- Lit - u' V* : ! ■ Vh;' tl,. ..C. I * * ■ J - ,i • ■ nvi uv^.. 5' t! W;%. . I i » I' i '.11-.! dhU> ‘ - 'I ;K- 1.’ ■u 'I. . lu Jw & f! Vi... t ’r. ' L- It' '■ 10 ■ if ■ .-Uv t r^ t.(.k , . l.iNX' Tra.- »*;■ w tt 1- ■ -.B . n. . a r >t 11 . -iJj 1* r- 'f I a -o.i - !!li • ’ Sol- ... wiV-- ' :-4Uk! liD I - U 01 OUi;!- II. nc» !9 “■> CT. - J. Op, -. ■^4 Iti-- Ti : .-■• 1 . uv:-' j€vr > fr.-. , w . 1 Z-' ^ - ■y " - % aoted AL . i J . */■ i f- ^ t ! ^ until 1 1 and k- T'-e eneui . v*;t.n r kj't. w Lid- ind t ^ 8. 0 be -r.wecni ture .a- • ' 'ati ifLiw to and ' ' Idan ipatct'* Fr .m acmv iurfil- ere captarctl, ■d w lu^d be. station Coafol crate 1 to day, tLat ai'e r--j. ■* I cit j t. -daj, Tii- j Were sersbur, uni r to lh« lO to if fCi- fL«_ t aiiJi oa?.: bUi . .r. s lb .i. ). --■■ ttn;. br- s- 20- an- me .. ItiOi 1' \V... rjr &ud tr ,'k I o j I, A* ^ ■ t / !i, J 4 ; Coq; i rai Ir^M r 1 al: I. tU& rf'.Vs - fdwi;r Tiv../ imr,i Itmi lu.v bi4«- L f.-. . eoeu-. iQ'it'j M jmocr JofRr a 1 t I' .... iVf*t |at kd'.cu I, 2-i'h , sr»e^ . iLi» oau of »r «x uoarid Wit* .QBtna»- -'Ce-, P 6T« S^i.VETTKV£8:s ^ 4, IS04. TuKN'Kwg.—The tar as w«> operalions of the la«t week, ofl V can learn of them, are highly favorable to »h«? ransc. K3i>ecmlly important is Harapton'8 cav alry victory over Ihp rakiern in Virginia; and perhapa l.ardiy lo«s koi8 the great rise of Rold iu New York Hud ns aa.nuati,>n.. Up to 240 on the I’Gth. down to -14 on the 28th. and up again the same day to 22U. hese are signs that »tl>c bottom is falling ont.” Mo mail Irom Virginia Ur more than a fortnijfht. ■ M>r any l»‘legram lor abunt half that time. A t HuuRn-L ViKVk-._\Ve are i>ennitted to copy ’he following extract Iroio ,i ietu r from one ^»ho8e nac'? aud pos-tion nou’.d jf.ye much iU oheerfal ard c. vtid?ni V.uf.— . „ '^>11 Juiif 3ulb, SJ P. M. rhinp art u. d I ?t^rs' far a- I t in !• am, Bre r iT^e. and prc)grt »>iuj; isvorabiy. An unotticiai di^pawh u»lf> nioinent rwciv, 1 cht« that lialllpt.^n and Vitz L e liavo *caHt-r.n( ih.» ••ni>mv’souvalry near .Jan att’s htatU)D, ur.il tnat tb?y aip hop* It^^ly rcut d. ' • « ^Joii be praim-d fur all th>. 1 am more hopt fn\ t'jau ever b>- !»r^. rho bt udy ri>? ui ('told -howi* vhat ibe .Northern -c.y' beRinf. !0 pinch. importance to A Trkasonabi.k SKcncT Aaso( iation.—We huve known for boine two or three monthd pa?t that the uaiboriti*^8 were on the trai k of a treaaonahle secret iV^Boriation. whone obje'l wan said tvj be the over- vhrow of the Confedf“riite government. We have re- f -.^iniHl from alludinij to it beoautte wt- thought it a Uiuttcr t*»i the Conns rather than th«. Krosr Jiut Ihe publication ut bcverai atbdaviis m the Kaleiirh ^'.vnservalive of Saturday la^t demaudd notice. ."ilaii Heck with, lii-uton Holland, vi. H. Holland, J, B. Long and 11. H. Sugg, .•!' Cltathurn lOuuiy, nittke oath before II. Couticil, J. I’., that they were nj«-ail cr? of a .'ccrei.oit;;.ni;.aiion in that county; that Key .veto U-'isled .»s to its objevt, uud no*' .iiuviug •ii-cuveroa that its tr'udeucy vva.H io injure the couii- U;, they n-pudiate ii, ask pardon, aiid pltdgt- their h -uur never again lo l>e canght in nuch ;vt. organiza- uon. 'lU Uev. 0. Churchhill, a Haptiui .Mluister of the •ume c-oanty. certitif^ that he had been induced to 3 '. I the Association, whi'^h existi* in th;it and other f- 'utitiec; bnt, hia eyes being opened, he pray¥ tiod u:i ;>trgive him. and e.\posee the whole concern. Ho -.v. .^ I'll- u»me of the Asj'Of’iaticn is the "Heroe* of Ainf-rica;” its main object, protection from the ene- iii\ It hfij* u ternhle oath against di,^clo^inp the ^'e- ha. =ipcr«-t words and Higus, by which members r On'aiZ" each other; it' member- were eijKclcd to v«>;e tor Mr. Holden, hut Mr. t’. i- a warm 8npport>r «fOv. Yanre. i'hf L'ouservai.Vf lia^ I' lruu r mforma lou, as to its leader**, plS' e.' ol a'i»eti;t*lag-, m >dvn ol ommnnica- tiou, motto, oath, pj-i v>iird-*, .->.jfnn, oriifin, Ac. It originated with tlie yunkee:^, viho communicate with it through agent.-,, i'he j-.-nalty for divulgin? the l i? tr. i>e dhui. thruu;rh tl;-' ht-ad. The leader:'o; '-hi.', tr usonable As.'ioriittionrihonld be liietantiy arrested, ined, and if T.and guiltv, cuted forthwith. Ignorant and deluded members should be spared upon v onie.-'Sion and rept'ntance; b’-t no mercy should be shown tu the I'-adtra Taii RiLKiaa ^T^.HuiKb.- Of all the aewBpapera we ever saw, the Standiu^ is tho most addicted to the habit of copying from itaelf. The Editor layii he i-tuinot rtHiolloet all the conversatioiu he hafi had, but he evidently recollecta all the editoriale he h&fl published, and he can thns at will recaH one for any side of any question, and iu praise or abnae of any public man. for he hati written on all sides of every question, and in both praise and abnse of every pnb- lic man. The Standard is evidently Mr. Holden’s stindaril of all that is worth reading; and so, ho bnt looks into the Standard for the law on that side of politics or murals which for the moment he favors, liiri readers are thus compelled to bear the intliction ol many a ' twice told tale.” W c are inclined to be charitable towards this lit tle vanity or conceit, and to ask Mr. Holden to re- publiish an Kditorial article from the Staudurd of the 1st of Jantiary 1862. which expresses very stronjr and coritict views «in the war side. It will do him and the countr)' g(.»od to read it. and lest his "file should bite hita'' it he turns to that portion of it, we give him an opportnnity to copy it. from to-day’s Ob server. It 18 an eloquent exposition of wha* aSmth- ern patriot shonl.l do, nud of what Mr. Holden is Hut dcuiig. II we can prevail i»n hitit to copy tliat article, we may help him to some more, writteu in the »ame gloriou8 .spirit. We have oae now bel’cre of only throe week? older date than the onr we quote, in which Mr. Holden says, among other good Ibmgs:— ‘•l.ft tho.-" who are ramt-LeRrtfd. v. holiuiulge iu gloomj forobwhuf;s a^tit th«- luture • whodiH-ouruaoand iiaraljze cur filorin by langaiiyimr Ibu utruugiu of ihe toe and our ov\n wiaka.'.-'s, .nhui their -oouthH and go lo work or iau«* up anm ir delenc- of tht* ao;ith.’‘ Again: “iloa unwili iug to work for the (iupport of the war uiu^t b? iiude to 'him der t'aeir muekete aad to the tieid. ‘ We ought to have had this before us when we {>eniied the article in Thursday’s Obsei ver on ^fr. Holden's ‘ taint-hearted" view of our Stute finances. He iii ►elf-condemned, ii;* uaua'; and at* we have no idea that he will consent to “shut hi» mouth," we take It for granted that he «iil iMiopt his other alter native, by “taking up arms in dtjreuce of the South. ’ I'UK PkOHTS 07 BL.OCSADK liLS.M.Vli.—It id well known that tho profits of this buBine-'^ri have been 80 large that millioUi> up«.iu millions have been accumu lated by those who have engaged in it extensively. Let ftay one look around Wilmingtou, Charlooion, Savannah, and even Iccs favored I’egious, and see the overgrown fortune? made by even tho^e wno have Jutiered frequent losses of veasels and cargoes. It i> adtuUted on all hands thut ^tere not more thuu onr vessel and cargo out of every tnre«' is cap- tured, imiucuhe fortunes nro made. It ttus be .-*0, as it uuquerttionably is, it is reasonable to suppose that the State of >iorin Caroima lias made its millions by tlie trip> of the Ad-Vance, every trip Laving been a peti'ect -success, not a solitary lo.>*s of either whip or carj'O. Tnese being the ti»cti, perteciiy well known, it wotUd neem to require no httle of a cer- HY XEX-EORAPH. ntFOiTft OM f&E ragds assooutiom Glonous from Vtrgtnia!—Kalkiuh, Jnly 2.—The Confederate this morning issued the follow ing liullctia: " “We are indebted to a friend for the uso of the following Hv>r received this morning, conveying in telligence of the most glorious results: ‘‘IjrASTON, July 1st.—Dear Sir: 1 reached hen- to day after 2i days’ journey from Petersbnrg. 1 don’t think the road will he repaired for a month to come through to Petersburg. “All the fighting for several days has been on the Railroad near Reams's Station. 'I'here was a heavy tight there yesterday, in which we got the advantage. "The city cannot be taken by Grant. All seem to be confident of our ability to hold it. The enemy continue to shell thiicity every day. Some houses have be^n badly damaged, but few persons killed. “The enemy’ti loss since the fight rommeaced is thoneht to be 20,000 Oure 1,500 “(Jenerals Hampton, Fitz Lee, W'. H. F. Lee and Chambliss met the yankce raiders under Vr'ilson and Spears and killed, wounded and captured 3,000 men, capturing 1500 horses and all their artillery, 15 pieces, all their wagcn trains, baggage and am munition. This happened on Wednesday and Thurs ay, near Stony Creek. Also captured 400 negroes. It is said by eoldiers to be the most com plete rout that has been seen. LATEST.—UiiKK>sBOR0, July a.—The Richmond En quirer of tht* ‘^id is reonived. It coutains details- of the cavalry liglit n*-ar Saponi Church and Rpamrt’s SUtion, bawt eii (iena. Hampton, Fur L* e and Mahoue, and Wll- Bou and Spehre’a raiders, resnltiut; in the complett* rout of lijc hitter, ihu capture of about i£»00 of them, iucbid- iny; uegiocs; also the capture of their wagoou, ambulau ee**, 11 Nupoleoii Kun«, a train of carriages and bii«-«ne( stnleu from private cit'zeus u mile ia leu^fch, tojijether with clothing, silver ware, kc. It report-J b^.' prison t'r‘» L.'it Si!eiiros waH wounded in the ligUt und iliat Kautz 18 in our pos,se3i»ioa disj^uircd a- a privatt. IVtersiMirg ptipern of tne 1st report no lijfhliny; iu the front, only the u'sual bombardmunt. It was thoutjht the eu^my woul l ojw*n a territif tire ou the 4th July. The eueuiy made a feifblo a^.saali ou Colquitt’s aud u deinon.^tr tiou iul»rari«- t-front, bul were ea«il\ repuls4;d. N'> fear- ar»« »-iit.rtaiacd oi ihe losiilt whL'a a gt-ueral enj^iLgeiac-nt ttike-> pi.u: •. Tlic puopli of l’i-t*-r-burg are tiopetiil. frotn (he late ’^tchmun'i —liKKii.vrf* boro’, Juiy 2.—The Richmond Lsaminer of the iUth lias boeu rer.eived hf're. Tuc situation of afiai."« around Peteroburg in un changed. The ouemy have b« n ba=y smce Tues day btrengthcninif thei.'* Imos oi* •.niri'uchmentt' and gradually **xte: ding thoui to the Pelerhburg ti. Wt-l- ion Koad, fellimf trees for thoir protection. Grant io evidently preparing tor a graud attack. Deserters irom the \aakee fleet m James River, lyiug below Datch l»ap, ca;m, up to Fort Drewry yesterday. They say that every man in the Monitor Fleet would de.-icrt if opportnnity otiored. The yan- Kees are removing the torpedws in the Jamt.^, and al»«) removing the obstmotions sunk by tnem-selves at Treui H Reach. The depertera «ay that the fin from one of our Rams ha^ seriously mjured one Mon.tor, wnich wan to sent to Fort .Monroe for repairp. U'-i.f)'!.' 'fto', July Ii.—Xl.f Joci-jifti ha:' the Uich- moad vN lii^; of tti:; Uuili, waicn coaiaiiH tiu* followiug di-j>tt’ ch rts'eived ut th>; W j»i: l) .*p't from Li>c Hk-»dq ui a N V'., ,Iun-* — fhe tat'iny i« appari-fit- Iv eii,:i-4?'i to-day iu .iti'.'rtfjtheaiuij iii.'i Imo-' iu Iront of detached ty^pilaek HunGer, if so. Hunter in a dlfflcuity. Qnless moTements on foot In other dLreotion4. Qraat Is ^rtandii^ hia llnai rm tiu^ L-il His plan; oon template a gMeral assaolt with a '.iew to obtain sion of Petsrrisafg, Kaleigh Weldon llnilro»ii, and ont oft supplies firom theSontJiorn ur ni^. 1 av- ha'j strong lir>i*s of earthworks defendin)' the trati. imd a iioavy forci massed behind them. 1 ii(* oth [y:mke>* ] anny corpp ha^ lost 1500 unee croesing the Jamos Tlie Maryland Constitntionnl Convention on tlio 3Mth passed the followinjy article: Hercafu^r, in thi;* State. tin*r>- shall be neither shivery nor involuntar} vrvitutle excpt in punhihment of crime* whereof party haa been oc iivictpd. All persons held to serrlrt; or lal«>r assla>fsftrr-. herr-by declared free. CJongress has adopted resolntiona inquiring »f Lini'oln if any person has bwn anthorizel to iniluce men to ea- igrate from Ireland and Canada to enter U. H. Army Navy. (io!d ou the *Mth was nominal at '210 to '21u. GOV. Vances appointments High Point. Wedneadsy, July 6tii. Salem, 'J'hnrsday, yadkJnvUh-, Friday, * T rap 1 ] ilL Saturday, Dobaoo, Monday, Danbury, Tuesday, Wentworth. Thursday, :ui. 8Ui. &ih. llth. 12th. Uth. Ral. Confederate, 2d. Mr. W. M V'fttorlinry, the efficient, attentive, and olv ligliig telegra)4i operat^jr at this place, has, we rfgrol to learn, i-esifi:ned his situation and will return voluntarily U> the army. '' hile we can bnt admire the patriotism t lmt prompted him to this step, we regret the necesaity that inHufnces hun to resign a place he has filled with so mneh credit and efBcien«'y.—N Carolmian 4tft iiut The Crttps.—^The Wheat Harvest has commenced in this section of the State, and so far as we have been able to ascertain, the yield will be a good one. The weather has been favorable to the maturing wheat, and the grain and heads have filled ont well. In moKt places the crop ifi rather thin apon the ground, and this will shorten the yield in comparison with last year.— Winsion SefUinel. The Ratii on Camp Vauce.—The raiders who made a descent upon Camp Vance did not timonnt to more than 150 or 175 men. They dest'oyed the Camp aud all the buildingb except the hospital, and robbed every person they came up with They burnt the depot and took and diotribnted everything, i They stole all the horses aud mules they could find; three men we underiitaud went to B. (>. Pearson’s and were in the act of taking some of his stock. when Mr. Pearson fired anon them, killing one. ^ ^ ^ ,, .. The other two left. They also destroyed the t’ ain rweipts over last year was |122,161 35; expenses $62,- ,he road. W’^c learn that the i.'ji su; profits 8 0,010 OB. Jno. D. V. hitford, Esq. was Desirable tioodc. WM. me INTf RB Offen^or bale: iUlA F£T8 &M1VES and FORKS, a«i«rt»d: /wUl* 40 Doz. Fine 8 and 4 Bladcd K|st«M; 900 Gross Steel P^ne; 125 QroBfl Bl«at Steel KnitiiDg Needlea; 40 Reams Ruled Post Paper, 300 Gross Ag«te Shirt Battcug; 15000 Gross English Bone Pant ISuttc ua; 1 Barrel Cavpbt^r; 2 Barrels Bor»; 5 Barr'ls Epeova 6a!t«: 6Bwel«Alum; I 5 Barrels English Qreea Cojiiki ♦ • 10 Kegs B1 oarb. Soda; 1 Bag AIsp!o«: 'J Bags BIrek Fappcr; 1 Package Saltpetre July 4 4^ B* Atl»rfie ^ JV C. Rai’road.—The annual meriting was held in Goldsboro’ on the 80th ult. The gross receipts for the year ending May SI, were$316,787 Si; exponsea ^ 00,720 44; net profit $21B,0»i- 87. The increase in then at the head of the engine, though damaged considembly, can be used after being repaired. Many of those c.aptured made their escape, we learn, while the villains were cross ing the Catawba river.—Salisbury Watchman. A dispateh from Salisbnry, jnst received, states that; Kirk’s band of robbers bad been pursued be yond Piedmont Springs, with little loss on onr side. Kirk has had his arm broken. W3 regret to iearn Chat W. W. Avery, Esq., who was one ol the pur- ^nicg party, has beci pninfuUy wounded. The band ^ released the Retierve.s captured at Camp Vancc, after stealing all their money Kaix Confederate, 2d. Yankee raid.—Theyankte raid in Onalow county la-t M.ouday week, appears to have l’*'en quito a formidable undertaking. A geniieman from the neighborhood of Sneed's Ferry informs us that two steamers aud two transports came up to New River In'et and sent up the river aeveo barges loaded witn men. They took a number of cuizens aud horst-6, aud pome negroes, which they caTncd ofi". About the eauie time a portion of two regimeui-s of caval ry and infantry, with some artillery, went to Jack- boaville. They n.m6iaed at JackHonvtlle antil Tuesday eveuing. Wo Isarn that tuey lomnutted various depredations in Jucksoaville and in that neigliborhood.— \Vd. Jutnnal, Is^. -Wor^'dB* i'-an/.Jtgu -W*- be^o ti> I- (>y, ,,.y, til. lltl»‘tfiJ «.i>ni*.ii-iaie •! iht? ini t . iU» lo.lotviKg tficml ut»fi;itrft waic’i rt.*..; t..iwar(ie.l l> Uit.Uinoihl, ai.«l »:o[>Uu I.ere Ly iht: gr.'i.-m.i «* »'» irnvi-il :u tni.. n:y ye.triaai: I Ki. Jaic l» vi'. A81«hido(«, Juie 2i>.—I'nteied I I 'tliii I’on id w p Met lur .!nu U| I i JJ «tr Hii, cki»» 0.1 .ind Kif»;e.l li IU I; i.>UiB '-.‘Hf .ifiJ «aj-p i •; iQi»v«.i u> ;*ll Siutilu.!, ^^rIl^l'c,t nJ it ‘I i'*-* m!n. all larif *lp fltc. .Mot- *1 Ifii fUfrnini t-. i .-i ..-i/‘la. :itCKed >inrt ■ uroJ if'e my, f ik.nc p.-innen, ‘ioie.*. ’tnd iStW hir»ei. Burnt ;..vfrn«>8ot d;|>in. fcc. Mi.veit .tt II i/cUirk uy t;e>ij.-UiWu U> e.ofin:-Jjilsf H »rv Ah* i«>rcmt n 'Urn » l«rg.t I iiirtion->f iiu'I **.!. ■•>>1 l; i.iipd tU« U»wo s-arren(Je«eJ .‘tlKI iiiir. uci up «t i o'cIikK iroui Cinrinu.iii: rapt iie.1 ti lu, *i.vtl ..n-l .’oOv) jifn-.iirr*. ilicee iwin* m luii ,v III »iurts. ^c. i*Iict*e.»Vi»riu ilkti,>,’»'*l ItKi r.%iln'A*i t/c ».». en L>-i ajt-.n •ul B.ijd' ui. >fi 0«,'t J«. kios J»-ir.>y«il ihe .n.tiiij.il Km ikiuti ?i»il L*iingtoii * aiit Ca.jper l->ui« l"r .ilicaii.miii-.d t’r .n»Sort. Ctrr. ii- i. -A .\Jay«i me. fei.j/h: r«dv 'I"'! oniioa^ •'inll? l f ihp y U. I.. .STA.^T'>^, A .-I Gen. profits VC elected President. Dividrndb.—The Bank of Fayetteville has de clared a dividend of 6 per cent, and the Bank of Ciarenton 6 per cent. See advertisements. PcsTi'ONBMRNi.—'Fhe sale of imported Koods by Mr. Cronly. at Wilmington, was postponed from Thersday last till Wednesday the 20tb inst. See advertisement. W FAYETTKVILLK MARKET.—July 4 KE?IE-tf OF JHK V-^UKET Ko c'tifciff-cs eiurc Tl u'-day, when LarJ was qu^teJ CO; Uaef 1 Go io 2 00 t>Ht lb., retail; Kl‘‘ur, Fan;' • ■y Sjpor $175, Fin« $’85; Oorn $22 60 to $25; K»fl fl’ii; fit f, by q ian.itr $24 tf* S25 bosb. lain hard commodity to perpetrate ttie foiiowin)?, [ , ... . I 11 ij . , I lii« cavalry, atwr repu.sed at ■'tauntoa iiwer whii'h Wi find in Mr. Holdens lesser or/an: J Bri(i(?e, on tha ^iOth, rjtired ia direrti.ia of CtiristianH- lor of.Viirlii C.iroiiua ha« ’ vill-’, whare tbe\^ cauiped 'hat night. >'ext cisy they FUQdral Serv.oes —Tae Funeral Sermon of the ue L! B W THOdNfON will be preaohed by iicv d J T tluifoa of ibiiB towa, at the residcoen f i37?relt Taorntou Sxj ar*ar Newton Samp- jof r?ucty, oa tl!»* TFUHD SABBATH of JULY. I'ritDia and aoquaintanoes are invited to^^tend. July 2 46 td Kt'llow rUlit'Di of Cnniberland and Harnett. J'\ ootapUautJe «i‘h KO:i0;ia»i0£)E mkoy frico-.iB, from I ftereat psirt* of fi« Uoaa«r/, I acaoaaes mysfllf a tni^datp to r»p'«’»»rtt yon In tl? S;n»t8 of the next egislatufe y views ia regard to tbe great and vital > of ih? day will be made known whnt 1 appear t>.*^ re yan if our ob'i serr i, 4 K. .vj -i'ANIEL 4Vif i HE St Art WoKKs.—Aaiing the docum.-nts «at.ujitied lo the Legiilatun- at it* late sc.-sion by Gov. Vikii.-e, v^ere two i^purtr from 1). Worth, ii~q , State Suit Commi^.-sion.v, Wiuch >ire a h.j^hly ei.-ouraging vi.-w ol' thii «-uivrpn/f^. Th>- ;:rf dat=4 April 22d, th>- puriicalura ol the rr*oent yaaxee raid, which reeuiled u; co;.,iiderttb!p d'imago to a part oi lhe work.*, caoam? .- ;n.- delay i;i work- .ug taat pu." and'i of KiJ to f. pa:' ;«(r. Wo.'. J • 1.. .1 o».-- Oi Lad Tjj in»jn • ■arr..;d oil'by ih-:* yui.Kcc even ■ >;/•• I ■,{ mg gone wiiiing.y. By tiifc rev;-.'£i'.i ii?pjrt, dultd May tith, we learn that the workb proda.cJ b'i 000 buahels of »alt during the year ending April 3Uth ls64. It has been eold at an average ol 75 per bushel ot 50 lbs., prodacmg ^}4^0,50U. The average price of ealt of private manutacture in Wilmington during the year nas oeen jsll*. I’he saving to the people has thus oeen, in oue year, >t>'J7,5UU. To which should be added, ?iyT,0W5 bT, tne balancc of a^seta and property over me cost ol thi woriis, saowiug a profit ol b*y4.5s)j t)7, without referring to the vajt saving during me previous years of the operation of the woras. This large profit has not gone into the Slate Treaoury, bat it hue cenainiy oeen realized by the people ot t’ne State iu iha iow price of salt,— abdweiHiv ^>Jd, geasraily by tie poorer people for mny vi ti.-j ». fre ai^it ,o pay high prices have st»>>a allotvi 'a-s po r to have the enure btaeii. i....: ssit. iiJi there is still anouier condioci'u....i. ii 6u6,e had not made aad aiitributid these oudhels, the avetage price of B.Ui made by iudividaaia would probably have been 825 or or even more, making an aggregate d.fference of even millionB of dollars. Tbe amount drawn from the State Treasury to put up tbe works is $100^. There is due for pro visions, labor, 4tC. 3'^.^)”^'* Total ;$liO,Tb7 78. Agamst this there are cash oa hand and duO from counties, agents, &c., t.ait. provisions, mules, 4c., 81^0.883 15. Balat-.ce iu favor of the worki §50,* 005 67. The works are iu good condition. By boating in stead of hauiing wood, Mr. W'orth expects to di-j- pense with at lea.it 20 two-horse teams, and reduce the pricc of salt from |J13, as at present, to SIO. His great di£cnlty is in procuring corn and forage aud transportation for the salt. There are about 270 men empiojed. .\Ir. Worth saye:— ■‘My impr-f*5oP i-. thui niIl will b^^ very scares and very high tjesort the u*";t pork killing re>tio:i. At le^st ihre« fciirt'i* .>f th» jirjv ivi w >rk- on this ooast have toJff finre f.'i>‘p‘*nd'd. on uccouat of scarcity and difBjul- ty in obta'iiiiag !-appii;i- .iud labor. a>id tbe loaj; diHtance they have to hau’i wo.. Ihe-*.- d.iR’ultio- and uiista^'U'' incr»*'i'e ^v(‘ry day. Ttit- prsteni mark'-t pric>‘ t$25,) wUl not indat*" tht-m io r-*>-nm> thoirwork ” The ent«rfri.^ft iiu» of.eu a f^rpat blt-Msinj; u> th»- State, aad its uiauagement could not haw b^sju en trusted to bf-tter hauJK than Dr.J. .VI. Worth, first, ^d D. G. Woith, E.-.q. hub.,ftquL-ritly. Lticr. Jos. A. McArtui p. Wp uro jw.uf, to state that thia bravp ofllrpr and .iMfivtMily popn- lar gentleman is not a candidato lor thft House (.f Commons His name has been aDriuun''id fu; by his friends through the Ohserver tor honi*- we.^ks k * i n «Atr/>r-Cl)o Cmit Ti if m. ^ .1 It i-i th At t fi.* I ch'ari'il tor ihn .Stat>r r.y l;i- importatiou ui.jveraent ;i),77i.t6,S.— Aujut!.! i,nrQtmi( a »u ■ Thi.-i !■* iiof so. >>;i r’np contrAr^ it would uik- \ nmoh lurgf-r sutu t p.iv tbti .State mit. i'ho i»i)o\i» is taken from a >;t.rtt>*m.‘iiL j>nbli^hf.l in ..nn of iK- iio\pra»>r' orgaiid, vshicti wa->>;oiU'n uj. f >r Ple'tione*-riri^-j jjurpoie?. Ttie ac-viutit-* nn* nut .s*'tUea. and w.- liujijn.-c no one can tell how tiie .State ilot** -taad. t*kActiy, f-at tin* lu--it in- iVjriii;?d all sprint- tnat trie must ultiiiia;t;ly b* \(«ry ne4*\ v. *bir bon.l^. ar^.* ouL'ii*udinjj ia >'.uroj>o to i» lar^e aiuouut, whloti iiiu^t l«j red»*eai**l i.t t;old or it-^ e.^uiv- al»*nt, whtif the .Slat" “ti a'ii-r .id i’mnct i-; to /Iu- n'pe, it S!»id, tor rejmirp, t)e a^«ini for month*, wtille the r.aUri'-- ol'otHorrr* buJ orew. to 1>« pjiid iCf;nd are going on. The steamer may return ia three months '■r "iue may never —■ioine ai’e of opiui.m never will, a.-f tJiere was out oae Nortii t7aronai:ia on board I whca ub'.* lel't 2Ca-saa. vv a di^n\ r »r.- wti.ii they tuink I iu Aii^ii'tH, but we teli iiie peopi» of >.»rtu ».arouna tniii tai'gblofhaif running' Oi- .'r.Mi^ijt .-'ui’.e ■•evcral liiliions Ml d>«ot, un'i ttia.* ttiej' wij. Khvo t" ti>jt tbe biiis.’"—Xtihtgh I'royrtl*. Now these are strong assertion'. I'ncy are made in the face of an oificul Sut'iinent by .Haj. Ujwd, the State tiuartermaster, wnoae business it is to knoio all about the matter, and who reports, upon his re.-*pon!iibility as a sworn oflicer, tiiat the State has made ^b,77i,46B by its blockade running opera tions. Which of these authorities will the people believe? The Quartermaster, who keeps all the accounts? or the partizan Kditor, wuo makes bold and bald asseriions.and who, if we are not mistaken, persi3tj iu keepiug from the i*eoplc tne said tjuar- lermasler’a olBcial Statemeai? lustead of publisn- ing that Report, the paper ventures to "tell tbe people of Noi'th Caroima that this blockade run ning has brought the Sute several millions in debt.” c..ntinutKl th“ir march t-jWrtrd.- Li»wronf‘vill«, and part eiuta;npei last ni^bt 3 ini e^ .N'jrihwe^t of rfia*. piuco ihi-y appoar to lx»in .kin : '.lujir way ba'-V to tii« liiaia body of th’army.■ Ji. Jl. LEE. Tne Whi^ a '.he ‘ anke-?-* iDftJe four ar>«av,lts upon iur breftstvvorko ;.i tr.e »-.>ro ^a'-h litn** tiandaomely repulsed by our siiiill fcr-e, ami fiaally con viuofld that Ihev could not tnkt^ our breastworl? thoJsfn HAKKl&l), At L«o:kwood’rt Jbolly, in Brun'^^iftx oounty, N. C., on iat'ir.toy the 2.'>ib u.t., by K. V,. •Vood^'d'*, L«q., Mr. kiSlU.N POtVrlliL of BUd-n oouuty, to Misa ANN »i.\i{l.\ liuOA'N, dangtt^r cf Capt. AlfY*4 brown ol Brujswiok county. W« are aat orlic^d to anooonee Dr. «¥. M Ol UMuoii., now a«rTia|[ as a Lienteaant In the Canfederate Array, as . OB.adid«te (0 ropreseat ihs eoiiTit'.?.^ oi* Cambarland *nd Hiirnei.5. i* lh« neat > egi*la«nr5 JaTi»2‘. 4ft lOtpd sant BlKl), In Ricriin Hid couuty, N. C.. M-»y ^vh, 1864, n=ar Pica ct HUi Caaroh. ilrs. I’ti.VS'-’ilS SL’HGI.'fcri. relict ot defended by a le 'r ni4itia th««y J- ft, pcr.>u9d by Gen. W. j ^Vllliam Hurginer d/.'Xiased, ia tha TSiU y.-ar cf her a?e. I)B. LkaCU's ‘ BLOOl* or ucmamtv" HIOZE.v bv Mb. Holdb.h Dr. J. T. Leacn. Holdeuite tneuioer of Cotgrestt from tbe -'id CoogreBniOiiai Distnct, publisher ;a the lait Sundard au addr«0i to his coa- sUtoents in which occurs tijo foUowing paragraph that ujuai have deltghved Mr. aoldao: "Go*! forbid that 1 should ever endorsa th« last man KDil last dollar principie uui«w from dm a#cessiLy; the idea alone is enough to froere the bloofi oi humanity in tho heart of any cnristlan.” Now, who froze Dr. Leach’s blooJ^ And how long has It iMjtMi frozen'.' Tbe following paragraph will prove that Mr. Holden, Dr. Leaoli’o particular friend and candidate for »ovoraor, is tifce guilty par- IV, and thffct l*r. Leach’s “t>looi uf humanity” has been iu a aiat« of conirelati .m for »*ymetliing more ’vhan three years;— Krom Uie Raleigh iStaudard, Mhj 21, l^t',l. riia.- 'he Anuiver«3rjr of tho Mscklcuburg I»,-cia- rutioa of ludepeudenctj gloii*U'ly c jlehrate-1 by tne dele Kut-iH of the peop’c in • >nveuiion u~flemb'ed. Niorih 'Jnrolina ha'^ b..." u “low to a-;i. hat sin; hae acttsi liually H. r, I>H-. who . ame up after ths n-l;'.. Oiir lou wa.1 wouadifd, 1 mjrtaliy Hunter ;n tbe Valley did darria^r. X/i crop®, «jx- pV'liD^ tl. reap th«ni himself Many *cti of outrage and rah>M-ry wore oorDniitt.-.-l lluQter’.* «li.'r^aboiit® is not Htated. Cipt. .S. .Maury hs-t hf-i?n ordc-Pt»d to the ronimand of the iron clad Kicbm >nd I'ti-eeabaci^i iii Ai»-.vnndr;i noil at s 5 t'lr f' in j^old. Our car.-ilfy fouijht »Vili3on’-i on Tu day at Dinwiddie C. H. Coni'ederalc nuccejbs. un MfdnesUay, at Heatus .-^t^itioQ. R"-ult not known [.Sf-*- Isitr H-'count-* of ff’.ori- ou- \ictory.) Wilmixgton, July ‘i.—The Journal has Richmond j a- pers. At reiersbur;^ on the 23th, the usual I 'iunonad- ing and picket tirin;'. The eituation unchans»ed. Lines of the two armies hI some point-s not more than •,40«t yds. apart. Our troops are in excsUent Bpirit«, much re freshed by the rain aad cool weather, which has also iteeii tivorable to the wounded. It is rei>ortod that Burnside's corps has g.meto Wa?h- ingtoD. A captured yankeo Lieutenant says Grant i-« f^oing to tear I’eterMburg to pieces with shot and shell in a day or two. Gold was quoted in Sew York on th>* 26th at -i40 opening, cloKiui:. From Georgia.—Mahieita, July 2.—There has been very little mufckelry firing for two days past. Yesterday evening the enemy attempted to erect a battery iu front of tien. Cleburne’s lines—with the intention, it is supposed, of concealing-some demon stration—when our artillery opened on them. They replied very yigorou8ly;and,with«iligbtinteraii83ion, th«^re has \>een constant shelling along the whole line up to b o'clock this morning. Mabiiitta, July 2.—There ha* been the nimal skirmishing to-day. A Yankee sergeant and 2 privat«ii, whose times were out but uot allowed to leave, came mto our lines to-day. and report the army much dispirited and averse to prolonging hostilities. Many, whose limes expire in July ani Augast. arc determiued not to fight. Yank‘d acc'jinut of the laic Georgia figh(s.~~ Masiktta. Juiv 2.—Late Cincinnati papers say that during the skirmishing from the 15th to the ISth J nut^, Sherman’*; lo.'ses were 4,500, as shown by the official records of the medical Department. The Chattanooga (iaaette of the 29ih contains the following dis^at-!i from ien. Shermai^. dated June 28;— ‘•Yc.'»terday wa made an uusnccessful attack upon the enemy 3 position. We lost Ijctwcen 2000 aud 3000 men. Our losses were particnlarlj heavy ip officers. Cien. Packer is reported mortally wounded Sh‘j W4« a coniist* n’ roembdr (it t^ic .M. K. Chart h for iJo or4J vri. .Shi leftfe!* one daughter and mj.ny relatives and irir’ii'i'-: to mourn their ‘t'-M, '. it ttjoy n»-.i not mourn ae thr.e who ha\e no hope, tor in her );fe ‘■he ad.rned the doctniie of the Bible, ;iiid la the Ian iliut;gle »e was enabl’d to c*iallen^e dcS’-h for in ■•tiag, and the ^-rave for ite victory. o happy -istcr, dweil in light, ,\nd walk with Jesus cloiLe i in \vhi'.«; .^afe laad*‘d o i tha p^'ac- ful ^hore VVh ;ro pilgrim'' iiuOl lo pail uo m>ie. Low. la Chatbain county, >>b th? 2Tih ult., of con^esti'jn of the brain. Tutl-! JuilNNtK .M \V. only son of J. O. and .\. J. Fou-hee. a(?'M H months and 7 day.**. Johnnie i.' au Angd, Gone with Christ to dwell; Kree from ^iu and sfirrow. i’aiu he'll never feel. Gon’3 from his dear parent-, But to his Father. God, He is a shining Angel. I’erchcd on the throne of God. Con;. AUCTlOir. OV Thura.Jay nex*, tae 7 .h inst, th-j s«a -s cf th« bal ance of tht rrop»r.y of •be la** PuoKa XlcSs 1! »iU bt con inued ia Fay-»* ctdle. Tho UPtI0L8l£K^ «d TOOLS on Old itrcct, ia ircnt cf fcia>-e «»t 10 A. M. Siiue d*.y will bo sj’d 1 Lar^ES Strone Biilt Timber Wsjtiu; I Four Uorsa Wagon; 1 Toree Borae do; 1 Two Horftfe dc; 2 ’’nBgie-.; 2 Beis Bugey A’tT-^ev, 2 \tilah t'oWa witb Y au is t'aUeir; 2 BorfCf JOIl.N U COOZ, A-..cfr. Jaiy 2 Tkresher with H )rse Power for Sale P\.RTIEH wii'amg tJ putai^ie woal« da «;e‘l to -• * end fcsa it iu o?'>ratior d-rin? U«r. of thia wpcI 0 f*'tellcat >1 *chiE«. It week Werkd T-*l' with oof h''r««i JOHN KEP.SaAW. •6 t s-uch a ^facridce go Htli LVKl D'JU-AR AM) Ut.R UlST 1 fho'ild b»i requir'^i at her hands.'’ Of course Dr. Leach knew very well that Mr. Holden was the originator of ihix blood-freesing idea, and his denunsiation of it looks like a s^y dig at Mr. Holden iu relaliaiiou for the abuHe rd'ilwssrf*. L^;ich and Turner which filled many i'svue; ot the Standard a few yeaio ago. -We h.'ivr PK'D past, but hft if* DOW a seviTcly wounded p' ln-HX'r Fort Monro'. E.-*oland IHE Co.sn2i.La\CY.—Our renders may recollect a rocenl item of English news, that Uiftt government bad sent a commis-iftner with de spatches to the Confederate government. From the , • . . fi.,- * 1 IT I ('ol. Dan. McCook, comiEa’tdluga bn^a.le,and Ool. ■A ■ thiuL K't- n« actod wij-u.y Kice very ^eri''UBly wouuded. C ilonels Cradel aad loril) Li 'T Ur*j Wltll Of I&UQ I •" k /* I ^ ehl wU make go.d her act of the tiOth of Mav i8t;i. w.th Armstrong killed We took a few prisoners, but ® do not supno.-ic that we innictt'O heavy loss on the enemy as they kept behind their fortification**.” A'^iditionai Northern News.—.VtLiANTa, July 2.-— Til*' Lon is ville Journal of the 28th has been nioeived. tinerilla operations and fights continue in Wps*ern ; Kentucky. Al.-io, boats can no longer a?ceud the i Cumt)trland river, the trovernmtnt bein? unable to j protect them againat jfuerillas. J Tho Waxhington r*tar of the ‘.feth eays thHt firant’s * woi ks f.o C'»ram.ind iVtei’s^iir^ and the railroad aa to stop ail 'tHifinoou‘ t»jmmnnie.uion between Riclunond and th South. So lon^^ a.‘» Tyrant elocts he can hold tha ».n«my ther*-. He care mov- Smth with vo drvys’ ratinr.B, and L»*o inn.*t follow or rink h.'»asy engagement on unfortifi«l ground. .Vn arrival from headcy^tora pvitq Grant’s loss af over 10,000. The Sandusky (Ohio) Refjieter of the 2.3d bays th.at 1.h? I'obel ••on. -\rcher has been transf^-rrfG from John son’s Ipl'iod to Washin^V.tti. aud tvill be pent to General Fiieter and placed under rebel f\r& xn retaliation for the tr-?al«u(5ni of the Union Generaifi af. ('har’e itoti. In a debate in the lloriS'' on the Ifith on the propor.od J'tly IWt. Veriioii SemiiiHry, MIMiRAL bPaUiGS, CH TB.'^V COI V' V, N. 0. The text "assioa of »h:3 i'chool ni’i couaieiic^ ca tfce l-;t of Scpteiab^r. Lv^ry d»^p».rii'.«c.t viU le ?ur- mloi with c«n.pt!enf aud eip.r' 'C*.Jn-:rfc‘.;ra g full V'^^'itj ij O lic-f * K Y V7M ;jOOi‘i:.r , Cf T C IKWFtil, l-ayfii^fille N. C S' L, ,*sii-e wUl : e ^ a*. n-,y iir.eenriiit’ tVii' n’f-i^tb? of ^‘uV* au.’' *OvO. i, i ^re.it« ooii-rHur t lir’T- «b 5 t-i.h a ’'ie* ‘ to I e .trir. J :’y 2. etr I'O efl' ;d fff-m Ef -M Kf J’a! Wtic* irt ,Tlu«4ir Teachri*. 4 orNTLEMA’?, fuziif u' b;-nriuJ.'di. n ^n.; . j i\ p*rienc?, 0 fiT.';i.niM > ti- o, ? r nai» p.r. Drawi.if, obiiln s dr;sir^l»'» a- 'tbtni To , C, 4*1 2m We are »utlkorize«. to aonounc^e I., .-v. PoWliLli a «aai ««v tot a seat la the Uonte if Co>^*oio"^ of tii« n»it O'tte^al Aisembly of Nortk 'arolin*. from tbe ooan'y of SunMoa. Ju’> 2. We are autberized to announce ?0i O DO «»0*Q.i.JiiaB to reprsa.-m tae :ouaty of in tlie Hou?* of f’/on»«»'oas of the enst:!5? L?yii!fttur« of N. C. ,!iily 2. We respectfully nominate GEORGE S tOLB, f.:r •- O’.ri »”.i t^e it^par or Oouri, as ftoan- lilve to \. p-*». ’I: M j.r-' »n i M 'n'gomary ooDatiei in i -ua .f .bB tjsi* L!gisiainra- W® hJk*» waited ?0T MjDtgspsag i*vs eaough; the oan»*«J b«- gim ir. ft ftw Wa hafe two Holdeniles in the and we ha*-» a Vanoe man t***t is abla to cc-t*ad with theni MANY VOTERS. Jane 28 Without Sollrltatlon of Many atlieos, ont iroL’.t(;•*• tf' • r eat an i deep lausreai in oar cauHs ari: country, ari iheie isysi nu jftudidate from Mo»tgo-’ae»’y, oeiv a flnpporter of v'iUiam W. Holdeu. aiid Colanti W. B. Riehardaoo, uid John .\adraw Darrett, of Moore, botb Holden- ites of the worst grit, 1 anaonnre myself a candidate to reprofent (he.Conntics of Moore and Montgomery in the eanate of the next Legialaturp o^ Nurth Carolina, r\-J. the promise th>t 'f iSiustgodRry oonnty shall aT' k candi'^ate of her own of the right grit, in 10 s.ya from he publication of ihia, I wiudraw my name. I have no desire to be a member to the Legielature, tad bopB I ehail nerer be a oaadidate a^in My plat form is, my oouatr^, and to aek nothiog but what is right and submit to oothiog that is wrong. I am gainst Lincola, Holden sfid the Devil, Colonel W B Riotardsoi*, Johu Andrew Barrett or w&oeTcr else may .*dvr4^*te taeir oauae. The God of Heaven has no mere to di> with waging this war upon og than he has «ih a highway robber, killing a mav for his money, «cd we are fts much duty bound to resist the one as iha other G^d does not favor unholy luet ct cowous- ss Of rogoeiebncsa, in time of war, any more than in titae of peace. We ougot eyer to remember Aohaa with fcis uoHen wrige *nd Babylonish garments Ocd wi'l not leok on icit^nity w;th allowance If mr own e3f-le wc'c all j oat and pood men we wcuid hava noth- tcg to f«ar, but might sunmit onrsei«es and our cause •o God without fear of what man oocld do to u»; aad I be beet way to get an early and iaating and glerlona e«oe is for every one of os to g*t onr hearts rifr^t with Qod and kee:' hU ooicman'menti, to do them; then we would be tto-e safe aad more j-iyful, laufhing to the lice of cur enc>Iff; thrn we o* nld be neTet bowing at their feet, »»ai our i-aemiea wju d be made to knew that G d is j upt at d good and holy^ aad that be wcnld never -^uff-r tl e rirhieocTto bn moveJ; and If neorssary we TigV, like la thful Abraiiam tho sarraut of the L)rd, rjlat tba Farae tliue the master of serTants, go out orr et.cni’m to batHe, tword in hand, three kings isaiast five (o? Generals ei’her;) or like the good old .b: iat i-tn hero, Josihns, shouted down tbe wall of Jericho, .od pet ctir .iB'lfpcnianao without aabmlseien t« our or l.egglapof the;^ t^rms of peace. I huve atjt dope more taan my duty in this war, yet I ba^e laid u»t tit:.«s and my tai. anl haTO £iten to •lur koldif.rs and their faui'i--^B. ncre than a thousaad li-'Ui'-s ♦. yearf-r tbe.=e f''»iT ^earn I am now 66 years cH. i cLa’.ier.fad Vf. W H-.Men. i»et Beptember, to « eft hi*" at h.b o«^ set lirr' iu F^itijh, and go W'th hi-r. t o tho war I iit»er plead ti ider a«e aud 1 ekali 'i-'ve ■ pi ad c^er age I am sltU t ady I am for Z B fjr G -twefarr, only I -im mc're so ia gooierespaets hat be >fl in should be eScoted the paople may ro^t 1 e-iftH rojtard tfce honor and *igh'» of my eioBTf J and fifaie, aad rspeoially the soldiwa «*nd their f^n ilirs UARKIS TV80R F.ir Paren. Mot>ra Co . Jn'y 2. 4*i £AGLK rOVBTDRTt \ FayarTaviLLa, ^ v . J.i > a. *1-^. j B AEK HOW PRKPAEED TO RECEIVE t>S- dera or RAIL ROAD WHEELS of >be fallowing aixei', t s: 24, 26, 28 aad 8b iuco Also CHILLED TIBGS Tbe Iron we shall use for Seu will bs i.OLD BLASr CHARCOAL IRON, and wc var- rant otir wheels NOT TO ’EACEL, and to be equ».l to agy made in the Confederacy, or to thos^ of Whttney k Honi of Philadelphia, who«* reputation is so well kaown by a’l Rail Ro*d Companies. We have the best facilities for transpnrUtioa by Steamers to Wilmington, from theoce to aay pan cf ihe Co"fe'*eracy. Orders respectfally solicited 46tfl D. AND»fB80N & TO LilKT OI' LETTERS REMAININO in the Post OfBee at Payeiieville, N. C., Jane 30, 1864. When called for please say they are advertised. Mrs Catiiuine Allen 2, Mrs Ann Barnhill, Craaey Ballard, M Martina Baie. Owen Ballard. Mrs Louy Bowdea, J F B.idgers Miss R B'-yant, F Briig«rt, Caivin Oulhreth. Mra Ma-y M B«’n, Gray f air- elotk, Mrs Snsaa W H^R Raloonb «t, Jno heliomt, Mra Sarah Hinsoa, Henry Hubbard, J*« ^ Jaoas^^*.. Jno D Jackson 2 J H Jeroigan, Mrs A C Johasun >>>rs M Johnson. Et-kirl M King, Mrs Saraa B Krjg Mrs Pallia Little, Miss Mary Little, Sophia Lee, Mt-s £ ana K Lambarih. Mrs Mary A Murphy. Misa Winn y Mar- t ae. Misa MEM mroe 2, Jao A Martin. v»rs I »bella Monroe Mrs Hattie MoNeilL Mra Ann MoNa'.*' Mra Polly McMillan, Misi Ann MoQhee 2, Mias Eiiocr Mo* Call, Mies Mary T McDuffie, Mrs Wm MoSair, Mi«« Harriet MoDaaiel, Mrs Margaret McU-’Ugald, Ni.jI Me- L=»od, Miss M T MeNeUl, Jno Mo Pnaul, GeoP >tte Miss PolJy Pernell, Hector C Paul, Miss Laviaie rtoUvas, J W Rogers, J C Robertson, M?sa 8 A 8imm D W Saanders. Miss T A Smith, H W Stmpaon. M-» M»laey J Thompson, G W Tamer, L R Tuli, J 8 Wt bo'll M>S4 Sarah Warden, D J WUUams. Misa Mary A Un-let w»oi, Henrr R Wren. JAS. Q IX>0K, P. M oN-iUV C.I HoLDKN’b riTREXOTH IS lliK Eahx. H k'tter from EAmlon. which .'-ays:— •-»ov. Yanco will ir^t a large uifyorit_y of v •; iii viilfl . t of the Su»te. There ai-.* but ten? r;>-. ni-d ' ' ih-v ur«* rao=tly of tbe ‘-Ilntlalo brei'd." :^alnr: letter nays: "i urn i;lat U> t»ay timt the cHj.nii-« of I’ly/imnU. 'l- uo inncti U) rolifive tbesj wat.." r-, but tio'hi^u;, ‘Oinaur «tlv«ly flpeaking. to what 1 hO[H> iwl bih> './e v.iJl l>e before long," iov Va.V>;K i.v Moor^ t^ovvTY.— A i-ltOf IVoin Carthage say;— i^ainln^; ground, nnd by ttn; nl'ifti-in w-- ^^ill be at)l.j vo »{ive Itim a handsoni'i raftj‘ii*it3' in Vloor-', >ioldenit«H are down in the iiioiitti. uni ib-- tnoio htii* irijuif!'; ifi iii>» anriot. .1 laeioe. tbe jT p! ^ ^ ris'Uior! p?r 01 tiT^ «>d,'S- Bos'd p't ifi'>F!tii~-a.li r.i*7*bb tti l-rc o’ as r"ii>?er\r;> it,. 'uw at cld --&li t ;n iMiali’rd fc'dkTS clU'ifvB ic e^&c-i soi- rgfd l;) tnUlvuT I'. .vo':Ais«lLl, l*'‘i»ai{-al 46-1 td .Mtlta, Juijr I. To ihe \oUn orKicbuiond &nd BobeaOD €oaotlea. By till' fiilioits i *n 0! n’J^nerons t itiisaa and soldtera, LienL J P- MoAaTHU.a, C^. I?. 40ia N C. T ta* 3ou.*eBted to bfaosio u >’&&iidiir to rerrsf^snt the Se^.afo'i :l Di:t7lct o? Rleh.aairi and E>'oee>p ir. the u'-.’St v&tv7f i/ W..rin Cai'olis’a. H b f3iitU*B axt. A. 7ig-'>'oi.i prttef'iiiion of ibe war, uiii*! tfce South is f:tf tr m yin'"rile ani ;rfiiiT.ce atjd in favo'*' of .-ny ^.^pa»•ITe-■ wLieh teivi to the aoo?nspilahjuen*. of :i»at 0'-^‘t Lieat jJoArtbor has beea in the Btrvioe ►laoe ■'..arty rar*. o' (be sa.., a^d h-«f weil stistainsd vhe cb'iTRfilsr wkioh ii6 bore amoBg ki# at • christ*i»« g?ntlenan «»er readv lo die It appears that thft C-'minaml'^r oi the Feder-il K : k- aiini; Bq'''.«iri’n ott Chnrloston r>^-reaiptor;iy to a;low he rommiflsionor to pnt»*r that jtort. -r,. ... , r-.turned to Uf-rmnda. where the British Conanl t.ok ^ hairman of the R.>lief Committee, ir.ai anotbor bar- n.s di.,patches and forwarded them toL.ord Ljon,i itt | rel of Flour has been presented by H irns Ty-.Oi^. VVe are ra.^ le.mad to st.Ue, by 11 L, Myro- jr, Kso,. , eliarso tiiS duties faitfifuliy: au'i s icnld tl:a cit 2.ns Bank of Clarendon ftl Fayett*^Vllle. ecidier* -of tbe l>’s»rict enuaet him with their JWLV I, 18t)l \ I btts-aetB in tbe Beit L^^uiiamre, we feelasearei that i>IFH>E’VD ISO. j sK>tbin*r will be left unions? on hi« '» ^ I ir'-’kT.'! I -t . ii»«s .iv-^ .«;oi ! fc nr.-.- i intfrrais, witloh €X?er;:'Boa,eetwdj idg-netit,dl8«fsiti,.n I B»n" -I l>'n 'etel of 'V pe» " J «'"-i3k, I gind tV« me. eaalt^d pfitnotisni aad lo^a of b:H tDijs oi the dr.ft-law.Mr.j.^^^,,,^ lo the -•rv.1“^ ior'., i.i Cnc 1‘ry'a lJ.>eruc ’-n ^ on must be put down: It , .J Tp.*st:.’y r-fi _ ^ 5 CTTl/ .>« AMD BOwU.Eii'S n(»i hweaf if not in .Oyi'ar=. in iO y* If! >.■> ^ ^' r-"?.>l> 0 rt t; ,'} J J eould be iiiH:ie to-ddv ev«ry r-i-ipible raan kaowf^ 1 i«. could DOi Wt fiO (Hays, ’f w« rt' O^ni/e the t'^^nfe^'iv ? -,te ytftt' ’ n iri.-itiact n.vion. e’tienii,;!^ from I’le }V»- ’ I .'I'aftf to !b^ ' r«M, wc may o.\pe«;c iiiu.-der ana e^ery \ binfc repeal of the eonimn'atlon clan-n . ^rheack of Ohio n.od the n'lxdlion 46 7 • T.d W'vnrungt ..a. 11* lormailv requf^sted permifirfion to lorward them throagh the lines, which was refused tn 8award, who said “it wotUd not be agreeable to tM C. B. for England to hold any interconrse what- *v«r witb tbe Confedatatea “ Ljoos laecklj anboiit- ^ th« uimU» M onaJi Esq. of Fair Haven, Moore county, and tn»t it been iliatribnted among tike ti«edy families of M,U diers. Mr. Tyaor'a liberality ia not confined to ) ila own countj o( Mifbberhood, bvt haD a buu K At N» w VorV on tho 2?th c:'>lo op^•.p.^^ at 31 &, declin j ■ r to 21't, advaiwd on rlo^ini; to ..21*. A fnlHioi. j ^U rl r_; tX.'hf-nt^e f>old a‘, 2o9 .a new t urr*5ac\. i tioit osBuno, *TtrL7 3 — Th^ .^tite Jocfnat LiS th»^ ' N. y. Herald of the 25th uit. \ Ifi “eituation" artiol« says that PoBte^ Las g(ma on an expedition up Jamea River under nrotaction of gunboats. The ironciada are expected to vake tiMir sark. is tha adwaaea on BtehntoDix HaMBTCiycateoefMMtiMl Bwfft .1 wutram iH- Ba^get auiiOHiiees I'-viT sjf ?!: ifi'«t'¥ Si ih-i.r^r » Oina dai# for '-i>e «Jftao of 8up riur f^S I K.l. B S-W f f.oi3P0a, Nortt; Oa-olina. He sp'lK ur.. rotgM-a will tV s , f,;-»d% if they wi’: eUot hto he wiVt serre i. »iid 1:1 i_'l.*ct t.'i ‘i '• ‘^ '1 • I I , f j.;g .ts ha i^iiia-'let-do fieli ^ijr- MOTICE. THK Tlthis Payers in upper part of Robeson Cofatj will meet me at Moas JSeok Depot, l2tli, IHih and 14th, and at Shce-Heel Depot 20th, 2lst, an* 221 ef this montJi. Bring In your receipts and *et a final reoeipt, for all they bava paid on ta»lr tsUmates Per sons failing to oomply, ar« I'abTe tc have their Mttma.es rctarnsd uncredited Bt orJer df Cai'>t McQOWAN, Post Q. M. 4h bist N. 0 B 8TAN0IL, Q. M. Capt. C 8 A. July 1. ^ 46-^22 NEW&!! NEW BOOK^i! (ODR OWN PUBLIOATIONB.) JOHNSoM’8 Common School Arithmeiio, US 50 The Dixie Elementary Spelling Book, & 00 Tha Jack Morgan Songster (f60 per han'^red,)! 00 Love and Liberty Son^ (IMO per hundred,) 76 (The above B->ofca are jast frons Ihe press.) Primary Geography, 3 00 York’s English Grammar, 2 00 First Book in Composition, (by L. Branson,) 2 00- Hill’s Poems, (by The H. Hill,) 1 60 Morven and Linda, (by A W. llangum,) 25 Dixie Primer, Pietori^ 8d Edition, 60 First Dixie Reader, (by M. B Moore.) 76 Myrtle Leaves, ('>y ^v' A. W. Mani^m.) 2 00 il^^Tbe abo*e Books are xold at ^ off '..o th. Trade. Other Block oh ffand MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. Hanten’a Piano Forte Insvruotor, Lander's Arithmetic, Bingham’s Latin Grammar, Wesleyan CatechianL, No. 1, Weeleyaa Cateehism, No. 2, Lansdell’s Camp aad Field, (by Dr. Joa Oron,) Life of Stonewall Jnokson, Tbe War and its Heroes, Model Letter Writer, Riral Administi^iona, Seriptoral Views of National Triala, Romantic Bassagea ia S. W. Hiatory, Dxary af the War, Siage of Vioksburg, Saaday Sehool Bell, Sabbath Sohool Wreath, Plowiog and Ditahiag, Fan for the Oamp, Camp Jester, Neeley’s Disoonraas, Dr. D^ms’s Sermons, Moral and Religious Aneodotes, (8 voli ,) The Age—A New Monthly, Soutberu Literary Messenger. StouewaU Ja9k3%>n’s Portriit; I>r l>?€»Jie’s Portrait. • trrote's History cf Uroeoe. (12 toU .) Uatiorofl’s “ U 8 atcs, (7 tols, * Abbott’** ninetrattd Histories, (eaoh.) Sj*Giid Ye»r of t'ua W*'*, Monntaiu Violet, (by Rev T M Bakoi’,)^ A. few Chestnufe for the chilireu, (by C'c;e Cbariufi.) A Sunday S.hc^i in t»efy Choreh, by It^* B MaaW. Words ef Comfort, (by H F Buckner,J Robert Cushmati, or Ihe Biv»l Students, The Lbtie Prea;tier, (ty Uncle tharles,) fdre of H T wimbarly, (t-y t'ocle Ch&rJaa,) ! fttonewall Boo^^s'er. Soldier Boy S^uxgKier, (Jetton Field Melodiea. MlHTAhf Hapcleoa’s Maiima of Mfar, U^^yonat ISaerdlse and Bkis^liia Driil, Voluuteer’4 i'ieJd bnd0arap tcok.. General Orders. Warren’s SnfRery ttchool of the Guw«.a^ fJ0S't:U4. Macarla.~ -t'> .iUiss Ivaob, Master William Mitten, uuB'an Adair, or Captatad In £?c»j/04r Ladr Audi y's Secret, _ Rollers, * Harold—by f. ? tij. Klaanor’s Victory, Les Miaerablee; Fanune, «• “ fit. Ujnttft, “ •• Jean Valjeau, R-iits aud P.«}jjanob of Morgan ai..i il-r*. Field and Fircnide Nouva’etfe, Sllw Maree't. (by Mho Briu*,) Battle of the iiardf, 8 CO 2 00 4 00 2ft 76 76 8 00 6 60 8 60 1 60 1 00 8 60 8 ao 8 00 2 60 fiO 76 1 25 1 60 1 00 8 60 2 M 12 00 2 30 2 60 1 60 1 76 12'• 00 b5 00 7 00 (i 50 1 50 1 50 76 j 26 2 00 76 76 I 0*> 1 00 60 vrMf>i L> ! At H I Ja3a S7 i'n Dirtrif^ .Talr 20 & Vi •:7 •/««. VO. ‘ ti il Rti-DEi^. HfrwitT-se. 46 tJ2» ; lo't'i'-1 r f 1.-6 ‘Ability, .‘a he i^iiia-'let i vi .; d3 the battle field, he hopes hi* frien >s will labor I ■> ci*e hiu »u'h e-i-p’oymi-nt aij will fit his mFi.t*%l and •,bv.vc»5 iv^wri ^9M. M BAOOET. ' — - w /vr 41^ Q , ^ iV'ttP G dfoes. June ^6 A Cow andCair s. W. WILLKIS08. 1 would like to exciuui^e m. line IBBOOD MAE« for %caad ®**^5”l5eiMOK I 24 1 ^ 1 26 b OC € Ou 1 60 L 00 6 00 1 26 6 OJ 8 60 6 I'O 8 00 8 00 ii Ot fi 6!) 2 VJ 6 l>t' O \>0 JStiT'Those oii^iag uiKJi* i » be »*ot I'^ t r«as- «”>■ >0”” Ralai^i.. N. 0 JUi> 1 1^; i PAYETTEVllLB, Jl fi. dSO BCWABD. Lost a GOOD MULE, between Jonesh'jro’ aad Sam* i merriUa, marked (0. 8 ) tlM KaU Boad.BhippadtoG^ MaQowaii. PafattaailK