niE WAK IN VIKGINIA Fsie-ibarg Exprjfls. July J. I gun at tsappooi churcb &nd conoludiiU m Jirnttno I Rfatlun, a great Oonfodorate victory. The t» uiiu have not been at» great'as people vrccu prepared to the bubke conNTr rih). KJi(0 iai Cvrre^poodeQM S^iahmry V*diia4&. (Iamp Vanojb, June :iO.—Onr troopa have The tiainrjy wus Vigorous y u , IV’® | axpoct; but it caonot be ezpvoted that hopi^B eu- uoiuo up with the raidor.s two of three pjilea be- ftH#*rnoai ibout t> o 0 oc , y ®°' ® *™P,. ( t^*fta5oed in ignorance of tho diffioulti«>9 lo bo , yond Piedmont Srriuts, eneaged them, and sent tail, near » arpom uro , lo o ooun y o ■ realized. We think wo liavo back for rcinlorceuicnts. It is uupposwd the I*tnwj'J-.ic, somo f rce niies rom tO’^ ’ ret ! reason to be sa^iwod \*ith the fate of the I oneniy has been Tcinfi read. Thcv oarricd off I'epot u’ ^ j three laat yankco ra-dn »'n Vii;.inia. Sj.eridau from this plr»cc ab 'ut 150 Junior Kcfiejrves and "lian’s and tarnod buck in the officer.**, incbidin*' Ooinmibsary Longi Quarter master Mverotf, and their assistaots , Ik the ongagi'int ut Rt rio'dmont, Dr. l‘carson wa't wouaJcd in th; Jnpo. Tlie drummeT from (’mnp \ luice, a prisoner in their haods^ was LilU(\ by lUo I’C oHr tueu Several of the .iuiitL.' ilcscrv 3 v>rr,' vftinrat.'J ut the same time, iib I .1 I: i'.vh^T r>1 vhiit opjHjrtnnity to ts'c*pt that It is very ol-af, Koii; ci'rtaii* lutuux :a«L-ih( lr csr ij.o A LU'abt-r ol ucgroea a(do t»K able ioilii-atioari, i*; i>J V'*' v • i i:; •. . i'>.’'iu:iii>n of tho tujQifUt hha moved truni onr livuf W herhf* U has bt-n* i’s;!-. >]e‘^(nK’(iu«» I'f pfofiortv Jmh uoc hotMi do >iea- 1.! U'oshiu^ton (’i(y. i»' i to fcii** it u.i w xn vypecft'd, it c*onHiderKhh>. l.'.ict: if is . ^iy. I'.Vtf ink, J. {«if iit f .•;«'.* i?itb i!rt eoitteutd, which ^i.u- i.tti-; ;;^p t-j'i-tt *f «.« . t)*f. >'L **c y,, if r.i/f »nd trauv «*} tb»‘ Hhaotied at the If ;Vii- at'! \e.-tJfiuav Uiji.ii’i >v» - iiiovnig caMip, irclading liU'* fitatid »'t iiiuit*, uud oamp ijMM'iifi (hi* I'.'ti.niit' tiv iu!i’. t»: the .“^It pTor»trfy • t a raised Ian t^otn kind The engine i.'in.:, ;ih liu'tiuf.iiiis ' b.' Vrtiikco p‘l dcstro?ed wan ijot niuoh dama}.'e4. L’fith UMUOUQC-’d iii.-^ arrival to "\ ir- | I'he !'aid*;Ts eoDsi^tt alnnoHt os’oiim’vely of Ten- ginia/' buf did ooi fiiv-* any furtii. r tuiit r.l j i,eHsoe and Xorth ’aroIina deserters and tories. tini. lie aad his eauipaifja are oubjeets ttioy I Mauy oC them were known to boys and cirizcns lau.-'i liuJ very little pleasure m dwelling up'ia 1 here ih,. ta' Q i,r- ni bal the yaukee kuowltago - -- .■ -■ozf'^phy 01 tho country as too liuiired to save b J iic Li»i c'Ttvin kaowiodgt' of huf one r‘ii lei to Stoay CteA tuvl ovc; , iUt t’-v C^n:^\lwo.t6 c^avalry .eiLcro.sed ab'O'.ute i/er 4jiti!tuiicd iu hikirt.-;' rU-d aM;uy . aujiac'ih K).'»le i>l Tuecday night, •uKuag • ba ‘ ol-..7 Ai d-T V'tuii^SuUjf j ■• * ii tiurm t '..eit tc'it liaiik, uiiii . it , ii f'fi' 'iii! f» Ivjut slaOh ij olldl’oJ. il :i j"* ;it’'.»OV lo l‘iO ruU t ' 5. Uey.quaru i, vtia* - wa ‘*a ; a* Diowl'idie l^ourthouii? > Piit ;o Hna which crosses the railroad s U w , hanarcii js'ds 3‘juth oi Kcaros' Sta'iou. Ftiey ' iittle dresnaed i^'at they were literally jumping i tiO:ij tho ir/ing pan into the fire—going Irom ; bad to verse. At Reams’ the 'ncuyr cucQuntcr td M»utne, who was well posted aau gtrongly supported oy Gon. t'ltz Lee’s brigade of cavalry. Gen. Mahone at lirst intended to ambuscade tho raocals, and would have done so, but for ihe mjscf.riiape ot an order which allowed the ar- tilierv to dre ra‘hcr pr matu'-ely, and tnua ap p'i-.e iu* retrvatiK^ iicr^Ics ut vur wbereBfti.uis- Gen M’ji line ' bailie wa'slortued with I' June^jac’s tvi««s*WTfT: staV.’ road, while Gen Sannderd, ^now cjmn aiidicg 'Vilcox’s old Brigadcj) ocon- pit'd the fail, and rested on tho railroad. Fitz OiValry was oa the ri^ht flank. Tnc figbt c Jiniiicuced at daylight, nnu a prifoii- er iiifuiijis ub that the enemy’s lirst chars^ w*s led by nott»d Col Sp* are, who advanced With the remark, that ♦•he wou’d ride through those *i—d dibicounteu cavalry, or die ia the attempt." the charge was so gullautiy met by both i.rtil!ery and inl'ant-y, that the enemy’s column recoiled, and did not again essay to eouie t’orsvurd Finally the enemy took position, and comiaooe- cd fortifying with fcnee rails, when we sent for ward two regiments—the 10th and 14th AlabaoiA of Saunders Brigade, to flank the raiders. W e succeeded ia flanking one line ot the enemy, and capturing them, but the pnemy’s second line cann; up ?pcodiy and capturcd S4 of our men. Thr^ ^Vote the f.To A’a'"%n'..4 rcporttd e^p ■ii T.Tere wore DUt oi m-.n ' .-y V, K-a’ :'iju-.-nt!y re'-upci; *• '0 , h11 thing-3 i.fint: rctd; » ti •.. f:u i'.’v =rcf v\"i? o.v’ r-‘i, r.t.->iv.’e n ' ?'i.- j.-ll bat I. Uar uifn con'i'i'.> 'i the enemy and he to ta'i bacs, iiEtil i>- reached the t'.rd -..ver Ro-vanty ''wanij>' abot>* f »nr iiiiles tro'Ji Reams”. whi.%e t^’e enemy's retreat he-'ame a rout llcre our mtantry h'^ltcd. uiuttta tn OhHrlftte and a/aukd by Hampton otherHn I»inwiddie. From tho otScer allu t d tv/ irum ilw tb t- 1*1 r • ehne^e iti the tjiruii.-n ubuuf 1 Vter'ibiiVv, YAUKEE At&OClTlEB IN KORTflB&M OEOfiOtA. The soeDM of heathenish barbarity and of wan ton cruelty perpetrated by the Indians upon oar people iu years past, are familiar to all, and the I thought has often occurred, doubtless, to almost' every on© who has ever read of, or heard their demon like acts narrated, that ccrtainly the lowest depths of human depravity and of fiendish wick- oducss had hoeu reached by those cruel and blood- thiraty denizens of tho forest; but the blacknens of their acts, the enoTiEity of their crimes, and tho cruohy of their punisbmeatfl, have been eclipsed and t'^rowu into iho shade by theatrooi- tiu? committed by the wurtic th^n vandal foe now ravaging the beautiful t.1horokee eounty. We have been advised of Souiu outragoci in Northern (2eorgia that ought nut to bo kept, disgustins o!^ they are, from the knowledge of our piu>pift from a letter addrrss'jd to us by a ooflHH rivicii'rioivs. j HAilNEW«, I ' Movement: of thf. Gforgin Arnil*^*.—In Fieli> I NEAR Rufuh’ Station, July 4 - -To oounteract flank movements by the enemy in force on our lelt, our ariuy oomujtneod to withdraw from the neighborhood of Marietta night befote last. The JPOR TH« OB8KBVSJI CABAaaos Co N. 0 July 2 1864 M«fl8r». Editors:—It ooours t) mo ctniJ (ke BWuller ing beat of tbe eummer scSstioe lo f >l up » leisuris meat in tha wifh a^rief »o««uat pm»pi:ct , ctop», »kad other mAUfrvs in »hi» pw^of h«* Sia*p. j movement was conducted successfully, the enemy oats crop i» abr”d»’>t »icld. T^e whf'xfc has jas* j a'^are of il until th«* evacuation was completed, been and tfcou&H f .- -VI *thouoj, in home places the linos were not more fifth tbsn .‘he oropt f list y«-%r >'ul ownjt !o (he in I •' , r iwi luurt or^aeed hrrndih fown Jbo anft'f*v- * f tfco i V'ls. upart- - ot a was lirod iritl .1;.u>>'les8 i i'-i f> rw*»dt!>> 1 tiie liii.H during tiie night An hour or ■ ^uHfaici our pwlKnt Tritb **14? ♦ ha f\rm re of CsLbarrn ujuni ft-i-oani cf Burp1-j>. t iu li i‘ anti ibo ucedv c-f Hf-» j Thcujr'i ll**' we*tbti li> i*x''R!.*t!im'I» Ji /, ih? '*ot, j pct(Viocs. *c , look i)roni!9ii»5 A* i •? Mi«n.;%eoti ttvilil ! be b«-tvfl.ft«*r prth>*, latter iNiit u>ay i*ll } from t.i« lOih iiiaf AfJ will mt»k» bii ftbai'U.(it | Ba*. iVie njoBt uHp“o> td eM'finj? ’«r f, i Jenoe of our p»opt* >n *n oi:frnil*n7 ProTfdeno^-th>. i • tbo \ili do* be as, vnr i.»i; e»rfb n.» >rou rur tur - ■U' J whiC' '• ‘P- PKesa i>t!si'AT('ni>. l'K-«'t)»SBUuu, .faly I—.\!ter leaving Rcam.s' station the enemy’s raiders retreated to 8tony creek, Fitzhagh Loe purtiuing Here the enemy made a feeble stand, but were quickly dislodged, and continued their retreat towards darr.'itfs sta tion, on the Weldon road, our cavalry still pur- suHii; tlicm. At this . p. int tbeii retreat v»a3 tamed into_s most of them, however, gpffing through totjrani- Two more pieces of artillery, nine waj’cns, in cluding Wilson's hesdqusrrer wagon,^ a number ot prisoners and small a'lvs were cr.ptured Vesterdav evening the enemy made a feebl*' af>nr«iiU o« Cyliju’.tt, and a demouj»tra''ion in frunt of Graoie, both ol which wt-re ca.sily repubed Oar capture of prisoiier.s at Heajn.i'station t\>ot up 887 icrlud’Dg the wounded Tho ntgiocine- claimed number 700 Nothing doing to day. Frjfn Dani'Hlr.—Tho Dinvilie Appeal *a7s the,enemy’s Kiss at 8tauntou Bridge is estimatt^ at two hundred and fifty killed and wound'-d; only two prisoners taken. Uiir loss, S killed, ‘it; wounded, none taken pri'^oners The d done ro the Kichmond and l*anvillo Railroad L repre,«ented not so great as at first repjrted The track was destroyed nt vnrioas points, imo’tnN ing in cKe agvre»ate to about fliteen miles. Ar- raagemects h«ve been made to rei.iy the Roa«i with ’ ■ ^ . will th ho.i'^y iro»», and the Compsny have gone t > ik wi^h vii^rir. d>> tua^ it 's hoped tiu; traoL b;- Ui onior by th hoped 1st Aug”sf Vv but the eavalr)! continued to pres-i the mviidiors, Rud a; l-at toeouuts were ‘itill driving fhtin. Uar victory was comnlet?, and t^ie fruit:* a»-i tjionou?. We captured isr* U. ■'. wa^on.n, 83 acubuUn -5a, tille I with yauk.^e wounded; II beautiful Xapjjleon gans, about 700 iiegroijs, train ot baggies, oarriafra.^, etc., stolen trooi I'.rmeis, some mile i'> ien/fh. '\n'l a i^rsc r.umb . th .z '■ I . ' t’»t ■ I •' iu ' I j.uj.!; > i juje* -i>.c Ci'^o o! ihv as iUc vast throag ciovide-i tu the >>5ioe oi M- - ahal lIaw.-3 jc^terrlay anef&ocn, muiv^hing \a upec and rather promiacuoua order, lh*:y occu pied nearly the whol.- ot Bank street. We no ticed among them thi old uud the young; th»- robust and the ictiruQl the •»i.i *!>♦» nM**. tho brigh :lui in ts'.rlry hdo’_>, and the ebo .'hivi and the ‘ moliiugejn.’' dre.^>i^J iu homespun, hund'cds ot childrirt--same of them li.ti." picacinnies, with thpjr aoiitary irar- msaf oi hjrt, i^circely reach'cg below their hipK and n»cy:.t rhcir mo't;er^'breast; while otiiers Wtr3 o> bueh i^'cder vo&’i-s, 'tiat they to oe carr.ed «3 the nacWi cl their pirent'. There •8 »Q av*t 10 our etfttute book a£x>ag a severe |jeD*ity tor toe trioao of kidnappint;, Every yao- kee pMSJ'’:er tsten in thi.s raic fihonld be puniuh- eu, aud we hof e that our rttatc auihorities will gee tj it that not one esonpe^. As p.w cvidtnets offi. i' i J- nr^^r.>';r. vnd th" cir- cum- r ,! lor Fhic.i maujf oi fhcai Wtrc f?- i.f'u ‘>t; ’’ill x'a'e that two hirths -iccur.‘:i am ' ” tii'-'c OT W. dfi-y.tav One in tbc busii*^?* bn the .iie uf tbe ro'\>i, and the ocher i? Gp'i Mahoue made the yaakce ’n th'.* f'araci^y ot accouchccrs and —‘J'ae N. V. ilofald ot Some few Indirins omong them They arc rog'ic*^ and rascals o*t the tirst wat^r, and have robbed several citizcns of negroes, horses, mules, money, clothing, provision.s, \c., \c. They are splendidly armed. From 'be rt»1i8bary WatoUman, Jnly -• The pursuit of the tory raiders in J^urkc, ter minated on Th r-sday morning at Yellow Moun- ttvia, at a placc known as tho winding stam, a nitfrow llMit'Httt** *Kn mountains »*• Mit- Otieu county. Many of the tr*xps engaged in the p'irsuit did (ume of tho best marching last Wedr.csday on record, having travelled from 25 to M5 and some even 40 miles on fix)t. It is es timated that not lefis than t>OJ> men were called out and in the chase. Hundreds oi these, over comeat difforcnt stages of 'he ^cvl•rc trial of their frfreogth, ^*tell out" to rent and to return to their respective headijuark-re; S3 th^t out ot tl e whole rurabt r, th re were not. perhaps, more than Um* or 200 infantry who reached the foot of thf mountain, and a raurh smaller number still who participated iu tho attack on the moun- taiq. It was oonoeded by ail the m n we saw from the scene of the last engatrcment, that the pursuit ought to have terminated at the foot of tho moun tain, the advantage of the eromy in position hciivc K> great as to t nabio 'JU men to hold in chook almost anv tiumber ol assailants. Kvery st-tp up the iiiountaiii rtas an error on our part, as evidenced by the l:\ilare to accomplish an^ Th-: vv.ay was only a “bridle path,”—no vehic'f ever i =»■—winding, an 1 dark with l.i.j td : n i (I'hfT nKiUtifuin t'ec^; a.'i i tuitil i« •5’cli.ek 'I'hurslay morning \va.- shrouded with n the '2J>'b. 'UV3 the (Joldsboro' Journal, in an edi- j dens.^ fog enemy Ind the selection torial on Petersburg and Kie.Umoud, says that its army account.s show that activc lightitJg had been Tct.'c.m^.i on UQ QZt/jiisiv« soalc, and that the movements ot Grant's torces arc o3.loulated to give the cocmf ooDsWlerabie anxiety and abuu- dan' employment. Benuett inclines to the opin ion that the tnovemeat.J lately going on, on tho part of Gfiinl, comprehend the separation ol I'c- tersbarg :*oui North t'aroiiua and j.11 the States below, sh'i separjlion of Kiohmoud from I’etois- barg. !i*»d i»ciive opfrations u^ainst both ities by hi*d WHti-r, aj far iii prautir-able at the .Maturf .-.t. : r James river cx^.rdi, „u, oou- t'.i4»it' the Ik-rald, lU coojnnL'tuiin wuh the iron- olad-s ^vni gutib'iats ot A'luurul li«e. m;*7 be cx- pe.iv'ti 10 play a conspicuous part tu the grand programme now in eonrtie fd lulfilm»iit It wtlt every point from which to deliver their fire on thoir straggling pun-uers, 1 >" the ratnre of the ground, nnd the wearied, e.tluMi.stvd condition oi our infantry p-ccludi.*d the possibility ol fleet m(i>*'men{s, flanking the enemy or even deploy ing in line of baUle 'The enemy succeeded in c.'.rryia;^ ofl most of thoir piisoiH'ts, white and black, though a lar^e number is knowu to have «sea|M>d Irom them in tho o^-'fu»ion (/! att»eks or unier cover ot the night. i-.pceially ot the negroes Cul AVri, the «•'in:u:»Ld>'r of tlie raiding party, ‘'»uiliit^ted b?- retreat with admirable skill. \Vf hav’o !io positiv itkformaliou as to the cx tent of »ho damat'je intiict*iU o!» the raidera by our lorjes. It is believed, bt.wever, that several ol th^'ra ere killed, and thrir hodio.x, with one cx- require h more powerful rebel column, ffie Herald I » ei»!ier cArried oti' tir eonoeaied in tht memhar of the Texas cavalry, now at the fr>at, j iio palit'ea! ippe«t is pot les'* oln'erirp ."vJr ifoldfcii’ v^e make the following extracts: j Pupporters ^’■e bpcowk-g jr>a lually «ro»U6" l thinks. »-an be spared, without abandooinL’; the».»to dinlodj^e I'niiler lrou tba .4^.. i/x bank oi'the dames river, with hi.- tro0p.s under ctiver ol g'lnboat?; whiie, i! he is not dihlodge'i. he may very sojn, in eonjuuction with tiie navy, work hi-i wny up to Richmond. The artidt sa\s the powerlul James river squadron is to push lor^ard as a substantial reinforcement rif the army. Then again the operations of Hunt-.'T aruUTui Lynehburti.says th« Herald, arc already bs- ginning to be felt and are much dreaded at Rich mond! Gen. Lee is not in a eonditioD to lose, without enffering ';:*verely, the sources rkiwi depots uf sapplie.H commanded by liyuchburg; but if he an ami officorb nur OS TJio T^ri W' T'' hr „:i loi 1- ■CO. 1 ci wl’ir- ; : ae^ ui^’ tea . P'^r* d i WH -• an'.. PL. T;. br.iO pleas VI|. artic' etiib: .>•;! t) ' n yc-:-:r ic-.'r- io iLeo by (i K'-- n^ujber of .some 400, ■’aj '1 here uro 12 COJil- ‘ thi- D’ inibor -iro r;. . ft »i8!np:(,r; in the il-T L 1 :.‘Si 'if'er;j.,,;a •/.I ■ pr! wao VI. L.:i !;y'vv( v,nri?d. it ro-1 .r ■ , ■. :hw:A.U 1 p:\r- ■' i' ic rr ' H- has weakened Richmond tor tho purpose saving Lvnc^burt? r.nd overwhelming llunre?, tha result •• ill j.ruvc ihe mavt iucut t'- be only a repetiuon »t Mr.'igg’h lii-astrouB vxperuuent of -rtUtuuMn for th«- (‘••.ptnro o^ Ivn.xvi le. lu coociusiuo’ Ihe Herald thinks a lew days uow will matcrialiy ad* vaiicr the work of the campaign against I'etern. burg and Richmond, front, tiink and rear. J, of Y'tnkee — ijate northen* — canMnue l.>j - * ■ .-r ia>i.r3 oiD birou^iieo; VJc-n-..C nth r g*rmr.t8, li J . *'jiiil c>icmisi;q and pe*;;’oafg Mauy 0? the p in00cr» stat# iaa‘ ihcir ratiour gave out to rep da^s ag >, and that they have been dving on hard corn and green applts for the past forty-cijrhL ho’irs ct more Fourteen of the yau- kee raiucr-, acajng then severs' officers, came ia yesterday from the wouds in Dinwiddie, under a fldg o ir >ce, and delivcr.-d themselves over to our pick .-f.s There were many reports of heavy U.1» fighnng y-8'»*rday in the dircc tioo >1 iiinwi idi*? (Jourio. mf- but up to 12 o'clock last night w.? Uud fai ;d to ascertain anythiug authentic. . It is '50w known that wo have killed, wounded uad auprured at bu.3ti 2,.'>00 of the enemy, taken 1-i pieo^;- of artillery, 2,000 horses, and many “.’h .V I a ;vf ' •e V many wagonn, Oto. Tho ynnkees have destroyed a iictlc rail cJi two road«, and litllbulanecs, ^ , ,.v. xn« jT>uKces :■ - ^ depot -J-: vwo, DD’^ v-cy have been m.ade to pay dearly for iheiT whistle. Our loss is very small from all causes Ffia tlj,p 'lioQmoad lixatniner, July t. Vci^terday passed off q iietly in this vicinity From ail offi jor whc c;;mcover froro l'cter«J^urg in tho »iv. '.II ' ».r L n y -*nterd.ay, we ohtaipel s'tme inf'’>.’^3 .! r ^ * ll:i. extent of our captures • ! ;■ - ..i t'>e vie e.nt sitnat'ou south -'.ic:. we think is ner." the truth ■d at n *j-:'Hqi->arU5ni yosterdrty t ..d c)'’'turf i a', nt TOO raidcra, in;>ii> ,c ur.u d, !'■> y,i -anrion b‘:iw*ir ^ ^ and 7C'’ i.‘\L*rf>c.i of all ages I’nd .s#>xe3, a' ^ vrapone,aoji'-.ui. , ineiitiOneS by lii? Tvte's burg paperj fht. u:aiu body nj the er mad... g. -d tl .di efccupe aud rcturne ^ bat a v.:iy . .ns,detable number ar. ol tt*e i'eier.r,a!g ao i W eldoa railro . g^-j, danger ol -caviare, several b’ persed thruugb the wood, and m oi^ie c i\r.iDg io 01 their triiin tl ot Pttcr He h-n-i, that '.V - ; iog til*' From the facts before \x? aooord deelarii.^ the attack upor authorized ia mu-»ierfd out oi" service. The First Long Island rcachod Brooklyn oo the ‘JfMi ult. It went into service 120u m€ Q strung Hod rctvirns to its home with irctnt^ 3 .—sil tlie rest )jst, exe..'pt 7u who re-cnfitted, ihi“ r-gicicnt numbered ruu^ikot.s at tV.e be- i^intiiu'.r hostiiides io fronf. tl l'*!tersb‘ii?. ' ■■■ r it !>ad ) >'t >n. h if 3 unib .T. •\iut‘'. No* \ rk V'j'u.'ifij-p;ti> Vi’rk vu Lin 2Ulti uU fiom '.'le^bevn, N fj. it origu.aily numbered -ad return•• ed .vifh oniy IT)'*. Tl.c arrival of thi;? regiment in ^ie8cribtd the Herald to have boea more ii to a fuaerrd pageant than the return of brave warriors. Ja their march np Broadway not a oj .leer was ”iveo them, nor did the militia turn out/ to receive I'lem. The tlags of this regiment bear / the inscriptions, “Hatterao, Cherry-stone, Ham^ptoa Roads (hav ing lost forty-nine men on the ill iated Cumber land friviate,) Big Bethel, Sqf-.ulk, Hanover Junc tion, Newborn, &c., / Tho Tenth Mast»aohxu«>y ta reached .N'. Y. on tbe 24‘h ‘*from in front Pet^rsbuTg.’^ They numbcrt:d 150 men. The Fourth \ ermont • also arrived the previous Thursday _Thej numbered 130 men. The ejffexls oJ Gold J utn^tna up in the JNorth. —The ,-udden ^unap gold to 250 in the North ha;’ sent the to devising all manner of schemes to retrwv® tho fast dfjprcciating finances of the North. We fiad that >a meeting at Wash ington of “thfc wives of tile Cabinet miaisters, of Senators and. jof RepTesen^atit/es, authoresses and women of f /*shion,’' has jA;&t formed itself into a “Ladies’Ny .tional Coven-the bond of the or- ganiz-.tico is; “For th rM ^■t'a.rn or th^ >rar we jtlethjei v» ■r.'cih'i-'’ ]fUT cli iK artirft; of fore.ujn a-ppai-» V /»rdiog to Swlbthelni, (^ditrop'^ of a i£cc paper) who Enjoys fc clerkship in Wash- .igtoD, Mi-h. doed nort give her coun- tenancfc to tho mfivemcnt no^ on foot t7 dis courage the puf#hRee of *cip«rted dry goods. ^h.e a^ree« with Old Abe that the prevent state of our feueral relations at will not do. ’ Ti.ey ure afr:id of olfeTidlTig foreigd mant;faotutera. Thr. Gtijrgio.—Messrs Ourry, Kellook h Co., ship brokers of Liverpool, have been iostrucfe-a to otter for sale by private trfaty the Conledorate florew steamship Georgia Her «rcw has been paid oil, and her stores were solti by aootion on Ithe 24th of May, at Birkenshead. The Georgia :loe8 DOt appear to have been aaito i for the pur- iKMMi foT wfaiob she was r i mituntair.'. The damage un ouf eidc ••oii^i^tod m tlni killing of Clark, and of the wounding oi I>r J'car- son iu th'* ;;r;d cl W. ^V. .Vvery in the groin, botli of MorLjantoa. uud Lieu' Fct- ■yiipc ) '** ^'amp V anoe, ia tiic toot The tallowing pci.-iOiis along the route of the retreatinu raiders were vLsitod by them on Tues day evetiin;: an.i Wednesdey luorniag, and rob bed ot their negrof's, Iiorses .snd mule-:, guns, money, jewelry, silver ware, and in eouie CAses ciotLing, viz: John Suddcrth. .V. H. Krwin, K. J. Krwin. W (’. Krwin, Robert Perkins, Rir-hard Micheaux, T. -T. i P. p. .Hcrouey, and Mrs. CaldwoU. The.y al^o fopk. throe hired negroes, ••ail road hands, belonging to Judge Coleman of Va Wo think ♦hi'» raid will, on the whole, be cf ^portant -ervice to tliis part of the State. We have ’^ow s-jea that »hc tidies of the border coan- rits and o! East Tenncnsoe can inflict serious damage opw us; and that tJ\cy have tho v;ill to do so no one doubts. It remains for the Govern- aicpt and people to show a proper appreciation of it by such precautionary measures as shall ensure protection. We think it should be done speedi !y, for there is little doubt the raid will be renew cd whenever those wily «lesperadoes shall per ceive that it may bo attempted with probable suoce>^3. “1 have,” says tho wiitor, “bceti conversing with a young nun of my regiment; who has just roturne'd from the vicinity of Rome, having been there as one of a scouting party. He says that the yankees are committing revolting atroeitics j.»ll over upper il corgia. Twelve of them in num her recently went to the hou^e of Mrs. , (wo withhold the na||e of the lady for reasons the reader will appreciate,) wife of Major , an offieer in a srallant Georgia ftegim^nt, and com menced their depredatfbos, first, by killing her ohiokeas, and then by taking from her any and every thing of value they could lay their hands on She tried to dissuade them from doing so, but they continued to plunder house and premi ses, when she told th^ if her husband was pre- I aont, iluiy would noc rob h«r in that way Upon this, they attempted to lay violent hands upon her person, but seizins? a grubbing hoe which was near to her, she struck one of them, whom she probably would have severely injured, had she not been seized by others of the gang, who threw her down on the ground and held her there until they had torn every garment she wo’’c from oflT her person. In her then perfectly nude condi tion, they ordered her to leave tho place immc diately, or they would kill her. In this, her naked condition, this worthy lady proceeded to her mother’s residence, some distance from her own, where she was seen and conversed with by the scout, and who, from her own lips, rao-ived the statement made of the outrage perpetrated upon her, and upon womanhood, by this band of thieves.'’ The scout further states that ‘^an old and re spcctable citizen of that vicinity, by the name of Denman, told him the ciroumstance nf a widow lady and her two daughters, living within five miles of Ad*»irsville, who had aUo been outraged in the followins manner. Some six yankees went V) her house soon alter dark, one night recently and demanded her presence. They then asked her if there ;werc any rebel soldiers about her ]>remises She answered in the negative. They tald her she was a d—d liar, and further accused her of harboring bushwhackers, which she de- aiod. [The old lady and two daughters were then subjected to horrible outrages ] “About the same time same fifteen of the yan- kes brutes went to the house of one Dr. Carr, who re.sided near Coosavillc. His family were very much atHieted at the time. One of his son’s children was lying a corpse in the h^>usc, and one of tho Doctor’s children was then dying The bends ^ ent into the house and drove out the Doctor and his wife, against which they remon- «lrated, telling them that their child was dying; but this did not reach the hearts of the demons; they had to leave the house, which was soon rifled of all its valuables, during which time the child died When they had secured their plunder, they cant) to the door and told the Uoctor he might enter the house—^hat his child was dead, and in hell, where they hoped he soon would be.” 'Fhey also burned the residence of Dr. Pain, near Ccojaville,besides committingother atrocious acLH upoi the property and persons of the help less inhiibitants within their lipes. Atlanta InteUl^rncer^ 30//e Tht- Tax in Nortk t'nrolina.—.Major McRae, the geiieral 'I'ithe 'Tax Collector in North Caro lina, ha.s kindly furnished us with the following statement of Tiihus collected in said State up to the 1st of June, 'ls‘>4, of the crop ot 1863: Sweet Potatoes, o8,410 bash; Irish, 2,713 hush; Corn, (>13,400 bush; Wheat, 7t>7,482 bush; Oats, >8,»:^2 bush; Sheaf Oats, 979,750 Ibf.; llyc, 6,341 bu?u; Buckwheat, 724 ibi; Kice, 39,163 lbs; From Vfesfern North Camhna.—A corres r,.'.Tu 7,t, of t! e Asheville News, writing from Malison fcuoty, .V C , ?ays: At vun aro aw^re, the citizens of this scdion i-ave suffered '■noruions'y, within the last twelve montht, at the' hands of the “Lnurel Tories " r^carcely a week has pMsed that has not witness ed the robbery of some p''0r soldier’s family, or the murdor of a good soldier or citizen. Several families have been so thoroughly robbed that actual snlfcring, and almost bLarvution, has been the consciUonce. Others, to escape murder and starvation, and believing “discretion to be the better part of valor:” moved with their goods and chattels to more congenial climes. By the way, let me relate an instance oi great Rufferin" and patriotic endurance. “Old Bill Shelton,” ol Laurel notoriety, in company with a part of bis tory baud, went to the house of a re spectable citizfin, who lived juHt over tho lino in Washington county, Tenn , and after murdering the landlord and his eon, robbed the family of everything valuable on tho place. They even strrj)ped the clothing from the backs of the chil dren' All this, too, when the landlady was con fined to bed with an infant only one week old! This same family is now de.stituto of every thing necessary to their health and comfort; and can scarcely obtain foc»d enough to keep soul and body together. In a conversation with this lady in reference to her p.ufferings and sacriflcea, she quietly remarked to the writer that we would not know how to appreciate liberty unless we made :^acrifloes to obtain it; that no sacrifioe, however great, would be withhel«W>y her, if neccs.sary to tho achievement of our independence; that, if nccessary, she would lay her own body beside those of her murdfrod husband and son, as a sacrifice In the j^reat oause of freedom. Noble woman! W^ould to fJod that every in the land beat in patriotic unison with her’e. The nama of this heroine of East Tennessee would be given, but for reasons best known and uoder^^tood by those living where she lives. ('.hi otiltfT llulstemann.—The Chevalier Hulso- luana, formerly Austrian .Minister a*; Washington, to whom Daniel Webster addressed the famous “Hulsemaon Letter/' died r«cootl^ in Earope ail fd nxtf'foTtr jMif. I 2,S04,182 lbs; Salt Pork, 82,14'3 lbs From tbc lOth District no returns I'ave been made. No returns from the 9 th except from 3 Counties. In tbe 8th Stokes and Rockingham make no returns. Portions of the 3d make no returns. Eight Counties of the 1st and two iu 2d districts have made no return^. In the two latter districts, where returns have noc been made, the ('ounties are, or have b^en, in the hands of th'' enemy. Tobacco is not collected by the Tithe Agent, though it appears that 2,469 pounds have been turned over to the government. Wilminyton Journal. The Fl-jrldii.—A private letter, just received, advices the South Carolinian that tbe Florida was at Bermuda, having touched at that port to make a few repairs. Within a few weeks she is aaid to have destroyed five valuable Federal vessels. C. S. iRSENiL INU ABMOKY. > FATaTfEviui, N C , July tf. 1864. j Fouudry Man Wanted. ONE experienoed in tho buiintss oin find steady em ployment on application to COMD’G OFFICER. IVoticc—Tax in Kind. The Tl!h5 Payers o? Ricbmoni Couaty, N. n., »ro notified to mpetmo at tbe following times and places wi(h all their receipts to f^et final rec'’ipt«. Those fail ing to oomply will have tbcir estimates returned un 0Kdi*ed. * Little’s Mills, July 14lh. Mineral Springe, July 15th. Black Jfiok, July 16th RookiDgham, July 18ih and 19ih. Beaver Dam, July 22d. McPherson’s, July ^8d. Laurel Hill, July 25th. Stew*r«STil!e, Jwly 28th. WilliaiaBon's, Joly 27ih. Wolf Pit. July 28th. By order of Capt. McGOW AN, Post Q M , 1 h Cong. Dlst. B. W. WERB, Q M. Agent, C. 8. A. July * 47-li*lt The enterprise €otfou Factory is now prepared to exchange for corn or bacon the Fiaest Nambers of Spaa Tara, puituble for Spring and Summer Cloth. This Thread Ls of a sup3rior quality, not xurpa-saed by any iu the Con federacy. GEO. BRANDT. Fawtt.eTiHft. Mav 4 2‘>t« YoiTsiLE^ COFFEE auil 8UOAB: English Mustard; Mtson’s Blacking; Cotton YarnNas. 9and 10, Cedar Falls 4-1 flheetlog; Extra Faiaily Flonr, London Porter; Qreen Copperas, Knivaa and Forks, tipiee and Blaak Pepper, Oingor, Soda; Epeom Salts; Brown Windsor Soap; ALSO~8toao Ware, sooh m Oharas, Jar«, Basona, Pitehen and Hugs. The vo»o for ifr. Ho!?rn in tf*a i county will b' Bmall, but I iloubt rot will be,in nort o»»!>s Feoretiy acd clandeBtln*3ly ^iren Fycry rijrbt wicdMl man 001 Cf'defl that Vance ro*de a c'X'd Gov\jn>or and is d‘cpT?ed to />ici hit flint s,nl try him tifraic. On the other U ia f!*»rei that Holdtn, if el*cte1, wo'»ld brt a fl'ttk in the pan; and this dr.ubtlcss wonld a hisard.'us experiraent wUh a t-owerfol p.nrray in front Ou^ pocple >n Ibis region are fvo'yway buoyant p.nd hopefuV *'ut not wi*boui arxions oare m to ttso ffJarti* now beic* ina^e, which the stem ^^pip of e~en>^ muBt Boon culaiinate in triumph or disaster T*u* no true man donhts t^at our flnM deliverance of ya»'kee rule is sure m ihe niaroh of time. The future ch*>*. ».cter and position of tbe State will depend taufh upon the carBpleXion of tbe next L^insla- tnre, snJ brnoo an unwonted enxiely rervadee popular min'l iti regard to fbf>se wh"? -Ijal! b» seleofed tr> con9titn*3 th^f ArD'T^'r fHe inie!ilg‘”^t ob- Server-’’ of the Lej?ii>>(»t:Te bis ’.ry of State for *he last two yparp, tbe a?it.oTii)C-'>»r.pnt of Shepherd •a a candidate for re-feL'O'i n i" h>.»Ie^ wi'li rladaopp— B'H only as aoiflzen wi^bou* f**r »nd reproach in eve’-r sphere of life. b"t .•j'-v . nn^'r. n' no>^orra«s el abiHtirs Wffbo^t ary ’•esrs.rd to r-a!’t T-^rtj affilla tions, he 13 juptly api'reciat''^ pr t’'~ cElnently nfl'fu! Esan in the Legislature To his vo'k ae a Leiri?- lator l:>. brittKS a olcar bead, a praoMft^l. wnremittirp indiiet'y, and above all an rarr.cpt purpos** to serve bis Sta'o and country, faithfully atd w‘U There is nn election f -rlhc Lep?s’a?nre re,Tarded with such prbfonrd Interest a« that of Judge Shepherd l:ut not docbt’of? the patriotipm of hie eonstifnency, U ia ardin^ly hop*d that they trill look well fn ft that tbe State iriay hav«* tte Ps'-Tiees of this eminert public man in tbit hour of trial and danger FOB THK 0B8SBVBB Died of copsumptio.n, in Chatham Cwntr. ontl»r-i}*h of March, 1864, William J. Hart, son of Joha and Sfirah Hart, tged 20 y^ara 6 raonils ta4 20 days. It is with “orrow 'hat we record the d*ath of our friend who so nobly placed his life as a sacrifice ur^** *he altar of his country Tiic war bad been his chief study throiiirh all his sickae^s and often he would o«il his comr'.dee vfco bad »pi!t tbeir pre.ious blr-od on th3 fie'i 0^ ctrnafre Ho wag one air eng tbe first to t»ke Bf. and tavch fcriU to meet tt a fv«, and many of his c.mradee say that he was a brave soldifr, true to bis poet and bis. country, and tlat every aeeign d duty wa^ p9ifo*'med without a roarmer. £x pcaurn f.iLil roQ*inucd Bitrchingi; brought on the weari«*1 fr.inue and disease t^ich soon r:nder^d him oBfit f:tr servio.*; b^ w« then irausft-rr d ti the 2d N C. lI'iFpi'al, P.-tersburtf, and there remained ontii De Ci'inber 1^'63 when i^c was sent to Ricbaond; be was tran5f.*rr-d nrnm thereto the hospital »t Raleigh, where he received many attsctions from tho Ladies: hij mother paid him a vis't, thinking perhaps be was not able to get home, but when phe reached tbe hospital, before entering ttie ward, hie Physi£ian S'id that he was very w(;ak, and to her great Gurpriee fhe found him prostrated, una!)l$ to help himiieir; after romMning with him s^ims days, tSe Physician told her that his time on earth was shor:, and if she desired she could bring^^sim home; she diu eo, an^ after reaching hooie he was visited by many kind fricn:fs, and received many oomfcrtg fVom those around. 1 paid bim a vl'iit on Saturday before his di&th, with a miaislsr who oonversM. with him relative to his hope in future; be said that be bad n'>t made his peace with his Ood, but on Sunday moraiog be ex pressed himaelf to bis unole who says he told him that ha had a hope heyood tbe grave, his Tffews were all elear Oh! wh^it a consoling thought for that father away in the army and to >hat mother who aloae can know the l*^>9 of suob a non Then gricTe not, mother, your son >>•« gene to rest in Heaven with those who have gone before. D. rOR TBS OB8KBVBB. At a regular meeting of Taylor Lidge, No 144, held in their hall, June 8, A L £834 tbe f'>llowicg Commit tee was aprointed to draH reaolu'ions •xpressive af the feelings cf this Lodge oeoafion?d by the deaths of brothers J T Eubanks. Alvis J Ricgsbee and N N Cor- dfl, who were killed on the battle field uear R'cha^nd di'fog the presso'.. ii:ge «{ ibe enemy, via: T B Farrar. H 0 Horton, A J Bynnm. The committee retired for a s’lcr: tin.e and tu^spquently reported throi'gh tbeir cha'rmsn. the following prenmlilo ?nd resolu^ioni', wbinh were unaninuualy adopted: Whereas This Lvlge h« heard with unfei);ned re (fr/*t pf the de%th of t rothers E jb*nk?. Bijrcsbf c nnd Ct rdcl, wbn fell ic tho late-battle ucar Ri.-bicond, 4^1>t- ing for •!! that makes life de»r and worth enjoying — rel'g'cus and i oHtical freedom frrm under tee galliTig yoke of tyranny attempted to be imjosed upon us by wild e-’ftusiasfq and insane fanafici cf the ^orth And whereas, in the death of brothers Enbanks, ^iggs- bee and Cordel this Lodge h»s lost three of its most hsQored and respected mcmbeis, iLeConfedericy three of its most brave, obivnlrous and patriot!'^ roldicrs, who were nev«ir beard to complain or murmur at any duty, however onerous required ef thetc—e^er re^dy lo meet tbe hated foe and I rave the hottest storm of bat tic; therefore Resolved, That while W9 bow in bumble submission to tho will of Him who doeth all thin;3 well, yet w» deeply mourn this sad ri-p^itsatlon of His provideoc* trh'ch ha? dorrivcd ua, th? OorfcJeracy, the Churcb itnd tfi? communi'y of such higb-minded, honorable ebristiau gentletnen, whose ohristi&n w.alk, pttriotio easmpis ,n'i rot-ls decja of daring on every field of ba'.tli*, V n (>r thetu r.n iatperishable rtnown which «lll e»cr liv^ in our (acKiort£3 fvte'a as the verdure ct iiereetual spriag. ^solved, That -vfi teudcr to the bereaved and sor row stricken familie.^ of cur deceased brothers onr cbn dolcFce and heartfelt «]?mpathy in this their sad hour ofhfflio*icn, and rrcoR'mend them (o that Qod for comfort and oonso'ation^ who Las promised **bAnty for aeh e?, the oil of joy for mourning, acd the garment of praise for the spirit of bcavinet’S ” Resolved, Thai in further testimony of their poperior moT'^.l worth and chrit>ti*a deportment in all tlie varied walks of life, their ardent i->al and unwavering devo tion to the caufe of Soutbrrn indfpenif'cco, wc will wear tbo nsua^ badg-3 of ri ourring for thirfy days. Resolved. That a copy of ibe.?o reK. lutloua bo sf'nt to eaoh of the families of our deo'sa3ed brotbera, and also to the Payi^ttaviile Observer for publication. two aitc-r f)Uii ris! the oucmy advauced, leaving .Marietta to tho lft. In a skirmish with our cavairy wc captured oO riflet*, a few prisouera, tod horses. fo Juy tlu^ro is 0(»ii-'iilarabl«i luishing a!o»^ I’rcccb’a front. Militia tali’ll out. —.Ju ly 4 —A di.^(>atoh to tho Ro^ihti.! from Macfij, -*li.-*3 , ^ily« that (jov. Clark to d;;j issued a pr:.- cltatiution calling out every able-bodied man in tho State to repel invasion. ^ Braudou and Wc•.^t Puint are the places of rendezvous. MarietT.\, July 4—A force of the enemy frou Vicksburg is m tho vicinity of Clanton tu- clay, and onr forces under Gen. VV^irt Adams are fighting them. Another column oi the enemy ia s;iid to be moving simultaneously from Natcnez. From Qeorgia.-^Operations in tSherman’is Rear.—On Saturday evening last, — men start ed for the railroad, which they reached at dusk. They then separated in three bodies, one going to 'J iUon, and the others above and below that place. Our informant was with the party at 'I'ilton, and he states that at 11 o’clock a long train of cars, laden with forage, was thrown ofl the track and completely demolished. The scout ing party then remained quiet, and early the fol lowing mi.rning, 2 more trains, I laden with ord nance and the othjr with commissary stores, were thrown off, and entirely destroyed. Their wrecks wore set on fire, and with their large and val uable cargocs, consumed Previous to these trains bein^ captured, our scouts, i6 in number, under Capt. Harvey, attacked Tilton, capturing 47 of the enemy and burning the bridge at that place. These with soldiers on tbe trains, swelled the number of prisoners to bS. They were carried to Decatur Springt;, and irom thence brought into our lines. Of the other two parties, our informant Btates that they were also very successful. One body above Tilton, composed ol Tennesseeans, destroy ed 2 large trains and their contents, while that belo(^Kesaca, and near Etowah river, under the command of Lt. Baker, captured and destroyed another very large train. At all points oi the railroad visited by out cav alry, the track was torn up, and the cross tieM taken up and burned.—Ailan. Intall., ‘Z'l. Ffom the C nited States and Europe.—AT LANTA, July 4.—The-Appeal has received the Nashville Union of the 29th ult, and the Chat tanooga Gazette of the 1st inst. Salmon P. Chase, T. S. Secretary of the Trea sury, has resigned, and Lincoln has nomiuated to the Senate as bis successor David Todd of Ohio Gold was quoted at 250 in New iork on tbe 30th. [On the 2'th, 221 j—advance of 2Si per ccnt.J /’orciyji—Liverpool, June 16.—The Ala- l>aitia reached Cherbourg on the 11th and landed crews of two captured voascls. The Alabama will be permitted to make extensive repairs. The London Daily News believes that the plot to overthrow the Palmerston Ministry has bro ken down, and that the scheme h'as been aban doned. Tbe prospeot of a peaceful settlement ol the Danish diflBculties is as remote as ever. X B FARRAR, ) H O HORTON. [CommiMee. A J BV^NDM, j Gold in \\a*htngton.—\^e are informed by a gentleman just from Alexandria that withiu the past icw diays the people of the District have lost all confidence in ‘.‘greenbacks,” and that the most Lincolnized holders of specie in Alexandria or Washington will not sell tbeir gold or silver at a less rate than jioe lor one^~—Rick. Whig, 30^/*. Gold in Ntic York-—A gentleman, who left New York three weeks ago, informs 4s that nc relianco can be placed on gold quotations of the New York papers. At the time when gold was quot. d at 190, he had to pay 230 for the sum re quisite to defray his expenses to the Confederate states—i.ha'lfston Me^rcury. Dtath (f ll. n. TF. H’, —We arepajiied to learn that Hon. W. W. Avery died in Morgan- ton, on Friday last, from the wound he received in the eugagement between the Burke Home Guards and Kirk’s raiders.—Ral. Consfrv. 4(h. “ }Valton't Cute.”—The Supreme Court of this State has af&rmed tha oohstitutlonality of the Conscription laws; as also of the case render ing liable the principals of substitutes. The de cision of the Court is rendered from the majority —Judges Battle and Manly conourrlDg—Chief Justice Pearson dissenting. Raleigh Confederate^ 4A. Splendid Loconiottve.—V^e omitted last week to mention the appearanoe of a splendid new loco- motivo on the North Carolina Railroad. It was wholly built by the company at their own shops under the direction of Master Machinist James Anderson, and is as fine a piece of work as we ever saw. It is handsomely painted and decora ted, and is said to be ose of the most powerful in the country. Jt is called the ^'^overnor Mote- head.”— Go'dthoro* State Journal. Gen. Longstreet arrived at Columbia on Sun day, en route for Augusta, Ga, where his family ij residing. rOE THK 0B8KE\S&. Among the loved and lamented who fell at Qettjsbarg nn that memorab'e first of July was Q. H. 8nddef‘h of Co. I, 26th N C. Troops. He was the yonn.est son of devotedly pions parents, residing in Caldwell county, and though young, he ear'y in the war followed the ex ample of three of his older brothers, (ono of whom fell since at Brietow.) and forsook a happy home to serve his country. Having fought thi^ough several bloody battles, he fell at Oettysburg, piereed through the body by a min'e ball, and died next d*y, exhorting hla friend to meet him in heaven. A brave and patriotic soldier, lo^ed in the family and respeetcd by all, is gone, and sighs went ap from many a sad heart, when the naws was told that *}corga was dead.” As soldiers we re gret, as frenda we tnourn hU loss, hut let hlra sleep on, a warniig to tyrants, till we meet him ia a better day In oWging the enemy at Bristow Station, on the 14th Oct. 18t>3, fell Lieut. J 0 SadlSer.h of Go. I, 26th jjt. C Troops. He was a member of a highly reipect- able family res'ding in Caldwell county, and early em- braoedthe oauce of Indepeodonse. He served as a private in ranks till the Fall of 1862, «hrn he was choeea by his comrades to serve them as Lieutenant. As a sol dier ho *id hif? duty; being seriously wounded in tbe forehead at Malvern nil*, and slightly in the foo* at Gettysburg He was shot through tho body at Bristow, and died in an ambnlaaoe a few mile? from the field on the night of tbe next day (15th.) acd was buried by a weeping brother. He was a young man nf excellent qualities; moral and intelligent, amiable and affection ate. He had won for himself the highest esteem pf all who knew him. It Is hard, hntauoh io the prioe of fkeedouu Httvoh is gone trom hit labora to his reward, a^ «« hopt taaH w inninMi» Iom Is hi^i etef«al I who jfreed Headiaarten 3d MtllMry district. ) DarAamaaT Moan CAaouaA amd botrTBaan Va , V Wilmington, N. C., June 18, 1864. j CIRCULAR. GITIZBNB are hereby notified that in fntnre no per mits will be granted to visit the Forts at the month of the Cape Fear Bivrr. Those desiring te send pro- fiiions or clothing to soldiers in this command can have them f-srwarded with disp«foh by sendii^S them to Uft oare of C.'kpt. J. B. Granger, A. 14. M., a^ this piaoe. By command of M%j. Gen WHITING, 48-i6t] JNO. S. FAIRLY, Lt & A. D C. } Bamk of Fayettewilie, Jdbb 2% 18t>4. T9R Directors of this Bank have declared a semi-an- bu4 dividend of six per cent., payable on the 1st day of August next. 46-i4tct«lti;| W. G. BBOADFOOT, Cash’r. Bank of Clarendon at Fayetteville.) July 1, 1804. * j DIVIDEND No. 17. The Directors of this Sank have dyoUred a teoit- annual Dlvi lend of 5 per cent, on the capital stooki payable to the stockholders on the 4th inst., io Con federate Treasury Notes. 46-2tl J. W. SANOFORD, Cash'r. PresbTterian and latclllgenoer 9 times. Servant Oirl to Hire A SMART GIRL, about 16 years old. for the remain der of the year; owner has no use for her. Apply to W. J. ANDERSON JuneaO. 46-&t Threfiher with Horse Fewer for Stie. PARTIES wishing lo puruhasi would do well to eall an(3 it in op^ntion d'^rlajc l»3tof ihia WMfc. \n exoelleut Machine Wjrk-j well with one hoMe JOSH UMHAW. Jirfl 2. and the m With Mr soliiie ar,. al ill fhf* art- J.1 HOUi t uJui> To bf-i-n inuy «) osit doiibtJ truiit.J wa? ( on>»‘ suind*' tiori, Patfe gr-r-.; t tlu.-i "lU is Hjnp’ VVui. ;ii \ aUi'c. ^ ODg lHUiJy w p'‘U- !ur 'l'ie f( J. D.l