as b;\vc uigfd on iMs war, to moet him a«d thoir '■i.Wf' ''T)d ‘ier\d, at the Judgment Har of Ahni^htv t^oH;'• ro to answer. V .o-fvi th^V' \T*?ro that did not thrill as the Bi«b p cnnrluJcd. ‘ And maj God tflve mcrcy tj]"'. •, ill t ’ov.” .p»i • t-io ^M-a »d swell ol' the organ filled the '’hu’ch; thf'D tt'o evcrjr-’ens wore re arranged oa tlie luri. l cisc, -md t}’C df'nd \vna carried out where the tlawcrrf iaiiiiC blooui, and the dews ol Hravrn p ab'»vn hia da^* L pun r, th(' grav^^ H>slu)}> Eliiv'*tt pfi* ceeded with 'be U'Ual scrvicc, and arf he pro- counc^’d ‘I'c W'Tos ‘ t'artli to ewth, ashes to a-»hen, diist to dus(,” Bi.-l)Ops Green and Lay, and Lieut. Gen. L; ng-tn "= :in;fed in onsling earth upon the coffin, while tbe rortr of ariillery gave tho last salute of si arpiv f i if$ u»>partcd ornament; and we sre IJ- th; aiid the ni'-mory. uju.'if'J oO^A. SKi^UJE^^TR/lLTED DEBT9. fpHE uiiTfrfiJf^nsd will i»Uaad »t. the following times JL »nd ol^cc^, to ooU''Ot tho iaterap* on tbe 8i?iut3- ti’ttfod Dibts ia nia Dutriot, vIk At H'.ll»boro’; July 14th. 1864. ••Raleigh •• V!0 & 21, '•FayciteTdii' - *^7. 2» & 29, “ }. II WILDER, Rtoci»*.r. Jui-e 27. • . 45 tJ29 s -/>'/?. K cm>/—The record of the i tl '^ cn':j>y IS tunices. Eicli day > w, ’nsiancc’ to iigbt The connty li' _ur ; ad'-'rs are nw'ir*'. has ■y pii i,'cd by the raiders. Am ng t snlf-rers is Ocl. W. II Ayl atr br!* • s ■ ot K ' ' boon rut' 1 tho ficavl : t snlf-rers is (Jcl. \S. Jl Ayiv-ti,. now ooia’nu Bii' '’"s brigade, whose fine estate oath-: ?J 'ni r'vcr ’ a.s bren completely do- vast'f*'!, ’d -'- his •:’aii?ion Unc sc'it of refined fcaipitality) madr' a ccaiolnte wrcck. We learn from a rcsii^cnr of ho county that Col. Aylctt has l t!t -’11 h^- tl;tvcs, c.X'’cpt two o!d and worth less O' os; r I h ’ij 1' rscs, n.ules and stcck of every kind; all ;^uppUe'« of provisions, and his famiiy left in a niO't distressing condition. During tho last vi‘'i' 'f the encpiy to his plantation (after they bad bop;' whioncd at Trovilliaa’s by Haiup- tea) lh :y ‘ ac’rod 'i; d nilliircd his dwelling, broke ap his fur-inrc and cr 'ckcry wnrc; s^olc and de- i^troyed.the clothing of his wife end childro”; scittored and burnt his valuable law papers; cut to pieces bis desks and trunks with axes; in a word, rui d him cjuiplotely. All iliid was done avowe i]y l. cau-c he was a Colonel in tbe Con federate service—Richmond Whig. A Drc'iv^.—Tho Albany ‘ Patriot-’ htatoa that it i?! in " oeipt of a letter from a gentleman ol Irvinj onunty, which sa^’s: •‘Li'u:. (tC’ -;cith, with 20,UU0 men, will furia a juuciion wit • the hero Forrest in Miissis- sippi 'i’hcT '•'ill march ino Middle Tennessee, recapture Meiaphis, and establish a line of oom- munici ion with Price, on the opposite bide. Recruiting largely as they advanoc, Smith and Forrest will capture Dalton and destroy tbe State road as iar as llosaea. They will then ad vance 0. Sh; mr.a’a roar, and a'*t the part which Stonewall Jackson did on the 28th of June, 1862, only wiih more disaster to tho enemy. The vic tory will be cou'pb’te, and Georgia will be for ever free of tb^) vnndalfi.” —Wood l.air&d. ffIHE uoderalgned will give » fair price for a well wooded t tract of LAND oi' lilD or 201) ftcrua. on the liallread at nay poixit bt‘twt'‘ n Jouesbcro’ and Fayoltonll-J. Wood, pitcL piae boxed or uiibo.xt*l lili.NRy K. tJOLTON. A^•;a^ K. K. Co I'livettf'vilie, AprM IT 25tf Paliaa Christi Beaus. PH fc sabsflriher wiii p&y th-a Hgbcot prices I of PaIt-. Povr?. ... J 1 ^OBTP 0 C. s. AirSBNAli ,1NI> AHMORJ, \ FAXa'^rnviLtR, N ’ . Jfl? IS'IJ. ) Foiiudry Iflasi Waret^d. NE rxp-rkncci ii» th' hn'iccsq c&n fiiid st'ai7 B’li 4" 6tl COMP’Q OFFICER FaycttCTlUo Anonal re(3 Armorj, i Jc»r 30 18^4 ( SlOO BOUi^TY. W'atitca, 4V mllounteU RiHemeH. Authority bavinjr (fr-'jtr ? ^7 tHft Da- ps^r^m'n?. raif?c s (?cn:pnr; of M' rntel R flemca for eervlci' in thi« vioiaity. iiosi;o ie hi'r-sby giTPa tb^t Toc'T-itfl the rutabe? o* 40 non contcrijut rili be re- cciTe'*' foK this service, to fi’l rp th? cora.'-tiy to !he re qaire>1 N!?.mbcr of 109 Esob rocnilt •nill te required ;o far”i«h a eeTiOPiiSlo f irhic'.’ ha will h« al- lotr'»'t 10 per diem, and his p&y $12 per month, Wriii^ psmissi^n bt* rcqi!’'^ ! fro.r or euai Ji» ?, whp.rts Rpp1irf.r* i? unigr the co'a^cript E*cii rccni’t n:>’st br .’Je V'V'' him t. b’aaict or bed £.ncl c' prrp.';;cd to r?:n^tia- Bridl.->p, aadcl‘'T3, h»!t«rs anJ «ad»*'» blj>.akete furnisl*- •' I ^y thf Qo^t -rcicct jr't th : r-onia coisca proTidcd ’"rilh ihi £, he will b^ p.vJ for fbeta a fair Tnldkticv. Apply lu Msjor MATTHEW P. TAYI OR, r%t «ic Ar- ncnial F. L. CHILDS. 4') If") Lieut. Col. C. 8. A. Comfl’g Po*?t. Desirable Goods. WM. MACINTYRE A for Srtle on Coiisig^Eiin'ciit. li r. > 2 iioh TYRE IKON, 16 .ic-rct'fr-'sh beatfi Rio Jnl T. HAIG!I & SONS, '9 200 Offer? for sale: .'£13 KNIVES *nd ?OR£S!. n.’cone^i. 40 Dos. Pin5 H au-l 4 Bl(^Jcd Kuivea; 930 Qrosti Steel Peas; r.J‘* Gft'fcs Bl;iet Si?el Eaitting NefidJea; :0 lle»!E3 Ruled Poet Pfiprr, 300 Gro..3 A^^t9 Shirt Br*t«ne; 200f> Gross English Dou5 Pant Ba"ot8; 1 B»rre! ^ anpijcr; 2 Birrelfl Bor^l; 5 B^rr'ls Epaon SaUj; 5 Alum; 5 Eag:i»b Greo';i Copper*!*; 10 Bi C4rij, Sad.i; 1 B\Z .iljpinr; 3 Bigs B!^ck Peppu'; I PicV.sgs SiiUpetr?. Jaly 4 40-6i oirrn^t* fffY SJllft -'or-*- Caroliua Female Collcg^e. Tee exe’-"i.3-8 cf this Icttitution wili he resum-sd on Moaday the l«t of Acguat 18’'4, with a fall corps of Teaohcre. For oircuUr adurci>3 Bev J. R GRIFFITH. AosonTille, N. C-' June 14 41 9ipillA Wod Wanted for the Slats cf W, Caroiiaa. COTTON “3 V i'ara ‘ vr 4 ib.-« u^- THE under?irripi ooa'lajf* * YARN for WOO.^, on washed, or Ib'f cic“3 washe t Wool T-ey will siso p*y a li^^ral p'to’ i'j '■»i\ fc~ o’" Bmll Jotu. QtiO. ^ »vILIIAM!^ & CO.i Agtg. Fayettevil'p, Jun? l*^. Prc8bytf'ri.,a c 42tf £ foongN. .%rU^niieHca* f>ictlceary, MBRACING R. *,T\i -nciio, jy Rc.-’iv. er, Iatc”'*W 'r, iic >k Keeping, Form?, .^o ” J. WALS .'r T>er'r IB. SurgcoQ General’s Offlcv, \ P.A.L'sion, ih ^^5., JunB 10th, 18'^4. / A MESSENGER wiK t’lia OG'i ca the S.-“? 4'^y, an'? f '5 t'-f ■; of CTcry month, for Osn. Lee’a arciy AU bwi n ‘vi. '--re for Tncrab'r of th»t nr^y will ■ e c-»ri*ioi tb-rc protaptly by ai£o ana deliverei to tho owa:r. EDWARD WARREN. 41-ti Surge c G u»*-a5 N.>rih Carolina. FLOUtt A.iru OATS. FLOU’^- ; OIT . rill D« ;ios#G^,.d ■'itu l i tjo Store of D M;Launa, by ciTirii: t ja a 'ar days notioe. ? "t saod. N>'. *. or i/aite. Jfcn’r ‘^9- *5 ^ ■ ^ xVurse Wanted. A TBU^Ti (>) d letaurtre' cj,.rsl woiuhu id wiot.d A to hire »5 1.U.SJ to infcnt ‘ App'y to .Mra. iJ M Walker n&y .‘louai Jon* iO. 45-f CO.MF&illHATK or AMILlilCA, LsiI3K«B UlPA.aT>lB;!iT, Dwt. Capm iSAt Wixutiugtoa, N. J., M-ifCi 10'h. I3!i3 N0TI0£ 13 ..oicSy giV-ra ;o s.Ii p^rsoaj ?. Tinj; ^^-.ina sg&ia^t i.^e auisr D;p.urbisi;ui., for ..;rv.Cw.i of frlarea ctaploy 1 m uborrra on ta5 iartd defences a«ar Wilmiaj i 0 , aii. n" aaderoijnj' ia authorised aad prct:ir>id to pi/ laa •'f.Me fcia eS&09, on the ao- oond floor o' cauiini; next »bo7e Mear'>a’ l)rug Store, rJar»3t dtrciv. *®*P e^aoa^ iseouting Poirera of Attorney will ob serve the follotrmg thcir aigniturefl, ia all oaioe, t* bo w:ta; 'y t;?o witaes.*? ,3 sijr.oi ia dupli- oate, or lae/ a.y 09 WitaeasJ b>n; ra a Jaativ'^o of the Paaso or Oierk .ny Ojari.. FORM O- ?"OWiiR OF •.XfORlJEr. I, -TT- of . dv» hereby appoi U , of , mr true lawful Ajeat i>; sign raceiijts for, *r.i recvive paymoai oi’ ati aion:/j aa-j to ma t y .^ '^^naor Dc- partmoat oi tha (Janff icrat.' Staw -..i A-danci, Tor the ■ervioea of lay elav-is -‘aipioyed a3 Libjr}r3 on the iaad defenosa ai , daring tae moath of , 153 Witness my .hand aad se*l »t , th» Oav of , lb« ' (Signed in duplio^ie.) l8-b%Vl WJtnaas# The signatures of ooior«4 pers ws should be witae38e-J by three witasas^. There zauat be separate dapIios"-a Powerr of Attcrnoy for each jzua a. Bi«ak foroui ca.a be ha i upon appli- OfttiOB tAiS C'i^Cida W. H. JAM 3d, Oapt. & Chief Eag. Jan’y 20, lb64 ISOOtf SiORTfl CAROtlNA VOLmEER MU CO., GSNiBRAL AgSNT^S OfFICE, Fraokliaton, N. 0., Jun« 20j 1884. , AS general Agent of the Corapaay I wish to call the attcutioa cf all eaterprising and patriotic men of this State to this all-importMit enterprize This Company has uow a capital of over one n>iUiou of dol lars subscribed, and nearly all paid in. Great efforts are being made to secure vessels. Our b(,.,k3 may not f^ia open loag, but while they arc open hare is a glonoas chanee for » good and lasting invadtme^it The ageiit »s instruciel .o tako bonis at their faae la pay- mept of 3«, y'ell‘ie.-' Ji^iaations exaspt 4 psr cenv bonus; tncy w.;,l :t^ea c. 33i per cLt. di;,ooLt with the promwe to p; ,o- t, t;,o credit of .ii« D.»rty p.,- ing ttsni »u a-,/ aaouul this. C.rap,%ny 'sail for over the 66| per cent, allowed ^ Cotton aud Tobacwo will ->3 lakon ia paw j..n. ^ •t the right price, acoordlng U quaUty. A,ny ing to take stock in this Company can do eo by add^ Ing me ss abc»o. ^ '*ro«8» I wlU ^0 tajte pleMure in glting all v^forn^tim to parties wiehiog to take stock. Rev. WILLIAMSON HARRIS8, General AeroL Joae 25. [w. j.J 44^ Biaok Warrant tor aai% Iim. An Act to lay additional Tcueea for the coror mon defence and auppoi't of Ckmemm&nt. Sec. 1. The Gongreea of the Confederate States of Ainerioa do enact, That in addi tion to tho taxea levied by the act ‘‘to lay taxea for the common defence and to carry on the Goveniment of the Confederate States,” approved 24th of April 1863, there shall be I levied, from the paasatce of this act, on the ! subjects of taxation hereafter mentioned, j and collected from every person, copartner- • ship, association or corporation, liable there- ! to, taxes as follows, to-wit: I I. Dpon the value of property, real, per- ; soTal TTid mixed, of ev«rv kind arnl dt»crl|> i tion, not hereinafter exempted or taxed at a j difforont rate, 5 per ccnt.: Provided, Tlsat j from this tr.x on the value of property em ployed in .agricnlturo shall be deducted tlie j value of ti’O tax in kind delivered therefrom, j ae aseeescd under the law imposing it, and delivered to the Goveniment: Provided, That no credit shall be allowed beyond 5 per ccnt. II. On the value of gold and silver wares and plate, jewels, jewelry and watches, 10 per cent. III. Tbe value of property taxed under this section shall bo assessed on the basis of the market value of the same, or similar pro perty iu thff) neighborhood where aseessea, in the year 1860, except in cases where land, slaves, coi;ton or tobacco have been pur chased since the 1st day of January 1862, in which case the said land, slaves, cotton and tobftcco so purchssod, shall be assessed at tho price actually T’ftid for the same by t)ie owner. Sec. 2. On the value of all shares or inter ests held in any bank, banking company or aaeociation, canal, na.vigation, importing, exporting, insurance, manufacturing, tele graph, express, railroad, and dry-dock com panies, and all other joint stock companies of every kind, whether incorporated or not, 5 ^r cent. ^e value of property, taxed under this section shall be assessed upon the basis of the market value of sucli property in the neighborhood where as-ieascd, in such cur rency as may be in general use there, in the purchase and sale of such property, at the time of assessment. Sec. 3. Upon the amount of all gold and silver coin, gold dust, gold or si^lver bullion, wkether hold by the banks or other corpo rations or individuals, 5 per cent.; and upon all moneys held abro^, or upon the anxoant of all bills of exchan^, drawn therefor on foreign countries, a tax of 5 per cent; such tax upon money abroad to be assessed and' collected according to the. ralue thereof at the place where the tax is paid. II. Upon the amount of all solvent cre- ditSj and of all bank bills and all other pa pers issued as currency, exclusive of non interest bearing Confederate treasttry notes, and not employed iu a registered business, the inoome derived ftom which is taxed, 5 per cent. * Sec. 4. Upoa pro:^te made in trade and business, as follows: ■ I. On all profits made by buying and sell ing spiritous liquors, flour, wheat, com, rice, sugar, molasses or sirup, salt, bacon, pork, hogs, beef or beef cattle, sheep, oats, hay, fodder, raw hides, leather, horses, mules, boots, Bho9B, cotton yarns, wool, woolen, cot ton or mixed clotiis, hats, wagons, harness, conl, ii'on, steel or nails, at any time be tween the 1st of January 1S63, and the 1st of January 18c5, 10 per cent., in addition to the tax on sucli proflts as inoome ander the “act to lay taxes fcH* the common defence, and carry on the Government of the Con federate States,” approved April 24,1863. IL On all profits made by baying and aeUing mooey, sold, ailyer, foraiffi exchange, yii*. Srtrti, oMigrtfci— tv or effects of any kind, not enai the preceding paragraph, betwi named therein, 10 per cent., in the tax on such profits as income, act aforesaid. III. On the amount of }>rofite exoecdmg 25 por cent., made during either of the years 1863 and 1864, by any bank or banking company, inaurauce, canal, navigation, im porting and exporting, telegrapii, express, railroad, mannfactnring, dry dock, or other joint stock company of any description, whetlier incorporated or not, 26 per cent on such excess. Skc. 5. Tlie following exemptions from taxation under this act shall be allowed, to-wit: I. Property of each liead of a family to the value of i^500; and for each minor child of tho family to the further value of $100; and for each son actually engaged in the army or navy, or who has died or been killed in the military or naval service, and who was a member of the family when he entered the e(»rvic€, to the further value of $500. II. Property of the widow of any officer, soldier, sailor or marine, who may have died or been killed iu the military or naval service, or where there is no widow, then of the family, being minor children, to the value of $1000. c III. Pr.operty of every officer, soldier, sailor or marine, actually engaged in the military or naval service, or of such as have been disabled in snch service, to the value of $1000; provided, that the above 'xemp- tions shall not apply to any person, whose property, exclusive of household funiiture, shall bo assessed at a valne exceeding $1000. IV. That where property has been injured or destroyed by tho enemy, or the owner thereof has been temporarily deprived of the use or occupancy thereof, or of the means of cultivating the same, by reason of the presence or the proximity of the enemy, the assessment on such property may bo reduced, in projx>rtion to the dam.ige sus tained by thb owner, or the tax assessed tliereon may be reduced in tho same ratio by the district collector, on eatiafactory evi dence submitted to him by the owner or as sessor. Sro. 6. That the taxes on jiroperty laid for the year 1864, shall l>o assessed as on the day of the passage of this act, and be due and collected on the 1st day of June next, or as soon after as practicable, allow ing an extension of 90 days West of the Mississippi river The additional taxes on incomes or profits for the year 1863, levied by this act, shall be assoss^^d and collected forthwith; and tbe taxes on incomes or pro fits for the year 1864, shall be assessed and collected according to the provisions of the tax and assessment acts of 1863. Sko. 7. So much of the tax act of the 24th day of April 1863, as levies a tax on in comes derived from property or effects on the amount or valne of which a tax is levied by this uct, and also the 1st section of said act, are snspended for tbe year 1864, and no estimated rent, hire or interest on pro perty or credits herein taxed ad valorem, shall bo assessed or taxed as incomes tmder the tax act of 1863. Sko. 8. That the tax imposed by this act oa bonds of tho Confederate States hereto fore issued, shall iu no cnso exceed the in terest on the same, and such bonds, when held by or for minors or lunatic#, shall be I oxempt from the tax in all c.'taes where the interest on the same shall not exceed $1XM). Of conspiracies, or attempts to liber ate prisoners of war held by the Confederate Stated. ^ Of conspiracies, or attempts or prepa rations to aid the enemy. XI. Of perscms advising or inciting others to abandon the Confederate eanse, or to re sist the Confederate States, or to adhere to the enemy. XH. Ot unlawfully burning, destroying or injuring, or attempting to bum, destroy or injure any bridge or railroad, or tele graphic Kne of communication, or property, with the intent of aiding the enemy. Yin. Of treasonable designs to impair -the military power of the Government by destroying, or attempting to destroy, vessefc or arms, or munitions of war, or arsenals, foundries, workshops, or other ^roj^erty of the Confederate States. Sec. 2. The President shall cause proper officers to investigate the cases of all persons so arrested, or detained, in order that they may be discharged if improperly detained, unless they can be speedily tried in the due course of law. Sec. 3. That during the suspension afore said, no military or other officer shall be compelled, in answer to any writ of habeas corpus, to appear ?n jjerson, or to return the body of any person or persons detained by him, by the authority of the President, Se cretary of War, or the General officer com manding the Trans Mississfppi department; but upon the certificate, under oath, of the ofljicer having charge of any one so detained, that snch person^ is detained by him as a prisoner for any of the causes hereinbefore specified, under the authority aforesaid, fur- thf'• proceedings under the writ of habeas corpus shall immediately cease and.remain snspended so long as this act shall continue in force. Sec. 4. This act shall continue in force for ninety days after the next meeting of Con- grees, and no longer. THE MILITARr BILL.’ Section 1. That from and after the passage of this act all white men, residents of the Confederate States, between the ages of 17 and 50, shall be in the military service of the Confederate States for tho war. Sec. 2. That all the persons aforesaid, be tween the ages of 18 and 45, now in service, shall be retained during the present war with the U. S., in .the same regiments, bat talions and companies, to which they belong at the passage of this^act, with the same or ganization and officers, unlesi^ regularly transferred or discharged, in accordance with the laws and regulations for the gov ernment of the army: Provided, that com panies from one State, organized against their consent, expressed at the timc^with regimonts or battalions from another’State, shall have the privilege o^ being transferred to organizations of troop*, in the f^me arm of the service, from the States in which said companies were raised; and the soldiers from one State, in companies from another State, shall be liable to be placed iiT service in tiie field for the '^ar, as if he were between the ages of 18 and 45, Sec. 8. That hereafter the duties of pro provisions, to be delivered by such person as aforesaid at equivalent raitM. 3. Such person shall further bind himself to sell the marketable surplus of provisions vost and hospital guards and clerks, and of i and grain now on hand, and whim he may clerks, guards, agents, employees or labor ers in the Commissa^ and Quartermaster’s Departments, in the Ordnance Bureau, and of clerks and empbyees of navy agents, as also in the execution of the enfbllmeat act, and all similar duties, shall be performed by persons who aro within the ages of -18 and 45 years, and who by the report of a Board of army surgeons shall be reported as unable to perform active service in the field, but capable of performing some of the raise from year to year while his exemp»tion continues, to the Government or to the fam ilies of soldiers, at prices fixed bgr the Com missioners of the State under the impress ment act: Provided, that any person ex empted as aforesaid, shall be entitled to a credit of 25 per ccnt. on any amount of meat which he may deliver witnin three months from the passage of this act: Provided fur ther, that persons coming within the provi sions of this exemption shall not be deprived above said duties, specifying which, and of the benefit thereof by reason of having when these persons shall have been aligned been enrolled since the 1st dfty of Feb. 1864. 4. In addition to the^ foregoing exemp- An Act toauspcrud t?ie privilege of the Writ . of TTdbeas Corpics in certain cmm. Whereas, the Constitution of the Ooufed- erate States of America provides in Article 1, Section 9, Paragraph 3, that “tbo privi lege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended unless when in case of rebel lion or invasion, the pubb’c safety may re quire it;” and whereas, the power of sus pending tho privilege of said writ as recog nized in said Article 1, is vested solely in the Congress, which is the exclusive judge of the nooessity of such suspension; and whereas, in the opinion of tho Congress, the public safety requires the suspension of said writ in the existing case of tho invasion of these States by the armies of the United States; and whereas, the President has asked for the suspension cf the writ of habeas cor pus, and informed OongrcsS of conditions of public danger which render the sns|)ension of the writ a measure proper for the public defence against invasion and insurrection; now, therefore. to those duties as far as practicable, the Pre sident shall assign or detail to their perform ance such bodies of troops, or individaals, required to be enrolled under the 5th sec tion of this act, as may be needed for the discharge of such duties: Provided, that Eersons between the ages of 17 and 18 shall e assigned to those duties: Provided fur ther, tliat nothing contained in this act shall be so construed as to prevent the President from detailing artisans, mechanics, or per sons of scientific skill, to perform indispen sable duties in tlie departments or bureaus herein mentioned. Sec. 9. That any Quartermaster or As sistant Quartermaster, Commissary or As sistant Commissary, (other than those serv ing with brigades or regimelfts in the field,) or officers in the Ordnance Bureau, or Navy Agents, or Provost Marshal, or officer iu the conscript service, who shall heraafter employ or retain in his employment any person in any of their said departments or bureaus, or in any of the duties mentioned in the 8th section of this act, in violation of the provisions hereof, shall, on conviction thereof by a cotirt-niartial or military court, be cashiered; and it shall be the duty of any department or district commander, upon proof, by the oath of any credible person, that any such officer has violated tliis pro vision, immediately to relieve such officer from duty; and said commanders shall take prompt measures to have him tried for such oflence; and any commander as aforesaid failing to perform the duties enjoined by this section, shall upon 6eing duly convicted thereof, be discharged from tbe service. Sec. 10. That all laws granting exemp tions from military service be, and the same are, hereby repealed, and hereafter none shall be exempted except the following: tions, the Secretary of War, under the di rection of the President, may exen^pt or de tail such otUer persons as he may be satis fied ought to be exempted on account of public necessity, and to insure the produc tion of grain and other provisions for the army and the families of soldiers. Re may, also, grant exemptions or details, on such terms as he may prescribe, to such over seers, farmers or planters as he may be sat isfied will be more useful to the country in the pursuits of agriculture than in the mili tary service: Provided, that such exemption shall cease whenever the farmer, planter or overseer shall fail diligently to employ in good faith, his own skill, capital ana labor exclusively in the production of grain and provisions, to be sold to the Government aiid the families of soldiers at prices not exceed ing those fixed at the time tor Ifke articles by the Commissioners of the State under the impreesment act. 6. The president, treasurer, auditor and superinteodent of any railroad company en gaged in transportation for the Government, and such officers and employees thereof as the president or superintendent shall certify on oath to be indispensable to the efficient operation of said railroad: Provided, that the number of persons so exempted by this act on any railroad shall not exceed one per son for each mile of such road iu actual use for military transportation; and said exempts shall be reported by name and description, wiSh the names of any who have left the employment of said company, or who may cease to be indispensable. 6. That nothing heroin contained shall be construed as repealing the act approved April the 14th 18^, entitled an act to ex empt contractors for carrying the mails of 1. All who shall be held unfit for inilita-1 the Confederate States, and the drivers ot ry service, under rules to be prescribed by j ]^x«t coaches and hacks, from military ser- the Secretary of t^ar. ' .n .ll_ 2. The Vice President of tho Confederate States, the members and officers of ^Jongress and of the several State Legisl-f^tures, and such other Confederate and Stat*? officers as the President, or the Governor of the re vice: Provided, - that all the exemptions granted under this act shall only continue wliilst the persons exempted are actually engaged in their re.spective pursuits or oc5- cupations. Sec. 11. That the President be, and he is spective States, may certify to be necesfiary i hereby, autliorized to grant details, under for the proper administration of the Con- j general rulo» regulations to be issued federate or State Governments, as the case i froi» War Department, either of pei^ons shall be allowed, if they desire it, a transfer j j^^y be. i between 45 and 50 years of ago, or from the to organizations from their own States, in I Every minister of religion authorized to | army in the field, m all cases where, iu his the same arm of the service. i'preach according to the rules of his church, | judgment, justice, equity and necessity re- Sec. 3. That at the expipation of six months | and who, at the passage of this act, shall be - quire such details, and he may revoke such from the first day of April next, a bo0ity ! regularly employed in the discharge of his ' orders of details whenever he ttilnks proper: of $100 in a six per cent. G^emment bond, ministerial duties; superintendents and phy- | Provided, that tlie power heaein granted to which the Secretary of the Treasury IS here-■ giciana of asylums for the deaf and dumb j the President to make details and exemp- by autlionzed to issue, ^all be paid to ev^ ^nd blind and of the insane; one editor for | tions shall not ba cbnstraed to authorise tUa r;> non-commiseioncd officer, musician and i at the time i exemption or detail of any contractor for private who shall then bo in service, or in I this act, and such employees as s^d edi- t te event of his death previous to the period I may certify, on oath, to be indispensable ot buch payment, then to the person or per- publication of such newspaper; the sonswho would be entitled to receive by law j public printer of tho Confederate and State tlio arr^ragesof his pay; but no one shall be ; Governments, and such joumeymen print- eutiued to the bounty herein provided who j ga,id public printer shall certify, Siiall at any t^e, during the j^nod of six ! oath, to be indispensable to perform the mon^ next after the said fii^t day ot April, | public printing; one sTcilled apothecary in be absent bis command without leave, ©ach apothecary^ store, who was doing busi- Sec. 4. That no person shall bo relieved , n^ss as such on the 10th day of Oct'r 1362, from the ojjc^tion of this act by reason of' ^nd has continued said business without naving been heretofore discharged from the army whore no disability now exists; nor shall those who have furnished substitates The^ Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That during the present invaeion of tho Confederate States, the priv ilege of tho writ of habeas corpus bo, and tho same is hereby, suspond«d; but such sus pension shall apply only to the cases of per sons arrested or detained by order of the President, Secrotary of War, or the Gh^neral Officer commanding the Trans-Mississippi Military Department, by tho authority and under the control of the President It is hereby declared that the purpose of Uoa- grees m the passage of this act is to provide more elioctually lor the public safety by suspending the writ of habeas corpus in the following cases and no other: , I. Of treason, or treasonable efforts or oombipations to subvert the government of the Confederate States. II. Of conspiracies to o^rerthrow the gov ernment, or conspiracies to resist the lawful authori^ of the Confederate States. UL Of (^mbining to assist the enemy, or of communicating intelligence to the enemy, or riving him aid and comfort. IV. Otf coiwpiracies, preparations and at- teo^ts to incite servile insurrection. V. Of dosertions or encouraging deser tions, of harboring deserters, and of attempts to avoid military service: Provided, That in case of palpable wrong and oppression by any subordinate officer upon any y>arty who does not legally owe military service, his superior oiScor shall grant prompt relief to the cppre^ised party, and the subordinate shall be dismissed from-office. VI. Of spies and other emissaries of the enemy. VII. Of holding corroapondence or inter course with the enemy, without necessitj, and without the permission of the Confode- rateStotes. VJLLL Of anlawfdl trading with the ene my, and other off«ioea againat the laws of tlM OooManto^afeit, «umM ^ fCOWoK is Ihi w. intermission, since that psriod; ail physi cians over the age of 30 years, wlio now are, . , J , , . , s^nd for the last 7 years h? vo been, iu tho D J J exempted by peMon thereof: j actual and regular practice of their profes- xjovided, that no pereon, heretofore exempt- gion, but the term physician shall not in- ed on wcount of religious opinions and who ^ all presidents and teachers has paid the tex lovied to relievo him from , colleges, theological seminaries, acade- service, shall be required to render military j mies and schools, who have been regularly service under this act. • engaged as such for two years next before ^ Sec. 5. That all white male residents of [t||e passage of this act: Provided, that the the Confederate States, between the ages of; benefit of this exemption shall extend to 17 and 18 and 45 and 50 years, shall enroll i those teachers only whose schools are com- themselves at such times , and places, and | posed of 20 students or more. All superin- under such regulations, a!s tho ‘'President ^ tendents of public hospitals, established by may prescribe, the time allowed not being law before the passage* of this act, and such less than 30 days for those east, and 60 days physicians and nurses therein as such su- for those west of the Mississippi river, and perintendents'shall certify, on oath, to be any person who shall fail so to enroll him self, without a reasonable excuse therefor, to be judged of by the President, shall be placed in service in the field for tho war, in the same manner as though they were be- tweea the ages of 18 afid 45: Provided, that the persons mentioned in this section shall constitute a reserve for State defence and detail duty, and shall not be required to perform service out of the State m which th^ reside. »Bo. 6. That all persons required by the 5th section of this act to enroll themselves, may within 30 days after the passage there of^ east of the Mississippi, and within 60 «Uiys, if weet'of said river, form themselves into voluntary organizations of companies, battalions or regiments, and elect their own ofScers; said organizations to conform to the existing^laws; and, having so organized, to tender meir services as volunteers daring thd war to the President; and if such pngan- isstions shall furnish proper muster rolls, as now organized, and deposit a copy thereof with the enrolling officer of their district, winch^stiall be equivalent to enrollment, tnsy may be accepted as minute men for senj[ice in such State, but in no event to be taken out of it Those who do not so volun- tetf and organize, shall enroll themselves as before provided; and may, by the President, be reqmred to assomble at convenient pla ces 01 rendezvous, and be formed or dr^^n- izod into compuni^s, battalions and regi ments, under regulations to be praecribed by him; and shall have the rigiit to elect tbeir company and regimental officers; and all troops organised under this act for State defence, shsdl be entitled, while in actual service, to the same pay and allowance as troops now in the field. Sec. 7. 13iat any person who shall fail to attend at the plaee of rendearooa as required bj te aiOliiQBlif of the FMdaok without In «/ Ha, indispensable to the proper and efficient management thereof. 4. There shall be exempt one person as owner or agriculturist on each farm or plan tation upon which there are now, and were on the 1st day of Jan’y last, lo able-bodied field-hands, between the {vges of 16 and 50, upon the following conditions: 1. This exemption shall only be granted in cases ip which there is no white male adult on the farm or plants.tion not lia'ble to military service, nor unless the person claim ing the exemption was on the 1st day of Jan’y 1864, either the owner and manager or overseer of said plantation, but in no case shall more than one person be exempted for one farm or plantation. 2. Such person shall first execute a bond, payable to the Confederate States of Amer ica, in such form, and with such security, and in such penalty as the Seeretarj of War may prescribe, conditioned that he will de liver to the Gioverament as some railroad depot, or such other place or places as may be designated by the Secretary of War, within 12 months next ensuing, 100 iXiunds of bacon, or, at the election of the Goveni- ment, its e^uivalent in pork, and 100 Ibi. of net b^ (said beef to be delivered on foot,) for each able-bodied slave on said farm or plantation, within the above said ages, whe ther said slaves in the field or not, which ^id bacon or pork and beet ahaU be paid for by the Government at the pricos fixed by the Oommissionera of the State under the impressment act: Provided, that whnn person thus exempted shall produc- facto^ evidence tnat it has been im. for him, by the exercise of proper - to furnish the amount of meat thns ■••uir’-.ct ed for, and leave an adequate supply lor tne subsistence of tihoee living on the said farm or plantation^ the Secretary of War shall dKWt » wmntttiou oi tb» aamflk to the furnishing supplies of any kind to the Gov ernment, by reason of said contract, unless the head or secretary of the department ma king such contract ^all certify that the per sonal services of such conti^ctor are indis pensable toXhe execution of said contract: Provided further, that when any such con tractor shall fail, diligently and faithfully, to proceed with the execution of such con tract, his exemption or detail shall cease. Sec. 12. That in appointing local boards of surgeons for the examination of persons liable to military service, no member com posing the same shall be appointed from the county or enrolling district in which they are required to make such examination. I. C.,| «8. I tiit at Pc8t Offiod, FayetteviUe, H. -OOTOBEB 3, 1868. SchidtUe of the Arrival and Departttre of the Maik Offlet. RALEIGH via AVBRA8B0B0’, fto. ArriTsa daily, except Sunday, at 4| P. M. Daparte daily, except Saturday at S P. M. KALBIGH Tia SUMMERVILLE. Departs Tueaday aad Friday at ti A. M. Arrives Wedacsdvky and Sonday at 9 P. M. WARSAW via CLINTON. ^^ives daily at 12 noon. J^parts daily at P. M. GABTQAGE. Arrives Tcesiay, Thar^day and Saturday at 7 P. M. Departs Monday, Wedceiday and Friday at 1 P. If. CHERAW, S. C. Arriveg Taesday, Thtivsday and Saturday at 6 P. M. Departs Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday at 1 P. M. FAIR BLUFF via LUMBEBTON. Arrivas luesday, Thursday aad Saturday at 6 A. M. Oepai'ts Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday at 1 P. M. ROBESON'S Via ELIZABETHTOWN. Daparta Monday, Wednesday and Frid»,y at 6 A. M. Arrirea Tuesday, Thurday and Saturday ai 2 P. M. ELIZABETHTOWN via TEBEBINTH. Arrivei Monday at 5 P. M. Departs same day (Monday) at 6 P. M. MAGNOLIA^via CTP&ESS OBEBK. Arrives Taasd^y at"2 P. M. Depwrts &une day (Tuesday) at 2i P. M. 3WUT ISLAND via MONTBOSB, OOYINGTON Bmd POWBLLTON. Arrivoe Tuesdt^ at 6 P. H. Departs Wednesday at 11 A. M. SWIFT ISLAND via TROT. Arrives Tuesday at 6 P. M. Departs Wedneeday at 11 A. M. AU maiLi leaving bafora 7^ A. M , are elosed the even lag before at 9 P. M Ail fetters to be sent off from this office, other than by mail, moat be paid fer a* if sent by miail. AO drop lettan should be pre-paid bj 2 oent stamps. The offloe will be open on Sunday from 8| to 9} A. M-, and firom 41 to 6} P. M. JAS. O. COOK, P. M. DIXIE PRlillEII, liios the tiuse Fidks A farther snp^j at wnotoMit U S'* — THE MORTH €^RO£iliVA MUTHIL LIFE INSUfi41«€E COMPAiff, N ti- p, ?'a- Jan’y 1«69. the tenth ysar of suooessnil eptration, with ''g o&pitaJ and firmer hold upon puhlie eoa- ctitiuc3 to iiiAore the lives of aU healthy per- i 11» 00 yejL'*8 9f ftge, for one year, for seven ^f«^5ill rife taesabere sharing in the profits ^ 10 to 60 years of »gfi are insured Itg ypan for tiro thirds their value. noltiaUy paid >ritHin f)0 d&ys •fter preaantad. n .-’aAttou the p3\/t^4 IS referred to t' in all parts o ' ^h« State, m (f- it. BATTUE, SeoraU7, Baiaigh. . S. J. HALB, Agmt at ya/gttei3U,H. O

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