m r-idi P»IfATl lilFoaMATlOH FROM THl WORTH. A party just from the North, who enj^^cd p«ouli*r •dT»nt*pes ot informing hvmself of pub^ lb senfiucnt, give* us nomc iflterestiilg news Mthercd by him during his visit. la Wauhington, vrhore ho w.is for a long time, nothing wa8 taikod of but tho news ^am rra«.t . trmv. LitlJo interest telt in othor paints o! the w»r, »Dd aie papa'ar heart aeouied to bo *'*- cited onlT by the grand movement now going o-i fot Riohmond. AJl the political c1h,ucs, oJico holdaw, ineoiberH ol Ocngress, discuiiscd the pros of ira«t'» SU0CC88 most »oxi*uxly, ana it n^jnitted on »11 sid^ th»t th-.*. Presidential uaaiti«>° hinged on the m.«itt«ir--thjvt it would form other afRucnt ot tho Che*»peake. Thiu he ooa- tioually advanoes, continually ke^s hia line ot suppiy intact, and continnally bafflea hia crafty adversary by leaving no exposed rear for him to attack. I*' strategy which made the march from Bruinsburg fo Vicksburg one unbro ken •’ories ot vie(orios, and upon *thi.s we loniid our dcLp conviction that the iHte 'if A^ickt^burg and l*(Mnberton’8 army is to bo the late of Kich- mond, and nil that it :nay b:ip[ien to cMiTuiii, whoa the day of reiribution at lust arrives.” Ooltl is still adraneing in the North. The I’hiladelphia IntjuinT stiys: ‘ (Jold \vti3 nclive Hiid !^i'l(l :if the opening at lij^, but as tlie day ndvatij.il ro'.- tj :it;d ISS, clos'n^r .tf a th9 great and tiXclunive topic in the euming ’ tb*' Utter figure, an 'iJv:mioo of per cent, over oaign; that if Grant sucoeedeA the Kepubh- j the lowoot tigurc ol yosterday. " y.inkcc ]y tr/'are.—Tho Vaukee warfare ia bo* Mmoaign, «*n party would walk ov«r the course iind Lin-t tMiin would bfl safe tor another terw; but if he ‘ , , WM defeated, the Republican party would be ru- j trom North hop.les.nc«s ol I,n their advance t>rou;j>- ihe war, a desire for peaue would sjiriusi up; tho peace party wot-ld be strenv tlienf'd, huu Uit?- j;i’, Sew*fd, Ohase !t Co. Wuuld go by the boaid So it is regarded iu the North—a pulu,ic:»l, as well « military, oribi«. Grant aud lli-/> ''ond \t> loadn to mean iancoln and a proloncutiou ol tbc war; on one depends the other. 1*’ Uruut .-ue- oceds, Lincoln succeed?; it Grant is beaten, Lin coln is beaten. The politicians wire pu.*>bitig the aduiiniHtratioii to risk everything lor Kiehu/ond, and to fiend Grant the la.>t man. And this icem ed the policy decided upon at the Whl;e lloasi,-, lor rcinforcemefjts have been passing through Waabingtou to the front every day for more tb.j.n two weeks. Tb^y were JrawuJi; ’roops from ov er'v point tlipy eould. Ilardlv a rei>\ui?nt h\ been left aryuna Washington I > m ia th'’ d. The cry ev- ry whore was "Oii t ; iltcuiuoau.” From wLat our informan* s.'’W and .‘card in Wa!*liinet'>n, be doet not f'inN. t ’it is ing to risk a b^fle for lliohmnid In.: 1-. Bajs thar it was openly advoeat-^d by fh- K -.'^ib liean Concros!*mt'n—and be was wit'-in oar .shot of them mufiy s time—tba- fTie truj p -’iey wa^ for Grant to gc' a^ clos2 to ]li>'!;ni"nd a.> he ean witbout a fiih", aud iuvi -'- r? ^ity ,nd movonp- on ii alter the uiaan?r of ’« i 'ks:>urg. Thi.^ .ee'. ed to be so universailv con-.'eie-.l \n Wa.^hias’ton tho ccuntTv, “fh'.-y levy heavy e.>otributious ;].oy ivarch, b"rn !>•! th' far'tono’’ i^nd fn" Otu; ciTi >0 thf; dcv:wt*fion Wl'n' st'.niHng of j^pi'uns attd fork .; \rbat chopping iifi pinno ; wb i* t»ur!;in;; of .ibi;«rios. pron'ia 'i.n (>!’ niruircs an-i w.'.irinv' vpp'vrrll Woin*n t i*v t’.ij pht it. r, eowerin/ :*-nd (•♦uvenng iu tir* w Of!.-’, N^it^ thfir h. nici. .s *lttlo ones, and ! lok- ins: out from th. ir cjvtrt up >n (he bL z'ng root trt-is of lluir (wn bcusc.'^ 8uo’- is iho ^rrat f’a^ure ot this ca’np ‘jn 'n'. r_, wh re. Jn tho I’eninHiila, ats •, a id o.> vi'bor bank ot ibe Ja’iif and Vork river?, d(..STnic'im if {riv.tte piopeity ;-nd v'utrag s up 'n pvaccfal ci.ifciis have bi-en re du',*;>d T- a TUi're ri.rtect s-. '^nn than evt-r bof'rt'; ard the e>n.->:'Ht fn'p!'y’n''nr ot iicur ux in *!us.' ;rcT;*.‘iou' ■-t w .r i'.us thr-* aQ a x‘h-ir;*eii,r cl b/iiiul liN.oiy which ij tcu*:iiul lu h YariftAc soul in 1-' pi'Si Uf niO'd. N>e’ng 'h-it t f.y e.nn t subjui^i' the J^outh, rb y m an t 1 ' p (' u a tii .Si rt a d a \TilierIlC^s of run:s :ini th y are imi py in fbe thouebt thal ih^y :,V ‘ii;r.; I,.,: .'1. u^h.ci oi t’i'.eir tro*pi in open ! -ut^.; by tv*r uriag th-.’ holpb -s. ufutriin.d p. nj>le *h ir li e of marc ; it t ey cannot trust th-.ir 'jrr t.,> l^ght, tlioy c-in trust t’lem at t burr; inuid-T, crucUv a.;d ravi-h Tbi.- wo c, Ii >' ’sporation If must be that they h; v*- to b« Ihe settled policj olth aiuiulistruti.m ;h.l i “ »r j these tonf ,lrral, it w« peucrallj ruiiorcd, :«i oat iul.jrmv-- I iho- tr,rt „t th,., year t,. he„d DO oonlr»aiotioo ol i-, Ih.t UdwIi, Ud ‘-f “"J . , (::,l..te_t'-en giyen Grant positive order. ag.it!st ri.kiog a bat I can oey.w nothmst better thso tie for Richmond, but had directed him to adhere •losely to the same plan of operations as he did before Vicksburc, and that the much coveted priie would be as surely won by him asi it was in th»t instance. ^ « - It is a common wai; r in the yahkee capital, with grrar • dds, tl.^r Kic;.- aopd will fall by th« fourth ot July. Our infor- mant tells us that he taw this wairer njstod on tke ubU of ikc card-writcr at Willard’s botrl, j offering to bet flve thousand dolhrs in gold, that Qnnt would eat his fourth cf J uly dinner iu Richmond. Oar iofr'rmant confirms the tremendous io>.ses ■OftUQed by Grant ip the battles about Spotusyl-, Tani* C H. The administration orsrans try to make it appear that bus less wiU net amount to hurt and harm us to the v.-'ry utmcpt extent in fheir power, and make our indfpondenca co.st us dear It ia very true t^at tbry are making ir ooet Us dear; but then this riddance is worth the • \st CufiUite ur a orrr ^povi^t 11^ —Uur picitefs a!; Tansrali’s 8'ation yesterday cavture 1 R H Kra",- ci.'=., a C0rrC';p'.>rdent of tiie New Tork World, wa; on h>« w-iy to the Wbi'c Hoiu*e, under tho impre-dien that Gen. Baldy Smith had reach ed that point from the Soutbside. He had in his posaes.'iion a number of letters, and his dis patches for tbc World (>noof th^ lett^'rs stated that Sedjwick’s eorp« started in th" camnii-/'' with oU U'.Kt me’i, and i.s now reduced to 12,'*UW. Tho ■ nly 'nip-rtant devel'^pments in this eorres- I" ' rondr»eec.>nsi.,t in the admi^siuD of the facts tha rJrant is to rnik^ t?io White iioupe bis base of supplies, that hd coutemplat'S a sieixe of Uieh- moud, aud th it their losses Lave been fe’Tibte. A’( 4. Dinpntch. Waahiogtoo the lowest estimatp admitted that it would reach seventy five thousand in killed, wounded and missing. The pe»ce men of tot- N'rth argue that Grant haw l-.dc more than rhr- e ^imen as many men as any th?r c'^mmarder g* the i.'-my of th« P-'t -aiJ»c, n"d r^ *t ■ h:;s comp'isned notnies I m’hr„tv r>f i,.- =. vii fr aa" that nor us u ? id ist 1,- ;,:i» his &bi i‘v f-^Jk K ! .! > r*i r rt he i. .g.a i' ; . '1 !Q - ' ’ • Ij til. It ^ 15 •. y'_ r t v;*,. caiiipaigu open^‘'V Tiitic ■■s, uo 'i'*ubL, a -tc.v; -i al jI .. in the North, but our iuiorai.tjt tiiirik.s that t I depends upon th' isaue o* tha aextba^.Ie. Th. r- ia a great deal of ta'.k of “pcaco," “pface wen,’’ “peace resolutiond," b'U the question ot the tor aiination of the war has resilved itself into this in the North: If Grant is beate^, the Norti. will be forc«d to admit tho hopelessness of tu.kinr' Eichmond, and may probably go iu lor et'>ppin? the V ar; but if G^ant whips, the whole North ^:\\ \ J i.* ^ . . . L- 's A m if Ja\. 1., ,.i- Snihtiu^,—f r . Uiu i h • ■'Ics . ■ . ' l>1,o >J- al. 'iL' '■ rf-Jtiui; a!' ■ Sf -x-. mjo '.ver- i , ' a ’J' c 1 1 er haaoi • . T . ■ a-t» 'V ac; • ■ « 'Au'ch tl'.e ^T- ir> n, !.-i i u'\- i£iven to the Woriv Tith ol i!;« br’ ;;-'! i 'ho'f s.denin and touchii • Id maKt«r.s of :be art d-Tini-, nu ;a:pi.-!.-ioned Hl^'>od^, h:ivo ihcra rigaia were sit ing U'idor the ■.».i-h the!’’ ar3i'» stacked near at b^. d, li^*^enin j 'o * ' V\ ord of Lif«, r»s preichvd t)v tlioso fai^h.^ul ■crva iTh oi God. t’ui' ha' it, . x '-lU ous, gelt •ienyiiitr cti:ip>a as ot tae ctraiy A* the arifiy thu.s rtatrd—it.' treat ^lar* it- hutik n^SOALTII^ m N. i. TftOOPt 1 rO« THl OMS»V>K. HKAD%«\aTB»8 28d N. 0. Rbo’t, May 27, 18«4 rtH Kditors: I send yon for vuhlScatimi in the Ob- •^*?rTtr a list of ossualt'cB »n ih® 28J N C Rfg’l in Jhe of tbe V)th, 10*h, 12th *n>d l%th of M»y- !Ht’4 nct'f Spc'tt‘>ylT»ni% Va . vi*: Ki. tJ rs l rtnff—Adj’ T P round«d *n4 ofip* ar.'J; VI j Jiio t! U-«">cry, wcu' Jed Killed: Jo-f'inifch M 'bounded: Oapr Pr^nk B Mctt. Sfft Wfi Dur iM, Cwp 'I J Oox; Tboa L'>okW0ftrt, H W Kinj, W i' Boverfr. Jno B Muunorljn. L Puuob. J P Park-'r, Jaoka«>n to*yee. CaBweli Lever.«rJ, .I-»8 TowaMnd, D^nni's Ratliff B—K.UM; Jtkcub Pell Wouuded; Lt W A Thomp- ion. ‘^‘•vercl'- in J-B; Wni liysMger, uSlgbtly; A MLsic- l-eJt.. lejj‘.fuputt’-fJ; Oi.i -;>P ]) S‘'".%le, I'ligltllj; Robt bliRi;tly; P V “'aulHo, tauaio iiB*pUiatoJ; Noaa -yb, *»«vcrelf iL ddfb Mii*6^Dg; P- Wbi^wonb. l>a*id Wbefstint*. {?—K*ll d; Lt A i‘ !^'»un'itr9 Woucded: Bjrtg E P pc’fsv#!? id side; J A Epp-i. sliRhtfy in slJe; J W hMr’rt, elighJly ia f*J£o; Corp J M Lilly, slightly ialeg; H 1’ T; •kt(iiru »?! puts'utl; P L)vp’*rl iJ*verply iti i •• ; Wm W'liii;, fiv.rely i'l bacd; Xiiofl *7 11*11, mtoot ■■-•ibiuca: Thos Dow-J.-n, II W Or“^n, M V Gr^i>E, BT ’M .Jcr, JiiO S HoLi jjoa, .i » '.t'lfcftii , — 'V-?gt' ari I W f’ C iTinp’top. .v C mr. ^ T-’.n.« Peu M .t-iiflj; ■ Kr.». T ol--, E S A R Bryant, W Eg,- j«r, .1 >■ ■' ti., ■ C uct;, N B V*,iK. nuoo G o W i:-K •; C.;rp I M fUdtn. K M Pm- hai! Wound- " i H,.;- D U Crfvcii. el'ghily in stuMfiJp*; W H Duke, fl:,;' tly. ir Ivp; TI R U‘'vrpell, 5l;ii;UUy in haad; Jao G -s. 8hgh»‘yin hfmf; D Q Hobj''>od, shoutVr, se^cr»ly; J GS ’!a>. sl'rhti? ici Ipp; Q T Praco, leg «mrutAte't. (t: L'-J X ?l:iUock. U A Ficm.uiag. J Q Forreli, tn'> M ZP, VV W Verry, N T Gresn. F—Ki'lca: L» T 'A' w,i,, n, Si?t W T WnrHck, J A Vou r Woonde'l; t^gi A Q Prop^t, E P R*nk, mortalW; P R, Hn’arff'. p v*rVlj; Wn> Whiseahnrat, filigh'.ly. Mis;' g; C\’ryi L M A^>"a!, 0 F JarreU L M Miller, 0 L L.ivi Rp'nh rjt. P A II W D BheM, L r V/ Vi-• N * J Y 'dor, .M N H-irinaiif M Wcun!'-^: •’'■iPt J A I?ri*el'ov* arrr; Ker, t»i k; f* • Fn l.'.ing ▼'ughnu. f\o*; J V Tun Rntu® 0.-.in«i. sltn^.tly; W’ H Rib'.r'lfl, rii. !iriT'U'>*r“- : 8 W R.’htm, tv H Him», arm \Ms*i: ff; Sj; Q *t Davis, Qc;> C^U. 8 T Uioksrsou, G C r> Wm F«ulstner W Harp, N Ad»m» {{ _\V .'in le i: J B F Bris n. spverely; B Bailey, Ui J T R Uin.t. Arock, sMght'y; G W J«rei.t, tr u . Ca; '*V E K;‘id Beverely: W R Mi'lins; .Missing: V VvT 0)t’-a'>y’*c ^ Flitr, H Carson, .1 A Miliinz, R S • -i: (j 11 Torrence 1 K.ille-1: l> >»ois LrncH, W C O’Bryan.. Wounded; fV. 6L Puryaar. ttlitth*ly iu »ido; J»s C'ark. bani; • .f I D'jns'in. pliffhily B Fr«*ti«r rig'*! ' nn.puuieJ: Jno Han. Qeo Newion and Tnoi L 'D, aund; Jno Wast, surrr’-ly iu ihiga. MiHSing 0 iri) J A Joned, Jao Dunoau, C^rribter Robinson, Robt Sa iler. Jno Ns^ioi', Robt Wesi. Wyati Carrie K—K'lbd: J A Thompson Wou’ drd: A A Gahripf dscr'" ;iy (Hinno died;) J I* Long, am; R B L>til“, 1 . H S Hnntp*’ and E S -mh. foot. Miesiag: P 3 ♦^et* Menjac. J L Workman, H H Howard r > »!, k'.tied il; wo!i»i“d tW; njiS'ioK J. P Lt & Au’g A-jt '2Si H ■' Reg't. N' 'nil (jir»',iaA y spt'M viil pi. .lee oopy. Fiftf Kijhth X C T—Jjhn»tm't Amtf. POR TQB OBSEaVKR. M«ai>%'b8 58th N C 7ol9, acar E:awah R*»er, Q*., \ .May 21. 1864. / Messrs Kvli*cr(»: W 11 you plewe to publish in your p^p-r a list of o^'sualties, Sio, iu the 58i2; N C V'ols, in • fe hattla of Ousianutia on thfl 14th and 15'b iaet. Co A—WcnndoJ: John Dedingpr, head, Sgt Snipe*, fnc*. J^t! Ueiliogrr f»ce; »ll severely II—Wonaded: B Uobaon. hre^t eo^ere. Mitaioft S presiworl, T.ios Qar.lner Albert Hutcbius )—K ll?d: Roht K Rawlin. Miss'og: .M R Tounf. !_>—Wounded: FriiEklin Towneend, arm eligh'; Sol Qre^D. M:r*siog: Aoi'*r8JB Grog*n ■ — Killed: A B itaece. WouodcJ: Elijah Coffey, -.a%F' lf.?y, h»nd, W C Oxfor J, ji w; "ill d g ii 'fiss- • c,; Jo-* (’ I' rd. C C Hohhti J R .'-m!', R O Pni|. G ^ r, Warren Wtj R.?daiag, J ft) .Ho Garley, O J Josslicg S ^ *: LtC M-jro, pri»».f R R VfoFvi'sic * J .' N v ils, tjkce sevort; . H -.".-.y, l^g; R r t,u • •: ; •^■■>1 Mi .er, l--g; J T.^j- L', arrn; I? ! t ; V, ■,’i-; Li -J B N /rri". ».h f.’.e'L M f .1- • >i. ur/, ts Lavti. N»’ Pui'li,.i» i Ii — Ki :e T r Anstio Smth. w.uudeJ: GW H J OolilA*. il(l« MKl l#fc a ¥ Jlvaoa, hand m* ver«; W N fiilwa'dn, knee severe: W B Qarriat, hip m* ♦•re; P P Lawret'oe, face; W B Overton, arm and thigh slight; W Oxley, abdomen severe;'J B Qu^rtemas, hand and (high sever*'; W J Saoirell. thigh slight; J A Lendriz, head slight; W F RosDtree. arm Rlight; E Wil son, leg and foot severe; Je^s** Whitlfcy. oheflt povor*>; J | A VViiiianis, neok slisht; f L Thigpen, neok slig*>(: d ^ | iitokea. abdoroen I Capt W R Larkina roiad g—Wou s led: Oapt Ltr kmrt, side slight; S^t 0 W M.«tooks, sligh'; OorpI Lovut, flngar hKuI off; prir‘»'en G '-f Dnrbrtr, thi.eb aad wrist eli^ht; J W Buokhart ph'>vL»djr Hligtx; H B '«**, head alight; A Gordon, side sl:gb; J Holnot.. eboalder "Hgatly; Coop'-r Huggins, itm slight; C Ki.n.'t- ch:-!iMor nligot; J M Lovitt, ara siij;".t; S Oda>i!i:. ►rvere; « J Rsed, Rrm nligbf; T J Polk, arm &li, :*.j I 3 Sp«a8e, thiuh severe; C Kiiig, l«g *»fid thisih ^evtirV K, Capt H H Coor ocnd'g—K’.llod: Sir* R B l^ei, privates A Linxslon Wouud«».: Capt H H Coor. very isligtii; Sffi W Th-anipson, slight; N J i^Dait-*^, sligrt?; pri- vatea 8 B OoUsy, wrist soTere; U Ct>%9;\ alight; £ 8 B?aman, sHght; J H Gmu, slight; J W Holland, slight; W T LanaaBt?r. slight; J G Long, neck ai’d eLuuMer «e- yere; E M Mi^'r, Bhtrlit; J auiitb B!vprtf; P flniler, ??Ugiit; — MfilHs, shoiilder. ReoapktuUtton—Ofiioers, killad. none; enliited txen 1 •* Wounai'd; Otiicorfl 8, cTjlistei wen 16:t. So of •;ffijers aud m n c iri-d into * SO Toi'il Uss killed and w^at.dA I l-'rf W A KSIG 4T. Adj't 27 il R g't, fJo'ike’a Brin»d^, A. N V Tin OAMPAiaR m TlReiNlA. Raaa MaoHa«ioani.i.a, May fl —Yesterday morn ing abont t o’olcok Qen- B»rly, was ordered to move from his eatr^'oohea position on our then right wing, and rfoonnoitre the enemy’s »>08it*on, for the pnrposo Tork River raflruad Bntler’s forces They stale th»t they Wloa* u h R. i.ta eaasifKfl DispATcnis. BiOBMoaD, Jaue 2 —Hok^-’n 'iiviaion eucnuDter«.: enetny’B left y-jB^j day mcruioj:, and ialisted he»»j proxiniat!; eaiimate of lye fo^re ThiaGen. £. proee'dt-d ^ m»ny triBonera of determtn'ng the 8t’‘*«ieh of his wnrka and aoiac »T^ ! u'oon i«, o^p'ur » t'a»*tTy, a eland of oMora ,«t*oked th^ y»nke«, Ct:uroii Conneoticut tr. do, taking wi-h him RoOf«’e and hia own divisiontf. He ha * not pr-'>cee'*ed f'»r bf fcr^ his tine of con* aisting of f)i\nit*l M, Btttlo’d »"^d Pearra ; • rTi"t • ho ‘•nPiny about one mHe this siin of Be!' '’•^d-\oHu»’nb. Mth X C Troopi—Lu » Atv%§ Field fcni 8it»fF—Col R T Bgnu^u in wonth, siiglii, aow on duty; ««• M.j N £ Jeufttn-*, iu 1 g severe- A—i_»iUed: J J TianO'Stor W Mindcd: Bgio R M Kiug iin i L C New*001, CutDb Gfio W R^okcr, l>%nl (’ Hardy ind J P Newsom, J R Liuc!i. E Hardester, Di*nl Hiaka, 8 O Adams, J J Pendergraea. Missing: 8gt Z J Snearen B—Killed: Lt C P Jones. Gao Moore, Geo Baker, Jno Braxicu Wouaicd: 8gt J L Stroup, Jorpj L J M^ers Atxd A aink. Root W Meui-ohm, J H R Beck, fBinoe da»d;) T U Andrews, W F VoRory, P L Ledford, J C Wel''ora, J 0 Hiniib, Wm B .kur c K.llprJ: M irtin V T/eoo, E i P B.-liiogiJev, Burk Taylof, til r?s*'l^ wcuilff, aiaoo vf-n » McP.ier- Mu. Jad Wounded: 1-t Wm A Lileiu 8gt Jno tv 1 oc»«.-it:; ogi j»s ^ oui-ti-t, 8id>, sever-ly; C^rp A B .Vlori.on, tiifgb slight; Carp Jule A H«*n.'y, beai, slighi; J U \Htord, wrict, si'vcre; Stt ptien H G.vldy, thigh, AabQ, severe; Geo A Morton, haod Severe; Peter F Morton, hana severe; Wm H 3*ua- ders, Ipg, l^sh, severe; Jas L Bcnith, band, alight; Ed J Eolith, kat*6. eovere; Waj L S auback. ibtgb, flosli, »evere; Miles Threadgill, shocked by shell; ’flia *' Threadgill, Ihigo, iaiih, 9-’’epf‘; A A Wajdill, ankle, tjlight; Tbos J >Vatkin^, mouth slight. MiSding: A D Lilly. L*—Killed: Corp B & Kinney Wounded: Sgt W J Diokaon, W E D'.ckeon, A Hannon, E D Griffin, P Motley, T F Tipp«t, severely; R C White, A 8 Mo*s, R 0 Ojbb, sltgnily E—Killed: J»«f W Woods, W H Hubbard. Woaaded: L^ J M Hinson, Wm A diurdivant, L Roas, C Carter, R H Whitaker. F—Killed: Tis-lale Stepp Wounded: Capt Jas M Gudger Lte G»y WiUiadii f^nd -i H Murray. ^8iDoe lea'*;) Sg's J M Waiiitire, W B Weeiall and I) W Mo- Galliod, Je3?e ffepp, W H Clark, E (>ampbeiL W FonH, W F Lewis, D M i’nelis ti—Kilkd: G B Wells, J O B Jcne« w^unfcd: Corp 3 F Jones. W G Snow, A J I^ragJ H 8 Rawley, J M Wright. W W Stubblfcfifid. A P T»y2or H—Killed: Hugh Fuscer. Wonuded: Sgt C A Shan- kle, ^ead, slight; 8gt H A Kendall, nnek. Beverel?; 8gi Bennett RuBsetl, leg, slight; t'orp fi Lowder, he«d, severely; J H Avett, (siaae dead;) Green Melton, wns‘, •severely, i> G B*^rriuger, leg, fleah; B F 8nuggs, hip, flesh; J W Snuggs, I'g, severely, and oaptured; J H ^!odfelt*r, thiga, severe; Jacob Austin, aria, flight; Jao Dry, hand, slight; W E d Davis, arm, slight; W H Mel chrr, hand, slight; Jod A Shankle, head and hanl. slight. I—K-'lled: D Clodfdller. Wounded: Corp C Smith, C M Thompsoo, G W Reid, J E Workman, 0 A Hedriok. L C Goss. G W Oo8^. J iS Seoanst, W A Sulli/au, B F GalUmore, W^ BCorneUsoa, G W Swtcegood, JasConrkd K—Killeu: Juo .M*r u W uaded: Capt J J n^’s, Lt C W Beavers. Hgt Juo 1) T ■oapin'i J Iagr»m. Ci rpa T J Jolly and C Adtm*, H J W-vrrel, J W e,#lonjon!«, W L Goovh, Wuj L ilhir. A-i. J Cjjt, A .M Ad W K Fti«ile, W G ch J li U-*r"w. the force of tbe cncTiy fc'iug Warr’n’» 6"b corps pf yankeo infantry mainly A severe figbt ea*ned, end tbe enemy wors ••;-,pulfl''d tnd driv,.-!! nearly two milep, to l--eir line entr.-r.ohn'onts h'kind »hich the'aael'cr. 1 v.’i^ch prorinn t.30 strong for our foroeB. they raiiired t"> tm,ir orig.v'^l p'.».”.tiou- hav ing ftcootnplisbed tae obj eot for whioii th«y went for ward—the rf8»iH of tbpir rooonnois^anee helaff that the enemy were «troa«!y entronohed, in bea^y force, on oor risbt (fhfllr left.) Oar loB«ft-* will fo^t oP 276 TTOftded and 40 kil'OK!. The losa-’s of t' killod and wounded cnnoot be ascsrttiBCd in trioonsrfl foot up 130. obit.flv 01 tlie c.'rp?- Thia tnorniag evcryihing cu dur right is corapara- tirely quiei. There **-*8 b^en «ome firing in M^bone » front an*, ft is paid *hat b«tw -ju thr«'C aed t- or o o.oC« this eveu’t),? tS«> ea^mv ailviiaoe l with t^ire* uu?s « hjHlft in V, loox’B fro-.t, but m«t he ropjl’ed th?m with /»n"5!drr*ble f.)'»u?thi‘«*r . The euemy are evi «ii fMtig ground towards tP*- Tork r=ver roi'*, ‘*r'd Grant lo (toub=i-‘ss aw*it>u^ nu^l-'r’s piesenCi' i’l order lO ; eaew the Lutchery The To«'-l9 fc'- qu.t^ d'^y and *be weataer exaeedin«ily warm Gram is r-usy foriifjinr -»nd hia eutr^no^mf-Tjts are iw full view ot our Unes —Cor. Richmond Dispatch Riohmomu, June 1.—Vesi8ri*7 morning an cngajre ment occirred five miiea beyond Mechanic'tUie, in which oonbider*ble ai tillery app-«a to i»a«e taken pin. The firing oouimenoed at ^n early hour and cctnicUed sharply until an^idvanced hour in the day. We a8oeriain*J last uigit that the enemy commenc ed moviitg h'B light, soon afte daylight, in tbe diroo- of TinHtall’s Station, on the 1 E.ver K,iiIroad. Our troop** werd eug*g«d iu p^yii^jf i-eniiou tu tiiei" mo^e- mentB, when a portiow of cur (iStiriuisuers, ia Hill’s .«•/■>* fM\«n i^isnn’a tiuiiiiuled upua ttie cueojy in a field about 2 ujite« e-tsi of 3u^dy Qr^v.^ ohu^ob, and a’)ou’ 6 fr m Me?Sr*niQiv»Ue The ensaiy imme diately threw ou’ iheir ekirmieberrf, whi'e the mam body of the brigade f>eised a favorable position and oomaienced throwing up breastworks, while yur skir mishers engag^ thoae of the eneay. Our line of skir misherd being roferior in numbers ta those of the ene my, were forced to fall b«ok, whereupon tbe enemy’s Hupports alvaaced in three lia-'s. intending 10 drive our men from their pOBitioa They had not proceeded otjorc than 1»0 y»rdi b fjrc saoti'tni of Walker’s artii lery opened a raking Are upon tbenn, creating terrible l^avoe, and oaasing tae enemy to break in confusion and relrfibt, oar inf>niry ai ling the artillery ia aooele rating their speed. This 0rht oomroenced about 12 o’clock, and the cannon^diog continued until about 3. Skirmishing commen.2*d at aiffirBni points in the vi cinity early in the forenoon, and was coPtinued until la*e in the a'teraoon Our loss W*a very aligki The field occupied by the enemy ia iheir assault upon Lane’s -brigade was diUed with iead ;^nd wouadei yankees Toey lost heavily. The Bitua'Ion o» the enei::y i? between the P^mun- k«y and Chickauomiay rivers, their right rf-i:ing e.*si jf Aile-^'s ol the Centta.1 «'id their lef. near Tun-*tall’s. on tbe Tork Klver Uauroai Their eavulry picHetjei- teod ihtir lines up to Hanover Towa and vioinuy. Tne Cent I a! Railroad is entirely char An iaspection tour to the soene of their reoant c-coupatioii of tcis road be tween Hewilit’a j»n! Anderson’s aia'iouii. di.^elcs^d tfae fact that they bad tom up and m.itila‘fd the track for Orr f,jToop oD the 8 uth Side t*.*s .’norniDii iathnr nfl piib, near WareboitomCtur^” ki !i':g a otimfa'T auJ cipia.'iag the 107th Conneoti.....’ O'lr I sstrifli g An a»then;ic v'raisa of the Rlf*ir at Asblttod yestfl-. day ret>rfseiit8 that the enemy attacked L e’b cataii-, near Hanover 0 B , ia t*>e inorDing, and pressed 111,.^ back throufi;h A“bls>-d Tt«e yaDkues thee ^pooee^eI to tear uo tuo r>»iiroad WhiUt eiifig^d . OHValry liieLed in und rouied th-.> P»'‘t.y, Ciplu;iQ^ horses and a num^-er of prisonmh There was oniy a HU-aPi force ..f yn^yea» at A-altuj a»jd very l»i.ti« w-*e d->ne. Sxoaa’s Fahm, Juuo 2 —Ti-ttteiJtty, uto eQ, ray enemy m 1 nauiiod our liatb at various iioies, iu ftoci of Heik^i Tr»eir Ines j and Rod.-s’ divieinna and Ard-repn's cory.. Tbey mfg Ivaa^BP'nely ea^h licaf / bnit yfteierdu. a divisions of tiie 0th yi'ikec uorp» aNsakiiied Hokes divit^ioo, oausu.g Clin^uiiu’c N. C Brigt,ie f.*r awuile tj give w .y 0* Br'gi.j. q.il^.A.y came ui its ar^istance, reo- vcricg nearly all ti'- lost by !liiign**n. Our lot^ not ov^r 2 0. We u»iMurtrt about tiU prisoners A g'K,d luaav of «ur raen arc* missitg but it iH supposed ihiiy will come in this mon>i> *, Tt.o eneaiy w.»re fo>iud to V-fcve nL-aaaoften uieir une :b fnut of A P Ili-i’s corps, Biretol ii jt Jrom Ail£«« ii»:*rly arouua «,ae Mo h*iii-ca»ille Pike Wilcox’.f j,ku.- asishcrs puinod forward and brough-. iu *b. u> luO prj. si'nirs. This eveuiB:^ abcut 4 o'clock, Ewell ll*uk4d the eue- my on Meoiiai iCsrtUe Pike, on liieir ngtit, caj,iuring 5U0 prieouers luoiudicg 10 oouoiigjionea officers, moet- if fron tbe 5th corps, atid at 7 o’clock Ewell had taken lines of the enemy’s breastworks. Our loss id nci hfcairy, but amoag the killed is Brig Gen’l Boles, ofQ*. Kii UM •»!>, Jui-9 3 —Tae moriung waa ushered inbj loud reporib of siun.>nading north of the city, which coatiuued uotil nearl 10 o’clock. About noon it wu «ibcert«i^ed itai the enemy had attacked our lines oD me right with d-jspwrato ener(ry, oat Lad bren repulsed ekse Tbe asbault wa^ reucwed Several limes With fresh trOwps. but CTtry attempt to break throngk -?>8 rtpeiiid aua the purpose of tjie eneiay effeomallv loiled. ' Ander.oa commands our right and liiil the centre but only a portion of >he latter engaged ’ Early, commanding Eirell’a corps on tiie^^fi, attacked the enemy ia bis from and drovs them some diatanc« Geu Loe Wis at Gaines’ Mill this forenoon, m good .'lOAlth and excellent spirits President Davis and Gen Bngg rode to t:>«: frjut tais afternoon. Alt accounts received are decidedly fivorable acd couour in repri*s*ating the fnsciy’s I'-ss in killed ^ very heavy. Oars is comparatr eiy iigat About 1000 prit30uera were caotured. Among tbe casualties on our bide are Gens K.rkiand and Lans, of North ('arolio* W'undoil, tae lauer severely. 700 prisoners have arrired at the Libby prison tkii a'ternoou, captured yesterday. TAe /Situation.— From a courier from Qen. Johnston’s Quarters, wo icara that the yaokees are eatrcnchiog suaih aad ea&c of Peavioe and Fumpkiavine creeks. Our lorocs maintaiD their posicioQs ou tbc emiDcnces to the nortti of Alla- tooua, and are eatrenched on the crests of the liilld to the southeast. We hold tbe key to th« poaitioaa the yankcea are maDOkuvering lor, thongh at pr«s€Dt the opposii^g armies are uearly io the the distance of 5 mi’.es, read*riug ibou- 2j miles of the I «oaditioD With regard to baa*. The enemy i he track will r. 5lA ani M.A . *ft — W J in ;=;J: Arrrtm. -V A. .y, ..g.v •t> u i. • arHij, rnu.i rtarru—it.' treat ^lk^! .lUM. i will be uaitcd tor tho prosecution ot tbe war and j -iriiiii uoatruoi:, iti He- r •-.ttH [ couU the crushing of the rebellion Washiugton, a^ described by our iutoraiaot, is one great seat oi eriuiv ami cnru.tion. Tli^r,- arc gathered there ail the Sash wrmen and !n?n of Boston aod New York, pugib.sts, po‘i.ucians, gamb'ers; the city is one continual sroiie ,.{ de’ bauchery and not; anti aicong i s latest iicporta tioas are the nctafiou^- duncf ut’ N- w York! The CUV swartuii with garrorcr , aud n^t'ht i made bid*‘ous with the aisc..rda:it ooudJs fmm the thousand decs of infamy which inft-^t th.- city. There »rc no lesi than /uv- tbea»ie- 'n full blast in Washitigtooj all ti e b t's dtc uitr. houKes of prostitution, and .he w- .jJc cify is 1 ■n’ to be .ilfle better ihaa Brigham Y-.u'.g’^ hare.-v Our infbrinant thinks that h.- canu.,t “t* tray the myrai# and curruptioa nt VSa«h’'i *» • than i« d.ue lu tb- ioll-.wlag paragraph,' u^in^ appeared in a Ht-puhl.cart pj^-.-r (the Spririi^g: !d Keptibheati,) and which be clip^td and pre.-i.rrf. It 18 interesting as a 2sorthern o-jnleseioa ol lil- iQ their oapiial: “It is a gad, a shocking picture of life in Waah- ingtou which our corresponututs are jriving u* hnur^r i Treasury i»epartm-ut mfde p house ot seductio and prostitution. The n^’ccs- aities of poor and pittty wuiccn mude the m-uns ol thcir d.baucl.tt, b, „igh U vcruascft >,E -lujberii oM^yr.^reaH pa'tiiig tbcir mi« resoes into c.crir';,^,pj ,n dojiariinantg on»rabk* Qator knock! d d-j',^n *n the .H?tet bv .-u whom he had outcap.;d \Vhisa*-y * .utiog vi l-L'tum. The tjrovcruuieiu choiMe-i in oontractj and opeuly robbed tjy it» ciuj^h/yce. Writes our carelul correopundeut—a /.jug re:i dent iu tho cap'til—“VVadhtng'un w'ub uevtr quitf* BO viiliiuuualy corrupt .is ar, }.rc-:c!>t time, in i,ae palmy days ot ;''.-utJii:ru rul \ ‘d flc'.t, and wo.idfi as 1 rc?l'cted that thi.s va.'st uia- ci'i this niiiil ty L'iunt, this unmt“a.-ured, Hf.d iina3>'5'*urabl; p->wor, sh >u>d bo so terrible in b:i*'ie and }ct s i calm aud ^'catm and devout in rbe hi-ur ot peace. I' liv b en unusually .j'tiot to-day: nor a eun h.i^ bcf.n fjrod a’on-^ ti'C lines —Hir’i l)i%pntch (Jifrti'j'f —ihe .''oirhfrn (Mi.-s ) Mo • V'- ji’ar- ■ Ir- m r. iialjio aut^yr.fy (h'*^ Mr ffo'* ti d i\ ut‘)ti B. I'd ('hucta''?, who bt.tu ’A I ft ■•va.H cipturf«i by thoy.-ij • 0:1 th Mr r-ud turnod ot.'t to the ne- ^ ** uaj'sn wr rt'.'hcs tuok h.itii Oft i.-h:.iK , ?:ripp d hi-n of his clothe^, n.. l ^^ 0 tjun-Jr^- i iis'.irij on bis naked bticli ■' 1,'iia 'i ar»" iudic?, 1ft ho V7creb'1 i-1 ti> T hy r-uv j-q ,| j, wifric-'fi.'.i thix wrMoh ' d affa'r, a.,i wjcti t!'e n-groe'> hai dif^tppi ared t’ioy went tn the spo? and found tic b'nl^ of Mr B St horr.'My fiaFji>‘rd and lying lifcb^n ofi tt'c ^ound. Ine hidit ^ toiu (he .story to tl eir neigh bor!} who went aud buried his rotna'as. ^ ihj/ f. This celebrated chief of the ^yhc’ckee Nation ha.-! recently been corum'is«iored a )>rij'a'iicr tteoeral in the Conf^darate ariny, to take rank trom the Gin dtij of .May, IbGd liio j X'fOluiitiCU J*i Wrtij n^, ■it has I ver atiaiiicd ihc utik ol iir'j^adicr Ucn- t r;»!. — '■ tr/i-n E ‘inirr,- •1 r .’>P'lfrot> /Jynds—In th*; L-. n ion niiirket, tHe CotiiedLTato lo.ia au inCv;U oti tho O.h ot May 4j per c nt. cloting ai tjuaOT. Uni ed 8tat.>» ••avt-rvTcnti-.s ’ weic (^uoicd j-iuic; day at ;34ia55i. > iijjiiire of c« OiH’> fi.-yt HKUt bt/oto A.h-xtkn. -- dlh t u i.iloiii.ttiiuu was rocoi.’cd at ln-.ad slavery, ttierc wm uot nail fho cjriH irii, tiitirc j a* f \r^ , a inuu.iciiig ilio ;;ipluri.- is uuw. V\ f 'iouot iiot thi.'i ii hfr;i!tl^ .rue, and I ‘ gi'Ujiu on a c au.■^[Ki.t ou Lhuisdav wt rcpcii', 1 ,B a 11, ..iioci.n,, j.ioLur.: ’ - y -t; ,d.ij >r., 0;iw ou Al :X‘U'iri.'i un-j A't'/t A.ciTtiiufr. j i''>ri i.^ollu-^ iy Tut reguuijtit xiuiubjrud -t> ;tt ii, idg ihi.r with all th. ir coi;-paoy aud fi i i ' dlO-jr.;. Irt A’/-., 'Jd. i'fijtii ihe ^itrth.—iho iiiciiiutjiid Kxuiuiner of tho lid nas yank.f.j pipt-r.i of the -iUth uUuuo. There is uj ^roat tical ot cewd. rh« \V asiiiugiun ^5tur j-ay.^: tirant is working out a plan whie'u will put iJeo on a d'.ubie .mick •gain, or force him to accept a tair li,»ht m the open field. The destruction oi the \ ir_;inia Cen tral railroad, above rfexi >a's junuiiuu, iias bc'^n so complete that u will bo uuerly u..oitM to tL rebels; rails destroyed, cuttiugs tilled, tiubauk- ^euib thrown down, bndgth ourned, &c. ,vc. All the intormation Irom the Irout is iu the Uirhe-t degree encouiaging. , ana every one i;, rejoicing over th Grants Utt u)ist-r.^ ii^ove, \vhich th past operatioT,, f . CCBl. 8UC- Tht J’hiladelpiM.v ♦1% , i * ^ till the sUiiaiioLi in V Uiiiui ‘-u-ifii on cmf. »i ot (jren >raiit, I.nlti jiiai.o : ton he shiili, hio l.uo or"cytix.i4 1”,i[, »* ‘■•■'i.Uig* his base, and ;itei,iily Icav^ no ivli i!,r ^ ‘o attack. 1 tiiii uow point of BuppU will he tiJTC iretd at a'jrviiratiion id rh« Ii lilro'u/ Bill —In t;ui [louse of Iloprcsenti*.- tiv.s on tlie 2d, Mr. b uller, ol N. 0., bubmitfcnd u 1 ill to ai.l the cousnuctiou of a railroad Irom Faj etieviiie, N. C., to Charl-^stou rf C., which was referred to the cotumiUee ou Military Trauf-- p .rt'tion. illceklii;;' o( tSi!ie .fl..^c«skru(c«i. IUiK .vl>i;-3.i ..i,>o v.;»£aoeri'iuJ -m; rtquccie . ■fcrui.ci-.t tiio oOUlt’P iiOUSiC la Fay'ttsvtiie, 0*. tilUU31>A.Y at 11 o'clucii A. il. of J in? Court next. o7] D MoI'iEIliL, Oh’u. LAi'IO.UAilK ^TOl Kaeid tVlilili: AT AU(JT1(.KN. SUCCC.SS oi v. jiUNfcbb..Y iji“ b. . m»t., will b; Bold ai >'>vv- aii iii- I .icres t/ell (itiifceea auJ xc-11' n- BOrXOJl LAiSL' '^u UrpwaiDg ’■ ck, jjjui ,h t-i -’cLeoJl aud oitifie. 11/ t«b . cd B \ iNiv i/I ^ Ei'ri*^'/^ItL£* 310CK. ■,i t-ot I .a WiNL, p.»rc ju..;.- t viripy JUl/iN' li. Ct/jK Aaoir •une 1 1 :-*-4 87 ’Ji C. H. .iraeiiui anti Ariuurj, 1 F* . " fit 0, iv K>, J t i 1. ltS4,-» f i'oiiudry-iiiatA WMUieU. APt^l;kdC>^ wcii ao4uaiuiud With taa bumnedd oau nod ompljyiiivCt. Apply to the COMD'G OFFIOjaa. j H . ? ! - iJaca McClure, eh;'uldri: R ^ C It? ■ . .1 it" “t'er,” J A D^Mek, arm Bv-'Tcii, a kjuOtj, j I vi-r*; J'.iiia ; ajtd Geo Taylor, fiager; ffte Or;«p, I RiEi. N; J L K ;e, .N Waiscn, — Maro»* ll, fr» voU. .M Upohnrch, J >I t'lccunina, J M &.r=y I I—W»undcd; C J Cottrell f»ce sonoui. MlsM ug: I Pi iT^ie J. - P;t,rce, An.U-rson Ji*>'kbOD, Jp»l Uagi^er, I Juo i> G Hilliard, Alt Hilliard, dol 1.'«>*'S I £—'SVouad-j i: L* J *V Duuo*u. slignt; private A 8i- I K-" :u gh severe; Uenry Jj^tioo, breast risvere. i L—Woui-Jed: ?*tJ M C»!ioway, brcaa' severe; Corpl ! J K^itler, arm slight; private Mojm Hftrvcll, breast I g tt; L‘. ►’.'VI Hanly, expl'- jj o aell .MiS^ing; Wtn i f’. 1 ii\ J H !• iin. / II '' .MoC.’. 0, R Eutriigp G W j i) tgi Wui Bu-T.re t R gt beh^Tid ii«clf w;t& grea: g\l!aatry, and »..» iiigtiji comr.limeiit«u by i>ur brave commiuder Brig e'cu'l R. yn^lds T J BULA, Lt. Col , Couid'g Heg't. rOH TUJB OU^CUVEE. Cas-jiilcift Twmty Sfvtnlh Rfg't, M C T, Caok^i Bri- gadf, A S V, Jlat/ 6»A to I2(h, 18 14. Lt 1/ ii G r •^aii&ciu, a ;ijLtiua»uiug —FictU a i-l siatf. —Wo'.iuiisii: dj^j r U VVe^o dgt Muj X h Pi:liu*n Cu A, Cipt J D Bryan comj’g—iiillea: Sgt BJ ti_u ts, t'rif.tes R lioilomin; W Fiowera Wounied; »i t J I> B.-y-.u. iguily; 8gi A L VVniil^y, aide, slight; ^cr^jl J B Kii| aificK, fiud a^vsre; privates W Davis, fhi .1*^ t; L'rye, arn> siigh;; W T .llusgrave. sjvere; T tJ Overman, fftouidcr severe; J Peaoook, a, jt -r J Pno, hand aliga fH W trd, >»rnt frtigat; u tj IVa.', ,iid.. vi.d ana; A Laagstua, thig- eevor.; '•c'il Mi.Lc!'.u, face blig‘»t; J ti .Maiie^a, side severe; D itet^isicr, arm sUgiit. ti, 0.»t^t J \ blcaii ccmd'x—Kiilc-1: Privatei* 8 F .Mo- u.-jij, L a Liuec*;rrv. Wounded: t;»pl 81oau, hip elig,t; tt/t Ptrattord, leg; W W Steiuer, foot; Corpl W 0 dicrt, tr"'; privates tJhiloutt, %mi; I) Coltratn. uand siigh-i W Uonoell arm and side Blight; T ftGree- son. arm severe; W Hortey. teg amputated; H S Uiatt, iea-i; Wm Uuut, arm and side ^llgat; J*« Uardeu, head severe; li B AloLean, leg; Wm May. aeck slight; Jno .;iier uead severe; it B Tate, head mortally; W Wil .1 D)i, groiii severe; Jas Wilson, sido severe; Co-p tevexe .ipl i. ‘J ' •iUf'U, C. — PmvaAm £1 P ti LJdcj. Wv-uudod; B C Fields, arm and ;;g uevai e; L H Fik.da, soouldcr sinrut; N tiiiuaor, arm 'i-gh!; W *1 iioasc’, a.m sev>-re; JnoK oi.oe, leg Bovor;;; I .»oB izu- 1,-ii.d Jotja Potter, nip and arm ..iig'i; Jun Brower, sQoulaer eligoi; l>*vid Havage, •,.!uulJor; Jao L 'gly, *.and elig t; Jos Wins, fgoi; Jor- inu Poi;er, taigb; J H W«de, nand sligat; J W Whit- aid't, rignt aim aiiipuiated; J»s aeymore, ueck severe; il llo^Pies, »rm siiRUi; Powell Browu, itiigh sever*. S->, I »pi u Herring com I’jj—Kii.ed: ldi.yg» J B Woot- u Wowudcd; C*pi Jltrriug, sligufc; Corpl J E Taylor; . vai'-s H Cuu» tngn.*iD, Vi B (J.^iier, B A vai*-r, Wm , J 10 iUijj y, J PjMor %ad 8 diiowd, uligui; •i.v ,R\i, H E aiui-.a, oev'-re; U ty' L.e, «u uldcr he*en-; I .VI iayi>r, uugj'; i> Ua.nu, ieg amput.aicj; U Gray, 1. . f -; Ourpl Cl U lijiueg »>, Bi.gut. h, (j'lpt K Vi Joyuer ooml’g—Kuled: Privita 0 Cau- it;i, C J. pi Br J Leug, ttl'.gLt; Cvirpl J W WalHtijii, leg 1' ’ ; re; privates Wm Corbiit, groin ahgat; D L Craw- feiui severe; W G Asicew, arm aad oacdi s;:»ere; W •V Aakow, cead severe; J Elks, leg brokeu; T Miztoo, arijj aul foot severe; J J Hmiih, eft eye s*vere; A Shivers, leg aad hip; 8 Ni-jhoU and J Hinsca, sog.ii; J :«..k- r, aria broken; J Li.ng, vuiga severe; T Mo"re, .tJ ei:gi!; t.crjtl 8 Wiiiiaoij, loot amputated; Sgt ir.iatley, toot eli};nt; F W Not)los, (ace severely. F, iji’.pi B d Ukiaucr couid g—i£ilied: Priva^s J A \ uiie, J U Price, ^ Wiiito ^^ouaued. t5gi. Bwr*"y, oi.’gai; Sg~ VVeoKb, uio.'talty iicad, sioe died; Sgt Uot>bs, luih thi^'hs cevere; Oorpl T E Gosdmaa, arm flesh; pri vates J B*rclift, bl'ght; J Bundy, leg severe; W M Gross, shoulder alight; T J Fleetwood, arm, side sad aand; F Fobicr, leg se»tre; J A Ead, saoalder slight; J Laue, sau.uidor sl^at; Geo Laoy, head severe; A Ei- luii, shoulder eevere; J Miller, aip sligat; D P Baarpe, I. -•gu Bci’icua; W dattoa, ae«d; J M»y, leg sugnt. U, Oitpt 6 Uio&rou oomag—Kdied: Privates & C LU- vM ^ t' W .tfd. Wounded: a^t Wuiued. taoe severe; Sgt > F Hafcu, Corpl .• ^iles, Hever**; privates W H Crah- lici., tiuji.i seven; .\1 i>ut.*uy, arm broken; G MDoro- >iy, luoe severe; 0 L D^nQeg*u, saouider sligt>t, J C ('/.ill, taiga bght; Forrest, hauil sligot; Al Bay, sUgijt; J am:iQ, Bhoulaer sligtit; E H Sirayaurn, - t' >i;c* ifg be»ere; W roompsoa, taoe-severt; I'orpi tuv, arm viiU Side; J Mitouell, ehjulder slight; I 'luam, thiga p:uaful £*, . F Manker comd g—Kilhd: Private 8 A otvaob. Wuuaded: Lt H F Pri«e,.arm flUgat; cigi 1$ a Waitlev, arm severe; Sgt S Moore, shoulder slight; privates £ Adun^ arm Mver«: J B Oterk, arm n i) A r, C .rp .• L Hi ary. J -2-.:. J il F:t.>;, U ii -.1-iuvi. Jj Uarus. L> 88rf.r C t’l .J ani trok ^ • A — ^ ou:,.l • !• K B:13i. T m Ut -uj Vi * ic.k A L i .4 H Pt-r.i, J F T. f-y. :-l u H 1* o I, .Corp W B 'VarlrittoD. Wuuiided: J O Ne'so‘*, I (-0 jra ' •’—Ktl!»*J; t.'orp J M .VJ j re WounJe.l: Lhut J D |’ Fain, t!»'t F BirnharUt. I'orf^ I) S t^iden, .1 H B >-7^. J F F.ak, J .\lvOr.,w, D 1»^»' k* Idcr, E Te»j^u#. Alis-i- mjr: J F .Misentieiaier, W F .'• ituer. j Bvims, A W«».U. W R Jenkii>!>. T P J -ukius D—Kilii'd; J Cuilderi. Lt'artor, VV I> Wi!.-9 W-u»J I ed; Lt W T Mrlutire, ^gt K Jeamngs. 8^t J L%u1. W I E.wers, J E Cbiider-i, A Coleuia. M Lane, J B.>wman, I C Pardew, L Pardew Mssairi*; h Coleman, •' Carter, J Wagoner. i E—Killed: M .\nJ«rtton. T Joaet. Woasled: Cwrp E Cross, Corp B F Siauh, J Byr ., J 6jrf*, S K/f-rctt, T j Cr^sd, C Harsell, VV CorDiti. Sit J H -.re, 0 P ' with sunooss Gr.di •- T B*ucu'u, J Porirr J .Mtihi-iS, J W Udiy, P ! skiriiissU i ce is r L»aut. E H Kur«, ftCt>ker,8 W. eks J Cltrk J Bnakii>y. F—K.iiJed: H J Ward, H 80011. W'uuoUed: Lit-ut J W fate, ijgt S ii Gi>b9, T J • ates, T C»tes, W U UoUf^la^ J ii Uurtiaiu, A .M Harr)-»s. T Hawkins, Wm Turner. .'diiisiiig: Cjrp K R Neal, A Catt-is A Copley, R B Gibbs, W K GiOOs, d Gill, a Loyd, ci B Maiuae, U MiJgeii, W J R alkt*r. G—itiiled: 8 B B**ioy, J T Martin bounded: 8gt J O Uavis, J il Anders u, heau; J W Woorlay, bnuH; N H.*rc, foot; J K. Powers, haau; 8 Joaoa,deg; W J Mtoh- ell, prisoner .Musing: J Brat^aaw, I) K Ueuson, 8 Vest, C Slater, J Lmc, D J ll*r», U J Sterling. E 'Jlme, G Vf Hu{?hes, A D Singtetarv H—Killed: Li J L Farrow, 8gi G W Jackson, 8gt C N B Topping, V lugraQam, J Kyan. Wounded: t*o Bo jtu. r, 8(rt ^ B J.irvia, >V fi.:ijr .Vtis^ing: W N L.a- suer, J b .^iauniug, M A Ti.:ui5, W dinitb, J Long, J £ 8pe-kr», W Spivy, T G Joonuon 1—&.Ued: W H Fiirciota. Woundei: Captain W F Avery Lt J N Andersen, L^. W L Wane, Sa^is J J tiaall, F N K«tu«r, IV H Htue, F IJunt, B Myern. B Flyut, T L^ne, A Bow-u, T Hirima, L 8t«ue, £ A 8orc, J M Westmorelaud. .Mi:j8iDg: W Briakley, J Brinkley, A West, F AlOoray, K V’l^alls K—Killed: R H Peel. iVauuded: lit J G Rancher, Coro J B Gtbs jn, W 0 Nioholsoi:, U A Rarbour, P Wade, 8 Ford. Musing: J .Ueaoaam, J Sneed, M P TayUr .FOB THK OBSKRTEB. Camp j4tm N c X. May 80, 18G1. Messrs Editors:—You wi.i please publisn too foilow- >• Mmaiioaa la t!o. F. 44 a JN C. f , in tne t'ai- ite u( t&o nna.:rue3s: Killei: 0»pl Jnj C G4'a»s; 8^i.a W 0 Hilliari aud G \ C.iae; vlorp id O Elujit; Private Fraderiok Snores. Wounded: Privates W P Caubla, tieverely in atnftie; P W Q’hiifd, fuo;; C N Wright, head; J B Coggiu, severely in faoe; WDitsou Tolbert, laoa; Alex Harris, tnigb; PG Stokes, ankie; Wm flms^li, arm; J X Hill, thiga. G W. Momtqomsev, 1st ijt Comd g Co. FOR THS OBdKKVJiB. C.vMP 61st R%o t i>i. o i , . arBRSBoao, Va , ) iiiay wo, IbGi. / Mcjsr.*. C. J Uile A Son;:—Seeing in your ui -■"a luai., au atiioit' oopicd iroiti too Petcfs urg Express, tia wuioa q iite ooin^Kxiea' »T»d piia two eumpanioa of too 61s^ N. C. in au eug*gistaaai acar Peterson.-g, 1 tliiu J tot ce rtqu ToH tUiu tue U«‘U0 ana imiors of the ompa^ics ua«uia be givi-a in luil Taj compjn es thus engaged wore E aui F, Irom Kobj.^oa Cv>uaty, aua o m- manued by Capt. Nor mam of Luinbertou. Our Wounded.—We arc ploaaeU to hear from our surgeons, and to record lor tho public grati* lioatioUj the moat tavorahle accounts trooi the uumeroua wounded la our hospitals here. There are times when wouuds ezuioit, as a sort of cpi- demio, an aagiy cuaraccor, with teudoucj tu gaugreae, and small disposition to heal. What ever those uulavuraole symptoms may be due to —whether to atmospheric causes, or to the state of the system wheu the wouud was received—we are nappy to learn that there is great freedom ia our hospitals trom all sucti unpleasant manifesta tions, and that wounds aire healing kiadly. Great numbers ot our wounded, of those able to sustain the journey, have bceu furloughed for visits to their homes. Wherever they go, or whether they go or stay, let them bo the .objects of ttie ladies' teaderness and of overy good man’s prido and generous solicitude. It is impossible to do,too mucu f jr tUoui, lur do wlxat we will they deserve more.—Hick. iSentiutL The 'N»tt Fivet.—The new iiave made thsir uppoMram in small xptuLti^ m iron entirely worthless for railway use neverthelegq be speedily repaired. Persons from the army on yesterday raport that Butler has lindsd with tbe be-it portion of his army at West Point. C^ery indication points to a speeiy re aewal of hostilifies, but until Bu'ler complete** his junc tion wiih Graot. no su^h renewal will initiated by ,the latter.—Enfmrrr. The facts s ated elsewhere make it certain that But ler is nbippirg his forces to Grant. We suppose taat *sis transurrt? are alrc-tdy smvin^ or will arrive to-dsy it We-t Point and tf»« Whi e H '-us?. That Grant will I ►('fk to f ;rce b.s way fo th‘» saioe locality, in orior ic .Ijct a jut.ju..u is a.a; orrtnin; aad ii a batiio saai: I /tk" pla^'e io xdYHfiCe ol ih-it Junction, it mubt be ! .0 Lr . nfe-.s :• ! > ca u 0 »:! s-cc?se to th- • ■■€ lie.M .’ii i ilii r li It i.."iJcrTa'iei IQ.k G 1^:. tl r U . n c- i Uic.c- t;.« B'aii-.'r, I iii»r oj. 1 -c pMsjj.-trs pic.v d up i.iere bshered tii«»t j ho was reiinug towards me Wiiie House, wuich is i doubtless the fact.—Sentinel. i RicuiiJiiu, Juu^ i. — It war iQe ojmtaon impression ‘ that an trZtci'Sive. if not a g.-ceral engage :nt w%a iu pr^grobS t>eiweou the armies of G-jH. Let- *L.i Giiut. Tjis, howevc, Wis an error. Tueie was ckt-misaiug iu ^evcr^l quarters, and ou some pi»rt9 of ihe line u *>a3 very h«avy; but our line of bat tic had tiowiiere. We believe, any part lu me ujtcratioiiS, i*i Ir^t up to a late hour yesterday eveuicg. Eirly in tbo momiug mere was heavy cannonadiLg jn tha extreme right and ieit of our liue, the former beyond A>. lee’s Staticn, the latter near Cold iiatbcr. Tbe cJiiiai'Ji bcywai Atlot s 13 uelieted i.-> uave t»eeu b?tw;ca c^VAky rtnjK:.;km5 ;ri;;.!* wj3 cagitgc'i, N;.ar i 0 d Rurbiir. Gen L.cg trtel’s ptri .a lo^jare diivijh ..If a j i.. go r.,. 4iPisnc>*, ejoo ii'g liim trvUi*sorue mtr>nohi.ieu s ae cad taere tiirown up. Tae ^kirmibLuig .•at pretty active il front of Early’s Division about mio-da>. Tue wruer, w o was there un a visit a tne time, wab stiucs irit the oooi tipneh3~ lanee of the tioopi a d;r the ratidng fire of musketry j»ud iho f-helliug w'ta w.ica it w-jj ii-’.rrtaiugiai. a rem*ra of one of tiiem ;d not £U'p.M ea foi its coolsess by that »»hica made Jauot a Marsirai of fri.nce Tue ooiiier ;.ad m-ide aimioif a cup *»: Cvffea aud j,l-»ueii u upon tbe grouad by nis side to grow cool. A yaakee raian>e, ek:uiming . vcr tho lace of tae treasiituike, pluugcd into the ground, sinking o ciosa as to torow dirt and gravel into me cup. • B.iiiaTe yourbc.f, yan- kee, you ure spoiUng luy lojai,” pau the so;dior, wiit out tac Ua&t emo'iut. or ou*.uge oi p1»ce. As to me p;;BUtou aiid des.j^us ol Grant, lae unini liated have but luUideiifnt m.->tas of judging. He is believed to be exteuuing ii’s lines towards ihe White douse, witii a view cf b«ouriog a oouaeottou with But ter’s troops at that pjiut, ur soon to bo tuerti. But he sDuWS himself all along eUr hues nearly to Atlee’s, lu more or less of iorce; and it u supposed that il is a cardinal ot>J«ot of uis poucy to gam tne roads leading io Richmond by way of Meoaaaicsville, and ueigabor- ing points. Lee has headed him cCf from these at evory turn The present line of ooufron:w»tiou, extending from At lee’s to Coid iiarbor aud beiuw, mus. be 16 m.ivs long Our t' oops are beaind aJmiranle t>reaatwork«, wmc laey t>a»e tarowu up in ia« lew days of operations lu that quarter. .. Wc uavo rumors of a cavalry fight near liaaover o.jurt House, aad or tue tiurvimg 01 Asai««ii •'fcatfnef Yesterday’s operations bc^au about 6 o’clock >a the morniag, by a reuonnoissanoe maue by a portion ot Liongstreet’a corps of tne enemy s posiuou aoout two miles from Saady Grove Cnuroh, or flve mdes to the rignt of Mcoaauiodviue. Tne pnacipal figutiug oocur rea just ihis side of me grouua upon which the battle of Cold Haroor was fuugm by MoClelian m the cam- paigu 01 1802, and our ftiea are ea:d to have held i^enucal posiiiun occupied tuen by nis fjroes The agniipg grew to t>e quite saarp abjut 7 o’clock, when lUo ouieddiate tru^p^ ch...r£eu tae eaem/ aud succeed ed in driving taeiu icum meic brettbtworns aud captur ing a stand ut colors. At 8 0 clock me hghtiug coased, but skirmishing was kept up continuously turough the day, pnncipaUy on our rignt. A gentleman wno leit the front at 4 o’olooa yesieruay evening, loU us taat «very thing up to that nour had progresbc^d favorably for us, mat we had re pulsed the enemy la every au vanoe, and our army was in splendid trim and spirits.—£inmm«r. From Ptltrtburg —Aloag our iinas in Chesterfieid yes.eiday, co-uparaavo quiet prevailed. Oa tue soutn oauk ot tae Appomattox, aear Gatlin’s Faim m Prince ueorge couuiy, mere waa a suarp skirmiaa between a poMion of Gen L>oaiing s oomiuaaU and a lot of But ler’s U 8. •uigstr” troops, oomm.tnied by men witn Rhite Bkins. Xue advau age, li *ay, remained wita our troups, out a gentle oiau present tniuks tae loss in fl cted was about Bqiii, Our total casailiies were 4 Killed aud 9 wounded. Tae enemji ware stroagl/ en- trenoaed at G »i.iin s, and taeir ngat fl *ak was protect ed by the yaak:e guaooats, two ot wai'ju mjved up yeSv.,rday, aud pari.ioipatcd lu £,a« little figat irhicu ouuurted.—i’tl. £ipr*»t, 2d dispatch raoM osir. lh. U.KADQ a# Army No. Va , Jjue 1. To the Secretary ot War: Ihora has oeen sk 1- miahing along tae linos to day. Anderson aud Hoki *tt«uaod the eaemy this forenoon aud drove them to lUetr euirencumeoui. Tais afteruooa the enemy at- • auKcd Hem aud were aauddoui,jly repulsed by Cooke's »ad Kirkland's Brigades. Brecainridge «nd .tiahone drv/vj tae enemy frvm man Xroai, taking aboai 160 prisoners. A force of infantry is reported to have arrived at IhiBstail’i frofli tlie Wliiia ttaiue, exMadiii|| up th« fiaal their supplies from Cartersville and Etowah to Dallas, making a line of over twenty mile&. Our line is nearly as long but arranged with tbe master sLiil of our great Capt&ia, with a view to sccKriDg th* best advantages of supply and de- feace. Wc leara that on Friday the eocmj attacked Cleburne’s line, and, after a furious onset a large number of them oast dowo their guai and thr«w up their bands, calling for quarter. Oai troops Ctfuutid firing. Wheu the easmy were in a few foec ot our line, OTtr the half of them having re tained th«’ir guas, deliberately lirod oa our men. ;:!)ucU treachery astouuded our veterans lor a uo- mt^ur, but lu ucuther lusi^nt they tired on the aa:^tatd foe and pjurcd volley alter volley into iheir broken anu flocing ranks. The slaughter Wii awlul.—Atlautj. Intelligencer 31f. From Johnslun')^ Armg.—RiCHMO^i>, June 'L. —Aa official dc-spatch Irom Gen. Johuston, dated New Hope 1st, s^ys the army is ia a hetilthy coti- ditiou, aud in ita partial engagements has bad great advaac-igci The eneray's cavalry aud tran»- p'..>A::ttiOQ aoimtils are rtpre^ieated in a autferio^ o..,aiiion. Tannee Suam-r Ca^turfd.—SaVa.'i.\aH, June 5.—Tlie yankee s.camer Water Witch was boarded and captured with the entire crew, alter ri Jesperatu tight, early this morning, by a de* taoumeat irom the Savannah squadron. Pelot, who led our men, was killed, together with the pilot aud a few others. Iinpvrtaut /’rum Beiow—Extraordinary TuT‘ jMjdo Uoi/tys.—We learn that on Friday last the yankeos at Ncwbern seal out to Batchelor's creek lour largo torpedoes to be ‘‘planted” in Neuse, at tipring Garden, ten milts irom Newbern, to guard aguiust any ret^ei gunooatM likely to be sent down upuu them. At mis point they were removed Irom thd cars to the commissary building. Three ot them had been safely deposited, but the fourth, on entering the building, was struck so violently that the “machino’' exploded. Tho explosion “set off’' the other three, and as may be supposed the lour “set off ” the building aud its coutents at a rapid rate through the air. One hundred men, incluuing twenty negroes, were “within range” of the missiles, ot whom xixty-th^ee toere instantly killed, the rest wound ed. At the scene of the disaster it is said the vankocs Bad erected a tall tower or lookout, in She top ol which a yattkee was at the time posted. Ttio tower suddenly disappeared and it the senti nel on that tower has yet been found our intor* maut has not hoard ot it. The explosion was heard twenty miles, and created great consterna- tlou iu the garrison at Newbern. The long roll was beaten, signal guns were fired, and every pre paration was quickly made to meet the liebels. Guldsboro' State Journal^ %d. The I'ightiny daring the Month 0/ May.—The month of May, which has just olosod, might be justly termed “blo''>dy May." The terrible and unprecedented carnage in Virginia, Georgia, and other portions ot the Confederacy where the op posing; armies have met, would seem to give it tnat uesignation. A friend, wlio has taken tbe trouble to make a rouga estimate of the killed in battle since the first of May, lias given us the benefit ot his calculation: I'i Virginia la Georgia la tae West YanXees, Coutederatea, Y aokees, Coufedeiates, Yankees, Coniederates, 30.000 10,000-40,000 12.000 5^000—17,000 9,000 4,000—18,000 70,000 K Total killed iu May, Both armies have' suffered severely in the loss of officers. In V'irgima alone, since the com- mencemeat of the long fight with Grant, we have lost 19 Generals—7 killod, 10 wounded and 2 captured. The naiiios ot the killed are Stuartj Jenkins, Stafford, Jones, Junius Daniel, Gordon, of N. C. and Perrin, ut S. C. Those captnred are Gen. Edward Jotinsoa and Gen. Walker. Thu Yankee loss in Generals is equally as l&rg^ as ours Ttie New York Herald admits the follow ing loss: Killed: Maj. Gen. James 1C. Wadsworth, Maj. Gen. Sedgwick, Brig. Gens, ilaynea, Webb, Taylor, Baily. Wounded: Gen. Josh T. Owens, (sinoe dead,j Gen. T G. dtevenbon, Qen. James C. Kice, (dead,) Gen. Getty, Gen. Talbott, Hobioson. Captured: Gen. Seymour, Gea. Shalef; Gen. Neal and Gen. Heckman. Keoapitolatioa: Kill«d| 5; woaud«d| 6j captured, ^ ii CHI "’'FA' SONl Brillia.nt room to refer, news by the li Important saco^ lossi's to the PI PDeiny hart bee: lolled, aud tht; gerved. God The battle aj the repnls»» of, The acrountsl TiIK tiALLA.yi community has U the casaalties oa Alex. Elliot. Jr.I Jr., hiiVt* all bcfi learn, in the but| ctiison leave.d a were unmarried.] lations und wurml Yet they could n| or in a more oucr Capt. Eli Frel Ansoii, (but whd was killed on the| Major Jas. R. of this town, botl uD the 1st. Since the ai>oi Col. A. l)uiioau v»as killed on Fril It was stated | Uen. Lane had reason to hope Ot’B W oC.virtJl pital Aasociationl Fuller, a few daj relief of the woni| ginia. Mr. Fullel to Dr. O. F. Manl for the State of aod wounded N or teoeipt for the pended in flour ati aad turned over of Winder Ooapit Mr. Fuller’s let fJoquent appeal fd that we have proc that it l>e not ovej I'onvoxiient sen h**Al Itelp a0t kin^ we at hottK- can dd Mrs. E. J. Lilly, ation, Fayelt r>ear Madam: Man--»on, Aj?*‘nt of the relief of sick 5)how the dispositi^ lars received fror ciation. by the haii The relief affor onr State, by this Iheir be-half 1 relul - North Carolina] pitals of this city- wafl well and ffalH fields on the Raj James Uiver. luJ the commence me ii| one-half of the ar the Qoble sons of ! North Carolinial on.'>ly, npi^n every conmrt.- arouml tl sorter, as ht*rvt»lo| pi>rt» y»»n—h‘t iru* Mtate>—tc) muki- and lot ward! wotitxled soldiers. If the women of| beaming from the ( Nv on ruled buy, whe^ have uol forgot let all tbeir lalror in h| the ble^»singTi Iro ii hia wants, they make his cundiiior coultl only walk thj bands, brothers Unt for those conifortsl any neighborhood,| stimulus for tbe ml AW is the timej can b‘ collected- ing, and hoar, bacj anything, everytl once—tSen* is n(*el received an^jrof Pack all article age, distinctly, “H O. F. Manson, Af wounded N. C. TrI Verv trul A LxT£>*>r^v Y| Lieut. J. A. McAl Boys,” 24th l^eg'tj 26th May. It con from Grant’s armj tended triumphs, &c. See. That the is manifest trom tb York. Indeed, tl tradictory. In on^ can, Lincoln’s esj C0Bimencel a hastjl by Grant,” wliilst: admitted that Gi Lee. One letter having been taken I vrithdrawal of our i H.” And again, i [the yankeesj are I besides the advan^ says; “The trooj noyed by tbe enei happily escaped V«t in the face of its own double-li from his strong I.-ee has bf 'rtreat as to be u| deliberate stand utterly callous mt to make such imc their own column^ The Herald pr movement may' ^th sach plunder Lee has made sei but not that one. Stanton, the y» to Gen. Di.x as fo! “The priBoners Carolinians, are Lee has deceived A likely story, The Bepublicai . “Advio^