11*? ni X. r tl.-lU •‘1 iiiui iic fcii o- u; with S .k lihic'" M-lti ji:- t d. r cd ^’V Au’ ^ biiU ■rg I!V*h UiU' U » s ?i«. d' K' n;irt iVui-t* ■i ■ i>. I> i> n»*' '' , ■ lCuu \ llic i wi.’i ar I b"’'? I riv H'' ^Tul irtin d. A low ;! • !c II ir.neolijuHi ' -I , T' 0 il -y uf tv.' il’ .1 tiJ.UU uii i r i'lirk litid 1-- il' V, i-i M- hi' l i >»y uol-'ft'od hiiii. , ■• ’> .-.iii'itrv :i r '* : I i .ii ' r rr ,'i.s un M !'r- • I ’ ■;!'! ntfii k- V •: vU ur ';:-j ;t - A V3’ u- O'iur o i, t!’c ’.'Ho.'! i i. Of CAnapiracies, or attempts to libet- ato j)ri»onera of war held by the Oonfedel'ato States. X. Of conspiracies, or attempts or prepa rations to aid the enemy. XL Of persons advising or inciting others ((•ir U' - ti A /h'ftiCil, .? V'-r Ro- - - a'f* . ‘V or oi finy kiud^ aot etmmWated n a^;* t J ■ u” IlL p..ccdn.- paragraph, between Aetimas I S.i! ’4C?>. o c ;ifoi ;b3 infercet on «ho Seqaoa [^.^,510,1 tiierein, 10 J^t'r cent., m aodltion to :. A'ri 1) ^ i I ijie D'st-io*, Tis: i gnch pn'tits as incomo, under the ‘^•V^ 20 .4 21. •• I act aforesaid. •>r, 2^ 29, •• i III. On the amount of profits exceeding , - . - wiLL>eH, Bcceivpr. eont., nirA*e (luring either of the years to abandon the.Contederate cause, or to re- Jxr?27. '1SG3 and iW.i, by any banker banking ; sist the Conlederato States, or to adhere to burning, destroying ting to burn, destroy or railroa^l, or tele com mu nicar ion, or property, i-'.uch c -c»;.-’s. ‘ *’^•0 intent f'f aiding the enemy. ^ Sk!. i). Tile fall >\viTig c’comptions from 1 XIII. Of treasonable do;'i;T;!i3 to impair taxjilioii nn.Ur tV.s net rU5.:1 !kj iiUow’od,' tho tuilitary p>nvor of the Government by ■ ! ilcBtroyin^, or attempting to destroy, vessels f. [^roperl v of cach iicad of :x ‘amily to or j'hu?, or mmiitiou! of war, or araenala, the value of $500; an>l for crch minor cliihl foundries, worksliopi^, or other ^roj^crty of «,f ih;; tHtviily to the further value of $100;) tho JcintbJe^::UG States. aTid for cacb ron nctii 'ily engaged in *tlie | Sec. 2. The President shall cause ]>roper nrmv or navy, or Avho iias died or becD i oiiicers to investigate the eases of all persons hiilcd in tlie nub’tary or na-'al ecrvico, ami Iso arrested, or detained, in order that they who u-a.s a member J>f the family when he i may be discharged if improperly detaine-1, entered tho sei viee. to the furl her value of unless they can bo speedily tried in the due *5()(i. coarse of law. mrnfi mmm mm n.'Tj i A« t tf I «** T ui- 1 w 111 cir ■ ■ L ’v>U> ,.f !i':> ' Iv. :i or 1!^''! ••;■ ■! fIr.N’.lY I.. COL fON. \ :•>. ’ rvi l:t >;1 l^aiid. II r Tj;rieo f »r a well woodod | :u ) ,i:'"thi Railroad ■ n;i I I'V/.'tli'viHo. Wo->i, ■It K. K. Co •25t,f M- •;u f>d U d’ fvi it :.•■ v! recrtiiis to 11.' > uni' oeiTSu fnr t\no s r';' qai*(*d 'J mb.r cf 10) ’i ll'- ' I- ■!■■' . iv'> tiif'f I ,i 4'> •;r.n rcn.'c’-if's w'.ii lie re j tfi o l uo ti'.‘ c'-i’-’ny tci tho re ; rocT.iif ?i,il be I to furciiU • ^.Me ?•!“ tri.'Oh ^.o viil b“ | 1ftw*d 40 (•"ti's di sn * his p>y >J12 pt?r uioaiii. Wriiien f>,'n;iijwn will b-3 rrquired fronj p»ren‘.3 or Tiier;} i\o cpylic^at is u”^or t^'^ c>'\iCT;pt i r :cb isc-u * nut-: iiriLf •▼:;K Mfu » blanket or bed apxoal, wjj c ini'' prtp .Tt,J to r?m->ia Bri.i!sj, a.if'r? and s^dule bl»ak?:s furnish ed bj Go»: »rr;i», it If th; r'crait o''inos provided tiic.n. I;o TTi:! V - f-ji’ fcv ^ f ;r T&!aiticn. Arplj-to M.jcr UAlfllE'.V P. TAri,OR. *t Jhe Ar-1 Miifl F. L. nuILDf!, ‘15 tf] Lic'Jt. Cel. r. 9. A. Cjjcd’g Po't. R\IVAWAV, tVe n-i'isr,-=>r’, ci t!*o C9 h A^r'.l, my 1 oj ; Dl'iNNI'?, *2*’ I ‘27 v-'ms, »ho’ji 5 f?i't 7 i )obcs hiRfc ‘ ;e VI ry d-rk f »nv* * =c^r f>n hh l?ft h.u l. tRUi. >1 17 :» ’o”.ru, ’.il w ii ;3 ' bju' 170 pourJs. 1 will f £f*y d ll-»’'3 f.)r h;3 irrt^r.f., *uy J»il S3 th^l 1 6giia S ■v('"pCo'. 1, M C . Jtin« 2‘'. j II. Property of ti>e wiiow of any offieer, I soldier, sailor or marine, who n»:iy have cr oon&ne.ucut 13 HUGH Mo3REaOR 45tr De^uralile GootU. TO. .^JiCLVTlHK ^-cr« fo'' f OP A Kj^iVLS *• ■ tORII', V J 40 PP2. ' '. 1 ii ' i KaiTCJ. W? ■ ; .1 r 12' G: PI 8t el Knitting Ncedlrs; •30 ri‘.u-3 Kuled Pi s; Pjper; 80 ' 7rw:;ii *g»!0 Siirf i}U!tO»Ji>; iOOO Gross Eugl’sti Boce PftBt Bu'.toPf. 1 B*rrc! *J»»nhpr; 2 B%rf2ls Berax; 6 E*rr»l^ Eosom 8ft2ts; 5 Birtl* Alum; 6 B»rTc!6 Eag!i*h Green Cof Cfrs-^: 10 Ke^a Bi o»b. Soi»i 1 ' Al :r..’c': ■ :■ £ i i3. -k P:-vpcr; - Sec. 3. That during the 6Ufl])ension afore- saiil, no military or other oflieer shall be died or been killed in tlie military or naval compelled, in answer to any writ of habeas s^^rvice, or where tljcru is no widow, t-lie:i of corpus, to aj)j)ear in j)orson, or to return the the family, being minor cluldrcn, to the : body of any person or persons detained by value uf*|lOOO. i him, by the authority of the President, Se- III. Property of every officer, soldier,' cretary of War, or the General officer com- gailor or marine, actually engaged in .the ! inanding tho Trans-Mississippi department; uiilitaiy or naval service, >rof such «s havp! but upon the certificate, under oath, of the been disabled in such sorvice, to tho value j oiEc«r having charge of any one so detained, I of |liX»0; provided, that tho above exeuap that such person is detained by him as a ; tioDS shall not apply to any iiorson, whose | priaoner for any of the causes hereinbefore i property, exclneive of household iiirnitnre, specified, uader the authority aforesaid, fur- jKitail be a.-^so63ed I't a v.'duL; c':ccod:ng$lOO(>. j thcr procecdinga under the writ of habeas j IV. That where property hiw bccii in]nrcd j corpus shall immediately cease and remain or dcstro^’ed by tho enemy, or the owner | suspended so long as this act shall continue I thereof has been tempt»:Y.rily dci>rive i of the ; in Ibrce. ! UGo or occupancy thereof, or of tho means | ' of cultivating the same, by reason of the j presence or the proximity of the enemy Sec. 4. This act shall continue iu force for uinety days after the next meeting of Con- iirfees, and no lonser. W EACWLE FOV.VORV, FaV»T fcV.LLB. r» i , Ju;. t*B>. f ^7E ARE NO'.V PKiiPA'.iED TO RElEIVE OR- ders for ) I the asseosment o?i sncli j«ropeity may be RAIL ROAD WHEELS THE MILITARY BILL. Section 1. That from and a(ter the of this act all white men, residents of the Confederate States, between the ages of 17 A Priy 'pHE fo I P i r RP! . Ooiy A l;rai ; lafdrma* Orar.3e c‘us C*!?* Jua* U lo? At LXia a FU: "I UiO' nii*'*. ’ T?:;! f pci oC ' uf the ijllowin^ aiits, v i: 21, 23, -:8 »'3 S) 'coh. AIej CfllLuKD TIRS? Ti:' Ir^n w« ph»U u-;9 for tfesm ’ irill te OOLl) BLA3 T ClUXl’O VL IRON. &a I wa w*r- j rml oir whocla Noj X) f’RA'.'X, aod to be equnl to ; my las-'ta in the Oorvf^'Jera^y, or thotjn of Whiiney h I P n' P :*n is ho ir?ll known j by «'I RiU Rj"J Cjcjpaci''i. , f.-.'l''^'3 .'or tvskaipcrl*iioa by i Tir . - ; : ■ U’. .from t-'iiry nwt ofthr ' or ’..•1 ‘ : iti'^ a’l fxt-r, I). A.NDFKSON & cu J the day ot due .'in l iij vrii V “ ^ .* ■ :»:-233 'Ci : “T ' f?''n:;y .1 t)« r»v;'i'j' ’ V r ' r'L^T jlr»- ,f „ M p vfANGCVf, Uillsb'ro’, y, N. G , for t.*'e p;r£>.ct. c .lo Dr J. P. Caruiisia Teiuale The exercises of this Imliiutioa Moni»y fh(* nf Aa.iui: 18 M T*»cker3. t‘ r (; icuUf % iircjo n.» J. iZ 1-ji I’oUeg^e. will be resumed on 15 . ' t - I.. Ojr^/b jt : GdirFITT. Ai'u^uv:'!- N. C. il Jane 14 Wool Wanted for the State of Ti. Carolina. T;' • :au' COTTON YAlwN ~i~ '-I O );. 0 .0 i>tJ J i’'C f’f Y sru : . r 4 lb?, tjn- Wsebel, cr 3 : c. : ‘Vo'!’ X1.6y will lU" p*y > ..btra' p''.''' 11 c.v-‘!s for l»ri£e or Pra*U OZO W. V5'ILLIA.\I.-3 & C0.,-Airt8. Ffcycu:-?;!-::. Jan^ Ift. 42f PrH*'>: ri' ^ipy. reduced, in pr >}»oriiou to th^ damajro uus- ; taint'd by tho owner, or tho tax assessed | ; theroon may be ro-inced in tl.e &ame ratio j by tho district collector, on satisfactory evi- i deuce submi’^fe i to Lira by ^^.o owner or as-1 and 50, shall be in the military sorvice of Boesor. j -he Confederate States for the war. ! Sko. 6. lliat the tax\ s on property laid j Sec. 2. That all the persons aforesaid, be- for the year 180, shall 1h) assessed as on , tween the age« of 18 and 45, now iu service, lie pa -5ftgi "f t!;is act, A’:d be! be rotainod during the present war coilcctc'.! on t!ie 1st day of June! with tho U. S., iUithe same regiments, bat- 13 eoon rwi'fcr as jTaclici'.blo, aHow- ralions and companies, to which they belong ;i .•!' r.'> li^vtT \Vot ^'f itie I the passage of this act, with the eame or- Aii.^eitsippi liver Tlio adailionfil taxes >*n j ganization and officers, unless regularly incomes or pronto for the year 1S>>3, luvic] j tmisferred or discharged, in accordance I by this act, bo ;'.s:^e^^/.id and coilecttd i with tiio laws and regulations for the gov- - - - - - - — - forthwith; and tho taxes on incomes or pro- ernment of the army: Provided, that com- J 44^1. ! fits for tho year lS6i, ehall be ao o^rie l and ' State, organized against ^ J r- i collected according to the provisions of the their consent, expressed at the time, with T ^ Gom jnicnl , J ^^soesmcut ucts of 18S3. I regimento or bsttilions from another State, ji,.„ the taxes levied by the act -to ,a, : ^ | r,^fs“rol “a™ tiie Guvermnon” of the''CorfeCate sTato!” j**’ '* j' com|-uuies ivere raised; and the soldiers from apiTorod 2«h of A.i,ril l«63. there shall be i section ot siii levied, Irom the pasL-e of this act, on the s-3i.oiide-! t t the jo;,r IM.i, anu s’lbiects of tax!»Ln bcreat»e» mentioned, «t.mated rent, hire or interest on ,,ro- andcollectcd from evCTy>ersni-„c«v.artT>or^ credits hcreni taxed i.d valorem. .. r-v. I AM ’.x:,! t wita r If*; vj 1 S..Ji _ I reepvc'.''^’,- '•’loit ^ shar'^of tn« puV'i-' p«rfon»r^, 1 %n fally r.r ,«jed I ^ c'va on I I; ' fvi-j 1 the pnbiia g?»nr».’'j f the b-'-t ait “riil indc.ake good workmen »T»d p. All ftf ciy % repair .v.r u iL;,-» • , prompuy •.r'* • r. ?i«.- low btjiH'.r ? !? .jj'lc ofPc Libfr»> P>int Ja :e 18 fT 7.- . .Jd n-t >. f t»7«' .1 bu»’rTH :t '''p^ f 'Vi,' ■•••5 J* l,;;p T .J, .,,5, s!r -'f ^ ■'b“ve JO!i:> VArT-'.rfAN' 4-J 9 pd t'lip, H'r'sociatlon or corjwation, liable tlicrc- to. taxes as follow^, t«>wit: I. l^jmn the value of ]-roj)erty, real, por- eoMal and mixed, of every kind and descrij>- t'on, r hereinafter exempted or ^axed at a ditforciit rate, 5 per cent.: Provitied, That from thic tax on tHe value of property em- plo^’ed in agricnlturo shall bo deducted the value of t!.e tax in i^-ind delivered therefrom, as ai^seesed under the law imposing it, aad delivered to the (lovcrriment: Provided, Tin.t r.o credit sl.ftil bo allowed beyond 5 pe^ cu.'t,. II. (>r. the value of cold and silver wares shall be aseesst'd or taxe-1 ;w iTicomes imdor tho tjix act of 18^0. Sto. S. That tlio tax im{>osed by this a*t ou bonds of the (Jvrniedenite States nerot«> fore issued, shall la n * caio exceed the in- toroft on the E>'-tne, ivid ?tT(^h bonds, v.he;’ held by or for nnnors or lunalicti, sh&H be exempt from th‘3 r:i.'c i'l.al! cay'-*^ wh.ere the interest on the s.‘’:ne .'i. ill !iut exce.jd ^lOoi*. An A'^ to 9-nfpcntl thi pAoiU'ge cf tAs Writ of Corpi ?>: m C'-ria 'fi cavfi. ind plato, jewels, je*”e’ri per cent val pAN\’?AV ki»ck outupic] b\i r's^'.‘ f • bly . o»*»r T ■ two and h« tbs ^V, L ^ f iUS ■_ . ■•■. i ■ioi> Is - ., * B * ••oasi ftb.' tfc^t I g. ' ‘.in; M . I r.- ± aUww eci",lojr.? • WilmtB^tc'., y. ’j#, *ad prep'ire l to p^y cx oond {L^jt o' Store, Market Htro^t. -Pe ••,1 • H t-> ill p.- 1^' )r rj cu la 'I F’TIL-.V r„ I 1s, 1 nr.?, j 'U1 ■jr Whe.’'ea>''., tho C'mstitution of the Confcd- ©ra*:c States of Ame.''ic’a provides in Artieie 1, Seo‘ion 0, Par'V"rap!i 3, th;\t “tho ]>rivi- and watches, 10 , lego of the writ of habeaa corjma shall not j be suspended unless when in ca-.o of rebel- III. Th3 valne of property taxed under* lion or invaoi >n, pvJ)lic safety may re- tliie Fcction Khali be yssojf.iotl on‘Lc basis of j qaire it;" and W'leruas, t’no powtir of'»ns- t!ie ir'.fi.t va^T5:> of tho same, or simiUir oro- j pending tiiO ivi’..;:c of .aid writ as rec(*i^- • .rty i-. ti e ri’-hl. -ruL-od wherear-seefiea, in nizcd in said Anic!e 1, iu vested solely tho year 1?€0, except iu c.isca vvl;ere laud, | tL-j Congiess. whicli is tho exclusive jvidgc feip.ve’, c^>tion or tobacco huve been pur-1 ol the neces^^ity of such suspension; a’^si :.i.d li i^t d-ij ot‘ January 1862,' whcrcns, in ♦I'c t.p-iii. p .-f tlu'O-'iuTefi?, the • t! o said laiid. slp.ves, cottor: public sar’ety rcfpiirce tho susjunii^ion of e iid iii.i r • ! •(> >.ij y !, sr.iil! ho asscastd writ in the exicii^’g ca o of tiiij inva ion of t.t iO price aulur.!ly pu;>l tor the same by thc«e States by tho armies of tlie United L-vrner, ^ ; States; and whero^is. the Prettident has asked *.oi tlie /alt;e ot shares or inter- ' tor the Eusj'ension of the writ of haboiiS cor- es's he’^i in -v.jy bank, banking conipany or ! pus, and informed Congross of conditions of as.%d?/ion, canal, r.avigation, importing, 1 public danger which rgnder the Enf^poTJt.ion exporthig, insurance, manufacturing, tefo-! of the writ a measure j)ropcr for tlie pu’-'lio one State, in companies from another State, 8b:tll be jiilowed, if they desire it, a transfer to organizations from their own States, iu tho same apn of the service. Sec.o. That at the eipiration of six moutha from the Mrat day of April next, a bounty of iu a six per cent. Government bond, which the Secretary of the Treasury is here by authorised to i»t;ue, shall l>e paid to eve ry non-conamiBeionod officer, miuician and ]*rivate who shall then be iu service, or in tho event of hia death previous to the period of such payment, tlion to tho }>er8on or per sons who would l>e entitled to rcceive by lavr the arrearagodof his pay; but uo one shall be entitled to the l>onnty herein provided who shall at any time, during the period of oix inoutiifl next atler the saiu first day of April, Jjo absent from his c^mmand without leave. Sec. i. That no person shall be relieved from the operation of this act by reason of ahall b« liable to be iplaced lii •arvica ifl tb« | proTisiunia, to be delbtsred b/ iuch pereoli field for the war, as if he wore between tlie j ^ aforenaid at equivalent rates. ages of 18 and 45. ^ j 3. Such |>esRon siiall further bind hin^If Sec. 8. That hereafter the duties of pro-^ to sell tho marketable surplus of proviwons voet and hospital guards and clerks, and of ^ and grain now on hand, and which he may clerks, guards, a^nta, employees or lab»r-1 raise from year to year while his exemptiott ers in the Commissary ana Quartermaster’s ' continues, t* the Government or to the fam- Departraents, in tho Ordnanco Buroau, and | ilieg of soldiers, at prices fixed b|r the Gom- of clerks and employees of navy agents, as | inipsionerg of the State under the impressr also in the execution of the enrollment act,' ment act: Provided, that any person ex- and all similar duties, shall bo performed 1 ejupted as aforesaid, shall be entitled to a by persons who are within the ages of |18 , credit of 25 per cent, on any amount of meat and 45 years, and who by the report of a which he may deliver within three months Board of army surgeons shall bo reported from the passage of this act: Provided fur- as unable to perform active service in the) ther, that persons coming within the provi- field, but capable of performing some of the bions of this exemption shall not be deprived abovo said duties, specifying which, and of tho benefit thereof by reason of having when thepe persons shall have been assigned been enrolled since the 1st day of Feb. 1864. to those duties as far as practicable, the Pre-1 4. In addition to the foregoing exemp- si«lent shall assign or detail to their perform- tions, the Secretary of War, under the di- ance sncfi bt»dies of troops, or individuals, | rection of the President, may exempt or de required to bo enrolled under the 5t!i sec- tail such other persons as he may be satis- tion of this act, as may be needed for the' fied ought to be exempted on account of discharge of such duties: Provided, that' public necessity, and to insure the prodnc- persons between the ages of 17 and 18 shall | tion of graiu and other provisions for the be assigned to those duties: Provided fur-1 army and the families of soldiers. He may, tlier, that nothing contained iu this act shall | als^, grant exemptions or details, on such be so construed a^to prevent the President, terras as ho may prescribe, to such over- from detailing artisans, mechanics, or per-1 seers, farmers or planters as he may be sat- sons of scientific skill, to perform indispen-, isfled will be more useful to the country in sable duties in the departments or bureaus j the pursuits of agriculture than iii the mili- hereiu mentioned. j tary service: Provided, that such exemption Sec. 9. That any Quartermaster or As-1 shall cease whenever the farmer, planter or sistaut Quartermaster, Oommiiwary or As-1 overseer shall fail diligently to employ in sistant Commissary, (otiier than those serv-; good faith, his own skill, capital and labor ing with brigades or regiments in the field,) ! exclusively in the production of grain and or offi^’era in the Ordnance Bureau, or Nsry ! provicions, to be sold to the Government aad Agents, or Provost Marshal, or officer in 1 the families of soldiers at prices not exceed- tho conscript service, who shall hereafter} lag th'jeo fixed at the time for Ifke articles employ or retain in his employment any' by the Commis.Tioners of the State imder person in any of their said departments or ' the impressment act. bureaus, or in any of tho duties mentioned j 5. The president, treasurer, auditor and in the 8th scction of this act, in violation of | superintendent of any railroad company en- the provisions hereof, Bhall, on conviction | gaged in transportation for the Government, tliercof by a court-m«,rtial or military court,! and such officers and employees thereof aa be cashiered; and it shall be the duty of any i the precident or superintendent shall certi%^ department or district comraundef, upon ' on oath to be indispensable to the efficient proof, by the oath of any credible person,! op«r.\tjou of said railroad: i*«)vided, that that any such officer has violated tni8 pro j the num ber of persons so exempted by thia vision, immediately to relieve such officer j act on any railroad shall not exceed one per- from dutv; and said commanders shall take son for each mile of such road in actual use prompt measures to have him fried for such j for military transportation; and said exenopts offence; and any commander ae aforesaid | shall be reported b^' name and description, failing to pertbrm the duties enjoined by wi^ the names ot any who have left the this sectio!!, shall upon being duly convicted t employtiaent of said company, or who may thereof, be discharged from the service. j cease to be indispensable. Sec. 10. That all laws granting exemp- 6. That nothing herein contained shall i tions from military service be, and the same I be construed as repealing the act approved are, hereby repealed, and hereafter noiie j April the 14th 1863, entitled an act to ex- shall be exempted except the following empt contractors for carrying the mails ol 1. All who shall be held unfit for milita-1 the Confederate-States, and the drivers ot ry service, under l^les to be prescribed by ! post coaches and hacks, from military ser- the Secretary of War. j vice: Provided, that all the exemptions 2. The Vice President of the Confederate granted under this act shall cmly continue States, the members and officers of Congress I whilst the persona exempted are actually and of the several State Legislataree, and engaged in their respective pursuits or oc- SHch other Confederate and State officers as' cupatioiiB. the President, or the Gk>vemor of the re-! §oc. 11. That the President be, and he is spective States, may certify to be necessary i hereby, authorized to grant details, under- for the proper adnjinistration of the Con- j general rules and regulations to be issued federate or State Governments, as the case from the War Department, either of persons may be. between 45 and 60 years of age, or from the 3. Every minister of reli^on authorized to ' army in the field, in all cases where, in hii preach according to the rules of his church, i judgment, j^usti-ye, equity and necessity re- and who, at the passa^ ot this act, shall be quire such details, and he may revoke such regularly employed iu the discharge of his » orders of details whenever he minks prooer: ministerial duties; superintendcuts and phy- | Provided, that the power hesin grafted to sicians of asylums for the deaf and dumb ^ the Preeident to make details and exemp- and blind and of the insane; one editor for j tions shall not be construed to authorize the each newspaper being published at the time j exemption or detail of any contractor for of this act, and such etnployees as said edi-, furnishing supplies of any kind to the Gov- tor may certify, on oath, to be indispensable ernment, by reason ef said contract^ unless to the publication of such new’spaper; the the head or secretary of the department ma- public printer of the Confederate and State king >iuch contract shall certify that the per- Governments, and such journeymen priut-1 bona.1 Rcrvicoi of snch contractor are indifi- er« as the said public printer shall certify,; peusable to the cxecution-of said contract: on oath, to be indispensable to perform the j Provided further, that when any such con- public printing; one skilled apothecary in ; tract.>r >»ha]l fail, diligently and faithfully, each apothecary store, who was doiug busi- ‘ to prcH.-ee^l with the execution of such con- ness as such on the 10th day of Oct’r 1S62, | hia exeinption or detail shall cease, and haa continued said businew, without j fc^oc. 12. That in appointing local boards iia% ing been heretotore disehargod Irom Itie ! jntermission, since that period; all physi-1 of surgeons for the examination of persons uruiy whero no dieabmty now oxiBfs; nor | cians over the age of 30 vears who now are,! liable to m.ilitary service, no member com- and tor the last 7 years have been, m the poemg the same shall l^e appointed trom the ;^apb, railrop 1, -irid dry-dock com- t piiuies, r.nd ail other joint atook companies s sn \ ia v^thoria j of every kind, whether incorporated or not, 5 ^i.r ccnt. BftZTiC .It i.i'j oa u^xt 9Lbo73 Uiag exocuti-2 Voir.r. of w.l’ oV ■orr’—lautr in ill o\jaa, / •**' " &j1 i- ’c jii iu { t« 0»te, or Pcace bt uy 1, true •‘.0 - p»;u3ii’. .I p«rtufiai 01 Bsrviwif. c? ”uy n » v ‘t uij. defeac;9 at ——, d'a/iQj Witrcsa m/ hMid » , 1S« (Sigaed ia doj'aa&i j.) Witcc^ae 1 :J3.'ors a Juai'oo o! -.T. defence against invfwion and insnrrcction; now, therefore, Tlie Congress of the Confederate States of Amonca do enact, Tliut during tho present Tiie vahio of property taxed under this invasiou of tho CoufederAto Stato.% the priv- ectV.u shall bo assvjstryl ui)on the basis of ile^e of tlie writ of habefvs corpus be, atni the market value of such property in the , the same ia iicreby, susiHjiided; but such eus- nei;»hb'.'r\iood where a?3eBSod, m such cur- i pension shall aj>ply oTuy to tlie canes of per- rc :u,y r.a may be in j'sncral use there, ia the 1 sons arrested or detuiued by order of tho .’ui I I ^.n-l r r\ .y.' .i; ■ uii ? tr,j £, -.iiii ■. i); •,2; 'ji;.!- uj A;cjr.ci, foi’ .L.. V, /;.\ C.9 >,,1 Iiia.i ..■c ::.oaifa cf , l.iiS 3e-i H ■, ti.a —— day 0* [cva! ] Tii'*■ aatal«6■ by tsr^j Trif X..jre r. J11 • tor eikfc'i ^ cation at i ;i, ol... ■. W. H. JAMES, Capt. A OVtef Eng. laOOif Jan’y 20, 18G4 SOETll VOLU.MEiCU NiVY CO.. (i£NKRAL AoE.VT’s OfFIOE, lU., i )rFfOE, } 20, ) Frankliuton, N. 0., June AS GE^JEHAL 0/ i jc ,b.' . C ?aipa.3_, I p XX call the ai.icatioo of oi' t’li.i re call the ai-icatioo of all , nf ^rp-iHlna; and patr>oiio men cf (h e Ptjitc f 00BCip4C J. lartj ani ic >j •re bei/>2 ; moiit'i up -c . . * gloriou! vK A.. .• •get: •, t meet cf .. f J boiiui,; ihf.y t:.ii i... with thg pro-ji”; , log tbazc iQ rv V , for o?er .'uo 6-.; pc OoltoD au:- 1 .v at the ri;;>:t ^ - lag to take stock u la* me as above. Cu. •J, ' : .7 fur / cat ■»rtyp*y- -o-. j,o,rt7 Day son taom p\irciij3e ai'.d of aiich property, it the tiiiio ol Er'scBsraent. iSfto. 3. Upon the amount "i' all g,>iJ iiilvor coin,^old d;iot, or tilver b.illioa, vv:*.ather heln thu ,„L ^r corpo- rat^oud or individuals, 5 per ccnt.; aul u])on all Uioneys ueld abroad, or upon the ataount of all bills of exchange, drawn therefor on foreign countries, a tax of 5 per ceut.; such tax upon money abroad to be assessed aad colloctcd according to the value thereof at the tinco %7hcre the tax is paid. ii. Upon the amount of all solveut cre- diiii, and of nil b:uik bUls and all other pa- pc^ izened us cuircnc/, exclusive of non interest bearing Ooufeaorate treasury notes, and not employed lu a registered business, tho iucorjue derived from which ia 5 per cent. Soc. 4. C7ix>u profits made in trado and bufliness, as follows: 1. Oa all profits made by buying and sell ing spiritoas licpiorB, flour, wheat, corn, rioo^ eu.,..r, 1? ■ Co or sirup, PMlt, bacon, pork, w'l or bci'.f cattle, bhoep, oate, hay, • i- c: Ut. ^ftbo ‘ Mik ■; / ciii io to by ftjilresa- r-tocV, I will tfckK^ •» I»rtl88 winaiDg to t,.., to M>lOe .to'ldo.*, i’aw hIJes, ioathor, hor^e;', muloa, LootHj t>L^, cot*>>n yarns, wool, woolen, cot- 'uon or ’rJxei clothB, hats, wagons, harncas, coal, iron, sLeoI or nalid, at any time l>e- tween Tug Igt of January 18C3, and tuu 1st of .laimary 1865, 10 per cent., in addition to th3 t£vx on ft rich protlti as income under u'«. “net to lay ta.^esforthe commondcfonee, end carry ou llie Government of the Con federate States,” approved April ^4, 1863. id. On aii proiita made by buying and selling money, gold, silver, foreign exclxange, 8^ ^tee, Sebtes orodita, ^ W ki»4, tmA m Presjidont, Secrotary of Yi' ir, or tlie Goiiora! OtJicar commai-ding the Ti’ans-M.issiociijipi Military Depart'aout, by tbo authorit}' and under tho contrjl of tlio Prcbident. It is hcri.l>7 'Jc.-.l.i-'.'l tho p;irp ..iQ of Coxi- grc3s iu tho paLra;^e of this act is to provli^o more efioctually tor tho jjublic safety *;y { BUBpendlng the writ cf h?.boaa corpus in tho, following caoea and n> other: I. Of treason, or treiwonable elForta or combinations to si'hv«rt tlio government of tho Cont'-ederate States. LL Of contipirr%cics to overthrow the gov- crnracut, or co:i5piracic3 to ro^.i the lawful authority of the Ooci’ydorato States. 1X1. (jt combining to assist tlio enemy or of communicating iattlligcnce to the enemy or givin|r him aid and comfort.. iv. Of coMpiracies, preparations and at- teii^ts to incite servile miwrrectiou. V. Of desertions or encouraging deser tions, of ijarboriug dosorters, and of attemuU to avoid military service: Provided, That iu cMo of palpabU wrong and oppression by I any 6nb*»rdiuatj utlicjr upoi> any uarty’ wuo docs not legally ov.'o iailitiry service, liid JHUi-erior ftlliter abail grant prompt roiiet to .he oppi^pe^ed j aay, wrl tlie sulx>rdinkte 8)jall be uicmisscd irom otSce, VI. Ot spied aad other euiissaiiea of tuo eriemy. VII. Ot holding corrccpondf^nce or intor- oour?e with tho enemy, witliout uace-^icy aad without the permiaiion of the Contode^ r&te Slates. VIII. Of unlawful trading with the ene my, and other olTeuces against tho laws of the Oqofedecate States, eaaotad to pioniott tiMir fiiiMP im tiM w«r. shall tlioee who have furnished substitutes bo any longer exempted by reason thereof: { Provided, that no jiereon, heretofore exempt- 1 od m account of religious opinions and w!io j })aid the tai levied relieve him from I scrTico, shall bo required to render military 1 j cervice under this act. Sec. 5. That all white male residents of tbii Confederate States, between the ages of 17 and 18 and 45 and 50 years, shall enroll themselves at such times and placos, and under such regulations, as the ‘President may ])rcacribo, the time allowed not being less than 30 da^ for those east, and 60 days for those west of the Mississippi river, and any person who shall fail so to enroll him- soli', without a reasonable excuse therefor, to be judged of by the President, shall be placed in service iu the field for the war, iu the same manner as though they wer® be tween the ages of 18 and 45: Provided, that tlie persons mentioned In this esotion shall constitute a reserve for State defence and detail duty, and shall not be required to }>erform service out of tho State ia which ih^'y re^ido. ''Sccl 6. That all persons required by the 5th soction of this act to euroU themselves, may within 30 days at'ter the passage there- '■|i!>f, east of tho Mississippi, and within 60 days, if west of said river, form themselves into voluntary organizations of companies, battalions or regimenta, and elect their own otficers; said orgauir.ationa to conform to the existing laws; and, having «o organized, to tender ^loir services as volunteers during tho war to the President; and if such ojgau- izations shall furnish proper muster rolls, as now organized, and deposit a copy thereof with tho enrolling oiScor of their district, which shall be equivalent to enrollment, they may be accepted aa minute mon for S‘.ir\pce m sach State, but in no^eveut to bo taken out ot it. Those who do not so volun teer and organi/.e, shall enroll themselves ae boforo provided; and may, by the President, be required to asseiKble at convenient pla ces oi rouuczvous, and bo formed or orgati Lsod into compauies, battalions and rcgi- meuta, under regulations to bo prescribed !>y him; aud shall have the right to elect taair company and regimental of&oers; aud all troops organized under this act for State defence, sUcsll l>e entitled, while in actual service, to tho satue pay aud allowance as troops now in the fiold. Sec. 7. Tliat any person who shall faU , , attend at the place oi rendeavotia 8& required I or plantation, the Sooretary of ^Far gH«.ll by t^ ^anthori^ of tha PraaideaL without i ooBBsmlMtioii eC the aa'Sai to thu ^ 01 I* ocolhai^^ actual and regular practice of their profes sion, but the terra phyt.ician shall not in clude dentists; all presidents and teachers of colleges, theological seminaries, acade mies and Echools, who have been regularly engaged as such for two years next before the passage of this act: Provided, that the benefit of this exemption shall extend to those teachers only whose schools are com posed of 20 students or more. All superin tendents of public hospitals, established by law before the passage of this act, aud such physicians aud nurtes therein as such su perintendents''shall ceptify, on oath, to be indis}>en8able to the proper and efficient management thereof. 4. There shall be exempt ene person as owner or agriculturist on each ’farm or plan tation upon which there are now, and were on the 1st day of Jan’y last, T5 able bodiod field-hands, betweeu tho ot 16 and 50, upon the following coudi-loub: 1. This exemption shall oii’^ bo granted in cases in which there is no white male adult on the farm or plaut«.tioi\.not liable to military service, nor uuless tho person claim ing the exemption was on the 1st day of Jau’y 1864, either tho owner and manager or overseer of said plantation, but iu no ease | shall more than one person bo exempted one farm or yUantatlou. 2. Such pereou shall first exec.it^3 a bimd, payable to the Coiifvidorate ot >\.nv.\r- ica, in such form, and with such eeeurity, and in such penalty as th» H'o5re*'»ry oi W*.i may prescribe, couditioned thr.t ho will d>> livor to the G^jverument ai some cailroid depot, or such other plaoo or places as may he designated by the Secretary of War, within 12 months next onsuiug, 100 Ui>ands of bacon, or, at the election of the Govtjrn- ment, its equivalent in^pork, and 100 lbs. ot net beet (said beef to bo delivere«i ou foot,) for each able-bodied slave ou said farm or plantation, within the above said ages, whe ther said slaves in the field or not, which said bacon or pork aud beef shall he i;/ad for by the Government at the prices fixed by tho Commissioners of the State under the impressment act: Provided, that when the pci^u thtw exerapiod shall produce satis factory evidence that it has been impossible for him, by tho exercise of proper diligence, to furnish tho amount of meat thus contraot- el for, and leave sui adequate supply for the SubEisMuee of those living on the said farm county or enrolling district in which they are required to make such examination. Post Offioe, FayettevillOj n. OoTOBKa 3, 1863 Sehtduie of the Arriv'd and Dcpartwt of ih* Mailt O^. BALEIGH Tis AV£aA8B0R0S fto. ArriTos daily, exoapt Sundav, at 41 P. M. Depart* dailj, ezc0pi Satoruy at S P. M. RALEIQH Tift SU.MMERVILLE. l>eparls Taetidaj and Friday at 6 A. Mt ArriTea Wednesday and Sunday at 9 P. M. WARSAW via CUNTON. C.,1 «/ Arrlvei daily at 12 ndoa. iSei parts daily at P. M. CARTHAQB. ArriTos Tuesday, Thoraday and Saturday at 7 P. M. Departs Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 1 P. M. CHSRAW, a. C. Arrivea Taesiay, Thursday aad Satorday at 6 P. 11. Departs Suadsy, Tuesday and Thursday at 1 P. M. FAIR BLUFF via LaUBERffON. ArriTM Tuofniay, Thursds^y and Saturday at 6 A. M. Dtpari^j tis.-xiAy, Tuesd^iy aul Thursday at 1 P. M. R03KS!j:rs via KLIZABETHTOWN. Df pirts .VIoni'iy, Wedccsday and Friday at 6 A. M. Amwf! Tu j:jJa7, Xu'ird.'ty and Saturday at 2 P. M. ELIZ VBETF!TO'.VS vii TEREBINTH. Arrives >i:Ed(y ut ^ P. M. Departs day (Monday) at 6 P. M. .nAaiI0Ll4?i- CYPRESS GREEK. Arrives Tuesday as. 2 P. M. Depans same iay (T-JV:d%y) at 2| P. M. 9'iVIi'T ISLASi) via MoSTROSE, GOVlNaTON ud POWELLTON. Arr.\f^ Tufuday at 6 P. M. parts Wo4aL‘Gday at 11 A. M. tlWLFr ISLAND viaTBWT. Af.-5 Tacniaj « « P. M. fi'dQOsday at 11 A. M. -» ■ bdJjro 7^ i. M , are closed the eves iiig uefc‘r^ ill i) F. vf. Ail Idti^rs to be sect off from. this Qi?a9. otii^r t^aa by mail, W'lai be paid for as if ac.cl by s»«lL All di'op lattera should h«* pre-paid by 2 os'ii btatnns. Ta* ofRjA iriU 5?e oa Soaday fr5»a to 9J A. M , aad from 44 %-i 5i P. M. JAS. a. COOK, P. M. tb« 01X9lii A ^a'^Sier saf^ply at wdol-ssals J n4.t.« * f:0}il8 TH£ MIIKTH €>%.R01iliVA SfCJTiJiL COHPAJVr, NOW in tHc tmth year of auooessful oparatioiu witk growing eapital aud finsar hold upon publio oon- fttienua, eontinucs to is*u?o the lives of ^1 healthy per- 80no fron 14 n CO «f sffo. y®". for seron years, and lorlife—aliu*“tf resmbers B}.a>nng m the profits All slaves from 10 tt> 6y yetxs of s-ge are ioaored for one year er fvr »▼« years for t»ro tturb their ralae. AH loM«3 ate puiieically p^ud within dO days aftex satisfactory proof ie presinied. For ftirthor inforci.s‘ioa th5 puiji» is referred to Agents of ia« ‘jompaay in Ml parw o* the State, and t« K. EL. BA1 riJ], Secretary, Raleigh. &. J. ilALB, Agent ni Jytt*y A8S9. N. O BUjik TjT tkii OiU^

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