A tt’iittic Si-uoai i»r L««lirs* T**E 'viirth » ~'f Mim M«agutB’e sohoo! will open f.n Fr' t'lt'iiau&r rioilcc-, ,^o. lo. ! / ui ca'otrw oi an? kiud, not eeom^ted u j IX. Of couspiraoioa, or attempta to Uber- Riohiio»d, Va , June f., i«' 4 the preccdinji; parajfraph, betwM§l» times j ate prisoners of war held by the Confederate n...« "*7;*“/-“";";"*““^'“ mnE foHowioft uotioo i« b‘s«.i U:0n »rao»«t Uee , named tUoreiu, 10 per cent., in aSHlion to,| States. "J-i “ E r"T ™i,.. , t»x««*nci.,,,»««!»«.»«, under the' - ■ ni«thf>r, M R«»c rup?'" viil flpd * in her aiottaer’a famUy. Oi»W * I’wi'^d can he F«t furihfr irf-4 m-ti 1 anr*>ei M «t M. P MANOUM, Hi!l8b«'ro’,^ Orstaft' I' t-^’y J’ . .'c.' tha prweot, o»r« Pr J. P Cftin ,»na !) 4J la» be»riap Mi. 7ib. 1S64, aD la Biu>por» -a b> ’'-‘U' P#i--^ral p rolea cn 'n »bj^ B*«> 1. AM ofE ’’ *»'*« w*m> been d iiTor*1 ’iiy PoSai. the l8t pf Jiino 'St’-I. h> f tabi»ri'v: •- ‘*eo. - Ml Couf' ta ' wen. and *11 _ ' oiftl'bn>) hfiV;> i-'sn'ri'--1 *»'• plsi.*, /v ! iMf'l ,*n ^‘dtuU f tiOT I > M 7.1:, t ’-rs : olir.-1 f.j .'va'i»nf,e i 1 nt* JCoJoi, bawever, «■» BOt aiK roiai j'.lh V e*cHJ*T»rei1 »r,d igax. a Oil •iiiV ■" ria“nl tj'i2i*»r ■•I Kf KzoHaOiftj N'j'i c’ f'X 6»vrc CctroSisia r«*male ot. row«e t'f ihU Iu^^.tuliaa niM b«» raeuuteJ o« j jj sTiv-.ii- X Mofdi^ 1st of Apgnsf 18*'4, witt o fall oiM’ps i>f , 4 T«>sober!; i'or ircu! »*• ii'ldru"8 * R«t j B OT»irriTn, Anitouvillp N. 0 Jur." U 4l9*pv'«l* WAm'F.O, tor tlie \l V fort nshor. 1 noTJLTRT, CHiokcns. Untt^r o*hor ie io» i«e for IHK una-rav'. oa o^ixi.aab to exeh^uge COTiUN tbe-»flk Sol-Heia 4' »h*H lirt-fvai. Piirsoj- . YARK ror WOOL, ftue bundle of Y*rn for 4 lb-, liu- ^«aUa oaa oouin lae *B*rkc. prHo o» ^ppiicH tiOQ to !*t *>!« Bhall be liable to be placed In «ervice in the field for the war, as if he were between the ages of 18 and 45. Sec. 8. That hereafter tlie dntiea of pro vost and hospital guards and clerks, and of cterks, gau^B, a^nts, employees or labor ers in the CommiseaiT and Quartermaster’s Departments, in the Ordnance Bnrean, aud of clerks and employees of navy agenta, as hIso in the execution of the enrt»llment act, and all aitnilar duties, shall be •j>erfi^rined >u) ui/riD E?t L^.ig Woo9 Wanted for the Srate of N. Uaroilna. |1UK una-rav'. od o:>u:-na5 to exeh^iuge COTTON YARK 'or WOOL, oue bundle of Y*rn for 4 Ibo. liu- niiiueJ, or 8 )b« oloau WMbed Wool They will »lso j J \7 psj • >ib«ral p*-io' iu c»9ti »or Urfje or 8m»!l lots. GEO W WILLIAM8 & CO.. Ar*- Fny ctievil>, Juno 10. 4‘iif PresbjioiUa oopy. BUllKK CO , N. C TUS^iK SPRINGS wjU ha open for the iweptloa of rimers t!j» li» July. Terai* of *:oa-i viil pub- l»a»d in da« sr&?ou . A nul i'. mu»rUMe i;oor horci^ Bl»g« will UiTt Morf^ion cn *rriT&l nt itij p»sbe&scr i«-im from B&linbory ofirj Tuea*!»T, T«JT3d-»y &ijd 8i:iird»« l>ariD)^ fli« uiontbs T)f July, and Sciitembe*’ >t will 1«»T* Morg'Uton d*iily. PROPftlB'l'Oll. June?. 4l-8'.pd 't Power*’? on U^v u r. nF.ir»i> o^n’l Ac’t X- Of conspiracies, or attempts or prepa- act atbrosaid. j rations to aid the enemy. TIT. On the amount of profits exceeding! XI. Of persons ad visujg or inciting others 2.% p«?ru)auo during either of the yearn I to nhandon the Confederate cause, or to re- by any bank or banking : bUi Jhe Confederate States, or fo .adliere to in-iiUHi^ce, canal, ‘navigatiojj, im- j the enefuy. ^*.)riuii; rtf»J eKjinrrin^, telegraph, exi>resn, j XI(. Of unlawtnlly burning, destroying nii>r.>;i«J, iu;u)uta'-tut ing, lry do^, or *)ther | »r injnriitg, or attempting l-> bnrn, destroy juiiit Htock (toinpaiiy of any doscription, j or injure any bndgi". or railroad, or tele-. by persona who are within the ages of ,18 vvluitlu r iiiCv»ri>or:ited or not, ^5 per cent on : graphic line of comnmiiicati n, or property, .aif'h e.x?k!sj^. i with the intent of aiding the ' iiemy. Sko. 5. The loUowIiig exciaptiona from j ' Xlll. Of treasonabl« desi^-i* to impair iHViui«nt iiMtlor tl'.its-act phail be allowod, j the military jmwer of the Government by livwit: j deotroying, or attempting to destroy, vessels T. I’rojiortv of each hoad of a family to j or arms, or niiinitiom of war, or arsenals, tha valno o^'^500; and for each mitior child • foundries, worksho})!*, or otho- ,jroperty of i'i‘ tlio faniiiy to rhe further value of $100; | the Confederate SUitc?. -lVoo«! littsiil. au»Vrt»ixi'*''l will giv ^ a j'rico for a well iSvwdod 1 tract of land of 100 t.r -'Oi» iwr.'s. oa the R;i'hOikd at any point bctwwn JoueulkM-o’and Ft»yrttt«*vilU.-. nOv-1, pltcb ptut? Uistsl or unli^>X'j*l HENiiY K. COLTON. Aj?ent 5^ K. Co. -Ml S..:- B«ui actuiilly engaged in the or navv, or who ha^, died «»r been ' f.filcera to investigate the of all person.s i ill ihc iiiilit.iry or nav'ul service, and j (».> arrcHted, or detained, i!i .*rder t'liut they w.u} H !i;oini)i'r of tht* fiuniiy whea he | luay be dwcliarged if Ijuproperiy detaine.i, the fiirtlu-r value of i Jiniesa they eanj'^i speedily tried in the dne ■ rourse of law. and 45 years, and who by the report of a Board of army surgeons shall be reported as unable to perform active ?erviee in the field, but capable of performing some of the above Baid duties, specifying which, and when theee peiuons shall have been assi^ied to tho.^(» duties as far as practicable, the Pre- proviueo^ to be delirered by tnch person as aforesaid at equivalent rates. 3. Such peoBon shall further bind himself to sell the marketable snrplns of provisions and graim now on hand, and Which he may raise from year tt^ear while hrs exemption continues, to tlie Ghovemment or to the fam ilies of soldiers, at prices fixed by the Com missioners of the State under the impress ment act: Provided, that any person ex empted as aforesaid, shall be entitled to a credit of 25 per cent, on any amount of meat which he may deliver within three months from the passage of this act: Provided fur!- ther, that persons coming within the provi sions of this exemption shall not be deprived of the benefit thereof by reason of having »*nrolled since the 1st day of Feb. 1864. i. In addition to tlie foregoing exemp- sidcnt shall absign or detail to their perform- j iion.->, the Secretary of War, under the di j’.mi unii kill whi ( -‘tored thf‘ r^tTvic* s'fiO't See. 2. Tiie President shall cause pro]>cr anco such bodies of troops, or individuals,!/action of the President, may exempt or de- Fayftl^ville. Aw'd 19. " WLVJi:S! Tho info- rior quaLiy of itie the ObserT*r ha? h.»-’n printe.i of l\te, ml i wbinn iu » ••▼“-m''?"'* to •’*. '3 C'irr *' ’ R sutiiovut ^upplv jfjc s.S'jUjf -i! .-eioi. lij iaterlor rncGA" i>r ibe Ohj r»«-. ,t r»l! -u up 5tT5d bfl".^ lo t''Wi» h;-ve ” ■I’uc tc a ' ;.. l ut 'ic«.L. ueu W. '(Vli:i3 ?>J .V . ib'B icwi- uf Mr. ?T'irt*fty. KiP. ■>;iy tT 'fn II. 3.’ioj>oriy widow of any offictM-, ^ S^m-. 3, That during ]>e aii:?pciision afore- gAhHer. rtuilor (M marine, wii.* tnav iiave, suid, no military »>r other-omcer sijall be (iietl killt'.d 1m the nii!i'-vry or naval j com pel leil, in an.swer to any writ of habeas Pcrvico, oi where»t^p-0 widow, theu oi‘ j corputi, to appear in per.son, or to return the r:r.7it c,f \\pS- '■ lb..* sar-» c>.!^ rtovjnT'' !»> C'.'(9 r~‘ fop t ' \ 8;>nH PiOTlCJK. 1AM furuisii tfca publia Siiti :uid 8iiiett •( iht b«s‘, anipH%l ».>v.l 1 reapeotfadjr solicit a ».isr3 of .ae paaliu p.iiroi: ,iO. u2 lam fully peria« lei I c».i I batj J>od w. rkaioa xjid id«n of expcriz&c* in the buj>ne3; 11 of my w-rk is warr»n'ed not »o rip; if it Uce* 1 WiU repair for nothing. All oid&rs of repairing d- ne Mouptly i^ni a abo*t ooiioe. 1 e%n be fonnd ia ; low bolldiug nsrtk siUe ef Perso.i street, S dinrrt abjVo Liberty Print JUaS VJkyailAM Jnce 18 42 9 pd 'T^HE TOb3*;rib€r will par th: hi^kost cf^h priopg for _ • *S» i3»”V .• -T of PaH« ' Svi .ii 9100 BEWAUD. RANAWAY fronj ide a'o»»jn.>er on he 17ih Miy, my negro mhn EM^NDl-’L, Absat 26 yoars of age, black complexion, stout built, aed baa m^rk under hi* right ejo, probably caused by a stye He la proba bly making nU way to the B.'a ooast Hia motii«r lives oear Bear dwamp in Manon Diauict, 8. C , and hr baa | twe sisters, one at Saia’l Floyd's in Eobescn 0 -nnty, ; ftad the otber ac P«ier Pjaoock’s, Peaooffs's Station va ’ the W. M R. B. 1 wid pay the above reward for ’ Itis arreet &od 'aafinemen* se i^at I g?t him. i R N FA1RL5T. Manipelier P. O.. iUnbiaorid Oo.. N. 0 429t>>d Hurseon tt«aeral’« OOIe«, ) Rataian, N ' Jckb IOth. lJ»h4. f • A MESSENGER wi'l tSls 0*!x3e at. iie a%y, . ani tij9 fi;o^tith day, of every ojontb, /or G^n ' Lee’s army AH borcj left for cf that army will hr OHrfign tn*re ’'rr.>wp«l> l>r delirsrcd to the oTnicf. t ■ . . the r!Ull!!>’, ix'.ijrij \ ahie or $iOO''-. l’ri>|»ovly U(ini»r chiiilren, t.» the II. 4 »1 i^verv t'liiloi- or nianno, actually ('uimgeo ui i jfiiiitH»'v or nuvai Borvico, or «H‘kuc1i as hi? Ix'on disj*b!cMi in si»‘h Porviiri’;, i> the value oilicHr, 8ol» I'lii'^rtged lier. j 0|Cl a^ I (»t‘piovided, that the al-'ve exemp- A ('ov» and i'ztiV '%n'R'TVt tor !«nle liv K. » V.Tf.LKlNci't >?!!>* I aAIVAWAY, Le eu’oTOfiber, oi ;ho i*,*.!! A-'ril, my V.o'* >g'd 27 vonts, abaci G f^et 7 iiwhes higL; Kvi Titry d..-? oomp!*-rjac, alPD a eoar on his left dence snbmittod to him bv the owner or as h*nd. by a b«rr„ •is;! w ii[bi ."kboaf 170 pounds . He£8.>r. ^tionH shall not a^>p!y t* any person, whose j projicrty, exclusive of household fijrnituro, uhall be u-ssessed at a value exceeding ^lOOiL I IV. That where proi>erty has been injured j or destroyed by tiie enemy, or the owner j thereof has been temporarily deprived of the uee or occupancy there>3f, or of tJie means ; of cultivating the same, by reason of the prej^enco or tlie proximity of the enemy, j the asiiessnjent on such property may be I reduced, in prt»portion to the damage bus- ' tained by the owner, or the tax assessed I thereon may be reduced in the same ratio by the district collector, on satisfactory evi- 41-tf EDWAill) V.-vRUt:.'?. aurg«on G r.^r&' >T r!h (>vplic% I'LOUR AI%D OATH. FLOU'S and OATS will be exchanged for (,!ora at the Store of O MeLaoric, by giriug hiai a liay? boUee. Floar ^oo-i, 0*l« No 1- bl!v?k >r fViia. 2^ J- i f I will r'▼ fiftv dnl^T^ •*cr arrri^. or coniinenient in Miy J*J ijo '.hat 1 ^?t hL;i *~ain. .fUOH Mr'lKROOR, N. . .’.I!.-- -i-' C.-tf ^u. J. KrUT7F.rVKTTrviLLH,lr.>ir?i'r I OdT, : rji..', J>?iTTca •• Kr.>’ (io! ^am- • i i;.. T,-; C'’ i Atit ou« j.'ijiine ’:;sq on t^e Ks'* vh'rf-*' * t Ift^l ../> T'v'.l ■ .» «■» .1 ; ^ n ! '« t ; i>r>r/> m .w-.. Cow Mtrayeil. A BROWN COW, 02 wi-.‘j »iu:>')tt; cr^p under- bit bith i*»ri np.iiaji at : ‘n'; iaf-.^r.-Qi.ioc. will be cheerfully T‘ceited, ».ad r-»T?3rt psid for her raooTcry, hr Mr? 1 M ^VLKF.K. Hayraouat, .May 19. ■•'id 3:- >ruf CO\FSDKltiTK gUTK-H Ot kUKtLiCk, , ilauiacii r, L'u;. Cai-k Vh*.i, I ^Yilnuugfcoo, N. C., .>1 .raa lutn. > Notice '; :..Trr.y f/.v^a to all persons uavlui{ o’u»iiim a«ia-t iiajiar^jr i>v.p»:vidaut. Tjr 3;r*io,ja uf •iaTcs ('inp'-'.;yed t"ib'ref3 tn tumi d«f*n£^i Wlimiugtoo. N C , that *in» iDu«>'”i»nxl au^S'ri.s'd Md prepared VO p^y '-ie iiiit eifi*''', on tb* oond floor of jsj buildit;.’’ Kbore ='1 Store, Market 6ttd2t. mjrPorsca!) Fowpre of A.i^rnpv win ,-ih. •erre th.i fdlowim: for-Ti—nieir signstur^s. in all Ci.?**-!. t* bs wrsesaod t>f t-vo wiinestjss »id -Jiftuei i.i cate, or 'h-y m»y be bofor.* a jiw-?Ci- o; tiie Peaoe or Cit-rj; of -ay Ciurt i^ORM OF !*OV> Eii 0!-’ ATroaNK> . ^ , do hereby appoint —, of , ?cy true and L*'s»fui Agent to aign rcoeij.is tor, i paysMbt of »il moneys due to aio by far Eo»»iue«.'r De- pw'aieat of tae Oonfi-derate at%*^ of AcieriW for tbn ^moet. of my slaves employed «a laborers 93 the Nnd defenccB at , during »ho month of ia(j WiJucBs Ky hand and ae*4 at . th» ' , 1«« An Act io luy oddrtticti'iL fi/r t!i,e oani- inon, dcfiinoe. a.xd support of i^ooernincnt. Sec, 1. Tho C^ingros.^^ of tlie Confederate Gtatee cf Americai do enact, That In uddi- ; tioxi V, th'3 raxes Iovie»t by fhe act ‘‘to lay taxes i->r tha coTnmon dote.nco and to carry on the G'ovcmraant (.ftlie Co!-,tvidera?.e States,” aj..‘pr‘irod 2-lt’: »i'April there fhall Itivle.K iV“.ui the cA' tld.' act, on the enb'ie?'^ '' o?‘ t..va*i -u li-.a oaltor i.ient;>nei, ftivu collected from every coparti%er- ship, .n.:^.,c:atio;i or corp r.’.lion, li^Mlc thero- , to, laxcd as I. T-|,»on tha vr*’uo of * !\,pt;ny, real, i>er- ‘ nii\el, of ♦jvorv k'.ni’ au«* «le.^ tion, no*’ hcr?inaffor exo'upted or t;;xc;d at a «jitYer(>n- pt,r rc!;!.: i^rov-iuivl, T/int. from tlii.s tar on tlie of pr jport^v oru-’ S?X3. •. That the taxes on j^roperty laid for t!ie year 1S(>4, shall l>e assej-sed as on ^ 'iio day of the pa«»£»i.^e of this act, and be idi’.ean'^ ooPected on the 1st dav ot June , nex*^ j iiig an ■ extension oi' 5:‘> tiays \Ve^t of the Misnirifliippi rive The additional taxe.s on inc^»!uc9 or profits for the year 3 levied hy this act, shall !m* usseu-^ed and collected forthwith; and tiie t.ixes on incohies or pro- tra lor the year shall Ive Jiiwffwed and collected aco.ordiuu; t.* the provisioiis of the tax and assessment a*»a of ISo-"?. Bko. T. So much of the tax a«*t ot‘ the ‘24th hody of any person or person*; detained by him, by the autiiority of*lhe President, Se- (retary of War, or tha.CJeneral officer ctnn- nianding the Trans-Mississippi department; but upon the certificate, under oath, of the ofticer having ciiarj^e of any one so detained, that such iKu-son is detained b^’ him as a prisoner for any of the causes hereinbefore ti]>ecified, under the authority aforesaid, fur ther proceedings under the writ of habeas corpus shall immediately cease and remain Bn8{>ended so long as this act shall continue in force. Sac. 4. This act shall continue in force for ninety days after the next meeting of Con gress and no longer. requiunl to be enrolled untler the 5tii sec tion of this act, as may be noeled for the disciiarge of such duties: JVovided, that persons between the ajjes of 17 and 18 shall be a^^signed to those auties; Provided fur- tlier, that nothing contained in thi.“^ act shall be So consirued as to prevent Ihe President from detailing artisans, mechanics, *r per- «o;is of scientific skill, to perform indispen- tail such other persons as he may be satie- iiod ought ity be exempted on account of [Miblic necessity, and to insure the produc tion of grain and other provisions for the army and the families of soldiers. He rtaay, alsi^ grant exemjitions or details, on such terms as he may prescribe, t»» such over seers, farmers or planters as he may be sat isfied will be more useful to the country in sable duties in the tlepailments or bnreatisi tho pnrpuits of agriculture than in the mili- THE MILITARY BILL. Section 1. That from and after the passage of this act all white men, residents of the Confederate States, between the ages of 17 .and 5t>, shall be in the military service of the Confederate States for the war. Sec. 2, That all the persons aforesaid, be tween the ages of 18 and 45, now in service, shall be retained during the j)resent war with the U. S., inithe same regituentb, bat- ‘'.8 rtooi) as ])racticai>ie, allow- j lalions and companies, lo which they belong at the passage of this act, with the same or- ployed in a'^riculture f.hid! be a»^duc^'d the day of April as levies a tax on in- {•omua derived from ])»\i]xn^y or elTects on the arnonnt or value f whi,-h a ta.x i i levied by thi#ac^, and al=o the 1^* peotion *>f g.-iid act, are snspondod for the vi-^ir ani no estimated rent, Jnre or interest on iierty or credits herein taxed ivi valor*Ho, .••haH be assessed or taxed as i!»coin(*s unier ihe lax of 18C:>. ShX:. .s. Thftt t!ie tax imposed l»v this act on bonds ot the Confederate States heveto- .e !e.=vf riiH. ,. . 4 i u • 1 • Kt a t ‘ isoueu, shall HI no ca^e exceed the in terest on ti»e fanif\ jvnl snob bonds, wh«»n I.eld by or f-r min%rH or lunatics, shall be exempt from tlie ‘r.x in all cot*-.'- -.ylifre the /a’ne of tl,e t^’.T in kiiiu delivero.i thor-*:T.in, us j nn-ier the lav/impo^in/- i*, ^ni An Act to thi' vrivile^j-'' oj' tht' H’/iV »M dSDlieate.) Witnesie deliveiti;: the -scvei Minoat: I'i-A idol^ Ifoht'rt-- iin c^/'tuin c*uts. That li') C'-.'dit sbr.ii !*• ailo'.-.'ei' h ‘7'tui U jierca.'^, tite Constitntion of the (^*nfed- per oeut c rnte htates of America provides in Article U. Ca tao value of gold aud silver ware* 1, Sectioii y. Paragraph 3, that “the privi- ef j plate, jewels, jewelry and watchep, 10 lege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not I per cent. ! be suspended unless when in case of rebel- fa>all value of property taxed imderjlijii or invasion, the public safety may re- - ■-* j this section shall be assessed on tlve basis of fjuirG it;” aiid whereas, the power ot' sus- The eignatuiee of oolcred persons Bhoald be wiinessed by three witneawa There must be separate duplicate Pofrars for eaflh month. BI%ak foms can ba nad cation at tbia oi&ue W H. JAMEd, Capt. ft Chief Eng, Jan’y 20, 18i4 ISOOtf ganizatiou and t>fiicers, unless regularly traiiaferred or disciiarged, in accordance with the laws and regulations for the gov- urniiient of the army: Provided, that com panies from one State, (organized against their consent, expressed at the time, with regiments or batialions iVom another State, shall have the privilege of l>eiug transferred to oiganizatior*a of troops, in the same arm of the service, from the States in wliich said CA>inj^anies were raised; and the soldiers fnjin one brate, in companies from another State, eiiuii be allowed, if they d^^sire if, a transfer to organisations from their own States?, in tlie same fl^ui of the eervice. Sec. 3. Tfiat at the expiration of six montlis from tlie first day of April next, a bounty of 4;100 in a six per cent, (government bond, whicli the Secretary of the Treasury is here by antliorir.ed to ietine, shall l>e paid to eve ry nun-oommisfeiimed otiicer, musician and private v.ho shall then i>e i:\ service, or in the event of hia death previous to the |>eriod of such paymenc, then to the jHsrson or per- toTig who would be entitled to receive by law iLo arrear;ip;ca i*f his pay; but no one shall be euvilled to tue bounty iuirein pn^vided v/ho thidl at any time, during the period of six months riuxt after the said fii^t day of April, bo al)sent from his command without leave. Sec. 4. That no person shall be relieved herein mentioned. Sec. !). That ^ny Quartermaster or As sistant Quartermaster, Commissary or As- ’sistant Commissary, (other than those serv ing with brigades or regiments in the field,) or officers in the Ordnance Bureau, or Nas'y Agents, or Provost Mai-shal, or officer in the conscript service, who sliall hereafter employ or retain in hi.'i employment any person in any of their said departments or bureaus, or iu any of the duties'mentioned in the Sth sectioa of this act, in violation of the provisions, hereof, shall, on convictioQ thereof by a court-martial or military court, be cashiered; and it shall be the duty of any department or district commander, upon proof, by the oath of any credible |>erson, that any such oflicer has violated thic pro vision, immediately to relieve sueh ofrcer from duty; and sai«i commanders shall take pn>mpt meaeured to have him tried for sncb otfence; and any commander as aforei^aid failing to pertbrm thr dutiei enjoined by this sectitm, shall upon being duly coim'cted thereof, be dischargetl from the servit^e. Sec. I>. That all l.aws granting exemp tions from uiilitAry service lie, and the sam^ are, iiereby repealed, and herealler none shall l>e exempted except the followiog: 1. All who shall be held unfit for milita ry service, under rules to bo y*rescril>ed by the Secretary of W^ar. 2. The Vice President of the (Confederate States, the members aivd ofiicers of Congress and of the several State Legislatures, and such other (^nfederate aud $tate officers as the President, or the Govenior of the re spective States, may certify to be necessary for the proper administration of the Con federate or State Government.^, as the case may be. S. Every minister of religion authorized to preach according to the rules of his church, and who, at the passage of this act, shall be regularly employed in the discharge of his ministerial duties; superintendents and phy sicians of asylums for the deaf and dumb and blind and of the insane; one editor for each newspaper being published at the time of this act, and such employees as said edi tor may certify, on oath, to be indispensable to the publication of such newspaper; the public printer of the Confederate and State Governments, and such journeymen print ers as the said public printer shall certify, on oath, to be indispensable to perform the public printing; one skilled apothecary in each apothecary store, who was doing busi ness as such on the 10th day of Oct’r 1S62, • I • 1* 1 • I i liwo ao l/ll tuo XVtil Ul vyut l IroiQ the 0|K)niti0n ot this act by reason ot ^^d has continued said business, without slaves, cotton or tobacco Notloe to tbe Cltlsens of FayetteTilie, Pb^OMS applying tj the undersigned for ioe for the _ Bio*, muat invariably bring a ovrtifisate of ihe Prmo- tieing Phvsioiaa that the ioe ia rRqaired for a «iok per- •01 Under no other eiroamsuncos will it be give*’. loe will not be delivered after ound >wn. .MATTHEW P. TAVLOR, Major, &o. 43lf Jane ‘^0. Hospital-Supplies ffanted. The naaereigu.J, .a .u i .rz X igect for the paroD^B of supplies for Hospiui N > ti, la Fsfsf.e ?Ule would be glsd if p rsocs h^rinf !\riic»cM 0? food, to eeU, wonid let Him know, at bio residence, Oray'i vwtk, Cumberland coanty G. aUTTEWBUaO. Jane 26. pur-: ol uiQ necefessiy or sucii suspensiou; of Atu)rn6y | chased since the let day of January lb()2, i wiiereas, in the opinion of the Congress, the upon spp.i- in which case the said land slaves, cotton 1 {»tibl:c'8af‘ty requires the suspension of said and tobacco so purchased, shall be asses-^od ‘ writ in the e.tisting case of the iHvasion of at the price actually paid for the same by these States by the armies of the United the owner. States; aud whereaa, the President has asked Sec. 2. On the value of all shares or inter- ^ for the suspension of the writ of habeas cor ests held in any bank, banking company or • pas, and informftd Congress of conditions of association, canal, navigation, importing, public danger whieh render the suspension exporting, insurance, manufacturing, tele- ■ the writ a meftsare )>roper for the public graph, express, milfoad, and dry-dock com-1 delence against inrasfun and insurrection; panies, and all other joint stock companiee ! liow, therefore, ’ ot every kind, wliether incori joratcd or not, I The Congress of the Confederate States of ^ America do ona^it, Tliat during Uie present The value of property taxed under this f invasion of t?ie Confederate States, the priv- eection shall be assessed uptm the basis of il-\ge of tho vnit of habeas corpus bo, and the market value of such jirop«.*rty in the | tiie same i*; hereby, susj>endod; but such sus- neighl>orhood where aasebsed, in such cur- pension shall apply only to the casoa of per- rency as may be in general use there, in t)ie 1 «9us arrested or detained by order of the 44 4t ilioTiuft:. TAI IX Kljro DEPOT, RoI)«>ion fountj, N. C., 1 JUSfc-.ii. ia.ii. / HE Tiihe payers wi'l meet me at Lutnbortjn oa (he let day of July 18«4, for iO dayn, 10 hiv-3 their ttStimatAs ort-ditud. Persons must bring in ttijir ra- Mipta and get a final receipt for all taey h&vo pud on t^ir estimates Pcrbona filling 10 0 >mply, ftr? ha^Jle to have their estioiales returned uneredited. By order Capi.. MoQOWAN, Post Q M 4th Wat., N. 0. HtlOthJ] B. 8TAN8EL, Q M A^ent, C. 8. A. . NORTH CAmi?n roiiU.vfKKR \m ei>.. i Gkniral Aoent’s Ofi 4ct;. 5 Ffsukliuton, .V. June 'iO, iSKk j AS Q£t‘{P.?vA.[ of t'.i«* wbjve Uooaptuy I wina ,0 oa!l ihc aaentiua ot at' s)n(orpfUin ' aad j.air>/ue laeu of this Siila tj iaij *.\] fmp-jititt i'otatpciiy l«xia Company li.»« uo« a 0/ otfcr one miiiioa of doi- Ut8 subsoribeJ, »nd nearly *.U j.»il in (ireat effooa tn being male to secure vessels Our bo >ks n»*v not remain open loag, but wljjla tiify are or»ea dere’ifl a globus chance for a goed aa.i iti,ung iave3irae:>t Tba »f«al's instructed 10 tako boad* at, their faae in paa- mrat of stock, of ail dea )ai!i»*lioaa cz^2pt 4 p^r oen' bond-they wi.l be ulien at 33J per oeaf. disouui. WHU the proaiise to piaoe to the ureditof the party pay- iBg thsm in any am.juut this Oompaay m%y cell them far over the ottf p»!r o^ut i>ti,aeu Cotton aoa Tubaooa will be tikeain ri^aeoiofato-k At the right priou, acooidiug taqiahty. Any ona t?is’u’ to tsJKO fltook in t&in Oooip«ay ftddffSfl lag me as above. 1 will aUti take pleasure iu giving all mfom«lion to pMties wishing to take staok Rev. WILLIAMSON H^HRISS, General .'igent. Jam 25. [w. j.] 44-10i ftoog’s AritlinMikal Dietionarjr, EMBBAOlNG a systew of Aritnmetio, Reauy Reckon er, Interest Caloulatbr, Book Keeping, Forms, &o. E. J. HALS M 80N8. IWr 16. Pr^ifleht, Secretary of War, or the (jteneral Otlicor commanding the Trajia-Missianippi .Sliiiitary Department., by th« authority aud under tiie control of the I'r^ident. It is hereby declared that the purrjose of (3on- purchase and sale of such property, ai the time of asseesment. Sec. 3. U{K>n the r»,mount of all gold and silver coin, gold dust, gold or silver buflion, wkethor held by the Ivanks or other o*>rpo- rations or individuals, 3 per cent.; and ujKjn all moneys held of til bilid of ex foreign countries tax upon money abroad to ba aasesjsed and ( I. Of treason, or treasonable efforts or collected according to the vaine thereof at ^couibinlftions to entivert the government of the place where the tax is paid. i the Confederate States. II. U^iU the amount of all Kolvent ere-j D- Of ‘on3piracie3 lo overthrow the gor- dits, and oi all bank bills asd aJl other pa- i eniiueut, or consptrficioii to resist the lawi'ul pers isauod ^ cunency, exclu.4ive of non-HUthority of tiie Confederate Statea. ifiteretft bearing Coafederale ti^^asnry notes, • III. Of coinbiniug to ase.iat tiie eueuiy or and not emplvyeJ in a i«gistere? business*' communicating intoHi^ence to tloj enemy , or giving him aid aud comfort. ’ Blasi W«rrm«t« for the Incomo derived fioin which is taxel per cent. Sec. 4. Upoa profits made in trade and bnsinesa, as follows: I. On all profits ma^le by buyinjj and Fell ing epiritons liquors, Hour, wheat, (X»rn, rice, sugar, :i\oiaBSOij or airap, salt, bacon, pjrk, liogs, baef or beef cattle, sheep, oats, hay, fotvier, rav7 hid&i, leather, lioi-ses, mules, boots, shoes, cotton yarns, wool, woolen, cot ton or mixed cloths, hats, wagons, harness, coal, iron, steel or nails, at any time be tween tlie 1st of January 1£63, and the 1st of January 1865, 10 to the tax on such j>er cent., in addition i enemy. IV. (5f eonapiiT.cie;^, prcj»arationei and at tend pta to iucito sorvilo InfHirr^dion. V- Ot desertions or enconra»in*'' deser tions, ot iiariioring do«?orters, and of attMiipta to avtjitl military service: Provided, Tiiac in ca3t» ot^ paipaole wrong jiiid oppreisaiou by any r.iiiiate oflicer upon any ’^arty who does not Icgtillj owe military service, hia superior oificor shall grant prompt relief to the opprcsaed party, and the subordinabi shall be dismissed from office. VI. Of spies and other emissaries of the having been heretofore dischargod from the army where uo disability now exists; nor shall those who have furnished substitatoa be any longer exempted by reason thereof; Provided, that uo person, heretofore exempt ed oa account x)f religious opinions and who has paid the tax levied to relieve him from service, shall be required to render military service under this act. Sec. 5. That all white male reeidents of the CJonfederate States, between the ages of 17 and 18 aud 45 and 50 yuan', shall enroll themselves at such times and places, aud under such regulations, as the President may prescribe, the time allowed not being less thaa 30 days for those east, arid 60 days for those west of the Mississippi river, and any person who shall fail so lo enroll him self, without a reasonable excuse therefor, to be judged of by the President, shall be placed iu service iu the field for the war, in the same manner as though they were be- tweoB the ages of 18 and 45: Provided, that the persons meutioued iu this section shall constitute a reserve for State defence aud detail duty, and shall not be required to perform servioe ont of the State la which the^ reside. boo. 6. That all persona required by the Sth section of this act to enroll themselves, may within-30 days after the passage there of, east of the Mississippi, and within 60 days, if west of said river, form themselves into voluntaiy organizations of companies, battalions or regiments, aud elect thejx own ofiicei-B; said orgauixations to conform to the existing laws; and, having so organized, to tender Dioir services as volunteerar during the war to the President; and if such 0|gan- ifations sliall furnish proper muster rolls, as now organissed, aud deposit a copy thereof with the enrolling ofiicer of their district, winch shaU be equivalent to etvroliment, tuey may l>e accepted as minute men tor service lu such State, but iu no event to be taken out 01 it Those who do not so volun teer and organize, shall enroll themselves as before provided; and may, by the President, Oe required to assemble at convenient pla ces ot rendezvous, and be formed or orgaa- Lacd into companies, battalions and regi ments, under regulations to bo prescribed by him; and shall have the right to elect , ttatnr company and regimental oflicers; and profits as income under ! Vll. Of holding correspondence or inter- I troops organLzed under this act for State the “act to lay taxes for the common defence, ^ course with the enemy, without necessity 1 detence, shsill be entitled, while in actual and carry on the Government of tne Con- j and without the permission of the Oontad'^ i service, to the same pay and allowance as MfofAO A A >1 10/^0 I A 1 V« federate States,” approved April 24, 1863. | rate States. IL On all profits made by buying ani j Vlll. Of unlawful trading with the eoe- aeui^ money, gold^ silver, forei^ exchange^ j my, and other ofiences against the la^ of ■toekB, notes, debt^ ore^tB, or obligakioQ»Jtb« Ocmfederate Statai, to pr^mnim wif Mud. x>rt>v^ me. troops now in the field. Sec. 7. That any person who shall fail to attivad at the place ot rendesvoos as roquired bj ttM aaftlMin^ of tbm II virigliM ef intormissiou, since that period; all phyei cians over the age of 30 years, who now are, «nd for the last 7 years have been, in the actual aud regular practice of their profes sion, but the term phytiician shall not in clude dentists; all presidents and teachers ^f colleges, theological seminaries, acade mies and schools, who have been regularly engaged as such for two years next before the passage of this act: i'rovided, that the beuefit ot this exemption shall extend to those teachers only whose^schools are com posed of 20 students or more. All superin tendents of public hospitals, established by law before tue passage of this act, and such physicians and nurses therein as such su perintendents shall cectify, on oath, to be indispensable to the proper and etficient managemeut thereof. 4. There shall be exempt one person as owner or agricalturiet on each farm or plan tation upon whieh there are now, and were on the 1st day of Jan’y last, able-bodied field-hauds, iMtweeu the of 16 and 50, upon the following conditions: 1. This exemption shall only be granted in cases in i^ich there is no white male adult on the farm or plante.tion not liable to military service, uor unless the person claim ing the exemption was on the 1st day of Jau^y 1864, either the owner and manager or overseer of said plautalioii, but in no case shall more tUaa one person be exempted for one larm or plantation. 2. Such person shall first execute a bond, payable to the Confederate States of Amer ica, in such form, and with such security, and iu such penalty as the Secretary of War inay prescribe, couditioited that he will de liver to the Government at some railroad depot, or such other place or places as may be designated by the Secretary ot War, within 12 months next ensuiuff, 100 ptyunds of tiacon, or, at the election of the Gfovern- ment, ite equivalent in pork, and 10^ lb,-., of net b^l (said beef to Irj delivered on fbot,) for eacti able-bodied slave on said tarm or plantation, within the above said ages, whe ther said slaves in the field or not, which said bacon or pork and beef shall ^ paid for ^y the Ghorernment at the prices fixed by the Commissioaers ot the State under the impressment act: Provided, that when the ]^rson thus exempted shall produce satis factory evidence that it has been impoflsible for him, by the exercise of proper diligenoe, to fivnish the amount of meat thus contract ed for, and leave an adequate supply for the subsistence of those living on the said hmn. or plaatatiHi, the Seeretaiy of War shall diiMft s eewpuUriSott ci tbm tuMk to Ik* *pi0f ill eN|t w tary service: Provided, that such exemption tthall cease whenever the farriier, planter or overseer shall fail diligently to employ in good faith, hia own skill, capital ana labor exclusively in the production of grain and provisions? to be sold to the Government aiai the families of soldiem at prices not exceed ing those fixed at the time for l?ke articles by the Commissioners of the State nnder the impressment act. > 5. The president, treasurer, auditor and superintendent of any railroad company en gaged in transportation for the Gh)vernment, and such oflicers and employees thereof as the president or superintendent shall certify on oath to be indispensable to the efficient operation of said railroad: Provided, that the number of peraons so exempted by this act on any wulroad sliall not exceed one per son for each mile of such road in actual use for military transportation; and said exempts shall be reported by iikme and description, wiTli the names of any who have left the employment of said company, or who may cease to be indispensable. 6. That nothing herein contained shall be construed aa repealing the act apjiroved April the 14th 1863, entitled an act to ex empt contractors for carrying the mails ot the Confederate States, and the drivers ot jK*et coaches and hacks, from military ser vice: ]*rovidet!, that all the exemptions granted under this act shall only continue whilst the persr>ns exempted are actually engaged in their respective pursuits or oc- cupationt. - Sec^ 11. That the President be, and he Is hereby, authorized to grant details, under general rules and regulations to be issued from tlie War Department, either of persons between 45 and 50 years of age, or from tbe Hi my in the field, in all cases where, in his judgment, justice, equity and necessity re quire such details, and he may revoke such orders of details whenever he ftiinks pro^r: Provided, that the power henein granted to the President to make details and exemp tions shall not be construed to authorize the exemption or detail of any contractor for furnishing supplies of any kind to the Gk)v- ernment, by reason ef said contract, unless the head or secretary of the department ma king snch contract shall certify that the per sonal services of such contractor are indis- Ivensable to the execution of said contract: .^rovided farther, that whan any such con tractor shall fail, diligently and faithfully, to proceed with the execution of such con tract, 'his exemption or detail shall cease. l>ec. li. That in ap}K>iuting local bo^ds of surgeons for the examination of persons liable to military service, no member com posing the same shall be appointed from the county or enrolling district in wUch they are required to mt^e such examiQAti9a» Poet Ottosa Fayettevilioj N. C.,) OoiroBXB 3, 1863. J rill at tm irrit.-'3 iaity %i 12 noon. Toparts daily at P. M. '' the Arrieal timd D^forturt of the Jfatb Ofice. RALEIOQ via AVSRASBORO’, fto. Vi daily, except Sondaiy, M 4| P. M. iaily, exeept Sator^y at 6 P. M. ilALgIGH via SUMMERVILLE. Dep^ri^ Tuesday and Friday at 6 A. If. Arrives Weduesday and Saninj At 9 P. M. WARS AW Ti» CLINTOH. At Bo gart HA.QE. Arrives Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdaj at 7 P. M. Departs Mond^ty, Wednesday and Friday at 1 P. If. CHERAW, 8. C. ArrlTcs iQeadfty, Thursday and Saturday at 6 P. M. D.:pi>rt.3 Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday at 1 P. M. FAL1 BL7PF via LUMBERTO^ Arrives Tae^ay, Thursd^ %n4 Saturday at 9 A. ii. Deprurts Sunday, Tosaday and Thursday at 1 P. Bf,' EOBGdON’3 via ELIZABETHTOWN. Departs Mohday, Wednesday and Friday at 6 A- M. Am res Tu«isd^ Thorday and Saturday at 2 P.'M. ELIZABETHTOWN via TEREBINTH. Arrives Moadaj at 6 P. U. Departs sacra day (Monday) at 6 P. IL MAGNOLIi^ia CITP&ESS CREEK. Arrives Tuesday atT P. M. I>epart8 same di»y (Tuesday) at S4 P. M. SWIFT ISLAND via MONTROSE, COVINGTON aad POW5T4LTOV Arriv«a Taestia/ at $ “P. M* Departs Wednesday at 11 A. M. SWIFT ISLAND via TROT. Arrives Tnesday at (> P. , Departs Wednesday at 11 A. M. All ma!l leavtnj bifirj 74 A. M , are closed the SVSB ing befire at 9 P« All fettera to t>e seat off froM tbis offiot*, other titan by mai^, must be paid fer as if Sti-jt by BtiJ!. All drop lettern sitoald be pr«-paid bj i Odd stamps. Tbe o®ae will be open on Sunday flrom Si to 9i A. M , a»i from 4| to 5} P. M. JAS. 0. C(X)K, P. M. Dixie pai.HEiK, IHe Mtm r * fti.'thsr sonply at wnolss^ •» ’ - «. y w*T> * *owrH.' T8E .KORTU C«.B01iINA MOTDiL UrK illSOKAnCE Ce.SPAJir, NOW ia the tenib year ot suooetistal operation, witk growing oapital and firmer bdd npon pa^e eon- fldenee, continues to insure the lives of all healtkj per sons fh>m 14 le 60 ot mge, for one year, for sevea years, a&dfor lif»—aU life members sharing lathe profits All slaves from 10 to 60 years of age are iasoM fer ona year or for five years for two thii^ Uieir vahit. All losses are puaoiuiklly paid withia ^ days satisfaotory proof is prertedted. For farther informatiou the pubiio is. referred to Ageats of the Company ia aU parts 0 * £h« dtale, aai R. H. BATTLE, Seoretaty, Raleich. 8. J. HALE, aieoi aft Jaa’i; 18M. feywiriTilTe Jl. Q f'nt ^ MiCMitt

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