_t>s>SKK.VKR. _ F A vivrTKVSirLE.* T^'.l KhDAl K\EM>6, WGVST 11, ISftl. Mobile.—Th« leleifraph briuga unpleasnul newg ir. n Mobile—of the surrender ofastroDff fori with ,ts »;arrsi*u of «HK). aud ihut too by au Alabuma offi. ; n df linDce of orders. But there seems to be an xc.'Usistonoy in the uccoant, as i* id j.-arcely cnniible that vion. 1 utfo would have left the fort uod^r snch i;iri uro stance p. ^^ t 'Tilled but A f'all part of tlie defeo- ce-* v-i Mobiir. v.bU->- i? said to bo the best fortilied phv.ii. the ’"ntVdcraoy. NORTH CAROLINA ELECTION, roil UOVERNOH. A iR^oKnY—Four Mks 4\\ ntcd not dirtAt the rtader’s atteution to tbe let ter .roai t. Arthiig'e v;hi.^h we {.'ubliah ;u nuother voIlqio. It di^clo^C3 A state ot things of the most crii'^e character, which demands aud will uo doubt receive the prompt aud rigorous attention of the govornmeut. The laws umst be maiiiuuned Citi- .1'i.s in the discharge of their duty to the couDtry aiid 10 society must not be murdered thus with im- pun;ty. It is the duty vi both tl'e goveriiinout and the people lo ei.terniinate such lawless bands, from whjui neither life nor property is sale. We learn from a gentleman who arrived here from Moutgomf'ry county on Tuesday afternooa. that ou the previous day, iu that couniy. he suw *25 armed men cross the road, supposed to be makinjir their way from the neighborhood of 'I’ror, where a com- pa:.y of soldiers had arrived in searoh ot them. Some apprehensions arc entertained for the safely of Mr. Scarbo^'ngh, the mail contractor and carrier from Ttov, who has not arrived here, th'ui;h due on luesday, and hert^.ofore remarkable for punctuality. Ret AH at I - It e er thero ""rs u case of justiti- able retaliation—and tse o*;;*\’ud ;;;jt ia war retali ation i« often justi(ia*:-ie— I*, is th^ii intlicted npoa the enemy by our urmy in }^:>,ryUnd iind l’ci;Eiylva- nia, the moat notable inaia,nce3 ol which are the burning of the house of the Gowruor of Maryland as an offset lo the burning of ex-tiov. Letcher’s house at Lexington. Va., a crud act, the more dis graceful because accompanied by tal.chood aud de ceit of the yankec ijreu. lluuter; and the burning oi Chambereburg in Peuusylvauia, iu retaliation for smiilar barnings of various town:* lu the Confederacy, includmg Washington iu this State. Our government and Generals have been wisely And humanely miudful of the sacredm^s of private property, aud iu all former iu3tanc«s of luvasiou of the enemy's country Lave extorted praise from even the invaded people tiit.mfelvea for unes.pected for- thjarance. Tnu wus atu-r the comuiissioa of uum- berlesi act* ot crueity aud outrage iu every State of the Confederacy. Uq^r oruiiCS absl-'ined from all av ts ol revenge, hoping thereby to shame the yaukees into following their example, aud iiaowiug th. t it would elevate the Confederacy in the estimation of the civilued world. '1 he hope ha.- been wofully dis appointed. The outrag.-s have been oven more bhockiugiy mhaaiau sini i- thmi before this noble for bearance. A pcopie v»ho ihus disregard t.11 civi.iEcd uaagei, and repay I _-rl>earunce with waufou aud ma lignant and tiendisl. cruelty, must be made to feel in the only pomt in which they ar« vulnerable—the'r goods must Ih: spoiled, their cau’e and horses driv- tfU off. and their hou.-ies burned over their heads. It i!« a horrible resort, repugnant to thefeelin;is of every humane man; but it is necessary, iudl.'‘j>en.~ubly ue.es- sary; and we hope to see it carried to atterm''st extent ai every part of the yai^kcH; .States where cur troops cau get a fuutiug. U' tiliLe enemy sh»ll i,ry hold', enough'. The old National lutelligcm er has calmly w.t- neSTied the destruction by fire of a do: en towns aud a thousand private dwellings in the Confederacy, but ^as tound utterance for one ot its old time sensi ble articles on the barnmg of Chamberi»burg, as follow.'; -Tb'? outbu’.st of l:idikrati n with which :he Lurauig of Charab--rs:i>urir bj Gcq. .MciTauslar.'i has b.-;u rc-c?iv‘*-l iu the lojal State** s’rvpg to show the at) Teciafou in w^ich all such iU'ts of vandalism are justly held, howeror re served mny have beeu itn e:^pr•vS^io^ wheu tho outraz“ was committtd by our ‘J-oop? i'l tho South. Winn Blutf- ton iu mfh Carolina, and Darien iu Gaor ;ia. and Alcx- ardi la i:i l.oui.«iaua. and W-\ hi:ij:to:i in N rtli ouroiiua, rv» re hj our force.a. there were not winting tho.«e who d-p'ored these i*evera': »ct.-? c"' w % tonntsfl or care- 1.■Print" r>,r u'.: .viii'tny oi' houoi b.; vvarlare: bu . vtirt- Ij troni • . ' -ci'a-.' of wrong doing «t; ’ fa'"!7 fr -ra a 1 n?uid ■ c' 'i.dianaii in all that ei'bs I'iv ot '. i-- e . . lb -ra no veiy \iv'dn ini', r-i.il f;-.li oa >h ■ Ai.d w d j I jtdoii''it U'^'t in tL ; jftftl-ti Ih^re wiU be ! jund inuitituJ -p v/^o wisl uu'.iiakiugly applfru-1 the 'arniii'ol ■ h inib'r-rbiir_'a-ai ajt Oi ngb'ecju’ r'tt'ia- t on, i? not a.'i f ora'nea'iabt? U e'.i'. We do notmtd to ay to our r a-J-r? that all P'lch deeds of b.irh-,ir>, m, \.b ;ther C'-iinuiiil’l by one si-l-.- or vti-j other, tii a 'tii^uia of di^K>'‘*ce on our na’ional cha u^i-.i; aa?’. if any have b.'cu u :abio to rtaiiz! the a'.roiily o: the^e cxc-t'-*'.^ li uz a.- tii y vv-r- .• vj'uIy cf'tnmitt^-d by our I’o -pd, iti.’tob' h'jp -d that itie'r native n. iuouud:^-' will be cl“rtrly perc'-ived iii the lig '.t of th; b'lrniug homes of Cbanibi'r-bur;:, ar il that, tor th- cr*'>l’t of the national U'lme. we shttU not b'. cal'.e; to bi'juc'*- nuch horrorj in tiie future rrogrtA'? oi’ the v/ar.” Very "reserved” indeed has been t^:e oxpresaicn of mdi' nation, even by the National Intelligencer. May we hope that it will hereafter loudly condemn all such acts, and will intiu'>n(0 'he Northern peo ple aud govcramimt to discon'inue such t>ar'oarous practices? That is all we want; and as the sys’e’T’ ol retaliation wr.- only adopted after years of for- be.irancc, it will be abandoned the moment the yan- k"es sey the word. '1‘bk Kx. ha.vuk ur Officer.-; at Charlesto.n.— The Richmond Sentinei of the 'Jth gives the foHow mg account of thi.. unexpected occurrenot ficn. Kiistc-. t-i In last Observer, Greene, Oravon, Mar»in. Alexander. Davie,. Stanly, Richmond. Anson, Brunswick, Buncombe, I>uplin, Kdgecombe, Hali'ax, J ones, Montgomery, Pitt. Stol'es, W'ashinifton, Wildes, Columbus, Ohowan, I'erson, I’olk, Uutherfurd, On.alow. Nash. 18G4 1862. Vance. Holden. Vance. Johusron. ‘-^9.269 8,275 29,676 12,911 244 204 330 144 .%9 1 117 113 525 3.-> 282 230 ^11 183 749 115 627 123 736 132 851 92 943 10 511 196 634 97 767 25 826 108 460 10 316 204 827 223 1323 274 937 65 100 961 962 8 113 508 1041 8 451 538 16S o 63 29 35H 21‘J 727 18 7.^4 48 649 229 4-18 331 653 82 33R 0 0 0 35 379 1615 76 461 116 297 496 250 3 l> 0 714 7ft 559 I9l 147 96 1 0 T7B 37rf 1147 257 lOS 342 293 .'■>(3 8 105 317 282 43,.'»2.‘) 11,3.11 42,965 18,29.-^ FROM THE NORTH CAROLINA SOLDIERS. BY XEJLEOK. AI»H. OI TRAGES IN MOmE COUNTY. ^VR fHK LEOIal-.\Tl KK. Howan and Dame Swxator. — Col W B X^arch. I’oii: March, in Kcwan ('“JG, in I>.iViO X38—984; lioy- det’, in Rowan 511. in Davie 27'.>—790. Davik.—Commons, Ii F Jolnston. Hichmonu.— Commons, t'rpt B F Little. Pi'll: Little -il’i, 1> H Dockery 3G-. RobeKOU and Richmond Senatorial District. Leitch. Mctinecn. McArthur. 486 196 326 215 273 5(.> 701 469 376 Robeson. Richmond, A Nso.N.—Commons. Gen A J Dargan and Col Kdward U Liles. Foil; Dargan 413, Liles 2sl, Lt L 1.1 Polk *230. Col J C Caraway ISR. R H Burrs 150, Dr W i' Harllee 60. For the Senate, Col Sv C Smith 554, Col S H W'alkup 15G. Cnien to hear frf'm. Bkal’fokt.—Senate. E J Warren. Commons, Hou R S Donnell. Col D M Carter. Cartkkkt a.vd Jo.NTts —Seuatc, Dr M F Arpndell. Comn ons, iu Jones F G Simmons; in Carteret Col S L> Pool. Kd'Jkco.muk.—Senate. J LI Powell. Common.-*, lUvid Cobb, L L* Farmer SrotKs.—Senate, ColJ K Alatthews, beating Boner, Iloldenite. 220 in Stckes. making his majority in Stokes and Forsytn 4lf». t'ommout!. W H i'lynt, Thos Martin. Hai.ikax.—Senate. M L Wiggiu-v Ccminons. Dr II Joyner, -V II l>avij. Pitt.—Senate, l>r E J Blount. Commons, b G Albritton. C Perkins. 1'LI'l.i.'J.—.S^^uate, J 1> Stanford Commons,—— Smith, Houston. NoRTHAMPro.>.—Senate, J li Udoui. Common;'. S J Calvert. S 1’ Staticill. Blnoombk anu He.n'Dkksos.—Senate. M Pulton. Commons iu Huncombe, Capt Gudger. •SiAXLV.—Commons. >lr Harris. Poll: Harris ;Ul, Grcjue 245. Dr J E McEachern is the Sena tor from Cabarrus and Stanly. >.\;Ji.ow.—Senate, Isaac N Sanders, t'ommons, A J Murrill WiLKKt^.—Commoc?. A .S Calloway, P T Horton. (iKANviLUK.—Senate, R W Las.-it»T. Commons, l>r P P Peace, DrEu?enc Grissom.CoI Ja.s S Amis. l’.RCNwi K.—O'^mmon.’, D L Russell. Jr. Poll: Russell 321. Asa Ross 1^2, S Lloyd 80. CoLLMKL'S.—Common^, Forney George. !*oll; George 2*JV. Stephens 204. Hi..\nE.v, Brcj«8wick avd Coli mbi *; —Senate. John W Kllis. I’yll: till-!. rriicheit liladen. 279 IS8 lirunsw.ck. 269 297 Columbus, ;;26 2.V2 oT4 737 Mo.vtoomkkv—Commons, E H Davis, vis 350, Jordan 2il3. Moorr and Mostoo-merv SsN\Toa.- Crump. Poll; Tlio Li.scol.v.—Commons, Ambrose Costner. Rctukrkord, Cr.wvKLAN'D, ^1'.—Senate, Dr W J Miller, beating Harris, late Holdenite member, 833 votes. Commons ia Rutherford, J L Carson, A R Bryan. Bcrke.—Commons, J J Erwin Union.—Commons, C Austin. Gates a.vd Cuowan.—Senate, M L Eure. Com mons in Chowan L C Benbury. PkrscJ.n.—Senate, CS Winstead I'ommons.J W u’. ingham. Frankli.s.—Senate, W Harris. Commons, W K Davis. Marti.n a.vd Wasui.vutos.—Senate, J R Stubbs Commons in Washington L (! Latham. In Martin. W Outierbridge. ANSON « oLwrv. ie.'tfia h »«i p i.-^inoi-. ' tir; fri n: 1 Junf'S nolifi'd F'#'*. r plact-d on (’umiiiiui'’ oflicers in CLarle-.on o:- ' Sumter. I’nder t*' i-e cii r'!*Tul f at (,'bar- il j i .'iiuiinin;.'•' Point for the U 1 i. •; xp'yScd t' till I ir .ia i.'ir ■Mttt rit.'*. *vn • t- i rato oiJi-C»-3 A’cre i!it h : v.-onld place the Yinke ' e ni'-:- ( xpo.Sr'd part of Eoi ceH, Fo« er woul»1 not tiikf th'- nf^jonsibiliJy t. ;d.--.cl .g .ur oIILers on the I’oint. »i d wrot** to th * C jveinmcnt at Washingiou for instruction". The re‘u’.t oi lb * corr>!spondence wu.^'. that aft'.r kecp'.ag the (Jonfed* lu'es co^itia d on th« tranpp^’Tt tor forty dayn, an exohan:;.; w,ii >.l’r'ct«d lor t!ie Federal officers h^ ’.ii by u-^in (JLar'-fton, an'’, our brave o!!icer are now at libirty. (iei\. .io-.ts havina made f-o excel lent a ccmmi'-'iorier of oxci-ange, our Government has P-iit '•ix huiidr*-d Yankee ottic'U to Ch >rk«ton to be »-x cl anged m the rame tern.-, and UL'der a cartbl that is Sum* what u!iU!-uaL , -n v. Our Commi.^Fiom r ot Exchange in Richmond will have t. UKjk to hi" laurelrt. or Gen. Jones will eclipse all his acbievt montH in the exchange hunines'-. At Tukik Homks.—Gov. Vance beat Mr. Ilolden at Italeigh, as our readers have already seen. At ABhfcviile tho result was th« fame, “only more bo The vote was for V'ance 214, Holden 8. What yankot Pojj-^s New Vork • ^orld says, •■iRfvt- Grant’s great fi'isct ut 1’et.erbbnrg, " Wf c'tn net lakf iUctm It ha-) t)e>-n t-viji fil to good ju^g r HKViTfil svtri k-, tl,u.t ii.tiioi.il (jiaLil'H rumpaiiin in jLtlurt." . - - - * r (, ii( L-;ti-il till' IuO»' lii^nt*- .t ‘.I'liii-.kt ],«.• I- |1. L*.*0 Will ul> tal** Uii- liio\I-Iiictil- 1,1 ' (.I'Hi.t, ' Wa.-irui.^l.)ii will, wui.ii, 1,. K r utij l-; v.Iki ii lt;i_hiijouil l.iu Itop.*iiiiii; of Il.i; ill i’lu- i .-..t.l.'! I i-( i,, tin 'Tfiiter U«n ninc tin- dt:Miuitii,n of J.e*;' of l'*:t«THburK, rvbtti Mraa«tik" Montgomery, Moore, Cru»rp. 293 545 Poll: Da- -Dr J M Bright. 27'8 457 From Lane’s Brioads.—Extract from a letter dated Bktwkk.v Cuaffin’.s Par.m and Dkep Botto.m, ) August i>, 1864. ) ‘‘You have probably seen in the papers accounts of the capture of 4 splendid guns from the Rock bridge battery near Deep Bottom, on Wednesday the 27th. For information of our friends, J will state that neither this Brigade nor any other N. C. troops wore coacenied in this alVair. It occurred twu tntltii from the left of our line. 'I'he gunners were Vir^riniaas—the troops supporting, Gary’s S. C. and Va. Cavalrv Brigade on the left, and Hum phrey’s Miss. lufautry on the right. Each charges the blame upon the other. The fact that tho Bat tery was Virginian sufHciently account.'? for the reii- cence of the Richmond paper?, which would other wise have teemcil with terrible denunciations, as in the case of that petty affair in the Valley v/hich they delight to caT "kuinsnir'n defeat.’' A short while after the capture of these splendid guua from the Virpiniuns, the enemy opened upon our Brigade v. iih a battery supported by a line of battle, and ad vanced their skirmishers. These were driven back, and by o’cI'hU P. M. the skirmish ceased. Itwns during tins skirmish that Col. Barry was wounded as we were riding forward. “The next morning wc moved to the lel’t aud for ward 4 or 5 miles and fought the battle of (Jraveliy Hill, which broke "p the enemy’s advance on tiiis side the river. After imrsuing the retreated enemy on Friday and Saturday, we were oidered to Peters- bnrir; but Gen. Ewell telegraphed Gen. Left asking to bo allowed to ktep Briaades, which wns granted und we arc now ia line about 2 miles below Cha!\‘m’s Blutf and li miles above our old place at Deer* Pettom. This latter is held by some of Fields’ Divisiou. •■1 forgot to mention in my last that^ we captured a battery at Gravelly Hill, but brought off only one pi_*c*. whicli we have sate, 'i’his battery was in i’rinl of McGowaa’s line of advance and was for the most part taken by the men of that Brigade; but its fire was oblique, and I think we received the most of its shots.” E. J. lI.,Jr. [It is a curious fact that not one of the Virginia papers, nor auv Press >lispatch, has ever alluded to this fight at Gravelly Hill, where 2000 (in great part Nortu Carolinians) drove TuOO yankeea uearly three miles.—Obskrvkk. j Contapoiideuce of the Fayetteville Ubaerver. r.i NKER's lliu., Va,, Au^ i, 1864. Messrs. iiulf: .Siufc I in.-.;, wrote you this army has aeconiplirthed one ot tlu; greatest feats o! the v,’ar. After defir-ttmg the enemy at Snicker’s Ford and driving him ba^k over tiie Sheiiaiuioah, we fell back as far as Stras- bun;. .\uuther eoiunin in the meauiimu atlvancini' from Martinsburg wa'* met by U' u. Itam^^eur, but by isome un- accountuMe cause Iu- wa- deteated. rroujTij that had never failed before wtTe routed, an.* a (ieneral who has jTOVeii hiri valor and skill upon a hundrei battU-fiflds WKS Compelled to ily. Hut tiiis little l>ivi>ion again ral lied wit'dn a few uiiU-a. Utlier troops then coming up to hiji support if neeiJevl, t.o withdrew and our wnole forcti t’eil back to ftlraisbur^, wilii the liope of iiiduciug the t’Uimy to follow; but either the l-.ope was vain or fbe tiles Were too slow. In I'ael they seem to liav'e &ui>!»o.-?e\l our forced to have left the Val'.ey. Oil Saturday, 5iild ult., our et»\airy rather ^ur^)ri9ed their advance at ^■ev,tou, eight miles .vbove >V’mcheeler, wnd on Suru'ay ttie ii.lantry mjircliiL'j^ from Strasburg, ten cjilea furtiier up, attacked their main force near Keru.'itowu, to”r mih s from W inchtbler. Skirmishing commenced «bout 1 c'ciock, and in two hours the enemy had broken beyond a nope of being rallied. What is mcii reiiu»rkabie in engugeuitnt. it was fought tuaiuly by our bharpsijooter^; perliapa Gen. lireckinriiige’s Di vision :iot near enougii tj charge ia column. The my’a force wa-s -^aid to bo IS or '/O.OOJ And by ail it is c«mcfded to nave be»-n the most complete rout of the war. Th” enemy's I'-rcei were ine same in part that we had cha-kjd from J.,ynt hburg t > Salem, and theu dent with accelerated .•'peed down tne Kanawha Valley. Ttiey thui itarned to run, t)Ut had not learned to tight, though tliey had chased s^'iiie hoy~ ttf.tl uismounted cavalry from New liope. They put their rac.ing sci^uiremei’t^ into practice at Kernaiowti on tne H4th ot July, and did not really etop until they got to '»Villiaiuap*jrt, iil miles Be tween W and Bunker Hill tiiey burnt aoout VO wagons and » tii»sons, and this in » distance of It miles. '•e have since marohed t) ‘‘•'Uliam'jpoVt, und onr cav alry udvaui.ed to L’haiuoeiiiOurg, IV •'* e .■ire now ieisur- iy ij.vdierin.^ u|» whutever commisrariea cau b* convcni- on'ly 'pared from tiie country. Wj are threshing witij heavy detalU an.I, 1 hope, laying in a supply for a long tiii.e. The harveot hur« was Ixtuntiful, oesides last vear's croi> st’dl being unthreshetl. On the ‘ijth ult. there was a heavy rain which relieved the drought of the ;.«irt six or eight week-*. When tliis ahall'reach you an imporuml raid by our cavalry will have been accomplished. en.. Early ha.s acted lU'ire cautiously in thi# wUoIe movement than was eipected and 1 hoj>e it may continue with the same suc- C^B-*. Uur election passed o:f t|uietly, and with us V'ain:e ran high The imjircssion with us and the people in this se'-tiou still prevails t'>at thi^ ratnpaign will close the war. This depends upon our success anil the yankee election »]uab- ble.-i. Tho democratic party i'eems t > be gaining power; they now call theui.selves the Peace parly, and Fierce is prominently mentioned for I’resident. X. Biroiin ot Tn> fbesa associatioit. K'>R THK OB.SERVE11. Carth.\uk, N. C., Ang. ». From Petersbwrg.—l^vrsKfiBVRO, Aug. 10.—The ' .Messrs. Kditoit^; V’e h»d a dreadful trp>redy in tlds explosion veaterday is still unexplained. vicinity last Saturday mornina:. A detachment cf ite ‘•aup;x>rtin>r torc-e ^Senior Reserves.) for tnie Cougres- '’ ailroad with a squad W.YOi: Bju j , N. 0 , ar 5, 1P64 -6 P. \t icr’.s K J ’’ab Si Sen.;—lij! jw 1 t -ni you the cl TCtjfO’ i :''unty a Lrmr :tfi >,*£3 hOi-.T- I, Ar-'v. Ci:i;’:'S. jCcIpI. V»nv:.. 17?! . 7' 7 Hold-, n. 6 19 25 fSMATB — and U -'on. Arna . Civ7. -43. Total >*' » Bcil 80 47 i 654 ('a'' 7 .\r 5-)r Rcd c E ’/aikuti, 6.3 93 156 ii-ilf,’--- ;ro-ii .'nfl' u CoMKoifs A . 7. >.i To lit’.. G.u A T DiriTja ^6 318 41 ?! t^cl E R Liie;-. 6.5 228 2K1 Li h 1. Pollr, 48 187 2a0 C ! J : C-.raw4.y 27 161 lE-H R 0 i un.9. i29 159 Dr. 'tV F h^rl'-t. '8 18 65 fciiVTSFr Q B I ire&d^'ll. 10.^ fS89 6'-.8 FOR THK OBSKRVER. Btu N. C. Rko’t, Front Line, ) Near Pktkrsbi ru, Va., Aug. 7. | Mo*srs. Editors; You will publish for the luform- ation of the friends of my Company. (E. Hth N. C.,) tjiat I am just m reccipt of a letter from Corp I J. A. Deal, a prisoner in the enemy s hands, dated •White lIou3e,«fune 4th, 1864,” in which he informs me that twelve members of my Company, besides himself, were theu at that poiut, and well. Their r.aui'^s are: Serg’ts E. A. Hendrix aud W J. Par rish, Corp’l James Breece, Privates C. Andrews, W. S. Culdcr, Geo. Cox, Jesse Deajis, Rsasom Fairclotb, John Fields, James R. Jones and John Patterson. {'orp'l Deal omits one name, I suppose, that of Wm. Giles. Private -M. L. McLeod was seen seve- ing tUomselves on the defensive. There has been little or no sharpshooting, or mor tar or artiUery firing to-day. fThe “unexplained expl* e'on” puzzled u=, -as tho above ia the only reference to it that had rcached thie place. In the 'WiliriDr^ton Jouraal-of 'W’eda's- day received this D?ornir!f. however, wc find the orees dispatch f»-ora Petcrsburjj on the yth .^fatliii,’’ that a heavy explosion had occurred at neon om Tuesday in the rear of the enemy’s lines on the i.' ty Point road. The dispatch Las not yet rea hed this place,] From Georgia.—Atlanta, Aug. y.—Some few shells are still thrown into the city "without damage A Captain and a Lieutenant of McCook’s raiders who deserted from our army last winter were caj>- tured yesterday. From Mobile.—Mobile, Acg. 5) —Last night a soldiers’ train ran into a land-slide lietween Pollard and Montgomery, killing 12 aud wounding 5 of tho 1st Misfl. Battalion cf Artillery. Two whites and a negro were arrested lost night for cult icg the wireo. The garrison in Fort Morgan ia in fine spirits. There ia some Federcl crossing [cruisingj in tho Bay; Otherwise all ijuict belov. F'trm the Un'teil kSt'ites.—Bichmond, Aug. 10. —'I’^e flag-of-truce boat arrirnd at Varina h9t night with 30 Surgeons end Chnp>ains for exchnDgt. ’I’he Baltimore American of the lUh, which lias been received, says that the rebels have again left Mary land iu great haste and that the Federals are O" th0 South side of the Potomac 'hreatening their rear. 'I'lie liiaiu rebel fon e under icu. Early is reported recreating on Winchester, (ien. Kelly reports th5>t (ien. Averlll overtook the rebels under McCauslaud at Moorefields on Sunday, attacked them and cap- tu’^ed all their artillery and 500 p'ipcnera. The American is much elated by th's news aud the re ports from Mobile. A telegram from Fort Smith, Arkanpaa, cl«im3 u victory on the SUL ult. over the rebels under Cooper and Standwatie. Nothing important from Grant’s army. The latest quotation of Gold jn New York is 257. European advices to the 29th are unimportant. The Confederate loan is active at improving rates. The Oov(-nii*r’s KUction —Ralkiou, Aug. 10 — The vote for Governor. 25 counties yet to hear from, stands; For Vaucc43.176; for Uoldeu y,'.Ul. Vance’s majority 33,835. From the Fr,mt.— Yesterday almost perfect still ness reigned along the lines. There seems to be little doubt that Grrnt is moving large bod’fs of his troops cautiously and quietly from our front. 'W'here he is sending them, we of course do not know, but they leave City I’oint in transports and go down tho river. His steamers, loaded with troops, have been seen within the last two days moving off. He will probaMv endeavor to head Early off, and stop the career of that Coufede- rate General, in his wild crusade through ihe Val ley anjl into Maryland aud Pennsylvania. .Move ments noticeable iu the enemy’s camp lead tf> the belief that portions of his army are Ueing sent away. 'I'he shelling of the city ban ceaaed. f\‘ter3burj Express, '^th. Jieported >,/ runs.—It has been seve ral limes reported within the last two or three tlays, that the enemy are gra l-ally removing their heavy guns from our immediate uout, and takinjc them iu the direction of City Point.— FeUrsbnrg Fjp cnn. Mi'liile.—From a d spaich, dated the 7th, two days later than the one we published yesterday, we learn there has been no material change m tho situa tion ot affairs at Mobile. We understand a dispatch wai received yesterday, antwuncing the safe arrival of the steam ram Morgan, at the city of Mobile —KicJt.. :ieiitinel, I'liikiie Trooft monng to Hari/la id —A gentlemiui who tirrivod iu Richmond this morning from the Bay Short-, says that for a week previous to the 1st of Au gust a large number of yankee trauhports laden with troop.-* passed up the Chesaj>eake Bay. Their destina tion evidently being the seat ot war, on the other side of she Potomac. B».-tween the 1st and 4th vThursduy,) Very few indeed wci-e s«H;n. c)*i tho 4th however, a lar;,^e number of tlie largest sized traasports were pass ing all day. That these contained troops fro'u Grant’s army fn route tj reiaiorco Wrigiit, Hunter ifc Co . and last, tiiough not lea-t, old Granny Cou-h and hi' sour krout Pennsylvania “Milish,” our informant ha.^n’t a doubt. In fact, a friend of iiis, who was at Old Point while these transiM)rta were passing, informed him that such was the case.—Uith d From the VaLicy.—We have nothing additioual trom the Valley, except what we learn from yankee papers, which are not very reliable. Kick'd ^'SftUiiiel, 'Mh. onscripts whom they had ap. four miles below this place by a jjang of deserteri*, tired into and 3 men killed, • to-wit; D. R. Hush of Randolph, J. C. Dodd aud John ( Howard of Chatham; and another, E. “^^'omble of* bat ham. V.ovuded in the abdomen, died this morning at 2 o’clock. j. One of the prisoners edca[)ed aud one of the wi-etch* a I was captured He had in his pocket packages of minnie ‘ bal’s and powder, carefully wrapj>ed up in th« Ralfigh i ola-iikrd of the 13th July, which contains the celebrated j ‘-llficuba” article in def‘nce of tlie “Reu String Party," declaring that t!iat))arty is not worse than the Vance party I and of course the latter is legitimate ^aiue for the bul- ! lets of the former This fellow denies being a member of the “Red String," but srave us the names of a uuuiber of his comrades who do belong to it. ^Ve have a deplorable !tate of things in this county. Ever since the election l.^rge gangs of armed desorters !>ave been roaming over the country, inquiring who of ! tb« citiiens voted for Vance and who for Holden, swear- ine: that they had been deprived of their riglits and in tended to have revenge. Within the last few days sev eral large gangs have been seen in the vicinity of thi* village on ditferent roads, some of the gangs numbering 20 ?0. and one e=timated at 900, all acting in concert uo doubt Our Home Guard and citixens are under arms acting on the defensive. V, e are not quite ready yet for an •at^ressive movement. This, sirs, is tho legitimate fruits of the seeds tliat have been sown. The blood of theee murdered citisena is upon the bunds of the traducers of our Government. 'Wlien men are taught that the war is nnrighteoua on cnr part; that the poor are forced by unconatitutional laws to fight for the property of the rich; that our is a deepotism and onr President a tyrant, aod tlint ‘‘resistance to tyrants is obedience to God," no wonder they band togeUicr to resist the laws, it ha.i betm prfK;laimed by prominent men, on our streets and highways, that Jetf Davis and his cabinet and Congress otiicht t«j be hung, that the only way to settle our difli- cnity is to kill all the Secessionists (meaning aU who do not join in the tirade against the Gov’t,) and that father* will not submit to have their sons hunted up and i^arrieu into the army, and a thousand other things calculate to iiitiame the mind.'; of ignorant men and mcke thstn be lieve that it is their eacred duty to resist rather than obey the law# of the ccmtry. if there is power in the Govamment It ought to vlndl- c*ate iU^lf This lire in the rear must b« put out 1 heso organized and armed traitors, (heir eouvtfUo'*, aidfrt and abetioTs, must be crushed, and that speedily. l9*ReF. Tbat. tt, Troy wilJ leaTc Newlca th« 22d and Salicbury the 28d of Aagusl, Ivt Ceo*e’A Brigade, with »t afunl. {SCHEDULE OF PR1CE8 IN IVOBTH CAROLINA. TR£ CommiBfllaaers of Appr.-isetaeni for tha State ot North Catolina afcaic preB:rt ifaeir sr.bedola of ^rlcMi to govern (te purchasing oftotn ct i&o tiorent- n*ent fcr tka aezt sixty days, uolscs ia tatrrval faotn aad oircaiostanees p&ould ariec to hiduce aa ti’’t'Jon Evvry itcEB bas been c»r?fnliy rf vised and »jth tte ralatble aid cf Mr. Qo« W Mordeoal. they (1 u£t the s^ed»l0 po'w preeected will provn sat^sfao tcry to both the QoTernnaenl sad tt*e people They wouldresreotfallyuive thepeo' le to hasten on with thrir raprlK' fo maictiin tr- ffr.1 cu*" arwrjjowae Dd lust ou cur ? ci f vi in trhos«' gallf fry ati /ortitude eu1.*r Ood we alcna ewe our exeoip'.ioB frem tie i irroi, of a revoJotiou of eor homes aai fp.mUie* by the ber>'.vo'.ia inhnoian foe, who have ocBStmtiy sa:wn they o2iy war t the powf?, and net the will to *.enivsty ve an'? take mil ws have: A J plea, diied, co?d, peeled, per bus, 28 lbs $5 00 •• “ unperlcd, “ “ 8 50 Axcu, •* with handles, each 12 60 “ • without “ “ 12 00 Bacon, sides, per Ih S CO “ “ hams, “ 8 00 “ “ shoulders, per ih 2 75 “ “ Jowles, “ 1 60 Beana, wbiie or cornfield, piM- bus ftO lbs 10 CO Brandy, “ apple, j-er galljo, 20 0‘.» ‘ peft?b, •• 26 00 Beef, • fresh, net, per lb 1 00 “ ' eahed, “ 1 60 Brovru stntf, “ gcod, per bm, 28 Iba 1 00 asdles, “ tallow, per lb s K) '* *■ adam«.ntine, per lb ' >S 75 CbainE, *' (race, per p^ir II 00 Clctb, “ woc’en.for Boltli?r«’ wd- R4'D- l>r. Appointments 'h “'k Cai.’ita O, I I E-.inc:, if perc drt.- - .1 • 5.S fou '»r«: lisi -i!i-L noir Ins^iiu! “ 1‘iih aud 14ih—Patu’dajf wud fiuid bow ChureS; iCth—Tuesday, at Barnett Court 18 b—T’urs t*y . >^ t Efjrit i. ‘^>sgt—Rncd&v, «,t i;ariii>gv' “ 23rd—Tu-?day, at C*ftts:{.,c. (Moore court.) •25.V—Tri redp.r, ftt Zlcn Clurch, Mi.r.trcmj-7 .1 2''t-’ —>?undf4y £t Pica Gr;T«j Church. Meat gop.-ry county 8f't) —ru»el^y ai Trey, M-'- *^.ery 00 A '.'-d chi«rcHrs ' e xprcts to r aud ti the oitiir t 1 ■a:? '*- O ii:c rn adtirc- : o.s the stR'*- t' it*- c:-' : t- ’ T ■' fiif i.j'? ‘'t ibe -u 1 unJ fiti-v r -V e:t ’ 10 >• (\Uc arr r'•■nnt-i 'n to >j - :i Aaeai’’'-T>r ! r c?--o 1 yard wid-, 10 c* t.* y’-i. and pro raia as la gr^-it- r. or less i»eigbt oi w'dib, p*r yard 6 o*J no!!cn, •' raw, per lb 1 00 Ouiioe. “ Bio, per ib 4 60 - Co-a. “ un^belled, pcrbua«if 70 lbs e to « ‘ ‘ sheUed, sacks not included, per bus of 56 ibs 6 fO Core n^a'i. Backs not iadcded, per '.^ ua of 60 !bs ti Od Drills, “ cotton, i yd wide, S yds to lb, per yard By Flonr, •• cx'TafamiJy. perb’l, l®6‘bs 60 00 “ “ |>er sack of OK lbs 30 C-v Fodder, Fate, Hay. Borse«, Iron, 66 00 2fi Oo £0 00 1'5 00 9 00 6 60 s 0* • Oil 6 5j 4 00 a «o 1 7i Jmporiajit to CoiuUtr/e-fero.—Tho'uas Marqiiand, VV^ilUam Williams uud Henry Marqu.;?,, ibundgujlty f>f coualerfeitiug Confederate Tru;iSdry uotys. were seolenccd by J udge Mugratb, oa \t eiluesd-iy iast, at Grt envilie, S. C., to 6b hanged, at Columbia, the lormer on the 16lh Sept’r, ihe two lalter on ihe 2:id l*,-oniohd.—Col. Kobort 11. Anderson, ot the Fifih Georgia cavalry, h::8 beeu appointed Brigadier General. JLb lu this town, of ilAliPi^U, a native and 7 davs ile rests from his labors aad i.i now oat ot ly^ioid fever, '2d of Aug., C. A. of '• hatham county, aged 34 years gagement of the 30th oi’ May. Uf ihe uii-oiag afier the batlh: of the 1st of ./une, I have learml uoiiang as yet. Uj?pecUuliy yours. L. ii. iiliKKCi-:. ord, kv.O.. iiotii Julv, Ib'i't, M;>j. .\L A. \i>UK year of his a^e, leavnig a wi low. thr-e chil Wc le.arn that l^v. Wm. E. Pcil of thi.'^ city has rf'sigr.eu hi.s podition »s mcmb^ir of the L;tK.‘rar)’ Hoard, and Col. L. C. Kdw.ar-1-, >f Granville, been appointed in his place.— Ral. Conserontii b;^8 14lh, 2SJ Bad 431 N C T, ’id ; Ear'y. P.eoinot v;te at, Wi.i.;.'»'j3ro’, V 1 ^rui't biing sift Kolu-n 1. MOORE COU^T.V, acv W rena" Bhff. O -J C5 McNei I’a, T jgor’B, O.rtfccg", Plosn’s, Pocket, 8ftn(?»rn’. Sheffield’s, Kand’iil's, Fitt?r’s. Morr'-s’c, >'’nerr!'8prin''», /.rn>r CdieiiJlv, /■rnoy Vote- net C *&bial. 4» 27 1^0 76 77 17 1« 2B 17 48 8 ii 57 87 6 117 =2 8 100 2 ■7 ■J4 ’.19 60 70 IS 110 10 6! "h b 12 1C3 42 7 5 4« 98 112 07 7> ir> ?■ ]i 38 8 1:3 B .-4 P3 7‘) ‘7 47 114 7 62 103 61 8 111 ’0 41 C4 18 lO’i 48 45 C4 10 37 4o 7 88 34 10* 1 ('8 •) . t ijO >Aj U‘ i'ij" 87 lo'/ '2 00 sit* KOK TJli; OBSKUVliit. 1 . ’J P ^ St'WAr^r.'V•' M Uii: .11; jv»B> . roquest •-.? . ■ f e-T" . f l>tst, 0 J«it t'.e pcblio k '? 01) ■A- •be :u . ’locyrgU!^’', 1 60 at VolfVit. 10 0 V, Mineral Spritg*, 5H 611 85 -ver D*m, 17 ni 8 3tf;Ic’s, •>i> I 21 •/v;-*l iin. a '-fl'i eraon'a, 31 17 •» > 1 > 10 59 otrw." favilic. t '• 2 64 Artsy Vote, 83 2-? 611 196 412 Sonata: Vi»cb 216 McQ-; ov'. 573. y.c^ irihrr 60. S1"er’ff: fjong 633, Me 1 lf^6, ’rr. SI. 88 'ir> 2 22 2') 23 B 47 862 j mdard please cojjy ot vellt''’ f-vtr, AM>:U-.n‘. j. 1'LAiSNt^ti, of Wilmi'.'giou, (J.. a mtm her Ol i’u'j 6ij^: ai C'orrrf G. S. A., h^c'! 2i lu iiockfor. in tiia oath dren, tuany relatives ani au entire c^.iniuunily niour their irreparable ijss. il’'j. York was ou“ ol our very best i itizeiis. Uiiving bc. n born ami rai-o J am>>ni;:^l es, and having i>»'“n g'>verned througii lH>s by Liie n'ostcoi' rectiti'aity habits of morality; nud liaviiig iield mtiny posilions of responsibility—hiI the duties of which were d'scharged witii a tidelity unsiirpahs* d—Uo iiad enotared lums-ilt to the whoie community iu all iie relations of life hi.s deportn>ent was kind, courteous and gentlemanly and woruiy of all conmendation. in Nov’r isti-!, Sarry Oouaty Court made him County Commission-r to pro cure supplies for Soldiers’ families. Heing a’! iiraent S. utheruer and phiUnthropist 'he »’ntei'ed upHU his new duties with more /'jal than physical ability; eoon, too soon, his constitition gnve way under iiis arduous dutiej autl lie dlid as much a martyr to.his country as if he had died on the battle tield. lint our loss is his eternal gain Severnl years ago Maj. York attached himself to the Missionary Baptist Church and adorned the profession by an exemplary and holy life, and in the end (oh that my life may terminate as his) the grim monster Death was stripped of all his terrors and t)ur friend died «s none but chri>>tians can lie. May tioil bl«ss tho v. idow and little children. Y. h'AY kT TK VT LLE ^ OF THE rd'aiKET. H.-^c.a a.l Frrii'/t 60. Laid $4 '■ 00 to 1 f;0 --outd. r-tai! • Ji. ?: »> 3 UV o W t J fi QO. tJc to.' i Cu 10 • ">9 1- 50 13 li O'J V V.-ii'a—2-! 00 t5 40 OO T-^r buocb r.'»:-3 t-. . Vrl: ’! ’ &».> t- ^ I- i ! 2 ( 0 p‘ r d ''I ; ^ ii “V l-> « OO'v-r V.> i v* *00 rfcUiily, 4 l*'0 fi.- ♦•■I S 00 to 'V 0\) ret bo , : . ‘ S '2 6a !ol5yu H'.ij 12 5t> Sliac..B 1:: £.U ' *' t/.h-- 4 'to t J 6 vHfj per t>iuL. i •.'.rr. I'i 'v) •' ; Uu '?• v-t ii' • lau * ate .'' h 1* iiice:'—€li 2 uC iC trv, f* i~J w 6 00. Ire”S »K' t > .’•—Up • '7 'X', iji'i 15 (XJ in :'"r—Corn V>'bl^R'’y Oi) i. ?-60 tK* Aj pis • £> 00 ’u . ; toll’-1 • p. : ■ I ’ . ’ .. b- d' ’> '*0. re. -.i' s 00 ij 4 i>..-1 ' ‘a 01-..1 20 OO per bu-;^ ■I. CH—Irish ^^5 ir s'G ' c*’?; s-.=r«-i;t 46 tt* f*. Hicc 00 t>- ea.'ik 8 00 per bb’; r.'tsil ** tO to 10 0 S jwp—r&y.’iy Bir 2 00 pe. lb.. ^ 00 * Tarpon'.ifis 3 00 p:. ^&11)ji F .'.ii- 1 4 !?acdt:nr^. I 40 to S (Ki ^ ?0 CO ;•) 35 C' -er I-.1 bf'l T ' 00 i-> " PO. ^'^cl fi K‘ ' • 6 00. E L t'e^BKETOB. Jeaba, Kett.fi', LmaW*r. lard. L;at he.'. superfine, jw bbl. 196 lbs per 6%ok, ttS lb« fine, per bbl of 1*6 lbs per B»ck of lbs baleA, per 100 Ps nnbalcd, “ “ *ooL caoh bal'jd. p.*r 100 !b4 uub?.h'd, *• •• dr/, Cl-ra. per li> dyy green, “ artillery, lstcia«8, pr !i«id 1000 O'j . 2d •• “ f’OO Oo «>X^£.. *• pig. ?’r Ion of 2000 lha 1*0 tw a^uaie or roi’Xid p“r t'-n, 00 hcop. c^r tCiu o^ 200t> l*>s 10^(0 Cy d It o» b'vr>d, *rn f T>*0 O i boiler plftte, (ca of 2QOO lbs 1000 00 »er?iciskbjerailro'» j,‘j er ton 2240 ;ti» 4U0 OO caStiQf*s, ‘^Tjr io vO wcct doi/i-?s'i . p-r y» J iO 00 caaip. iron, r^r lb jjoC'd, v>er lUpofe-jt al*as. per .’ti ►c';e. SO ou Ou 3 OJ fj 00 A - J B ■ yO, r n R.^KDV7I-K will pr'sc . fti r-pcca ce’.::ty. next .>rbbiiL. lievls'Q’e K 2E.!eirt‘Wrs^*» n:;- 1.-, Irt ’0 . va>’ n 1 o* j %.iii be iifc?!; ai.d the firet Uo tor govd 'ooy.- wdl- icOura iLc e.ppi!«*it » a Vi‘ Ti;l' 1. 5 yfM'ord fr'esKale I'oCleg’c. ' f‘-7.‘ se- i.c ct taia l:i‘.titu'.!oc. 1;/C'itcu at £tsf€^- X ■ siic Will c?i‘-T2(.nco cc t^.c list i\Iaa'.i»y of iiujjuat Tsb r ire ot tn'*!'::, f>r the ^csrioa, will Vo frce^ 540 t’ b'i. TLe prioc of bo^rd will be JlOO dot-’s-B );r m ath, aiv i*c?, I’ulejc a ‘pocir.t * L n.avith th^ Prcv» - i't iiioi i;e *"ip ctc-i icrsicii i.-r eve gi.!;-. Uw fc 1 sir ;• I i-Ct !r. .uq . y T> i;- •S.-i s t U 'J J M. H. OALI) viiLL AB; r;:: 8 i- (} h c. : I> T. f fEi Bb‘8 .'J fdsCT f . Oo- ViS'!^ Rod.\ i,aci:at i-ni ii', j '.'v ii 11 PFM^'SBTON 57-:-» •.-.ESKR.'T, CTIDKB.S > ; IfcatUiuat ters, N. C, litservc, \ p.al3i[;b, ArC b •Sfi4 j No 6 t L:-. nJir-;; A few vjtes yet to c vae .^rcm tio Arn;y tut vill not ] affoct the rasclt. BLADEN COUh'TY. Qcv. Sorat' S.bff. •6C« "tJ ono ^.5C £ o >5. c c ? I. c p- gja.0* g Se*-** ^ S g- « J! ^ & At f>. recint mectinpr cf the d cf Trestces of tbc C:.PO^rd Frm%le CoVeg**, hoM Statesville, the r^Pj’.'fifE W'S edortcJ • Tao EoSiri^ o’’ ‘Iiu3re''B are roor.i *Lai Ri'atififd with onerg.s, iM Acaaj pr->l r'!C-363 with which tfec rlFii*B ol tfils Inst iu.iiu »mr-o b'en o'cfiu.-tcc.- i-'tier the «d- niiri.'striti''!! of J M '1 C^ldw'il, and fc;?? end dcvcted h i,v" of 1 isi'htrp!, and W3 ■S’i'ii meat c t'^i;l’y co-3ptr.it: wit'j l^ o F. cu!:, i-: J^-.eir cfT'.•'a to buiUl cp tho I«puto‘ion and niak^ it »ll tbst iia fincd''K d«£ired ard irtrndid th«-t it i-bcu’d bi* * A'lC 8. 67 Itpd. 11 Lili* 4 __ _ _ •letVmct, ol tho luy»d Slttt«aj I Uo Totcs Bolden reo*.Yvlj»t"eteTwrte-/:l^ • . 01 reet* | L dtM ot Btrtnsoad Ud'/ICOB^. | F’‘t Tow-!. Gry\J Fu fe Lojc. t^rrr r. Marab, C'lll- KaccJJ.o, F.-on ' r>rk, ■-•r k, Eo:.v.:r RcC^ws*, PoiPir, WbiM Parker’s Btore, 71 O't 61 26 ' 7 00 '26 :m 00 551 as .0 26 1 ' 13 , - 6 A .'j') I A* 10 ir> o’> '0 •2: ^ r; 00 83 00 6 41 13 22 34 26 9 13 0 34 29 3 26 28 23 lo iO ) 1 29 23 0 Id 17 7 4i 31 ‘in 16 11 (id 0”J 0 0 0 .) 15 1 0 0 18 0 1 1.; «o 8S .14 lo 1C ?.» ■: *2 2 311 7 21 7 3 l> 18 43 13 V-JAKTEO, IWini to buy a good fp-T S'sokasiitli and two or tl-vco yo'iT^f: K*vc QuB s udress tae st A rt>n >»'€’■ c\ N At)v bsTinr such cJ to Liiut.a^vi G (Jctn 5 thit r rrt froia t:;6 arnjy »re O’. f-i.Vd I' rrrr.ti.. ieUc > ;a c*rUin c;uut! h: fi;-;’:-. L iJ 1 cr-'bT na'.! tlic dufy cf the b' Lv..T 7, t . end r,D:t dr-1 v ? 11?? i to ihe rotrcyl Bt; k»-..i'he Cfti.-ts'.jb o rh diffai cut (1 r ra'.icd arc »f a»)d wU be Lcl t f'Tictly rc pox's :« f r the rxecu'icn f Ihie cidtr, in ibcir r**' nj.'Cl-' : CO'^.lif-fl I3y r jri*’ aad -vf Lt. *.1 Jlc-me? JSO. \7 KINSDALE, A A Qc^eraL ALt; 8 P.7-7t ^ Ci. K siA in^ \w I lie A.T AUCTION. jjureti^y 18th August, we will sell 205 rollf, 140CO I"on wire, !!Si»frtctl •’iiCB ftom No 5 to 15 1 cIk f ifcrt''? a rare o~|ortnn’(y. lo T:c,n?rs end other p-rib- iu \t“h» to m-ply’ tli€a-.?clT3e with a good arurlo rtcea'iy haporlnd. OBEWfl & LirCHFORD, Auctioneers. F.&1 Igh, N C,At?g 10 67 ts Waisted a Sitnalion, As ‘iPr-r -- ndent rr O?.';n>p«r of a Octton v'coka Mil.', by a cnr^eteat E?a?i, of 40 yi.'-'t cxM'jri'.: -iCQ, whv bfd o ’.c.f!ir- of the best Mi ls in tii*a Qjcntry, if doretanih Ue buBiness in all ifs braiioh •• Ter psiiiacb.TB a ’di O-S ‘ MaTsnfr^^'urfer * through P%'6t OPice F^yf■tt'''^i•l■;, Au^ 10. 67 "Zti l> MoF. Harrelt do , N C , Anir 8. \fr.KAY. 57 4* >• upper. 7 00 aartiC'if', •* V 0-J MoUsiv*l> *■ ca^e, j,v,i'5-ll.u 10 00 &• “ ^org'auu*. ItJ cHJ Mul* 5, “ l«-tciif.6 ;‘»r iic*d. luOO t'J • . • 2d •• •• ' = fij Uif .. .1 jji •• •• o^*>J 0-0 • • eXiJ-*V Nai’.a. •• };£r ktg ' j» iK) ths'4f, uab-tlrtd. p-i' iCU !i'i 7 tl»> .• •• b.Aitd. •• “ b t-w • • s.'.elled, ver baa a tH> «1'n:^l.u'"gs, “ cotton, j yd Wide, 7 cx to J&rd. i'«.r jr.rd “ '^ctton, * yd wide. 8 ,z ts I iu yard, p- r y^rd 1 7-« Onlo: •* rer I U. ‘.- t "e.as. •• I;:if, {-ir bus oi 00 its 10 0>> t^ot *%. o^s. I'isli, • “ It) tu • * ew tt, • “ b 00 Pi'^obes, driau. •* petJei per buj 88 1d« 8 60 “ •* ur^pealed “ •* 6 iKi l*ork. “ ■ fre^h. nett, per lb 2 UU •• Silt 2 6U ?»etur»£;o “ K quality, uc*r tcwa, r-er 10 Ot> bead; prr r cL’.i. “ o .mmcn near ijwu, per head, per mouth 7 Cu 1st qnaiity in ti>c c-iuitty, pr-r bc*d, per morsiL » OtJ • • “ ooumon t'se country. rer head, per nijsth & 00 Qa nine. “ gopd, p«r ounce 66 . Cfc, new. j»:i lb 60 4> •' old. 40 r.y^. •• good, p’f bus of 56 Ihs 10 00 ’-cV J. two bu«. tsnaburg?. eiieh 0 00 J’lirihsg. *• c't f'U, J y l vriuc, 4^ yds to lb. per rard 1 80 “ coiion, I sd wide. Sj yds to lb. per y.^rd. t lt‘ ■'olton smp.is, “ «{ yds lb, pel y».rd 1 76 Juit, “ Coast, per bns 60 Iba 2;) «H) •• “ Liverpool, “ Hi 00 i i “ Virgiaia, “ •• 25 00 8i»el, “ oast, pee lb 8 00 Hboe^ “ army, par piir 15 Ot» ■ ■fco.i tir-ail. •• flax, per >b eoldicrt;’, wool, per t-air iO 00 ? "jks 2 00 ■- eep, f*t, per Leid 40 01! “ brc.rn, r3t3ra.'‘n, p-.r ib « I t* - a?. •• bii*d, per lb 1 Co coft, •* 75 r uek8. “ bal ••?, p.-r 100 lbs 0 CO 'irto, goc-it, per l a-' ni 2^ l.-,a 1 00 I b -ip t’a6, 1 '7 -t. •• cf 87 li'S 1 76' “ pe'-lb 6 0i »4 grctn, “ H Of •t.t olsi’-. ‘ c''ifnn. 10 c* te yJ, per yd 1 5v . '■.acco No 1 “ F^tra 00 4 “ 1 •, r,c> r 'ato' ^No 2, SI 1 76 i t-acc'. T.ufs : 26 i ; 1-V-. •• ci= .'D, per lb 2 60 1 ■ *• ci'’.», per ga'lou 2 60 f.a«-.nf»otHTcd, por f^b’ilcn 1 -.i6 ! ' • ' t- ley, .» ., .'.t ‘ •'* 25 00 * r*i't whit?, p*r of CO iba 10 00 *. «. j.r-r bua o'*;0 ibs 8 i.O pfc- bi s ci" 60 Ibt 8 00 " : (.r-t fttr;iW. “ t "1 ?, ptr ICO ,bs 1 60 • c “ :! ■ '.t.ieo, *• 1 00 '• -ff. per lb & 00 • abed, 6 00 '.T ";;ons. “ vord »xle, 4 horcc, new. e&ob 350 00 .. “ ironas’e, 4'- -flf, E-.w, - acl o75 00 .. “ wood tx.e. 2 “ •• “ 260 00 t. “ iron axle, 2 “ *• 276 00 \yb>'%t bran, “ prr bus of 17 118 70 Y aTti, “ colter, per bnncb 5 lbs 6 CO /\N jju U I«, i'Fi f.* b r bfi.''' V at *» 4 pf for .. r •v*' o->r tT-S -tsjf B..i Thi* Bss«erp»rat:c j 5200 i^■ nov/prep-TTed to eychnn"''’fjr corn or b-'.on tb. rmo'it KnmbarF^ c- Spuu ¥-\iti gaitabic lor c’prin;' and Summer Uloth. This i’krt «72 of a superior quality, not wPiia«wa nil* t'- ■: ta? ! of s.i T.'O* »■' r'-.c n I t ’"! rates to issu iO- •nt CERTIFIC-ATE h« r..fd oy ^C' O ••• • ' c^rlificit;' c" to (♦ui' -v.U' c.py K- 0, ^ 1K I nUlB Ul UkS'ia, TKlKil, 'IVASON* A..«D UOK»t*. IWIlug liin* fiirajr, i>er 1*0 ;>,aiij«. t^h«-llir* 8.D1I lurul*l»ed by goveraiiu>ai, m.r iiiiihel, Hi« «ra horte teaiu', w ^oa and 1rtvc*. ntuiui ftirnh-iieu l>y owovf, l«ef diiy. 1* 0® IIin.- flf hor»e mmiis, umnun ami ilhver, rnl.otu I'aruUbcu bv Roverijnwnt, prr ibiy, 8 oa Hue ol'4 bor>« leBim, w> g(,u ami driv-er, rationn ruruixtieo Jiv »i« ner, p»'f a«V, ^ ^ nf 4 hoTM wi«(->ii and driver, ridl>i>* nimULtrO t.v i(,v«rnraent, ?crd»y, 16 09 iFirr «f S bone wunz, watgMn and drlrcr, rHtKDs lurnbbM hv i.w !.er. per oay, M 00 ' Mira* of S hone leani', Wanoa aad (trivet, nUoni ntrninitrd fcy g„. eminent, p*r cay, J» ^ liir. -1 nn"‘ns furnt-bt.'d by ownM. pr . J l*' j!'i II. Uitn’rer, niM>o» f«muhel l»y Uiiv’l, iwr dit), _1 »'irr rrtlu>ft* i'nrniihe'J l»y onit'V, jn*f iui>nih. 7.‘i tr> li*rr of lNiorcf, taUoas :o/n:stied by per umiuiU , 4j t! n .>t pord .y, V ; I..- :>;e infarniatimi ofi.U pprt«.'ni rooctm^J. H-e piibliih tne u-1- ii: .•.'In-, *■ -tinrl t;’Uh t**c hojio ih£ t th.-y il* b*! stricty otx • \i,. liif.#: er ■. .'e.il, ehrtll i!i« urcci»»-'»ry »a(j,>ue» i.. r*«n u «v Lu.u f*r lUe to i=au.t>tl-.n of hmm-li, liit fcruJy, t sUuTi, or W ■ n h.s ..rdiiiary uiecii.Qleal, ii.ana- u't-irini-t»r ii«rif(!lmrale'i.ui«*yitienw.‘’ ,, , , , . .w -1 • sf .1. , f» _ 1 .. .ill fc* Ka’.I Ivk f hi.- C »n ftt UliulllDCre I aa- hiu* jcal f*«m.Ved. All«ominun ralW.n. should be i.Mitn ^•1 It • liL iltjcrf l»ry Ha - N. C e.i I., .til. »«crri« > ^ ut RUIVVN, G»r^.fcuf|. N C. r V. liL..4C'Kd^l'UC’K, .-^ksviue, N C. i:iun'>. 4i^m{|e«MtA>f dtneitf N.tX ValVM. M. tmrn w« _ Ml