A lv;» V 1' ' pj ■>. Inl •> ill ■ O ‘ f’(. • t*h n lit U ' } L s. «„• a V r • F .V f ,r. . \i. Ill’ s . 1 r .re !)■■ J. 4J 1 n Femah' t’oHegt*. , . . V.. j j, 1 I i V, . 'li; ■ j. I t .1' ■’ 1 .ill if 4 V it .T -» ^ I I. 4 . 1. f Hi R il A.n^ 4- HiC5««>»P \ * , Jua* r. i V i i t, loH il «. oJ a, c.l- m U-.Ouiii * r .'i> 1' • 1- » 1 (fii;-- 111 hT the Jif'tsrul '. i'ar'i,)c »-,• Miv 7 L«. 18(14 ao I in suppor'ed b? * F.‘ ■ - I- r>»5. «? on t ■' in cty iSiO I. .Mi Corj^.*.J’v»fe »nJ nfu »»ho h'W® V.(«c»i J !iior. { '»} Oi'y f’f.in*. V>r>?'ai«i. i'rr»!Oiisi to be 'at Oi Jn"n I8b4. nr.i tenihr- >1.i3!av.'. i :i h; exo^i*»uTi’ *"*0 t’r.a'? It tiirt cSc-'rs e-u mei. >m '■I! fWiHMi* ^'.ro '..■•■.■u 0-40 u”'." 1 !•' ’IT" pi'it:'*, #3 4 re- ! 0^ t\ir ! "r'jT-'-fj'. ■ I**; hereh. o’.is- I-. ■■ t> —- l.i-d !iowov*r, i» not ’■>» . • 1 ! 3y cili ■ '■ I’n rutn” od ft* ?•■ ' J -.’-. '! .‘I. WJjS cn^c, t ?'v ’■• t' »tr- Jaolirp.l > tr ».v ’ti&nv-.'.*i\ T ■• ii'j-rcd stx Boren Ko .U'.v ji Wocrt Wactod for the Stftto of N, Caroliua, UiJr- ‘ . 11? f' ^ I Y \RN ;jV VO:. .> , ..; \ • 'ir - '>• * r T 'S'- ,f>'. ! . .'I »: . j'*j » .:• .’T"l p '0 ‘ •'•• ' ‘i • Kfi i* c" “u* ! ' Tt r, ‘ ~ - - 'A iLl.l.WH X ro F*yr‘» i’rt ;1 GIa> \V Juav ]■'. 42 t 2'lKD»;iO*\T BUUKE CO . N. C fpliESE arK-NGS w.;! bi open tbe ro^?ptioa »( 1 vis'.- r? t‘-j 1st Juir- Tcriuj of vfill be i>«’>- Ushecl ;a iiiu 8-. *i.-'on A >?c>vj *a4 comfortfour horse si»ge will Moritantoa oa th.’ arr'Y'il of the pt^eseDgt-r tr^m from 8»’.i»bury et.ry Tu-m a , Tbura’.+t n 1 Dunag tlio n'latsr. cf J ily. Augu’t i»ail S. rt aib->• if «7A5«TE»), {'JT tUe Hogjritai at Fort FlBher. lyj'-LTi'.Y, f'M*. nr I Ml' i ' - ?-i*n n* *'-w H -t-vi. iVrsouM ti-iving ?; *'r? !=ri ' ''»■* c'v'’ t pri^'c 00 t! *r? i • I ' I ' " * ;h'*r ; i i • *'it- Tof 'C ; ■ ' 1-; r ' ' i‘l~%Voof3 9jns£fl. urid-.THigtn'd will give A'fairpricK f>r a \vt*ll woixled i tr:ict of LAND ot lOD or JOO .iorcs. on th ' Kaiiroivl a\ any point botw>?eu Jouesbora’ajd i ayottHvilk. VS’ood, pilch pine or uubi>xi*il IsBNllY K. OOLTON, A«eut F. K. Co. Fay-tt»3vni». .'pril 19. i^^tf !, .,1 clio. t". >f Hfiy kind, not ea(perttt.‘1 u . IX. \>r^Ce«ihig pam^raph^ betw^iltthe i'-nc-b ; ato prisoner* ruifi’ed thi-rowi, 10 j»er cent., in addition ro | Statos. Lite trtx u« Huch profits jis income, j X. Of cxmspiraciea, or attonapte or }>repa- ' ‘ict ntbreeaid. i rations to aid the enemy. ’^IIl. On the ariKuint of prolits cxce«iinj? j XL Of persona adnsin^or incitin^^^ otijera 2r> pc>i'V'-nf., iiiHflcdiirintireitlier of the years } to al)a,ndon the Confederate cause, or to re- HTi ' !)v any banker hatikiu^; j sist the Confederate States, or to adherd to co!2.prt?iv, i:'5^nrrtncc, canal, navij^ation, iitt-i the enemy. porting: and oxportiii-:, tele;raph, express,! XlI.=*'Of unhiwfnllv hundog, deatrojinpr jrailroml, mrtniifkctnrinj?. dry doc>:, or other j>r injnrinjj;, or attempting to burn, destroy joint Htf.K'k (vnspiiiiv' >f a?iy description, j »»r injure any bridge or nvilroud, or teie- wlivther innort 'rat(^d or n»t/25 per cent on i j^raphic line of eotnmuitieatii'n, or property, exoe-"- • ■ intent of aiding the onemy. ' Sv’ ft)Uowii>^ execnptionn irotu I XIII. Of treasonable desi/r to impair t iXHtiuTi under this act shall be allowed,»the military power of the Government by I dostroyinj^, or attemptini; to destroy, vessels {. I'lopurfv of tMK'h head of a family to the vrtlno ot .'?50(»; and for each minor (thild i.. Of conspiracies, or nttemptS iiiliftU tig to txj plho^^d iu sei vice ixi ttie [ 2liS'j % ho delivered 1>y §0011 pereoti >ri&mer* of war held b\’ th« Confederate | tield f?r tha T?ar, as it be botNrv-en the J ^5 a'oruaaiSd at equivalent rates. .‘i«c9 of 18 and 45. | Such person shall further bind himself ' or arms, or munitions of war, or arsenals, foufidrios, v,’orkfihops, or oth«»^ ,>roj>erty of the (JonfederAlo States. Sec. 2. The President shall cause j*ro})er ofiicers to investigate the cases of all }*ersons sonrrei^ted, or detained, in order that they may he discharged if improperly detained, OTitort»«l the sorvioo, to the further value of! unless they can be spewlily tried in the due 0: tl'.e family to the furtlior value of and tor eafii son actually engaged in the armv or navy, or who has died or-'been killed in the military or naval service, and who was a mejnbcr of the family when lie Hill I av- j iai’y. June 7. rttui’t^Kroir. 4 - H p i U- l’ri>pefty v»f the widow of any o(Ticer, soldier, sailor tM* marine, who may have ^ rpi, . « (died or b^en killed in the military or naval K RAI*S.. T e m c- ^ 8i>rvife, or where there is no widow, thou of being minor children, to the T?T v^TnnTrrc^l i frOi i*00^ proai rric'^'i for «|5»« |> AN AW A\ uoa hirt n blj ci'A’ !g: -i' w*y Af B »r oa'i.ajf tiro oats »at ‘ o’.'itt ai i t' r i the . i >i K K 1 w- bin tT-S.-it •’1I ’-nSn ir.! •: INO^ niii« ^ > ^ W V, '0*Cv>C*4 UTI Is Jifa (ieriir:il !, ufSito, u’i'-'O-.t t a. 1 1)» ^l?La..r•a }:& jf r.-'vi flat.'!'!:;-. rrii.ij; th:‘ (^rn ao^i rav4H A f OVFRh LiifSs STA7&3 0/ A3, ,'a. ' ••■ Lr ;!u k ■ as .7tn' c or r tnv n tkave^ ucu wllmtca! OCU'i Btore .N„i . iini — fo i\;rz T~ for ac due r.> ru - i.-, L3gi P-^ovitied, 1 iver-tmenf V. e; value of ^1000. TIL Property of ever sailor or marine, actual course of Jaw. Sec. 3. Tliar during the suspension afore said, no military or other officer shall l>e compelled, in answer to any writ of habeas corpus, to apj>car in j)er8on, or to return the body of any person or ]>ereons detained by tnorii Sec. ». Auut riGroafter tlie duties of pro-1 ti. tl! the marketable surplns of provisions et and hospital guards and clerks, and of i,„i ^rrjiin now on hand, and whicn be may clerks, guards, agents, employees or labor j ruife from year to year while liis exemption ers in the Commissair and QuarteruiasterV ^ continues, to the Government or to thefam- Departments, in the Ordnance Bureau, wd I ,jf c^^ldiers, at prices fixed b|r the Coui- of clerks and employees ot uavy agents, as | missioners of tlie State under the impress- also in the execution of the enrollment nc*^, j nrcnt act: Provided, that any person ex- aud all similar duties, shall be performed | ^.tn^tcd as afore^iaid, shall be entitled to a by persons who are within- the ages ot *1S ; cieiiit uf i'5 per cent, on any amount of meat and 4:5 years, and who by the ref'ort of k1 which ho iuay deliver witliln three montha Board of army surgeons shall be reported | fru-n'the passage of this act: Provided fur ther, tliat Iversons coming within the provi sions of this exemption sliall not be deprived or the UeueSt thereof by reason of having as unable to j>erform active service in the field, but capable of j>erforming some ot tiia above said dutier^, specifying which, fyid when these persons shall have been assif^ned i been enrolled since tiie 1st day of Feb. 1804. !e duties as far as vracticablc, the rre- 4. in addition to the foregoing exemp tions, tile Secretary of War, under the ai- of ^lOOu; jKovldcd, that tiie alwvo exerap- iiona sluill nrt apply to any person, %7lit;sa prop‘i'. Iexclusive of household furniture, boiiS.^’PF-'ed at n value exceeding ^l(XJ>. J. V. Ti’iit whore ]>roperty has been injured (>;'vK'oiroye l by tho enemy, or tite owner theroof lias been tcniponuily tleprived of the iiPH or occii]»cincy tiieiVi^f, or of the means of cultivating the same, by rea.-ion of the ]irewuce or the proximity of the enemy, tiic assessment «>n snch pro[>erty may be r»"J’.u i.J, in pro5'orti(>n fo the.damage sii3- t'.iued l>3’ the owner, or tiie tax jib-^essdd t!!ero*>n ms.y bo rodnccd in the same ratio by the district collector, on satiofactory e’^i- ueneo i^ubmit^ed to him >>y tlip owner »rji8- fH'v^ccr. Si J. /!iat the t.ixea oii jtroperty l:iid for ttte year ?haU Ix; as^.essed as on t’ie ihiv •'! the }uu-sa;.;o of this act, and be (iiio t;olIec!t d on the l.'^t 'lay ot June next, t.>r iis soon iit\er atj practicable, ullow- ■ ■ n:: i x'-':. (»t' dsvs We«! ot* the iriia-i-'.;r.;.i ri'-er Di'' atiiliLioTiai taxe.' on him, by the authority of tha President, Se- y officer, soldier, i cretary of War, or tho General oliicer com fy engaged in the! manding the Trans Mississippi department; ' Tlue otiicer fiav^^in'g CDTfr|?'ffrany that snch ]>er8on is detained by him as a prisoner for any of the causes lierein before s]>ecitied, under tho authority aforesaid, fur ther proceedings under the writ of habeas corpus sh&ll immediately cease and remain 6us|>ended so long aa this act shall continue in force. Sec. 4. This act shall cotitinue in force for ninety days after the next meeting of Con gress, and no loTiger. TIIE MILITARY BILL. Section 1. That from and after the passage of this act all white men, residents of the Confederate States, between the ages of 17 and 50, shall be in the military servic© of the Confederate States for the war. Sec, 2. That all the j>er8on8 aforesaid, be tween the ages of 18 and 45, now in service, shall be retained during the present war with the U. S., in tho same regiments, bat talions and companies, to whicK they.belong at the passaj^ of this act, with the same or ganization and officers, unless regnlarly ;c ii'ucj^ r J roli'.o for the year 1MG3, levied j transferred or discharged, in accordaucc ; t'.i^ iic’., 3lin!I 1)0 ami collected j witii the laws and regulations f« • ihe t.'xes «,>t! i!!c>m*'S or pn*-j ernment of tho to those duties as far as practi sident shall assign or detail to their perform ance such bodies of trooj).^, or M'dividuals, required to be enroll d nntJer liie oth sec tion of this act, as may be needed for the discharge of snch iuties: Provided, that persons between the ngcs of 17-and 18 Bhall be asoigned to those dnties; Prov'ided fur- tlier, that nothing contained in this act shall be 80 construed as to prevent the President from detailing artisans, mechanics, or per sons of scientific skill, to |>erfortn indispen sable duties in the departn)enta or bureaus herein mentioned. Sec. 9, That any Qnarterjnaster or As* eisfcant Quartermaster, Ooinini 'eary or As- fr*;(r?vre:?f77 or officers in the Ordnance Bureftu, or Nervy Agents, or Provost Mai-shal, or officer in the conscript service, who shall hereafter employ or retain in his employment any person in any of their said departments or bureaus, or in any of the dntiee mentioned in the 8th section of this act, in violation of the provisions hereof, shall, on conviction thereof by a court-martial or military court, be cashiered; and it shall be the duty of any department or district commander, upon jiroof, by the oath of any ^edible person, that any such officer has violated this pro vision, immediately to relieve such officer from duty; and said commanders shall take prompt measures to have him tried for such offence; and any commander as aforesaid failing to perform the duties enjoined by this section, shall upon being duly convicted thereof, bo discharged from the service. Sec. 10. That all laws granting exemp tions from military service be, and ihe same rection of the President, may exempt or de tail such otiier persons as he may be satis fied ought to be exempted on acconnt of public necessity, and to insure the produc tion of grain and other provisiona for the army and the families of soldiers. He may, als6, grant exemptions or details, on such terms as he may prescribe, to such over-^ seers, farmers or planters as he may be sat isfied will be more useful to the country in the pursuits of agriculture than in the mil* tary service: Provided, that such exemption shall cease whenever the farmer, planter or overseer shall fail diligently to employ in provisions, to be solH to the Government anil the famili^ of soldiers at prices not exceed ing those fi.xed at the time for l!ke articles by the Commissioners of the State under the impressment act. 5. The president, treasurer, auditor and superintendent of any railroad company en gage^ in transportation for the Government, and such officers and employees thereof as the president or superintendent shall certi^ on oath to be indispensable to the effiicieqt operation of said railroad: Provided, that the number of persons so exempted by this act on any railroad shall not exceed one per son for each mile of such load in actdftl nee for military transportation; and said exempts shall be reported b^ name and description, wim tho namee ot any who have left the employment of said company, or who may cease to bo indiepeueablo. 6. That nothing herein contained shall be construed as repealing the act approved t :s fur tl u'jteti liCc -jdinjr ’ • tlitr !'^:d a5!i‘tsTncn» u-Jr* " shall be exempted cxcept the following: 1. All who shall be held unfit for milita- regulationa for the gov- | ry eervicc, under rules to >_hj prescribed by army: Pr.;vided, that com- the Secretary of \Tar. •r 1804, hball be jissc!-(d and i pan IkM from one State, organized against! 2. The Vice President of the Confederate are, hereby’ repealed, and hereafltor none : April tlie 14tii 186-^, entitled an act to ex- VM V\ # A ^ 1 Itvn n/V* * A «T t n A « I S ^ ^ , the i their consent, expreseed at tho time, with j States, the members and officers of Congress empt contractors for carrying the mails ot the Confederate States, and the drivers of post coaches and hacks, from military ser vice: Provided, that ail tiie exemptions granted nnder this act shall wily continue whilst the persons exempted are actually regiments or battalioua from another State, ' and of tho ecveral State Leirislatnree, and ^enpca^od in their respective purRuita or oo- the President be, and he if to grant details, under egulations to be issued proper If -- Lot I'A'ction of »iaid r yen.'* nuu il r:; or intero.st m ]>ri !axrd al \al *ren\ T as incomtn. u?i Th../^ *!;•.• t..\ ; i:pof>.*o ’ v ■ ' t ■ : ] ■■> I f' ’ - lU. K in J'■» OTCei'*! ,>i the ^“.nu., such ?'■ ntU y or t’>' rnin-- . or lii'o.lie'' t 1. ■ > .I tl..‘ ■ ii’ :u' e l ^ ■ '■ the eame^^UJ ot the service. j ;^reach according to tlio rule'? >f his church, , iii''g!uent, justice, equity •Sec. 3. That at the expiration ol six months | i^nd who, at tho pacssage of this act, shall be ■ cmira s:ich details, and he fi’cm tho tii^i day ol Apr;l I'ext, n bour'-‘y , ivgularlv employed in tiie dischi’.r^'.' of his ul C'lOU ill il cix per cent. (Juvernment bond, j ..)inisteri:il dntit^; g:!:)crinre!lde:lt^ j'hy- v-hich tlieSecrotary ^,f thoTreivsn-v is hero- i siciand a-vlu-as f','- tho de i*' a-J ‘ mb and necessity re may revoke such 'if', name f Iftil !• irao at > paj’. vu. oi s..; Ei.inc paror%er.' :f x'r.utvdsTSite of .V'cc-rici, f.'r ’he acrvlce-’ .•'f fnj eiaTOd emplojel »«? laborer* on tac Uvj, defeuoes at , durian uc ironta of , 18*i nay h«»j v , th . )8'. (8i!^»d io drpM,- -I — dr.f cf Viviuo ui gold uud silver wares JfiWelT-' and vratnbe?’, 10 't exceed $1'HX AH i>> ih“ ifrlvif^je oj \Vrit cf iiuhec-i C'^/'pux in certain >Vl:e’'e:;9-, the (Jonstitnti»n of tho Confed- ,'efat« States of America provides in Article 1, Soctlo’j 'J. I‘ar?.:'raph 3, that “tho privi- leg'e of the '-rnt of Im^'eas corpu!^ sliall nr.t I >■ act •i- coto- t!;o iTi- I >ii*oJ to ifiMuu, 1>« to €»vo- I l>lini uuil of tho inaano; o:i(t jr for u hen ! ry non c )rr!i:T:ssioned ofliecr, inusician and j newspaper l>oing pnblis.hu i ui ’J'c tiniu ! I private who chall then bo in Gcrviee. or in i of tuia jt, and snch empioyeea a-: said edi- l|i,j j tiie event oi his death previous to the ]>eriod j *qi- may certifv, on oatii, t.> l>e indispensable of tueh payment, then to the persofi or per-1 to the publication of sacL newjpape.-; the sons wht* would be entitled to r©‘eive by law public printer cf tho Confedarate and State i ,y rev( orders of details whenever lie niinks proper Tr ied, that the power ho#ein grantea ta t?:e .iih.nt tQ make details and eiemp- t ;-.h-ii! not bo coTidtruo^ to authorize the C l ipti :.r, or detail of ^ny contractor fur fu! i*!?h!’ig supplies of any kind to the Gov- enuii j:; , by reason ef said contract, unless tho liead or secretary of the department ma king such contract shall certify that the per- j tlie arrearages of his pay; but no one shall be ■ Governments, and such iourneymen print- sonai services of such contractor are indis- I entitled to the ix)unty jterein provided who ^3j.g ^ tjiy gaj j pnblic printer sliall certify, poncalile to the execution of said contract: i, during the perit>d of six ^ on oath, to be indispensable to perform tho Pnivided further, that when any eueh cou- • the said firet day ol April, j public printing; one skilled apothecary in t-i^ctjr Khali fail, diligently and faithfully, shall at any tim(s, durin monttis next after be aljeent from h«s command without leave. , each Sec. 4. That no person shrtll be relieved | ness V?5lr-.-« 1 lij.'Tiie vuli-e ■J Tht> S-; TktuTfH vf f . I .-r9:' ‘3i' by tcr«-r w.i Tiiei .-' uiUr'i -ji :rr.:c 'apHc i c i- _ for eaoh fiitnk r.>rai.» - in in j;»tioa at ibid '.‘Vuv J?. ' kpf Jao’y 20, IbtM pi'- ’/►jr*, ta.xed under ' this eCn'tiO'; 1 b^^ ; OT! tlie of t)io market ‘ alrvo of‘t!o ^arrie, t similnr pro-- ; perty :n tue iteii'b.b •,/*.)■ >00 wiierft a«r:oa»vc*'i, in tiiC ycr.T IcxcQ-:>' in cases where land, rvive:, cottf'in or H bacco have been pur chased ssac' tho let day of January 1SG2, it} wh lU f r'.se t*,’o Giiid land, slaves. Cotton find tobacco ho p:trc’'?-- ed. nli;-!i be assessed &t the pr.cc5 aclnally ]>&id for tho tauio bv ih apotiiecary store, who was doing *o proceed with t!ie execution of »uch con- -upoendod unless when in case of rel)ol-1 *• ness as such on tho 10th dav of Oct’r i.-Kct, his e\e«^or!o:i or detail shall cease. ’on o- invaiion »hf» oiiblif tmiv rn- the operation of this act by reason of ; ami lias continued said business, without; {r:ec. li. That in appointing local boards ‘ * ’’• having been heretofore discharged from the I intermission, since that period; all id'r^i-lof snrijoon!^ f''r the examination of p«r*ona arm v where no disability now exists; n)r j eians over the ago of SO years, who now ars, Pablo to aorvicg, rp member com- shall tiiof'o w!io have furnished substitutes .and for the his-t 7 years have bean, in the I posing the ^.ame shall be appointed from ih« be any longer exempted by reasoh thereof: actual and regular practice of their profes- ‘ cjunty or enrolling district in which they 'y bf -rsj^ a » ■ .i r q Notice to the Citizens-of Fayetteville. pERSONS -rply.' 3 • J ■ t f- 1 SicV. ir.u r iuv tioin^ Ph 3 ciKfi lii. •vti u’u .VI ti ; Of u =■ .'I I.:. a .if ■ jtj :* , ,V. Jam 0 'O OV ’ICT-. See. 2. V/ .1J vaj.ie r’1 sMare.' or i_n>er- r Uic joint -^iock compaiuo.9 . n >w, thoreiore. 'PHi -I F-i'’- rllie w •ic , to t.-, * r*es'. ( ' . at; llo^ltital Supiilie> ^Faated. vvnetiior 'ncorpor.nlb'J or not, I h.“i; •n t lAi In U.HI1 Ur.i'u'r, i4(H*( '»on cuanty, N. ( j e llE'il.Le 3 v*i 1 u. : -T ii;.! m.iOi.’ .;! tae ij ,'jkj t>: J'.;, !.“ %. s ,v.- tsiitu^i^rt ..r J£.s .j j i .r'ii.' in ; .-il . ..r ,, « , ‘.>1 tj C ■ -n’y, ;|- ,e I'-. 1... ■; uac • 0‘;> A:.;(i)W-N, F J- Q u I. 11.^ 'J. jr.iNdiiL., V* M Ay at, -y. S. A : iLiia held l/j any bank, bani-'ing eo:iii);;iiy or iiv.!.tciar(y.tiikl, -ta*. j^^anon, iniportinrf, . tApoitin;?, i'-.euranee, mr.nuf;iOturin;;, t^^Ie- i g^'aph, \ rai'r-;fiid, nii'i t^rv-dwk corn I'.iiiies, I ij}' r>v'/>rv 'ci: 5 p.-»- CO’- . li.e lion n i;ul I the ! arkot ' rency if,ay pVireha- -: vid qivre it: ’ ami where.-‘fi, the ]>ower of sus- {»end:i:;r tj;e privii.^^o >f t^id writ as re; .*;;, ni.red in Ailicio 1, is ve^‘‘ed solely m liu*. Cong’-essi, which is tho exclusive Jutlge O’’ the iiecebtjify of «?ucl) suspension: and v.'her-ad, in tke opinion of tho C>ngro86, the public srifety r'^quiroa the suspension of said writ ir’ t' e ex^inting e:ise of the invasion of thoi'Q State-3 by tho armies «)f the United Plates; and wheni'a.*:, tlie Prooidont has asked for the sn^pi^naion »f the v.’rit of iiabeas cor- pn?, and informed Congrc.-»s of conditions of Provided, tliat no person, heretofore exempt ed on account of religious opinions and who hac }»aid the tax leviod to relieve him from service, shall be required to rondor military ftcrvice under th.a act. Sec. 5. That all white male residents of the Ct.^nfederato States, betweeu tho ages of 17 and 18 and 45 and 50 years, shall enrtjll eion, but tho torm phytvician shall not in-! are required to make such examination elude dentists; all presidet^ and teachers j pi:blic dan-er whir/i render the suspension I such times and places, and oj the wri*" a me-'iLUirc proper for the pnijlic I ^Qch regulati^s, as the_ i resideut te’ico t*;;ain6t ijiraaivn and insurrection ot ; roperty ta ■■d nndcr this i5£.ie-8eu upon t!ie basis of :'i’ie of Bueh property in ’the wht ii; a-.scFse i. in nuch ciir- Ini in i'’eneral 11.’.y tli'.re, :n tho r‘'.]y of pweh proper'v, ut the Tiirt Congress of the Confederate StJites of America do enact. That during tite ]»rcs6nt invasK>n of ^he Oonfed«ir«te St.ate?, the {Tiv- may preficribo, the time allowed not being less than 30 days for those east, and GO days for those west of tho Mississippi river, and any j>er8on who shall fail so to enroll him self, without a reasonable excuse therefor. ceifs aaJ g . ihci.r csti to liavo i^e;> c liy or'l(,r 44vJ0itJJ JX ca . ii..e mea c/ this H :i'f; SOKTJI C*iiilLI.SA VilLLM'iiliii .MW Cil.. ) UtNKKAL AoENr’rt jFne::. Frauiiiiulon, N. ‘5 , 'JO, 1 ^ H UENLKA.j .’I 'i i; J.Ui> i J 1 V'-.i 1 to ■f ■= •' . ■ ■ r- . IV,' -n I t--r 0 : in .- ‘ i'f,.: Cocrp.Iiy iiii tjitf t C-ip.til vV/j.- orij tr>., . of .ioi- iar.3 Butjgoribi’l, »nJ ■■ i ;‘\i j ^n, t?-, f e'f-.'ita aru btiog' m».lo t.- t..*curo vOar bo .x* r^\y not remain op on but waJ^e laor are O’oa ut;o la .1 glorioJ3 cairijt. !\,r v g"*};! a i. -.lUi? iM/n-lPie .t 1 h'* aj5«ct 8 men* of jr.u '■* u i liOB'Ji. tu y wi I Oa W‘>ll I It r: ... t- pcntiion shall apply onlv fo tho ea.-»es of per nors arrested or detained by .>rd*ir of the i’rosidcnt, Sesretary of War, or the General time oi .'isf^esgyac!::. ^Otlicer commanding tl>e Trans-Mississippi See. ri. L'^rtn tii’j amount ^f all gold und ;• Military l)oj>artrnent, by the .authority and rdver coin, gold dest. >»o!d or silveV bnllion, under t>e control of the President. It ia 75other h'hi by the L‘ai’ks or other corjjo-■ hereby declared that the pnrposo of Con- ^ ration.^, or ir^d^v^iduals, 5 p*^r cent.; and upon {iassage of this act is to provide ytmt. more o?f(-^tn-rilly Tor tho pu!)Iic eafbty by on ' b'lfipen ling the \n-it of habeas coqwis in tho aach I following ca?es a«d no ofc&or: ta.x upon money abroad to be asseased and [ I. Of treason, or treiwonable efforts or j collected according to the value thereof at! coiubvnatiims to sabvert tho government of I the placc where tho tax is |>aid. ■ the Ccnfe«iorate States. I ^ i*. ijjiop ti;e amo-mt ot' all solvent ere-! IL Of conspiracies tx> overthrow tho gov- 1 ^itf, r.n(} (A ail bank bilU and all other pa-1 ernraent, or conjipiracies to resist the lawful pe’'n issued as e’lrrent^y, exjlvisive of non-1 authority of tiie Coni'edarate States. ir.te,re..t ^ Couhyierate ti'oasurr notes, j HL^ Of combining to a^'isist the enemy, or I and Di)t e'ni .cofed in a i ogiStcr>rjd imsinesa, j of commanicatiTig intelligence to the enemy, the iucfuii-i^ t.^rrvnd t. um wivcU is t-ixed, 5 jor giving him aiid and comfort. h)orcoat. I 1V. Of consplracioa, preparationa and at- oee. 4. l->p 'n profitG ma-i;; iii t»r.do j^nd 1 toii^is to incite servile insurrection. of fi.j '.vrit of ImSoiw o.ri.ua ho, mJ ! I'® ^ tjie Preeidont, shall to the flRrne is iiercbv, snsiJi^nded; but sueh sus-) P'^od in service m the field lor the war, in • ' ‘ ; the same manner as though they were be tween the ages of 18 and 45: Provided, that the persona mentioned in this section shall constitute a reserve for State defence and detail duty, and shall not be req^uired to jjortbrm servico out of the State in which they reside. , raiioii.^. or inawiuuais, 5 p*^r cent.; an2 nj • all held sibroad, or upon the artoi : ot r.’l i.*: :,-i i.jt exchanf^e, drawn therct'or ; foreii^u cv-.untilep, a tax of 5 per cent.; oi o«.v businers, as follows: Of desertions or encourajjino- deser- or? . 't ol': iHf D-j as aocv . I rul i*H par'ie * t Jao« i!6 Hi,'- Kja t-i ■»'. L' ;'r fa-1.3 _ r:ij-.nonj ' :zpi J p r coil ^ {. On all profits mfl.de by buying and sell-1 tions, of harbonog dosertors, and of attempts i P?r ri-n . atocraLt. , gpiritoua liquors, lionr, wheat, c*>rn, rice, i to avird military servicer Provided, That in e wrong and oppression by diuate oiScer upopi any party who ally owe military service, his , . «^iall grant prompt relief to I ^on jr lai.’.ed ciothii, hats, wagons, haruoes, j the opipref;aed party, and the subordinate ^ t^oal, irori, tteei or nails, at any time be-1 shall bo dismisoed from office. h'y' Vr'iLLl V\i HAR;t!.s i tween the lot of January and the Istj VI. (J)f spies and other onussarics of the ; of Jaauary 1 :^5, I'J per cent., iu addition j enemy. I to the tax ou eueh profits as iDcoiue untlor i VII, 0 ■J MAR'IISJ, O !uoril ■IMU: Vouii^’N ArltliueUcal Wtliouaryr I ^’^de/ate States,^’ approved April 24, 186a E J. halk & SONS, i ^If* On all profits made by^ buying and I>«o’r 10. Ci'f holding correspondence or i riter- tho‘-act to lay tAxesfoi-the common defence, j course withi the enemy, without necessity, and carry on the Goverinfient of tho Con-(and withoialL the ^lermiasion of tho Oonleda^ j ■ rate States. VIII. 01 f nnlawftil trading with the ene- Ulanlr Warrauu fot *alo b«kr«. ! selling money, gold, silver, fon^ign exchange, I stocks, ^tes, debts, credits, “or obligations j »iT»T T>r«r*r- my, aud ot(her offences against the laws of the Ooofod vate States, en»nt«d to prtHnott Sec. 6. That all persons required by the 5th section of this act to enroU themselves, may within 30 days after the passage there of, east of th4 Mississippi, aud within 60 days, if west of said river, tbrm themselves into voluntary organizations of companies, battalions or regiments, and elect their own officers; said orgauizations to conform to the existing laws; and, having so organized, to tender ^eir services as volunteers during die war to the President; and if snch ojgan- izations shall furnish proper muster rolls, as now organized, and deposit a copy thereof with the onroiliug ofilcer of their district, wtiich shall bo equivalent to enrollment, tuoy may be accepted os minute men for service m such State, but in no event to be taken out ot it. Those who do not so volun- toer%id organize, shall enroll themselves as before provided; and may, by the President, bo reqiurod to assemble at convenient pla ces ot rendeavous, and be formed or organ ized into companies, battalions and regi ments, under regulations to bo prescribed by him; and shall have the right tv> elect tbeir company and regimental ofilcors; and all troops organize*! under this aot for State defence, shall be entitled, while in actual service, to the same pay and allowance aa troops now in the field. Sec- 7. That any person who shall fail to attend at the place ot reudexvooa as required bj th« autho^ty d the ProiidaQL without a miffiaiffit to mf hj liNi, of collegee, theological seminaries, acade mies and schools, who have been re^larly * engaged as such for two years next oefora tho passage of this act: IVovided, that the benefit of this exemption shall extend to those to^ichers only wh« ee 3cho*>la are com posed of 20 students or more. All superin tendents of public hospitals, established by law before the passage of tliis act, and such physicians and nurses thetein such su perintendents 'shall certify, on oath, to be indispensable to the proper and efficient mana^ment thereof 4. There shall be exempt one person aa owner or agriculturist on each farm or plan tation upon which there are now, and were ou the 1st day of Jan’v last, ^3 able-bodied field-hands, between the tigos of 16 and 60, upon the following conditions; 1. This exemption shall only be granted in cases in wtiich there is no white male adult on the farm or plants.tion not liable to military service, nor aaless the person claim ing the exemption was on the 1st day of Jan’y 1864, either the owner and manager or overseer of said plantation, but in no case shall more than one person be exempted for one farm or plantation. 2. Such person sliall first execute a bond, payable to the Confederate States of Amer ica, in such form, aud with such security, and in such penalty as tho Secretary of War may prescribe, conditioned that he will de liver to the Government at soqie railroad depot, or such other place or places as may be designated by tho Secretary of War, within 12 months next ensuing, 100jxiunds of bacon, or, at the election ot the Crovern- ment, its e^ui valent in pork, and 100 lbs. of net heel (said beef to be delivered on foot,) for each able-bodied slave on said farm or plantation, within the above said ages, whe ther said slaves in the field or not, which said bacon or pork and beef shall be paid for ^y the OJorernment at the prices nxed by the Commissioners ot the State under the impressment act: Provided, that when the person thus exempted shall produce satis factory ovidenco that it has been impossible fur him^ by the exercibo of proper diiigenco, to farrish the amouut of moat thus contract ed for, and leave an adequate supply for tho subsistence of those living oa the said farm i or plantation, the Secretary of War shall dir^ a coBunntatioQ of the same, to the I ^ o* is f*r olkftr i • )oroBEa 3,*l?^6i3. t iarture of the MaiU « Fost O^oej Fayetteville, H. C.| Of SihedtiU of ihe Arrivai and Drparture of the Ofoe. H.VLS1GH Tia AVERA8BOBO’, &o. ArriTSQ dailv, except Sunday, »t 4| P. M. Dcparu cLuiy, except Saturdt^ at 8 P. IL RALSIQH tI% SUM.M£&VIfll.E. miparts Toesdr.y artd Friday at 6 A. M. Arrived Weaaasoay aud Sunaay at 6 P. WAHSAW ti* OUKTOHf. Arrives dailjr at 12 nooa. departs daily at P. H. Carthage. Arrives rtiMd&y, Tharsda/ and Saturday at 7 P. M. l>ct»jbrt« Mcuday, Wednesu&y bad Friday at 1 P. M. CHERAW, a. 0. Arrives Tuesday, Thursday and tiaturday at S P. M. Deports Stiaday, Tuesday and Thuradaj at 1 P. M. FAIR BLUFF via LUMBERTON. Arrives Tuosdaj, Thursday aud Saturday at 6 A. M. Departs Sunday, Tuedday and Thursday at 1 P. H. ^RoaeaoiTs vi* eluauethtowij. Departs Monday, Welnertday and Friday at 6 A. M. Arrives Tuesday, ThorcU/ and Saturday at 2 P. M. ELIZABETHTOWN via TEREBINTH. Arrives N{ond^ at 6 P. M. Departs same Ay (Monday) at 6 P. M. M AQKOLI Oir PRESS OEESK. Arrives Tueaday at 2 P. M. Depwts fame day (Taesiay) at 2^ P. M. SWIFT ISLAND via MONTROSE, COYINQTON aad P0WELLTON. Arrives Tuesday at 6 P. M. Departs Wednesday at 11 A. M. ^IFT ISLAND via TROT. Arrives Tuesday at S P. M. DeparU Weulbedday at 11 A. M. All nxiiJs leivia^ bafora 7* A. M , are olosed the even iag before at 9 P. J*. AH fetters to be seat off fron this ofiise, other than by mail, must be paid fer as If seat by mail. All drop letters should be pre-paid bj 2 OQUt stamps. The offioe will be open on Sunday from 84 to 9i A M , aad from to 6^ P. M. JA8. G. COOK, P. M. 'ME DLX:i£ pri.her,' TJIOR the EilUc Polki 4 fartht? ar.pply et wh ^ V» H. J WAT.It * R wholOAk "OR*. TftE i«oRTB caBoLinra' lUDTOAL UrK INSUKAi^Cfi COMPINI, NOW in the tenth yaar of suocesslui operation, with growing otkpital and firmer hold upon publio eon- fideaoe, eontinues insure t he lives of all healthy per- Bora from 14 to 00 y^rs ef age, for ene year, for seTen y esrs, and for lift—^ ufe members sharing in the profits All slaves from 10 to 60 years of age are insured tot on?; ye»r « for ive yeara for twe thirds their Tala#. .f li lp?rf» are punrtu^y paid ritkin 90 days after 8c\tw!aoiory proof la pr>M>3atei. i'ur fjjthcr irfornKitioa t*\e publia !■ referred to Agouti cf r.'a« OoKpanyin alt parts o’ cb.» State, and «a R. U. BATTLE, Ssoretary, Raleigh. . . E. J. ilAJuE, Agent at i\f «t ttoiCHIee

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