VKR* FAYETTEVILLE. THiyRSPAI KYKyiXS^UYL |Sftt7~ ~ iMPORrAXT, IF True.—The rumor that Grant has retreated from bt'ore PeU’rflburp’is so unexpected iliat we must await more definite intelligence befort* w,‘ give it croden.-e. If he really has abandoned ilu* s'.ege of I’etersburg, why hit# he done so? Is it for t*.e purpose of oaking a sudden attack upon Itichmouii, hopii'.g to lind (.ien. Lee's forces absent, at and around Petersburg, Orhas Uen. Early made a movement th>»t has alarmed Lincoln for the salety of Washington? It can do no harm now to state, that more than throe weeks ago the whole of Ewell s ( orps, under Early, iuwtead of crossing to the South side of the James, marched North and Xorth West —either towards Waaliington city or the Valley. What they have done, where they went, or where they now are, the enemy must know better than we, tor neither mail nor telegraph has given ns a par ti* le of information on either point since they took lip the line of march. It will be a relief to find that they have drawn off (Jrant’s army from its ])urpose to destroy Petersburg. And yet this may serve only to protract the war. We have hoped for some thing more than a mere demonstration from Early —some blow that would tell upon the enemy. W’hat he has done and where he is we shall doubtless hear in a day or two. Tuii KKRY Expo>!KD.—The hope of Uolden’s elec tion, if anybody entertains a hope of so calamitous and disgraceful au event, evidently rests upon the expectation that the people can be cheated into a tieliet that he Is certain to be elected. His two or gans, well aware of the habit of some to vote for the man that iii likely to be elected, ply the public with most ridiculous fitories about the strength of Mr. Holden—that the people ace for him, and the soldiers for him, to say nothing of iha women, who are also claimed for him. intelligent persons, both iu the State ami in the array, knnw how utterly false are all these gtora‘8. But it is not intelligent per sons that Mr. Holden ei.pecls to influence—they are almost universally against him. 'I’o give plausibility to this pretence of popularity, some of the most prominent men in the State have been claimed as for Mr. Holden. Among these we may mention, Gov. Graham, Gen. Patterson, Hon. Jusiah Turner. «Ir., and Hon. X. Boyden. It was doubtless .«iupposed that these gentlemen would not trouble themselves to contradict the story. But this was reckoniug without their host. The subjoined lt*iier from Gov. Graham to the Editor ot the Raleigh I oaservative shows how that eminent statesman Stands;.—a thorough friend of Gov. Vance'.^ re-elec tion, and for the most conclusive reasons. Gen. Ptttterion's friends have compelled even the P'-o- gre.ss w retract it.' claim of him, and to aJmit that he !.• no Uolden mau. The Hon. JosiahTurner, Jr. ba.1 “authorized the Conservative to state that he is emphatically for Gov. Vance! ’ The Sali.^bury Watchman ha.-^ equally exposed the claim of Mr. Boyden. and de lared that he is in favor of Gov. V’au-e. Even the Hon. J. M. Leach, lutrmber of Congress from the Tlh Congresaional Didirici, cer tainly will not vole for Holden, tiiough he iiiuy not vote tor tfOv. V'ance. Tlie following i.s Gov. Graham's letter:— lillXsB-.iHo', JuL«- 8*‘th. I8d4. Sir—Vour n »le euilosiug an article from tlie Progress in relation to the pending election for Cioveruor of the State, and iuquiriug whether luy position in refljHH-t to it i* I’orrfctly rfpreseiited thei-eiu, has been received. In reply 1 biivi- to 'Hi. thitf H^ule deprei'Hting; the con- toit whioii has ariien tout liiiiij this election, and not at ail partioipanrii in lh«‘ a'Timofiiun-* ftvlirr:' with which the canvass seeuiM lo be ' i>a'iui;le.i by a jiorlioa ol the pub lic pr*?38, 1 lUpj'O.-ied it wa- well kuown ihat 1 aru an earnest supporter of the re-eleotion of iov. Vunce. Months ago, before arty other had been annount-ed, and when I certainly anticipated no oppositioD from any quart* r, unle*-? from hia original opponents, I advised him, in view of the general success of hi', administration that I tljought it hi-^ duty not to withhold his name as a candidat*) for re election. Like views have been uni formly expresseil whenever the subject ha-i been sug gested in my corn^spondence and conversation. His ad ministration ha in my opinion been i haracteri/.ed by ability, eJiergy. and /.eal in it'^ eudeiivors tt» givy sucoess to our »»rm-> in the- irruat atrui^i'le in '»'hi.'h we {ire en- .^ftged, whilst it ha.s sought .-arefully to guard the rights and dignity of the State, and the liberty and safety of her citT/enV iu this lin« of of policy he has but co-op erated w ith the !uajority ot tlie (reaeral Assembly chosen at the same time w ith himself, and I am persuaded has met with general approbation. I write but to au-wer your in'iuiry, with no leisure or inclination to speculate on whal tho luture may have in for i*«, in the dtFpensatiou of national events, but for the uext two years, as in the past, I am quite sati." to entru.st to Gov. Vance the powers conterred by the Coostitutiou and the laws on the Chief Executive Magistrate of the Stat*. Vprr rejjpecifully, your ob't serv t • * iif^r^DAUA j ScRgaNiKo THBIR Fai«Ni)g.--The Baleigb Stand, j ard does not notice the affidavits and certificate in j relation to the treaaonable association In Chatham and other counties, but contents itself with copying in an obscare place the following paragraphs from the Progress attemptittg to ridicule the persona who gave those affidavits and certificate: * and wonders and visions have been seen re- cenUy in the land of Chatham, and “wise people” b^n to think the end is nigh.' One O. Churchill ha» hadhia eyef> opened and as if by a vision has seen a light, and p«ce rested upon his soul, for he believed he wa^ for given. And yet others saw lights and were rf^d, and even unto th»s day Silas, sirnanipd Beckwith, and others, two of the name of Holland, and Long with a J. B. to it, and Sugg, K il. Marvel not, for these Uiings are so. And they did confess their sms before Uie Council, even it, and during the morning hour they lUd rejoice and were exceedingly glad because they were torgiven even in the house of Zebulon the Chief. * 1 .‘‘•‘^‘•‘'■ipusness. if O. rhun hhill, Beuton Holland. « . H. iloltand, J. R, Lt)ni^, It. M. and Beck- with see proper to join a secret order and take horrid oaths which they promise not to divulge, and then per- jurf thtmte've* by divut^g them, what is it all to Mr llolden and his friends? Mr. Holden belongs to no st tret Old r. and knows of the existenoe of none. The estructives and Secessioni'’ts are engaged in all man ner of conspiracies, spy eysteins, inti-igue and corrup tion, and we are not surpris.-d that some of them should take horrid oaths and then break them. “Chathiim county will vote for Mr. Ho’den byjAt l.-ast two to one, though si;;ns, and visions and wonders should eontmue to appear.— The purpose of this is evidently to screen the Keaterdly iroming niembers of the treasonable* associutiou, who, ac- coring to the Rev. O. Church hill,- (-ont- O. Church- hill”)—-were expected to vote for Mr. Holden. * W. A. GRAHAM. J. D. UvMAN, Ehj. The Common Fatk.—Col. I). K. Mcilae, Senior Editor of the Baleigh Confederate, is sharing the common fate of every prominent North t'aroliman. The Standard, having praised him in by-gone days, ifl now abusing him, libelling him, indeed, so scandal- onsly, (Col. McRae alleges) in a pamphlet which we have notaeeu, that Col. McRae has sued Mr. Holden and his associate the Hon. J. T. Ijcach and will give them an opportunity to prove their charges or pay the proper penalty. The charges pretend to be founded upon Col. McRae’s agency for the State in Europe. W^e have read the articles, pro and con^ in the SUndard and the Confederate, and they have impressed us with the conviction that the sole ob ject of Mr. Holden is to get Colonel McRae out of the way au an opponent of his election to the office or Governor; that so far from there being any foua datiOD for the imputations upon Col. McRae, his agency was of inctJculable value ^to the State, for there is no telling how much she might have suffered if her interests had been left exclusively in the hands of the contractor, the rather notorious George N. Sanders. Tho roault of (Jol. McRae’s operations was that he disposed of 228,000 bbls ot common rosin for the Stat«», for which ho obtained .'iOOO overcoats, 5000 pairs of pants, .^»000 jackets, 5,000 shirts, .5000 caps, 10,000 blanketv% Lfc,000 prs. shoes,-1200 English rifles, and 100,000 lbs of fixed ammunition. Col. McRae .says that the shoc.s alone are worth more here than the rosin will cost, leaving al[^ the rest i^lear gain. “A man ot principle is not cliange«l by every win*! of doctrine.”—Raltigh Standard Then it Is plain Mr. Holden is not a miin of prin ciple, for his changes have been constant. •It IB eafiy to talk, and loud professions cost nothing.” —Raltigh Standard On this point no one is more fully qualified to lay down the law than .Mr. Holden. “Men are often faithless and fall away from priiiripl*-.” Raleigh Standard. ■Mr. Holdeti is a living c.xurnple of tiiis4ruth, ‘•PrincipW? ftidi.rcB and can never I'iill.” Uutngh Siaudiird Wliich principle? ^'^hig principle. Democratic principle, S'’:ea9ion principle. Union ptindple, Coiiservative principle, ‘»r Holden principle? Mr. Holden hai) sworn by them all, by turns, and the Uolden principle is the only one that he has uev^p aiiaAdoned The Standard is full of electioneerinir stuO abus7of says that the yaiikees again occupied 1 ■ L ft > Jackson at noon yesterf^ay. Gen. Slocum says his Gov. \ ance, calummous charges against him and object is lo destroy the Railroad and bridges, and tvts friends, ridicnlous stories about the votes that r Mr. Holden will get in August and his certainty of being elected; but it cannot devote a thought to the gravest charge ever made in North Carolina, no less ° —S'- '"VI luuur: Ju lU v»iuiiua, IlO lesil iUB. HbKbAUOUTS OF CiWELl.S \JORPS —A letter than that his friends were engaged in a treasonable officer near Petersburg, July 1st, brought secret consoiracv—a consnirapv to ovprthrnw thn Weldon by private luiiids and mailed there secret conspiracy—a conspiracy to overthrow the Conlederate government and take North Carolina back into union with the hated band of robbers and abolitionists and murderers who are desolating our country. The conduct of these two Holden papers is such as to cause the conviction that their Editors were well aware of the existence of this secret asso ciation, and the absence of a word of condemnation would indicate that they approved ot it. Will any one believe, that auch a notice as the above is all that those papers would have contained if they had not known that the ^acts stated by Mr. Churchhill and the other five persons were true/ They would have denied, if they had dared, for they well know how damaging such a disclosure must be to the prospects ol Mr. Holden. The mass of the people of North Carolina are not traitors tUem.selves, nor prepared to tolerate treason in others, or to elevate to the Gubernatorial chair the candidate of traitors. The article of the Progress, therefore, thus copied into the Standard, can only be regarded as an ad mission of the truth of the statements of .Messrs. Churchhill, Holland, aud others. It will not do for the Standard lo say that the Rev. Mr. Churchhill and the others “perjured themselves’ by divulging the facts in regard to this ■treasonable conspiracy. A man can only commit per jury - wheu a law/ul oath is administered, in some^ m- di t,ii proc'eeding, to a person who swears wilfully, absolutely and falsely, iu a matter m t^enal to the issue or point in que>^iion.” See Hlackstoue, 4th book, loth ch. itith par. The i*iime authority goes on to lay down the law that other oaths, (such as that administered by the treasonable a.sso. ialion,l are ‘"unnecessary at least,’’ and therefore not perju ry. And moreover, if we mistake not, it is not only not perjury for a man to reveal a matter which he had been unlawfully sworn to conceal, bjt it is laid down as a du*y of a citizen to make such reve- latiou in cases where the publi. saiety requires it. A man can commit no perjury by revealing a i-rim- inai and treasonable conspiracy. A I'RAUo.—la the Raleigh Standard of Tuesday last, we find what purports to be an ‘Extract from the House Journals, Monday Mav23, 1864.” It is a misstatement of the facts. The Editor of the SUndard did not make his “Extract” from the Jour- nals. The fraud consists in this: The Standard’s “ex tract” says: ••Theque.-:tio:i now recurred inwu the adoption of the second resolution in relation to Gov. Vauce as amended by Mr. Cobb's resolution endorsing President Davis.” The Standard's “extract” then gives the yeas and nays—yeaa 70, nays 26-rand adds:— * rfo the reoolutious eudorsiug Gov. Vaoce aud l*re^i dent Davis passed the tiaal vote—yea- 70, naysrfO.'’ \o such paragraph's as these aru in^e Journals. The Journals show the tnUh, that ® resolution endorsing Gov. Vance was adopted by a vote of aa to 3, and that “the other resolution.s” (viz. Mr. Cobb’s resolutions endorsing President Davis, which did not contain any allusion whatever to Gov. Vance) were adopted TO to 26. The Standard manages, by apreteuUtd extract from the Journals, to make it appear that Gov. Vance wa.s endorsed by a vote of 70 to 26, instead of 93 to 3^, as it was in truth, and as was well known to the EdHor of the Standard. ‘Et-BOAST Extracts.”—A few days ago Gov. Vance authorized an emphatic contradiction of the Standard's statement that he had endorsed some Johnston County resolutions in favor of a State Con vention. The Standard repeats the statement, and says in its last issue, July 5, 1864:— “This eudorsation was given about the 1st January. 1804, and the iinpreK>j;on prevailed up to the 22d of Fel^ ruary. when Go^. V'ancedelivered his VVilkesboio' speech, ihit he was not hostile to a Convention." From Jan’y 1,1864, to the delivery of the Wilkes- borough speech on Feb’y 22, 1864, the impression pervailed that Gov. Vance “was not hostile to a Convention,” says the Standard. Is that true'? Let us see. The Standard is our only witness. We have before us a copy of the Standard of Feb. 19, 1664. in which is a paragraph copied from the Observer stating that the Standard’s friends in some Western counties had been improperly using Gov. Vance's name as sanctioning the Convention move ment. The Standard gave various reasons for its disbelief of this statement, among them this:— “JJor do we believ* it to be true that “the name of 6ov. Vance is falsely used a^ sanctioning this inoVement.” On the contrary, tho impi’essiou prevails that Gow. Vaqce is 0fjp0»eJ to the movement.” A shocking bad memory has the Standard. In February it said that’“the impressioa prevails that Gov. Vance Is opposed to the movement." In July it says tiiat Gov. Vance had endorsed the movement on Jan’y 1, and that “the impression prevailed up to the 22d of Feb’y, when Gov. Vance delivered his Wilkesborough speech, that he was not hostile to a Convention.” Look after that “biting file” Mr. candidate for Governor! Montoo.mkry (,'ouktv Croi*s.—A letter from a subscriber in Montgomery county say.s: “Our crops «re backward and small. Very dry. Wheat indif ferent, oats line.” A litCHMONt) Pai*ri£.—For the tirst tiioe in a fort night we have enjoyed the sight of a Richmond paper —the Kxaminer of the 2d inst.—for which we are in debted to Major N. ^ic&. McMeiU. Beg’t, •mft4 ktt boBW m e«mnif. B Y T ELJEORAPO. tapoBTS or TH« nuan assooiatiom. h rom Richmond and Gbeensbobo', July 5.—The Richmond Whig of the 4th has been received, but it contains no news of importance The following official dispatch, received at the War Department, is published:— “HKAny’s A. N. V., July 1.—Gen. Beauregard reports a feeble demonstration by the enemy on a portion of Gen. Johnson’s lines about 5 P. M. yes terday. His skirmishers, supported by two lines of troops, drove in our line of skirmishers, which how ever was re-established at dark. “In the various conflicts with the enemy’s cavalry in their late expeditions against the railroad, besides killed and wounded left on the field, 1000 prisoners, 13 pieces of artillery, 30 wagons and horses, ord nance stores, and several hunted ifegroes taken by the enemy from plantations oiAheir route, were cap tured. n. E. Lkk, Gen'l. The following Press Dispatch from Petersburg is published in the Whig:— “Petkrsbuko, July 2.—There has been some,.fir-, ing on our lines, amounting to nothing. Nothing doing but shelling on the part of the enemyi” The Petersburg Express of Saturday, as quoted by the Whig, mentions heavy musketry firing for 20 minutes on Friday -night. ii»upposed that 4he yankees had assaulted our lines,' and, as usnftl, bad been repulsed. Reporters of^J^ New "Vork Times and Philadelphia Press were captured on Friday. Heavy ti^g was heard in direction of Petersfburg 1 ankee Operations in Jlississtppi.—Mkridia.v, July 6.—A dispatch received at Clarion from Bran- then return lo Vicksburg. His force is esXimate.d nt •.»;>o». There is heavy Bring to-day between .fackT son and Canton. Tuk Whereabouts of Ewell s Corps —A letter .says: •I saw a number of iiegn>e9 last e\ euing that we had captured »ight before last or yesterday moriiin:'. The guard with them said there were live hundred. They were mostly women, ohildreu and old negro men. Ev- ery tiling quiet-on the liues this morniug. Karly, with '.Well s corps, did not come south of the James when Father Bob” did. He ha--ij^ gone somewhere west or north. I saw a lady last e'^euing who said that a lady who had a husbiuid in that corps had received a tlispatch from him that they were near StauuUiu then, but thought they Were about starting lor Maryland. .Some think he will ito lo Point Lookout, Md., and rt*lea.->e our prisoners there. .Some say he will g-» to Wa-hiDgton Cit3. it was rumored yesterday morning that Burnside'.^ aud Bald}' Smitli’s corps were gone toward* W'a.shinijton City." I'lrgtuia Kacts and Kumom.—A gentleman on. the train brings the information, that Grant has withdrawn his army from the soulli to the north -ide of the Appomattox—thus abandoning his attack on Petersburg, and looking to another advance on Richmond, de.signing. it is said, to combine with his land assault also au attack by water—unless the stubborn works at Drewry’s Blulf, and our iroii-clads, Bhould dispute and prevent his passage, as they are sure to do. We under.'tand very heavy artillery tiring was heard northward yesterday, significant of un engage ment between the two armies. The Petersburg and W'eldon Railroad iias been ordercil to bo repairc*! now, as the yankee raiders have been pretty well ^tbled up. The repairs, it is aid. can be made in a short time. The wires are working through t«i Pelerslturg. C'rn/edtra/ C(h ru From Petersburg we have report.s from different sources that Urant ha.- left the frou* >>/ that c// / with the whole or the greater portion ot his forc«*s. We are disposed to believe this true to some extent. Late Vankee papers betray a fear that Gen. Lee has stolen a march upon Grant and now threateus Washington. We infer this from the report that Burnside’s corps had reached Washington City, and that Foster's corps had crosNed to the north side of the James; and from the further fact that the Weldon and Petersburg railroad is wholly clwai of the yankees, 30 much so that the road is being rapidly repaired and will be in a condition to enable trains to pas through to Petersburg to-day or to morrow. iSince the foregoing was written we learn that a fight or a battle raged yesterday at Pet\;rsburg. No particulars given.—(ruldsbor>' State Jovr.. (jfh . Figh*iwj if Charleston again.—'I’he Charleston Courier of the 4th reports a resumption of active operations lu that vicinity. Oa Friday night a con siderable lorce of the enemy crossed over from Dix on’s Island to the South end of James’ Island, and on Saturday morning attacked our pickets and a de tachment of Blake’s Battery. Our men were posted behind a breastwork, and after 1 j hours’ tight re- pulsgd the yankees, who confess to a loss of'JG killed aud wounded. Attacking again, our tueii fell back, kaving 2 guns aud 10 to 13 prisoners. 1'he enemy are since reported to have abandoned this point. Qn Sunday, another expedition in barges attacked 1* ort Johnson, James Island, and were handsomely repulsed. The yankees said to be lOOU strong. We took 140 prisoners, (6 officers), j barges, 114 stand of arms. Enemy’s loss in killed and wounded not known, as they were Uken ofl’in the barges. Our loss 1 killed and 5 wounded. The enemy made a demonstration also on John’s Island, but were easily driven off. A demonstration is also reported near Pocotaligo, but not credited A vigorous tire was kept up on the City during these operations. When the Courier closed its re port heavy tiriug was going on in the direction of Stono. Gen. Foster is said to have 4,000 men on Folly Island. Death ok Col. Andrkws.—A letter ha.s been re ceived trom a member ot the 5th N. C. Cavalry containing the following: ‘Col. Andrews of the ‘/d C. Cavalry died of wounds received in a tight on the Southside 11. Road.” Col. Andrews we believe was a native of Iredell county. He was Captain of Co. B, when the Reg’t was formed in 1861, under Col. Spruill. The new Brigadier Generals.—Some weeks ago a list of appointments.of Brigadiers was published, and among them some five or six from this State. It was generally supposed that thpse appointments were permanent, but we learn that they were only temporary, except in one or two cases. The ap pointments of Grimes and Barringrer to the command of Brigades are permanent, because they take the places, of officers killed, but Cox, Toon and Lewis only command brigades until the return of wounded or capturjd officers. So, also, in the case of Ram-, seur's appointment of Major General—he fills the position and draws the pay of a Major Gen’l, until Maj. (Jen. Edw’d Johnson, who was captured, re turns to his command.—Char. Demo*:rat. Supreme Opinions have been filed as follows: By Pearson, C- J. In Hasklll vs Freeman, in equity, from Stanly, decree for plaintiff, and dire t- ing an account. In Sloan vs Mendenhall, in erpiity. from Guilford, decree for plaintiffs and reference. In Edwards r.s Parks, in equity, from Ashe, dismiss ing the bill. In Peeler vs Barringer, iu equity, from Rowan, declaring that there is error in the order. By Lattle, j. In Walton vs Gatlin (habeas cor pus) judgment reversed, and judgment here for the enrolling officer. In Haden vs Brailshaw, from Row an, judgment reversed and venire do novo. In Carson and others, eu- parte, from McDowell, lega cies to deceased daughters elapsed. In Carson vs Carson, in equity, from McDowell, children of second marriage e-xcluded from the trust. By Mam.y j. In Turner «’f Kittrell, in equity, from Granville, decree aflirmed. In Whitaker ra Brown, in equity, from liumombp, decfi*e for plain- tifi'i*. In Baker Harris, from Rowan, judgment reversed. In Cline is Latimore, from Cleaveland, judgniPjit affirmed.— Raleigh Cit/iservatiie, i'tfh. Stakh' Crops a.vd Politic.s.—A letter from a subscriber at Norwood’s, dated .Inly I, says:— “Tho wheat crops are very lightj oats line; coro now ftoa BaMia*ii 4ielioi98-’* I THE CAPTURED THIEVES, j Ftoift the Bichmond Examiner of the 2d inst The pr®dse number of mounted thieves lately cap- I lured by our forces near Petersburg, as they were r«- j turning from a pillaging exp^ition, is not j’et, perhaps, , exactly •wcertained; nor is it mat'erial to our prosent I purpose. Our pre.sent purpose is to show that thea« I thieves are not prisoners of w^r, and that their case falls j strictly within the province of Police. Whatever be the number of delinquents thiic (jiken in the fact, there will be found in their kuap.su. ks, haver sacks, hokters, pockets—especially in those of the per sons claimmg to be ofhcers—tho very silver plate, tho very gold coin, watch«^ an«l sugar tongs which they had just taken from the drawers and presses of our « iti/.eni:; there will be found in their possession the very horses and mules they had stolen, whose owners will lie but 1m> ha|ipy to identify their property—also, the slaves, in very large numbers, that they have carried oft' from their masters. Now when Gen. Lomax captured the baggage ^f the bandit Custar lately, he very properly !idverti.«ed in the public papers for the owners of the stolen goods found in that robber’s ti'unk. Here we have at I'eters- bui^ a certain number of the same sort of characters; be It 200, 800, or Pi00, the number is nothing—the point is wliat to do with them, both for restitution of pillageil propert}' and prevention of such maraudins' for the future. If 0ur military authorities could forget for a little that fal^ chivalry of theirs, and think of tlie real anguii^h of their own outrageil people, who are earnestly looking to thefn for protection, it were easy to say what should be done^ A guard should be ordert'd to strij> and search those persons,"®9j»ecially tlie “officers” of the gang, make an inventory of the plunder, advertise it in the jiapers, ■aiul call for the owners to come forward and claim it, and also to give evidence of the acts of outrage commit ted or conmianded by any of the band at their houses respectively Then those who had stolen money or plate should be sent to the State Penitentiary; those who had forced or sediu'ial negroes away from their cwners should Ik; hange»l. For the pressut wu speak only V f the comparalively m^ry affair of merely stealing or destroyin^^ property. Bnt we all know ihat thcro is far blacker crime than this calling aloud lor \ u|M>n the miscreants. From many a fair aud once peaceful county of our Htate rises one long, wild wail—the shrieks of violated wo men, gone crazy with despair and shame, seem lo load the air, and to demand of earth and heaven the base bli*od of their ravLshers. Grey-haired old men and women driven insane by rage and terror, have died with maniac yells or idiot ilrivellings. Draw a ♦ urlaiii over all that, and take the comparatively slight affair of projterty stolen and negroe.-i instigated to revolt, Wc have laws in this frouiitry, aud by those laws the criin iuals should expiate their crimes in tl'p ;^aiil or on tlie gallows. The tighting men of those desolated counties are ab sent^dkey are iu the army. If they were at home, and if such forays were attempted upon their farms, of course they would band themselves together, load their wea pons, lie in wait for the brij^ands at oyery convenient place, aud exterminate them by every possible means, taking every j'ossil>le advantage, trapping them likp wolves, “still-hunting” them, using no mor»* ceremony with them than wild beasts of the tield. And when caught, their trial would l>e short, under the tree from which the noose already dangleiL It is not true that tho lawo and usages of war reiiuin; us to treat such persons as prisoners of war. It is not w'ar that they are engaged in, ImU simply “uiarautyng,” for which they ought to be punished by their own com manding otiicers, if they escape ihe legitimate ven geance of the jteople they have outraged. This military crime of marauding has been always visited with .sever ity by the commanding othcers of the marauders theni- selves, iu wi»rs i ondiicU'd uj»on ivilized priu iples. Wheu he Duke of vVertlugton entered Franc , he issued a .item ]>rohibitiou of all such proceedings, and aftiir stating the altcged crimes of the French Uueernment, he added. "To avenge this conduct, on the peacekble iu habitants of France would be unmauly, and unworthy of the troops to which the '■ommnnder of ilie forces ad dressed himself." lu short, the m.'tt'er i-* not capable of argument: maraudini'. or pilliuje aud outrage intlict ed on nou-comliaUinls, is not war, and those who [>rac tise it cannot be considered pri'oni>rs of war, but enemi>*,i of tile liDinau race, t'> f>e e.’ilirjjated without delay. It we have any dflicat»!jimeainishuess upon ihispoini. our enemic.' have none—as Gen. .\Iorgaa know« u» his cost. When he went raiding last year through Ohio, though not as they are uoW doing through \ irginia,) tli**y trt^nled him as a horse-stealer dud penitenii;u-y con vict; aud this, we repeat, though there was nocompari- •sou t^etween the gallant Morgan’s raid and rheins, bccau.se, in the first place, his invastou of Ohio wa'^ really dtfeu- sive, not aggre.ssive, meaPl to divert ho.stile tbrces from h'a own State;—aui becau.«e Morgan's zueu dePlroyed only public pro|>erly, and took ouly .'uch horses and for age as were uecdfui to his progress, hut never insulte] Homen. nor pillaged hou.tcs of plate and mouey. And a^aiu. only the o’her day, wheu Gen. MorgaQ, ii* his own St.te of Kentucky, (but which »hey now claim to l>e Federal country,) sent Geo. Burbrldge a Flag of Truce, accompanied by the captured yaukee Gen. Hob son, the said liufbridge refused to recog.lize the Flag of Truce, seized the two otliccnj who lx>re it, and sent iloh- rou back to bis command That is to say, tJurbridge te>dily i-efused lo recognize ^organ as li soldier, eu- ga>;ed m making war, aud privileged to send a Flag of Truce, but treated him as a common outlaw. And if our enemies so deal with Goufederate ofticer.s tightiug for the iudupeudence of their own yet uncon quered ^jtate, shall we not deal iu like manner with the «.;od-for.s*iken scoundrels who iufest our Virginia valleys, making a pretence of war, only to gratify their own covetousuees, cruelty aud lusf^ Hut tnen, it is said.—the yankees have so many prison ers ot ours in their hauds; aad they wilt murder some of them, under pretence of retaliation. ^I'o this there is no answer: if we are afraid to protect our citiz.eu,- from i'ol> t)era lest our enemy should murder tlit'U' prifouer‘>, » * * the less we say about it the better. CAS0ALTIE8 IN N. C.TR00P8. res Tin obskbvch. • asukUies is Co D 49th N. C. Troops, from tbs 18th (o lh« ”‘/iJ .Fu’ e, IP(>4 Jufio iHtb. K.iUed: John N. Copeland, James C. Mo.rou iVonBde^: John W. H»DteBe, JoJiu A P»l- tirtsca June “1st. Killedr Gomelius Mathesoo, Bhadraoh Maaeas .luoe 23i. WonudoJ; Euoch Stuart. # i JIAYOR^S OFFl€£,l I ^ June 25, 1864. j A T a meeting of the Mayor and Gommuisiaaan I Ix at tLaf* this day, I , Pr«seat Hia Honor A. MoLEAM, Mayor i E. L PE.MBKKTON, i A. A MoKETHAM, J. O. POB, ! JR. LSE. I _ ^ ^ A G. THOENTON Justice demanda that eomething be eaid of priT*te Ordersd, that t&e rates of haoling adopts at ik* Corneliua MatheBOo, who died iDBtantly from a gun- Meeting of the nth inst., bs publiahed in hand biUi shot wound through t*>e heart while cn picket near J for the benefit of the oitlsens Petersburg, V*,, 21at Ji»n«. I never knew him uolil ha joiued my company He was a native cf Mr ntgom- oty Coucty, volunteered aa a private, “the post of hon or,” the 13ih March 18G2, and had been with the com pany in every fight in wbioh they had been engaged; s.mong them the battles of Malvern Hill and Sharp'i- burg. iVfy ottcntion has boon elicited by his gsllaatry cn many occa*icnt> on the bkttlefield, and espeoiallj at Bhsrpsfcurg on the 17th Sep’t, 1862, when and where I saw reooipti for hi^ oartridfos by the falling of bloe jaoketa But he la gone: his family have lost a dear, and good roomber, the Coofederaoy one of her most enthusiaetio and vali«nt soldiere, and the oom- ‘,:anv one whom all loved a.i a brother. He showed low f'-eely he s-'ivo up bia life for his country by the expraei position he held when killed, very ne»r the omuty. Tbe Eiciubers of hia compHny will enshrine hie name in their heartn, as oue of her mo«t worthy fc>i rincere friend?, sni valiant patriots. D S B. HlADQTJAKTlES 3d N.'C CaVALBT, 1 Near PeierebHrg, Va July 1, 1884 J E h:ore Confederate:—I send below a list of the ots- ualtit-8 of thia reftiment in the battles *ronnd Peters burg ap to Jane 2ibt . Field and Htaff—Col J A Baker captured. Co A—Wounded: Lieut L W Howard in arm, private J E QrissbHi in licger Ii--'•tvuadfd: L’eijl D W Simmons in b»east mortal, siii?'! t’ieJ; privates Wm liei! and Z Qurganus elight. C-^WounJed; private Freeman Hubbard hip. D—Wcusded: p.rivatea J f> Adams -in thigh, A'ch’d McRje head Captured: bugler 8eth Mills G—Killed: priTaie Hirirrove Wounded: Lieut F Pen der hip acd thigh, privates F NorHitt abdomen, W R Legg«?t ear Thos White hip. Arch Wright hand, H J Divia shoulder, and captured Captured: N H Jones. ^■i‘Ginc; Corpl Sau’ebury. H—t aptuTcd: private Humphrey, 1 -'^apfurpd: privates Caewell Page and W B Gower. K—Wounded: 8(j Hill in eltiow. serious, June 27th. a. W. BUHMANW, Lieat and Act. Ajt. 3d N C Cav. Fifty-hhghth X C Rtg't (Johruton't Army,) Lt Col T J Dnla, eomd'g. Field aud st»fl"—Wounded: Lt Col T J Dnla, I high slitht A-—WouDued: I.* J J Wise, 8gt Jos Aughtery, Lar kin f'rperaan, 8 Koss, J«o .^uehoun, Jea Goddy. ^is8- inc: H Hcnlloe B — Ki’Jed: Hgt Jos Btewart. Wounded: 8f;t, B Stu *n, M Bird, J M>epbens Misaiag: £ W B%ker. '■—Wounded: Sgin J B Woody abd J K Ot^rge, Kiddie, P Woodey. • I)—Wo**ndei—J N Crusenberg, M Towcsond. E— Killed: Hen E^tes. Wooaded: J T .S Spencer, B Psrtow, J Edmiateu, A Green ^!iEBing: Corpl EPuett, ) Bran. lo*» Moore, Henry Orford, £>aml Parka, Jos I'ueti, Taylor, B T,jage, Spencer Wood. i’—Killed: Cgpt C O Conley. Wounded: Lt J A Fox, S K Branch, Gfo Lewis G—Killed; W Walker Woiinded; Li J R Mortis, Corpl a M Paters, W Bailey, W Cox. K Holdmaa, W Bhaver. Capt J L Phillip«. H — Killed: W R Raby. Wounded: Lt k l> LinKle. Oorf l W Cri»p, N Stalling. j^Iisaiugr J L Craig, J N Helton, I—WounicJ; Lt J 0 Mo(i,-iee, Lt.) B Miller, ijgtfl G L Vauoike, J BUokburn, A ilreei;, R E Brown Miss itg: Riley Eftge?. K —Wouuded: J M uit'eu, W Stewart, Corpl Heno 'fhosoaa, t urtiu Leadford, J Grindstttl' yiss- iii^: A H!atock. L Ju^l Woaa-ieJ; Hgt Je8 i^piva, J»c Elleu, Wm WvoJ, J I> Dickerson. Tboa B.irker, C C Suker, lI*rv-» Hunl'jy- D.vigian ItluviDs Mivaing: Wuj Corniiu, Wrggoai r fjandreth. Ordered, That each drayman, ia addition i-> the li cense already provided for shall pay a tax of $26 on a oae horse dray, oart or wa?ou $50 “ two “ “ $76 “ threa “ “ “ “ $100 ** four ** “ *• *• That the owner or agent of any dray, e«ri or wagon, employed in haoling his own oommerco o" agriouUura, or what is more definitely known as doing their owb haaling, shall pay a like rate of tax. That each vehiole need wi^in the Town for tbe pur pose of conveying passenrers for pay, bo required to pay a like tax Ordered, that any drayman refusing to hanl when called upon, if not otherwis* engaged, aha!! be tubjeet to a penalty of $10, provided the person calling upon Buch drayman shall tender the rates prrrided for enek Service. Frcm the Minutes 47-It A M. CAMPBELL. Town Ckrk. ]fliYOB’S OF FicSTT JuNis 27, 1864 f A 'Lt Col J T Wtaver, Woody, R B MoCiure, W J N (1 T J jhnHon'9 At my CtnttinmdtHg. A—Wound.^■^'. I.tjj K W Coopdr, F M Miller, J G Licdsoy, Bgt J M Garr‘scn. ('orpl J E Rimro, J Sluder, N A Miller, W S \Yc8t, V/ E Pounder j Missing: .M A Beeohboard. B—Wooiided: 3 J Plemmons, M A Hiokum Missing: J J Hiokum C—Wounded; Lt S M Davidson, A Buokner. D—Wounded: Sgi S Stepi}s. S MoCarson. E—Killed: F Ratcliff Woundei: J Lathor, J Ham- ton. F—Killed: N Hudson. Wounded: W M Daver, J P Meadows G—Wounded: J R Pender. H—Killei: Lt R Brooks. Missing: Sgt C Holland. I—WcunJed: Lt S P Lather, J Nichols, F M Cal- labsu K—Killed; Corpl 0 B Lytls, Wounded: Lia A West, T Sales, Carpi G W F*eem«D, J H Icgle- Miseiog: R Ctcpp, Wm Stepp, W C S»ii*a, L H Redmon, W M Hickman, J P. White Bladen Politics.—A friend wiites from Cypress Creek on the 4th inst., that therq Is no Holden mau in that beut. TOR THS OB8XRVXB. The Cumberland Hospital Assjciatiou acknowledges the receipt of two hams from Mr. John Waddill; jil5 from Mr J W Welsh; McL McKay 3 bundles yarn; Lumber Bridge Relief Society G *V Lawrence !>; Young Ladies of Oakland Atadein}', New Hanover eounty, ;^181.60. MAKBIKB, In Warronton, N. 0., 549th ult., by Rev. Dr. Hodges, Col. TUGS. MARSHALL JONES. P. A. C. S. to .Hiss MARY C'OWAN, daugliter of Mauger Loudon. Esq., of Wilmington. a DIE&, In this towu, Friday morning, l‘t inst., ilAllTHA VJ IIAHI’K-R, only daughter of U. 8. and Josephine Har per, agyd 2 months aud 4 days. In Cnmb«.Tl»ud couuty, on the l«t. Jum*. W1LL1.\M ElXlAli, infant sou of key. A. unJ Martha A. Newton, agd 18 months. ST. inARvV’sriacibi,' RALEIGH, N. C. I^KE noitTerm of this Pcsool wili open AUGUST 2d . For a Circular oor tai’ting full particulurB applv ti the subsoriber. .\Li)ERT 8MEDEB. •luly 6. 47 lipd A€ADEi?lV, ROCKINGHAM, N. C. The exercisea of this Insf’.tutioi' will be resomed on' Monday ibe 10th ofl July 186-1. under the Bupor- vinicn of Mr. G. M. Ya'icey. A B., and Mrs. Vanoey. Tn;'.iru:iioa ia given in fttl tho prLaary e:udirs, also in the higher and olassi&fil brrurahor. meludlng Latin Grjtk, Fremh, Geomea’v, ^\strouomy. Natural FfciWo phy, Chemistry, Botr^uy, *40 Q .M Y ANCEV, Prineiottl. Jnlj i. 47 :U " ' COLLEGE. The dounal Meetiap cf 4he Stookhoidetf* of th’id In* stil'ation will be h"id the Colltve Hall on >^atar» day 3'Oth July. A lull rcprc8en«icn i'm ofarnegtly des’TOd, as tusinesn of thei utmost iaiportanoe vrill bn brouf'ht before the meeting By or ter of the Chairj lan J|AH. S. MoQUEfiN. Sco'y Jtilv 6. 47-2tpd PianoM for Sale. be Bold at FloraH College, on WoJnesdey the at their Office this day, A» Aet, entitled Aot to enlarge the powers of the Mayor and Csmmissionen^ of the Town of Fayetteville,” ratified ?8th May 18^4, was rea*, oonourred in. and ordered to be spread upon the Records. The Bubjeet of laying Taxes for the ourmiit ye%r. for al! municipal purpcsep, being uu^et conai tu atioi.. Ord>’red, That the following rates of taxes be sssessed and collected for the ourrent year, being in aecordaaoe with an aet eatiiled *An Aot to enable »ll Incorporated Towns in the State to lay additional taze^; ' ratified 22d Deo’r 1862: An Act entitled “An Aoi to author le incorporated Towns to lay an ad valoretu tax on ''lave'*;’* ratified 3d Feb’y 1863: Also, **An Act to enlerge the powers of the Mayor aod Commissicnere of the Towu of Fayetteville;” ratified 28th May 1864:—that is t« sty, on all subjects taxed by the State and County the same rates acoording to the present Revenue Law of tbe Sta e for State purposes, with the addition of 26 per cent, cn Boeh rates. It being understooa that aecordlng to thft Aot entitied “An Aot to enlarge the powers of the Mayor and Commissioaers of the Town of Fayettevillo " rati fied 28th May 1^64, all persons whose ordinary avooa- tioiis ^re pnisaed within the oorporate li’^its of tbe Town, although resident boyond euo!i s^all pay in like maaser, on like enlgeots, with residente: i*ro- vided that nothing herein oontainedeh^ll be tuderstood as in''end®d to tax Real Estate audTlaves employed «tit of Towu, Househotd and Kitchen Furniture, Gold and Silver Plate, Silver Watches, Gold Watohes, , own; ed and located beyond the Uniit«. Barber Shops, (to be taxed ) v Eating Honses, Wvery Stables, *' Oil Factories one and a quar’cr ou St^fe liic* Express Companies Insurance Companies ■■ •> Atso all aubjeo‘8—as Meruhaeti, so,—lueutioned in schedule B, of the present Kevenuo Law o? tbe Btate, taxable for State and C^uuty parpoera, aad oPt fourth on State rates On motion, ordered. *h»t Chapter XV of »n Ordina&ue respecting Ma«es and .Free Serroes be a&iended, by increaeiog the penP.liy to oue hundret doUno, iastet 1 of ten dolla»s. 47-\t A M CA.MPBELL, Town CUrk At a ineeiiiig: ot the jVlayor aud t’omuiisJioBcrs held ai their Office, .Juue 271!!. 18-'4, ti e folioWfug Ordinance was pa.‘'sed, * x: Au OfdinuMe prohibiting *lavea fr(^ openttig or Shoptf Sl»re» or Eatit^lSoaue 1 Beit or'ktned by the Mayor and uOrauit;.l(Pers of Fayeitevlllt*. aed ii is herely orda.ntd t- e.u'oho rity of the same: That it shall not be 'awfcJ it.y slave to open or keep a shop, store ur eatiiJi' h -o within the said Towa; and if any slavo is allowed i. his or her owner or agent 1-j o^eu or keen suru^ slivp^ store or eaing house, the owner of such slave .'hall be subjeot to a penalty of $100, for eaoh andeve7 offsnoe, to be recovered by warraat returnable before i*»e Mn'^ or 2. If any slave shall presuma to open or keep i-;nch store, shor or eating house without the pcrmisrion of his or her owner, he, she or they shall be subjc-ot upon conviction before the Mayor to receive punishm>nt aot excseding 89 lashes for each end every offenea, pro vided corporal pani*hment may ►•e comnat'l *^».y- ixg the sane |.enalty p'ovided in this Ord!hh.nc' as against the owner or agent of such slave or s'ia«o fFrom th* Minutes.) A. M. CAMPBELI*, T;>wn risrk July 6. 47 It TPhe friends «f Liieut. lOHlV P. MoL£.\N, 6t)ia Keg’t N. U '£ . pt-’t-r- recommend him to the voters of' umboAland and Harnett conuties, as one of their meiiibeia Qf tha House of Commons in the next General As&oi»)'ly. July . * 47 te FOB THE OB8SBVSR. On tte 1 of Juac, of a wound received in the battle of tipottsjrivania O. H., Robert Cowan MoB«e, Scrg’t Majored K'-gimcn'. N C. Tro'ps, in the 19th year of his 11-.; w&s the oldest sou of Jamoa F. MoBee Jr., Sar- .?*on C S. ^ aitachad to Lane’s Brigade. He left the Uiii^ersity of Ncrth Carolina last fall—rot reluolantly; but with buoyant spirUs, and lefty aspirations, deter- miar d to cmulato those of bis blood wt>.o h^d wen dis- tinciien in the Revoluiion, the war of 1812-14, the in vision of Mexico, he1 the rre.'?#nt sai'guicary struggle To a rela'ivo who wisbL»(' o de'aiu him near Wil- miz}g*ci), where he had mauy mends and kinsmen, he remarked that he inteuded to go to Virginia, for there he would so-iaest meet the enemy. An offer of a pcsi- tion in the t^aartcr Mastor’n Department promptly declined; be bolieved that such posiiionB should be re* served for dit«abled soldiers, ^ndthatyoong men shoold be required to go to the field. To a jshjraiois^ atChapel Uili. who »dvisfd him that he was unfit for nerv^oc, and tecdered him a oertifioa e which he thought would seenre his exemptiou before a Medical Examiaiug Poard, he reTlied, ‘ I will ga and try it first; if I find 1 ean’t BtMud it, then 1 can get a certificate ” He had, in an eminent degree, physical and moral bco.uty. Hip taiects, which were cf a high order, had bce.n sedulously cultivated It is no extravsganaa to s*y tha* in intellect aud attainment he was surpassed by CO youth ofhts age in tbe Confederacy. Though bat in the iirst blo'’n5 o' m*inhood, h‘* had the cool self possession cf xpcr«ruc6 and moturity .\mi»blo. fruuV, gener''ua, and brave, with a chival rous teiise of honor, ha kindled the hopes of his fsm- ily, who fondiy and confidently, anticipated for him a distii'giiished car;!er Though wo canuot but lamsnt tl;o unti'nely extino- t'.cn cf a life, rich in premise of perfume, and frait, S3 beautiful with the roso.ate hue and so radiant with the dew of the moaning; it it a consolation that, free from tho sccusiulated sins of years whioh make tho aged tremble upon the verge of the grave, he pas«ed into the prcsjnoe of Goi with stainless robes “The paths of glory lead but to the grave.” FAYKTTKVlLLl^AllKET.—July 7. REVIEW yp THE M.^RKET. No change since Monday. ia.'^lru'nent?, >uul in goo*’ of i>i|!ion. By order of Board of Tn istces M (!. '»!y 'i'e*-t;'5) ash. ^ToTIAlB, Hec>.' 47 •Jt .appointments for Poblic Speaking;. riMIE ( ANUIUATEP for the General As"embly in JL Cumbcrlani and H»rnett cJiiaties will address the poopl>- oT Cumberland as follows: Oawhirtl*, Kt Mrs. McKethan’a, Wodnesday, July IS Seventy first, at Mr D C. Movroe’s, Thursday, July 14 Rcokfioh, at the village. Friday, July 16 Oray’n Creek, at Bethel Church, S»taiday, July 16 C*dar Orefk, at Culbreth’s s'ore, Monday July 18 Look’s Creek, at bead ofrSsndy Creek, Tuesday July l^♦ Hea Hill, Wednesday, July 20 _July6. _ . CONSCRIPT OFFICE, RaLtiOB, June 4th, 1864 Gksbbaj. OHi>aB*) No. 22 / I THE Supremo Ocurt having decided in th* o»se of WrIiou, that the prinflTa's of substitutes are liable 5 by'law to DiUii.«ry duty, all suth persons as were bound UjV any JuJpe to «bid« tba decision in WaVou’s cafl\ ■ »re rftaiied to rt.port iis.mediitely lo Ihe Enrolling W«)»teris Rail R.oaft. Anew Uatn of Prerijht has thia ds.y i>cea established for this Roat. .fill be printod and oironlated ia a fuw days Bhipp^ can sen tho. saaae by calling at uta clQioe tif the Ca JNO. IfL B>8E, Md ft. co. * It OflioeTs' of Ibflr rcspeoti^o counties, or they will forfeit thoir brrda aa * > e ^vnf ^ted at>d sent to csmp liistriat Enrollii'g t-Kfioers will hold tbei' Local Offi cers respoDsib’e tur a etriot exeoution of this ordrr. * ♦ * . * * . • Bf order of Ihe CoioBiaBid»t ft J. UAiUilN, AdjiMamt. Jllj & We are aulhorixed to axmouuee to the citis.'-s ani soldiers of ^ Duplin county, that JOHN R W.\L- LACE is a candidate to represent them in tbe House of Commcns of tbe next Legislature of N. C. July 2 ' 47 3t?^l IVIeiisrs. E. J. Hale A Sonffy—¥«*u are authorised to annou!ioe Col. DtViU HETHUNE a otndidate to represoat Robeson ccontv fa thj H^vse of Commons in tbe next Legislature of North Carolina. July 4 ' 47 9tpd HARHETT COUMTY. WILL attend at the following plajps n Hiraett County, for the purpose of ooUctying the Co^.nty and State Taxes dun in ibe y.'sr 1864. The Ta:^ p*yers will please meet me promptly: At. Johnsoavilln on Thursday, July 21; At Mrs. C*merca’s in Barbecuo Dist on Friday. Jttiy 2 ^ At Turner’s Store iu Upper LiUle River Dist. on SMur- day, July 23; At Parker’s Store in Stewatt’s Creek Di&t on !^oi>d-«v, July 26; At Averasbcro’ oa Jaesday, July 26; At Randal Tur'.inglon’s in .Grove Diet, on WeJneetisy, July 27; At Reubfu Matthews's ViU in Neill’s Creek Oird oa Thursday, July 28; At John Srence's is Hector’s Creek )»t cuFrii>y July 2V*; At Mrs. Arnold’s in BueVhorc Dist. ou SaturJay, July 80 JA«. B GRAt>7. July 1, 1864 _ 47 Jt Imporlaut Sale of Sheet lk*oii AT AUCTION. ON THUBSDAV tbe I4ih day of July ocsuing, we will sell in front of our Sales Room, 200 or more sheets of Imported Sheet Iron, 24 and 80 inches wide and G feet lonz. The sheets weigh from 12 to 20 lbs. This offers a favorable opportunity to PUntera and others to supply themselves with an almost iadispsnsa- ble article in the manufacture of Sorgl^um Pyrup CREECH & LITCHPORb, ^ Auctioneers aad Com Merchant*, Haldgh,M C July 5 _ ^ _ 47ts Kilch Cows and Calves at Auotioo. ON Thursday next the I4th inst, will be eold at Aqo- tion, 2 Fine M lohOows and young Celves. 1 Fat Steer. JNO H, t’0''Ll, .4uot’r July 7. _ 47-2t ~iEElis’ ifEPATie pi^r EEMS’ HEPATIC PILLS DEEMS’ HAPATIC PILLS. DEEMS’ HEPATIC PILLS. A fresh supplv just received bj N. A. BTEDMAN & CO , No. 19, Hay Street. July 6. 47-lt 1) Uloore Superior Court of l^aw, SPRING TE&M, 1864. George S. Cole, Adm’r, vs. Mary Muse, ei aL ON iBOtirtB it is ordered, that Mary Mu?e is apnoiat- ed U'*a>'dian for Samuf'l T Muse, 5I*ry ^nu Muse, Ufttid M"'je and Efly J..Mufe 1» appearing to the satisfaa'ion ftf the Court, ihat John A Muse has arrived at the age of majority, and further, that h'is a non-resident of theSt*te, it is order ed, that publication be made iu the FayeitoviJle Obs«r vor for sir weeks Witness, J H Caddell, Clerk of our said Court, at. Ofiics ia Oar»ha»e, the Monday before the laci Moadajp^ ia FtVr 18®* hened Jnme 80, 47^' 1. H OAimEl.1^ a 8. 0. #