Ptrcu(iBURa,Jung stn’DK, uod>r Qen uj* la ••af.iure ih^ i.. ir. two oolamtj* r rl •, eoDthor-jji qI mooociietl f’jj th» m to retreat Petersburg uiiliii* t swiu-ta. b 'kaviug > d iw.u »0 WoUDdeU, iMiiji tiiciu Heiu'. .•■.cuij,' bad goUou lUL-ij b.tck Xh# ' If:*. I’li^iOcU-eorga. ‘"►'1 — uUl, 11 O’OLOCE, joiQcd iiuQier to- lUKiie u demoDstiji ru’ Hua Greenville wfre repaiflcd by rcund to StauutoD I’oro with four own iho Valley to !)• have no HUppUea Oar troops are iu xpeoted lo^ morrow L'hotocmy advanced I wcro dnTen back olumu on each side FisherBvilie, burn- [uiet. iouiLE, Jane y. the Sth, reporte on rom Shreveport, ae a«. May 27th, that paged the enemy’s -apt Jacctw boarded L '.'iuou. Pratt's I uri^pliug one gun 1 cdctul fleet Wiu aown the river. >D, Juae 10—Frs IcV' iaad nomination *tijn a luilitary dio- acuon or vigor of tiCv'Cjitable man be wiii uot be a uaadi- u\^ci there will b« w every element of lialoriun^ of hia re- it’s pobition seeanti t the eotimy’s att«ck rday ui^ht, were ev- toi goiog on well, irci admiid a loas of e 3d. Gen. Taylor v*\-und«'d In Meinpkia su. June 10.—Eu- been received ; battles in Virginia in Sugland. The lei that Graui’f sao- cxvrci.'W a cun- urtaiueu a cru^ihing l;jbe }. r luounce the Tt i lie steam Haoii lU. I L i-ed Dy thd bku - \ privnie L ; .il thii city, sajs iroiu fca L Kirby 'lay J. wad received s: — t ;.!,c m >£t aaocesafui h; '.vur, iantiug only L Wf have deteated i.u and several u^ht in Lva- f -•.-iui-i-u U,wu €.■ v."' j»rniicrj, aiiJ > t Were Lull c,i iLl mvsolf had - iu Mor^ic’i - lut«lligeE.-tt h > Wtt . C*/-, U:A .> ibaiidaneti . '.a. luquirer of - ■' '-siiitiippi de- >Q ] ^licd, and A. u ao with Banks, • !^.r Sherman. •' oi Gen. John- unchanged —I have it I'; .ifyei of priBOn- li ivui 1 jut up about wcii, bchides ft nuni- \ Itifpatck. tc. pri.soaers receiv- up u, Monday even- »D-0Mmmiri3ionad offi- flsc r-! All ot theM A' I miner. wh- Liwi spent some diat tlif yankee eol- thc- bat'los of kflt usiaint'd at Spott- ; I- nut greater .-r .-and u ^ ■Uintl, ^:h. yesterday , tnc Ro- '• The ob- iHj; to organize t,.at waa accoiD’ jhrnmd, they were J . irniil. i.' Littio or noth- wiu;^ tu the con* -\ jit> are current 7 aiid silver at $1^ Si' for one V/ J 'umalf tl.- ro are Boattered a petition or me* ‘ laithful" ot the ■ '■ 1/ i.thdraw from //•M ;Statf Jour. ’ii-aing of double -D the Wilming- vifjtr Wilmington at J i'Tiial. itu'‘irturfr$ —Mr. }{.jck Island Paper oommcnced the all respecte to the -i he ’JOth Miflsie- do, hearing of mjDd, occasioned f th.,' local troops !«>.: unaoimoufllj fur the next li.c riuiierors. I /* h'xamwtT^ yliSERV jGR. ^•^DAY~KVMi>4»,17Nit 18, Tub Nawg tluH moruing, by tde^raph und mail. !« iutereating and «UiAiuragiug. The yiMikva dol'eut ut h*eier«burj, aiid the cavulry vict^riett of Muiuploii 111 V irjfima and Forreal in MiMiiwipp: are only ofl- «UeU by the ttflaira iu ihe vaJley oi \'irKioid, and m to tl*at uei-lion, wc have reatk>u tu expect aaiuiiuiug blow i) the j'Miikeeti in a day or two. tlxiK>tfivK Ltinw.— Aocofdlng to the ollicial did- patv-heii of Uraut to Stanton, aa t^iegraplied by the laiier to New York on the 'id, and confirmed by other sources. Grant had mptui-ed and iiidd Coid Harbor, capturing several hundred prisoners aiui tvpeiliug everj attempt oi' the Ooutederale« to re take the pla'el G«n. Snuth had captured (ien. Fitx- tuigh Lee and 500 of his cavalry! Oen. Le« tiad, l>een driven baok by Geu. Grant and now within the Richmond eatrenchmenta! Only a small force of rebeid in the yaukee fronts and the inhabit^its of i’etereburg prepared to deliver up that city! Beau regard withdrawiug hia troopu and artillery! The rebels raiofi attacked the yankee iroQ-clad^ and “fin ished” or drovn them back up the river! Sach art* the huge liea which graced the columns of the New York papers of the 4th insl. Th« ex planation of them all is that the Baltimore Conven tion to nominate a candidate for President was ab.>nt to meitt, and it was deemed proper to humbug that body. Yet it waa gratuitous lying after all, ati is evident from the regular advance of gold. If theee prodigious aucco^i^ had been at all credited in New York, gold would have fallen nvore rapidly than it ri»e. As to Uold Harbor, we hawj had several pri vate letters of later date than the 2d, w ritten at that place by the Junior Kditor of the Olwervt'r, who c^rteduly had not been informed ot Grant’s capture of the place, but on the contrary waej ijatii?fi(id that all hir efforto to capture it had been repulsed with heavy lot*6. Bkamt Ul'iucb.—This notorious scoundrel is l\ir- D.»hing another evidence of the propensity of man kind to adii kicks to facilitate the downwtml i>rogreHii ol him who i«: already on the road duwn hill. But ler's failures and defeats near I’vtersburg are af- tordtng the opportunity for this process which his vtllaniee never appeared to furnish to his feliow scoundrels 20 the United SiAtes. The New York 'i'ime«'s attack upon his Generalship was noticed in oar last; and now we see that an investigation of his giealings is proposed in the IT. S. cienat^^ ami that the death of his brother in N«w York is made the occafi)«.'0 for a charge iu the Herald of having a mil lion of dollars of stoulings covered by the name of that brother, it is known that that l>rother was with him in New Orleans, and did a very large and protitabie business of a very ijaestionablc character, lie hac died worth two millioos, oae hall of vfhich he has leti tu his brother, the General, and the otlier half beiwt^en his wife and i hild. Ttiis is :in instance ot “hoiioj among thieve^." The propt-ny being all ji his own iianie, he migbi liave IcH 1 aH to his w.fc W»d i-hild. or died .witiMjul :t ■ u“. wl.v L ',»ouM h'lve ti«en Itr; =tuno thiug. But [’trLajr, '.hfi*- ^ser'* v.'ri- liugs which wonlil u_ . lra.^trat».-U puch u dnp.-oi- Uoti. and itut Audivw .1. KiUier ooold therefore rujt h*'lp hiJUaelf. but \*u-> to le^re th*.; to hli brother. Id itie Sjeuate, the rrt'olutiou lumilrv ..»ub- mitK-d by Gairett Pavis ot Kt jilucky. The pre amble Jtciles tiiat fiutler bad ln. u i.iiarjjt'd with p;ott;iig witL ihe leadur» of the.piravLt iebellu>n, witii oiwtTWaid« luming against tho4u to r.ttouQmmate h.a owu jwnHjiial aiiJ corrupt objects, auJ with hav- .ag beeu gu;lty, through his brother aud other ac- •OOipilCwi, ot' “[UjJiV acts of fraud. sp**calaU.oa aud embezzleuktut against the Cnited States, and many avt« of extortion, plunder, spohation, oppreiWon and tuni«lfy agaiuijt iudividuuls.' Wht^refore a comiuit- t«e of inquiry 1« proposed. L)>ivis s resolution wdl M«jct:4y p^ —there is not hunor enough iuliw yau- koe Con^i'ess tor that—but i!€ mtroductiun shows in whikt bad odor th« Beast is. A.V01MSR Noble Yoltu Fauj^.n.—In the enemy’3 Hospital on the battle-tieid near the U'Ildemes>s in Virginia, died rfergvaut-Major Kdw’d Stewart Jont':*, of tJae 3Gth Hjg t. !fon of l>r. Johuston B. Jones of Chapel Uill, agtnl lb, a gentle, affi-ctionat*?, yet brave a£id noble youth. Hi.'» bi>dy was rw;oven.*d by hii* father, guides! by a lady who had vIsiUhI aud minL^^- »«jred to him in the Uoppital. and brougbl home fur lDtennTUt. Ue wtu wounded iu the buttle of Ifte fHh May, and di(Hl on the 10th. utter iMving had his k‘g aniputtttftd above tlie knee. KLtii..Ni Exi R.w i*.—Mr. Hoidencan find notliing Id Gov. Vanoe’s conduct, past, precfent 01 prv^Ixt; live, that is worthy of praise. In his electi once ring clrciilars, which he priuta twice a week at Ealeigh and calls a newspaper, be bitterly attacks whatever is said or done by the Governor, and when present material is lacking go«9 back to abuse those things whirh in the paist he praii?ed. The latest assau't of this kind ia upon Gov. Vance's Proclamation cf last September in relation to the Peace Meetinge. Wp take the tollowing Fiom ibi' Ealeigli Standard. June 10, IMKl. “Gov. Viiiice wa.-i no iljulit luj^ler pledge's to I’rupifl'Ot Davis. iuhI tbe ucxt thiri;^ wup bt? proclamation of tt’p From Lani's Brioadk.- dated -Extracts from a letter, I U V T K JL JE O It A i» H fcl»P>P.18 OF TUB PK«8- /.■‘HoOUTl'iN Riu.iaTQ.\ at tu* North.—A "Parokd Prisoner,” (doubtless tbe same excellent trentleman and officer Whose artide we publiflhed on the efrecU of Mr. | “Bat'vu-Kimi.d. Oui> 7, 18C4. — _ _ . COniinUIllCttttifl to I (JrttD Ixjo T>rotM'>'i*riir thM.t wKiIm th** VkuitiM &.»»» n t ■ - Lee's Arntj^.—RrciiMOND, Jane 11.—Graut hcX..'..-™l,,„ri.„kUob,„v.Uon,of thefceU f'"' ing among the yank** Preachem aud religionists might bury Uieir d.^Kl and atteud to ih«ir wounded. The j Iff, skiruiishiug. amountiDK to no- during his laptivity of nearly a year. It is a blai k ■ aii>areia. • e liad no lu-ceesity for i * lines ot ttu* two armie.-! c-atalogae. Loi us briefly specil^-: livery Bible aud Testament that he saw for dis- tributiun to >aike«^ soldiers, had a Uniou Bag bla- soned upuu the tiile page. A Dttle book of “Hymns for Suldierx" had th« aamu Hag on the title, and among tbe furmtui were Hail Columbia. Yaukee l\>odJe, Old John Browo. and Come Rally Round the Fiaj^; all iluj tracts were mere abolition tirade.s, with no word of spiritual instructi-m. Th>* preac h er who had tJie general snpermtendejice at Point Lookout distributed none but the vilest politicnl tracts and ]>a|)er;i and never gave a word of spiritual t»aching or wurnin^. -Repent of your sins and tiike the oath,” was wluit he taught, and many we^k- micded men wi-re beguiled by him, e^tpecially those who felt themselve.- to getting Pick—for sick men always died in the camp—but if they took the oath, they were carried to the U. S. General Hospital aud well treated, and for each one who was converted bv this mail o4 God, and became “a star in his crown of rejoicing,'’ be got fifteen dollars in gretu-backs.” The following scene would be incredible if the gentleman who de^^cribea it were not entirely to be depended on: “At Ft. Delaware, some time in July of last year, an official statement wut read to the yankees at dress parade, to the effect that Vicksburg and Pt. Hudson had fallen in the West, that iu the East, Charleston had fallen, and Lee’s army was entirely annihilated, that the war was ended, it only remaiu- injf to occupy the conc|uered country. North Caro lina had alrealy come back into the Union. This was done by the way to diAconra;^ the privates and make them teke »bc oath, there being atwut W)00 confined on the Island at the time. A Chaplain thinking this a suitable occasion to exercise his holy office, got up to pray; he thanked God for the gr**at Union victories, but found conaiderable fault with the Almighty; telling Him that he had not done this good thing quick enough; that many valuable Union lives would have been saved if He had stretched out his arm against the rebels sooner; but still wme praise was due to Him for having at last done what It was His duty to do. The Reverend gentleman then went into holy raptures over “this glorious Union,” in the midst of w^hich some one cried out "threv cheers for the Uniou.” which were according ly given; another cried out “three cheers for the C haplain." aud the«e were given vociferously. After this striking interlude, the Chaplain went on with hiB prayer, thauking Go«l tliat He had put it into the hearts of the brave Union soldiers so mghly to val ue the Union, and so highly to appreciate and com pliment the Lord'4 humble servant as to cheer him for kis devotion to tJie Union canae; and after he said amen, the audience set up a loudt'r cheer thau ever." The Chaplain of the Post at Point Lookout being ai^ked by a Confederate how he, being a MinisU'r of the Gospel, could advocate doctrines so widely oj>- posed to the Bible, said; “Do yon suppose I pm my faith to 30 poor, pitiful, contemptible a concern at! the Bible,” and he went on farther to say that the (lod of the Bible wa»-i mortj pitiful and contemptible than the Bible; that he w;ia guided by the law of his consoience. and a law higher than the Bihlc or Gk1 -\!might\ The writer !*ay^ tliat lu; in only on.- of ui:iny ofli CCT"' uudt-r obs»‘rvation thes»- facts i anit-. Ilf nalui-nlly couclud«“; thut “a right^ou.« »jud will sme lly judfe tbe yankee nation for tlu-ir horrible bla«- pheniif,' ut Hi.i holy name. Thi.*i encouritgcs u.s !•> pers*‘VOr»* in a t onti*^t where i>ur t-nemics are G(>d'!j enemies; und tlu- greatnes.-^ of iLi-ir iniiiuity may well make U.S thaiikful thai God ha:^ eeparatt'd U3 from them by a line male dark with a nation’s blood and a nation’s wailingr* for h»r fallen lU.I.rKf ilU. Wi>tNl.*J>,—In addition to the »4.kuo4» l^'lgiii^nt ft t«?w atf", it will tu* bft-a ilmi upward.'* of lu oM cun»ru y. atu.1 [>n»ljahly worth of tlour AH;, hnvc lM.-eu cintribufcv! iu tills i.oWTi for tu« reliuf uf ■ )ar WkKioded FOR THR oaSRRTRR. The Coml>erLiMRl lL>spiUiI As«NA;Uitiou a.-kiujwltrd^e.i Uv. rucvi{>t of the tiUuwUi^ c^mtribuuuua, applli aMa to lIh; wuuiidwl In tke rMXsiil tMlUeK {>CUo—Duncaxi MufchidoJi. 11 7i—t'edar Crjek Kdlef Ciimb«rlauil Cw. ?.d7:.—J 11 Bali. each—C T ILai^h, G NS’ WLULauj.s Co. eacb—E J Lilly, f .S Lutlerlolt. 11 Liliv C1 —J A \V urth. ► 16'ii.dcb—C\»l W Alderm&u, J W Ltsil, A A McKe- vLan. A W Sutj], J W Sandford, E i' Moore. J L tie}', Gtjor^o McNeill. Kay it 1‘earcw. Jolia Shaw, ,luhn Gau, 11 L Myrovtsr, Wni Cade, 'i hijs. McDaiiifci. ea* h—i! L reuibei t^n, J A Pemberton, J il 'v il llarnf>, J H Lee. each— t» Thornton, McLean, .S J Illnrxlulc, Jao N Smitii (and lint ;it«diiutu, 1> McL In- t'oulkep j(}j each—Albx'r Johivwti, ,tr, Caj t») II lilockej. each—\Ii ' .) K Miiriiii.iou, Mrs MulMarniid. bach—l>r H kobltijj^ja, J H OhA. (' K i.ect**, (i W H’ightmaxi, Vv U .Maithews. fl.'t each.—K M Orr»‘ll, T J j.M—it i* lJuxton jC'”—It lieid/'. ea'h—(ten W l»rau:jhon, I/r J H Kreemaa. I 1> Ihivisi, lsaa-. lloUixigsworth, Ishani dwelt, Mattliew Lea ry, Hector McMillan ( aud lot oi' luuntard.) J C I'ue, Alex M I.3uchlin. —Jo3 Ilolliii^.-jwxitL. each—I B llawley, K Cllover, Mrs Jus ntarl>nrg, S T Uawley. ^17—cash, V16 eacli—I’ Taylor, .1 0 Thomson, W B bright, Sa lem Joner, K W Kiulaw, Johnj^ulo, Mrs E W liobiDson. * 0 eacii—I W Hillas, Mr Wjiitehead (and half gallon wine,) Ca^h. U Krambert, R Mitclwll, Oaeh, L 0 Rone, I' P Jobnsou, W K l.ove. Cash. each—Calvin Uavis, B Monnghaa. Ardi McLan b- lin, Misb Emma Lilly. —ca“b. —cash. ?7,1S4 75 In old currency. Besides which, from C B Mallett 1 bbl tlour, J W Ba ker J bbl flour, Kaiidal McDaniel 1 bbl flour, J O Shep- lierd i bbl flour Mrs McDiarmid 10 pre socks, linca aud hwrbr: Mrs (iuo Ilaitib 1 piece ohoetinj^, ^ Kerehaw 1 pie«:e shcetinu7 l>i*vu Mofi.i.*- ^ * K-'^w VI gfift!* iixna^se"*; B Rose tine lot of hone}; W N TilliiiKha^t 1 box . rushed ^ugar; Mrs ^ilkindon and Mrs Mclveuzie sanliiies, pickles, mustard, blk pepj»;r, toilet soap, old linen. Also, old apparel, linen and cot ton from the following la(lit»3: Mrs fcitarr, Mrs Cook, Mrs E L Peiiiberton, Mrs Wliitehead, Mrs P'uller, Mrs D McLaurin, Mrs McMillan, Mra Lilly, Mrs Auderson, Mrs Itobioson, Mrs Fonlkea, Mrs Wm Smith, Mrs Broadfoot, Miss Mary Pearce and others. Gentlemen iu tlie county not acfest'iblo to a call from the Ladies, will please send their contribittions to Messrs U & E J Lilly. Further supplies of old appaitl. linen aud cott«>n ai e solicited. such an arraugeiuent, for wo hud all our ilnad aud \vouu«l- od, wliilat thonsaTid:! of tiis tuy andcr our i^uui. Ho de sired to avoid an admiksion of defeat by haring a :autu-'l tu^TMmrnt (>en. Leo replied, that he wnuld uot nj^ri-e i occu.sional ilischartres oV artillerv and ai tive sharp- to the projH>iittl; hut tliAt il (ipuiit wouKI bt*iui tt ol' | sht»otin^. in »onii‘ places arc iii,t more than ‘JOO yuid.^ a|)art. .Stork’s F'^k.m, June 11.— 'I'here is no ch.iUf;e iu tbe relative situation ot the iwt» armi' s. 'I'here are truot) acJein^ to be uiluweJ to burv ^ tf>raiil':) U«a(i, he would ^'rtUlt him a o»irta'u time tliiTnfor. prtleud- ed to uaderRtaiid Geu. Le^- aa ^ieldinjf to lti^ propositi.>i>; I'ut We lecnnved oriler-i to warn otl’all purtiea sent tiiider rtujf ot truoi! to liury vlen l, and if ihev j>craiMted in com ing. to foro« them otf Thereupon (.>rant'‘bac!ied S(.|iiare dowu.” and afut a tiaq; artkllU' to be allowt-d lo i>tu-y liis dead and search tor liid This is a jrri.a’t tri umph lor us—.• rant's lirot admis.sion of deft*al, 1 rej^ard iL I delivered all the letters from (ieu. l^oe. (reu. V ii cox l>rou;;ht me the third c'oiumunication liX)m Geu. Lee la«.t nii^ht a little In^l’ore 8, and said ho wished it to r^aeh the yaukee otlicers by 8 if possible, and to tell those on the outposts what were its couttmU^, vi^: tliat Oraut mi;>ht have fi om 8 till 10 to bury his tluad, and that our skirmish line would bo withdrawu for that lime to near our breastworks, tiettin*; out to our videttes, \^e hailed the yaukees, and they answered; but one, by whose voice 1 rtHX»gni.iod a Captain whom 1 iiad mot in the morning, said that ttiey had bouu ordere^l to hold uo C'>mmunii:a- tion with us till they had rej»orted to IMvision head4uar- tir«. So we waited, aud waited, till, at half p*&t lo, Capt. Vvilnun. of tJen. Haooock's staff, camw out and re- (.^#ived the dispatch. 1 told hini what were its cont«!nts, and that by their own delay they had lost their oppor tunity, us it was then past 10 lie expressed regret and politely badij us joud ni^ht. Auotlicr dispatch from (.'■Tiuit has this moment arrived and wo have forwarded it. “Theso yaukee offiwrs are jolly, and wish tlie war o- ver. For the curiosity of the thing 1 like to go out tiiere, but somehow I liate to talk with tiie barbaron.s \iUains. N'larly always while we are chatting out there alight is pVv{jiftfS'ii^ somuwhi re «.>n our Hues. •■Ae i'rtvc a noiv iu tiie top ol our lai t.T>= made by a dietl. thrtu^lj \vh;cj-wo u>:iuiy i.11 tl'e skinai-iiing, t^i'i ..ou cin't s ‘f in (!.«; d-^y > xctpi wLeu tlity k>e ai yon I’ut atnigLi^you cauiiut im.kicii. • una* a uriu.d sigiit it i^■. to ^CL• tiic iijihiuin- lik- flx-h alo.ij; iii*-iioi LKun. tlan i.h -fiitai.- b.lcii'Al forlQ, amid the K-rt iiui- iiig of the h’lit 'i.', tiji' rh.irp report aud Ijrdliau: lia^^t ai;d BCiutiilatioii'. of iivbt as tin, misFilep cspicdi;, hik the wool.^ and open ii :]d are igntidup. as if by liisj llic.-^, with the bmalkr j* ii ol fl.iuie ju'iin^ out from iLousauu.-' of small a'.nis. a:»d bigb in a r tlie Kiiell from their mor tals (^tor tliey ha e a ui.jitar tMtkry jurt uvt.r h(-ro) uc scribe their graceful curves—a etrauge uoiee i*. all makes in the night witii the riugiag ch- ers of the com>HlfciitH. as oue or thu other hue of the bkitmiaher.'^ gaiuh au ad vantage. lu thw immediate front of our present position, which we have uocupie^l .■■iuce tbe evening of the 2d, we have liad uo tlghtin> since that evening—the fighting f have Ixsen t«iilintf you of beiug lu thi.- Division juet on the left of our BrigyJt;; but we get th.* full lK.'ut»lil of the mhi- nk-^, as they have a tort of eatilade upou Ur. Vesteiilaj we had a Lieutenant mortally woutukxl and Iwi. m*-u wouud'jd —to-day uoi.e up to 1 o'clock. \>n l'rilt,v, the day of the tight, our Brigade lost iu this way soiue UU olficerp Biv»l men killed and wouiid' d—a l./^o>.n*^al tu that cf an > utire Division of ours which was regulaiand cou- spicuon.-ly ensagel tliat day, (or, you kuow, in that J'ri- day's fight, whicn wa.-* a simple Ijnichery of the yank-Kf^. the ca.-;ualtii8 iu our whole urmy weie only some ('.W. It Ls Very hard t\> s> e lueu shot down wheu not «ngagid. E .1. il.jJr. kOk YHS OBtEBTRK. IKed, iu CliimlHiraxu llospit*il, Riehmoud. on i4th of May of a wound received in tlie battle near Drewr} a Blufr, Ueut. Junius Lilt-, Co. B. .Hl,-*t Ueg’t, son of James A. Liles, E*}. of Ausiiu i-»iunty. a^ed 27 }cai-^. It is not in the urtr*- empty worda of euli>gy tiist tlds trib- ul* is paid to /ii~ memory, for of him it may be tiuiv ■^aid •'ni>ue knew liiui but lo iuve him. ' and uo oa- fallen during the war wh'i il more nfuerully unjuriii.>l. One who knew iiiui wrile.-*: "I uevi-r knev\ a pntiT or ii'.lilt-r yuuiig man, \u- wv- a dutiful .•^ju, »u utU-etion «tt' briither. a kii. i mid gttliai.t ottii er. He wn.- tieiidtnily the ui'.r-t jpojKiiar liian in our Regl. uii'i ihe euliri- coin maud mouriis iii- l>*»nZ" .■\inl to tiie truth ol liuMe vsorii- tliO wrlt r of thi! ttrti k-. «ho iins kuow;i Li-ui. L. dii.t-i th> d!»y.- of chiidtiuud and stH-n him »/'wa uinii r \arii.u- ■•Meuiu«!l.jlie«*s, adds biii williug to.>'iiaouV. lu tin- reia tioiis of social !lfe he wbs an upright man, a ^fuial, warui hearted friend, an inlelii>;ent gentleman, in tije lamp un the weary mnrvh. on tfie battie lield, vvheie d« alh r-Kl on every bri-e/‘ and tlit grouiut ^rcA re.1 with bli»ni his cheerfuliKRj^, vi^a^it}, iXn.duenn and bru\er\ never left him. He died a.^ he lia«1 llvcul, a patriot and C'hri.'*- liau gvntleiaau. bin luat thoughts bviug ol bin home aud his cuunlry. aui his la-t w.Mds "U*!! uiy oidt-or I williuj; to die. niid have iloue Iiiy duty." Hcouts rejmrt tliat (iraut i ol the Yi)rk liiver liailruad. tiiant is very heavily fortified in our front, aud iu some places his lines arc iu .'jO yards of ours. Jti iuirls !>f Vunkei Mi’i.ruic.iU.— Un ii>io.'«D, June 11.— .Sheridan's raiders are reported moving towards 'olumbia. I'iuvauua oiiut}. The yankees in the V'alley said to be movini' toward Lexington^ Gil- moi'e reported to be sending troops to south side of the Appomattox for another attack tipon i*etersburg. 'rflieridau’s force is said to be ^(XK). with 10 pieces of artillery. Gen. Hampton is ufier him.J ' 'Fhe Kews at the War Dtpartmtnt last Might i All quiet on Gen. Lee’s front; all quiet on tbe South />Side; nothing fltirring at Bottom's Brid^; nothing farther from Staunton. This was the sum and tub- stan. e of it—yi*7t. Wht j, The /lyht r^car ? ur loe(es are uaid to ] be 5oO to fiOU killed and wounded, and 758 prisoners. . The enemy occupied Staunton on Monday, and cap. j tured and paroled lUOU sick aud woundvd iu the Hospital# there. h'rofa ,>'ueUhweetei u I’t/yimu.—A letter from It'tiiiug up tlie traik j l-obanon. Bugsell county, Va., to a member of Con gress. brings news that Gen. Morgan encouuterad the enemy, under Gen. Hobson, near Pound Gup, i defeaied them aud captured 'iOO priaonera. i Rtchuiund Eni(yktT*fi-, ll//t. W. DRAVGHON, ADCTIoaSEB, S. K. Comer Mark«t FATETTKTIUJ^ Pr-iDivt a*i''Duc'> gxrt-n to all bsslBMS i» kli Ur» Bi.irr ,te ! him. Hi 1H«4 40^g * »AI-IS. 4 hoOKAWAT aad HARMJHf, »eMi* A. Ajp’.y to W Ajp’.y 1 Joce 10, 18G4 DRAVOBWf. 40 tt lirjmrted (.’avalrit Victoria in Vinjinia.—'Rtca- .MoND, June 1'2.— It is assertetl that Hampton’s cav alry attacked [Sheridan's raiders laft,evening, near Louisa C. H.. and captured a battery and a large number of prisoners. No ofScial information of the engairement has been received, but the report is cre dited. Another party of railers struck the Orange & Al exandria lioad yesterday, near Arrington, Nelson C^. The enemy (froin Staunton] have doubtless occu pied Le.vington. Tliey are, apparently, aiming for liyiichburg. vt I'lrftiiy iu .Mis.sissif/pi.—Mkridias, June 11. and Forrest have routed a yaukee column near North Mis^i^isipni, cupturiug 200 wagons heavily laiien with stores of all dencriptioas. Marntadnke has erected another battery on the A«imirnipp!, Ofiow oreenvllle, anft rias a nnmt>er of boaLs hemiiu d up. ITp to the 7th inst. he had de stroyed 3 s;eu:n(*rs. M OiJii.K. .lu;ie 11.—An official note the day after the fi^.'i t says we captured ‘i!00 wagons and many prisoners. Aloug the yaukee line of advance the destruction of property has been unpardlleled—the negroes vindictive. From Otirj(H.— Hattlk riKi.n, .mcak Marietta, June 11.—A yanked spy in Confederate uniform was captured yesterday near Home. Prisoners report that tlie 17th corjw joined Sherman on the irth. All quiet. Conjreits.— Un hvo.m>. June IL—The neesion has been extended to 'Fuesdiy noon. No business of importance completed to-day. From the Xt/rtk.—Pktersuuro, J one 11.—The N. Y. Herald of the 9th has been received. Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson of Ten nessee were nominated by the Black Republican ’onvention at Baltimore on the bth inst. The Her ald thinks t ie ticket will have a hard road to travel. The 11th resolution of the platform adopted declares for the maintenance of the .Monroe doctrine. John Morgan captured Mt. Sterling, Ky., on the bth inst.; destroyed th« bridges and tore up the track of the Ky. Central Railroad between Cynthiana and Paris, captured the passenger train; occupied Paris, aud destroyed importaat trasllework there. His force id estimated at ‘i.'iOU. 'I’be Herald pitches into the Times for publishing on the 7lh an act ouut of the battles between Lee aud J rant, suiting that they were the mo.«!t important i>attl^. of the war. eouferi.-^ing that lr*utwaa badly beaten aud the rebels indubitably successful. This ount piiblis^lied, the Herald says, solely to ilefeAit Grant's u.uniimtion for the [^residency—aud sueceeded. • iold clo.^cd ou iLe 6th at l!#4^. [At Kicbmoud ou the 11th gold reported ut lv7 lu New York on the Sth.j Au4Urr Cviltatiiu ut liiiuoii.—Northern papers irive accounts of a bloody afS'ray that took place iu figypt, Illinois, between soldiers and copperheads. Over half of the soldiers were shot, some mtally, and the remainder were obliged to return to Xenia. Fxycnses.—Tbe New York Herald of the 4th inst,, says:— “Owing to the largely increased expenses of the Government, officially announced by Mr. Chase in his proposals for the new loan, it is estimated that four millions a day will hardly be sufficient to meet the accnnrilated requisitions upou the Treasury.” Wlteat.—The harvesting of the wheat crop com menced in Alabama last week. The yield is aaid lo be very fine—much above an average one. Gen. HamiAun.—The Columbia South Carolinian states that it is said that Maj. Gen. Wade Hampton has killed 22 men in hand to hand fights. A Detd — ]>uring th* severe artillery du-1 oa the -d inst., a 8- pjuad shell strucV the parapet over i.ue of the gmis belonging to Cuumiiig’s N. C. Battery, jind rol'tug over, loll oonoatb the gnn Scarcely had It touchwl the earth in otir works, w’hen private Jaines P. of tKftj ij3 ooth }taD(i'9» llUrl- ed it over the embtmkment, thus sending it where its explosion could do uo hanu, and probaldy eavinj^ the lives of niany of his comrades Maj. Caskie' has forward ed this gallant soldier’s name to tttsn, Beauregard, who e.ipre€9ed his admiration of the noble deed.—/'«' Ez H. iUcintLLAIV, iacliouffr aad €«bbIs(iU« Mtrtfciil, •V(». 99, Uuy SSrc«c, FAYKTTEVILLl, K. C- ISAAC HOLLINGSWORTH, Cirocer «Bd ComBis§ioi Merehail; FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. June 13 «*tf jyOTMCB, IIT'^ VE on baad •* lot of extra £«• CliewUig To^mm ^}ra.bviUe Lea/) whiob I ofErr T> t kM tBMavwa#* li t I g urorg, s» wholesale "r rM%U •j 8*!t OoUflo Y»ra Rr -wn Wtadwar > •■'jt BrtiOi*.) too t«uiou4 to i&'uUoB laAAO iiOLLIHOSirOBTlL Jan> IS 4f-i4t KX Koi.LiWeif leii \ F*rkTTBVII,U, JUD« 10, iMA. f . from Lt. #«bT HcIms, r ‘.brwugh €M«r« r«Miv- 4f*hi Oon( FAyKTfEVILLK MARKET.—June 18 iiEVlEW OP THE .M a,BS:£T T. • or’7 cBa»»if>a to b'Lc ar«: Ltf.a&dr, u .per SI", role !§1S; J7 loSlO; Flour, aala>i Huper $17o Kamd; 91>^; Hioe 75 t* ol. »oa I (It H rsk 1 l»t» Ni :T I.llrt I'lUO*** |>uUtl»h t -T 'i.t‘ '. It eaiCtr.*c\t I, SN1 ilrifU N‘ . IM I'lf. c"in^Q> «n Um.* t \r ih;' !>l tco. oniiitoti • I l> Vic.. J>> f. la )!'■ ht, (iftviiU ' .\ V Jutiu? •>» I > ri ly, .1 .• .U. •*.■1. ie.! • ,iln Ai ■Mill Jiinr .Me ItajlUii ami ut n»: uf .10^ Ja r 1.11 i: .M'ty 3Ni --.V r'.'■ uliUf M\t s.wt.l .lu&e 1st—V\' ->i;l J I' IK' Utui .r^’ woUfiilr*!, Ill h atJ'! ii riifiuy . r.> it-* 1Imi'> kliftit: V\ ui tl..v» r:; .o. tip ■, J A ;efl Jn'i Lnn;«r, thr -uau lul it-, -f . 'I ; ai»*i, li r oiily, « not clir\l. vViciii lK'\^.ii Corpi T H Th'fnjv* t’r.vnif fMuU-l VVril To;al—w lUniU-i 14 uiiv’ua 4 — ir til J V, ll.t.l \MS. 1 1.1 the 1'r.L'nJi Iht- fi.'low n:2 tot .Mjy :l,i IIkIiI. • /(il t’ ■t>n, rill. %irii I I! -i i.iiii. L; VV J I'.e t|.l ^ I) J . Ie.i It'!'I lint :ind )anlagis,^ Wm McIntyre, N A icLiwirin, J »odlrey, Geo liraiidt, Mi-s >uK 1 nu uBFtK\ k.K 1\ru, Junt Mes-r'i K.l;liri l .ir t’.r mf .r;iinl.m •.! il.r tiuniUol iiiy t. mi-iiiy p'.fa**" ii.iMish the f.i.l 'Wii )J ii>'t nl Wih.— K.ileil Prlviiiu VV iiu» Woi.ud^'il’ 1‘riva.U VV A Keavpt. ihljU Wiu l^iiiilii. l>r>n»l jli|hl May 3tsl—VVotimlt*! I’nv.Mx* Kll ll.iiji r- l>r u l st'Vfr*., If lUe rtclj. r F t’tilUiii. temple arvrre. ifU on lln- liciil, J I' invir, left har.j illt!)>t. June 1st.—VVonnitNl- ’i>rjil R H M^ln'xrd. Iir. n*i »fV>-rr pfiv.tlf W H PoWfll, iirm nvyrra, li H :»muh »in-v«W Mjvrr^. left hunil sevure. MWiliin; J P «»)>l.iirn. iinv.iie^ Al»ej .\Q^u»Une sJtiJi'on- VV* J i.uSt;. Citpl 3i*i N C'S' MAKKIKD, At the (htkK. .Imolia county. Va.. on the ^th lut>t., by Rt-y. 15. Tiziartl. Maj. V^’>|. A. «tU.\MAM, Jr., .\ii,f’t .-Vdj't (ienfxal ol Norlli (;aroliua,to JL’LI.\ U..t‘ld*!»t daughter of .Vfr, Jehu W. f.,aue. temijcr in relation to tin: pi'tkce mwiingM. H’ ^-med to Wjot oiidtrf tiie couvictiou that a large poriiou of our people wert; diiloyal- tliut iLi y oo..ov..t'ug ptan? to refill t the laws or to lriBi th- govi.-i'nment, and tbftt it was hts i-i*p«cial bosluePt* to lixiture them, and thrbati n them, eu'TthU'* control th^m and then fmm ihtmttlvm. A herculean undi rtaking, truly, for a“young Qcvenior.” So the (iovemor'rt Froclamation wa.s very impu- deut and uDcalled f*T, aud altogether aguinet Mr Holden's notions of propriety. as it? "V\ e take the following ^ nn the Ualeiiih Standard, October 2, IhtfJ. **Wh>'u the (iooraift moh asra'led our oflice on the l>lh of & ptf‘Ujbor. the proclamatioa of (»ov. Vance, tmd the . rollowiiii^ FOitorial articl« were in ’yp«*. preparatory to j Got.V.vncki.v tue West.— The Salisbury vN utcn- tlie publi'cation of tb(*i>apernext day. Theproclamatiou I aavs that Gov. VaiH;e spoke there for nearly and ihe Witorial were“knockel hiio pi.’’ liulwefonudl i j i u tilt copy of t‘i** latlpr, and now lay it befon our reaU;r- I three hours on the tli, to a large crowd, who honor it wa»* oriKliiully prepared. Stninge that a bwly of j pj with close attentioo throughout. The speech IT.r,!;oi;%tlulTOa'wnf l »" « Walcbnia" Wliich endorsement the Standard adds to tluj I Co.v—Gen. Longstreet is expected to para raph just iiuoted. It was ve.rj’ “hi-lalutin,'’ as I report for duty in eight or ten days. aUVtiai; \\n u in*.!uii ii» r Uttcin wur* waruj, «ympathiHi»i? with all auu nfjvcially the P'-edy— i hu^haud a“d dKhr'chil % , » • J» i* r 1. a, I D1 S4), In Charlpston.f'o Thursday last. EDWaRD WIN.SLOW. At tbe ri'Hidence of Peter C. Smith, E;^., in Guilfoid County. N. C., ou the 2Dth May, ISlil. after ft severe ill ne.“H ot two week**, M.ArtTIlA SMITH wife of Peter C. Suiith. and daughtfr of Louis Luiterloh, Ehj., aged 41 years 9 moutiis IC days. She is i?ouo from us to try the realities of that blessed world, where poac»! and happinci«t> are forever eujoyed. A.iHwKe and mother, she was kind, afljctioiiate, nnd dutiful; as a fi ietid h r heart was alwwys warm, ever ildri‘11 are lelt bebiiid with many fri'Md.J to mouru her lo^f; l*uf «h«: told thorn she le^t il-ein in tl.* h'vndt* ot GikI- Alter t)*'ing a:’K‘.*d by wiuie of her IrK ud**, how .'■he f-.'!t conceru- iu« deatli. she caltn'y teindtkcd: ur*( vc not, grieve not, for me. I am loady'for d*:ath. Tiien ca’.linK up lu r lit tle children, phr look-d upo : them with tho.S'^ dim ey (v.hifh indicated d-utlj i’r>t !ai di-^.ant.) tvnd a:-Iiel (iod to take them and WlesH them She then directe«1 her kind hu«bind to th(! bri>t,ht r* almn of mercy; she th-ui look d upon her old grt-yli'udi'd fath>‘f for the lat^t time v.ith that lovely lot k which a d.wigbter pc^asessef', aud told him Ins tioubliH were great but nut to grieve for her. She then advind her relaliou.'* an'"* friend'* to prepare to meet their God on high. After thanking her friend:^ for their neighljorly kind ness, dariuj? health and •‘ickuess, she utleied but lew more woidH, thouRli livi-l sf.-vtral hours. Sh‘ di'^d with thost* calm features which Hoem to sp 'sk peaco to her wearied soul. May Go»l tirmly itnpri’ss her dying words upon the relatives and friei'ilH who are left to mourn aft* r her. Oriovo not. grieve not, for me, Hut from this scene a waruliig take: Kor rKX-n pale death for thoo Will at thy own door shake. Com. At Poitit Lookont. Mil, of chronic diarrh»», Feb a'), VTm. A. Kilimtrick, Co. U, K4th Re-r't aoivl '2H. 'J'htr la(>- altack mi J\lei'st>urij.— Yesterday was auother day t>f excitement, -it early dawn our pit kels were drivcu lu on the 'ily i’oinl aud Prince «leorgeC. 11. roads. I'li.-se movemeato were butleiuts to deceive our forces, while the real movement for the surprise and capture of the city was on the Jeru salem riauk road, comiu|f into i etersburg, from a southerly dirt-ciiim. At 'J o’clock, our pickets uu tbe Jerusalem I’iauK Koad, werednveu iu, aud before lo. the enemy showed himself in overwhelming num bers. 'The enemy inantKUvred for a while, thinking probably th:»t our raw trcopn would abandon their po.'ition without a tight. Llut never were the Yan kee invaders mon- ini->ia!»en. Uur mcu jnaiutained th* ir ground like veterans. Kinally, the enemy or- dere i a ehurge; and tauie down lo our breastworks With a yeli, ibcir drawn sabii s :Ushing lu, the sun light. \S'Leu withl\i 40 j)a.- s of th«» Ibrtilii ations. the order to tire wa.-? given, and the Yankecsi recoil ed, aud fell bav k. A prisoner taken states that lu this chur^ie th« y had 4U wounded and 2 kiUcd. This iiargc w ia repo.Uetl twn ti, l.ui with like result:^, rtheu the l ueuiy rc'oried to the llanking proce.'i. We had but 17'l iiieu all told, aud it waa imp«.>.s»ible with tins nuinl>er to guard i eutre. right aud left, aloug a length t>f thn*e tjuartvrs of a mile or more. I'he order was given to retreat, and in a lew miiiutfS the enemy bad posses.'iou of uur wtiriis, our t auip. and were in full pursuit of our im.n. The eueniy came on in double column, with 8abP»'S drawn, until they reached the hill opposite the W*ter Works, w'here they planted a . auuou for sbelbn the city. They then started ilown the hill, and their advance column actually took pos.sessiou of a bridg which crosses rowell’s liun at the foot of the W uter Works Hill. They were almost in 1’etersbuj‘g could see its spires and steeples, and m;i«y of nhe houses on our surburban limits. Just at this vp- portune moment, Graham’s Jiattery reached the Ueservoir Hill, unlimbered in an instant, and throw into the ranks of the enemy a shower of shell. A minute or two later, another branch of our ser vice made its appearance, Dearing’a Cavalry brigade, which quickly dismounted, and descending the hill with a yell, charged upon the enemy in beautiful style. They instantly wheeled their horses, nud started back up tbe hill iu great coufusiou. Our •forces pur.^ucd them for a few’ miles, killini' aud womidiiig many, and taking some prisoners. Gen. Kautz was in eommm'd '1%'e are authoriaed to aniiouRce J (} ^tl£PHERD MS » for le i-iKdi tu ht-. Boub* of iJoaiiiions from th> ocostie? «>f iuBj t nd H%raett 11 40 The nnmer«^us f'ricnd» ot i)l’3f€A5 SBilW, *r'uid to 6cr:'o;t aiis icr j a i..a; in iht > f C'»j. I., ure. | Tie rxr-rscuec n;' Cj; SiAw »-od £.-?n j3i Bupro*^‘01 ih - pov.'rDOieot ,j>d c«uiie. i tco' hvc. t« v>,;«ra of H«rD»tt «»ud Cu».;bfcr 1. nd t../ r^pvcneii* tleiu lu thv Lsitislfttuiv. Will Col Shaw obDge bl^ triv&ds by ocne«t>tfcr be H C:U.uii.ia*hT Ju'^* 11—It Fayettbvili.*, N. C., Juki 11, l;54i n. J, inc-Daffie: iyiAK Bib:—M%ny jrivode in Ha.'x-Ett ^ud ( rm eriand r^^ucvU >oo to become h CaDdtdaM to »»p res>(u them in Houeo cf Gommona of the Jfit L«- tiL.>:alore Tbe gouud aad pitirietie views kiunoaiiifJ by yoa ae itie pcLitioal s«ntim«i''fl wbiofa wviiid iufluenoe ycu a.'' » L^gklfttor, rfCi.r>r:;d2:.J yon to k 't c.nt>i on cl CT>ry tro jd mtn :n tb** coBiniut>iiy, »id | 4'U*iify yoa lo r^piofieni the !iau!t'J lUid loyal eeniib^cnt ui litrwpM un' ^.iabrri»n.J. H'vtiiiiv '.o tt^ AUiuiBibiratioa vad Luitifiti-tiou tLc itiwB uf «‘o not Bkitt iht appr^iv*! of the lojttS pvi'ule n t'(>?*t; c-aiiti«,e, uvi- dots suoL State Je^ia Iclu^u fcfl.LJ kfuc S-rttiujtui au-i ftelif^s Ot ita pt' U • arol c tt» c-'ipy oofi tin*-; For fh« Menace. fp'li. frituu. f WM 3 WRlUHT, Kso . reK:>»o«folIy X hi- tiftiA-- 1-1 !t)v voters t'f Cuo>i'.aTla&d nud hi:ti-it fjr to cleo'ioii the tu tSie UrXi G'bo- r%l A.;8ott'b»> Ju!i« 7 3“-to ~ citi- b.^^cifcl O.ilt’rs, N;« 19. (,^b.^d i.i’.-oe i.v > -.1. Or»r»*a»''dii,ir -~V' »>d fa.. lI'tM Cfiics ft .T I K rK,..i(n>.:4 0* tie 3oa»iy heiwew agw ef 45 ?,i;d tkij VI, or S.'ja*. r w%o ware excuif.'fi'i i».t are k«r«bj TMSirtd i«M- -■'ffi*:.'''»i*. H. ad Q r-j of CumberlMa •ouBty {•i»i 8 of t'jib moo^b, b«lQg 2Sth ImI , Ut n-w- !7»n • 1 > cily,” »nd tC' retnrp kom« prtp«r«d to b lu in )9«diij«9s *0 t>tt oftlltd aut whwaw tbe ftf onr oouot.-y du&Ni'l thair MrvlMS. *♦***♦ Par? om« of tiie above maoiioned claM bov avatl «lv»« vf tbeir privile^* to petition or apply for ^‘pvoial exemption or deUil. It is kopad aoM will 4* 60 iE*T«!; bceane? tL^y b&v* tkia p^^ivilaga aad wheta ».pt-eaib /nr exMuption firom Home iaftraoa pra—nt lUUa Tho«e of ibiB same o)M9 who bara mmt fit anr*tt«4 :heic:etvaf> lOid who d'. fr%f9r ««tiTa aar- vioe. migbt do w^ll to piTMUt wriUM axcOMa whitk will be fr>r«'ardrd tn proper antBorlly f»r Jadgtmf ef -hfir bufficieiicy Tao? we nottfiad of »«i*tr pr««»RtU- .■•b>:tty to f S'l any n^oient or^ereJ fo tka 4-‘i. a ru »uy piertoribod t>y aot of Cctign» »o wiifnl dallw- W. C. aiNCHER. •1‘ -i'ioJI Lt h £n Officer, OuaiO«riaid. Office of ConiBtissloaers of &«pralseineBt. Kalsioh, N. C. Maj 2t, 18M a>ldU!OB VO Sib*uud« of date Apr J 12w, 18M. tha i.'.Uow:Lf fltikU he ooatrveci aa i»ie priae for laaW^ imptcsaei for tka c«s of tbe Oo»«riii»*iMe Ibi tiufcliiy, na^s town, p«r kaad. per^oatib. ^ Pastur«i«a, coaiioca, ne*.r towtt, ?«r aaad, par moata, PMiurage, lot qa^iiJy, la the eotta‘rj. par kMd, per month, PanturagB, ooumcn. 1b !he conatry, par haad, pf>r raoatb, 1 .io fci«ation of Impre- i** offioora ia aapecially aall- cJ to Aeaeral Order* Ns ^1, from'tie Adjuutnt aod !•- f»p©utor Geaeral’s offioe, Oj tic 6tb of April, 18#4, witk hopa that ttey will be *trtotly obaarrad. tt V BLACK8T0CI, a. K BUB.QWTI, t'offi of ABp^rkieemaat far B. 0- J.n. 10. 7 «0 t M • 0* .'iOOO. nvMirti^'^ptim'atc it at JVom 3 to Then- is no do'ibt but that it waw intended Tiai I\a our n-adere gaw by the e.xtracts from it ptiblisbed in Thursday’s Observer. i.v AxSTj-n—or ruthet/to^ in Anson.—A business letter from Anson county buys: ‘‘Holden stock nowhere in Anson. His old De mocratic supporlerB blush at hid coarse.” t'KOFs IN TUB Fkdki Oji'm BV.—A letter from friend in lUchmond county gives tbe following cheer- lug view of the crop#: "The wheat crop in this and the adjoining coun- li«! ie unuBually promising; and the oat crop, which nad Ijeen ref^arded as almost a failure from being tiftdly winter killed, has greatly improved under late propitioub aeasous and now proniise.i something an average yield, (,'orn ia lut«, but auind* are govjU, aad tiiare ic uo good rwisoa to fear any fallii^ off in tM« important crojk ftom laitt yeax." All tbe private accounts we have from Gen. Lane are encouraging. Hw brother and Aid, Lt. Osciir I>ane, who lost tii.s leg and 8om! toes of the other j foot, haa had to undergo two amputations of the left leg, but we are glad to learn Is doing well. Tax Decksions.—We have seen a letter from the Commissioner of I’axes, instructing one of the col lectors to collect h4jtv the additional tax of 10 per cent, on profits made by buying and selling in 1H63. The additional 10 per cent on the profits made iu 18t>l, will of courr»e l>e collected in Also, that munufactun^rs are liable to the l»»x of »‘i5 per cent, on the excess of protits over 26 per cent, whether the voiupaoy ia composed of one or I coon: individuals. It ia not tbe mdiotiMuil that man- alkctares ia tAsed, bm tbe/acCor^> Till* S‘V-)U*rpri«e ^'oiioii S'«cl«ry ,ifl now prupued to exchange for corn or bacon the Fin'jst Kurabars of ?pnu Yarn, riuitabli^ for SpriTicr aud .Summer Cloth. This Tlirva*! in of a Huporior quality, not surp.iswd by any la the Gon- f-Kleracy. * im.\NDT. Fay^'ttpvillf*. May 4 ‘J.oiti ______ _ The fiubsori' er havi^r »t Jiiie Tei-/. 18H4 of ■'ourt of PlePf tad Querter Sit.t>i»)iiE t-'-r (!a- ^srVnd cjncty, qnal!9e? '-s fJx*ent*ir of tb» l«.«i Wiil sud Tcr tamcmt of Jobn A t-e’'eSy n'lvti r.otio" to fUl iDii-b'.e.' Ks^*to, t t.Fiarp payment lo him. in-i tho“«> ha'rin>c cl&:uie muflt preheat tUe.n for ps.y~e' t wiibin tlse time pre«oril»ed by liW or this notice rill b^ pleiJed in bar of their recovery. AiUJU’D A. MoKElTHAM. £a’r stalt>ment yet reniaiuii unrecorded. Petersburg's bravest and best blood llowed freely yesterday, and many a household has beeu pluntred into the most incouBolable grief. We witnessed scenes yesterday afternoon, which we trust we may uever witness again.—Pf f- F.iprevf. I0(h. [Uur loss iu killed was II, in wounded 27, and in prisoners about ;iU—most of them citiRcns of Peters- Durg, serviu^’in the militia. Immense congregations attended the funerals of the killed on Friday ] The Kxpressofthe llth learns that the Yankee loss was about 150 men, '2 pieces of ariiUery, und 24 horses. A communication in tbe same issue .■states that one of the pieces of artillery was taken by t’ol Ferebee’s 4tfi N. C. t'avalry, the only troops besides the militia and (jraham'a battery engaged. They reached the ground when the Yankees were in pur suit of the militia retreating alter a gallaut resis tance, and their sharpshooters, under Lt, Col. Cant well, immediately checked the enemy. 77(- ^^iluution.—There has been but little contiict of arms during the past few days. The enemy an' reported fortifving and ditching extensively beyoud Uig Shanty. The position of our aimy is most ad mirable for defence and really covers a battle site more fonnidable und defensible than it haa been since we left the gaps at Dallas. The front we present controls all the roads which concentrate douth of tennesawridge and furnishes a safe barrier against the enemy and great security to us. Atlanta Intelltjenrer, ^th. liriy. (, ren. liaitnom Promoted.—The Pet«;rsburg Express states that Brig. Gen. Matt Random has been promoted to the raiiK of Major General, (i iildi^boro' State Joiifjuil. At i-ettH^at of maujr a fli ; iia lie .-ai Cutt L f;i. - ► *i uu tnrr » aiiii'jU CO E. L PEMi'-EltiON as ft Cc.a >ld-*ie tV..' i-iir of Citn-Hiji’v iu fch.- V . L-'g-?i» ure Ndrifc Vy irc!'ni .5 I .1 t. We are auUiorli«d to aaiiofiBoe 1/r. Mo Oit.Vi K n. re li».u e o' f’or u . n.-. oue T Sy Hpd %Ve are aiithorixeci to auuouuee Co.. EUW.VtvU U LlLlid »B a c -nd. .-s.t lO raprvacnt u If:' iUb.- L-f - > c ueit Lvg.xli ro. Jua-> 11 -iO 4-*-ipd We mt autlaurlied to anuouuce Col, I Ei KH 1‘ bMil H a t»uan in'o to lepn.'ca: I\ f’C-.' -t CO;tl;t^ .n ili, BOiCl LegiiJiilU-tf t,f S t-'. .’uu 10. 40 3 pi .Vt the retjue.‘'t of many friends, both :ti t*i‘ .\ruiy anil u' i.uint, 1 kubi uace r:i.ys*:«* ciuli- d» e 10 rtprcscni jor'^^ coutty lO tbo lloustf ol tom >acuo in lac ulxi 1.3^ijl=»tttrc ot Nortb CftroiiBi* li cScoud, 1 Will do ui> utujost t3 promo in'irrasi oi my oousiuncnoy of Nortt th' (!oufcdcraoy. JAMKS G. DAVIS. .!u>e 10 1804 _ _ Morton'S Store, N. Jane i, ii —Pwane i.uOuuu.iO my na* o ip fT 89 t* CiRdii*'« 'o represent A’nmance c.*o-> - O', in our i^cxi Lr'gif'h'ure I am for t2 v Z. e. Va-.ce lor O.'T'iroOi Vi. W. Hoid^n—■ i J.^f-CQd'tscs ii^r» ns' rco iiietruoiioD; for peaoe on is t> » able t'.rns ihtoUK*! ‘ c >ii?afui-ion4l w*;-. - ad Ur uDiiI t:ii3 H «5icccn>plisat:d; for tur*|' J rei. ’L't -ru of I'-fi Gc?ernnieat ,\u l c^-ou: our B-.l'j-er'i Ju field, 4o. 40 sn B F. MORION Rdbeiioii: 1 aHk. aud 0*» >'1 »•» r /VI- 1 -iin f^v Yi. H'- • e i' • i'i’v iL.t i.1 ‘ VI>E. C - rlviiv't J Juvf ^0-8 ivf iMporiaut Sal^ «f lr*i at kwiutZi 0£« Taursday 2S1 Juu? ensuing, in front of oar Saiaa room, we will aell 100 aheeio 80ROHUM PA2I IRON, 80 iaohea wide, t.i 9 f «l loog 8 1« inch tkick. 1'biB lot Advertised to be *oli »t Wurtntoa, H. G., B.'iae tut.* sinoe, but an ln*orrtip*iott I« tr»nflp«rt»- ii'^u prevtill«^d ita arrival ia tim.- fir tie aaU. u ad dition to tbe above, we lfi»T(? ssme 60 Bke«t9 Mae tmai- , t y y will eell pr iv >t *1' It !.• prohfthV i'' tl; . ta'v l«i of tke kijki aC •^ie liino in Ibr Cj.if*0f‘r»i3y CHKtC.H k LITCBFORO, Amal’rfc N 0 , juae 10 40 l4 Kiclkukoud Countjr. TBK B.iVfici t-f & cousfy are c i to t Ci.» t’le ira! Reli, f In f*?^.k,B|r~ o" T'itJT^dAy 80 a Icttaat, for ta« trf.r.pic iof im7>ortaiii busine?b A full atitnd noe is eeraestJ; pjdioUed The 5»>c»nii a’lctmewt of Gotten Ctid* (l-'iG ^ air*) wiii fbea be d»B«ributei. JSO W. IBAK, Ch’n Central Belief Ce» Jnui> 10. 40 4tp4 tbe horior t.ud arolina «>ud of ry:Aii r.url cf Absod, ten THOUi\ND EOLLAKS fa K. C. r.'aaury T5»f N.'to-* wdi be void for ourrea«j in suuu' to 8UT» pnr.’ilaaers J. A LE&.K. J uac 7 J^TMCE. ^tlE »>ul;fccrtb*r Having qnaliftad au Exeoutriz of tte last WiU and r-t of Wilhan 'V. Hatohell at he l*Bt Term ot th» Cuurtof Pleas an'JQ-artor Sfssloaa for Comberland County, fcere^y g'vet vj’J'o to a'l per- B itarbieu UI lo make im'.odlala pfcj- ainnt. vi.d si- p rr^neti cUima gi a«t aaid Eatat* if> pr-H»*ni i!in ■ witi'ia uki' time pi*^c.*i'^d by Uw, er nil Dotioe will b- pieadod bar jf clieir i^ooverj .MARY T a.^TCH15UL. Ex’x. P-»yc(toviUo, Jan 6 Further Hotice. I T e AuoiJon ynii'e Jobs Cook, E.q , will be 1 B Id M thf 27 a ">at. a vt'-ahle lot of ARPhlNTZIi S TOOL8. -.upi. itiig of n.any Taluabla oi •. . ut H •• «»••• t ’t - X 'i! .«J, C ’ Cc To the YoI^tb of Sampson Conutj. OD'j-4 ih* p,=t I-- ' ■>' racAjtf ut m. t;. ■ JL .*nTic'.ij>0.i n'jK.?lf ft crA'ii'i ii'e fat .a 3f-%t >o Ib H‘-» •f CcruU'O■ i» ;>•. itj;» ^iojsfure *■* Norrl S'. IU I H*; 8o \ • tiMv'! «> »t‘: ■ Vj ':»e»9 J w 1 sz- >• )'k lor l;-.f ' r oillSttid *.f •?' TJ’ 0 ;LIV, to tiic b'f I jt TL-y JA-tfEB T. QlDDSNtj. Cli'iioa, N. C . Ju e 7 89 i»p>^ Detime iu (Joid.—Go\d has sustained a decided decline iu the Kicbinond market, having fallen first gradually from 20 to IH, aud at length 16 for 1, at whiuh latter figure the market ruled on yeaterdsy. Rich, Tlie IHenilM ot Ltcut JOHN McU HAKRINGTON anaouuce tl*al gentleman m a suitable person t# be votHi for for Sheriff ot Harnett oooiity, ut the olectioo t* t>e held wa the ftrvt 'f hm-sday in Augunt next. MANY VOTSiBS. April 8. 24*-ltpdA;!lo f «K SlLE. r iOFFEF and SUGAl^ Rr),!’9h Mnetard; BisoVicg; Co ton Yi^’U Nofl 9 »iid 10, OvleV F«l's 4 Ft;'r» F».rDtl> F!! !u. L»->r»dor. P.'rUr; 0r--u CoTip'^rk2, Kniva j an 1 Fo Soioi' and Bla"k Poppw, «iTL-ft*>r, fiodn; Epsom Salta; Brown IVindeor ALSO—Stone Ware, suc'h ae Ghumj, Ja’’B, Has.>n8. Pitoaere •wd Mag^. H, MoMILL*N .Tune 6. $100 R£WARJD. STOLEN from xnv «tablev cn the night i>^ ti e 2**h of May, a d.^l-p bload bajf* MAKE, with heavy mane ftod bophy teil »bon’ f> f let 2 or 3 inob^i worke in double or Birdie rattaa*; ab out ten yeara old. and trots with ftr*at rapidity Froun lofonn*ii?n 1 tbiak ^be was stolen by a laari mj’*K » soldi^ir, wear lag a blu» fcU hat a^d iJis arm ia a sling, and riio ffaid be was goinf to Tf.nnv'Bsee Tbe man is be- ’ilov.-’d to tsve ben f-o-y. r-tar JoiTacr’" l>!»pot, in Wilson Coanty, on hia way to f;'ayalt«iy .le or the Country. 'WILLIE J. BFPKB. North Caroliaa Treasarj flotMt i gsti.rday 2d July nfxi, at the C«art Uoat* ia WS'ltfdborcogh, I will neil, by crdor of I'sa OosBtj votti- ibut are »d Any t tri.o;-'w:‘ m; lid pe>* ia."-"- 1^ 1 JiiaA 11.—m^nf aot to be ' tvj would do well to oftil 1 lolaffiQotK. 3.\TrHKLL, Ex** JMi !I >0K. Aact’r 40 8t I'.AprtS'^ x'tg^eiecy! Ti. r* ■?••• ;.a_)s:.y bnv'ug eomr leted it» r !>. 11 fiii; t f.^rwi-rd frtight t* *h* . to wbioa their lin«i «- paonr»i!T f*aeked, aa4 n^.me of the periOB HE S' n R-T-m ^n^ j t ni A!i avi-tolr.'? f-? ' S ■ '•vi'.n "ij au5 t‘ P -F *rf Vti ■ accre’y aedad Md '.'iTji -l. J iiv_ ,• ecBl tt'S f.aifper yjf- Tt IK all Piroels, Pwkije* er to bt f'.'. ws-I’cl by eiibor of ih»* Boats, be nent 0 tlia by f' o’oTi'cli ou ibe evening previoia *• d.-»; .‘rture „ , OfEcf ot. H^y 8t . lr«n Pront Building. So. iO, for- c-'tlv tKjcupicd by B*«rr & Willianis RE T.ALIAFERRO, A*«»t. __.^r.o7 £on BT'.’K *oy t-o o^wk hanfJs 1*HI«E BftOWN ttUOAK, bv r T HAIUH i ^K8. June b. 2P-3tf>d Qusrtermiteter’i OSee, ) t^AvarraviLLa, June B, 1*=«>4. j To whons it may eoneerM. PH°.i*O^S 9!shiUf tbe appoiatmect cf Assauori «f T*i in Kuid *'or the oruir.g crop, ia tht sooaiies c f Ciijjb:rl»KL», He^nc ?, Robeson. Cohimbna, Brna»- wick, Nfew Ha* ovf r aad Bla-iea, will addres" me )s>ma- diately, givici; tan.e P O . ffoi oanne of uilMary exemption ^puaaedor i!«ab^'d nffic?rs or 8old>rn. w-0 aio o*pable, p>^ftrred A't early applioatUh it quired. J M. MoQOWAN, 89 2t] C»pt. and Feet Q M. Wil. JouraaJ o«py twice ac'- iC-n-1 MU t« Capt. Qow^n Notfkio to Tax Payers Rtchmoad Coaitj* ' TWILL attobd at Sooi.::., jam oo TceeJay, 14ia tut., X and at L«urinV i;rgh on i»turd»v, 8iU in;>i r tk« purpceMi’ cf cc-'IccJag the »d?5:ion*i tax from pro&ts trade. Ad pertoaa In arrcurs fot t«z will dj iroL’ !• attend and MiUe. L. W. McLAUMN« Til Co&Mtoc for Btobnnd i

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