V 1 Uy biiwh persoa ratos. ;ii©r bind himaoif ■ius 't' proviaious 1 which lie may lo liis exemj*tiou iut or tv> thd lUu). xed by the Com ier ihe impre**. any porbou e^- be uutitled to » i amount ot'meai in throe inoatba ;t; Provided ivithin the provj- l not be deprived eikion of havinju day uf Feb. 1864. jregoing exemp- ir, under the di- Jiy exGuipt or de- he may be satig- «i on account of l^ure the produc- lovidious for the >ldiei-8. lie may, details, on such >e, to such over- k? he may be sat- to the country in than in the mili- ■t rucU exemption armer, ]>lanter or itly to enibloy in capital and labor iiou of graiu and Government Rivd prices not exceod- B for like article* the State under urer, auditor and n*ad company en- 'the Government, (lovdes thereof as ident (shall crt-tify le to the efficient tl: Provided, that exempted by this i>t exceed one per- road in actual use ^ and said exempts I auvi description, rh-_> have left the kiay, or who may I contained shall t^>e act approved led au act to ex- riug the mails ot id the drivers oi rL»tu military ser- ihe exemptions fc.I only continue )ied are actually e pursuits or oc- dent be, and he is int details, under ions to be it>sBed either of persons )t' age, or from the Hset; where, 1h his and necesiity re may revoke such r he Aiiukfc proper: lieiiLiiu granted to fcLaiiS and exemp- t i I i authorize the u’.y >‘Dtn»ctor for iiiiid to :he Gk)v- id voDtract, unletw be i'artmeut mii- «rt:if;. tiiat the per- •litractor are indis- said contract; f%uy such non- :iv uuJ faithfully, aiion »f such cou- gia'i Buall ueaae. iling s >cal boards inatiun of p«r«ou8 lio member com- kp; ointed from the ict in which they examination. itteviiie, N, C.,) ToBEa d, 1863. ) Hurt of ike MmU at ihu >8B0R0’, &o. at 4^ P M. j at ti P. M. lEHVILLE. H ti A. M. ky at 9 P. M. ,INTON. B. »1 SaiurJa/ at 7 P- M. lud Friday at L P. M. C. id tjaturdij »t 6 P. M. Thurdday at 1 P. M. iMBERTON. iii at 6 A. M. Tnar iiky at 1 P. M. iBErHT0V?N. and Frida/ at 6 A. 1 tiitarday at 2 P. M. Ii:.aEBINrH. P M Esa CREfiK. ,t 2i P. M. JE, 0O7INGT0N M'l iN, a TU'>Y. I. il . oiasod tt»i* e»®® a to -le seat off fro* paid for M if !ls - ♦ be pre-p»ld by di/ from 8^ to ^ Q O JK, P M. tt • •pp^y at wool*eAl* % ’OUI* (OtfPANff «»etul op«ra;iotu h )ld upoa public w®* » of aU headtky p*f* . oae year, for '' *riag lu the profit* .ge are ii«ar«i fo» rds tbeir T»loe. V lain i»0 d*y« pulM'i l§ reX*rr*d to tit 0 ■ 118 State, ^ ‘1«ot«itkrf, Etaieirfk* UA1K, \«oi favetteTilla. Q. ? tkX tliii OflM* ATlBWlSTUiyLIE 61B SEMI.W HEBt aMpai" \ h .. \W\ FAYETTEV!!.! E, N. C.. JUNK 13, ISM. fNO. 1340.1 ''m\rKD MOND^N.^ aNU TKUUSl»\V^ KI)\VARl> J. HII.K & SO>S. EblTORS AND PH(U‘HITTOTJs .III I f'’ •V'!i'f(>? ifaf Semi-Wepkly Op •i.lvancv Fi.r (he Weekly ?. ■ ft'lvance. ~ ADVERTISEMENTS. for 4. pci (uare if 1‘2 lines or Irse for the and otit* dollar for each ^iioeet'iling puhlication. AJTrrti!»er5 d> e rt- nio-^tnJ to 'late ihe numbar of insertions de*ir»>.l, oi they w'Ul !.»• cootiuued tUl forbid, and cliarijed •vcflord'nifiy. A'ivertidemeHiH oontiuued inst ir, otiarjced as i:eT- id ffrtiir*Menn. SPECIAL NOTIPE r'*oni ftv. ter tbisdMe, no name of a new suhicriber be eutorwd without payment in adrauoe, nai- wiU :hi' ■ wr be sent to suf'K f'uhxoriSpr.'’ for a ■ tti ifi is paid for 8uch of our old subscribers as desire to take the pa per on thiH sysf**m will please notify u# when making ri'miurvnoes. «>au’y 1, 1858. n\7M. *HcjL, Attorney at Law. F>VETTSVII.LT!, N. (’ ILL aitcud me Count^^ aud ?rperior Courts of V i.ttiberlE.nd, H.irnett. Moor? »a;l t!i’be“on Coiin- tie? Prompt atieuiicu givew to tbe 'Uiv.il'.'U o;' all Blft’?!S erlrr.sted to his hand:-. Oct. 17. ISo'J. Sii-it w JOS. rxf.Ki, lirocer attd i'amtHissticn .^itrchani. FAYETTKVILI.K. N »’ ian’v le. 1803. 93-tf .NlTlUN A. STF.DMAV. WM. H. BKR.NAUI». i\. A. HTVAmXS & 4 0., WHOLESILE AND ilKTAlL DEALERS AND roW.?l nKRl'H\ .to. 19, Hay Street, FAYETTEVlbLK, N C. April 30. 25tf B 0 Wl ETH. D. a W»KTH K. Q. DASIBI. WORTH ^ CO^ Commission and Forwarding Elerctiants, n'ater Street, WILMINGTON, N. C>ot. Ifi, 18*>3. KATK$$ >F FKEIOIIT, TABLIsnKi) UY TUK I'ROPBICTOBS OK TBit sttamboat VointHtttlen ^^Ytrif/ntintf th- t'apf fear Hirer. ri:ilKl.fAR¥ 1S«4. nilJTijio.'. U*iJua. Wftx an.l Taflow, f.er hhd j I'H' >n, li'WHc, per to'» J5ftrr«jls, dry. por b'.rrv-l liittn Po't,ioo» per bairt?! Bef? -•en'lb, e^«h Po'ep J^nfie:i3»r. r'P" b>»le j Dm.) Y*rp. p;-p bf.le t>(-r ’00 lbs--. r*;>pn®ra‘J, per bhl. p^r b»?e (lo^n, % S;a/ .i^c. v»r btisbei , IHito lie'kitjr, em«Il 2 fO; j I’oif: e, jior fcajr f»r bftrrt*’, r'eruijoiitp empty #J. filieu eac» Fit "^lid I'v-rh, j'p b'.-r-’I Orir.> SiOt.rt.1 p*,r l^n Fionv, p^r I KuIpb, green 1 50; J'j, i?l I For. s. 'in-wn or iij>, ; Hay and ncr b-^U' ; L’’ou, b^r -\ni) h^op, j,«r 'on i L'-'T, pi,-. X‘'.T t''T ; L'P!-', Tit'T- cwi So; J.tto t'cv b.^r.vl ; L^sihcr. V pnr 1 .‘:0; lio, balf>. foo I Laad per I >■ T- b) I'-xllcr* ’, ’;T,’ b*\rrol ^ T tier, ;.fr ki>;, 25 lbs ! Tt ppo^ |.er b .jr ; ’ I. IT- bbls , 31 r'c’l in«. j per bae 1 5t»; ditto, in bb's, 2 50 per bbl I iico, per n»s { RjBi", p'v barrel j S; itii-i Ti.rp?ij;-ae, per barrel I I'M. Roatl, i ^p, :u bt»X“-, , Sn’rits. in hhdo , pipes aud o^sie, pnr galli ! 3ufj%r. ill bnrrtOy. I c-. il ton, *‘J5; d::to, p»r haJ., $10. »ar 111 ot^iar freights in proportion c. 73-12m " IVA.'STES^. O BGSHELd WHEAT. 1,600 “ cor:; T^r?oas having the above artiolea to sell ^ ill receive tie hlghes' Caaii price by calling oc .Mr. M Thomason, ki tke Mcrcbant .Mill*. Fayettev'lle, or on 'be subficri- ber at hi.^ ol-i on Market Square. ALE.K. JOH.N'SON, Jr. Nov. 6. 1861!. '.-itf AK.n V i5A«-\ iAM prcpareu lo uianafaoture all kinds of Wagon Harness for Armj use 1 t.^n niy ind can five goud barga'ip-'i. Ag*‘utB w^V lo i i ordtjrs to ojc as th y bhall ho f c j'louip* f.i*' sent of} in q'Mci; !:>»pafob. ■ Qok'-ton P (» . C,’hat'a5.m ’o.. ' June I't, 1K02 f send rhe^r ai!-l ^PTi;u .Uf 'plIE f-'HowiPt; rates of Pasj'aje will b» 1 our F.le*mer.«: — IHW'H. Froni r»yMt‘jviUe to Wilmington. *• '• Elisabeth. “ White Hall. " “ “ Keil*''a Ccrve, “ '* “ .\ll points below, ECOND CLASS, OR DECX. ( From rf’.yi't' i e to Wilmmirtoii. “ EliiTibcih, '* Wbit^hall, “ K-illy’s Cove, ■ “ “ AT po?!iis below. I IIP. j Froai Wilmington to Farettev lie, •* ... Kp’.ly’a CoTC, “ White Hall, j “ ■' “ Ki-iabotb. I “ “ ■ “ Prospect Hsl'.. “ “ “ All poin;e above, UECO.ND 0L.\S8, OR DECK Frotri Wiiniini’-'Ti to F-^yptieville, $‘20 00 “ “ “ Ke'ly’s Cov2, !0 00 “ “ “ Wl.ite Hali i*ni EHrabc'!'., 1- ti-0 “ '• * .All points shore. 20 t)0 cr U?ck P i!’,2‘'cger9 mus? st«,y nn lower iiH-k or pr.y fall or a«» rir»t t’biss iH|^.\n eivr* c’'”" *e will be V i far Way Vt-fHea- ^or«. ia'o ll-rths during ^ay tin?, an.l fi^rc^cn f'viriir *1 p.crth wah their bootri or ‘•boes u, »i Ihe Jis- c:e*io:i af tba Cabi»in. J. WORTH, for t; F St’iu IV. t . , T. t LU I'TKRLOH, for .SO N i' K ^l t»R,RKLl4. for .Si'rs Kate aii>! Si!>> ,\I*y -0, ibiiJ. 14 lm*tiu 2f> (1) 10 (M) 4',> Oi> 3 t;o 5 (Ht f> 0;-' IG tK) 10 (HI 'i w : lu 00 16 (>!' 25 7ft 4 60 > •25 00! r» «'‘J' as u*> r> 00 25 f fiO j 6 0t 25 00 2> 00 00 or 1 00 25 00 r- 00 50 20 00 no per bbl 15 00 «> 50 5 00 40 OO 3 (H) 25 5 (M) UEUS. arged on $30 15 00 20 UO 21 00 30 00 *•20 t'lO 10 00 15 00 15 00 ro 00 fm 00 13 16 5' 'iO 00 24 oo 30 Go 4’OTTO.\( Ho. lO. 'PPK l-'\Yi:TrKVlLLK COTTON C\RD MANOFA''- 1 'ILRISt; COMPANY are now maimfacturiiigOARDS I’lip rior to uny ruii thmuffh the blockade, aud at pre.st^nt an* sdlm^ lor u l«“*i prio; Ibt^Hiujjle pair or by the uuau- tity. Any person ordering six t>r more pairs. th«*y will be tH-cun-ly packed and delir»*rt'd in Wiliningtun free of ox- p'^^'e. jipoii or addres* A. A. .McKKTFMN. J. A. WORTH. ALEX. JOHNSON. Jr. F^'lteville, N. C., April 18 24tf rre.'byterian and ('arolinian copy. Fayet£«riile iiosia Oil Works. OUR Oil \\ork.s are now in oonipleto operation, and as we use nothintr but irood rosin in nrodneinB- tb(* IV -hing but j^od rosin iu producing the Oil we can refoinmend it to be the best of the kiml made in this country, it is a tine Lubrit atiii^ and Tanner’s : ^. t)il, aud we would be gla*l to receive orders from th« j Government aiul the public generally. We will sail on reasonable terms. MOOilK. OASIIWELL A OO. .Ai.ril 1ft 23-tf To tUe Votei'H uf tampion Couuty. GINO ii vl:? eervioe, I this matbod f announc ing m- fi.i n aauii J-'e to reproue-^'. ilie oouatj of Ssuijson :d th(» House of tnenext Lejris latare . A'^ j* will be iraposHible f t lue t.» noet the ffOfd people uf old SttKipMoa (w’thbut an accident) be fore the Augan*. eleot’on, 1 c^n onlv «ay that ray pri" ciples t .to well knoivD to 'uy ootiuiyiaen to adKiit of ffoy doubt fts to the course I sHall pursu> if eleotevl Loving in/ rc. intry nnH bearine arws in her defenoe, 1 04n only r.! J “that wha'evpr ony (end to h?r best {'■-leroMts auii inippenil nt natiour.l.iy,” ’»ill be uiy tara- c(>t desire to ^coomplish, an^ tr> smh will irsv whole time and ti?«-n!» t e dcvotoil SoliciMng the eutfranea of n-y 0 Hut''iu“n, I ftm g'jnl.leia'*a, votir obOl't serv’f. J-IMES K. LASSITER, Of 6 R»^’t N. 0 Troops 3C. Iro To t\i0 Freaaa m of Cumberland County. ■ Y reqaflsi., ' nj'a’a ■'nvMinO'' rsys''!; a candidate for tbf oQia of HaerifFo'Oumb’tNud oou'jty 8>iou'!d ; I b.' I oau only nroroiee as befor? to Hi;oharf»e ; M» dn.tv? wif*! v»'*t »hi1i»y T aia • po"e"es. O " the EAGLK FOIINIJiiY. ■nt* iTo we €ii) oar fixtures f>r ♦ " ii-cnf n: (jAil WIiKHLl’, liui owiag to ila.'e o' ^ti.t .“upply c' [lo:; if proper nature, wc -7‘’f'pu sb.'e :o s'jpp'r any dcn>-.n 1 fc '4% rl’TTS,'. The .m.' ni)U>-‘lo fv JJU! 3(; in . f. . ■■ Ti . 1 :t y b 'Ka. a •1 - r b fi. • » o»f*n-ornc ia ih’ which ; il!.' we sht I t-« able to - t': f f 'j'3—24. 2H. 28 wril :i: ’ Iron WH ahal! u^e .1 i Ht- .! ■ Ji-j.rco-'! Iron, ina we rrnr- ■ CI-A £ ai> I U> I p'pial to :;.lt'i''ricr, or to !aoj“e of Wiiitnev & iTbo.".e renutatioD ’« wtli kccvn iUy ' .it i.i'’ by »'l R,.:r.'iad ^.oz->i -.Uic- Wti are t'r'’p«ire\i to exscu/,- Loom, I’jy Ss.nl, and Qrejn titl’d Wcr!. 'if e>u^ s’" ps c» •'*' D ^NUiiiiauN a CO. Fayettcv-ilo. Miiro.> 3!». 13G4. l!Uf I.UUKICATii^G OIL.^ ViJE uv tersigii i i-’ n w prepared to f sruieh te tue I I’ahiio a very ‘•up“»'t r ar ole of LUSRIC.\T1NG OIL, e^iecxally for CoUon and WooUn Fatl'^ttJ. We ol’'im t i&i lijis Oi! pot gu:*i, acJ m»/ bo ruu at gr. atei- tpreJ w'th IfcPs poTer 'hau any otoer Oil exeepf Sj-rm. Mr W li Porter, 8upcriateudeut of P..uD!:iz Cotion F.otj’-y, sivs of *1 have been using; your Lubricat ing (/.! for U or 3 CiOnfbd, and find it to be fuperior to auy ot^ser (Ht now in use for Inbrsoatir^.” r J v'ln K'.rsba'ff. J5np’t of Dloupt’s CrceS Factory, taye: -1 cuii oneerfuliy eay your Lubiio:4ti:»g Oil is a sucvr^f'r crtioii. !• cJoe« not gum i.i tl'C ke>t>t, but keeps li’** jcTt'nal- i.:> »r « nd briv^h ’ ” Mr F Ucoker'U t.’i 'cf i'u rmeer oi th.* C 8 A.r.-, a%i and Armory of liiiit plauc, was requested to try it »'-d s.y:-: ”l ihir > ' r lictt m+chicery—-uchasCoitnn F 4Ctori.;a—for u. *?y r.i'^ociuery wnen ibe Lioti in ip slow.y ;’.r Lu’'r;eii'int; Oi! will compare u.tt in qu-*l tty t-j Sperm ” ii.aer c jttou K':\i:nf*, r Kor8>ftve tri-;d it »uJ pro noUi ot ’ f;,VC»r..l>'; ■ f u HENRY E. COLTON. V>?'nt Fayetteville K rosine Co. -\pril 1, IBfli . «0-tf ^iyEc-*u furpi--u KKRt f^E.NE BURNING OIL in qu n- namfi of J.VMES KIRKPATRICK is resppctffii/ ;-ubmi(l*l to the voters of Cuni*^'erland and Ua.rneii to • e voted for as a R?presentaiive of those Countii'S for tfie Hjusc of Commons MANY VOTERS. Ma- Ifi, 18f^4 .33 tf Ruthorlised and requested to i ' »-nr,unee Ool. B. F LITTLE as a candiii^ie to represiat he county of R'cbmond in t^e H' H8i of t’oi/imoits in fha next Legislature. Mf.r 19 .^4 te He are aattaorized to aoiiounce JOll?ir LONG, 'w It c!tndidate for re-election to the oilice of t-.herilf for the oounty of Rich* mod Mav 21 35 6tpd-tfl We arc autborlxed to annoance i. B. .MoNKlLL as a oaudidnte for ihe oflioe of th riff for the county of Richmond at the ea-u nj? Augual elaction Mav i:o 34-9tpd Weareaiitiiorixed to aiiiiouiicc ROBERT .M McNAlR of Co. 0. 1st N. C Battalion Ariillery, as a CanJidnte for the office of SHERIFF of R’bescn t'ounty. Miy 20. 34-19tpd fi^We re:i|>ectfiillF recommend Lieut. JOSEPH A. McARTHUR, c I. 51st Reg’t N, C. T a to n-pr--t-nt us in the House of t^OT.imons of the next L‘'i"latura froai Camberland and Harnett counties. L Mo.\rtbur is a devoted m%n to his coun iry a c«u?o and been in tl*e war ever s'nce it began, and h» will make us a good Rept^sentative 32 Itfd-te M\NY SOLDIERS. r 10 i +Kons at $25 pergali’n; tinoins j'S’j ^ddifiol:ai. Scad 3iiis or kegs when Oci 16. ri ibi. LEf. ■ > 4l' Feb’y lb aiift'd % Iter liii« !af 15 t.Vuis per pound for r ftb. . w-i- i'll {.•ric3 •-* S Mill raf'3. or >er- J in I K KI! T WE?TEKN RAIL LO'.D STOCK; l!»i;k Noll's; Oold and Silver, Konl rcli'!'» T; %':;ir Noted (Fundnf'Ic;) $1 au ' i2- “ Bonds, old and ae»»; County of Cumberland Boudf: lowB of Fayetteville B-ond?, Greensboro’ ;(1 and Certificaics; Confederate 7 aud 8 per cent Boa Ip;) Coupons of tl5,000,00*3 lo^a; '■ of Town and Coumy Bonib; “ of old Nortn Caroh D q; i; T. li. LUTT£ilL(;H Got 12, 1863. li OUDSAXCK DKPAi;rME.VT, 1 RALsian. N. C., M ^y 8. 13 i3. j Lead wanted.—I wish to purchase Lead for this Department. Persons having large or small qur.n- tities Will please apply at once. Will give 1 poacd of POWDER for 10 pounds of lEAD THOS D 51000, Capt. C. 8 (>9-tf ia charge of Ordnance. St %ll. KOAO. j'HK FREUlllT .^ND P\rfSKNGER TR.MNS of (his I !e‘svc- Fayetieville daily, iSundays excwpie-.U at 8 o’olCv,'k. .M., and retiiriiip^ li»ave F.Kyi'l -i' 1 o’c’.o-jK, M Ca!tU jLni H>r,f TV.M'i MOVOAV, vy(:i>rlK.'^! VV'4nd FRIDAY. Byor!.-r JNO M. ROSE.' Tri^as’r and Gcn’l Traus. .^g't Jan. 22, 18tid. »7t; E'roiii and alter tlii«« date the earner A. P. HURT wi;l leavp at K o’rlcok, .K. M . od Monday Rfjil Thursday. .1_*S. A. WORTH, •\pril 0—ITtf] .^g’t C. F. Steam BcU Co. FA VKTTHVil.I.E airiAt ISSl’RA.XCE C0SP.1M. f’apital in Premium Notes amounts to ^'a.nh oa band %nd other ausetB, $2«7,ti88 2b 6,077 35 tU'.'ei •>! , r V J15 t cvcven’.rct. Tr.'s j- f ■ »n hl as tan be luade without the n.'i*.ur‘' V tn A!cobol, irhi^h it i« inir.->s»ible new te fsbi.in. Tne wiok tube \S the ordinary Kerosene-l%mp dh'-'ui) V 9^g^tly leng*h.*ned bv si .dering on a piece. Wit'I a U'.ip t hus arr*ngw'l our oil tmras without etnoke •■•il with !»s tipilimoy as any Nartherc tCeroseuo. tiENHV K CtiLTON, Ac’l F K Co. Ar.ril 7 21 tf ?'4>‘tt4‘THle irst^iiai aud Aroiorjr, t Nov. 12. 180^. / turn BOU.^TV. H'ktnfe^t, liMI „fionnf’l Itktlemen. UTHOUriV Uavli;g bien gr.-*»toJ by the V’ai- l»o- i t?icu; il ais** a t.'ompauy of .Mouaiod Rid.men j for oerviv;-.' m tins vioiuity, n-jfioo is here.by given that ' reoruit.a ;>) me imiuber of 100 non-amicripit will be re- 1 ce'ved for tb!s “«»rvioe. bacl- rojr.iit will be required ' 1.0 furt'i?h a eervioeablc hort*e, tor which he will be al- I I wcd 40 oents per di.'-.u, and hia pay $12 per month, j li ri-"-’). pr-nUtiOii w;l! l.c reqairod from parents or j «>’ardi ins. wb^ro ihp tivplicauc is cnder the consoript ! »g«-- 4 ! rJaob recr-jii must bring with him a blanket or bed i spre.id, an>t Ojrue prepared lo remain I Bri iies, saddles. hait.>r8 and saddle blankets furnish ed ly the (b->vp»-’iT>' *nt. or if the recruit oomea provided j Filh i.iein, be vriil h.- p vid for them a fair valuation. 1 Apr-ly to C«.pt M.ATTHEW P. TAYLOR, at t.he Ar senal F L. CIJILDS, 80tf I M»Jor 0. 8 A. Comd’g Post. AUTH pavi Total, f272,7€£> 16 The Company have paid ali losses promptly, and bs-ve ne'Tor made an asscssnent on their premium notes. Total losses paid, t29,(i82 OfFir!Ba8; GEO. McNElLL, President. I), h. R VY’, Vice President C. A. MoMILLAN. geo’y. L'laBOToiis; Henry Lilly, W. N. Tillinghaat. H. L. Myrovcr, B.'J. Hinsdale, 8. T. L'awlsy, McLaurin Nathr.u A. Stedmaa, T. S. Lutterioh, xWnt'E TO dTRAVV WxVNTKl). WANTED imaediRte'y for ije »ad Troctis at FHyetteviile, 20 6)0 pocnds oT Vt ilFAT PTilAW, Buitabl:- f ji' be.idinp. i-Vjicrs having a 6ur’Jui of ihie artiob on h vnd ciU eoi.f''r & b.a.St on our sick woun>t« i so'diors by bringing it in. f iif pvica wil! l>e paid Appiy to QUARTERMASTER, at the Arsenal F*y C'Uev'lle * r%cua’ a.id Araory, April 4. 21if i]gy]»t Coal iYliiat;. THL unders’gneo ve>'e, ai the November Terni of the Confederate Court, District of North Carolina, ap pointed Managers of the Egypt Coal Mine property, and have entered into copartaership for the purpose of mining and selling Goal, and f*olicii orders for tiie sarae In »uy desired quantity. Orders for any amount can be buppUod on "hort notice. The Coal from this pro perty ia undoubtedly the best in the Confederate States Appiioations may be taade to Chas B. Mallctt, Fayette- Til]* (I, or James Browne, Charleston, 8. C. CHARLES B. MALLETf JAMES BROWInF Kujttteville, Jaa’y 20. 18t>' Sfltf WiiWTED, tor the Hospital at Fort Fislior. POULTRY, Chickens, Butter and other delicacies for tlie sick Soidiera at this Hospital. Persona having ib' ne ariieles can ot>tain tbe market price on uppiica tiwj tu the subscriber at bis old stand or at Mr. J W. Powers’s ou Uay Street. R. B. HEIDE. Oeu’l Ag’t. -M. _ UEW/IUD. 1>ANAWAY froui the subscriber on the 17th inst, my j i negro boy, JOHN, 16 ye*rs old, about 5 “'eet high, »ud weighs about 100 lbs. I would caution Bte^m Boat ovmers on the River against letting him /o on board of tny ol their boats. The above reward will bo paid for h s appfehens'on anJ conilnement in auy J%U so that I tan get him. D W AYER Fayetteville, May 18 33-9tpd A. W. Steel, Hoa. J. Q. Sheptj-jrc, C. B. .Mallctt. .I'lrni*** A A. McKcthan. J. D. W'illia.Tis, P.. TiV. .:gt-’st. lohn ; .liia-1 nad C. C. M''.nfuiam«u, Traveling Agei>t> '"'o’lipany fcnolioation.?. •fcT R. F. UroTTn, ) A.l^. Uall, CONFKUKUATK ST.iTKS OF AMKK1€A, Enoinkke Dxpaktubnt, Di3T. Capb Fiaa Wilmington, N. C., March 16th, 18ti3 ow Strayed. ABRO^N cow, marked with smooth crop and under- bit t)oth ears medium siz3 Any laforaiatioa will U» cbeerfyl'y reoeivcd, and a liberal reward p^id for her 'feoo"'ery, bv Mrs. E M. WALKER. Hay mount, May 1^* Ji3 . } NOTICE is hereby jgiven to all persons having claio.j againtt the Engineer Dopartmcut, for servioes of slnvt»3 employed as laborers on the land deftneet ntar Wilmington, N C , that the undersigned is auihorized aiid prepare-1 to pay the same at his office, on tie se cond floor of thi' building next above Meares’ Drug Storp, .Market Street. Persons executing Powsrs of At:orney will ob- strve the following form—their signaturt’s, in all oases, to be witnessed by two wiines'ses and signed in dapli- cate, or they m'vy be wiinL‘s«ad bcffie a Justicc of the Pe^oB of^CUrk OF ATTORNEY. I, .){ ——. do t>er»oy appoint , of , my true »nd li^^fiO A.''er-t to sign »-’eirfs for. roceivc pay»'?ont of all c'cney'’ e:' to .le by the E-'s^in^'-r Do partmenf of tb:', Confrtrtcrat-e S'atf.M of America, for tbe aervicfs of 7ay s1%v*;b cnplojed as laborer? on the laud defcr.c‘?s »>.t , diiricg tbe month of , 18G Witness r;y h.iiid #ud uoai ftt . thn day of . iSd (iSi[*ned daplicitc ; WitDCSse (\ M. Ar«enal and Armory,) Fayetteville, N 0 , Juna I 18tJ4 > I'ouitdry-iiaaii wanted. A PERSON well acquainted with the bu.^ines“ can tind eotplovnieut. Apply to the 37»it| (iKFfCEK ~ lioilcE. TRE^*8URY DEPARTMENT ^ F.^ykttcvillh Jane 1. IBGI | IWILL r’Orive durtng the prexent month from I lie lUjunty anJ Depot Agents, all tbe Tithe Cotton in the 4 h Ccrg Dist. N O ibat can be baled in time or has b»eu ^ tleJ '-p'ore ia shipping order, L C. IvOSJ*j, 88 3 ] /gent P. L. for 4tb Ooug Dist N. r. AfJOTANT AND IbsPECT.JE OBNKa\L's OFFICR, Riohmoujl, May 28, 18ti4 (Extract.) SpECIAt. Obdbr, 1 No 124. / ****** XXII. ALL tbe Comrian^es ra’sed in the State of N. 1 Hfoiiu*. for looil dvfeaoa i.od apccial service, will re- p-rt fcr cr.ierti to Li“ut GenT T. H Holmes, Comd g Reserve F >rces of Hortb Carolina at R.*lcigh, ****** By command of Seo'v of War. JOHN WITHERS, A A Gen’l. Official. Jno. W Himsdal*, A. A 0. June I, 18f)4. 37-3t Bank of i\orth Carolina. nPRE Stockholders who hiiva Diviilends nr^w due on th; i. 8lock of this Bank, are hereby notified that he respeoiivp amounts fre laid aside in "Special dtpotit” in the old i»9ue of the Confederate States Ifotes, for them, und they ►rc required to a^ly for tbe ."ame at tbe Principal B.»nk, Branches ana A«rencies where payable By order of the Board, ! DEWEY, Cash. Raleiirh, Mat 9^ S7 ln> I^TRAITED, About the Ist May, one COW and YEARLIKQ Sa‘d cow is of red cokr and the yearl ng is pn tty nmob the same, marked as follows: Tne cow wih an under crop and an over or. p; the yearling has a swal low fork in ench ear. Any information left at the Wagon Y^ard will be thankfully received, or I will p»y a liberal reward for the delivery of said cattle. W H. WILSON. ^ayctterilJe. Fnn» fi. 1864 3S-fttpd A small lot ot BRO%V3I S^UCiAR forsaleby J. W. LETT. May 30 87 4t We respecctfnliy recommend NEILL Mclv.\Y, Et-q . as a candidate for re-election to a seat in tiie next HouSJ of Commons from Cumterland wnd IKrnott oounties. MANY CITIZENS. May 2. 29 ^tpd&te We are autborized to aoiiounce Col. mURDtjCU McRAE as a candidate for re-elcctioa to the IIou.'>»‘ ofCoiuinons from Robeson county. April 27 27-2m To iii«> Voters ot liar nett I'ounty. 'pilE Anders'gu?d. a private in Co A. 6ik H C. Cav- J. airy, having beep solicited by some of his friends, respootfhlly m iioouc»t rii.TiMelf to the soidiers and citi- t;ns of H^^it oounty a;j « Candidate for Ibe OtKoe of SHERIFF at the clootion on the first Thursday in Au gu"! uex*. S.XMUEL D PIPKIN. March *.M 17 24tnd To llip illzenn and Soldh'rs of Karuett. VT till- ■'oiicitu.tion of many of niy (i lend-' I sfSpc«tfully :iunomicf tuysi ir a candidate for r“-dt‘ction to thf orticf* of .^hi'riir tor tbe county of H:ir;u*tt. Profoundly gnilt'lul to niy Iritnul:* Ijoth at home aud in the Army for tlio \-ry ^rcn« rous support hcr. toror‘ rtwivt'd at their band#. I can only [dfdi'e tli;it .-bould they again inani- tV-st tbfir L'oiil4d*-iice by rn- b'Ctiiig in'* I will, as bereto- IbiT*. *-i'\e thoui promptly aud inip;irtially. Very ivsp»-ctfully, JAS. R. GR.\DY. Anril Li. 24-te To t )C ( Ulzens and Soldiers of Kobenon I'oanty. At li-e r'’q'JC3t and sohcilation of many friend?, sol diers and citizens, I anncuuce myseif a oandidace 4o reprc!3''!it the couaty of Rjbssan iu the n«rxt Lep».^- laiurc I would b** pleased t"! attend the different pre cincts of tbe county before tbe el*p.tiou, but s>8 the eit’- my is pr'trar'ng lo give us » fight soot. I fear 1 shall not 1« nble to niiiet you I ou'y ask y>ti, mv fallow- citisenp, while tbe candidates at homo are addr.-ssing you, to remember that I. wiih the many soMierj who have solicited me to all‘'w mv nama to ran, am prohibit ed from the pleasure of meeting y.iu, by standing in de fence of your pror'erty, your rinbts and your liberties. And to you. brother soldiers, who have so strongly boH- citftd tne to become a candidate, I can only thank you for this m%nifcBtation of confidonce. and promise, if elected, to keep a vigilant eye to y.iur rights, your honor and your coaiforta If defeated. I 8h»ll willintcly re main (where I h*ye been for three years) in defence of the country, while those chosen wiH legislate, praying for the happy day, when our independence is acknowl edged,and wa all be allowed to return to our homea “lo enjoy the reward of our tufferings’’ an independent. prosperous and happy paoplo n-e s‘rva^^’ " JOHN T^or Fmm- H MfttE^N. Co G, 24th Resr’t N C. T. 31 3tpl.%tffl $750 Reward. IWILL pay $600 for the apnrehersion and delivery to me at tbe Endor Iron Works, or for his cobfincmint in any jail in tbe State so that I can get bim, f f a det- perate negro called CHARLES HUNTER, who com mitted an as‘’flult on our Overseer and stole from him cae of Oolt’p Navy Pistols, with which ho is now armed. Sai''* ne^ro is a bright mulatto, with a freckled face, has » reddish appearance about tbe eyes, with a bisby head of r»'d ba\r. His age ia ab''ut 30. Stammers in his spe‘cb. When last seen he bad on a faded BU:t of cotton clothing and a light colored wool hat. I will a'so psv $250 for tbe apprehension and deliv ery to me of FURNEY, belonging to John W. Ounter. Said negro is dark skinned, not quite blaok, stout and well nade. with a lerge emooth face; is probably about 20 years of age. When last seen he had on a very ragged auit of clothes and no shoet- W. 8 DOWNER, Pres’t Endor Iron Co. En ?or Iron Works, Chatham Co . N C-, June 3, 1BG4. 38-3t KaietleFfllc Arsenal and Armory,') Ma* 20, 1864. ( WAI«TKIK T) rent, a pastu'-e for seventy head of hors»*8. A fiir price will be taid S»id pasture must be wHhin 10 r 12 miles of Fayettevi le. Apply to Msj TAYI/>R, at the Arsenal RoMin Oil. BBLS. SUPERIOR QUALITY OF ROSIN OIL. 01/ F rsaiehy MOOHE, CASiIWELL & OO. May 26 Sheetiugs, Cottou Yara and Tobacco. YDS 4 4 SHEETING; 1000 Bundles Cotton Y'arn; 60 Boxes M!*nnf»fi!nr«d Tobscoo. Ftr-al^-lv E F MOOEE. M»»- *>! SR Itt- Wanted—Wood Land. Th K uadorf-imied will give a fair price for a well woodod tract of L.ANU of Kbi or 20U acres, on the Railroad at any point between Jonesboro’aud t ayetleville. Wood, pilch pine boxed or un'xixcd , „ H ENRY E. COLTON, Agent b. K. Co. Fayetteville. April 19. «17.V THE BEjOCMmMMME. WM. micimRE Has received and offers for sale: /»AA GROSS ENQLISii RONE PANT BUTTONS; nUU 1 Case Madder Prints. 1.512 yds ; t Caae Black and WMte Muslins, l,^i6 yds., 1 Bale Scarlet Flannel, all Wool, 57'' yds ; 20 Dai Gonts Neck Ties, Fancy; 20 Reams Uifled Note P&par,' 1 Case Steel Pens, 1000 boxer, 1 Cise K'p Brogsu Shoes, 59 pairs; 1 i’ase Knives and Forks, ‘-'00 sets, assorted-, Alum. 1.875 lbs ; EngJ^sti Green Unpperaa, FLOUR AP%D OATS. Flour, ana OATA willbe exchanged for Corn at the Etore of D. McLaurin, by gi'^ing him a *ew d*ys Dotico. Flour good, Oata No. 1. black or white. T»*>’v W HXUHl RACJS!!-The infe rior quality of the paper on which tbe Obberver has been printed of late, and v/bioh is a groat eye-sore to us, is owing to the want of i sufficient supply of g''>od raijn, a.id the oon’equeut ncc- i.Bsity to resort to inferior materials. We appeal to the friends of the Observer at all acocssible poiuta, to savo up and bring to town all the rags they can procure. We have no time ourselves to attetd to their purchase, but Mpssrs. Geo W. Williams is. t’o., the Agents in this town r.f Mr. Murphy, will pay 16 cents per lb. for E J. HALE k SOfU' Feb’y 15 5-iti’ $«TRA¥£ID, The Farmertf’ and Planters’ Al- manM for 1B04. A few grooe more just received. Jm> 21. V. J. MAJUB 4 BOMS. From my pU^e oa tac 21st mat., a COW and C \LF The Cow is white with red spots The calf the jame color Calf mimirked, m'^rk of cow not reoollsct- ed The cow wi.b putohased from Mr. Alex McLeod of Moorfc oouaty, and it is probable that she naa found bor way back with tkie calf. 1 will pay a liberal reward for their roov!ry or any icformation so that I getth.*in again. WM MITCHELL- Near Fayetteville, May 28. 86tf Blajnk Warranu for lala her*# The signiitureH of co«orcd persnas siionld be witntesed by three witneaeea Tbor»i must be ecp.rate duplioftie Powers of Attorney for each month. Bliak forma c:iu be had upon appli cation a;, this oSio^. W. H. JAMES, Capt. & Chief En^. Jan'y 20, 18G4 I300tf The ^edar FalU Bob- - bin Co. are uow prepared to furnish, at 'S'icrt notice, ail kinds of BOBBINS, SPOOLS aul QUILLS, &o., suitable for Woolen and Gotten Mills J M ODELL, Agent. CetUr Ft.lN. N. 0 , May 7, I8G4 30-1 Otpd $•10 Reivard. t) ANAWA Y rrco> the subscriber, a NEGRO WOM.^N. ^ hired th.’ 1st Jau’y 18(»4, from Mr. A W. Steel of F^y^ttevilW She isRuppooedto br about the town now Haid woman’s n*c;e is Be*sey, aad is of medium height dark coruplcxion, snd a full huit of if-\'T I will give the abovs toward to anv or.? who will deliver her to me Ibe Arac-o»i. or oontine h>?r in jail . MATTHEW P TAYLOR f)tU ‘.w 2!> tf foniig’H Irithmetifal OictiouArjy I [EMBRACING a system of Arithmetic, Rea-ly Reckon '1 er, Interest Calculator, Book Keeping, Forms, &o. B. J. HALE ft SONS I>e'’r 16. - • , Blaukf for iale at this Office. May 9. X FEW IMPORTAWr FACTS IN RE(».\HI> TO THE “SOUTHERN HEPATIC PILLS.” 1THEY arc prepared from the best quality of Medi , nines by the discoverer, now au aged Minister of i tl.3 GoSi ?l, and are s^fa. 'i Th?y b we be:n known for years and te'itei by thousands. Five hundred persons are known to have been cured by them 4. They are mt reoommendcd by the proprietor for every thine, but only for diseases which aiiee from die- or1erfd livers 6. Direciious aud certificates accompany each box, and the>ie oo'iifiottes are from well known and most re spect able in4ividu‘»l9 fl Correspondents rocommeud them as g )«d for Liver Disease, Chills a-’d Fevers. Pneun’onia. Jaundice. Dys pepsia, Bilioui Fevers, Bilious Rheumatism, Worms, Pleurisy, Bronchitis. &c 7. Several geutlemon state that the use of these Pills has be-'n to them an aiinuil saving of from $100 to $200; they are the beet plantation nedicine e»cr otiered to *he public. 8 Some pbysioiausof the highest Htandiog prescribe them to their pfticci«. and hundreds of boxes have been sold to regular praotitiouers 0 During the last quart"- 2 «80 box«s have bpen sold to two Druggists, one in SjuUi «!arolint;, one in North Carolina, snd soma time «go over :».700 boxes were erlered bv Drugnista in cne towa in Virginia Price, a box. For $30 a doun boxes will be sent to auy adTraas A very liberal diaooant to Druggists and country mcrcbants Cash (new currency) to Bccompaay orders. .\ddreFs GEO W, DEEMS. Galdeboro’, N. C. For fcsle iu Fayetteville by N. A Stedcnan & Co ; in Rookineham by T. T N«’-thnm; in Walesboro’ by Dr BanneM- in .Mbemarle by J. M Bivins; iu nUnion Ity i Hubbard Mr»s?ley M»v lo 86 iPtpd aiATfcHES. ~ A LOT of SUPERIOR MATCHES, for b«I« by JAS. O. COOK. M»7 9. 81-4W a Keg^ Kf fined Bo ax, 33^- lbs; 5 B irrels Epsom SVita. 6 >0 lbs; 1 Birrel C^tnphor, l'*7 Ibg; 1 Bite P'«^o THred, 37 lbs; ■5 Bigs B1 ick Perr?’’, lbs- May icS ttM»i 35-3W STRAYED, PROM tbe Arsenal at Fayettovillc, on 5th May, ins' , 6 oraall p»:o red MILCH COVY; I think she was slit the eari);'*Bho is wbi e up t'ae nv-ht fi*uk f-nd belly; hfr feet are rhif”; has horns furaed inw ird, or as some call then-' cruitplr Any pcrsyu knowing where ebc is sud will inform m5 of tbe Hnme or send nor to the ' .h.ll r=.«d.d,^ mONAOI.AN. May 28. 3fi 4»pd "Our readers will b -ar witness, thi^ m lutT* vaVi foruly esohcwrti pers.'^alities in polilioAl dieom^oa, i^ave when compelled tj resert to them ill ir fP Holdm, Kaleigh Standard Majf IS 1864. The above is about aa conipisLcent a pieoe of seh-aatisfaction an haman eye woald derive plMi* ure in lookiag oo—one ot thoee instanoes ot «Me and quiet of consoioDCe that scaroe Mvora of the terreatrial. If it is well founded, then Mr. IIoI* deu has beca a man most sadly abased We pre fer to see whether Mr Holden builds this opinioa of hiiD(eif' ou a rock, or whether it has its une«r- tain tbuDoatioo 'it the shifting aaad. We begin, therefore, to-day, a series of Mr. .Holden’s e timatcs of the charaoter of men—the public and great mtu of North Carolina and the old nation; and the people will B«e how far Mr. liolden has “eeohewed perBonalities,’* and wbat regard he has Lad for the feelings ot a political opponent, and his Tight) ot cliaraoiet. Ka. uoiii'is (. I’l uuti or bivkt clt. Troro the K^t i/ S n'»td. October 20tl>, 1641 ‘•If Henry l;lay is i cied— *'We ehall have a (litaoLesi maa ‘‘We shall i;ave a i/.au wno di>es not revpect tht truth “We sbal hf>.vc a n;an r.f bad paasioaa and rsTcage* ful temper, “We sbiill have a man charged with murder of Cilley , “We Bhijli;ave a n an charged with two p»'jari«a. ‘•We shall hav n. swearer f»nd % gambler.” Are these personalities? Do they make quita a catalogue of criiuv? DiBhonesty, lying, anger, malice and revenge, murder, perjury, iwe&xing aud gambling! Of whom i» this said'/ Of a common eaitiff? Some felon who is languishing his days of banbh- moot in some fitting employment in the peniten* tiary? Or ot some other felon who has perished by the oord' Why, no. These charges are made by Mr. Holden agaicst Henry Olay, a United States Senator from Kentucky, and the then oandidate of the whig party for the Presi ien*y. What attack had old Harry Olay ever made OH Mr. Holden, that he was “compeUed to resort to these personalities in self-defence?” Were they true? We have evidence that they were not, which if not satisfactory to Mr. Uolden, will not be to any one else. This evidence is, first, A Eulogy written and pubUshed by Mr. Holden on this same Henry Clay; in which the very oppwite of these qoali- ties are attributed to him. A part of which Eulogy was original, and a part borrowed from E. L. liulwer, whose language Mr. Holden em ployed for the occasion as the vehicle of his praise. The second piece of evidence is the following obituary notice ot Mr. Clay after his death: •‘He was a most commanding orator, chivalrons aad manly in bis bearing, devoted alike to bis eotuilry aad his friends, and patriotic, as we believe, in bia far- poses and motives as a public man. If lie erred, we believe he erred honestly. “No waning of fire; oo paling of ray; But rising, still rising, as paasing away; Famed gallant Eagle, thou’rt buried in light, Ood speed thee to heaven, lost star of our nigb'l** Raleigh Standard, July %d and 1th 1B52. The facility with which Mr. Holden disporta praise or censure, marks as unequivocal aa eooes- tnoity of piluotpio u« taiout. Tf he be a fish that swims with ease in clear water, it oannot ba doubted that his qnalties are equally adapted for muddy. Indeed, in this latter element he maj be said to be his own superior; for in tiie former he borrows his fins; in the latter he unquestionably ustjs those which nature has provided for Lim. We shall pursue his “opinions of men,” to detect if possible his “eschewal of personalitiea.” Raleigh Con/edetaU. 1 jS'currtVj/ of Cotton, Threatened.—Mr. Mc Henry, author of the “Cotton Trade,” is stated by the London Index to have written a letter to the Standard, in which he says that the total stock of cotton iu Europe and tbe Federal States on 1st January, 1804, amounted to but 2,000,000 ot bales, ot 400 pounds weight eaob. 3f this stock the Federal States possess 400,000 bales, leaving but l,f'.00,000 for. Europe. Of these 2,000,000 bales, tii-sevenths are of a quali ty 80 inferior as to be useless for all kinds of manufactures, unless with the admixture of ^a large proportion of the better sorts, which it is impossible to obtain. Such is the supply. As to the demand, it is sufficient to observe that lu 1860 the manufacturers on both sides of the At lantic apparently liseu up 6,000,000—reaHy bat 4,500,000—that is, only the latter quantity wu taken bv people using and wearing c^;ttoi goooa. Supposing the wants of the world to be w^ they were four years ago, and deducting 300,000 bales that were sold every yt-ar in a mnnufHCtured I cond tion to supply the Confederate States, tne deficioucy will be 2,200,000 bales—that is, the conf^'jiucrej who dopend upon Eoropo and Yankecdom for thrir cott tcooJs will fill that far short of getting thoir upp'y In the mean inu the >s* r#"s of the ni'inu'aotM- iug di.strictri, already ;iently appalling, is in creasing at a portoutou!^ rate. In the town of Pres ton alone twenty eight mills had closed in January, and the number of persons entirely with out work in conscijuence was 11,299. Thetntiro number of persons recoiving charitable a.=iBis*aoce is 26,000, all becau-ic the mills have ^^pped for the want of cotton. ' To such a condition has the “o«iutr:ility”ot L'^rd Palmerston reduced the country. Of the 2,0'>0,000 bales a'luded t', a little more than half came from India—that ie to Divide, or J)ie.~Th\s incident is related by a letter writer in tbe Potomac army: On one of those biting cold mornings, while the armies of Mead> and Lee were staring at each other across the rivulet known a.s Mine Kun, wlien moments appeared to be hours, and (lays so near at hand seemed to be the deadly irtrifo, a solitary sheep Walked- run on the rebel side. A rebel vidette fired ana killed the shctjp, and, dropping l is gun, advanc ed to remove t^e prize. In an instant, he waa covered by a gun in tbe hands ot a Union vide to, who taid, “l>?v^de is tbe word, or you are a deai i Johnny.” This proposition was assented to, and ' there, between the two skirmish lines, Mr. Kebei skinnei the sheep, took one-half and moved back with it to bis post; when his challenger, in turn, dropped bis ^un, crossed the run, got the other half of the sheep and again resumed the duties ofhi« post, amidst the cheers of his comra'^es, who expect.^d to help him eat it. Of the hun dreds of h ostile men arrayed against each other on either bank of that run, not one dared to violate tb« truce intuitively agreed upon by these two Bold’lers. gay, l,0r)0,OM» bales. Mr. McHenry pays there will not bo a bale in the warehouses at tho end ot the year.—Richmond Dispatch Gen TomnLs.—We learn that this gentleman^ unwilling to be idle when his State is invaded, hafi joined the Militia as a private and report«d to Gen. Wayne, at Atlanta, tor duty. An Honorable Fact —We are credibly informed tliat the ca'ralry force engaged in the provost duty tor^en Joba:iton’s army, report th in all oat reecnt movements they have not found a dinglo straggler from the Tennessee soldiery, although they were retreating from their homes and fire sides. This sppaks volumes for the Volunteer State and her soldiers — 6'7ma Mitntrippi%t. There are over 15,000 yankee prisoners at Andersonvillc, Ga. The editor of the Al^uy Patriot says that upward ot 3,000 have died MWe their removal to Andersonvillc: ths mortality daily averaging 35, with every prosp^’ct of a increase. On the night of i^e i4th ult 3- died. “ J\orm,{'ng out Secrrtt ”—After a shOWW tbo worms come forth; so, wet a man s clay, aud you will soon see his secrets.

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