:ii.v 1.NQU8H 1ft xh.. bro IH; v i'LLV Laxit^oii. »ud d«irvy. a lUe M-s^rt. Jai W« - —r;! ; "“-i' -I-««*. interMtiiiK, w U • IbiMr y Ui(* Utf AtMuo ttf N Tork ooT' OU& tJOHTLlOT Wll * I an #tca l^^ &*'«giL eiiMi«rd| 1« Ibtu. All ihe ioft)riDatioo «re har« r«««Dtly r«eciv«d ' weieetvttiA'jEWiEi, VUA THlt OBAXaVKa. Wad ia Wilminftiot, Ju- tt l-AtK Noiira BW« «St»S .yiObJLi, ./une Si> — »'intinf iii' ^ -TiK hivo b^fcu rcceivv*i '1 lit .i. oi rL, kuuik!'.'’’ Ijtfcl'MilUi b «e work obssificitioR* Mav 13 —Shouts of victory re otreftts from the voioea ot tho ncw8 “victory,” in la'ge typea, sUnda \ fluriop; ooluiUDS uf the secoad, were barnin« mi'ls and robbiat; pvivate oitlz^us j third, fourth, Gtth and tenth edition* of the n^«- every whvre along ^heir nmte. \h 8oine j papers; and in still larger letters, that he who they to'^k e?orv thing of valno th/ citu >ns had j ruc^ may read, at the cornerg of the Btreew, Thev r^hVJ them of their provisioi'H, of tbeir | ^^hsre the bull. tiusof b»tfl»a are exhibited w IvTorywh'reoa'hehMofhWi J ^ ^ >fith | the orowd; but Tictory, nevertheless, rime« of .«oo and robbery and ^ ^ tbdr j te^mt «i tiiiUtiiit u* (tv^r Hitherto th*^ of pilUgt and plunder ot au | lae o i, , i of Uraov—though, it it be ultimately £U»bi« i»or> from the No’th in to th« eff*ct that the people ol , j j Ag»\a a’^e w* taiieu u;»oi i thiit region are DQore i-’t^niely eicited »(jainat the ymin-^i/ '»'« cf • vt cut cooEfi -'fr i cj. 1 :i‘v oe-iuiitui iiuu p Vireioia lia baeu ou'upellod to witnc*« the al- moec uninterrupted march of this army from Mar- tiusburw;. in tho lower Valley, to Buchanan, in B>t«tourt oouutj. IJvorywh'fc oa 'he line of hie iuaroh, the high Crimea the patty offences of pil ^ unarmed and detenoelesw people marked bis tra«*k. fle eame to Harrisonburj? on Thursday, the !id of June, ab^ut 2 o’clock In the atternoou. • The enemy oame in hooting and yelling like tieitda, InCendine to friahten, we f^uppoee, the women »n« children of the town. Bu» eur people had Men Nueh Hijfhtt a d h -ard soeh Honnds b^for«*, and Wtffo not so mtiob »h ok^id and iiDpr»ef:«’'^ by *n wA» ♦ery d r vraa rftj‘v>rie5 ’*> liava bv'f'U rriitiiu oa tJ.«' iC i, 1’ ur Staunton, Va., with h t - ?i:lef " J. OUH, HTtiilf'ry, f'Ui'ili sttiJ lo be cutull iroiu M.'srlinsHurr and retrt-uTln*' pa*hcJ t?'-; Iv Iiio-.ltn !>•>- u«V;e€i oo» 5 ii. ihe h'.- c'c. * . i“ Bfc'iiificp lb*- V Vll Ttu o> •r.i.du, loto with mu' cr vati UK and _ * v I d^od • waa »»en anzi«w« to j in f «b» nd itci* u ; quirer through the mHil6 hu» i*eei-D f.robu i'.fHi vritti rh-.le ait-ferwlth paiosit'ccl iiuteN* rf.if-j AxUaNTA, June (iO—The App»-ai hai* if-r-,-; cas* aeit«d apoB h a>, ana h*. like tuoo* nd of o»h r j j Chatta«oi>ga tjaxttte of i\\». JS.h u,.- B'.nihn « iieroM w.s cow^a.ka (o -wi-r.od^ ta fA^ j Washii.-t.-ri saoicioiif of Tiucuxh cc si -iu upon tuc ^ f**auro tf th.e tvc t* » .i*r.i.di5, ic , It«^verly ^Shcri^ian iir.i T^^uohcJ t?*» • fT C. .f OW « u t-3f. I , ttrr-t.nnit;r.,. Thr .-.rou’-. ▼ o fcet» of ctif breivc‘i i4 >a;-'t j*' i . , .. . . d*ufrs !ncttiabi.Dt upo«i Ida a-.tliir. i “on o/ thi‘ Chicago 1 iimr. ana • . uiCintH i iv: p^raona Such is the hiatory ot the movementa ot an oesstul, it will be oonsider*»d heroic—ia the ad- army olaiming to represent the paternal loeling.-i of the bcBt government under the sun! We have heard of the atrocities and brutali ties of a Fremaut and a Sievjel, and we had heard of Hunter in bin msn^«em";u* of ht» ucero di'fiart'n'nt on the c >a''t of S->u*h C"roUr»»; '•ut oivil z- U J »w 1»1 ''fi this demonstration as the enemy f’ ight have i n m thin 1 suppo^d They, h -w.ver, Boon made i' e pep-1 ^ *«’>> * rZZ - Voi i pie of the tjwn t-el that they were compelled to 1 y’*»k‘’« Major General as pr^vm . ■ intertain a terrible foe. They a’ttt round pquada of armed soldietn to a'aroh at the puint of the bayonet, the dwellin? houses, smoke houseit and other private houses of our citiKens. They wanted, they »aid, “money, provi^ons; cotton, tobajeo jewelry and arms ” Thi>v olundered a the peopl*' from ever serins Hu'iter U’»lc'S he shall come chwned, on his way to prison or the gailowa. KiprcrH vauoo of a pieo«i of meebanism. He sees no ol^ still Union mea Htacle aud goes bhndiy and ruthlessly on. He . trusts to nothing but superior numbers an^ hard fighting. Tho Hvcm of his men are of no value. II'• throws them away by thyusaod^ lo gain h^h a mile of juog'e He has pushed on for five ). agues, sod paid abou', nine tboufitu*! livet* tK>: 8uu‘h than ever, aod that their preparations, Capt ^^cQll both by l«ud «»d sc. .to con.l.»tl, , >«“,» j j'1^, ..it ,";, ward and increasing in magnitude The g-*yero- » rv cm oib {..f.iia: « i merit ol Liooolti. in its most cruel a«t8, and in ita open violation of every principle of Knglish, Amerinau, human liberty, ia bat the embodied hate, atjd fovy, and oialice of the Ni.’rthcrn peo ple. They are determined not only to defeat «■ in battle, but to destroy ua, if they «n. They i Buoicioiia i>f deat9. Titcuitii cct si-iu ufOB the batij*- ^ /ii • ri\ regard neutrality eveu as a crimj, oi showa by , ftelJ, amid tho rmar of oaaaoc t»id lauukeirs’, tu, 1« d ^ “0 postpoueuuint of the ( hiea-'* [Dcmi^ratK ] their uourse towardii ICantttoky. Their tender : awa/frost faoio'', M’^vibj hia counuy. a-> taoi* ( LoiiVcntitn «b btatci. to a 'ciQUipo oi the V ai merciea are before us in the jsrievoos and inhu- 1 a^ndei Ca C. Tib I ^V^'xmI tuiJ Picroo fac;i.,u, the olji:,;, man wrongs which they are hem Kentucky and M^wouri. Kt are not iceure in their person while thos3 who rh m bir?h s,re vi«t ■h’lr pro’erty, wuli ins’ll‘a to tii’ir *rivr>f ii.id j ^ chtldreu, wi.h impvisonmeat, exiland df-ath oti j :j i, Thi>y plundered great many famili«!.«, taking fl >ur, bao >n, wi’t, iugar and whatever else sniti>d their fancy. \ Their orde*-to do f»o tSey r**pr‘n«ented af> cjajin? . . > . , « ‘ j ,vff ^ head of a body of tniops, to drive th> raseaU otl The Fight nmr t^ett-rshvr )—I'te gives the following ac»'ount of tho ti^ht on Thut’s day evening, the 2"d innt, near the Weldon rail road in the vicinity of th' six mile Hou.ie; ‘*tJen. Mahone was speedily di^pat.'hed, at th»' from the aft»re'»ai' M j Q’n. Huntpr. We will say for soue of the ■offivjors connected ti^ith thi« refiand sv^tem of yaokee robbery of hrlp^ess wo men and chiHren, that thfv manifret'd a reluo tanee to engage in such an infamju:) huiriesa and gave “ceftifi(3at,es" that people’s houses had been searched and robbed ucoe, s » that the operation might not be rep*ated by another 8>t on the game errand! We saw simo of these “certificates” jr “protections’’ fr »m renewed outrages of this kind. Tt ia not in u» tj Oju^plaic of the destrueiiun i ' by fire of our valuable nrinfing ofBce, files, pa ' ' per, lia; but we did think that th-jy were n vory shab*^y set of aoouadrels wUsn they sent their waffiins round to our premi^-'S to earfy oti our latQ'ly supplies, when the tliines were consum ioe on’" tpAans i*f prn(»uring the necessaries of 1 y lifV Wo .in m their robwr. I iM.rterery irencr.1, enibraoipK .11 „f ««■ ■•iK ol t ..MavaJirs c!|e rco-.um^ The tmr man f.red but liulc b.tt-r »' '>>»' '« '■ than the rich, if he, unfortunately, had aaythin? * v. j i the enemy warned, and h- seemed to he in want i pn^^ouar^ Hnr- «ur.hed lu... iU c.iv of almost everything. ' tor..au3u ui.otu 10 o .ick .nd tn^nc: Thev needed live stock of every de Wuon, 1 and th'ej “to -k” them wherever they f^und rh-jQ ^ '‘""'’‘i The pnor w^d.,V. solrarv milch cow and her “7 """" than .ho r o' -mall fl .ok 0^ she-^p. wJil a« the firo ♦.v horno ^ pniuiieta. ij, loin: ot app aranr. of the poor fo >1 that d‘'c''»r#'d ho '^a? btiP for tho Cpou approaching the spot about l£>0 of Gtant’h horsf-mcD were diseoverod di.splacint: rail- ind re moving sills. Th ^y fied precipitately upon th* appearanoe of our foreen; but ic soon ascer tained that there wafl a heavy body of infantry in the wo^ds, east of the iraok, ni-t^-'Od for the purp;'>‘;e ot supporting tho eavalry. ‘•Gen. Mahoue threw forward a heavy line of a’lciratiiahei'S, ongaxed the attention of fh? b'.ii* coats, and then put into exeeuti-jn one of thM-^i* flanking movements t’jr whieh he has beeuix* I rtcmewh*it iiOt«d during th's e^aipaiga About twilight ilprrj’s i;rigado. n »w comiumd d by Gen F;Dueg.in, saeeeedcd in •wirii>ing arouml, and brought up in roar oi the cu'^tu', \ v.41cy or two in the roar put the oti 'oj. i'-thitiLiu*;, and sharp!“hooters from hehiud every tree, but his order is s’ill to push forwaid His Generals fall as if thev were no more account than priv«te sol- diers Co to ’I'uetxlay evening, the seventh day of the co flict, he had lost thirteen cf theni in killed, wounded and p'ifioners, and at least forty- ^ I J I • 1 - ^ .. J I X W five thv»a*4ana ‘rifccds and to add fifteen marc. Hut Btill he holds his Way aadrauoted snoint nothiue, earing tor nothing but R'chmond. which, if he ever re*che« upon the terms of these -eveu Jays, he will reach without *§o much as a bjdv guard—a solitary pri-on:-r 7'h« havor romviitit^l >n h U raola i» sickcniny to vjie''t upon. One New Vork regiment, the pride of the city, which loHi' since marched down Broadway am*d flaunting iianners, Wavint; kerchi'^fs, loud hueza" nd the mii-ie of the drnni and fife, sufTdred s> 'GTibly triat oiil of its fall eouiulemeut but /""ur i J ofiir^rx nu'l fifUen nic” t5^r€ l>'ft (I h'llj d ly't fijii-li 'J. 'A uoi brigades offii*erj u'jd two thirds ol their rank and file, and having none tu bad then;, have been inojrporatod with utViOr brigades, only cruelly deoic'ated tliiin rheuiselvc(>, in hnving a brigadier left to re- coijoi*? their sliatti'red remnunfs Atid all this timo t!ie desperate P'iui;‘i'e has t-nly been waged on !t.c ivil-kirts; ofluf (%>nfe icrate wovki, andin 9ue>5 pwiti ;us as (ie" L e would prefer ui see an t'ueo)) whom he wi.“!h.'d (u ano.h-'ate. »r« tru« to the land that gave ! wL-h Kf lo see hw toa in bi^ »• n*uc^_ •- J J- .. , i;.- i' *1? I ii»» i!t p«n r»-el««ng W.lrat iy>‘c f- or.d ^»n'.‘1 ri,itod with tbo o.;utis^tl.iMt r..eor . c m«i.ser Deu.. O' g 9 . Ke 'B0 hO *"OCh «ln'^ Ill' '• ^ ^ ,,.»r E erait/. Du". '*>} »u. t>ly rz v-\i o iu reserve f»r i AIi i rU y s irjil, af*ytt>g ‘ I'ot o tri j *^ut ii\ up h WfW i>"rf"c ;>■ '..ti a>»l w'tn ti- ^:*lh r itisitir, ! v.fc«u -»w tim. ^ e the eafu t’si.n.-. 5 of » tejoioiug spirit M> .tear P*. is thfa ,-ntt? ' H»cR ti^isg pfi'. how hkppy laaot bis >!«ar i.etvrt bsivo feit, at o>ket far a taoment. wh«tt lt hflhild his deTOtdd so near hijn, »bil« ha Ibosijtbt hiin far away H« ta! fr'ea'l" arouud htm, for so s^'-KStionfet-! atid p^aerru are, of all the Oonfederatc States, the moat uni ted in their determinatio'’ to resist the Northern )fOvcrnment to the last extremity. They ocnnt- .d the c St before they commenced the work of ;; ^^rd^Jori.TrUat III w^o k^w brriorerh r. independence. They knew tha^ war wouJj : Bavi. ot wheat be had oommaDd, ware devoitd » The Boys, of wheat be had oommand, ware devoicd 0 main free or die in their t^acki. ikey will luAe | ha*>v^ r^Sio icn urto bis bero^ved lootbcr, (?u nu ooOip'’oa:ioe with the North—they will never | brothers, ss woH as his xcacy r«!atj*e» n.t4 cease to fight as loog as a federal soldier is oo | fnAa «s wbcm be lc;i7?s to grieve for biiu Still w Conf» derat** soil—they will agree to no terms j motira as thoB** vfho uo hope r«5W bon** hieh will not permit Maryland, Missouri, and i fait gentle spirit pwteJ .w->. L« ^pake ta fcis . . ...w„ of djiag aird eaul ^ W6- willinr to «d and go nato bixBariour, m vboseb'>sciaiie aopadiOBB .-cat, Ei;t Lfc'i&g I In sol to moa-i* fcf feim, ♦•€ ealT'j ia-i s«fert f a'-s^J away {TiiOi tiu tfcabl^s f earsb In to br?;kt«t " aoea ab«»9, wbem actrcw is u».:.s*f!wn aad all 'fc J >7 ttud love rea«e, tcbd &v>arvj c«aee th« ‘«art Tl'.a tSavioKf on hizt; Ketrueky deliberately to decide their own desti ny; and th\^;y will aeoept nothing less from the N'orth that the fullest and most uoqualifit^d icknowlcdtcmeut ol the iadepeodi-uce of the (Confederate 8ut:*s We know what all this in- v)lvcs. It irvolvcii maay batiie'^ aud much suffer ing. It iuvolvea hitfi"* taxes, a pajK-r currenoy. l'ni-*n, all wnt i'^to t'’* roa maw of tV> plundoring hnrdo of licens-^ { r »b* er? In viin did peoplf* «(^k tj hi-^e a'ld ran oB th'Mr gcuds and stock of all k’n Is The enemy spread thetn- Bclvei over all the o mntry •‘A« !''ca?*s c'ouJ t'uf> pU:a ” or mofols, -re no nuprjvemeiii. apoa I'oriner in- eultufntt;. They s-.tua lo havo been c .•ilec'^eii from everv irtfr of tk • b it'i otvilizs : aud unctvilii'd, aud elic i d u. -n .» liprr ator in «ur vieinify, the r^mtrk, “That Grant had ^crap 1 cd h‘! crcatioQ with u fine tooih co’-;h t-t men to ’ reintnrco his ?i j»leted r .’ ks.” Some prosssd with thoir prop>.tty O'! oao v.>al^ , iK it.U ;/ '^-thtr ,u —. :t.-ara Hah aud some on another; but no one k.iew w'-.erc fo 'egret that Col J.ll. N'etiiereatt, com'Jiand- go to eij'tpe from this vait multitude of robbprs *^j‘iih ,N ij. Tro'>r':-, «:a'e the iw-i h of whose appetites f.>r plunder acd spoils .>eeni to! ^loore, Jied a tf^w dsys a^> ic the hi>ppiuii have bc-ec whetud to an unusual keeauest-. | at hanvillp .\>1. > . wuaadec s.-^vereiy in They took the road leading to Port Repubiw ' ^ recsnt hattle* i^rouad f*e- in their passage up the Valley Irom Harrison- ' ter«burg Tiit- «er?iflo La? last a cau8i eicollent hurg. At this point they over,>ok the wagon ^ Vaake-?^, whom be havf Ijst their i the complete loss of trade with the real af the ! world, hard times, and gloomy timotf, and the sacrifioe of tLouaands of Uvefc. it involves, prob ably, a 8ttu>;g)d not merely du*ing this year, but 'or miny years As John Adams said—after the deelaratioa of iudependenos was made, against an enemy not no unjust or so erad as our pree •>nt enemy—we say also« ‘*1 am net transported | with euthusi stu. I am well aware of the toil, : the iroasnro and the bh*od it will c.oet; yet i Thf r. ot.lo do cot k..o^ hovr t- .^*couai f..r this j through all the Kl->om, I ean »eo a ray of iighi ! th^tn ih u Gran: i^ tho ! i .m« » or/A mr.r-, fhriH tU the riM'ins." It is so witii u« .tjw— | • the end vorth morn th,m aU the meant." It ‘s this quality of looking to and providing for the future, and ol ftuff’ring fo reader the future tol-, orable. if uet sec'iic a d bappy for our children, j whici elevaU'S man iu the se^ie beiugs, and u.akos him worthy of thoao great gif'S oi roason, iniai'iuatiou, and lofty disregard ot deaiii in % risihfeous ciu^c, which i'rovidenoe haa bestow- »T».riaatiu^ arriLg ^tpears. Tber«* jeys hhali ^H.er 'iia. .>t« r.ny .» her •^uptoai'iou = ;iu- t !»s V . 11 k. n\ ■ t 'ia■■ir^; G n'^rui wl -ito the *f i ! i ver sa«t .>ijd ;.ro -jnti'r? to '^riit a little 1 r the r-.''naa boii^re they eha^ge thtir • ipiniou. I3ui ihe voieo f'f vvaiUsg and lamenta tion i^ hi'ard iu thr many th u>ands of hotise- !io!d-i 10 tbi.-* and ail the ci?!'^** ot the Nor'b, t' oontaining o«ir County Records, which they des-.ea>xiunterred, ut»u «;way* t.i 'h'.p, amid 4 Oo, hut they endeavored to destn>y the cvs Jy machinery, so as to rend-r it worth!. u V II u -lu 1 *^a Mor^ in : ''atnpai./a in A' jiormit UDi|U.ilifi.d &f pr )bati >u on t ~ystt m of war 0 costly as this, or to siien'’.' the buzz of s lvctso e'iti‘ji:r If (Jrant’s af'my, insl»»ad of a throb b an -teara engint* cunninply put i.i^^ether lor the pur pose ot d-"!trU'’lion, its driver could not more de- iiberatcly urge it forward in it-« pitile»>' oireor A!}»*d ali (be territ»!o txeitement of th* war newn if ir. o.»-«v to p^-r^'eive there i^ an under cur ivtit it 'Icep f»eli'5!z "Ic* 'U 1 ‘rmeriy, j - . „ i, • - , Victory a-; thov hiiv.' b-on previous oooksions, p*'*®'* liberty, while the liTiush wora eomf)rttt- ii.«l I be oriHiant 6tr-te,^y ol i. c snd tl.^ uncr^n. ’*•> «'lotbed and supplied With good ahtws; yat no who ' Val- uth«r } ’"i taou ; they j • • • I We trust our brave bo/s wiii Oomrades aoi Cltiz-'ti of Simpsou Caaoly:^ IA.M HO loBger a eau 'idate for (he oiS:;* > f dtntriS o Sampaoa oouutv; oni d« noiit rcjf/cs f jilj aak /ot M> eaaojoar jutlragei la for >>r Man mg cr.vc.\K STL'art, MusioU'c "*i. b, fu^'t N. c. r al7 •* It By M. CaONLT, Aaotioneer. AicTIO^ HALK OF IHIPOKTED GOODIE, BY C'ATALOGr£. 0^ dneaJay, July ^Otb, 18C4, con>%acclng at ]0 p’e*jc’i, A M . I will sel’, %t ir>y -laie* rertsi So. 2 (^rauite Row, Wilmington. S'. C , iso entire carfoee of Bf^uasiiiri BADOBE ANB LUCV .. .. . Wjih Urge eoaSTgaipeafs ** ehi'js CHirOBA, ALiCE, iar. anck.ng mas^ ol human beings, were but; w« *^now, are | yANNlS. riTY OK PETKRSBi aa, and ether n ugirlomert.ti.>n of steel and iron~a m >oster ! «“dunng inconvenieno« and privations, and «ome : ’ of them are suffering; but let them remember j that nearly all Gen Greone's army ic 17bl ! were “almost naked”—that in the c.elebrat«d ‘ r-Ptreat of thi* Geceral, whioh ended with tho ; battle of Guilfird. Ms laen "wer6 nearly all dei- The oeoft'.e art* not *»o vuin* ( ti‘nt>3 ot shoei and cijfbinj^, and iZianj wtre tho They are uot ao certila of | ! •3'”it;i to Nhukr> hanciN, i.r.ii to be to each other a.s : ti^ariy niarved. /»*«• About 3 miles above Port Ke’u' lic, in Au-■‘l^une 1*6—ijtn -'lo tr»n le^u-'n. i to Atin,:dou o i gusta C0UT7, they buroed the Isrg ■ and e *»tly ! ou the’JUt \ust . haui e niaJv !. hriiii^nt ci uc- Merchant Flouring .Mill heluoglng ro Dr H T* | dttiou through K-ntucky, capturi.ig i.iij J ‘,uOj Walker, formerly ot Rjokiagham. In thi mill I in*: imm n-e e»nppli;'s, ::nd rrar)3por:..tiyo. u.jd were coosumed considerable quantities of II .ur mount n;.-bin entire cojim.'irid at Lexiu 'icja. II.> j desrroycd the raiiroa^s from J.oxing'oa to aSov : Cyuth»tiia, to Frankfort aud lio nsville. He m« - ed Mt H erbr,;', LdX'»iit n, Wi G orve inw.i, Fn.Dktbri, C>uthiir,a. .M ly-v!;!.?, Pi-is, F eaimint;-bu'gj c pturiPf'»5'JU Y nkc;-?. G n! H>>bs.-u '*nd 8 aff -ir^ on tneir » to id iJANVfLL®. )w. ro it wonl l f>e md i'ie^sii. r *o 1. '’K ui item. wiih L'’’‘ri''ua ;rivileK»-‘ Never Wfjre did kfty Kpt iik uat »o b.-l ?!>', aud fo many era and wheat. It was but a short ilista^ce above this where the batdo uesrNe# H ipe was ti.u/h', in vchioti the *Jonfederate fxees wi e deferred, a d thr brjve i d gilljnt G -a W’m E Jj-ie* was k’tl ed. Oi this ba ti,- wj c-.n acareeiy vriii»; wt;h en»ire stcea'-acy, eitiiough we w *rc presesit wh'^n it oocurroa. h is uot ,.ur province to ttruw rhe b'ame '-f jur uefeit aua d s^it.'r up»a a"? oqp. We had ia,.e;sigeDt. brave aud skilliul offio'^rs Tlic ot JOL1.N .HcL. H.\KiCiNGrJN uauoaiice - - I a.-i a s.i.tii'ji.-p-rsoi t«; U- and our uea Lad most of them been under fire Sheri'* ol Un.:v,*u couaiy, ui ib« l iectiua t» before, yet the fortaots of the day were aj^ainst' aexu uj, and we Had to yitld tte field to the enemy, j wn «, ' He was to«j bauiy orippl^^d, however, U pursue , ‘ our sIo#ly retiring foro-s. an ! w.. brought off our aru!b>ry, w*g.jus, ia., ^o., tu hout loas We art* ^aite suro taat the euemy's io^s in dead and never bo reduced to this extremity, but it will i eneouTagc them, and it will onoourag«* all of us i t > bear in luiud the suffjrings which our fore- ’ fa'hrrs undi.rwen( to achieve our Hhorties. ' *•1 he t-na is worth more than all tho means " j Wp shall certainly triumph. The wicked and ; cruel people who would convert four millions of i happy laoorers into saviGrea, by bestowing on > h*'m pTivilsges which Providence never intend- | ^ould di/iJe cur i V/r > •;''V#);f7 (yA >»n.—Diyt^jn di .pa'cbe.s say \ .UiindigSam is cdJ >jing quiet In a sper^h to I crowd serenading him, he said he would make no th'^iatti, but he had not come from a foreig • oiintry without caleu'ating the C •ns‘’q'ienoe8 and j ,.i them to |Tos‘e»-8. and who uiiki c d.diberat^ preparAtionsfom^'otthem I j.rooer'y among n-.mselv:8 and jeluoe us'to i -y uilt'i.ry^-»tam.n!or fihonld .tt-mpt his.irr-st, UrVry, will be foiled »nd drivon back The •' The £laterpi*i%e oMon l'actoi*y ia now pr>;p*ivd to oxcaau.jt for c >ra jr h izoa the Fia^st Wamb^ra of - pai Yara, suitttbiij for JSpriijj; aud .iujuTi.T (j! jia. Tdlf; Ti*.**a.l j* of a tiup-iior qu^Utj. not '■irp«uv-»d t>y a:>y i , ..>■• Jo.. Mf'racy ;JP) i5r'.\N.;r. V^.T 4 >o:« «i' ’.Vueu tliiui 'hat in L)uy;on th-^ persons aT«t pr.iperty ol thtHf* in.stigaiing su di a proiedur' 4-unld b? ax ! o.statea He should demand eye for eye and tooth f >r f-oth; so h^lp hirii the •'•frlivir);.r ,J»*.};jvah. He did not oxp'*ct to bo in.ilcfited atiaiu If he shouH be, however, he warned them the rehuit. wouM be such that, when c^.mps.red, the- otber b it dusc in the balano . H? ia'euloii remiini:»if ^nie^ till after the Obi j eatf'j Coiiveafion, und n vuld then avow Li^ pur ' pose. C W 1!«D CILV F,)it Sli.e. A^iKof KArtl vIlL 11 OO'V with a youug (Jaif Apply Ht thie oUloe. Jaly 4. It I%'urr«e Wa«&ted. ATRU3TT g. d idoi&ar.* I i w to bire M udfii to an infsat t, aLKER. Hay Mcnut. June 30. wouuded ww f*r gi-va er tuaa ours. Am >agst our gailant d«ad ^ai i.ieut. (Jo,. K l. Bj-.ie, of oiauutou, whj fed nohiy the trout in duftnce ot his Oouutry s iretdym rue day a tor t.ic fi^ht utar Ne.» H>.po rhe t d Til *(iUj uiovci ;a{.j d au-.tou, wuiou they o.;cu^ied wuhou;^ r Biaiauce, our aro.y having rutirca tjw*rd= Wayucsboroagh aud Fnhervilla. A; buuucou the eu»;aiy rtpci,. d th« bco los cu '' Mied at u*ri8>uburg, witb variations, suited to the ohauge of localities. They wreaked their ven- geance upon tne faoe of the “Spectator,” and would have done the same to the ••Vindicator” h^ not friend Lyun carried away his types. They could do nothing to the ‘-Vindioaior” but brealt it« press, which they had the manliness to oo lor Its utteranee of the truth. The railroad depot, the steam mill, the woolen laetory, and all the government shops were de stroyed by fire. The shoe manufactory was great ly ab^ed and damaged. Tua railroad bridee ovar Christian’s creek, four miles from town, was Mrnt. An attempt wae uiadc with powder, to ^troy the stone bndge, but it was only slightly damaged, Ali dry goods stores were forced or brokeu open aud robbed of their contents The . . „ negroes generally, especially the women were T, ^»''«son noan y, or ..„ii i.-j I. wuuieu, were la the DcJg}>borbood of Mr Monroe s oa Rocktteh, wbo owne“ a brother of >is l w.n ps? tbo aha»ft re’ ward !cr said negro or bis 6aa£aan>aQt iu a > I oan get bim Joiljj PAJRLEi'. 4ft-€‘pd •« wn'.'tt J Appl" (;, Ms*, B M iVf Baoon lor iluldietV rainiiie«7~ STATE Ob' NURTif CAR0LI?J.A, ) 8oBsi8r8Sf;B Uitp^RTMsvr, R*l-'irh Juue 27. -I I To CttUttty rommlsfciouen: IASa prepared i-) mj.i, *. oi^ot, lu n.ay of thf actjvdes of tbii: State for the use of indigent fitmiiieu of ci . I diers, a portion of the Baooq a3ccmn)»ted for>tiiat pur- poea Coanty Ootamts^ionefa. who a?a in nasi of Bn- e>n. wi'l ootnm loleate wHii me. ^5 4t1 THOS I>. HOa'>. iu 0 S ^^KEW4!inb^ RA8VW\T fr m Ibe subsoriVr ou ihe a4(l. of Jane, my negro TO.VI Ha will ppohabiy gr> abont where i X_ n .. M well supplied Pro visions of every kind’ a4 at Harrisonburg, were searched for, and—“taken " To the dishonor ot the “city cf hills” we learn that aome of the citisens ol Staunton volun»anlv ^nt * «Jlegia»»ce to the yankee govern- forwd by the wwtern army, under Grook^ pass- •d up towards Lexmpton. Their conduct Lre ioa^uct elsewhere on the m^h. They burned the V irgiuia Military la Ttk^' ““’“''“8 wbioh «om. of the gaUant boys who are beiag educated there, h*d given some oi these same fellows at New Market. They aUo destroyed all the Profeeeors’ • »•« «0“e one sick. They burned the private residence of ex- Oov. Letoher, with its c^/ntents, giving his excel- lent lady but ten minutes la which to remove with her family I Tney threw the printing mate rials of the Gaaette office into the street, thaa ■•king a olean sweep, aa they thought, of “all j ^ d—d rebel newspapers” up to that poiaL I liuij «1m boni«4 (b« Iwge ftoanB^ nill uw Moutp«ilef O., Ulotuikuad Ho ^ June 29. ~~iTA;^AWAYr~ tVROM tbe sab«o‘ibar, oo toe iG.b Anj-is. oiy to» ' DENNTi, aged 27 years, about i, feet t in bfis hi^b bas very d«rk oomptexlon, auv alo a s^'u on Lis ) f had, catjsed by a Wim, and wcia;bis about 17u poti-^ds I will pay fifty dnllars tot his arrest, or ooaaaecneut ia acy Jail so that I get him again. nOQB McGliEQOlt. :lf.riogfieiJ. N. C , JoDe *2^ 46-tf 0‘liFPEB and StJOAa,- Gront'x h' te*.—Ttie Ooicag.) Timca of the l^th, in Us -dit ri.il, t-stim^tes Grant's los.'tes* it> ki>'cd Rud •^iuod':i north ut Jain>s River, a*^ 7U, 000 m*n, Sh.Tcuin’h los^-es at 45 000, and the to a' *'e*eral los •’s since .he first of April, a* f'»liy IHO.O'M) mit*t>« T‘i. 0"rr-i.p Qiiont of th*^ Chicago Times hays Grant l(»s' 70 000 men trying Lincoln’s plan, and ia now trving I'is own. The Federal losses to the JJd in the battles aear Chickahomiay were li.OuO. jifonrtf Mark/1.—No sales of hond« or stocks to report during the past week. We give the following quoiationb lor specie, &c.: Gold 817; Silver ?ir»; Hatik Notes, North Caroli na, ?2 b» a i’6 Ol>; Georgia 12 50; 8»uth Carolina aud Virginia, N C. Treasury notes 81 15 btcrling bil's 816 to 17— WiJ. Journal. Cunipg the Wirt‘g -^The G dd.sb^ Journal of the 1st says that “during tho pant two days the raider..^ h ive cut the telegraph wire not fewer than four times, hut “being in a hurry” they did not touch t>’e road itself ” Bagliah Mustard; 9d>*8on’e Bl&okiBg; Cot ton Yarn iSo«.y and 10, C?1*r P^lls 4-48i.eeliug; Sxtfft P«rnily Flour, London Porter; Qreen Copperas, Knitea and Porks,' ttpioa and Bla^k Pepper, Qinger, 8od«; £p90ZD Aalta; Brown Wla iaor Soap; AliSO—Stoaa Wara, stiolk aa Dhotpa, Jare, Baaeaa, Pitahen aod Maga. , H. MeMllLAa f'ftfSttCTlllO AtS^QAI Mtd Ai*100l*T« I Jnn-«a !854 ; StlOO BOUWiTV. 4 DrH»>RljY laviujr necn granted hy tba W»t Ua Ut it o SkHiU.ed K fi.man lut eeTTic* ic Iti.s ific'iiuy, nouoe Ih tierahv fiTeK Lk&i remti-a to ri.ir.fcf^r of 40 u *' oviT«^d for fhjg 8*^rrio^ to fill „p the coi^^-a* to the 7 qniTPd fiumber of 10 j E»ch rerrp’c *ni to fornix'll A ■>“ r^rrtr t wili he rd«inh-8d ’‘arse, lor w&iob he wiU ba at- Co, c. ScrTant «irl to Hire. ' A J"**™ ®**« for tb« remain- the yaar, owner has ao use for her Jwh^. W- back. The )ud id battles, who ’’U;e9 ou the earth aa in the trmies of heaven, will cjniiriue to figii for us if we are o-»!y true t*ou’§Jves. Con ag.^, then, xill Jj«t us be ntii'c l, aod paricnt. and fir a-jd 'oyal, an I N«li oacriQj.ff;jr iu :ivery cme»'gcn?v. The “r«y of light” -viil laoroahfl unil it di^cljbci :ts source, the 9ut f>t vio'orv Ou!- in> epeudtu e once achieved, Nor.h C-»roiiua wul bo oae of ihe uofi projpjrou; States in the world We shall •'j^y ou.&.'lvjs, ard huve tj otir ohilireu, not ■it.iy liberty, bu» a.l tho blesai'gs Which tolera tion in relig on, and the industrial pursuits in field and workshop, and education, and thi arts and scieaoes, Hiid peaceful commerce witfi other atioQS, caa t)‘’atow apoa as. F.iilure of he "Lic/h' Dr •ujkf* "—The New York H raid cf the 20tti h-s an article oa the Ir vucl.d-. ol th.i yaoket) navy, showing their o .m- dete failure, af«»r an expenditure of nearly seven- y mUlioitM nf d >Lart. The Herald has the follDwi- g editorial reinarka on the subject*. “We have five olassca of Monitor batteriea which have cost as in the neighbarhood of scren! ty millions of dol^aiB, and all of thorn have been tried, except tbo ocean irou-clads, which are no more nor less than huge Monitors. The first h,t failed, and have been patched up m enable them to fight and fl^Mt. The scoond lot would have .unk 13 launching, but ti’eir error was discovered lu time, and the yetjacl* built up eev^ral inches. The Uaondaga u a great failure She i* barely tbove the water with .caroely half her stores on board. None of these vesseb have come uo to the promised standard in any partiotilar. »Sow we have the result of the performances of the! wonderful light dra^ht vesieli, built to sail on the morning dew There ii oo doubt they are ! the greatest failures of alL We have yet to teat the cumbersome Moaitors known a& ocaan iron- I dads To think of their erossing th« ocean is simply ridioulous, as they carry but six days’' coal for fall steaiwng, and it is pretty oertaia that their apeed will neyer ran up to the propoe- ed rate so boastiogly announced. A Monitor haa never floated which made the sp#ed promised by her desi^ers, and, from present prosp,»cta they never will. We have enough of these mis erable failures on our hands at present. Lot as build something that will La of service.” Sherman*» Rear,—The Macon Telegraph says a letter h«s been received from Bartow ocun- tv, datc^d 20th, whieh aays Wheelar, witb two diviaiouB, ia in Sherman’s rear tearing up the railroad. A Oood Hit.—^The New York Tribune boastj tbi^ Northern aoMiars will “light like devils.” The Oharleatoa Ooariar repliM that it haa no doubt ot it, for “these fidlen spirits,” Moording ihm Kb*^ are all oowarda; for St Jaatet saji^ MmH ^ dnil imd kt mUJkt/k«n^ ^9^. DitT OOtU*i» IK x'uUe ground Prinw* IT cait? Ijlaok aad wbHe pri&tel .IStuisi*. IJ g3^.8 HaokaHack Toweia )l oa**a OrgaBcJi# MnsMrtf 8 r>a'»« Array Oioi*i.^ 7 ot*«> pupcr hosiery T e»s'3 (^>»'*« anl Clark % ».V- c ZbE's ti&ipt>>ng Linen Yi>r«ad «i L«(6S fivncy giilrtt 4 oa3?8 8'tlid. brok-b aud iiw*ru*.w.g t: Mack Lua're 3 c.«,r’e« Co 'f.^4 r*t« Tweed* 5 oa-as ready wa'*« t^la»bio» J cai-s C.je_a *»-d Htripe.# n" imtng A e i'- '-II TMt scd bon'- Bn:.:«i*i m bales B*re ;* 2 OM«s 9a#’i; ‘icase- fc . p*^r bUok RroaJolctb 2 3»6er brown ilelUcd 4 cas?« PK^nrl 8' ir'i 2 ^'l?8 n* r d Malt-.ua 1 ^ r.l» ll'j? and grey Bergi 1 ba’. ' f*i oy Fhnnflj cae KIa ^ *l.>«oa i o»?e B'acL. Or',i*an» 1 ?».** ^a^^•r ' \mVia, assorted -’Ivr* 1 ■ !i’c uj ii!:-d \ir-RC»s 1 ci»*e B«airraard Tweeds 1 o>i»^ Piuiht-r** Cloaklni; 1 o^s«- IMwik apd white Prints 1 .#»>'• ■* 1 o.is > F..a3v S-iawL* 1 ^ vl” eiipi’l'r 1 e*«» di.fqnit'v I^'t'ing 1 e«H«' Tjc.i. »;>»#•■, Jt3 i ! a’.* a ,fr Brnad i'x\c, n—iriii eolo-» ' C «o l-ish Lio‘>n 1 o^»e T*>3t SiiH^ss 1 caes find Wr.l»e Pint 8IiOE-. LEaTHBR. 26 'ru’.ks tdits* Gect’s ani CMl ’r«n’t Shoe# lv> c ««e L*dicf’, Ucm’sRB.i Chiidrco a T.' B jo-e ? Extrii uat Arm* R‘«oac ( »*>* B .-t nt’s B'uaoKed and Iir(^WB 8h-.aTi!'e^ OMt* Fr W%»h1 ^alf 8‘i'ar case* Cha'«i'!8 SiticB OAs. p Mdroeoo 8k>ns C0T10M CABD\ ‘^'r.OTH'NG 8i B.e«-8Cott3aC.rlR Nv 'O5. ‘«t -.Utea'-r-'i bfsi I 1 CIS • Wocl Cu :- 2 ?ase» •'iard ^ x 4 3 C*8?S fillet!:?. 16 C'Sea 0*p, l.«iiiir'^ 2 QMe« Gillott's Steel 8 0 49CS p.«n Holdors 1 o*ae PcDo-U and Pens 1 e»ae apnortf d S %tioaerv BAOaiNQ and BOPE. 10 h las O.inny Bagging liS eeils Bale Bope GHOCERIC.i- 288 bags Eio Coff«e 50 banals Brow' Sngar AO barre\a ora^hed Sugar 18i kits No 1 Mackerel 5 oaska Ghieory 10 boxes Sperm Oaadlea 10 bagY Bliok Pappar 16 eaddiea Toao? S'ao« T«a HABDWABE, tic. 6 tons Hoop Iron 90 kegs Nails assarted 4 ouks Wire 4 oaaes Oaa 0»ps 12 bags ahol 8 case* Knives, l^ike ai«i &isors UQ0ORS. A; 4 qaai ter easts pare &)gaao f*-raaly I half pipe ptife Martel Braa'ly , I Gnart*r pipe pure Pinat, flaji.ilU6a s C>, n»i^ y 1 aightbplpA pure 0:ard, »>apo7 * 0« BttMij lO caaka Whiake; B2 oarks old Bam lOrt oaaKS Holland JU» 3fl deicijofcns Holland lila DBUOS, easaa L'qaortoe Paata 94 OAsaa Liqnoriea Siioki 18 oaska Aloohol 14 o«Bk8 Alum 8 oasks £psook BaUs it caaka Balsam Copaiba 0 bMs Tanner’s Oil 42 ke.gs Bi-Carb Boda 6 bhis Bo«^ai 8 eases Q>iiniae a caaea assorted Droga ft bbls Copperas 8 oases Potass Carb 2 eases Blue Mans 1 ease Powd Ipeoao ) ease I dide Potaas aad ledia 2 eaaks Boda CrysUle 2 eaaks B)a« Sc«q« I naae ?heijkona». Y N i« P.per ivjsiy ro uii engaged in tho rebellio/i, and Dvmi- al 'o» Peci‘5ent a man identified with tha war. !• Giar.ittti.i St^ertcau aro not tlius succtsfifui, b- Coi.vc-ntl'.u may adopt Btraight out iVaver^P lutiovk. {ind make the fight with a CALdidaio who na» opp ;sed the war, and who..5e first act of adiainibtraiion will be to propt^oo au aruii.stice u i the arrangement of tcriuB of final separ£,ti>'&. Jn the U iS S-jnate on the 2Uh, Garrc't I'a- vi» [K. ertttckyj gave notice that he would iutji- duee a bill to eutabliRh peucc amobg t » unuer the U S Qovornment. Army corre.-^pondt uce of tbo 2*>th, at WanhlijstoD o tiiH 27th, claims that. Ut-aiAl permanently holJn the iVteraLurg &. Wf-dciJ Rail Road. Tho Tribune’s eorreapondeni on I’li-- 25rh wrote that Himptou’s fHagood’s] troops had mude au attack on Huldy 8ruith'(» linos, and were repulsed with a lo^s of lt»0 pri Booere. ^Our own rc port.s adniitted a lo^s of tOO.j Mr. \ ailandisham, aeeording to (’hieagu ad vices of the 22d, wan 8tiU at heme in I>3yton, Ohio. He was received witn ehoufs of wrloou* on bis appoara- co i» tho Den.ocrutio C‘nvv.ritioi; at SpritigGeid, Illinoi:). And*"^ Johnson haH made a ^ipe^cu 111 JSa.«hvi;.t' in reBponsc to his nomination lor th« Vice I're sidcncy. He said that slavery is dead 'I'Lt State WMuid leave out ail diatvactiog eietiieuu He wants to see emigrants pouring into Tennw-. see from all pads Kast Tenne.Keee may thet; rank witli N*'W EnglsLd. In the Couventioii lo restore the S'ate to the Tnion tr&itors mu*t tak( back seats. If there bo f>00ij loyal men thee.^ must control rhe woijt of rc>rgani2ati n. Tta. tors lEUSt be punished. FlautationB liiu-it tit- divi-ied into small farm‘d and eold to boae?f aee The dny for nrote^ti.n ol iandp and negree^ a\ rhorijc of [probably “authoris ot"j retx-^Iiv.a l» past Ho means to st lad hy the GorfctnSirci aud the I’nioD until tho flag waves cvtry town and hill top Then be will attend to Mex ican affairs. He will Bay to L>»uir, Napoieon yon can set up to monarchy un this con^ii^Kt TK? ‘peech is remarkable for the omifiBit-n ol cia’ra of rctsent victories; the only referecce to th=> suhjeot being a claim that should unequal [c^uai numbers be kiiled in every battle, tho pliic r^- ault mu«t be the Titt?r exteriaination oi the »’e- beb. He eon eluded by saying: Thougli money be expended, though fanes end cities bs destroy ed, let tho war lor the Union go on, and tht- stripes be bathed, if no^.s he, in natiooj' blcAjl I until the cupremaey 01 the law it ret us rod hfi.j ! freedom fully established, t Henderson, tho publisher of the Kvenicg and Navy Agent at New York, ha,; been arrejcsd and bailed in the sum of ? 100,000. [ We cnntic' make out from the dispat^'h what lor,« xoopt tt at tii* cJf nee is winnected with his N tvy ba'iness In N. ^ orL, on the 27th gold was quoted ai 2^0 I V’rj/tnta Humorg fi'a Ralevjh n%i Go^dtl('i'u ‘ i uuderst.ijnd that a desperate fight oo^arrf-d ■ .r Cieek, on NVedc^rhd-^y, beti»eea s j.tion of the Raiders from Kaati’s comajiQd, and I tie Guard stationed at Stony Creek The con- j i iet rt-fcyifrl in the repulse of the eneiny, with I Vo y considerable loss. Some of our men wouna- j arrived here, and others at V HauiptOD is reported to be between nui party and Grant, and their rapture was ex- pijcted —Ral Confed^rafCf l«f I'nt!. Goldsboro’, June 30.—The S ate Jourcai has p ivate dispatches from Weldon to the 30th. rh»* Raiders struck the Petersburg and Weldon road t«» day near Helficld. Latest dispatches from lielfl Id 3t*te that the most of the enemy’s artil lery together with his wagon train, were captured, and mat the otber part of the raiders would be. Figh: reported to-day near Beama’ Station. Raobigb, July I —The Raleigh Confederate has received a dispatch from Weldon to day, that .I'-’O yauke»* raiders rcached that place at roou ^ to-day, captured below The news from below i« I reported to bd good. (12^‘ pri oaofb passed through this city to-day, ;n ro tn for tho G-eorgia prison. They were j •ptuiei bv iica Lee on the Pcteisburg aod Ktotiu^ond Riilrv)..vd. The Conft derate has been allowed to oopy (he ‘'dl wi'i,^ of&oi'^l dispateh: Hclfielo, June yO.—~W^o need no raiafrrct- meuU Af- far as we can iearn, the f neaiy bi.-vfe ■■jeen routed with con»iderab!e lose, .and nearly, t uot all tne ar'illery, wagons and arabulauc^s have bi’en captured. A portion of them crossed ,ie Railroad at Jarratt’e this morning. Pqoads ot p'is(jnerB have been brought in. We have S‘'>me tlO whites and about as many 00- groes there. (.Jtrujsnnao’, July 1.—About 200 raiders w>re captured on the PetorsburK and Weldon Kailrtad yesterday. /Vofit Choryta —Mariktta, June 3U —At 2 1. m., the enemy drove in Cheatham’s pickets and attempted fo storm his wotks They were reoaived with a terible fire of artillery and musk- •Hry and retired Our Ijss 1 killed, 2 wounded. Eaemy’s loss not ascertained. 77(m' A/organ(o7t ^aJ»/.—RALKiGH, July I.— The lollowing dispatch, rays the Confederate, haa bean received byO-ov Vance, from zMorgauton: "The Raiders, under Col. Kirk, captured tho boys at Camp Vanoc, and deetroyed all the pub- Ho property there They burnt the Depot at this plaec, (Morganton,) and three oars, and damaged one engine, and are now rotarning by John B river, our forces p...r)iuing uulef Col. Brown, ot the Ut N. 0. Troops The Raiders number some three or four handred.*' JSaUle at Mirgnnza—Glorinut Victory. The Miaaieaippian Eitra of the 22d inst. learna that a young gentleman just from Port Gibson, sayt before he loft that plaoe, the report had reached there that Greri. Dick Taylor had a battle with the enemy under Gen. Canby in which our loroeii were eompletely victorious. The enemy'a lose is stated at 15,000 killed aud woanded, 8.00U nrisonere, 17 pioees artillery, aod vast numbers f amt^U arm*', a large qtwntity of stores, and that when Qea. Taylor was last heaid from he had completely routed and driven tho enemy over «e/Qu miles. Our loss is estimated at 600 killed and woandad.—Selma Miuisnppianf vlt The Amc'*«■.—T;ie Senior Ret^ervea of this diatriot have been made su^jeot to the oall of Gw- Whiting aod by himi plaoed under ooTunand oi OoL J. Q. tfuir, who vriU veeeiTe bis inalra^ IFiZ. Jenrwii

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