acl: V.-,- V^b 111 of Juii", I'r' . b»r for ibo { ur{ jso an u’lSOiirorth ■ of t^\P K“%rj » I ' tbe I TO .’!•■ 8ilt •- - AU -iiH » l;l A S-.TT > .SCI' jrenCe-’i' '■ » 6CC lot* THE L-VTK NAVAL BATTLE Tho iiichmoad papers bring a somewhat coa- lused ma^s of accounts taken from Uto yankce papPTH of tho fiiiht between the Alubama and the K»', from which we make up the toi- lowing; — J Oh? bou^ •« ui'Jfty t’lo X >, tie eu! •'•■J ’hi* ii iiiuC rcDiii'j. ?h’ 1 ;. n J r>) -iti . , 1 Smu ^aop /■ r ‘ ti Lr;T.ei‘u ^ ii. ;!i'(k t'o-j »cfl-1*"'ind on h“ V’ - ai-: ■! ■ > • vUt L>. er iivfml. • d> •r.”! ■ V' t ■■ b*L>:- ■ . V Ki’s'H"*! i . .j, . i; 5 ■.•■ L H -i f.'im l« I, ' L u ;o-i Tim.'u wi; a a copy o; 1. ‘ K . » •■.-•!. n f‘ ■ ■*; I: i o c’ uc \ ■•■ j ^ baci» ;>1 tiri;:jr oa il o iie» oage. m‘ uit-ia-ita , beicg ibou: •* ;ji T‘>' K“^rs.»gt» tr-'::.- i-e'y ve ' pli.'d aua s . r , fp rit-a w :- U ou r- up. ra.n s?uu-iiufs h.iup v«lsi by sb* 1',^ la the m»'. u.*ii'Tii;g -Oili V b- -' s ai.ilc f»ev-u c n4>!' o'To cs at » a-6 tc of froiv «. -o b»lf il v -Jii ■.••eU-e Ik si’ght ii, rr-'s.-i! n m%, obs r?ii io f Al ’■ .hih's liiv hi'S.1 •'vil. s.:J. s:>'>piaj? Ler oou-ri> fo' thx 1 i!;; t fjl-ou-. ci^.o miV? A'- ^-.V pafc. * '*c’iv - obs'.vv,- AlRb-.uii to be i- i aal in '» us -"it: W • ica-'fdi'.tc’.j in vi;' owsr :s hpr. ivui o'i •''' S’.t.,- c= ■ K . if.ige-rire vpqu'i' i:' PtThiiT iha AUbaniV-’. c'fw. At lea iniiiu'es t? ol?, wiien Tit'.'.in. - dii; u v^' t'wo huc.^jrcd y»rd», ibe AH- » gu. k. *■ -1 i! n ■ red our «*»? to;-. . Mr.J. w' h the *n3v ot ih“ AlribfcwV whale beat aad >iingf, 8ucce«Js-d M. H "it.f ft!' in '0 mi*a inc uiUn? r*j;; 'n Bimcies ana ibi'' c> ^ficers Ail P v'e siefrei for 8'uttan; :ti.n 1 uay siate ti-a*. befor-- loi^ir^, tho Kerrs fc ViS *|0%remly ruc^i Tio AUbsuiii. 8 80 far na «t present avc, r» j’l kill ed »cd wor.: dei, fcc , wm »9 followp viz: Oae cfl5v»*r »nd on* ci' ii rfr -v. ?ed, six cjcn kill.’d ard ore c$'''c*' sod sixti -n m»a wcunufd. C»pt fccmraeH receiTt'd » Blight wound in th rigt. hand The Kearsi-peV bo*tt> were, s; fr *«• me deUy, Jowarcd, *ni. with Ite assiot- anoo cf H i'reacfa j-ilot Voar, succpeded in picking up the r^iuainii^K .'urvirore-’' U.n. Jan. M Mason Rent a copy of Semmes* oSicial report to the London Times, of which we liad the fol lowing republished:— *‘In an bcur and ten minuteo Ibe AUbaira was found to be in a tirkinjr state, the enemy’s shells h»Tin? ei- plodrd OP her eidea and between dpcks. For a few roi;»- utes I had hopes cf reaching the Preach co^'^t; but tf>e (*hip fir d ripidly. and the furnace fires w-ro extin guished 1 n-'w ^»uied down ceU>rii t''proTP'"' !bc further ■le;»»ruoiion of Hf*' and dispatched ^ bo»* t.i inform tf:'- enemy of our condifion Al'‘’ouch w- were now but 4liO yards from each other, ?he en'iay *jred at me hte tim'f* after ool'-rs’’J’■ nfr-acli li u chtj bhj'.-ie that a pLip-ftf w«r I ?■ .» h; is;ian L•‘•lion c-ul' u 't i)>. ■' done this in'cntiina >y ‘ Scma 20 micu:es after iny furraca tires had been extinguUfced, snd the s^ip being on ihe poin' of sinkii’if cj.H'i, in ob»d)pr'»f a Drcyious order which hid b'Cii given l3 the or>iW, jumped oterb.'\r*- and endeavored to rave himFelf “Ther.> wis n^ ai'pe»r'^cc' of aTiy c ui' ,g fr in the enemy -.ifter the sbip went down. I w ■ forrutate myself m e«op\i.g u tue if »b.- o'ui—' lU^ board Mr L\nca >.*r'-“ 7»>h. I>-!cr ; u toi.-- with 40 thrrv ‘•FerceiTtr.g that o’lr s'*-'-’ th - if^h a {.ir.'n v “t ' • ding again-'t la? -ae'^.f a si ies, were doir i hiui t>u'. little damace I - ura i ’ ■> so i l shot firin'f, and fr,ai this onwa'-d a'torun ed with shnt and shell •‘At tLo erd cf the enjrapeinent it diac- rerad by those of cur cliic''r3 who wcnt al nc^iidc the eneinj's ship with the wound-d th*t her midp^ip section cn both aides was thv»roug‘'!j iron coated; iliit! having been dons with ch>-.iu couscruoied for the purpose, pla- i gicg. ced perpcnJicuiarly from the rai! to .he w 'er'h ejg«^, ' thi e the whole covered over by a thin ouic;‘ t ljncit)g whijti gava no indjo^tion of the amor beaoatb “This planking hai been ripped off ia every d?r>c«on by our shot an i shell, the chain broken aa .i iuleated In many places, and forced partlj into the ship ^ aide ahe wi3 moat effectuilly guard'd, hswerj”. in t'lis section from penetration. Tie enemy was much dam aged in other par's, but to what extent it is now im possible to teii; it is believed he was badly crippled. “The enemy was heavier than myself, both in stiip, battery and ctv w; but I did not know until the action WM over that she was also iroa-c’.*d. “Oar total lot« ia killed and wounded is 30, to wit; CUi d ' H 1’ -c cf w c> '"■«» ‘ *>>’« 1 tf r«’ i tbp loiT' •V • 1 ^ki ■ oti' h»- r’ •• •* A > 1 ir.cb the oificers aa>t men. Ho is the only otlicer known to bo lost. . , , When Mr. F.«lhara reachei’ the Kearsage with the wounded he vas asked by C'»pl. VVtaslow if he bad come to BurrpndT the ship He said h« bad no sucti orders, but was sent to aek fw ssNistance. as they were ainkinp fa'-t. The K^»rc-*gr then ceased flrin^; *nd Icw^’rpJ br>r b"»:r whii ? :dr. Piilbam returned tcw^.''d8 • be Al-.baina w .\ h k vo > e eo- r'r.ob aj--- : nftcr pichliic i-T) a f tt » t'rr-v. i.'-; oontnved to 1 ro«'"''. tb? )>!-t ru■:-'r.' ' . • •, f,f -!-v:-ry „ r-J-.fd havtag oc- j ; 1 'I-Sitna ('u.T./ t\c I'lfth^ tc V, ' r ro'-Kug '’r. j .•-■■icV by':; ’"’’i-b j niirt h!" Hr'Ji. ’• bsns'.n*^ bv | i: .r -'y !•>. •. o*.;' hi“ kn’^f*, '’t’* ^ t; .? J'.'rvioe bit* r I S f.'■ :n '‘'e d’ck, v-'H tpk >' .1 *• by two iri*n. ! Townv rd »C'1 V^rr, t'>" !a t'-r of whom is M rr^-! ' kT.)«*n fo I’> .•lib -’ii. u r^ffi bavins; jaajped :nio a b-jaw se? and ja'-cd the life tf a D'-in who b»‘3 f}v’l?n cvesb-'tt'J Oue man ^ f'ont f'rw\r.J to dear the jib boom r»g- rn^ ’^b’ch ^ h'-en J? be r?e*iv“ l » n rst pai'-'-il, wlioh m-r'al. notwi'h‘’tanJi»^3: which he oorupletcd the worV atn’ r>!niu''d to the deck, wb*D ar. 'ber sbot c^t ,.iT ”.t t«f-3 .^notbt'ou^it !3 >r m!’- » ruuoe'’. r'-fo'cd r.drcit 'h-v' b ' ba.» b'-'-i ‘ruc\- "-’:d c'rHined ti ^ wiik nn b? fell d^'d d ,k The P iris Vonitenr s .ys tbe Kear-o-rc piv?d 7‘2 of tbo cfi T' cr i roiurr,-. d t 'kc'bourj Tent tnl !■ re^ Fjifor"! woiir i'.*'- W're iat i-fd and ts;. n to !h- C rrb'inrjr • ■" N'" p ia>rc of *' e '’abiiu&’j crew we’’e br:’i^f' 't back U. C’ ‘?’*bc.u’'g by a riii^t boa'. f i. nj its (v:*r:k.'*e) arm a hundred Alabamas, utterly regardless of |«blio mortify, national right or ~u*>Ho -A gentlenoaa of my acqua niancp had »>o»g •ation w tb the second u»t.ocr of the Alftbaj^ be gave him these particui«re; The at Cherbeu'p with lb- oapt*in of the yacht Deerh'Una to CO oul >^ntJ riiflcuo ScinmeB i were defeated Th#>r cffit'.cY al?o s'i ' « I \ fccr f'r five* d'lvfl’ p'^ori- irnn V^ourd, ftad i *.*‘ Ff^no.* Gavcinir..i«i h^J frrbi(id-’n tbcm » fupp’.y; 8 » they t.R'l to (’« out aa : nioti -•« K : cr hjive ibo et*ip Bo d f^ad tbe o. 'r diBbra d rru. Ur.g la ihRi lurk fljncb b id f.-r itt a Jr. I bis cr»fi. the bol ^ biicca- eer . all d out—*0 r-'-,.-' m le ^b-ia hi.'f msl ' • ••I': -A ''Tf da* n i» new A*a'.'au) i, tw:>d pvrt of >* nflW >; rt ef tb« -'d • rrw rrilV b;' tbo Pall foain at e ; f "ixt 'en i**-U' i:-.;iing ard !:urt- iit.T w'i»t r.'crcbMil vcs'?e ‘, ‘•y*'t; Ui iaitn l-1 t'se t^tripea • T> i an' fi-tcd cut, aa bef. r', with Britjsl. Kold. itonut-^d T.I‘h Krii gt'tjo, R^d i'.nppl’cd with Britlph shot and sbeM, and bcco' ponied by the ’'’vigaant joy cf liiuet’^ bacilrfd'ts of r.n?’.‘,j’i men ’ Tba Freroh p.^’ipr** »"'> pxcp»diniiy cotrpHco.'3('*’'y t.Ttbe alabima ( 8cmrat>fr'*i eailaclry ina-'utpiicg tbe fic^t agnii'wt lerg« ciide, s-ty thcv. fca - madi a dc cidfd iij ■*rr'’i‘>it'J 5a f»vo? of t'lo bouiji Ti o knew the o-'di, but o.^pectcd to bo*'rd t* c ; .^ckeo p.ncL thv.j ir»Va uhcr worj- of her bo Hoi'ihf.’ii a’ldi Fede ral pa'.lors in rherboft - ■p-ero v-.-r. ne''- r.’rc!nTce»>ciiJg th» nc'.ioa in Iba evrniTig • n Urrn Jirmn. The p.'p'tla lion 5 1 ileailodly « utherii ia its byn't)M! ■-'S .ird th-i Rurvivars of tba'p'*'*'*^*' rru'»er vcceiv^c n perfect ov. tioa from ths French m'n war’s men i't> port T-e New Vj-’: H-r. cnrrr'’noT'd“".t. ajWj''’.! v' 'i'.'C- i;-'t . f ;le fittbt •»d 'riv'.'d from trip cfliocro of i/- Kev 'ivr i 1'' R'^'''- ge. h 8>^yt “allowed !be A'^b^triatj r-ppr^ach wi^‘in 12 I) yard:, »■ w. ich di; au.?? ti;t «'pf-.;»*d ilie c-.m. at w:*. a '■roaJt^iJe fif-d al the K-ara*^cJ Tae i’aba»^a fouji’ t of ber ;’vsni. *. nor- thaj wire u-i* i ly the K'sTpip'e, (•‘■d alnc* o’"> her gt'-rbvrrd t;di! Non*, of the ^*’0’^^ f'track the Koi>t.-)>v', cti''' or two patji rg orrr and iUh ri»Bt ■ihprt (’apt. W'i'«'>’Tr, how vor, d- n;eJ it WiSc to alls'ST his anta)* evidently fl* heJ ••i'h the hoi e cf a upeedy and ;’S9y vict")"", t > :>ti' r'P«er Th bamp. still apprcachii‘(!j, s’.'v flred a eeoonJ third brrtsdsido, none of 'he sbots, however, tak:ng ef fect, b,?fore tb ’ r Mi ued n -br't Whon i‘° prop,'»r die.ence t'e^tced fo be ob?aT?-e^ ■; * iii)''nod hi; baife-i’^ npru 'be rebel, atd toured broad- eiJ a^e- b->i1-;d(> i-r ' b(«r a» npi i'y p." the gur-oers cou! * lor..l and fire Aft r Ib^ Koar'^ara oprnc'l ber b'^lter?**? iipoo t Alab'^ rc.’v, a ra^-^d a'ld contint> ut« 3re was kept up f’^otu both oiies Each vo'ic.el of cv ur!»e kept her i-ieam up, *aJ eioh was failing ia a cirr'e in a direcfiiu oi'pjd'te to the oi>*»T keeping the si »r bodrd bat'iry tear-ng upon her antagon.^i Speciaiots Jrsoribe the ma- tcBUvring of both the vcusela as brau'iful Tu.;y oon- tiauc.l approaching each etb‘ r until, towards the end of the flgui a diaiaacj of M\t abo a hundred ya*da sepa-atei them T‘ic A aoAX-^firel s>'ica n>ro freiiu^'^ily lUan ihti Kearoajc. ani w*sied » !;r.’al deal ni'>re po-der and j b'll (ient'‘Hy ber gS.^is w-- ro tvid. litiy ba ily aimed. letter A’. ■d FROM THE NORTH—THE INVA8I0N. Richmond papers bring as r»fher more in the nows froa tho North of whioh wc gave a telegraphic eyuopsis l»?t Mondisy. Of th«* editorials and dispat*h- e* iT fho Herald of »ho «th and 7‘h Tcry H'tle moro • Hn a summary E-^ed be given. a» all was confusion. I* r nald seem to hare been beliered that Ocns Early a«d RiUPom htd nnJcrtaken the invviion of Maryland and p.Mtn^yWani"- 'ST'-h a large force Harper’s Ferry •i\“ '>eB'ec:‘-% R vaw* deal of dam'kge w*b done the B- & O. Rvlrr.^ ’ -nd Ctnal, »i 1 ha'f a deaen plwjea w:t«» to th' p^eat ( xci’ere-jT • of ^ankwlonj. The Cwrn • nKn, wocor.Mu/ 'c letter writers, tuads ra- p.d irj,T’;l”)i f-ra Wa-bing^oi. tol-oat of b^rm’6 way. Tri(! • ra'!C‘' ri’joieir.’^ o*^fr t’>' ,*labp.,mRB defe^-t, ba‘io'-’w’nt '- mediately after the new*' -r ’ The l-fi o-eratiov: .vere not eo pUa sau* «'ill, 'V .}b‘r.»tw .'iipafoboe a*\d,(c«r.i w ro enO!'.Fh Tco; * lomo t the .'.be>. ii-‘er,d ef Uriat leavins: Pcta sburg. trocp w-r? fr.f'icg to him. yot-crn piT- ra of the 8lh are fi'ltd witi* accounts of t!;e psn'lc, e aa-;iivH ruraors from :»U rarn of ihe thistH'ncd Tig o'^. Marylai'd, Pc!i’’pylT»nia and tho District. Tbo vTagbiDoioa Chr.. n=cle rttiin the ’e- bf-l fcrce at 30,000. and tL^nVs tbe moTtment very for- ns d*b’> Tho o’-jeet of tho movj-neaf ia Rnncnoo.^d to t •> the cipture of B-iUtmcr. «xd Wasbinatcn, to rlich cMects a rrbtl prisoner adds that they are after ho’-fce". cripa and P»‘^^ '•!«>«»; co|?iitmg ''f Eweir« and Loagatreet’ft corps, snd in- tCAds to icv,' do Pecu'y've.nift \nd otSor flfat- s Drru^ refwd ha‘- ‘-^er. letc ir c-.Tcrtaod at Peterabu’-g rith auftoiest frine*. ^t'lrriin? f;vai York, F»’-H?barg. and tb- Onrnh'T- laud Valiev. st‘.to tl»» the exoiteT;ert amoinr the peo- pl6 is tiiire inti'i. c thm dur'nr e.ny r,r-viou?^n. IJuodred; cf mei! ■r^c*m"'J ’^r.d chiicl’''ti bf.?e pass'd ihrnugh Tork on tbeir wxr to the b'u queh-r.’-a k. d tb*> ro.'“Js w?r? lintd with hordes, cattle and r?a/or,s, loftdjd wii» f-oulr ••.i.d pruvidi nj, beiijg utiviii lu tho ea^ye dirtotioa. M ay h*vc hiiden their .K’seB and cittie IP the r. our t-* ’.ifi At ;lftgersfr'C'i i T-. baL* ‘ x- hunctied times orcr tho TC'y ?:aiie of tbcs Al»b»ti*, RptJj $20,000 1 500 c.u'fts ’tMcIi wi" paif? UMler thua'ered V -r"xg > a pei kirg t»”'3'>et. 1 h t«(rbt^ thrift'f burn-ng **ie f^'wr. Mo^-by had vsiied Point owi t:;2 ri"*! fl‘g i b» m?,.. •. atii ,im )tll?*1 ‘and (iestr.iyci everytiiir.g wUhin rc*ch.— t\ a '•»';Vles8 eriw ti »ub- ’it to irrlr'rijua T'r o.'*?* of fLurpkrit'g tt»9 the order of ihe*day with the rebels . . ^ - - ... [F. :m the Londna Tr ico, June "21 1 t)a SuoJiy ni rrin~ j'^^t/ls 1' good po p’.e wrre ooiaitg doTJC io ^.T's’ *"1^, i».'j ew‘-’l yunoav in rn'.iijr’fl 'vork wtw prep- ■a''; t" ••.’Ji i i.^hi '. t 'ho Briti lilos Fr.^m (’ticr^c’-UTi: ja*«t abi^ui niae o’cl ■ 1- fh'.'t? i-su>td th*> tho .-‘up ibftt io twoj^’ -r : , orr^r iito tbo bca.ri cl' t'te njont -or.f kut auJ a'f>. et ibt i‘«-.r-r-( -'r,T!>' J . WS " tQ f 8 W'’’!*- Mor^ t'‘Rr; » T:ai.e of tbcs Al»b»ti», ad high. l^t.Jcatly her fcito was to attack ard ftTt. u.o gurreiidor ua-trracd ner ‘-ract va-sels, but from the firs: the liriaf -raiz her bh ‘hit she w»s n >t C'mpttcai ;.•• ijr»pp\' with tbe ir.^iaed auA d'soip ir-.d crew )f a v -jai of f’ar Mr^aj tf the sii-t-', howi t r, ■ r. Ci a :d cu: the r';^s' g of tae lv.eftr8*ge, withou'.'T' tiiciine any 8?; i~r.H d»u>'>ge E ght fhnf' in cll s'.rack her hull Oae r'flesh)t p»?“jd tiit:r£lr thr'>''.'3 : *r ,nioi:e-8'iiu:'; aaotiier rifle sUeil i!:ijuga tSe b low tae maiti-ng- n«‘.r tfie eiie vr plaak. bursring and woundtug c.asiafT 'H** • n’7 CH^u»Ui*9 10 ;Li crew t t e K;..--.*ge Juniig ibo ti^-. Auotaer r tie I gtrL’ck ua'er the s.tin aa^: odg-d la the ruiderj. s:. w 'bcu: tjplod qj- anc'-har cirri^d aw™y .bn kiartoard life b.;c^; ■ijuai'r •cralo^^-'d tt'e haaim^ck nettings aft Tctp9 lainy two potinJ^rs p\es i the p rt side, cpt>o- site, the wi-rd r -oui hat.h. A.ncther carried awny cue of the crjiur.= •- ve- tUe irari room iiatch, and, taking a slanting dhr-t-tion upward, pacs^d th-o ish the lottcm of the cutler on the port Ht le. Aaoti er r.fle shell struck tie to:,' cf :ho tnz 'Xf Eky’.l.-L', ruf'lng cle.^n'■•■^rOSS i; like a saw, e*id fiuallypi.4Jc ; thruu. h t-.e skylight riclaw. {>: • r*; struck tbe starboard light, bat their fo- c ; vtis br >>a b> ohalns huag on the side to cover and protect the boilers ^ , therefore, caueed ro dama?e Shots T.Tn coataually wh zc eg throurb Jb-' Tiggi-.g li'iu L.,il‘o=:r. -.-ii ^-eaisaimoci a mi*uc'e ’.b't incre cafj»l i';c di,^ not occur. The fi jt t h't noticed ts prcdticiog any rti'ect urou the AUbiira struck Ler arai lsh pj, in ter upper wtris, ipakinr nnc'P'ib?!'ri'’ but .^nine iif»v« a® uorious - dama^ Aooitt ualf wny larourh tn* mu ; iash sae’’ ir- ‘ led ''n tb.? Alabama's >terk. tiC»r oar I cf the i^T-i ni, kil'in^' ti-teea o:;t of the n^ceaaa mf u, . and s'at'criug bou :s ;»ui flasn ;n a’l Ji ecti .us and cut- i ting enurcly ia .vo t)ce ,-)f in? Alibtmd'a ! crew raj^ i' -cupperi Uttrally "ra>i blood ■ A.t a «^ua , Sen-.Tje* rs j ess ani ■ k:.l of hii ya"kce at .fto; ’- ?. ani vr.vji & l»be conc'u^i.a tlia’, dtss -Un'; • ise biTutr part ;* val-r -T.! vecrei r;uad anl oomm nc?i sieamirg in tie c'ircot; n of the Kre-ch c ist, evidsEtly dcBircua o' ,n;-;rii >8 op« jil? po-aibie ti'flia tc« lia»i;j f tho “r.iar r.e 1 la^ue” tri-ich n.arkfl tho boundary b«. twe?n t!:e E.-ctich territory the comn.n oce«a. The K-. »T?*p3 immeliftt-iy f.nlb w»>d, the ..;%baira . coni'ua.og tr. firf j,er s>e-a gu” Fmiirg iha: the t . f fircrrite i s^2el of tnc iiearsa’e, who wdu rapidly ^ «,ia^n? cu her, tniji nndor i an.?ri )r to lers. th« ‘1 a^.^ma ehcktae-a sp >ea, r.nd ; It was reoorf d thv •^iip hai .- truck her fl*g, ^ud ece^i op'oioa fba* it wig t.>ie « '*! ar; Hat her boa s wfrs not lowareJ " bo- icK gft, .;-e ad- ia« af crrrards ’ ■-rnc 1. y h* U-een snatur- exaniin."tioa. si*rr**'\dcr, rp .’i.'u.L rnd iroy'-riso^ inei^t; to bCC ibeir ehip phjn*ered and ^ent to the rot. n. In the Sftapo of chrcnomct'jrs 'ta t o!i;ci T«.; i''bles t'le .\!a laraa ca'‘ried tho fpolia opivii of a w'>ola tr.r'rs'.ntile fleet. This »ime, howevfr it. vrr.! not to ordir a tncr- ch^ntman to U? to -ntilo bis papers -vi r^i (X'.OMued tbi»t thi?" ^couige 0-' the i’tvornl t-•~y sa'a.? out of t'hrrl .urp. It i'j nMr>u'^ p:w»rto e-»y way f>\ t S itia wLo b \-* gait:od s' a.uo i f lo'y ►•.' dfio uaqu^a tioca^^le a r«pM-.t'» 1 f .-courage tbht. he c?uld atford to be pruieut, c^r'”. ouc wi'h a s" ip just returned from a 1 .'Q;; v ■ tt*i j-iu.'ti "r. wnt of rfp''’, to eaomuter a I . jC l etter .i*Tu:J, •i t'>-ria u .; rov’'cd a-i it tv^rnc- lciu with sonie ‘4''e''^s’ ^osiiri' for prt t otj« n, and q-iife i-s lively to be *d woUhanile-i a- h;-* ow» ship. Far many laoatha we have- heard cf ito Ktaraasrc as a foe worthy of the Alabs.aa ehoulu ebe have the good luck to eatoh her; indeed, the Cap.s.;a of tlio Kv.>ri»»ge cad aLiumed tUat if taey net t*;er-‘ oouH ba ''u'y ono posaiblo result. W ny, then, did njt ■ »pt. ^ttuiaes see iLat tbij was an o oasion for the >:-scrfisf, of tb':t din cretloB or that ingeuu'iy vbioa tbe prcui^t iraata’s have I bought r»th^r •^n ftv*dit!o:i to r’rir 'aUi L)i'> his pru.*‘uc five v.a-s .U:j *ay a . 1, courage'flu soui'jtuQt't? he wo fareupon ibe .Irfe^.tie'e'o! li '1 coutc>M-■ i>r »el. v-a- pcct BUji.'-t ibat fie de-ii ycr 0' a b- ■- I u*:^.rji- i oierc'i^ntmait had need to pr.-'va h.« o : .«r a^^. ’ - re- leeio b!s name frinn piracyT ii i>i niciply f *':d ibai ho hcd been cha'learsd, aiil tjit be » :cei‘ied ti,t h.'- T*-rjwherc A o'ti.'u?ed tna«8 of tclcfjrams tirows »ory Oule liglw tipon tbe rebel mo'.csents Tl»e fo\ 1 j'»irg frtm tDe Herald is the most intelligible .•mtnt to be had:— k'lnr p*‘-t el vaa it w.v* obsarve-i that Capt. > ■ .'i.aared hia opinion i« roiati a to tbe prow- Nine killed ftad l^l wounded yewtpaper eporu concemxrig iht —Tbe Esglish and French Nzwspipers have various and lengthy •c- oounis of tbe l5ght. From the London Times' douth- ampton correspcndsnt we take the foUowicg: — “At length the Alabama’s rudder was disabled by one of her»-'>?'“"*‘" —* -» —• o.«u>, otif If was scon reported to Capf. Sewn:cs by on« of his officers that the shin was sinking. With erest bra very the guns were kept ported till the muiries were aoiually under aci the last shot from ths do m- ed ship was fired an sLe waa s?ttUag dowa When .er siera w*s completely under watrr, Tapt. Semmas ga^e orJers for his men to taem^olves as best they couid, and every oue jumped iato the s’a and iwam to the boats which hai \ ui off to their rescue Tho?e of them who were w,-uaded were ordered by Capt Sem-nei to 0 lUced ia tae AlabsmJri boat^ and taken on boari the Ke^rsags, which w»s as f,r a pi:«ti- ble obeyed When th* men came on boarl the D erh and they hai nothing on but t .dr draw^r^ and shirt-., havioc been trip el tofiUi. T^i; m-n w-.-e a.i abouf .aeir Captain, aad w. r- rej • o-d Srd -h* had beea H^ve I. T' -'v fellows, and act o- t the most tryir^ circu a « Mr Lanoa- r i.'^ cis^r'.j .r Kearsage's ci«,en inch dhe'ls vantage, and ttiat tfter what ne has wltneiv?d ooOMioa wooden ships Stan 1 no chance wtiatev • ai.a>n«t i shells. Bc'h ships fired well into each ottirr’*" hull, 1 broadsid*. whioti di norc damage than all tiie prpvioiTa and the y»ris and mas's were not muci d»,. -z i. 1 Ttii whi'.o wa-i taea run up from the Ala- The mainmaat of the A.ab»tui. had been struck b? shot baaa. and a boat from her approaooeJ ihe Ksarsage. ^d as the vwsel was siukiag broke aod fell into | liriair then finally ceaMU. _ Tbe btn,!, v*in und r .u . I . he’angjjgj to the low that the Utl rfj ! to ^>e » in perfeo' 3P >n tuis I ef* by the na.-.i f.-.m t -e*. Nj white fl»gb’iae seea from the K’a-s-ga. ae re 1 ao jihar finai «vnac.i waa siusiag oroHe acd fel: into ' ^ ur»ujr u»:«u7 ces^ou. i.ti( the sea. throwing some mea who were in. tke maintop I *''* command of an English olfiocr. ILtC tufl water. 8ome tremendous g-ps were vi^ibie :u ! ^^*bama, who informed (’apt VViu5l the bulwarks of i'ie K -rs»ge, aad it was brlie^ed that some of her boats were disabled, tfae appr.t.>*ed fo be lempor«rilv plated wi ^ iron chaia^. io. A. ^ar as could be seen appeared 10 ba well pUuiied and ready oa hoard tau Keareage for action. Great pluck w*s sh'iw* oa b.ia »;des during the action On board tha Alabam* all th® ^ammocirs were let loo>te an^ tirracg mer.f hr.d been m%il« for sinking 1 »;r rather th»a that she -r>iuid b> capture!. As far as i» known, not a re'io of ^he* is in tho r.oa-.ePsi^.n of her 8uoo.?C8ful riVAl Wh-n shs wan sinkieg '^rt Semmes drup- ed hii Gvrn sword cto »bo iq pr^^^nt the poisibility 'f it., g-fing mto their h n is, and the gunner mad* a hn • ,n oae of the A ab.iaa a bo-.tb aad sank her for tb' E me rr- u. The shfll fbat ^ tb- mieohicf to the Ala’ama «ruck her junt above the water line, knooki-.R her bunkeid .ts. ihc ^»t.;r altaogi iinmediatf'y rut- ting ou her ti^s. ^ * When the bsttle was at aa »dU the P-erhound eleari- ed {)fer to the R»ar ^ore, and Mr Lanca'^ter >vai ’n» the officers of the Fi deral ship to try and pick up ‘ho scores of the Alfti.ama’s crew and ofhoer^ who we-o floating and swimming about. He I: worj l hia vaoht boats, aad .-ac ff tueu. oommanaed by a m%n named Adams was s.cerin? his bo-vt inti a group of a dozen atruggltng percoua when he pace .d a drowntnj; . m some short distance w 'h an offjior’s -,*t, -r j f the roi'n ia the boat cried ou», ‘ Tuat> ,. . ’ the drowning oil ed out • 1 g. : u- , - r. , nvo me; I '*i«n.; ' • ; j- i.-ji %ry . , " ;> . j him into tbs bvat fie /i le-i ;Len ■akp, d.m’t pot sur on ^ oard too Kear-*tre. hi.t'pu; '.re on board your yacht ” .\daiL8 promised to do so, ^ud laid Heuim*‘8 down in the bottom, ar.d nover-^d him with a sail to conjeal hi:o from the K3ar;i3^«>’a boats which were evidently anxijuely searching for him’ When Adams had saved .* boat load he took them on board the yacht, aad f’emmes wa-? at on^e »iJaced below. As soon ,1] that were Pcen in the'wa*f:r were picked up, .-Ir L-ncastrr 'f. away, an4 t;eg*n tj steam out to 8"% Hf. cxo.«oi^rt t^t be should have be^n brought to by a sW frVn the K««rsa(?o. but ehe wm - t„o di.ablud it .apn-^a-^ to after the Deerhound to overhaul her, and thus mee escaped being made prisoner ” A report of the fight rub*ished in the Londin t^»ar says that Capt Semai s ueoided to strike his flaic when tke Alabama was fmni to ba sin’dn^. The flL been shot away t times aad replaced. Th- men bl^ed the Captain not td Mlnte px^f.sniu, *bei»- r alir, sPi sink in the ebip^ l>u-. fue f* wv *„d u vui e Hag hoisttd. .vlci u aie tUe wh.aleboi^t aid dm^v “ h! only two boa‘3 aaii jured, werel wercd, andtf.o w .uml ed men placed in then, aul sent to tr,e Kearj When the boats w-re fail a roaa who ww unwo-inJ'vi eadeavor^.d to ant'.r o^e, bui. was held back by tiie sur- ▼5fi in a sinking coadi i n, »ai asked for boi's to res cue tt? ma All t!:e tt-ailaHlo boats of tho -ear age w re now lowered a.:d msn’)ed; t ut f jfore n Biogle one c -uld reach her tLs Alabataa ''^ot dc W2—fo-rn ci-ar and straight t.) tbe of the ucea.i. S-ff w.p at this time abvut «’X a*l!es outeiie f-., port, »nd ubouf five hundr:;t 7 .rh dietint m 1:9 K -ar-ar - Tlie Ke^r- "age came ic‘o C-:erronrg wi nctr. i- i-> beliftvel, any seriou*! -!»nif*Ke>>, a!t u will r ,4u:r: fc^;' f,oni’e twa weeks prrh*My to r. r .ir. - apt Winslow, frirlDc >s a reason that !-.,a ro r- on. ,0 V r th-m rn,' imm- d=a- toiy p'.rolo4 (be rns.-ers-fve ifiaers vnls ity-iwo man—ir 1 tl-y r- n' ti eb ro. It is Jo. btful wi/ether the action of C.ipt Wir^jl-in-, in parornp: the prisonfrc will r^.e^'t w *b t;,r approbvioa r.f the Govermm*»at It 13 ciQivalen , 80 fa: as bif, uet can make it. to the re coguitinc of Ibe “VolVgcr.r.t ri^>i!,-’ c' t.i i,, Prllish plvate who L>s nevrr^..»,orid » r.bel rort. It mav ha*o (ho eff.-''t to Rr-j. u^Iy ooaiplinatn f^e I'lefit nn 0^ 7 nt ^i'l •n'.'ir. uv..;, Great Jr»taia f'.r prorDrty -*e«'royel t)y tb{« - v„,;u e-rmed, equtp- ed and r ir; an SJap ’ ' was e’rta:alv ia oppc jluont; tue ir U 7ton .■ri"i'" ia >>!gh t i l .p. Wu.Hlow i» M„.icniiy as TT.od»Kt as l-e i* bittv. in i rfe..-ru,:„ed. Ha io » phort ti.ick T i'Lt ih'V.;;V\ ^y th, peopi; here as a vreat hero nr i« port ruatioas of letga. not wit's'.ti: Mom^vfo' roicary dael:: * ;i .u 's wti to a friend. Cnt-’Mu r? ■•j'.tties c ebronoaittcr.1, the uifiaentie^ fl.cte, his m./ii-.y. aad the b He tbea nt-'kr.- 1 :.v iaio mor' i. co'nb* w th it)e sri.'>l7 »t the dii’iane-? of 1‘ i-; •- all Iidti.»’oe tur fs.'.'ier» wjut.ih ''' f I e t Cli'tlt A;i tr I) b :ir>d i-f po'k'tl-i^-'W ■•.? 0:' St li!S Hix!7 . ‘ :-D', . J hr • I ‘ IV 1 ii.T i ves-*-'.. i :•, HT 1 e-ii>-rc • ■ V. .:..r I ill*:; (. 1.1..:-—out 01 ic ti J.^f i il; ilOl ~o now at! rt 11 .As it happ“nc i, .nn I * it fi 'i 1/ '• i ; ' o:i «ut a ccjasioas an E.'g^iiiu ‘C‘i=. la the ', 'e I its owner, .Mr Lancao.ti-, thougtoo vi’ >.-i if the most important naval engHZ'meui!* lixoly i-i ccur i.i his time was w.rih :ho risk ot a stray s-io:. His wife, liiice »uA i-*uiiy w.- cn bo=»r . tut. a« dou'’t they flbared hi-, inter.'t: in pp ctacle. Tiie fi'iop began ju"' w - L i n?vd li'" i t t. the Erst lesdon in the biOu-vi;;: i.trt.^e- As pucs if the Al«b-»i»ia had H-cn ’ : -'i.l f.'r iwo i,.oi>8a>’i y-ird-', a'^d the :‘v-i 0 •- trcm . 14-; K ; ».>•, tV-a* w ; T-,,b-b'v i.;-j 1. • sa >e-»t tJ -tt r. Jwi'tt- .t e phipj wt-rr ntx * rtr iha:: a } .*;-c • of a'i-ii.j Ice Alabama fliel i^ni.^k>r. ■ ';I 150 f.unJr; the Kearsage fire t ab ••. ■ >-:ly 11 'uch sh. llB One of *' t6i5 BlitUs bick •-■■ -.-I!*'* T'ldH«r^ pel'ed bar to hoia' eait is ij~;. .ji>.;;cr a/i.-r ■ an aour ■ u..rV • could on y ixjd.k_* lU. l.f-: .. I- ,- 1 herb ut g Pursuits' .,ur cJinpi.i(,';7t* roa:;lojry, this b-.'iars as to tbe *• •■^r’l'us of tie ;.'ra)'.n; ani it was at tbe vtr-; ‘i:-: t;.ai. vt c ir 'f- vr, ^fc’c li" caiiig. aa well as they ecu'd, t tae argaai-nta »r the'■loquence of our p eache:*, li ^.. ihe vtry -. vng ioc den. of dei:'' »a'i vi re-c^t' iv A pl«.- -. Ui - bourg—I'eprr^Ju-il MnSiinr 0" ? ’ " ni-, - ok !Dg up 'the Jro*'D,ug >-xr- r, s.-" lefi •> i* a ire cf the JJicriiOur.d, witu t. ^erriaj-^-, tl-: i-ii'j; i-ffic-’TS. uf 1 •jn.i? of ■' cn r Th"! '■ea wfv ;r‘.io to tt J ; lh‘>f ca'y O' ft-.e i flriu^ v .. a .ii-. * * . caiu- in!o tbe Oiajs'e^ of th- ir t)* y ;t.ui 1 .r life, all t'’«r cared lu-. .ir o.ciin-iu It-,-shoii’J nt f'.ll’nto r-l,*ra'’’1 • b' Uorc-'-r'* ; j, h.; his beti; tucu to ■ " i 0 *1? t ‘-*y rcu iy.-d j ;> 1.4 i e ?'xOt: '..jI T-j !i'-i p-»'»acB ‘ . i;u..«Ti t'.ty »^f -(e Kears .ge 'isrily ;d he- gur-i. in' ! o^' c .ur- e t on e- wbat her nore . " ’jcmup crew, b.^ not )*e '.a nioro pj7i*rful Ei'i'ihiuerv, wJ*ioa eiiibled iicr to mov* quicker eud mau«evi»T9 1; :ifi easily >Ve »'■ bcc >m:r5 acou- ni.icd to #Ova?C tha.. ouy four ye»r-« ego w;uld have br a iSough*. appaihng, aorrible and T'rrt'!n?';u“. T.'ii;^: t.' aq.tiet .-.•.■aileaan. with rriie, niece and famuy, p' rhvp- go'.eri.es3 aad scrv-uts! having wUncr.scd at th ir ra, 5 nn r«iag, a flight. no» bslwcac trro c'o'ie .• tw doga. but tvro ni’d of war, b few hou.« e.ail^ Soutr.ampt..u la frot thpy :.ud 1^6 surviva.s o? the s jip d.struyod were T»alk- ing abcut Southxmptoa and ehoppini^ on Minuay m uu- iug. Them ai pe*-rs to h--vr 1 eoa ■% v .r/ respecii.,.t) allowane.’ of kill**i wounded an! m -isia:?. and siacng the latter is an I'ng.ish surge: a, «»bo i- p;ippooed to htv^ gJie to th.3 bottom u tdo m ■' t -f his i.IctJiric patt;*n't3 t^3 slir.’I Itn'iw v.-r- i.iy vnt.her (ac chains hurg - u -'id-? !‘:c E-'.;; , • . »ci her To t’l app"'!*-. -!ieo th'^y luU ta-i, It- ;.^c a.^;ir.iit„!toly fa-jt th** p’r.e of th - .1' ' 'P'otinded hi-Ts gone down r-ith he t'., ; ’is r ;.I'i proNab!/ Have been ’ie-.»rly i'ie • r: e 0^ b'»i': fi *f-s upor (Japt quested i.v Hem r.en on tho ^ he inlo«ded to tight and woJiVot doUy hiro^nor; WiuhK w reports totua l>,-u t tu,u be w.m re. ' ..’L'* Chjrbt-crg th*n a day or two. [This, wj r.upr o^e .as > reply to the ohallmto to fij;h‘, though Vankae n^!?*,!. construe it as t chaiienga /Vom Hem.a's 1 Ha ta« fk fight iastei an hour at a distance of 8U0 yards Th« Kearsage rccelvel 25 o- r?o 12 or 1.3^in hull i>as appreheaa.353 of trouble from only one a lOO lb shell lu tho gter.a whioh is ye» uacrolnied saya the ships were abouteq iftllyEJttfshf.i low, yankee p»p»n eay, entered the Navy i j I827 ha» tog been appoinfed from North t.’.-rolina, tbouirh a «in' 2-n of Ma^s:.ohcseUB Foreign sentimeBt is all for Semmes, who is to »'•' prosen'^d with another ship at onoo nayp^** ^ork Hereld “The sinking c-f the Afaban-a htis been the theme 0' every tongue, ani the gossip of evry citerie Hapt* Se-ni>et is the > r--> .-f (i.,, 5 ».s (he pti-of Engl mi ” And (eon of the ahip, Mr. Llewellyn, sou of the r.-ot-ir of a pMieh in Wiltshire, “flee,” »e said, “I want to cave my life tu maoii as you do; but Ir.t the wounded men be •STcd first.” “Dootor,’’ said Ui« ofiioer ia the boat •‘we o.M» make room for yon ” -I will not peril (be woottded men.” was his reply. He remained bekiad Md MBk wiiit the aJup—a lose oaoh deplored b/ aU mcr 0W fore oe hi*.l ocet, P ,ore fo-ty-efrht. h.-ijr.s, arrs r I w-r- 'T. I ,r fur.iisbinij him aaotl>T shin, lit avl powevful than tne ill o-.n i' P*; before be h«d hce lip, more “« >>Kl »»ei> He •J,ra»r Thame, A^l t *1’' *•» »«>« his^oo^mand in such ataytia'rhro T Yavhre /iaul ntar \\‘ilmhijton.—J.,itc yankee papers have the loll-rviu^ par.igrap.h:—• A very daricgami h.^iirdou.s expclitio!i, whioh proved quite succe^ssfuK was nndenakon bj' ('apt. Cushing, of the United SUtcs Nitv, in the vicini ty of Wilmington, X 0., o.a tho 24lh uit,, ia a cutter with only tiirtoen men. Ife rau uahi.ic, concealcd his meu by day, atiJ undo m regular rrcoanoiH.sano« of tho huburbs ol Wilmint'ton. IIo captured a (toiirior with 1 vaJt’ablc ra.-ii!, took Hevfiral prisoner.', ^;ud raa the >:auatlct of tho rebel gunboats in ^'ettiof: back, which he did Hafely, alter an ali-j'tncc oi' t!;r'e days ai^d two nights. Rccciffr’s I%«f!ce. ''imK ur^ereif:aerl wP.t atica i tb ntzt ounty (J urt^ A o' Moore, Rwndolph, and Chatb m, tor t'he r iirpooe of rooeiving the intoreet due upan a:l debts t-j.-; 10 Confederate Staica of AmericK* cn aooount of tbe 8e- Ezeoutions will ieiue for tbo in'ei-'st aut\ c->si9 Por. quest-aiion and CoBfisoati«> Act^?, if I’ot wv'd protaptlr' sons having oT’deno'-s of debt or proi ortv i-» tboir J belongiag to alioa fQsmliB, are r*>qulr!id to surr-nder the oame to me, end to give iaforn»at;.>n nf nny orop- tty liable to a.?qn3i.tnk*ion whioh hjks m.t h'j e oforV K^en returaed to me. July 7. JOHN MANNING, ''r ,Afcnvr 49-w.ik3w3i? To (he T«x Payers of Moore €oautr. Frid^^ 16t.h; .^.btal'ia K 11 •Morris’s. 3Ioo'?ay 18; i; ] day 21s Hatnrdiy 2JJd cost Pi*vr«, M«,tnr »r- ir,th; p' -“’'3-lo'irH, Tn' : T 19- 1- U Qraharo s, Weln^-do- ‘.’U >; M-nc’ , 1 H;.r n-s T>^ur!! Mrs. »»rr.*tf-. Kn.r.-,'2. ; »al c’rth-rc, All ara req-.ia=t'i to attead s,o4 siva , , K. H WORTHY. S^ff « arthage. J11J7 10. ^*9 2yr £40«.t—$!!i9 Reward. ON Lower LittJe River, on the 1st day of July a m^ium sizsd RKD HUOND DOG. A rswa«^ will be paid for u«9iiTdry to J- A. M0KA.Y, FayetteTlUe. 12. 4».lt*U “Th?re is about a> much i-xcitemcnt »8 uaoertainty hcut tbe rcb^l raid into Mary Und and Pennsylvania R-ipi Ttfi variible as to the number of rebel troops ” no havo crossed tbo Potom»c They are making their appcarauce in so m^ny places that the greate. t r'-'uij prevails in the small towns of the border coun- li;They were uniijjubfe-'ly in some force within a of Frederick yesterday, on the Hagerstown r>ike. i-ni? tciii^croements were arriving to proicot the place Heverc skirmishing took place tho dat^ pi^vious,^ at Magau’s Mountain, eight mile’ from Frederick, which resulted in the Union troops falling back and engaging them with artillery. It Is al.-^o true that the ene- r\j cccitp'ted Hagerstowa and Middletown for a lime, aui did couai.uraMe plundering in both plaoes, and actually H ivanct'd as far intf' PenfisyiTsnia a.? Oreen- castle Whilp it; Harper’s Ferry they dectr^yed all the railroad prrpeity there, including the teUgraph Bui tiekr't cfti ‘1*6 Ttiey alno burned a large quantity of I T%fO “Tb-j f rC'’» are stiil able (o hold Maryland Ho'^Htrt, bow"ver, and Vei p tbe enemy ia checli until Oca Uun'er’s an-jva'. whio-b cannot be locg delayed, f >r he i* ’-^ow rrobrbly al r near Cumberland Gena f'-rg l anJ Kuhl wera relieved of command yestcrdsy .' .il PTi’ red to Tepo'^t to him Frederick city was safe r>! Jciiht, Gan. Wallace keeping the enemy in oheck. A d’-pi'ch from S'*fliy Hook last night eays the r* •! arc a-an nnrnicg ircn".'tr in that place. L lire* f re wow ''Uning. T^e b,-i'^ge over the Pn?i cJo»h is abo in ti»-nae8, tbo ciutltgration tasting a \ ’ of I'-'ht over ihe country f-f iriiles '' ' ■'•r.exbibitei by ■'• ■■ people i? '’nid to be dis- ptv' vj ' ■'"an'tod opp s- cn of oi‘it»ns i** thought r' '( .,y ; ■» 11 fleeing with tbeir {.rop^rty. Sawf f-iff*.' 11 the feurral cry” (/f’*.1:-•''’i'.r.^'ous n^wa i-i the p\p rs of the 8ih we .• ji-.; t.Jild U».d go~e np to‘274J aai cl )Oed at tiGti G-n P K L’s’f pe.vonal propeuy. chairs carpets, V.r.:k« pictu'er Ac Ac [^iloloa fr-»ra Arlington] wa' t- ('■ SjI! ^VashiPirton on the 18ih L*ncolu has far ' »r .August 4lb as a day cf fasting, humilia'.ion »ui I *y-^r Capt Winslow ;a to bo iiiaia a Comruo- 1 V*. c^c'y fcwarJ was struck by a rookrt on tte 4th lai' ove ti e e*-'.* He made » c&vrow csc^p tbe ■ vil, !t is r L~a»-': tahiag c»re f his own. Mr. /”'-^en ’''u ca'c'ed *'e Tr^asurj L**.p't •No h ag cf tntoiiHt rcpoitel f-eia Ure-.;''a asuxj, ex O'pi tVtt he in i-b;ui to rnak® t>no:ber ‘ ‘ rilli-^nt more T-i nt *' Tt»o **•»■» ir.irk ller*l > of tSe 9th is ?till mystifed a' tho''nTaalon, the >ariou3 te'egraphio repo'^ts -t^'it 't maVifg i*. 0-* (be '^n'• band, a d»«h by s few * o.'Ec t!-i»ves. !-n I • a 'ifo o'! or Ler ani two thirds of V't TPrv. Frcrj tfce vaft v^ri- ty of dispstf'hes the 11 rtl 1 T—fi u^^^>U d. le’-tiiltio trb?-e it*» reb"*i v-_re « :; -i.Me-ile'i the whole piuio An to tha politic*’ eflc't tie Il rel.t ib'ak.n th*t everr tin’e a Ssutoorc rrs’y • ■.»s''->t P-i.oTBv:'it rfren^^t’f-n^ the A'Jmtn Btrjitioa • ^.i.t ii fi.-nphfie! -\’i gtieet o:-s and issues tbfci are r* • }>enp> It bolts all p'litic« down t i o Iito 't!. of tiie public e-.' cir on -iCo a»nJ and the 'ijv. rn- ■■ on '.i** rti’er, ft: 1 erery cn^ etan’s by tbe GoV' > n of Tho situa'iou wa5: P.-rderi-i; r I-, D t atiy “ ".if; H.i.t (*r’s Ferry re pose-ese'; the > ■» ri.'■ I'-.-rrn frj-^ Grevarvttle Pa Heavy c. n •» I’rierr ^"re Icvie * at P»T«rs‘.c jTT. f'ha’’bersburg, .,r.'jrrof :.CR^t-o. iO nil-8 f the B & O rail.-, li ari.i “^tL - '-ar 'taa! bri-’g'j wpr.? .-fes’roy'd Tiia ia;d, the lie r'd tj’ou-rbf, wai nrarly “played oat.” fS to olber mat'ers, gold pcld on thj Sth at 2 r'o*; ga* 272 Tb-* Pf«-raU ei'l'^ oa Lincoln to de a; d that Capt f-'e'itiaee be 'delivered up to the Unh«d It snys *he ‘ dcasa'Jd of my L.ord R'JrspU for t ..»• roj'.it-lion of Ma^o^ ati l Slidell will answer for the f .rr. of the E.vpUc’ticu—iliat is to say, a few empba’io •sor'1 frc^a Mr. Sewar J,'* rr>uph Mr Adams, with f- »r ;;!ore li?h»irg ehipt? in tho Britiak t'hannel ” be tTesEUTy not* bureau are printing notes at tbe rat' of one n'l!icn of dollars per day, which is soon ex- rec ed tsb-i doubled, and ibis not enough, the govern- m-’-t being in arrears to tbe nrniy for their pay ninety uii'UoM of doUaTB. The Ferald says: It is generally eapposed we vill poon brve great battles in Vir^iata K-.i'i Ge'fiia. ani till* tbi robellija vr^ll culipin^stp in d.f-. a* or viciory ti-foro the Ncvsmbtr elccfio" t>n 1''? lOih, it seems that the rail 03mm*aeeJ ‘ play- rn? ^n” A conaiderab’e battla b^en fought, the 7.-bf-’i bad gAltei a victory, Frsderick (-'safe” on tae it ii) w^-a in our bwnd«, and Baltimore in a ncare. The ’.7asbiagtca Chnaiclo of the lOthoontains thefol- Iovri.:i» olCoial illspfttoti; ‘ V.’ASHiKOTrta, July 10, 1AM —;>i»j Gen. Dix; »n ol&uial report from M-j Gen Wallace, Just receiv «d, s>a i}8 that a battle t03k plao) between He forces under his oommand and the rebels, oommenoing at 0 a. m , and continuing ontil 6 p. m , that our forois were at length overpowered by superior forces of tbe enemy »Tid were forced to ro!iro in disoruer. He roporLs th%t Col. 8eward of the Kentuoky Artill-»ry was takrn pri son**!; that the OMewjy io at icast 20.000 e ron^, and tb.a*. Brig. Goa. Tyler -;?6h alto taken prisoner; th«t our troop» behaved well, but sufifered Bcvorsly. He is rtitreatiO£ tc Billitnore. Bi'wf’i M. Stajiton, fieo’yofWar. Is o mseq ; lice, Fredi-riok wae cvscuated, an I oocu- pic-J i y Btcokinridge «ad 12,000 rebels. Bal!'more •S-aE ia latenie excii.«iueut, and tije Q »vernor of Mary- Ir.Rd h-*d iseuo i a proclamation d«os»rio«; tho !a”cer luiiniaeat and calliug upon every io/al man to prepare t J mee' the rebel advaaco oa Baltimore The dispatchas in the Obroniole of tlio 11th eay that t&e rebels are all over Ballimoro County, and 10,000 ii>arobing oo the eity Tao Northern (Jentra! railroad was cut 15 milf» from tho oiiy. The B & O. railroad was grea'ly dan>agcd. The Ashland Iron Works, 14 miiee from the oily, were destroyed A body of rebels was on ttte York road, 7 miles from the oity. And 1500 more were off to destroy the bridjre OTor the Bnsqa-- hanna bcl.woen Baltimore and PtailaJeiphia. The ro- bela were also reported to have struck the Baltimore and Wasbington Road at Laurel, and were at Rookville, 18 mil*^' Nortk cf Washington, against whioh city the real EO'^ewent was euppoeed to ba. The yarkee loss in th* Mouooaoy fight was said to be 1000. The rebels burnei mauy public aad prirate buildings in Hagers town Over in PennBylvania there was thought to be an otter Its-rge foroo, and of course a panio. Despatches frcHi a newspaper correspondent at Grant’s headquar- terB CB the 9th eay the invasion of Maryland is believed to be fnsifnifioant, as the Riohmosd papers make no menlien of the forces engaged in it. '.fbe Chronicle o' the 12 'i, (m wo ie^m by telegrams dated Petersburg, inly 14, and received here on Satur- cjay. has'iong aocc-anla of the invasion. On the 11th ex-GjT. Bradford’s residence and other honsea, on Cbarlea Street Av.nua. 0 miles froni Baltimore, were burned by the rebels, by order of Gen. Bradley Johnson, in retaliation for the Earning ot Qov. Letcther’s Nsi- dsnoa at L*zii>gton, Va. All Bradford’s papers and library were consumed. The feeling of resentment was inteaae. The long Vridge over Gunpowder^ nn the PMla- delphia road, was burned oa the 11th, as also 9 cars iwiththemaUa. Keporied also that tha bridges over Bush rifw Md BUanv Ba iv» bomd, Md BaUiaoct ML off from all r*llro»d and t^legnph eommonioation ex cept with WasSiegton, as to which fears are f«U B«- funes are pouring into Baltimore from all direotiom* SeoesBlonleta in Baltimore ate confi lent, and say that Washington will be shelled If not captured. The Banks and Insurance Cos had deposited valuables on steamers to leave at a moment’s not oe. Therehelfibad oap*ttrcd tho morning train from Philadelphia, 20 miles from B«^Uimore, and with it Maj Gen Franklin. Diapatohes say that tbe rebel forc« a'oaad Baltimoro is net over lOfX) cavalry under Harry Gilmore, “yo* the Ameriaai. s->ys they have a city sure”—» very dv»fln=t« eaying of th« Amerinan’d. Gen Tyler, captured at Monocacy, is rat.orted to have eseaped The yankee Gsn Hunter re-’oa;;i-ic • Martirsborg and Hagerstown on the 11th, but tho rebels hold the pansea of South Mountain Gen Grant has sent word thatk« can »*t«ni loRioh- m^nd eatisfaotorily if the frroee at Baltimore -us'J Wa«h ington can take care of those fUow. I^lspafcii-B from Grant’s headquarters say that theinvisien is looked on as a farce, very few cf Lee’c troops having gone from hia firmy The rebel forces were in line of battls --n the 7th street read, 8 miles from Wst'^ingU.n «)n Sunday ef'ijrnoon there was fighting froto 3 to 9 o’ol''ok at Tenally Town; theFed*rals were driven ia 6 miles, and r«i»e! shells were falling in 2 miles of the oprtre of Washicgton City. Oa Monday afternoon there was skirmifhing. Some 8 or 10 t>ou!>ea near the rebel line were doetroyed t« pveveot their ue« by the rebels 62 defenoos. The rebels were in large force a' SiN^r tpriog, Blair’s farm, 8 milea from the city E^iit''ri8lly, the Chronicle says that within sight of tbe Capitol armed hoBts are thuodering dcfianee *o the o'”® St it” ted aotho rities of the nation; but it says Washiogton is the best fortifi''* City in America, and seems hopeful Parties h^ve b-en arres'ed in Wt^skingtoa for manufacturing*?Faioa fl'^gs Abnpt d:*Tl'ght on the 11»H the Florida •rsd burn“d a B*rqoe just off Cape Henry. Three goa- bof-tij ^rom fta’-’more tre after the Florida. The Wa*-hirigton Star of the I2th (afterBoou) navs bat along the wbola line tho rebels prf.seni. a much b*ilder front i»an on th.^ 11 ik. The railroad hatween Baltimore and Wafbing'on is effwtuall^ brokfn np. Prisoners ray the reb*! f jroe is %0 000 Tbe Chrcn^cte of she IJ^tb “ays that tH is quie* at Baltiti'oro »t!d the city s»toa?Iy defended 1’rominent eeoeHsioaists h’.ve bcou airoaitd. I’o rebels within ‘-0 mik.^ of Balitmor^ Gunpowder bridge wi!l bo re paired in a ^tw days O'a Tjlar ccrfainly captured cr killfd At W ishington the rebols were receiving reinforcements, and the Baltimore t^lipper’e report says they have come with the determination to suooeod in th*> undertaking, and they will net turn b; t with out a tb' roDgh and lasting defeat. The Ohroniile says there wos irregalar skirmishing at Martinaburg all day. «nd it wis belioved that tbe rebehi werf retiring to Ilarre*’s Ferry. Lincoln’s wife and several mem bers of Congres? roJ? to the front to watch the fight on Tuesday evening f’ouch and Hunter are reported to have formed a Junction at Frederick, Md, though the rebels hold the passes in Bouth Mountain The railway and t^leffraph between Washington and Baltin>ore were out after 12 on Tuesday Laurel and Point Branch bridges on Wash ington and Baltimore railroad were burnt by rebels on Tuesday, and roai cut in five different places The f^hronicle sera it will take some time to repair the rotid. Surarer of Maps, was on the train »*ith Qen Frtnklie, but was not reconnlaed and escaped Tho Chronicle says the crack of rebel rifles is heard in tho very envi rons of Washington. .A letter from Nashville, July 9th, pays the final and decis've battle fo« Atlanta must shortly oooor in ths vi cinity of that city, and should Johnston stand, Sherman ill prc1»ably cease flanking and deliver b.attle The Florida has oar’ured five raorn v?s«c’s MONDit Fiyre'ujn N^w«.—The Oonferenoe to settle the Danish War has aJjourned nine die, its propo sitions rejected by both partitw, and foreign dates to the 8let say that the war has begun again with a prespcct of England’s being in it. It is thought that tho Dcibyitea wouid b^at iho Palmerston Ministry and break it up on tho Danish queptiop. As to American affairs the London Times eays it is obviou.** that Grant only resorts to present manoeuvres because his original plan failed. Ho has expended one hundrel thousand inea with absolutely no results, and begins, to all intents, a new campaign, with the disadvantages of his army diminished by enormous loti^ and dispirit ed by obvious failures. The Herald’s London correspondent says that a splendid ship is being fitted out by Tom Bold, of Liverpool, for Capt. Semmes. Two rebel oraisers are reported watch ing the Kearsage off Cherbonrg. ^'apt. Semmes’ New Ship.—A letter in the Paris Patrio states that Capt. Semmes haa an nounced that on tho 15th of August he will again embark on a new Alabama, which will at that date bo completed. The seamen of the old Ala bama will form part of the crew of the new- Thf Ahh ^ma't Crew.—The Alabama’s crew numbered 120 men. Seventy-two were saved by t^e Kearsage, 40 by the Deerhound, and seve ral small squads were picked up by French ves sels. So that few, if any, wore drowned. f^romotinnt.—Lieut. Gol John Ashford, to be Colonel 3Xth N. C. T., to rank June 13, 1864; Lieut. Col. J. H. Netberoatt; to he Colonel 66th N C. T., to rank June 3, 1864; Maj. O. W. Flowers, to be Lieut. Colonel 38th N. C. T., to rank June 13, 1864; Capt Thos J. Dula, to be Lieut Colonel of 58th N. C T., to rank June 16, 1863; Maj. Clement G. Wright, to bo Lient Colonel of the 66th N. C. T., to rank June 1864; Capt. J. C. W’'ilson, to be Major 30th N. C. T., to rank June 13th, 1864; Capt. J. W Lattatobe Major 66th N. C. T., to rank June 30, 1864. f ol. J. H. Nethercn't.—Lieut. Colonel J H. Nethercatt is not dead as heretofore announced in this paper. He was not much injured oven Goldsboro' State Journal. The Supreme Court has adjourned, after tbe transaction of much important buaines>, all the Judges having been present during the entire scdiion —Raleigh Conjederate. Arrival «/ B>cjni.—Wo announce with pleas ure that a steamer has just arrived in Wilmington with a large quantity of Baoon, which has been imported by Guv. Vance, tor the wivos aod fam ilie.s of the soldiers and tor the dostittite of the State. The Bacon, we learn, will be distributed as tuoa as it can be brought to the different depots lor th^t. purpose A la»‘ge numbor of ecythe blades arrived iu tho name steamer. They were also imported on State account—but unfor tunately they arrived too late for harvest. They will bo useful however next year. Ral, Ootuei'vative. Thr. Yankees in Prince George ( ounty^ Va.— We conversed with an aoquaintaDoe yesterday who left Prince George Sunday. He informs us that Grant’s army is stretched from his linea im mediately to the east of Petersburg down to City Point The people without exception have suf fered the loss oi every thing that can oontribnte to the support of life. Meat, bread, craps, cattle, and in several instances, even furniture, have been t«k.ea from them. Many hitherto wealthy fami lies of tha county, are now drawing rations of hard tack and salt pork from the Yankee Commis sary, and their negroes are engaged in cooking and washing for the invaders.—Pet. Ex.^ \2th. Yelloio F^'ver among the Tanhe«$.—Great ex citement has been caused in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, by the appearance of the Yellow Fever. It was taken there by the “Do Soto,” and thirteen fatal oases have ooourred Vv ■ K NEWP. From Johnston's Array —Atlanta, July 12- —No ohange in the position of affairs during the last three days The enemy i*’ in position on the north side of the river Gov. Brown call ed out every niau between 18 and 50, to rcpotf at Atlanta. Atfanta, July 13—The enemy are mapsine on our right?«riear Koswell. Portions of the yankct; army are oa ♦’ic Seuthsido ot the (.Jbatta- hoochee. Atlanta, July 14.—Two brigades of Yan kee cavalry crossed the Chftttuhoochoe at Mjore’s bridge, nine miles from Lewanon last tight, acd were mot by Armstrong’s brigade cf oavttlry md driven back, and the bridge burnt TUe E»emy ag>iiii Repulsed at Chnrle.'ton.— Charleston, July 12.—To Gen G. T Beaure gard: The enemy attacked Battery Simpkins last night and were repulsed W e have driven them from John’s Island. Their fleet dropped down last night below Battery Island. All the availa ble force of the enemy from Jacksonville his been operating against this place since tbe 2d inst Major Gen. Foster is commanding iu per son. S. Jones, Major Qeueral. From Mittiuippi.—KiCHMONU, July 16.— The following was received to day: ‘‘We attacked a column of the enemv under Smith yesterday, on the march from Pontotoc, Miss., to Tupelo, causing him to burn many wagons. We attacked him in oositi )u at Tupelo tViis morning, but could not force his position. The battle was a drawn one, and lasted three hours.” From Petersburg.—During the small hours of Monday night, there was brif-k picket firing; and yesterday, there was frequent firing from cannon and mortars. As to a general aseault on our line?, there was no sign of it, and it is a mat ter ct much doubt whether Grant oontemplates another assault. Even his hard head has been somewhat softened by repeated butting, and his bull-dog tenacity of purpose has been much re laxed We were aga*n subjected to a bombardment three times during yesterday, but tbe i«iissilcs accomplished less than on any day which has ftreceded We heard of no accident to life and imb. and if a building was struck, except by a harmleiiB, wellspent fragment, we have yet to learn it. The few people who are left in our city, are made to seek shelter, but beyond this, they are subjected to no inconvenience. A fight occurred yesterday near Lee’s Mill, Prince George, in the vicinity of the Plank road. The enemy advanced with infantry and cavalry, but were promptly met by Gen. Fifz Lee’s cavalry division, and repulsed. We cap tured 81 prisoners, belonging chiefly to the ad vance guard of the enemy. Th© enemy retired, and being reinforced, advanced again at 3 o’cltjck but were again repulsed by Gen. Fit* Lee. We captured an aujutact, who was too severely wounded to be carried off Our loss was but one man wounded. The enemy is trying to work around again towards Reams’ Station. He is evidently anxious to re-occupy those fortifica tions so b!v»>tily thrown up on th'' night of the 29th.—Pftershurg Express, V6th Ci^tlUMn Co., .’f. €., Jaly 9,18W. . 9SR8 L J. HALK St tiO'^S: — a lari^e aad re- sp30table Conveoti.^n oooipoeed jf delegates from almost every portion of tha oouaty of Ohathaia, who as- scmblei io the town of Pittsboro’ oa th** 28th dav ' June 1804, thefoUowlog ticket wtw uaaaimoual e- ■ natod as suitable persons for candll^'. ^ >o " - r ■ the floanty ia the next General A«b*-5>* ' lo-ri 3LI8HA H STltAUaa^N fo- C JAMK8 H. HEADiiN, WM. P. HABIiKT aad TfKOMAS gAEfcAR for Um Goaiaeas. MIyft. From the ValUy of Virginia.—A well-known cititon of Fre-i’rick Co , writing from Winches ter, 8th inst., says: The daring and “bloody re bels,” came in force on Saturday, the 2d inst, wbf-n we, tho oporessed and desolate, were per mitted io breathe again—not to live as we did of old. tor really the yankee nation have eaten up and otherwise destroyed our substance. Tbe advanct> pressed on t»ward.s the Potomac, and on Monday captured Martinsburg. The ar- Bpy stores obtained there were immense, e.speci- aiiy oata, corn, bacon, flour, Ao. The prisoners weie few—some 200 at that point. The surprise was great, but not complete. Tho destination and design of the expedition has not transpired. July 8.—Our forces took possession of Freder ick City y«9terd&y. Harper's Ferry is in our possession, bridges burnt, and a large amount of stores captured A few of our boys were wound ed at Harper’s Ferry. A letter is sa-d to have been received from ar officer with our forccs in Maryland, saying they were on the railroad between Washington and Baltimore, on the night of the 9th, and had or ders to march at 4 o’clock next morning, in the direction of the latter place. Vast quantities of supplies and a large- number of horses have been captured by our forces, since they crossed the Potomac, besides damaging the railroad and canal to a great extent.—Rich Sen., 13f/t The Victory of the 23/ o/^une^^hc War Department has received official details of this brilliant affair in which Brig. Gen. Mahone, com manding Anderson's division, with a portion of his eommasd, inflicted such a severe blow upoQ Hancock’s corps, on the extreme left of the yan kee army around Petersburg. With only about 3,000 efeotive men and a battery of four Napo leons, under Captain McIntosh, he flanked tho enemy’s lines and drQve them in disorder and consternation more than a mile back upon their reserves and on a strongly fortified position on the plank road. With his limited force he was unable to press the advantage, or the result would have been much more extensive and decisive. As far as it went the sucocss was complete, leaving in our hands tangible fruits of victory, the evidence of whioh could not be gainsayed or controverted even by the hsbitual falsifications of the Federal press. Our casualties were compara tively slight, summing up 53 killed, 282 wounded and 48 mi.ssing. The trophies consisted of 1,660 prisoners, including 57 commissioned officers, 10 stand of colors, 4 pieces of artillery, and 1,571 stand of small arms. The enemy made repeated attempts to regain the works and the artillery he had lost, all of which were promptly and deci sively repulsed. The extent of his loss in killed and wounded is not known; but must have been very considerable.—Rich. Sentinel, 13fA. VAJ¥CE T1C'KET8, To be had at this Office. I Fellow CltfWDS or Fampsoa Coanty. am a candidate for a seat in the House of tJomnons in the next Legiala*nre of North Oarolioa. As it may be impossible for roe to f-anvasa the County at this Pwiod. I take this method of briefly stating my position. I was not an original secessionist aadi de precated this ^ar as much as any other man, bat have been a lealoos supporter of it ever since we wero forood into it by the proclamation of Lincoln I am for peaco as soon as it can possibly be obtained oa honontble terms I can assure you my Fellow Citiaens, I have at heart only what I oonoei^** to be for the best interest of oar common Countrr, ai>d if electod shall do ail in mv power to promote the honor and interest of North Caro lina W. H BRYAN. Jaly 8th, 1804. 49-te The Irieiidti ot I^ieut^ JOHN McLu HARRINGTON announce that ventloman aa a suitable perstm to ba viTted for for Sboidff of Ebu-oett coanty, at the eiflotlaa to be -1 the first Thorsday in Aoguf>t next MANY VOTJSBS. A« t H. 24*4tpdJWte . • ^"’iterprise CJotfon factofl^ • o-.- 1 t;j exchange for corn or bacon the . r^pua Tarn. ! . .iod Snnunur Cloth. This Thread is of a aupecioc quality, not aorpaaaad by any in the (Joa- federacy. 6^. BRANDT. Cl The price ot ba 810 00 a y*-A And Id tby saoj a year. _With gruttt r advance the prii But for the fa swelled to mure supply with the that we desire— which have bect rather thuD an i prefer to reduce scarcity of moot in the price of p many thousands It is tme ihat o kiereasing—-tel which C03t U3 Ht we would have tioual cost of pa and comparalivt July 11, I-C^ The »rkat counts under thi from bciorc \'t -■ from the prodigi them. W0 hopi cure a sat'o - he could scarcfl tion by Grant, il tire army liack t fthould Karly expedition w.ll 1 lion.-! of busheis cattle aud prisuu than all lhe»e is imagiued tbe * j thatt.«eu. Lee co stand tiracl g Lu or thirty thousan GriiQlwbenevcr i ments. If eveu Gen. Lee io etro -There's l.ft- ;i tiea. Siephcu tory in the .Sout are gomg wu » Tuk I.o,-3 or 1 evenis jt' the liia in Europe a? wei tie bt-Tweeu the might have beea tiOE would littveli the reputuUou ol is the ttti t. iicii with uuihuT..»'i-> his gal in:;.v?. tune—u ry;..paiQ be tor:! w.t„ -jro' the AL •iHi gf the uUt- • i-iTt poflsibllltj- if llaV “guesi ol' I'.aglau the New Yorii Ih with which SemiU' to put Lini atluiii \Vt wopy copio tic i*uu t'ic iwJUiti It sivi ’ that giveci ’xprcs^ ord his ba:;:ie--''? oeiu^j truction -it yaaii( true, and it was d( thejudgiuenl mal the gallant apint 1 It will l»e seen j Iron-plaliuif—a sometimes worn ® famous all the wc Kktal;.\t;o.v.- has been taken, within whose hmi tK cordiiuoe with gns without uotif sick, and has bee ject than to dest nou-comb'Jitauts, kill aud the yanl hope of c-apturio ces our governtt a number of ya? high officers, to The yank-2e gov of our high offi city. This is nt the city is uot a the yaniiee forti suppose that th kee officers in 1 ce.-*, but for the inent relented, within the -bell Cjuarifrs i:i a pi have reuK ved 1 We hi»vt-1; Ufi out lUiy the i 1..00K OUT FI A friend ia Ch committed by ueScft^rs, as ti who, on edn of Capt. T. J.’ and took liis g Goldstou, BtU’ Bent; then to . At ilr. A. J. it was not io the directi euit, but did iieaidea the t‘ 'I'his robbe scoundrt'ls h‘ ing the peopl resist the ] them up. K be cari'ful h the meu be pluck and sk' A Mail F the mail whi ceeded only hor»; giving tumevl is a provoki' number Bai iWXt _ Warientou,