wm r " '^1 'n-^ T ;\ .I*n * , r hi' t'li’J ■ho ■; : ■- J t ’ H - ‘H' - m; " * r.e yr,:- -* .'>r' ' f V. • f r tho 1 ■ ii;f vr do. ht* sivti^ cc-'Unt ;i; l\.r the H e lua v, I, *I1 ay !>ii? \ the la:’'! }/.antwr *n ijmploy ;u uU> Ul -i:Ml oi exvjeovi ke t;ite n; hn .id'tur itti'l •lupany eu )vermuent, th«rtvl rvs Wall certii%- lie effici»?’-•' vided, thh' .ted by this )el '.'iio poi 1 acttinl UtO lidexeiD^'te ie6cr-pU"ti. tV-; i-lX ti.e »r -V' • :uhv itiuet. t? -i*. .*L-j»T' Vc l 1 . t * *. \ I diivei’^ '■ a-.;ti4ry wr. iJy ,rj ,v- " ■»- .45, f*r'- ^ lie It ir or ” A It>;*/ ■? :y •• i in'- ■r”'- ■' • _ - -'k - U ; . n**" 1(1 - ^ a lOt • ^ . Jli'. jrtiSfe 1' Cii. - ‘ir Jb »B 4 |Mer»-.' I ■-. toir ; ■ , ■ :, iteKj M i WF.'i.i'. T.'ie- U;: -Hi. Ti. He N C.,~> i'- i ' J.V V ii.4 tit c »•• t)', A-i P. M F iL m.6. M P » r i»7 M 7 P M Uy w I P M idAJ M 6 P M. i^y At 1 1' M TON. »i 0 A M ay fci 1 P. M EOH:: i%y H A M iay (*i P M. tlNIH I. LliKK M VINQTOW ui / 3lor :d tae #»en e;txt jlf frM* p»id for M if pr«-p4id bj >m to !»| A [l-.R, \’f :v * .m» H.L\A OtIFAM, :»•■ ■ U, wilU • jr.Kij,, Cr>, K -nithy por- Wf fiT iu tli. pr''ll!, : -J f'.r t'-f 4-5 t'si* *■- 1 I’i i i'5t* I ' ■ ATOWWlia, m 8 EM I-WEEK I. Y '/O! XIV.1 FAYETTEVILLE, N. C.. JULY 14, 1864. [NO. 1349,] PKINTKD MdNUAYS aND THORSUAVf ^:imiRD J. WALK & SOl^S. n-ITOllS ANl) PnOPRlKTORS. I rijo f.5r (hr- Sooi-We^kly ('’8*nvBR ^10 00. paid in a'lvanoe. . >-i>r the Wc«>l,ty Orspsv^b $9 00 per ;»nnuip, paid in a«lTar.ce. •d^ADVERTISRMKNTS insertol for f2 per lURrt* of 12 linM or ii»68 for fhc flrnt, and ono dollr-r for cach Biioceedinjr |>ublioat?ou. Advortiaora arc re picsled to •inle the niip)'>er of ineertionfl de«'S?d. or they will continue I ‘'ll for^iid. and oharced aoocrdingfy. AdTcrtiBanit-Ble oocfmucl oharfrei •« ne'w »d- ePFdltiL NOTICE. From an . .i.ler thi»d«*e, uouanieof ft ucti sulmcri^t!r *‘•11 be entered wilUont puynienf ia ndyjcioe, nor wiU i'.e paper be sent to ruch Ptib.'i". uijr? fc’ Ici^er tims fl.an 18 paid for Such of our old aubscribera m desire to take ihc pv p»>-nr jjr*»'♦ V"I please notiiy us wh«n mwkiu'g: “•»mittance6. Jan’y 1, 1858 ■BS W. DKAIJGUOi^, AUCTIONEEB, 8. K. Corner Market Square, FAYKTTETII.I-E, X. V. it' Proinpt titicr/irn piv»-T> t ^ Hrf '‘ntrii'^tej t-> him June 10,1864 lOif ViYTTOX C^ABEI$ii, {%o. lO. 'jAllK I-’AYETTRVILLE COTTON 0,^RD MANUFA'’- i TURING COMPANY an* now umiiufactariuj^CAHDS Hiiporior to any ma through the blockade, and at prcwnt !\ri! selling for a loss price the single pivir or by tin- uuan- fily. >^uyp.,'r>^on ordering six or more pairs, they will Iw e*cnri‘ly packwl and deliver.-d in Wilmingloa Inv ot ex ponse. CiiH upon or mldrffw A. A. McKKTIHN J. A. WORTH. ALKX. JOMNSON, Jr. N. 0., April 18 ' 24tt ;^r*»HliyU.‘rian and Carolinian copy. Fayetteville Uo§iii Oil Work.s* OUU Oil Works are now in cuinpletu operation, and tts we use nolhing but goo' rotdn in proiiuciug the »il we can recoiniuend it to be the best of the kind made in this country, ft is a line Lubricatuig and Tanner's Oil, and wo would be ^lad to receive orders from the Oovermneiit. and the public goaerally. We will eoU on r.*«8onable tfTcis. MOOUK, CASIIWELL CO. April 1ft. 28-tf H. Mcinil.LAi^i, Auctioueer and roniiBision Merchant, J%*o. Hutf street, F.WKTTKVILLK, N. 0. J lue tJ. 3iU ISAAC HOIjJNGSWinrril Itrorer aud C'unisissloa Merrh\Kt, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C .'anel3 ''0 (f *fSc£,. 1% Attorney at Law, FAYSTTBVlLit, N. C 117ILL aitesd the Cornty and Superior Courta of T T Camberland, Hftriu lt, Moor? «nd Robescn Conu- livs. Prompt attention gi'^on to i';e, c'jllectlon of all claims entrusted to bis haQ.ii>. Oct. 17, 185‘J. GK-t: JO», Grocer ?mf f’tftnMiHsion .ffe»*rArt»»?, FAYETTEVILLE, N 0. Jan’y 10, 1863. i>3-tf KATltOi A. STEUMAN. WM. H. BKRNAKO. 1%. A. STED.n.llI A: CO., WHOLESALIi: AND RETAIL UJDALIiinS AND €immnsu9x ^ercoait ^a. 19, MMaif Streei, VA.VKTTt'VIl-l.K, i:. O. April 20. B 0 woiTE. 1). Q woara. 3. o. DAaiii. WOKTII & CO., Conunlsaira and ForwardlBR Merchants, WVii«r Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct. 10. 1863. 73-1‘^n FJGLE FOUMORY. • ^OME m^utbs ^e ;oiuplciei s.U oui- iii-?aroH fot kJ ‘tp r-'sauficluro of CAR W13ESL8, ^’.uoviiiig tj tl'j fsi!>’rs o’ >Qo cupf'Iy of ■; 3 if p'^opev nt;nrc>, wo hi%'c : c'. ■■•triy Veen ui !' n f"-"l P-'r any J v->.iui '’r thoc;; (hi'j ^’liacuUj ? o*"'7e’, ?»ill bs o’o'cor: i in tr.c csur^.' of fir ‘v’;®, s' ■,'?hi2' lini': « thii'i b>! t' furni h rh''.' r' rbc* 'oil- iri;:;r -ixeE—24, iJfi, 1’8 «nJ “iO r.t’c J-.hiiU'1'ilres Th.; Irci; *r ' uec for i^-.Tn wIV J c f':M TJl-r.t. Cl -.rco.tl Iro.i. snd wc wtir rtut : nr Tu'c'-S.- NOT T() CK.\t’K, pu>i tv »o o-jual l3 . i.: i '« uiif'-b toj, i^r t«, • ■! '3j . 'Thil.acj ■'i re,”’'ftt' -1 i--' ■& *11 kpoi^a I'.ruO-’.nie-. iv.1 csfr^ate I—El, l>ry P -.n ’ c*iJ ■f u;;y eb*pe •• • t' D. ANDERSON •(>, " • T«j4 ' iDtf So’ig ri Vi.jia hr -.n 1 'Vre - 5 ; . ; Ur.'cv, ' ? Frv'-f.r For the Sennle. 'TnP frier,,*’ of WM. 'J. WRIfjaT. Esq , vci8p«otfull> 5 P’fvn: Lie nrxrae i.' i.b%'v..(cr8 cf Ouraborlaud »ui )!&ri:e(t far ra olcttio'a to the Honetfi in the next Q^ne ra! A^s^!lhIy. -• Jui’t 7. 3^-te Felioiir titlxi’iiK of t'ainberland and Harnett. i^! no’ v'i'ii'scfi wii' t.oUc>t.^t ;ep« of mbay frlendB, froTO liitTeroat i arte cf Ibo Coun'.ry, I RnsiounaiT myself a -jU*;.'. 0 ri'vr.-Bcut you iu tbc t?8n»if«^pC»(h« nfxt ,mw Tiewi in rag;.\rd to the grfeM *.nd ?iC«l w- -f^y wili i'O maUi kuo'pu when I app«i« iPLuie? .■>' l;>'f >ra y Ju-;c 28 Vcur ob’t B. MoDANIEL 4*4-tf IWc nre aiilitorizvd to announce I. 0. Ri'ill’HKRD as a c»nditiote for re election tc liic Ho'js-t cf ro*T5nioQa fr ra the ooanties of Cumbcr- lanJ Hud ir8.rn.-ll. 11. 40-tepd We respscUnliy reoomm»n'7 NKlLTi McE:.\Y, n.!4 . a eandirt**-: i^t r.' rli»'tiou t.) s L-eV Ju utxf Houc.* ofC;imaoi»a from Cuci .erland sri' •. MANY ClTIZr.NS, Miv 2. '2'.) ‘ .p'iStta Many Citizens of Cumberland fn.t H .nic.H o.'ur.ties »l;l vote on tu«; *-'i Au^nss iipxt The Confederate Ticket, for GOVERNOR JK. «. vajii:k. KOR THE fSNiTK, Kandal McDaniel, or Cumberland. FOR THE COMMONl lien. A. D. Mcfjean, Harnett, J. ti. Hhepberd, Damberland, ,'ol. M. J. MeUuflUe, do. 8 4S t«po T!ie uume' of repfv ^nliy fubmitted to an-.! fl. rr.fi! to Tot-jii >hos£ C .uni--"3 for ;b' IJ r.rjiv- K), J.VMUS hlJlKl’ATIllOKJs tSe voters of Cambcrlibd •- *5 i Hppre'3-‘T>i»U'^e «f . cf Oo'-^ra.^r s. ’ M.M'V VoTEtUJ.' !f ih ' We are authorized to aniionnce Get. A D Vci-E-N » c»)(.{' .ft'c rap^’c.itrt Cuiubfri-kiiil sol i" t'-c tf 3 c? t’.j :i''5l Cor.cri‘i As.iiiill;-’ I 48 te WAHTE«. 2CAA BUSHELS WHEAT, ,0UU 1.600 “ CORN. Persons having the atovo Rrticlea to ^ell Fill receive the highest Cach price by cii.l*i? cn Mr. H Thomson, ftt the Merchant Mills, FayctteTii'.;', cr on tbo subgcr-- b„«bi,old0. Nov. 5. 1862. 75tf lAISIKIl ATBj^O Olii. fPUE uuuVj-.SS'vI S3 liOW pra.'itrei to fura.';t ij .Le I. pii'Ua a v-ry ?aperior «rtio?e of LU URIC AT lit G OiL, tjttMiilly for Co(oR uni JFocW Vticiorie* We oKini iL»t l!iit5 Oil doee uoi guRi, aaU n?«y be r'ln ^r. ojwje ’ viiU k-ed po» r *’atu -:.ny i *'.icr Oil oxcopt t^pirr?. ■^Ir W II Porter, Superintendent of Phc«»njx Cotton K»;;t >ry, sjyd of it: “1 havo been using your Lubricat ing ;,'il for 2 or 3 nioct'if, and f nd it to Ic ?»up ri jr f > say c’t'.’-r Oi! no»" In use fur In* ric»t!*'.f- - T J 'hn E rshaw, Uup’* of .'‘lount’s Fuctory, says: “I cai. clieerfully eay your LubiicMing Oil is a eupprior articlc. It Joes n i gum in the 'c*m. hut kerp^ iLf jonrnal'^ clpisir aud hrigtt ” Mr A F BeckcrJi!", Oir>r F.iffJrocr cf the 'J tJ Arne- nii and Arm ry of this pUcff, w*s tcja"8(cii to try it ani sayp; “1 »h:r-h for ii:rhl macbiaory— =;’;h Cotton Fi».'tiorU~ -■» »i fn. •'u^y c rab'ccry Trh 'U th * n>ot!cn is claw,i'f'ur Lubrlc' ^ingOii will ?ori5'''r? nes! iu qual ity *.a rporn.t ■’ Oilier •'itcii wanufactureri h'-.ro t.i.-d i'. mi pro- t ' f!i7 ’ 5 ' of it HENRY E. COLTON. Ajjent Fayetteville Euroaine Co. April -f, 1%4 20-tf RUR.1lx\.i ofl.. VJ^E can furnish KEUOSENE BURNING OIL in q an- II tiricB of or 10 ^(viions a* 525 par gallou; tin cans or kegs $15 to J20 a Uitional. Sei'-i oaua cr kegs whcti nrenient. Ttiis i'i B.S good an Oil as cia be made rithont tha mixtu>-e with Aloohol, which it is impossible cow to obtein. Tbe wick tube of tbc ordinary Kerostne laap 3ho:i!d be sli^btly lecgth-a^jJ l.y soldering on a pieot;. ■ ;» tstn? 'Ha* “.»TSri*r^d ' n - _ - »*- and mti maob briUia,roy >%» Kerosene. HENRY E COLTON. ^ Cj- April 7 ^ iVESTEK:^ RAIli RO/i». The FREiaUT ANI> PASSENGRR trains? of tbifi Road leave Fayetteville daily, (Pundaya exoep''" »t 8 o’clock, A. M., end returninc leave Egypt,at 1 o’cloos, P. M. Cittle avd //flr»r Train MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY. Cy order JNO. M. ROSE. Treas’r and Geij’l Trana. Ag’t. .Jaa. 22. 1803. O^tf To lilt* %’olrr!i of t’ouisfy, niTlZENB AND >'E!.LOW i?;)L lERS: Dy ffolioi- \J tati^n cf cDiny filca ti I \risouuc' luyseif » cindi- fcr the >_p-.r’ui;s btanoli of ibe L-t'i‘^!‘vl.iie '■>* N C. Being ia service. I fh'I! uo' b.* atle Sc Kcrl ibt pe.pio o!u-d S^tupsc-u a* the pTe‘.ino*« '»ul t n.st tc k.uu ylEc iof Fricn is. view? -vreweli kncvrn as b ■ Tg p, Coa^ervfct! Uentl’ucn I i,r lien jcur votes, Tfi.a il:e s r niise if elec.cd b*" awA’o to ycu:- '''. cros* Y UTS rr i>’t’j, tl J! COOPEli •Uuy 8 4*^ ic Tlie frh nds of ( ol. M J McDUPFiE will b» gratified to If orn that he has conpen*- Cirdidat • tc re»^.rner.t ihc runtie* of llarao l J f> cf of -he ik'xI William .Tf, announces niniKvif a cAndidftU for the o£Ecc of Snp'r?or Court Olork ftr the county i>f Jlcbcijon, Nortb Caroiiaa. He f^ya to hio friends if they will elect him he will serve itbe tect of hia abiiUy. As ha ia ilj able to do field rer- « On the 1 .^ttlc fi- id. he hopes tb friends will labor Hiive h:ia tu-ib orjp’oym^nt as will fit hla mental aud ,-stcalpo-v rc M BAGGRT. H-’ltitep. Juno “S owr,/» --- To the Voters of Kfchnuind aud Itobeson CoantiC*. By the si/li.-'itii'ioii of a'amerouR t'itiiens a:.i BoWifr^;, l.ieut. J. McARTHUK. Co. E.rfOtU N. C. T Las Oi>n .f ail'd to bec3u’/' a t .".aaidr.fp t> rai i ^Sx'iit (^.c aeii%lori»l DiHtricl of Rici-. jn J i.*)'! F.3bt,*B.'»n ic I.:? nexi Lcgl;^latur? c^ -'^ur'n Cftroli"a. His poliii^if are: A yigorourt prosecution cf tb;} w;-v, until it»e Houth is f'.»o from ynntea ru'e an i ind i-'i ca, aud iu f'.ro? sny m?rtSnTe-» wh’ch l-'.r.d to the r.cci'.Jiplishnicnt 1 ihn( fi’j?-’* l.i ;’i* ?Tlc\r!!iiu (if.3 bi-'in in ti e 3cr»tO'; 'inc. ti;o oatt ?r , »!,■' ^-*s vlI' bcst.v!a?d tilt ihTJivilcr bore ar.v-,i> -; Hi« fri> ’ tf> et hcite, tbat of a Urih-iJn g.uit* as.n ever i'o*-.l;.’ to Ji • 'ihargc bii duiiei h'-M"; nb* tb- an'! po'd’. r« ' t c ''.•(’•■'c? oi t~;:«t .‘iIt. with Ihr*- In-sia".-’^ '-tl th*^ nf!S* fj-*.-:*)! vhir»*, rr-i fael' : Trill ' f' i:i^-i* •-.:i I;m ; *rt »f> fester the’ Mnii'l j 2e-.t, rii‘^cr’(ioT\ ;\n:’ V s i. vi'. !-x >1' 't Tiiiri'.; ;• ;n v '.O '.i^o t-f b '^- com Iry'.’ ',i')Cr;i'.H .ml n*aii - t:'. i-jco-atilisb. M.nNY CITIZ.:MS .AND yOLDIERS J;nc -0 4ft 7ipd sp. i ’rrjberUnJ. ; Occeral AefleiuM? Jun« 17 n t- AR.nY HAR*lfE^i«. 1AM prepared to manufectare all kinds o' Wagou Hftmess for -\rmy use. I wa» my leather aua or u file good bargeinp. Agents? wiU d-.» well to pend f^e^r Wo arc aut torlscd to aujiouncc Dr. W M. MoNFIH. of «ow s*>^vin? hfl » l-ici'lenB't i" 'he r'- ’ 'r'i’ /■ t-v, »j a canlil-. e lo ir; .■ • i;i o-.v.n i.;£ of Cufa' er-tnd »n \ Ilir''C!t l’> ihe next T iv.i’.ro Juao 2’’. , 45 lOtpd To tlio Presmon of Cumberland County. By request, I sraiD announce njyself a candiiaie for the office of !?ac-rifT of CamberlanJ county, t^fcoull 1 be c^ootod, 1 C5.1 only promise aa bsfcrc to discharge its dafps ■^rith abilitv I Kiay poesess. HECTOR McNEILL. M..y 2.'^ 8fi te To the Citizens and 8oldIert( of Harnett. At the wlicitation of m;vuy of my friends 1 respectftally n.mmiiiK>^i n f.qn«iifit>.tt» fur re-ftl(VtiAn tO the g^teful to my friends both at bome and in the Armyir*-^ tbe very p'oerous support heretofore received at their bfcndi», I can only pleijre that «hould they again maul- fe>t their confidence by re-;lectiug me I will, a^ hereto fore, ecrve them promptly and impartially. Wryr*-(»i)ectfully, JAS. R. G’l.\DY. April 13. - •■^1-te • •rdere to me aa thr,y aball jave lent off La quick Ji'patch. JO JN C.lRi FR. Ooldston P. C., CbatbaJB Co., it. C., 1 Iun'2 n. j *00 lbs. fcJurai Arabic lor sale by J. li. Ott 16. ' Alter tlii*4 date fl will 16 Centa per pound for ragn. or tiirhcHi markei price, deiivei'cd ju V the highcHi ^ette^e, or at my laillB on Rookilsh F®b’j Iftr 18ti4 MDRPIIY 7 it w Wanted to Purchasie, E8TERN RAIL ROAD STOCK; Bulk Noteo; Gold and 8ilvor; North Carolina Treasury Notes (Fua l -bl.->,) 41 “ “ $1 and t« •> Bonds, old end new; Uotuxty of Cumberland L'onds; Town of Fayetteville Bonde, Qreeasboro’ f 1 and f'2 f;ertiflcat>s; (Jonftderate 7 and 8 per oont. Boa ls;; OoapoDB of f 15,00«,00>) loan; “ of Town and County BonJtt;, *t of oM North CarM-r***. Hon is- T. S. LUTTERLOH. Ootl2, 18C3. ■ _1!!L 0KDN1N€K intPABTMKNT. ) RALHion. N. C-, May 8. 180». jf LPAD WANTED.—1 wish to purchase Lead for this iJe^ment Persons having large or stn.ll uu«Mfmpi.~..pp>7•' POWBEB for 10 ‘^''h"OoQ, O.pl. 0. S. In ciiarge of Oriin^ace. 69-tf Ecypt Coal Ifline. The onderslgnea were, at the November rerm vr t.ie Conf®der»te Court. UiBtrict of North Carolin», ap- Dointed Managers of the Egypt Coal Mine property^ Lid have entered into oopartnerehip for the purpose of ^n, Mid selling «o»l, and Bobcit orders for the sama SWdMired qawtity. Ordew for any amount can be roppUed on rtorV notice. The C^al from this pro- nert? ii undoubtedly the beet in the Confederate Hta cs. fppiollion. Mjlimd. W Ohw u M.Uetl F«,ell.. wilU N C pf Jarooe Browne, Charleston, 8. C. »iU«, H. 0-, CHARLES B. MALL«TT jAMBB B.aoWNK raT*tt«»111*. Jan’T »0, l»^«R ■ iXRAYEO, BOM my pl*ce on the 2Iet indt., a COW and CALF. The Cow ifl white with red spots The ^ Palf nnmarked. mark of cow not reocllect- T*Se cow wa. pTrJLw^ from Mr. Alex McLeod ^ flinty and it is probable that she hw found I will pay . liberal re^rd fi H.Z rwotery or any From and &tter tbia date the Steamer A. P. HURT ^iil g^^ggglr »J 8 o’clock, A. M.. on Monday ^Thur^lav. JOS. A. WORTH. Apiil f._ITtf ] Ae’t C. F. St«am Boat Co. A FE?/ IMPORTANT FACTS IN REGARD TO TffE “SOITHERN BEPATI€ PILLS.” 1THEY arc prepared fr 'S'. tbe best quality of t cines by tbc difccov^rer, now fiti aged Minister oi the Goapel, an l are aafc. n Tjey hav,; bcsa k3D=-i2 for yc^rj fc.id tested by iL'i.j.’i.ii;. G. Five hundred persona are kuowu to have becu cured by them. 4- Thsy arc not recoaameiiu jd by the frcpnctur for 07Rryti--i:>:r, but only fur •ll-: ‘a^es wVlcb iiiac- from Ur- ordrrcd livers. 5, Direciitna and cf rlibcates »o.!omr>j»ay each box, and tbcsa oartiScates are from well kaowa auu moat re- epec'Able indiviiuala. 6. Corrjpponients r»com!uend tJiera good for Liver Diuatao. Chills and Fovsra, Pacunjoaia. Jaundic?. Dy? popbift. IJiliou^ j’evsrH, Biho’.n P.ilitus-ttssu, Woitcs, Plour'sy, IJron.'.iiit’a. &o. 7 .‘cv-,ril geptlemsn ?;&:> Liiat the use cf tbese Piii hs-.3 r>2tai'i thkio an a^aual gavi* of from $100 ' >iOO; tbej are »ria bee?. j>lau!»! Ion ujcriicina e»or otierc ’ li> f:i»- j uMic. 8 HCnic pbysioiaaso' tbe highest etDtidiag pres'cribr* th^;"i to their ps-iients, and hundreds of boxae have botn a.)'i J to regular pra;ilitioner8. y ^»pr:ng tbs J&flt quarter 2.BS0 box.'S hA7c been aol I to two i'rii.-ista, one in South Curolina, and oue in North Ctralioa, and some time »go over H,7U0 boxcB «tre -.r lereu by Druggists ki one torn iu VirginiR j|*^Prio». f-S box. For f30 % do*'!U bcxoij wil' bo sent to Mldrcss. A very lihoT'sl disaonnt to l)r;igg!3's3Ji4cor.nl»'y ro“r baut? Cuth (I'CW can‘'’mr) io scooJ^ptay ordcr.^. A jdre'is GEO, W. DEEMS, GoldVooro’, N C, For sale in Fayetteville by N. A. SlediT^an A ; in Rockins^bs'u by *T. T. N«rtUftm; in WailcKboro’ by Di B-iunett: i;i Albemarle by J. M. I’ivins; n Clinton hy Hutjbard* .Moseley. Vftj 10 35-1C.tpd F A VETTEVI I. E E .^5'T?1AL INSURira-E ^2fj7,jS8 at» {j,i>77 3(» To the Voters of Sampson County, Through tbe soUcltatioa# of m*ay of ray friecde, I ancounce myeelf a candidate for » scat in the House of Commons in the next Lsgialataro of North Ciiolina Sbcuid I b5 80 fortuni^te aa to Ve eUcto 1. I will aadeavor ;o work for. the interes*. of thr citii^a-3 of Oampion cojnty, to tho best of my abilitv. JAMES I. omur.Ns. Clinton, N. C , Jaue 7 31) Itpd 'tT0>SS^ aothorUed and requested to L annOMiije -o!. B. F LITTLE as i ennlid^vte to repri'sent iba county cf R ctnivni iu th? House of Cotnmocj in the next Lcgieliiuro. May 19. mond Mat 21 F Cap’ital in I’remium Notes amountn to Caijb on hand an I fttber a; j'itB, Total, ;£272,7;)6 It^ The Company have paid all looses promptly, and have never nwwle an assesomcct on tbeir premium Tot»l logscB paid, >2 OFriOEas: GEO. McHElLL. ’‘resident D. A. RAY, Vico President. C. A. ilcMlLLAN, Bco'y. Uibiotoke: Henry Lilly, Tiliiughft.'t. II. L. Myrover, 3. J. Hiusdalc, 8. T. Hawley, Wm. McLtarin, ^ Nathan A. Stcdman, T- 3. J.ultcrlob. A. W. Stcol, J. G. Caok, lion. J. G. Rhephord, John ColliixB and C. C. MoCrummen, Traveling Ager.*! m^The OompuiT invite applisatio;:^. iKt «8. «’ C. B. Mallctt, James Kyle, A A. MoKethan, J. D. Williams, S. W. Tillinghut. nank Wvraala tot mJo hm. We are aut^orit;ed to announce JOHN A. IiONG, ftp a c »nlid*ite for ro t.-itction to the otliae of Sheriff for the o-'ucty of tiich- 35 6tpd-to ~VVe are awlliorl*t:d So aFiiioiiitce ROBERT M McN.\IR of Ca. C, 1st N. C U%Ualion Artillery, a? a Cini' ’it", 'or th;> ofiice of SHERIFF ol R.>bascn Co':ni.y May 20. ^i-IOtpd Without Holieitatlon of Many (Htlsens, but from a scnae of right ind deep interest iu cur cauac an ocuutry, as there is yet no c;ii‘5idi.to from Moutgomery, only a s»pporicr of Wii'iaru W Halien. an? Cilonii \7. B RiehaviHon, and John Audrew Barrel!, of Moore, loth Holden- itca cf the worst grit, I ATtuounce my?e!f a c)indiil-.t>* to represent the Countija cf Mounj aud Montgomery iu the Senate cf the next LcgiHkiure o' N >rth C-.rolina, With the promise ibii, if Mjiilgoancty county Hball bav? p. cindidate of her own of ihe rizbt grit, in 10 days troA tlie publloation of this, 1 withdraw my name. 1 have no desire to be a member to tbo Legislature, and hope I sbail never be a o?n Udat j R'5's.iu My pij^t- ' form iu, my country, and to ask nothing but what is rif it aud nn^Jait to notbip.tr thit ia wrc'g. 1 am egainst Llnoole, HoUlen and the Devil. Colonel W It Richardson. Johu Andrew P.arrflti. or whoever ehe ruiy aJvo'itc tlieir cause. The God cf Hcaveu has no n•^'ro t') '!.) i*;th ffipiuff this n».r itf ou m thrn he has v.i;lv » b'.'hwv robbrr, killing a rra i for bis niiiney. r.id \»‘3 >.ro a; muoh duty bound to resirit tbo cn? as the e!t\er Gc-d does rot favor unholy lust, or covetoua- n'8^i or roguciabnfss, in time of W'lr, any more tLan in tin-5 of pc.ic2. Wo ought ev.-jr to rcTntiabcr Achan. Vittb itis pcldcn w^ilpre f.ad Babylocija gavi«cyn. God w:’i not l*jok on irj(j:;Ity with a>lo'3':noo li cur own pco;^l^ wore t il j'a.‘;t and good ic 'n wt- would h%v« noth- ioif to f?a’‘, bat might But>mit ourselves i^nd our cause to Go l without fear of vbat ra*n could do to us; and the beet wey t.^ get aa ♦•i.rly an i lasting and glorious pe»cc ia for C7ory one of ub to grt our liefipi'ts right with God ani keep his co^.man ’ments, lo do them; then we TTould be more cate and mo»‘e joyfal, laughing in ttie fsioe of our enemies; then wc cf uld 'no uavor bowing at their feet, iuil our tceaiics wjald be made to know thi^ God 18 just ar l good an>I holy, ?nd that he would never suffer tbe rieht»on8 to be moTC*l; »nd if n'^e- ssary wo might, liko faithful Abraham tho aorvart ot tho LtI, anl at tha same lima tbie master of servants, go out aga:"*'t our cccitiics to battle, eword in hand, three kin.'S ajT.iu;)! fi»e (or Gencralp ciihct;) ur like tiie good old ohristi«nbcro, JoehuR, shouted (sow:i the wall of J'^ricbo, and get our ind^pen lenoe without sabmiasion to our enem'es or hcggi:i)i:o' t^6-n to. ms of peace 1 have not dore muro ilian my duty in this war, yet 1 have said cvr tithes and my tax, aiM havs i;iv>in lo onr EolJiers »nd ti»eir fe.mi’ie?. m^}re ihau » thousand d'Uars a year for Ib'^se four TCP.rs I nu: now C'tl yc^ra old, I cballengfid W. W.'Ho'.ifn, Isft rioptsmber, to meet bin- »t hiis own set time in Rn^ Uh, tnd go wHh bim to tbo war 1 never plead under ajte and I shall never pUfcd ever age. I »m Btiil r'-idy I am for Z B Vance for Gove.*nor, only I am more so in some respects than he ifl- Ifl should be elected the people may rest ik^Btired I Bhall regard the honor aad rigb's of my oauntry aud SUte, andeapecially HftifciiiCf xxouiw By M. CRONLY, AucUoneer. A lf€TIO.\ i7e ~ OF I.^IIH>KTEI> GOODi!^ BY ( .4 T A LOU HE. ON W - a».-'fl3ay, Jul) ‘iOih, 18U4, commei:citig at 10 fiV’oek M., 1 will scl>, »t n>v ^alf rc’ni8 No. i. ilr*iui'‘ Ilor, Wilna-.ngton, N . the eiitlr*’ cargoes of Sieamshij 3 BADGER AN!) LUCY. ^itb I'.rJto cOiiBipi’^rsent.i •>r CHICOHA, .^LttJE. EANini'i f rv Ul’ PETKRSnU'Ui. f.nd o;‘" v*^*.-!!*, vix; ;j'J?Y GOOD:* w ^'5 3'ound Prints 17 CISC'! ft:id white prictr ■ Mus!in 13 o%sie liu ’tvhacH Towci^ il CR^.'s Organdie Mualinn 8 iiaies Army Cloths 7 f'v3es rup«.r Hosiery 7 csde.^ C.'5‘.n’ aai Civk’ft Spool Cottca U eases fiaishiag Lln?n Thread B bales {»ncy Shirts 4 cases solid, brokfn sad monr-iing Cini^ham 3 cases Maok Lustre 3 oases Confederate Tweeds ' 3 cases ready ma’* Clotbin? 2 ca!e3 Chesk ard Stripes mourriug 3 on«es codt, vest and bon? Duttiins 2 balas BAre^e ' J easo’: 8C_ 2 c*303 brown HelUnd 4 oases Flannel Shir'S ’ •J b*!""! raix 'd Mfcltoas I bale blue and grey Sergo 1 baic fircy Flannels t case Black Ali»aca 1 ease Blr-ok Orleans 1 cas*' 1’J.pcr Cambri?, a'’E3rlod colors 1 bale mottled .Mpacas 1 case Beauregsrd Tweeds 1 case Stoutbcrri Cloaking 1 oas--» Biftck and white Prints 1 case Shirting 1 cas' Fftncy Shawls I bale Liof'fl, superior 1 c»«c .Mosquito Netting 1 cisa Ties, Olovfs, &c t bale Barer Broid ('o*’.i, -'..rtr t c ■'.vs 1 ease Irish Liuen 1 case Pant Duttons 1 Cise an ! Whi‘R T'ir.c SHOES, LE '.THER A 2G trunks ' kdice’. Gont’s and Ceildren't? SLoes ir. cares Lidi^-e’. Gent’s sniCh:ldren i> Fr liooteca. Extra 6 c*3ce Army Shoes 7 0iS2S B^rton’e Blea.0 led an 1 i>iowR Sii-'teT'i.re.'.d 4 cases Fr Wax«d Calf 4 cincT Charaois SkinH 2 ca.'^'8 ?«lorocco Sk>n.=i COTTON (\'\RDS, fiiOTHlNa. .Stc 35 ci»be-H Cutler; C»rlrf, K*. UM, p*.t V.’hittc'B^orc'a best 1 c.«e Wool C.wds 2 cisee C.»rd t'ljihicg 32 x 4 2 c*o?B filleting trlATlONERY. 16 c\ees (’»p, L'>lt»r aud Note Pt p-^- 2 eases (Jiliott’s StO( 1 Peuo 3 ci-.OH Pen Holders 1 case Paucils and I'tns 1 case assorted Stationary BAGGING AND ROPE. lU b.lesGunnv Bagging 148 coils Bale Hope GROCKRIEH. 238 biig>. Rio Cofl^e r>U barrels IJrnw'* SugRr fit» barrels «;rnMh"d 8ng»r 182 kita No 1 Maokerai 8 o^«kB Chtoi-ry 10 boxes Sp rm Can.dle.'j 10 bag-j Bl4ok Papper 10 oaddioH Youuf U?son Tv». HARDWARE, &o. 8 tons Hooii Iron 20 kegs Nftiis «:‘Bi*^ied hii?r 4 oaske Wire 4 oaaos Gun Cftps 12 bags sbot « CMC3 RnivcH, Files 6uJ R^xore lauuoRS. fto. 4 quarter,c»^k3 pure C-'gn.iO n-^niy 1 h*lf pipe pure Mirtol Braniy 1 quar'er pipe pure Piret, C wtillioE & Co. Braady 1 eighth pipo pu’-e Oiard, Dupay i Co Brandy 10 casks Whi-ikey 32 f..i?ka old Hum 100 cuBOS Holland Gin 36 dcmijoHcfi Ililltnd Gin DBUaS, Ac. ^ casen L-q-.iorioc Paste 94 cayes Liquorice Sticks i;> casks AlcoiscI 14 c tbfes Alum 8 cisks EpBoni Salta 9 o'.’ikrf B'ilsAni C3r’-'*il’a 9 bbls Tannei's Oil 42 kegs Bi-Carb Sod-^ 5 bbis Bor»x ."J cues Qjinine 3 oases assorted Drugs 6 bbls C'*r p«tay 3 cftBcB PclMa Garb 2 cases Blue Mass 1 cae? Powd Ipec»c 1 ease Iodide PotMS Rud lodin 2 oacks Soda Crystnla 2 owks Blue Stone 1 Que Pkosphonit JoMtt. To the Soldiers from Chatham County and niy FelloW't'itiJEeus: I a ran i;dH.te for re e'eotinu to the Hoi>«e of (.'om J muui! ?if ibe G-'iieril Ae*»rub’y of K V at ih* ensu- •UF e!tcti;ia Two year., ^go. wfciJt^t cariinjr you to the I -sz'fnt of ruy ability ia tiic Canf.-ar.rat» juxay. joa faat! ' ib« kiadc.-^ijs t‘i elooi. mo to the Lr^Jclaturc, to assfgn ■^j a post, of houor, su*; itj ail j robabilily. to esivo ciy I I'fa^ Fully apr'”£oI»tiwi^ ycur hind pirtwliiy in olo- yftti::K me to Ih't otJicp, I ca've en.lt-, Tort-d faiihruUy aud Tiitu fiuolity to discharge ite cvi>ry Ju y. On the grott quetftica.-* of civil fr»-cdo!n ana G0iatI(.t'ti0D&l IS7e stco'firmir b;- ;i>e r^i to of thcSfatts and tl '• p.'-uplc, wbi!--t 1 have rt>nj'erod to tie Coniede* *»tf! foveraxacDt a obei’rfL-l »ifiaisno- in rU its ju.'il Mid or.T)!:i,'t ?«,ion%l measures. As tbc ftjte of my health ni»y not al'ow me to cia- VM-* the county, it is proper (o i'->form these who do not- know me fb»l I was devotcdl" allii.obed to the old I7nl".n and did all in my pcwcr to prevc-nt its dicsclu- But when I^crth ''‘aroHni severed her connection with the oM government, my o^llcgiMce to my native State, my duty and my every hope c,f oelvation and proppo'-'ilT in tho future tailed ujotn me fo defend the bull Ob I •—*- _ (j:u Sot'a Stfcta tiikt Lad Aune so filoiicssly through ILe j Vs-lley tf tbe »ha«tow of a*‘*th in tbe war of onr lude- • p Bt!. nco On fhc r ieMle-' nr.d misfortunes brcught upon our oonntiy by dcsiRnirg p:-i?!’Cifti'n botb Forth and South, who loved thijniptiv':' beJt^r th^a thoir country and brf.ke up i'a r-soe sn.J b«t'.'ii:onT hy .'ippe&nng to the f-aiaioijs. picjuJlces fnd aT>i>.itjon cf tbe'r own pcc- t.if n, 1 b oV bf.ck liiin -ieepeat ro. row, »cd oa/restl? Ue- sira t'- ute bouorabla >fi\rf. t« rvnt uti';’ greater c»l ^.liii' iej. I* -sriB iicf my intentiou to le-ive the cerv'co when yen ! cK ivri> vc4-a -»go, r.u ; [ regrelfcd tbe r.c I'Cr ity of bav'-u , .o 'Vt h n V(iOi»”t cf ill hi-e!'a Ths R ''f ro» y Ui*’ tvmc —b?ar-, f-’i-it’ of UT.boU ’Jcci pii'tii'f.'Km r.na 5ir flP'R(''3 of r-.rp^i^e, I !c't th. m »r’fh my ’:"(.vt ful'rf.-a»i- irifl” f->? I'-.'- -r -v. HaJ ! f ;»lo->7rd uvar. in’) f-u I SI pr.i^.e" '■ '.t t! (y "vc ibr . ' I ;n ! tbey s ITU-'h lo'*-'4 If rr r’-Tt-'r? 1 T-.illeud ft ;£ »• t/>-Is'oor.rge ■!' •'-vA't-. o' tb; its’bT ; 'is;c'» h T'i ' . ur 'o tcr*"st8 nn t the a.j' d c^" tue .•■jUi't^y I " ! I.: V ! »s.*l checiful’y Bi;bt?,i'. to the dec'ricir oi tb-- p? • Most reevectfuUy you'-- oVi se-v’t, vvlt.riAM .1 ii'.DEN. J ily 4 48 2t ARTICLES IMPORTED FOR THE SOLDIERS. Thg Standard and Progress arc oontmnaUj assorting that Gov. Vanoc has dene nothing for the soldiers. To show in what reokl^ss and an* founded assertions these papers deal, we havaob* tained from official Bourc^s the tollowing list of tho principal articles imported for the use of the soldiers and their fauiilics. A large part of theae articles -have already been distributed, and the balance is still on hand to be distributed, a« casion may demand: List OF AKTICI.IS. 87,690 yards double widtb, 17,678 lbs sole leather. srmy cloth, 38,611 rairs ehoes. 55,953 blankets, •^4,428 rairo rooks, 6,947 flannel shirta, 84 063 yds grey flannel, B28 pair? boots, ?C,5Gft prs cottcQ and woJ •ro,K • 6,0tj0 p^nte, 6,00^« great ccata, 6,002 jackets, 3 coses c&rd cljtbinp 78 doa rolls leather, Wcare authorix«.*i o »i‘nvu iee »o th ' b an leol iisr- ' Dupt f* C'';U -t'’, tbf.t .TOII-I R WAi. Lack ii a c-r.ditiate n ropr«s«.\’t (■ :!.e !J Comijccs of '«?5t rj«glBla;iiri^ rf i, July 2 47 3tpi ^ jflegorti. E. .1. Hale «oi»s:—lfou *re autberitpd tc ^nn'unce Ccl. D'V1L» BBThCNE Co Q, "4i-i N C T a c*t:J •int.-t.i rcp*f^?i'!;i Pv-hcJoii ocuniv ia »he H -njc cf Comra'His in tr.o next Lc{^’f-lf, ur ' o'" N ?rtb Cp? ol'i i. July 4 4T U pi We are autliorla:cw to aunouiice L. A. POWE^Jv tz !s for ^ ?c%t io tI-o Ho=.:ec of C.'^mi"* f ■' tV.o 1’ X’ G»'mrsl A’o^mbl. o' No't-' Cero’ina f;om c 31 ’ o? 3t:'aT«on. .JnW 2 46 S.rd KAHlfETT i’OUlfTY. I WILL sttevid -»t ;ce f.I’owing plaees ia li*rnett County, for the pnrposo of oalleotiag tho County and SUte Taxee due in the year 1804. TheTax p»y^ra will please mt-et me pr wptly: At Joisnsonvi'b* on ThaTwday, July 21; At Mre. Ci.rrcp...u’e InBir^ccu? I>^?t oa Frid*/, Jaly 2'; At Tnrner’a S'■'re in Upp,.r Lltil': Riv.jr Dist ca 6.'*ur- day. Julv 2c; At P*tfc:/*iE.^lsreJji Monday, A! .^.veriEbcr.' :n TiVP'Jc.i". Jr.l^ 2''’:; At R«ndal Turiac‘oa’f' i-‘ Grevo ■ -:“Iu .-. ::j, July 27: At Reuben 1 is\ Thursd>y. July !8; -At John SfM ucc’s in Hrstor’a Creek Di^ July2»; At Mrs. Arnold’s in Uuckiieru Dist. 0: July 30 JAS! R Jul\i.i, lr04. b-pt 8,624 lbs harness leaih6r« 7.840 Ibe upper do 94*1 eqaare yavdp oottea olotb, 1.096 frying pi^a, 1,200 Enfield ritlee 120.000 rifle osrtridgeii witli caps. 120.000 musket do «itk OOO.fHiO moskei ea{«. 250,0C0 bbot guu e*p8. 10,6f’6 m’lsket tub^s, 6,048 shot fun tubes, j 30,000 lbs lead. A very l»rge amount of >fedical and Hospital stores turnti over to the Surgeon Gpnoral. In addition to the above, a number of similar articles, wc learn, arc now on the way. Two card machincB with wire, tacks, ic , have been landed in Wilmington and will, as sooh as pofsi- ble, be put into operation Three now machines, with abnndant material to make several bundreti thousand pairs nf cards, are in the islands, and may very shortly be expected. These five ma chines, wh^'n put into operation, will soon place a pair of carda T^^ithic rcacb i>f every one in tbe j State. liCt us hour no more of the stale charge I that UoV. Vance has done nothing lor tho sol* I dicrs To show how Gjv. Vance is appreciated else* where wc jmblisli the following tribute to his “furcfiight, judgiDcnt, and tinaccial ability,” wliicli wc tind in tlie Columbia South Oaroliniau; • 7/is Old M'orth Slate —'rguroent aftrr e.rguoi«iat, i;k'i O “i I pib d cn I'c’ioa, ha® came to us through otir H Tib ’.birc'iii'i excha;;—e, tc show that eacb of tbe Gti-'-rnh- :'W- '’tr.l’.lrte cow before tbe people of ihat rftaf.-. p’r. ,tic’$lly ‘ t . c beet But the fillaw- i;.'? figurcp M 3 tb q -.c-aee it°clf, ^n l eons'itu'e »' sioo-t ''•1 c ;ec:i'.! ' ■ rial? ‘OfUKseut. ever gave a castii2»L» 8UCC' a Tbry not only prove tbe foresight, Judgment and fi.i;'uct*l ability of Gcv Vanco »3 a busineaa rumt find e. bu‘ i-iev g:?-- evii^enci of a dogf.e uf pro=feTi!y ;a Nor'h Csroliaa nrfqsalled perhopa in any other 81*410 She bas raale h'’rself indepenleni ot tbe Gen^'fil Govornment, and whil-T her bad aeu were bui'V wci^ *^g out toresies, her K?'-d men have been K'l.'truicg th - honor rf tb;'ir Slite, s.ad building up a rfii-u'Rtio’i tiat will not be for a ds-y, but for all tiLie—a repul.ation for enterprise uaJ»r dlfficul iia, for motherly in'PTfst in tb?ir sobijjr sonn, for knitting tho boude of the General Governiaont by contributfiig from their own stores to its we’fakre, and for maintaining unsiil- lied the honor wuich atfaches to their birth-right, ^uob figures are stronger th^in auy mere argurient ever nttored. and we rrjuld like to see tbc flame prond low ing ia ever/ Slat.' of tho Confederacy.” Tbo Carolinian then presents the official btate- ment of Maj Dowd that appeared in this paper a short time eincc. proud shewing” t^at North Carolina has made under the aii.'tpiccs and administration of Qov. ‘'’anco'/' Wjil Mr lloldeu answer this question? lialeiyh Vonservatioe. cn Fr’day, {Jiiurd^y, GR\DY. Rh'ff. 47 7t Rl€HT10xlfI> A(^AI>E.TIV, ROCKISUHAM. N. C. The cxeroisfs of this lartitution will ba rrsutD. » ci. .Monday she lOih of Jaiy 1S64. under the sup'r vision of Mr G. M. Ytcoey. A B.. end Mrn. lancey. ln-iruc;ion is (riven 'i VI the r'ri:’'A"(r ftl-’o i” th- J.iirher s id c a--I:*l t r.ifieao-, including L=.'in. Or. :k,'Frf-.t-ch. Uesn e'ry .'rtioao^y. Natural f hilo'o pb'^, t^tiemisUV, Botttt-. G. M. y.MSiJEY, rr.ajj;;..i iJhIt C. s. AliSEXAL AUMOKT. \ K.*TRTT>;vit,Ls, N . J’li* 6 18C4. j Foiindr? .11a”. Wap^tfd. ONE cx^’r»'Ilc^'‘•i !!■ i-j' tUHin-s- C’u tni Hi‘ ii-Iy txji p!oTrt';,.,5( ..K pr.uct»^'u t > *hP 4''-Gtf i OMD-Q OFFICEit IWgro gf«y at Anetioia. 0* N Tliur-i-i v-, th'"!^! inst , w 11 be aoU At .\.uctl'.n, 1 N: (l*iO B.'Y yei.rfi of age, of j’.ooi cl ar&3t>T, and hccurfloju'-d lo fiel I'l ■■r JOHN H COOK. A:;c'r. July 8. 48 3; E Tillij Piij^rt) io urp r pjvrt of 11 jhes a (^oui iy ? w ’1 iseot me it Vo'^s Nvji: 1)'^cl. 12»: 14ih, . .1 fit H''o?-Hctl Depot 20tb, 2let, an* thi.^ ivjiiih. lir'.nT jO’’“ T2C;!"( tad get rece’pt, for all 'tey h v? pfx d oa tiieir eaJineft sons fA’linj !c r..m:, =.r' 1; 'blr t-» b i retuinsvl uu.;Te'.i'-eu By order of t/snt. ?iIoGt^WAN, PoBt Q M. 4lh Dial N. ( B 8T \NC!T., Q. M. Opt C H A July 1. ^ ncI^BIS^L A«^AOK.^lV. mHE next S«H-«lon fct MnN^-^n s Aaadcrey will C'W- 13';), rud 22 \ pf fD*»’ Pcr- >h ;ir est-niaw"; i meice tbe 2'th ikiBt Tuition per Besnion of five tponthn, $p, $7 6t) and f(t; Board 56 per mjntb—all payable in piodnco at cM prioes or its equivtlent in Currency LiraV. d po-di««TS *nd poor ohildr-n of dece-Bsd sol diers chr.r^id no tuiiio»> R. VcCASFILL, P.inripal. Milta, J^y 1- S.'IO Ri:WA R «>. |> AN AW \ Y from the Hubscriber, cn tbc 21th of Juue, li mr uc»ro TOM Ha wUl i.rob^b’y g 0 pbout wher.- Tiirnpr Gibhriet’fl wio.-r ';v’ i In R.-. -eoc!>. Co-m'y. or in the v of Monro.'V on 'lliit Rockfisb, who own“® a brother cf his I will p'.y the'.bovi re ward for eaiii negro or ’lis coufit?'»weaf. in Jail I cati JOir- FAIRLEY. Montpelier E. )., Riohmoni C> , Ju::e -K. 4.>(itpl mOTK-K. rj ]c..i TSwr’’'v bsy m-^re, ’p^'h v black ^anc anHVti, >ir..ko looiJ M E -ypt St-Ui.^n. f;l a:ham countv I hive ”ot seeu hrr fii?ne i jndgo th'*t romf pctRon liRS t^kcp ber >ip o-i- t;t lea !"’r got, iooBO Sho is of cor.mon sin. gool looising b-’r n;aue oonbUerably wo’-n off with tho ooliar; her left j been all knocked ont. h“.-r v'lbb^d oil of ao." V'ck 1 will Pij well for in'o.-' -a^tien ho tiiet I pst he- ^ ^ HABRIS TYSOR Pair Haven. Ju'.y 2 48-‘f Cow ^Utrayed. ABEOWN COW, marked with smooth crop and under- bi* both oars medium 9’ie Any information will be ehaer'allJ r'ceivod, and a liberal reward paid f or Perjary.—Let Mcsurs. Churchill, the two Hol land?, Beckwith, Long and Suggs, take notice, that Mr. Holden copies from the Progress the ar ticle which charges them with perjury, in these word?: ‘ It r11 s, riousnoas, if O Churchill, Bsntoii H*'Uui J, G 1!. HolUni, i B Long, R' M. 'jugg. and SiUs B; ck«riih, sse proper t o joia a secret ord*r uni ^ake horrid oa,th«, which they i)rota;uc rot to divulge and then perjure themtelves by divulging them, what is it all to Mr iioldsn and his friendst” But we tell these men, for their comfort, that although Mr. lloiden charges perjury upon them by thia publication, that this is only one of hb “honest arts”—his kaloidesoopic views In 1855, the tolitica! order of know nothings existed. It wrsa secret organization, not for purposes of treason, lut for political purposes. Its members bound themselves by an oath, and among other octh.s, to keep treeret the proceedings of the so ciety. Mr. HoUcn assailed this society with great bittornoes On the 2d day ef May, 1S55, be gave his views on know-nothing oaths, under tho title “Kxtra judicial oaths.” 'Hear him: • VHiti ani rasli swcering ia forbidden by the jxrip ures; and know-nothiiag org»cB j resume largely ^p- ofl i.ho. ignoraixj* and guHibiliiy cf tbe people when tbf-y &Rscrt that this applies cnJy io profane cursing anJ Bwear.ng. •Whi'u an oath is taken according to law, the «wetrer itnows tbe naturo of it before be takce it. He m>y read !t or htva it repeated to him. scd if be does not under- 8 »nd it l e may have it cspbined to him. B'^oars uadcrstaadiug'ij and comjrohends befotehMd nttoro of tho catii ho ii to t»ke. Aay otber kiad of swcsrintj is Tain and rash, consequently sinful and binding neither in a moral or legal po’it of the contrary wo belicvo a man is morally bound to ex- por.- all such frauds and tricks, preparatory to hw own repentance, and in order to warn others against tus fc-*rful ein into which he himself has fallen.” This was thc4caching of’ Mr. Holden on tho of May, 1«55 Following this teaching, Jlr- Churchill has cxpct^ed the I'rauds, tricks, and de pravity of this criminal combination named the “Heroes of America” He has “warned other* a^ain.st the foariul sin into which he himself bae lallen.” and for ’.his Mr. Holden turns upon him and charpc3 him with p>rjury, for doing that which he heretofore declared be thought a man morally bound to do.” It is to be hoped now, that Mr. Churchill and his aR-ociatcs will expose this whole bu.sin*i»8 to the public, and tho officers of tho »aw. They mijjiht go before Judge Saunders, or Commissioner }ira«'g, and let it all ont.—KaJeu/h Confederate. \m fwnvej, by Mtt. S. li- WALKE&. sait A neto Lieutenant General.—The SoutherD ('tmf*'deracy says Major General A. P. Stewart, of I'eEnessee, has been promoted to the vacant Lieutenant GcDcralship in the Army of Tcnnes- boc, and \iski been put in command of Lt. Gen. I’olk’a corps. The Confederacy says Gen. Stew art is a irraduate of West Point, ia a man of ex alted piety, thorough education and rare courage, all eminently fitting him to Uke the place of the illustrious Polk. He entered the service at the commencement of tliC war, as Major; just before the battle of Shiloh he was made a Brigadier and commanded a brigade with surpassing gallantry. He was at Murfreesboro’, just after which ba.tie he was made a Major General and served in that capacity at Perryvillc and Chickamauga and in all the battles in Northern Gwrgia. ^ » member of the Gangland Piesbytefma aknrck* 1 and « devotil christMa.