fAYETTEVn.LE, N. C., JULY 7. ^BlII-W.BK vol.. Xiv.l PUINTET) MONDAYS AND THUR8DAT8. KDWARD J. BALE A SONS. KDIT0R8 AND PROPRIETORS “rise for the SemiWe»kly Oasmvvn $10 00, paid in kdvknoe. for the Weekly OndKKVKK 3St> 00 p«r anTtnm, paid in Adruoo. ADVERTISEMENTS inserted for f2 per a inare 12 li.iM or lee« for the lire*, Rn»l one dollar for each Biicoeeding publication-. AtJtertiters are request*;! to piate the nuihber of inserri«»ns l«flired. or they will be eeattnue \ till forhitl. and ohargeil aeuordinf^ly •AdyeirtiBtiiipnlH iHjuMnjinl charj^ed »^n»*w nd ’••rilMinent*. COTTOW CARDS, !¥o. lO. The PAYBTTfiVILlE COTTON C \RD MANUFAC TURING COMPANY are uo(v«iauufactariugOARDS I superior to any run throngh the blockade, and at preHent %re sellinir for a less price the Biiigle pair or by the quan tity. Any person ordering nix or more pairs, they will be securely packed ind dolivered in Wilniingtou free of ex- pt’nre. Call upon or addreM A. A. MoKBITHAN. j. A. WORTH. ALKX. JOHNSON, Jr. F^tteyille, N. C., April 18 21tf Presbyteriatt aud Carolinian copy. For the i§(eitate.' The fiicB t.fof WM, B. WEIGHT, , r«i.|v«otfdUv ^rcaput hiti at me tn rh« v>^ers of Gnmbertend and I ll^rneU for re-eleoliou to Ike Senate in the luzi 0*Be- ! Tdl Assembly. I June 7. ^ Fellow citixenH of Cumberl&Mdi and Haraelt. IN co!Kpli»5C^ wi h f'oiiottailcDe of many frimi^, (rom rfferpnt p»rU •» Coua^. I aa:ioane» myielf a ■ 0 re?ro«eRt yoil ila the Senate of the »^*t rajette?itie Ho^^iii Uii W«rks. OUR Oil \Voik!4 are now in coniplefo oporation, nutl •a we U9« nuihing but gool roain in produo-iuj; the i« d\v * Yonr ob’t t>e fre&t and ‘vit&t > Ju.'-c -J8 IQ 1 appeaf 4'. tf SPFiCLVL NOTICE. From an ■ A.ier ihiK data, no name of a new tabtcriber will b« entered without payuieot in advance, nor will the pap*r be Mttt to ^nch subBCribfrti fnr a liinKjf time >*ian is paid for. Snoh of our old subyorlbers a9 desire to take the pa per on this systera will please notify us when making reniittancec. Jan’y 1, 1868. W. DRAUGHOI^, AUCTIONEER, 8. K. Corner Markrt Btioare, FATETTEVILLE, Jf. C. Prompt aa*>ntioT>. ;.-;vpr to V!i'?ir e'! ' i ’■'s liuf tniruete'1 t ** him .’line 10, 18ti4 j iaaues f'f Ih j befcro yua. i-y'l, %. ^ Oil we ctn recoininenOfit to i>o the best of the kiud uuule I ^ Sii’C tO ftnUOHBCC' 1 in this country. It is a fine Lubricatiug aiul Tanner'b ' *’• «:iyPPEH.l> »9 fc c»r»di !»te for re el-sCtioD f-*_ Oil, and we would be glad to receive orders from the | Hou8*> cf tioir aa.-^iia from th> couniioc of Cumbv-’ Government and the publlo generally. We wiU sell oa-] * Haruf^tt , roattonable Uirms. MOORE, CASHWEtL A CO. t 40-tap--l AiAtkorizei to anuoi«iic« ^ %?,} fcr u H of Co'nu,(.«*.* c4 t43 tEXi A»3ombly c-: Sorih Carolina, from the c unty oi* Miiu' son. •4k*v/v^^ V 4>> 9lpd We respect fully tiominiUe GlCORGi'-1 3 COLE, forfeev Cli-r!; .»f tbe M jp«r'or Uouri, did:ite to reprp?>4NK^3ori‘ tnj M ‘•.tgooiory cs^^t^^3 it tiie f^^nve of _ine U'*zt L;i;?isiatur ■! *70 h t !>o^ ea-'u^h: (Ho c.’tjts'Ht Funeral SerTioes.—The Faaeral Sermon of t*ie Utrt fit li. w. itiO-.lNVON viU ba preaohed tfcr Br.v’.i J T. Hadsoa of iMs town, at the rsBldeno* of EveteU Thornton. E-q. near Newton Qrove SaatP- “0t> c ounts, on lie THIRD SAP.BATii of JULY. Frieado vnd aoqusttnUneeH invited to alteud. July 2. ' 46 td Ribs in a few ,|j lield, a*a we i» -ti oditand with the-n June 28' %%'illiaiii We b*v.i »wo Hold-'u't''s i i jiVa".C'; uiau t' l.t i-* ikl i« i.> e -MANY V')TKRy. o5 Xtpit ■H. ftfiiaoiinces l>ic-;eif ft ci’tndidMe ?cr !be c?^or of Puti riT t'oait eierV for tSo oeuny tf Hol-^-ou. Norta f'a'oliE Bacon tor ^olciierti’ Families. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, | SUBSiBrtNCU 1>»P\RTUBKT, V R«.lp>rh June 1^7, 18'’4 J To ('oiiutjr C'ommisHiouei-s: I A'tI rirspured L,- ae l, Ai oest, to any of the oc’.nties ' luit) 8tale, foe tbn use of !&ligeut fatnilleit cf iJol- a p^niou of *Ue B-.con ao3unuiatfid for teat par- g»sj kJotiuiy Ci>3!aiiiiHioaer8, who are in of F(k- Ov»u, Ti'i c >:asn:ict3a:9 w*ta me. 45 4t] . THOS 1^. UOG«. Ms.j & C 8. April It. EA«LK FOlJNDlty. 40if H. MC1IIILI.AX, Auctioneer anti roniBis^ion Merehanf, JYb. Hav IKireft^ FAYKTTKVIlil l':, N C U lA) ISAAC HOLIJMGSWOUTH, «rofer and i'oniBl!ision Merfh:iHt» FAYKTTKVlliLK, N. (’ J.malS • Attorney at Law. ^\?rr i KvlLl*«, N. 0 IV ILL attend the fouoty and \ T t'uuberland, liaiorrlt, Mcor^ a&i R' U«t;. Prompt attention jivew 'o !>>•• •laims entrusted t« his hs.nd.>. Oct. 17, 1869. 68-tf ~ JO«. UTIiEV, iit'ftrrr anti t'ommi99ton ^Vet'rimni, KAYEaTKVILLK, N Jan’y 10, 1868. ior Courta of Kolreuon ’onn- collfcinn of all Ra1MV« a. STtDStAN. WM. H. BKaSAKn. !%. JL. HTEO:flA.lf Ac CO., WiOLESALK AND RETAIL l^iCALEKS AND .to. !•, MMuy Stt'eet, FAYETTKVJhLK, N. C. April 20. j B 0 WO»TH. D. a WSUTD *. 0. WORTH & CO., Commission and Forwarding Morchants, Strtfi, WTLMINQTON, >i. 0. Oct. 1«, 18»W. 73-12ra ^ WAMTED. 2CAA BUSKELS WHEAT. ,OUU l,6CO “ COKH PcrftODp the 4boT»* atIIcIcs to Bcll TfiilrcociTC the highest C>*8Q price l»y oo Mr. M. Thojiason, at the Merchant Mills, Fayette^iiie, «r on tue subscri- ber ^ hip old e’aod oa ilr-rkct Square. ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr. ^O.ME Uiontas ago yuv (^mpleted Ml our fixtures fnr )0 the manufacture of CAR \Vl:r.KI.8, iu' or»iug lo ( the failure of the eupp’^ if Iroi: ■>' propf^r ni*':ra, Wd i htvo aot k»aly *>e«n ab’-’ to b »ri ''*'? tlmftaJ i'-.r fill'll!; tSis ilifficulty hcwcvtr, rr.il r> • o'ercar.ra in tlt( i course of .^ix weeks, at whi's'j vime we sbati hn able to ! fumifh whi‘‘!s ftf »he f^KuU' z si*,.:—'li, 2G, 28 a^i j 30 laobe.s; aIso Chiil*d '[\cqh. “I''!* Ir^n w- ■ h;*!! u«c | I«r them t^iU be Cold Blaat t’harroal iron, uu.i rr war I rfcut our wh^elj NOf TO CilACi'., anti li ho eqiitl to : any mid't ?'i ('?t'fffiler6py, er .-f Wbi.aey .si | So'-:-Jof PhiiaJelnbia, whoic »eTi'rfitit,'j i^ '»c* rc’-l l.n^wu | by »n R%ilro%d ooiup.iiiie:'- i We are prepared to exo.'Ulo Liaa'., ;>*y Ssn’, and i Grc^n San^i 'Vcrk, o' inj siiaps i r , D. ANDEP80.N u CO. ■ FaycttevUle. Mircc i»0, 18U4. tOif liVBUlC'ATIi\«t Oil.. ; fItHE under«ign^d is anw prei arcd tj furii.-Ti to the i jL puMifl A very «uperif'r ^ri^ola'of LUitRJ*’.\TINO * OIL, tsptoalty for Outton and Woolen FactQ/%*3 We j flftiin »t“.i this Oil does uc>» ?-’i > ia-»y be ruu fci j pret.t»r «J>eei with !• »:. T-’'ve.’ t*'*"; ai>y t ijur Oil ox :-'pt ; .'•'nrrm. ilr W !f P(.’‘ter, {'upermi-uiitct of Phuaix Cottcn Kii 'ory. s\.ys of i-: ‘-1 have boe». uoin.; >0)i- Ltibri>w- i«g »iJ (jt li or .’J mooths, »a l flud it to he fuufrior to ai>y other Oil now in use for hibrioating.” '!r .Inha ili rsiiaw, Sup’t of Uiouut'ti Cre«i Kaclory, fayu: "1 c»u clictr/ully eay your Lubric»;iL'g Oil ij a Br;j»er’.OT .iftic’.a. It -Joe^ lio' ^to iu the b«» kee^s the jirtiruai'J clear att{ brifrbt ’ Mr V lieotfPrJiic, Chief Engineer of the C S Ars3 na' 4cd .Aro!t*ry cf lala place, waa reqaested tu (ry it j and says: “I tiirk f jr lisrht macUiacry—•nch r» Cotton i Factories—f or li«aTy niachincry whei ‘he iiiotiou j ia s’>jw, jour i^uUpio. tinftOil will compare next in quil liy to Speriii ” j Other pf*»itc laanufiofurera have tried i*. nnd pro-j \ tionncei fa^uruM;? cf it ; I HtlNRY L. t^OLTON. j A)?e:.* r*v»ttefi!le Ke:03)ne Co. • 18*J4 20 If OH.. WE can famish KEP.OSKNE3T7RNING OIL in qoan- t’lies of ^ or 10 K^-ons a* J‘J5 per lio c#!is ;r kegs $io ?o H.-nd 3a:i8 or keg;s wien convenient. j Tjia ii aa pood au Oil fcs can be ni\dc without tha Iuixtur; ariih AlOvhol, wbjoii it is impoB-iible now to obtain. Tau wick tuba of the ordinary Koronene luap should 1>« eliRhtly 1. n£th»r.od by soidrrin": on a pioci. I WitT & laiup !hns r.rr*og»d our oil t •irn'’ nMhou* smoke I aad wiib as louoV. bil/iaTicv ;n aay ''rt;.»ra CtrpHene. I * TIENRY K. OOf.TuN, Ar t F K ’o. AiT»L7 M We> are niitliorlKfid tu annoaut^ Mr. ■ J. KcCt)Ri.i(’K.a «2-»» iid.iJo fov ro e!?ciiou : 6. rn>Tl J!; ! -.S of Cojiiiaotn lVOTl€£. Tilh^ Payara in uppor -pari. of Robes:>n CoQuty >.’f; field, hcji.iica faiMffientig Will li«har i I Will p^eet me at Moes Neok Uepat, 12th, 13tk, and i-bv-hic vl powsrrt ''M. M. BAUGET >.tacn‘ii. Rring fu your recaiprtTatfd T?»f : ^'lap Ho; >03 J«a,i46-tiiL)d ^ reoeip*, for all they have paid on tbeir eaUrwtes Per sons fajling to comrtly, s.fe liable to have their estimates any*) 10 his f'^lond? if they tfiAielECi him be will aei»o j b«6t of h'S ‘hiijly. Ah !>« id lUahle to co fioli ir- j ^pUE Tilh »un\ i. PO itr-} I T,) iiic voiers orKichmond and Uobenou (;oaBtte8. {return'd u-^.redi'^d j JJY vbf «r,licita-i Wo respsctfnily recommend .o .1. 3 mcarthur, Oo. e, lot i n. c. T. h»i •ion of DUrtierouB I'ifizsita and noldyers, • By or'lar of NEILJ. MoKAV. c’.i''!iiju 10 2. HO VI »u tr.c u it IIt tr • rnv ur. i;sq . a:! ft c-»iJ;a:i4r' j v-ou.fiiieil 'o beao'Jue R > tntidife to roitBe'it ir-c tI jcSi orCon:niou8 frac! I-Saati’ori .1 Diitrio'xf R‘chBi jiid »Ed Ro'nesDu in tt.? tie?. ' j n' Xt Legii’iature o> North Ca~olinR. Hsu ^ oliijca are: MANY CITIZENS - - July 1. Cai't McGOWAN. Post Q M. 4th Dist N C. B. 8TAKCIL, Q. M. Capt. 0. 8 A 2‘J ' ;pd&to Tk Rsnw of JA.WKS KIRKPATHIt’R is '.I !■) !bo \>t?rs o? CuiobcrldDd ftnd flsrac'.t • . ' -i.i.'J '•■r Ueprt.'iOnt;kii»^o of *bo-?t C ‘ittJiii-'i f-jr i\.:- >f fotnmo;’*:. !A::r Vi)XERS. ;.'kv I ti, 1H*' t 3C- tf The rrh‘ml.% of (o!. m i McDUFfii; | iriM l 10 k?uu t^a* he Laa (*o*i* u( - i cl lob. 'tc-!'*.'-* (■■ re.*r-;3«*ij* *bo ciimt'f-ni.f f'-utibcr!''ud. in **>•* '-f I''ir'i-i .ni of M n »-t*. 17 T WjO art‘ nut orl-/«d to anntmncf Ur. \V M. .‘-I'NMl.l. 0 ilirKO!«, now »erv)us .% ivi'-i.iei-.^ii.i ill ;li«» 4.:oi*feilfer!*p .■\rtDy,a3 % c-uiidcie t-3 roi'f^ioui tUi i' '.ttili' * ••f :i i ■i:\ ' ff i.’'o:t i’> t''ii D nl((.i;:r.' .',ir. i: 45 10 id • To tha Fraomju of Cauiharland County. r 1 -.i L'oiiu'J' f •* ..'Uvui‘’»td for ihwtUiwv of yue'it* t'uJuL ;vUa-t I . inf.: •1. 1 t i.' oufy : ro'-i't-i z V.- 'jr-' fo •’iscLari^a itidiii c^ witti *# iat \Silitv I '117 V03''0ai VonKIJ.t.. :Tit. Vt'rnon .Seminary, MINERAL {SPRINGS, CH4TK ' M COUNTY, N. C- The next flsflsioa of this t^ehool will oommeBce on tto Hi. of Sepiembar. Every d-^partipeni will be pup* pji-id with ooiupslent and experencsd Infitrnetorti. Circalara ccnialnii'3 full par'ioalara as to torinF, Ac., will be fitrvr^’' led u"on application to Rev. WM. HOOPER, or T C. nO'»’.*ER, Fayeti*jviHe, tT. C .. .- . N It. Y'o«oj5 ladi'fl will oe reoesved an boarder* at 1 • I »;. ! i*U7 liiutf Uurinji; the uoutb*) of July and Awguf i, if t^eir uon. fcoanJ ji»d(Taieaf, c.izoretiou I ■ - .i ^ - • V'siTf'tiid «i>fif!Orr it udvi8ii»ie \»Uh & • o bp Uerived ttooi 'ha Minorat Water .lulv -I. .\ f‘^'.'jronB pro«cOU*ioii of f t tf>r, ti'nil ifctj I'ytill; i> ■ CO-rchi y«n»eT.rule au l itrt-.n i cv, aad in fiiror .>f "nT m2i3i;~?5 wL'cb ;•} Oae AC5.i’'piisbaieut vf ih.il ''t'ji?!?. l.i^ u. McAn!.ur m t^o J5er'ic3 .in^^ tiu' part of tha wi., s.n.1 l;ts %ell tustiined 'he cui“aGr~r rri> i c bare a-noSK his ffi-.-aia a' Ho^ip. t'' U of •- if^.-ntltt'aan ever ro».dv to did- cba v,e hi.** d'i i i ;.’Uy; f.n.i acould L^tt citizer;!! UP't S-'vUl'.'r! c; t: 1 hiiu vitij but*!!}'':'*'? >n ttei* il'.'uf•*. t f-;el asduroJ tb>t* nOlui:s>!C Mil ' i'.^lt Uu I'Ti' on Uli pi-t • • fosle iatf t .' It;:, O.Xp8t I ^;uJ tLi' 'iiO'ii. • iwvj of ii's coin: Iry’j lit uri:oi’ aji I rig'i's '•fi tocoiiJpliBa. '1.,'yY 0rn/.iSN« AN'U tiOLDlER'? .) ino-Jj 4.’>7trd B7 M. CAONLY, Auctioneer. AII€TiOr« SAliK OF litlPOKTUU iOOD!>i, BY riTAi.ofii't:. ON Wnin-.rJay. Ju y t8t54, cimicp".ui 10 •’ M . ! *iM i' sa'e* iO.»tn« No. Or*n:it» H.iv, VVilailu^^tvu. N t' , l ie 6ft ire v*'.|? i.« ■'f ; P.ADUEtl AND LUCT. j 'Viih Urpa ona“'fcc’et-H« ;-x ^Uioi CiilCOK.^, ALICE, I 5'ANNIE’ t’lTY OF PETE118UUTIG. r.rl othor ve3»L-1e. Ulutiie Teacher i GENTLEMAN, v>tU qtttlijUd by eduea'icn and ex- /\ perloace, to gl»a ii^sttactiou in Voslo, Prenoh »u4 i'ra%i»5fr tuav obttiri a det irjibb,- s'ta&tioM by addft’^a- !c!y ’!■ T C. HOOPER Mineral 8Atiagt. ('bathaia Co , N- 4ii 2m Nov. 6, 1862. (6tf AVinY HARMES». 1AM prepared to manufacture all kiada of Wcsoa Bftmeu for Army use. I tan my lefcther and can %VE^4TEf&r« RAH. RO.IlO. 1U1E FREIGHT AND fASSENGER TR.V1N3 of this i fj- P.oad leave Fayetteville daily, (yiindays exceptedi ' at 8 o’clock, A. M., and returning le»ve Egypt ai i o’clock, P. M. CattU aud Hone Train MONDAY, WEDNE8DAV'and FRIDAY. By order JNO. M. ROSE, Treta’r and Gcn’l Trans. Ajj’t. Jan. 22, 1863. 9"if To ttie Citlvens and holdter« of llarneU. At the !»i>liclt:«',io4i cf loauy of luy frlendu I n.‘SjR.->;iful!y iinnouuoe iiiy.xjlf a candidate for r»?-f*!w;llon ta tii«; of .^h**ritr for the county of Uaruett. I'lofoundly grateful i/t ray friend;* liolb at home aad in the Army ft»r the very pea-rous support her**tolure recoivwl ut Uiolr haud.'f, I con only pledjte that bltould they agaiu maui- fwt their confidence by re-clectiiig me I will, a» liervto- fore, neri;e them promptly and impartially. Very rvMspectfulIv, JAS. R. ORADY. April 13. ■ 24-te To the Voters of Sampson Connty, THUOUGH the Bolicitat'ons of i.nany of my friends, 1 annsur.co my*-.:'* a ''x^didate for a seal, in tV Ho»ae 1 of ;ouimoi'8 in tlo i.erf Lagislature of North C^iolina SSoii'.l 1 t'n HO forttirvf el*ele.l, I willanJeavor lo Vv-k f'^r the imoro'' of t^(^ o^tiieoH cf Pampson Oo*?Ll/, l3 tUi* ba^t of Of abl'itr. JAME.*? T. GIUDENH. ('’ir»*cr., N. (! . June 7. HV* tepd We are autliorlKcd and reiiuesU'd to anuoun'se Col. li. P LlfTtjE ;id a '-i’idii*ie lo repre-jent ihe oouaty of li o'uin nci in the Souse of Gammons in the nsxi Ljgiilaiure. \.’iv 19 34-le iflel^ElliL. A€Afi»EMir. fPH!-' nfii? Set>»>on a» *.reNiiir6 Af-adetay ^lU cf-m- I nida-Je -iio 2'Wh ina' . m i tti. Tuition j.er iiesfliorrof five foi'ir't’iB, &nau« Hoard $0 "cr oi'iiiL sll sn^yabu’ iu pioduoe at old CP its eqnivalenl in Cujreiwy. Dieabiad eoldlers ant poor oLildren of deceased Bol- give gowoi oargain**. Ageats will do well to senJ their wden'io me M tney shall have promrt attcRtion, and »eat off in qoiok diepfctou. JOHN GAP-TER. Ooldston P. 0., Chatham Co., N. C., Junts 18. 1862. 34lf 900 lt>». tjiiiTO Arabic Sor sale by ^ J. s. LEE. Get. 16. A iirr tiiit; «latc fbf 16 Centj pti- po-.iEd ^ the hifhent, marhet pno« ^•tU-nlle, or at my ffilla on Roc’:lsh. 1 wil! fcr rags, or delivered in D. ?y?UIlPUY. 7-tf PeVy 16, 1864 Wanted to Purehast', WESTERN BAIL R04D 8T.H)F.; b«Dk Notes; Gold and Silver, . ,, . North Carolina Treaeory No>«s (FuBdable;) ( “ “ 4>1 and $2; 14 >> Bonda, old a!il new;* Connty of Cumbarland Bondn^ Town of Fayetteville Bonds; ere«BB!%oro’ f 1 and f 2 Certificates; Confederate 7 aud 8 per cent. Boula;’, Coupons of ^16,000,0*)*) loan; *• of Tovm and County Bomls;; M of old Norlb t’lkroUna iiouds; T. S. r.UTTEPJ^OH. OeC 12, imi. _ — ^^BNANCK DRPABTMINT, . > RAtBtoB. N. C., May 8, iSoi. / Lead wanted.- -1 wwh to puroiia«i*» Ltad for thin Depart^aotit. Persoos l*a»iLg large of w-all titiee will please apply at onor. Will give 1 poutd of FOwDBRfor lOpoaai* of liEAl). ’iii08 b UOOG, Cipt.-C- 8. In c.harge of Ordnanoe. From aii«! after thifc d.-ite the Steamer A. P. HURT will leave at 8 o’clock, A. M., on Monday lid Thursday. JOP. A. WORTH, April G—17tf 3 Ag’t C- F. 8teaui Boat Co. A FEW imPORTANT FaTcTS IN REGARD TO THE “SOITHERN HEPATIC PILLS.” 1THEY are prcparod froia ih* bt;st quMH" o- Mrdi , cinea by the discoverer, uov an aged Minister of the Gospel, and are safe. 2. They have been known for yeare and tested by thousands. 3. Five hundred persons, arc known to have b :en cured by tbeta. 4. They are not reoommendei by the proprietor for everythinK, but only for disca«58 which arioe froai die- ordered U?*r!;. 6. D'reetiong and certificates aocjtnpacy t\ch box, and thoso oe^tifi'^ates are from well known and most re- speo’able in^ividu^ls- * 6. Corresponden-- recomniend them m good for Liver Disease, Chills aid Fevers, Pneumonia, Jauudice. Dys pepsia, Ihlioui Fpvcrf, Bilious Rheuinatifia, Worms, Pleurisy, Bronohiti^, &o 7. Sev«:^l irtntlemen slato taV the use of thesa Pilla hr-3 besnlito them aa &^nu\l Bavinp of from f 100 to $200; they are the best plantatiou cacdiciae e»sr o^’ored (0 tb-T public. 8 Borne physioiansof thchisheat standing prescribe ihem to taeir patients, anJ huadreda of bores have been lipld to rcjfular practitioiiers 0 Duriiig the last quarter 2,880 boxes hive b-jen eold »6 two Drugfiats, on^ in South C.woiina, and ou? in N >rth Carolina, and some time a;;o over 3.700 boxes ware or lerad by Drugs?iats in one town in Virginia Price, $3 a box. For 4>30 a dozen b'»r.os wil! be sent to any addraas. A very liberal disoouot to DrnggitilsaQJcoautry m«roh*utB Cash (new oarreiiey) to acoomnaBy ordi>rB. Addfe^»s GEO Vy. deems. tloldHboro’, N. C. For sale in Fayatt.€villc by N. A. I'ledaian & Co ; in Rockingham by T. T Nfthaia; iu V/ade«boro’ by Dr bennetl- in Albemarle by T. M. Bivia»t; iu Clinton by Hubbar J k Modaley. M*y 10 35-1 Olpd I'^vi-rr'ruvii.i^K Mnmi, INSI)K4i\t;i£ CO»l>ANf. mond Mar 21. We are aattaortzed to annoance JOHX LONG, R9 « C;intAida*e for re eitrction to ti-c ollico of Sheriff for the county cf Rioh- 3d Ctpd-te Weareauthorixcd to aiiiiouttcc aO^RT M McN.UR of Go. C, 1st. N 0 Ilaitallon .\riiilcry, at: a C:sn'Hdate for the office of SHERIFF of Robescn Couti y. M»y 20. ■ r>4-iytpd Ei^ypt t'oal fTBE ondereigneu were, at the November 1 erci of the I Confederate Court, Uistnot of North Carolina, ap- BolaUd MftoaK«r* of the Epypt Coal Mine property, 4adh«e antered into copartneraiiiu for the purpoee of Ilintn# Hid ocinng «o#l, and sclioit orders for the same i Ini^doBired quantity. Orders for any amount can ; ^ BiiPPUed on Biiort notice. The Coal from 'Lis pro- i iB nndoubtedly the beat in the Confederate 8t4tee. | S^pUoatioss ®ay be made to Ch&e. B. hiallett, Fayette- | N. C., cr James Browne, CLarleeion, 8. C. Capital id Premium Notes amounts to (!s«h ou hand and other vsiiets, . $‘it",7,6HU 20 6,077 35 FaT*tt*»ill»’. CHARLES B. MALLBTT JAMES BROWMF - ivra nctf F jiilTB^VEU, IROM my place on toe 21at inei., a COW and C \Lf. The Cow U white with red spots The calf the oolor. Calf anmarked. aivk of cow not reeolleot- mL The oow was purchased from .Vir. Alex McLeod of Moore coanty, and it is prob»bl? that she hw fon^ hn way back with the oalf. I WiU pay a liberal re»ard for U«ir reeovery or aay ■«wr KftlMte, Ibif V- Total, 2,766 16 The Company htyto pftid ftll loi*w« proiiiptly, and have neve? umde an a«se9.Hraoat on their preTiituwi notei?. Total losses paid, OvriOBKH: McNEILL, i’resideut. RAY, Vice President. McMILLAN. Beo’y. Dibbotorb: W. N. TiDingha?*., 8. J. Hinsdale, Win^. McLu'iriit, T. B. IiU»t«rloD, A. Vf. Steel,- J. G. Cook, Hon. J. G. Sh6p.iord, R. F. Brown, 1 A. E. Hall, John Collins and C. C. MoCrummen, Tra^tliag Agants jWjy»The Compaay invita appl^lta^-.ons. %r*v M. 11M1 ‘i' Tho friends of Col. OAVIO BETHUnE, Co. G 21t% NOT, ret'p'io!fully recsmmemi him as a Euito.'^h candidate for a seat in toe House of rommons in the Ensuing Legislature of N. 0 , fro n Robes: n ocucty. Believing him to possesij ia an emioaot decree the quali fications ncoe'sary ia a faithful efliaient Ropre^ientikttve, we sincerely hops he WiU aUow his uatne ta b’ added to tbo l‘*jt aires'lv aniouooed as candidates from ROBESON CO. June 22 43 UtjHl Without Solicitation of Many t'itiKens, hut Irotu a sense or right and deep i;;'ere»t iu our cause &i>d country, aa there i.s jct no caudid>ie from Montgomery, only ft fi”ppor(er of Willictra NV. Holdsu, (ind Colonel W. H Richardsoa, aad John Andrsw Barrot!, cf Moore, b»i!» Holden- itcs o'" th2 Trcrst grit, 1 aawonnce n*.ysolf a candid*ic to repre-'iott the rcun’irs cf Moore and Montgomnry in the 8bn%tj of lUo n?xt Lesislatu.'e of Njrth Carolina, with the pramiso that >f .Montgomery county shall l.avt? f, oanJi'’ato of her own of if?e right grit, in 10 r^t/s from tiio publiaatioti of this, I withdraw lay naar;. I havp no de.iire to bo n laeaber to the Loeislaturi?, and hope 1 obailnever be aoaniiiale again .My pUt- foru ip, cay countrr, aud to ask nothing but 'Wh'.t. ia right and robrait to nothing that ia T»P0"g. I am egainet Lincoln, Holden and ihn Dcvii, (klonel VV B Riobar Jaon, John Andrew Barrstt. or whoever cicc majr advoc&t*» thfiir oftW'io. The God of Heaven ha; no more lo do with waging this Iter upon U9 than he hns with. * birhway rcVn r, killing a inai for hia money, aud wo *re M u uc.j duty bouud to resist ihe one as life oth?? G 'd doee r«ot f*vor unholy lust or oovetoue- j;ts5 or •■oguoi'aHneBS, in lima of war, aay laorc fban iu lime of ptaoe. onght evei to rcmcmlieB y’ohan. with his L'olifcn wc- Jgu aud Babylonish gar>aeitis. God Kill not lAok on ii:i]oity with allo«anoe If '•uroiru yxioplfc woffi all junt ai»d po&d mtu we would lyi^e hoth- ii^ to f-kr, but Diif ht Hiibroit ouruoiveH aud oijr uaune to (i jJ vriiuo^'t fa",r of what man could do to ui; aaJ ibe be.^i w>3>y t.> ^et an early aii t la>«‘iii^ and yi^ioriaaa j esoe if! lor every one of ua to gft tur hearts ri;i> t with Ood aiiJ kco:> hi;i /iODiuiatr'sueniR, to do ihoo>; then we vroiild be ;(no'ei:aro ind iuorn joyful, laughiti;^ ia th«f * of our enetulfe; then we ccubt be never l owing ai ■ their feet, fend our enemies would b? made to know tbai |W GEO. D. A. C. A. Henry Lilly, II. L. Mytover, 8. T. Hawley, Nathan A. Stedcan, C. b. Malleti, James Kyle, A. A. MoBlothan, J. D. 77illiame, 8. W. Tillinghast. IHanli Wairmts tor berti^ Ood iHju*t »pd good snd holy, and that he wuul'* never Butior the viithteous to be moveil; and if neci^sary we might, like faithfii'. Abraham-the servant of the Ljri, H.n i At the R&me time the master of sorvauts, go out !>giin8t our euemieti to battle, sword in hand, three kings sg.^in6l Qre (or Generals eithor;} or like the good old ohnstian hero, Joshua, nhouted do\»n the wall cf Jerioho, aod get our iudepoodeQca without uubratEsiou to our eucEiifB or begginfof them terms of peace. \ havo not done UK^ro th^n my Juty ia this war, yet I b%ve T:uid m> liihes and nty lax, aui havo given to (inr soldiers and their fi^mi'ies. more than a taousaud (iiUara a year for these fjur vewa I »:a row 6b years old, I challenged W.-W. Holden. Jshi 8ofnember, to c>eet hi'- at his own set time in Rtleijjh, lad go with biin to t^io war I never p'ead under a?e and I sball Biver pkad ever ago. I am still risUy 1 am for Z B Vance for Governor, only 1.4m mors so in iiameraspeols than he is. If I shoald be elected the people ra^y rest assured I ehall regard the honor aad right ■ of my eoontry aad BtaU, aadanMiaUj tl« MUttw* a«4 tMr HAmansQiL DRY GOOD.'^ IH Jlh n wiil^ grouad PriQt-3 IT w-’ri 1 and whit^ r.rintc-l Mu*hn T'’ o i. ;f: 'i'oPe'a 11 c «“»g )fgtnt'.Ie MusliuK K ,\t no Ci >th 1 7 efe«.;;,ur?r Ho ji'ry 7 e (kV".’ and Clark’n ‘!^03l Cj'tou t> c'iac.i fiaia-ilog Lin«n Thri»d li bibs ; vncy i^hirts 4 eases silivl. brok^u aad mourr'ing GiQ^ha>a 5 CKsei ^ Uek Lustre 8 orsM Cor rederat! Tweedi 3 ca^e«j ready ma‘l*> Clothiur ■ Cheok and Stripes mouraiog Tijoi auJ bone UuUoum 2 bales Efrejjc 2 c*bc3 I’laok.Satin 2 caao' scper black Croudclcth 2 eases brown Helland 4 cado'? Fla^’Dol SbirJa 2 m'x'd .Melt'jii.^ 1 b!i'» blue and grey JSerg-j 1 bale fancy Fltnnela t ca«e Black .\lraca * i caao Blsok Orleftn? I ca;' Pa;-?? Cambrio, warted colors 1 bale mottled Alpacas 1 c»»e Beaarf g'UT’i Tweeds 1 case Southern Cloak!op 1 caa* Black and whito Prinia 1 case i^hirting 1 case Fanoy Shawls 1 bale Lin->?, »arerl-'r 1 ca?e Moeq'uto Netting ^ 1 oas" Tio*. Gloves, &o 1 bale super Broad Cloth, fts'»r»tod olcra 1 0^30 Irish Linen I ca^e Pant Buttoas 1 case Black aod Whi*e Pirs 8iIOE3, LEATHER, &"5. 26 tninks ^»d:es’. Gent’s and Cftildrr^ti’s Shoeb i9 cases Ladiea’, Geat'sand Childrcu's Fr Bootees, Extra 6 casco Army Shoes 7 cases Barton’s Bleitched and Hrf,wa Sj>e 2‘hre.ad 4 oa^cB Fr 'V^&xed ^alf Skins ■4 cft3?3 Chamois Skins 2 cRS''fl Morocco Skips COTTON CARDS, CLOTflLNG. &o- M caeea Cotton Cards, No. lOs, part V/hitlerjcreV bes.' 1 ca39 Wool Cards 2 oa.^o8 Card Clothing 32 x 4 2 cases fill'-ting STATIONERY. It) cases Cap, Letter and Not« Pape? 2 casea GiPctt’s Steel Pens 5 ci%es Pec Holders 1 case Pencila and Pena 1 oaso assorted Stationery BAGGING AND ROPE. 10 b .les Gunny B-igeing 148 ooila Bile Ropo GROCERIES. 238 bagrt Rio Coffje 50 barrels Brow* Sugar f-0 b»rrel« oi aihed 8ugar 182 kits No 1 Maoksrol 8 casks Chicory 10 boxea Spirm Candles 10 bags Black Popper 10 o*»ddi08 Yono!» Uysoo Taa. HARDWARE, &«. 8 tone Hoop Iron 30 kega Nails assorted bizes 4 oaek? Wire 4 oaaes Gua Capa 12 bags shot H oascH KrtivcK, File3 and Rtzom l.lt^UOKS. Ac. 4 quarler ca-iks pure Cognao Praudy 1 half pipe pure Maftd Brandy ^ 1 qnjkitur pif.o pure Pinot, CfiiilHoR & Co. Bran ly j 1 eighth pjfa pu>e Olard, Dupuy «t C«» Uraudy j 10 casks Whiskey 32 n.icka old Raui 100 oases Holland Gin 36 demijoat!8 Hollar'd Gin DRUQH, Ac. 30 oanes Li>{U.''.rioc Paste yi oases LijU3rio»i Sticks 13 oai'iLS Alcohol 14 oiisi's Aftim H oaska Epaom SaUs d eieks Balsam CopiUba y bbls Tanner’s OU 42 kega Bi-Carb Sodv .I bbls Bo’ii 8 oases (|'J>nine 3 cas38 assorted Drugs 6 bbl-j C'»T»p'ra} 3 caaea Potasa Carb 2 sasfs Blue Maas I ftaae Powd Ipecac 1 onse Iodide Potass utd lodin 2 oaskfl BodaCryatals "1 eMka Blue Bua* lwwPkai|*wnwi. •tiers oharjr;d no U’UIon R. .Mall*, Jii’y 1. MoCASKILli, Principal. 4€>4ipl rr.yeWetlllo Araeaal aad inMrj,! June 80, i SlOO BOUiliTY. IfVmfe#!, 40 ^omnted RUlenseu. Authority :^i«og hen graated by the w« De pan meat to raise a Company of Mounted Rine^acn f >r service in ibis vicinity, notioe i« hereby that reernits to the r-umber of 40 non conMcfipts will be r« ceived for this sorvloe, to fill up the oomr*ny to the re qnired N’unber of HX) Eaoh recruit will be required to furnish a??eTic’abla horae, for whioh ha inll be al lowed 40 cents per dicHi, and M3 pay XIX per mcnm. i Wriitm p«rmii»i^n will b.' re.mired from pareota or I gnardisca, where iLo apniicaiit is undar tha aoMoript j *CacU reeruit must bring with him a blanket or bed i soread, and come prepared to rcM*m. . , - , . Bridles, saidlea, hilterf and stddlo bl?.nketa iiiroiah- i ed by the Goveranect, or if the r*emit comes piwided with them, he wiil b^ paid for them a fair valaation. Apcly to Mijor MATTHEW P. TAYLOR, at the Ar seni F. L. CHILDS, Lieut Col C. 8. A. Comd'g Post. 45 tf] r>'.\ A*— A'^'!'/ • " EAUL£ FOVSTDRV, Fatktxkvillb. N , Jt> y 4, 1*6^ E ARE NO^r PREPAdED TO RECBITB ders for RAIL ROAD WHEELS of ‘hi follswinp six*:, v z: 24, 26. 28 and 30 inch. Also CH’L/.BD TIRES Th- Iron w« shall nee for them o.OLl' BLAST CHARCOAL IRON, and wo war rant oit,- Vf heels NOT TO ORACK; and to be equal to *ny tQacfc.>( in tho Conf«d«raoy. or to tbcB“ of WWtney & ^lon- of PV iladelDbia, whOP«^ reputation is s'* wsil known i)v aU Rail Ro-ii Companie-. 'W-3 hav^i^ th? best facilities for transportation by IStsaraers to ^iJm.ngtou, from thence to any part of the K’onfo'^cracy. O-ders rc(ft>^'t^sllv aolicitsd. 48if] D. ANDWR80N & CO Desirable Oeo4s. \W., NtC INTTRi; Offers for pale: OAA SETS ENI^F.8 and FORKS, assorted; /gllU 40 Doa. Pmo- 4 Bladed Knives; MOO Gross Steel Pms; ^ 12r> Gross Blist ^ teel Knitting Needles; 80 Raame Ruled Poet Paper; 3J0 Grosa 'Vgate 81 Irt buttone; UOOO OrosB English i‘ione P*ut Buttous; 1 Barrel Camphop, 2 Barrels Borax; f) Barr»l» Epeom Hulte; f> Kar»e> * Alum; 6 Barroli» English ««n fcf.pperaa; 10 KcfS IJi cMfc, S&da- IBagAlipioc: 3 lisga Blrtcjk Plppar; 1 Package .'JaiiFetrti. \ sm*iiiwi'«aTW» fl^HE uaaeraifned wil! iftei)U at tL* fcL „ £ and piaoe«, to coJleot the intereiH on .‘he Keiues- trated l»«Jt« in klfl District, via: July I'Jth, fNO. 1347.3 INTERESTING HISTORICAL COINCIDENCE. The author of ‘‘Beulah” (Miss Evan^,) in her lato work, “Macaria,” gives the following bi*a of history of th« times which tried and are trying the souls of men and women: In 1781, when aompelled to raise the siege of Ninety six, it became very important that Oen. Qrecnc should ooiumunicate with Snmter. The intervening oonntry was, however, bo filled with liritiah and tories, and such dangers attended the mission, that no one could be found willing to undertake it. In this emergency, when even oar {)atriota.of the first revolution shrank baok, Emi. y Geiger, only eighteen years of age, volunteer- i:d to make the hazardous attempt, and reecived irom General Greene a letter and verbal message, ~ which he was extremely desirous should reach their destination. Moundng a swift horse, sb« performed a portion of the journey in flat'e^y; but tCJffted'tmrt^lirTingirf hst WJwieft. who 8UB; though •'landcfitin© servica “to the rebels. Switily and unobserved she swallowed the writ ten despatch, and, baffled in their expectations of finding suspicious documents, they allowed bee to proceed. Sumter’s c9mp was safely reached, the messages were delivered, General Greene a army was reinforced, and soon boeame '6irong enough to assume the offensive. Rav»don was foroed to retreat, and Grco’iP snbseqaently laet and vanquished the Brititih nr ray at KuUw Springb. Was not Emi'y /’.eigprs s’cndrr wu manly hand instrumental in preparing tor that battlp, the result of which freed the Curoljufci. In .Tnly, l«ni, when the Nortb, bUmled by avarice and hate, ran^ with the cry of t.> lli>hi(iond,” our donfederato army ->f the mac waH divided between ManasnaH am* W.i'-cnea- ter, watching at !>otli points Ihe oomu 91 the Union boa constrictor, wrifhing in tl3 tflf 'rfs to crush tho la.^'t hftnctuary of lrecdou)._»The Btringf;ncy evinced along the Federal Itnci* pre vented the transmission of do8J':itche^^ by t^e »*•- cessiouistH of Maryland, au'i for a time (.lenf-r&la Beauregard and J onnstrn were kept it? ignomnoe 01 the movements ut tbo enemy. Patlevson bung data and lowerin'.^ around W inehf.'’ter, tbrea'eu iiig daily dt'Wont; while the main »!olumn of ‘be grand army und«r McDowell pr'»eccde\^> l om Washington, confident in the expootatioJi 1 »vor whelming the small army fitalioned Ht Mbtjh.' .4?. The IricndH of liberty w*i0 were comf elled t re main in the dcBeorated old capital, «ppreo«.ded the urt^ent necessity of acuuainting Gen Bcfcure- gard with the desi;n8 ol McUowcU and the arch apostate Rcott; but all channels of cgrefs s.'fmed sealed; all roads leading across the Potomac Wdr»> ' vi'VilantJy gttarded, to keep the ereat stcref^foly. and painful apprehensions were indulged f jr tbo fate of the Confederate army. lJut the promethean spark of devotion burned in the hearts of secession women: i.nd, resolved to dare everything in a eaujtc so holy, a youtg lady of Washington, strong in heroic iMth, 0 er- ed to encounter any perils, and pledged her iil J to give Gen. Beauregard the necessary intorma- *;«n. ^TeeWisMy iT'Je'ewll™** *. lot***** of her luxuriant hair, which should escape de- U^ctioD even .should alie bo «oarched, she dls^iB* ed herself effectually, and, under the guiHe of « market woman, drove a cart throiitrh Wash.' igton across the I'otomae, and dcceivf'd rbo guarij by selling vegetables and milk as she irocceded. Once beyond the Federal lines, and in a friendly neighborhood, it was but a few minutes work t( “off ye lendings,” and secure a horse and riding habit With a courage and rapidity which must ever command the admiration of a brave peopte, she rode at a hard gallop that burning July after noon to Fairfiix Court Hotise, and telegraphed to General Beauregard, then at Manassas Junction, the intelligence she had risked so much to con vey. Availing himself promptly of the facts, he flaahed them along the clectric wirog to Rich, mond, and to General Johnston; and thus through womanly devotion a timely junction of the two armies was effected ere MoDovreH’s baunera fiouted the skies. Carthagcnian women gave their black locks to string their country's bows and furnish cordage for its shipping; and the glossy tresses of an .Vmeriean woman veiled a few mystic cyphers more potent in Gen. fieauregard’f? hands than Talmudi.sh 8hc:al'«mphurash. Her itiission accomplished, the dauntless c6u- lier lurned her horse’s head, and doubtless, with au exulting, thankful heait returned in triumph to Waflhington When our national jewels are made up, will not a grateful and admiring coun try set her name between thos« of H-?auregard and Johnston in tbo revolutionary diadem, and let the three blaze through coming ages, batfling the mists of time—the ConstelUtion of Manaa- ii sasf At nillsbaro’: ‘Raleigh • Fkytuteville June 0 20&21, 27, ^8 & 2'^, *“ H.TVlLltER. Receive’ 46-IJ2') $,'tO REWARD. |> AN AWAY from the eubsorlber. ou the 24th of June, 11, my negro T0« He will prol-*bly go about where Turner Gilchrirtt’a widow lived in Ro'oeson Coun'y, or in the n-igiiborhood of Mr Monroe’a on Big Rookliih, who owne" a brother of hi» I will p\v the above ro i wBrJ for nejro or cou9Ge*»'eut in Jail 90 I can ( ret him . I ^ .fOHN FAIRLEY I , . Marilpelier P. O., Richmond C > , June 29. 45-fi pl j a couple oT Try it.—A gentleman informs ua that a few years ago there wa.s a freshet in North Carolin& which overflowed the wheat fields in the low taudt just about the time the wheat was ready for cut ting and destroyed it. One gentleman who did nut allow his hogs to run on bis wheat had the satisfaction the following Anttupt or September of harvesting an exceedingly heavy crop. Would , it not be a ^)od idea for those having wheat on • low lands, that ha.s been destroyed by the receut rains, to try this oxperinienty It might be best to plow it in, fiincc it ha.«? not boon washed down, I f;B in the ioBtanoc oitt;J al>ovc.— Col. Emj. ! A llii^ixjht for hirtnt.^.—A late writer, ?p«iL- j in/, of paronttt, says that when they spend monry 1 judiciously to improve and atlorn th#-hou’ic and the "ronn’d around it, they arc iu.eii ot payi?*f.» ‘b«ir ehildron :t premium to ntay at bomt aa mtibli posflible to enjoy it; but that Tvhen they snend money unnecessarily in fine clothing rnd jewQlry for therr children, they aro paying, them a j.rcmium to snend their time away from home, that ifl, in those places whore they t:an attract tlu'. ' mo'^tattention and make theruofltdisplay. There is both tr.ith and philosophy in the If parents expcct to shiQld their children from the •ioee of tho world, they must make home aUr»c- e to them. A cheerful and happy borne xa ■\ ot tho grn^test safeguards a parent can thnw V- f 4 ‘raid—Mrs. Gen. Forrest, a few day? ago I ^ Aberdeen, and on the road met came ladies going up. The parties were .ouple of ‘ Ja ji„, Forrest * mt ^ . 18 rang V|gy not afraid of tho yank“3s. rVnme Wanted. 1 humorously if 4 TRUSTY gocd t^moare t oolored wom»n is wantw^l 44^0,” said «nc Oi ^ i Atokii^BatonBtoaaiBftei A»ly toMm B. ^ wd Tin iwt afew4 of th«t %

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