Ih- CASaALTTE^ ra N. C. TB'JOPS. yo« T«* OW*«T**« M»Mrs B j H*lo A forir^'d yon * ^ tit oMU*Uies in D*aiels B up J' wbio*! yiu " ill gre.*il* obltite me by “j. ' d#rth*tthoBe h*TicefrK"i1^-»id reU'ioas la the Bri ,.J. m»y know ^poH.^A TVl O® ’ Liit of CM**kiti of Dani I • Brk/ade.f^'on tht 4.'A U the ■20:h X^y 186*. Fi«Id »ni 09“ Jaaias D*uiol, laoriftUj WouadeJ, since diei. i'2J Regtnent N. C TroiP* Field Md kiilad: Cv»l E O li-a»5bl«, Rgt M»j 1 BHdMfs. WouQd..d: Lt Ool V O Co* lai Miasinj,: Adi F 4 B>yte. Orinaaoj '’«t Kob. W.^hb A—KtlW: Jao NiohoU Josju* Al-x md'r. Wouad- eJ: (ie>* Merrill Lia Aruiit'-oTis hvi- V*Airic*. Bg'a D Alex%o‘ier. H B T L J n H S*wj«rs Corpa 0 H T Ooml's. A V>’ D lUvi. L J Cftbooa, Win Orfty H Gi'jsoa. Wm K:n»iy, Asi M*t rill. T 0 Pool, J E Q link, Jsa Uliodja. CiAs S ■mith, Jdo V»Db«rn. J 8 C tbonn B—K ll^': H T.‘ J S Mofp%n, {%>rp J) MoOof; Wa MaP:>frsoo. 3 J H^'>r f’Ap' J K U > S7-U O rhvrrv. !) T r>-i •: C >irH J l!« nJg**. Jov> F Siwycr; I MoUitiyl, 1 K H B.iliok, A Fliipy J V/rn M ^Vitli-r iponn. WcQ Wiifm. M M f! y. W 1> i e M U ’l y, M 'r is K -uIv. J 0». ru'.a. U~Kil'“ '-.JJ Fij, E-' Jiiocgtcii. ’."la I’srk. WruuV ed: Sg«, I V.len loe; J Alien, W.; D uitJ'ry. 8 K L» W^rds, J H Jc'-ohicD, Wtn M*ruo. TV ,i t' piUn i InK: C*pi 'Vm K Sl-*p'ensrni. f>pi* J V Murtli-, d U !$■••(? Bvra, Jo« T U-lcb, J B i;ort\, T'ti L G ''.\iea ■’ B Brown, A M Bryap.t. Jni T «’h;'ty; J F A F ' Bftrnes. D T B«rucs, D E BriJ^ers, B ^ Brvant, A U B'>y, N Feutrpll. H Fir K U lUm, A .1 La b. W.. LAnf>. E C r. R T L*i**irer, T Ne!f J PiI»uj J n Por««n. W W P wrll. n T S— b- O': n, E VioJs F — K 'U I: St'i K li • rn J' V } > ,ir; J TyTi).— W M M r J I) M-'big'in H Wiu.-bir*-r ^ W L’^ \T ut>-e U L' D A Lv H., •’(irp Ji.a P Ilo »or; 1' B'*lick I) B'iwin»n, L R ivr .i'i. H F ' Il;r lii**n, ,i 0: i ) V ^ ' , J F Ly •. 8 - -i ■. Null, J F HiiJ rHI. T .» 'T KJ . L »r’- ’ 'I Wm G F c*ip~ lnt.n, J I! B' ■» !“■ urn. A J M ircu# !’l I . g%da ) Wrtattde* Sgt B J P*tt«rPOK Corp W R B«rrr.- ! aiNKEAL AS3&I&BLT Of ISURTH OABttLWA. hill; F M flooT«r. W C Cl»»-k, J P Rablnsan. J H Wil i laPsn^te, on 8«tard*f,*biU toas«an thaUoeftts^ ^on. W B Co«hr*n, A L Wi'lUm^on, W B H%rry. J P the writof h*^>ei* oorpns i«e Ukea ap *nd Mr Hokeof- Reid, 8 C*ion. Mi.^»injr: Hgt H « S%mplt; J Engel, H i an »aien1mcDt pratUlng th»* thii bill doe* no» *p- Odb.jrne. WT D rn5ll, I. L^oo, 8 H M»rki } piy to ihe erreei of pewoD* by the Confeder%te govern- C—‘■o’'’*- «gt Jno atrnin j nirnt under naspension of l-e writ of babe»« oorpoa p—KiHfl;QP%'i» Wounde ): M Elbert, Wm Hai-i y u j,,yg 22. Tfte bi-l thea p*rted iU 81 Tending, son. J '* Saaiih, l»a U Biyles, Vf H Martin J»a Mor* ' Mtnybills wfire pasaed. Ataong isca» ofirriseralintereat, MiAaingj^ 8gt Jno Piokerd; Corp J M Teeh; A J i Q^te tbie followinf which fc»d prefiooflly p*saed ibe House: Proi»id-D* for win pt oloi*int for oar troopt; to pware tbp. ojt;*in» of 5 C *p«»io»t ill:'g:!il i'-pr^eaments: to amend ch*ner of F%y »nd Flc?Teoo« Rulroid; ap- projid^ting 6Jj.1WJ for tba raUit*ry •.sUb'lulimsnt 0/ the Staie; •nihorii ujt Itis fnrtaur isiae of Ircaiary notes, if tt*.e pabiio troMurer deem it aeoortsry—p*y- ttbh two ye»TB after 8 ratiHo^tioa of » tr*i»iy of peftie; Minting: I ;»ppropM»an!t J jO.OOO for Wft»bing'on Buffjrerg; outbof- ! ii’iij; the pui-ho trmsurer to Uinpuue of the Couf«d«r*te Liofworth, J D J Mskaon, W II VTauos, L M Rjiaicjer, T 8 Fuller. E—Kiliftdj J:*a Wouoded: Lt J A UiU; J Z Oable, ’elfcrjoQ J.ie Tiol*l" Missing: H M Oraveily J Simrsnn. T Bts-p^on, 11 Bro«u. F — KMleJ; 1» S A A'.br'gSi; J bEr«nfl Wiuodsd; H W S».-.“l-; J A Pi'’^*t', Q 'V gnofn^r tt W Ijlev, A liley, G N Onurch. li V.orktiftn, S Uobe Si* E Nt *oh I; D ir-.J ^ Q—K’Met’; W o.Mnj (’ T !1»11 Wonnieil: ^’orp D { ir«Mury uotes cow in the trewnry, eiiher by fuadicK r H til- W R Huiidl-iv, J KDis, 3 N Mabe, U Bal’fn j pj jj-ijirji Ihtai out one-fhlrd leee ‘.Uau iL^ir f«co> '•Jiwur: F M Amt-rua * aa in iiij j&i.)gj£?nt u;»y eaaui bjst; inctorpontiog Fay* H—Kil’cd; J w Jfpil Wonn-le^: Oorp £ W ?ulicT; j en^ville MilUtiry Aoademy ttesolutioia of tb^nka to C A B'nnett. J P 0V S H>»U, F M B«.k*r, A S 1 Sp^^Vei Meb»nj*knd the clerks w»'re uc*u*.»noa»l> *iopt- •.*->raore, Olvjn Wi»ll, Jno Vf B/ose, L^e A B}CZ3. ^ nf.d Me Senate ndjourue^ to 4 ft it, Man Jay, then 'li«eir>e: 0%ivir Janies, h R Jon«a. ! to ^uru 1 —K !Vd: J A K lift, ft H v’.oo-e Woiindpd: l> i In *bo C.»iamJns. on Siturdav. Mr. Shepherd frjm '1 .Vrr, 'Um; D M I.lMle K Phifer, .9 J H^ner. A Hin- i fmiKciBl oon.mittee r poried a bili pr8»l.l8 ways •on. Wr> M -Ji:d ,T S Grirt-"'. W S ?■ »'»cn J W BiYf'oa, mssus '’or ibo »cp£>l» o'tbo Tie^tury, wtiich f ws ■ D Mni've. T J Al K«arv, 'V A Gi ifEn Mihs | j,g [;',v.i'»l vifider v Ba“i>*n9inn of ibo luke uii: P.T' T'liU: » F tf ng e, J N C -Pius, 0 Co!l n«, C | j ,\u,b'r>i *r i&e i« • e of *3 (.tOO lKX) in StUe Irc.isury v{ w nwa. - ... K -K 1!.’ »: ? V N.’M J W r-.nt I }.’ B i»|ft VT II Jlr-^wp; J n l'uT.'5tm''T'. VI H Eiler. L j F F.e'ci'i>r. J fl T.k' l'ir Misriu/: J F '•orric, 5 B M 8 \ ^la^-ol-*. 0 M Pryor K 'o: K'I d 16. ^f.iaa ^ei 8i, ua ssiog 84 r«(.a!8l. Tf T \ C Li !l ; ,.^>1 ’1. Vi n ... 4 r, I. ' M . 1> • ‘t I> J !• kI *'rt A :i i!Te. A T$: t r . r V. i l!. J D ’ Hunbuv'iirr. > 11 luso 'x r. 1, I! ‘ t.' V K^di' f, Uii Ip ^ L'l I’. \ L R Miller, IJ R “ p. 0 R. 'P \ K-***!-, Wm 8et»«‘r, J M dnerrill, ffui W*J», il .M ^TJlKcn. DC B«n, M 'Viltnirt. n F—Ki VJ: .««: AI X L re, N II. V’tn ''.-'.s, J Stoaapea. Ja D?h1 W;urdo-'*: P F It ' Bmitb; Cnrp Uri^k Ljr>r. J • .1 E m, E J ti • Mis •inir: S^i J B^rum. N Mui.'u 's. r ’ 'Ij-,.* P sr rill, T Bi-ide^TR; Hi?a.y Fry. J I':'^’icr Win M !or--. N Stierr'll, T j*oer'-iil. Jr. H Be; fi-W. J O Auiry, L W«rren, M V Dacn, W Auann K K ir!». » Eiw^rU^ N Rnt)ia>'on, (; itobiiiHjo N ft*’e J H 'THp’hf. & Nelaon. M L">y, J Pope. .1 Sigiaan. J Einis, L V»ow ard, A O^oai N H .Wxmder, B C H' mar, M A Vick try. A J n»g, H D Hi,I G—KuUd- (,’crpWniG IKn'tt; A f’urofnr. Wound *•1: r.Tfr' J F ‘^ardoer H Pr. i'h-' *; J FTiit/'»r t, A J H T>; r.im '.iis-i: g: U J't 'rfr.n Woi J F -'y. fl Prio'.kid: C' , I T K Bnr'- f»ra >J Hiwkins M Jiugig, T IVrry, .1 ft 0 tgt'sr. C Ceror* H-'W uad>.»: F 1! ^nss, J K J V L*i.d MM,.,Q : L. F 1) ' - U \ B F Dr^ke. S*:ul I'i-Ot : r; C f ,i J K IJ , J.io F ■ x; -.n 8 D B -isw'-n. ’ H Rarp'r; T H Xr^’uifi n, H C - B F J Br\.>w^!!, 5 B 1*u n. l{ I>i! tie. W •'oggia. J Cot'tiii G B*s. W Ui07*‘t'‘'^re. J K Druke, D E Etbridite. “ m £ KtNriig*. H (’ H*rper. H Harper, C Uoi«. E Johnaioc, T B GyUr D 0 •uta. G W p. wel', 3 Price, J R.cka. E Sai'ik.Troy, L Wilier R W*« G V Wbitf M, A Wil-.-n I—Ktlird: Lien' J T B‘-ib»nkf; J H L''a». '!*: Corp J M Blw»rds; 1 U L»ssi; r L B B own M:«sius; Bet* 8 M Holt, r ^ C.iuuail; N B rr». A Ea’^in*". T Fann J Fer ill F Fowler. A J Fox. A M Oeurjr'-, R A Joh'i, J \ Jord»n. W J Jjri4n, N L^:r'i» J A Veir-H om, 8 PersT", 4r»u P-fty, G Rpi.'iT, G W T.iajn, P E WhiMjni^ on, Wm W->Tn''i». K-K'.*v.*-. L? B fu»ii B F P*r^. a ?» 8tr->'bi*r. A W Ji-u8oti. .Vl;»sic?: r H L“igb H i N J•^p»r. J A '. li>; V.' t, Dr-»n-0 ; W S *11*5. M •’ B»ier J ». at,, EGC.T.teT*. U Br->*dl »e. D F H i >r r,'. r s a’ J !-f F-n r h. K’ K Fi^n 2(f .V, \ F-eld and SlalF—Wouu'.^e ": •’'dj. \ W S^t M«j 'Fm Itar.i^l X—L’ I? 0 S n>»h JVou-d**d: C*pt *.-lUo- IjL E 8(^t } 11 (' 1; J G->^’'«e, I P'jn ’r'^n!, \ M il oe. f-rii H u !^. A S'.ni'd.-rs J Smiih. 1 »hiss M '» I g: i M tl'e; r? rp J .1 - !?nr>'U'>rB E J Hiwrri .•».», P \J *» p;i;i r.». P. t’nl'us, J J I; Wm A .K 15' t: ’ >: If r r • 1 V-J; jj v: "t *; ' S U.-t,.1 , f- M J tik«- M A F- V> Z L L K S' I rfVt. W 1>4- .t': ; *l E ) r- ri G w 11 • i> a CroW ;i; ■, W f i ' L V. 1 U L ff F ’V Vj: .» U P V n,.' >■», V,- ■' li M - ‘o,: I'-r ■!' w r V • , V i; J ^ i‘ G S I d: P o U •. C rp If V - ; J K-.: d*. vT I,,."*' V '1 Wk .er. U—AV u : ird: (' rp J Hi’ gl'?': H G >T»in. A J riw. J -x VV'fij.iT. H 0 p •C'-, J n H J»’ i * L?v»!«i ti .1 H'vpfT'*, J»i ^ J n*'. '1 H IViTfia .M'ts n^; Sg -^ ti I. •''■id, V L 1! K; 6 Ctturoi., P il I) vi» \¥ A U^ria R-cvp'tnl'itU'*,: K '’ed 8, wouaJcd ^0, mlssia^ '2' T m R>r«piiulatinn of the eAAu%Uiei of toe UHi^ado: JiLlI* 1 70, wound*jJ 31b. £oi“e!Of -lii Tol*i ?08. K io'h Hr >1 S ^ ; !' H.- 43 f s'\ Lt> IJ a A S Woniid i: f:*'! AO. - .1 p C!*y^rac^ I il N- .1 Fnqu4 M . J ".I »cl B—Ki lUnry L .rii. TV.; opt •: S W ■g- S - r; b B H C H H . . , N G u.j i! tr ur. !r •: K J H »r ‘rou. ■4. B M L •' '•■m'n: A ? O' Kll^P! J. B Bi.lev, W F J. J: S«f J G Oikrs rt>5 TH« ®Ba*aVER. U'AD Q «n •'«. »'a» ’•'bumijh 1 % N Va 2' -y64 ( M i'r» F’!«»>•»:—T- .A t c'i Ua "J 1 H i. 0 •' Hc,>‘ , S G ’vv.ria ■■ f A--j?a* Kuk4 ». •’*'»r.-»c n . !e 1 y i.„- H-g’l’.piii Ljmis.st mewy .s* ’V:qs;cc'8 14 aii’«8 cf Ricbi^oaJ, on tie I'lb d:j -.rV'r Art'j* TTorth yru^ & Wh»» n’4 ^co'n't liahed iffi ir H'-!* »i •' an- . y I n 'he C»t1 wt) mn.ib noticed &nJ hi* £oIe'«f>j w«» ri'.i, k'd At iLo cuunuic3t>ui-ul of l4>r rnr -8hah Wori^’e "oaspin^” »rii well kiown ia t ke tr u'«p.' fr 'CT oar uobl? r'M State His conf-iitufirii was fr*il. and after nearly two r®rtr« of ihe !D^»i ariuou* ecr»ie# b« w*.a foroed to res | j bis p>sifion *»d f;3 bomi Njt8'Hi«fi:d with the 8ti;r »ioe hs h»d r»nd«re.1 hl-i country. Cap:. Worth went »'-!u*»»»er aJ^? Gea’i Po'.tigrew, and »g^>n dii IQ 8?tT!f" (J.'.v Vo-r.o,*. f.r> .w.o^ tSis >ou'S{r pfBi ’r'a aj ■ r.i3i L*. O 1. of t; a G »ar'is cf R^nknta » Co , where his ■ tSjiarit atrvic«» w^n r.>r him an euvi^b. Tiia- II-V rgiir»td i J »!iia c»r*o.t7 hat R f?w mant. ••, He wiJte’ dsre.l the cf A 'j it»nt cf the 'd N i) hv (h^ ■ oK t f R»K't and .i« did thra f ai ri ■lie rjun en'er ,h’ -rf -'Ttfa A >*w e'j..rt ai'.n I • tf VA Y His t (h* brii'lfl tSre-.d ef Hr* via looaj't—b i* P ''. fl*.l t> br!;'i:9’ r^nlaij ani the lo.'omaliwb»d .\ in i"T »-f I*' tj; - .** r,.. ,.r- II ; i i|!'« 1« w.U not!; • (r» ■- I V .,>r ■ n T ; ani lore t. I ;•> d ir O' »"l’ri * r T 1 .r,* •' r >•, i.f -li - ion He •’•'woie l tlrt c-u*e I.til- ■* i! u b i; wonby of i | alsfiij-.a \ H 1- “a- Ii C »-■ t roB Til" oB.sguvi:a in P>ter.*-...r*, 'J => 2*j t>, fi-.nj » 7'*5 ir G'u’l L • '« is*rzt%ct S7 b N i. Ti 1 i: hfcJ IM je, i Ur T ooi'-* ^Vrirbt tfW.ly JUAi l rAcel*» M j r T. «, t.ii'i -ion C ntj'cu. N (’ Ktii'T- ... g: . • ' VV, ’ghi, ti A H I «pr J b i J Ri'.'y B Mor^^o, J a Tou.’b Wir. G,nt. M '"lug: I.i J M Hnartun. Sxtd J H d^iukin. Q H*»ckpi; Curps ‘t Wyrick, G W P..irp‘; a Ajp!e. K li- wn D Ocble, DC Clapp, A Dcivia D D»»'8, a Diris-m, I) 0"«e«nB, L.^o- bmJ, C cj'iicDi, J P-^ipnb, W P-»nsa, D Swdc, 0 Wv- ri«k, T B Scott, J do’ttb ^—Killed: W A Osinznt, H B M>'mratt, A Q'lVe. WouaUed; L' J H v, Sgi J A Ci?»; O^rp* F. K rk- Dan, J Wnuelj; W J J+cks'-n N B'r;».‘)n A ()r- ma*i, I P H%nis, W «4fp .. J H J Br*8naw. J T Wright, p l'l K 8. J He-rdiiig. W A JcoeB. 1) Oir- rett M - eg: N’ T. a D—K..l'ri; J L‘ .Nf, J 1 Jc.Do.^ M Tr. xlcr. M Kiia;hi T I'ur Viouart-C: R J L-W'11t. T B VV I J M R P D Ls’. m «8 J D L^muinns, B G-n. Prr l. .J Pbaron. R L-»wn. J Tr.xUr. J ll.i ,t, j >•,.».rr E F -cn C H FealherMo'., J U Wve.n, . ?,.i . j B-^nir-n, W P n-niner, H E.l*ii. > C Tucie- »■ E ' W Pr*]«. Wm .1 ) -j- •: F e in J * S-Utf»»n. ii »t Pr-:;‘t)i> >( L'*. on; P O »-f J r >' i; A K —K If • .1 - ,i, V (r J T I> '' ‘ : ** I'’ ’ »? ' Y Fi»-ck J li -fli. (i \v :EP^ w q . J P Yj' Miller, J f vj J0HU-!'.II, J L'rc, Z HQ flQi, STaI' ® i u ^ '='5' ^ U IV A.1..T1*, A B ani*it. A '".♦'•rol ’ berUin G W »;Hnuell Lam .etV Z M .De> W T ,M. j r R ,M,t.V um, 0 B F Wooleii, U S Wh"|-.tn r- V Wi' oTw^ Xr'k,WLo»iue' K. L A ford Lo*»'Ifr8 Ml-, g; ff-»s ‘ :i B ‘U»1hC 1 Wi, I L L G—K lir : 0 W P j Cr‘or. Wo •d; t -M ]7 V» Wry B .1 ^ 05, 1 5t.rii-'n BH'loy. J O^r'er, « O.irt'-'-, J W U' rJli f' l- y i ,*i. J ii;i'c' ld 11 I ^ CJ I'le epirl i-.;turuei Ajiin bar e «i:0 oa»u%lt'»8 t> d:‘-’r-‘ir ■»» laij .. 2t-jri 'i w4 one v/ !:s B.0S1 cieris'^e; A "''zhty olic fervor H C^ ’.ri J Clritfin, E (Jriffii. p I ,iy_ Moore Win Whit' -W madeJ: Oapi fcj S-v*r.r'; J Biw ra H r-^rfr- W H h.r>;ra»^. J B ) »rrsl ’ Wq L" I J «. KiP.f i* .J •Wwr>. v.rn.r.. j j I J '.J ,i D C b. 'Ult, 'f*' Eiimrl :r>. H 1. Btot a. \» 8'eohri. l> W B»n. J U ’lU-i, U Th . H >■ V7 tU-r V/ R .>i WJli, ^ , WV. .V ... jj uan II , u 0-n D . VV VI » J .1,.; L»r y. A Vijiir A J 8auna«ib, L frcvr, BaUDit. rt 7> .0 jn"NV H-Ci.i d; Jj.j.-, Wouiide.: Lt G f i>5Qicl e>p. bT; fVrr.LHunon; WJOoru H lluCian.'^, T Jo” u. J H i' ' -c, I Vi lrr;:i. W J M rn'ioT" ij (; M r ■•- • *r: .!« I- W ' r, .i • ; »•; i ,Rt.,n A Di-' »J \1'’ Wfi^?' I lip lii \ s;n L-^s ta; • t ^ boFl h>=en brot ‘ n” i- - j t> t' e G)l who fa»e it • itr p:-cc 1 r. Tan.. ■> >c pinoe nouraed tto l‘.5s oifiubain Wuen the w;irn s.nd iwnd yrio?, grey with the ^roo'aof ciirjy wiai?r«, aai &'.t and/ tj.ieriug on tbe hri .k of the gr*.ve dus, it s bi r m iaot^-.licrc f'l l*>e b«?bei«te of niture. ,u'*. tl *; us i« lUt Itsieai trif.u e to tbc Ob *u«jcf’y on l*i/b Nut Wi dC y^uts. frcdS, hn;.y .rt, T'o'.'.;., ^5 I 2>ufr.,u\, ip ,«u'd. nr. in it* ver^ ful t. f-e %'id fr-nri *t». t-* .;an >-m y,^ -•je*' ^p'o-e tlie awful inysuty md ;ee. in* ort.ic Oi arlet Tt»omvi JVr-j^l, iir*d k'.u piir- and de«ir_iti ' J‘*t:iu» tin couii. » i'l io>o h.rraorm^l 8iru«>. v.n»#> m^u.h, aii,c2 left'lie Vii- e:ciaM !ii»ry InB .ur.i* wti^r- he w\s « . m. i r cri»ed the arp ioimtci or feerf^-i/.t M.iyr cf .3 i II. (J Tro.jps. la ;fcj ^ Wi-4 t^{ thickest of It,- t^si. (.p r-o;'iT?d ■E .;-i1 fri’iT) »S^c 9 •'* «fn'cQ «■ I'lie 1 tcuv.T.. t t'-.i 'if w*’-. I ji%t j *.• U ! w li uot »,b:,d o.' tt a *en r. 0U3 «n l aoMs Tocf> ot our Ual -!r a.ly r>.c 1 I'm V o' ‘a • -.• r.d the cry of tee broker: „p fjtry corr. r of oar fi mbera hoa.^s, at. I li^ i piri»« in »b? Mr the cry of aa^unii sa J d^.« .U i in ,a mtt3 on J' ■•£ the wicjcei iT'a'cph ** o * flfl a« vf.fl (iM death, glorious w»# l.:=i »ri»'ir.r'h lnipr«. yi.h c'ju»:c;if>n Of a ,*.3, a»ti-,a to lue of bi« 8 I> Pr. ..deaca, f e.iug ,ii, . tv,,, hifl twi ^ ® 1^0 «4 L. n.t w:« wou u dj.ib:if-8c-.o t^u. 5>r»,», pura, .a I..V u ...n i.e .if g’ory, wiJ': b:.' \^r Tt»r., -r.-.ihcr, e'■!: -r; ^ ’ s ig a* r .;. i N ;e« 'c:?d»H*, r^de-Bia-lo two ys^rs aft;r the ratif.iiiti u of r*‘ce . Mr O-.^t -. ^roin t>e jiJnt aMeo comml'tf^. to wh’Q^ wan referred V'r Psr-ton’n rc9.>lu lotie oy jsemiui Pres- ^^eu» Da»i«, etc , pr«e?uted a m;ij -r^ty, rep irl the folbwltjg :ea duMunt -s a onbetilnt'* for iboee referred; R-,i->Kod. 1.1'. By fas Gea'r-il A»:**rahi7 of ih»* State of N rth ^ar*Hua, that we ha»e full coifueaoe in the S leltiy »-nd p^iriMiem ol Presld"»t D-*via Ke?!l*«d. ‘il. Tha' in rur ;wioioi» •f'e P/-*Bidant aad a*r.«.t» "f the i^i.n''*dpr»l>* h.iug i^.o tr«»ty “>«k jrower uod^r the Coa‘»'tto'io’'. .»ra *be oaly mat* sg*n(s for cGtaiiog loic nfcgi>i>a!.it>n» o' vi-h the -i:o!Uf Rc3'H«d SI, T'.»t f-nr profosnieH l‘-acka ar«* du?, Atx I wro hhiBwi^ l„oJer*a. to . |ir h.'»Tu d J J!rm In tfie f ir tfio tsero'O g»iii»n.i/ anJ for.rM»v« tinder I ho prori Jen.''»j fGcd, h^Tj orov.oo^I taiir R rt? M‘ RMc^ ►’gi'il too:e-s. Mr CrioiOin fro-.t fne tn.airi y of 8»i'l ci uiait:e»» levfrttfd a rtaila'icu rii .iUr iu cb»r>n;‘t>r toUie *air'! • 'Le ?«ir es of r(.s'*u’’ou8 n parted by the acd the q i-'i^tiou beiiig oa •.h*» a Ijptljn of this lo llfu of the -lab* ilu^, a d visi -u of ■ •.9 qu siion wie crl?red »- J f'.B rote was first oa li-' nioiion to s.rile oft, a^ folii — At«8 —M»BBra. B*at, B'bI. 0:wlei, Da~n, Ore^n G'l^a.ina H'nry f B rtie K'-lli' rawcrth, Ingram, Jen »ip«, K^eaer, UcNriU, Parks, Perk:#*, hitter, Ri^b'na ^loito'9 Rug^oit of Uruaswiok, Willsa, WcUbotn, Wood *11 —M N )ia —Mesnrs AlVn-ia Albriitan .4u)'s. Birnbardt, Bx'ibTiry, Browm, Bu'^ln, Burm, Carton • a-ter C »bb, Crawford, 0*t*b. Dita, Foy, G*ekins flen'ry. G»or»e, Glenn, Hampton. Ha-na of '»battus K w»s HenJeraea, Henry of Hi'djra'n. Howard, H rt-n Joyner, JodkioB. LeMhers Lrj:«n. Lavf. Ljl 'I n« *' Usde. Maun of Paaqu»ta ik. Me. id:a, McRi» *'•>■ t rsen. Pearce, P*cbiaa. Per-oa. PowtuI R,!0 >-» R ooardson, Rainhardt. Rid4t«.k, UtveB, Rua 8becl»'d Sherwood, Shobar, Staoe li, WaJdali, *fii I’o'ic * of I'ede!!—6^. Tli'« qn-a'.ion rtw-nrriog oa tka a4opfloo nf tta atj >rl yrt(,,n»aa faWtii'ute for tfta r'B»Ian:>C4 refbrre ! >!• p. ra-jn bco. pted them, and the qtPwtion b^iiu the i’«^!i4ge af tba raaolutUna, Mr Grisiora aak--1 Mrl'to'i of th- qi.-s’ioB, that tbe reaolatiiOB tnig ji »e lotcd upon tmattn The q tastion being on th> ps.«4Hg9 of the first r.'solucion, tha veaa and baya ware Atib—Mftfn AlMBoa. Amin, Varahardt. B»rr*D- ger, Berbnry, Brown, Bryan, Bnmfia8«. Bn'j^n, Barns. I'arter. Ccbb, Coataer, Cr*»ig, -Pr'wford. UiTl-*, Data, Foy, Gaskina, Gentry, Ge jrge, G'aaa. Him,non, R*r r»9, of Cabatrr*, Rawea, HendtnoB. Uerry of H, H'jwarl. Jit? nsr. Judkins. Keener, Letihera, lAg^b, L-jto, Vfin.i f't HyJe, M,*au of Paaqao:ank, ,Nlo- Adeo, $4eKiy, MoIVaill, MsRaa, P>irka, PaU«io. Paaro’, Pf^ blei*, P^r'ou. Powall. Rhodea RieharJa o •teio^ari'. RidJ.ok Rbei. Ru«a, Hherard, Sherwood, ‘tioh". ?• n^*l Wft!i#r, Willlatua, Touug c I'‘d-''V T >n;i y ncy—*2 No*^—'1 Alfwfd, Bt'Fi. Bond, C»rpenter, Car ana. Ctwlee. Dann O'les'ni. Henry of B»rtie. Hoi i’>g»wortb. I >yrain, J nkitis. Ki*ier, Ro'bi-ia, Rog-re •»-■ II f C un^w'Ck H’^tl»o, W'l'horn. WonJa!! —19. Ti" o"i"' »■(■?j'-irtv/n*! «*ro rm Hi«!y ai'tp'cd »'',rer from‘he jalKi'^r-- C'-.ua'ti p ri'iK)'-! w «k r^n »-''e',it‘9-?d bill Irfin iheS>n«te t->"ror> 1 “".’U'.’ly to *!ecura t:.o of tr'f writ o^ hahttt cor- pun r.nl fr-a^nt cit'n a in cS^il lift ^ro.n hel'ig re m -f ^-yonl *he Mrcits if the S atj Tt»^ Kjll p-i«a*d .t.* Ht»»e*.4l re*'Meg As did a bill cf Mr Walser’t ■u hori* "5 the (ij»«ruar to puroh ksa teacher for th aTniii.ra ■ f iaJi*ot a il li r»—ye«B u-jes [R; and a bill 'or th» ••*!!«' o* no ^ir?-! and r*mil ea of «olJifc»'e. ; .^ppr'^prl ,tes $1,700,C0U iu 8 ato Tr»*».aary notes; rf thi^ »m^aa' *7 0 0 la d#’’-'>ted to iha relief of famll e» if it 9 l'l l;»n »a r'")’’? of the Oaer >kee trioe.) Kasi^'n lt>n* 0' th%'!k] ‘a 8t>,jaVe'' Daaaell wf* tzninin'^uBl.r ad •r-t-?'! »n * th» H >u-»« a-^j :urnod ta 4 a. tu , Uvaiaf, 'hr-Q tu a 'J jarii tint z:> To «a«iid a*t t« eatabUsh t^e oAm of Andltor of ^blU Aooonnta.*’ To laeorporate F^yetfealll-* Military Aaademy To inoorporate Piaster Banks and SaUworks tailr**^ Anthoriiing the Ooveraor to appoint a oommissionar for the beoaflt of tde r'preseatatlTes cf deceased sol diera. aKSOLVTlDHk IQ favor of late Sheriff Vaao nf New Haoofer; of Sheriir Griffith of Ci«woll; Hheriff 8railh of Alexander, tax colleotor Dearer of M*dia'>n; %)“Z ao'tth; 8p«kk“r, Cle.'ka aad Uoorkeepen>; U^ur? Ili'i?; T J Kecr.edy; Vf A Ttaompsooi Wa5btngfoa eu!T!*rers; Al'Jt. H''H9to*>. To supply Ju8tic?B with R’-.'. Code la r *fer5»'Ce 10 tbe Pubilo Treaeu'er In relation to N. «'*s b^sckvie run ning rifhta Thaaka to Geaa Make fttii Kiieom, Co;»i. Oi>ok. tjtuj09r«ing Wataui^a *aa«8 Ih-xctit to N. C. clfijtr* abd B'^llinrs. In f i*or of hArmoay 4i Et euiptiBflr 8tatn and o*.h*r offl3-*r3 frovi coaf'onpti'n I’ r*lation to Got Y.»aae Ooajorui«»a’ co'tai»v »ota of nunsra«) la reforenoa to Mallett’t* B*t'ali'in la re lation to the Judges. Got Vance, and T P. Napiers oaw. Cocoernin/, i I'portation of goodH Jnrefdrenco lo a basis of PeA02. Cococr&mi^ thu asis of Coagre. i la relaiina 10 the Prcs'dont and the prop-r autiioriiiee to negotiate for Peao) Ooncfr'tiDg hs N C. Wuuaitd To repair Qov’b prtcii^es la reftfreoow to Pu‘'l;o Treasurer, in fMvo''nf Got’s nitiaaaQgcr Cf*ri5:raine Judge’s B^liritu lu reg* d to ibe Pufdic Printer. In rrlatiun to Juiic^8 t-f Sjprera* «v'«i Sapfri'ir Coa*t« Mr.. nOLl/Ev S CONVErniUN S’tlKMS The R'^.leifb Con-trr''-‘.liTO pu' hsb^s th;: toi*'^r» lei'erB w%ioh uzplain t? entiBelve.'^:— ’ House or *'oBM()its, RaLBies N C , M^y 3’, 1^54 Gov VAnot: Dear Sir: I ha^e Isa-^a i that in yoar epoeo'i Rintthflold ftud aiBo ;U Htllflb'"ra’ that you o‘iacg''d W W Holden of f*»onng a C inTsntion i-r the j»urpi«e of' withdrawing the Biate from the ('onfederaor Kn I ■titdoratand that you i:iai« *?i'e \92"rtioo ^rtly «a my avi'borlty, I fee' ealled upon to sl-te I he-trd Mf. Bay ia regard to tfia* mikl/^r I r»).>U‘je'. rn 1 or’Tas.'jn. dunnic the aiii'J.m ff the i»»! Nj»a:nt»(»r, *0 'ii? Oo-ti:.'-- ‘..i Hftll. i>e^r '.h« fi 1-0 t-.w I 'k cf t(»s Hr-'**-'’'* .‘aaSt •* *.»-ri«T iV ^ tl*mt I. «W.^nl.l «»ll w juT^titiari cf th;- H!*'e iaimedi.*>ily, atid tike t= c ?j!a e out of the Csiaf'der«Oi• ^-d,’ tuys L«, -‘(aitrk 'Ey predictl'n. in Ics'-d th*n i>ix mozita.,, y -a v?i*i eee Lat t a.n rig'it ” I ”aj eurnrij-i to Le**.- ' •>._• retnark r om hio*. AuJ a.’ sjou >3 I o ;ii li;;- eeat, 1 aaied (J j) J»>uiry, wbosa* ji't b'whiD'l mi, aha', he r. *;.li tUitir. ‘fa oSan, if he w is tj hei^r nica ••»y, t' a?, ••'.tie Li> gitla urs shvald oail a CoaTeaii.n fiuaiediatei.f, and ft’k- raw the Rtatt^ from the Ccnfrd^racy? " He then a«k- d me who bad mad* saon a reiaark, and I mid him. Col. Wta nortou. wLo vas anting near, i-ei^iarktd ihat ke ht>ard hl'^ miie the deaitriitioQ Tours truiy, W. W HAMPTON TEM CA1CPA19R IR ITOETHSBK T1&C191A All eyaa are now tamed towards the hwroio army of Oca L^e. wuioh lies in a potition 10 iaterc«pt the ene- my'a approaoh to Biohmond Iivts the general in- presfl’Ou that a battle wtrald be fought yeaterdaj, bat the quiet r>f the day was linbroken. A aevere cavalry fight coourred on Buurday. at Uaw’e ehop, in Hanoaer conaty, a few ml'eB to *he rigi>t of the Ctiutrai Railroad. A force of our cavalry, consist ng of Roa^er’a and Wickbaui's bricades. ttie 4 h at«d 6th regituents of B iilor’a 8. C brigade. aat t.t>e lO TBB BiTtLS li NOara£EUl •BO&SU At last the dreatll'ul soaDds of battU are hwihi Tbe dogs of War barktid their botrible Uiao^r^i during ail of yeaterday, aad aaother field of bluod and carnage ba^ bcuu luuad ou (jreorgia soil. XUv kucmy early UQ SVcdueaday, the 25tb, vere di»- cuvered by our liaea ia ptwitiun at I>aitas aixi thereabouts to the northward. Oen Hooker’s j corp^ was coalroatiag H jod’s oorps, composed ot L Tro.jps. la its ca;i4 ;iij-of Acting K- fparl-alT and t:^;Unt;r hii' t/ i- * ‘ “ £^.11 aa •I I 8 t ,a s, fUiJ ifco.terijr umiairr to , D r-s ; f Sf'l’ ( iMkTcil . rrtMtif*:# ^ f r ■-• i'l li Ixl'ir. I: ■ . ' J a M • V, J M l. J Wiii; C V> G ! - ; U Dr y F F -v . V' 0 I, Q -'f. J ta; .-.on, A - J Li. iIf !;■ i' -T IN: ■- r.'j.' 1 f* hij ao'' c?::s-j to D;.,uru! yoi f- t-i ■ 'p ,1 f'j'lnjr ••il in« 1, ■J pAtrikit « prarc. i’c’Ji 4, ♦ n iO"«e.iry, p-'ur r.ut -i ' »i .dufrt ito O', tur cftiSv. I "ArrSv eye-re, ■ .'' a .''.'.-a 0 t *r. t. ' tr‘ Ci , t, i--d t in her ciubj U r^C', J 8;u),-nij. ' J 1) D-TiC, Jno Mo.dor- f ilwbes, ^ K.n^ion, b K.rd Ipt), J R.,n- roi TUB 0B6F/R?^. > n »r :nt*uo-l', 'V'a. cn the 5-it - i't Jota H Y\>tj (,)/■ lili'i-.-a county. !l’A. *y '-'"‘■’8 “'ft* -''-g i. S C Vo's Ha full I hr f) , * il -y 18a W Ioua-;^r. Vi TaUy U v* Jl’/’,',r,7•'ier, ‘ Lir/—hi^ life wa.t cxeiTi£I. ^ Parrili. J p*-r.ut Q i:,. « '[• Perkin^i, ! P« VHica wan to leaa>» I n ra _ K-Kiikd: j\v Ricss J J*"!- . o-'i' among the firti »o les J F t cn;. ^ ^ I. njca ta eerve God. He ittTa est'ond to hia country’s lift it s t'crKcuat aauf. aediately aftc f Lieut for mer.«- „ , , CipaoHy until, afri r L^e Battle ot l*rederiokiburi{ iu I)e-» ’S2, Le pn.» oiuied (o iha rauk of Idl L ?ui. Ho onutnioded »a t C cm patty iu uoarly ev t* c«,i. aarcuieni aua tj%g h,i» I CAPT10S8 OF AQT:4 A^U RB^LUTiO.^A. Acre ia referenae to the rays^at of taxas. iJnnc«Talng ^er dtea atid xailaspge during pr?p,,nt •ivii^i Tj a "end ••au %o’ to aa'.borii* Cv,'Jas’ioss ofC^afte- • at itnd 'ra»tn to arpoict a JomniUioi;e',” to ‘.Ru act making aa appropriatioi for Ihe Mil t trr K4t4blisbm=‘nt of the State.” To iu^jfporate FiyetteTilie >!ili Manufaotn'ing Co. T.i irtoo't'oraie Yao'^ef^vil e Female Stalina y. T > it;c rp^rate Cross Cret-k M*«if ’0 io inejrpirate Sitdlars' Famale Orphan Home, Fjr-»t'i. li. la 0.' of John A L^ag. Tol'.r* ce f.ricoodings iif county ooort of D*rie in i*>.itig iHX a fir I8ii4. To - need »:• to rvalore the eourta T » i.'ic rpftrai.e tu^ Tru»t»e8 of me General Aseemblr of t.'e Pri-i->yt-riChurct Tj anit-a i “au aot »o proiibit the Uie'illation ff epir- '• !Ua liq-.iors ’’ Tu t i*.4,r*o pciw. ra Catanis-i-.nets of V7i1ojlni»n To inoori'orno Capi Fs»r Lod^e, No 194, El;iahtt‘- T' protect Citiie T ) r.u horis- .ala of old j%il in the town of B.^one. To al'ow \ J IIoo). Meck'eaharg, farther time to collect t£If2 ■’'0 fc j; u:.ri* • Ji 'itittj of any ocunty to meet in spe- «'al florin to l«Ty ti*c9 t’ ncciaiii^ l'.«'itu!on for the D?af ani Dunb, &«. T”o in70i:0ra-e Cape I n i-.i Ex ^0 Ti XIto I tSac for c imp»ii*T polls tu rpftftlD ooiioi le*. T a. 'f.CiitscR in E-piiiy dry «nling in Courts lA ^«rt».u j >^ciii' 8 T pr -Trrit 6L^'.fU3'l0n8 tu Otjr «i-r.tv|. Wy Id i. f*T »'c' to cxiniiitioB f'-ora taxes *0 au'.i Kecurtties of Ltwia Williams.jn to col * a-r-'>f '"S -i T » iafl'rror;.!., I Uid Ford Toll Bridge Co. T*r am‘?i-''( • rh^r*«ri> nf C'arlo»‘e. 'iVl' g-i’iS! 'ft'c of ^ J.»t in V/.lketboro’. Ff” of ^'13 I’e.^ cT f'.-’dicrs Ti> waijy ■ >.:% \T ■>' iSy i F:.-.T-roc« Ii»?]ioad Co. v. gvrd io tolls on VpRt'-rn Ptmkr/Ad \'-i M'Cter'iate raociv f«r iu« Mili#ury te^^abr.eJinj.'.ai I.f I b.~ tKwle To atu«E 1 eh^rtcr of S iplby ».nd Bnad River 1. ii ~ To t m*;:id oh-vrtci of Look ilh Mining tnd Man Co. To I •■oflde fi” Bupply of *'io Trt>a ury F r bet er t-'Ruli.ion of Wa;tLT»» Tcrapike R,?al. To ac:-* Mtvlison ojuaty coun. To sxa>'Qf ai !:• lelatiou to sa'ariAs acd feoa To lititatj.’;i'it? Si Jo'in'o Lodge, K netoa. i’f a' wot e i.^sdinr torwarrl u.j o«sapaBy, (the com- ’«SiOrt*niVg free FW8’*sre of fish iu Neuie rirer. o? which djvol.ed oa Lini,) rjtteu tbo r» maind^ » . awna “an act for tbe i'^proveinent of the ro&ip in Hondelts-'O, Buaeembo, Madison a::d Yancey ” Tc ali«r fit »3S of hofdiog Superior Cour>a it G;h niroui>. To iuc Vpo fate Meekbrburg I?oa aai Steel Co. To aulhor tta Juatioee of Caswell to regulate ok-aning ftut of Mooa'rf Creek. To enlargd ^cwers oj‘ Maynr aad CotLinieiiloucrs of Favrtto\il!e. lu relotioo 14’gUdkrdians and wards in Tr^nsylvaaia cjunty. To amend cM'rter of Beaver Creek Manf Co. To provit^ fo? extra lenn^ of Supreme court. To atpen'l "an ,ao* for the relief of landlords ” To repeal twri 20i’a Sept 1861, oonoerning gr oloihi'ig for ouL'ird ^ps. To amend ac aot en'ttl.iJ “R^Tena^).’ „. . ^'Si’f'cr.t JV' f ftald arJ HtHil —\r aiaui^ing^iK„ . .V'. 11 Huft.i,ae. w' u L Wuaiers, M y Cook. V p i A L T ? t uii.L',ia..j „ , ( Oom- ■ Tun'-, ' '■ o' b, M Hulfiae-, L D iJuttnM. J C ^''ajkV\ » • all k. a Fro«uj*n, Eh York iipt>tii»rj „ . , . , gtoncus oau9«t. Uc l.'d I'la C.v !ip.tny in eig ntecD tIooJy caitlea m t LOW Bie-iVt, bcaeUn itt« blood aiaiaed soil o’ V -glaiH wt ere tl)3 rattle of o*;;aon aad'. tnmaetry do;’s ao). di:* tU"*© ^ilLu V 11 T iWheri. T'/ic Aif-Fa/ice.—The Jioruiuda Advaoatft ia« I purLi that the Ad. J il WJiiSfc fA > ’ Ad'Yuueo had left EIaIi^z ' More effaatnsaiy to socvir* beoeft's of writ of bab« mi t 11 j -"jf wuere we want Dim. V ^ ». ^4 A Ji’Qtru Etttfiamt ^ . ®®'' '*• *o-* to pJiBVtnt citAatw is IMutroia Mm ' ^ ot»iy To autho»i*» Chai: men of Boards of SuperioteadeutB of Common■ Sofaoottt wjjo have invented fuuds in O 8 »iftnds, to BiiU ’bonda »vii(f diatribtiic proo'eds among the diairiots of th'fir rwpejttTa oouuticg. To auiead ‘itn aet to extend charter of Bank of State of N C " M.ire eS'aetnslly to socvirt bfloeftts of writ of babe mi Q'^orgia ba'talisn all uad^r Gan. VfaJe Ua.upton, was i btfiWatt B, dltVcDsoii H and UiDdioao s DiTidiuQg sent ont to reconnoitre tifc ea^icy'a pceiti;ju. Tbey i After the preliniiuary akirmisbiug, the eoeius came upon a large forae of Yankee oaralry in ib«i above- l.ejaa battle ia oaniest, and made several asaaulu ipcatiotteid locality, acl without hesitation ciadl-? rti at- | ^ ,v,n ,Un an/t .i «• t^ck. In this -he; war« t.uoces.fal, drivi.g tho enemy I “mo8 dunng the day, and on diffjrtui b*tk towards the river; bu> altbia jinoture the caetoy’s in'tntry support*, eo«^p«'8e^ of a full oorpa, catcc up, »nd peered a rak’n;; fire into rnr ntec, wno eiood it lipf; aa thoy could, ani then fMl back, with a loes of o«er 11)0 woaud^d and a few kiliaU. The lisht l%i>tect several hoara, and is repre-iecied to La•• 9 been one of the severest oavalrjr en;rage>ueij^ti>^ basoi^otirred dur- lEg the war. We took eciaa pntocers, and loat some. The train last evening brought down b*'tweisn 9J and iiOO of our wounded in this figrt* Tbe aen;** train brought 22 yankss prisooars, who were oap'ured ce»r ilaaover Juactou j The yankews are p'ur-Jaria^ tb® in!j>.bi?Tknia on the : I'sC'i ■ f route, takiog negro?a, bor^e^. '*nJ arlic’.-'b i “f ‘•T.b'tiB'cttfte. l!}tcrc:ati^.& wr> rtoaived la.?t n-gii th.it tho «’n*njv, >n t »•»« fo!"o, Wi3 ndv»i*ct!!S' f?a%c*’er t) U {J'iti'.’p *»rTj, with tre tstep »)o of Wiirrsa’a cr.'p,, h»H cro8:'od the Pamunkey ut Hanover To»»n, auJ bb !i.ie-of ba> tie titun le from thiit p-nrit to » pO»i- t.oti Roroc dSatance in free* of Acl:^e’8 •tit.ion—wsiob i= >4 point 05» tho Central railrotid. nine njil“3 fr^ra Rich mnnl. Ou" troops arc in t.*i« best of spirits, wi-h a nnrale nabroksn, and a d'srloliue uaexaaipl j! P-f >C8 vriio l^ft Spott*.'t*a'ia cotsri^y on Tui'^day la*ii inf ^iJiginoe from Frad"ric)!2ta’’tr The.'t I'trno.d that, pirk-ts had ^t&t'd that »'a* whol“ of 'he erf-jj^'e f .rcf. tu1^^3 unit? rra'fthip.e’ ord.“r“. Toe »ow3 »»* ou’y b^'li by asT^lr*, rbo w*rc n:o»in. kycr" ':A~'f, uv ^y rayi Ij as p i'itoie Th? riilioau ill iiaroaa tu- R-t.pa-.4ru0.'fc bin n >t biSa fsbt:!'! •bt «ra;jla cfu‘I'y ft *:te vi; ir>t'y bs* bacn rand«r-vvj a dujC! t.—ittcA. IJtpiich. 30//f »‘t. Raleiou, N C., May 26th. 18.>4. Gov Vaxoc: Dear Sir: I U*arn that, oit M>cd.ty la.>t, at SiaithfiolJ. «nd, perhapa again, at Ilil st>oro , ou Tue'.day, yos 'ha'ged that Mr Holden'^ Diotive tor favoHog a Siatc ■'ouvantion, is to talte the 6t-ite oat of loc Caufede My .\nd 1 further undarstand that you uijiie i^is c!iarg ;pc>n niy aaihortty, iu part. Unoleasant as it is 10 me at aP timas 0 occupy the o-Hi.ioa of a witnes-, ueverttiete^is, as this tUttig; ts liow »f.’e the public, I deem it ta? tuty to state what I iiatiuo.ly underslo.>U .Mr. 11 lien to sa/. l>ar:Lg the revioOtf s'^ssion of the present L g a si^uro, oue laorii lag, (I d I not recollect (oe precise dty.) in tiie Uommoua liail, between tbe Speaker s drsk a.J toe &repl>ioe. oii bereft, Mr UoHea was in c.mveri >tloa witti s.''verAi 'tntlemen, Vat whom I dc not recoUect at pment, as I iid not notice parttcuiar at th? lise. I tiappened to 00 near and overhear! socicthing that was sa d abou. the Confedarate g'Vetumea., but wbat pactisuUr eub J*ot was spoken of I did not uateratani: ball hear-'* vfr. Hoiden say: "Tbii LegislUure oagot to c>*il a ‘'onvention and take the State oat of the couoern Mark my rrfdiotion—you will all s-0 befvro six mm'hs fma taia lime that I a"i ri^ht ” Tais is thesnbatauce. and I tbiak the idenli3al lanutge he uitd, and I not tkiak taat I am inie.a&er, as he turusi his tiead tai losked me Jirec:!/ iu the uoe as he f p j^t. Mrj ji Htnjpi'>u, of WilJjei, w-ts pr-Bt^ni, at tae ti:oe, aad of this ma:i>fr te C >1 Clancry, of Aicc, ani lu^- a'if, oa the same day, wbile ia our ii.!ats. Tery respeotfuHy y lurs. & , w\i HoR''o:^ W »i»ug» cjui y, I?. C. H i;«E o» CoMif s*, 1 Balbi&£1 M C .M* -7 8*34 / Gov V^KCs: H»»ia^ been ca’led r-n to state my reooliteit .c if a aonvraatiou oeld b^iwerp i"iy*!elf and Mr Hamn t n ant Mor:oo 01 tbe s-r'j>0‘ >0 waich this oommaui. •;a i.>n r-fers, I mak.» ibe foil wi g «:ai#men'. Dar.ug the aJj .arutri t>e*i;ou of i'la Le^ialaiare last Nu*«(uber. M'»J W. W II*Kpios, tbe member tron Wilkeit oouQty, came to ciy aoat in the Hooie, acd tatei tome that be hea^l W Vi' H>ii'*n make tb ■ following declar^tt.'on Ihi: moroiUK reUiire to t:is du y cf the L?gljUture, lo wit: ‘Toat tbe LegisJa urt fbould at onos call a c invention aul ta'ie tie i!iaie out of tb« Confederacy Mark mv expr^satoii—before su mtnths you wilase 1 ana rlj^t.' bariaj ikecoav rsvi •( bet ween myself aud M tj fiimptonCol Wtiltam Hor 'o«, of Wataufa. jo net in tiie conversation and slated that b« beard W, W. Hoidaa loake the SiOie d-clara- tien that morning Vsry rospectful'y, J. M GENTRY, M. Ho O -m’e from Ashe Owuaty. lioUiR or ”oKii ms May 27. I certify that 1 beard ine t^ave'naiiou referred ti; b^twren ('ol Gi-n ry aad M J tinmpiou, ani aoonrd • rg to my r«oo:leoii7i Cj! G s s iiemeat la »ubB.-*otial- ly correct. E .'I. WiLB »RN, M H Com s from Wilkes. FUR THK OB^EaVJCa. WHitcTiLLB, N' C , May 26, 18G4 Mossra Editors: W,j tare -wo oatidida^es ou! (or tbt- OommoDS in this tJou&ty—vJol F Geori.^, tie preaeti meother, and Col Joliu H Stfpheas Tasre are tbr.-> oaudidates for Stierifl—John W G.'te. prescci &u« ifi, U W Baldwin and Aroi’U Mot'aliuia, F.eqt. Tjie'e n i one in the flfld for toe Sonate ar yet, but repor- says that Johtl W Etiis, present member, wt'.l s?tv.* it *’eo ed It is fortlier rumored ta«t K M .MoR-aokai £«q, will be run and that tie will al:)o serve if t'leoi.' bu; will not oaava»s tha Dietric. R .M MoRauk-n, Esq ia an old line Whig 1 believe all the above gsntlemei> '>rc Vanoe men I do not think Holden stook plenty ia this County At presfBt, I do not kuow of more ih»a one or two met. in tbe eouaty that are Holden men. Vance stoax iq de mand- (S^n. WAttiTt^.—We learn that Gen. Whiiiug has been ordered to report ta G>}q. Lee, and Wili asiufflo an aetive field oouioiaad. Got4ltbvro‘ rt« Jonrltftl, SO^A, MrRae'i Battalion.—Maj »r J. 0. Me Bae, with a portion of his ooiumaad, oonsbtiug ol three cocipauiea, paeocd through yesterdav, JCi^twuid bouud. Thcso troops have bocu ‘ bash whaokiag,” for tbe la^t niuo nuntha, iu tin lU'iuatsins, and h&ve rcuduied valuable servicea m arrectiug desartttrs, &o. HaUsburjf Watchman, 21th. T/i9 Libby Prison —Tho whole number of Prisoners received at tho Libby prison since tbe first battle ol Manaseas, July, 18G1, up to yes- terday, was something over ninrty stven thousand. Kichm-nul £xitmhin^ "l%lh. Wouhi not come duton.— Whilst ttie steamers “Let Her Be" and “Badger’' were coaling, at. St Thomai’8, they continued to iiy the Confederate flag at their respective staffa. The authoritiea sent them orders to haul down the obuozious en signs—oomplianee was refusod. The authorities sent off again, giving three hours, and threaten ing that if the flags were not then hauled down they—the authorities—would have them h tulod down themselves. Tlie three bours elapsed and the flags were still flying—the authorities sent oflF a force to haul them down, when it was found that in each Case, tha fl ig was nailed to he staff, the halyards removed, and the pole greased. Jieimud>i Adooi'xte, l.SA ult. apeech from Gen. J»e J-^hnslon.—(jlen. John stoma famous for pointed speeches, and the folljw- ing is eharaeteristio uf him. O2 parsing hij lines a few days ago, at Kssica, he was oheercd where- ever he showed himielf, acd said: “Soldiers, we will aoan have the eLemy where we want him. j'criiuUa of our lines. They were met tlrtnly and repulsed with great slaughter at every umet^ Tbeir lines were driven from position and push, ed northward by the steady aivanoe of our en. thutiasiic columns. Tne slaugbter and destray. tion of the enemy is represented to be >ery Urgu The officers of the commands engag*jd report that the fighting and reaistanoe was steadily taamtaio- ed by our troops at all points, and our casualiia* lew in coinpariav;u. Lito in t!ie eveniog a moat lamentable ao- ciflent occurred to our army by Uen. Ksyuolds re ceiving a bevore wound io the left fore aric which aiaabled hi ti liom duty. Thii was usst unfortunate lor our army, for there a^e lew u gallaat cffijsrn as brave ‘“Old Gauley." Hu prus^aoe is worth a half doa^n regioaeata to the etfective sirougtti ot the army, for his brate and iavincible North Caroimiaus and V'irginiaas fight with the enihu?iabm ot uacontiuerable heroes in Lib prcseuoe, auvi ucder his guidance have al ways been found foremost io the charge and aiost terrible in repulse Uuycbtertiay inorning the enemy seemed to bi ia heavy flaukicg columa to tbe Idl, with a lormiJabie ceu^e supposetl to be aoder Thomas. Our army did not make any asivaace or expose ttieir lines, ^o lar a) we could leara iieoee the enemy canottuaded furiously aloag tlie entire line, and seemed to be engaged ail d.iy iu feel. i.-!g our po;jitioa. Tiie eipiusions of heavy ord- nance were heard ail tia^ by uianv poup.e on the •uu'kifts of the ciljfj whero it was suffioienily quiat. The enemy is la large f tree, under the coji- maud ol Thomas ou their right, Hooker on the centre, aad, it is suppobed, 31cFhero0n on the left. We have no doubt of the result, for we are ua- dismayed, and believe firmly that our Gen. and hU brave, coal headed veteraos will win the fight j lad cotiquer cffaotually the drunken horde ot GR\Nr a UNPKE ’EDENTED LO-^SE^. L'.^l's auJ iifr oiiiJu hAS r-jacjed Peter-- bjr^t; ^rom iho cnei.tv’s l.?ei It is of the moat ec'O.'ur a/.o* c’lari.otfr. Ou s.de of G aot s i,flici *l c rcit. aa * ' k'eiy reia.ived frora the t^r nu-y of Loo«.n aai Setcard. thr Nortoera paoi le do not ttuiiit'e to almii torribi' 'o ses iu Gract's army. Iij£:e es'iuate ft a- ta*ii 71 UOO and m^ny say tiiat u w:il reaoi 90 0)0 Tbi i« from kH OiUses—ci.led, w >unded, prisoners, strag (rlerg aod deserters, Tae d?Bu>tio& .nJ st'aggliag it without precedent \ 1.1 tvr was received in tais city 8aurday, trom a memb-r of .Mosby’scornaiand, w^!l aal favorably known 14 Peters urg. Tois wri er siaies that be and hi^ cimrades. with their d ri-ig cntcf, have been in t^«' 'e«r of Qe%vt sinod he maved frosa Caipeper Cuu Hju e He stiie? th-.t from the Rapidko aad (ha Rip | vagabonds, such as the batch of dirty pri.sonerf *^atinook to thePotOTMO, thecoaDtryl-tarally ewarmt i, 00™ w'h stragglers Tnese men do na' beait^taie to s^y. r>.>t tticy are trom'the Army ot ttie Potaaiac, and ua- ier uo circumetauo^ will they be oarried baa« aiiv iSaoh m«n is aim*d, and &ays be will eail hia lifj k.' i' -Iy af po'B^bl'*, befjre he wit be taken. G >id went sp in New Yorx oc tae 24 h, t'; Iflti 0 iaz an aivaace of 4 per oent. over previous d.i> r.*iee. Tqi3 does not look i>s tticngh the obsetvaut New r jrkerB w^rs of toe opini^a >faat Gn^at aad acoomplisa- ad uaytbing wha:ever ia a military way, but to saori- loe ou; of the b.st armies on tbe plaiic'. T''.e nsrihern people aaj that Grant has 'liat four timec ai% many men as any ftneral whoever ootamauded th> \Ttay at tbe Potomae It has been asoertai^^cd by »3 •u*.. coua , that he lost more uien on lh» 12.n, in th> erritle coiteat of >^pottsylvauia Coarihoua-*., taan 5 > po!e.,c Bon*parte loB oa the mtst^iora^ls fi?ld of Water 00. Tbe people say, that toe worst f«ature of tii6 ii-ettnt m«lMiO!iol/ condi ion of affairs :s, taat the ::lac s of the rro;nily siain and maimed, caanot be sap ;}iie S. Lvery garriaon aad ouipjst has beea s*.pt .-:tcan to re'>!eni.-:i Gr,*nt'a uec:nia;ed ranks; and it i- >S9erted af> aa absolute fact, tbai thbra were net rnough at F,»r;.fe’8 Mjnroe ladt Friday to garnacn tbe pUcs 1 IB alao repraaected that Grant’s present arny ii- reatiy ueiaora'iij 1 Ibe laree y *are’ Wtn «-re v^^^ -ucb die atSGlisi a*. tSi- bad t.:ia 10 rto.ca tae Li.^ •0 a govctuine 'I. b aci;d t'watua -*ni tbs new : •'n-'ri, -ir veteran ribforcTmtn'.* m bitaaa telegraph* .1 D X. b^ i.aid to faae Gea ies h gjili«ci grbj 'I4CSJ Fuur tim^a during ttie past e'gat dars d.u Grii^nt atiempt to britig un MtiJtaer sasa flgbt as ru gt(^ i in &t dp^tty;auia (> H , t.ui caoa tima tie m^c • fas^d to Oe l-.d to tae aiaa^hter Taav are tik. B i.-asida’s, whipped at FredarisKsburg OaOi i all suf- S* liint. .Altogether ths entire infor'na'ion froci th? ^utmy’e j-uitry IJ of toe roost eheeriag kind We v^jri'j ot ave taat light is b.'rak;ng. and taat Deaoe is not far (latant. God be pra’Seu.—F«:tr*bitrg 4)4. Ri’portnfrom ('hattanooya.—Oo yesterday even* ing, prtsoDcrs report that io the mornitig a divi sion of tbe Taokec army was sent off rapidly (o I'hattaaooga, as Forrest was on the railroad tear- i'lg up the track aud burning bridges, and it was f'arctl he would cipture (Jhattanooga, tor only a small garrison was l*ft there whcu the Taukeis moved forward —Atlunta lntelliyenc>r, L itett from the United States —It was stated yesterday that Northern papers of the 25th hau Deen received in this city, bringing intelligence of the arrival in Wushington ot an agent from France, destined for the Oonfcderate States, bat that the Lincoln authorities had paremptorily re- tussd to grant him permission to proceed oa his j'lUrney. Later Europtan news had been rcodved unn.iuaciag the purobaso of the iiauis in the Muraey by M^ixtmilian, tor the aie of his Gov- eriimeut.—R'chmund £ quircr, 80f^. From Europe.—RIOHMOND, May 30 —The L'judon '^im.'S uf tbe 4tti has bi^eu rcroeived. Amorioan stocks are depressed in tbe Loudon Markets, except Cimfcde ate B >nds, whion have ad vaaced four ani a half per oent. since th>^ S.1 May, oloaiog at tea or twt)lre per «eQt. abore th« qauCHtion ol United Staten fives and twcntifs. lilCUMOND, May Bl —Tbe L>indon correspoa- dent ol N. Y. Timij, of the 30th April, say.s memoria'io will shortly he presented iu I'arlia mint frou* every part ot the K,ingdom, under au'picce of the clergy of tha Established (Jhurch, urging the gorerunjeat to use its iiiflaence to stop the war in America. Yankee hesn in Northern Virginia.—As -ho'ving the extent to which the jankee army has been cut up in the recent ''ngcgementB, 1 S'ive you the f dlowina fi^nrcs in regird ^v) the losses sustained by a 3l:t8c;achu.setrs regiment in the Iste fighfs. They are t»lfioial, and were taken from the pockets of an Adju;ant who was cap tured: Tho rrgimcnt went iuto tbe aoliou on the (itb with 464. L'^st this day 267 Leading for duty 207 Lost on ffae 12:h 101 *10S Lost on the 18th 24 82 It began the campaign with thirteen line and two fi'^ld officers, and now has one field* and t:r,> line officers. Some of their prisoners say this ii« a fair sample of the losses in all the rrgimcnts. 6’or. Richmond Dispatch. Remarkable *'a$e.—The 3Iarietta Rebel say* that the m^st remarkable c ise of gunshot wound it ever heard of, is that of a suldicr wounded at Kesat-a, brought to Marietta on Wednesday, and now in the hospital at that placs. Two bulleis passed through his head, making four holes, at which the brains w.tre ooeingout, and astonisbing to tell, he was perf*ctly conscions conversed intelligently ooncerniag bis situation, and wss anx ious to know the doctor’s opinion of his caaa. Ue was alive 36 hours after the wound was inflicted and may be asKra JMM M doI fctwi eeruioau abdometi!?, we saw on our streets last evening, itprescnt. —Atlanta Inielt. tjik. Daring the past two days tho army baN bees uoibg desultory battle at various points on tbe ii'iC, aud during the entire time, with telling ef- ut;ts on the enemy’b forucs. Luriug Thursday t'je enemy ezpen *cd a great deal of their fire io .seeking our liues, but with only partial aaccess A portion of the day, there was some farioui fitchciog at isolated pv^iuts, but no grt^t length of line was engaged at ai^y one time. However, a •args numbt^r «it' uur men were wounded, and the mobt rcasouabte tep.^r>B we have, stake that the slaughter ol the cuemy waa immense at every on sdt bey male T) at (he yaakccs shouli haVt} the temerity to lus'bt on aasaului on cur iiuei after the terrible repalses they have su^taiacd, is surprising. They •surely must be inlataated with the idea of their anpp, scd overwhelming strength and numbers, or are incitcd to it under the influenee of meac whiskey. They attempted at one time during t4ie day to *nter a wedge between Gen. Hood’s e.irfs and the main bouy of our torees, hoping to .solate that portion, &ni overwhelm them bj a • uup de mam. Taey wore repuhed terribly bj tho cttul aad atji;dy lire of cuf veterans, who did uo.. leave thjii cammaadiug and impregnable p >>11100. Tiie aruiy at night r«;mained nearly tu tiic same pavilion i: occupied in the moroing, but with the aivaiuages retained of any positionj that bad beo'.i gaiuod. Ua Friday in, filing (H)U.mcnced very leavj early in the m jrci ig and continued fxtensivelj and furiously all day. Along toward eveuiog tbe soucds reci-dcd, scemicg to indicate a retiruig ol the enemy's lines. At a late hour la«t night the wounded Kere c.ming in ou the train in large numbers, tbu ladic^tibg tnat heavy figtiting had occurred during tiie day, but we could not learn any aatisfacturj pi^rtionlHrs. We have no doubt that thus far the blessing of God has rested on our arms and vitrtury has sat ou our banners.—lb, 2Hth ult. Fruinx Qeorgia.—Nbw Hope, May 30.— Scarctly a shjt wa*i fired yesterday or to-day. BjtL armies have taken advantage of the tem- pttrary lull to enjoy the rest thUi afforded after tne fatigue of the last 3U days. The weather is warm, and the du^t almost insufferable. Small squads of prl'oner^ oontiuue to come in. About 5uO have been c p’ured so far. From Virginia -Rich.Mond, May 30.—Grant’s army is encrtnching oa the North aud West banks of the Tolpotatii.iy Oreek, tbeir fine extending irregularly fro u ilic P ununkey river, at ilaaover Town, to Giim »u’.>"iilili, ou the road from chttnicsville tv^ Oid Cuurch. Oar rro.)-)9 at tline o’clo’*t to-day were report ed in liiiG ol b:ii,tij iu front •? Atlees’ Station on the \’itt‘inia Ccnir.il Railroad. The enemy have al! L'ft Hacover C li. All army currespnnJcno of the New York World id reported to have been captured to-day with pop.'rs un hi? person showing a loss uf one* -/ixtii ol S dgwioit’s corps since the campaign be gun Gen. Hauipton was to-day placed tomporarily in comii'atiu of the cavalry of this army. It is reported that Butler’s foroee are leaving Bermuia Iluuureds undir protection ot theif sun boats. Kich.munb, May 31 —There is no official cotifirmatiLiu a*^^ tha War Department of the evacuation of i-husterueli oouaty by Butier, but no duubt of the fact exists. A porti»n of bis forces have been sent off uuder Smith to reinforce Grant. Battle Field, near Mechanicsville, May 31,6 p- m.—Ycsteruay evening about 3 o’clock there was a cdnsidcrable engagement betweea a portico id Early’s and R des’ divisions of Ewell's co'ps, aud the 5;h cjrps of yankee infantry. The figbt (astpd about two hours. We drove the enemy back about a mile and a half until they reached a strongly entrenched line of works, f.-om which it^was impossible to dislodge them. We attacked the enemy for the purpose of discovering bis position, and found him stroQgly massed and en* rrcuched on our right. This fight occurred near Bethesda church, on the Meohanicsville road, about 9 mileii from Richmond. Our loss is about 300 wounded, and oU killed; among the former i> Major Smith ot u. 45th N. C. We captured The enemy’s loss in killed ■•'d to be ucavier than oare. eavy caanooading anJ r.ft’b front, but no geo- 1 - u, , .sed that the enemy hfc, so aa to cover about 13U prison .r and wounded is f'-i To day the’-, r. sharp bkir" era* enr- is ’ I -.Ui ; • ar. t fciie York river Xu.i.*-: 1. Sxabh’6 Farm, May 3L ii.title‘s and Dtnile's brigades on yencrdaj evo'un.,', flanked a line »f the enemy’s skiriDiiaera, capcuriog 1:20 priso(0a 'at te a«b vb9 Ita (wiiM )!•■«} No gwieral daye, though particulars wil^ Grant Las k« tb« run after (*| ritaffurd ffeigbj WjJdcme^iS. wl (>re8a toward^ tried tbe iS[»ottj »guin met hiui tried the lianof witli tho name with to -McClelll Peninsula, and ther it is the iadl m^'nlH. If he si that Ijce'fr runnii The Kirhinone "Uranl'^ wbofj ♦«een a defeat—il pelled to adopt t| ettadofii. lie a day's flailing fH het down his urmj the head of any oj have brought L the Chickaboirii wasting a cartnd| his (iovernment had b«*en tried. a( Clellan'a. .So thj hearts." A .V I’l’EAI. lina Lady now it Confederate enrii woiiiidt d North that city. chit'tijJ razo IloHpitaii. king b(!en ta.xed ed, and duh ever| .Sbe add.-.. ‘ Pried fruits, anything would ce>»8ary, and IrH cloth to cover ci would ffladiy aid I at the North Carl ftn agent who cai^ i!on wonid brintf would come gaVelJ care ot an uppuinl We have sever »,elve3 of Dr. ihe array Oi Nortl battles and m«»vei ^ratnitously delivi CA>urse it has not l/oxes wert' addrel difficulty. Dr. t\.e l8l and 10th tie Conftnierate iir-mt with the .Soti TL»e latter have auft uli bo\es or paci fvom individuals 1 diers^Uospitals, i 100 lbs.; thi'v m marked. I’iactd lu-.f Ahcoi'.atiiio, w Hi lurlbiT trouble aiiuns w :li sw to 1 jitiuy, and the iatt 1 he eritablirthmt (.'•viutnitay, whiih f this place, will gr above arrangeiuet We call upou a tht* rt'Jief of llu'ir aimy, labf'tber wo of ibt'bc fai.'ilities ' aiid rt-iievuig tbeii of us w ho aiv per vli.t?*' ^bo are hnz i}L'Ciiif( untold har druy ouraiilvtrs lor Let US not l'or>^i or luort sick oui lo this towu, I'or w th-; market, it mui cure proptr luod. MaKVKAI’TI BliR from Wm. Gregg turors’ AsiJOciatK co])y of ilie procf body, embracing 1 a time of less den publish it; but cat co.ad. it «^'ouId uo importance dt'i'er toe much engrossi elates that th-; pi the largetil anil on try, ot which he il than 7 per ceut. a to a specie staiida gnt e ot that com] tbe (Joiiifcderttcy. have beeu more olbcr rla^s, no* es the goverument b arc ahijTidant .«ii?i Bet)seies» bo.stilit^ pecnle, and cspec hov innch the cou ufactori'-H within t the claji-trap aboc buj ciK apC't. Vc rior aiticlc* in piet We learn tV a; i factoiie.s .should I of the *\r>?ociatioi Arrangement-: ini chinery. Maajfj enemy aud by Tirt Mr. Grepu thinks IS worn ont, and f and that lor that necessary. at;d oc will jif-riniL Tun Co.vfKi^Ki of tbe miiiti'ry op of the 6 per ceut. pontd, and Mr. 3 means of raisiiiif •posed, •and (.’-ong* the iBsne of certi - after peacf, int* r( or its eqoivaleni. supplit*?! at th'* ui of impressiiu'ut c prevailing: iu 1.h6( property. 1 >i»- e pleasure of the b( bundfi. OiiC'thin to be paid in tlie aath^rieed to in

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