OBSERVER. FA VETTET^I^LE. ’ K¥ltSLVii7AU«U8rf87llM.~" A Fight near Richmohd.—-As will be seen a se vere engagement took place Dear Bicbmood oqTuos* day, in which the jankeea were repulsed with heavy loss. As usual, the negroes appear to hartf been thrust forward, and to have been slaujfhtered acaovd- ingly. This ii» yankee etnanctpation! Brig. Gen. Girardey, who wtis killed m this fight, was a Georgian and a most gallant soldier. (>a the 30th ult. he was a Captain and Assistant Adjutaut General of ^ahoae’a Brigade. For his galltintry on that day he was promoted to the rank he hpld at the time of his death—said to be the lirst in stance m the Confederate army where an ofiicer has suddenly jumped from a Captaincy to so Ligh a po sition. 1 S0SPKCT30F Peace.—The despair of the Yankees, produced by the admitted failure of Grant’s cam- puign, is manifesting itfcol*' in the number of projects of peace which their p;ipers are pu’ting forth and discusping. All sorts of absurd schemes are pro posed, not cue of which is v/orlhy of a moivieDl's thought, for they all look to a re-urion of ths North and the South—a th ng uUcrly impossible, for it would shock every dc.cct feeUnpr of both section3, and it acccmpUshcJ 7,vir.ld not stand for five year.'', prutably noi .'or live uiouth.-j. A CoEfederuoy i- .ich as bclore the formation of the U. S. Coiisti- tulion ii; jiPoposcd. '1 hat has been tried and aban doned as utteiiy incCic.'mu. It so when the sections were united in lievolutionary days, how impossible that it wcu'i tC- .e nuy better p'-rpose now whsn we arc l.v ' r.y/.i.. Auother scheme is to gi-V a \.;,j ’ (."VcT to a ccr Ui.Uvi ».'iov;u;, a Jiu luw making power C^Dgrc;.' tu'd -.QA bfoouiti tv ijuliity. Two liou.-es ot iki^prc oLe ironi the South acJ the other trom the .'iuuh, wi'.b one Senate and one i';e- •luent, would be uo betur. Nor would Mr. C U- hoon’s plan ot two Presidents, one Northvru and the other Southern, which is revived. The Natio:!al NORTH CAi7^^^^J[^^LECT10N Ji'OE G'J "'*■''0^ 18C-. • „ 69 Cos, last Obs. Henderson, Ashe, Alleghany, Perquimons, W{itauga, YanceJ, Bertie, Hy«ie, Madison. Cherokee (part.) T9 Counties, 535 314 492 25 767 363 40 2C)G 77 33G 39 340 174 J>i7 0 •270 ■1.'. UiT G 1862. 1208 6^0 227 95 424 714 525 2B7 Oi*/ Mpous Of Mr* naM^f|i^KK)>> #,u» i j .4 Battle on the PeninwHa,—-^iohvokd, Aag. 17. . 82 I An official dispatch receired last night states that 15 on yesterday the etemy made a determined attack 12 j OR our Ime between Darhytown and the Charles Oily and ftt one time broke throuj^h, bnt were re- 62 ! p'^*3ed and cur original positioB was re-oceapied. 186 j A la««r ^lispatch says that the enony did not renew 105 ! atisqk oa our lines. Testerdaj afternoon the 15 force of »be enemy on the Chariea City road, rfter advancirg M ?(ith 2 miles of White’s Tavern, was bacic acrtM§ White Oak Swamp. Our loss (11 »**- 1 was small. '/>rning says that the ene- 51,Cft2 12,010 50.836 19,752 j The Examiner of this m. '-^Tthat Bnmside’sne- - ^7;;;—rr^ ■ I my made several fierce assaults, aln.nir>»t#T of Mobilk. The Nortb(*ra rapcrs do not appear to I gro troops led the c^rge; and that of be sanguine oi the capture of Mobile, though they had heard nf their nuval victt'ry. They are doubtless PS well aware of the powerful defences around that place as we are, and hooTv that the loss of a vessel cr -two, and a fort or tw^, i5 miles f-oin tiie city, by no means ensures the lof^s of the city itself. The object is said to be to seruro a point at which .the port con be bloclyidc'l without I'copiug so large a fleet there. The C .liimor " i’i."ctt-^ thinks “Ad miral Farrngut can ar- n.;il\^h very Uttle u;ore than l>e ha« done, o.'* the iiuin rl t’UMel, f»>r a d' ^t,aEce of 25 miles beiow tho fit3’, \ ill not udinit of the pcssage tV’Ct water at the ove”, clr.-ed by ;> series of V>y fonnidab'c thy hmvivst c^’i'TP have ff vt'F^e’iS d.iuvic;' mori* ! ij'hc^t tides, ar.d i^, mov riles, which ar>> ia t’-ia v-'cru.-^ on v.l'.ii'h g ■ oi b?en irounted.” Rkukk of Sa x> ^S'oumjed Soldiers.—i>ur- ii'g the la-st 1'ernt of the i. ouuty Court of Chatham, a very iar?e rooetiuj of the ciliz ns und Magistrates Ras held, to whom Col. lioiidou, ChairTaa of the Conrt, 8‘ftted that cur rxk end vouuded soiuiers in the various iIo?p’itul.s were b-r'lcring fcr comforts :i number of States, j a: d dehcaties, and prop' iiui tliat his -brother Ma gistrates and the citiz.-u3 should mr.'-ce some provision for I heir re i it. f. The i:a U'.’.;/I arlher addressed by llugb Waddell ar.d Ji.-liu U. JiaugLton, Esqs., ii:;e latter su*'miltiug a proposition that :^5,000 be appropriated by the M ajjislrates, with the sanction of t!io citizens prefccni, and a committee of three for each captain s district be appjiiued to soUcit voluji- Th€ Negro Thieves.—Bill Skinner, Collins Huske, Dick McMillan and Lonis Glover were committed to jail until Superior Court. Phil was allowed bail. Alf. Gotten, Bill Poisson, and Eliza Starke, were ordered to be whipped as accomplices. Jim Mitchell, Ed. Walker, Geo. Nott, and Churchill Bernard were discharged North Caroliman, \%ih inst. debt is proposed to be guaranteed by a pledge of the I tary coutnbutions. llis ri’fca;aticni were unam- iutcrnal tai.os; tne South to have a right to lay c.\- j niou.-»ly adopted, poit duties for a te ui of years; the taritl to be ti\.d Ht a ctilaiii aosolute rate fur a term of year.-*; tiie aiuiy to be disbanded, and I'.ie States required to iuruiah and maintain troop-> m proportion to repre ttdutation. All these arc mere idle notion.'', ema- uaiiug from a desire to get rid uf tUe wur, and to gel the Souih bat k. liut this last ib the stHuibllLg block. 1 he Soutii cauaot go back. Kvcry ubliga- tiOii uud--r the o;il Ci.ualituuon was violated. Ti e aoath wa.s den.ed those jusi rii:hts which that co'i- ilitatr.’C had guarantetd, and wiucLi the Northern officials had sworn to protect and defend. Why •bouid we hope tor aL.ythiUg belter in the liilur“ But even it we eouid have >vronger guaraLtee- Low couid we ever uvc in peace and harmony with a ^:>vernm»;nt and people wLo have outraired our every ieehng and vioialed our every right since this war began? with_the thieves an 1 iueeud;aries ai.i rav.thera auJ uiurJcrers. it la aa impossibility. Ih.srRKSsor liuFi. t i:o.J i’-ziKii.sBL'Uij.—W e liud the following lu the iiaii-.jji; I ouservativo;— ' X letUrr troLu iVici si.ui;; to 0.1 of tue eUiiora of the Whi:^ llio Coimlcy r,.:- a i'.:id ’h lilled wilti olu men. vvouiL-n aiul'■—: tiuiu ibe city. Cvery bara, oOrn crib, ;iu> -i ju ;^.uaary has ii..' oci.iqiaut-'. aiiii haaJ;\',!.- u t.i- ^ jrr i.v. i -a.-t from VJaarieruiu.-'.cr au'i t-uiu.u; . ar_., i...a o-. - u^ij lit« rieiaa au.i t'oiv-i.'. .Mai.y Lav.' ,j;i . . ici, >.Mile ao'.. lew a-e ia North Caroiiua. .\i' ; i. i ■ .I'i'juc l by tae ihclliug I'l I'cter^.'iir;', noihiu^ ia a mililary puial ot view, am; i-! ;uoi..iy I jf tiw par- pi>3«? ot grautyiQ^ a . wai -ii-j.iib;'.- uad covsurdlj 'pint ol r*veuge. ’ The ilaieigh C'omeilerali- uj.’poaid to the people of the Northern lounties ol >.orlh Curoiina, whose trade and intercourse Liivc ulways u.-tu so iiitimatc*] wuu I’etersburg. to adopt iinaijJi i e and eil’cctive me iUd ol reliet tor ihe ^e no's^ ;:aiicr;ug peopi *, men, worn' n and chiiJren. It Lft lh>* C'jai‘aeitt.f. \» ucii a ti-,- ilie ialviriuftiioa lo-duy to iht) jjeopjri ui jrth ^ u \»....a, who >ii. at a v.e!. lOofs, tti.i'. a I'ji'lloil '1 -.1- and CiiilUrtiU. arc iU u i out iouaJ-.»L«jul 1' U*r= 'j dat '.>• Let it iuvott; We must eiihiT be uidepeiidtul cf the despised and | liava L)oui\t aud necp lu c,.aji a-i .Uie oc tialtJ yaniees, or their siaves. There ib a j taiddld gr luid to i^laad upon. W'e are, however, glad to aee these crude y-.nke^- LOUons put forth und discusstd Tuey an a .->tep, lind & locg cue, in the path of peace. The} wul soon lead to that most desired end, always provuh d wc uontinue to whip the vUlaius .Should they get aiiy decided advantage, their demand:^ vvould at uace ri»e. Li.tcoL.'f A I'a;lcrk —We copy a remarkable ar licii; roui th. NcW Vj:k Lieiaii, tn«.i a^iu coin has been buteriy denounced by leaders of h.s own party, and thut it iS p; uposed to set him aside and LuOiinaU; soLue other man of hi>» party for I'rc- »;denl lu bib stead, ijie timi wou.d scciu to be to>> short tor inis—i'. lo but two and a half months till the ele ;.on. We are rather glad of this. Lincoln IS, upon tne who!«, probably better calculated to adva:.ce the cause t>f the South than any one the Nortn could put in the Presidential chair. He i? Wise in his own eyes, and obstinately determined up on suojugaiiou. He has done everything t-^ make e\emai separation a necessity; wuiUt his bulToonery (Mid btup.djty have placed him and bis nation strong contrast with the dignity and ability u!' the Confederate President Lei himsuy where he s tjy all means. And if elected by the votes of the bo gus governments set up by himself in the rebel States simpiy for the purpose of electing h'mself. let him have 10 fight for it, as Messrs. iVade of Ohio and Winter Davis ol Maryland assure him he will. Rei'Ohted Rknewai. ok Exi ua>gks.—The coua try will be rejoiced above measure if the report of a renewal of the exch,^nge ot prisoners should pro.e to be V ell founded, i’or many months, end in oin case.H t;vea to.'yea. i, I!; .asaaod '»i oar gallant iol- dierb have been pining ii: yankee priooas, subjcci d to every hardship and insait 'I hcir own govern ment has been always anxious to relieve them, bu*. the yankees hud not the same carc lor tho:c ot theii men whom we hold us prisoners. Most of these were unknown and uninfluential persons, ohietly foreigners, and many of them would be entitled to discharge from the iriny if c.vchanged. L'nrioln could not doubt that they would claim that dis charge. Our pri-ioners whom he holds are a very different sort of rctn. They are all ol>jects o.' affec tion and ijiercst to people at home, and all would go bac! in o the s.rvlce. ilo.^jver disgraceful, therefore, l va -o chc VL^nkce {*overnment, it i» not at all wonderful that they have pursued this policy of nor-exchange. They were ready enough to make a special exchange of fit'ty oSicers at Charlefaton a few days ago, and would no doubt be glad to ex change all officers, for they have iniluential friends at home who clamor at the refusal to e.\change. But, while the peculiar situation of the officers at Charleston justified that exchange, we trust that no further special exchange will be made. Our coun try and our people want the privates as well as the officers. The privates are of the same classes as the officers, often better men and soldiers, and our government should insist upoa having a proper pro portion ^*f them, or no exchaare at all. Nobth Carolina Offickks at Fort Dklaware o>t TH* 12th ih'BT.—CaptB. R W. Atkinson, 2d Cavalry; H. C. Wheeler, 2d Battalion; N. S. Mose- uudvr prolec: • . ii u, aud vvomcii i.dUI ci-. =rr aiul wiLa- tie a ui'-nujr tu thcui iiio'T ua^er ciianty, diui fVOiie -uch eontnbiliou a- w..i r-a-jw in-i geauii.t? viiipat'.iy of l>entj\olcu'. !ieat ..i '.^itii IL jsj v/ho »ra suf- Ijriuif au iaeioruOie taiaiuity. ne uj'j,-a', iu oeLalf of I'eter^burg, lo lilt-eoualios ta A ai * :i, Uiaaville, llaii ttkX, iVr^joii, C»3v\ell, Uaili'or..; Wike, joije, Norlh- autjjvou, cojiec.allj . »ud g'.'fiel'auy to a'l Lac e uali''s of tills btalt. wiicrov --r coal.'-»UULio..-* c.ta r-»;lijy be drj>vu. Wi.aU.ver luay Oe reel to iir. i’ -'cad ot this city, wiU atjouria*;. be ualy t^rwar.le 1. l..el ihci. ^-'U'iroU'a o.iariag of ttic cmilori ol '* o n ti'.cuU? li..;'is i;.krricger has ;i u .dard—wii.Tc , e 11,—u i eariics \ 0',gadt of N. 0. ,1’ po.;is. iie sajs: rc-ira. tiai u ia !>• ■ J t.i6 a;ii jrtUuale ly a p.-ompl leiarti ji;t uie ueatn ajir c«»inuiaad .-kl.l- li'JL’.'- O. —' wiSciy jiuoiipued .n the I^a.' it anywhere, the d,-.-i' ~. call upoa all absjutujs iro'a cavalry, to rdura prompU/ tv t^ ‘.N'o p.irdoa '"aa b^' ii.'i'.u.; --! - tievei t'lai luauy lia. ; o.-'.'ii la.-.; U;aciuD;.js of i'' c.rie tiou .■iiipear.u^l lliei V be -aV i to di:ty. *1 .'irr^ste 1, l‘i y c.ui*. p-naity, sj rvceatiy iaili-u.‘J o.i uv la Lilia iirijjade ” The Standard, with gooti scLie equal to the Gen eral'o. has the following; .Nc- call f.t*ent:ori to (..• icral Ordi-r-. So. 'Ii. by Brij, adivr tie'J'^ral I'.u riim-T. in rol iii n to ab..'nl‘e-* from ku Lirii;ade. ire irasi, tl‘i* •vil; hav it- etl. -t. .SolL ag will justify a s jl-ii.r i.i tiis colo .Vlaii^ ol tlie de.~ei Lci i are w,i>j aiu iiecued in \*ir:^iaia and Georgia, i’e.ic-j'c.ia tiev.-r be oolaii.ed by desertiou, but ou luu con'r.i> y. i-'i-j i.-^ prolonged by it and the personal honor ^ao a ;idiei’ is taiUiaiicd. Capital: This Will bnn;.; them ill, wo hope. Seve ral have alrcauy, since thj rt-u!i ol tlio election has be^n knovrn, voluntarily '■'.•r''? nd";rcd to Col. Draugh- on, i:i this place, li' thev h-.v. c jhio lu ia like pro ortijn ihro'igl :iul thi .S'i'-s, - ii, probj >iy a pretty good siz.'tl R.‘jiniiit "i eiJ/a l.led to the regular army aud :3u jlra-’L ■•i ‘ro.u = Wcods J!r;;^ad' \Va«r ir ha-' C —’I'i j >v aoia nerald says that fjr every uig.jcr nirfde ul— by Lincoln's war \vhilc man has died aad .) b.;ea .-p-.v!'.,. And alwr all, oae-foui.h Oi iht I .cd ne!:ioos have per isheu already by fa»nin"*, til^.■ I'c aii.l ImIIuIs. The Herald aski what v^ill be Iclt of U e North if they go on .a liiat rate ti;l the v/iiolc fi.ui' millions ari freed. I>r?LTN ('kOI'H and i’uUTK S(.- Rcnansville writes on the l.'>th:— ‘Cl arc ve.-y g -i.Vi.t oKl l).i| ■ are es;ui!aat ovei’ ;,he result of iar Lion.' -A suijscriber at .■’.•■.d th; poojiie ibci-naloiial *‘lee- fi a short time, it will be seriously I property, and bringing off about 20 horses and as tioa.” I many beef cattle, ciptur>?d from the enemy. The Montqomebv Croi’s.—A eubj’crlber writes from Troy on the 15th iust: — ‘•Corn 19 looking tin.! thou gh EUif ■■.’ii 'r 'O'ne for rain. Should it not rain in daiaaired ia this Feci Sprtntj Cr^-ck.—'I’hl.i is a faetlluM3i: '. in Madison county, lying along the Tfuzie ao. line. It num bered previous to the w^ar about ri5 or 70 voters. At the commen'.'pfuent of the i-tniggle this little precinct pent 1U7 niuu into thj Ii j’d, brave, hardy, active mountaineers. 'J'l •;ro are ae-.'.’ over lOJ or- ph:in9, mad'j so by tho w:.'”, and 21! widows, iu this little settlement. Yet thpr.- is no- a disioy«xl mr\u or wom*‘n ariong them. The tires of pt .rioiii^m ^^um as brightly as at the cut.set. Sind no complaining or murmuring is heard a;nong tiicm. 1 t^e cause U first, last, and always upon th-‘ uppermost in thnr hearts. The women (‘-iod b’er^. are toiling upon the mountain side to 6npp ort;J«-b'’ir little oi^B, cheerfully enduring all manner o" !’a;'dship8, thet , 1 XU . . T. U M30»hof negroes exceeded that at Petersburg on , July. The Confederate Brig. Gen. Chambliss [ofVa.j was killed. The enemy reported very heavy (their loss we suppose is meant.] [second dispatch.] Richmond, Aug. 17.—Brig. Gen. Girardey, [hold ing a‘•temporary" Brigadier’s commission] command ing Wright’s Georgia Brigade, was shot through the heart and killed in the battle. His body has been brought here und will be sent lo Georgia. From a private dispatch, dated Nkar Ru'h.mond, Aug. 17. 'Phe enerry broke Wright’s Brigade yesterday. Our [Lane's N C ] Brigade charged, and took the v;orks and captured 600 prisoners. From Gtnrgia.—Atla.nta, Aug. 16.—A party cf the eaeiay's cavalry struck the Atlanta & West ern railroad at Talbotton yesterday, burned the de-^ pot, tore up the track in several places, withdrew 3 miles and went into camp. The force is estimated at 2 to 5000. The track has- been repaired, but trains do nor run in consequence of the proximity of the enemy. Last night and to-day have been unusually quiet. Atwnta, Aug. 17.—Tha enemy’s caTaih'^ have retired from Talbotton, and the trains run as usutd. The cneny are busily fortifying on the North side of the Chattahoochee, and every thing is quiet along the front. A new C4 pounder opened on the city last night, fired slowly all night, and killed one person. It is believed that the road was cut at Ackworth [:n Sherman’s rear] by cavalry on the 16th, and auspicious nows from that quarter is looked for. From PtlrrsJiurg.—Pktkrsbcro, Aug. 17.—De serters aud prisoners to-day concur in the state ment that Uurnside's and Warren’s corps are in our front, and that Hancock's corps and other infantry are operating North of James River. Advices at 11 .adquarters here confirm the defeat of the enemy at W'hite’s Tavern ou the North Side yesterday. Our loss was not very large. The fight is supposed to have been renewed to some extent to-day, firing being h^ard in that direction. In front of this place nothing of interest trans- piiing. From t^t ru'lfy.—Pktkksbcru, Aug. 17.—Offl- citl aJviOeS have been received from the Valley Dtpartment. Up to yesterday there had been no general engagement. From the Surth.—Richmond, "August 17.—The Baltimore rnrr‘9ponde''t of the New York Post says that Henry W'mter l>avis ha.-! written a call lor a National Convention at Bafl'alo in September to nominate a candidate for the Prcsiden{-y. R*-leased yankee prisoners report that the Talla- ha'^see [which a few days ago captured 7 yankee vesaels off Sandy HookJ is commanded by John Taylor Wood. The N Y. Post says the McClellan meeting in that city did not e.\press the sentiment or meet the approbation of the Demucratic leaders. Neither the leaiers nor the masses ol that party were present. The Indian troubles iu the Nortb-west are increas ing in magnitude. Last liionth thare was a great excitement in Con stantinople in consequence of Protestant Establish ment [of what?] by unned force. ^SECOND dispatch.] Kicksio.hd. August 17.—The Baltimore Gasetle of vcsterday, the 16th, has been roceived. I'/en. Burnside has been relieved of his command in (irant’s army, and has arrived in BaRimore. Geo. W'llcOi is lu temporary commaud of hia C4trpn i he Fedoral loss in the action in Mobile Bay W estimated at 240 killed and wounded. > Conft derate force of 2000 is menacing the bor der counties of Indiana, and Gen. Carrington has a requisition upon Government for 25,000 men. Var.ous capture? by the Tallahassee are reported; amcug ihem tne ships Adriatic aud Wm. Bell. [third dispatch.) Kiru.M0.vD, August 17.—Tne N. York Herald of the Idth renews i'^s suggestion to Lincoln that he appoint Peace Commissioners to Richmond. It says that we have arrived at that stage of exhaustion it the wa- when every consideration of wisdom, patri otism and humanity suggests the propriety of a magr*uniaious, boiia JidLe movement by the Adminis tration in behalf of Peace. Ihe Herald announces that hereafter its daily is sues will be sold at 4 cents per copy [doubled.] It hr.d expected that Seu’y I’essenden would reform fi nancial afl'airs, but, insiead, he has plunged deeper into the sea of paper money; the national finances are now more unsettled than ever; and it is evident, ii sa' S, that half the^newspapers in the United States must soon stop publication. 0^)ern(ions in Sherman'fi Hear.—It is stated that Wheeler has destroyed the bridges across the Etowah and Oostanaula Rivers, and burnt the'track tlie whole way from Marietta. A large amount of stores are said to have fallen into his han-M at Resa- ca, which waa destroyed after our cavalry had ap- p op ’iatcd all that was needful to th“m. At Irst accounts, the report says G.^neral VV^heeler was nipnily uuir.hing ia the ilirection of Dalton, where an immense amount of stores, both subsistence and ordnance, ns^ been congregat’ng for some time. Charlestuu Mercury. Ih.-seriers in the Wt't.—A report was brought by on oiLcer from vvilkes county, one day last week that the troops sent to arrpst deserters in the neigh borhood ol Trap IJ ill, hud quite a severe skirmish with large number of these miscreants in that sec tion on Tuesday and Wednesday last. Some fou or five of Capt. McMillan’s compaqy are reported to have been killed, likewise two or three of the Home G nard. We have heard no particulars more than that a figbt actn'.'lly hd take plnce and that the tropps were conipcl’ed to retreat with the loss stated. Iredi ll Express. . Moj. Charles M. Roberts has just returned from another scout into the coves and mountains of Uost Tennessee. With au ample forco he penetrated far into tlie roi'ion of tf'ries, encountering several par ties, killing eiyht or ten, capturing about the same number, recovering a considerate amount of stolen •We have received from the Publishers, Messrs. Burke, Botkin Co., Macoa, Geo., the Confederate Spellicg Book, by 'Washington Baird, A. M., late of ChHrieaton, S. C. The book is interspersed with reading lessons in which the effort of the author appears to have Ix'en to combine inBtruction with amusement Cotton as a aubsfttute for Lint.—Dr. Nott. of Mobile, recommends cotton as a substitute for lint, iu hospitals, for the following reasons: 1. Its abundance, cheapnfess and general dissemi nation. 2. Its value in padding splints, where there are i^^tures to be treated. 3 ^^J'tion has always been used as a soothing dressing to when the inflamm.ation is ol the highest possible . 4. I have used lo” twenty years on dressing stumps, wounds of all ktnu.^,' including gunshot, cot ton and lint, indiscriminately, J jct)uld never sec any difiPerence, where both articles 'i • 5. Buggrave, Surgeon to the King o? Belgium, has written a volume on the advantages of :itton dressings, and other Surgeons in iiurope recoinincnd it. 6. Under the name of patent lint, Snrgcon.s ht*ve been using, for many years, a kind of flimsy cotton flannel, which is noi.hirg but cotton; and the profes sion has, therefort;, fully sanctioned its uje. A Canadian journal reports that several cop'^id- enible drovea of horics, purchased in W^eHtern Can't- da on Confederate account, have passed down on the royal mail steamers during the paet few days, d e- tiped for Quebec, whr rc, it is umlerato id. ihey wil! be shippede for a Mexican port, and thencs j>us3t;tl overland into the Confederacy. The New York Express says the olergjmen of New Jersey and New York have sent ou a peti tion to Washington asking exemption from the draft. To comply their reqncat would bo tho height of iojastice. They are, in a greet degree, tho authors of the war, and they have lieen Icudcst in shoating for its continuance. They have fairly howled for blood. Instead of being exempted they ought to be drafted and put in tbe front of battle, and they should lead ia every at tack upon the «nemy’.s works. It is mean anJ cowardly of them t»ask an exemption while they *re anxious to see every one el«e dratted and s!?,i:ghtcreJ.—(j'ncinnati Enquirer. Cits.—The Lewiston (Maine) Jcurnal says: “Th ere are a cor pic cf spinsters in Greene— iccnoiJianiacs in their way—who have betn t. ying to see how many cats cov.!d be multij lied from (repair. They began \tith ore pair vrhcn the rebe lion bioke ou^, and as the kittens have grown snd niaitipl'ed, their nnniber nov7 rcr^lKs tlic ».iarntipg number ot four hundred and forty cats ^nd kittens.!’’ Profitable InTettment. TNTENDINa herevfter to devote my cntlte ip^frldofti I atjei.firn to the C'»al Oil Works, I rff,r for e»le tha fixture-* of nay BRANDY DISTlLLEiir. The? consist Worms, Caps and Tubs CMEnlett The S.xllH are perfeotlj new and n^ids of extra thiok ooj-pcr I c»n safely aay th»t mere »r« rot two better otuiB in the South. One has s eapaoitT ef ^"0 to 100 p-ailouB, the other of 50 gallona, and they wiT torn on* in Btilliag dder from 16 to 20 g*licna of good proof Praady per day. A’so, if denired, an APPLE MACHINE. Tsh:okwUI grind fine 60 bushels of apples an boar. In K- *pple-?>-nwin|c ■e'^tion any catorpricic* can san i£&ke frcm $500 to $800 clear profit ner dtr BFUnY E. COLTON, ^»yatmlll^■l^ 0 17 6^ itf PR’iabnry Waiohcian and Oroeasboro’ Patriot copy ibrce M:riS and pend bill to H £. C- Tt‘0 Much Blue.—The 13o.^ton Post aay?» M>ch- iiiue, of Pulaski, Tennessee, had a terrioic- ac- '.•'.ctf 0^ t^e Hues a lew days sirice Hie pr witJi thrco blues «t one bir*'} —tv?o in.d on3 boy. This beats Sampson oa ‘ bi[- A Fat Wtmian—Barauni’e l&t 3^rs Pishoi, eshibiti'd in bis Muscuri, i.’Iod f;t ■ -T h-.iUf: jo ConuLcdout the other day lie; »Oit*^a weight wae 080 poJindt;. Ji,.- lacij wc ro '.-ir'ployed lo get her into her e.'Si;, vMc't wt.;, -0 wido tiitet the duor ol =hj Lcuac had to j^c •’.■>v«d to enable its romuval. . . .'Uts..--. J_U l'~£? In this town, ou the i:^th iu»t., DANIEL C. BRADV a^jed 15 years. lu Cumberland county, on the 13th of August, Mr. DU>^'AN McGlLL, ag'd 4G years Ue was a ua ive u.* rfcot’fM'd; left a wife Hud foiir th'ldren to m-juru h.s lo.:s. At Laurinbnrg, ttichmoad County, Aug. ISta, rfAM’L J. BEEHY, of typhoid fever, aged HV years and 8 nioniha. Mrs. MARY B. WATSUN, wife of Dr. Vi\ li. atsoc aud daughter of Carney and Margaret Byuum, was born June li*, ltiii6, and oiud July 10, 1864. Tne 6u:j;ct of this notice was early taught by her godly patents vo love and fear the I.ord. When but ten years old ulie made a public profesaion of religion and eouLected her self with the M. E. Cl'urch S»outii at Ml. Pleas,aut on the Haw River Circuit. Her piety was intelligent aad con sistent; her influence for good was lelt and aeknowleilg- ed iu whatever circle she moved; her kind and alfeeiion ate dispusitiou and purity of life endeared her to all whu knew her. For several years befure our sister’s deain she was the subject of severe bodily alBiction, which she bore with Christian patience. She passed from eartli’s sorrows to heaven’s joys in great triumph. May her husband and two little boys meet her iu lieaven. W. H. Bobbh r. At Rocky River SJ}>rings, July 6, lsH4, of typhoid fe ver, Dr. A J. GREEN. He had been lor several years engaged iu the duties of hi« profes'iion, in which he was ery su»‘C«asful. He was a young man of line talents, and |)088esBed a generous open-hearted lemj/tT. Ue was very attentive to tne flimiliea of soldiers, aud was highly esteemed by all who krew him. But his uselul lu'e is now closed forever—>.at short in manliood’s early prime. After he was taken sick he still continued to practice as long as* he was able to ride, untiring devotion to his du ties as a ph^'sician was the cauie of his death. Uf hi.u it may be truly said that lie ‘"died at his post.” His health was naturally delicate; his practice large and in creasing, and riding day and nigLt through ail kiu*is of Weather he gradually sank under the arduous duties of his profesion. Uu was a devoted sou, an allectionate brother, and a generous, sincere friend. His bereaved family and friends will mourn his death as au irrepara ble loss —Com, P.ANUOLPH CODNir. mr g £1 li w do-^s a pitcher of WJtcr d^U'ii iro/c c: itraa thv. Vci't; wile cff a btidga. Ui»c is vrct-'sr in jlici: t’ e other in pitch her iu the v V'~ $500 HEWAR£>. T WJJ.h rey the eb re reward cf Five Hua^r«d Dollars, 1 r->r '.pprshens’oa of Joe Lse, a fre:* naUttA, who ' J r«i’ y r,t «he murder cf Arohi;.aH BIno of Ri^hmoLd 9 »r.v. ', V , iu any jiil so thai I can get Lim. Sa'd ^•20 itfu ilie i-if»rJer oa the 8‘ i of \nr»iyt iast.. 18‘'4 d'L-‘» is ffe'-t 8 or 10 ii»',ic8 ' i-H. dtii ••ontpl c ' J trij at;sJt(it La?r. Wken hi t ^ ,u i ' wm oa 5 r ;• lo Sc'flla own, in Rjcev>n '-here »i>: -- cpvr-0 fi.- ui M\Lr (»'.! B' US. fj C..Aog 16. f.8 If t«.rian copy. U A.^e?^so:H cf ConfcJci^tc Tireq fir ■ » u .’vUnJ i. y wM! tl»5 T*x Papers f.t‘>-.- fi>:!lo7lDg (U: ' nj fry f,,;g purpfja cf’v, •*'vr ti.x :. ~ , t> ^ year 18^4: .'*• ' • ''3!'e'f A. M C'nr/jell C3 Tii . i*’, \’igv ' ij J%y foUowin#: ■’ Cr.^ek, cn Mord*y Arg 15* i, > Cu»- MARKi.i.—Au;/. L6 ^iPJVlEW OF THE b‘C3^. Pork 2 60. Lt-rd $4 X;£.'i i CO to 1 60 per peu::d, C ’HiV'ax ii 00. Bn’te*" 5 00 lo 6 00. Co io!* t 60 lo I 75. Coffee 1.5 60 tc I* 00. —20 CO to 40 00 per bjrcn. C->t>,(rAF, re.*il l>ried Fruit I 00 t; ^ 60 per i’ E; ff" I 10 p^r duz»o. i. giwood G 00 to 8 00 per lb F; -ti"—Saf er, $160, Faaiily, $1^0. c!.»»e«;ou £ 00 to 10 00 per liu. P. ^'.-jlDt'O Hay 8 00. 8hac’i«! 12 50. C u ^pplef 4 00 to 6 00 per hashed —' orn jilS 00 to $18 00. Wheit $?f. to Syi flO §20. Oats ?10. Pf^as 16 00 li.aoa—-Oroon 2 50 to 8 60, dry 6 OO fo 6 00. Ir;n—Swedes 3 00 to 3 60. Upjer 17 00, Sole 15 00. Li. ioxe—Cera ^Lisaey $46 00. Apple .'ia ! Peftch Bricdy $10 00 to $46 00. 'I' l. SMes, caoatry made, 80 00 to 25 00 Pod* 6 00, retail. Nari 3 00 *3 4 00 per lb. Onioua 20 00 ?er bushel Prt.a^ofo—Iri-h $5 to $6 buih; swf So to Ikirf *iO b» aaik 8 UO pc-r bW; retail ft tO to 10 fiO. E.ftp—Fa/nily Bar 2 00 per lb , Toiiet 5 O'.'. t*p *it9 Ta?p3:jtine 3 CO pt/ t If •«. ots«f. io i 4 8hce*ln^3, 1 4J to 3 00, S*it S-"» 00 to 37 60 per buebcl 8 00 to 8 60. Wcol $5 to $■ Cc'r?j. J oy E L. Pivanaroa brriCi: po§t m:ARTER.>iASTjEK, T 4m t’or.gressional Ulsirici, I. ^ t AY»rTKVii,r.i: N . , Aas. l^. • To the Fartmrs of the it.*j Vongre&.uonul JiMrici. f||'’AX TAYKP.S who U»»j p*-d tbair Tai in Klnl t j 1 Q- VI t'a rrCanraisjaries, or any cfli3f-r Col • E-arvii?£ a Company of Trosns, etc , M>y fao*''i?c CMJ. vdi fjtr* d tf’ ra:eipi8 to me and Ivulcrod». tji«:r f. 1' tho a*Jis. . J. M. Mi90^V.*.5, • and Post Q M , 4‘.h Corg 1) tt N C. VcMiil \t i phy d i’• - • I) . A '■ K.:; I? '• ''Ik’s Creek, on Taes'>y .S cg lOii ■'j'a. n lliil, on Wednesday Aujf 17tb, r* • ,> i =1 yi'-.loom Tur- T>Ut‘ri-. .i.J 18lt, 'V BiTpr «\*d .Silver I. i'JcNiiil’s. •”:r’3 Creo!t, on Friity Aug IBfj, pj Dsjiie! i .1. on SitnHiy Au^ 20.?. at 7[ V-N >iT-fii>t, on Monc’ay Aiip ‘ill, at vi !> Baker’s, ca T'lesJay Aug 23d, at '■■it .* V iJo- 1 I 35 O 30 ? i*k.fcCoo« fi ►.«.^vscn>-»soMai^JT I .00CC04^.0QDOCI'*»~''^ 1 Iiotice to Coopers. I^I^H tc in*K'i a oontr *o'. ca tae piii o.' rue Ouvcra- m.-at. r.i 1*J‘J CYPREdS, .»DNIP£R or KHl/ OiC Lf.KiiSLS, 1.0 Syiup. Tae rs-r.c’j mu3 bj gocd Aug 16. 50 2'. ol O O to — M ^ ' BLACKiiA.n’s N C. Aui» 12, 1864. Meaara EJuors: I h-ife "^ou tsU iv' t'> '. rt^ a* ?n error iu y«nr paps? cf Mend*:? is. Claim your Ksbjluj.q (^ri'ca Faye teville, rt o , Au^ !-j. 18fi* ^ •1’WO HOR5ES were recently c»p u.ei 7 is.Icj : 'n; i. ta.i pi«0'j, V.-ier o;rcu*«et'injea w.iiu'i i’Sii L'l ti:'! Litiy wore t!oleri by lac DiS.rtf;-3 ii. v..-o‘.i' p.uo-'iJa titty were w ch c-»p:nryd. Tea crici.ib j r?r-j tfavehag uuler r.?im TsiiS forgei pap.-r:;, i'.kt 0- 'i d Eire no oreuib'e .icjunt o' theaiselT3- 'rtv U-:XM bo:./ maras of havi::g btten iidden v-ry : Ti;.r .i.atusi camcQ and proper dosorip.icn pjs 6% mi: ms: J Vi Oe^nut. 37 years old, ha»:l ejes, blae;. L'»;r. 'fc:^ campliJMoa, bf8'>i ftiga AUosmn.C!i?ros^' o/..i.iy , 3* /ears n;d, blao e>e!». t.aoit L-ii*. '.in: ci'i pifJiijo, 5 .Tti 11 i-oa»s, N 0 , O.'aoga oouri/ - u‘»do his esosp-' in tulraitr-o •; u at la’fj Tae Uiter t» noi^ giTeu i-..* >_fac Irkhnrt, and f dai'ted hiiaseif to be a deserter fro"5 t^i.- 4 4 at , Ko^'t, aui etatda t.*iai the horsss wc.e rotui fr^u l^c8Ji'.,ra Said hotcea a^e now h»Id (* >1 (c ci-.erfc h7 Vi M , Fayct;tv lie Arjfn.l »>id .lr.y c:\z tai posi g Simielf tne c-vrer la-y a > ? ■ 1 uL‘ 'ue r.*V ■“ VJ.'.sLOT.r ina lefl OTr^xcra {»lj«,‘l ' ?..! pf r 8li«ii be returned or i*;- '.t' ■ L-.-rc/or C. 5:»8-l L and i] t.u.j- . ‘. OMSi’ript Office, Raleigh, .K.ugt 13, r|1 4. . > .f.f . .-..L. ... ;rwfli li i 11 I' • .a ^ J . fcr l*»3 iiircrrr*! c.'’ ’ ' •/ I? * '1 in’; ■* 1^0 G?. from tb!? rffiaa, h'.s been •Y lio. cf 103 vOiaia^nd»!!' E J HARD1>\ > 'j'. -M • ’ 1 X p; y»~ ct the county are herety &' lifted to “ ‘j i'a and plaoea nbove btatcC. and fnmi'h ? L'Otrsct lists of the follcv Pu'jN'f': of '■':.x»v.:.n, ca band, held and ownad cn the 17*h Feb’» P«4 - t: 'f'-. cf Acres of laT>d e^ip’oyed in agricnUurc. Nr., and rez of slavea “ “ “ No. >ier^*8, Mulca and Oxen •* No and o'her farming ImpicsMrt) do. All y- e.cT property employed in ligi .oultnro. —AL8'>— 2?a :f Rcrc3 laad and other Real Eetate mt »-6plcy -d ?n »,r.I-uuur? N'9., a^r^^civezofalaveeaoteisplcyedir »grisal '*re. Mj. tf ilorec'S, Alnlf s Cisd Ags-rS do No of Cattle of i.ti9 Bov nn spaclM. I'ia ^f GoVa end Hoga No cf p»*a^ds ^3*fon ani WooL No. *“ Tobaooo. B * *Ji. b'u’h/:: C.rn and 0*t8, Rio« aad 'itli'ir 3io»!l jtra’.a. V.» uq cf ootatof* of all kiffie, pcx*, beaas, g’oun l asi t'l other prodaots of the farm, gi^dou cr or- c.‘i»rd. V.v’n'! fcf flrar, Qtal, fiugir, niclaasea, b*.oon. 1‘^rd and ■j:a " gro-j'TtCfi, gooda, war*a and mercband^ja, apiriu C iS wise?, eider, vinegar, &c Val'i' oi ^’1 Loufehold and ^ itohcn furai'u’’’', ap ioalta- >’ iocl : isd 1-plcmeats. and all t jc’..j of mo‘ianio« I'-ii. J, nr;vc»l instruments, and sH »riiolP3 of !•- n* 1^3. ail.l t*Ib9 of wagons, oaria, drays a>’ 1 ail other ? h's’os t* . iic-rla. Y-in ■. i * cU rvt l sil»«- ware aud pl®to, jr-we’a, j*^^" • ' Tau...r>-8 V . •>' vk3, rr.apa, cieturea, pa‘nt!aga, etata- .-y ji."-.? '..-oT3t» of ar*. A! >r--rr :j-and asf.ita of ba^sk*!, Joint'lock om- p.' }' s .1 -;!i?703T-^':>Ra, whftUer ino>rp.ratod or aot Ciiu sjj flii^er j'>ld dagt, gold Md ail*ft bal- A.-R.vj it ftf >11 solvent bank bil’a a*'d allcthsr Msa' I .*« cu-rencv, (snuept non iaiert'tt bearing Tffc^»nry liotes,) and aot tai^'ljyaJ ia a to.X"'! l'nin*P3. Vdn? cf s’l Ui .?7fl held abroad, bill) of fiobang® a~. f .r-'i. i oo-jBtries. ” f a’l'■rtkW cf re^’onil or Eixea p -^•'ty c^f'sa.b a-'cd in t*>« fortgolag 9. T H\WL!;y, A U CA\‘! fi.' LL, ^g'^ V r«. Aagu'f 5. CG U I'onlederatc T-^xcs. ^HT aeet tbe trz pa»er? cf tie'>pp r DJst-Jot of Htb-.. on Ccouty at 'he folio*;'' £ t n» ? v 1 plao'B for 7''’.rp-’F3 0* correct-eg eonre ^n-ora r w» >jsc lae I'n'in'; (beii g tho ssmc ciaja on wi-ioh tio iriectcr niii '-e th*re ) At Sr.'ith’a, Aufnct 2S1864; Al'- Augtist 24 h; rTifiSart Anffn3!.25.b; lie ■rll v;lle, .liOfCf” 26iii; fit. .4Uj{ast 27m; t«'jr»..e‘- Lri«‘g‘, A?gu?t 29.b; iU^..*.!sr*Ue, August SOih Ti 0 T-i -r’yara of the ccunty are hereby no*‘fied to -ft 1 limea and (I»c3« above staled, and lam'&h ,> ! - i VI. t'F'-rj oorreet lists of the foUowim? r«’Jcc'a c' ’ u. ha’id, held and oyaed or. tiie 17J F«b’y S‘‘ t :• (f of Is&.l e*npbyed ia agricalturo. - '•.n ,eZ “ “ '8 I-' CS'in “ “ •> iE'l Cm".-r !mfl'*’T'ente, d-> ' i. ■ roppifv pr-~l^y^d ui agrlctOtur.* — ALSO— ' -"> • >ad *rd clLcr Re-il Ff‘»{3 c'» ■ p'c;-l »x - r rr.t cinplajed I; f>g ’ ' Co . . .• '. n' *v>r Bct’ -'v *pcoieo 0/ •*-■ Ovit.-i trfi ; V 0.' t;n sad ' ‘ TpTjwC'j-'. ' era and Whsal,, O'.ta, T* oe ar. 1 'j:r‘»‘‘'e3 cf all k*n'’s. p^ra, bear?.. fToard !.U ot'ier produbta of the fare, p7r>i. or c.'- T i jg the election fjtom .^ftip.rvin Co in y a o ^ jia down v- a “Ho’icnifo ” 6o.r > me w o iec .red . jflDDOse bi ftD pappose by and others as sbe aiv. my beiag anable «o c»nvise thi 0 .nety Reercf ;fully, ycurs, ^ ROBIN'SOri W4HD pridoners reached this placo oa Monday last. Asheville Newf. CBETIFICATI of for tJl'OO, iwcd by Johv W Sandford, PayalKT-Uo, N C . nt: n- 77, dated March 18, 18f.4, tjjd'dra’^n in favor of Mra Hwiaah J Tnnnell No*iC3 «s hereby given »b%} ■vppUoaaPB w5l’ be m de for the i’sae of s^cw c^ date ill li*n cf tHe ono lost Davida» Coll jge Ang 12. .4jo/fter Gallant Affair.—Three of our scouts, Messrs. 0’('onner. Wilson and Leary, a day or two aro, in vicinity of D-^ep Gully, near Nawbem, captnred two live yaukees, their horses and'accou- trcments. Well done. O Oouner is a regular “In- diun” on tbe yankee Iraila around Newbern. This ia not the lirst nor the twentie‘'i exploit of hib in this line of business, aa the present and past oflBcers in command below know.— State Journal, 17A. *h'o IH'pu t oboui Hc^.—Anothor rover of the saas, a veiy Pwift Bailing aal staunch vessel, the ‘TaUaha-iBe*.-," hat- commenced the wo'k of dev'Ptatioa upon yankee ly, 12th; Kitchen, 12lh; J. McLeod Turner, 7th; I their hu.-bands, fathers and brothen may be'lp j LieutB. Jrhn Blair, 16tn; R. D. Blackwell, 6.5th; J W. Brothers, Oisl; J. 11. Biedftorth, 4th C'avii!rv; J. C. Clements', 2l9t; H. ti. Gush, G:h Caval Frank WilUams. 13th; rineed, Tilu; J.T. (Jr?gory, 12fh; Tommy, 12lh; 11. 8. Mitchell,‘22J; K. W. I>or B«y, 11th; Wi'lis Whitaker, 37th; D. A. Uorc, lltb; A. A. Cathey, 34th; J. O’. Cooper, 3d; Lt. Col. E. L. C’ox, COtb. tbe battles of free lom. Wemay ndd, that at the Crttk gave U>'v. ^'^^uiicc ‘«>i vi All huu;>r t'l .Spring On;ek.— I!-:. rtmc/:ort Mon:^ Mirhd. ■ ollowiug iu •I'lilw . : (KJuf itmata LoikI", Idoti ¥ She rKir'+'-'n Hprin? ll'i';k'urio/i y-’t'JS. llio. Jo. IKTI.^-'US; do. 1831. jititicatcM »1.0. Kour cent. C>, 7 :io N^iteH $70. f'oW Silver $18; Si/.-i ('..iji Srlti for one. .r.' L J I iiiW.S. i^i>'.en-North Cai u’. I'.ui $‘4 60; \ ir- saomiBg and we are without juohOifQiM papers 0* I ^^utu Carolina 41 au lor ou.’. hAmWl lbW» MNtisyv L ^Ibtti tl Jowr>i4l^ 17A. Mail. y4.11.UBK.—’I'he Northern mail lulled thi’ ip avor lo'obta n a b?l »'f bcr officer*' for puMi-i iulurma- t.ioii. and. iud*e.i, the mformation iu nome cfcsee, it may 1**;, of their • wn lri»_nds and rel:«tivc8 We knew of the fit'ing cut and 0' this vessel, bi>t in acco-dance with our u. u»l ccii f'e. kept perfect Bile^c‘' upon the BuO.iect. Now ttiit sb'* baa spoken for no further ue^e'.«ity fo.- c > j^'uim'int exists. Of her foroe or arroaiamt of «o. • • we v/ill nay nothing. Lf t that be found out by tjM eutsuty tit« beat way ^ey cuL will ^i^)weiMl«aeRqdk to ^ n HILL 69 Inr FojcttcTllle Arsenal aad .trniory, Q. M. Offlte,) ' Fay^itevill-, -Vujt ii, x8b4 / WoocS forr bondrcd cordn of good sound ELAOK W()OD to be dcUvfted at euo^ timo anl p'ace »nd ia a-ah quanlitiea as tbe A. \ Q. M. it t'aie PO"*- ^'^-y re quire. It wont confor>a siristl^ to f'asiaadatd nicaBuro oifBtforOoriWDoi viz;8x4 4*4 ProQOBiJa to be nwrked Pror o'sl^ Ur Wood for Q M. . JOHN L HOLMES. £■: fo: I 1 f'ou’’, meal, sngar, B*(tla*«irp, bac'-r!, ’ rr'-,er;e', p-'de ■^ar's :roh -nd-i'. q ra c,d"r. r'V'}e‘'r » :*■ a’’ b'Ticehcldat'd fa^’nMurf, • 'k iriri’^n;T tf, »r,d »]1 tvols >» ti-■ • t. i’\c*r''iiijnia, ”'i a', articivi 'vd an uf dj CONFEDCR'.TR fcr.\TF.« OF AVI’J.i ,] E^re »t of Cc :: v'.' • r. > j y ,;. Piaicicnd Va , Augai.t U, ;& 1. J •-..i-v’, ■' f n ccia3. N.r 2.) | ». ’ i - o ;l- r *^0 26 ia hcrc->y rcvotet?. liirv^fici all »f plicationi^or df'i'-i. 3.’’ ii ^ OSie?r vil. c't-’T i • lif.: » i't rijf^rl to ib-7 l>«:riot E ku;: 1 ■ 'i T;i M 't '.ffi .'-r ■Mr>-«To'"« tl; ^ I- "'*, .br r.. gT' Ut a «arlcugh for t ix.j d»r ^ •*» j.if fcfpToVii will ii- tu a.. • . .'V, ao * ito p»p£ri fjrw»r6r'? i- f t- iut “"f wf.gcna, carts, uraya and »U ether • J'” atii-.s for tad Sl&'o, wLo vci.i al-O eipri..» L’fc I „ ,-ii • r t ei*®. or>inu’r J' ♦•'.iH cffioo fo'fi :al fc ion. V .Ju - *f pil and B'lver ware and plate, jawek, )f tiir D:-iiic Fnroliiug t ffiror .iisaprmT's the fp jo-r ’r^ a 1 '•limuo', fcJ will tadsrdc in fuU -Ht- :^uiu*i. 'nr ’.i - j 'V '.f t-11 *;o ke, mapB, pictorea, painting?, atatn- df'pr 'V**! st.d loivn *ho pftFf.'j to t*-e E i.Tl i, . vo’'..r*cf art iuf O’JiC-r vil iciiDscd .'.t.!y fuwird ir'.ti -i! . • - _ . r.ul ?,r3.*ui of banks, joiat stovt com- ’ 1,6 t cf la.'trufttion, to tc »• ai- ir: :-.' t-v I ^t,j; ■ - ' c po-a-i tp, whether inoorporattd not. iu :b«i li'.Id. tc*!-lei und,>r ex nviMjr i;r>\ s C.'^ ; 6 o'- g61d ?oat, go!d aninii.wr nallioo r»-';-M.* V?r.-‘cri-':r Aa »-pj:eal tbe .kc’.-o* t*'-> | f. ,jr.t -f « '3>'lven* credits, h-nk iiill-^ aud » Ictier 10 > J.U En Dep' 69tf] rapt and A A. Q M. i> i. T c' Ea- oilix’:; Cfticcr ci.n t.e tfeicu, nhicc s- Kj .'cr-.5"tfd« I tr." r.'*;u^■>r cbay-i''!' * ) .in rVi t‘3- }tL action I' a*. a’>prM if •'ol j,5j (iff. r i.l ha jitri ca filo in C'ic t£ii'*e cf itQ I.;-a i,Vi -1.^' I Ur-n ';e c-n.i5-.:as *j . , . • a- ^ q Ite ' Cir' uy ttd ieifir:i'i-t ! SEALBD PaoPOeA^iS wJl U n u signed. Titio^c.juiht, » 'ii b • ju t’.l | until thfl 16th day cf Bcft caK>‘i .■*ta«r iJie ippiiotuone b'vs bci;:i r'&U> pix- vjcna cr Eu«3Pqu**nl to't^o restip* of this eitjola’-. I‘ V/istre, in .be course pf trasemis'^ica und^r ri«i- vicps lustiuc^ioas pip^ra iavo p'^secd trcir ihc D.s- tri3« Eifoi'.iug Offivr to ib:; coGimind»a , action Binii- lartot^Etber.indi-ec.'"d wi! be Uk ;. bj the cor.. mfer iv’t, thkt ia a forlowgb f»r eix*7 da, d wil. ..a gr jt«d in uaae of »ppro»-il when the papers will ^e foririrdtd, or lae paity vid b; i» mediately aas'rao'. di“tpi>*> ' il wh-a t ie p^pirs will ba kept oa tie usicw Ml fl.pT'efl is tftlfca . _ Ill T»e ftr:.:ua’i to ba print'd by tie E»>r£-h?£ ofTie^r in i:* t na’.’re of an mlolgeuc'. tba o’jc;t br ing f.’.' - 'c't '? Tirti.e aunog dcUy m:.‘ tt .9 rtV' k“‘*’'’n of thi» Bureau Ef onrrffio* P. Augu.t, Aot5-'g Super;nle=. TE02 GOLDTH'^AITE, A. A. A Gtn. A^g ^ _ to 'I'taclteris 'pliv- 13 ^ C tc ex mu'd Te»oha J. cf ?»CTpi>*n oou!»:y, w’ 1 no'll 8ali.ird'’y in July ani Aogosi. All in’e-'eefed are eata- 1 t« atti.9^ BWY. j jaj. . i V, In: O't iroro.. (exo«pt »*on-iai"res‘ Vea^ -ig Tt-.a'.r. y note?,) and not lU a »* I' I X . I.'- rR'^rd .-..ire/f t 'd abretd, b i?3 of rn *'*1 BOIVKS FOR Five IlupdredMiUific CoofiMlerdte Six Per Cent. ]/0 ds. THESB B->nda prati^t t!.* f,Tc»lci«t indm-?m»nts for invdPiin-j’it. T!>ry h ‘ irty y«ar" *3 rnn ^ater- Cflt pvyab}«* i-ew’. ' '* arft i'eTO.:?d oy iiapari aad ernort uatjp?; - priuolr-al »«d in ere«i. from UxatUn. cnl tb-' co ' r.wtivabb a« co?a for cuatcm dnti«»«. Tbe wJr-' ’ »n prim has b**n flsei, for the presKJit, at J?185 tae old iaaue Coaf^ierate Tfeaau’’} PctM, (eaqjiot the SlOO notes ) will be re- oeivcd in payment at per cjat. A W. STEEL, Mm a g 16 'ivcl?? '? prr«".5i er rei-c V » fr.rt'.Oit^. U 0. MOERICO.T, 'v-vwof, 5S •ei»4 1 be Kiilcrpri«c Cotton Factorr !.i uow pr^’pared to exchange for oora or bacon the Finest Snmbors* of Spun 7e.rn, Bcitj*ble for Spring and Saomer Cloth. This Thread ia of a euperior quality, not Bnrpa«3d by any in tho Ooa- fe . ra-^r 5E/.-N7r.. E.i«s! RAiR:i-Tho rioT qi.uli.y of tin P*P“’‘ t>«. qi.uu.y c' tne pap i.c«3 ^.’^■'*1 pvirt? Jc.. "i Jv'* a.''r it! orirc, ‘C? , ^ ’'.l ibf ec -« u'.►f.o* 10 b-'ci.of nrM^ritls. W" . ‘ a.jjcfHjblc. » .. -t", 0 I r’ J bi' .nd r«.» tf i.-ut ucc- ;al *0 r'rrr. sU th*! ri?fi thsy otxi «s WuipjoM. jA C B. ff. 1. f. VUUM * m

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