad shafl I- f !>. A »n i L ior ‘ j'r ■ V vor'ible. tas'.a, tl fr lor b'u til?.*: r.'.tr; b on ^ _ such a ;io yc:,r*« from Uioir date. ^ ^ j upon moii»)y abroad to l>e a-jBeaaed and It cv;l c • ti£?^te -jh;*!! be faudahle, ■ collected according to the value tberoof at ‘ ro?p«cts w in provid.-d* j ulaoa where the tax is paid. ■vary n into \7b1ch f^oy are con- II. Upon the amonnt of all solvent »cre- ooavtrt-'d bc.or-? tbo titue fixed for I dits, of all bank bills and all other pa- as currency, exclusive of non bearing Confederate treasnry notes, employed in a registered Imainoss, the income derived from which ia taxed, 5 per cent. Sec. 4. Upon profits made in trade and business, as follows: I. On all profits made by baying and sell ing spiritous li(j[aor8, fl«)ur, wheat, corn, rice, sugar, moUisses or sirup, salt, bacon, pork, hogs, beef or beef cattle, sheep, oats, hay. a..r M . T tbo titue fixed for dits, and of a Du 1'' I' cortiCoatefi sliall f pers issued a w iJ-r,' o“i, r'-J' *■'* ">'«'■«' >>»>*■•!. Iiuliho ro-,miin ' I'l n.itenipU Tuabie in now Treasury uotos at ra^sage of this act no call t^T.o. 10 if any tank of denosit nhnll o-Spa Its dcpMiton bTOd, »«ho-ljod b, fh" sl! section o» this act, in exohan ' ■ ^ ^nd specifying the same on‘the bondl*^ by^^^wtlS wsitir 8^1’b ^ ^ ds>-1 raw bides, leather, horses, mules, Zd bor,.h in I »hoos, cott.;»o yarns, wool, woollen, cot- 5Pd ortitEKdia^' at th no intorcat' ton or mixed cloths, hats, wagons, harness, the /Vo-1 coal, iron, steel or nails, at any time be- 'rtvilc'Tc of funding eai*d n bcf-'re tho j tween the 1st of January 1863, and the 1st liofcln prcRcribed. * ' ^f J-Quary 1S65, 10 per cent., in addition Sko. 11. Tliat all Trcwstirv l t to the tax on such profits as income under of tbo dcnominat:oa of £5 ab^li I ^ and earry federate St«tee,” approved April 24, 1863. II. On all profits made by baying and selling moaey, gold,silver, foreign exchange, stocks, notes, aebts, credite, or obligations of woj kind, fOkd moj mwduuidiie, propu^ a ba receivable in rajmont of pnhlSo d,, '.roTidoa b, L-. 4*b'.e at p« jrovu nng thia sot. until the first of Jnly, 13^ ^t ,-H ryvl \e Et Ootober I864. wes^i Ui« Wmw*ifpi r»y«n., bqt sftor that time thoy tho “act to lay taxes for the common defence, continue ! earry on tbe Qovernmont of the Con »s par under the the r?ame is hereby, suspendiid; but such su.s (rcnsion nhall apply only to the casois of per- Honrt arrested or detain««d by order of tfie I’resideiu,, v5ecrei»ry of* Wm., *.1— tx. — 1 Oilicer commanding the Trans-.Mi.sHia.sippi Military Department, by the authority and under the control of the President. It is hereby declared that the purpose of Con gress in the passage of this act is to provide in»re effectually fir the public safety by (Suspending the writ of habeas corpus in the following cases and no other: I. Of trea-son, or treasonable efforts or cMuhi nations to subvert tbe governmont of the C«.*n federate States. II. Of conspiracies to overthrow the gov ernment, or cjn6L>lracies to resist the lawful authority of the Confederate States. III. Of combining to assist tho enemy, or of commiiiiicAting intelligence to tbe enemy, or giving him aid and comfort. IV. Of conspiracies, preparations and at- teiyjtfl to incite servile insurrection. y. Of desertions or encouraging deser tions, of harboring deserters, and of attempts to avoid military service: Provided, That in case of palpable wrong and oppression by any subordinate officer aj>on auy party who does not legally owe military service, his superior oSieer shall grant prompt relief to the oppressed party, and the subordinate shall be dismissed from office. VI. Of spios and other emissaries of tlie enetpy. VII. Of holding correspondence or inter course with the enemy, without necessity, and without the permission of tue Oonfeda^ rate States. VXiL Of aniairfnl trading with the ene- lervice under this act. Sec. 5. That all white male residents of tfie Confiederate States, between the agon of i 7 and 18 aud 45 and 50 years, shall enroll tiiemaolvc^« at «uch times and jilaee-4, anl under such regulations, as the President 'uay prescribe, tfie time allowed not being lues tnan 30 days for those east, and (iO days for tlioije west ot the Mi-)sisai|«pi river, and any person who shall fail so to enriill liim- iclf, without a reasonable excuse tiierefor, to be judged of by tlie Pre^iident, shall be placed ill service iu the held for the war, in che «ame manner as tliough tliey were be- tweeu the ages of 18 and 45: Provided, that the parsons mentioned in this section shall ConAmuo aud detail duty, and sfiall not «e re|uired to perform service oat of the State iu which they reside. Sec. tf. That all persons roqaired by the »tb section of this act to enroll tliemsal ves, may within 30 days after the passage there- ot, east of the Mussissippi, and within 60 days, if west of said river, tbrm theirwolves into voluntary organisations of companies, battailous or regimenta, aud elect their own officers; said organizations to conform to the existing^laws; and, haviag so organized, to tender luoir services as volunteers daring tbe war to the President; and if such orgat^ izatious shall turniaii proper muster rolls, as now organized, and depc*iit a copy thereof witb the enrolling officer of their district, which shall be e-iuivalent to eiirolliaent, they may bo accepted as minute men for service iu such State, but in no event to be taken out of it. Those who do not so volun teer and organize, shall enroll themselves as t>efore provided; and may, by ttie President, be required to assemble at convenient pla ces of rendezvoui«, and be formed or organ ized into conpanies, battalions and regi ments, under reguiatiDns to be prescribed by him; and sliafl have the right to elect tiieir company and reginaental oiUcora; and iiil troopS*organized under this act for State de{bnoe, shall be entitlad, while iu actual service, to the same pay and allowanoe as troops now iu the field. Sec. 7. That any person who shall fail to my, and other oifcnces against the laws of attend al the place of rendezvous as required the Oonfederate States, enacted to promoti| anthorit/ of the Freaident, without ihair enoooia ia. Um war. wonia^ to bajnd^^ £ bj the passage of this act: Provided, that the iienetii of this exemption shall extend to th*>8e teachers only whose schools are com posed of 20 students or mo.-e. All superin tendents of public hospitals, established by law before the p^iasage of this act, and such physicians and nurses theiein as such sn- l>eriiitendents shall certify, on oath, to be uidis|>ensable to the proper and efficient management thereof. 4. There shall lie exempt one person as owner t»r agriculturist on each farm or plan tation npon wiiich there are now, and were on the 1st day of Jan’y last, 15 able bodied field'hatvds, between tlie t-.ges ot 16 and 50 upon tfie following conditions: 1. Tfiis exemptii>n ahall only be granted in cases in wiiich there is no white male adult on the farm or plantation not liable to military service, nor unless the persm claim ing the exemption was on the 1st day of Jan’y 1864, either the owner and manager or overseer of said plantation, but in no case shall more than one person be exempted for one farm or plantation. '2. Such person shall first execute a bond, payable to the Confederate States of Amer ica, in such form, aud with such security, and in such penalty as the Secretary of War tnay prescribe, conditioned that he will de liver to the Government at some railroad dept>t, or such other place or places as may be designated by the Secretary of War, within 12 months next ensuing, 100 pounds of oacon, or, at the election ot the Grovem ment, its eiuivalent in pork, and 100 lbs.'of iiet beef (said beef to be delivered on foot,) for each able-bodied slave on said farm or plantation, within the above said ages, whe ther said slaves in the field or not, which said f>acon or pork and beef shall be paid for by the Government at the prices fixed by the Cotnmissioners of the State under the impressment act: Provideil, that when the per»in thkW #ha!t prodace latis- tactoiT evidence that it has been imuoft«ible for hin^ by the esorcise of proper diligence, to furnish the amount of meat thus contract ed tor, and leave an adequate supply for the sabeistence of thoee living on the said farm or plantation, the Secretary of Vfar ahall dlr^ a oomoiatatioQ of the samei, to «kImI of t«o4tttida UMMolin cr«i« «r Pest Ofiloe« FayetieTiiie, iV, C., I UocoBna a, Hfdii. ) Sci^dule vf th» Arrival antf D*p'irturt of the MaU* ot tnu Ofiee. RALEIQH ri» AVBRASttOHO’, &o. Arri*«s daily, except Sunday, at >IJ P. M. U.:pa;ts aitily, «sxo«pt 8-kiur'i>«y at ti P. M. RAI.K19H via SU:«lvtlSHVlLLB. Departs Tiitfsdty aad FriJay »t ti \ >1. .Arrives VYsJucsday and i^uuday at 9 P. M. WAa.-iAW Tia cuait‘if. Arrires dail> at 12 nocn- t)ep.u^ d«j)y »t p. .M. C.\RTHAQB. Arrivf« Tues'lay, Tiur-i-iay »al Safariay at 7 P. M. Deparui Aftoaday, W^daeaday aud Frid^ at 1 P. M. CHEUA.W, S. C. Arrivea Topsd*/, Tbaraolar ^ad Saturday at 6 P M. Ddp»rti SuaJity. Tuesday aaU i'iiur:«d«y at 1 P. M. PAIR BLUff »ia LUvlftBHTUN. Arrirea TacsJxjr, fnar-Mi»y a'i4 S-^turl^y at 6 A. M. D«p»rl8 Tue4d«y «a>l Tnurddty at 1 P. M. Roaii^a^^•d T\a ai^lZ\.UiiCtirOWH. Departs Vloadiy, Weioeaday aui Fndiy at A A. M. AmifBs Tujsdav. Ttinrdv aod Sitarday ai 2 P. M. BLIZ via rKaBBlNTQ. ArriTea .^uu-i«y at 6 P. M. DaparM aajio day (Mjaday) at 6 P. M. MAtfNOIilA Tia OrPRKiS ORBM. Arrivea Tuej«4ay at 2 P. XI. l>ep»rtit Jay (Tu^si-ty) at 2A P V. dWIFX ISLAND Ti« COV^INaiON aad POvVBLbfON. Arrivaa Tuesday at 6 P. M. Daparta Wadsraday at 11 A. M. BWIFf ISLAND via TBOT. Arrives Taaaday at H P. ai. Departs Wedne^y at 11 A. M. Ail dtaiia le«f;.a' o«fir!t V H , ara oljsed tha evea iag h^foro a^ 9 P. ti All iauara la ba aaat off from Uiis oSoa, otiier ttiaa by in*il, majt ba p%i.l for as if «83t by taatl. Ail drop iatoara sboald be pre-paid by i 3>*at acamps. Taa otfijd will be o»»o ia Stuity teom 8& to 91 A M . aai from 4^ to P. .>f. JA8. Q. COOK. P M. jgnti oixifi pitififia, i» l^ta * ng-^aar toppiy at wao'' "'kZ.H 'asaki THE .vaam c\aoLi.vA 8DT0U ucie, NOW ia iba t«ath year of auooessfal ap^ratioo, wltk gTowiag eaaital and firmer kold upon pabUe eoo- Sdaaaa, ooatiaaaa to iarara tha livaa af »U keattky par- aoas from 14 ta tfU yava af a^e, far ana jear, for aeTaa /ears, aoa farlifi—aU ufe oseiabera snariog in tiie proflM All slavaa from 10 to (K) yaora of ag* are iatared far ««a year er for fiva yaari for ttro tairda tkair raiua. iOi. M*a p«uuiaati; paid vithia tfO afMC Si*usfaotor7 proai i» j>re««.iiau. Far ftartaar iaforaatica tae jmy*o is raferrad t« A^aiHa af Oaapany iti all paria o * ika State, and (a R. ii- BAflUE!, deeratory, Baieicku C. J. HAIcS, Acaat at Blask Warr%ftCMRi« for At tibf OStt I . J I PH INTI Priie for tbe For tie Weei adv^oc*. «rADVl af 12 lioM •ueceedia^ pi ■tAte tbe nui ba nontlnn#*^ . Advert]'s^n.^ *artta>mfiQ, From an will be the paper al 4b»n ii« pnH W 8ucfa of OTV par on this syf rainiit>ine(‘s. gHL__.i ■ tlTILL att«o4 TT Cuail>«r))i Usa. Prompt slaimii entrust Oct. 17, 185^ throctr Vi Jan’y 10. ISj M, A. ITflOLESlI coum^ ▲rrtl 10. ■ O WUETH. 1 w- Commissionl Oot 16, 18‘’3] 2 JOO u rereona h»Ti| Mte bigtient Casli at tJie Merohaatl bar at bis old Not. 6, 1862 AI I AM prepa Hameaa for giTe good barf erdem to me tui Mat off in quiok I 99ld»toa P ‘Jt 900 IlMi tXiv. 15 Eayeti«'nile. or FaS’y 1". 18«i \\M K3TEKN Rl Bank No Gold kod 5orth Caro Coanty cf I Town of Fa Greensboro Coafederat CoupoDB ofl “ otr ofl Oct. 12 'WH. LBAP WANTI Depart ment titias will pirate I POWDER for 10| «»-tf WAMTKD Int ftt V!j etiitftbie for be'id| artiol^ OD hand witiaded Ho'd’orsl be paid Apply [ al FajeltftMlt: It^l The anderairri Coafederate pointed Mwa^fVi •ltd have entered mining aad aellid In aaj desired cj be eupplied on party ie undouht Apptioatioofl vffl^ V 0.. or Fayetteville, WANT£1), t(j Poultry, cbj X the aiok Sold •heaa artiolea tfon to the aubae Fawera'a on Haj Aa% 2A. Ran A WAY fr. nefrro boy, J •ad weishB abns •wners on tbe R •ny ot their Noai fcia appreheni>oi oaa get him. Fayetl^»ille. I The Far for l««i. &. “T5,‘

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