9r ——M I T III ■ Il» IWI XnE CAMi'AluN Froiu the a i I'-'* Aocouuls th»t h: ’’« C(> ne last p»per WM ru' y p thua tho*“ of ■h'; fi, »nd go to S fw fh . !ir timatci ka firat rei.x te ■ f •'? bs »boul. thuf; ti' '“I ' our line? iu ■ > f ‘ fougbt wifh cri' »: ,i ru tura »nd broik ■■'•ir r V BulNfA. . .f tHe o'.h iu»t. m , >*• uy H.oct.' O'T evt'n ( of Thur? !»y .ifr’i* aud Friil%y, ,,r w-■ •> '• ('•'*'r Ij' I i*» othenrisfl ibttu r*(?*rd iho pr»»enl appesrMioe of these »ft .iri ixi any other light than the mo8l »*ro«»ble to eyf't- It is tliffiouU now to b"H0ve I, ‘ ut tl«-n Q^'mH wMI, be *r.y oh«no9, w^oooipliuh ir-i»( he luid^rtoot to do in Virgiaia. OonBiderioe the !«p*i »8 tney now known, re^^o** deoiares tb»t he •■■I >. n ttrmy are in f'^r fire-iter d»ncr ihau toe cij U>>.1 j. ’ olcraoy.—Ruhmon.I liiiivfnrr, {)th. 1 'Isiai-s • fir:. vTirJ rU" rl.' t ■ oharge after oiiargi’. but t'ajy ,.ore suoco.id'ally i^p ili- ; ed at eTf>ry pofcit wi»H s!aujtbt'>r; fo*T“d *o ■ relimiUiaJj tu« aM-ug.il8, aud :•> .car* -j 5 gJt id eanta^t—wt>rks rom-ii i''i: i '• tbiP clc^e of IK' ! fight, and oar n’et! bo! i:tg j f.v>t of the gained by thcu.'. ATTAci; cv r:i» k'jkhy kki.mv skiiit | It will bo rec.'Ilei--*‘'1 th i', ibt Htrus^'f ou r-i>-*y j olosed abo’.it B-X'n Fr u !';«»t hcnr >- »tv siri’^nunbii.r uOBliiiued uuMl fjur wbpu aU Ivv^-'•i-.* (’r'm)i.irv' lively q'liet Hut sogii »fi«r ir.e •■»’to;nw »•- temptid a ni.r-t o*- vur i-.n'a, ? > =• j" , th^t tliej WvUid I';) >y ui ; i •' ir ti c ■ furl I'rectr.! >1^ u»;=t ""sck'''nd.;o - d « m- • ' wiih ■'rnble eu>v'^- Fir «» ■; vi >•- and Dusk try fim 1 rr-i5' - -'>71 ; u i'.-. . 1 djX? -lai tiU'lf *f!l .'I , b^.l. ••» 1-'. who n. -.j: ; ,u.- -■ f I., 'i v^Ji ' bri'lbat thf. i; - . v ;• pl»y he e'-T • »• ?' • ; ' ■,■■■ ; i’ ' j paib?d, onr m -n .i'’’ - ;I; • • ■ • r 1 adTHnoei T>'.'v r.* .‘ yeroly, tho tiro of o’\r T.eu r.i k,;;,-w! * ■;!» m 1 r%’if.s. Our lr-?s is S-: \ • ill 1 ;: De'f»tftd in ».:■ ir fc, ** .^ !> , . • . ' ' enemj next t. i i ; !• ? aira'Q they w re \ ' - - j like those of tbe d*7. t*. 1 - ■«> .s ,l. ■ ■' i they failea.to c-^rry • . ■ > ■ o !! > foun T our army ^ , br • •.■n, an r i tfl tht'ir inoti u?' uj- Tbo enemy ii" -1- r. i>^w t i**’ and >be op a. = . were oc- fi , ■ 0- p : n : i . 3 : ropnl«f(* •• t’l atUck :>r 1>*. M ’ • ' repeite'l etf jrt •'i' . ••> » !‘(-51 . s. be owiug to liie f-*- t ti»t Krecd’" • s ' ) ; across a roal betw-. n til 'll ! ■■ -■ ' • - v.f-, ; which the cnenjy 0 •• r ' ' T ' : • asBauU is eaU «o hut. n ' ' a ■ the same palieni wuio^ ^ «n ‘-c. . "■ -'v rr- but w&. feeble '■iiid i = 1>. j 0 nis thirty yaras, i»ai w?r? - a jrja.oa i.v '--jr t--. So beaten. th« eue:rr m r 1. . ’ »-i - : i’ 'f : 0 ; \U iisi 0 CASUALTlKei IN N. C. ¥Oa THE 0«SKilV2H. • NKAf* MKCUA5iosvit.LR, A , May iSUth, U>*i4. x^a. K J. Halo & cioiis: — Kelo rt8ui\t:ee in our Ret; t, (f>lih t:. 1; ni^ixv •iriw.«ie.) dur'iij^ iho eogn.^e(uoiit of Itit 1).- rj'« lUuff- P f'« Siaf—Kill.-.i; Maj J A H-jrkt •. Co A—W •I'ndod: Lt ti A OleirsntN. slif t't lu neck; ’irt i3e>'> tWck, ii» f')rehe»i: S yiunner'*>jii. iu arm. Priw»ie VV F Br->adway. B -Ki''ei-; S-rRi I i Kjij^lieh '’j- i i: .1 W sn- ir- ar a » ’.d r‘>'"iv>ra»‘n; S M'ittiew-i. e,iv riuy t=i i At N WdJ !, tuoh. P lirwiioii V *' Or a‘'u Wound' 1 'J Wiil, UKiUAJifUK (JENERAL JUNiUd DANIEL ^ FOK TUK OBSKRVBE. Thn hand of friendahip wou’-t Hy this tribute ufon th«* grKv» of tbe heroic dead II«rj he was, brave, poised, devoted to tbe oanoe ho t'spoiised. ohiv^ous ■»od TParn*«i5n>■'U'*; H’S b''''’d tVip of ti^vlvnni*. ard hift oonjniHii >i>i'T fomi r«-sts in ••the ' phantom irnip of d’ith.” May thy ui*’tac”y, ol^.sB inaie • :»n l friend of my b^vhi>»d, be ever held io t.«rennial f-«shn'e«t, »nd whilcf thy aerviort^ tothynoanlry duWnu ' the three ex’»otif>{ perilous vfars »h? •jRij trcdJeu , - . 1 tlie wine preBS, aud ihy coi)s*oratiou to hiuuan freedom Z 7r U . shall be pver oaeriuhed by » ^ratofal ood'-try, may the N L , II>ke B oU uf jj.^rth Cir haia'-* yet, uabci K: L' .1: 1‘ u: I l; HLi: VV fu!«J.'d: J A r> .^rf n •'TIJ K F J ri s!iir 'I ■ w 0 f -K *i: .. ■' i i >’/ u- '..1; hi J . .'i-', -■ : T ; J V a i- , ■>• Tv-. >’ l.i iu uA'il. . •; S. r .MX II Si;:hi in !• -I J; P ' s’ ’II : }I Ptliii ra I?i7er»l> in •• : ' ' 'ii> ,i in -•»nd. I-ii-Ur.i: P 1. M l- irl ,nci. W \. i?hy ’.i: I* I -;, -iijii ‘ die.i; 1 (2 '';rc*ir, si'vri *• in . r , .-•/rn-u ly in oofn ihi'ihs; Win Tuo^.cr, mtii (rum ta. aid- F II . •ira from (*criod pftjffts to Hrtjulate tby dae ls, auti if *'eod ^e, lik* ihys-if, 0 offer their livc: “’mid-t tbe lightoiug of tile lii'Orutv a« a nat'rifioe upon the aitar of their coun>,y’a l’be?-tyl And wbfo 'l-o nh-^U wJi.ve ibove ’.h' tljk/crH, ■s'aia'.'l by it'oo(i''U p ten.J-.'t hfti.d. suftll ohed iV.' -r lu^rfumt around tby l«^at r«Mtin^ niaoe. K'f. thy D(Vm« be grtv^n 4eep and hiirh upon il at la ’C'li'ient*! rihait I ha* smuU lie •‘••art-d i»y t::i.- ♦h i*, b'jro y ;i. '' nem ry ■'f t ni-se Po>ia who i« lif, fru^ to *h**ir an t d^od*^ if T^l.ir, »n^ Tfh'iMc heroic endurar>co. ev >r 0 >n«ti* tatn bv nroi.d-Mf an>i noblest tneto. ria'l Lh thy oait^, hu * c>iori( P'l. b-‘ rlso-i by lh.» -whiior’- « by (h if. .-.f P'T>ib r !•■ "I of *n ! '. n an t jj'. »-/.h 'f tJ'ir I >n ^"(t oP'crs, »nd i»f»n ( »f '^'nnh ;5»- tr.l'n-1 u'-i’l • Ihe -p r-joui 1 ;ici tr'.M ( ■■ i i k-ij^hta—hr: o p ♦'-rover— hi'o'i !h Pi\rt'. !v tiT'r.’' T'" * f-‘ Id^ of war ♦ . ,?pf. n i hv-vTa ' ■v') I -nn(-v .’>fi i i an ! • f.'.’e- r'-on/; coos'“i^r*v**'^ (rr^'UU't.”—Tnay >.• firf* ol ■ -fr !|JM i'o cr■‘•»'d' - i rp'^-i 'be »U*ra of it.tT v V' ’rf ■ T7^*ic?^ ^ * OTi, bo --‘ f lit>tr;". in ;.f .'H.' ijj'*" r - 'f ■'TU Cl I’le i n’sn-1 ' ■ * G'.'n'l I) uiel » %s jounff-'st •‘on of Hou. J. J. Da»;i-’, Ri'd b'^rn it» it*ifaT, N (J Ho was • « il L V'? .y;-J L , 1-1 r,tii(?‘r. iin-,1 150 m'ii' tii(?‘r. in-.l i% Of* ikf • * «a«i A.'lh 'R :•’! • H.SIULL VVn.MAM.*^. remaiued quic* d>:rln?- bi ocoaeional fir'nT p li In this cb9-7* 1.1 ■n’ro'-s »rp sat' to > b -n very drunk. 8ani« of ; m ^ i: 'i- 1 jr .ir , r m without thrir mu.~' .'ts. Cv t>o a t e."c ; i that they c^sae ap ’ ir-”, ' • ^ OPSBATl )S» S i*L': ’)\T. Nothing occurrc 1 -i ^^•a. v-.y . ' t-.f exjept ociai'.onal «ki ni 1 t;t ^ \ • tieman who left tee frcn* v.' crdi” rkf a.* o‘«'. •. * - ports that eom« skirmt-' c.^ w .-: k a-, • n, bu' f’r .-r ^v were enraged a burying tuf ■' -»i, hi i - a i- ing to the yauk woun ’cl. Il was reported in our a.iay t> • B'-'-cr ^■41 cfT *J a junction-with Qr.’ict ri: r ? roug’ot in 'sst night was that Grant waci fallitjir b :h the dirccHoT of the Pamunkey. ABSIVAL Of YANKER PP18 -V«a8 Prisoners cciitinua to t'onr iu .m Gr-Uv'a i^r' y i squads of luinies c»ai t\* ■,•.■?. Dar;ng 8^'uri;vy ih j number that Eo irrivi*d l t ok up Iv ’gitiga Libby amount d to ahoar ;^(K>. v' nycf the»“ p"' •rs seemed hftlf Etanred ani s»’d tbft' tH*i ' arir ~ was BafferiBg for food. Correspond»nce 0' the Piobrrcnd Ffxarniner, »»'h inst AKMT or NoRTHIH* VlHOINli NkaE V ’,!., June 5—7 P. —Tr,-il»y b&s be-u u u ”-. ,■ Occaaional ejarpskootvn^ and a ow ^ i.- lery make up the buti ot ihm .Uy n t. r» "la st le • f the eamp’5 the M^niaSer*? ->f ih’ O - d k' .> .?c ‘ ’ i iag divine services, an-1 eTfr-fSi- p »t ■ ti * Mpeot. Q»q Lee b ^ bec.T ri iias: •»U'a^ fe 3i!i9!'rv- viewing and rooocaoiterii hifl Exc.’lii-iiy, President Davis. Ou''.I'.l r.e enj-..a ■ he v*;t w , in ki^!'':) a-5 wr n i ! n ■ ' ' • t .■ - 6*nd,w.-i" ‘ enem* i9 fi/tefn th'ittand. T.i ’o u- ni good epir.ia, -!■ i ar-j ug : i ■ ! \* : c lii their meat rai;oD .- v. iw .. u~ ' ; 1 f - - *; . per day. togithe-with cjff-o V. a;~ ‘ bles, especially oniana. The military sUuat’oi i^ fui! .-,f -«>ff The enemy has piv his nr r 1 \ ► r « t, -i fr>in he can scarcely rei'•('■a vu.n. ..:, i nU ' *dvar.-j sepms. .‘■0 II,; has been tu fore? t •-•. ?r' ''le > h , . Cold FarHor. ani ti?" hpr tj ’i-> ' or pas» to fhe o»'i''r ,l;r-' -n! p« himself be»w'>'n Ri>-jmonJ »n ti-* v made rep-ateJ ac t J'-i-rnvn-.1 on .- fering imro-ns? Ic «;3 hime ■f. .■.Tfl c ir.^ opou our army, and a -- i ^ ■ that momentary s’looep^ wh;-'') .• . .-.r.-iy,.., „■ ways «btai.\ ptfvfsi : 1 i ■ -« ' which he ha^ b’®n ins ‘>'4iiy driw tn lU' i alaughter. The rcp?ii*j .i of these good fa'sttcs. Apirt from u-‘ I'’ *■ PTr^*^ men, suo'i » suoii's^’on -'f unl’si^b'' i - fail to dMnoraliio ac I .3U'h'’'irf-;n hi^i far bjyond wnnt h .Jpf---*! ia s v 1..ti. p c'uM phu' Np soldiers • > bo k'.; . ; ' y ti.; i: la ji.o ao f winning aomf'tHi-i'r- cie;- Til. .j , .. .,1., «,.t .- consent to Lav“ fboi' 'br'j'n *'t Tij Lic* After it baa be*n ascer-sin d, j -^p®*. ..1 that those a‘»g'»alf3 on the ’ - »•- ;i,,i"-:,r .^o1 1 Harbor, arf up tkjly to rraoujj . iu • 3-j .. multiiude of d.^at',8, th'>) tb» . !: > r " ■ ! tion by the Felriril i- , r .,, ... H- ;inp. ill -fo.-.r^Ul c*ca-t bs if b’s .(» r I. n- t IT a il >iT-r» f )ii Ttrv osHfCt’a'T’.ir Lv or B4Ttu:3 y Mils.s No’»ti op \ May 5lss i8ti4. i • ' f —a-T i" in ‘imj'i y F. 2t>''i N ' fv*'7t,»n ! ■ • e -p asEff of t r 5;\ fith -*nd 10th May 18' 4, V> r>. ji -.-s HP-1 nea'" 8p,- t«yl7an a 0. U , Va : Ii; i- N ru'- r***'.'1 Wouod*«l: Lt O M Hu.i- - rtb. iu b«-ad w'h pr>ea» b-ill. Fngin; L«. \ B Hay?>, iv ir ; lorebe.^ !; J T Hood, tiligbtly in b-E.J; • ■ b* s r, b’*Jlv m lt>x, baud *nJ ehou'der; Corp 3 L P."i- .1, f rioijsly in »r.a and s»d'’; H Anna.-), ba i’y - l.-r; Jg3 BildvV'u in bowels, died; Wni Br^d- i. I * ’ n r-^h' - re.- ; H C •''ourtney, «€n.*u8lv in - “ J VI 'r’lQo. b.i iv in both th’ghs; J P Ceft^y, • =; in -ulj“r; J Olark. eligotly »»j side; Jaraes G f . iis ,» £.. Jno Kinc-*ut, ehMly ip fjre- 11-5 ‘fh s i, h.tly in au>Ji»: Lark'o dcott, slipht- I in > ;■! r J; - M ! l r’>, HUgbtly in b’p: La-trin f I"* u M/h ly in ih-ea, P-iiil H w ll, thigh, hi ghilv. M ' ’’ ta; :iiic .ily w.iu i • 1 have reiurued to duty -ip'a- -'O;': K'll 1 i, niort»liv wouc.ied and died . ••. lely .\r, *i:gh!iy woao-ted 19 Total >1. 1 w i* -JO slightly w.'and i iu ::.e brcasf nn the 5th "•y II M. TUTTLK, . * Cap*. Co F. 2fith He?’t NOT State papv*rn Dlea^ia oo','y. '■>'k iV T.. -n the 'lOrh May, near Hernuda liundrrd F’** ‘ " i Staff—W.iiin l d- Li C.)l. Joiation, eevc'c; V ” Steward, bl.ght, A—!■ R V.-n- 'rs, —'Votiaded; Fr.aak. Alpin, J ‘.V i)i^> ri, A Kiaricy, 1» 11 nierflon. E!y Cox, 'J* : P\'ric, Briiison, 'Sax Scott. —No an.- Lu' —C,.j ■ E M D'.a;, o--''ad’g—Wounde '; A JoUnaon, i) -T'l'.n 1> uji. . J C Ftrgus3n, 0 Silbitt.^, Kioharl i l l'. 3 v 'f^; ^rca’d Ha-sion, contu‘'ion of 1-ft "^houl- 1 l> aid S Ca^eroa, w.Minied and in hands cf ti-c - : — - V , R l; p.;* 7, c - i’g—Ki .’i; 8pt J O T.fark', ’ rp J H J J B ilUr 1. J P ll.'rer. J L Jobnscn V -un i? ’: C'vpt U U P»'ty. dang.-roujly. S^t W .T Jo'rn- 1- ‘i -f.TP; C '!-:. H H-irper, elicbi; OorpT B Ouat -r, ■' H M o-e. Q ?>;, S S Hat?b. s-'vere; li' II Johnson, .1» : W J BryAn, fiog^r amputtit.-d; M Woinblo. ..r ” sniv'U'i’f'd; W rT Groi'', finder ampata'pd; John ■J - s ; g '• ' I Il»mni}ck sl.gh'; i^ivid Wil'iams - • ••• I' oi 1 ;» i. -Lt L e a f j—Kill J: RaTm Stntwei!, Wii.iam : J.:: F--.J .s c..' i! w'.', ciTii'g—'Vm Fn.ii—. ’■if." ; T 11 ir*'i j; W’0'''.d!d- '’:/p .Vj ; . r. J .V li'iwiJ, P 0 iveziah, P P Y-mdle, W P il ■•', H Prt-^ly. 0—Ci^it J J Caap comd'g—Killed: T C Black »oi!. ‘V. f.'?; L' Vi L llenley, W A Mcrr'“, J P R'-JJ.;;!,. P L V -V H L»ti, j j J...Ti, D L Bedlin-5eH, T IJ L *( . G Mia'">1 t \V 0 TT-nps. '■*—H M Disco c->M’dir—Wonn^td: i’ot- \ (% r G W I *■ iw \ c B-^rk!- y, J D Grirr. G ;i T.’ r. Vi 'T H r;pu, J 1> T-»lton Tr.oo ' ia’i, J K A i.J B :.T J RCocar .n, T M Hal , W J *■ L ■ i. I ‘ ;-i 1.) '-v* '.i"!*.?, J )hn 'iucii^ 1—; »p: ’;T \ E i-. ,r. !>—K:lic >: Sgt .Mlea Sn.ilb. ® ^ ■ J H ucL' i hl'.a, l)\n'ii J'lap?. U ’V I' 1. i. '•Vr.ur x~ ■ r.f>t W \ Liii-, C'jrp D 3 *Ve8*- -r'I. T".;II wo!!, Rob’t V'orrell, rtt*‘ph»n Wor- " ■ I ,h ij-’jhb. K P T J hna .a cofi'dg:—Killn.J: Lien' J M W.1 ni.M: s .f J r c>rp W A A R H npj. P il ilHr. B K Arae- iifdpituln-.cn -K ;i a, Itj; .«.or.^.l!y woU' leJ. 4; s-- il woaaUed. s; e Hc- n - T.M If i?l ;; an effect on tj? oba^«i and mor'" ii.-j;!rnu t worst tie'eai w-;u 1 :■ fort which lue ofdtui prove. It is fjt' ■^rj’'r CBnvinoel aa ius 1*66*8 army yt-i a.aoib the s-'uud of b ■ c* ’ even Gr .nf s ? ■ - c ^ i 8equelofai^t^y> I ■ , u enough of H - , t — bis lc>f J s;i — , iome pjint oa i?- Jaici and Bottom’s Br f ^ j-. , • devslupe I, a: i g . . of hi«i It ' 1 3,. * I- ., ooonifc prt of. Li- a ^ ton ha J a tiuf rr;-':, ■ r , ^ Vlcksbu-i' a ■ i. marcbi’'g iriih-'Uf ' r ■ divide i, sn l uco ■ t- • > . , berton we-- u.ta'; > t. k. lumflfitf bt't r : V,3'- - i. and re'‘uuL I t ■. y great ni&a. He w-., . adjured t.-> dn ia Vir^-. *i ^ -w'.. sippi. The oondiM i,.^ *., was UDablq ta any ta • unitjue i4ea seeuis lo i> i, ^ tj" t and Richmond, if tac pla- .v of his ailrer.vHry i ,rci; i oi. in- »rmy was not ecat,. r deetroy ii, ^ he t -d tat- Pemberton. He j»iiea to power in any pcx'cj-.!. ! ■ it towards Rici.;u’.'d, i ; difiicult gr iiuil; f) hy »n amy bet tr Mi- > > Yet every ibiafr m ijo * . novQ in £iiu ^ stupidity of a u«,g or .T , trick &Q(i Qo i i ■ Richmond f*nd t>.c H . to that which here«..jS,^ neld-figiting r.'»d 'jpon c >i •n?for,1/'-‘^®®“‘ - i/aaid *o Thirtifh S 7 ^/o Ifiy >0—/,^.’, .4m»-/ F;?1 I V!' ’ P- W 1. f. I: C d F M Pa. ’r- :'’’'a?; 'oj' P vy Arrington A K _ d L .1 aj.. X .M Iloirar l, Jd v nd •.^ J ■Rij'l .r, 1 ~ Htnpn;*t.* i; J Fr'cr?. '! 1. b»f :?• \y H '■:pL .‘!>i->ro. !fg: Jnn Mi!c«, s'nnul^ r- J f K-i y. « V‘i- in -: rv,^;". >• p '.Villl ,m^ 8g!» •> >nl R' k.f’r. r -{. 1 B ps liv n «d1 TJprrin?, . ' •'! r«a . i«u..»r. ;:.>on i?»ll, Hot» ’ H J • M ■ i, .li'Knu.n. McKor^ie, Pore, R“vd nl.l. T»y. .1-, Wi T.ttr.i-O'' ’ i’ Ind .- T G iNhe^rln. band; r rfi x W ’ ■ ■ - V >P3 B I*?, ;f'o; P B D V.s. a-,1, r'-.b H Np'ii. leg; .'I e p prr^ra. . h MlI :;,.-; r. i‘rtli0r, h%'id; J L A:'- ng: S'( J Dah-ariii, I S Ku'f n. It in. a If .r; v ii >Sv»uip j L ./-I F-’!gr'm, Wonst, Wi!(iam‘’'^a. ■ i'» ' X b’vnd; T>rivi"H ')■ .■; D.Ci-n.^, wriHt; (yrce*?. hip. '* J '•lUiSin. C.'jrpl M ~tsna>! II ^knv.n C.ileman, Miller A 'f Jo*i"?3n, H'nlroa i .• ’MO'.io '*d: W il H y ' .ri-, J H; lUily, arm; J ' L> y- J'-r. oU, Taa'naa. pnvs.t»8 Niou- ' • • A P K.i'.g, CasW'.li, King, f ■> uu no- jogrec •'HI- ’,•) 1 Gen. •• to !njs'«,u’ ii .i c:rcu; i toUud n: •I I C'j’ :r .1 .) -.1 ...1 : 1 —ij. 2 a 1-1.^a -.'b (, wn 'it i > !■;•*! 3 ti)C “* *' ni*.5ca**a i'j. al i = n itu ;ui ..«ic M'l’^l'lf bctwp’ti 0'jrrr‘spr)adiug ■ ^ri?: lh.- b * nt*" without to tu , i? i Ulg • ~ ■ , UJ Jip . the f.>r'lfl' iMor.H ■ k'.>:onitiiy ' ' '!6 d • T J - It .?■- r • i.'F-Ac' V;casbar/ ' d:tf.--ai I, nr.Tr iyt. 'C ? ; .,1 f .,. jr t'rr.M of KS'-» uij ijiat p. tritiorj, if ’fe'*' ur, ih '.i IC IJ y ? «i We in. Hend'r-:oa Vroun-' •: ' ..t * > :ii . . ’•. .iiij-t; D-fa.. . ibig ■ ' i -■: t II I ?; n-ug.i. kne'-; . V. .; -I H.own, - a'; '••'.? bef J; W.>od; • i ' ■ ’ , jiHuJ; Bi .1. :•« a.m; WBTeaobj; A 1 V4». hfta.1 viiat^in,;: . 1 Pieroe, frivaie? * ■■ J ‘J L '.w»r- , liau Ha uat.'n, 'liiUara, Pir . j' •'■'•, D H ■ ck: .ad. Tu;;is.i'»’. ! -.-K )' it G. Iv rreil. S.;’- W V Vrhiiihurst, pri- • - 1 ->, ’V G Wm Wormook, K Dick’na. V> . .J d; ijiopt •'» -Viooro, Urwa-t; Lt Ji II Aljor*;. ■> ' tu»!u; '^.i! • .^, h.nk!c’ C>Tp Pittman, >*rni; Sgt '■ V, 1; o; pT--vi;e« Bur^rH:^, band; Corbitt, hip; L r'4 • 's; f'lig'ip.i, firm; For 'es, aad E T Ilarrei), hand; .1 Liuid. iiir'; J 0 Lititi*, iiant; P'itllit.a, area; K fit.41- :a/H. 1 Mga; I» L> ..-I'tUiiu^j. leg; G buuixerliTi, brea.jt -a 1 *’ug 1; L Wulr*L a, breast. Miaain^: Piivatci Cor- f iU, V} *■’ Criop, G Uathiway, Q M»'iiay. 0—Kill.id: Corp! Hi»emore. .1 L Crawford, W H Har- “i « li R Wilson Wound"! Ltd W B^dgett, h-;aJ; Lt .1 T Fuif )rd, -t.rDi; -jgt '.V J Badgott; pri?at«3 Q A Col* iiu'i. ni'i; VV F Cre-,j, c-iin; W P Slanghter, leg, thigb •»;,i bfvt; VV J 'Jo'idpII. Miesing: Hjr; D.-an, ^-rivatoH I>ici*rr£5on Uanrob, Ffrtiikliaa, R P ilard?», llamtne II—Killed: 8gt Morrion. private'* Jackson, Burr«»8. Wounded: Lt H .1 McStsill, leg severe; Lt Jackson, bead —:i*>d; Corpls Matthews, arm broken; Underwood, leg; ;>rivat-a Toio, thigh; Btack, wmnded and captured; M Loyd, br' P 'yo’o; Lyua. bead; Wclvjr, faip; j) \i M Ivflr, hand; Na«;.n, h'p; Rigers. head, capturpd- 'I'aylor, fjoi neven? Misuing: Oapt Wioker^ Sgt \lcla- ^rivatfb liornaday, C*mD’>cll, Cox. Center, Greeo Uoiii, Kii'.f;, McFarland, Starns, Xbomas, ’ ^ Caj>t J C II»rii>», A M Joynsr, Rioha'd DA'ightridg^. Wo.^ndod; i>t tt W Arrington, leg oan- ar.'1; Jethro Culrepner, hg; J M Bone, bre^wt;' J 1> .•;.an,ng, tliigh; J M Pitt, bead; W 0 Rig-.bo,, breast- »I ii Winsi^au, mortally. Missing: B Griaio, Joaiah LTi kdAu, O'o vVio*ct6. »!'o ® WceVs, P A John- ' J ^ J ^ Alcxa*>der. Wnnnd to reacn ibe , | qaitear.other i , Kven if he h i-. '...’1 . ' ’ «i I »b. would only aos; very well to get b —when there tr i, Bn* the circi ,11,;. He will havp { i,rm' o.' .i iwtrurty oa big nanlH^ ar'J t the country on bis re*r Ii j!t V . child Ilf wa-? puj tl I " r ' .1 7. '1* • .g-1 Hrt pn- f >1-' : > aad 1 f- h--! r n w-'ed m ti , 1 -"I.J 1 t t*9 U.' ■■ V .Ul'I, he '-ai. rod 1,-j ^r.*i ' Hu^i w.^.- u J fo' . v-i tiysirsu V* I ffj N ’ M '.'-.'.J. I- «*- - .a ?• 1^ ? srd -i .* »t UP f-iiq'jiri’d »>.''»^c ("ftbi s ai.- i r. .^ivel ' '»ai t:a a lag Hi- i»’■'a.iiao'.y q la* il'! I lii 'i fo." I'.e p»rt hj «fa-I i.-'f'r • ia t ui '-.i' -.f.-- 'R ^ * -K I'roirat-vd T:'^" H" li fi ■> w; '» (>;c '-utiijj, ia.>3 mor* At the bnin; of'ii.f U*:' T»t:n l-e N'oric, be wa^ r?«'idine up.' ai^ in ijoms; ta *, Vai h.‘ ^romni'y rtpa'.rLd to h., -.a I at R.liigh t*nder*d ni» «ervi >»s to il*e t.\te G'v K.iie. lie was ■joo" after 'leotcd Cj!»»nel of tbe -'’h t»: -w 14th) Reg f of N 0 Vo:Hate*'>rs, whioh ho commanded for one ysar. This rpgiui'nt ’«*a? ou' of II.* four that vcat to Virgio- •a a few week's alter Suiater f.,M Upaa i:a rt*-crgaai- i».tion ho would have beea uet^iaj U'f'y cnoj.'n agi’D ap its Vader. hat having beeu jrcvions'" elected CoL bctb of tbe 43d aud 45'1> B f’i». Le tDou^ht it proper to accept t5e lilte*’. bavicg been twice cb '.^ea by t'aai 'tg’mcnt alih ugh perscnallr au cafr • HttjUgfr to tt-e 3 ;arnard This n-gim.-at waa oesi ie-i “gan^X'-d for ■he •'■ar an l Ge^.’l lHnel bad dpfern.ia 'd ne*er to lay iow!> h’p “word until frpedom ® day was our.n. Whilst i cl. of ti-e 14th he h^d n" opporiauity of di4- -in-tion, but hii d> sire ta cngtyp a”d trp'j b's coun ry from t.ne podutiog t-oad of me enemy wiH ^e testifiei '.0 Hy those wbo saw hiiu return twi"t »o ihe Pt'u;nsuU '0 lead his old regiment, wa^a he bad previously Ipfl *'or » new con.': and He rendirint vaiu *b!e s^rvi* whilst Colonel of tbe 43th b )th >n Virginia and N rta Jarolina, although rot in any regular baetl*'. His sol dierly qualities soou attrac-e i tae ail.-'ction of tiis su periors. and he wa.>! made a Brig»ai;r OoTPrai evea ^f.ore he had affjrded cim an ojcasioa for d s; laying his unquestioned capacity for command a'*'id the smoke .nd din :f battle. T^at tbe appoifitmi nt was worthily and sagaciously bestowed his subsequent e.ar^rr *mpiy ionfir^8 Although not actively eagageS aroutd Ri'^.h- ;n:iid, his regimen wsstrieiby b^ing sut j«*ci''d to » Hflv re shelling when ttiere was no chance wiaiever to engage the enemy. But it was upon the bloody field cf Gettysburg that he displa ed those admirable ohar«c t'jriaiics of ta« trjo sclJier wh-ch placei him at on>» nmong the for •.cost officers of bis grade He maaagv his brigade wUh great skiil and di.sf'layed amid tll^ r. i- voc of that sanTOinary struggle tiie lofty courare fur •rhijb he was disiinguishf:.! evea when a Hobo .!b.}j i.laid one of his poidiere to me wfio ««4W b’m a- il t.>p >ino‘e >*nd caraage of t!)*i ttrrirlo ••Soidiers w >u'd be obliged to flg' f if ->’i ; t.a G *ae.'al- did as "urF. fjr Gen Dame! w«s right up wi n ui. cheering a»d ra- C'j;'ri»giug us f»li th- iiiue " I r*-gre' ta.u I oave not by ijc.»oo,> of me U*.e numlt^r* of ib^ Hiviiuood ; w.:ica coatila*,'J a full and d juht ac,urat. de- i'lpt a cT lh 0? G*»'.i_,&6urg ft.e writer, fvi 1- itiy a man of fairaees ani ci.wrioiin itiou. awards -.1. . . -aiso to Geu. Uajitil aad ti:, couina.,.i for their co>. p:.uo'jB gallantry Ills hCCind battle wa« bi^ la:it. On iliat bloody T; u Huaj—A lay to be ever memorable in ybua^-u «!;■? tj")—wu> a » ur poerlee Gen’i L^e 'sud ais magaiticent »rmy Surl.^d back the whi*>key ut*dd“n-'d'•aodil.. tiie “ J*.' bextcn rook das.>»ps i»a«?k tnc ; —on tiat *a.7, »'10* It i« Sfi t.i otart- •■’j re-ro a^-i'"-* we^n hor» du eora6.jf. G -a Junius Daniel f^il, pi*rced ttir o^-'‘» fje body l y a luinnie Dali, aud lue orij'st. ^'Laui. v; fviot ou'ir.-. ■•d tr m his uitrveleH«i hsai L'po.o i..o tary r^-mn- ',3 cf (roi“dvm iie rrtcpi»?l hn Ji ^ h woun .lad ir r ‘i .n.e ro ta>» rear amid he loi. i roa- cf ba i • '»ad'.^.i •■titry pang ufshelis ' N > more uprigat spir-t— n - r vT^ Mty ra >r-U ^od wn* dowu amid itia frrors cf t;i»t day H > iivei for iwo d«ys, and .as I learn, *'^ilh DO V in righ >r tb>'ob of .T4v»n foir” h5 p.-'.^i-l away. V.e • i.gs; af b^t»^•” a vi ig f*d :J frons h.3 >ye r,rf.'cr. il? «aid he aad fn ya where ):• Ipsir- el 10 f'l’.i, at ti^ heai of hi? br.ive ran. •Miiy I 00' 4jipr>priai> soji*> -f faose benuliful H»>e i*hicn R .n ja'l, oao jf tf>.o tru'"*t of our 8out1erii «iug- •1 ; rou rJ f .'ta n ^WJ,■t•.'Jt taaloty av'r ih? d*>at‘i . f '''6 jouti^fui Join P*'hara, au 1 applj taoiu trunjfal7 to roy d?pa-ttd frieaaT ij. w judrc'.id Iu::iug ji a her 's b^*ib ii - bi, jiiag e.»uatry y?’’-ips— • H 1 ^ d i.i taa aiiitiMttr ar.:ts of Death, Oar youug Miroeliuu aletsps. *‘G ntiisi aud bravest in the battle brunt, Ti f- coamp'.'ia oi iho rrntu, fl'.' t>.-re hia 'laaner to front Of = ur immof.al youth. ‘ TKp j'CTa -a drjpi t"iat leithesa rel bind ••I t o cfiMjO’' ‘.Id; T >• ui 1‘jor bU .e; ’aki? from ■' he a.*rvel»3S b*nd Over me -poil bS siiifid.” *Iu hid prudence Gen’i L'an;tl was iiat'Obing. II.s forji Wid .>'Iaji;.ib:jr pr ipj:lionsJ, vigorous, masuuiar - d singiiUrly erect. Ihs ^aight wm bouio 20J pjunis il a tyo ^ » gr„yinj c.jui, o.«l(u '..ud J'iuei r*tiug H:i- f-.Mu;\.-. *crc . i oUr tt.^d taoir g;uor.ii cxprossi n laiioatei iiraiao?s and d ciH;on llj a..jn ;5j 1 • ar# of age lii 1 »,.% u t a bril';- nt. da^umg intelleci; III r ft'%» b'^: a ni-»a ur it.iL a.'^ itrai ^ii.t'd ■!'.')Ht.‘nl c"rn ■• : y "■ •—wi'h aa aad rfi; :inijau n ■’r-l.y ^ • ■ ■ 1 b , oui..uro i.nd .tis.-oiaii a. il • . I’b ■ -ip ; s’s-iea toe el?me:i 8 of k i ad.-n r:bl; ci'iia n. a ! if • Is I : ;i »d t>-.:(‘a sp-«'t 1 n sro'ii 1 have k ou r:\uit I? not iri(K k.u'S L 8 aid li-jMir .t ■ "t wrif„ ^ 1) H I Tr.yljr vioiiii* hirdfigk iny ,\!l toM G.-a. Diniol u«ed- vi to hive mad" :is j a .i« ••n hou3'a''ld word” was tine fiod a fitti -.r u f .•• hi* . ad cat*aoiiy, t*i.’ ju gm^ui, th.e 8e;f ;v>..'AHii..it,.n aad in a remarkable de- (4f e. tb. oouriii I d. a it i,!j,ji. i>ii) yf >;■ dj-'ploppct a br*vifl>- spirit tt'ao-ais. »io whs a g-K'd da o'ldiij \ria'» — a little to > s'ri'* ut pteaK-j laosa who lo\«'i.c larg at Utitude. tat yet he W'jii ihe ps’eeai an! commaadfld th«j H'^nj=rafio i of his men in spito of J t fiiaeas / ■ toit iUj.i wuon ba commaadad, tiiey .■>a I a •■_.»aor v -o woul t v t hiaiseif wherever he ord.;reJ and ibat h^ exnioited ihe spirit of a punctilious ia« .-tmet that they uiignt reader more etlioient eer- v:c? wUenover tbe hattle-cry was sounded. That ne wts generous aud a truj vatriot we Ua^e a'aandaat ev- idtaoa in the ncoount lately published in tbe t)nserver 001 oprning hi8 kicdnsss and liberality to tha soldiers’ f?vriilifB, when tor i.he last time he visited his native county Hib sioial qusUtisR were ex ellei)t. I know aim aa ably a" l as a mao—as a civilian aad a soldier—and if Jauius Daniel was not a geniUman in tbe pure seuso of ;hi.t lauoh »ba‘?ed word, tuen I know not who was. He •vai pleasmt, Bociable anI uroane in his In'eroaarse wi> a tiifl fellow men That hia popularity at home vras well founied, will appaar from this oireumatance: Wh.jn tie war first oommaaced, the Halifax Light In fantry, a company ooirp mostly of those who had been reared with n;m, teiogra?bed to him. then in Lo'i- isiana, to oomo and take oomnaad of them as they hatf cff-'rt .j iheir aarvioes to the Governor. 'Vhen the sad news came >natne wasdpad, very many -.tilT mine tiirever. Ills I'uiientI oliiugaiea to ili t»lHre «ii the when Ikh reiiiaius were dep.i.Ute.l in th« ancient hmyiug itioununf Iho t ,w„l_r.t,t,x rae .Ic-lir.tie h ,n.l „t w.im i,i h ..l^le?„'?a"Tthe warrior s coffin with a tieituUful C.mf^.ierate tl.ig ,,„ap of fli.mers lie leaves :i wife, to whom he was* weiMed s^nce the WMr “ 'h* r* ***'/“*■“ irreparable loss Msiy G.»d pity the youna w 11 ht*r sul bereiivenient, and may ihe c«>tl^olHlio||s of a Redeeiiier^« love bnog her solacem ;nt and relief In her bt^nn-ani^ulsh. -M.iy 36. li«J4. T. B. K. Of Soldi Baa —In Orange Co, April 7. Min- niok Miller, Co D, 5iith Kogt, kged 3(>. GEN'L CLINQMAN’8 BRIGADE. HEAOuliARTEUS OwNUMAN’S BRIOAUE, ) Cold IIarboh, June 5th, 1S64. ) To the Editor of the Examiner:—My attention ha8 been called to a atatement in your paper that, iu the battle of the lat iuHt , “Olinginan’e brigade j'avc wa/for a time.” As thiA statemeut does great iDjuustiee to the gaUant and patriotic men under luy command, I earnestly request you to publish, in your next i.ssue, this note. My bri gade was iu line of battle ou that. oecaHiou ^and was heavilv attacked aljQg it-n entir« front from right to left. Tht* eaeniy alv^tuoed r»i»t only in lino of battle, but on t.io lef^. win^ also, iu heavy coluiun.'i uiatjke'^ by the Hue ot battl'j in their front. This attack was repeat'^dly and signallv repul.'sod, wi*h great l«:w to the enemy, iu my en tire trout. Near our Jeft, where they came in eoluiuu.s, their dead were uiueh thicker than 1 have ever pc^jn theiu on any battle field. Any Ibrce advancing in frjnt would have bet^n de stroyed as lust ^w it could eomtj up, for my mon r ere regularly .supplied with froah amraunitimi, find fought with the coolness, oourage and ch'''rfulnos.‘t. There wati, however, in th.' beginnia^T of the engagement, a brigade tro;u anfther State than niy own .stationed on our left. Thii* brigade did •rive way, and while tiie contest was going on in our front, the enemy in lircrc force occupied the srround on our lett flank and rear. AUer we had rvpolled the last attacK in front, and the men were cheering along the line, the Xth regiment, which lormed my Ifl't, v/as suidrnly attaoked on its left dank and r^ar. 'J he woods tberc beinir thick and rhe siiidkn dense, the on -in7 had approached within a t’l^w yarls a’ld opcuod a heavy fire on tliA ruar of tho ^th, as woil as ibi Iclt. If this rogltnenf hud then given way if niitrkr liitvc es caped with lauoh les.^ lo.ss, bat true to it.s reputa tion and its past conduct, it, by facing in two di rections, attempted to hold its position, and thus lost about two thirds ot it« number. Tbe lett win'4 ot the 51st, next it, suftered in the same manner heavily, because it coStinucd the tight by taoing in two directions. They persevered in this even after tbe time when, seeing that the contest could not be maintained in this modQ, 1 ordered them back and, with the aid of their offi cers, withdrew the survivors. They were then formed in lino ot battle perpendicular to the original one, with the 31st and •» 1st regiments, which had repelled all the enemy in their front. The brigade was thu.^, under a constant fire from the enemy, formed in a new line of battle across the open Held. VV^hile it was so doing, tho *J7th Georgia regiment, of General CoKjuitt's brigade, came up from our right handsomely aud advanced in liae with us. The enemy were then, after a short struggle, driven back, and the whole ot my original lino was re-occupied, but the position ot the brigade remained in the possession of the enemy, without any attempt ever being made to retake it. I feel conlideut that no brigade from any State in this war, or any other war, ever acteii better than did mine under such circumstances. I will not, however, trust myselt further to speak of these things. Having been for a full month in the trencher every night and day, and a part of the time without a single staff officer, all t!ie members ot mv st«tf having been shot down ill thii lato engagements, I have little leisure to write at length. As this stacement is not long, I eartestly request those edit >rs whose paprrs nave etipied the articles referred to, to pubhsh this, rv.mcmbericg that next to hid coutKry the true soldier values the reputation and glory ot his own good actions. Very respectfully, yoiirs, Ac., T. L. ('ljnh.man, lifigadier-GL'neral. [A paragraph ot this letter is omitted because of s^oi? stati.'iiical details deemed inexpedient tor publication at the present time —Ax.j an incident of the MEGE O/CHAHLEdTON The yankees from tfue to time throw a shell into the city and nobody seems to mind it. But misfortune willed that yesterday a shell^hould throw the entire community into mourni^. .Miss Anna i'ickeus, tho daugtiter of our for mer (ioveruur, never consented to leave the city Despite tho represontatiotis of Gen. lieauregard, siiO remained, bravici; li'iells aud Greek tire, at- rendimr ihe wounded aud cheering all with her {iro.-ence. Aru'in" tho wounded officers under her care was Mr Andrew dc Kochelle, a dejcend- aiit ol one of the uoblost iiuguenot lamilies of the city. This young man was full of the live- liest gratitude for his fair nurse; gratitude gave birth to a more tender sentiment; his suit was listened to; Gov. Pickens gave his consent, and the marriage was lixcd lor yesterday, tho ’22d April Lieut, do Kochello wa3 on duty at Fort Sum ter in the morning, and it was determined that the ceremony should take place at the residence uf Gen. JJonham, in the evening, at 7 o’clock. At the moment when thy Episcopal clergyman was ;vsking the bride if she was roadj, a shell fell upon tho root of tbe building, peactruted to the room where the company was assembled, burst and woufided nine persons, and among tho rest. Miss Anna I'ickens. We cannot describe the scene that followed. Order was at !&st re-estab lished, and the wounded were reuioved, all ex cept the bride, w^ho lay motiouloda upon the car pet. Her betrothed, kneeling and binding over her, was weeping bitterly and trying to staun«h the bluod that welled trom a t 'rribl»“ wound un der iier lelt breast. A surgeon camcf and deolar- ed that Miss Pickens had not locger than two iioUio :a 1:tc \^o will not paint the general desp lir. W hen the wounded girl recovered her conscious ness, she askod to know her fate, and v.hen they hesitated to tell her—“Andrew,” she srud, “i beg you to tell me the truth. If 1 must die, I can die worthy of you.” The young soldier’s tears were his auswer,'aud Miss Anna, summonin-g all her strength, attempted to smile, \othiag oouid be more heart rending than to see the agony ot this brave girl, struggling in the embrace ot death and agaibst a terrible mortal pang. Gov. Pickc^s, whose courage is known, was almost without oon- sciousness, and Mrs. Pickens looked upwu her child with the dry and haggard eye ol one whose reason totters. Lieiit. de ll'Hshelle was the first to speak: “An na,” ho cried, “I will die sojn, too, bat I would have you die my wife. There is yeti time to unite us.” The young girl did not reply; she was too weak. A slight flush rose for an instai^t to her pale cheek; it could be seen that joy and pain were struggling in her spirit for the mastery. Lying upon a sofa, her bridal dress all stained with bbod, her hair disheveled, she bad never been more beautiful. Helpless as she was, Jjiout. de Hoohelle took her hand and requested the Rev. Mr. Diokinsoa to proceed with the oeremony. When it was time tor the dying girl to say Yes, her lips parted 8cvq,ral times, but she could not artioubte. At last the word was spoken, and a slight foam rested upon her lips. The dying agony was near. The minister sobbed as he proceeded with the ceremo ny. An hour afterward all was over and the bridal chamber was the chamber of death. Lieut, de Rochelle has sworn to perish in battle against the yankees, and we are sure that he will keep his oath. He has now a double motive to hate them and his own existence.—Charleston Mer. The sale of Confederate guaraiiteed Bonds is postponed ontil the at Columbia. state TREASURV CIRCULAR. The following is a copy of so much of an act passed at tbe last session of the General Assem bly as relates *o the onrreucy in which taxes may be collected: ScoTiOH 1. Be it enacted ^'c , That all taxes due to lb? 8t«te or oounties and for school purposes, or taxes for the poor, all payraentg (or entrica of publio lends, and all fines and forfeitures for the use of the Slate or countiPB, may be paid m Troaaory notes of the Confcd- erato Sfate« uudr-r five doUar.i, or in the now is»>ue au thorizcd hy the act of the Conft^derate Congrraa, rati. and all such dues may W.AR NEWS From Northern Virginia—Katti.e-Fih j, NEAR Gainks’ Mill, June 5,1»>4, 7 p m —1\, day (Sunday) han been unusually quiet; both sides appearing to olMerve the Sabbath t)q| uecasioiiai sharp shuoting. ^ Our losses in fights during the whole o! week will rot reach oue thousand. Battle Ground, near Gainua' Mill, s p June t).—The heavy fjring last night amuuntyj to nothing. Last night the enemy abandoaea Coafederat.> Tr**sury uomM of IIS'? deaomftiation dollars up to ti fly dollarn, both iuclusive, less 4)irty thre:.* and cne-th>rd per cent . the »ax impoued by ihe aot of Congresrt Hbc. ft. Tba the aot ratified July 3d, 1KG4. entitteil *'an act in relation to tbe payment of taxes and fur o'ber purposes,” aud so much of section seoond of the Ordinance No. Ab of the State Convention, rati&ed 2rj'b February, lRti2, as direots the receiving of; oafed!rafe Trea>!ury notrs in p.iyn»eut ol tuxes and all other du»b. ^re ber.-'by repealed Owing f > oonsiderafioDS expl«ioed in my Isle report to t^e G.*a^r .l AsHeuiblv, oar Treasury notes of l;s8 dcoif'iiiaatioa than adc-Jiarari-not fxcbauged for Conff d- C“Rtc nates; nut thJ’S'J ohaaee not^s will be *izcaacgea for North (’arolica Treaiury notps of !.''.rg.»r dcDoni or.‘iPii, rr for coupons from our S'ate bonds On ly^ts'ntaiUou by ycu or any other p«rson at tbia dapartmeut of any .iraovnt of our iist's • ao^'e a dollar, or our due coupons, onr chang'i nnten for t.he s.ioic T-mount will be excaang- ••i for thetu. This esshar.g® may bo effected through thn scfuoy of the Sout.hprn Ex.ir^^Ma Co. JONATHAN WORTH, J and'*2, 18‘J4 Public TreaBurer. Drnth oj M’tJ. T. McGehee Smith.—We are deeply pained to announce tbe dsatn of this gallant officer, who died in U’chmond on Mon day last from a wound received on Monday, we ]«arn. in a fi«ht with the enemy. Maj Smith was attached to the 45th llcgiment N. (J. Troops, in Daniel’s Hria:aic, and v as among the most promising young officers in the army. His re mains are en route to Milton for interment. Milton Lhronicle. (hf)t. Lfonaril Jlendergon.—We are pained to hear that thi.s gallant soldier and gentleman was killed while bravely leading his company into ac tion near Mechanicsville, Virginia, on the 1st inst. Capt. Henderson was the eldest son of Archibald Henderson, Esq., of this vicinity. He entered the army immediately after the war began, and has sealed his«devotion to the South with his blood. Salisbury Watchman. A Spy ArreniM.—The Wilmington Journal says that Tbos. Finer, a native of that place, has been arrested as a spy. He had been in tbe yan- kee service since December last, ventured to re turn to Wilmington, and was about to get off agtin to the blockaders, when he was arrested. A deserter from the 10th N. C. T^attalion, J. Mills, was going with him, but he also was ar rested Kf-epiny Dark.—It there is a single Holden man in this county we do not know him. There may possUily be men in the county who intend to vote tor Holden, but if so, they are ashamed to avow it.—Aih^vill*’ N^eics. H there is a Holden man in Caswell we have yet to hear him Rvnw it. There may be many, if so, they all “keep dark” and act on the sly. Milton (Chronicle. Yankee l)>>ser(ers.—The blue birds are com ing in from Grant’s wide spread wings and are daily reaching Richmond by scorcs in advance of the ‘'Great Digger.” Amont; the arrivals on Sat urday was about a full company of the Fifth New Hampshire regiment, ricently on guard duty at Point Lookout. ■ They state that a regiment of negroes took their places there, and they were hurried to Grant to help till up the gaps made in (rrant’s ranks by Lee’s artillery. One solitary red bird, or zoo zoo, came in and reported himself as the last of the New York Duryca Zouaves left out of one hundred, who went into the battles below with Grant. He was disconsolate looking enough, but bore himself as became the “last of the Mohicans.”—Richmond Examiner. roa THS OBSERVER. , - IN MEMURIAM. Killed-ia battle aear Asblacd, Va , Jane Ist, 1864, O* trrly Scrgt l^aiio Hughe), prir^tfij TVm H II Btrncs. James DiCi:ur M nsr aud John Tyler Price, at' of Capt Gallawav’s Co, I>, 6th N C Cavr^lry la the aigb soldierly qualities of ''.lu-age in batrlp, pa:ifi;c>*, fortitade »n x cbcerfulns.'s under the inevita ble i.irds^'ips ani priv-.iti''ns of a soldier’s life, these men had no superior** in tbe Southern Army. Sergt Hughes in particular, froxn h's first enlistment in 18t>i, whea not 16 years old, to tae day of his death, was a bright and 8h:n'c? esibidiment of all the noblest trails of a soldier an4 a gautleman He wa? emphatioallj and in all things “saHs peur et sann reproohe.” Peace be with you, my brave and lamented comrades. The Tree of Southern Independence and NatioaalUy Has bpen “watered by no truer and more precious blood than yours.” J, M. G. Papers in tho State ploaeo copy. FOR TUB OBSEUVEa. Gin Mil. HosPitAi. No. 2, VVils May 3!. It io generally k-’own to the Pre.ss tav dnring a few months pan I delivered addressee, at Fev«r*l pl»CP9, o ' the war aud state of tlie country. Voluataij v>. a'r -u- tic.»3 in money wjre taaJe on thcae ot canons for tat bpupfit of the eisk aad wounded in the Gsasr^l MilUary Uo>ipit&ls of the State. 1 have b'en directed by the provier authority to acknowledge the receipt of the sums coilf*otpd at the places Visited, whica ara as foliows: GreanshorougQ, , J436 60 Hillsborough, 762 60 Raleigh, 359 40 WiiTiiogion, 862 75 Michael Croaly, Esq , 10,000 00 Lexingiou, ;^36 05 Pittaborcagh, 505 06 Fayetteville, 1142 40 Charlotte, , 730 00 Salisbury, (one night only, weather l>a«!,) 114 60 Mtl- »4 P Guion, ^through \f rs Dr DIo'tson ) ItX) 00 Kenanavilie, 198 56 KiDston, 17i £0 Goldgborough, 194 GO Total, Traveling expensea. $15.‘Jl6 t>0 ^69 CO $16,647 00 This amount has baeu haadjd >.‘Vor to the Surgeon iu charge, for whioh I have hia reck'ipt. He has trans ferred it to Surgeon P E Hines, Medical Director of Hospitals in this Stale, who ha« dia posed of il for tbe purposes iateaded by the donors, »ni ia a manner deemed most judicious and equitable. Owmj to a severe attack of illness, .the delivery of my addresses has been auspanded for sLx ox’ eight weeka, but Will be resumed as aoon as my hoj>lth ia sulfioiently restored. Due notice will be given of the places and tim^a of my next viaita. DRDRV LACY, Cliap. o/Poat. BV 1%. l^TJEOJlAiV At €0-^ Jlfo. 19 Hay «ti'*eet. POWDLR, CapsJ^ead, Writing Paper, Envelopet^l Steel Pens, ink. Lead Pencils, Smoking To4>aeco! Chewing Tobacco, Iron, Soda, Nails, Coppe.*»«J Blacking, Spool Taread, Flax Thread, NeedJ'es! Pina, Pant Uuttona, Asate Bultona, Tooth Bi*ashes! ^ine Combs, Dressing Combs, Side Combs, Ma ’-chesl Hooks and Eyes, Caatile Soap, Brown Windsor SVap! Epsom Salts, Alum, Dr Djams’ PillsI Watch Keys, Cotton Yarn, Weeding Hoes. &.a & o. Jane 4, 1864. 33,21 From the Yallejf of Virj/inio.—We hear th»t Siegel, whether reinforced or not, is trying to re cover his disgrace, and is advancing down tbe valley, threatening Staunton. Little fear i« en- tertamed of the result.—Rich. Examiner, (ith NoUee to Tax Payers Richmond Couatj, I WILL attend at Rockingham on Tuesday, 14th inat and at Laurinburga on Saturday, )8th inat, for the purpose of coUeotiug the additional tax from profits 00 trade. All perMna in arrears for ux wlU do weU to attend and settle. L. W. McLAURIN, Jnnal iwu *ax OoUootar for Kiohmond Co. Joaa 1,186^ 88U18J Fron- the Trans-Mississippi.—We learn, thro a source deemed trixstworthy, that General Kirby Smith has certainly shut up Steele and Eli Tbay er (an abolitionist from Bo^ton, made ganeral- iu Jiittle Rook; and that they, with all their forcts, will be captured, is thought to be beyond a doubt.—Richmoml Examiner, 6f/t. Killed.—Richmond, June 7:—Gan. Ww l“- Jonee was killed in a fight near Staunton on day. All our traina were brought off sately to Wayneboro. Exchanged.—Richmond, June 7.—All citi zens paroled to May 7, and all soldier* delivered at City Point to the present time, are deolar^'^ exchanged. Blockade Runner captured.—Mobilk, J ~ —This morning the steamer Donegan, attempt>“K to I'.un the blockade, was captured, with an assort ed cat^o. No Fut'ses tor Civilians to visit the Ann,}/-^ A positive order was received at tbe Provost .lar- shal’s headqti.%rterB on Saturday, from Gen. bee- forbidding tho luSBuing of passports to others to visit hirf Jines, unless on j J manity, in connectioi^ with the care of the • \nd llie relief of the woui?ded. Persons ^ b. Utle-fieldB from curiosity., to pick up trt >phies won by braver metf,. will be clu and if caught within the picket lines aitoi ' will be aent to the fied the )7ih of February, auu pm ouu«s u»mj i \ i . be pn.id daring tbs prcBeut year in the old iHSiieB of ‘ ® , 1 i^w j i’ ^ grejl aomftiation of five | baate. Early baa followed them I miles ti-day Vapturing tJu prisoners, who say Grant hiw to the White House because his men will°i,u' fight It is th« impression here, however, tli^t Gram’s marching lor .lames riv r to cross t.i th South side. Battle Field, near Gaines’ Mills, Juuy; p m.—Finding the enemy entrenched behi’ud Totopotomy oreek, with a swamp in front, Karlv did not go further. ^ The condition of aflaira ou our left is unchanwj t3-day. Tho enemy is still in front of Uill Anderson, but is reported moving to the ri^t Some picket and artillery tiring to-day. From General Juhnston’s Army.—Battle- Field, 8 milks from Marietta, June G.~l’he enemy arc still moving towards Altoona. Hooker’s corps are fortifying the hills between Ackwortb and Altoona. Heavy rainn the past two days have made the roads almost impassable for artillery and hasrctardcd movements considerably. Sonieslight skirmishing occurred near Lost Mountain vc.^ittr- day. All quiet this morning. A TLANTA, June G.—The Reporter letuhetront at noou. and reports that our army «ru *tili iug tovsatda the lallroad, the right of the eneUi’ ha\ ing already crossed near AcKworth, aad Hook- er’ii corps reported five miles east of it on the old xVllatooua road. Gen. Johnston’s headquarters were wetstol Ma rietta, with our left resting at Lost Alountaiu Hardee is commanding the right, with I'olk the left, aud Hood the centre. Tim Situation in Georgia.—important chau- ges have taken place within the past two days on the Georgia fiont. The enemy have abandoned their works about Dallas and are withdrawbg their masses and concentrating in the stroog for tifications nearer the Etowah. This contraction of their lines is evidently for the purpose of se curing the eetabliflhment of a depot of supplies on the southside of the Etow*ih river. Il Sher man succeeds in this, he will make AllatooDa \ base ot operations against us, which will be more formidable than any of tbe flanking operations he has perpretrated during the campaiga. Tbe movements ot the enemy have neceisitated a counter movement on our part, and Gen. John ston is this moment occupying as strong an of fensive position before them as he has had ut any time within the past two weeks. The rapid Sherman is met at every point by hia wily oppo nent. It is impossible to handle a large army in s general battle on the present site ot the armies The yankee may, in a fit of desperatioo, hurl hb legions against the strong gateways now occu pied by our forces. He may bring up his col umns as Grant did in Virginia, eight and tea lines deep, hoping by the power ot weight to overwhelm our opposing battalions, but we are confident the plan will be no more saccesitul against tbe obstinate soldiers of Johnston’s am y than it wa.s against the invincible veterans witn Lee. We have no doubt that this is the last offensive move of Sherman. It may be a furious and the most determined one of this campaign, for a great necessity is on him, urging either to sacoeagtu. forward movement or an ignominious retreat. Already in his rear the notes of alarm have been sounded, but the man’s temerity must be tested yet farther ere his tattered lines drag their weary, broken and torn bodies bleeding to their tastness's on our Northern border. The yankee press in his rear exhibit the uneasy sen timent that doubtless pervades army circles They fear that Sherman Has too much ot a broad, open country in his rear—that that bold War Eagle ot the West, Forrest, and another bold trooper on his East; will harrass him, and when the time of hia retreat comes, that he will be pulverized between the upper and nether mill stones. Yet, with all this, it is not a matter ol doubt that there is now marching to the enemy’s support reinforcements ot men and supplies, ^^e are «onfideut they will not come unmo ested. We think we see Gen. Johnston watching qui etly fur tbe signs of destruction and carnage along tbe plains between the Etowah and Oostenauia when his own eagles, the unsurpassed soldiers of the Army of Tennessee, will swoop down on the path ot tho foe, and mark the enemy's fleeing track with a grave, whose bloody mound shall stretch from the Etowah to the Cumberland. Atlanta Intelligencer^ 4fA inst. Northern and Foreign A’cws.—RICHMOND, J une 7.—The Washington Chronicle, of the 2d, says Grant’s communications with the White House are complete. The Railroad between VV^est Point and the White House will be put in operation Brownsville, Texas, is threatened by 2,000 rebels. Gold 189i. European advices cf the 20th SAy that Parlia ment has reassembled. The impression on the stock exchange, London, is that there is some truth io the reports of Grant’s victory over Lee. The Confederate loan declined 8 per cent. The news caused an unsettled feeling in commercial circles- I : I tl 41 ?: _ FA TMUl A guKKR nansville tha Jit), who are very bitter a: be who had t i-eived by th« Vance has ni do anything tlesire i.s to k aud he bail s That ellect, b hilitie^j of ei iiieiit—not G It is earnei affairs will jn their farms, scarcely seco enemy on the incut is as we themselves; charge them done with sat the probabilit that the way rior of the 8ti invited last F would have b ers? N ut on titin wriiilrl I burnt, their clothing and called froiu i for iiiou ol despoiled ul' dreu insulM^ a yankee pri grievous calai aud il may be Thk Hospi oup readers in a hundred sic tal in this tov spared, of ve| ter, in short a an invalid, wc these brave a To those who ed by Mr. Pa tias been deta Vttlescing.) to on as favonibl this purpose u A Good Ji cently establi barrel of tloui her> husband i a considenibU be laid down what it would But what IB by this E.xpre sick, os well a friends. W e siness in that On Monday for the Hospit President of t who will see t tion to the Any further c for thi^ purpof people of Wai COL. .loH.N sure in stating ye.sterday fron ing the gratif John it. .Mure hands of the head. We tn and his counti Lieut. Tui youth, only 1 been two year He was not sa by location in his father, Lt. the flashing o therefore, to h being able in his existing offered to bun cavalry. A that Regiineni “Lieut. Ho since and vol campaign acted with grt Lieut. Ch.\ geon in JLane’s of this gallant ago left the Ij service in the “Lieut. Chai the 12th ult. (Co. B, :17th 1 A member of through the h eye and t omii head. Our iii which he fell, cure his renia “Col. liarbo more highly with us but 1 every otiicer was such in cit the coiinuu regiment, but the attention highly for his tb th 1 From [iA\i dated “Battf-1 “YesU*rday right of the ' drove tlieene line of hills 1 wen* locatin eharp-shoott'i passed throug the profuse hurried him tery was wound is a J not a dangero even for ‘ Brigade. 'rhis morni the line.s just We watched t artillery opene retreated. Iron ly. They ^Brigade, and open upon “The right bominy. bf not ve The; .of Virginians Suppose. 1 the left \

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