i * OF AL»XAXD''^\.. A carri-sp.'Ti.iont of t!ie St L*uis Rof-uolicao, (vi’i*'Oc) wntii'jj from O'^iro, Illinois, ijives a do* 6^-irt‘i ;n ; f t’ ' b irnicr of Alcxan.lria, Li . ? • - ’ i’; V ^ ‘oh \jo h:»'’o ncvf’T ac'r> in e;j f' it is aiC.'t interesting: V7inr. I*- wfof a'l CTer lue fa'b. sn-^ cr»r ■ -T 0 .' W+;; njr.lz«'->d, "u-l *he army nc«r I7 oT'?i • m'^rc • u'Cf* c\f .>or 8old ?t« Vcth MiiXr •J li Hck, t? ! uaJorp »n rg b t firr to f'vp C''T ii ne^rl? evtrv pir«, alix.cs' einml'aceouslj T •’ fl u’ I’lorp^sed by » Levvy M of !h» aorir”c ''f wooJen strujture, aud were «v >0 ilj^oarel >• tl """a. Alex*ii‘^Ma nun s. ♦ot.n b. t^oen 4 tad 5000 iaaabii»als All th»» part of | throHph Cofi.ir Sfe'ais Faat^ry, 3t*rr“*llle, Leaks?ilte, th-! cliy north if ths raiir->»d was Bwept fr'ia the fw? j Palo AUo and Montioelld, ihe oouut; lonn of Jasper of‘ha irtb ;»t a h'^urs. uot a bwil'itsg bei»g 1 ft. , To. Thea centiQuicg his ooorap h« oftplared UoIiaHi, .4bo''t r.inp-tc* I'lP of the townwas ooMsumed, e'a>pri^- ^ HiDbboro’ lir.d Clinn’n, the ceuaty town ol JencJ. In- ihf pirt tnd all the fin? re^iJcBcts; Ibo Tbm wtt3 00 Friday oight toat bo arrived at Clintoa Iw'-v * Hoio', !bp Couri Tiouse. all ths ch'>ro! (?« : Ptfa^inp forward, 8touoniaa d tJ.aaoe guard was mot tbft a nii'n’oer of iivsry stablws, aod j a f*w wilt*ii thia eide of (Jiintcu t>y Oapt Dunlap, who, ti" fr'2t ro^ of larga and spli^ndid busires.'^ I *jf:ai txjl’3UT!Dg jsaotu fell back to Ucn. Oobb'a HeaJ- Tm» -‘Icq »«.3 ^ Uf/e briok ilots!, j quwters in taia ( ity a^ji gave iha first autheniio ueWB I’ll oost €iOO OCt), end w';ioh wts ■ •j'p.p rect'iTcd of *ao o' roing er.eray. Thfreupon a caTklry coinpary was improvised and- THB LATH UKORQiA RAID, tfce coa Ccafede?*te, 2d i&st. On Tu.'Dday (jvcqIq^ cf U>a pa^ t Wbck a dispatch was rear'.vtd at. ibs> Hfiidquartere of G^d Cobh, oon-’EaaaJ- irg Gd'’’gi»i R;8^‘t«o li'fots in tfcis citv from Gen Kood hi AtiaMa t* . . a rsiJ of ja^'kee c^T*l^y barf l''ft 8t>era.‘»u'5 araiy *n f'cnt jf AiV'i^*R au.d were OKkiof fcr Mio u f!'e ptirr's ■, as w*s cuppof>ed, of re- i liip ItO!) V-lit •> (tS'JTrt o.iiifiii«d here, anl do- 1 i 'K * vjch oh«'r '‘amftgp aa yanke malice aud bate cou'.d ! in»Prt 01 «,!g-;os. j When HtoDpman left A Uni a t-e went dawn tho Geor gia Railrno i as f*r Covington, bucciog aa i dei*roT- I inic the.track, and oooiini'tiug other depredations From r^OTinRto^, bo took a due youtheaet coorso ooming W 'h mu’?! b'- Ju z' /ri .il. •» Demhcr of ih» lot;- ; onsti'-nioual (.‘c"’’ a'i'n. wnn Tc-t^d fo~ imfistdiitc and Hccouditi.*'• 1 frr;f.'C ri^iicn in L u'ufna; w*>!oh ornvcn j-.n also s ni dcVr* n t-e B»l-ir-rre ('on»»n ion '*'!iile JuJf" A was ^ n» o-rTinr tbo tdn ini»tratiou. the Fcitr*! *,rrch »pr!i-d lev his h‘ust8. bis Uw office hi* pri- »*te »tiJ 'rt'' *ni *11 bi» bouoehrld ^o''ds •'ni t>S o'H Ail pr. perty. be it rctt^nhered, ''e“n pr'f'c*- il fcr f Tf.' y. ‘t-s by iH« ^'onfederatee, w'.o *11 th« fi«T>“ ! ne" 'hf Ju ’g*‘a Uni'>t! rro-'liv'ttrs IJui- f ois.*.. inn.»n!j«R rnieh* b“ o t’ l of Tn'on iren »i''o li iik 'm .rn r Ki uno judice omn* T' e n 3 ti teuJiDg th,* burn ng loe .'»»y •.rxi »r wlifn? «era b ga'hf ring tUcir helpless babes in t»-cir arr-'S tushJrg fi-an’ioally fkrnngh the strtets with sc- iDu and o-ies »h»f would have meked the iardret )»e%rfi to *ew Male bf-ys ard clrls wjre rnt.nir.-» fc\'!^rr find tb'ther eryi?>g for their m^there and fathers old men l!>.-.oin«r on a staff for sorport to thoir tremb’ Jivr limM, wore hnrryirg away from the suff-cating ut.x oftb'ir lurn’ng dwellings and bomcs Tt' fwr anl beaatifal d-ugbters of the Bcuth. wh«» *.^1.,,, *E ; >>ro'bers were io ons amy or the other; the frail acihe'p’ess wifcs and children of abeert husbands tod fat*^*rg were aliaost in tbe twinkUng of an eye, driven frf-m t**eir t't'ming homes into th» streets, leav- 'n(T everylhinr b/ni"d but the clothes they then wo-e. Ow rfri&thft siaaal anocus baminsr in every p»r* of th’ oitv. ti e ’.eoplp foond no pecu*i*.y ia the ptreets, wl’' ■» ihf 'r',9 3.1 iiitenss aa almo«t to create auf- to'*Evei^bciy rushed to th« riv»r’tf e'*ge, beisg l>' >r^. from the beat by tbe hijrh banh cf »bc five- The Pteamb'ats lying at the UnJicst irere sub jec.. l i J grc'i.t anaovano«i. the heat b'»lng so gr^'at that the deoka bad to be flooded wiih waiter to prevent the boi’is from taking fire Among those who thns crowd ed tbe river >'ai>k were the wives, daughters and obil- dren, helplrss and now all homeless, of th» Union men wbo l»a>i j-'ined the Federal aray sinw th« c-coupalion ot Ai- x^tsdria. Their hu^banJa had already beea xcarch- «d ctf ia the front towards Simipsrcrt, Isavfng their fanii- Uei« ifl cli hcc :c. tnt '0 ihe tcnier latroies of .he Co» fcJerait? The Federal Ifli-cli had now destroyed their dwelliofd, the> *»ouie' .-lJ (;oo and apparel, the lagt rcorael nf pr •''>5oas, ssi Uft thtm starvinjf and des’iiutd As b(» fipocied tbev deiir*d to go alec^t with ths Fedfri! rhvre their hasbands had gone. They applied to Gcd Bauij with tears and entreaties to be ailowei to gj abcsrd the transpor'a Taey were refus ed They bco-rca friatio with ezsitement aci rago. Tccii-ccr?t.aji i pite-us cries were hea»-t rending. flTit'i tCii^s sireautiog down t^eir one^ka. women and ohil Va begged ani implored the boats to uke them on t>oar i Tie t fiSosrs of the boats were desirous of doing *0, but there was the pere’^ptery order from Qen Barks a?; to tUow any white oit»isns to go on board A rjsh #ocid have beea made noon the boats, bat there stood the guard with fixed bayonet, and c'ne ocold mount tlio e'afe plank ezoept they bore the •ipecia! p.?nait of t^e oommanding genaral. Could any thing be nroro iabu an and cruel? But this ia not all (Jen Binkg fouod room on Ikls transports for six or eevea thoofaad ne^roei, that liad been g*.tiered in fron> tbe snrroucding country. Couon that h d been Joaded 00 transports to be ship- Wd f !'roug>« tbe quartermaster to Sow Orltaas. ander Banka’s order, was thrown overboard to make room for nefroc-3. Bu: no room could bo found for i»hita wen:?u j ani cbildrcn whose hnsb*nd3 and brothers were ia he Federal armj, and whose houaaa and all Lad been bum cd by the Federal torch. pl’.cc-i under tu? ocmmand of >iej. Wal'ace, with orders to *dTitioe on t’«e liatoii raad and develop the enemy a Ftrenjfib and pctrifion Msj Wallaoa advano^rd sevoc M Its PD that r '*d whc- thp hoad of bis command wis fr#d u^on He several times fired in return, fjrmed *r. bcEoades. sSfirmi^hed and fought the enemy fal'icg bank and fortrirg unt'l he got tj the suburbs «f tho rny, wl i ih brfupht dt*yligbt S%*i td*y mcrnirg. la tbo njt»n*»hile all Macou was wakeful Tiie^e w*s t hurrying to rp'* fro of tbi* Militia and oit'xens The f rst and seo^i'd Georsia Militia, together with the Fire Gvard®, tb^ orp'*T'»x»d oompauie:: from the Macon Foun- lirit H &C-I A sera', pick, w.^uad'd and oonvalesoent •ol- di- rsfroia ^s^spifals, »U ns.pr ooramecd of ii»j Q'»n. f obb, with Gen Joseph E Joliujton a«> advisory Gener al. (aud in any other capacity the dut'es of a brave sol dier and a patriotio citicei denandei.) We h*td, a'eo. tic did inguishcd an-1 Maokall on the field Ocr w>-ple fo»‘ce took roKillo’i in fsiun’ay morpi"* hobbled and ^r 10 'ne front Mlliont i idera. some with runs, som^ witb ptt>tr-l!, aud others only hoping to pick up a‘rjR ffcm wounded and kll!ed, but all eoagulne of get ting into the ftght. S'.oncman a>^V:*n3evl his skiroiish liues er’^iy cii'jra, *3d f->l!ow'd with his regular 1 nes of battle "owetlmed iu two end then in tbree. but finding every part of the a'Id Krav'> ? frrjd heroically defended, bo was 3c»a tu it'Biteia acid dcubt ss 10 what to do Another oircum stauce qu cK.v brought his decision Thu MVano* cf Git:. Ifevsua ia the r> ar was o^oimun'ca'ed to Stone ir*a, who w«.s tnen in si^U^ rf the spires and stcaplos jf Macca Sioneman Immeduiely order«l a retreat, ard woat back with all his foroe in tbe dlreetioa of Clinton. The head of his oMama parsed the viUare about 4 o’clock and the r««T guard at 11 o'clock at night—going out the Moatioello road. They wart met a few mile# from the town by Gen. Ivsraoa's videttes, wbo opentd upon them wiih tbeir carbines This wa^ their only road to rscap« and tc force » paasafs was a dire nrofcsjity Gen Iverson formed hij men a short di.tancj Iu. other sid* of S”38biBe Cht*r«li, an onpre- tend'ag !k'!o hons.* cf Gii that st*nda on th* left of {iift rokd. Our t^m,. ./li^y works ooafilstsd o? r.a^V tbrcwn anr*irf t^3 read, end on th? right and loft., agaiust wbioh the rneajy iidvftrQid tvo boars befori day-light .Sunday pj rt ii!g tVe fyfced I'^e vcotjy b»«k ia tbe direction 0? r'i fn ;0O Klle*; whei\ crrivln* at tbe hcu«e of Il'iikc! a »bort distan>e beyond 6tm3hln», % flag of iruoii wai3 Fent by n«n Si5aeman Col Crews, prip aiu^- aa \>2;oiidiUoaal surrendrr of the whole cf h's o minaa.? f’ol Crews received the flaiT, ani rd. r?d Sioceman'3 arnv to ‘taels arms COO cavalry, and two pieces of artillery lBiuie)>siely obeyed the or- de^, bat all of l^CO refused, aad inime*^iatelj broke tbroUj(h I e *»oods oa right of the road, going in almoet every direction, wflh-jut or^^aaiaatioa and total ly demoi>lii?J } Pa"8ult Was made, and waen we left the field, l i m ! ;eeterJ:;y, they w b^ing rapidly brought la It ia Bu!>pfsed tbat none of theiA will ever ese^pe bftck to Sherman frcm the .Maoou L^afederate, #1 laet. Dr. Dro»nicg. St~nfmaa'# Chief Surgeon, ae we*l m other members of his staff, free'y a'imitted to us the wboio iuiention of the expediM,m ita strength, and ga'Te •nanierai’cn of the different eonm^nda oobi- p ciag It fitonemm l«f> Hharciau's right In front of Atl*ma “ ■'> "Jp tb,* >ijru‘'t» railroad a? fa- as owe whoee namea It ia impoeaible to eoamerata, had everythicg ia the world they owned in the way of food, stcck and wearing apparel stripped from thes, the in human wrctcbce not leaving enongb food to afford ono ECP.l for their ebildr.’n. 0?n iji.-^ueiExc ard bis B*.a£T and field officers arrived t! Maaou late Mordty afte^r.'-on Ttjpy were at one* ta^'en to the oflPo“Ts’ quarter* at Gamp Oglethorpe The ren’ain'Of 60^' were oismounte.d where they were o«ptnred and brrugfat in on foot, arriving here ye»t*r day mnrning. They were (uroed over to the militia, and will be sent down to Andersonville I'nmediately And thns has come to disaster, grief an1 aanthUation the great Stoeeman raid. It aooomplished nothing bat the bumng of & few o«s on the Central r^lroad and (he tearing ap of a fetr ailleti of the traok That wae • 11 fOB TB« OBSKRVKR- Lt tJol Joha Thomas JoaeSt of the 26th Reg t NOT. died near Orange C H, Va May 7, 1884. from a wound rco«ived on the previous day Thus has po»«M whilst buddfi*g into manhood, oat> of the noblest and brightest ornament** of our State The feeling amon^ all olassee was that of prof^and sorrow at his lo«»; and his numerous virtues, his learning, his courage, an tbe bright future which was before him. ont’l ont aff by the hand of death, werj themes of general oonversa- tion. . . “Tearo fell when thon wer^ dying. From oyes unused to weep; And long where thou art lyi«K Will tears the cold turf !»teep ” H. fOB TDS OBSBBVSa. Died at bis faiher’a resideno* in Randolph county, of Chronio Diarrhoea. James Sikes son of Nathan and Mary SJkef, aged 18 years, 6 months and 20 days. II* entered tbe service of his country when he arrived at the proper age He was with hie company bnt a few weeks when he was seized with the fat^I ^sease that enJed bis life—thus cutting short a life of twefuln-»80 and servloe to bis country and her oanse. Ha waa » membe’- of Co F, 4«th Reg’t NOT. He leave* a fc*h*r ..-vtKoi, aietrrs ana croinere, to noum their losa The Lord giveth and tbe Lord taketh away, bieasod bar the came of the Lord A Piufltnk MONTGOMERT COUNTY. Gov. Seuat*. Con> Bberiff. —, ta 0 0 ba oa b> r w a >s 0 Z. •t 0 0 0 S' 9 m 4 2»' c -t 0. » 0 m g_ 2 0 ► e r 0. ►1 « m n * a KuBh'a Mills^ » 21 11 TT ^0 ‘ TT 2“ ~6~ ~0 Rock t^prlcg, 2U 8 IS 9 r V 2it 0 6 (i MoCaakill’a, 6 46 4 48 8 4H 4 s 8 SO Au’^as'a. 1 ne 1 2)ti 0 SB 4 lit 1 1 Diffie’a, 16 20 11 ?4 11 24 0 80 4 0 Beaxt'd, 13 62 11 69 n 69 10 26 lo 0 Fork, 46 1 47 1 &s a 86 8 1 0 Mlliedge villa, U 16 1 22 1 18 tl ‘i t> Prospect, IS 1& 11 22 26 18 11 1 0 Zion, 4*V I 48 i 2y 16 1 28 16 0 Trov, ttl 87 4*1 46 48 2tJ 61 14 0 Mt€Hlead, ♦‘6 1 64 10 02 21 12 S9 80 u 278 29>r i66'2'iy iti 40 VOTE OP JOHNS TON'S LRiaAL>E. - I challenge tbe records of all Wre for a.^ts or eti:h per&dv ana crueltv t o • . ■ . • -But tisa-:’ i^ n‘i>' aiithor • ^1.1 - . i '‘3'* *•*'0 ‘be direct road to Maooo mii’tirw anl rni 1 obap.cr IU tjis pe'tjii'us > Hs wio ^ rvrorise and o»n‘ure Ms oit” on Tbarsdav , r^rmjnFtti Tv' ^ I (hprp,. .l> i(ie (.oTernairEt W3rks, f.otori.M. nii- ' T- oj-'iDJ-n- Xaat he loteadcd to pro I ro»J »n i meahina works. »nJ ever/tbing e!#,i fn ani uiiJ oome foriftrd and Uko tbe o»io of j around tbn ci'r of a pn’olio natu-e Tho offisers in tbe ^?.«0!'. c io 2j. ?t in tti^jir own liberation as eoon aa tbe c teot : ■: who ai!eg«';ece; w.'-il# tho«.o wfco wou d not werv; tbreotea^d with b.*u.«tiii*-nt a^d e^cfi.ication of property /n elfectioa jras ; -nd delegates were sent 'o the C^n- B'.ituiioual ConT£n^on. then in session at Hew Orlescs A recruiting ''ffic -r was appointed, and over a thou^inJ wKito n^a T7. te Tr-u'.-fr' l into *He U 8 3t',-»lc * Qii!-:. a uumbp’ of pfarinm! 'i'Sfns of -^lexa^dria tork the oath, and were promised proteotlon Their non»es tnd other pror^rfw now a.'! r'lJuo;! to ash.ia. and I d-r’''i-.n"r,' thev ‘:iraed cu- jc o t*?c worid w'»h notbing—absalute- ly noibisr BiT3 tho amai-siy oa>b.' They could not new go to tfca f’oaf-ierates and apply for charity. They, too, a;^rli*'d t.n Oea lUnks to be allowed to go abo»r-l tbe trm^orts and to go to New Orlean®. They were refused a everv ins^-norl A-rong tboee who arplied was a vfr Parker, a lawyer of feeble healta, wbo had been qni*e promiaen‘ mskicg »peeobe«t since the Union occupatnn, in favor of the emancipation, un-ondition- al Union, and the suppression cf tho rebellion Per- la.Bsicn to g5 on * traniport was rofased bin He oouii not stay, and hsncc, feeble as be was, he went pfo-inent citi- Alex^dria^^^ ^ £!gee, of M Eoore. K k J ^•ewOrleaI,a. leaving bia family behiDd, cxpeot.ng to return. He was not able to »o so befor.' ‘he evacuation of Ahxandria J-.dge E’ir^e is one cf be most acsomplieheJ it>d abte men cf ibe South. A Iaw»er ty pr f^gir-n, he ocoup ed a prominent po sition, r-:. «ni bad i.-niienfl? in- fiaen the o% n. rcsii1ar.) him in aniri- ; »eei upm hie takit-g tSiinne of -vurba.ilii 8*ro.i,.^.»d him a! his aal (}-n. Qr.ivr -vi l Gen Biuk^ hon'i>3.1 f'*7 p>9stbi Dira^ my “lay iu A! x ■ '•coic-.-n to o-iU _pon the Jad.-5 at ais rf>« deao-, ara a-, ijig olCj? iwb.cb w^re '«otb :* tbe saV« builJir’ir), oa 1-mintss. H’s law aad tbe r fri'-iiJa .engaged tbe guard around them They »era to be tt>cn oroei and tbe foroa thus strengthened was t.-> go Jo'n the Southwefiern railr'ad bnroing and lerin ■ -o .\niersoaTi*lc Tbe gua~d there was to be €t.rt"' ’ >'T- 3t-'n?man. and the vbole foroe of pr^a- on**.'-- ["OW.)J ^vere (o m»k* a rush for liberation e on*- .1 -« :j iken t3 sdatzi the whole back in the '.’aat^ ^y the road he had traveled ever Vsccn ^»af to br.tn reacfcel, attacked, captured, buri’eJ and destroyed ls»t Thursday moming, hot the fxpeditioE was dokyed ^bcut Covington t?n or twe've bours a^d f:ton«‘re'an aUa found the road this side oo rugged that he could not come to time. As soon as it wai, kn?wn that Stoneman had left Sbermaa’s ar^ni? 1en Wheeler,*on Wednesday of last week, ord^rad Gen. Iverson to take Martin’a DivtBicn an I pursua him. Gan Iverson’s oommaBd did not number quite 9‘H) men of all arms They atruok the trsok o' fc«toaenian south cf f’oviagton and reached Monticello Thursday d ghf a fow honre bohiad tij« ene my Re.! -misg »be marc*- Friday mor-ing Gen. ive-- son'e advance can?? Into ri,cton about h»!fan hour after 3tcn man left th»' nizb'. Tnt main forc’. however, di i not g"t to Ci.ai.oa oa a#turday before tbe advance of 3to; «m4n ra the letreat ilrovn oat ttie piokets Gen W^rsoa-!->n eurv^yri the coaatry 7 ar 8 miles north- ' -'ast of Cliatc*. fr.r a bittle fi.-ld Ho f,oad a covd position a abort distanee beyond Hucshine Churei^. posted his m?n atiJ •^w4tteJ tbe «iacmy Suufday >• gk? fund Ibo rickets r' thn op-.ofin-V ;\voe5 f,m roniiogo.ich p*b..r n^'a! Yr. 3%rfi-1 }>, 6th N 0 Eeg't. Varoe ni;htea 12th 100 0 •-•0th 60 Itf •2SJ4 78 0 81» 21 BOND« FOB five Hundred Million Confederste Six Per Gent. Bondb. TBE9E B0NU6 present the greatest itduoemeniB for inve«tment. They have thirty years ta ran inter eit payable roni.annuaily. and a*« aeonrad by impgi^ and export duties; are exempt, prin.??p« an ^ intereel, from tfuzation, ai^ the coupons receivable as ooia for ou£toKi dntiea. The coop^ns of these Rondf, due Januu-y 1st, 164K. have bren ordered to be received in pavtaent of import datie« ia adva&oa of maturity Anol? to .ALLEN P. GlBBIi-^, .^.gent Treaecry Department, Wilmingtcn N. C. Aug. tt. 68 t{ i§trayed or Mitolen. THC nubaorilMr loot • likely BLACK MARii, unde''' medium sisd, white spot on hor back, oaaaed by th> baroesa, fore feet *nrns «at, and Ups her aaoles in traveling, recently ah?d. four years old, aad in gnod order A ]lb«nl roWari will be given fof the delitery of Raid Mare, or a”y ittfr>nn*lion. so that I get her Address the snbseriber at C''nrie8vllle P O , Moore Conn*y, N C RE5NETH M. McDONALU Aug. 10. 58 8tpd FoiTsA£.E. Fit! Huttdnid Million Confederate Six Per Cent. Bocds. These Bo:idc present tbe greatest induosm^ni'i fcr inv39tm.«it. They have thirty year* to run, inter eat payable eemi-»ni)aally, at.d are scoured by import aad export dotien; are exempt, prinoipal and interest from tazMioB, and the coupons raooivable an coin for custom duties. The minimum price baa been fixed, for the present at $135 Tho old iseae Cinfederate Treasury Notes, (except the $100 notes.) will be re oeived io payment at 66) per cent. A W. STEEL. Agent for the C. 8. Treasury, Fa7ett«wU1e» Aue A itfv WAITED, ~ I WISH to buy m good farm Blacicsmitb and two or three likely young boys or girls. Any hafiug surb «an »d(ireeB me at Avcrasboro’, N C. D MoN. McK,\Y Harpett t'o . N. C , >ug. 8. 67 4t Concord Female Collefi^e. nextseosicn of tais luatitutios. looateu at Btates- ae en^-mj tnrew up h»,rriiad-.* acro-s tbe r-a.! acd on ‘ P"' month “^'b^r ^!d- at B.tfie’d's b^us^ «^xt.»iding oct? a incd .1 >‘'*’^«en:ent l*''»oes •.T'i«3 th.- corn fi Us 8-’neraac-. w%s i . ,i boirder wil C70un- D.' bct. jf' ro''D..—r.eicjT f.ja '•ta-arv lltnr-; I ere-t,if. HiS r«s;lv-uc2 wasV.^hly a-d ^tefu '7 » siugle paiatiug cost $1200 at? ao^'-noe tbe «ov*rnment he had In xnH I. J ■ •— ewjrn to support, ^d wb oh had profDts-d hm protection, allowed soldiers ti spcly tbe torch to hi9 dweilinr and tarn b-' .amily mt; tho streets Hi* fine resideaoe. with all i« OOStlr nim:nr« k:« a . . - costly furn:!u-e, bis books, papers, and his fine pai-t ASt named articles wiP yet find their way to tOe north Ihilvi Pil?e*-ers and cover tf-eft J- Mad;;i «d wifti HiV rencue' ^here f.reon sjraeorted to, it Is'gBnerallj’to tfeiio tb.v L’.-ni Q3v, of Looidiaaa. e’lcot- T • J r *- D X „U.*» He had baea ^ Uaioa oi«.a from the b^gia^og.''" firhati • Bp;enJil residence in. Alexandria, weU aa-i richW furniaca. at waicn hii own and his souj family renid^d Hi9 Hor »a^eb^en) in New 0.-le!,ns, aueal;o/the Ooa- stitutioaal Convbutiou. of »hinb ho iraa a «>.--i;b;r, and in w/no=' he voted for aholitioa and all the ultra meas urea B it ihat did m* secure his fftmil>: the protection of the go»emment A 1 was burned Taous-nds of people, men. women and oh.ildion, were, in a few short hours, driven from coo'foftable homes Into the street Their shelter tbeir provisions, their beds were a3i con Eumed. la the:r extremity, wiilch ocrown culoabiiity t !?k A* General ta-ned 'ate back theia The General, perhaps, did! cct If.nirh at their ailanity, ncr mocb: when their fe.- camo bnt *■“““• ■» ln» dw-!!,'."g,. It us has Gc.- erator cf li'> ' '..h tbe o{ bura Banks boceme the *‘Ub. pedliij.-. aud or o'-TLTseV'e’ tbe R;d Rivst- ?i. ^ .* c a scheme oouoeivod in poluioa inir^'iity. dcatraj Nasiip tho ^luc rebels have captured traans and . property on thuiiao of the ofrailroad tu tbo amount evii’Mi ruu ions ol lol;ar;j. A Jr-j; irii out ol a b'ock ol’Handstoce which ■omc •« .rknicn wsre breaking at Johnstown, Pa a i'vv dujs aincc 1 ■ stJiie waa known rjot to Lave bccQ (iiBlurbeu ice it waa quarried, thirty yefirfl bi'o; and how long the irog, which wa«, gqueczou flat H3 a cent, I’ad becu in it boiore tLat can only bo a uiafter of caojeoturo. luime- dlitely -n lalHog out, the repiilc b^gau to swell god /Oj 8od in a soort tixoo Jj'sit&zoo ^uit€ livoi|^. ville, will commemje cm tbe last Monday of Anguit The pnoc of tuition, f. r tbe Pnssian, will \se fr.-)« |40 tn 60. The price of bo*rd will be $109 dolla/# p»r month, piyntle 'c adv'noe, onle^s a special ar sb..>alJ bp made ^rith the preti">nt Ewu ^ i j..will be expeoted to furnish her own iigbta, tow Wiia oaly two ihln?s to do; ft rce papsag^ '•long thr! ■! * T**’' o'sheets. r-ftd 0. Biiprer.der Ti'cra ^as no rot-J l4»ding cff tc» ' 1'6'ters of inquiry will receive prompt atteflfion if tue rtg^i cr left ibat li«cou d travol TJw> cjuatry w-s. ' J M. M. CALDWELi oat UP wiih anl injpaeRfHe rariae^. a>lowiij«t n- j| ^7 7tpd. Gen Allen’s akirmish line first cnocaotered tbe ene- ray two b-ou-fl before daylight Sunday morning Irrez- cUr e«irm.8t.,rgcont:nned uatil 8 o’clock, when th^ Gvorgia nrigaio was forward t** develop the pos.tioa of the enemy. They soon 'cnod him ia l^^e of ) GaiiaBA]. Okdiks ) No 6 / HeftAquarten, 5. C. BeserTC, \ Ealetgh, Aug. 6, 1864. j battle. ^rewB immediately ordered a ohi-g-. brigade, and ’ -.ompute- A It a ret 'X.- Qeu“ a.on’^mnn poBition two miles furihe. tUia w»7 Qeu Oioneman PU9la>ned a hc^vy^loss iw this defeat -na aa eo-.n m he Eaw preparations makfng lo cbarro rV^^AT.-"’ .««P“tohed a white flag proposing an c. con .itional oiirrerder of hl» whole tomtit,. Tbe fl*g was 582 mai ' co^^Mnted him^irith ‘owhomhehad t fc- . » regular cry ?• n CrswB, a&d his statF dir^ly divested them^„lvea of tbeir wrma. 600 yankees et onoa threv? djwn tbeir guns, but the remainder, seeing f>r tfc:«i tim»j the co wardice of their General in gvving up to aaoh. a •mill force, broke thro’ the wood^ pell-mell, belter skelter, ?naking off to the ictt Gen. Jroraoa ordered purauit, .and il ia bslieved that nearly tie whole will ba tt Aeu. We caj^ared fully 1000 horaes, tii.t many a*ind cf sip.all arnis, 2 br»Bs threo-inob. rifle OKononan'^ oaissons, 1 ...1 J Stonen»»,n only had two fteverai colors and guidor9. oataoa. tcrhapa there never -sras a more ooiisummato band of p’undering tbievce collected than ooorposed thic raid cf Btoneman’a It was universally oompoaed of low «n prinoipkd Dutcb aad t rcig^aers of every oatioa, with be'‘e and tbere a woj*») m>.n »?i an ofiisfir Thnv were aciu*'' i wi'h bat or i motive—to steal ano to plucd'.*!*., snu iusScad «f the cfScero t.browiug any r;sti>*iit npon tl*e.Tj, the cffioera 'hemsel'res, from Stonrn>»n down, joinjd iu robbery a»i r,iiIago. They Bntercd •aad s ’••^oad Indies’ fingers acd brc»f e of riops RnJ y nns open drawers and tnjois, etcle nnd plate of every description. In ttany instaticas Louse \gir’s weto ravished in rooms be- -or* their m»»tre3iss, »aJ in yards in front of the uoi'cq No BtTfge .? eg that evor r--is3l tbe eanh, Qommitu-r more tieLdi ph brutalities Every scoandrel sb’olcn moaey, atolea f.*e *nd » oirn j.ve’,3. liitls of ' ,bo destruct’oi I of property In New- exaept that they burned White’s •eoaued al?cjuaty, n> oitisea •«»»»« wttlnntt a«l»ajr w»; opiirroifa of the london PRSsa. From thn Locd^n P.HSt, July 2. Again We are callcd uoon to chroni'la anutb«r ra- puU» to that mijittty .t-nty, wbiob under tbt* h*aI.r8bip of G ^rtt. is cnatav&ri^t}' i> f ro- its way to E?**»n3'id. Il is ’'« hhta« Btc^ry c'>r‘::‘iiitly repf&ted Exoapt «n ma'ttfS cf detail thore U hb«ohi'>*?y ti :t'nir>g t&rf. A*» attack concufti*'! wi:l» n«rc or lc"8 fbsLinaoy, fcr a longer or ohorior epao* ff t.ni*, -oHowed hy a retreat, a change of ttclicfl, a r« t> n d ati*''k in ftrcti^r rltee, and again a devcat. feuc.'> ih t.*e epi'on.9ot the iiistcry P.'om — MoiiiLB, Auk - Hi- firing is retorted at Fort Morgsti on Tujsday ; Wcdc'f lsy T'l di'j lL« to!f^ri.j’ ?ciro vt. betwewii the city and tbe I’rout. v were oflF Dofs rive*" I'ar this «voniDif Tri u*.; t'j^ Mobile—Y vh'f ■'y ;tjl IT has been reported to the Lioutonant Ganeral Com manding Reserves. tfe*t deserters from the army •:» parmilteJl to remain unmolented In certain oouatles ' f this State. It is hereby m%de the dnty of the Secicr Rbserves, to apprehend and deliver them to the naare^t Viiitary Commandant; and (be Captains of the dlffen- ent Bompanirj are n-ade and will ^ held etrintly re uponsible f'r tho execution «f this order, ia th4ir rc By cammand of Lt. General Hclmee. JNO. W 1?INBDALE, A A. Ger.rraT. Aug. 8. 67-7t I^A B tt E SA i7e WI B E AT AUCTION. ON 'Thursday 18th Au«ust. we will ee’l 206 rolii> 1400^ lbs, Iron wire asBorted rses from No 6 to 16 This affords a rare opportunity, »o Tianera and other parti«B in want to supply themaelves with a good, article recently ia ported. CREF.CH & LirCHFORD, Auctior teers. Raleigh, N. C., Ang 1^ 57.(3 Wanted a iPiitnation, As .SoperLit^ndent or Genoral Man%ger of a OtettoH or Woolen Mill, by a thorough oimpetent mao, of 40 years experience, wbo hae had charge of the bast Mn? ia thin ccnntry, a- dor?}ands *be basinesa in all its braseheo. Foe particulars address * Manufaotarer” ihrragh Post Office. _ ^^yo^eville^Au^ 10. 57-2trd IWE •’u''!»!nrtb.-’r his a 4 cer cent. CERTIFICATE L for a Cafod4ri.t,e S;»te? B ind, Signed by Wm » Brcadfoot, and *Io. 1531. for #200 Not’ce' U hereby given to all peraonn not to r?cs>ve said nnrttficatc or to tr»d^ for the same; I shall rjhke application to the proper anthoritios to isaun to me a duplicate copy DRUH SniTEBMERHORN. Aue 10. 1844. *7 .Itpd of said certifioate Fayetteville, N C 3BBLS BROWN 8UGAR- ^ half do « >• ' u Cep»era9 in Boxes and Cblg. 10 Kegs Nails, assorteo. 8 Kegs Conking Roda. On consignmeat aud fur ba1« by ITEMS FROM TAMKEE PAPIRS. The following news items are takra from yao- kee papers of the 9th:— Of 8200 men comprising MtK^ook’s command, [iu the late Georgia raid] only some 600 snc- oeeiied in returning to Sherman'a lines. There are no longer any Federal troops on tbe i dail^ arrivinc-, and ^ood teeiin main land of Texas. Tho garrison at Browns I Banl^ I ’>«“■ w!thdr.wn The munition, «.d ; La , Aug 11 -.N,» , of Ihis ye.r’3 o,a.p.i,;n in Viiein a up to Ihe ptewot j BUppllM at that were Bent to^ BracoR And : paper^j of t»e ytb .ay tlic Tccum,«U strur*: a t.ji. linae, and to all *pp^t ’t riil bcnoniiaucd ^fiera | New Orleans 250 rcl0g6c8| Kanng the veo- | pedo oppoiiite Fort Morgan and wrut do«u in.- almilar fashion until no ii-orc nie»3 ^ill be left in the | gcanoe of the Confederates, left Brownsville with mediately. All on board peiishcU. includi'i‘» the Federal army who will >•«« .’:!b(.r aUc or wi ling to as j ^nd were to bo iPorwardad to New Or- (’aptain, except 9, who arc ptisoner» Alter j leans. _ | iag fort, tbo TenncHaee oaine up with three 1 Armed launches at the month of the Miwis j wooden vessols of the fleet, deliveripj^ a broadside, i sippi have rendered the navigation of that river | ^^d still looking for tke li-artlord, fla^ sLip, with j below Nev? Orleans so dangerous that the Yan- j p^rragut on board The Monongahcla bore do?.n { kee pilots are afraid to venture out. On the 19th ' ‘ ult, the lighthouse tender Martha was oapttu'ed and destroyed by an armed launoli in Chandeleur tault tbe Confede’'»te inti a* The details of tb« attack on Gen Lae’s ]toBiilcn In front of Peterabcr? T;I11 I t it crd to bs je fi e rinin almost idettioal with ibosi rf th^ precrdi^g engvg''- menta on tho Ohiokah'.-niici- r.nd i ■ Hp.ilisvl'.-axi’.i. Tbe centre aad tfccw'tga of th«> N-rll- rua.'D‘j any eilfereatlv ccuiposcd. The cid?r .^f 'in'o io «hioh they went in»o aotioa niay not iiave bcpn identical, but the reuuU has been iu cicb C'-s : tha a-sao The Fedcrala have iHVir'tl-ly rccuUed vi.'h h>-avy los>-; and, whether it ia Pet cfonn at .‘j 0f>0. or 10,000, er 20,000 men, it hae always been so irri'at. ar>d the re verse b»s beea so deoiplvo 93 to d t«r the FederAl Com- rounder in-chiff fr'^m nsrftia r-'P'O’-'rT fh® erp^srimtnt ia the sama pl»09 He he? ccDf mtitly shifteJ hi** ^r'-und, and from tl>e day when h-s o^>n d t a e*K,p»ign at Wild-rnerp up to the prc^’ra* in>o, l.at ir^v^racd near ly half a circl** ’'cutid I5i«- Cpuf c . yitul On the Borth. on tbo eaat, a-’d n w ni r':e n .uih, he »-Ha at- torapfed to rut lio w»y throujfa tb • I ves vith which tae CcnfederatcB have gu^rd^ l t je tjppr.'ache tu Rtoh- uiond. but tnly to fiud t;:-,t avery rume rquallj led »o discosr^tiir.- Wt*r Orr> t c"ffrvl tl;? C; ;oV l - a»d trek up a tobMod bet»>t‘'n ihat riv.' a. It' J«r!.'’°, wr pointed out the seri'Ui d'Eisdvaufir •. •itd.-'r which be would Libor if h* ntfeci* t" ! to «‘i-Lf^crd by folU w iiig tbe left or aorthrm Jj^\:k of that rivsr At iho stn>« tin^, ’oowever, we dH c«>i sufli ct tbat it wa« hia intention to rroa* the JbiatJ nrd a.terapt the oaptnr* of fv^ehmond by the Petorsbu-f rv>''te To taka rnci a course, as it appr*srfd to n'', Totdd be not merely au airaisd'on tk^t all the past la'-’crrs of tbe ctnipa’gn ha*i bien entirely proPtl-'ce, ^ut vouH sm''unt to the adop- 'Icn of a route wbioh by imp ic'itio’’. h-i been pro- noupoed at tbe coraiePOCDiti tof ih® Ci*r’>ai^T the leiuit pi*aetioable for an army a»tarki’;z P. cbiaocd. Now, liowever, ibat Grait has cr'6-cd tac Jane? ri»er, and hne, after havip.er autfered Severn lois r, r«i?h»d a ptdat where he might wiih the moPt r -*cot tavc luud- ed his army nix w«'ekc aea, it iainip-g-ib'tt to&».>5d oon- c'nd'og tbat he not o’olj i2*du i’roai •is..;r.tica8 nred less'.y, but ha? esBayed to er.ier RictimoDd by a roau wbioh he kirsseU believed pregeated even mora serious obetaoled to suooeps tb&n tbose by which h»baB alratJy vainly endeavored to ap;>rooh tjni Nor wa« ♦bis the pole ground on wb’e"* ve thougbt it improba ble that Gr. ct wcu\,d attemp- ?: aaa^k Biohmood bv Bay The Union convention, wbioh met at Cincin nati on the 6th, nominated B. C. Eggleston for Congress. The vote stood: Eggleston, 84; 8. P. Chase, late Secretary of the Treasury, 39. A di.sp&toh from Grant’s army says considera- blc sickness prevails in the yankee army. I The publication of the Evening Bulletin ncws- I paper, of Baltimore, wau suppressed, late on ' Saturday evening, by order of Gen. Waliaoe, I commanding the middle department, in conse I quence of the publication in the second edition I of two objectionable articles copied from the New I York Freeman’s Journal. Tho office waa cWed, I and any further attempt to publish tbe paper will subject the publishers to arrest and the office to seizure. A number of citizens of tbe Slate of Delaware, who wero arrested a few days ago and sent to Fort MeUenry, near Baltimore, upon the uhai^u of holding a pto nio for tbe benefit of the Confede rate prisoners at Fort Delaware, were released on parole last Saturday. Upon their return to Wil mington, more than 2000 citiccns turned out and gave them a grand ovation.* 'fhe j^ettere-up of the reception were arrested by the Provost .Mar shal, but it was nut known what would be done with them 1000 Oonfederat«: priMaers arrived in New York on Tuesday morning, on the A rago, from Point Lookout, Sid., and left the same afternoon by the Erie railroad for Elmira • n . . - I- .1 J .1. . A disnatch from the Army of the Potoc.ao way of Petersburg by mo»«Dr Lie aiuv tc-ibc d>atk 1 1 j 1 of the Jemea rtver bt w»a cf ncoeeiiiy cblig»'d to leave states that the rebels exploded a mine un^r one Waflbington to a grea t iten* uf\rra^-;ted, tt xd i« afford of our works in front of Petersburg, on Friday, 10 the CcBfedera e Couirainder-ia cbirf the opporttmlty, 1 but succeeded in doing very little uaoaage. The if he 10 p'eas»d of in»''o!'irg cn tbe Federal capital -in, bowover, thie wsf. .* in;’.; Rhicb, if ruo. it was a^so- lutsly eseot'f.*l reduo" --i muoh 8B ripsitla. the adop tion of the PfterbliTirK rccf^- r.c'cfr’'-.i'd toe ftrfr’ttion from tho p^ain army ofnoiDco a:;'Jcr.'-!p ’'amber of iroi>p6, wbo would he able at tbu aair:e tita' to mtike a diver «ioa in Central VirgMa, sa j svr'sl i*e ad?arce of aay fc»to« detached b* Lc-a 'or t' >- j orpore c attaokiag Waabington Thli in (li ct -rbat Grant did Sberidaa, with a t!-ocg f rre . f and iafantfj iO'«k up a position cu tbo line cf ibe \ Irgini* ^'eatral railr’sd. whilft FTuttv r en’e»»ored, bv »h* y»p*ure of i them, and Lynobbur^ and r^arl'H'''*>il’e. to ctit ttf ite oommuai- ! ^founded oa'ioQs between lliaiitacud Bu J tbo W L'va under tbese alronm?tan'»e« tb»t Or>at i irte'* hi.' a'my to he right baak of tbe Jaia-p, ^ l.i viu-j’ th*t tb? para mount neoefteity of def«ndirg Ric- mjad would keep tho main body of Lt'c’ = ertny in 'he v-'oinity of that oUy. and that the forces in Oen'rrfl Virj>a’a anJ tbe Upper Shenandoah Vall*-y ir-,'a’ ' a» fly s’.tfS.'j for the proteo- tioa of WvhiPft^n The pcaitioc taken up by O ar', af er crossing the Jatae^ lay to tb? #oiub o’ tbe .\ppoma'>.'x. a-i ac.*o* the railway o -anectin* Peters'.urr wtthCuy P'-int On the 16th some ek roiabiag tC'k plioe between the out P'^fts of the two arm*** and 03 ib** dav Smi'h’s corps of the Fedt-ral army ^an r.’p rtfd n btr tak?n Bome Toufederate prisaner?? It w'.s'^ot, ho'!f^ver, nnttl the 18th that Grant afmpted to f roe i'»e Cin^ed»r»te po- •iticTs Tae ae^auU wad n:*de at J^ybr-sat, and h*v 'ng 'al'ed, w»s> r-'petitd in th» c-eaiiwith BiiaUar 03n8f)a*n0et The cntir* f ^ e F.-Oer» »rtoy w«a ewp’oyed o« ihwo o^oAiiiona. I.nt wHh no other remll »Han that cf addin* »o th«i »•= l«-?s ('•rr.'sr*. t>nt‘Hl9 h the atrsok wai not reotwel, xnd n ;lie ‘JO:b tha dttv rebels managed their mining op^^rations very bad ly, and the explosion took place forty ja'^s in front cf our works. They attempted an assault afterwards, but were repulsed with considerable lose Both armies were engaged Lo strengthening their defensive works. A few days since GO rtshel de-s^^rters attempted to come into our lines in a body, but our troope, not understanding their inienticne, fired cki 29 01 the number were killed or DBtiEETERP AH AOT TO PI/HISH AlUaai aiCD ABITTCKS 01 DMKaTaaS Section 1. Be it enaoted by the Genend As sembly of the State of North Carolina., and it is here^'T enaeted by the authority of the same, That any person who shall knowingly aid, assist, bar bor or maintain, under any pretence whatevsr, { any daserter from the military service of th« I State or of the Confederate States, shall be gtiilty ! of a high misdemeanor, and npon conviction ther&- I of in the Superior Court, shall be fined, or im- I prisoned, or both, in thn dl.^cretion of the Court, I the fine not to exceed five hundred dollars, nov the imprtBonment to exceed four moDtha Skc 2. Be it further enacted, That auj per son who abali under »ny pretence whatever, knowingly aid, aaaist, harbor or mair'tain any per^ of the latert Advio.s fr m tbe F.di^:a'. hesv;qu%rt.:r?. tbe j gQ^ enrolled and ordered to report for duty as a Commander in Cbirf h ^d g. i.i; -a b-.;-d iho flag (hip of ; oangcript in refusing to obcy such order, shall be Ihe Federal Admiral in the Jat'es riv;r to d Cldc cn fu l i. .. 5 ^ . ’ gmlty of a high misdemeanor, and upon convic tion in the Superior Court, shall bo fined or im' the Federal lure proceeJingD • * . * When we condder il-^t t' e new ' ?•■%: t o 1* ' ie f.'U ha-i reacSf-'l N«w V.ork n .' v u. Aaeou'\iy with the intiMation t^'ai tilt''^•o’d B;l!b» I rec:;v'd tbe as ^eat of Ccn»ree« it is d fBoalt 'c av; 'd &:cribiui; the increased »»lur of np nif *o t^? c •T'-^ti n ua the part .-f the va 1 0 tlat 'bclr pre ' ' G n»r I r‘w play ?d h'9 lant c»’'(! THe -*'»r ou'-ent of tb" campaign • p Virginia w>u’J auo-. t. ;ti tre lainl’ of mos* por- "oas, to »n "ibaodcnEaIt of .'■•e rra*. «od cuib a prop ped might well icpreci‘»(e, to an e’!0’-raous detjre*. the valne of Mr Caase's b»'*k note?.. If ar*rearar.c« are cot cx'remely fai aoiouo. we think we c*n Bt Ust detect tLe-begirning of the ?»d.” SVB THE 0BSE.1VEH. K llcd, in battle at Ge'^ys'^urj. Pcr.ti, Jii y 1^‘, 1863, Marshal Drowa, aged 2iye'rs 3 n>nfli8 !*t:l I da: ITo was a member of Co Q, 0. • Re^ t N C Tr-j .ps was killed while r.oi’.!r doipg M ’uP y n ti.e battle- fiali—less fortiiufctc tba'i •era?, f.'r V.ort s gr,t»» crea tures 0 ’ook a* or j f r i-ia dej*!"; was Eimultane- ous ith the ectrano* of tbe 1 • ;T).i B*v?d how3ver, the suffering au-^ »ngmeu of e?U:C r. lot il ia to lin ger perbapa for moat ha, *ad *t !a.-?t h\v» to depart. Wo can’t oay tb^t sny arc taken fro n tLe battls-field, however euid^n if za%r b.’, w 'b.ut WJ,rnins. for there the miEBlles of ?eatb a-5 n Alth^v.gh M»r- sbal did Eot respond to t’^e '•a'! Tnr v.ilaa'ec's when it w'S fir^t made, yet, do j'. U':>'a he -" ig .or^ patriotic and br^ve than many that id d'd hiT cu'y or the flt-ld aud w*9 agreea'-l-i in sa.up P -io-* t-i his aa.es No m'»8 wi 1 his Elamb^rs *-c Jipturfcpd b> tbe tattoo -"r r-veille cr the loag-ro l '> i i;. b’»t he wIH rest till the mom tf tbe re-uvi.'^ctij-.i, vhin we trn«i‘ be w'll trise with a gl'-ri u» body f-*«bi;a'‘d lice hi? Saviour: When we trust he will tnejt wi‘iiis brothetsand Bis'ers, many relatives an i frienda vaora he baa ie'^. behind to Eaouin bis departure. G 0. U rOB TBS OBSSaVBB. Died. In the Jaokaon HRspi^a!, near Richmond, V» , on the 24th «f Jtme, of a wound rec:ivcd oa the 12th of May in the vicinity of S"otiavlv»nia II, while bravely conteadiug for the ri-5 t.j of bouie a jd lib rty, with an enemy merciless and uareleutTc in >i'd ualure, Maloom /f^lexander, son of Jam'’a L * vi Silli' Alford The sge of onr laa tr.to 1 f i- B lf«s21 ^ears 7 moaihs and 21 days Thta y iti U comolst*; wiib avery efv^niial rtqaisite to wi'ti, e. nirti, r« 'a-. ■ ani p*(riot, left a lovfrd bon»o in tLc rpeuing of b- war. sn i con- nerted himself with a rtorapsny cf f^ol 0? ’r. P, of 8 C V, whijh w-aa at th>l tic ■ t .iiono i cu •-‘u;.!»nn’fl Is land, neM- Cb^rlcston. S C F.- tr.' Lhs.ics he went •^tlh bin Rfgt to Va, pi'-fii’^^g 'em r ' f-fotjcia without a call, and participala'* in &U tb» b-ti'^a in which his Re^’t was engaged, and kf tt t‘>e f»ignea aiii hard- ghipe of w»r for moro than tbrco years. c’siTiiag every thing near and de^r to hiroael' •nd all of m—ahcl but nevertheless true—be reccivod the ucuaii cf wbioh he died. Our youthful friend wa-i th“ pride of big offioers and ootnrades in camp, full of patriotism, soal and honor— actuat-'d by prinoiples ac>b1e aud cood, %nd ever ready and willing to discharge every duty d-^volvsd upon him, btfth in oimo and on the blttio Ha waa always kind and affectionate to i'ftogj with «i'i-..:m'’e»s»ooiited; pclite wid courteous to tb etranne' . ad why should we wonder that he was ec u-iv-raaUy' l . vcJ ahd admired. Though tbe chilly ban.i of ha-s compluiod its mission, there is conaolation to ihMi"' who mourn his loflS. for Qod hath said: ‘ I will not have you oomfoit- less.” This is the Booond son wbotK* r%me baa been add- •d to «he long galaxy of you hful raarsyra, who^ liv-s have b^ien offsrad a^ fr?«^R”t obUti'T^a upon the al'Rr of their ble-’din.^ oountry Frooj 0 3o lioarih stone tbe armv has 'ost two gallant eoilicra, tb^ oo->ntpy two true pat-iota Rnd tbe fa*"ilv ‘tto tTithem .,T whon they ma-w wall b(* rr.jui mvi >•, r.in of great p"c"nisw, *"d had th^ will »»td 1.5 MCC0^*'p!i>h whp.tssrver fee wonM un^tiniko. ira.. it aiitimes cheerful and arim'kiad, yet o.a»3i end tranqo I. as a Pon he wns dntiful, v •' so'dier patri tio ajg ob«di enc-s to and love fc- L b m'^ther in her iife-iime,—Ris moral worth \"i BAbcUatio prid.>—T7ith a hc'.rt fall of love for evnry tbing goo-* anl s^iellsn*., ought io make giad the heart of an a(Tao-i->aate f:vtb?r. Malcmi now sloeps in tbs B'M'>r’n cs ‘’et''ry, i,e#r th« hospital ia which ho ’i J wh ’»« ha:\ds cif vete ran comradea have kindly Uid him P i,-| bi; ashes, «ad«caalQ«tt»Ustnve*^{*^,bMtli*ta»ai sigten. w.miKA. prisoned, or both, in rhn discretion of the Court, the fine not to exceed five hundred dollars, not the imprisonment four months Sec. d. Be it further enacted. That for tho purpose of enforcing tbe conscript law of the Conf"d«>rato States Snd arresting deserters and conscripts the Governor shall have power to call out the militia. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted. That this act; shall have force from its ratification. Ratified the 7th day of July, 1864. The Late Fight off Mobtir Point.—For fear that the impression may get abroad that the Con federate naval foroe in the late fight off Mobile Point was in any manner equal to that ot the enemy, we beg to lay before our readers the fol lowing statement which we make on the authority of an officer well acquainted with the same: The Tennessee is an iron-olad, after the style of the Merrimac (Virginia,) mounting six guns. She has five inch plates on the sides, and six inches on the ends of hor inclined shield. Her b&ttery was two 7-inoh and four 6.42 Brooke rifles. The Gaines and Morgan were sbter ves> sels, with their engines (high pressure) vartiaUy protected by ten-inch iron plates; magazine not entirely below the water line. They each mount ed two banded 32-pounder rifles of 57 cwt., four smooth 32’s of 57 cwt. and four smooth-bore S2’s of 42 cwt. The Selma was formerly the steamer Florida, a packet between Mobile and New Or leans, had her boiler protoctcd by a plating of one inch iron, engines not protected. She mount ed four guns, a two 9 inch Dahlgren, one 8-inch shell gun, and one 32-pounder banded riile of 57 cwt. Tbe three wooden vessels are ^large side wheel steamers, .totally unfit for vessels of wear. It will be $een that we had reaMy but one war vessel, the Tennessee, to oppose three of the best Mississippi river monitors and Farragut’s splen did fighting fleet of wooden vessels, which have set all b&tteries and forts at defiance since May ’62. The presence of a fleet in Mobile Bay does not' jeopardize the safety of the city in the slightest degree. The heavy ships of Farragut’s fleet can not get ^thin twenty-five miles ot Mobile., and we ventiire to say that vessels of nine feet draft will soar^eV found in the neighborhood of the bona fide defences of that placa. It has been look ed upon as perfectly feasible for Fairagut to have passed the forts and entered the bay any dsjy du ring the past two years, and our authorities have acted Upon that belief by placing the batleries intended as the real defence in such position th*t they oannot be flanked or passed. There can be no impropriety in making these statements pub lic, as the New York Herald published the same with a diagram more than a year since. Savannah Repuhl'>can 'i V on . -ome i Hog- For a Ji'ot Between Soldier' ington —Th-?ro was q.iito Capitol Hill, \V^asbingtot' ht twenty or thirty soldiers from liiao' pital attacking a number of coaort j iaseD time the affair threatened to be serious, stones, ortekbata and crowbars being extensively used. FiaaJly a colored man got an axe and made an assault upon tho soldiers, hilling . ne and wonad- iug another, it is believed, mortally. The soldiers finally set fire to the shanties, and some half *ozen of them were burned. The police at last Bucoeedsd in ^[QioUtttg the riol^ aacd latde and Htruck tbe Tennchsoe amiuship.s The T^n nessoe and Hartford then got t=idc* by side, the former pouring full broadsides into the Hartford’n portholes, causing, as the True Delta says, a fear ful loss of life. Later the Lackawanna and others came up with Farragut, until the Tconessee sur rendered. The papers report that Admiral Buchanan’s leg will be saved. He told them he would be willing to die two minutes afterwards il he could have sunk the Hartford Lt. Comstock (Con federate,) and Lt Preston, (yankee,) are both re ported dead. The lat9 Kxploaioa nf'ar Petersburg—Ricu- ,MOND, Aug. 11—On Tuesday last the Ordnance Depot a^ ('ity Point exploded, killing a large numbt^r of yankee soldiers. Protn fhe Aojth. — Petkbsbubo, Aug 12.— Northern papers of the lOth have been received TJncfficial dispafcbed claim a rr^'af victory by Gen. Averili over the rebels utider Mcl^.tuslan-i and Bradley Johnson, on the 7th inst., near Moorfields, Hardy county, V''a. Gen. JohuHon and staff were captured hut escaped 500 to OOU prisoners were taken, and trains, color?, and smttM a^ms captured, Gens. Sherman and Tiiomas, says the N. i . Commeroiai, have telegraphed to Washington that Atlanta will certainly fail this wN;k. Gold is quoted at 254i. RiCHMctND, Au^ 12—Baltinjore papers of ytiaterday say that the yankee cavahy Live re oc cupied Martinsburg; that Sheridan'd forces are moving np the Shenandoah Valley agtiinet th«* rebels; and that on tbe aftrraoon of tho lOth skirmishing was going on lu miles Win chester. The yankee Sec’y of War, Sianton, ia s>aid to aave tendered his resignation, whicli was j.romptly »ccept«'d Other changes in ihe Cabinet are re ported. The eampaifrn has opfued actively in Florida, and is said to be prosecuted with great bueccda under Birney, destroying the railroad, burning bridges and committing other depredations. From Pete'gburg.—A quiot deeper than that of the several preceding days, reigned alojg the lines yesterday. If we may except a few stray shots, Grant has not thrown any shells in the cor porate limits lince last Monday week. We learn from the beat authority that the ent'- my has contracted his lines considerably on his left—our right—and has withdraws hia piokets some distance from the points recently occupied bv them. The enemy is also seen in greatly diminished foroe on our right, which strongly indicates that he has withdrawn troops from that direction. Everything indicates thal the great vankec army, which but recently prosecuted offensive operations sf> vigorously, are now throwing them selves on the defensive. This is evident, cot only in tho oon^rmation of tli«ir Ji»d« thoj: 80 recently and so boldly extended, but fn ti*e diminished numbers which they present in cur front, and the, at leas^, partial cessation of active movements but lately observable. Petersburg JL'xpresf, lit A. From the Upper Potomac.—Gei». l^arly reports officially on the 8th instant, that Gen McCaus- land had arrived in Hardy county, hav'tig sus tained very little loss, tha statement iia the Yankee papers of his defeat, on which the rumtrs of Wednesday were ba«ed, being untrae DIa- patches received iu this city yesterday from Gen. Bradley Johnpon’s command, report his safe re turn. We think there is no doubt that every thing is progressing favorably for the Confederates in the Valley.—Richmond Sentinel^ llfA. The Burning of Chambfr$burg.—WiNCHM- TER, Aug. 5.—This mornlDg our army re-crossed the river into Maryland, whether towards Balti more or the Pennsylvania line I can’t say. Gen. McCausland has returned with his foroe to Rom- ney; he was sent to Chambersburg to levy a con- tribation of $100,000 to remunerate Hunter, Boteler and T/ee, for the loss of their houses, burnt two weeks since by Hunter's orders; the amount not being paid, the town was fiired, and 254 houses burnt. This may open their eyes to the fact that two oan play at this game. It was a sad alterna tive; but nothing else was left us. To quietly submit to the one-sided game longer, would have been cowardice. Winchester may pay tbe penal ty. If flo Harrisburg must come next; and all the thriving towns and fine barns along the border. In one day we oan destroy more than they cm in a month. We have few or no towns within their reach, that they have not already partially de stroyed, whilst the entire Ji)order has been desola ted by them—houses, barns, fences and ail destroy ed. The order for the burning of Chambersburfir, in cas90t their refusal to pay tho amount(9100,000 in gold) was signed by Early.— Cor Rich. Whig. Frrm Charits ilxty.—We are informed that on the 6th instant, a Oonfederate battery opened on the enemy's gunboats at Wilcox's wharf, which was replied to by the enemy The battery thon moved to another position higher up the liver. N"xt day the enemy dropped down near Swin- yard’s wharf, and deliberately shellod a house oc cupied alone by ladies, children and scrva-its. Tho family, consisting of ^ght persons, bad left the dining room bnt a few seconds, when a shell ex- pLided directly under the room, tearing every thit]g to pieces. Tho negro cook was the only person wo ;^nded.—Richmond Sentin^f, 11 fA. The Y'lnkee Premie" Drunk—Hov. Theodore Tilton, editor of the New York Independent, pub- lishfs a long letter in his paper, in which he .states as an undeniable fact that Seward, at tho laie Baltimore Fair, was so drunk as to have dis grac'd himself and insulted his friendd. The L'^at Home Baming —Tho residence of the widow of Major John Seddon, brother of the Secretary of War, in Stafford county, was bumed by order of Butler, in retaliation *or the burning ot Montgomery Blair’s house, no*»r Washington. Kentuck\f.—Privite advices from Kentucky represent quite a rcvoliition in public sentiment pv-'tgrcMing in that Statu. Several prominent citizens, heretofore; Unionists, are now co-opa- rating with Ihe peace party. Tbe HarriBjuc^ (P*) Telegraph says that a Cona'ederate officer, taken prisoner in Chambers burg while McCaasland’s forces were there, was ^^liternlly trampled to death" by the citizens. ,ThL>, as well as tho buxBiag of towns^ ia aa W 6W be Tfllitiieidl • 77u U Vs’e couut •trail*:-! : be tiave mor ‘ b'.'i' t.ut gttue fifty in t‘ gt3at:ralr liTet ■ iitU.t