r--r - ■. 'V I:. '. « •! m (DIBSieiB'TieiE SSBm-WBBK L Y. 1 ’ V; ti e a- . ,. 1 a: - ' .•! ,. JlU' ilie !. uiav, V r ,-r t»r - ‘ T : '. - d CU- ’-Mont, ft? rt'rv a \ : \ ; V t,. .: ■ I--V / % t' u \Oh XlV.l FAYETTEVijLLE, iV. C.. JULY 18, 1864. [NO. 1350 PTIINTED MONDAYS aND TUDRSDAYa «:DWARi) J, eiLE A SONS. editors and PKOrKITITOBS Prije fgr th« Sflmi-Weekly 03»*5V*« SIO 00, paid io advance ^’or the Woeily Osskbvbs $6 00 per ;\nnatn, pivtd In vlTancB. COTTOJV €:AE15?S, lO. FAYETTEVrUE COTTON CARD MANUi'At?- For Slie X’UE :rion ’, KM. n VTKIOHT, R^q , rofiFsoifullj ^ ^ _ TUBINGCOMPANYarenow manufacturingCARDS i ^ Trc~ nim- to ihc vc-er.i of Cumberland and i superior lo aay rua thit>ugh the blockade,and at j»re«*nt ! f>r re-ples^'on o •hi’ Se.r.:te 5n the next 0«ne‘ i I are aollioj^ Ibraltisa price thosinglo pair or by the nuan- j I j tity. I J«nfl 7. 8*^-ta j Any perron ordering rIx or more pairs, they will be ! securely packed and dellver'*d in Wilmington free r>f ax- pense. Call upon or addreie ADVERTISEMENTS ingeitcd for f2 per s juare of line* or 1cm fcr the Sr^it, and one dollnr for each BQccec-diog publication. Advortiflers are requested to s;*te the number of iuocrtions dosifeJ. or they will be oontltiuoJ till for^«l, p.nd charped acoordtngiy. Adrertisen'pti* ^ (vintintii'J int' h. oliirne>i an new %d- r«r:ia«»iaeat.,. A. A. McKCTfTAN. J. A. WORTH. ALEX. JOHNSON. Jr. 24tf . refbyterian and Carolinian copy. FfI!o?r I'U'zfn) of I'amberlaod and Harnett* J.'i ',:!!~pU.iro' fiih iolic«tRtioD8 of many friends, from dir Many CitLBens of CMB&lMi'lMid ana U'^rueit oountiea vote on (be at Au^uuf. next Tbs €mle«l«rate TiclL«t, FOR GOVERNOR. z. B. VArVCE. »ievc»i‘ r- i ti '■SRdt'.F (>! *0 r. ovec t 3 Ccunir/, I atinouaoe myaeif a j you in the ^^^n^to of the nex! | FitetteviUe, N. C., April 18 Pr, 1 rc. I i WJ.--4 ( f •I-,-' t-oti .U'. viewa in rcijard to tte ffioat and Tital rill bj niaJ,> tnoTrn w’»en I appear ePEClJLL NOTICE. From aa i n-t«r thi«dat«, bo name of a new tobMiiber ^il' t>;. : witVoMt pajdsent ln.*d«*v>Ao, i.-jt «r»li the paper l>« s«al tc MhwinbArs for a longer lime '..i'l 1: j.i'-i f If. 8aoa bf oar old mtbsoribeni •• desire to' take the pa* par OB th{0 nyeteiB will please notify as when making remittaaoes. Jan’j 1, 1858. W. DRAUOHO]^, AUCTIONEER, P. K. CorJier MarkPt Sqoare, FAYKTTETILtE, 51. €. Pr->r'.nt ettrcticri rr:>?n to all bn^iness in his Siii'; eoinictr l tj htn Ju3? 10, ’jBC4. 40tf H. .llc.TllLLAN, inctioneer and Cdiamis^ion Slerebant, «Vo. JUa^ Street, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. June t). Sy-Saa Fayettefiile Uosin Oil Works. OUR Oil Works ivre now in conipleto ojK'ratio'.i, and as wo use notkinij but j^ood roain in pn)duciuy the Oil we can i ecoininentl it to Co the best of the kind made In this cwuntry. l\ is a fine Lubrieatiug ancf Taiuter’s Oil, and WB would b« glad to reoeiva orders from the Oovemment and the imElio eenerallj. Wo will cell oa reaaoaable teim.s. MOORK. cXsHWELL A CO. Aprii 15. . 82-tf- - FOUiNUtti. SOME monlbs ago wo ^mpleted all ocr flctnras fcr tbe mancfaotura of ^R WETCEL8, hut o'fing t; the failure? of the sapply of Tmq of proper aatnre, wc ! j h»70 not Ktely been able to aupply any d»:uaDi for j _ I them; t'ii.s difficulty however, will be o'Fercoino ia th I i coarse of »ix weeks, at which »iTne rre bo n i I fcniinh wsj«H:l9 of the foll'vwing; Hiie;?—21, 26. 28 an i j I SO inobes; aLto Chilled Tirae. Tho Iron tt' ih%?i n-'* for theia will be Cold Blast ('h%rco;il Iron, so 1 war rant our wheels NOT TO Cil.\CK. »m,l to b» equal U'- any made in the Confederaw, or to those Whitvey & 8naa ol Philadelphia, whosa repu.ati-a is so Trr*T1 'kr.cwn by all Railroad compiaiet*. We are prepared to exccute Laotn, Dry San!, and Green Sand Work, of f.uy shape ©?• siae. l>. ANKER30N A CO. PayetfeTille, March 30, 18G1. »19tf Y'ur cb't 4-rv’t, .]u- R. MoDANiEL. 4*^ tf FOR THp SENATE, Kandal MeDaniel, of Cumberland. FOR THE COMMONS i F Gen. A. D. McLean; Harnett, If J. 6. Shepherd, CamlMriaiid, I col. M. J. MeBaffle, do. l-iJaly 8 48 tepd tVilliainr HI. Basiret announceii I kisfclf a oan-Jidate far the offioa of Snp rior Coaxt 'i^l- for the eoaniy ef Robeaqa, North CkroliM. He i Ay* ts hie friends if they will elect him ho wUl lerTa Hi the beat of kis ability. As ha is illabla to field aer- t^^ battle-field, he hopea bis fHendt will Iftbor I , '7V hiti emplovment as will fit his mental aad - ’T'owcrs WM. M. BAOGET. V?0 r*^gi»ecU(jUy repr-!n’.5«r t, o»mp Moimes, Juae 46«tpd NP.lbfj McK.vV, , ai a candidate for; — tu^ n'xt iioaae ofConuuans from fo the Voiers OfBlchmoad and Sobeaon Geuitlea. Wc ar‘ .^5ilha3*i’£ed to aiinouiicv J. C* RilTU-'!'I” D -ij R n-^n-H'ato for r*;-plecti(W I* fill* n{ Co'noior.3 fr.m the oonatio3 of CacaV • l»nd .-vnd Harnett ■Juaall. ! r(j-p' Cum!’r’,«! '! If ;rQPtl poiiali-'H. M'7 •IANY CITIZENS 29-^fpdJito ISAAC HOLLINGSWORTH, (vrocer aud Conioiissioa Mercha&t, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. June 18 40 tf w vw. Jticr,. Attomoy at Law, FATETTKVrLLl, N. C WILL attend the County and Superior Courts of Cvmberland, Harnett, Moore and Robeson Coo»- ties. Prompt attention giveB to the collection of all olaims entrusted te hia hand*. Oct. 17, 1859. 68-tf JOS. ilti7ey, f^rocer ami Vantn^isHon -fferc#*a»U, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. Jan’y 10. 1863. 98-tf m narc' o$ JAMES KIRKPATRICK b ^ tnb.iiUtri to «.£3!i voters of Cuaabwland 'i-.-'l ;. vr-'-e.t t.-> " toi.'*! for fta a &epreJ9n»Ati»e of tlu:K C’unii '-i for th > II .’js? of CoramoDS. MANY VOTERS. Mvy K., 33-tf We arc catborlzed to announce tten. A. D McLE\N its a candi?aie to represent Ciia’' er’^ni and ntmeit ia t^o House of CcmciotJS of the next CJcnertl Aspembly Ju y H 48 te To the Soldiers from Chatham County and mj Velloir'Cltisens: I A\1 a oaadidate lor re eieotion to the House of Coni- mons cf the Qsneral Assembly of N C at the ensa* in^ election Two ye»rd ago, whilst serving you to the pxteat of my ability in the Confederate army, you had tbe kinduese to elect zne to the Legislature, to assign me a post of honor, an ia all probability, to save my life Fully appreoi*(ing year kind partiality in ele- tating me to thft effio?, I have endeavored faitkfally and irith fidelity to- dieoharge its every duty. On the great questions of civil fmdoa and constitutional liberty I have stood firmly by the rights of fhe Stat's and (he people, whilst I have rendered to the Confede- 'ate government a ohetrftl aasiatance in all its juat and covBtitntinnal measures. As the etate of my health may not allow me to can- VX94 the ootHity, it is proper to inform those who do hot know me tlxat I was devotedly attached to the old Union and did all in my power to priVent its dissolu tion. But iriien Nortli ^'arolin& severed her connection with the old government, my allegiance to my native State, my daty aad my tvery hope of salvation and prosperity ia the fbtare ealkd npon me o defend the •oil O’* whioh 1 was bom and tbe Comraonwealtk ef tlie old Norh State th«lhftd gone'voglorieasly through the v«)ej of the ehadow of death in the war of onr lude* pe%4f nae On the miiicriee and misfortnDet) brought upon 1")^ the sniioita-ion of nuiaerons Miizens and eoldiers, j,,jp country by deficnicg politinians. boh North aud )Lieu?, J.8 MoARTHUB, Co. B, 40tk N. C. T i-*- t' VJlTILLS K. 3TEDM.VX. WH. H. BCRN'AKO. IV. A. STED.nA:^ Sc CO., WHOLSSiLE km RETAIL DKlLfiRS AND .nEBCHAiWS, Jto. 1*, Mlay S/reef, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. April 20. 26tf D. 0 W^P.TU. R. O. DANIIL. • O WOKTI. WOUTIS & CO., Commicslna and Fort^ardiij; MercIiaiitB, HV/«- Sfre«f, WILMINCXON, N. C. Oct 1« 1?^3 78-12m A,OvUl/>00“ CORN . Persons having the above artlchs i'O eell will receive the hiRheet Cash prioe by ctlUng cn Mr. M Thomason, at the Mero;iant Milw, FayettcviiiC, cr cn the snbson- ber at his oli ntwii oa Market Square. ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr. Nov. 6, I86d. ABiHY HARiHESS. I am prepared to manufacture all iunia of Wagta Harness for Army use. I tan my leather and can give good bargains. Agents will do well to send their •rdera to me as th^^y shall have Bent ofLin quick dispatch. JOHN CABTBB. OoldHton P 0., Chatham Co., N. C., 1 June 13, 18C2. / ”»00 lb«. «um Arabic lor sajeby J. R. LEE. Oet. 16. Alter thin date 1 will pay 16 Cents per pound for ^rage, or the highest market price, delivered in K^ttenUe, or at mj mills on Rcoinsh. 7-tf w FeN’y 18, 1864 '^"aiite«l to Piirch^a»e, ESTER« BAIL ROAD STtiOK; BaaK Notes; Gold tttd Silver; Kupih Carolina Treasury Notes (Fundable;) t >• “ $i au'i i^2; « « Bond.o, old and new; OoiJaty cf CumberUn.« Bor'da; Town of taycitaville Bunds; Grccm^soro’ J1 as:d4p-2 Certifi jatcs; Qoufederate 7 and 8 per cent. Bands;; Con^-ons CI $15,000,000 l&a?.; •• of Town !n.i CDunty Bcnde;- *• of old No^'t*; 0" f'-’i’aH Boude; ; S. LUTTERLOH. Ooi. 12, 1K*:b. 711/ liUBKICATtx\Ci OIL. The undersigned is now pr: pared to fu>‘ii'3*i to tbe pabiio a very superior ariicla of LUBRICATING OIL, exptdaiiy for Cotton and Woolen Faetcrie*. We cUim that this (Jil does not gun, and may he run at gr-ater speed with less power than ao^ other Oil exsppt Spsrm. Mr W H Porter, Superintendent of Pbcenix Cotton Factory, says of ir: ‘*I have been using your Lubricat ing Oil for 2 or 8 months, and find it to be superior t>' any other Oil now in use for Inbricaiin^.” vlr JoLn Kershaw, Sup’t of Blount’s Creek Factory, says: “I can cheerfully sr.y your Lubrio.»:ing Otl is a superior article. It does not gum in the least, but keepd the jonmals clear and bright " Mr A F Beckerdite, Chief Engineer cf the C 8 Aree- nal.and Amiory of this plaoe, was requested to try it and says: “I tkirk for lifcht machinery—onoh as Cotton Factories—and* or heavy machinery when the motion ia slow, your Lubricating Oil will compare next in qual ity to Sperm ’’ Other cotton manufacturers have tried it and pro nounced favnrab’y cf il KENRY K. COLTON. Agent Fayetteville Keroe'ne Co. April 4, 1864 20-tf BCRi^I.Vg OiC. We can furnish KEROSENE BURNING OIL in quan tities of 6 or 10 gallons at $25 pnr gallou; tin cans or kegs $16 to $S0 additloQil. Send :»ns or kefrs when convenient. This ia as good an Oil as can be made without the mixture with Alcohol, which it is impossible now to obtuu. The wi«k of tho ordinary K^rneene lamp shoold bs slightly lengtbeaed by scHerirp on a piec. With a IsTTip thus arraugvl our ol! b^ras Tilh''nt smoko and with as much briUiancy a? an7Ncr*h?rn Kerooeac. HENRY E COLTON, F K ro. April? 2Utf WES'rEBxir BAIL BOAB. The FREIGHT AND PASSENGER TRA1N3 cf thi^ Road leave Fayetteville daily, (Sundays excorie ’.) at 8 o’clock, A. M., and returninj loare Erypt at i o’olocK, P. M. Cattle aud Hor$e Train MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY. By order JNO. M. ROSE, Treas’r ar.d Gen 1 Trans. Ag’t. Jan. 22, 1868. ^tf _ EroBn and ntter thi)^ date the Etcaiaer A. tr. HURT wi'.i leave at 8 o’clock, A. M., on Monday and Thursday JOS. A. WORTH, April 6—17tf ] Ag’t C. F. Steam Boat Co. A FEW^MPORTANT FACTS ly REOABD TO TBE “SOIITHERIS HEPATIC PILLS.” 1THEY are prepared from the best quality of Medi , cines by the dlseovorer, now an aged Minister of the Gospel, and are safe. 2. They have been known for yiars and tested by thonsandd. 8. Five hundred persons are known to have been oared by them. 4, They are not recommended by the prornetor for everythiug, but only for diseases whioh arise from dis ordered livers. 6. Directions and certiftoates acoomrany each box, and these certificates are ^m well kncwa ani ao«t re spectable iniividnala. 6. Correspondents recomraend then ta t^ood for Lirer Disease, Chills and Fever?, Pneun'onia, J!knndi«'e. Dys- pensia. Bilious Fevers, Bilious Rb'uinalssm, Worms, Pleurisy, Bronchitis, 4c 7. Several gentlemen state that the ase of these Pills has beon to ttiem an aaaual saving of from $100 to $200; they are the beat plantation raedicinc ever ot'ercd to the public. 8. Some physicians of the hi;rhest standing preaoribe t!*em to their patients, and hundreds of boxes have been sold to regular practitioners. 9. During the last quarter 2,880 bosas have been sold to two Drugt^ists, one in South Carolina, and oift in North Carolina, and some time «go ovar 3,700 boxes were ordered by Druggists in oni» town in Virginia ■ar Prioe. $3 a box. For $-30 a doacu ^oxcs will be sent to any address. A vary !i‘>er>i disoount ! o Druggi**^''«d country merchants Cash (new onrrincj) to aoootLL^aBy orders. Address w awo ^ deems. Gold^’oorc’. N. C. To the %'oter» ot iNiainp^on County. CITIZENS AN^D ' rLLOW SOL lERS: By the SoUoi- t%:i jn pf uit.iy f'iia*' I »anouno2 myself a candi- » i‘e f.’r the ■ viitncns branch o? the I.PKiflature >'t N. | C. BciPK in Bjrviee. I not bi ab!a to mr^et the go'd peop’.j of ;ld impson a*, the j.Tccivicts but tra.^t to til* kini cflic.'s of Frien k*!. M j viens are well knows as j being a Con'^- r¥ati''> Qentleuion I solicit jour rotea, j ••Uh the promise if eleded to be awaVe to your interest. ( Y -iirs rffp’t'y, H. B COOPER ! Julv 8. 48 te has con’cnted to becaae a (’aniidate to represent the S-*natorial District of Rio’i^nond »nd Robeson in the next Legitlature o^ North C'^rolins. His politics are; A vigoro'is prosecution of tbo war, until the Soath is free from yabkee rule and influence, and in favor of any measures whioh tend to tbe accomplishment of that object. Lieut. McArthur has been in the service Kinoe the early part oi the wa., and has well Bustained the charastsr which he bore among bis friends at bos'?, that of a ohristikn gentleman ever ready to din* charge his duties fa'.tkAiUy; and sheald the cltiMBs tnd soldiers of the District cntrost him with their business in the next Lfj^islature, we feel assured that nothing will be left unlone on his part to foster the*r interests, which experience, sound judgment, discretion and the most exalted patriotism and love of his coon try’s liberties and richta can accomplish. MANY CITIZENS AND SOLDIERS. Jane 26 46-7tpd By TH. CRONLT, Aaotloneer. AlJCT10i\ iSALE OF IltlPORTED OOODS, B¥ CATALOtiCE. The friends of Col. M J McDUFFIS, j .Taiy aoui, 18«4. commencing at 10 «■ wiM be gratified to lewi that b« hks Cuttfienl- i o’clock, A M., 1 will sell, at my sales rooms No. ect t > :-d acandidste to represent the counties of Harnett | ^ Granite Row, Wilmington, N. C , the entire cargoes ai vi Cntnbf rUc l. ii. th« Hense of '?TnmonB of the next 1 gf Steamship* Oener*' AssemWy | BADGER AND LUCY. 17 I With large consignments ex shins CHIGORA, ALICE, FANNIE, CITY OF PETERSBUaG, aad other veesels. We are aat'ioriied to announce Dr. VV. M. M:;Nh.ILL of Harnett, noi: serving ae a Li?utcnaut in the Confederate Army, as a candidate to rppr‘?‘i'»n* th-; counties of Ci’.mberland and Il.vTieit i > 'he noxt I-sgi'ilatum Juno 2'*. 46-1 Otpd To the Freamen of Cnmborland Coanty. By request, 1 agaiu annonnce myself a candidate for the ulliec of Sheriff of »>umberland eouqty Should I be elected, 1 cm only promise as before to discharge its duties with waat ability I may poAsees. HF-CTOR McNEILL. Met ?•** To th? Cltli'cns and Soldier* of Harnett. ATiho '■ a of of ®y trlenda I aroioutico a caadidato for re-elv>«tioo o?Bcc5 of f^!jrrirr \3\o county of Haroett. Profonnffiy gntteful to ins* fric'td!* l»oth at hora«* aud in the Armyftar th-^ v. ry cjiiorouB supp >rt h*rt;l lore reoeiv»*a at their h&nd>, I cau only pl'tijio that should they again maui- tV:l their coiiP.i»-i(T' byre-electing me I will, as hereto fore, serve th ;n promptly uiid impartially. Veryrc.»])ecti'ully, JAS. R. GRADY. .\pril i;i. 24-te To the Vcterfl of Sampson Ceirnty. TIIHOUGH the solioitatioas of uiony of my friends, I annoanc? myself a ccndidate for a seat in the House ofCotnmou'i in tha uext L3gi3latu*-e of North Caiolina Skouid I j so fortunate ts to be el*ctod, I will andeavor to work f-T the interejt of the cilisens of Sampson coiinty, to the beat of aiy abllitT. JA.\iE8 T. G1DDEN8. Clinton, N. C . Juue 7. 39 tepd DRY GOODS 18 cases white grouad Prints 17 cases black and white printed Mu*tin cases Huckaback Towels 11 oa*«s Organdie Muslins 8 bales Army Cloths 7 oaaes super Hosiery 7 caees Goats’ aad Clark’s Spool Cotton ti oasos fisishing Linen Threlwl 6 bales fancy Shirts 4 eases solid, broken and aouraiag Gingham 8 casee black Lustre 3 casee Confederate Tweeds 8 oases ready BaU Glothiog 2 oases Cheok acd Stripes mourniag 8 case* coat, veo* aad bone Butions 8-'>uth, who loved Ihctnselves better than their cctmtry and brcke up its p'-ace and harmony by appealing to the r^‘’>^ionB. prejudices snd ambition of tfaer own pec- tion, I look back with deepest Forrcw, and eamentl? de sire to a«e every honorable effort to avert still greater CHlami* ies. It was not my intention 'to leave the serrice when you elected rae two years ago, and I regretted the ne cessity of having to do so on aeconnt of ill-health. The frienis «f my youth were there—brave, gallant spirits of unbonnded patriotism and liogleness of parpcse, and I reluctantly left them with my heart fall of grati- ti4de for the many favors they had bestowed upon me and a prayer th»t they mipht live long 5n the glo»ioas land they so much loved If re-elected I will endeavor to discharge tbs duties of the staticn in such a mannsr as to promotn your in terests and the good of the country. If def^n'cd, I will cheerfully submit to the decision of the people Moet respectfully, your ob’t serv’t, WILLIAM J RE ADEN. July 4 _ We are authorixed to azinouuae lo the oiiixe^a and soldiers of __ Dupl'-n ooucty, that JOHN R WAL- L.A^E is a candidate to represent them in the House of Commons of the next Legitslature of N. O. July 2. 47 3tpd Hlessrs. E. J. Bale Sc —You are authorised to announce Cel. D.WID BETHUNE Co G, ?4th N C. T . a candidate to represent Robeson eounty ia the Honee of Commtms in the next Legislatore of North Carolina. Jaly 4 47-9tpd Vie are authorized and requested to ana Hncc Col. B. F LITTLE oii a candidate to rppra;-eu! thj; county of R’chmond in the House of Cotnmoaij in the n.?xt Legiiilatnro. May 19. 84-te V?e arc authorised to announce JOHN V. LONG, ''9 a candidate for re election to tbe ofiao c' Sheriff for the couLty of Rioh- 36-6tpd-t« laond Ma? 21 IVe are an$liort’«ed to anuounce ROEEIIT M *MoN .\IR of Co C, 1st N. C. Battalion Artillery, a® a 0»ndid»te for the officc of SHERIFF of Rj^eson Ooauty. Ms.y 20. 84-l9tpd 0-] J»Cl*iUTMENT, \ Ji. C., IVIaj 8, 1868. / L*’*D purciia^e ue»d for this *"i>^:f>.r!'i i. ^ ^ a.’tug 1*^6 or email quan tities w.ri plep^c app y t ^‘11 ^ pound e POWDER for 10 pcua '' of IjEAD. TiiO? D. IJOGG, Capt. C.-S. In charge of Ordnance. For sale in Fayetteville by N. A. Stedtu**: a tJo ; ia Rockingham by T. T N^rtham; in Wal-. -boro’ by Dr. Bennett: in Albemarle by J. M. Bivias; *a Ohatca by Bennett: HnbbanT & i«T * May 10 :?5-J6tT>d Eg^ypt Coal i^E^ine. The underaignett were, at the November Term ^f the Confederate Court, District of North Carolina, ap pointed Managers of the Egypt Coal Mmc property, and have entered into copartnership for the pu^ose cf nining and selliag Goal, and solicit orders for the same in any desired quantity. Orders fcr any amount can he suppU.3-1 on ^ort notice. The Coal troa thu pro- ais undoubtedly the be»t in the Confederate Staws. oatij’iB aay be male to Ohas B. M»llett,^Fayetto- ,iile “ ’ FAYKTTEV&LLE MUTflAL INSURANCE COMPANI. $267,688 2>J 6,077 f,5 e, N. 0., or •V Jamee Browne, Chwleston, B. 0. CHARLES B. MALLBTT. JAMKS BROWNE. IHmS FayettrviU*. Jan’v ~ STBAYED, FROjI my place on the 2lst Inst., a 00W and O.AL* • The Cow is white with red spots. The calf the same color. Calf unmarked, mark of cow not reooUeotr ed. The cow was purchased from Mr. Alex. McLeod of Hoore county, and it is probable that she has foo^ her way back with the calf. I will pay a liberal reward far th^ reoovexy or any InfartBationM^jMj^l^tth— HfMUlK mnt ^ Capital in Premium Not^s ftnouiitB to Cash on hand and other asseto. Total, . $272,706 10 The Company have paid all losses promptly, and have never made an asse^oaient on their prei^um noteg. Total losses paid, S‘^'J,632 OrnoR&s: OEO. McNEILL, President. D. A. RAY, Vice President. 0. A. MoMILLAN, Seo’y. Diaaoroas: Heniy Lilly, W. N. Tlllinghaflt, H. L. Myrover, B. J. Hinsdale, 8. T. Hawhy, McLaoria, Nathan A. Stedman, T. S. Laitarloh, A. W. Steel, J. G. Cook, Hon. J. G. Shepherd, R. F. Brown, J A. B. Hall, John ColUns and C. C. McCnimmen, Traveling Agents ■^V*Tha Compasy invite applieatioos. lteT38.iacv G. B. Mallett, James Kyle, A. A. McKethan, J. D. T7illiams, B. W. Tillinghast. «1- Wmak VFsmoitft t«ar lim. t Without Solicitation of Many Citiiens, ^ sense of right and deep interest in our cause and country, as there ia yet no ca!>didatc from Montgomery, only a supporter of Willivj W Ilcldj.n. snd Colonel W. B fi>ehardson, ai3d John Andrew Be.mtt, of Moore, both Holden- ites of the vorst f^rit, I announce myself a candidate to reprs'ient iL>c Countie? of Miore and Montgomery lu the Senste of tbe next Legislature of North Carolina, witi. thj prataiso thi^t if Montgomery oounty shall have a can J'date of hsr cf rlguL grit, in 10 ds.ys from tbe pablicatloc of thia, I withdraw my name. I have no de-^irc to be a member to the Legislature, and hope 1 ehail :i'i7cr bo a candidate again My plat form i a*, my roun'rv, end to ask nothing but what is right oni ’1U to nwlMa?? that is wrong. I am ag.-iir.r.t Lina^io, Il'ildea aud t^e Dsvil, Colonel W B Rich:.*'J' Vj ' nlrsr Tirrftt, or wacftvor else 9%j adY’jiiAtc t*.:-.i- cau;o. The God of Heaven has no wore to do r'f’i wssir»r ihi« war upon us than be has ri;h ft ii!v’-a.-&7 r jr.b^r, killing a man f«r his money, and ■we are cc »uch duly bound to reelst the one as the cthfp ‘i-'.an uijt faTor uiiholy lust or covetous- i!, aa cr roj'ieishuess, in time of war, any more than in ihcLi ■ ’ ptar''^. V.'c ctigat ever to remember Aoban. wi'h '.ia joliicn T-or'fre “-nd Babylooiih garments Gcd Till "ot l.-;ok on itiiq'-uty with allowcnoe If cur own b Mn- 0 all ja'^t p.ad good, cen wc would have nath- f?ar, but. n'cai nubsnit cuiselvfta hnd our oau%e (0 God without (car of what rasn conid do to us; and tbe b‘ et w»y to got aa cirlj and lasting and glorious »ice ia for cT»'ry one of us to gft our hearts right with God &.nd beo^ hia conmauiraento, to do them; then w« vcaU ba rao ceafa »aJ more joyful, laughiag in the ?>cc of cur cnemice; tho» »e Ci uld be never bowing »t theif f».'ct, anu cui eusiaies w>;u!J be made t.o know that God 13 juat avd ^o?d acJ holy, and that he would nev«r Buffer the righteous t j be moved; and if neocssary we might, like faithfal A'oraham the oecvaiil of tbe Lord, and at the same time the master ot servants, go oat Qgaicst ocr ecetciea to battle, sword in band, three kings againut five (or Generals eitbc’’;) cr like the good old ciiiistian hero, J’oebua, shouted down the wall of Jericho and get our independence with out sabmipsion to our eneir.iee or begfrinjjof tbe-n t.orm8 of peaoo. I have not d ^'ie raore tpr.n my duty ia thia WAr, yet I have paid rav tithes and ray tax, and have given to our soldiers and their fs,miUes, more than a thousand dollars a year for these four years I am now 66 year? old, I challenged W. W. Holden, last September, to me^t hin> at his own set time in Raloieh, and go with him to th? wv I never plead uader' age and I shall novev pic*- ?-ge. I am still roady I am for Z. B Vance for Governor, onty I am more so in some respeols fht^n he is. If I ahoold be elected tbe people may reft assured' I shall regard the honor and right* of my oountry and State, mbmI e^eially the aoldiera aad their namiAfR fTSQlt. oases black Satin 2 caeo* eapnr black Broadcloth 2 oases brown Hollaed 4 oases Flannel Sc iris 2 bales mix»d Meltons 1 bale blue and grey Serge 1 bale fancy Flannel* 1 case Black Alpaca 1 case Black Orleans 1 caso Paper Cambric, assorted colors 1 bale mottled Alpacas 1 case Beauregard Tweeds 1 case Southern Cloakicg 1 case Black and white Prints 1 case Shirting * 1 case Fancy Shawls 1 bale Lin?*s, sap^'rior 1 case Mosqiiito Netting 1 ca?e T’e^i, Gloves, &o 1 bale super Broad Cloth, a^Morted oolors 1 c;tfe I'ish Liaoa 1 oa^n Pant Buttons 1 case Bias'' and Wbi*e Pins SHOES, LEATHER, Ac. 26 trunks i^ adie*’, Geit’a and Children’s Shoes 19 oases Ladies’, Gent’s and Children’s Fr Bootees, Extra 6 cases Army Shoes 7 cases Birton’s Bleaohed and Browti Shoe Thread 4 cas*s Fr Waxed f-alf Skin* 4 cases Chamois Shins 2 cat>ea Morocco Skins COTTON CARDS, CLOTHING, Ac. 85 oases Cottoa Cards, No. 10s, part Whittemore’s best 1 ease Wool C^ards 2 cases Card Clothing 32 X 4 2 cases filleting STATIONERY. 16 oases Cap, Letter and Note Paper 2 oases Gillott’s Steel Pens 3 cases Pen Holders 1 oase Pencils and Pens 1 ease assorted Stationery BA9OIN0 AND ROP£. 10 bUes Gunnj Baggiag 148 ooilB BVie Bcpe GROCERIES. 238 bags Rio Coffee 60 barrels Brow'* Sugar (^0 barrels ornshed Sugar 182 kita No 1 Mackerel 8 ^asks Chicory 10 boxes Sperm Gaaile* 10 bags Black Popper 10 oaddles Young Hyson Tea. HARDWARE, Ac. 8 tons Hoop Iron 80 kegs Nails assorted sixes 4 casks Wire 4'caseB Gun Caps 12 bags shot 8 oases K.&lves, Files end RtfOrs LIQUORS Ac. 4 quarter oa»ka pure C'lgnac Brandy 1 h'ilf pipe pure Martel Brandy 1 quarter pipe pure Pinet, Castillioa ft Co. Bratidy 1 eighth pipe pore Otard, Dupny A Brandy 10 casks Whi.ikey 82 earks old Ram 100 case'3 Hollatid Qia 86 demijohns Holland Gin DRUGS, Ao. 80 cases Ltqunrioe Paste 94 eases Ltquoriee Sticks 18 oasko Alcohol 14 casks Alam 8 oasks Epsom Salts 9 oasks Balfiam Oopaiba 9 bbls Tanner's Oil 42 kegs Bi-Oarb Soda 6 bbls Borax 8 oases Quinine 3 cases assorted Drugs 6 bbls Copperas 3 oases Potw3 Oarb 2 oases Blue Mass 1 case Powd Ipesas 1 oase Iodide Potass and Iodia> 2 oasks Soda CryltaU 8 easka Bint StM* Imm We are authorizea to announce L. A. POWELL as a candidate for a seat in the House of Cc'»iiao"'* of the next General Assembly of North Carolina, from the onanty of Samreoa. July 2. 46-9tpd jBAjiiifETT coiTmty. 1WILL attend at the fallowing places >n H^mett County, for the purpose of coHeeting the County and State Taze« due in the year 1884 Tae Tax payers will please me«t rae WMOVlIy: At Johnsooville ou Tbu-aday, Jaly 21; At Mrs. C»Dieroe's in B^rbooae Disl. on Friday, Jaly 3^; At Tnraer’e Siore in Uppgr IJlda Rjver Dist. on Satur- r«»4rT?f^re’ CT-w*n’9 Cr»«k Bist. on Monday, July 26; At Averstebor?’ on Ta^sdiy, July 29: At Randal Tur’ingion’a is Or?7e Dist. on Wednaiday, July 27; At Reuben Matthews’s Mill in NeiU'a Cnok Dist on Thursday, July 28; At John Spence’s in Hector’s Creek Dlst. on Friday, July 29; At Mrs. Arnold’s in Buckhora Dist. on Saturday, July 80. JA3 R GRADY, Sh’ff. July 1, 1864. 47-7t BICB.mOMD ACADEiHY, ROCKINGHAM, N. C. The exercisfs of tnis Institution will be resume d on Morday the 10th of July 1864. under the euper- visioa of Mr G. M Yancey. A B , and Mrs. Tanciy. Instrnciion Is given tn a’l the priaary studies, also in the higher and clas’iaal branch»», incla*ling Latin. Grosk. FrcTKh, Geometry Astrnnoniy. Natural Philoso phy, Chemistry, B^tauy, G. M. YANCEY, Pridiipal. Jaly 2 47-3t C. S. ARSENiL AND ABMORT, Fjvt^’'tbvii.i.o, N O , July tJ. Foundry ^an W^anted. 1864 .} O'-E experience I iu the Ousintss can find steady em- plormont on appltoatioa to the . 4- 6t1 COMD’G OFFICER. IVc^o Boy at Auction. ON Thursday th"* '^l*t inat., will be sold at Auction, 1 NKGRO BOY 26 years of age, of good character, and accustomed to fiel~. labor JOHN H. COOK, Auct’r. July 8. iirOTICE. The Tithe Payer* in upp«*r part of Robeson County will meet me at Moss Neck Depot,^2th, 13th. and 14th, asd at Shoe-Heel Depot 20th, 21st. and 22J of this month. Bring in your receipt* and get a final rece’.pt, for all they have paid on their esLimates. Per- tons failing to comply, are liable to have their estimates returned un^reiited. By order of Capt. 'McGOWAN, Post Q M. 4th Dist N. 0. B BTANCIL, Q. M. Capt. C. 8 A. July 1. ■*^-'22 ITlcNEII^L ACABE.HY. The next Seasion tt rJcNsiU’s Acadcmy will 0’>m- iDence the 25th inst Tuition per session of five months, $6, $7 50 and $9; Board $6 per mjnth—all .payable in produce at old prioes or it* equivalent in Currency. Disabled soldiers and poor children of deoe>eed 8o!- diers charged no tuition Malt*, July 1. Protn th? Armv and Navy Jourral. AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN FIGHTING.. ' The enduriog oouragc and the tePftoitj exhibit ed in all tho gieat battles of this war, by both armies, are equal to any exhibition of the same qualities recorded in history—in Bome re?^ota are superior. Scarcely any confiiot baa been de cided by a single trial. At Corinth, at 3Iurircefl- boro’, at Chattanooga, at Vicksburg, at Knoxville, in the South and West, in the seven days’ fight ing on the Peninsula, in the series of battles da ring General Pope’s eampaign, in the conflicta culminating in the victory of Autiet^ai, at Fredericksburg, in the^memorable three days at Qettysburg, the armies of both oombatania have shown the moral power whioh is inherent iu the American character. It is a great mistake, however, to assert, aa is so frequently done in the general newspapers, that European history does not present instancea of eoDtinuoua fighting, and ot battles eontinaing for wsoveral days. Without referring to siege operations, many oas^ can be laei^ticacd of* cam- paigDs, including numerous confl’oi ., anJ of great battles that were decided only after sc’i’cr.'il days fighting. Indeed, it has beon loug,lit without various preliminary affairs; though as tbtse aro not specified in history, and attention is perma- nently given to the chief and decioi^e eng3{>e- ment, we fall into the conclusion that only tins occurred. We doubt, however, if, in the wLole history of warfare since firearms came into gen eral use, any parallel can be furnished to tho seven days’ fighting on the Peninsula, and tbo recent engagements in V^irginia Such battles iu Europe would have involved the dcsticuetion cf one or the other army with all its material In this country, however, from its physical peculi arities above alluded to, the losses are proportion ally small, and the result somewhat intlf’cisive. We naturally seek for comparisons to our own battles in those of the Crimean and Italian wars But the former was mostly comprised m tho siege operations, and in the latter the 1’ rench were so immeasurably superior to the Aas-riana that the drama closed with the two great acts of Magenta and Solferino, without much ty- play or accessory incidents. It is to the Wi»rfl following the French revolution, therefore, that we must turn for parallel incidents. It will bo interesting to rccall them, in the first placc, aa matters of history, and in the second place, to ■show how much similarity there is, notwithstand ing the chants in tactics and weapons, in tLe methods by which great hostile armies comc iptO encounter. For it is wsli known that tne priti- ciples on which battles are fought do net vary, although there are such innumerable c. aibina- tions of detail. Strategy is tbe same now as in' the earlY ages of history. The differencvs in arms make differences in the modes of arraying troops and of fighting; but such movements, fcJ instance, as flank attacks and attempts to break a lifte in its centre, have always been among > he grand manoeuvres of commaR^cr^ In 1793, under the Archduke, Charlfp attf ok- tic vfkfi continued on the 2d, the Fren«^h fc.'Og defeated; the Austrians fought them a^jin on the -Uh, and again defeated them. A few tUys afterwards the Austrars captured the city of Tonges. Pumourier now took the cjmniau'l of the French, and in a few days attacked ai? I cat a portion of the Austrians, and on the i>^tH a general engagement occurred in whioh the French wore finally defeated. In 1794, the Frecch, on the 10th of May, cross ed the river Sambre and attacked the Austrians but were repulsed; on the 20th, 22d, and 20th, they tried it again with the same result; on tte 3d of June they fought and were repulsed; on the 4th, the French renewed their attempts and held their ground for several days, but were again driven back. On the 18th, they crossed again and held their position till the 2Gth, when the Austrians attacked them, but received a severe defeat. Thus in something over a month, tiers were eight battles, besides a number of sitallsr actions. The extraordinary energy displayed by Napo leon in his Italian campaign is well kapvrn The fighting in some portions of it was almost us con tinuous as the operations in Virginia. Thus, on July 29, 1796, tho Auetrians attacked the Frer>cu and were succcssful. Napoleon then concentra ted his force against tho corps of Quasdooicli and defeated it; on the 3d of August ho broke tho Austrian centre at Lenato; he then marcUed to the help of Augereau, and defeated the Austrians who were attacking that Gcne-al; the final battle took placa August 5th, and ended in th#’ defoat ol the Austrians—the campaign occupying eight days. A similar series of conflicts ocoaried in the fall, ending with the battle of Areola, whioh was fought through two days without a r^ulf; oa tho third day afterward it was resumed, and th*» French were successful. Battles of several days’ duration Tvere not un common during the wars of Nafolm.':. Hi? grtat victory at Ulm, in which he capture^! th j uutire Austrian army under Mack, wa-^ a series of hts, commencing about the 1st of October, and continuing to the IGth. Simultaneout-ly, Maa- sena was having a throe days’ coofiict with tho R. MeCASKILL, Principal. 4-j-4'pd %SO BEW^ABB. Ran AW ^Y fr'im the subeoribcr, cn the 21th of Jt my pej^ro TOM Ho will probably go about where turn.^r Oilffhrist’s widow lived ia Rot-eson Coun'y, or in tbe n> ighborhood of Mr. Monroe’s on Big Rookfish who owae- a brother of his. I wi'l p*r the above re for Bsid n«gro or bla ooufino*^ent m Jail so I c»i JOHN FAIRLEY. Montpelier P. O.. Riohmon^O> «-«»pd ON last Thursdav my bay mare, »»ne and tiiU broko loose at E.'ypt Station, Chatham ooun^ 6l»oe. I judge that soma JersoJ has taken her up or loose 8he is of comm>n s>n good lo-jking, her mane coaslderably worn off with the been aU knocked out, the hair rubbed off of her back. t will aav wall for iaforaatlen so that 1 get her. I wUl p»y wen lor hABRIS TY80R. 48-tf Fair Haven. Jnly 2 CJow strayed. A BROWN COW, marked with smooth crop and "J*- sssr“^d te Austrian nrmy in Italy. The movements afc Jopa commenced on the 9th of October, 1807, and skirmishes of advanced parties continued (or days; on the 14th tLe French won their principal victory; on the 16th and 17 tb they obtained other succosses; they pursued aud encountered the Prussians at various times, until on the 28th, they captured tho remnant of the army. The great battle of Leipsic, whero Napoleon’s career as a conqueror terminated, ooonpied four days, commencing on tho 19th day of October 1813, and raging till night; the next day there was a suspension of general conflict, whioh waa renewed on the 18th; the French retreated on the 18th; and were pursued aud routed with ter. rible slaughter. Daring the European campaign whioh, more than any other in history, resembles in activity and the nnniber ot engagements we are accustoin- ed to see in our war, is that in France just previ ous to the sucoessfnl entry of the Allies into Paris —a campaign more remarkable in some rcipcets than all others of Napoleon—one, in wbich with but a comparatively small number of men he mtde efforts almost superhuman against the overwhelm- “^TFre^nch army^numbered 70,000 men; that of the allies, under Schwartaenb^g and 400,000; while those entering the coontry tfon^

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