# FT7BI.IC LAWS £hactku Fkb’v IH, 1861. >u-; I M llii ll I-', i ti ’10 . JLct to Vhyui, Tsx and Limit ihe ('urrt-n- y. SbctION I. 1 hf Ooni^re»* u/ the Slate* of Aituri-a L> enact, Tlui tLo ■* sU Trciwu’7 notes above ihe dcu-iuiiuaiiou ol'5’>, out be«riag interciiC, shall bu kiiowed uutil tlio 1st ot Apnl l^Ul, east oi the Miosid«ippi, to tbe daiuc, ^nJ uacil the pcriotiii uud at th? places statod, the holders J all euoh Troa'jury ooco6 ihall be ailoNfod to tiiuJ tho ^iU' in t«r«d boods^ payable 20 yoars atu;r lh«ir dare, boaring iotcPcwt at tho rau tvi 4 p^r cent, per av aam. p&jit'lo oa tbe 1st ol Jauu£.ry aivl July of oftoh jear. Sen 2 Thi* *^ori’tary tho 'I [ Kcurv i;- Lorf'iiy atitiii.rixt-Hj to the ^ r»}i|uirc'i lor 'lu* ftiiidiui' ir >viJcd t'"*!* io t.‘,t' pr-=> \m: s t>, ,, and ur cii ihc boad^ ca-- bo pfcj-an'd hi >. . ir, oertitto.itfd to answer the purjio.' •ad certiiicatf^s stiall he icjcivaU! >• est «n pa^ment of iiii Gover-.u.;nr in the »car ISiil, t*xc»*pt oxp- rt u>iu in Sec 3. 'n>«t all rn>.i.-)ury nt»;- jt nation .)« IIOO. au« b. dnu^' i.iUi= 4,. QOt bii ;>rosen»cd for l.u’Jui:r ’'n v-;' ot the 1st sootiou i>i tht.- act, .-IkiU, li the 1st dny ot Vpril 1SG4. oi-foi Mi.' rivor, and rhi; l,-.t u;i_y '♦ ,?i.\ i i! !, Misfiissipj^i, c-a?!«; i pabliu uutv, liiid faid ii i: r.oi >o that time, shall, u, t': ■ o«nU* nup(.sed ui the It’- hm iio ■ snbject ;d to a LiX 1 l'.> pet v. : ’ til 80 pn'cooted; which tnxc ;h l aotes whorcTcr ciro!i(at!., un.J -,h .11 i from I he l^co of n>ri'> vt r j.;'- ' n , [■' ’ toi pHymcrit nr *’oT :'w ^'u aMi Kt;.i ::t ! ail not be exoharn-'itMi 1 r t!^; Lew i. ; • »( 'I . a sory note-* iirovidod ;i x'- .i i Skct 1 Th.if on i.f. s.\ld '' a. -: «. i. >■ ' ' fundt'1 uf U-. d in puj it PT . > ■ '> ' ' * and plact'9 prt-Korib. d ’ it ’i li i act, there shall be U riod at ^«id ^ i >ii!«l ; !a. a tax ot ocnts ft»r y pro; i m; - »• the face of said notes; s.iivi t-iX j ■ ■: > s ad ’ notea wbcrevrr oirculii; 'i, d . i l-i; e ..: v '.li • - by deducting the sani' at 'he trfu ury, .t. j- ^1 •' lories and by fax oolle;;r! =-, o ■ : v , 'i (t - ■ ; »;i inent o£5corB reoeiviui: rh- SHim v»lu i. v r • c aented i)r payniei»f or for iiindiuir, or iu f-iv-' -.’ut - of OovemmeDt dui s, it }L>r p ^ .>•, 'f '■ i > j change tor Qew not;.j, h, ;■ il; >-cr -vi-.ic ’ ;»ad >'' •' iaid Treai»ary nute,s ^luii he la bo:..‘ s.- roTi(l*'d is the 1st , rfion >t this f^uall be Kubjetji to » ot 83* Mr went, oo «▼- j ty or ei^ts of aay kind, not ©ounaeraW n ' «rj df-'- •' pr >nii»nd on the faoe thcnjot, said tax th« preceding paragraph, between the times ' tu auaoa io said unites wherever oiroulated, and ! named therein, 10 per cent., in addition to I ud-oi* 'to bclundablu iu»d t xchKugcablelor new I profits as income, under the ' T;\ a-'iy7 ni OH, aa ): rciu prcvrided, suLjeot to {jjct atbreeaid. fhij ictioii el naid tax. Ill, On the amount of profits exceeding "he years 1863 and 1864, by aoy »»ank or banking : ‘;c IJ That any St.it« hjdia« 25 per cent!, made daring either of the years any st.tt«; h i: r ev ived Wf .n; rho tirjcs hei'^ia uxiug Haid uotcd shall b. :.ilowea till the 6.-^t juaurance, canal, navigation, im- du) 11 dauuavy 1860, lo lund the diciu la (J per } tolAvr&nh esnmcifl ,.l tl,„ itu,ro,« ^.blo ra Iroad, it. t ail Troivvarv nvla K«iv.,d i-» jomt st.)^ aampm^ of .my dMmption, .bo 1.1„. Ivr i^kxmi, tUo wiiii whether incorporated or not. ii per cent on uiu'f aiivl fill ‘; :s ..‘,>1,;::^,.;. .o'li i.» ua\ti been roccivcd I’-jiju 0^ iK, att, ..f :>aid tax Tha di' ' . 'v V’. . I.',-, .la'.-is tj the t-iiX a;id i •' s»> bUL>j cf. sih;»ll be— iSxc i,'{. That ■f ifsurjr' liOtOi* hortitolore isaued ■ ' ur. at uii ul 67 3it on .tie 6lt»u [1,^ vahie of $500; and for each minor child ;• . a . . ... i.ail m> lo i.;i r be rcoeivt d iu pay- family to the further value of |100; ■■ ij- ■■ ' . ’!.'! ' I’lfs, I'jt .siiuil bo deemed and go^ actuully engaged in the ' ’ * ■ 11 s o' tiie Stares, paya- navv, or who has died or bCen . IS ..fu! li.o raiitioatioH of a tr«'aty of i f S'a.c>. bcufiQt: I’.o 'af- of snch excees. Sko. 3. The K>llowing exemptions from laxHtion undei* tiiis act shall be allowed, to-wit: I. Prof>erty of each head of a family to .V .^...1*..^ avwi i\\r iniTw^r 'llji.U c^eh 1 ta-ir Uji;, every \vjar. pay U:.-1 'I' i 'iv IU i -;y v' f •n: u • ■ , ft'. = 'i Jununry - ,tS, I res 'iiy noter> cfQtri on thf d.)i- deDOiXiin;»ti' •» oi '.yr- ■- *' ...tioTi 0* :j ! •: V ‘f ■ ■ -tu,- - J r- cc-\ ... ul J. dor-^rrj whothcr s.iii uld r»^»» r* ^V'-. f T- -i?iry un-itT h„' icr.3 't the P 1st day of Jau'jary i: .i, on the dollar; and it oil 11 b r‘ retary of the rri-a.sury, at Iflt ot \pril and the lat of Ju. the Mississippi river, vrid the to subfititauj and t;x.chai>i:- r. for the same at the rate ot o6| lar: Pruoided, That notea of rh JlOO shall not be entitled to the privilege of i-u;d exchange: Frocidpxi furthrr thut tho right t-> funil aiy oi said Treasury notca, after the ■ of January io6o, is hereby taken away; ,4-. xnded i'urth r^ That upon all suo!. Treamr} f" ft > which lEay remain outstanding n the l t d y cl January l^h5, and w^.ich may not bo d for ne# Treasury notes, as h. rein provi;: d, unv of 100 par ccnt i- hrn:hy imp.»s- d Sso 6 That after the first dsy ot \r>r * n- y.r, all auihsriiy heretofore ;^iven to the See. cr-ir-. ' the Treasury to issae Trca«ury notes shall Iau i is hereby, revoked: l^'jvidfd, the Secretary u! tho Trea-ury may, alter tt.nt "ime, i^a-. new Treaeury notes, in such form he iua> , r- \ payable two years alter ih. • of pe% ;e wi h t’-;p - ■ i ‘ to DC rec‘^iva^>lo in p;iy;ner>t except oxfort and iajp,vt dy exohan^e for old no ten at *^f the new tor 3 of the oid aot«8 be surrendered for exehsn; thereof, or be reocived into the the provioions of th s ;-.ot; and th jjew uotfts or of the gld nvtc^, cs*2pt o‘ the (loEomination of 8100, afrer they l; e red^ce-i to 86t cents on the dollar by the tax sforfssaid, in*iy oonvert the SAtQo ’nto eal! certificate-)*bearing; in- torost at the rate of 4 per cent pe' annar.i. ari.! payable two yoars af\or s ratiS-mtion ol a troaty of peace with the TTnit«,d Stitsc, atliy^s eot.-.-. r converted into now no-w 8*0. «. That to p-.y tho -f.3 -sf »he ;ov erament not otheiwi ’•io''’d»’ 1 t-^r, =;.e * *v of th-Trjf.'ury ia h>»r-h'.7 auth'-'i’^i i.. -j.nc r‘. per cen^ I • n*^« .:o ?n ; nandr- d rnii’>.)n# -it i. terest tirhff Im'! h*> !-• for the r.'wtuent ot .af'T-st receipts o; ny cxy-nrt d ir^ ' »r>' value 'd aaj oottun, to')an!, which shall bo er::-rted ♦ States, and the net rn.o/’cd^ ' DOW laid, or so tnuct •■h to pay anm?Jly th-' i-jt -r. ;» ple«Jged: hrnr„d^)^ th^, importii arc h-r-by ter be pai'f n -p' ■ ■ in eoup..^o r>f sa:«i 6.. .• Sac. 7. Thaf th'' hereby autliorizod, fr • ;i waatH 'if the Treasury wrj hypothecate t.-.r Tren-ury part thiTooi, npoa ^ meet app^lJpr^'5»'■r■:^ •’ ^ time reduce •»ni f. ,r latioD ia Trey 'I V i;,.; ■ate limits _ Snr. y. Tl-o bo-.l, • :,r tion 1)1 th:.j >i;f 73IV h pon bonds, ar, iho rr and they m.»y l-.. »»ch rG^u.'i a-i ifr; maypr- ir'bo. Ti .y v together with the '*)upv •uch and suoh - «ttr, of 5 T : >"i"iy on the f- r r,- - ■n uJy ;q urinoiD»l sliali be pay »blo not less thin ao yoara IVow th-ir dwrc. oBO. 9. .-V,!] uf (I oertiScHt^4 be fii” 1 hi''. _ir' Se/- has killed in the military or naval service, and who w:is a nicmbor i>f the family when he eiitorod tlie servkje, to ti»e further value of II. Property of the widow of any ofScer, -olilior, sailor or marine, who may have liitfti or been killed iu tlie military or naval .m-.vice, or where there is no widow, then of til'! fjiinily, being minor children, to the value of $10l>0. III. Property of every officer, siddier, sailor *r marine, actually engaged in tho , iiiilitary or uaval «ervico, or of such as have luHMi (IiHMbled in such service, to the V4ilue «if|>l(H)0; provided, that the alx>vo exemp tions t»hall not apply to any person, whi^be |jro|)crty, exclusive of household furniturrt, uiial! iwassesecd at a value exceeding |ilOOO. IV. Tliat where property has been injured I or {cs»tn»yed by the enemy, or the owner ; thereof has l>een temporarily deprived of tJie I use or occupancy thereof, or of the means cuhivating tiie same, by reason of the i presence or the proximity of the enemy, the aHKessment on such property may be reduced, in proportion to the damage sus tained by the owner, or the tax assessed thereon tnay be reduced in tho same ratio by the district collector, on satisfactory evi j denee enbmitted to him by the owner t>r a^- ■ sessor. Sko. 6. That the taxes on property laid for the year 1864, shall be assessed as on the day of the passage of this act, and be ! due and collected ou the l^t day of June the aot to provide for the j next, or as soon afW as practicable, allow- itiiT sn extension of 9u days West of the : Mississippi river Tlie additional taxes on I incomes or profits for the year 1803, levied I by this act, shall l>e assessed and collected j forthwith; and the taxes on incomes or pro fits for the year 1864, shall be assessed and i collected according to the provisions of the ; tax and assessment acts of 1863. I 6eo. 7. So much of the Uix act of the 24th i day of April 1863, as levies a tax ou in comes derived from property or effects on the amount or value of which a tax is levied . . ^ , by this act, and also the 1st section of said Ol Af>ril lb03, there shall be jj^t, are susixjnded for the year 1864, and Irofn the pas?Ri/e of tl ’s act, on the j estimated rent, hire or interest on pro- I "t ^Hxation nercaf‘.^r mentioned,, credits herein taxed ad valorem, •ft-Hi troiii - vor\ persoii, copartner- ; be assessed or taxed as incomes under the tax act of 1863. Sec. 8. That the tax irnpooed by this act on Ix.cidh of the ConfodorRfe Stat»iS hereto- ' 1 . .t p.v ^fX-OKiry tht 'I’rciisury . i- i i'i diitiio''i2^d, irj ca^»' rue (Xi- ! . . -t .'lu>uld rcijK.ir- it, to •;:1 -I a: J pu! lie. cn“*.litnr vh-i c lebt 1,iCtr l 0 '»! tin ucf, > i' * iti ^ 0v^rtiiiCH*e i«i ifi .. ■ b“ ■.s.-^ jt'd by oaiu t'l u: clary it»:,m h • '.Mv 0 ’.ii i.i-i jCV, ayable '«.» yjais iu: . !* ;. a iioati. '.i b the ;4ttc-s, hourili^ Jjicri.st Ut mo TUtO Ol MIX I ^ ot.iiii nu'l L . rpe^iul c-ud-'r iin at, utidi'i’ ,. . . . . i\b'd by the So Tt*-rv ol' :■ i sna.ll l";i X«.iupt f ■■-ji:.! .u.»i iritcic.-i. . :y ol ’he 'i'”easury i.s au . . t r • tiiib r .tf.itpr .toric so u !ii: iir-. of thi.s aor, id wiih . ui'ii i.y t .it banks of the ot:v .y J(0:j c:.' 'diiui. crotjiry oi the Tr. a-ury ph ili ■ 1 Lc this dct io such noW'paper' J in t’ ‘ H-j7.;rd! States, and by ■uch other hu!! ii -jrc '•'Jiiu.'di-ite publicity; and ii iry jf War the Secretary of the dl orjch ou jH.‘ it to be published in fcene formatio* -f the army and ;r T' I- l2d si'oiioii *>f tho aot for th^ - .11 : >:l'ctii,ii ul taxes, approved Muy ■ : ! !•■{. , li.>rt Lv r^‘iie:i!id *' r 'i’^w '^rir.‘*^ary of the Treasury i.« : ■ .. it. ] :'.r.'d rciuir».'d, upon the appli- ■: 'L.‘ ;.ol«w:r of ;«ny Oill certiScaie, which, = V th. tir^it -:"''i:!loa ot . ind n -ind lurthcr i .i ue of Treasury Hotoe, ap- r-r. vL.l ^larch :i3d lSt33, was required to he !:.. r. :it = • lo be a bond, to issue to such b- :d; r : b '-d rhtT^for upon the terms provided IX. Of oouapiraeies, or attempts to libw- ate priaondrs of war held by the Oanfederate States. X. Of conspiracies, or attempts or prepa rations to aid the enemy. XI. Of persons advising or inciting other* to abandon tho Oontederate cause, or to re sist the Confederate States, or to adhere to the enen^. XII. Of unlawftilly buraiug, destroying or injuring, or attempting to burn, destroy or injure any bridge or railroad, or tele graphic line of «ommunication, or property, with the intent of aiding the enemy. Xm. Of treasonable designs to impair the military power of the Government by destroying, or attempting to destroy, vessels or arms, or munitions of war, or arsenals, foundries, workshops, or othe*" property of the Confederate States. Sec. 2. The President shall cause proper oflicers t«> investigate the cases of all persons so arrested, or det:iined, in order that they may be discharged if improperly detaino>i, unless they can be speedily tried in the due course of law. Sec. 3^ That during tho suspension afore said, no military or other officer shall be compelled, in answer to any writ of habeas corpus, to appear in person, or to return the body of any person or persons detained by him, by the authority of the President, Se cretary of War, or thtj General officer com manding tho Trans Misi»lssippi department; but upon the certificate, under oath, of the oo «*tof tAi ik^'i y that such pei'son is detained by him a prisoner for any of the causes hereinhel’ore «»pecified, under the authority aforesaid, tin ther proceedings under the writ of habeas corpus shall iuimedlalely cease and remain su6j)ended so long as this act sht^ll continue in force. Sec. 4. This act shall continue in force for the provisions hereof, shall, on conviction ninety days after the next meeting of Con ’ " ’ ' ^ gress, and no longer. ahaU be liable to be placed iu service iu the field for the war, aa if he were ~ agea of 18 and 45. Sec. 8. That hereafter the duties of pro vost and hospital guards and clerks, an d of clerks, j^ards, agents, employeea or labor ers in the Commissary and Quartermaster’s Departments, in the Ordoance Bureau, and of clerks and employees of navy agents, as also in the execution of the onrQllment act, and all similar duties, shall be performed by persons who are within the ages ot |18 and 45 years, and who by the report of a Board of army surgeons shall be reported as unable to perform active service in the field, but capable of performing some of the above said duties, specifying which, and when these persons shall have been assigned to those duties as far as practicable, the Pre sident shall assign or detail to their perform ance such bodies of troops, or individuals, required to be enrolled under the 5th sec tion of this act, as may be needed for the discharge of such duties: Provided, that persons between the ages of 17 and 18 shall be assigned to those duties: Provided fur ther, that nothing contained in this act shall be so conalrued as to prevent the President from detaih’ng artisans, mechanics, or per sons of scientific skill, to perform indispen sable duties in the departments or bureaus herein mentioned. Sec. 9. That any Quartermaster or As sistant Quartermaster, Commissary or As- aiotuat Couiinjiijjary, (othor than those Serv- with lirifi;adH& or rejj^imeiits in the field,) or officers in the Ordnance liure.iu, or Navy AgLMits, or Provost Marshal, or officer in I lie conscript service, who shall hereafter employ or retain in his emjilojment any persm in any of their sa\d departments or Imreaus, or in any of the duties mentioned in the 8th section of this act, in violation of ervioe iu the i provisions, t* be delivered ];»y sowh peraoa between the! as aforesaid at equivalent rates. V i ti- tui^Utior^d Itucex /l/r tfie cam ituj>^H>rt of Govenii/uni. ^.ntrrcty of the Contederote ‘ . • -ca S t onuct, That in addi- tiitn ti, ■ faX'.rt i the {■f.*vtTM!iit*nt ROMr.'v.d ‘2?tl levie t'.x.tj 'evifd by ihe act “to lay >r t.iu c ,‘iiunoT. jMtence and to carry on •r tlu^ C(»nfederate States,” >r ct)n!t>rat:ou. liable there X'-\ J •• f-■>UiCr'. ! ,-wit: 1. , t- ^ vh'u -f ■ ‘''perty, real, per ' ' ' kind and d iecrip- ’ f,,re issued, shall in no cace exceed the in- r>, i!"t i.crt-ui'-. iu[)ted or taxed at a , game, aud suck bonds, when i rovided, That i miaon* or lunatics, ahall l/o oil lni vaiiie of property ern- ulL’ire ^!.aU be deducted tho X :ii ivitid delivered therefreiii, vi';;' law iuiiK'tsinif it, aud the v/overnmenl: Provided, t tjfriii Ih* allowed beyond 5 THE MILITARY BILL. Section 1. That iroin and after the passage of this act all white men, residents of the Confederate States, between the ages of 17 and 50, shall be in the military service of the Confederate States for the war. Sec. 2. That all the persons aforesaid, be tween the ages of 18 and 45, now in service, shall be retained during the present war with the U. S., in the same regiments, bat talions and companies, to which they bel*ng at the passage of tiiis act, with the same or ganization aud officers, unless regularly transferred or discharged, in accordance with the laws and regulations for the gov ernment of the army; Provided, that com panies from one State, organized against their consent, expressed at the time, with regiments or battalions from another State, shall have the privilege of being transferred to organizations of trov>}»s, in tiie same arm thereof by a coifft-inartial or m’litary court, be caphier^d; and it shall be the duty of any department or district commander, upon proof, by the oath of any credible j>er8on, that any such officer has violated this pro vision, immediately to relieve such officer froni duty; and said commanders shall take prompt measures to have him tried for such offence; and any commander as aforesaid failing to perform the duties enjoined by this section, shall upon being duly convicted thereof, be discharged from the service. Sec. 10. That all laws granting exemp tions from military service be, and the same a;e, hereby repealed, and hereafter none shall l)e exempted except the following: 1. All who shall be held unfit for railita- 3. Such person shall further bind hiius»jif to sell the marketable surplus of provisioub and graia now on hand, and which he may raise from year to year while his exenif.tiou continues, to the Gfovernment or to the fata ilies of soldiers, at prices fixed by the Com missioners of the State under the impry^k ment act: Provided, that any person e* empted as aforesaid, shall be entitled to ^ credit of 26 per cent, ou any amount of meat which he may deliver within three moatfi* from the passage of this act: Provided fu.>-- ther, that persons coming withiu the provi sions of this exemption shall not be deprived of the benefit thereof by reason of havini/ been enrolled since the 1st day of Feb. 18t;4 4. In addition to tho foregoing exemu' tions, the Secretary of War,.under the di- rection of the President, may exempt or de tail such other persons as he may be satis fied ought to be exempted on account oi public necessity, and to insure the produc tion of grain and other provisions for the army and the families of soldiere. He mav also, grant exemptions or details, on sud! terms as he may prescribe, to such over seers, farmers or planters as ho may be sat isfied will be more useful to the country iu the pursuits of agriculture than in the mili tary service; Provided, that such exemption shall cease whenever the farmer, planter or overseer shall fail diligently to euibloy iu good faith, his own skill, capital ana iab«jr exclusively in the production of gmiu and provisions, to be sold to the Government and tiie families of soldiers at prices not exceed ing those fixed at the time for like article* by the Commissioners of the State under the impressment act. 5. The president, treasurer, auditor and superintendent of any railroad company en gaged in transportation for the Government and such officers and employees thereof as the president or superintendent shall crt-tifV on oath to be indispensable to the efficient oj>eration of said railroad: Provided, that the number, of persons so exempted by thia act ou any railroad shall not exceed one per son for each mile of such road iu actual use for miliary transportation; and saidexeuipta shall be reported by name and description, with the names os' any who have left the employment of said company, or who maj cease to be indu'peusable. 6. That nothing herein contained shali be construed as s t uealing the act approved April the 14th 1863, entitled aa act to ex empt confractoi’B for carrying the mails of the C-onfederate SUitti, and the drivers of ry service, under rules to be prescribed by \ post coaches and hacks, from military ser- the Secretary ot War. j vice: Provided, that ali^ the exetnptiouB 2. The Vice President ot the Confedeiato I ^i.ited under this act siiail only continue States, the members and officers of Congress i whilst the porbons exempted are actually and of the several State Legislatures, and . engaged in their respective pursuits or oc- such other Confederate and State officers as cupation*. ..,1 - . *i . • 1-1 J ' President, or the Governor . 4' tlt'i ic Sec. 11. That the President be, and be is of the service, froin the btates in which said | gpoctive States, may certify to be nt uv.^ary , hereby, authorised to grant details, under (xfmpauies w^rerai^dj ar^d thesoldi^^^ proper adminiatr^ition of lUe Con-1 getieral rules and regulations to be iasued one State, iu companies from another State, shall be allowed, if they desire it, a transfer to organizations from their own States, in the same arm of the service. Sec. 3. That at the expiration of six months from the first day of April next, a bounty Ir. I tii's i;iA - f cd ,ii . ‘.iiu- A '.i ?• 5u « .;:•:*:ie1 ■'* •i:.''.'erei to I ';-it r!-= ]' T f On tLu- VA- :ir; 1 j;!ate, jewel •|0 Ji 1. an» • itars. rh •* eTCi i r to* I held by or for miaon* or lunatics, exempt from the tax in all cas«b where the interest on the same shall not exceed $1000. An Act to fufpend the*privilege of the of Haheaa Corpus in certain cnutes. Whereas, the Constitution of the Confed- I ;rate Stales of America provides in Article of ard silver wares.,^’ Section 9, Parf^aph 3, that “th« urivi- V and watches 10 ' hal>eaa corpus shall not ’ I iHJ suBj>eudei unless when in case of rebel lion or invasion, the public safety may re quire it;” and whereas, the pownr of sus- ]tending the privilege of said v^rit as recog nized in said Article 1, is vested solely in federate or State Governments, as the case may be. 3. Every minister of religion authorized to preach according to the rules of his church, and who, at the passage ot this act, shall be ^ , r : regularly employed in the discharge of his ^ I o cent. Government bond, ^ luinisterial duties; superintendents and phy- which the becretary ot the Trea*,ury is here- Lieians of asylums for the deaf und dumb by »uth->r..cJ to iwiie, shall be paid to eve- j ui,„a anS of tbe insane; one editor for ry non-commissioned officer, musician aud i e,ich uewspajier being published at the time I of this act, and such employees as said edi- i tor may certify, on oath, to be indispensable j to the publication of such newspaper; the in )ior:\ taxed under «‘Ti the ba^is of iti‘. Kaiiie, or siraihir pro- .1. M.o;i \r. er.'UMOssed, in , . , , . . -, 1, f-HBOS where land. ‘ Conj^ross, which is the exclusiyo judge i^'CK li:ive fieen pur- nocet>jity iM'i lijt dav of January 186‘i, land, f.lavcp. cotton "beret.f h- ■*^rv ■! :-f:all be a.*«oj?8ed for the same by al! ijharoa or intor- •n 1 a. ■i;, i;avi^an.Jn, importing, inaiiuiacturinsf, tele- raiiroad. and dry-d-Ktk com liiier joint stock compuiiiei« ifiil, whetiier incorporated or not, r- • oa, ! t-. tl' ,t r!. .* '■i-.'i :is :-ri V:; th ! fill' r V, ■' • i’.or a'i Hi in all rcnrect'1 I'lr •nd shall ^0 tr^xo fcr tho Tr:i^if:iry aotti into wiuo'i ^erible. ff cunvviicd :i ’'-'"'o tii" i- iiv ^xing the Trea noton. su» h or'.''!;;- frotn *hat timo bfar interf“st upon for ovcry dollar prom!M ;•* apua ^ iha!! he rfi'IrtCTiab’.o .in ucw T-o- ^at nto; bat at»er the ■ •. 5*rtifioatos ‘•hall b« iu^ui’id 'ivis ii.;r of April, 1864. Sko. 10. That if nt j j-K-vii | Ha depoBitorj the bcn-i^ .-mfho-iied oy the £“dt ■•ction ol this act. in e*. ’ jiro for t*ie i i:r .hall snd 'lus v.!.'aj d' ijroperty taxed un-ier thia !■ ' . b! liaseiisod upon the basis of ' •!-;t vaiuo »i such |)ro|)erty in tb-r d v/!u*re ae^'^o^scl, in such cur- 4^. ;r>-«v b«! in goneral S oe then., ;/i the .;> an-1 '>f pr >|)erty, at rjie 3. Up' n tho amount of all j-dd i>ud : M, • 'J frTof.i or sitilvor bullion, •r • M oy t'ln banks or other C';rpo- (;•' iiidiv'dn U^., 5 per cent.; aud ujx)n “ heiii abroad, or upon tho amount ' r cAOiaago, drawn fheretbr on 5*; ; Cour.’tri ;s, a tax of 5 per cent.; sach ta.' i!j ;t.i i.-(kney abroad to bo :'fsscr,ij0d and colloftc' ii:.;cor i'ii to the vt.lno thereof at '> titc tj>'^ .'s pai-d. Ii. i ' on the ',!• .-.'.unt of all solvent cre- d.‘ • I'.tid )t f“*i t,;tMk bills and all othor pa- jx.i-'i ■ .1” . curr\)'V‘y, exciusive of non- itiri;'- i beai'iug Confederate treasury notes, ' r.'^ II it employed in a registered business, *^!ie inr.^u.e de.rivud from which ia taxed, 5 r .Sec. 4. tfivDn proflt.'j made in trade and I. 0.'-!%iii pi'vitiLo ina io by buying and sell- in./ ^’piritaaii i’l^uors, flour, wheat, corn, rice, of the necesjity of such suspension; and whoretw, in the «.*pinion of the Congress, the public safety rejuires the suspension of said writ in the existlnjr case of the invasiim of these States by. the armies of the United \ t.tates; and whereas, the President has asked ■ for the suspension of the writ of haboafftjor- , . „ ! i)us, atid informed Congress of conditions of :inkni:r coinuanv t)r: ' , i- i i • i j ■ public danger which render the suspension 1 the writ a measure proper for the public • 'ctence against invasion and insurrection ni?'A-, therefore, The Congress of the Confederate States of ^ cuierica do enact. That during the present invasion of the Confederate States, the priv of the writ of habeas corpus be, and the same is hereby, suspended; but such sus ponSMMi shalt apply onlj^ tJid is64es of per- •^'ins nrrested or detained by order of the I’re^ideiit, Secretary of War, or the General Officer commanding the Trans-Mississippi Military Department, by the authority and uadcr the control of the Pr^'dcnt. " It hereby declared that tha purpose of Con gress in the passAj^'e ot this act is to provide more efiTcctually for the public safety by St •''.ponding the writ of habeas corpus in the lollowing cases and no other: I. Of treason, or treasonable efforts or •combinations to subvert the government of tbo Confederate States. II. Of conspiracies to overthrow the gov- private who shall then be iu service, or in the event of hit death prev-ious to the {>eriod of buch payment, then to the persou or per sons who would be untitled to receive by law the arrearages of his pay; but no one shall be entitled to the bounty herein provided who shall at any time, during the period of six moutlis next alter the said first day of April, be absent fmm his commaud without leave. Sec. 4. That no person shall be relieved from the operation of this act by reason of having been heretofore discharged from the army where no disability now exists; nor shall those who have furnished substitutes be any longer exempted by reason thereof; Provided, that no person, heretofore exempt ed on account of religious opinions and who has paid the tax levied to relieve him from service, shall be required to render military service under this act. : siio for t*ieir dopot^it.s : , - • , *nd_ spscitjiag tuo sa-.o oa thu honJs by somo! «iirup, salt, bacon, pork, ^tinotive mark or ^.ken, to be agreed upoii tvitti beef cattlo, sheep, oats, hay, the Seoretary of tho Trcu.«>ury, th'i:* the 9n'u[ ,o-i I->ddcr, r U7 ni-!fjrt, leather, horses, mules, pmtor ahall be entitled to i«oiova the amount oi'j ooots, shcos, cotton yr.rne, wool, woolen, cot- notefl, beaiinsf no inter- ,t toi> or rnixod clothH, hats, wagons, harness. ‘hi-* /Vh. tho sa^id bori.is are prescnr bcPr.tc tho privilogo of funditm> M berciQ prescribed ho:-«fof..re io^ZTk''* ' pay'nont of puhlie dues, a^ provided b«r i««r iuadablc at »ur under th coal, iron, Bteel or nails, at any time be tween the 1st of January 1863, and the 1st ofJantiAty 186-5, 10 per cent., in addition to the tax on such profits as income under fhe “act to lay taxee for tho common defence, and carry on tho Governiaent of tne Con federate States,” approved April 24, 1863. IL. On all profit‘d made by buying and r^ifi • V , V ^ ‘^^’‘whcr 1864, w«at of ] «®i^jt‘gwioney, gold, silver, foreign exchange, eiffi j stocj/.*, notes, debts, credits, or obligatioas of ttaf fctfid, and viy mtrohuidiit, proptr- eminent, or conspiracies to resist the lawful authority of the Confederate States. III. Of combining to assist the enemy, or of coiumuaieating int-elligence to the enemy, or giving him aid aud comfort. IV. Of conspiracies, preparations and at- laii^ts to incite servile insurrection. V. Of desertions or encouraging deser tions, of harboring deserters, and of attempts to avoid military service: Provided, That in ca.‘ e ot palpable wrong and oppression by any subordinate officer upon any party wfio does not legally owe military service, his suj)erior officer shall grant prompt relief to the oppressed party, and the subordinate shall be dismissed from office. VI. (Jt spies and other emissaries of the enemy. VII. Of holding correspondence or inter course yith the enemy, without necessity, and without the permission of the Oom^de- i'ato States. VIIL Of unlawf^il trading with the ene my, and other offences against the laws of the Ooniederate States, enftoted to fwomota tluiir siuioMi in tiM ww« •Sec. 5. That all white male residents of the Confederate States, between the s^es of 17 and 18 and 45 and 50 years, shall enn>ll theinselvos at such times and places, anc under such regulations, as tho President may prescribe, the time allowed not being less tlian 30 days for those east, and 60 days for those west of the Mississippi river, and any person who shall fail so to enroll him self, without a reasonable excuse therefor, to bo judged of by the President, shall be placed in service in the field for the war, in the same manner as though they were be tween the aijes of 18 and 45: Provided, that the persons mentioned in jtiis section ehaU constitute a. rosorve for State defeuco and detail duty, _and shall not be required to perform service out of the State in which they reside. Sec, 6. That all persons required by tho 5th section of this act to enroll themselves, may within 30 days after the passage there of, east of the Mississippi, and within 60 days, if west of said river, form themselves into voluntary organizations of companies, battalions or regiments, and elect their own officers; said organizations to conform to the existing laws; and, having so organized, to tender tlieir services as volunteers during the war to the President; and if such organ izations shall tj^nish proper muster rolls, as now organized^ and deposit a copy thereof with the enrolling officer of thoir diatrict, wfilcn snail bo equivalent to enrollment, tuey may be accepted as minute men for service m such State, but in no event to be taken ont ol it. Those who do not so volun teer and organize, shall enroll themselves as before provided; and may, by the President, be re^aired to assemble at conve'nient pla ces ot rendezvous, and be formed or organ ized into compawes, battalions and regi ments, onder regulations.to be prescribed by him; and shall have the right to elect tfieir company and regimental officers; and all troops organized under this act tor State defence, shall be entitled, while in actual service, to the same pay and allowance as troops now in the field. 8^ 7. That any person who shall fail to 1 attend at the place pt rendezvous as required by the aathoritj rf the Preuden^ ' *1 “ mfflwiwut MQQM| public printer of the Confederate and State C^vernments, and such ionrneymen print ers as the said public printer shall certify, on oath, to be indispensable to perform the public printing; one skilled apothecary in each apothecary store, who was doing busi ness as such on the 10th day of Oct'r 1862, and has continued said business, without intermission, since that period; all physi cians over the age of 30 years, who now are, and for the last 7 years have been, in the actual and regular practice of their profes sion, but the term physician shall not in clude dentists; all presidents and teachers of colleges, theological seminaries, acade mies and schools, who have been regularly engaged as such for two years next before the passage of this act: l*rovided, that the lienefit of this exemption shall extend to those teachers only whose schools are com posed of 20 students or more. All superin tendents of public hospitals, established by law before the passage of this act, and such physicians and nurses therein as snch su perintendents 'shall certify, on oath, to be indispensable to the proper and efficient management thereof. 4. There shall be exempt one person as owner or agriculturist on each farm or plan tation upon which there are now, and were on the 1st d.t/ of Jan’y last, 15 able-bodied fiald-hands, between the t.ges ot 16 and 50, Uj»on the following conditions. 1. TIhs exemption shall only be granted in cases in which there is no white male adult on tho farm or planta.tion not liable to military service, nor unless the person claim ing the exemption was oo the 1st day of Jan’y 1864, either the owner and manager or overseer of said plantation, but in no case shall more than one person be exempted for one farm or plantation. 2. Such person shall first execute a bond, payable to tho Ci>nfederato States of Amer ica, in such form, and with snch security, and in such penalty as the Secretary ot War may prescribe, conditioned that he will de liver to the Government at some railroad dopot, or such other place or places as may be designated by the Secretary ot War, within 12 months next ensuing, 100 iK.uuda of bacon, or, at the election ot the Govei-n- ment, its e(][nivalent in pork, and 100 lbs. ot net beef (said beef ti delivered on foot,) for eacn able-bodied slave on said farm or plantation, within the above said ages, whe ther said slaves in the field or not, which said bacon or pork and beef shall Iw paid for by tfie Government at the prices fixed by the Commissioners ot the State ander the impressment act: Provided, that when the person thus exempted shall prodac* satis factory evidence tnat it has been impcssifWe for hitn, by tho exorci^ of proper diligence. to furnish the amount of moat thua contract ed tbr, and leave an adequate supr>ly for the subsistence of thi>se living on the said farm or plantation, ttie Secretary of War ^hnll : uw Jn^deaL liithout dir^ A^oonunatation of the same, to the to Dt jadfcd M bj hia,|e**i«ioilwo4hirda AweoiingnuBoretiier from the War Def*tirtment, either of persona between 45 and 50 years of age, or from the army in the field, in all cases where, in hie judgment, justice, equity and necessity re quire such details, and he may revoke such orders of details whenever he lihinkg proper. Provided^ that the power heiein granted to the President to make details and exemp tions shall not be construed to authorize the exemption or detail of any contractor for furnishing supplies of any kind to the Oov ernment, by reason of said contract, uoIom the head or secretary of the department mit- king such contract shall certify that the per sonal services of such contractor are indis- >ensablo to ihe execution of said contraoi; rovided further, that when any such cou tractor shall fail, diligently and faithfallv, to proceed with the execution of such con tract, his exemption or detail shall oease. Soo. 12. That in appointing local boards of surgeons for the examination of persons liable to military service, no member com- }x>Sing the same shall be appointed from the county or enrolling district in which they are required to miue such examination. Post Offlooj Fayetteviile, C.,) OOTOBKR 3, 1863. ) SehtduU of the Arrived and Departurt of tke MaU* at ihu OffiM. RALEIQH via AVEBA8B0B0’, &o. Arrirra daily, except Suads/, at 4A P. M. Departs daily, except Saturday at 6 P. M. , RALEIGH via SUMMERVILLE. Departs Tuesday aad Friday at 6 A. M. Arrives Wetiaet»day and dunday at 9 P. M. WARSAW via CLINTON. Arrives daily at 12 noon. Sparta daily at 1| P. M. GARTSAQS. Arrives Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7 P. M. Departs Monday, Wednesday smd Friday at 1. P. M> CHERAW, S. C. Arrives Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 6 P. M. Departs Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday at 1 P. M. FAIR BLUFF via LUMBERTON. Arrives Tue»i«y, Thoraday aad Saturday at 6 A. M Departs Suaaiy, Tuesday aad Thursday at 1 P. M. RUBtiSOM’S via BLIZABETHTOWN. Departs MuuOlay, Wedn««d»y aad Friday at 6 A. M- Arrives Tu«»^ay, I'horday and Saturday al 2 P. M- ELlZABUrHTOvyN via TEREBINTH. Arrives Muu^tiy at > P M. Doarts same day (Monday) at 6 P. M. MAQNOLIA ?i» 0TPRB3S CBBKC- .Arrives Tuesday at 2 P. M. Departs same day (Tuesday) at 21 P. M. dWIFT ISLAND via \f()NTB0SE, C07IN8T0N PyWELliTON. Arrives Tuesday at P. M. Departs VVednifbday at 11 A. M. SWIFT ISLAND via TROY. Arrives Tuesday at 6 P. M. Departs Wednesday at II A. M. All mails ieaviaj i>ef .ir« 7^ A- M , are oioscd the tag oefore a:- 9 P. ‘-d AU listters to be sent off fro* Lhis offioe, other than by mail, mast be paid for as if eat by mail. AU drop letcera shooid be pre-paid by 2 of^at stamps. Tne offije will be opitn on Sunday from to 9^ ^ M , aud from to 5^ P. M. JAS. O. COOK, P M. xpc oi^iLfE paiddi) ^ Uitti* \ ^rtiier supply at wooleeal* •• • 1 Far.-* a THE iVOUfa CaBOLl.t.^ . MUTUAL UfK ii)ISURli«C£ VO.HriIII, NOW in the tenili year of duooessnil operauoi^ wit* grewing capital aad Hriaer hold upon publio eon* fidence, conimues to insure Lhe lives of all healthy sons from 14 t« 60 ye|rs of »ge, for one year, for sets* y eo^'i, an J for life—all Lie members sharing in the siavas irom iO to bO years ox age are insured tot ona jtM «t for live years for tw>» thirds their \il losses arc puaciually paid witMn 90 days ***" Batiafaotoi;; ptoot w pr«i:jt!atel. For further inforui^iion the public is refar*»® " A£nntt> of the Oom^aay la all part* o * (ha State, aiM t* a. a. BAirLE, Seoretary, Baleitfh. B. J. HAJLE, Aieat at Jaa’y I860. fayeueviUe, N. Biaftk for «t tiua f'HINTJM. VO' KDWm \ EDIToK Prt fi)i tiif .Sf ni’- Hdvanct? For Ihe Weekly On* advance. i^rADViiRTIS 3f 12 linea or 1pc>s sucPOf.iing puhlicaf’ state the number o be coutluued till for Adviei tisemeots vertist-nieun. SP From an i«»rth irill be euterwd Ihe {•ap'*r bp sect than is paid for Such of OUT- old 8u per on this s_v ■ - remittances. AttO Fa y WILL attend ij Ci»tnber!'=.mi, ties. Prompt htie elair>i8 ei'irus?^-! t j Oct. 17. 1.859. J tJt'oier (ttifi FAYE Jan’y 10. 1 -Ui N4TH1N A. sTT;i.MAi;. IV. A. iruoLi^:siLE .lo. April 20. B. 0 W'- ETn. WO Commissi on WIL Oct. !}. 18-;;? JiUShE I’erfioas bavin?; the highes' C.-ish p at the Mci'cbant M ber at hi.-? vll i Nov. 6, 186;:. AK 1AM prcpareu i» Haruc8.*f for Ar five good bargaip ■. «rdt5Tfl to Oit; an Lh' Bent oti in ii-'i. '- GoU‘sti>n P 'I.e. Fe*.’y 1 w K- 1 Waul EMTEKN f’.ai k Mol- “ (*Oli! ill'll Silv Norwi 'V oiiM (’ouut_y cf Cu Town of Kay Greeust-oro’ Confederate Coupons of ( of T of V1 OcL 12 18G3. Lead w.anted Department, titles vrill please i POWDKH for 10 o9-tf rsoTic WAN"’Bl> iai^« al Ft.y suitable fo: be ' J krtioh on b^nU wauadci: ■^o .liora be paid Appiv Q Faj-eUev’lIe * THL anders!g0‘ Confederate pointed Manae« uid have entered nu&ing and s««IU~ ia auy desired ^ BuppIicO on perty is undoubt Applioatious may vilJe. N. ('. , or I Fayctieville, J WiLNTED, to F>ultry, cw tliQ sick Sold UtOHe articles oa** Uou to the subso Powern’s oa liay ♦hit. 'iS. 1> AN AWAY fr i negro boy, and weigh .1 abo cwnere on the R auy ot their ho his appreheas' can get him. Fayetteville, The Fa BMAM for 1864. 21.

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