PtlTBLIC LAWS. IrfAOTKD FitB’v 16, 18U4. An Act to Funi/., Taj: ^ind Limit the C'arrtfrK y- Skction 1. Th’ (>/ fh' (Jr>nffder»atf Sf‘t‘ f- o/ Anur.'et l>' % TliHt flic hulieri* •11 Treasury tioieK a'ov? tfio Jt^noiaiuation of S-’, DOC bearing intcrfdt, shail bo allowed until tho 1st day ot April 18(it, e«wt of the Mississippi, to fund the S8tt.e, .n i uctii the periodu and at the jjlhc*w - tared, the Loldor^i of a!l tu*U Treasury uotcs daali be aliow«*d u> t’i‘ > • Sinu. lu r. i.-'i boadr., fo • I r thci •late. shall be subject to a tax ot 33* per cetit. on «v-1 ty or effects of any kind, not enumerated u ety dcUc.r protnwod oa the face thereof, said tax | the preceding paragraph, between the times to attaoh fo J»aiJ notes wherever circulated, and named therein, 10 p«r cent., in addition to sHtJ r.otosto be fundable and exchanpeable for new tJ[,e on such protits as iucome, under the ■J’ftia'iury aotcs, as herein provided, anbjeot to aforesaid. • the dcductiuQ of said tax Sir 12 That H'jy Skite holding frca-iury notes recoived bcf »re the times her*'in fixtni tor tiu.iag >-aid aotcs aiinll be ailowcd till the lir^t day Qt Jiiiaary 1S05, to fund tho same iu ti per • - , . „ .1. oi ihc telegraph, express. m. On tho amount of j*rofit8 cjuscedin'^ 25 per cent., made during either of the years 18«:^ and 1864, by any hank or banking company, insurance, canal, navigation, iiu pa ,'*»• • at f ■ ou fl. I per -Ti>; J uW ot i.'jM, paj'^.l tfttcU yanr. Srio J 1 je ; !>; ‘ • y ' r '! v .'lt» ■ . ,.v;- U:. U - V tli- •an.. t',.r i-: ’ . ■ i,: , ri.,.,, a. ' :iO ■ n.,-:; f !.. rf ;j^r- J \i , u:m' ■V i a;«s U» r th^ vuri'is-.-. Sujf-"b;;n'is aud ce. uficatos .ihi*ll be loccivabic witiioi'i mi.T- Orit iU i«ayaient of aiI Gov»'rimi'nt dii 'k '•i-i -^1 ' ■ in the year ISO I, otc»;pt oxp.>r;. d^uii iiupori dutic-,. Sko •> That all Treusury nolcr* uS' tt;; u natiou ot $lUO, uot beariui' ioterest, whicli .-^hali uot i>o piui^ented for iuadiui' uudi '-fhe proviaious of the 1st section of this act, 'iiall, frcui uu i al'ccr the 1st day ot April iSGl, c^ u.i the >:i.V;ttelppi river, and the 1st day of .Juij 1 fil, ot i..e Missi.^sippi, cease t> be rc.H ivalit, i.i payuicut ol public ducH, and HHid uotu^i, il Hot j.rcsv ti,ed that time, sltall, io adiiiticu co thi* tax >1' ooi oeuU impoocd iu the Ilu .cchou ;if tltig act, t*c subjected to a tax ot 1>' r cr ceut ] cr luonth nn t'l so proteutod; which t:ii.j. atfj-cl. uotec* wherever eircu.'ato'l and ah,I- ')* d rl K ,■ of siid > V,,. — ; tor p.«y:aent or‘or ‘ua'!':;; ’ do: I- : .UvJ-iMJ- .• ! ‘ ■ . . aai;, :t ■ V ’ .1 ■■■ - i . . iSrv 4 That on fuLvi ] ?r -sod :r p arii pr; cri’ act, tut rt -i.ali be I. a lax oi oHi cents't the ‘ ■ ", nof’s'?!’ r rc’‘rc..Ijf, by i^JuctzUj, t! e ^’c « torics and by tax c'.llec m*nt officers recciviu;: i'l • .Ui: •y ft aj.:l lit.' sa.'d ictcd I .It auJ same lecciviu;: iiic same v.aeaev!.r pv.’- sented f jr payment or for funding, or in payuica^ of Gorerrmect dues, or for postage, or iu ci- r diite. .m l rhc intert^t puyaule s- iui- a’i aaury littud rcov.v i Ly ■ il ! ' tlxou i\ r taxia;; h- L t l t > have been r.:-*iV'"i u,;f uf iiaitJ tii’f Pt’o i - V*. *'ii‘ to the ;‘-.T I* - i;!*j>;ct. .-hall b • ~ i'rinf Trc>»«iary lioiess herctolorti lAdued • t . - :• • ^ k; iM-r r.iio o* ^$7 iiu oa liic olOU :>ai.'v . .-(iii'U I! . IniiL,.'!' be u a)iv.-d in pay- ii'i ’v '1 d'jL . 1-i’t jiiail bu .'ocuiitd and ■ r, VI oi i^!c I'iinvdcraU’ Staton, p;iya- vni’ m : y*'"’’- Mtcr ih- ratiQcation of a treaty of ix *i. ; ("irli fh(^ Unifod State.!, be-irius^ the rnte ot interest sjj. oilied on ttieir taco, payv^it* l«t ot Januury of cach and every year. ^“iA . 14 That the Siecrot*ry oi tlu* '!'re;isury bt.s au.i lu' iji hereby, authorized, in ca.^’ • the i*xi- ^euoicN ot (he (Joveratuc i' shouki require it, to \:^'j ' u jja .d of any pul lic‘•'■*'‘Utor wha-e debt iiKiy uj I -u. '*oted aibtr the pis.s.sik.'e oi tliis act, iTihin^ lu rjc iivo iae lukUiO lu a cirtilicate of iii- Ut ba i- .'leii by tiaiu oretary iu aueh h ui;i\ itjcUa proper, j.iay.ible two years uuiiv^lioti ol a Uuaty ol it3uu«i witii tho l.:'ur:; ■; inti'fi'^t r.t the i:ite of six ' ' . I)>u, pi.y:ilt!e Mi:;ui-i.uatiully, and • . J.- I a’- ' e»«d>r-fi'H nt, iir.^ier ■11 * . :,rc H r^i. (I by the* h.;.ri:tury i.ii >'‘V, J. (’;* ■ inoates - hail be OS. :i;pt '• i l ’.n-K'ipa! unu ,' ' • 1’i i-rct-'V of th Tioas'iry i> -.m- 'iu I :(U‘ •UUub'T Ol‘! pO. tOFit .■■ j ■ J u.'f. L i:' j : > u . ■"iu iir^ of this act, aud with iv ” to nipi- y "’f oi’tlic* b:.a^:s of the s; v-. s ' si /u,iy uocfu expedi'.'at. • A '•■c*.. :try v: th.; Truioury fha.l r >'* . Vvthia uc m tia«‘h oe rt3p«j,t ra , jb’i; ’ ' in !^e bo% r.v' States, aau by such other h-di SI IX. Of eonspirucies, or atterupte to liber ate pribouers of war held by the Confederate States. X. Of conspiracies, or attempts or prepa rations to aid the enetuy. XI. Of persons advising or inciting others to abandon the Confederate cause, or to re sist tho Confederate States, or to adhere to the enemy. Xli. Of unluwfullv bufuing, destroying joinr bT'ick company of any description, w'hetlier incorporated or not, 25 per eent on t Nch t XCOBS. Ski!. l\ The following exemptions iVom ui.Kiition under this act elmll bo allowed, lo-wit; I. l*r.i}K‘rty of each head ot a tamiiy to tl-e \Hlue of ^50i>; and fur each minor ehild ot tiie family to the further value of $10C; and tor eacl\ son actually engaged in the army or navy, or who has died or been killed in the military or naval service, and who wa*i a n»ember of tin* family when he entered i!ui service, to the further v.-ilue of II. Property of the widow of any ofH^*er, Qt>ldi‘r, sailor or murine, who niay have died or lu-tMi killed iu llio military or naval service, »i wfiere there is no widow, then ot' the family, boing minor citildrtiii, to tho value of $1000. HI. Property of every otHcer, soldijr, «-»»• •>a*»a-»r»o^ ^ 1 military or naval service, or of such as have I*een dit^af»lod in gnch service, to the value of«ltOO; })rovi-.ied, that the above e.xemj)- tionti. shall not apply to any |>erb^n, wiiose property, exctlnsive of household t'urniture, sha'l be iisscs.'^cd at a value exceeding ^iOOO. IV. That where pro]>erty ha»>i Ixjen injured or destroyed i)V tiie enemy, or the owner thereof Juis been temporarily deprived of the use or occupancy thereof, or of the lu^^ins of cultivating the same, by reason of the presence or the proximity of the enemy, the aiisessment on such property nuiy be p Ti- pubiicity; and j reduced, in proportion to the damage sus- ■=cr.-laryonS:.r »ikI the beormry of the I mined by the owner, or tho tax assoesed ^av; siiall each cause it to be published m gene ral order for the inforuiatioH of the army and Vorui '•/for Init; the !■ a:. change for aew notes, as hereinafter provided, aad ■aid Trea.»ary notes shall be fundable in bonds ar proTided in the 1st section of this act, until the I»t % of January 1865, at the rate of 5G| coots on the d'!!ar; and ir shi;!! be the duty of the 8 fl- re^y of the Treasury, at aay um- between the 1st of Apnl and the 1st of July, the MisBiSHippi river. :>ad the l.^t oi January to substitute and fxchan^c new Trea;:ury notes , , for the saao ’at the rate of 66} cents on the dol- fuudiug and further iviuo ot Treasury aotea, ap- j ing an extension of dava West of That notes of the denonnuation of proved March 23d 180‘>, was required to be i Mississippi river The additional taxes f 100 shall not be entitled to the privilege of said - j j l l i . • . . . exchange; Provided further, that the right to fund"any of said Treasury notes, after the T.-t day >•¥ sari hci. i » J ^ tortnwith; and the taxes on inct)nies or pro fits tor the year 186-lr. shall be assessed and collected according to the ]>rovisions of the tax and assessment acts of 18H3. Sko. 7. So much of the tax act of the 24th day ot A[>ril 18t)3, as levies a tax of January 1865, is hereby taken away: And VT>~ v\led further, That upon all sucii Treasury n :tes which may remain outfitanding on the 1st day ot January 1865, and which may not be exohaatred for nc^ Treasury notes, a.° herein provi.^ i, s tar of 100 MT cent is hereby >mpofiai. S>0. 5. That after the fir'^*^ dav •. rH n-'Xt, all authority heretofore giv' n to ;hc crc i»rv , the Trewnry t« Lisaa Tr;;sfia.ry aot- «hall i;c,'a: is hereby, revoked: Prm id- d, the Sc^’retary of' the Treasury naay, a't^r that time, i*‘.uc new TreaFury sotoe, in sunh form a“ ha may prescribe, payable yp'»r> after atifieation ot a treaty ot D-:-’;'' wnh ►**. V ,i- ; .,aid now to b.' ro-'rvxt.i,. ,,j fwyT-'”!' v >] : rib!i“ du except cxpor' v,n'i import d’ltiee, to be issued in exchange for old notes at the rate of 2 dollars of the new for 8 of the old issaos, whether said old not«8 be surrendered for exchange by the holders thereof, or be received into the Treasury under tko provisions ot this act; and the holder^ ot the aew Dotes or of the old not-es, except those t}ie denomination of 8100, after they are reduced to 66if oeota on the dollar by the tax aforesaid, may convert the same into call certificates bearing in tereet at thu rate of 4 per cent, per annum, and payable Iwo years after a ratification of a treaty «f pewe with the United State«, unless sooccr ooaverted into now notes. 8*0. 6. That to pay the exp-'ose^ of tho Gov ernment not otherwise provided for, fhe ‘=?ecr''tarv ) of the Treasury is hereby amhorirod per cent. Lond.i (o nn u.nouDt nundri'd miliions of ■■•%'rr, . rh , teroi^t whereof sh;i]l bo ; ■■ . for the payment ot lu' r. ' . - . , ■ reooipiij ot ny exp' > • value of ftav oott. wbi. ^ Jl’b StPtc--i a>id t*^ now .Sid. or rt *0 pay annually B»Ty. Ssc 17 The 42d section of tho act for ths i-ssc'H.^uu ut and colUction of taxe?, approved May 1st is tiereby repelled. ifKC Th>.* Sccrc'ary of the Treasury is , hereby aulhorired :ind required, upon the appU- ; the day of the passage of this act, and be »anon of the holder oi’.iuy call certificate, which, due and collected on the 1st dav of Jun by tb.' first ^.otion ol the actjo provide lor the j iiext, or as soon after as }»racticai)le, allow- j irr . .. , , _ . taxes on tnc^slKp deemed to be a boud, to iaue to such incomoe or profits lor the year 18ti3, levied holder .boad therefor upon th„ terms provided | by this act, shall be assessed and collected by sai l HCt A /i Ac^. t/) lay additional Taxes for the covi- 7-->n and mpixn't of Gooermaent. 1. T!u Congress of the Confederate f. ‘ \ . *’* uay UI April as levies a tax on in- .i :0 . M* t: \es lo'icd by the act ‘*to lay comes derived from ]>roperty or effects on ^ " nnMvm .JetfMioe and t- carry on t},o amount or valne »f which a tax is levied t *rcr 'v.ryA ■ ' Co;:jcder; 0^tattiS, &pT;: 'vod S4t!i of railr >ad, manufacturing, dry ilock, or other t or injuring, or attenipting U» burn, deatrf»y 'or injure any bridge or raih\»ad, or tele- grajdiic line of communioation, »»r property, with tlic intent of aiding the enemy. Xffl. (Jf treasonable desigrjs to Impair the military power of tho G« verumetit by (iustroying, or attempting To ibwlroy, vessels or arms, or munstions of war, or arsenals, foundries, v'oikrihops, or othe^ ,.>roperty of the Cont'etierate St;ites. Sec. 2, The*President shall cause proj>er officers to itivestigate the cases of all persons so arreste«I, or deiained, in order that tlrey may be discharged if improperly detaine t, unless they can be speetlily tried in the due ct»urse i»f law. Sec. 3. That dui ing the sus])ension afore- s:xid, no military *>r other officer shall Ihj compelled, in answer to any writ of habeas corpus, to appear in person, or t> return the l»ody of any person or peiw>ns detained by him, by the authority of the President, Se cretary of War, or the General otlicer coni- mandin;; the Trans Misaia:iippi department; but upon tlie ceriiUcaie, umirr oa>:n, or nie otik- T havini; charge of any onedetained, that such person is detained ijy him as a prisoner for any of the causes hereinbefore specified, under the authority af repaid, fur ther proceedings under the writ of liabeas corpus shall immediately cease and remain suspended eo long as thiii act shall continue in force. See. 4. This act .shall continue in force for ninety days after the next meeting of Con gress, and no longer. TIIE MIUTAllV 13ILL. Section 1. That i’rom and after the passage of this act all white men, residents of tlie Confederate States, between the ages of'IT and 50, shall be in the military service of the Confederate States fur tho war. Sec. 2. That all the persons aforesaid, be tween the ages of 18 and 45, now in service, shall Ihj retained during tho present war with the IT. S., in.the same regiments, bat talions and companies, to which they belong at the passage of this act, with the same or ganization and otlicers, unless regularly transferred or discharged, in accordance with the laws and regulations for the gov ernment of the army: Provided, that com panies from one State, organized against their- consent, expressed at the time, with regiments or battalions from another State, bhall have the privilege of being transferred to organizations of trooj)s, in tho same arm of the service, from the States in which said companies were raised; and the soldiers from thereon may be reduced in the same ratio by the district collector, on satisfactor}" evi dence submitted to him by the owner or lis- SQSsor. I Sec. t>. That the taxes on pro|M'rty laid for the year 1864, inhall be assessed as on by this act, and also the 1st section imposed by this act to li- ‘ -'S. fiOl mu-: , fob:»Cf'' I •rf^d iroecf'-l , i intcrc;t, L .ii-; r-or}-.Mi*uoi;. ii.iojo uiero- tho tax act of 18J3. t.ainw., to-w.t: Sec. That the tax ^0-1^1 ^ I’n*l»ert\, rea , per- .ju b-inds of the Confederate Stated heret.*- tio,|, not here.uultcr exempted or t»xei at a terestoii the same, a^.d such bonds, whe.. fr^n^wh rt t ^ ceiif.. rovided, Tiiat j;,j. ,uj„,,rs or la'iittics, shall >je val’ne of t'lo tax in I-' 11 i r 'f “ interest oii the xariie shall not exceed ?HHJU. vame ot tne tax in knid delivered tnerefrum, as aeseesed under th»i law imposing it, aud to auspeini the yricile^e of tfui Writ delivered to the (K»veriuuent; Provided, ■ Habeas Corpus in certain coMtn. Thitt no credit ini! be alh*wei beyond 5 ! VV^heiroas, the Constitution of the Confed- per cent. | orate Sftates of America provides iu Article {[. O'l the vahi^ of ^-!d and silver wares Section 9, Paragraph 3, thkt “the ]>rivi- aud pl:’fe, ;('.we!;'>, jewelry and watches, 10 '^*'it «f habeas corpus shall not jier cu nw >e peaded unless when in case of rebel ion or invasion, the public safety may re quire it:’ and whereas, the ]>owec of sus {)6tid;: the privilege of said writ as recog- uize'l >1 tiaid Article 1, is vestci solely in the Jo;:grc‘-;s, which is tho exclusive jiidgc •f t.ho rivC'-wity of such eiispension; and i, in the opinion of the Congro^i>,'the t j tho >u > IP pt V Rt The val'.ie of property taxcKl und( r iiis S'V‘t:o!i .shall !>• assessed on the hasi.’^ i.f value of tiio patn;;, or eiTiiihir t!! i- •'0 noi^r'i^-'Hio »d wlierea8so«?€'l, i’i i 1 i'l where h *^'1 rr t»h;nc'» Jiave bi.'f'n t,dj !K-■ [(,! dav of Jamiarv ':-;ie i..u ^.•‘,id Innd, sla'Cf-, .'o’*., o S‘« |;i;nvia.'^cd, sliall be asfe*.; shall be liable to be placed io service in the field for tho war, as if he were between tlie ages of 18 and 45. Sec. 8. That hereafter the duties of pro vost and hospital guards and clerks, and of clerks, guards, agents, employees or labor ers iu the Commissa^ and Quarterinaster’a Departments, in the Ordnance Bureau, and of clerks and employees of navy agents, as also in the execution of the enrollment act, aud all similar duties, shall be performed by [»ersons who are within the ages of ^18 aud 4.^> vears, and who by the report of a Board of army surgeons shall be reported as un.abie to perform acti ve service in tfie field, but capable i>f performing some of the above said duties, specifying which, aud svhen these persons shall have beiMi assigned to those duties as far as practicable, the Pre- shall assign or iletail to their perform ance such bovlies of troops, or individuals, required to be enrolled under the 5th sec tion of this act, as may be needed for the discharge of such duties: Provide*!, that persons betweeti the ages of 17 aud 18 shall be astiigned to those duties: Provided tur- Lher, that nothing contained iu this act shall be so construed as to prev.eut the President from detiiiling artisans, mechanics, or per sons of scientific skill, to perform indispen sable duties i:i the departments or bureaus herein mentioned. Sec. 9. That any Quartermaster or As sistant Quartermaster, Commissary or As- sistani ^Mihor tliait those serv ing with brigades or reginienrs in the tield,) or ofii-ers in the Ordn&tice Bureau, or Navy Agc;nts, or Provost Marshal, or officer in the conscript service, who shall hereafter employ or retain in liis em}4oyment any person in any of their said departments or bureaus, or iu any of tho duties mentioned in the 8th section of this act, in violation of the provisions hereof, sfiall, ou conviction thereof by a court-martial or military court, be cashiered;.and it shall be the duty of any department or district commander, upon proof, by the o^th of any credible person, that any such officer has violated this pro vision, immediately to relieve such officer from duty; and said commanders shall take prompt measures to have hiiil tried for such offence; and any commander as aforesaid failing to perform the duties enjoined by this section, shall upon being duly convicted thereof, be discharged from the service. Sec. 10. That all laws granting exemp tions from military service be, and the same are, hereby repealed, and hereafler none shall be e.xempted except tho following: 1. All who shall be held unfit for milita ry service, under niles to be prescribed by the Secretary of War. 2. The Vice President of the Confederate States, the members and officers of Congress and of the several State Legislatures, and such other Confederate and State officers as the President, or the Govenior of the re spective States, may certify to be necessary for the ]>roper administration of the Con- irio State, in companies from another Statf, federate or State Governments, as the case I hali he allowed, it they desire it, a transfer to organizations from their own States, in the same arm of tho service. Sec. 3. Tliat at tho expiration of six months from the first day of A{>ril next, a bounty of ^100 iu a SIX per cent. Government bond, which the Secretary of the Treasury is here by autliorised to issue, shall i)e paiii to eve ry nun-commissioned officer, musician and |>rivate who shall then be in service, or in liie feveut of hi* death previuus to the period ot such payment, then to tho perstm or per sons whu would be entitled to receive bv law the arrearages of his pay; but no one shall be entitled to the bounty lujrein provided who shall at any time, during the period of six montlis next at\er the s;iid tii-st tlay of April, be absent from his command without leave. Sec. 4. That no person shall Ihj relieved truiu the o|K)ration uf this act by reason uf having been heretofore discharged from the army where nu disability now exists; uor shall those who have furnished substitutes Iw any longer exempted by reason thereof: Provided, tiial tio person, heretofore exempt ed ou account of religious opinions aud wlio hiib [»aid the tax levied to relieve him Irom may l>e. 3. Every minister of religion authorized to preach acconiiugto the rules of his church, aud who, at the j>assage of this act, shall be regularly employed in the discharge of his ministerial duties; superintendents and phy sicians of asylums for the deaf and dumb and blind and of the insane; one editor for j tiuns shall not be construed to authorize tile each uew3pai>er being jmblished at the time ' exetnptiun or detail uf any contractor for of this act, and such employees as said edi-1 lurnishing supplies of any kind to the Guv- provisioDB, t* be delivered by snob pergoa as aforeaiftd at e^uivalent rates. 3. Such person shall further bind himsek to sell the marketable! surplus of provisions and graia now on hand, and which he may raise from year to year while his exem^tiou continnes, to the (Government or to the fatu ilies of soldiers, at prices fixed by the Com missioners of the State under the impress ment act: provided, that any person ex empted as aforesaid, shall be entitled to a credit of 25 per ceut. on any amount of uieat which he may deliver within three months from tho passage of this act: Provided fiir- ther, that por^oij-i coming within the provi sions of this exeiiH'tion shall not be deprived of the beneii' t}ioret)f by re:ison of havin^^ been enrolluv’ ’ice the 1st day of Feb. 1864. 4. In additioii to the foregoing exemp tions, the Sef "CKti’Y of War, under the di rection of tiio Pi orident, may exempt or de tail such other jter&ons as he may be eatis- ti‘*d ought to be exempted on acconnt of • - iic necobi;ity, and to insure the prodiic- .1 of grain and other provisions for the ai iiiy and the families of soldiers. He niav also, grant exemptions or details, on sucli terms as he may prescribe, to - such over seers, farnaers or planters as he may be sat isfied will be more useful to the country in the pursuits of agriculture than in the mili tary service: Provided, that such exemption shall cease whenever the fanner, jtlanter or overseer shall fail diligently to employ iu good faith, his own skill, capital and labor exclusively in the jiroduction of grain and provisions, to be sold to the Governtaeut aud the families of soldiers ^ prices not exceed ing those 5xed at the time for like articles by the Commissioners of the Stute under the impressment act. 5. The president, treasurer, auditor and superintendent of atiy railroad coinpaiiv »;u- gaged iu transportation for the Toveruuieut and such officers and employees thereof as the president or superintendent shall certify on oath to be indispensable to the efficient operation of said railroad: Provided, that the number of persons so exempted by this act on any railroad shall uot exceed one per son for each mile of such road in actual use for ailitary transportation; and said exeinits shall be reported by name and description, with the names of any who have left the em}>loymeut of said company, or who niav cease to be indispensable. t>. That nothing herein contained shuli be construed as repealing the act approved April the 14th 1863, entitled au act to ex empt contractoi’8 for carrying tlie mails ol the Confederate States, and the drivers ot post coaches and hacks j from military ser vice: Provided, that all the e.xemptions granted under this act shall only continue whilst the persons exempted are actually engaged iu their respective pureaits or oc cupations. Sec. 11. That the President be, and he is hereby, authorized to grant details, under general rules aud regulations to be issued from tho War Department, either of pe.’^ous between 45 and 50 years of age, or from the army iu the field, iu all cases where, ia his judgment, mstice, equity and necessity re quire such details, and he may revoke such orders of details whenever he fciuks proper: Provided, that the power heiein granted to the President to make details and exemp ted -utt:5a;Ly piid lor the same I; pledged; J rvvid^fd, that the duties now 'laid" ^ civ^ovr cr. ^ tntos; ui;d whereas, the President has asked value of all shaiefi or ititer- suspension of the writ of habeas cor- c.^ts held in any bank, banking company or informed Congress of conditions of a.ssociation, canal, navigation, importing, 1‘^hlic danger whicfi render the suspension exporiing, ’.nsurance, manufacturing, tele- writ a measure j)roper for the public th dr^-dock Com-,invasion and insurrection; ® ' panles, and all otlier jinnt stock co:ap;i!iiet, therefore. ! " I?, l .ervice, .l.all be re.,nired to re,id,..r military ^ ni i.i tf:o e isting case of the invasion of | i,._ ,i.;, iae€« StJites bv the armies of the Unitei to i On^re.'-H, and at the mtmo i ;he » -:oLvjt 0*' ihe uren- rr!).‘’)nfihlo an-* ol ;>r:i;d ;licr T' l y {he f!th 4C'.- ';at'':red or oou- i- .'0 Viliuu lion .!„•!! inarkut ULljhlKH'llo- ’V:-r;y ’i-, u,,.y purchase and e:^!u ue iif i S'jcd value of such 1.,. f' audar tliiii up>.f;, the basis of .•roperty in the •‘WBosscd, in such cur- o in ^oueral u.-o there, iu the t^uch piX'perty, at tho ol :u tf i -'W . , r; I . I'li),. mo . the a-'! >nrt of all gold and , V *■’ 'In or ,ilv*r bn'lion, ' !1 by tho ’jhilKs or othor corpo- ind; vidiials, 5 per cciit.; and apuu - luilil abroad, or up.^n th') .’-’iiouut f ech:i(i:'(;., draw” tujiufor on imjwta are hereby picdg.-d and" shill’ he'ori- ter be paid in specie, or m stcrlinsr cxchan 'o or in ooupons of said bords. ’ 8*0. 7. That the Secretary ol t» e Treapurv is hereby authonted, from tiL to tiaio waoto ot the Treasury may require it, to sell o • — - > TVeafcury notes said bouds, or any kind, wLother incorporated or not I Congress of the Oonfederate States of he can -o as to i cent. ’ America do enact, That during the present meet appropriationa by !' -i. o as ro i i . •ime reduce and rob 'i.ot iatioo in Treasury not« •afe limits 8*0. 8, 'I'he boR'J'd »•' tioD of this act m»», ij- poa bond.s, as f art;-, and they fjL-iy be eic!;.;; such re.'ukfior.^ . may pri-rtori* j. ■ together with the j:: •uc'n form and of :i retary of tho .ir; rr; •hall bo payjibic bait fctiii uuiy in each y •' able nut lc3s t’.u'^i ^ AH ^ ,1 Ot ' ■ ; and shall ‘ Ibr the rrea.'.,*ry r: ,.,i • ", ' ^ ▼ertible. It uouve’tcd th * iit , Jaxm^ me t.cai'ary aa««, ,iuoh ocrtiQcuiea luli foHvory' ‘““7' “““ U{K>n tlirir I'ac' and •tw rnte-'blLT. ;,.*” "■'* . 8»o. lu. That if aay bank of d,.r . ’ . n • «« depositors tho bonds authon? ' 1 “‘'th ■•otiou 01 thk ... ^ ^ tv tae first •nd 8peoUv“l tL i^cir deposits diatinotive mark or wtcV” ' Ihe Secretary ol tho poeitor shall be ' ’ •aid bondfl in Treaaa, *nd outstanding at t’.c i ’ the said bca-is arc ■=- privilege of fund . said uol ■■ herein prescr :bed. i^fir »jha . ocasf> . S*o. 11. Thu all Treaiury u,a,v. i *Biied of the d to be reoeivab '' 'n fjr;- invasion of the Confederate States, the priv ilege of the wri* >t’ hu.1 wuLs corpus be, and tlie same is hereby, suspoudwd; but sucti sus pension shall a])ply only to the cases of per sons arrested or detained by order of tho President, Secretnry of War, or the General Officer commanding tho Trans-Mississipjii Military Departuitnt, by the authority aud uuder thl ontrol of tho President. It is hereby daclared l^iat the purpose of Con gress iu the pjissAge of this act is to provide moro effectually for tho public safety by suspending tlio writ of habeas corpus in the 51^'* c'.'tilit; lOb, a tax of C i-or cent.; such i cases aud no otlior: !ij;on nioi’cy abrOH'i lo bu ik'tsesaed and j , . treason, or treasonable efforts or ecto;' .'»^;coj diu ' ^ > the valne thereof subvert tho government of the Co«federate States. IL Of conspiracies to overthrow tho gov ernment, or conspiracies to resist the lawful :iuthotity of the Confederate States. in. Of combining to assist the enemy, or )! ’.‘lacv, , 1 er ' V j i.,\x is II cJ])f'T' ’ wj ain-.unt of all solvent cre- i.', an'I lill bank bills aud all other pa- ptrs ■ '.od as currency, exclusive of nou- i=i. jroi^t bearing Confederate treasury notes, • ud uot employed bi a registered business, the income derived from which is taxed, 5 per cent. Sec. 4. Upon pro6fjj made iu tj-ade and birsincBH, as follows: 1. On all profits made by buying and sell ing spiritous liiUor», flour, wheat, corn, rice, sugar, niolasaeK or sirup, salt, bacon, pork, hogs, beef or bsef cattle, sheep, oats, hay, fodder, raw hides, leather, hoi-ses, mules’ boots, shoes, cotton yarns, wool, woolen, cot ton or^ luixed cloths, hats, wagons, harness coal, iron, steel or nails, at any time be tween tho 1st of January 1863, and the 1st of January 1865, 10 per cent., in addition t'.> the tax on such profits as income under tho “act to lay taxes for the common defence, and 'jjtrry on tho G-overnmeut of tne Con- fwvidod by Ur. xsa l fandab!e ac^j-^r urd'r \he i States,” approved April 24, 1863. ioM ,# tht; a,., unta ti»n 1864, west of Ui** lias (hey IL On all profits ixbade by buying at) d selling money, gold, ail»'er, foreign exchang e, s^ka, notes, debts, oredite, or obligstioos *** tood, And uijr mvoli'/indiMt yr9y f^.t coinanunicating intelligence to tho enemy ur giviaig him aid and comfort. • ’ fV. Of conspiracies, preparations and at- txji^ts t«.) incite servile insurrection. V. ()t‘ doaertioDs or encouraging deser- tions, of harboring deserters, and ot attempts to avoid military service: Provided, That iu cjise ot palpable wrung and oppression by any suba>rdiuate officer upon any party who does uot l^^lly owe military service, his superio r officer shall grant prompt relief to the opj»re«ed party, and tho subordinate shall be^ dismissed from office. VI. 'Of spies and other einisaaries of the enemy. VlL Of holding correspondence or Inter- coui-se with the enemy, withoat necessity, and without the permission of the Oonfedo- rate States. \m. Of unlawful trading with the ene my, and other offences against the laws of the Ooafederato States, enaotod to promota their aaA«l«li ia service under this act. Sec. i>. That all white male residetits of the Coufederate States, between the ages of 17 and 18 and 45 aud 50 years, shall enroll themselves at sucli times and places, and under such regulations, as the President may prescribe, the lime allowed not beino' less tlian 30 days for tlu>se east, and 60 days for those west of the Mississippi river, and any person who shall fail so to enroll him self, without a reasonable excuse therefor, to be judged of by the President, shall be’ lUutuid iu service in the field for^tho war, in the faamo manner as ihuuj-h thoy w**ra li«i. tweeti the ages of 18 and 45: Pruvided, that the porsons mentioned in this section shall constitute a reserve for State defence and detail duty,jand shall uot bo required to perform service out of the State in which thoy reside. Sec, 6. That all persons roiuired by the 5th section of this a>ct to enroll thomselves, may within 30 days after the passage there of, east of the Mississippi, aud within 60 days, if west of said river, form themselves into volimtary orgaaizutioua of companies, battalions or regiments, and elect their own officers; said organuatious to conform to the existing laws; and, having so organized, to tender their ser-vices as volunteers durini^- tfie war to tho President; and if such o^gai^ izations shall furnish proper muster rolls, as now orgauLzed, aud deposit a copy thereof with the enrolling officer of their district, which shall be equivalent to enrollment, tney may be accepted as minute men for ser>fice in such State, but iu no event to be taken out ol it. Those who do not so volun teer and organize, sliall enroll themselves as before provided; aud may, by the President, be required to assemble at convenient pla- cea 01 rendeavous, aud bo formed or organ ized into companies, battalions and regi ments, under regulations to be prescribed by him; and shall have the right to elect their company and regimental officers; and all troops organized uuder this act for State defence, shall be entitled, while in actual service, to the same pay and allowance as troops now in the field. Seo. 7. That any person who shall fail to attend at the place ot rendezvous as required tor may certify, on oath, to be indispensable to the j»nblication of such newspaper; the public printer of the Confederate and State Governments, and such journeymen priui ei-8 as the said public printer shall certify, on oath, to be indispensable to perform the public printing; one skilled apothecary in each apothecary store, who wi\s doing busi ness as such on the lOih day of Oct’r 1S62, and has cinitiuued said business, without intermission, since that jieriod; all physi cians over the age of 30 years, who now are, and for the last 7 years have been, in the actual and regular practrce of their profes sion, but the tertn plm.ician shall uot in- cluilo dentists; all presidents and teachers of colleges, theological setninaries, acade mies and schools, who have been regularly engaged as such for two years next before t.he pasvsage of this act; iVovided, that the nenefit of this exemption shall extend to those teachers only whose schools are com posed of 20 students or more. All supcrin- j tendents’of public hospitals, established by | law before the passage of this act, 'iuJ j physicians and nurses therein as such su perintendents shall certify, on oath, to bo indispensable to the proper and efficieut management thereof. 4. There shall be exempt one person as owner or agriculturist on each farm or plan tation upon which there are now, aud were ou the 1st day of Jan y lust, 15 f^v>l«4-lMjdiod field-hands, between the i-.ges of 16 and 50, upon tho following conditions: 1. This exemption shall only be granted in cases in wliicli there is no white malo adult ou tho farm or plauta.tion not liable to military service, nor unless tho person claim ing the exemption was on the 1st day of Jau’y 1864, either the owner and manager or overseer of said plantation, but in no case shall more thau one persou bo exempted for one farm or plantation. 2. Such person shall first execute a boud, payable to the Confederate States of Amer ica, in such form, and with such security, and iu such penalty as the Secretary ot War may prescribe, conditioned that he will de liver to the Government at some railroad depot, or such other place or places as may be designated oy the Secretary of War, within 12 months next ensuing, 100 iK.i*nda. of bacon, or, at the election of the Govoi-n- ment, its equivalent iu pork, and 100 lbs. of net beef (said beef to be delivered on foot,) for each able-bodied slave on said farm or plantation, within the above said ages, whe ther said slaves in the field or not, which said bacon or pork and beef shall be paid for by the OJoTornment at tho prices nxed by the Commissioners of the State under the impressment act: Provided, that when the ]^rson thus exempted shall produce satis factory evidence tuat it has been impossible for him, by the exercise of proper diligence, to furnish the amount of moat thus contract ed for, and leave an adequate supply for the subsistence of those living on the said farm or plantation, the Secretary of War shall ernmeut, by reason of said contract, unless the head or secretary of the department ma king such contract shall certify that the p«r sonal services of such contractor are indis- pensable to the execution of said contract: rrovided further, that wheii any such cou- tractc»r shall fail, diligently and faithfullv, to jiroceed with the execution of such con tract, his e.xemption or detail shall cease. Sec. 12. That iu appointing local boards of surgeons for the examination of persoiiB liable to military service, no member coin- p*jsing the same shall be appointed from the county or enrolling district in which they are required to make such examination. Post OffCf), SciifduU oj tht Am Fayetteville, C.,) OoTOBEa 3, 1863. J li Depofturt of tKt MaiU at thu O^ee. RALEIGH VI, AVERA8B0R0’, &o. Arrives daily, tXvt-pi oua Jay, at P. M. Departs daily, excei>t t4>iiurday at tt P. M. R.\LEiatl viA yU.VIMERVlLLE. r^.Dins Ta'jsJiy aud Fri l.iy at 6 A. M. -ves Weaaesday an.i tiutviaj' at 9 P. M. WAR3.AW TiA CLINTON. . rives daily at 12 aoon iTeparts daily at P. M. OARTL’.\GE. Arrives Tuesday, Tliursiay and Saturday at 7 P. M. Departs Monday, Weiue3day aud Friday at 1 P. M. CHERAW, S. C. Arrives Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 6 P. M. Departs Suad.iy, Tuesday and Thursday at 1 P, M. FAIR BLUFF via LUMBERTON. ArrlTcs TuB*oi*y, Ihursday and Saturday at 6 A. M- Departs Suu l iy, Tuesd-iv and Thureday at 1 P. M RORESON'd via ELIZABETHrOWN. Departs .Mauday, Wednesday aud Friday at 6 A. M. Arrives Tuesday, Thurday and Saturday at 2 P. M. ELiZ\BEfUTOWN via TKRE.«INTH- Arrives .Monday at 5 P. M. Departs same day (Monday) at 6 P. M. MAQNOLlA/ia CYPRESS CREEK. Arrives Tuesday at 2 P. M. Departs same day (Tuesday) at 21 P. M. SWIFT ISLAND tU MONTROSE, COVINGTON and POWELUJON. Arrives Tu-sday at 6 P. M. Departs Wednesday at 11 A. M. SWIFT ISLAND via TROr. Arrives Tuesday at 6 P. M. Departs Wednesday at 11 A. M. Ail mails leaving bdfirs 7^ k. .\i , are olosed the even ing before at 9 P. tf . All letters to be sent off from this odije, otaer than by mail, must be paid for as if seat by taail. All drop letters should be pre-paid by 1 c^at stamps. Tafc ol&oo will be open on Sunday from 81 to A VI, . .^d from to P. M. JAS. a. COOK, P. M. C1JR T||E DIXIE PRIiHEK, th« Littl* A ftsrtlier sapplr at wo •apply ITAl.’* wdolssaU ft AO!*** by the au^ority of the Pmd^t without I direot a^mmutatioii of saiae, to the A laffimsut to bo jad|[od oi bj hiui| oOwo-Uiirdi tiweof in (raiit'or othtr ^ THE XORTHL €>VROLI]«A MUTUAL UFfi I'OHPiNIt Now in the tenth year of suocesstul operation, witl> growing capital and firmer hold apoa publio oon- fidenoe, continues to insure the lives of ^1 healthy per sons from 14 t« 60 yc^s *f age, for one year, for seven years, and for life—^luft members sharing in the profits All slaves from 10 to 60 years of age are insured tot one year or for §ve years for two thirds their value. AU losses ai« puaetually paid within 90 daya after satisfactory proof ia presented. For further information the public is referred to Agents of the Company ia all parts o * State, and to R. H. BATIIJB, Secretary, Raleigh. £. J. HALE, Agent at Jan’y 1869. Fayertevilie^ H« BUak Wn.rr«»t4«aii« f»r at tki« Ofic* Pp; '.li il;« F - . •’.t: i of 12 or 1 sr. !»epab Btii- '- ■ H be wil; the 1 thK £>• p>r rem r> - Stv i • line J. i!. Aufdon rr i\AL (irccer a Jur ? R*'* e>i SLf W iTILL a;^- .1 ties. I'omV't elai ms Oci. ‘7,: Jan' >, 1-6 XATH.'\ - A. IIHOLESAi CO"- Apr. B O '"OFIJ! \\i CcainisRlra W 0!» 2J)(r: fS, rersou.; i at thfc M-, ber ■* i,i.- • Nov. -8j, 1AM Y'-i .rt Uarnc ^ ; give good I . • orders tn r- sent off iu •m; Q,,!,)...-. I-- Oof. 1 rayetteTil'A. or Fe’>’y Ifi, i8t c. To vu F (Jr : Go; Co' .0 01 Got U i,‘i LEAil) . i‘ Dt'-i-.riuii titles w. i ;)leas, POWri.H for 1 WAN -vil, at Bnit“.b!r 1 hi article on n •• Wouruwl -1-- >0 be paid ■ J pi Fa.etu-v* C The undersig ConfeAsrate poiote'l^i aL-; aat >r( a.' a;.? .in -i] in Ui. !. > 1 bfc -'irv pel y‘ 1 -I Appliv.'f' Ui vlUe, N . r F»yeii«viUe,

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