Ma. IiOLl)£ti'd 8KCE881UM RSCOBD. An “Ori*ia*l Seo««iloiiI#t,” one who WM an »d»o- oftt« of ibe right of SeooMlon snd of its praoUoo before Lincoln’s proolAmMioa of April 1861, itftBde, or le Bup- posed to stand, ft slim ohanoe of re««iviag soy share of popular favor Mr Holden, ae if well known, wae the leader of the SeoeaeioBiats of North Carolina from at leafil as far back as 1860 to tha Fall of 18G0. Bat Mr. U-,Uen has no idea of taking a “allm ohanoe’' along with his old MoeMion brethren, and he hae had the hardihood to inainuate a denial that he wae one of the “original^." Hi* mouth waa oloeed on that point by the oonoluaUe evidence pablished in the Observer in February last. Bat his friends still maintain that h« was not “neoesh:*’ so it is about as well to republish tome of the evidance. as follows;— M» llolDBN *H AnViM’ATtOf THlillttHTOPPSilSlStoW. >' l/t« titauU^rU, Dtt. Mh, IHGO. i.avo ht iirl ll»e iccoutly tiX]irec«ncU I hut u State lias no ri^ht u» s«»oed«j (ioui tiko I undi—that tbcru is iio lielji truiu opptt^:inii>& by Tev»'uiio»: m uthdr \vorln, lUut «he Staii'.'. au- th} ort^iitureo uiji dopcutieut.*t of the I cJi r.ii UovcrumoQt, a»>d ul oi> Bubjcct vi» 1(9 physical ecercion. Saoh an ussumptiou, wc iiuitiLly suluiit, is misupponed by any tvstiiaouy lora'cl Irain the Cunstilutioa itsell’, or Iroui any civcauistunci uttending ita forusatiou or adiptiou. It i>i, luoroover, at \> -at with all regu- hii ideas of free republican governtncnt, aad ol the undoubted iadopcndcoce oi‘ the Statcf, as that indcf enuciice bss been practically displayed iu ihbir svcarr,te crganizuion since 1787. Wc t'lat ad aj could ori;;.ii.alIv *•!—'T; - ,w.ieh ;m oitrornc it/ :t f.ho*!J From tbe Balelgh titandard, January M, Ibuu. “The surest way to avert a dissolutioo ot the Union is to prepare for it. A disaolution is.oer- TU£ POdmON Ilf QEOROIA. The army of Tennessee oommenoed a ratio- grade luo^ment iroui the lines of Konneeaw • ^ - V A tJUlUU 19 Wl pr«3|>s&rO lUl V*AO«VAU%«was aw,-^^- j - % 1 taiuly probable, to say the least, in the evcut of! mountain at midnight en Saturdayi^an f y •ut >houiJ at' .0 i ".r f olJly in the tU.\- : t.. ‘ ;.i*Or*...r’V t'li!' ^\ e iruh po '-ibii'ty nf the pu;»Iic natju to look the I It may contiu^ency tinnier J.'-*t them dcolarc that while wo ac[uiesce in the lat« aciioa ol Oo’Jiiress ou Jho slavery nuc.^tioa, wc are at tho sarae time iutcnained ti at agnation ;-hall ecaic, and tkat lie fupiiv* slave law shall be enforced in its fet ter and spirit *nd that if rhf tree f^tatc.s do ikut jL‘1'1 to I'uir, '.ur nVhlo “inJ ('.'»u.-titutit!iiul request, we will li-avc cLon;, aud leave :h ! u» tuftsvcr “Tills IS no time t.> diiputo al oul lerii.H. 11 i^catlomeu do uot like the woru and il we CaQUuI OOCisv Ut {■ U.-iw ' t' VVktl'ii I'c I ut Uf .1, Ivt Itl ■ : ii;): Ix)!.’ citUCV ol > . h. • he pi'upie UtidclnCauu that, u(id th thSi'.xX it if t.f‘0 aiuve liVV b ll tLt:nO Vflfici U-sauita UpOil thv.: slave 'tstt,B ue c'jriliiiUetl iu tho a. i . n .'-.r.gre-’'■ ty Will ‘ V'-peuioo i ilw-, . ti de- , or ■ e.!- 0»t U l\U ■MU'.,'r-ii'- i\‘ i * £.40.;^: - 4 ' - ■» ' . . .•asktr-. •■•1. . .'1 .. -cfi i iuors to - i>i. i..o *■ ^ i.-. 1 ■. expouaii^'J tue s^ca ioiiir;ue ;auii; Tui: ai'.UT 70 HI tilSnOMKU K.m f 'otn the R iie.jK .''..indard Stpt. Kii. V-J ■ii ;l t se'W 1;.. :t5i. vr rue •‘We hold, ad we have uaiformly held, :hat no State can secede u-ithuut just cauie\ that, iu oth er words, the Constitution must be palpably vio lated and the compact broken, before any State can be released We hold, as wc have uniforai- ly held; thai il this compact should be broken, the act will be an act ol revoluaon on tho part of the seoiional majority which perpetrates it, tor the simple reason that it will work a radical change m the Con«titution of government; that this (j''ctional majority will nevertheless, a? a UiatieT ol coarse, hold on to the government and 1 proclaim the Tjuion a*^iU in being; thaf the 1 iilt>‘rT>a*‘c>^ 1' H to the min rity the S'aV t u\'(l ’•e to with irciL' ■ r-i • I’’ troui such a novotuuic.ut ttod proVide new i;;uariH tor their laiure sccuritv. and that, in - 3 di/ia”, tliey will ;^o forward anici th^ ajf’; .rity ol »overc-igu Suieb, tni!d releaacd trom their obhgaticriis lu the compact, by the ut the majority,” The stme auoib ’- of li-o HtaaJard juote J :b3 fo* iag lanr zifie 0. Mr. Jen^rsoc, .•octi-isu "a till* wl', ’ben, to stand to our arms!' .No That -I-.,t bo the la^t rc wur.-c, u .t to be thoaicht uf unti. Uih'.'h i greater ^sufferin^ W e n; bu’c pati.-n;ft and longer eadarati«e with our bretir?n *^41116 unilor deIu-»iou—u;ive them lime for r'v'ricctlon and experience of con- aet|ueni cs-— onrsclves in a situation to profit by the '’’japter of aocidentg; and separate from companions (not revolt from our rulers) oniy vjhen fhi S't'e uUfrii'iticvs left art the dissolution Of our f. 'nion 'cvh (k‘-m o.- n. jsufcmt.sstoji to u .jovemm- nt without limitati »i 0/poirf^n." Tteta extrioO fix Mr. Holdeu'a ro3it;on firmly xita tUe “origiaal sccesh,” the ‘•Cotton Si»teB seoeaa,” who maimiintd rrsoiseiy I’aeso doctrines. The queetion ariaes; di4 th*t Cotton flisktca practiOB Trtat ihc? an1 Mr. Holden premohed. aad seoede for wbat was tct.iR- tained by Mr Holdcc to be '\Just cau»« ” or d;d la y secede ior insufficient cause and jceiify Sir. H .IJcu in declaring, as h« did on the Pih of Jau’y 18Ui. tojit t-c “never maintained tL^ IjC'-vic-: of a oatdioa nd yratt'rni by the Cotton States.” W.* propose to answer ihkt .(ueBiioD. Not in our noida: Mr. Holden ia tUovrcd a do most of the taliiin^ \z >.ur commonta up;.!, his couris, and ao in this Well, for wiiat did the C-tion States see .de.' Be cause. as they avintaiaed, ot‘_,uil cause”—tho electicn 9! a Blwoik Hepuoiioaa Sectional ticket to tho Preei- ieuoy mu Vic* I' ea'. ;::;y of :b: L'jiiicti Htates did :--r. - ida Vihy ‘I- ‘ U f : fo;c«u . ‘•Jcex I all. UK tjucBaaioN OBriKto uv Mit Koloks. Kroni tixe St^ndMd, riopt lU, ‘'Gau it we posbible that there -are men in the South who prefer Fremont lor the Proaideney, or who woald actjuieace in his election.' The New Vork Herald boa-ts that there are already Elec toral tiakcta in Virginia, Kentaoky and Mary land; and U adds, ‘‘Tezaa and North Carolina v?ili probably sooa follow auit.” Thia is a vil“ blander on the ijouthern pc-ople. So Fremont Electoral ticket can bt fonited in X rth Cnrolina—mark that'. It may be that there are traitors here and there, in this State, as there were ioriea iu tup. Revolution, who would deliver up their u-wttivc land to the fury of the fanatic and the tojch of the incendiary, but they are few and far between “The election of I'remont would inevitably lead a separation t f the States. Even if no overt or direct act of dibsolution should lake place, he cou’.d not carry on t^e ^overnaient in the iSouth. \>i *ru'^ or decent Southern would a.‘u- ' ■ ft.oc under him, and would npver nubtuit to have their the success of the black llopublicana in 1860; and their suooess, we leel bound to say, is with in tho range of probability. Must wc await an overt aoty AVhy the very act ol uluctiog such a l^rcsideot would be a declarBtion ol deadly hos tility to the slavclioldinjr l>o hostile ar- mieei await overt actijV la a declaration of war QOihiuK until arm» are ttaed on the field.'' Poea a uaa who is told by his adveiaary that he is to be assailed, "wait until his advoisary in n{>on him, and he haa ooiameac*?d to disartit aud t“a«t him to the eurlhr l‘oe» a prrsiOK who >.as taken ar^enio by iuii.lake, wait lu see whether hi-simuo will ptt.duee ti.'albr OueS any outi doubt that I oidd atfel. well sharpt ntd, will rti'V«-r the jOi-'ular j vein? Mutt tCf n.Clii a.nd b't oHie r, I>r Ult, I itHif ijdther !>rrrvjth /.y ^'h InistJ vn mtr j ! »teru reio/i'ts! ' la our humble upiuiou tbcie •^lau be but ouo aaswHr to ihese .ju«j6tiousi. In a ceftalu coutiu- K^uey t.ur lives, onr property, our manhood, our Htate pride and Stato independonc;; “ill be at stake. Arc we ready to protect them ' Is our militia syutem at all eflicicul':!' Aud if efficient, which no one asserts., have we aroia for our mili tia? Hundreds of >-:all£nt citJiiena have recently volunteered; have we arms for them? Ilavo wo ball and powder:' Arc tha varioua oapiai»»’ dia- trieta in the State under vifiilant patrol? Are we ready nar/r to enooantcr unjust apgressiiin, to ni^’tt lh‘5>e ai.'u,re.sP’onR^au5 toatf«?*^ar ri ar.u 03 a war with anu-t iu our i Ala-:, Ul! With ihe black K p.iblie.*n' lu'^bt mal;p.‘ right. Wc set) thi: ia - very lea'arc ot the ••irreprt:ibilj’.e eontlio ” .\re \v' ^'icri.rod cvfu for a .sudjo*. emcr>;ct>i'y at hoiue.' Tht' mere election ct a biaek ilepublie wi i‘n*ji- dent would most probubly -Atrecl v^tate and Hauk stccLs, and indeed every spooies oi property. If .Seward should be elected by ^ecti■Jnai vote^, it would bo no ea.^y raattcr u ra;ie n.on.-y ii: No veuiber, on tho best ptper. hoi's any ucc doubt that'.' Without luoney we eouiil neiiber procure arms nor support troop.-». South Carolina i.s aow iu eons'eiofice with Vir ginia Her uommissioucr ha? no douht sdrrady reached Richmond, to eot'.iir wirb tin (Governor and 1 .i-j'islattire of that State as to the be^t mi hus to be adopted, first to sa\c the 1 moo according ivt tht» ('oustitution, and, il tlut eanuol be done, 10 savf the South X >rth l'droliu » i-i a-.soo'attni (0.' r.r lor woe with South (’nfolij'. and V ir- Kvery word which they may utt»>r, and every icSolve which they may af^rt e upon iu thi ^ hi;_'b ooaferenee, will touch and euiieetu tis tjuitf :^s much a-s it will tl enj «; kiiittv no patty ou the i|.u>tio!j oi blaveiy. \\ t stiind, we Hiwayd have atood, by tho vested ’■Ighis and tho vital intorests ot North Oarr.lina. i'atrjotism, iu our judgment, bet^inn at homo. On.’ primary ai'eelaaoo id due to North Carol* 11 a blaek ilcpnblict.n or sectional President be elected in wf icill jo icith the ^Sou A,- we will stand side by side with the sons of Vir ginia .ind South Carolina^ as our anocstors did at \ orktown and the Cowpeus; and we will do it, clinging to the Constitution and despisinir tho forms of a vicious, aggresaivo and usurping I 'nion. That will bo it3 charaotor under black Kopubli- can rule, and for one we will never bow our head to it«j degrading yoke. We mean what wo say. M e mean to lio njht, aocordiRg to our under standing of what right is, and let consetjuenccs take care of theaclves ’* Wa '.il uk .».r. tf jiiju has L,*d-s his ti;lc clear to be c!aa«od Rtuouf; ifae orii.iaai. Cjlict Sate, raacakh e s?- O fvv.n .-.ji of ihef-’’anl-j ;.'„o to ;jO - i ,:re, a:.J fo tLrcn ia a fei. .ori tin 1 qut.-d j •I’ciu till- X it'j I.-. J 11.ill.Oo ' ihe Standard, Oel. 1. 1856. ‘‘If th.' white people ol the South should what H impossible, it they should m^ika up their minas to subotit for the bake ul the I'nion to the rule and to the measures ol such as Fre moat, and Hanks, a»d Giddin..;3. and Hurlin- game, they will de.serve all tho deep and un speakable degradation to which they will de.-icend. iOven th.- true Constit>4tioual men of the North, are now eontcading for u.i k.-i u.n>r* n'jvcr do who »C ca.w“ tiuch 1 ticte:, -C' contended before, and. who arc keeping the ba:tlc fr^m our dwellings, •will regard them w.:h pity and ecor.., and their very slaves will jeer them for their meanness, i*aibecility and cowardice.” From the Riueigik Stundird. XiV 1. 1H.>:) ^'Good Lick.— Uon. Thomis L, Clingman in a letter addressakl *0 a democratic’ committee in Mecklenburg 1'e.unty, publisheil in the Char lotte Demoer'it ot ‘the 21.-t of October, auong ma ny other truo auo gooi things, says; “But the lauders among our enemies [the Black Kopuiolicans^ are to my certain knowledge the meanest and mo3t coutemptible creatures upon earth, excepting only those in the South that are T>'illing to be governed by them." From the Ralei'jh S'.andird. Nov ■'>, “Mr. Iviyocr, a S iutQcrn mao, says the South ought to submit to Freiaont b election-^Mr. Fill- more, a Northern man, has dccbrcd that the South ought not to suhmity an-^ that the triumph of Fremont would lead inevitably to the destruc tion of the Union. There arc Know nothings in North Carolina who agree with Mr. Hayner—not many, thank God.” jJuii-asry: Mr lloldan agreed with the Cotton Siatts in ;..;v"C':‘.icR ti>e rijKi.aX d^^csalon; be vita thew, ;u-.lutr Ictd ifc-il it luu-** l>e ciercisid fu.’ ‘ jaet ci'jEc;’’ (h\t cMi»' b»t.ud tao# dfctiaad to be t'ao election cf a li!‘'c!i K’pubilcia PriEi^ezt. Taat accomxilio^cd they obIv pruciicei T»hat Mr liolien had preached to them for laaiy yoars They tectded, to avf'id the fate *fc»t Mr. Uoldea toid lh^TQ awaited them if they did not sc:- code, Yi'i: loBH of I'.r.crty and property, th;? pity and scorn of th^, aud ths jsera of their own BlSiVes Other points in Mr. Holden’s record will claim notice ''crcafter. man our people —— post offices, custom h,)u ^ nn.i tho like, Cllod with “ yankee abolitiunibtd. \V ■ remont's e would not expect uor ask the .Sorthora people to submit in a similar oa«e—and wc will not ^ubmit ” From he Ralfgh 8?pt 20 185fi “h'temont and Dayton have no elect»ral ticket in the tilaveh jldvng Suti-s, will they have. They are utterly sectional in their character. They stand upon a platform which makea them anti their s»pj>ortPrs thr morfol enemies of every mu'fiy ironicit >inJ child m the Hi>uthtrn. Wc regtrd them as persoral mortal eu^taieg. If ihey sliould succeed iu this ooatcst, as we do not bciieve they will, the result will he a separ- atiuQ of the St^tea. No hnman power oan pre* tent it." Cotton l ards.—Wo learn from Mr. (Quarter master Dowd that he has on hand G5n0 pairs of Cards, which, as soon as they are “backed”—atnd tVat vill be in a short time—will be ready for distribution. He also informs us that he has on hand two card machines for linking cards and material enough to make 20,000 pair. These ma chines arc being put up as fast as possible, and^ in a short time, we are assured, they will be turning ont the cards for the use of the soldiers’ fauiilieB in the Stxite.—Ralei'fh Crmservotiie. Tatikee Finances.—Secretary Chase made a promising statement of our financial prospects at the opening of Congress; but we find that he »3 keeping on the same old road, and that our cur- rt.ncif iH rapidly foUowimy the example of Mem- nainger’s. Gold is now somewhere above two hun dred. And every day we are drifting near to financial ruin. If (hit state oj things confinu> our i/reenbacks icill soon be at value lest as the old ^'ontincntal mont^y, the axsi^nats of tltf French Repuhlic or Memminger’s rebel New York IJirald, 28/A, Gold at the North —On tht 2d, gold was 235 Oa the 4th it was “extremely wild” at 24U to 249 “y“leTfeU SUe™.»h.‘ P Uaea ^y «.”,ma.v o.ouiuK. The MOupiea M^n- ctu Mtiv- Vid SiiDJny n-oruing. V\ o had remojcJ .liug o. I..IOW .!.« an», uiaidicd aeighborhoud of Sweetv?ator that the ■ m pUoo WM burned by the oncmy tmmedutt^ on their occupation. Doubtlean, all other esta- blishmenls ol tho kin^will thare the when they ate abandoned to the va.idahsm of the Teard alon-" the loft of our hn*9 and apparently otfSe ccnTre At an early hour this mormug the deep bellowinga ot heavy artillery o.xpl 'sions Its our pcopio a that the yankees were much nearer to our doora^ Oar c^mt^uders and (he -atu.y have Sherman venture th« hazard ^ ; It i' -I’l* p0.'0d, tvas int.:riued to it'Velopo our lines ‘ Sp. Julation '.va» lilo yotcrdny tJ ostabliah the reftsnu for our retreat; to day i uiore eager.y a^riitiied—what will we do next? Our street C.enerals have it that we will be flanked fo tho Gulf and then to Kichmoni The policy ol the campaign i.- «• destroy us effectually. U has beta elitctivcly exetjuted during Shei man’s triumr«hal march imj'ovfci ish tr.cnt au 1 »'h-eary wa^ie lifu ui h:.- r’-* nrorni^^r.-; .^;vain J;i4 lionl- It is Uinioult- 'o submit to ihragw without muru'uriiig; but il if i^ writleu iu the b«»uk el ^«.'c th vt we mu.'^t ■'Ulh-r lucro, wt' 0 ‘U but suocuiub to it, Jor douht!es.s all things u’ j r..nder,.-d by u wine fad- UiiuihiT-ation of iho ^\a>^ of I'rovideuce. Ihe ncue- s-:% i.-t on us t- light until wo wriii'' ir'^m our «uem»o-t terms ol peace to whioh ihcy'will he .rlad to ae;ede. h be that the caiir' I'ace of ouv lair Sou:h« i n lintl may be d»o- iated Its h.ujcr-may >e destroyed; no. a ves- li.'e-f ifs ifieat meehaiiieal and public inierosts roLai;* I* n>»V ’'ccir that naught baf rooflfPS cahit^r* nnd hut^t » .ay b’ left u-^, y- t we will defy ll-.e li-.vv^knev «' * and lly 8i'ait;st tie etjctinsror. Tho brct .l muUgr.Ity that our ene my exhibits in destroying • verythihg ol value he mecis with in his ttack, shoubl stimulate our people to gre^.t( r n-':.-lance and tliort.« for re- : veuge. The lurns on tbe loot that treads t nn it. Stratfgy etdn at the Atlanta delcnces. ' Perhaps ti e ti mkirg game m»y hud 110 far ther objective point, and our (nemy will give battle here W e c*'\ otily await dcvflopmeuts, hoping that so mote it be. Athinta lntelh\;ewerj .^th ,'^uthicfstern iiuni'ji's.~~V C I’SLU, JllsS., dunc 2;', There are soaie rumors here ot suffi.:icot in terest lor a comuiuuitiation. One coming through tho linci st)mehow, from the Norih, i.-i, that the South had been reooguizcd by France and Kag land. 1 think it had originated from httters which have been iieisundcrstood, but which were certainly recoived frotn at field, K> , fr*»m Lucian Anderson, CoQ^M*»jiUC*r» from’ that District, and the other at Dre*len, Tenu , from the n... iioiis Km:irs.'n Ktheridgo, sayinc th;K h-ijiuiti s would next month, or at all ev^^^nl ■ ^a-hat an armistice would be pro posed, and begg-ng their respective Iriend*. to use their utmost endeavors to have those States to go with the North. I had this iaforraation two days fiiro but would not write it for publication for lear the gentleman who 1 rought it. a very tr-athful Irirnd ot mine just down from Jaokson, Tenn , may have b(‘en dec.nved He got the in formation Irom partic.s V-reet irom Maylieli, Ky., i\nd as another eiujilly veraei.'us Irii-nd ol mine brint'S tUe pame intelhgeuee in a iu»ro authenti cated shape, I deem it sofficioully reliable, as it is ccruinly important enough, or publication, for surely a Congrcs.-^man or even an ex-mcmber, writing from WasLiag‘oa, ought to speak by the card. Let me warn your readers, however, le.-.l uiiduu imporuncc be attached to the rumor, that .Vuder- 800 and Ktheridgo may be writing merely hypo- thcticftUy, knowing perhaps that Grant has been allowed till the 4th of July to take Richmond, but being satisfied that he will inevitably fiil. I think wc should feel pretty san^ino ourselvM on such a hypothesis. The question arises, if Eng land and Frince have interposed, is it among their propositions to have the bcyder Stales de cide for themselves, as implied by tho action of these ]>romin''nt chiracteri*? Ktheridgo says “wc arc whipped,” and Ander son that ‘ the present Congress will recognize the Confederacy.” This is positive. Corr. Mohile Advertiser. Th^. Crisis of the Campulijn.—Gsn. (irant, in fifty days of almost continuous battle, in a cam- patgn mark’d by more subli-ue tenacity of pur- pjse than was ever before seen, haa brought the rebellion to a great turning poin' in its carccr. He has finally compelled the •tlcbel leaders to ad mit that their oniy chance f»r safety lies in ihe abandonment of tho whole of tho Confederacy for Virginia, and he has brought thoiu to the distibet acknowledgment that they can no longer ' hope to rcBist him in Virginia, without tho presence, in that State, of every man that the Confederacy can muster. It is a great deal to have done that, but it is not enough; lor the rebels acting on the necessity made so plaiu by G Bunt’s cpcratious, are engaged in the re-orgaaization of their powers of resistance; and while they admit that they must have more men in Virginia, it is possible that, with more men, they will be ab'e to re*ist and hold out a great while longer. W'ith a large ac cession ol force to Lee’s army, and no correspon ding addition to ours, it is possible that they will he able to resist so long that tho su.'mnier will pass away, and lliehmond still be beyond our grasp. Aod they are making such addi ion to Lee’s army. The corps or division, lately under Polk, is in Virginia, and appearanees irtfltnofn VIBQINIA war HEW8. The Petersburg fixpress of the 4th haa tbe (ol^owisg additional account of the lefeat of Wilson’s raiders:— j “The more we hear of the overthrow ot tbo j 27th, as it illuatratea alike the chivalry ot a Ten- receut great thieving expedition sent out to | neaaean and the perfidy of the yankcea. After Yank— Altannatt.—A Correspondout writes] W .£ HSWH. the Chattanooga Kebel from Johnston’u arujy;— FU.isaut lUmor - Hicumo.s h, J uly 7 —It I muat relate one iaoideitt of the b;ittle of thc ! rci,orlc«l tl at 900 Yaukeea wcro surprised and oapiured tjear Martinsburg, laat Suiiday, with 4 pii’Ois ef arLliery. Stores, including xtenaive preparations * or a 4 th ofJu'y dinner, were also lak,.c. JiirhSK'it AoacuuteU by thu \.iake*—JaCIx- J, _ ... operate in Southnide V'irginia under the imme-' the terrible repulse of the six Tinea of battle— diate auspiocs of the inflated Wilson, the more j and while the surviting Fcdcr&ls of the aKsauli- wo arc convinced of the magnitude of ita diaoom-; iog party were crouching under cover of the hill fiture. The rout waa ct^ual to the great ataaapede | which slopes down Irom that part of Cheatham’s i i. i. - r,-. of Grierson and Sturgis in North Misaiasippi, 1 front—the ground bei^g strewn with Federali _i ouV ooc’uUcd M iVniael'liP^J and tho ftpoilb are only not so groat as on that 00- | dead and wounded—one who was badly luutil.atet.t | c?«. u’ ted it moviiL I u v ! ’ ’ 7 ^ casion, became Wilsou and his followers e^tarted j cried out to our boys in great agony, “For God's (i„roes“are in »ht ir fn-nt aud**da'Iik ' out more with tho oxpcoiation of thieving upou . sake boys, bring me a drink of wnter f woat'i j v., r,>rri-.,I^r di^n.- o* w .J/.n ♦ th« helplrsa people ia tho .Tin.l dhstucta through | go to you if I could, but 1 am aiaHblod—i;i 0’., i ^^ f whioh tb,y esjiooted lt» pass, Kitd did liot take as I name bring me a drink of water.” *' ‘ ° ' ^ - i-> we le;i with- done t«i many wa^oa-» wi«h them ! A noble youth ot our Sute, pitying the nuir^r- | j^r Jaiiroui3:j or uOegraph. “The llirht ol Tucodav and Tuesday night «««i» ; able wretoh, mounted tho brea--tworks aud ahcut Paper- Mill Burned.—The Yankees burned tkQ paper mill at Aome, Qeo.>oa thft 4th ni 4ol]. appearances indicate that more men from the Southwest are being aent forward, and t^at the halt Gen. Grant hat been brought to at Petersburg is likely to con tinue for days and may be months. Stanton will keep for a while, with his bulletiQ«, the silence he has kept for some time past, and it is uot likely that even the visit of the President to th > army will be fruitful iu foreing a further ad vance. Wc do not believe Grant will fail. We not believe that cur hope for the fall of Rich mond must be relinquished; but apparently it must he again deferred', and hope so many times deferred may sicken the heart of a nation as bit terly as it will the heart of any person in it. Ne^o iork Herald, 2Sth. Vettroyinff the Crop*.—Last week tbo vuJtaoB on the Juaes river were deBtxojiag iiU wbe«b en^B wlfaia thw Xttdk. pidi^ “fn Sapponi oliurih, wm> uiojt hotly contested, and coQtinucd I'ritiii i) p. ui ol Tiie.sday, until after sutivi^ ou Weiliicsday luorltiIl^. Theu it was that Wtf turned the enemydank, and eatised him to run h>r Jteums’ St^ition, with all the ra- which his mnrh jaded ho»'3Cs would allow, this tight several hundred vfisouers were taken, which have never seen Petersburg nor Richmond, aod probably never will, but ve have eonveraed with a half do/ca gentlemen who saw them en route for the prison do^>ot iu Georgia. None estimate tho number at less than 500, anti somft put it as high as TOO. . W'e baVf? tlready rtccive'* 'n this city about 400 prisoners unhurt, Rnd 136 wounded. Squads ot two, three, four, and more, have been coming in daily siuee tho fight, and continue to eorae in. As they were «5a4tered in every direction daring their flight, W4, faMui’Tte lha lossaaVfTm; -wt- oiuy in priFoncs alone at 1200 ur more, vve^ aiho captured many hundr«,d small arms, aod (50,, OOO rounds of amiuutiition. “Our cavalry Buceecded in finding two ad ditional pieces of cannon in the Nottoway river, between Stoney Creek and Jarratt's Depot, last Saturday. These pieces wore beautiful moun tain howitaers. s oh as are generally used by ■•aval-y. They are uninjured, and will be brought int.- serviso immediately Th»y will make our total capturei in artillery 15 pieocs, and pri.son- ' r^ say that thia is the sum total taken ont by tho enemy "A Confederate officer who reached here from Heltield station on the I'etersburg aud Weldon ilailroad yesterday, saya we have captured ail of ■•,000 horses, although the enemy killed at lejuit 1 «00 or 1,000. The horses that havo fallen into ' our potfsofision, are much exhausted, hat can for the most part be recuperated, and made to render .(ood service in the Confederate caiue. ‘ A gent’eman who loft Burkeville Jumaiou Friday, informs os that WiL>on's thieve, robbed ladies of breatitpins, car-rings «nd fiugcr-rings When the rings were not surrenderetf quietly one of the ruffians would hold tho victim in his strong arms while another would remove the jewelry. Ladies’ dresaen, Irom the under gar ment to th^ir richest silka, were stolen indis- cnminately. Many of the wagons stolen we.-e heavily freighted with every description of ladies' wearing apparel. ‘ The captured wagon train on Thursday in- c^luded’s Headquarter and private wagons, rhey are kaid to have eontained many valuables. Amorrg other articles were the commander-in- ohief'a rich wardrobe, and a very choice collec tion of wines, brandiei, Eagliah cheese, sardines aod such other luxuries a.-4 only the dainty ap! petite of thi.9 modern Sardatiapalua could endure “A .Yankee Major of seeming r^spectabihty, atid considtTable intelligenoe, atates that W'ilgon and Kauti were to effect a most thorough destruction of tne SouthKido and DauviUe iiailroad, but were AosopMty thiii Hido of Danville Wil« >n wa.s toeomedwwn throuirn the rich couuti.s o“ Uiarlotte, Lam nburg, Kruuswick, Meeklenbur- Greenville, ana Sussex, stealing all the horses' and negroes wh ich could be fjuud in his wav and again enter Grant’, lines by way of Stony Creek, and if thm pomt proved impracticable, to c .me out where to entered at Reams’ Station Kautz was to pranced to Danville, from thende to .rocn.sbDro thei/ on to Pv«lci§h,and thence on the Raleigh and Gasi on Railroad to Weldon. At th® laiter place, the br idge was to be burned, aud Kauti was then to m^i lor the RUck Water, and some around through S Southampton, Surry, Sussex, and in nee George to Grant’s headquarters. ThiBofl5cor states that the o .mbined forco. numbered abo^ eigut taousaad; that they were splendidly armed aim; woll mounted; had picked men- auu that, in ail J-espeot^, it was intended to have been the grandciH raid of the war. Our readers C .n ^ h., bocV“cor phhhodby the defeat of this multitudo of land pirates, aud Ccnttul Nx>rth Carolina has espccial to oe thanklul, th.u she has escaped C r ruption of vandahj wn.eb w,uld have proved more destructive than the l^casta of K^.ypt^did toTa* much afHictcd couatry. Moremcnf4 of Graiu\ ^rmy.-We learn frcm a source entirely reliable, that tho enemy etal barked a large numbrj of troops at City Point on Thursday last. Tha men occupied five larce transporta, and the bouts appeared to be crowded tj overflowing Whether these were men whooe termff ol service hava expired, or whoso removal from Grants army bas been rendered necessary tor operations eLsewhcre, we are unable to say. Petersburg ihcprest, Ath, It is currcntiy reported that the enemy have contracted *»; nr line by withdrawing their left from the Weidon railroad, and this has given rise to tho conjeoture tha^ Grant is throwing a con- siderable force over tho north side of tho James nver.—Ricttmond Dispatch, 4A. Our oi0i» The army of Northern Vir wma is in j.#erfect order and splendid condition VVhi e it in, admitted that the dwellings of the people of l»etet8burg may be damaged to some ex! tent by bo^bi^ment, a feeling of boufadjess con fidence a» to tho military result pervades both the -army and t Jie population—Rich. Examiner, ^th Mo>iby o% ihe Baltimore and Ohio Railload. W e have authentic information that last Wed ^sday Mt«by ^truck the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad at Duffield Station, captur-d 75 men burnt the dt^ot and destroyed tbe railroad at that point. Duffic id w between Martinsburg and Har- pers Fwy. Thia information comes from an £k in the cd to the Foderals, who were i_. iull tie**riug: aui going to tak« ono ol your vourit^-.d men u drink of w-ater, don't /ahetit -i* ire.” V/)i'’reiipoii he took tho dyin/' Fed- '•'i! ‘.^c oeutef';?- “.ilo*.’cd him to drink, and in i»>* 'rg '' a by u dozen yankees, and ii>f-hxt boys witnessing the act, in^inr-..' • ul «jrders, fired at the s{Uad before • y al therrt- selves, and it is said kllU^ t-. tKtm So muob for the retributive jtisticc ot God. Appolutments .far rublio 8peaklug. THB j ANDID\Tt:" for .f? U-; /•.u-rin r'umbr'ri.jn ! sc'l n.irj. f.* c'. u; .;".'* K-!i .-.'lor; i3 • weoplo «f CnmVerlsT..' *!;> Qnwhrffl'^. at Mrf. McK-ihnn’?.. Peven'y Ats?. nt Mr D C. Mo'^rob’i. J« y 14. Rcok^^sh, «t the village, FricAv Oray’s Orcek, at B«thrl ClKiri-’*!. .Tu’y 1»'*. Cedar Cr«*«*t., at Calbrtth’f’ e-ov*», Wc i'iiv 'v'y If^ Hill, ■ ~ lo. JTiTy 0. 47-2t WAltSiiTTVoiJi^T I WILL atrcnd at tb« f«jllowin? olfccjti m Hr^?it (’cuaty, for the piirpoea of o Stat^ Taxes due ?n tij« ypajr Tr.e Ta* p^;^?rs wUl please meet proF>titly; At Jobtisravillft on Tinir»day, July 21; *■ At J«W C^BiPTon’B in B%rljcc‘‘* Ui^t on Pnday. J ply 11 .\t Tufppr’e Sto>*« in Upper Littla Bivtr Di^t on 8.4tor- rl«v. Julr 23; At Parker’# (itore in Stewart's Orcek b’st oi McijU.y, Julf 25; At ,\vrrtsboro’ on Tiu-tiday, July 2'i: .-Vt KAud«l Tut ingtoa’a in Urov« L>i>t. V?&tn-)uay, July 27; .*t K--uriiU Matthowi'!! Mill Sa 3r.ii.’a CrceE biet cn Thursday. July 28; At Joi>n S'OLca's in Hector’s Creek Diet cn Fndjy. Juiy 29; At Mre, Arnold’s In Cacibonj Dist e. .‘**tur^ay, Julv 80 J.IS K UIl\Uy, Joly 1, 1864. 47 7' The trienffn ot Lieat. JOHN MeL. H.VRRINGTON announce that gentlemaa as a Bultable per^.a to be vot«d lor ft>r oheTitf Barnett county, at the electloa U.» be bt'U ou the flf«t Thui-sday la Au^t uext. .MAiJY VOTERS. April 8. 24*4tpdAite We are anlliorixtd to announce to th.; ci:i>.? s and o'. ^ Duplin ccur.t/, thtt JOIIN' R W,\sj L.\CF. it it candidate to reproj«at tboci in Cooccof Comnena of the next Legislature of If C. . July 2 47 .3tr,d ^esiirM. C. J. Hale Jk ^^oii»:—iroii are authorised to anaoucioe (>oI. l>.\ViD BEi'HUNE a oanditiate to rcpreseut Robessn e antr in tbe II U3e o' Comtncns in the next Lcglulitar^ of North Cnrolint July 4 47 &tpd KlCHnorVD AC A DEW Y, ROCKINOHAM .S'. C. The exerolfles of Ih’S lastiiarim will be rt^umeJ Monday the lOtb of July 1?*64 iiul-r n-' super vision of Mr O. M Tano>. A D , K.nd Mr:, l^ro^y laaiructioD is given in ail tbe primary stuc^icd, :Jso >t> the hixker aud oia^Mcal branohs)-. iuoludlc^ Latin Qrcek, French, Qeoinetry Aritrcnomy. Na:u>-»i Fhilo^o phy, Cheoistry, Botany, &o u M Y.^KCEV, PrinciT>al Jalr 3 _ 47.3t FLORAL COLLSOE. The Anaual Meetiog f f the 3t03kui>laeM f (his in stllution will be beM in thfi C-?ii H'i 1 cn ^i.tur- day 80=h July. A lull rci.fe6tui*iion 15 • K.rueotI\ desired, as business nf tbe uissoSt ixportarioe will b-.; troaght before tbe meeting. By order of the Chairtrsn JAd 8 McQUEEN Sdo'y. Julv 6 47-2tpd Piauo« tor W:.! ia^^t, four or PI \N03, non.6 'f tbem line ins^mineuts, ani in go>d condiiioa. 'iVr.-Ji.'’ c wh. By or-Jer of B>«.rd of Trustees M C. McN.«in.. .‘’f-ov. 'nl7 *♦ 47 2t The Averys.— ~0f the five sons of the Avery family three are n ow dead in the country’s service, a fourth is lying i severely wounded in Virginia, and the fifth is wel ^ we trust, ia tbe army of Gsn. Johnston—Golds. Jour. A not her Murder hy De&crt*r% —^The Iredell fixpress contains an s >cooaat of the murder of Mr. J F. Woodard of A1 exander county, by a gang of deserters, who wayl. vd him on his own premi ses, and shot him, threi' balls having entered his person, of whioh he di. ^ on the 25th ult. A short time previous, as . ^ member of the Home Guard, he went with his company into Wilkes county in search of deserters,) tind in the discharge of his duty he siaot a notorvc desperado and de serter named Jo. Younger. It was made known to them that Mr. Woodaid wt: v the man who shot. This was on the 22d, aud oa the ‘ 24th t«n deserters secreted theBuelves on hia pi ^Uiisea and took their vengeuioe as above deseribv Woodr «xt wat wrthj iitittii. C. S. AB8EX.iL A»D AEMORY, \ fATarriiViLLB, N C , Juiy • !8G4. / Foniidry .^an Wanted. rxpf risnocd ii thr. t.u 'ntss ca» find s!'M»i; c u ploymert on applicatioa to the COMD'G OFFICER. Important iMIe ot S$S».c€t AT AUCTION. ON THURSDAY the 14ih will sell ia front ot oa»- ■Ueets of Importe-l Phoet I'o - . 1 ? • aad 6 feet Ion? Th.» she- ^ This offers a favorable opp • ■ others to supply themeeWt's wit ble artiole in thr inanafaota.*e of Sjijf u" p. i^REECa t UTCUfuKD, Auetioneere stsd Co^-i Merobanta, Rileigh*. N C July 6 47tn we 'irtt l^s .»nd enea niloh Cows and Calves at Anctlen. ON Thuraiay next the I4;h inst., will be sold at Auc tion, Fine M loh Cows aad yenog Calves. ~ “ H. GO'>S, Aaoi'r. 1 Fat 8tbcr. July 7. JNO 47 2t Kotic«—Tax in Kind. The Tithe Payers of R.ohmond Coustr. N. are notified to meet me at the foll->viag tir^eu «^n>« places wiih a'd their receipts to ftet final receipts. Those 'ail ing to oomply will have their estimatee returned un orcdited- LiUle’s Mille, July 14th- Mineral Springs, July 16th. Black Jaok, July Itith Roekingham, Joly 18tk and 19:h. BcavoT l>aD, July 22d MoPhf raos’s, July ^8d. L&urel Hill, July 25th. Stewar'svUle, Jaly 26tb. Wiliiamson's, Joly 97th. Wolf Pit. July 28^. By order of Capt. McOOWAN, Post Q M . 4>.h Cung. Dist. 8. W. WBBB, Q M. Agent, C S. A. Julv 4 47 lt*U Headqoartert 8d Military District. Dap&aTiiaaT Noara CaaoLiKA. ahu Soc.Ba&a Va. Wilmington, N. C., ^uae IB, 1S64. €lR€VliAR. CITIZEMS are hereby notified that in future no per mits will be granted to visit the Forta at the mouth of the Gape Fear River. Those desiring to send pro visions or clothing to soldiers in thia eommand can have them forvt^arded with dispstch by sending them to the oare of Capt. J. B. Oranger, A. Q. M., at this plaee. By eommand of Maj. Oen WHIT1NQ, 48-i6t] JNO. 8 FAIRLY, Lt & A 0 C CONSCRIPT OFFICE, \ Rai.Bien, Jane 4th, lf>64. / Qaaaaai. Oaosas 1 No. 22 / 1THE Suprems Court having dreided in the e'8(' of • Walton, that tho prionipals oif eubetltates are ii&b'n by law to military duty, all euoh persona were bound by any Judge to abide the deetstoa ic Wal>.on’6 cas», are required to report immeiiately to the EaroUing Offioers of their respeotive oounties, or f^ty will forfeit their bonds andbe arrwited sent to camp Disuriet Bnrolling Offioers will held thei” Lieal Ofi- eera reaponaiUe for a striot ex^utior. of this order. * * * * - ■* * Bj order of theComaumdaat B. i. BABDUi, Adjalaat. «I>lw Ui tirtd d —Pliil KRsUUKO, July .>.--GeU. AleX- ;^:.dT,’.s ciiicl'of artillerv, Wao blight- lJ Wi uiuied a few dayn sinee, but is duiut^ well, ti'ti Bush rod JuUuhfoa was woundod ycMteiday, but diU not leave the field. Cniit^i tSf'itea-—RioiiMo.Nu, July —TUti New York hctald ol the 4 th Kab bv.a rpocived. A t-.'lcj’rain Irom Secretary Stantcr- i-j Msj. Ge;i. DIx aaDouncos that the rebel General Kir- b_; Srti h is erC^aiug tho Mississippi. Several eoufuscd tc-Iegrams from llarper’« Forry .-a\' that a heavy rebel force is marching i.'i that uireetion in thr'^e columns. The Baltimore Gazette fays that oa the 4th ult. all comiaunicatiou waa cutoff betwc^a Little^ R ck, Arka-’sas, and MemphiB. There has been a great fire at the Springfield, armory, and much machinery, &c., was ii-.tiiimore was in excitcmcnton baturaay rumors that rebel cavalry aud iol’antry had ap peared near Martinsburg, Va. Latest accounis state ihr.t (yankee) Gen. Kelly has evacuated that town. Provisions of all kinds have largely adv&aoed ia price at the North. I'ems Jrom Foreign Papers of the \(jthofJane. —JefTrson Davis and hia cabinet were sued in a French court by French traders, who ovrcAd a cargo ^f cotton which was burned by tbe rebels after it had passed to the merchants. The plain tiff.* were defeated with costs. Forged bonds of the reb"l loan had been for warded from Now Tork, it is said, aud sold in Loadou to the amount of about 100,000 dollars. They were re-sold to Holland at an advance. A “Foreign Legion" was to be shipped to Mexico. It is to consist of 16,000 m*»n—Aus- t'iacp, French and Belgians. They are to be commanded by a Frcnch officer having tho rank of liieut. Gen , who will take his orders ^om the Emperor of Mexico and report on “matters ol detail” to Napoleon. The Yankee Conscription.—The passage of the 200,000 couscription law, without the exemption clause, alluded to in another portion of this day’s i-'feue, produces neither surprise nor alarm. It confirips the terrible loss«2d ot Grant and Sher man, and was, indeed, passed in view ot the lat ter So at leasu says the New York Herald. Grat;t aud Shermau have lost, within the last t^’o u:onth6, nearly men enough to balance the whole nu'uber raised by thia law. Put them in their bands, and they will get them killed off in a very t«hurt time. In the meantime the conscription of w0u,000 men, unconditionally, is apt to work iavorabiy for peace in New England The scoun drels iberc who live on it, and who have beeu more instrumental in keeping it alive than any body dee, will now have to shoulder arms them selves. 'They cannot put it off upnn the Irish and Dutch, Dy paying a few hundred dollars. They must fight themselvas, and boia^ cbiigMi to do it, th»y will ha the laudest mouthed friends of peace in tha wholo vankee States. Richmond Ihspatch, 4t/l. Petenburj Itetru.—On Sunday night a thirty pouiid shjll passed clear through the Washing ton street Methodist Church, while the congre gation was assembled, bat it did no damage to any one. The congregation ran out to recon noitre, but soon returned and the services were quietly resumed. Grant’s caaips are pitched oa the most un healthy giouod iu Virginia. Hundreds of acres of what is called sora marsh, covered every day by water, and the ooze left by the tide dried by the :nn, are close around him. Our army holds the high aad healthy ground and the good wells. Iu this p jsition we can afford to be idle and Grant cannot. I'an^ee Losses, dL-c.—Northern journals of the oOth say a large body of rebels, said to be under Gen. Early, arc reported to h^ve reached W’’in- choHier. J tie N. Y. Times conccdes a reverse to Sher- mtu’s aiuiy. McPherson's corps, it says, lost uO jO, -cind another corps lost 500. Grant’s total loss is said to be 111,000. Wilson’s Yankee Raiders.—Yankee papers of tho 3d announce Wilson’s raiding party as hav* 'ug returned to Grant’s lines, aud admit that he susrained immense loss, though they claim that results achieved compensate for losses. The uouutry in rear oi Grant’s lines is represented as filled with stragglers, aud tho crops are said to be entirely destroyed by the enemy’s foraging par ties. Aw iker Tory Raid.—A band of 'rennCMee Tories, numbering 50, made a descent on Cata- loochce, in Haywood county, on Sunday night last. They captured and carried off Young Bennett, Esq., and his sou, and Mr. Levi Cald well and his son, all respectable citizens. They also carried off quite a number of horses. Eenry’t> t^coufs, at last aooounts, were on their trial, and wo be to the rascals if they overtake them. Asheville Netcs. A trick of Lincoln's about to be defeated.—■ The yankee Senate has added an amendment to the bill providing a form of Government for Spates now in rebellion, which provides that no State declared by tbe President in rebellion shall vote for President or Vice President. Tht; House is yet to act on it. Yankee Enrollment.—The jankee Congress passed the enrollment bill on the 2d. It provides ior the reception oi sabfatitates, repeals tbe com mutation clause, and requires 50 days’ notice of drafts. Yankee Steamer Burned.—Clinton, La., July 4.—^The steamer lago, loaded with cotton, was captured and burned by our troops in Arkan sas river. Yankee Soldiers.—The N. Y. Herald of tho 27th says that in the previous three days 4,905 emigrants, chiefly Irish, arrived at the port of New York. ^'hose's Successor.—Hon. W. P. Fessenden of Maine is said to be Chase’s successor, instead oi Gov. Todd as at first announced. G-v Stephen D. Lee—Has boen appointed Lieut -i neral in tho Confederate States Army and (caofd in oommand ot the Mississippi De partment. Gev.. iiit2Uer.—Yankee papenMj Hnater h*d aomd Wlwwlinj^ WMtlfkpaifc.