PUSt. IC LAWS iCuA-^-JTKn FkB Y It>, IrtW. nhall bo snbj 'ot to a S3i per H;at on An Ac/ lo A’' i'CrTJorj ? •S' ; I . t' r. n' L’rnit C-trrtfrv v. f/L, 0/ tk^ •'orifr,i-'r,7ff tho aoi.if’rs oi ■ • ' r., ,uc •*! 1? sh:»H be ftllowcd unti* tae oi m H !•» p»i «. V- ev- j ty or ctFecta of any kind, not enmnyated n I • -V IcMfir pr ci ieil n: t>:c fsor t.hcreof, tax | tho j>receding paragraph, betipi^-Wd times I :o attach to s»id n'^tes wherever circuJatod, and named therein, 10 })OT cont., inj|||nition to .said- bciundablr ixnd • s.c1i:*hfur new ,>j| such pn'Jitfl aa incoH^Mfcuer tue TTca'>'!"5' rvotes. a? ht-riMn provi-t-'d, i«nbj'Ct to aforesiiid. . the dcdocfinn of n:*(d ?ix .fir- ■xtv img onii au'l tt . .,.■ ,1. pr.’-.-^urv i^" i'- ’■ ■‘ftV t:!o Iwd'ds r»Hjfired I'or t]ie uot tof'-d .*>ouJ.-‘, p»)'-;bi. ‘M yt*'ira aff« r tiu ir u„. bi.'a'irg iat(’rPr>r »• >^o nitr of 4 j>cr ecu?. P'.r h''' oum, payable oo cho int oi Janu-ir;.' and July of each year, Sko 1? i'hi anr , irizi^d to in-ii »un iii!;; for in ?!;* prcot'dins ;>rctio at;d I ••: rh.j imnC.i .'•ati be f;i_.-pared he taay is«u>' cert;fie;ii. s ro r ^hc pufpOr*c. 8uo!i bou'l*’ and ofrtiScat('‘? i-lxal’ bo receivable without inf‘i*- esT. 5n ua>'70onr id ail G. vc.riitnrn: duos pnvablo iu til’ - fur eiccpt exp ert aud iaip.nt di ti( Sec 3. Thar al! Tteaeury uotea o5'the Uono:^=i- iiiin . jf .! hcarmii intero^i, 'which s^hall :.ot bo presented for f'ln.iioi undei the provixio'is nf ?} .- U : sc^iion -'t ’hi ' a';^-hull, froia and aitvr luo i-t day Apri. litf.;. c±'toi t.*i- Mis^'-winpi ■ h' -r, und the 1st day of July 18HA, vest '-.o .'Ii?iig3ippi, oeajje to be receivable ia pajMitxt ot pubLe duos, aud said notes, ii' cot so presented at :hat time, shall, in addition the tas of 8"i cent? ioij oeed ia the -ith seuiion c'f tl i.-j aet, be Hnbjccted to a tax of 10 per cent, per a'Onth un til pretJCiited; which taxes shall attach said iO'es wheroVTer circulated, and shall hi* deducted ’ • • 'P*-, ry r«-M« ' -nio- i li'I I’ f* (HM.i th-' s-irr«! in t> per rate 8f-stes, j .•\yablo iJO ii‘U'i>.'t payauio soni- »»il i r osiiiy ri.vtiivod l>v iio li:'ed -■.>.• f: tiio b.. }-.eid to have bcou rooeivcd ' iji sc,iJ t-\x. /rhe dis- c .. t'*i. r. 'i - •»>;'jci’J *.«• f^e ? I n !;ij. ot, Misil b'*-— t Tr, -;j,;.y not■^'5 hor.'fi'f.n-e issued y-' r.'f' »d’?7 On the 51H) r ^..v. *v,. 1 ! ) 'ou, *: l>o^ icjcived in pay- ,.j- family to the further value of $I00; bui >iu a 1m: deeinod j,„. onch son actn.illy 0njjjago4 in the III. Oil tlio juiuMtnt ot j- 2r» jHjr cout., luaiie (lurin*^ either of the y^rs I8»»a 18C4. by any hank or banking 4‘0nip;itiy, insiirniiee, ounal, navigation, im porting liiul exporting, telegraph, cxprese, railrund, inanutacturiiig, ilry dock, or other | or injnrii:^, .,r attei joi::t coiiipuuy ol’ any «ie6cri],>tion, j or in'iuro an , hri.ii. wliot.her inuurpoi‘;U!-*1 i>r not, 25 per cw»t on i «*X( C6t'i. Sko. o. Tlie following exemptions tVuin ^xation nndur tliid act rthall b«i alh)\vt5j, I. Property of eacli he id of a lainily to e ^nlIle of and for ea;h minor child iiuy 1 >(»(.* H' Hfi .sl ait d'Tuioi i.' cd by ' o- . -I- ^ X nnd th. M u > S I f VI. Th.it hearing y- v.er ntiot?'’!, f meat of i iMl v-jr.-id rui L>uti.A3 .j{ me i ;er:it^ Sta^> s, paya- tjp.vy, or who Inis «fied~ or been Wc Ac r.«hw,o.,„f » 0 j «ervic«, and pea;>.‘ wuu the 1.iuh*h1 . be^trinijr the lato ot ‘ • ’ itit^rovl ctprc.ificd ■ n their i.ce. p^’.yiHlv 1st id January Oi each and e’.ciy car ” r^" Skc. It Tliat tiio ieoioiary >i tiie Tr» asury j ~ K, ;.!>d I '■ hoveby, aiuhonfed. in * ho oxi- j ^ roporty of the widow ot any officer, al^cs i:{ ir. ' . vr ..0 ’ r ;cj!;lrc it, to j soldier, Riiilor or niavine,- who may have dcL.r.i : • ri i ; r IT .iifor w’ao.so doLt i'lied or been krilcu in the ipiiitarv or naval •d ‘‘lifl act,; service, or where there no widow, then of ■ ol in-I the family, heitii; minor children,. to the s. c - -Ty ! 'kIi Vftlue of $1000. iviiiuu ill y 'tuxvati. v aiivi who wa8 a meniher of the faniijy^Miiioif he ! entered tlie Korvicc,. to tlie fnrtljer value of pay f'l V .-Vi,.. ■ ieiutu- pv'^'lic m'.’y t»c fCtit; .■j.cd o i willing: h) r; c*-i\f 'i t- . • • i> debti.*!Q', ««, fi> bo i-i'rv. J *'y form 08 ho jnuy dei rn i V*'>’ “f, nftrr r itiSca'ioii f'* Uuitcd .Stitot, biiarin^ officer, Soldier, 111. Property of every veL.rs aciualiy engaged in the •’ ; biiiht) mar HU i nuiitary or naval service, or of such aa have at. x!! ! beeji dif*>*bied in nuch service, to the vahie eaaury riie heerci.vry^ i f5K0. • IX. Of crtnspiracios, or attempts to liber ate prifeoners of war lield by the Confederate States. • X. Of conflpiracies, or atteinpta or prepa ration • to aid the enemy, XI. Of persons advising or inciting others to ai>andon the Oojifederate cause, or to re sist the Oonf.-l'-rate Stat!8, or to ivdhere to the enemy. XII. Of unhiwfiiHj burning, destroying >r attein|>titjg to burn, destroy V hri.igo or railroad, or tele- gniphic. line couiinurn'cation, or property, with th(' of ai-liiig tho enemy. Xlil. O! trowopahle designs to impair t!>e lailit '.ry i»o\v'cr .'f tho Government by dfStro''ii!:i;, or alteitij'rin:^ to destroy, vessels or iii' U'., '>r nuiniti !!;b of war, or arsenals, fo'Hi'Iiies, w or *tho'- ^irojierty of the 0'intV';io; ire Sl.aicej. Sec. 2. Th«; President nhail cause proper officers Lo iavctiiigate tho cases of all persons so arrC'ted, or detiiined, iu order that they mn^ be di '-charged if iiuprojierly detained, thoy c;mi he speedily tried in the due C(Hl,r«ij3. of hl A’.^ 3. That »i;u.ing the susuensivm afore- fealti, lu* tnilitriry otlier o^cer shall be C‘»nij*elled. in uni'wer'tti tmy writ of habeas eof^>ns, to u|.]>ean fn* persf.m, oi- to return tiie w. ' ■■ id ci im but upou ioq>ns, to u|.]>ean fn* persf.m, or to return tiie viflj' of any pel^otJ or psft.uns detained by dm, by the aiitliority of the President, Se- J, - — ^ V. , - oi.ric«.‘r l':u‘in i; ch:ir;^e of any one so detained, tliiit Kijch j-tu'soii is detained by him as a ;;r:^'oll;i^ any ot the »:unne5 hereinbefore j ^p!ici{iod, un.ler the aul.hority aforesaid, fur- funded or used io payment oi taxes a't the dates I-"*- The heerc..vry^ I ri - i v be assessed x'ahio exceeding ther jiroce ding:? under the writ of habetis and places prescribed in the 1st section of thi.s thoriz^d to inciva c ji;! iiuiahor id (;ep. ;koriej so i whyi\j pro}>erty hftfi beon injured act, there 3hall be levied at said dates and places w meet the rajuirciaec’ • i f this ai:t, end with j or destroyed by the enemy, or the owner I of 33i ceata for every dollar proruiaed on . *hat view to employ s'.icti of tho hua.;, ->f t‘; ‘.si-v-1 thereof has been temporarily deprived of the !aoe of said notes; said tax shall attAch ty said eral u.s he iuay Jetiu cx- vdicu.. - | use or occupancy theroof, 3 wherever ciroulatod, and shall he o^lleoted . {^EC! IG. The Secr:t;irj ol the TrcijUiy >hall : of cnltivatin.'j the same, cducdcir the .same ftt f.hn frAuinrtr iti: forthwith advp'-tiue thi'i Aot in r.rvosT act, there shall be levied at said dates and places a tax of'"* the iaoe notes by deducting the same at the treasury tories and by tax coUeotora, and inent offioero rcoeiviog the saiae sent«d f jr payment or for iiiadiag, or ia payment of Oovomment dues, or for p*>staf^e, or in ex- or of the means bv rciison of the cui’i'ii shall innaediately cease and remain suspejuied ho h ii^ at. this act siiull continue in force. See. 4. Tl.i’ ac; .ihuli t.'ontinue in Ibrce for ninetv h>vs nft.'r the next 'oe -ting of Con- shall be liable to be placed in service in the field for the war, as if he were betw,;en ti..- ages of 18 and 45. Sec. 8. That hereafter rho dnMo‘ .f j*ro vost and hospital guards and clerl».r>, :\Md ot clerks, guards, agent ;, onij.'loyecs ■ iaf>0!' ers in the Commissary and Quart';! tci 'o Departments, iu the (,)i’dnanc(; I’urf-.^* . and of clerks and em]>l>yeej of nuvy a*'; a -, also in the execution of tiie cu; >u^..j.if ;-.ct, and all similar duties, sli dl l.u; by persons who arc witliiii' tiu! I and 45 years, and who by the i-pori ;■ Board-of army'surgeons t-hall !*=; r-jf i as nnuble to perform acti e .»crv’( ■ "i field, but capable ot‘ perfonnln r ?o: lo ‘'i' :!r above said duties, sj>ecii’ying u'iich, ' when thcbe personr^ sli.il’ h.;ve ' U''.'" to those d'ltios iks far as pr.'ct‘c:‘i>! ‘. tl' sidentsliall iV'?si;rn or ;!otn’'' to tiij - • . twice such bodies of troo:;-;, - .r in required to be enrolh"! und. !• '!v tion of this act, n-i nv.xy 1>'? »i‘.-edod for tiie discharge of bmcIi duties: i'rovid‘;d. persons botwee»» the ages of IT rind !n hi.ll be j\ssigned to those l^iovi;k'.d fi^r- ther, that nothing cojTr ^h od in fh ; ■; . be so con.-^lrued as; to )>r(*. ’;r,li.u *-*r ido’i' froiu diitailing !iri''sa:; , ti.u'^diani-.. '>r ;• !- sons of sscientilic t-kili, t'> : I rform in*]' > sable duties in the departajents f - !'Ut>vMr herein mentioned. Sec. 9. That any Quarter master or A-- fiistaut Quarferanister. Coininis.-i:- o»- As sistant Cutnmi^.siiry, (other than ‘ i‘;se t.erv- ing with brigades or r«:-gin;enf. ' i t.'ie iifid,) • . J y \ J ’ r-> ■* A-»- Lrnc- t>f provjpioim, to he delivered by snch person a;> ntorfv-..- : ^jquivalcjii rnti-5. o. Sur-.!i jn'T-son (il)ail fnrtlier t)ind hinihelt • S(t!l the marK>'r!t!>ie hiirplu-. >f ]»rv>visionr and ; h in i, and which he tna'f ' T : -’c-t' '.yhlij iJs cx‘ni*.tion I . ;i.e ♦ V -n ine]it -r ti*the fani- ;vt ori'-i ' li.xed by the 0-*tn- ' i.'t iinder the impress i’l !’ t :;!(y |>ero*>n ex . . -iiV r entitled Lo a ■ t ■ V ot'Mijat '■■‘I: f; ' '•out' '• liU'S • 'ill, ; ■mpi-- ■■’li- : i . 5t!i ,er or ofBeers in the Ordnance Biu e; •r !• -1 said Treasury notes sball be fundable in bonds as n»Tj. provided in the 1st section of this act, until the Sfco. 17 The 42d section . 1st day of January 1865, at the rat of 66} ceuis asscs.-'UK ut and ci ll.’ctioa of t on the dollar; and it shall be the duty of the S*;tv 1^^ 1S63, i,s )i-roby n?pt^ai. «1. retary of the Troosury, at any time between the' Sec 18. Tho Sccrjtary of the Trvasury ifi 1864, T7est of; hereby autliorijjd and rtquired, upon the appli- . - passage tpereon msy reduced in tho same ratio j of tiiis a"t all white men, residents of the change for new notes, as hereinafter provided, and r«l orai*r for th»; ii' f.vn' -uiov f am y ^r.d i’ ^ i. ^ \ • i/ i i ^ a. ^ i ^ ’ i ' m .. I n . I by the di9tnct collector, on satisfactory evi-j Uonted*rate States, I'.etween the ages ot 17 are, licr glial 1 ’ * ( 1. All »»io ac* tor til,, jhiiri by the owner or as-i •■ii’>d rxt, rhall be in tho military service of rtn ! i ^’o: -;dc' ;iU: States for tho war. 1 Skc. tj. That-tlie taxes on property laid See. 2. Th )t all t he }>ersons aforesaid, be- for the yenr 1804, shall l>e assessed as on | >'Vi*en the a!*es of 16 and 45, ipkvv in.service, } . 7”.'— ”..vou V,. cwu uj^uj- tho d'HV of the )>as«age of this act, atid be i'•hall be retv.ined dnring Liio present war the ^H38issippi river, atui the 1st ot January 1865, ■ i-*atiou ot the l.o\dcT ol nay cali (’crtiScai , which, i due ant! collected on t!ie 1st day of June ; ^vith ti«? S., in the same regiments, bat- to fc^^titute and axchange new Trea?ury notes hy the hrst .-.ectiou of the act r,o pr> vide for the , ne.Y'.;., or as soon at\ev as practicai)le, allow- * Uilions :\r>.d cornp-iriies, t>> which fh»*y belon^' iuading and 'ui’thi’r isiu? ol Tro£,.>ury nt)((*s, up ijij*; uii extension o^‘ iiO days West of the I itt '!ie s-aiwage ot' tliis act, witii the same or al fit ► st! an nr.* k t e denomination of proved .>l'a.cu l^63, w.n required to he : Mississippi rivt-r Tlie additional taxes on ; jran.'z.iti .i a:; I oliicers, unless regularlv !^Ztf “'r?; “ '■> ’r';! „r prufitc tor :he vo^r 18U3, iovici ! r.rred „>• .li^c!,:., in aocOT.lanco exwiange. furiher, that the rieht tT noiuer n bond ther n•^cr^ lIio v ovideJ » „ n i " i i n . ’ ■ ...-f' i , • i i I *"■“ ” fund any of said Treasury notes, after the fstdav by «aid r.et. ' ' collectea : NMtn tu-. uad regniations or tlie gov- I service, of January 1865, ia hereby takou away; And pro- ' ~ ' ~ j incomes ov pro- •mu., ut nnny; i’r»vided, that com- j ti.,, c;,- viti^d f\iTi\cr^ That upon all -uch Trefrjury note.-s which n.-,«ty remain ouL.-Jtaiidirg ou the lat'd^y of J4auary 1S65, and which may no» be exchnoired tor 00^ Tr'?u.‘»ury notai, a.s herein {‘roviued, ■« t;i': ot 100 per ceuc. la hereby ii>ir>,>-;ed. Sii;? That al^er the £rSi Jay ci Arri! test, Ml! aittuv^Titj heretofore given to ths Sccrctuiy of the Treasury to ksue Treasury is hereby, revoked: /V(>c!( the Troaaary may, after Treaatiry notc^, ii! Htioh form as he may i -’cscri^'' ) C t - ot ti'.X' :«■'> i>.' r' -' irc“ 'rri'*d i t i ' piraWc t.o yc»r, .iter tbs: af .re:'..;.; ■ .f , -r . r .-v c .i.r ,'r "‘“'’-'V" '"" T""- of Doaoe w:ti the Uni:ed Sates. FUid new i^^auc- c ’ • •-v J..*], . ^ ^ ^ or * ' • . .Ilf,. the tax act ot ISCa. Si-x;. That ih-i tax im}KH-ud by thi-^ act • \‘‘y' ! ',!j }K>nds >>: ‘lie Oonl‘'v!eiare. State.'' )>ereto. i(Ti},K -'jj-rt si.ali in no case e>^ceed the in- X t J J 7 J ’•, , o- , * 1S04, sh:d! be assessed and ^cttrUj ,,.l!ccted aJ.- : . n-* t-. thu or-vision. of the :'r V ;r tav a::d a.s.>. .-nent acts of lb.«J. ^.,7'- t--o (,.‘oiaui:ra.e Sv.o. 7. So nuu-h the tax art „f t}i-i: ith iost m ,f A].i;1 lS6^;. levies a tax ou in- tli'l. ■ • i !■ !u i’5 1 V. I* ;»• tl'H ;.f*r ••tfi -iv J • 1 • 4 4 ' ' L L i.M , csjines derived troju j/ropertv or eiiec's on ro tas csccrctury o\ ‘u'K*iue and ’ J carry on | t}.y value -f which a t:ix is levied easury notes .^all be, and !v,f'^ ! by this act, «nd also the 1st section of said the Socreiary cf J I'. y*’ *' i ^ ! act, are saspenoei for the year JS04, and r t ume. issue acw — ^ ■- » its op the no estim.’ted rent, tiire or interest on pro- of peaoe to ue r‘ t ^ cioept export and l:apvrt iutioj, to be i i?ic'd ir exohan;>:e for tdd ncf^is a« th ■' i \ t r *1?^ xi")x r-' of ii\\: ,.f il. '('to ■ ’f- ’’ . ■n iaLl. », faxe> a3 i''Iio I. r .-f ‘’it- ' lal ' -nixed V ;1. Ji ‘ •■‘.'IT'.' '!here'll: into, 5 from t.',:3 :a.x ou J'loye'^ i '..do.' ' X I’l M .jP rat of 2d'.,* the new for a cf th« old is3uo;, Trhciher ^-Ad o!i notes be .surrcrjered for exchange by th- iioidur. tnoroof. or be received icio the T'rer»urv uiitio' the proTTsioas of thifl acij and tL5 li^jldsrs ol the oow notsti os ot tho ol-i note'?, except tLc c v '!>• deaoiuinatson of ^100, after they :; v; i t_ t}6| ocnts on the doiiar by fhe t.ix ;ilortK.i;c, i]j >v oon?orf rb»; aaaio laro -.'ai! c’. riC ' tercut uc tha rate of 4 per ce«t. j»cr aaau-.v, ■ payable two years after 9 r-.»ti£!>&iio» c! a -.i.j,. of poaoe with the ITnltod H'lli.w %xti ■- converted into new notes Sic. 6. That to pay the expecsos of the Gt>v- erament not otherwi.He provided for, the Sccrt^ry of the Treanary is hereby atjthorijcd to i--jae 6 per cent, bonds to an amount not exj-eding five hundred milliocs of do.ikra, the prioeiDai and in terest whereof >.haii he tree fVoai tr for the payment of interest thwrecc th.. ..wi. rewiptfl of any oxporr -laty hcroJlsr kid ca the value of any ootbori, tob&'30o, and naval stores.) c..ic>' t-k Which shall be exported from the Ooafodcratc which we th States, aud the aet •5roce laid, or so caucc u» pay annually the itit^rsst, arc hereby spec^aliy pledged: that the dtitics no-r laid on 1 Sec. 2 f' imports a!ue oi orot'ojy^ rev, . oi'overv u’lu d ri>nr.‘: IVovIol/jU, TJiat ]>i;nu-i !ro"i ** ‘"r c ;c! tU.. or^' ri! M 1 : •HH 1 ' I ’ . I'-um thu «.f i ;>"hic’‘ ti dischai and : nnny le State, organize*! against j ^ T! exjircased at tl.e time, with j: •;i’. almns iVoiu ;i!i..ther St::^.•, ' or.'.-'.’cgt ,,f l>‘ini^ translerre*! 'ourli sanie arni Agents, or Pri»Voct Al i'-h.ii the fjon'icript service, v,d«* o employ or retain in !■; err porso!! in any of : ueii' said i Imrer.iis, or in a y of the iu’ in the Stii socti(;. of t*ii^ ac% i 1 vi the jmivisions hv.r-.* if. shall, on c thereof by a cour‘ uy\ be ca-'iiered; a;id i* lo])atttne:;i >r ‘ iet c>.: }>roo{' ' V tlie o-*;ii • j' Hi.y that atiy i,u;:h ha.- vi vision. !J..nu’iiiitu!V f- r. ■ from diK -., and lid ' ])romj>t mea nrc.- to ;.uve .»{fen-o; ivi a’ly c-rU;...: »»' failing t“ i)erfor;.i th - • ;*J thi.-’6C‘ ‘ ■ >M. ;-hall - i o;,:.i: thereot^ h; dii^c’.ar 1 IV . Ser. • y - ti>.!ns from :Hi]It;-ry \ % ; I ^j'vv.vd. ‘ nv* : -p no i..' i i i nnd. .' Hi - ?o ’• f \?ar. P:- rd.- ■ r oiHcc .;!! :;er : j>ari -lea* men: i -.t'. arv •- :l 1 - iv\ '.1 • • ilic •o!! 'd’ i-MiV I' M-r., lie 1 II i a.i i ‘f f -n ■ !T*-!l ; : n: ' ur s u ' to tiier O^ H!) tlir,*e nioTithn : I'rovided fur- \ViL:; n the )>rovi- ’1 no; !h; dc-]>rived • ■ . of having , *r i^:b. ist;4. , ■ v: e.xeni, the li- ■; '■ ■ ;,>t or do : IV be satis- • a-:con;it of .t:e t);U-j.troduc- ’• -vi'-i.itit? fjr the ldi*.‘rs. He may, ' d = *ai;', IMj-lJ*;, (>j‘ -l.rl-’; .;'v Service: ‘ ■I'lii CvMSC W' ‘ i •'er>- cr f! 'li ' 'i lod-tait h, )>'' =.v;j ^CiUsiveiy ia i.^e ; »' n; vr _ an\ i n of • ■ >; r - 1 ieh -.e UM‘. w- . • :r :v ■ thy ( ' 'UMi:;;-- V • i' 5. 'rue .*>. : JC; /v ; in i r;”' ;j , , vn such .trl'H;, to s’'fh ;>ver- •- i\ i h--. may lie i-aT- i . ■ ■ ■ c -antry ifi ^ i; : " ■ in mili- ■ u.t ' eAuiU;;Lion ii !.r, planter or .. -utiv t ) I :i;|-lnv in ■ !i, ca’»itiii and labor h:cliti!i Ilf grain and ‘ •■e jvernnicnt aiid t ].> ■■■*. •• i!ot cxceed- i i )f ir~e a)licles ■ ' ^ ■’i S'.ute under •, 1?ca.U;ei' auuit'ir and V i...]!' .vi conipui;y en- ;tiv;n forth:* Government, ‘i> urice’’s aiid c’nj i -yees theieof as !’btnt tihall certify i'able to tlie ellicient i! ^ of M.-I .r , t - 'i ' r. f >l ?P'I he*d bv or tor jnip-'i'S or Jnnaffcp. sf!aI^ t»e 1 l*r»wj» luev-tuoi vr,y^...r^v evt-i^^vcmi^tfVojrt‘V • .V ..11 ■ - ’ 1 , 4 - II 1*1:1 I ficu- .iire slitMi t>e do.^nc od the ntereVt o: t) c cti^ l:v. ’Vt red I i iip'.' ' o'.n, j a:.d V por ccrji 111. Trjt-> vaiae of thlt’. r.ec iotl sltitil IK; ir^'.r'ret va'no 'yf tl -i V,. i.\ in a!i ease- x'rlerc llie »niesiiall not exceel ^tl^ *'•. :l/* .'fu.i it f ike nr-io'hMi ttie U / 7 ff ilijftt-V' /'^‘Us {a y rtIi$! V. Iierejk., iL.e (' >fistilaln>n ^.f tin (!.‘nfed- erat'* Stat -> .>f A’uerica provides in Arti- ’»■ i J, Sectiun ;'.pb 3, tlnJ ‘‘the piivi- j iege of ti; • w 't of habeas corpus sliail not j he sr45j>ended uni.-^s when in case of rebel- '•y /:• • 1 troops', in th i -ai iheStatt!sih wliicii said • u’. od;nnd thosi'ldiers from p'ltiie.- .'rotn aiu»ther State, it ihev i-ieHiie it, n tranat'er , ir. M il.-.M/' t:\vi! Stales, in ' -'crv ice. t utu e.xoiration ol six nioutiis ay *'\.i)ril n(;xt, a boun'v ill;!' t-cnt. Government bond, •t ry of ' .'.e Tieasury is hcre- » iu>ue, wiiull be paid to eve- ■ '•!;od olUcer, musician and Cl le the P: • speeli^e t for Hie ;;r fed era. tni'.v f . 3. Kv I preach and w:;*‘. l*'.« ’ regnlar'y I .y - ’ • : minif".*!ia’lie-ies:v^i- sicians of :-;ylnin;M‘e- i'- r- ■' and blind an i • i th.= ir.s:;;,:?; encli ne.vsjKiper bo •, r pnblis; •y n ‘\>r i;rr (■ja and 0 -U t. en be lu service, or in , qj'this net, and te.eh e Midoyecs as suid u.:u.,i.t..i.Mijh.tl.up«,..d :ornm-ceriilV. on.r./l,v ' ' piv>penv ti'.xed under I mva-sion, the public safety i;;ay re- iiP-cssed on ; he b;it;s t't twi\er,as. the ]>owcr of sus- . ■ , , —• — V. J;o sau>.-, ur siinilur pr... | the privilcro of said Vrit an r-eog- - ^ j perty in tiie nei^' nb>rtiOod 'tH? r^asst’^seo in j in said A-rticl*^ I, in ve-'^led soitjlv ^n ^ VSe^ct ^ hi ease’, where land,; Oougre.is, which i-. the exchwive judge laid ca tile ‘>r t?c.vj lave Wm ))iH-,uecet.sity of sn-.-h sr..ipenRioir, and aval Ptores duy of danuary 1362, of the Oongre;,s, the arttiu trouj the Ooafodcrat«^!the ! land, rlav'o-^. o-ttoTi : I'^^d^'h-es tho suspeusion of g.iid prooc3d= of the iiuport datics toba;co r>itr jr:ed. atitiil bo asse^isod : ^^ Jho existing case of tho invasioK of J thereof n-ay he cecn'^sstry ; I^ricc "•‘itu' ’■ ';ai:i fo>-tiso f; .ue by | State* l*v tho armies of the Unitcl i!it«r.38t, arc hereby specially ' -ic oV;-,io/ i Suues; aud whereas, tiie President h:te asked (.tiat the dsitics no’v laid on j Sec. 2, (^i\ v;;ue o'i \.\\ .'jh;=r;'!j ' inter-' suspension of the writ of habeas cor- ^mports arc hereby pledged a-.d shdl i:er.af-! held I;. .,-:v bank bankin.^ co'nr«o,v nr ter l»€ paid in apflcio, or in sterling oxchant?e or 1 ' • ■ ' >■ in coupons of said bouds. ^ cnual, nr.vig^.ti.ai imj>orting, - — cxpo.-l-ojg, iricurrtnce, .Tuunufaei;mn!,% tele-!* inter-' suspension of the writ of habeas cor pus. fa.nd informed Ci.ngress of conditions of public danger whie.h render the suspension •f tho writ a measnro 2)i'0per for the public I lii'Ci ?■ ■ hi i.'.-Mr Sec. -i. f ‘?'l tl o llJivi.Or h: ;u\ V.; •-ball ih 5 !)c anv j , p.-. S*c. 7. That the aooretary of the rrea..,u-.r mcurrtnce, .niunufatiimn- tele- » measnro proper tor the public hereby authorixed, from tlie to time i riuhoau, and dT-y-docic corn- ^gamst invasion and insurrection; — • ■ ' ' r^cies, and ali (.'thor ioint .‘St vc t comup.nicJ I ”^^5’ » ^ i.v ixuiv^ %kj C4iv j •J'i waata of lae Treasury may rei^uL-o it, to sell or | w hypothecate for Treasury notes ■»aid h-nds, or any ^ part thereof, cpoa the bo3t terms ho caa eq za to' * .'thor lomt .^t.vc t cotnpp.nio every kind, whetfier incn-^.-rated or not, per cent. . ^ -1--—-.^ CtW uj ij-,, meot ftporopuatiou5 by Ootigrona. nnd a:thcH;£^c *>t j ropor^-y t .x\ Uiae reduco and rostrict tho mrount of tho c'fca- > be a'tecsseti i ^ • ation in Trivtsary cotes withiu roa;/inablc mo market value of huc.i -r, neighb-..rhood wlieru OiiO. 8. The bonds ‘ tion of this act mav b, pen hondi?, as the parties and thev be oxc lai: ■■T tOi^ asib oi The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact. That during tho. present invasion of the Confederate States, tlie pri-''-- ilogo ot the writ of habeas corpus lje, and tlie same isJicrcby, H'.:c.ipendid; but snch su.s . j {lension bhall apply only 10 the- casos of por- 1 cm able cot ioc; than 30 ycfira from their dat«. 8eo. 9. All cjili esrtifieates shall be fur-(i?.ble and shall be inxed in r!I ro?ueots m is -,r(,^idr.d for the TuMury notog into whi^.h they arc con- vortibic jf cocrertod. haforc tho time fired for ^lag the Tn .-wury !>ot’3, .such certifieatea Bhall from that tiras iutevPHt upon only 669 oenta for ever/ oohar pron?Lsod upoa iheir fa«e, and shall he rodeamable in n«^ Treasury notes at P»8sa;^e of tliia aot no caU of Apriribw ^ of (i/-;p03it .shall ^,V0 *t4 uenc5;tors tho l^adu uuthgrized by ;ho trat action of lhi act la eiclr*agc for their depo.sits and si^cdyiug the same on the bonds Ly some ^tiactive mart or token, to be a^.reed upon with tUv Score.ary ol the Treasury, then tho said do- ^itor ahah be entitled to redeve the amount of w.d bouda in Treasury uotas, Ixwrin- no intercut ^d oute^nding at the passa-c of this aot: /v-«- ti.0 9a:d bonds are pre?-ptjd before tho prtviieee o( lauding 3--,d t.otoH ut r^r sLall cciii^ J heri’.in preacnbett •Si''? ' I'hat all T t Tf of £5 shall oouUi} le i *“ P“/'aettt of p.jblio duos, aa ' Y’’!* ,'vt par coder the ^'OVi^ty.n. ...jis act;, uutil tl,e fimt of July 1864 PJIY- I * ~ ' , i 7 ,tcix upon money abroad to l>e assoseed aud collected according to the value thereof at the placo whom the «^ax is paid. II. lTpi>n the amount of all oolvent cre dits, and of all banic hilh and all ottier w.- pei-d issnod as currency, exclusive of non- intereat bearing Confederato treasury notes, and not employoc? »n a regi-ilerod Irasiness^ the incc'tae derived fro'u which ia taxed, 5 per ceiit. Sec. 4. Ui.ori profits made in trade and husinesc, jw follows: I. On all ]j>rofit«s m;;dv- bj' btiyini^ and sell ing spiii'o.'Jb ilquois. Hour, vi lieat, oq rn, rice, HSgar, molasses or sirup, salt, bacan, pork, hogs, boef or beef cuttle, sheep, oi.ts, hay, fodder, raw iiidea, leather, horsea, mules, boots, sho-is, cotton yarue, ’«700l, woolen, cot- tjii or mixed cloths, hats, -wagoua, harnose, coal, iron, steel or nail/,, at any time be tween tho l?t of January 1S63, and the 1st of January 1865, It) pfer cent., ia addition to tho tax Oil such pr-Oiidts as iucou7o under the “act to lay ta.xcafortJbo jommoadelenco, an'f c'lri'^' on tiio Govommoat of tho Con federate States,” app#- >vei April 24, 1883. 11. On all i>roliti ran.^« bv finvlnt? and 11. On all prolita. foad© by baying and eolliag money, gold,! ^vor, toreiga exchange, stoekg, notes, a«4>ta, or«di^ or obli|(ations cf My kind, under tlie control of the President. * ft is hereby declared that the purp)so- of C.m- grc3s in tho passage of this act is to provide tnore elFectually for the jmblic safety by sucpeiiding tho \/rit of habeas corpns in the following cases and 110 other: L Of treason, or treaaonablo efforts or combinations to subvert the government of the Confederate States. II. Of conspiracies to ov^orthrow the gov ernment, or conspiracies to resist the la^ul authority of the Confederate States. ill. Of combining to assist the enemy, or of co.nmunicatin" intelligence to the enemy or giving him ai«I and comfort. ’ IV^. Of conspiracies, preparations and at tempts to incite servile inanrrection. V. Of deaortiona or encouragiaig deser tions, of harboriifg deserteVs, and of attempts to avoid military service: i'rovided. That in case of palpable wrong and oppression by any' 'subordinate officer upon any party who does not legally owe military service, his superior ofUcor shall grant {iroiUDt relief to tho oppressed party, and the subordinate shall be dismiised from office. VI. Of spies and othor emV^.qaries of the oncmy. VII. Ol holding correspondonco or inter course witit the o.'je.'uy, without necessity and v7ithout tho jx^rmisaion of tho Oonled«> rate States. Vltl. Of unlavviul tradi/4g with the ene my, aud otiier offeucea agf»iast the laws of the Ck>ofedorato States, ea«4tV> to promut* tWr maMM V Hit |« ^?n to llio poraon or por- ■ (■ . =i‘h>d to roceive by law 1 ; o..'; '' tt no oMo;^hall be \ iu, I provided who I , cufii;!:: tiie period of six ir' . ilie.- aNi iSi-t day of April, h e :!inirt!id without leave, '.at iio por.soii shall be relieved ■rr n.ia . .1 tiiid act by reai}on of • :*>tA;fore discharged from tho » disability now exists; nor ji/’Vo taruiehed siubolltuioe 'Vi'e vo.iipted by r^sasioii thereof; pi-rs'fii, tiercLoloi'e exempt-- t;d o;i d iv::igious opinions aud who nat. pi'. ‘ ! j I.-:; I- , iod *:■> rolieve him from service, bo rc uin;.i t.o render military servi.jo u; -or this Kot. bc j. 5. i’l’.a* , li white male residents of tiie Ccr t; uc' - L' 6iate;-, between tho ages of 1* and lb and 45 and 50 years, shall enroll theuiselvfs at srch times and places, and U’l.lor buch r. 'rulatioii.-^, us the President may prcsen tne time allowed not being iesB ta;ui day^j ibr inose east, and 60 days lor those west of the Mississippi river, and any j>eriiou who shall fail so to enrol! him sell, v.-ithout a rcooonable excuse therefor, to b'3 ju.';'j'l o^' by the iVosident, shall bo placed in service iu the field for the war, in the S'.i’i’.o m:’,ni.er as though they were be tween tfie ages of 18 and 45: Provided, that the persons mentioned in this section shall constitute a reserve for State defence auc detail duty, aud shall not bo required to portbrui service ut of tho State in which thoy reside. boc. (i. That all portion.^ required by the 5th soction ot this act to enroll tiiemselves, may withiu 30 days after the passage there^ of, ea?: of tho Mississippi, and within 60 days, it y/,cst of siiid river, form tiiemselves into voluntary organizations of companies, battalions or regiment^., and elect their own oiiicors; sa'd organ 1 ■nations to conforni to the existing laws; atid, having so organized, to tender fheu* seJ^'ices as volunteers durin>»- the war to the Prosideni;; and if such Qjjgun^ izations siiall funiish proper muster rolls, as now organized, aud deposit a copy thereof with the enrolling olficer of their district, whicii sliali bo equivalent to enrollment, tuey m-.? be accepted as minute men for ser^ico .u such State, but iu no event to be taken oui-oi it. Those who do not ao volnn- teer and organize, shall enroll themselves as before provided: and may, by the President, be required to asseisible at convenient pla ces 01 1 en*.ezv^o'.i8, and be formed or organ ized into compaiues, battalions and regi ments, under regulations to bo proscribed by liira; and ehall have tho right to elect tUeir comptuiy and regimental otiicors; and all lro(>ps or/>nizod under this act for State defence, sh-\ll be entitled, wlnle in actual servicc, to ttia same pay and allowance as troops EU)W iu the field. Soc. 7. That any persoti who shall fail to attend at tho place of rendezvous as required by the authority of tho Froaiden^ witlMat « to of ill* ’IK 1 I ■r'i- .out . .-■.tl p. iita'■ 1 i ivided f. trar;tcr shul' C Jr.:.- oft’ An.. il.i. to the publicutitin of such 1 public printer of the O-snt'fd^ (■iovcri;J!ie';u';, :\,nd such j n.i; 1 .-I, ;, ers as ttio said public pii ',cr ; ' r , j on oath, to be i:idis)H;nsMb.. t * :• ' : ’ •' t'l public printing; one i*;- bed each apotbecarv btoiv, l.ii v a ness as such on tlie loth d ;y and has continued pnid ij> :• intermission, since that p'Tii.ni; ail plivjii- cians over the age of oO year.-', hu !u>v.' nr'‘. and for the last 7 years have been, in tho actual and regular jiractice of tlieir profes sion, but the t«rm phy^.ician sliall not in clude dentists; ail presidents and teachers of^ colleges, theological seminaries, acade mies and schools, who have beDti regularlv engaged us such for tv;o years ucxt'^b'.;ibi-e the p^sage of this act; Provided, that the benefit of this e.xem[»tioti shall extend to those teachers only whose schools are com posed ot ^0 students or Tn>.'"c. All superir- tendonrs of public hospitals, established by law before the passage of thk act, and such physicians and nurses theieiu as such su- perintendenta'shall certify, on oath, to be indispensable to the proper and emcient management thereof'. 4. riicie shall t)e eAemj>t oue pereon as owner or agriculturist on each farm or ])lau- tation upou which there are now, and were on the ls‘ day of Jan y last, 1*5 ablo-boilied field-haads, between the r.gos of 16 ;r.id , upon the following coadilions: 1. This exemptii^n sliall only be grnnted in cases in wliieh there is no white male i adult on tho farm or plantation not liable to militivry service, nor unless tho pcr3v;n elair-.- ing the exemption was on tho 1st d.ay o ' Jan'y l-St)-^, either the owner and i.iana.'v^i’ or overseer of said plantation, but in no c'Xso shall more than one person be exempted for one farm or plantrtion.. 2. Such porsoii shall Q.V6t e.xecaie a bond, payable to the Confedei*aie States of Amer ica, in sach form, and with sucii ..ee irity, | and in such penalty sis tho Secretary of V/ ; • may preseriije, conditioutja th!.>,£ he will de liver to tho Government at r’o>.aj railro t-t depot, or sitoh other jdaco 01 plac j z r > i;i:m' bo designated by the Sc.;retary oi Vv>;r, within i:i months next ensuing, 100 }." un i.j of bacon, or, at the election of the Gov«;a ment, its equivalent in jwrl:, and 100 lbs. of net beet (^said beef Ui be d . li/u.-ed on t'oot,) for eaca Hvie-bodied slave 0:1 said f.u’rn or plaixtatiou, within tlio aoove wk;-- ther said slaves m tho 13ehi r :v»r, xihi* said bacon or pork ind It-v' : for by tlie (jkfvernmeiit at x pr;c-s lj.\ by tho C*>mmissio'ie *- 'i riij ,i.c uii-.'. impressment act: iVovideU, taat iv; ; person thrus ox.ompre i L^hall produce- - it : ; factory oridenco tliat it l.as been imooc.:v.h-: ■ ' for him, by th.o oxorc-Je -.‘f proper di:;gouco, | to forntsu 110 amouiii of meat tb .13 contrac t.- : ed for, aud leave an adoqiiato diioply tor tiio I subsistence oi tiiose living on ti;e said fi%rm * or plantation, the Secretary W-.i shall diiwt a^ooiomatation of n]^ cai.m, to tho Ui^rgpfir^i^ -‘C '■ O] -M *>e !j iir^j.- r ; ^ J r-ni-uad: Provided, that t j :•... ;i r.i) exempted by this '■ n> ' exc.*ed one per- icli road in actual use ; I i - ^ exempts .?• ' 'iption, ; w; iiave left the . vrp ,i.y, r who may ■ ' ^ 'Oiitaiiied shall ! . ‘ % act approved ’ ■ ■■ .' ' 1.1; aat to ex- ■ “ ; the mails oi : ^ dnvert* ol - . •uilitary ser- V ;c exoin]>tione •;; .. . . viily e atinue • • e. Ml, ■ a’-e • ually 1'^ ' i;r 'C- ’ - - he is : > .*;t •’ v>UIs, under . r ' ^ - be issued r .-r fpersons .i*.= • ■ - u* frotn the y i: V. he»'e, in his I ./ ai, ‘ ’ ecot;.dty re- , nj.. revuke such - .1" r?: .''links proj.*er: ^ .ii i gi-antcd to ’• -;T' .;is and exemp- r ’ ; "■> authorize the .r- . r-: fbr V . - V { . .j t J tliQ Gov- ; ‘ iract, uuleSs • • rv t’e dvj artmeut ma- : ^ e- r ty that the pcr- •e. e; f " .r are iudis- iiu= I vn:t;on of said contract: t lAt whe^i any such cou- , d 'i:5? ntiy aud faithfully, ’ ' proceed v. ^ i uie i xecuiiou of such con- tf.iCt, hi.'' \c='.ptio'i or uttail shall cease. Sec. i*J. Hi.Xi la .) ^ninting local boards of surge* •;!- t. ” v Kamiuatioii of persons 'iable to ni. i>- ; crvicc, 110 member com posing tiio SLirdi i,^ - jlntad from the county c-i enrol!*lig C; irlci. in which thoy aie required to make euefi ex-m-nation. Pa»c Ofio3, Fayettovias, Ii. C., | OcTOB.f R 3, 1863. ■ii Dfj^. 'a.-.; of iAv' MaHt al t\u Oiy.et. t .* A SK.l.‘?!BOflO’, \c. rr 1 . I., .iv, escepi oaaiajr, &(. i». M. i’-p-ii-'s (Itti;;, cxct, ■ u P. M. II i^jJJ.IMERV’^ILLS. T i .- 'rijr ^Q,l F-.-^.lay at 6 •\rris s Wf * i-^sdjy .ad *i 5> P. 51, •„’» i\Vv’?nLiKTON. - -i.ti.y 1J i*. aJ. OAKra.^GE. A.-riii V iuCt- i i ga uriay it T^\ M. -'cfari. , y via.'ii" '; ivxJ Friday at 1 P. M. c :r.R v’v, t?. c. -'T.v.’a Tac3ia7, TLarVi / uui da'uri^« at G P. M. ou;> .y, T i ’sJ.j rtui i'r.u-~d»y at 1 P. M. Fail!- liLlTi-’? Via LL'•i3£RT(»N. A .-iv. 1 '.urdiJ^y aaJ t-i;uri.iy at C A. il. L- \-"s .- >i>. .i ,% i’- t- IV i Ximr^irsy »t 1 p, M. r :'!iC »>a. I. ulZ.iUK FIITOWN. D. .Ti i .Mosaij. ’.upsiay a,,ri iriai/ at G A. M. A '. ii 's lu.;3.1ay, liurdiy aai 8aturi’.y at 2 P. M. Llii:: I'tEPIlTOtVN Vil Tr-BEUINTH. ' tjn * i7 f-.:, I* M. U V -fiiae a.^y (AT at 6 P. M. .\?AaN;oiii \ ri* ‘vpasas gp.csk. ■. ^r. h. i‘ . .-t3 3-=:n; aay if uviJUy) a( 2i P. :>I, Ifc’f ISL&KJ via MONIKO^E, COVINGTON aad roWELUt’ON. >-rn .-e ' Tat^ctUy iit ti P. M- : I'p -ri3 vyoLi.oiay e.i U A. \L aVTIFf liL.MtD via TEOY. ; i lajf at tl P. M. “'‘r,''L'ec iay at 11 A. M. I t .y.u : i M , are oloeed the even ' . I a;i I^ irrs to be seat off from > ; I ii by b«i paid for as if - ..ia. lAjrop Sot t:i3 aaciild bo pro-paid bj - -Tui ba .I'p-u on duaiay fro-a 8* to 9* A- jas Q OOOK. P M. Arri % I •V mri£f snpply tt whialsMlt .* fs -'OHS ’ 3urts .' * .si!::.i>fa (tmPiNf, . of sucoo>-; iful operatiou, with . 1 £ vjcr hulct upoa poblio oon- •c .'C hTi S ofaU hoaKliy per- of • ;,r one year, for ser9a ■ nimatfcri taaring laiheprotitit vJ ye-\Ti arc insured for for two tkcir vaJut. 'ly paid witaiu 90 days after . ^'i. . : ( aJ.ur referraa to M 'I-.- - V va^ d.-atd, aai to a. . T;.-I, i^forc; iry, K^leigh. ii. j. J[AuL, A^ont at ft ,eiu.*'?ilio, N. G fmr mt tkrnom^

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