n PUBLIC LAWS. EwAtfTKj* Ficb’y 16, I8t>4. All A'-' >o J’lijT OKt’flON I 7A» nf Amrrictt Jo rnact. That ♦'he hotdors of all I'roaxury notes abore the deuotuination of S5, □Of bcuriu:^ incerost, fihi*U ba allowed until t»io ■hall be subjeiit to • i»x o# 88* par oent. on •v-' ty #r ©f ft»y ttnil, not enumerated n ery in!Ur thftTcof, s»5d tax the precwlinsf parnj;raph, between the times to attach to said ootes wherever oiroulatf^. and nAni«4 therein, 10 per cent., in juldition to said f.oti'sto be fundable and cxohaB^eable f>r oew f,,, jmch pr«>tit« as income, under the n-i Limit the Current •/. : , . • , , . • ^ ,k» r’o„^>,/rr.i^e|Trca.sury noren, as herein provided, subject t« afore^inid IX. Of enofpirsotei, er attempts to liber ate priboiiers of war beld l>j thu Confederate States. X. Of wmspiracies, or attempts or prepa riitiood to ai»l tlie enemy. XI. Of persi>ns advising or inciting others tlesfroyinuj, or Attempting to destroy, veftsels ! above said duties, specifying which, and S*c. ly. That Tr«anury notes heretofore issued I £ Proj>ertv of eiich head of a tatnily to j or arms, «>r miinitious of war, or arsenals, | wli.jiii thes^e perdond shall buve been a:«»i|fned btwnng interest :it the rate of $7 80 on the $100 ^ vahie of and for each iniin.r chihl j founlrie9, workshops, or oth#*' property of i to tliose duties a.^ tar as practicaide, the Pre fer fiunun), ?b»I! no longer be received in pay- j of tJie tiuuilv to tho further vah.. of JlUfk, { tm (^oid'edorate States. «-eur of pnbli'j (iuea. but snail be deemed a“d | hi,#! tor oach no!i acf»i.«lly eMir:ii>o(f-Tti tl»c eon.-idortil bunds of the (Innti'derate Sta’es, paya- ■ Sec*. 2. The Ple^id^*nt fihall cause proper i mute siicii Ixnlied of tro^w, or individuals, , army or n«vv, or who li;is» diel or iHutn j-ijHcers to investiijutti the cUf^t^s of :il| p'.?r-so[i-i i required to be enrolled under the 5th sec as ;iiter t , rati cation o a treaty o j|,(> inilitarv or luival s«Tviri*, iiii'i i so iirre-^red, or detiiincd, in «»rdt!r that tht^y i iioii of this a-t, as nmy In; rieetled for t!ie b!o trr v p.:>i With the Ifrjiff j Stiirfs. beann the rate of the deduction of said tax. m ^be amount of profits exceeding Sbo li That any Stat^j holding /’‘-•'‘“/y 25 per cent., made during either of the'• ears - - DOWS r»o»j^.ed behre the U».« h.r... bed /or j UT,k or l.« Jay „) April IS,«, e„t ,f th. » j “/'"f *“. co,..p«nv, inm.ranc?, canal, im- tun 1 the same, and until the periods and at the i “*7 January 1865, to lund the same in 6 per ‘ j /.«nnrtini? te!e'i?ni)H »vuress pLcessurcd, the holdera of all »uoh Treasury I >«"* bonds of the (Jonfoderat^ States, payable 20 ■ Hrv lr.U-'nr .ther Lo. .hall b; allowed to fund the same in regi«- i jear. atror date, and the interest payable .emi-: radroad, nianutactunna: dr> dock, or other , • i ' , tercdt,onda, payable 20 yea» after their date.,But all Treasury notes received Ly'joiut Btock companr of auy description,, or in|nre any bndg« or radroad, or tele- beanng interest at tho rate pf 4 per oeat. per an- ■ ^tate after the t*rae fixed for taxing the sauie vrhetlier incorporiiteJ or r;ot, 2* par cent on j graphic line ot commot»!cation, or propoity, num. myable on the l*t of Janoa^ and July of alorc.said, shall be held to have bew received I sach excese. j '^»'ifh the intent ot aiding the enetny. each year. j diml'iiabeti by the amvuBt of said tax. The di^- Slio. 5. The ft»llowHjg owmptionH from j XIII. Of treasonable dosijfna to impair ^'Ko 2 The *«cTRtary of the Treasury 18 h*'rebv 1 the Dot^w snHjeot to the [taxation lodar this a«t iJiall be allowed, {t!ie military power of the Government by authnriied to tssAe the bonda required for the those not 8o subject, shall be— ! to-wit: tuiiifiniT provided for in the precediHg section, and iiptil the bonds can be prepared ho tuay i'^sue c. rf.Hc-at.\s to answer the purpose. Such bond*) au.l t cU«i\ recoiv-ble wirhout inUr- e.'.f la fniv'nt^nt ot a!l G:)vortiti!('nt du’s pay;»ble ill th,; • ,>ur IStU. •*xc'pto.xp..rt and import .lutifs. Sec -> r'lHt nit 1'rea.sury notes of the deiio in- nafo!^ ’ ?10.), jMt b-unnu' ii.tr?ro>t, which shall iiot t>,- .ir-M*ote»f fi»r hindinir under tho pruvi>iint» ot Ml. Is’ •..-eti.m .»» this aci.shnll, I'rom H!t.-r fi..- I- its -»t \].rii 1«*U, ea.>tul th.> >1 ifsii-nippi riv r. *ij.l ihv Kt day >{ Ju y'lM(>4, o! t e •'I'"•"‘'F'l'i' et-u'-e ro h«* rcceivahlf to p^yitu nt of ru-'i'i’ 'Hnj IIOtoA, if Ddt }I0 i>reNt“n»*‘d ;r •I.ill iiMi.-, sDah, iij iidditioD to the tnx of Cfiiisi lu ih*‘ 4th Section nf tl'.is act, b! -.•ilij I *;i a j-j c«:nt per ’ifouth un- ^ ' I'" '' t d; w!n*h taxos !»lvv!l att ich f>> R;sid H- ■ r ■•S-xl' ' A ;v*”a 'ir -Ml.I n ,i“s w;>.-I'-vcr p-.. .-i. ■ rr- - • ... ('r • :ti l.p^- !,r> i ...; | sli 11 I’ ■■ ‘ ■ 'I'fo f.ir t' t' iirw is.-v’K' of 'I'n ;i M { r viticil fur in 4 1 hi' iin nil said Friasury »t»t tuM i i r us.-d in j-,iyn].-nf «tf f:ix,H »r tli« dHt.- a ,! T If p’-overdjcd in the 1st section m5 L't. f{'. r‘ shall he levied at said d.ifes -jnil p!aci-« 'i-' fa? )l f,;r ovffv dollar r'"OUii«od ou ^ shall be liable to be placed in serriee i» tfce field for the war, as if he were between the ages of 18 Sind 4:5. Sec. 8. TliHt hereafter the diitie* of pro vost and hw^pital jfuarda and clerks, and of clerkn, ^ards, agents, employees or labor to abandon the Confederate c.iuse, or to re j ere iu the Commissary and Qu:vrtenna»terV aist tho Cijufederate Star«8, or to adher« to j Departments, in the Ordnance liurean, »nd the enemy. I of clerks and empl >yees of navy agents, a* XU. Of unlawfully buriiin;', destroying also in tho execution of the enrolhaent act, or injuring, or attemptina; to burn, destrf*y land all similar duties, shall be performed by persona who are within the aj?e* of 18 and 45 years, and who by the report of a B(*ard of army surifeons shall be reported as unable to perform active service lu the field, but capable of perfi>rming some of the 8’dent s!>j\ll a.-rii!in or detail to their perforin- inN-r-'nt st»« Mfi«-d in 'their face, payable 1st ot , , , . i 4« • •Jannarv of eteh and every vear | entered the B-rvice. to the t.irthor v;Jiie --i Sfci'. l-l Tit-u the Seon't.cy of the Treanury he, auvl iu' IS tierel>), ;:ithonst d, iu ease the exi-i ^ ri>perty ot the widow of anv ofl’u*v*r. *ri‘noies ol '>h'Govern me !■ sh.iuki require it, »o*sohiier, >!{iili*r or iii:irifie, who mav have p ;v th di'ieitU') ef'atty puhbc ereiitrir T/hose debt m-jy he cunrr%',*ted after the pu!^^i'i^e of this act. who was M MMMnber of t)ie family whfii he j iiciv be di.scharued if ijnjiroperly «letaino i, j discharire «>f buch duties: Provided, tlia* iiiKitis tlifv (Mil be speedii}’ trietl in the due j perHvi.-; between the a^ed of 17 and IS sri {iili*r or iii:irifie, wh' di»Ml (»r be«*n killed in the inilifarv t>r iiaviil siTvice, ot wtiere there in no widow, tlioii ot the fiiiiily, Iti-iiiii; min«r childien, to lliv vnlue of !^1(HK>. III. I'ropeity of every oiticer. Hol.iier. Bailor or niiirifie. netinillv etiij^.i'jred in the militiirv oi .-^vrv;r*. ■ >r -f sn -.h ;i- I'avc !■ I!' . T>a,-iL'i' TT'i'iailv. rn>i i i; i i I i ••• » i l.f ••■i'riit -1 !v thi t^eTetary ot'!”/ ^I'^ii' ' t' ' 'i '»" ' ^ » rt-p-, > c. |..>! be »'«" .,1.1 ni..,rc,> ,■ I MirmI.nv. ^rv oi the Tre-.-sury is an- I :* ' ii!!’'-* ?I'M)u IV . That where property has Ik*v*m i;ij;ir!d owner rt’iiiuiix to r. c-iv'e th»- ?»Hijio in a c» rrilioate of in- dohtetlnov*, to be i.s^ued by aid Secretary in such tV-rui ;us he moy drem piojtcr, payable two years alter a r:ttiSc;v?oii of a treaty ot ' face with the I in? J bo£Tir;i: Hit •i'Mt at the rjt.c of t,ix p.>r I ■ V'"- t. i;i-. ps.' it'i' sf'r'ji TT'i'ially, rn>i ■' -1 ■'>' r'-j • ; e.‘:ul .r c.1.1,nt, und IT!: fh.- la'-v of -liil fiotivs; -laiii tax whall utraoti ti> .-aid I) - Ti*. -rrv-r eirenl:if.'ti, and sh il! be ct»lleefed o> if' dtn rj ij; tj p Hiime at the tr-a(ury, it.w ilopo«i f:'M rt !ri) hy tax enlleftorf>, and by ail (iovt rn- r:i’-nr r.*; reeeivioi^ rfie satn** whenever pre- se; ; ;l t .r j.avuient or for fundinu. or in pavaierit ot (jo\.'riJtULint dues, or for p'>8ta!;«‘, or in ex- ch- . ^ _ - tiotj.u r,h:it| I>ot ..II- I • -i»ry, »• . ^ - Ir >i!- t na'i I'l II .Ssn ir> pi It thnriE. d to it'eri a e ttie nuuitxT f depofitorie •JLX to meet 'hr at viT*^ t(' ‘''>cIov cTich i-f the baiiks of the sev ern! Sta' as he may deem ‘’Xpedicitt Sro 10 TV.-- Secretary ot the Treasury shall fi»rt|jwitli udvertis** rhis :ot in .■‘uch now^paper^ pul>li'»iieJ in rhe several States, and by such other n.“Hn' as shall ae'ure immediate publicity; and the Sec'ftary ul Waf nrnl the Secretary of the Navy -ihall l ooh eau.-^e it to ho published io s^ene ral order for the informatio* of the army and naTj rcqutr^uienis of this act, and with j‘^^''^^tovod by tjie (»r th theru'it liH8 been teinporHriiv deprivir'l .it th- use or oi*enpH’icv thereof, or of the inennr* ot eiihivHtitii; the sn^ie, by rt'jtsoM of rlif pieseiife (»r tiie proximity *f the enemy, the rthS'-fSMiierit on gueli propeify iiuiy (>»■ reduced, in proporti(»n »o the dainuire suk taified by tho owner, .or tiie tax as?cr^setl thereon m.-iv be rediic»*d in the shimo rati > by the district collector, on tjati(=favtory evi denee submitted to hiui by the owner or a>»- fiens >r. Skc. 6 That the taxtw on ]iroperty laid cr->'' £e t()r new notes, as hereinafter provide*!, and oai ! ' - -ufy m.tcs ahall be fundabb- in bondH a- pru"'i d in the I-t •section of this act, until the I>EC 17 The 42d section of the act for th* "t cf^y t -Fanmry i>b5, at the rate of 66| c**nts asses-.uioDt and jollection of taxes, approved'May on o d ‘lUr; and it shall be the duty ot the Sec Is? 1863, is tiorcby repe*led ... retary ul the Frea-ury, at any tiiu** between the Seo 18 The Srcretary of the Treasury is ■ year 1804, tshHll l>e H.-^et‘'*ed as oti 1st of April and the 1st of July, li64, went ot hereby anthnrized .ind retjuired, up»)n the apnli- j the day *>1 the pM'-Sil^e ot this atU, and hr the Mississippi river, and the 1st ot Jaauary 1865, latiou of the holdei of nny cail certifieate, which, due and collected on the 1-t iay ot June to substitute and ezchanire nev» Treasury notes by the first section of the act ro provide for the ! next, or as soon after a« practiealile, allow- for the satiie at the rate ot oenta on the dol- t’lndinj; and further ts.sue *^f Treasury notes, ap in^ an exfensiim of 9U davs W«-5t of the J roved March 23d 186S, wrv« roquire*! to be Itfitwit^ippl river The adilitional taxe-« oti th‘'r..aft*r deemed to be a bond, to iwae to such j incomes • ].r*lits lor the year lSt)3 levieil bv'^id’l.l’t'”'^ therefor upon the terms provided ; ,,y ^n^essed and colleetod taXCS OU inCIMIU'H or pTo . . ^ . i litu t’or the year 1864, slialllMi H88eH(»ed and Au Act Uy lay n,idiU(m4il far the com collecte.l n.-conling t*. the nn.visions of tlu- mwi defence and mpport of Goveimment. jtH- and iihr^i-ssment ac'ts of l Sf>3. lar: That notes of the denomination ot •100 shall not he entitled to the privikg’c of .-^td exchange; t*ritpii-ii /^irthn-^ that the right to fund any cf tid Treasury note?, after the 1st day of Janeary lSf>5, is hereby taken away: Ami pro! vuh-f fnrlk^r, Tf'at upon all such Treasury notes wiiieh miy remain out'.tanding on the 1st dhv of January 1^65, and whicU may not ho exchantrvd for ne.v freafl’iry .notes, a,s h«'rein provided, a tas of lO'i p/T c* :it is hereby impo,-*^. 5 n-.2t after the flr^t day of April p-t». »'! an’h-rity heretofore jfivea to the Secretary of t!u* Trc.»fiury t^j i3?ae Treasury notes shall be, and \T. rovok.d: the Secretary of tfay, after that tune, issue new Sec. 1. The O.i.^rew of the Omfeden'-te ; s„,. ; g„ States ul A ■n.Ticit .i.. cnsct That in a.ldi ; J,.j. ,\,,ri! 18«3, as levioo a tax ig r.i "''*' sui.iecfs of taxnti(m hereafter mentioned. ; ,,ortv *.r credits herein taxr and colUrcted trorn every person cparfner- „r t«sed iw inc ship, association or corj*oratiou, liable there- i tbj. -u-t >f l8(i'' t„ tax« follows, t.^«rit: I That thJtax in.,,,,,,.,! I.v thi- ,v,-. 1 ir.P'fJ'. P?>- ™ the O.nfo.ierHle State, heP.t.. 80-,») and .n.jed, ul every kind and dewn^ j i„ „„ ondi^, v.*hei' shall be from this tax on the value of property em- pl«)yed in agriculture thall be deducted the valae of the tax in kind delivered theiofroin. exempt from tite tax in 4ill cusom where Mu- interest on the same ^hal! riot exoffd flUi'U. a«l VHlorcrn, na-.j uvyf isauvrt - '• —' ’in* sundi'r to b? loc-ivablo in p.iyment of’all public dues, cxo-’pt export and import duties, to be iiwued in excnan-r* for o!d aotes at the rate ol 2 dollars of ttie nevT for d of the old isijusg whether said old . i • a. ' j . , • > • .v, oi i.n m n-. notes bo Purreadered for exKihange by the holders l-J' f‘Y “ i and sucli bond ther:oi. or W received bio ,ko TrL.r, u“d« ’I" !>'• or for n..non, or lun.Vi,-,. the >roviai :i8 of this aotj and the holders of the netr • ■ .u?h or of the old notes, eieept those of the SI .'O, alicr they are reduced u* 661 c, n*3 on the ■ ■ oonv-^-: the aame terest at the rate pa,able two y.ars after a ratification ot a treaty ot peace with the Vnh^l States, unless pooacr coav.'rted into now notes. Sec. G. That to pay tho exDen.ies of the Gov ernment not otherwise provide*! for, the Secretary ol the Trea ury ie n* reby authorized to issne 6 p r rent ( .'r-Js to an amount not exeeodirp five hun;li-. d (uill'ORs of dollars, the principal and in terest whcrruf .hs!] be f-ce froio rax.tion, and for Uii; piytn:mt of interest tharecn the entire net receiv^i o,‘ an? exp-rt daty hereafter laid cii the value oS a'ly co'ton, tobacco, and caval ^►ores, which shall h3 exfvjrted from the Jon^cdrrute — . ' - Stares and the net prooced^ of rh-i imnort dnties tobacco So purchaoed, shall be asseoaod j o’iistiM j^ CiWie of the Tnva -ion o« now .did, or so much thrreof a.9 may ixi ncce^^arv »t th-i price actually paid for* tha same by ' States by tiio armies of the Llnited latorest, are hereby epecially the owner. ’ | Statc^^; and wheroiw, the I’rccidont has aked fm^r>oits • I y 'h Jho dutiw q.jw Uid on ! Sec. 2. ')n the value of all shares or inter- | snspeiit^ion of the writ of h.ibeas cor ttr ^ ^ h(ireaf ests held in anv bank, bankinsr c^^mpany nr ■ inforrnHd CmirreHS *»f cotidirion.s >t 1«1 *-c Uiiu ni or in ! t . . ^ * •' > 1 I? I course ot law. Sec. 3. That durin;; the 8nt5}>en8ion af >re- -.aid, no inilitarv or other officer Hhail be >• >tii|»e!led, ill answer to any writ *d haiie^u* corpus, to appear in person, or to return the oody »»f any pertj*^n *»r pers*»ns «letained by him, by the authority of the [’resident. Se cretary «if War, or the (-reneral olHcer com iM.-tiHlini^ the IVaii.s Mi>sisHippi dejiartment; luir iipoii tfie cert*tifate, under nath, of th.* •dll er* h.iviiii; chari^i" ;t anv one s »*lefaiin-i, 4 ittf >^» •««««! Kv iitvst i4*a t« jTi.-'iMtnr for iiiiy ,if thd eaos-jr, hereiniiefore 'PfCitied, under the authority afMretiaid. fur •hi*r proceediiij^** niwler the writ of habeas i.’orpns tshall imirK-'liateiV cease and remain suBpeiided so ionjn as this act shall continue HI force. Sec. 4. This act shall continue in t’orce f >r Kinetv days after the next meeting of Con- ;£ress» aiiij tu» ionirej*. THE MILITAIIV 131LL. Section 1, That .rom and after the j>as8a:ru ■ d this act all white men, residei'tis of tiie t'onfederate Slate.i, between tluJ ai^es of 17 and 50, riliall be in the military service t»l I he Confederate States for the war. Sec. 'A. Tliat ail tlie {>er8on8 abuesaid, be tween the aj^es *if 18 and 45, n»)W in service, ^liail be retained dunn>5 the present war with tiie U. S., in the same re|;iment8, bat talions and companies, to which they bel*»riir at the passajfe of this act, with the same *»r- ^anization and otiicers, unless regularly transferred or discharj^ed, in accordance with the laws and rt*t;ulati«»ns tor theif«*v- ernment uf the army: Provided, that cotn- be assigned t*» those duties: Provided H^t ther, that nothin;; contained in this act shao be Ko corisiriied as to prevent the President from detailin;' artisans, mechanics, or per- ,-4ous *>f s(M‘enrif5c skill, to perform indispen sable duties in the departments or bureaus herein !nenti*)ned. Sec. 9. That any Quartermaster or As '^ititant Quartermaster, Commissary or Aa- .'istaiit Coiniiiisrtary, (other than those serv- iiitT with briiratli's or re:^imentM in the HeM.i .»!■ ;»•« (. >rlitAiiee Biiresiii, »»r Navy AifiMits. or i*r*»vortt Marshal, »r officer in the coii-script service, who sfiall hereafter employ or retain in his employment any person in any of their said departments or oureaus. or in any of the duties mentioned in tiie 8th section of this act, in violation of the provisions hereof, sliall, on conviction thereof by a court-martial or military court, i»e cashiered; and it shall be the duty of any ilepartment or district commatider, upon pniof, by the oath of any credible person, that atiy such officer has violated this pr**- visi**n, immediately to relieve such officer from duty; and said commandei*s shall take prompt measures to have him tried tor such otience; and any commander as aforesaid t’ailliiji to perform the duties enjoined by this section, shall Ujion being duly convicted thereof, be lischarged from the service. Sec. 10. That all laws granting exemp tions from military service be, and the same are, hereby repealed, and hereafter none shall be exempted except the f**llowing: I. All who shall be held unfit for milita ry service, under rules to be prescribed by the Secretary of ar. panies from one biate, organized against j 2. The Vice President of the Confederate n.oir c-.nsent expressed at the t>me, wirh . ^^e members and officers of Congress regiments or battalions from another State, L„.i of the several State Lesrislatnres, and ^iiall have the privilege of l.eing rra^^lerred | ^,,^1, other Confe.ierate and State officers as to orgatuzationa ot tn.ops, m the .amo arm 1 Pn-sident, or the G*.vcrnor of the re t the servicc, from tlu- State, in wh„. , .hM mav certify to be necessary proritioat, to be delivered' at aforetfttd at equiraleiit ralM. 8. Such pereen shall further bind hia^i to sell the marketable surplaa of proviiion and grain now on hand, and whick he xutj raise frooi year to year while bit exemjitio* continues, to the Government or to the f»m ilies of soldiers, at prices fixed by the Co®, missionera of the State under the impr^i^ inent act: Provided, that any peitoa « •mpted aa aforeaaid, ahall be entitled to 1 credit of 36 per cent on any amottnt of which he may deliver within tlirae wostU from the passage of this a«t: Provided thor, that persona coming within the prori sions of this exemption shall not be depriv^^ of the benefit thereof by re>i»on of htvin, beeri enrolled since the l?t (lay of Fab. 4.'In addition to the foreg**in» exema. tions, tiie Secretary of* War, uiider tj,, rection of the President, may exeiupt or d*. fail such other persons as he may !,« 3. i -nglit to be exempted on accotun Mi-i • f ocessity, and to insure the prKJn*. -I ^-;rain and other provi^.,nrt f„r ti,, ,; .p v .. ‘1 the families of soldiers. He luny iktc; , .if int exotnptions or details, ,d gu';; teriuii siS he may prescrilnj, to sudi *»T*r. seers, fanners or planters as he in»y isfied will be more useful to tfie ctmtitry ig the pursuits of agriculture than in the mili- tary service: Provided, that such oxeiuptj,rti shall cease whenever the farmer, planter «r overseer shall tail diligently to einpli»y jg if«>od faith, his own skill, capital and labor exclusively in the production *»f graiu ai,(j provisions, to be sold to th« (ioveriiineat aiid the families of soldiers at prices not exceed ing those fixed at the time for like article by the Commissioners of the State uudw the iinpressinent act. 5. The president, treasurer, auditor and superintendent of any railroad coinpanveB- gaged in traiisportation for tho Governinent, and such officers and employees thertot'm the president or superintendent shall certiff on oath to be indispensable to the efficient operation of said railroad: Provided, tint the number of persons so exempted by thii act on any railroad shall not exceed one per son for each mile of such road in actual un for military transportation; and said eiempta sii^ll be reported by name and description with the names of any who have left the employment of said company, or who ma^ cease to be indispensable, 6. That uoihing lierein contaiued shall be construed as repeating the act approved April the 14th 1863, entitled aw act to eX' empt contractors for carrying the mails ol the Confederate States, and the drivers ot post coaches and hacks, from military ser vice: Provided, that all the exeinptioos granted under this act shall only continue whilst the persons exempted are actuallj engaged in their respective pursaits or oo- cupationa. Sue. 11. That the President be,aud he ii hereby, authorized to grant details^ under general rules and regulations to be issued co.:,puMie.wererui.ed;andthe»oM,e,vtr.Mni,;,r,h„ propiv adminUrrHfion of the Con- ttllowoii" !lerire''"''«Yi;',-!"ler i ^'''•"'•'‘'iieuta, as tho case j From the War Qeparruieot, either of penwM (■» .fir i iiT tr..in j lictweeu 45 and 5U ycars of age, or tVuin tlii the t*uliie arm of ti.e service. ’ | '^'-eHgion authoriEed to ! army in the field, iu all cases where, ia his Sec. S. That at tlieeiivrationofsi, I to the r,iles ot o.s chiircli, I judgtaeut, justice, eiuitj and necewitj rfr he lirst day ..f \ ,,rjl „exl a hotintv ' ‘ i^’ ^ ‘ "® *'=‘> \ 'IU'™ »"d he maj ro»uke »nch - “ ' , A o ufuv n^iTiiiarly em{)loyed in the discharge »f his urdt •t ^'Uh( in a six pur cent. (.Tovernment botiij. . winch tlu* Secretary t.f the Treasury is liere- per cont. II. On the value of gold and silver wares and plate, jewels, jewelry and watcher, 10 per Cent. erafe States ot .Viuerica provides in .Vrtieh* 1, Se(jtion 9, Panigraph 3, that “ti'e urivi* lege of the writ of habeas corpus .^hall not Ikj sunpe’uieJ uiilesd when i;i c:i«e '>t' rchel- III. The value of property taxed ander M‘“[^ invasion, the pulilic safety mav re this fceciion tihall be asocssed on the basis of *wheroa-^, tin? powvr of sii- the market v^lue of the same, jr similar pro- | P«ndin^ the privi!»vo of snid wr:t ;ii ro.* perty in the Jieiifhborhoo*] whereasiJesseo,in | *•' •'':iid A.Ticle I, i^^ .- »loiv in the year 1860, except in ca«ee where land, CuM;.jre3.-. which is the c'ccluHive ju I rv slaves, cotton or tobacco have boen par- i necessity ot such suHjiiMision; and chased since the 1st day *.f January 1862, j in the '*pinion >f the Coiiirrr-^.-:. the ill which ca^^e the said land, slaves, cotton ! s.'tf ty re jii'rea rhe suspension of .-i-iiti rders of details wi'auever iie lliinks proper. nin:sreri;il duties; superinten«ieuts and phy- I Provided, that tiie p«>wer heaein granted to bv autliori«i‘d ti» iftrtiiM hIiriT V Iasvliims tor the deaf and dumb | the President to make details and exemp- ry non-eom:nissioned ^.tlicer, mLiciati and ! insane; one editor for tioas ehall not ue conbtrued to autiioriw tl# I.rivate wh. fll.all then Ik; in service j,Jat the tune j exetnp^^^ or detail ot any oontfa^r far iht‘ event of hu death previous to the period i ^ 'J'!- said edi- , turniehing suppae. oi any kmd U tho of-n-h D ivmopt tlio.i r.i r*i.. i.. ‘ certify, on oath, to be indispensable erument, by reason ot said contract, aoiais non. ; h. wvu'rdU‘ aunluil to i ecei ve by lavv Ifnewspaper^ the | the head or secretary of tLt a«partm«m m , c I ptilnn; ptof the Co"^“0‘*''’^‘^“ — ---I- * * ~I—II »i—* *u_ — W..ver.,ments. and such e It Ue.l to t,ie lwui.l>- lierein ,,rov,de.J who j , btmll al any Cuue. duruii? the oHriod .if jiv ! .t _ , ^ i Aiuira«a lach COB- faithfully, such K)Ii> bv - • L-4 11 t'’ ‘ AI iraci, uis eAeiuptiou or ueiau shall cease. ..aviiii; been beretolo.e diechari?ij irim, tiu' without | Sec. la. That m a|.pointing loeai buarJ. .'nny wliere no disuhility now e.'icst.; i,or ' ' I'l’''"”!; nil physi-1 ot surgeons tor the examiuation of periuiu • H? any longer oxeinpted t>y rea.'*ou tn*»reol; Provided, mat no person, lieietofore-e'iem,l- ed on account ot religious opinions ami wjio h. r :>? Vii hv; ni t',;' !:iv y i»h ! ' rz 4, for T ip retary of tb5 Trea«ury ig Ironi time to Mme, as rhe -y roquirr it, t*' adl nr ■ivs'iry r.,-,,., anv '1 ilio h“!.i terrnf} he cr.v. t’’) j*'o • ! y t’orit^re-n, and the h-.-uc - -no' r.h.' UMtoilOt i.; iht: .jirc-’i- -7 p ■.,1 withij rt;a.v>i;ii,hlc- acd f' 0 r)(!n(]>4 authiriz. d bv ffi ■u icr. imy be cither re ii, a.3 rtie particj* t«‘riny; •s-’hant'cd tor each otlior u'ldor 'III;, io-s "S the He-ror;»r« nf fU. T ' amount of all gold and " i’UyaVt> f fr ilno ^niT'i^ ^ >^i!v-er bullion, n. y .1 a,i t, f.,r «loO. and -hr,!] vvt/.et!,er held by the banks or other corp..’ upon mount for on pay- I —*“* ■ poi uuiiuj such tax upon ru=ji:e7 aliroad 1*1 bo aseossed and in e.i i}* 'n-« - f sul/b rTds'^ exchange, or asaociation, canal, navigation, importing, j l*'*hlic danger wliieh render the HUfcpensiun Skc ~ Thar the R--retarv of the Tpo»««r„ Insuratiee, rnanufactnriiij^, tela-!the writ a measure pn'pcr for the public «xpre.S!?, railroa-1, and dry dock coin iinvjtsion and insurrection; panies, and all other j .int ^;tock coinpanie.s i theryf .re, i t ev:,.ry kind, whciifjcr iiictirporated or not. ' C*n;’revS of tli*; 0 »nfv>il(»pate Sfate.-^ of r ccj'.l- j Anicriea d > er»;mt. Th it *l;iriii_* tne i>reior T'ic value of pr :p»;rtv tax*nl uii'ler thia '^' I”''' s ^’t!in «haM b*^ uhsc^-.')] u^i>n iluj biiriia'of j ^ho writ ul liabtMs corims be, ;ind tile nmrkt t \:ilne ot t;nch (>roporty in the | but sm i su-; , nuichl>oxL.>.>J wvWo at*jMw«ed, lu such cur j ^h ill :i|)p!y uii!v to tfie cases ..f |uv by fii'5 C*fi ;ioo- ren?!V as may be in general use.there, in the I arrested or iiernin«*l bv oivler of the 3:iHtercd or coa- purchase atxl sale jf such property, at tfie j j*'‘‘y^*di:iit, Sccreiaiy of War, or tiie (ftjnerai th.Mn tf? »y electj time of iissoiisincnt. Otiicer commanding tho Trans- Military Depariment, by the anthoriiy ami under the control *»f the Preniilent. [t i;i hereby declared tliat the pu:p«^se of C»n- greK3 in the j).iSo.ige of this act is to nroyide more etrectually for rho ,public saiury bv suspending ibe writ of hab.eas corj)us iu the tbllowing ciwes aud no other: I. Of treason, ;r troa^onablo ufforts or combiriationa to subvert the govoriimont of the Confederate Stat^. II. Of conn|,Mnu;ies to overthrow the gov'- erninent, T>r conspiracies to resist tlie lawful authoi-tty of the Confederate States. III. Of combining to assist the enetuy, *3r of coiamiinicatin;^ inteliigenco to the enemy, or giving him aiil and comfort. ’ iV. Of conspiracies, preparatio'is and at- toiiu)ts to incite servilo insurrection. »• Ct desertions or encoiira;,;:ng deser tions,.of harboring deserters, and ot Cttempt^ to avoid military service: 'ProviJc-i, Miat ,ri case ol palpaole wrong and opprei^ion bv any subordinate officer upon any party wtiu does not legally owe military service, his superior officer shall grant urompt reliet to the oppressed party, aiXd The subordinate shall be dismissed from office. VI. Of spies and other emissaries of the enemy. Vli. Of holding correspondence or inter course «rith tho enemy, without necesaity and without tho permission of the Confede rate States. VIII. Of unlawful trading with the ene- ^ther qiieuoes against the laws of the Ooofederate States, eoaoted to promcfete their MiooeM in kh« w«r. .tail iiiotie who have mrmshcd subsutHte> *'"‘''TV''T'ito military service, no member cuifi- I iiid tor me ia->t t venrs have been, in the : pnjing the &ame ahail be appointed from tiie j iiciu.il a»id regular |>ractice ot their proles- j ci»unty or enrolling diutnct iu which tiiuj I -31 >p, but the leriu pfivsic’.an shall not in- j are required to make such examination. i,,*.; ti. . t..- 1 I » ‘i . I elude dentists; all presnleuts and teachers! -i——■■■■»■! in -e’ vu'ti rib *11 bV ior iHti troin j colleges, theolojrical seminaries, acade-{ Poit (lAoSj FayetteTiiia, Si. C.| I e .nfrthilT li..ve l«en r^gnlarlj OoroB« S.W. ') * ■ ' et;g iged as such for two veal’s next before j ^ the [las^agH of this act; Provided, that the | • >c?ietit «)f this exetnptioii shall extend to 0 years fritn tht-i 3-;ur mtere-,t up lor i-s- -y d ,1‘ar pro'nisi^d up^jn their 9hiili ■ ! rc e,.«tn«b'e in new T: thia'aot DO call oert.a sl.uu be lasued until afl of Ajft!. 10-1 ter tho firit day ^ of deposit shall eiv* It •“•-horired by the S »na -.".ii “I' tor tteir deno,.iits "r” »“"*•’ by tho ;:^e«rctarv of thn ^ agreed upja with poSitor Bhiii bo enti‘1 said bonds \n Treaa i*^ reoieve the amount of and outstanding at th« interest hJfd, the caid bonda J i LAOS V inrerest bearing Confederate treasury notes, j *^nd not employed in a registered business, xsury notes at the inc»me derived fr*)4U which is taxed, 5 per cent. Sec. 4. UjK>n profits made in trade aud business, as foUows: I. On all prolit.8 made by buying and sell ing spiritous Tnjuors, flour, wheat, corn, rice, sugar, m.jla8se8 or sirup, salt, bacon, pork, hogs, beef or beef cattle, sheep, oats, hay, f'xlder, raw hides, leather, horses, mules, boots, shoes, cotton yarns, wool, woolen, cot ton or mixed cloths, hats, wagons, harness, -'>oQa be- prlvilc^'c of fundiny; s*.d before tho j tween the 1st of January 1863, and the 1st bed ^ shah oeaso ol January 1865, 10 per cent., in addition aa heroin prescribed 8ko. 11. That all Trr^nr„ . » Wflued of tha denomination oF gr, to be reoeivable ia paymout of ® k?- cont.inuo provided bv U- fandable at S. ° »ro,ui"M -> Urn u-.. uatil tho 4m oi j“?, , oS” •Mt, r.ttl 1;e « „ Ootobw 1884 to the tax on sach profits as income under the “act to lay taxes for the common defence, and carry on the Government of the Con federate States,” approved April 24, 1863. II. On all profits made by buying and tue west of 1 foreign exchange, y^fA n-reij bnt aftor that 4ae the? | stocks, notes, debt^ credits, or obligations cf any kind, ai^id aaj nousrohandiM, propti^ Sjc. 5. Tbat all white male residents of ne Confederate States, between tiie a-’^es of 17 Hiid 18 and 45 and .5U years, sh ili enn»li •.iiemselv«'S at sucIi tunes and places, atrl under such regulations, as the i're.sulent nay prescribe, the lime allowed not lieing .ess tiian 30 days for tbose ea.si, and tJO da>v air tliuse west ol tlie M.ississij>pi river, and p^^rsuii who shall tail so to enr ill him- %«il, witiiout a reasonable excuse theretot, ■o i»e judged *»f by the Pre.-*ident, shall be placed Ul service iu the tieid tbr the vvar, in be same manner as tboiiijb tbey wero be i ween tne ages oI 18 and 4:5; Pnjvideil, tiiai Uie persons iQoncioned in this secli>n shall cousuiuie a reserv^e tor State defence and iCtil'i ulUj, till.ill iiui tjo rotjuiro^i I'eifonn service out of the SUite iu which tuey reside. Sec. G. I’tiat all persona required by the 5th section of this act to enroll themselv«s, may within 30 days after tlie-passage there- )t, east ot the Alississippi, and vvirinn 6o days, if west of said river, form themselves uto voluntary organizations of companies, battalions or regiments, aud elect their owil oilicers; said organiisations to contorm t*.» the e.visting^laws; aud, having so organized, to ten-ier tneir services as v*iluntears •luriiiu' liie war to the President; and if such orgai” izations shall furnisli proper muster rolls, as now organized, aud deposit a copy thereof with the enrolling officer of r.heir district, vvmcn siiall be equivalent to Oiiroilment, t'icv may be accepted as minute men for sorvice .u 9.iCh State, but lu no event to be taken out ui it. Thtjse who do not so volun teer aud organize, shall enroll themselves as tiefore provided; aud may, by tiie President, be required to assetable at convenient pla ces ol reuaezvous, and be formed or organ ized into companies, battalions and regi ments, under regulations t^^ be prescribed by him; and shall have the right to elect ttieir company and regimental otiicers; and all tro*jp3 organized under this act for State dofence, shall be entitled, wiiile in actual service, to the same pay and allowance as troo(>8 now in the field. Sec. 7. That any pers*n who shall fail to attend at the place of rendezvous as required by the authority of the President, wthoat ia snffidant axoQao, to b« judged of bj hin^^ those teachers only whose schools are com-1 p tsed of ‘JO stiuleiitn or more. All 8Uf>erin- i teiidents «if puidic hosjiitals, established by law before the passage of this act, and ?ucl physicians and nui'ses theiein as such su peri.itendeiits shall certify, on oath, to be j indispensable to the proper and efficient man li^ement thereof. 4. There shall be exempt one person aa owner or agriculturist on eacn farm »r plan tation upon which there are uow, and were *n the 1st day of Jan’y last, I.> able f>odied tiefd-hands, between tiie i.gcs ol 16 and 50, upon the following C'lnditions i. Tbi* exumjitii-n shall only be granted in cases in winch there is no white male adult on the farm or planta.tiou not liable to military service, nor unless the pei‘8*>n claim ing the exemption was on tlie 1st day of Jan’y 1864, either the owner and taanager or overseer ot said plantation, but iu no case shail more than one person l)e exe^npted for one farm or [Jautatiou. 2. Such person shall first execute a bond, payable to the Confederate States of Amer ica, in such form, and .^ritn such security, and in such penalty as the Secretary ot W ar fU;iy proscribe, conditioned that he Will de liver to the Ooverument ac some railroad dep*)t, or such other place or places as may be designated tjy the Secretary ol V*ar, within 12 monttis next ensuing, 10» u..unds of oacon, or, at the election of the (iovem- ment, its equivalent m pork, aud 100 lbs. ot net beel (said beef to be delivered aa foot,) ti>r eacn aoie-oodied slave on said tarm or plantation, wituiu the aix>ve said ages, whe- O^e. RALEIGH Ti« .^VEuASBORO*. &e. Arrives «xoept BuQ'i«y, »t P. M. l>''b«rui Utkiiy, ezoept »i ti P. M. "RAt-MOH Ti» ViiSRVILLE. i* ? -k' Tue l^y auti fuday at ti A \1. Aj.i' j- ""’ri-^«8day lUid 8uad.*jr at 0 P. Si. WABH AW via CLINTON. ^r-ir - > ilj i*( 12 noan. ir'\ -■f‘i ' llf M IJ P. 'I. CARTdAaE. Arnr^fl Tussi%y, Taarsi>»y .♦O't Suarday at 7 P. M. Departs Aloaday, Weviue^day aud Friday at 1 P. M. CHEaiW. 8. C,. Arriv«a Tuesday, Toursda./ Saturday at 6 P M. Departs SuBtlay. Tu‘>«*>ia7 and l'aur*»da/ at 1 P. M. .FAIR aLUv'P ria LUtlSBaiON. Arrives four^day a-fi :j.«iurttjiy at 6 A. M. Departs Sunctiy, Tu^MJ«y Tuursdty at 1 P. M- aoBii-io.rd fii tiuizIBEfHrows. Dapms .tfoaday, W«da»sia> aad Friday at 6 A. M. Am«Ad Tuec>ii;»/, T.iurd«y aoi 8Murday at 2 P. M. fiLlZ via TiiiiEBLSTti. Arrives 4t>ni«y at » P M. Uepari-i same day (Maa lay) at, 6 P. M. M.WNOLIA na orPttlSdS CBfilK. Arrives Tuesiiay ai 2 P. M. l>epart.i s*m« day (Tuflacl'iy) at 2h P. M. SWIFI ISLAND VI* HOMTaOiB, (jOVlNGTON POWELL TON. Arrives Ta-jsdaj at tf P. M. Departa Weda'-mlaj at ll A. M. SWIPr ISLAND viaTBOT. Arrives Taesday at *i P. M. Deptrtj Wednesday at 11 A. M. All m«il« le tvia' Oif >r* 7^ V >f . are oloaed the *»ea ag t>4t.>t-e at 9 P. i( All l«uera to b« s«at off troit hia olfija, oiaer tbaa t>y mut, laust i>« pail for aa if 'eat b/ a»U. AU drap lettera ataould ba pr«-paid b/ 2 c->ai stamps. Taa ofSja «>ll be iD»n oa Sandav from 8i to 9i A M , aid from 4| to 6} P. [kl. JA8. Q. COOK. P M. (Ji LsjiM mipplj THE .YOlKra C^ROLI.lTA ther said slaves in the field or not, which HUTCU urifi i)UdPl.Vff said oaam or pork and beet shall be naid l^OW in u»a tantu year of saootsami aptrauaa. waM tor oy tue Viovernment at the prices fixe'l J groinng oapital and Irmer hold apon pnblio eoa^ by the Commissioners of the State under the I to inaore tha livoa of all haalihy I3rnr‘ when the person tbus exempted shall produce satis- All slave# from lO to «0 yeara of age inaarsi w facb>ry evidence that it has been impossible I years for two thirds their valaa. for him, by the exercise of pn>per diliirence ^ *” ponwo*!!/ P“» withia »0 da/a aiu» . . .. I uatwfactory proof is preseniai. to furnish the amount of meat thus contract ed for, and leave an adequate supply tor the ^ub3istonce of those living on rhe said farm or plantation, the Secretary of \^ar shall dir^t a oommatation of the same, to the aziottk tvo4hirds thftNof in unuA or ollMr Fur fonhar uiformatioa the public ia refsrr^d to Agents at the Coaipaa/ in aU parta o' Jia State, aad ta Kw H. BATTl^, Seoratary, Baleigh. C. j. ILAUE, Azeat at tll«Ek for «t tftii PRfNTBl BOW SCI Prioe for the advHoce Far thp Wefy advance. •e?^ADVf.;R •f 12 sncceediii^ puli •tflte tb* Dt;r>b «*ont 1 vert' r. ; Frew ait will be enfi—e'l the paper bt ?e: than is paid fr Sach o^oar per on tb^e ar ramitt'uccn. JIV? WILL R'fcnJ Cuml*crl'?B iics. Pronij t alaims ectru 'tf Ost. 17. le'iS .? tiroc**' fif Fa Jau’v IV', IBf KATHLS A. .-n-Kl# 1%. A. WHOLE^A!. coytjsti A(nit 20. a O WiiBTB. wc Commission W Oct. 18, lf^8. 2.500 jT crsons havii the L-ighe«t Cash at tfe« Mercbarit ber at his old Bt Nov. 6 1862 I AM prepa- five Koi>d barjr'v srdtTi* to me s - peat o5 in qai9.*i Ooldston P 16. yatt^rilte, «r ft*’y 1«. 18ft W’ ESIEKN R Bank No e( Quid »c‘l 8 North Cb:'c Couutj t-/ I Towa of Green.' -or« Conf3d?rat Cbupoua 0 »• o “ cf Oot. 12 18G8. Lead want I>ep»rc«je>’* titles ».H plef' POWDKK for U Him J WANTED im at Fujetipi gnitabie for bfdi kriicl^ 00 han l w^tmdad Bo'd''t be paid. Applj Fayette v‘Ue ■ Ii The undereig Confeucr»t pointed Manai;* •od have euten ■lisir-g aad uiiU in au} desired ba supplied oz party ie undoui Appiicatioce ir- wUl«, N. V., Fay«?'te'»il?' WiUMTED, POOLTRY, ( be sick ja articles a A to the sub J fwere’s on rf Aac. 2A. RVN.\WAY np«tr toy. and wpibB «b wwnars oc the any ot their t't kia appreh&ust aao g»t bint. Fayetteville "~The Fa aUMiae for 18S WfSli

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