FajotteTlllo Arsenal and Armory, > Jnn* SO. 1H« » ( «IOO KOU^’TV. IIVlM/f##, to •.flOHnlt'ti ttS/lf’M*’*!’ A PTIIOP.ITY bM.Ui, ecu Krv»U>l bj- W^r L‘e pfcrta.:* - ;or»!'e : f’oiDi>»t>y of Hia»?Tacn for •«rvloit It (')(“’ »ic‘n!iy. £»oti*)e h Uerpl-.» jjifi’n rei-ruiiH t'» ihc i i o»(>**r ■■' 40 vt’w eor.tcriiiU vill •■o fa o«ivel iot th-s s.rvto,’ iv.* fi;l mi *b.- »j the re 4uirfKl Number of lOJ E.ioh rooruit wiU la to rurDH*! » h jra?, f’'~ w*'nb will do a-- lo«r«il 40 ccQts >1ieni t His pay $1-' r'!*’ »*»''’ a- fFruten wilt *'« require.! fror.i p^rou'- gutriJiftiid, wSif -\> Ibci •pplic*at iu umK r t.i’ c'>:>S‘Jri’it E*c*i rccruit mrt I'f-ip * ’ !'.nlt?t cr IirJ Spread, oonte nri'psrpJ t'> r’snki;! Bridlfls, b'Uars i-nl l>!-iti*iets fiiraij'i- ed by I tie Od-. i-tr’. li!,, cr if lUc r»c*-uit oom-*» j.rori iel With Jhe.n. i..; K.li h - » ?vr •: C*a % r t«!u ■! n. Applvf.i M jor v.vri'UEW ? TAVLOlt, »t the >r- aen*l. ' - F. OHH,rs. 46 tf] LipHf. I’ol 8. A. Oduj i'? T>H WM. Offors fo. . -! ; KNIVFS f-ncJ F()KKt>, 40 DdZ. Kid« 3 ani 1 H’kJtJ K^'veH; 900 Gros-^ Siecl I'f.ns; 125 Gro8« Bltfit Uieel Kniiiing Nef^'ile"; 30 Reams Kuled I'- dt l‘*per; 30i1 Gross 'g»l9 3h ri liuit m.; -OC'O «Jro s I^af:1'3L> Co' c I’so' Bui o 1 IHrral '«v«’phor 2 BwreW Borr.i. 6 Qikrrrlis EtflOtu 5 U»reli« Aliiiu; 6 B»rrels Englikh Grti-r* t’ ^r-r* Kegs Bi cwb. SjJi; 1 B»g AUpic"; - 3 B»g-i Bt«ck 1 Pftokspe 8»Ur"‘”* July 4. (’-5r A Prifate ik^hool for Young flUTE foorth eewica of MLss Mscnu-n'e s. bool rill o- cn L on Friday the 29ih July, at th# r^s'd^ncn of - r mother Mrs. Willi* P. M&n|niiu, oa F’m R w Her pupr.9 will flai a hotra in bcr raolher * iSm^'y. Only • iinited nuTnhpr o>»a C9 reoeiveJ For farr.hrr Infermfttios *ddreB3 Mi*# V P MANQUM, KillahTo", Orange oounfy, N. C . for the prefect, care Dr. J. ^ C»in. June 11. 42 Ira 4/aroliiia Female C’olle#?e. The ezeroises of this loatitaiica will be resumed cn Mondfty the let of August 18''4, with » fuii cer; ?? of SJEttUESTRA.TED WEBT«. TEBundtKrslgaedt?!!] ai^nd *♦. tUo following Umes »nd to collsot the ia-.r~t on h* trated l*eh s in >»»« Distrio*, vW: Af Hillsboro'; July Mtb. ‘ K*leii{U “ -0 .M 21, • F6yeU0''illfl '* Q U Wll DER, Kco?tt»('r. June 27 wiSi'ED, tor the HogpitPl at Fort Flskor . HOULTRV, Chickens Hutter ftu i other dolioacics for I tbe sick Sol l'uia %t t’lU Umvi'*l- I’eraont* ii *».a« ih*!fo srtioU a cin oM'.in '*Je market pnoc* on-ipphja t.5nn t3 the «ab'.or!l''’r fct hid old * >r i'" 5* Oil l'*r ri*->*pt • It Vs;n>K O'-n 1 » \v tv or etfecta of any kind, not fmammniod n I IX. conspiraoioa, or atteiuntfl to libor- the precedin" panigraph, between tl» Umes ato i)ri8onors of war held by tbo C.Hitelera1e named tliereui, 10 cent., in ad^Wtion to Slates. tlio tax ou siif'li pfoiite as income, under the | X. Of conspiracu^R, or ancm]»t« or pre]»a- act aforeaaid. . , rations to aid I ho enemy. III. On the ainoimt of profits excoedln^r i XI. Of persons advmitji/or Kuritin.ir othei-« 25 per cent., made dii ring either of the years ; to abandon tlie Confodenite catme, or ro- 8(>3 and 1804, by any bank or banking j sist tlie Oontbderato Stukw, or t.» n.nujre to company, ingurance, canal, navigation, im-the enemy, porting and oxj>orting, telegraph, oxpresB, i Xir. Of unlawfnllv bnrnin railroRtl, ni-.unjfacturing, dry dock, or other ^ or injurhiir, or at.t'^inpting i.> joint stock cotu]iany of any description, > . i - i whether incori>or;ited or not, 25 per cent on WaeilciJ -%Woo«l i.ainl. rjMiK will gi\o a fuirprioef.tr u well wiwd. d i ti.i.'t of LAND oi luO or -.^oo on th; Kixilru-.k.l »t iiay pe>int U t.loiie.-'b. io'and Kavt^'icv t'lf. piteh pine U'xotl or vujlx>:tsl g, *Jortt r. >yin»; b«rn, deslroy or iniure any bridge or railroad, or tf*U; graphic 'ine ^>f coinnnniicHti »!i, or pvope‘*ly, with the iTitcnt of aiding th^* (Mumuv. XIH. Of ireaHonahh? de^ii^^:^ to impair under ])!« act shall l>o allowed, | the military ]»uwcr ol’ the (iovt-nmu'rjt by destroying, or attempting to tlcHli'oy, vobh;.*U mcorpor snch excc^sa. Sixj. 5. Tlie following exemptions Irom taxation to-wit: shall bo liable t^> bti ])laccd in servlc- ‘u th** field for tlie war, h» if he t'l*' ages of 18 and 45. Sec. 8. That liereHft'^r t!i«‘ ' ■ =•* i>- • vost an«l hospital guards •' ;k'\ -i*''.! clerks, guards, ag.*nt8, ernpioftMv- o>- i;*hoi ers in the Gotnmisfjary and (^iiartermi^'UM’K Dcpartment«, in tlio Orfbiance IJnr vui. ami of clerks and empl >yi^cH of n-ivy agent s, also in the »>xcfut:o*> of the onri,‘ll'n(*n^^^ and all HiniilMi dnti«!fe, phall b#* pcri'orjMetl by |icrBi;i:* who ;in* wi^^^hin lit**, ages of 1' and 4-5'v*ar6, and who l>y report of a Hoar*! of aniiy surreons shall Hri unable to jiortbmi .ictivc - i.rovis’ .ns, to be lielivercd by snch person at- a‘' ;>t e(|nivalont rates. 3 Sn'h ..yrson shall furtlicr bind himsell f t’l. LIt irketuble s^irjilus of ]*rovisions ;.5 ! ■ . t: a y an,} wliich he niay I " ; ‘V u’ V :ur to year ^"hile his exemption r ■ i!ie (tovcrninent or to tbe fam ilies .•* .;'»M^enH, at priccvi lixed lij’ th” Oom- 'niH-ii.MfTH tf the State n’ldv.r thL •ii’>ryB8- .1’,;; rrovided, tha* any peisor «x cmp'. ! i!:-, r.ibreHaid, shall l^e futitled t."» a •■ O'lit ■•♦‘25 p«r cent, on any amount of meat it'* r;n.irUH! rv'f*:- t!i“ vvhi' tie nt ca^>ab!e t>:ii'l (biiics I jxM’tor:i?uig iior HbNHV K. tU)i;l'ON. Aij.Mii F. K. (’o trville, ‘.prii l!> -5tl C'UrayiB 85t*:»8i^. ’ i''.!it cr w.U p';^/ f'O b:n’'f5t c^.*h j^rioei fc'f I. Property of each head of a family tojor arms, .r iaiiniti(*r;s of war. or j'.rsenairf, j wi'c.ti flu - the value of $500; and lor each minor child ; foundries work^iiopo, or oih*- ,T'-n.->r:y oI !’i. ;• .hjtie^ a !-ith;:;t Hiiiiil iibiMgii « t * I ( t ^ k ■ t 1 I 1 i t. kl I I • ■ !'p!1 : ;i ir' :ic n'oRTH -T M of the tamily lo the further value of the UonfeJerate State.-. juid for each s6n actually ofigagod in the Sec. 2. The iVe.s;dent, ^liall chiih*^ prop.M army ;r .;avy, or who has died or been .(iTicefH to investigate !he c iHes of all p-‘r-on.«i killed in the military or naval service, and , arrested, or detaineij, in order that Ihi-v who was atiiembcr of the family when he! may be discharged if improperly defaiiu^ j diseK -'-^o.. ,,f entered the service, to the further valiu) of, nniei^e tlu^y can be speelily tried in ilie due j pc.n r ^ i.e. w. a^l % WAl, ,1K0M the t‘_:.t!Ji-iher, ou IhP t’” '• \ iu; ' nrNru-’., •' ■ -!-• x>» .a ■ . * ■ i > t"-i* i> 1 ■jprv d’"V c- .’“t.c'', ■ •’I'.'* ' ii ' c*v.s-'d by a br.r!', .ti-.d v'iur'.s ^h.sr 170 poardn i 1 will TAy tifty dollars fur iiis I.rrv!>i, .-r lUUL'uCiucnt iu : »jy J*;l bo that I zc'- '.i-n ttpi'.n, UUOll ac'Ulf'a'll $;)00. 11. l^roporty ot the widow ol any ofUeer, Bohlier, sailor or nnirine, who may hav ■ d'cvl or In^en Uilhtd in the mlhtary >r navai i-onrto of law. j i*e .■ k’.f, ;i. That tiuring the h^iisp 'rinion - , ;hei- sa.d, no militajy or t.ther r .'^IkiII !/(.■ ' !>.• eoiiij)clU''!, in anbvvei lo any »\rit ol ui.'x' iH | 1 ■•m iS'.M'vice, Ol where there va no widow, then of ! corpvis. tv apj)car in persoTi, ur to return I'lu ;. . the family, being mljior children, t> the j botly of any person »»r peri^*>n - t' tainc'l by * value of :|lOOO. ! him, by the authority of the I’residen*, oe | hf . III. Property of every oftlcer, soldier, c.’etary of War, ur the (-teneral otfieer coni- eailor or marine, actually engaged in the !n;litary or naval servicc, dr of sncii as have i'\:i I'o;;;, ; ‘ r'uo I - Ing ■;ut^:.s in v; n ’I’c’^U' r'c. IU l\’ Ii! ! been disabled in such service, to the valg^e UfsfclOOU; provided, that the above exom|^ i tions shall not ;)pj>ly to any person, whose ])roperty, exclusive‘of household lurnitiire, ■ shatl be assessed at a value exceeding 0( to. IV. That where ijrt>])erty has been injured ^ c^'rpUf ‘-liall inntnnliately eeu.,o or destroyed by. the enemy, or the o .viier [ buspojjdc i t-.> long ;i,s this act : thereof has been tem]H>rarily doj)rived ol Uie ■ in fi«roe. nuuuluig the Tnuia MidoiKsippi tlepart:a. tl; but nt>on the ce; tillcate, under oatli, of the t*iucor having ch;u g.j ol any one ;-o t.'.i’.- !. that such pei’LO!! is do’ained ' y hirr. a j>risonor f -.r atiy thy causes i’ereinln-fore hpcciCel, under tJiu authority aforesaid, fur ther j»roceedi;i!V) u!idt*r the vvr‘‘^-of ha^.oiw 1.1 reiuain ! f'otitiiine y. ns- 1, Quartern- Oo;-;:::r :ir fi.-‘ Pr ipt K.4iLC rot'M>ll¥, ) F.WSTTSViLLR, N C . Ju y 1, 1‘t.^ f iniKPA iED ru vKc’Kivi: or. T«Mhers. For oirculu address Rev J Jane 14. R aRIFFITH. AnacnTille. N. 41 ytpi ti-; \irz .VllE N« fV dera for RAIL ROAD VVHEEhS Wool Wanted for the State of N. Carolina. TU£ undersigoed oontinue to ezohange COTTON YARN for WOOL, oue bundle of Y&ra ij.' 4 I!-.-?, up- WMhei, or 3 lbs. cImd VMhed Wool. They will ^ p»7 ft liberal prioe in cash for larj^e or sm&ll Ic*'). OEO W WlLLlAMa A CO , Ae;s. FayetteTille, June Iti. 42rt rr«ebyt«ri&Q copy. ~ i\OTICE. i 1AM DOW prepared to furniah the pablia geccrally with Boots &nd Shoes of the bosi nj»teri»l tnd ns'i.' I respectfully solicit a share of the public patronage, as , I am fully persusded 1 cmi giTe s*ii5f*:ticn. 1 h »tc ' good workmen and men of experience in the biiHin^'s.s All of my work ia wa»*nted aot ta rip; if it lc^e 1 will repair for nothing. All orders of repairing done ' promptly and short notice. 1 o»q be fjiind ia yel- ^ low building north ji.le of Person Ptroet, 3 dnorn abore ’ Liberty Point iOUN VAUGHAN June 1». 42 atpd ^ «ioo‘ri^akw. RANAW.AT from the subscriber uu tbe t7(h ll»y, tny negro man EMANUEL, aboat 25 yef.r8 of %ge, black oomplezion, et^ut buiit, an itas s mark under i hia right eye, probably caused by a aiye. Ha is proba- j bly making his way to the set* coast Uis mother livas near Bear Swamp in Marion Diatrici, S. 0 , a&d ho has two sisters, one at Sam'l Floyd’* in Kobeson c-jcnty, aai the other at Peter Peaoook’a, Peasock’s 6t»tioa ca the W. & M. R. R. I will p*y the abova reward for hia arrest aod oonflnement s* that 1 gu Llni. H iN. FAIRL2Y. Montpelier P. O , RiohmouJ Co.. N C 42 9tpJ burgeon (ienerars Office, \ Ralbioh, N. i Jcsa lOta, 1864. j AME8SENQER will leave this Office on the first day, and the fifteenth day, of every month, for Gcu. Lee’a army. All boxes leh here for any metnber of that army will be carried there promptly by him aud delivered to the owner. EDWARD WARREN. 41-tf Surgeon General North Carolina F£,oijR OATS. ~ Tj^OUft and OATS will be exchanged for Cora at the 1: Store of D. MoLaurin, by giving him a few d-tys Kotioe. Floor good, Oata No. 1, black or white. Jaa’y 29. 2-tf . of the f r:wiiwr sires, r x; 24, 2(i, .’8 *‘.”d ;^0 i ,cu CfIII.LKt> TlRtS r.ia Iron we f*h» i ate f^r .uv-ij r:h‘ ‘ OF.n liLVfT l.’iA.l^rOAL ;u l tt' it-’- rtrl onr *.h«e*s NOT TO ^ lo t'■ i iU.» t. I »r^ 'ia Jf' ;a th*^ Co”.f*»d-»"xpy, cr to thn« • j' '^biincy nee or occupancy thereof, t>r of the me:inR (»f cultivating the eame, by reason (»f the presence or the proximity of the etieniy, the assessment on such i»roperty may bt reduced, in proportion to the damage sus tained by the owner, the tax ;ujbessi.'d thereon may l>e reduced in the same ratio by the district collectjr, ou satibfaetory evi- doiu':^ submittcil to liiin by the owner oi as- eesB. )i\ Soc. 1. This act sirill c- ntinuo in force for ninety days after the ?u^xt mecitiui.^ itf V.rj- gn.sri, and no longer. THE MILITAP.Y Bll.L. Section I. Th:U i'ro'.n and after the pa^sa.^'e of this act all wh.ite men, residents of the Oinfederato States, between the ae-i of 17 and 5i, ghaU i*e in the niilitary borvic,^- oi‘ ! I he Confederate States for the war. De*',. riietau! K.igtani ing V. 1 h • the ■ •r enjpl'jy o oeii-on in a-i^ ol li iturert’.is. or i’' ioiy ■■ A' t! in the 6 h ecV‘o>t t* ’’s the p.vfivieiou- !:erc^>f, thereoi' by a conrt-’uar l-.‘ ca-jhiered; asid it .• '■ r!':e’!' "!• di' r .. ! . i.;.y i ' ’ 1 : ; niorc !' ’ - 1 i: , . (ie w e 'vl en*" Ifi. M:-’. ..er : ‘nll M- ■ '■ 'ZTV- good Jai'!', Uis i:vv5 ;lv ; -■ :*'■ tli?! ■e li'ir- or N vvv pn;- ; ,’if.:..', tu be c • ’ oi . " ;n the i!ni!i«;e of 8ol=. • , , 1,; i; ’ f - - * ‘ _ ' i Ut I ►» > . t >v '.M depi'.rtn;or i • ^’nti;‘‘’ u;enti'!n~td f.f ' ' ;o|;■ ^ 1 >T', 1 if "nX’idyr^t of a' Ccj. pivi bv t'lv* Si'O. G. That tiic taxes on jiroperty laid ! Sec. 2. 'iliat all liie ttersons alorcsuid, l>e- for the year lSt>4, shall l>e iisnessed'aa on j tween the age;s of IH ;;ud 45, now in ber\icK Son’of Piiiivifiphia, wU w» n pnta-.icn i>r 3^ well kuowa • tlie iay ot the passage of this :ict, and be shall 1)0 retained durmg t'le present war , by tU lUU IV.-r.ctnraui-B. , i due and collected on the 1st day of June* ^vith the U. S., in.tlie a-ne re2rinient.i, l^at- ih- ! »r as 8ooM atlcr :ts {practicable, all-.w-1 talions and companies, tu whidi they l)vN.n- ' ■ - ' I ii!^ HU extension of 90 days Wwt of the , at the ]»ast'age ot tms’act, with the same or- i Mississipj>i river The additiojial taxes on ' ganization and ollicers, unless reirularly f!; C’.n;.' Co”f»'er»oy Ord?rs Ttfsr-c*'''l';j's »;'.t>it?J 4*;tf I i». A:-'uvuy;»N .v c»j j ineomee or jirolit.-? for the year 1SH.‘{, levied tfjinsterred or liiscliargeH, in accordrti-e j by this act, shall be asst'ssed and collecte 1 * with the laws a:;d rei:ulat:ons- lor the :'o\- i forthwith; a!id the taxes on incomes or pro-1 eminent of fiio army: Provided, tliat com- 1 tits for the year 1804, shall Ik) assesjod and j I’anies tnna one Stat’?. orj>-an "ed ;;ynin.-f %ision, ii-n i-jair . iV-ini d jty; 1 . ■ ].i'.urn s ’ ■ oiitMU' ‘ ;\nd'*si:iy • u' ikilin;/ t*' p;M-to"r' !, t!iis io'i. i^iiall nj'-»u t!u r'*..r bu disc.! ;ir>/.H! *V-- Sr.-. I'*. T!ru ■>’ ^ tio!:, ir'itn miliu.i/ ;;r\iGt; \rc, I.ercbv repeai *d, arid : '>e e'einpte'! t-NC-q- I. .‘Jl v:liv> 'iiall ;»e i‘=e!.! 'irt. t ._v. , ,! c‘- d ... I - ■ a’j ,i raicii the }TC::i ■in ' ' ■ ' iCl )T' •r 5c r vevi- aad the i'Tca-:.- th An Ad to lay otldUiotml Taa:-&^f(>r tly( covi 7)ion defence and s^i^port of Gover-nrrt^it. Sec. 1. The Cuugress of the Confederate States of America do cuact. That in addi tion to the taxes levied by the act.‘‘to lay taxes for the common defence an«i to carry on the trovemment of the Confederate States,” approved ‘2ith uf April 1S03, there Bhall be levied, from the passage of this act, i-tn the subjects of taxation hereatlcr mentionei, and collected from every person, copartner ship, association or corj^jration, liable there to, taxes as follows, to-v/it: . „ , . , , . I. Uiwn the value of nrovorty, real, per- ?' Thf-t the tax i.njK.6cJ by this act I sonal cJkI raUod, of every kind arid deecTii- ' '«'“** tl.o Confederate btatua Jiereto- ’ tion, not tieremafter cxeifiuiea or tajtea a • laauati. bIiaII m uo case excocd tlie in- diifereut rate, 5 per cent: Provided, TLwC &ame, and snca bonds, ^'^hen i from this lux on the value of property em* ^ for minors or lunatics, shall ne ployed in agricaltnro shall bo deducted the from the tax in all cases where the ; value of the tax in kind de’dvcred therefrom, same shall not exceed ^looo. collected according to the j»rovisions of th“ tax ami assessment acts of lsr»3. Bfx3. 7. So much of the tax act of the 2!tii day of April lSt>3, :is levies a tax on in- cx>mea donved from ]>roperty «»r etlects* on the amount or value of which a tax is levio.l by this act, and also tlie 1st section of said act, are susjieuded for the year ISfJl, and no estimated rent, liiro or interest on pro- jHjrtv or credits herein taxed ad valorem, ehall by assessed or taxed ;ia incomes under ! the tax act of 1863. .1 l¥uriie Wanted. ATHUSTT gocd tempered oolored woman is wsatcd to hire as nurse to an infant Apply to Mrs. E M. WALKER. Hay Mount. Jane 80. 45tf cosTrMmii"jmits^byiSsBic^ EKftiaaaa DaraaTiiXirT, Dist. Cajb FaAa, Wilmington, N. C., March 16th, 18«3 , Notice is hereby given to all persons having clainis against the Engineer Department, for scrvicea of alavea employed as laborers on the land defer.ce* n«sr Wilmington, N. G., that the andersigaed is acthoriied and prepared to pay the same at his effioe, on the se cond floor of the building next above Meares’ l)rug Store, Market Street. Ji^PersoM executing Powers of Attorney will ob- serre the following form—their signatures, in all cases, te b« witnessed by two witnesses and signed in dupli cate, or they may be witnessed before a Justioa of the Peace or Clerk of any Court. FORM OF POWER OP ATTORNEY. It of , do hereby appoint , of , my true and lawfhl Agent to sign receipts for, and receive payment of all moneys due to me by tbe Engineer De partment of the Confederate States of Amerioa, for the w^oee of my slaves employed as laborers ou *b» Uad «efenoe« at , during the month of ir^»! Witnw my hand and sea! at , the -- .**r of i f lott (Signed ia daplioate ) per cent. j crate Statss of America provides in Article II. On the value of gold and silver wares 1, Section 9, Paragraph 3, that “the privi- and plate, jewels, jewejry and watehes, lO i lege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not per cent. ' be suspended unless when in case of rebel- III.’Tho value of proparty taxed .indor lion or invasion, the public safetv may re- this section shall be assessed on the bajis of quire it;” and whereas, the ]>owcr of sus- the market value of the same, or similar nro- pending the privilege of taid writ as recog- perty in the neighborhood where assessed, in nize(5 in said Article I, is vested solely in the year 1860, except iu cases whore land, the Congress, which is the e.xclusivo judge slaves, cotton or tobacco have been pur-; of the necessity of such ausi)erision; and chased since the 1st day of Jauuary 1862,, whereas, in the opinion of the ' tiieir Consent, e.Kpress^'td ;it the time. w!(h regiinenti^ or battalion** !r"' i j+notlier Stult.*, ah;>-'i *he privilege • : bei;i ; tran‘:fonvd to orgHub'riious of trvHi],.', in I'le tani;-. arm of the servic”, irom the S'ates in which huiti comjianiec ucre raised; ainl t!\«i s 'ldiers from one S:.itc, in companies irom another State, sindl ]>e allowed, if they de*jiic it,}'. transtc.r to organisations troni tlioir .\vn Ir'tate^, in the same arm of the eei'vico. See. u. That at the eipirati .in ol'bixiuoutlis from the ilrs? day of April next, a b-.>uuty of $100 in a six per cent. Governmeilt bond, wliich the Secretarv of the Treaturv is liere- rv M'l vice, under nile^- 'lie Sorret:iry »f W;t. 1^. The V^icc P:-ofiiih: the m;;mber.^ ai' ntlt ! to i’5j pres-.rii It :f the c-n i ..lliL-'-fs ot(J' and ' f the saver d Staf^* Legis'at' tncli . 'lie:' •'.f.iduratc Snue oi”' - t.'ic I'.r .1.1 •! t, or t!ie 4.>\ »n’or of ‘ : M)ec‘*’iv«; mav ce-tif- to > i^r t'i.; i’ri>per adni’Tii-rni'i -’i ::1' ih-: tet!o^^to or (■»oVcr:^’ ’en’-^. ’le !■ o r:inv !*€. 3, Lverv minister of a-l'gi' preach acc Ttiiiigto the •‘‘‘ :edtu * 1 1 V.h m and w'iio, at tlie jKV^.^^age'd tMs act, ehall be regularly emplovud in the didchar.^e of his ministerial dutie-^.; &u}>orintendenta and phy- .. .. . siciaus of asylums for the deaf and dumb by authorised fo issue, shall be paid to eve- l^lind and of the insane; one i.diu»r for ^^nou-copuiisatonca oiUccr, inusip’an uml ■ pu’.ilisncd at the ruiic private who saall tnen be in service, ur in . ti,ig a Vl = uch e;;;uhrv e. ‘>-as ai 1 cdi the event ot hia derth j»revioiu to the p‘.'r;od cei 'fy. on - • ith *to \ ^ iudit ’-'.n.-.iM ol such payment, then to the j)erson or per- p, publication of such new.?]»;n>'"- " sons who would be entitiei.* to receive by law - ■ . . - . ‘ - the arrearages of iiis pay; b.it i.o onesbdl ’ e entitled to the bounty herein provided who ehall at any time, durine the ])eriod o{ montlis next atler- (he said first day of April, be absent from his command wlthoiit ■ v.ive. Sec. 4. That no }>erA«.>:i shall be relieved from the operation of t! is act by reason ‘f .having been lieretofore discharged from tl c arm^r where no disability now exist-s t >r shall those v,'he havcj furriislied :; i!»-'>t>it be ai'y l')n^cr exofni)ted by reason the e 'f: Provided, that no porson, heretofore exempt- public orinter of tlie Confeuoraie r fovern’neiil.!, iLiid ^ue■ jourc .yn ^ as tlie f- r’d. nu! lie } rii’ter tha on oail:, to ^ publi- pr’a:ir;i'; ov._' skilh-1 i?p'.'f' end! Hoothccarv :ilore. 'Tho was 1' r Ol ncs« .w and hr- :i oil >re, \T l‘5th contui'iv I inter ,eiivt cian.' ove~ 1*1*' h-. m aivl for t!'e i;’>t V actuul a!id r.'t.;uhir si(>n, bn; tin* term VO i;v Ig 'r •T *'• -= T'h V-i 'M'v-. ; ee’ j'rac'ice -’f ,'\C' piiv^ ician* shn' W)' SDGrir^lon’ siiui 1 ^ * oa^»u, luv iv?iiu iMiv'tiumn Fi r i.i- ,LnKre^s,tUe|K ‘'■"''I'*' 'J* : i .' : in which case the said land, slaves, cotton i public safety requires the suspension of said ' i reho\c .iini irom ,,f co lleges, tlieol.'gical r.emlna: it - iv-; .! and tobacco so purchased, shall be assessed writ in the existing case of the invasion of !f ron.er mi!;? iry .^,,j v,-fio ii: \v f-e-'U i at the price actually paid for the same by ' these States by the armies of the United " " the^ owner. i States; and whereas, the President has asked Sec. 2. On the value of all shares or inter-1 for the suspension of the writ of habeas cor- esta held association exporting serrica under this act. eugaged n-j t^uch lor tw > yc 'r.''. n Sc:. 5. That all white male residents of, the i>as.sagc of thij I'V^-vid . the Ooidederato St ites, l^elween the ages «.*i'i itenellt of tliis exenipti ■ lih ’.ll h^.t! •ui- graph, express, railroad, and dry-dock com- panios, and all other joint stock companies of every kind, whether incorporated or not, 5 ^>er cent. proper pu. e^ta' defence against invasion and insurrection; prescribe, thti time allowed not being ! law beibie the ])as:=:}ge of i!il- ji-. »•, now, therefore, ' less than 30 days for Lhose east, and Go days ' ph}’':‘!ci»us and nur ea tln ieir- ' The Ci»ugress of the Confederate States of America do enact. That during the present The value of property taxed under this iuvasio:i of the Confederate States, tlie priv- scction shall be asbassed upon the basis of | ilege of the writ of habeas corpus be, and the market value of such property in the neighborhood where assessed, in such cur rency as may be in generjil use there, in the the same is hereby, 8usj>end»ed; but such sus pension shall apply only ti the ca:i-oS of per sons arrested or detained by order of the purchase and sale of such property, at the | President, Secretary of War, or the General time of asseeiment. Officer commandiiiir I Witneete The sl^oatnxea of colored porsobs should b« ffiiaajiftnd by three witnesses Sec. 3. Upon the amount of all gold and eilrer coin, gold dust, gold or silver bullion, wkether held bjr tlie banks or otiier corpo rations or individuals, 5 per cent.; and upon hU moneys held abroad, or uj»on the amount . all bills of exchange, drawn therefor on Jiz Sti.' ‘ ^ cation at thi« office. i npon money abroad to l>© assessed and W. H. JAME3, Capt. A Chief Eng. j collected accordiug to the value thereof at Jan*j 20,1864 I300tf | the pliico where the tax is paid. mn CAROLINA V()U’.\TKKa ^ ! diti ’aS o? aU brnkTilirlny - - J ^jsj, mterest Ijeanng Couteierate treuaury notes, and not employed in a registerod Imsiness, the income derived from whicii ia ta.xcd “ AS GENERAL Agent of the above Company can the attention of all enterprising and patriotic men of this State to this all'import.int enterprise. This Company has now a capital of over one miKi^a of dol lars sabMribed, and nearly all paid ia Ore.»t offorts are being made to secure vessels. Our books may not remain open loag, but while they are oncn here is a glorioiM ohanoe for a good aod lasting invo'jtmcat Tho agent (a instruoted to take bonds at their fac*? ia p^y- Mnt of stook, of all denominations except 4 per oeut diwouat, . With the promise to place to the credit of ihe party d*t- tog them in any amount this Company may pel' them for o»er the per oeut allowed at^rr“ghfpriSJr2^coTdinV t, me'iVbove'! “ pleMure in giving all it^fbrmation to pATtlM wishing to take stook. Rev. WILLIAMSON HAERIS8, . -e _ General Agent. June 28. [w, j. j 44-Iot foniig’§ Arithmetical Dictionary, Embracing a Bystem of Arithmetic, Ready Reokon- Wt Interest Calculator, Book Keeping, Forms, Ac. B. J. EALB a B098. 5 per cent. Sec. 4. Upon profits made in trade aud bnsinees, as follows: I. On all profits made by buying and sell ing Bpiritous iiquoi*8, flour, wheat, corn, rice, sugar, mol86306 or sirup, salt, bacon, pork, hogs, beef or beef cattle, shetjp, oafcj, hay, fodder, raw hides, leather, liorses, mules, boots, shoes, cotton yarns, wool, woolen, cot ton or mixed cloths, hats, wagons, harness, coal,’ iron, steel or nails, at any time be tween the 1st of J anuary 18C3, and the 1st of January 18C5, 10 per cent., in addition to the tax on such profits as income under the “act to lay taxes for the common defence, and carry on the Govemnctent of the Con federate States,” approved April 24, 1863. XL On all profits made by buying and selli^ money, ^Id, silver, foreign exchange, debts, taredits, or oUigation^ •C liad, m4 mmlilmdise, pvopiirj iding the Trans-Missiasijjpi Military Uepartment, by the authority and under the control of the President. It is hereby’declared that the purpfwt; of Con gress in the passage of this act is to urov’ide more elfecttially fitr the public sa?';fy *>y Huspending the writ of hal.'cns corjms iti Uio following case;* und no other: I. Of treason, or tro;i!»on«.}do (‘tforts or conibiuationG to subvei t tiio govornment ol the Confederate States. II. Of conspiracies to orerthrow the gov ernment, or ooueplracieo to resist the lawful authority of tijo (Jonfederate States. IU. Of combining to assist the enemy, or ol communicating intelligence to the enemy or^ving him aid. aud comfort. IV. Of conspiracies, ^>reparations ahd at- tenmts to incite servile insurrection. V. Of desertions or encouraging tleser- tions, of harboring deserters, andW attempts to avoid military service: Provided, That iu case of palpable wrong and oppression by any subordinate officer upon any party who does not legally owe military service, his suj>erior officer shall grant prompt relief to the oppremed partv, and the subordinate snail be dismissed from office. VI. Ot spies and other emissaries of tlie enemy. VII. Of holding correspondence or inter course with the enemy, without necessity, and without the permission of the Oontede- rate States. VIII. Of unlai^ful trading with the ene my, and other offences agaiasc the laws of the Ooofederate Stales, enacted to yroukota lhair tmmm is Mm wkt ... tor those wc-it of l!ie Mississippi river, aud any jHii’aou wlio eiiall fail so to enroll iiiia.- self, without a rensonable excuse therefor, to be judged of by the Pre3iient, shall be pla'jed iu service in the tield for the war, in the same manner iw though they were bo- tweeu the of 18 and 45: l*rovided, that the parsons mentioned ia this section shall constitute a reserve for State defence Rud detail duty, and shall not bo required to j>ertbrm service out of the Str.l*3 in which tho^ reside. Sec. 6. Tiiat Jill pemou? r«'’aired by the otJi section of thij .-set tj «:iruli L'i0.ui.-ii5l ,u>, may within 30 dtiys uttor the pa*»?ap» Ihcie- ot, east of tlie Missi9si]»pi, and within CO days, if wc3t of said river, fn'in themselves into voluntary orgauiijationa of companies, bRttaliona or rOj'itnentE, and clcct tlieir own otlicerE; said orgiuiizations lo conform tik the exiP.ting laNTSi'f-n’d, having so orgauixed, to tcn.ler ^!i'‘ir services as volunteers during die v.’’ar to the President; aud if such oij:'a:j- iEHtiona shall furnish propei* muster rolls, as now organized, and deposit '.vuro pi;"int3ndon’-5“sliall c.ei-u!y iudi3j)ensab!.j to ib'e }>rop managoiuent tae.'oof. 4. Lhere shall be oxen ; ov*iicr or agrlcuiiuriat *>■) . tation up >11 which tii.Ti- ■ ' on tlie r ■ d.iv of Jan y ’ lieM-li.indr’., i)el‘Voe^ l!>o i.: • L- . r*o, upon the lollo'.’^ing coudili'ns: 1. This exe'-i’iiion sli dl only be :r~ant; «! lip. ei«Hj in wideii there is n» white adult on the farns o^ plants,tion not llab-i t ? milit;;ry oerviej, nor ualc s tl-c person cl.;i::» iilg i'-.c t i.s (.•?) tbo t.'*' •'*iy ' ■ Jan’v i80i, eith-.S' iLo owu' T and ~ ■ M-overit of ri'J.id platital ion. but‘‘n i- > cuvo shall more tlia?i ono person • exeni!4«^d ft'r one farm or pla itation. 2. Such pert'*;i sh;sll iiicl iv bo'id payable to the Cv>nfode’ .'V. Vmer le.-'j in such form, ;o!u >•- in * nci t and ia such penalty ?.s t!i ■ 1:5 jcrv'* try may prescribe, co:idit;.M..j.i Ojat >..c» ■II ■cunty, Wir •?ill .It" railroad liver to Ihe Hovcrn.iicn now organized, and deposit a copy thereof] d*.put., or such other j)lac • or ph'.r,- may with the ourolling officer of iheir dislrict, | be designated by the ^ tarv o) V".. r. vrithiu lli mouths next oy?uing, 100 i». idy •aeon, or, at tiie eleci-'Dn of the (:Jovet'n- ot which sJtKi! bo CvMiivalent to onrollrnont tiioy may i>e accepted as minnre men for before provided; and may, by the I’residont, be re«^uired to a-:setable at convenient j)!a- oee of ronaezvo;i6, and bo formed or org.in ized into companies, battrdions and regi men^ under rogiilfttions to be proscribed by him; aud shall hare the right to plect their company and regimental oiacors; juid all troops organised under this act for State defence, shall be entitled, i»hile in actual service, to the same pay and allowance as troops now in the field. Sec. 7. That any person who shall fail t> attend at the place of rendezvous as required by the authority of the iV^dent, ^thout 9, wfflaiwit «z«Bo. to of hj him. h) or \ piantaiion, within the aliovji .';aid a'^os, \?Iu> ther said fllavo^ in the tield or not, whi?h biiid bacon or pork and beef :Jiall l.-e paid for by the Gvvermuent at the priccs fi.xcd by the Commiesioner^ ot the State u’v.ler tfie iinurei^'nent act: Provtdod, that when the [Mirson thu.^ exempte i shall produce satis factory evidence ihat it has been impossible for iiim, by the oxerciso of proper diligecco, to furii’sh the amount of meat thus contract ed for, and leave an adequate supply for t)ie siiijsisLence of those living on the said farm or plantation, the SecretM’y of War shall direct a.ocHnmntatioti of the satae^ to the tstewt of two4War4a tfcwreot ia grsiz. or itkwr vy deliver within three monthb ■' ;!io V-’. of this act: l*rovided fur- r. !i: *.t i-ML’onf! comini.' wilinn the provi- ' t' ; '‘tup*^io'’ nhidl not be deprived . ‘ "hfjcoi' oy reason of having ‘ Ih-.'l since tiic I '- day of Feb. 1S64, • ■ ' '’‘^rn lo .the f>regoing exemji- e "i.itury A' War, under the di- : '>‘ ' J ident, may exempt or de- • ! pci -n.cj as he may be satis- * ' ;>e exempted on account of ' : • . ''y,Knd to insure the produc- ■' ■; and ..'her provisions for the • '] fiMuilies of soldiers. He may, . i.in* or de-nils, on such pre:3CiiI)o, to Etich uver- anler6 a^! he may be sat- rif-ulture than in the mili- : ' V that Eueh exe:nption '- Lr l-ie farmer, planter or . .lili^'et’tly to emnloy in n ckiii, capital ana labor proiaction of grain and i>’ to Ihe Government and ii( ra at prices not exceed- t.iC time for like articles iivrs of the State under :t, treasurer, auditor and ’n>'.’ider-t of any j aiiroad company en- ••'’■t vtion Ibr the Government, Ti; uid employees thereof as r cn.perintendent shall certify ’1 lisj eusable to the efficient ! ot eaid railroad: Provided, that r of persons so exempted by this :r- rai’ri'-\d shall not exceed one per- - /• . mile of such road in actual use ;• V r ;;isporintion; and said exempts ;rUi l \-y name and description, t'?e > ** .. any who have left the -me’ ■ *1 snid company, or who may ■o be iudi 'i.'en-^iabk*. ■ riiat • ‘S'.l'ig herein contained shall ■ •e c.oustruect repealing the act approved : r;: ilie 14l!i 1^o3, entitled an act to ex ’ Io’- c ’ttr: -tor-: t‘»r .jarrying the mails ot 1 r.wed' r States, and the drivers ol p '-^t r. jache i and liacks, from militar}- ser- • ee: I rovided, that a!i the exemptions ■ i un-’erthi- act shall wily contiime luist f!io p.ji'sons exempted are actually i in i' eir ret'p3Ctive pursuits or oc- ■ : s. See. il. xiiai liie President be, and he is ' erc^y, aiitnoriaed to grant details, under j.:eT;eraI rule-^. aud regulations to be issued tVoiu t '-7V.T Dep:irrrnent, either of persons ■' e' •.'■‘•en 15 and oU years of age, or from the *r:::y ia the Held, in all cases where, in his iujji.ic;;:, juiitice, equity and necessity re- :!uire sue'’ details, and he may revoke such order- f details whenever he tfhinks proper; i’roviiod, tlu’.t the power heroin granted to th^ 'refluent to make details and exemp lihail u:'t 1)0 construed to authorize the c* •• n .>r detail of any contractor for f ;,hin : sr.pplies of any kind to the Gov- -:r ■ by reason «f said contract, unless ’ :i 1 r cocretury of the department ma- j, •’ r r I, ntract shall certify that the per- f - ' f r • or cuch contractor are indis- I • N) '• '3 execution of said contract: -'r- ■ ‘d '’t'r, that when any snch con- t-:’.;-f - diligently aud faithfully, t ' rr ■ ' T U> the execution of such con- .' npt’o i or detail shall cease. Sec. li. Tiiat in apjwintiug local boards of ’;ir;'Qons for the examination of persons liable to military service, no member com- {•osing tlia , a:ne shall be appointed from the •; 'unry o'' erirolli'ig district in which they e roq'.rlred to make such examination. Fcst ‘’ifico, Fayottevlile, K. C.,) UCTOBEB 3, 18t)3. ) ■ n' iTii Departure of the Xailt at thi* O^ce. .• -E' ;II via AVSRASLORO’, &o- •. :?.ce;H Baala.y, at 4J P. M. f cx-:'^pt SaiuroAy at *J P. M. -■ •. /'J iii'vift SU.vIMERYILLE. ■' . '.I r '.V atiil Friday at 6 A. M. ,-r ” - "dday !i3d 3iiD«»Ay at 9 P. M. H 'A'*f viaCLlNTCF r Iv Lz ,\joa - viv IJ i\ y,. .^UtTUAGE. ' ” ^ ' ■ T:-iiroia/ !»ud £?i(urlsy at 7 P. M. r • •'. s !-. - VTrdueaday >tnd Frid«y at 1 P. M. (Uf'^FAW, S. C. ^ fj r H ? Thurs.l .y aaJ Saturday ai 6 P M. 1- j TuttJ. y &iid,Thursday at 1 P. M. F U.’t L-LU! F vli LCMBEarON. •> ) !'f;.Uv. lti«r;i!?ay and Saturday at 6 A. M U ■ ..dv' iij. f, ruoi,J*-.y :iai Thursday at I P. M. liiiii ..TvS vi-i cluIZABErHTOWN. i’ : ' .•?od Uv, V tdpf.'j iay ;iad Friday at tt A. M. .t T- ’ Lue^ Ihm-diy aaJ ^.^torday at 2 P. M. i aZ.\liE FHTOWS Ti4 TSRRBINTa , ; ,• J Mjd .t*.*. a p. -M I' -T t-t:: . .Tjje J l" iM.iii'tty) »t. 6 P M. ' ^ \ ; . VPKCSfc’ UliKER Vrrr^ e 1 't'J - J ai 2 r. .M. "tp. i- ; .r:ie v.y (ru-” Ut) K, P. Itl. 'Vjfc’T !E!. r • MOHIfV,:v>VINaTON i»ad pov;ri..,roN -.Vrr-rcj r« -i y a* G P I'ianai a H-.Ju ^siay 11 A. ii. ^3WIF I’ via TROY. ' T!T i T" ? :• r. >1. Ufpa.'*. Jn -’^y «' Jl M. \ \ V \il! ■ • -T' . , I. ' r- \ v , olossd the even a" I' -. 'j P ■' A. I to ba eeni off from y bj paid for as if in r? 1 bo pre-paid Ijy >. 1' .3r ra -i %•> wiU 'c 3r- n on If ora tj i. r, M. Xunday trom to A. JA3. G. COOK, P. M. t-t'-'Tr si:nply at w.''.olteaU A ONP H-dttTSI €\»OLlilA LXStlilA.uCE CWJPA^W, NOV\r in the tcatii yuar of jucceadtul operation, with growing c.'j^pit u and ftrmer hold upou pul>Uo con- ftdence, contit'.ucs to ineuro lae li/cs of all healthy per- 8CQ8 froEi 14 t> sy '"oara of f*go> for one yeari for seven years, and for !ite— all Ufe members sharing in the profits All slaves from 10 to 60 yaars of age are insured for on' y 'ar jr for Sva years for two thirds their valae. All .086 sa iw« p'luomally paid within 90 days aftet «ati9fao>cry proof ia prosanfc©*!. Fur further inforn:>^t!cB the publ:'» is referred to Agc'iii of th* Ooa?p»ny m aVl parts o ihe StatA, and to R K. ?ATTl.E, Secretary, Raleigh. £. J. ilALE, AfOltt St