Vi XIV - N. JULY 35, im. [NO 1352.] t'KlNTFD MONbAYS aND THDRSDAY'S raw»s!> J. liALK & S»5S. kil iTORjJ \ND PKOriirUTORG, For jSiie iNvnate. ,Vo. io. ^ ■; rriHE FAY'ETrKVULE C\)TrO.; UMtD .MANUF V'^- i r.f VrM. ^ WRiaHT, K«q , ,1 TURIHGt’OMPA’JT!ri-now nir,:u!*«?t(’.iingCA.l>or; ! * t'ff - rt. Ur. r . Tver - . f tnd tnJ superior to any run through the blocbvCo.a u! at pnjs^'nt fee i, o»i. n Ic- ih Li in lb« ueit 0->C3 rKn. Jld t>0 per siutara, paid ui } foT fh> Jfon^i-We^hly Ot!«Emviti yi6 00 adrance. t'or the Weekly Usskrt RtlTanp". 8S^ADXTITvTISLM6NT3 ii»3..r:eil f^r 52 per n lUftre of 12 lined or U=s for the Crst, (ml ot^o dollur frr each 8n'*ce»vliDg poblidtioTi. AdTfrlis-'r^ pra re'iu'»9tei ta BSafe th^ T'.nraWr of ?R>»?-tlnn’> or Ihor tt'11 b« coufljiund tlV fjrVi !, rc i cn Ad7p';-,.’,f.jq *.^r- 'n'jr-? - ^ »^r-, • r-- »rtf sulJing for iv k's-i price t!i.- iiiii>»lo priir c. Ov ttie quan p»i*l In [ titjr. ■ ' . . • 7 S‘^ ir. Any jiorsim oruonut; «x or ir.ore i. um, will »x> - — ' - secure]/ piicked au.t U.4iv.;r-«1 in VV'ihnia-t .a f: >e uf ei- F"lfov/ of Caniborla^d and Harnett. 1 %r!cpr;ling:y 'i'lrpc*!! »s n.«w «d- P0UH!. Cu!l upon or juldroca N. April 18 1 ttni C;;roliui A. A. SkrKETT :a:I. J. A. V.'O T^r M.EX. JOH .r ) Jr. iT; 8 i^*n coj.y. •iitf j" » i h !>c'loitaito; a o? nxiny from (* tf.T. ct r -.i-if Coatiirs T *n' -uao > j»y5 If » iJct, -I r u'-. '- '1 in ti.o •'•jsa.t* f »h *. next I ■■■i -. iji rc.sTttva to tf’? at*' . ■' kaopn irtc;' T t .ipcM ij.- 0 14\ Fr-j:: •'.i. ••. \,cr Wt« -> r- i -p- loe pftp. r 5 - . .i tfaan is f aid for Bach ofoiu* oV’ suhBTib^rs a F«j6t{eFlJl€ Ro«ia 0** !ro’’-ir. UR Oil Worlia are now in conijibie oiy»niuen, cuJ we usj^ nothin*!: ^'ut {i^KKl rop’n in iriy'u ’i.i" the Oil we nan recoiniuea*; it to be the bo't of tb-‘ l.iml in tliia fouatry. It it a fin« Luhri:.'.u;;r aui Ta.'iner’j ihl, r^d we would be gi^id to froiu ilio -'ac of a n-j'7 subscriber 1 GiJvcmmoi.t a^d the pul Uc )>:cr';r;:U7. \ a will sell on ■t ill noP will I reasonable tcrtna. ilOOSE, C.\3II'.*JiLL A CO. \y.H1 1.%. U” c‘ 'i e^ r'i. R. M-r-'NlEL 4";-? V^'e mitUorixed So aini)iOU4»ce 1K.L. J a ‘Sr i I: n"* .(•V ■L'! ■EllU ’ 'Jo- '.W8 f!r:ot (h' for rt- n uatios t f L'l'cib^: - n A ipLL0W-tiri2SN« aud UOLDISRS: Tielliae • tbo . eoHo'.tatl?n«i of TricuJfl i& (3aiuherUai »nd tfjaj t’es, 1 ha»e t.> na-'re, if elecieJ. ‘e fi rrea;h» of Iht* Hc^se of ot the next Gao‘val .'\nscwbly of NortT Coc^ad »o Csitup J f?, i’ will Dot bfl IB my poTf -r f) mi- lb» I* b-T rrcpep thorefcrfi, (t> tr; . *., it tl.cLc l. wy ’nflu I ro.: and vot«"B w \ feg o»f»t ia i T-t ot: aaii mt ..sur«y ’ ? s Ift judgaiont rn.*y te b«^3t c»'culai« i to iusur>} * Ttt auccsM of oar rnm tsd nioure-fliB in .’epf” I'-ns - T tbv Simih. It wiU ^e ray ‘^or? ir.t to lOC &-» Irt comfort aD»* o^-ra of njy b't ‘.iii v :| *>iiu I sbsU »«iTpof t CTvrr irvisiurv* 0!i.lculat li io prornoi® i^iir rrsFi. stjd ?o eiio>oi ho r tbr ,i m th>;ir >:r •.'■ j parrictte aer»jca. Bvaiy^iultltig nli'i I-i f~ !i: p'ld’crt, wb&icT*’' i.-S;;’ CP 1 n;»y f ret:'*iii op(>?tid gaii.''ii.u-t ji;3V T s:>;t« Rad s Iv i- ti dlscljr.rg.^ •» u■ ? kiutiet, all l^Kt'ui t-.i; jiUsa;.U b-- lo. pi jtr 'c ;h* latai’C'-t *cd enrty wi.-jbes of Vclioir €ltieA8 of ^amiMoa Couiitjr. i I ‘•m 4 akt.ild^ie f«r ^ «u*t io th« House of UommcB* 1 ia tJka iiD3i Lf|‘s!i»ara if Norttt Carallna. At it i b* 5ni u93!^!c for n.e to ^anTsta the C*-ualy at this 5s.le reriad 1 •■’he niothod of hrially Blating nay j T w\c BCt SiD 300:93ionf^l. (Ot>! ••e» n i-r.,.?. } piu^li w> nrjy otii-*? m».n bat hare ^ • . . I'-.-tlc.- ' r of i' Hincd fr ■ t 'r*' forofd i ■'• !■ b7 r ■.-:♦% -yf Liaf^iln I ft>a f'-r rcioe ■ ^ fes it t.v -’ul'!y b* bttfttei on h«^or*ble t 1 /Ji,.; . />;( •jyy F,''”. S'? I *t 'y •7' (, I ;> ,.v^■ > • t-> .jr fjr tb-j beetinUren*. af •• • * • -»-in if fdo all in m? r ■' •. I • prcwate il:n 1. p r ariiaUrrs*. rf Norths Oa'X)- * W, H BHYAS, .'U J >=tv, . 4Q.te -'■nc\ loco for & loftrcr ri’!’*’ jsiro to tbc p"k- |wr on this systeia wi’l plc-ae uat-'y i;y teinitt-.iices Ja v'len tnoXiPE j O t- 1858 til*' ir,r. D .V'' ■ur■""'1 ' 'I cur ri"tutC3 fiiT R '^LiE!iL?, '‘•■ii o'^’Dj :.• ir n of rrrp':• n.-.tiir. w- (0 prro'-’" “,:i7 ■I'-m " - ; ^eli-Trir.ij t*ia- ■. n-'r^we.'talivc iu tLie | i0 paWio c' -7 i, T- ■ t?«» ijfOl/'I t,,> V We respeotfuUy reoomniand lIiti]|QU.iSTKUS RM8KKTK0FN.C.\ ^ Ybldos, July 13, 18(t4 j G(i> i*;.l « No 3 j 1 Ttjij f'cnrr»t'.d*nt of Oon^oripiB will OJo ovc^y ^o M«P'n lud i-> i ^Xi"t.oik t> oi;p,-dile the organuatioa of o .ecHnO'j tf *-:rjr f N. C b Idlai? hia Rubcrdiaatfs to the »'•. J'ji «V-r f!i!>«;»nt O? cnr>»-y or as- NEiriL MnKAY, Gr q a na£didatj fjr re Elr(>»’CTi to ^ in fie o x* Hor93 ofCjmra'msfra:?' - C^roberiaud st^d H\;nptf C'uat’rg. MASY CITIZ3K8. ” V 29 W. DRAl!GUO!V, aOCTIONEEE, , 8. E. rorner 3lJ»rhPt Fqnapr, F.4TETTETILI.E, K. C. Promyt attantior to eM b’siT'ew in his Boo •ntrpptp^ tn him June 10, 1884. 40if H. Aaotionefr and Commission Merehant, rVc». 5**3, street, FATETTUriLLK, N. C. Jane tf 39-a.n ~ IS uc hollK’ssworth, ' (rrocer aud Coniaisi«ioa Morcliant, FAYETTEVILLE, N. 0. - '“• f’' '■■■■ >;■ .7 }•.•(T '’; V. ■ in tr.' co’.us ;.'f or * •'''k*. at r7l >h r-.xs'i nv sh-i'l b * t i'.5 Uj f'tjo'; !'■ e f ,'llcr in'.' siz a—24, 2li, 28 nnJ SO JQc’.e^; also Oh;i;p 1 i'^—^ Jroa ■?r.* u^'c ft r !dfr.i fi-i! £)v Cold I' rroii. cu! «7’» V4r r»r.: c:ir wbee)«! NOT TO ' ■'•A. K -n,'. i., tO' .*1 to say K^ *e 15 tij- Conft>,^A~r>-:y, • • i.> r ? V' -;'* y & Sor.« ot -u T'bo'!- repmr-tLr ia eo ncll kcaw'-i by *.11 RsAl:T*d cr'iip'vv.ios. «r. 5>' are {.r ■CP S'vnd « • ■1 t > eztrnti: ii'.'o:-':, PiK ‘ 0.’ 1 a'l p.' or D. ANDLuSO.'^ ^ -r.-, 3) ISGI Jnne 1*?. 40 If Aticomc'T’ a’w Law. FAvr.TTrvii.LB, N. C. WILL aitend the County and Superior Courtj o? Cuail'erlskiid, HAniPtt, Moor? r-ud R>;be*>r. Coun ties. Prsn^t wt?Ti.t:cn jjiTen to tb* coi'^'ction ol all elaisiR rcvmsu l ts bis fcan.’-e. Oct. 17, I8G -SS-ff jo!^. i^ti/ey, and V?ms.*si«?i.'?n JUei'rh€itii, Fi-yiVrTKVILI.E, S. Jan’y 10, 15C;; 93" '.£i WHOl CO.Tlf|| f. II. BERNA^.n. f'z- CO., DSALEftS * Sti'eety £AYETffiV'i'.L.., N C. 25tf ’’lltfBKlCA T1 i\G ^ The under'^i(ra:'d is now pror'i.r.d m fartiiali lo ihe pubii'j >i T-.-ry duorri'r of I-FV?’I^^TING OIL, teptcifilly for Voit'>n and F\zl'>riea. Wc (jltirrj ty^t tliis 0:1 ■i'-?'; i2Ct aa1 ra.'kv V>e run at greaxir speed with Ic?3 p^wcr than ati7o!.h:rO I cijopt Spe-*n:. W fl Pcr'sr, Snpirinteid'jnt of P>a)nis; C0t!02 S’*oi-'iy, c-i“s of It: •'! hav* b?teu ;K ng y^ur liubri:it- icg 01 f-'T 2 'r 3 mcjitliLi, >. j ’ liL .l it i be eup rior to ■mj otbcr Oi. ..ow lu ' r iu’'-ics'ii>’ ' r J.-ha Scrubaw, a-?p’ 'i.' iibi-si’ ;'Cr.*e»^V'.c:ory, s»yp: “I c»a tacc?*'u;!y stiy y'ur I.-L;Oil !■! a aagerior •ittioia II (iort? ar* ;;ur. 12 »^.c bat kacpa ihe jocrnVi.'i cl»ar md briirhi ” Mr A F ' ■ • '.'t! ri«;^!n'>'^r 0 ' (h.' O fi .'tfc- crI and Am-'ry cf iVs pUc?, t»?h r^Qw^s;- d to tey it and 3ayp: “1 tbir j f(rli«r“‘ D’AcriT!-?} - i.'h i.n 'Ofl h .y n:i»cT.incry wt»!i iht> ro ■fi'>a . tUl Till c m;'R. ■ r. zL in q »'*l- F*stori-'3—,■ h ia rl .-fr, y ,u;' It" ti? 8["rm ” 0:>cr cotto^i rait^v .iouB''«'i faTorib'v n: Apr»i 4, 18ol A'te’U F yet. >■ ;l J it enA rro- (OLIOS, li .r .'f’’.’! J 20 tf April 20. a. O. WOB.TH. r>. a W*'»T3. ». o. DAH’SI WORT 51 & COc, Commissi OB aad For Wcir ding O^eroiiaiite, Streft^ WILMINGTON, N. G. Get. 16, 18^S. 7a-12m ■ WAWTEI5. 2CAA BUSHELS WHEAT. ,OUU 1,50C' *• COUN. Persons haTiug the aoo- ■ ertiolcT to ecil wul receive the hlf^hcBt Cssb pticc by call-sc^ on .’ i’. XaoaiMcr.. at the Merchant Mi’ds, Fayctiavillt:, cr on tie eubscri- ber at hi? old B’ind on i'qua'C. AL?X. JOHNSON, Jr. Not. 5, 186^:. XtOiY M I AM prepfircd to la^'auiioturc- all kini^ of VTagon Hamees '.r ■'i.rray uao. i tra ray !«;vhe>- and naa pTe good bar7aio«. A^outs wUl do s^sii 10 "cnJ their •rdeTB to me »'i tb^y :,hall hiTC prompt a«leitic^, and fcnt o3 in quick dispstcb JOUN CA :v' ii!Ik Goli8ion P. 0 , Cu»*ba^ Co., 1'. 0., ) Ju50 1.'., iovi'i. / aiiO Ihu. Ct5iiks Arabfc tos' ttaie by J. A LE3. Oct. 10. l!s?« date I will '-7 T^iican furri’ b KKK.»^;r;r;E i^CP ‘'IT. ? f iitic.-; cf *> or 10 ts'- at $25 p r px'" n; ;| ..•r k; -g: .?i5 lo S2.> t; Mvi iic c- k‘'v : oonve2.i^rt, Trib ij So pjcd aa 0:1 cm b. ciix'cr^ tri-i Alfvhol, wbioh :■ v« ubt-in. T'lv »lot labe r* ?r.i c; ’•■ should bg sl'z*5tiy lenj. h^ar-'i by >■ 'tTiJi a ' t " ■ ^ ‘ ’ ; i -Hf and w t j 'H nil'’' .'.^y t>'\ ■ 'n ILcr iKeoe. -n^th^at til? b'- .V to vcae I'.'an nc on a pifie. The'iww or JAMES Kl.HmTKlCR Ls rcjy ■.; . iy .nbra^tt.-i’ Tie votfra cf Gfi aberUijd i H- r;iatt to ? »i »k P .r*'':;- ri'irira cf tims. r the I.{ !”•: :>? Cc'DTjif'-a. .M '.Hf VOTER-^. M-y TO, 18‘4. Wo uro authorizevl to an»oance 6eu. r 'icLL.-iN K Cj • %'e I' r>.nren;’.u' ruci-.-jr -Kil tTj I K’.racii ’ J t^c lloaso rf cf thf r T’ Oris".'! .■\s-eniH7 4S te T« the %'olcrs ol i'oaiiety. nnZK-iS AM' ??LLO\Y SOL lER ;• By t! e f?olioi- \J tati. n f f 'Tijs*'y frisa*" I a c:nii- ■*- " r .Picuiab tir-'ur.j r- tSc L-c.»r'lMn.-a •! 1. it?i jc in 8 rvire. [ " u jt be a‘;• to "ncet t .e K ■( d ps\'t* of old 3»njr?'>j a tUe precf-.-CLS, baitru:tto th- kiud cCio 8 of Fricn-J"*. ^^s vSawp c»c well kncwn ao Ooas-Tio ’.r. ? r. ; iia tGC ; J'i'y 8. Zj) r»- ■ ^ Q f;i roCiit ^ ' ’•’•? * •. t T ursr'ip'i’y. I S''lioi' your untes, Ik* ! tc ycur .icreet. U B COOPER. te The friends of to!. M J McDUPFIB, ’■ *"s- iSeu to Icara tbLt he hcs cca»'»ot- i»'t to 5-0 ;\Cr nJid»t to r-’-rcsoC*. tbectuntioeof n»rr.ct{ i'jd Cunbi!rl».nd. i . the Hot?ro of CoTnm'ni» of the next 0?Tsrr' * ■ - We arc aut orlzi’d to annuuncc Sr. ■it -M 'I If.’- of Haruttit, no»* ?• rvin** t!» k :n r’ - -i;\r:av, m c'ija ic:- cf C/a’a.-er.tavi ■! n, ?t T.j rJalj,-.-.r.i 45 ’0>. d plo ■n IT f/ way • 7€ "rrvcd titraa i" lb '■if» d'-ii'TO 30 to R"r»e ihrr ■I C^iC'T* II7 COS' 1 V''a 1':' i-v.rtt : ill- tj,-.rr h t.-'.e pablio good J army, ^ad if l *o p^a ;NCtl«'r C' KQ^'-V- . > Plynoafb N. .lu'; 3 joh: I' 18*4 .yj.C .11 m * Fort iloimts July 12, SSUS. FDlTOll.S;-Y -.u ars i.' eo . ru t 'id I ct’i.} of ’.■>■1(1.1'. Ti’ csm' c JBuOr'ffof Jl^CiCJOli OIPDtf ' Very raspeo'ful’y •-•y^r .b’t oof »'t, M n Mt(;Hyi)E 50 5 *3t;!^] C'pf i'o K. 40:'' N 0 l^eljow-tKizens aisri .Soldiers Diipliu C'onnty. r A?'?>Ol)I?OK rjfs If a t>i‘■; tor re-elfc iou tl) J repie^cat y u in tb' Ilia.c 0^ C tnTioaj, p»-omi-’rj: ife’’rt*cl *j Ti-v!;"^ yc'i ’•'■^rosMi l i?'!. al- V syi h,.i»it>g youf inUrfsl ax.'* »b« ‘n^ors-ot of cur S^ate in vie-r. L W. HODaES. W'.r,\w ' 1, 1964. f'0-tv.;.J -; .M j = I: - a B ! Ul I- -try ki *>. «v IV '•r»' u n ; • : -^,^ " ilj f' •.'•■■ —'nr i ' PCTi ~. : p J'y ^ • fz ?.n ) • ■ ' ' ^ ^ tC.lirp , J '••1 nr c' I J-1 l- ■ b’..'?>*e nf*»r the Ser.ior into cimrft»ie?, tb* District ?► >«3 t: eoi inM a Reg m-'Bt, ■; 'ir ia**' a Bvttalirr, if lea.^ :»R8-iiibnnj: ihfl ToKipp.ny 02i !»ion fo^'^'o:?r 1, Li-ui. Co'onol -v Li u '^’r.’.-o*;', raJ Mujo"- ■ rr- r. >rtT»ri’o; ; OP ft Mujor -u » X 0 tajs i* 8 ft-'ellow-€ltizcii8 ausi $iol«lierfe: 1 im a cscji late to r*p'*estnt yr.a i” th-> Dis- :r.ct O ’nj'P'id of ibe o uati'=:. 'tf B-'d-^c, Brun«iWick ind \ c’>:-ab-.'!.; If ipc^aw5 'pr7.- r^n ;h. ' jc; cl »>v«,M’itv JAS n FtiTrCFTKTT. July 14 50 5 t r.r t iHauy Citizens of Cnmberlacd cni H men Qianne's f»u'i >.•• tai -th v( next The Confederate Ticket, FOR GOVERNOR, Z. B. VA^UE. POR THE SENATE, Kaodal McD.nnicl, of Cumberland. To tbo Fresm^a of Cuaborlaad Coauty, j r>V rsq.-,’.?t, 1 « ,%-.>jo:’uc.* re_. r'l* - .?aid’j\U' for i [l tbn cf".' ?f •S^'-'fifFof C"-n^.Tl3Dd! cou-tv. ■ .. I ••' on’y pfr ■ -vs ''.-f;r' lo di«aa\’'f'' Tu> 8 FOR TUB CO tMON'. 6en. A. D. McLean, Harnett, J. U. bliepherd, (nmberlaHd, lol. M. J. XcBuiHe, do. 43 H. d: HECTOR Me'^'ERL. as 5 To the CitiicnH aud 8oldien of Ilarnott. At the •al;ciiation of many of my frlenda I rwpectfully anaoiiuoti mydcif a cauJidatti for r« «Iactiua to the Ar ril 7 Co. •V' by rendecting fore, s«rve them promptly aud impartially. Very r> f’pv*ctfully, JAS. R. GP--^DY. .April 13. 24-te rayetv w 15 Crtcti K;£-be“* i lebTcrjvi ia F«Vv 1«. 1%--» w :■ r. ■ Gjiu •’ • Horth C'si i .ircSiiiise, 3.0 5; a ‘ r. ,u-i* Ir- ui y Notea (Fuadable;) «* “ • f l and i>il; ti •> B ': old yui c County of Cut L-evi-ii'l ■ ;aJ'' Town of i *ytti‘i'»i*Ie tljivls; GrvcnBcor."*’ 8^d ?!'.5 0^;r*ific»teb; Con^feder(»'3 7 aid S si^jv.N;; C:.upo&8 ol S15,00‘J,0U0 ly«.i; “ of Town aa^ .!ouaty BocdB;* ** o' old Nor'.*’ (J«ol’na TianiB; T. H LJIIEliLOa. Oct 12, 186«. 71ti ^ OaMl-M’2 UEPAaiMBNT, \ RaLXtGii, N. t»., May 8, 1863. / EA,iLE FOUNDllY, \ FAYBTrKV LL4. N Ju 7 “1. • E .\RE sow PitliPAuaD TO RECEIVE OR- J'ra for RAIL ROAD WHEELS of f''l'ow’ns '.'les, v't: 21, 26, 28 ard 30 iarb. .Also CHILLEU T1R23 Tb-t Inn w? ‘ihxll ujn f-»r th-'n TsiJl ha ';or,D BLAST CH IR'JQAL IRON, aa 1 wa Trir r*nt our whFcSa NOT TO “'RACK, •'id to '>1 rqu"l ?.■> ««y n».d-’ in tbc Coar’l'!r\oy, "r ta t i .3'- of -’utuiy k 3:-n2 '••f P -il .d^’obia, wb r^'utat'- . is j w I- ka'T ^ by sll Rail Ro- ConipinioB Wo birj :•!!• bpst facilities for trin-a'-r hy Str-*Tner?! to Wi'ia^ngtoa, f^oia th^acc* i? ar / par tf tl-,' fj.or «}rvcT O" ■ -oap'.c'Adiv solicit. 48-fl ' D a:-’D‘-T*.» '*T ft f'O *10 the Voters of Sampson Conaty. ^P;i..ODQIl tte soli'jitatious of isauy of my frion.lti, I i iniicuuo.' njyeilf a cariiiate for a 6«%t ia this Ho'iij f Cf■aimo*'a i’u»«t Logi-ilature of Norib C*io;ina 8bon d I be 90 fonu.i».f a't M tc »bc‘e1 I will a.‘’iiC^‘ or 5 work for fie imr-i“»«- tho ci.i/vaa of Siiap^ia crsnty, U tli-'s br't af aiy aV.lit.. JAME3 T. GlDDENc». Cl utra, NO. Jare 7 39 t«pd We arc authoriKcd and reuaested to a;nouacc Col. U. F LITTLK aa a csadictate to rcprestat the couniy of R cboi al it tbo n uii‘3 of Co.nmoai in th? ncx. L giiU ure. .‘.U,- i9 S4 t.> FRi:iGHT AND P.XS SP.^I-J datl-', ( T'IT- bond i?^ve F^ye't'-vi t,t 8 o’clo-'.’i, .A. Na., ar.I i" P. M. Cj//le aui II^x Train FRIDAY. - : f- iad By order Jan. 22, '.803. J:i ). M. us'r tad ri>>n'l«s. 97vf please .. . POWDliR for 10 poamb of uSAD. ^ TU08 L» HOQO, Capt. C 8. iu ohargc of Ord'iano's. f^^gypl Coa.1 mine. The onderBigned were, at the Kovomler Term of the Confederate Court, L>iBiriot of North Caroliua, ap pointed Manaj^ers of the Kgypt Coal Mine property, Md have entered into wipartoership for tbe purpose of p.iwin> aod BfcUing Coal, aud eclioit ordera for the eaaic in any deaitcd quintity. OrderB for any a»i.-ouat oan b« Bcpplied ou bhort i.otioo. Tha Coal from thta pro perty 14 iindout>tcUiy the best in ilic CcnfedorAte States- Applicatioaa ni'y ti inmlc to ijha®. B. iiallett, Fayette- rnuL N. 0., or Jau^es Brown«, 01i«.rleBioa, r>. 0. CflAIiLi^H ii. MaLLBTT jAIilE'J URnWNb:. .Ta»V sr a^i Thursday. April G—17tf] s a2Js«i ^iaia ^ner A, P. ilU?,.T v'- ’. A. I-T-. o" A. v. oi-.Tii. \!r t C F. Sfeara Bor.t Co. FAY*3TTr« VESja^ai SPTUIL Capital in Premiura Not*, t ;• Cji3h on hand and other ' '•:. non"tP to Hs. 5207,6^8 6,077 35 Total, if-2;2,786 XiM Oompaay ka?« p:«d alt Ic^oos jii’Oinptly, i have never made an asccssaieat cu tli!>iT prc^nla*.! nniea Total 103-63 p.'M, $‘Ji>,e62 OtitcKnp: GEO. MoJi'iliLfi, Preaidgnt. D. A. 11AV, Vice President. C. A. MoLi:LL AN, Otto’y. Dislbcitoe.5: W. N. TiV.iurb-i.5t, Fayrtt#vriJ«. A.\AWA¥, Henry Lilly, H. L. Myrover, 8. T. Kawloy, Nathan A. Siedman, G. B. M&llett, Jainea Kyle, A. A. M.^lCethan, J. D, 'Villiacia, 8. W. Tillinphast. J:)2n Colliafl aad C. C. .VIjC»“!i'ti ?i;rn, Tr.xvt.lia,: vosanauT irr>« ,rr)0"‘i4*- '•V n To the Voters ol'(Uchmou*i uud Uobeson lountlcs. By tbo soliciii'i^-a of na"aprou3 •. •i‘.4z*a' aad «old>fr3, Lieut, J. a McAllTHU.a, Oo. F. 40t’ N, C. T bhB •^^.I>sen(c'J to becooi? a ’anl; li' to r** ret ->t '.:.e dn-*.‘tori>l Diitnc of R'0 \jjoua f i R 'b s iu i'3t* nixt L«-.gii’aiari> o' '»orib C’»roi-ta H .■> ; e.* lo3 arc: .\ T.'gcrvvu prosTni: cf !?-• tr • n‘, ‘ -:ir L-'U ii in fnm y»ai:e.* rule and • cs. lad in firor ;■? hiv »c-..55pji6'''.-'a2at M b-C ' TSr T3*- -r^rt T =^d ;\t !. - arge ntD la’cs fr/ub'aby; '.a' s-';ul i c ! r •’1 so.di^r cf I-e l)b‘not rntnn* ^itu ki*'j j in iioxt L''7'slVu'‘•. f- elaHsui- i*'. i! j uoilii.';! will l>.=^ b.i' uri I'l M •". * so. ■ r >. I iitt n r j, w.i’C*! HOU” * jiJ';'T8at. discr ii u ' anl ibo ao3! vx .l'. i pa'r.o*>.M a-, i 1 '?*> of c lua try’p liberties aa.l rir-au i » . j -o apli->. MANY tlTlZWNS AMU yOLOIKR^ J lao 25 4.} 7 -'d Profoeo^lxJi; tend, tn ,ihfl «0 E!.! «pp^’c»,fi'n-1 T'f ir.-Iulp^enoes of h:' ta.-de trong^ the props’* cbs.nnel o tfcpi ' n?.ad Qus-rttrs; #.aJ n* i ling sncb appMoj^ion. ti*e aprl'O’r* T»ill *'!’ ^ofsi'^e'cd scd treat^’d aa thcush it IV. All turl ug n, le'v?'^ of a ismie. c’etailg or tom- pora'y exr'^p-ions, berc'ofo-e granted to offioars and me’’, belctig ne t'' ?he Bc^ier^e of N. C., by cffiosrs oon- nr-ot'd W’t*! **? r? iTi^criT.t IS-iretsij^ p,jra rev'tkrd All ntoa aHsrat, by vlrtan of papers, from C jripan’ee in t!ie C•^.’ w>l' at one- j"*!!! ♦b'ir oomtnaudi V T'19 Hes(r7", fr«m tieinr called into arrv'oc only 1- ra-cB cf pmeri'nir, are liable to bj detailed ae Far.-'$ra M'ch'inki By oomiaaad of Lt Gen. Hoi.%;eb. JNO W flINeUALB, AboH AdJ’t Gcn’L Julv 18. . 60 Tt Va . .Tuna 27tb. 1864. Exchnni^e rVo^sce, !>)«>. 11. ALT- o/Scsrs *nd aj-'n of ■ V cipbn’ cir'ure of July 4'h srao reJ>op/^i f.-? dm -' »i‘-:er at Entar- prise. I>c~.nn;l'i \la Ji^i-'^b-j’o’ Tsna., Viea- », ’’ai b:'oc;^69. SftTRe.'nan. r. *■ l-'Ts.nfria La , at a 17 thn» t'r'o' o Awl ;8t. i8'>l. and whos» aam«>s i-po-. ic .-’ie bv the proper offi.'jors, are ■ .'" rhy ■.-j- 'i TS^r •. 50 tit] “to bUL*^ A * nt of Fs-baape. navsv c mt i a:i county. B ‘'KD u d--',r>h.*%»ISERALSPSIN(3. !i; r n' Jtr'T art'! .\u;ust at prices c'*’," fr-^.T SilO f- •?12 ref d-v. ; r $2?0 p. r nt.r,th -)f ?i. Springs, clay sddrees ( •ce B/i Q- - ,-(3 .-ie WaobiTtjrton, Feq T. C. *^OOPEn^ r,f rvtr.jjrart;* njav fip Hstde fir kcanine a if dcfi'?'’. f“r bis 6'rvicca, dnnag a part 50-tl A THE BOMBARDMENT Olf FORT gUMTKR We have seen some intercating statistical tables descriptive of the different kinds of missiles thrown at Fort Sauter, aod other matters coanooted with the protracted bQaibardmeot, a bcjef sou- mary of wluoh will doubtless prove acceptable to our r^era. Tlie miwiles embrace almost every descrip tion of shells, shrapneil, bolt aad shot, from 10 to 23 iochoB in ieng^, and fro^ 3i to 15 incbcs in diameter. The heaviest shot fired weighed 426 pouads A elassificatioB of the shot fired by tho enemy from April, 1803, *o Fcbraarv 21, 1864, shows the following results: From mocitore, 1,443; land guns by day, 14,285; land jrnns by night, 4,402; mottars, 7,167; total, 27,247; of whieh number 20,216 struck, and 6,964 missed Yet, sbaiterc-d and cmmbHng under the hailstorm of iron' hurled against in, the enerf-y an(^ skill of Southnra engineers has raised a new fort like a Phoenix &mn the d^bru whose reeistive strength tu." ’/tc'cjt malice of *So foe. TRie ^e*^t Ol mcL’J 5rt-d bfTHs enemy tuo «■ : efltimated at 3,627,990 poun£, or 1.620 t^ns The number of men killed was 41, ot whom 18 were killed bj the falling of the wkll of thegani-in bar/acks, ond 11 by the explosion of themag;.i lne, leaving 17 killed by the enemy’s shot. The writer civra an estimate showing the ftmount oi metal thrown by tlie enemy to eauite the loss to u'3 of one man: 41 men killed by 3,627,990 pounds of metal, that is, 88,487^ pounds, or 39J toaa of iron to the man. Deducting the number killed by accident?, 24, it leaves 17 men killed by 3,627,990 pour.ds of metal, that ia, 213,411 pounds, or 95 J tons of iron to tho man The Ibllowin? »*j an estimate showing the number of miles of railroad track the amount of metal wasted oa Fort Sumter would have lai«h A finglo rail weighs 50 poucds- to the yard, which would ret{uiro 80 tons to lay a ^rack one mile; therefore, 1,020 tons, or tho amount tbereoa would have laid a track 29i miles. The writer proc'eds to give an account of tie several assaults up;n tho fort, and, in concluai^n, says: ‘‘It will thus ba seen \rhat mighty 'fforis ha^jie b?en m^de by the tJiicmv to reduce this u^sb’e /ortresfr, iov.'Iving thrm doiibtlcss in six or fevpn times the e^rpcuEe of her original CTinstr’?o;r n. Twenty snven thcusaud of t5'.e most deatrucdvc projectiles have been hurled agiipst her iron: the heaviest ordnance ever u.s 1 io wer, and still t , diy she stands proudly dtflunt, and stronger in Lor defen.sive qualitiea than ?ver bcv re providence of God hsw wcn'icrfully ’ . cr and her "arri?on in tlieir Iicurs of i.i-*., ai.o to Him would we coafidinsjly leave her ■'a- tory, in the hope that, as in *he past, phc raay ever dwell under tbc shadow of the Almitbty.’' Richmond D'gpa'ch. Ar P R ^ T? of tha tirrc Jn’y Iti. t ■( »r A Trt'.cber W»||ted. 4 LADY v]a»ltS» » tn t*>-»3b tbt? c->amon Eagliih il. 5T.*^ehe3 irt i.-:-!- ,-! .>"oh*r!»p of 4 f9W pupils. For furfSe" otr^iniirc a •- ’v tr. .MARY f-titi EVANS. *♦• .- ■*-» t 7jii"CaiTsuTa Pocb7t Beok iraB rtc.imly :o“* '-y t'>T -'•.ibrori^^or, coniais'n^ $10C or a'-rr »Ms inV* . 0 d 'ta‘n Tre«!ury No^’9: also a ito'ta* f-^r ba brl^ cf -'ora. a Lance*, Post- g ' • wnr/^ T c Sn.l'r Will be liberrdly ’^ew.'*»"ied Ma^ 21 We are authorised to aanounce JOHN A. LON'-l, as “i oindidafe for re el'Hstoa to t'-fi oiSio of Sheriff for tbc county of Rich- 85 6tfd-te L nd, wifa a l.iri5« Sf.-?r i*r.; Li» Hou‘^-19 a I u.'fe,' f:> y 11 ■■' r, ‘‘•v.trrb, in a a I . - WeaK'caiiUaarizPft to asiiioiincs ROfJililT :-i McN.lii-t of C^ C. lat 'i. C. Ba'tiHoa Ar : 'y, ao tl.Q iJ»t-’. for th«' office of StlERIFF of R .t):s ju C'ja i /. M y 20 S4-19!pd A ( Aa;i€o to Iu?€st Confederaio i^on^jt 1^ 'ii -i.-u'er i ;.i3 w-.U s ii h i 8T >'-lK L'>T at Al'c-s- i vii'-, pji»oi c un5,j, ’T C , 1 ’ i^cr'R of Hois/, 'i'OvJU'y Ordi; 1'fe.r.y JXJ .r nsoo.l v painit- i i ; i'.tbjy Hcj* ni of OTUjitry ; r ct 1 nd •* ii J. ! t'hi • .n i bu^'it, a a^'nl f r 8 ».o .^al ia^^tica f >r a !>act''r. An? cnr. T)’ hill ■ i') sj » .> i.d t* i !»2i! tD icra I ; A*l-»i If P-7t-^'>-i 00-1' ? N >’ P poy^TS'? ‘..v^ ‘ t. IF J!itaSe o5 iVorilt r-aa*oli8ia, CHATHAM CO'I TY Co’.t i c* Fl a? 'i t . (4ii^rtec- ris-jjinn. M 4y Term. loH4 !V*. D T-^rap'-8. c'. '\!cc. To;arp!'.'s f’a i d, , 11* r. pJ Ln.Tr of ra d AUca T>«iplc3 P-.i';",! '-T of RoilMitito IT •I'lor'Hr icii t 3 :'’s--J ioti n of tue CouTt, that the Lefoaiauts. Wm Teaiplcs, Wesley T2mples, and the M-'ira of Tc .j)ly ;. i-.rj au>> r-islieaia cf the It 13 f ic-'el-.rj rlsred tiat Vvi'’‘io».tioa be ra^i.i f r “ix i»eokn in *bi) F iyj‘*. v'ii: O'^-Jorv-'•, ih* D*- f--* aa'« '■ Jj V/the Heirs ..t h .ir A1 »: •:>>• iiort Ol a* tli9 Couit ’ ou«o in Pitt-iboro’, on the v\l ? juiiy in \a3a)t i8'J4, r*i a *ad th^r"! to pb ad, rs>» r or d .oiur to tb» P«si’ti'ufii :d in tiij? cMe, olbpr- w!-e t simo v:V f>» n«ird ■’x and juijmeat pro o.*n'; -1) will •■> entu-'ji ii tt t>,n '•’1 ai^ , tl C Ci'vin, Ch-’x of oar and f^oart, at Olacn lu Pitt-!r»j>TD’, Ihs ‘ tu-j 1-7 in May 18t>4. Li .uyl ibo 2^tb Juae l‘^»?4 R n. .'lOTTEV, C. 0. C. ISMk Dr WM. F FOUadEE, D. C. iHes»r». K. J. Male A ^ t.TC autborii-d to fnn u ae Col. D -Vli) BfcTliU.NB Co a.-.^1-n N T . a c-3 ^ ■J'.-f'•: t ?.^^o-.on c t'3t7 :H tno II ne'e of Cara coua ia !£:*? n-.-i- L•.'r:si^ ar ' of North Carolina jn’.T 4 47 ‘.V pd We are authorixe.,. lo ans^orssicc L. A. POWELL 33 a o\nt d v'.' f '“ ^ : P-t fr- ll .rijo cf Co^co'- of tht! a x Q u -r-il A:A?»ably o‘ i^onb OarVtiua. ffom tiie o ua-v of 8 .laT'oa. July 2. 9tpd To the Voters of Chatham County. A^ t35 b:lic‘ti*i >n -f nii.-.v .j 1 i-ic .i .?r, iy, well ti« ••'f :a .x;y friir i- -.ou.i, I .«..a .u- : :.• ee'.f a Oini lati* for fbe TU-.i » ti-' . ir ■ . . b.aui f'v^uuty. 1 o(i?i eci'-..:i is c f RabVjitcv t': i Arae'-ijr.n H'-'ot'-. ..t . ;; l tb082 wbfi H‘ry at boT.o to n k« ra;>;.i.oy cut r. t:* 1‘-H of tue f-oHierj. *a l ocQ irv *-.c ■ p/ • ahuiia b^tfrr jica ; C', i d;,-* -3 .1 ci-»''id fair y a 'C; aqua el/ cu ‘■.o p’k* -i . i. • -t. i iLd Brew s oi 0 ovjia, lioi . V-\ a . -.-r- o-, *j-iast tb,'' -Torld; ar. ’ I iidi-vo t »/. u- elec 'in >.f !‘icb r*ien to . fli .e ve i»i!! ni--r*r i-vj P'-rra»'j-3«'t p2‘=>cc. So fir &■! t.>3 - u' i . .>• ■ o -i .jr "j, I do not. tJ apn,-'.? b.K ;. r>t. 1 r^'-U tb^-t. I do'i-i a> nuif'b lof '■ ■•'r f.-^u . i> , i' ii. *cc:)VsJDg to 50 ’ la*a-d, itau ui.y V »c5tuc tau County of Obatn-am. F 'TT f fX J"3 .3 J U?1 lit!''S, ?• *.''■ *.^ • r.'lls j1 t i day of rl;’.ii^a, ar.d ▼ >’« fo;- tru-j Cj -‘iV i.i j»35, . } on »»ould . av ' irt'-c? iud ba a f. a j-cot»h. t). •'ct '>» ic Ua>ii--‘:^.l- but ft-'«ad up fu.- y-.u - . ’ -s. JifSIK -V. M-DCrJ >i. Ot--> n J ;'y 1«, IBt’l. r.O ■■■ E. J. T TLLY 5C-2* IG«lr:iyi'^j or ^&oleu, FilOM P’ib.^r'ri'i'r on t*'0 6*h irst.. b ai® Mum :*if8 '■'iTid^e mi'‘'a COW c.i’noled hornad. hair pora'ch- u rff a ItiMe on ““ne bM*' Any ?nforniatioa rec»i7ed oncerni^r f-»id eo'^ '''ill !-c ii>>(*rally rci^arded by W SK.INSE'?, ai W. Dr.aix«:h^n’s St-?re. Jul- 16. 5''*-4tt>d Gieu As^ii.'i Female Seminary, TIIO*A\'3VI'>LS N C NrXI i b g!-.;3 tbe 4?*» Wednes'lay in July 18fi4. liia’d •'.'■1 ra*bi z rcr 5 $-30 :n or 200 li»9 of li'. >•’ C.^"f>‘d 'a'e m tacy its a Ivaoo LU'.n -jr Freoili f A«* ' i ty’’ **'* or 5 bbis of ?l 'ur or $600 Tui' ion *^0, Music ii Tv'cr-vcl, threa wlaViCg ':r M I'l t J u y S'. 4 ■1':j wM ni\r . bu-\-. 1 '>0 Toun" L’.dt-?s coava- J W 4*^ G r.'-l fi?. f 1i > c r 6 I ce. •. ! T-"-' RtlnT-. th-' ?»r-X? ‘'C’ll!* f'c urf C T> »0-.- ., sn J vi. • I C *- *J1 !v?'' A :', ' ■ ‘v-‘S‘. ft*. L'Oua cariw ^"t t ’ «C ^ -r 'ni.'n ! :' ■ !* n *ir C t :.-'a ^ . —r; - ^ a: ■■'f MV^l T ->3p'!''2. pjn *0 ';e and appear ' ern:i-’T>or f'-o^ i t,- r rrs ■» Vt-rm of iiid G'urt t.. for tha county ,=0 a.u la- .0 •. pi u’i; To Ihe Voters of j^ooro .itstl Mont?:omt'ri (onn- tl63, at homo antL In tlie A?n»y. y ^NN'TUN li i:!'’KeU B OiiaJiii' i:. r - »n* i * -3 ■ t ?V'd -.i :-i - i ajT‘ .'j-C -r'’i C ?r .'.iJia Tr v’s j-3.’ i vi'l -.i > ■ • 1 r.i; ; p-a-nol’ t."' ! iiHr-.*. ' ai >o'r f u-v ’cr .*0.* N I'-a ' f- ■ ■ ^r'. -. I £. c'.'.iv'.', Sto c>' I* pTWcr tc ?ti'nc.r-i .pttir Jn' ■ d y 1 !> Ji'T;.: M.VNNIN'.I 10 t. r: tho fra- Var. i 1 r )-nt>ily, t loif h;.n !- . ‘u r-Ti1r c*r p-"p-rly t'Pcn r.. R‘C'iv!r *9 'r.i 1-33"iT aLi f-r V 'U-7^!, K'. ^-'airv 8. J. W n. .McL«,as;', T. 8. Titit* ’irlo?', A. W. Sf-83S J. G. C«ok, Hun. J. Q- Si’oai R. F. Bro ?::, > a: e; I N 1 C'.u-t, yen. Ntaic ot rVorlh €mreis«i», R1:HMUND t OUNTY 8'i.^srior ’ -urt of Lar^, flpiiH-s T»"n, 1864. JoB3;b. MoCul! oH T3 Jsj.i-?i r.iitler \ t cm^nt Lavi'i o L rd 0'~.ic it »pp; i' sa'iBfacti'jn of tbo ii'-n tde 1)9'^ n iaat, - u'lfr, r“3idc3 be- :;c Miii.M 'f tba 3iVte: h. ‘.9 ’bsrf'/rp orlert*d by Wind Hil (’.1''. -vr. t f tit 1 Tu^. I. )Mi; fal S'i n >■ f. M. . Mor-t^orscou;;?'-'. Ja’y 8 vor t ;a 49 t- W. S. Slsamac l^t lil. * «. S>, itcg’i y Trcvpi is i Oan.lid-te far of Obvtrjs.,- cor;:i*y. July i2. _ ■ 49' • At the requfst o4 tJi issy triesa^**, iil;s'i.iE s»n 5 sojd:;- 1 h»/o ^*r, >;'a* - ii' f r" a. iV-Vors uf Moere Cooaiy. 'r- : ■ -••;■•' i 'S ■ ill '.-JC !* t3 . . » ’7, - F,i ; ■ s Moa’.-''- 1'*" JuIt: 1 W-^- r ..-. ' .''varr-. .iy 11- ; J- :? ; .:ib-”.;-J .1 Iv ’■ ’ ■ ^ '■”• “"'nr'ay Ifilr-; P 18 'r; P iv. SoN*- JV-, Ta-B-i-y 19>b; V**> .''' ly *:0. b; -Vliu- 8or‘n;r8, I'huia 'I. ]'s'’r-fi-J. Krivl iy 2 ■ i; s^ad Cartbue. \'L 'in rco 5 a^d f?'.ve ■ K H WORT2V ^9 ’w Yankfe.% and Cows—J. Fun.nt’ lnc>‘ Whei) Sbcr.dfia entered C''-sr!'S City coiiniy, on his rt turn from Li:j l-.i.=«^ raiJ, his men drove be-* fore tiicra a l.^rgo number ol cows which they had stolen nl?ng the route Niglit coming 00, the cow 1 ^ re confined in a rude pen hastily made, and ?l-r yankec?, veariv^d with the fatigues ot thf* »lay, 6ta-3hed the’> arms and laid dowa t4 frighten^a^ome unknown cause, broke out of their pon and rushed right over the eieeping yankee.=?, knocking over their stacked arms aad upsetting things generally. A scene of the wild* est cocfu'^ion eabucd; the y&nt-ees fled for their lives, crying, “the Rebels are upon us.” “Wo surrender, we surrender ” The cows remaincl in undisputeJ posseshion of the field until tho mornirg, when the «‘neroy returned and recap tured a pai’t of them On iheir way down the country, one ol the yaak«es related the occurrence to a lady, to whom we are indebted for this E»rrativ;', with the remark that this wjis “the darndest country he ever heard tell on, tor not only the men but even the cows fought like devils.^’ Our informaat states that this cow- victory over the yankeca was coTToborated by per sons who live in tho vicinity of the scene of the amusing disaster.—/JtcAmonf^ Whig. A viry foolish Man.—Tho man who votca t« raaVe Holden Governor, under the belief t'uat he [Mr. Holden] can *0^ f/i« H'a-or produce p^ ice must be a vo>'y foolish man. Mr. Uoldc-n oould no wore stop this war and give pe-.*ce, thr. 1 IH0 man iu the moon could do it—not a lit. iiudyct, 'tq dare gay, there are some block’-c»:s rr .’tj- y.!-’‘ftns in the Slate who think tae eitc-.ioa. of llni-'en ic>^uld i*op the War 'nid Xi-cufe i\acf. Never was ihcrfi a groitsr dclasioD! It w.>uld have DO uiore effiot towards stopping tl;o war or securing peace, than a boy whtstlii5g ynokee- douliu vvuuld have, and ho who ih'nkd it wouid a icoi f j!' the want ui sense. ^y.e are &\v&rc tl’at the 8tan-}ar I a id Progress [ptr liOb’le iratruml] are labo iag to cr-j«tc tiii* iiiiprotaiju viith the ignorant, hopiae to sciare 3 by uuU.Irjg aod deluding the uriinlonaed. ',Ve f -.:i liTitS elans of voters of our State, i:iat tho -(lov-tion ol (rov. Vance will tend to bring j.oaro ■»nt Ftyc itic w»r much more than the sl>j'?*i >n 1 IL, Id*;c. Wc want p^ce as badly as any man caa wart i% aud believing that lloideo’ti >l'o.ion would grea’ly tend to pruiomj the war, Wo go for Vuace —Miiton I'hronide. i.h x- , 2!Jd J jty 10 .PSC .urt, tbftt be .» tii ? F*yette'»iile [■■ituT, c.- tu‘ 29 ‘1 A'.Tii, my 1 27 year-8, about 5 icei. 7 iaoh a biffb; hie ktt tmoM ihc t ' DENNIS. K! has fery dark co'Jiplexion, also a “jcar on tue let hand, oaused by a bum, and wei;',li(5 About 170 poando 1 will pay fifty dollars for hia ariMt, or oiWiinaaient in uty Jail BO tlkat 1 get him again aUQH MoOEBOOa WJ&MTEU, lor ito Sss^itaJ at Fo?l Finlief. I I POULTliy, Chickdaa, Batter i^ad o'ii*r a-jiiea:i;..3 lor | tbe Biok Soldiers at this }Io?p;-.n' Pcrsonc aaTiug I Iheeo articles can obtt.ia tho rra-kai proj oi! applica tion to the sabsodber at his old stand or at Mr J. W. Powers’s oa liaj Etre«t. B. 1. H«IP* '1 Ag'L Ob".;~ r, t nc>-' ct'syt-' , ^”1 £'V ':■! ’.• .■ t ' b J i-> b. ; n. n ; i T«c :• ou tiii!r. '!-> • •jt!ier ’i-!9 ju* ’'? 1 th' ToT.-i cf Fay- /'o'i^y injr f)M>i De- ■Tvjr pu jlii’.'i.'d I.;. ’Cf.- s. > iv ;b '.i-'t tersa of ihiaCourt i j C .iivy ia t'12 Court House in * • •--> J- M' l'iay jf 3-ptfmb«r next, ■>' pi* .1 i J •“'abi aUft!^hmcnt, •rill &e - u!i5."- d i^gainst hiin, and oil *h»s R-'snmni 3>'iJ‘7. approaci of ih • ' iMfio i aau 'h i; x ^ viie pr.-veut ;«y mcetia;^ t-.tb y-i aad tfefi'Af rj *hu ' oa,. "uy f '" »'• o ' i frhilc tl'sa ca'i Itc-v; ar-i a'.. i polioiiit.' yonr tai^'p.jri, ! > ro .'“H 'cr *t| -* 'fiifc t’lc £3 .or ?>i)idip’.ill I'JC -I rigi'o b-nid libi^riuw. If eizjtoi i T?r.l i t'ej of t!ie 'if&j’ tl the of ny abil- T;;ci!iin as I UaTO beavi for la^- > fecc** of t'a^ co"3i.ry. 1 ' Wit i ' we will be or urn ui v ■ ' .’or-' u? a;- ■e.4V crt- J -Lil t“P. ?> ■. r. s i-4i ry. li A R;% L’iTT 4JOU Y. T WILL tt’-'nd i't tae f I'owinw v»'.?.3'3 in Hira'tt 5 fo*- U«i of oil'co:iTi? I'it; Cov.nty srd '•'.x?8 ., 3- n\:jr y-'*’'I8ti4 T :3 Tax p'.y’rj will -.‘■-as'? I”: ro •» r ,\! J-ilnp :* ca T *«r!i-»y Ju\r 21; Atiir'y- .r,:cvon’*: in IJATbccu" ni‘>i oaF’^ilay J A Tu.r’a iu U-ip-er Little R’^sr oa S^lm- dt . .I'Or 2.^: U r .rk “■ore ia S ?Ti t’e C^>et Dist oa Mond’.y, Jo\7 25; At Av. 'UiDor;-' 'n Tin-.d»,' 3o\/ 2'i: A.tS ti li- T ir iusn'-i a ia Grove Di"» 5 ■!' u , .-I tb» i t I J-.' •>; . ■•(J -i'P.i; tbo uu- if ■’ i, I wi:i ye-.r» ju It 1 tN'^ -3 7''=-.n Vj '0 c i" bs.^' o r. t R^.u«i iViAifh-’-Rd't* ‘fi I li; N ill’.* • T- iuly 28:- nc: 0 in f'’C or’s ' -.ask Dis July t’9; At Mrt’ Arnold’s in Daotiora Jalv 30. -A-- We lii's'iisy, ■.I'k l» Ht on 0?. Fr;diy Jr.- tte uni icviei 0 1 oou .c-iucl ♦.« I'iaintiff’B use Witness Randol MoUan»ld, Clerk of onr ssid. Court, &t ^&oa in Rookingham, 8d Monday ot Mm^i^ A. i>. IStti. B. B Monoit4M>bCTwfc» i aad t'njov sbt rsw^r 4 of aur KUt.erioTS. C G OIBSON. Co. F. iRt'' N C. T 3a T 12. ' A. T--.1 l>:i» flata''!?>7 R uR\i‘V. ? ^‘2. 47 7 yivy£i\ ,5' ' V-1.' -r “J h - Cow $^trayed. A BROWN 00W, marked wi*,h Bwootb srop Aud uader- bU boA ears, medium siie. Any lofurtuation will he okeerflally reoelved. Mil a liberal rewat-d paid for hsc tseovi^tj, tij Mcs. S. I&. W AJUKKH. aiFW^lliFl^ ^ r.i, w’f*! * bIr..*V 'yt't »tro !, o • j'tt''i* '^mc- •-'lea '.ei' g-i* g->ad lankl-ir >-er !?ii h* Foil Cunip’ititf. -The followiug beautiful alle gory Mca.i translated Irom the German: Soph'eaiu^, a wtse teacher, would not »>iffsr even Iiis grown up eous and dduel-ters to aesoci- t-e v.itb'ihoso \%bose conduot wM not pure aud upright. “iiear Father," sail the gentlo Eul“lia to him oiic clay, when he forbnde her, iu company with uer brother, to visit the voiatite Luoir da, “dear fath er, )0U must think us childish if you imagine that wc hhcWd be csnoaed to any danger by it ” The lather took m silence & dead coal from the iietirth, and reached it to bis darjihter. ‘‘It will not bura, my child," K ilalit did r.j, and behoidl her deiicate white l)and was soiled aud biaekened,, as it uhauoed, hor ■.vhlto drea'i aViO. “ \V'e cnn''t be too cueful in handling coals,” Haid Eula ia, iu vcxatiou ‘•Yus, truly,” said her father, “you see, my child, that coals, oven if they do not burn, black en. So it i3 with the company of the vicious.” A yfo.(jni(ic*’n( Donation—Mr SI. » ot bainbridgc, Decatur county, Geoj^ ■ I'lom Maryland, has given to Dr. Greeii, ui*,*. r in char iti ot tho Macon Uuspital, for^y of cottoo fo bo made into mat'.rcs>c3, for the sick p.ra-a 1 ■■ ■ *;• -■ : ■■ t»r o 1 ''n 'U '.' Ik ■ 0ai36*.\'r.t}.j T'o’".i wii>i ’’le .1 •••;«•; bs- ieft> i . „ , i-r • 1 mi b««a all ka M.'tei om, tbs hair rubbed off of her back. I ^nd wovmded in the Macon Hospitals. The oottoD I will pay weH for inforfostioa so tk»t 1I at preseuu uricea i^ worth 8*21,000, aud ow* 1)^

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