SEltil.WBE w AYKTTP.Virtfe, N. \UGl ST 2‘2, IR4 rT:-»fof 1.,- F.'r ho V-1’ -' rr.: j f,) flic THURSDA^r b A-i M'J Pi V 11/ V CO] «A1^VE. '•] MU1 SaLVF .: ^ thcr.uj^y lo*srcs*? I’*wa!e Collrre. U'> H\ T^\ K.B.’Wli l!>KPa5T, 3104 for nuDV I F.‘>ye(?€i iiS thf>7 ifiH It Oil VV 01 ks ts we U'To tnn. rri [NO 13601 iaBm Ull tau mime:' i it u> L-, :h I if t!>t^ cxf-miry H r -^..e Lr ; 'rfid v.e vu’’ ’ o-;,-.! ,(j -, I OoveiTir, f m-.K rt au-1 l!io pu'i>U - - ■ U'^r— •• 'I ’ f? opciii'-on, ;.nd KlUU II : at (^o cf ilse Pronriator I u„_ . - _ — njp'o to the fo(l3ir?nr: per.jcuc whfi AOd &0l ©a WlosloW SSrett, o»-» t-.u/y to its hef.ling| A.T auction. . , , , ,r . ■' /■\*» T” r.—1 II nr . ■ ' ^ Pfix A fcT >'«■. fv^ir-fT- . "?; ?■'* " ^-5 P- Oer- 0 .t AacUon, | | «'«..thtTn wH* WMct-i the foiv^r^ fln,e^'«rd - ‘:n. IC*>ot.jr of St. B.vjjoioaew’s. .7^1 .t 1 • f !>nrr».>r* cf Jv-«-e-3{f,e »h^ -ir. B t' r 7*^64. ^ 9-*2: fi'ji-jBJKUA'rK rt«r •s of - t'iia ■ -V ICS • » A n.oin'r no >rs M ^ •'■re to fake th« pt 'ot'f'v fit when ms’da? Jaa y 1. ISo? ai5L'£>- S}?!’Ai'GnO^, p, 'o C T I 0 F: li:- 6 ' Jiioe lu. I. H. c. i. U'j i^r 5tarke* -(iuarc, &M'fSTTEVSL!,S, li, ^ • *»•• r.ii'inrgi, ii* 4*J'f MeMliLl.AN\, a:!?] Cii’umis'tiou ^U'rchant, 7V, l^/«7 Slvt^ef, FWKTTKVILLE. N. C Ju.iO o 3y-o3l •S\\c rf(KJJV«s\V>KTH, cci- t'omsiksioi} Merchant, FaY KT rK\'i LL.K. N O. •10 tf -fA'Lt:r¥:aoy at Iia^. '>.rsiTEvii.‘. F, IT. 0. »':eu ' a« Coua y >6a ! Superior Conria cf uaihsivn-r, r*i; r n >.' -,rTc *ad R-^bnnoa Ccuji- tie.’ Tr raj^t A.-^en lrn th» n of »il i: ‘ I p'!*'!ij. s *tn ;-ory .o>j.7y pr ' t;!-,"; Gil ‘.;o«3 I'-: t *7‘‘''; Ir:- r -,- JlK OIL, clvin n i:{»friU. Mr Vf’ }1 T^trte^, Plt-.- •'iti!.'' ■ r-icf''-,'. s^.' ■ .:f if; ..(r ,; 1OJ f;r 2 yr 3 r’cn^ ; =r- f"j ntlier Oi' n-rr in , o. f,- r K. -roh.ii5r, Su'^’i D'- 8»ys: “i c,»n C3y -?•• ;r 8i!per'or If r?c? n3*V4rr iSp> joprisdfl c'u«ir »nil brirSf • Mr A P UcafccrJjte, •"^ af Ft.- * Dll aad/j-ia--,ry-jf this p' ..s V »ni fsa^e-: “i iljir* ' r iit' t u-l FiK'C.orlci—'-■ d‘.jf Lc-£v__ • in sloTT, v;ur Lnhr --- '.n "f’:' i'y io r.fjTta ” Othe? c> ■ o.-.r:ir..-*!-'.r8 h^v- nounjre 1 f'aro'ib’v ■!'*. n; > A‘'e»'t ~. T April 4, lii* 4 W’^ T i yU] slR.m- >?pt> Oct. 17. \h I fj^ru .s «.» S at-J f r-,yf!T' F' i?" 3 ! ' 1, • ^ >>. a. 1... 4 y .-tO.Y'V i''- ■ Lfc >•0 C •■« ?r nf try I? It u'. jj i'f> ■ 3t ei^« of CA» pkppct, Had “pxt A^aiia? ' ’RN if CCO*T, Aar > 58-2t j*t j-laj’tf'y’ij M‘H3, jt'opdf.*, Hr?t 5t.^- HiJk K -w, Tc^si'ej'. fl'b. 6-^jn’rt Ttnr^’v. Hih f OB 4 3 1 'LL PTEAM TNGINS. is czocUi'nl runaliig .1 i. ord-r, T»:ta i'ai.jco, sc , ocnip'ett: Iiis beeu : i bu; ^ — at,90_ 2 Turuing Lathes, one large aad cue small, with *iill set of Heads and Fixtures; iCguthcr ritn aUrgc lot of I'iiMivra’ TojIs, Scrcw Cutters, Hand and Web haws, Virif«»j Clamp Sorews, &o., &c. —Ai^tJO— A LH of aoRNS -Sid B:iIAJl 000^8. Api !y to M 3 Lrr.KaLEs, H»y Street, next Joor .^bovo Mr Juaea Martino’s 54 6t i To Millers—Flour O^rrels at Auciivu- • QN Ttinr^^y the 26tfe ia--f , ^4? - c foli AacUon, >50 Empty Klonr JO’?M r. Ang 23. ■'‘OX. Auct’r 68 ‘Jt r%ori€E. FOU SIAiLE. MGJIT S!X-P.4..j>PiNuEIl STAQK COACU with v'cck ^oai, ac'ffly tireu .-ind patateJ, and in exoei- urder. y «'> K L PATTERS(JN, PaUcr?on G&Jdrell oouaty, N. C Aog 4 56*8w4w bargeoB Veaeral’s Offlce, \ RAisicir, N. ('., Joa* IOtb. 18t>4. / . -f,'?'5ENonil Kf ill ;.n’»o t.hid Offica cu tbe drat day, fcc-J in.- riffpatu d»y, cf oTcry month, for Oen. : aimy. AM tons iti/t unr^ for aoT m«mb«r of ••r:of ba c&ri ioi rbero promptly by him and vtTi'.? ti ihr ouupr EL>WARD WAREIBS, 8urjre->u Ctininrkl Nwh CwoUna. i"syi‘tt€Tiilp ir^BUl a&d Arraorr, Jane 80, 1S64 r.K. N Jac'y 10, 1?-’ ».N A. ST> •' A. r*^ t; ii^ri WH. V BPRNinO Sc. ’0., WE ARE NOW I HUi'.-*.. -i*-ru .r !) IZAQlLr. iTr.rTSVil.;.*: .• , , i:.iVU 1. RAIL RO.a c''he f i .!fja r.'san. v i CMiLLl.:) ’IR’ci.^ T. will bo iJL'\HT r’i f'-it cn? r.-rp’^ N>'’ { 'OAL I :• '»!KSiCH.l .»>. Sfrrd, F ‘ Y’ TT^sVlLI.i^, N. Arr;-?\ 2’tf j» rj ■»• prr. 0 Tre "T'd *. O. D/.W'ST,. CO., 9z~rfrr yfr-fP. WIJ.MINtlTOJ, C. rt in. _____ BUcHELa Will: 7-12n 2.P00“ ■A fr ;ai. COEK. I'vr^oE’ tie »'”•’?(' ".rtic'.cs t^’c h "-hfi't Cesl. r-i'’?! ''r on ' (t (i.« He^• '!i. .r‘Vi*:leT-llp, ' i .p.-., ■ * -i ^quf,- N--'. e, 18^2. ■:eH Tfili -eceiTO . M. Tho«na3cn, on tie rabfcri- .a: J« h ■ oi b7 - II b-.Tj t •* b'- : r^OVEifrr' to '7i!r-,n ^r-; Co»'*':’'i '■>.0" OrJc»‘" ’■ ■■■''‘.I'-.iliT’ '' 4Gfl D. A’ & } SIOO BOUiUTY. nynfra, 40 -nonmea KiOemen. AJTKOaili'fcjvin-. .-'H rr^st^d by t ,e V*.»r Dr jvtrim. rvi I. r w«. 9 'oMptny of Moiinicd R flemcD I -uf in ttiifi v:cial(y, iioiioe is hereby giTcc ih»t ; reonjus to the 0: 40 n-m comcrfyti will bo ro- j CfSTP2 ; r i;.i3 Eervico, to til up tbo como’iny to Jie re I ^ni-c.- N cf 103 E*o!i locrnit will r>*» required j 'o “i .pr:- -ii !« Uirec, for triiioh be will be a1- I » - i :y c,;..b j .1 uieai, »Q.i Lij p»y fl2 p r month. I h-rit .,, will 't'quired from pAr^cts cr I g- -'i4i_j, Tf^.ic tJio applioiiBt is ondvr the ec&i*oript >>, aaJ>J..':d, i>ni iMddle blaak«t« fiirnish- c i ‘y li e Oowtrnrnf, ii, cr if tho reoruit oomes provided wito the ‘}. Thlt bo pail for them a fair Taljatico. Appiy ir> ila>5or MATTHKW P. TATLOB, at tho Ar- n I F. L. CUILDd, 45 tf] Lieat. Col (J. S. A. Comd’g Poflt. WESTER.lj The freight atto imain."' of . • Road leave F^yettCTilh 1-'}'’ '• ’) st 8 o’olcrV, A. M , 'niJ l , o’olcos, P. Cattlf vid lIcTiT Train TdOND.W, ^rjU'’r-3DAYand FRIDA-'. :'y cricr JNO. V. nO?E, Ticjc’r rn; G r. i Ii ;ui. A^'*. Jaa. 22, 1863. , jr. iff iM ; 1 'irn A.m. ;. *^:uTe ali kia ls cf Wogoa Aniiy 1 'S’! Icv'" sjid can ■i-.-ii.”' ^ Agciii*^ will d? well to send iheir Lc Vi r cSuJl #.i‘,ention, aad 2uivA /.i* *.’Oii.N 0ARiKR. Frofwi ami aficr tCilf* di*.}? Oteir”:'r i’. JIURT »iii k.TC 9 o f’l'C’-. .*.. ?L, cti Mond.^y M l Tburf.;iiy. A. i»OiiTH, April 6—17tf ] Af^’t C. H'-'r-r. 3os.t Go. Chnrlotte Fcuiale Institute. TII£ ex;ro';seg of this bCIlOOL will ba resumed on Wo^ujgiay Sept. 14. Those who wish plaoes must uitv* c riy appltaattoa. For oiroalar oontaining terms, &a , B-.'f S3 P.OT. R BDRWSU., Charlotte, N. C. July '3. 5^-*tpd 1WILL atteod at the foHowlt'g pl .’a*? *'or tVc rr;rT!OF(» of ooUeotis^ Slate acd C3ua«y TaXf^B on t'.-a Bsipj Jays appointed by tho ConfederVc Acw^sc’^ fvr rrooi?- ing Tax llstfl for ywu: lSt54, to-r,': At Mo^eill'n Brii^^e, on 3ai,or • 'y Aag 30. At 71st on Mon lay 32d An? , a« G I> BalicrV *t (^whiffls on Tucfldiy Aa? 28J, fttMr"! -J A Mo- Kethau’a There ialereateJ will (»o well to atiecJ. HECTOR .McNEILL Bhff Aufr 18. f8 Cf PresbyieriaB copy 1 time. At J. €\~POJ^S! IF you want io pafc jour teoth buy >our Tobtcco and lRfi4 1 Tocth Brwbcs cf j c POK n .' > f^-TToJt’p, Svuniay, JDih. L'ari>>T> M'.uday, 12H* Lifi’of 6t'T^, Tc«»>i'^y, 18*Si. *'>'‘”3^’ r>;d F:e!*, W?dr»ei*d'»y“. I*'b l>r T^'urgvay. I5:h F";!;*?!^orcagb. Monday Tn/^J^f arr*. V’lwJoeSihiy cff ^T0?k Jfiyw'(k! Thursday, S^pt. 22 \ > Tt'kLcrr., Ffjday, 23d. { .innci) 3, Sa«urd.»y, 24th Mon«*7, 26th. Jf'nt'B’a Orote, Tnft=d3iy, iT-'n. Bftk:w n’?, Wednesday, 28th. T-*i if'^yera cf the Cocnty are hsrfby aotifio-d t' ^»!d at tha times and places abore »t ,»e?. n»nrfsl th-;ir rcspj^ive reeidences, ar.i fcm»8h the Afi»«*i»80Tg n ^ar rcoi liet of the followirg srhjeole of tirkr^.cR cn fc.Ki(i •ad OTroed jo the 17th of February 18C4: Ls.qJ, Na. of (^cTt;^ and v^Iue ia 1800; !f3., BflX aad af«; hoi^ps, colefi, iwsoe ar>d j .rmte; catila, Nc» and -slue; sb“cp. j^'ats. hogs, oof ten wool. tob:v)«a. corn, Wl>«*«», r:\tB rye, bnokwheat, ri*n pottf.ra. pa'.a, grouDd p^ae, hfiass, fl''nr, meal, s^^ar. rnr-liiKr'''!*, b«son. l»”d, rpiritoyq, liqnarfi, Aa , c*’ hand on 17t!> Fabmasy Iwt er»i not nao».?aary for family ooMar- «a frr the Aug. 13, O POK. 5« St F'oa dustry cf the Bte -slso, rt A'^g 18. J 0 POEV. 5.?-3t WArVTJEU, By the month cr *ho remalr ior of tbe year, a'-n or girl used to house wori* li’e n*re cf chilurcn Ap{ !y immediaioly to E. Q .OVER. Aug. 18 68-2tpd WAilfTKiJ, 4 GOOD MBDlUixi Kl/ti HiOHCE for 0»v«lry fVr- A Tice J03. TJT1-E». Au^m»t 13, 18G4 50. RKiiElVEb, another th'S-i Kxculleut ytill roilers v.^ iroa boz^'>. for m pno«e or exohacye for j r3v;;icB9 ^ JOHN EEBBEATT. » .'till " I HAVE ja^ r;o.'57M « lot of fi ic v,a-r S &o . f~r TMk og LadlcV e.'iU Geatiemen'o rtna saoea Ws:i'T i M d.-awiag ni^b and shoi ? may ^e r. d b’?:Lc So you will do wall to orvil 00 me and ^ *.ve y-.v.’r ‘’.h-KF 1 mtde aa neat and as gccd »9 crti be an'^ • aud oa aa good torioB All rt'y ^orh i* w~n*’jt5d do*, i to rip; If it do9C I wid repair for ".Jth^"-. j BMa^f-Uy, J-O. ViU3IIAN, 3 door^ al-oTO Libsfty Point • An? 16 5Sd 1 Fcu^ebHd ftcd ki'ohcn fiirnUnra, ;ullnral im- plexipeno, meotaaioal tools, musioal icft noeEtt?, car- . riapts, waasB''-, car^s, &o ; hooka, icapfi, rioiurcd, *c ; j prc;>erty cf ocrpor^tions, Jo’at stook co’^rantsij and association -; g-1 j apd siJypp cr,in, gold da»t, Ac.; a-moatt cf aU pc!78»t crtdif^, bank bills, a»'d ofbfr papoi e issued as csrr?»ncy, {crola?iTC of non iif'-^ .. boating Con- f9dc-’*te Treasi ry notes and cniTi!? 'r}{^ in a ta»ed bn»l- ness ) TOlai; of all ircnoyf? held ftt>'oad acd ail artiolte of personal or m’xed propertT t rcu’r.frved above aEd rot f x’TDpt frora tsxatl' n. La~d, fi'avet, oott^in and t''b«''Q7, purobadcd ei; • *’’8 let J»ir.c-?y 1£62 Bjtis:. be li.'tted »t tbe »mraul paid fov ir.ix; u*aT prrt»rty ri thetr Tala« In the year I860. T!-’y are als ) required tn r.-niar aa »t.'aunt of the prcft; r'.t't' on oalce c? rrt^ r.'/ rurchasid durtsg 1803 asd eol"! ^ **.«7es!a the 17th of Fthrn*?y 1854 arid '.ae l“to'Ju'.. IS‘^4 Tcof?e who .*'£’'6 failed n« to »r "s uf ihe'r pto£t'’ o' 18i3 will be cuUrl or t.1 uo so 'HijeR tbcy list their proper'y; {bra to r^-'d^r a^id aco^UDti t'JII p’rCH ee-i- rrr,‘wd by t^-o nuder»if r>'d hcc'rdir*g to tb-* •>rn' stfc'- 0'a*'5n 35^ g?t. and »n.xp\- a;3jiuia‘'l7 T'.-’>rc 1" ? tv cor p!y vllh tho above i>ot»9~ to ’‘'if i-faau.'iCitii- :’j I h;lr pi-*vc'i r, ft? fca Ltld a» defiult^irs. «»-d tUfcir I li?! ret^rrc by .?’*• A^ocsson; ‘-cccrdlng lo Ik i- .a 0 Oo'-lKtc^ p. 0-. Ci>»iaf-ni Co., I?. 0., , .-:■' . S i"02. i 81tf 'ha. Ara5>ic ior wage by J. R. LSH. Qntr 0ti. 15. F>^ Fe^’5 ii-:?'! date i ITjE! yty 15 ''J'ont j J*;' fo"or inn hiph --5r T'ii>- '>.ct f rh'', daiiTcrod ia fti. I'J. i*n li-: •••.■ • ^n3.priy '/* 7*S FAYETTE V3f^2.C .•3lTC.ll ESSUBViCii C^pifaI in Prcniiivn Fotes Rr>?ounlf! • -> Caflh oa ijand ^a i other isss's. 5-?/37,G83 2h 6,077 35 to ■ too;?-. Om. J “ .•■■'nJi’, i'!'3 and r/'w; ’ J' c* of rsv ;;o or-”vl itid S'i Cortiacc-'r ; to 7 wid 3 p?r Ota*. Couuo;; Cou^; c‘ $15,000,000 los-n; of Tjwa >i?id C'j'iTJty Bosis; rtrt’hia r»oi* • '*: T S. L:/ i TSRT.On. 71t>( C:\i 'IVr Oit C'.;i- T.'.U\, ^>‘iI72,765 13 The Compny hava paid all losses p?uu:>.’‘iyi hare never n.iij ii» awS':2->meut on • p-c^uuia notes. T:U1 locs.-i J29.«'?2 OyyuiJtas: OSO. McMEiLii, rrosideat. I/. A. I*AY, ^ C. A. MrM»LL.'*.X, .-i!20 y. L’ia?!JT05.«: il9'iry Lilly, '■?. K- Till:rs^;u-,’t, H. L. Myrcver, 8. J. xiiiis iit-j, 8. T. llswiey, Wm. Maf. ^arr,i, Nathis A. Stcdaxsa, T. H. La' A. vr. jiej', J. G. C»r> c, liaa. J. 0. c-c-tr4, ;i- F. Bnwa, i . - . . r J .O^* ■? .1. y, A^ ; ;t5 C. B. Mailett, Jaiao3 Kyle, A. A. MoKothiMj, J. D. T/’ilIia.Tsr), • S. W. lilliaglixct. Joan Collitts and (j. G. .Mov Ooapiay iar •« «d Vf ‘i&. seo I30L.L.ARS REWARD. N i .-k lai’j-.^.day my b^y m«ro, with a blaok mane ta - till, bro’;-! In'^so at Egypt Station, ChuUam c iupiy 1 bs7c uot seea her siaoe. 1 judge that some p ^isca i_a3 Ukoa her up cr stolen her since a^e got lv;c:i3. diko is ot oosxmou cize, good looking, her mana ooasldsrdhiy worn cif wiiu ihd collar; hsr left eye has bct:n all tnjcxoi cu% tho hair rubbed cff her baok. 1 vill gi^o $100 for tne racovary of the mare and ^100 for ths arrest if tbe thl'f if itolea HARRIS TTSOa. l*av«p. Jolr 9,. 4f)-7tpd&f Wool Wanted for tbe State of N. Carolina. ^lilE auderai;Tued ooatinuo to ezohaage COTTON X YARN for WOOL, oae Duadlo of Yarn for 4 lbs. ua- w-iEhod, or 3 lbs. oloaa wash3i Wool. They will also p£y a lioerol prio? ia oasa for large or small lots. GEO W. WILLIAMS & CO., Agts. Fayetterilie, Juno 16. 42tf POST OFFICE, FayetteTllle, N. C. ^I^IIE Contract.>r!f aind UoadgJica h47in.* ab«%ad3£icd X tho work on route 2178 from this place te Italcgh VIS Bi'.on’s if^ve), bumm -rville, , I wlil receive pr»>- poaaia at th»a Offlo"! utivil 7th day of Sept. tot oarryiag the m.iii for iKe r?3 dno rf ti.-iB, .'sy to 80th June, 18b7. 1*. willo’.oar tho oontri«ot;-r fr.«a B?rviv.o in tho army. I also invitr prompt bids for lemporiry sarvioa J. G. COOK, P. M Aa^. 8 ^6 tr cf old LE/D ■ V. tiu!*3 ■ -ilcaj-.- t- pijViliKii icr fi- I f,9-f ■j • - , 3, i£6^. j »*•' I . ;• ;rcbaao Lead for liiis .;'.*vir.7 lsj’i5ft or staall quan- / ^n>“. Wi!'; gi»o 1 poaad of ii. -: of I,- M-. rwt'.K L) nOG^, Capt. C. S. hi oii?rp- of Ordaacce. 1'H-] undfTsiijnf,*; > **••, i>t ihc i'iovcmber Term of tha Ct-ii'e ifffat*’ Oonr t, .bsirijt o' I.'oriu Carolina, ap- poicKiii A inasr^r: of t ■? Frypt Coal Miae p^'opcr'y, arid s.iT- nmi".'' ‘‘•■5 ii! t- be tt-T ■ Xn *‘ Tillr. 1» • jriv.* S“ll: ■pr-r p for tlie purroKO of 'Kilicit crtiors for th*! eame ” ' f :■ any traoaat can .1- \icv. rccii ..i J !?ro- :; •; 'Joufv icf.'ito :■ ■ t* >^'"ilet', Ftyeit.- ( . .. ifp'iTi, ,y. .. ) 6 B. r tl .vH-iW'Ji t3?JFe»3aA^iS trr Aol.v .ivi, ; EiifJijrtEa i'jcPABitESf, l ii'. Ca;’u i hj.r, V Viil ntngtca, N. 0., ;-.,foa Iv ‘'r l _! '^'[OTICE is hcr6;>y ji-.vt i to al' :u. > t;- u.;fcinei tho Ecjineer;^ .•«i, or Ecrv:?>jc.f 84»ve3 employed iiiborcra on ts j Isnd ajar VVilaii'igton, N. C-, tiio u«h> • I i*i rvatfe .risrd and f.rijparad to p .y the v^iae a- ii.d eQcc. ca -'.jh s--?- ooad door of bviddju/: n* .’*-: «v- Mt- ve/‘tJr!’/; 8iovf», Mark«» dvrcyi. 3r60T«s er'C'iliDj; Pow.-n o’ Atiorr^y w;il oh- spfve tho f.illoKiug Xotm—taeir£i^a>t7irt3. in *11 ts he ’Sfit:ieaefli by *-o wiissHics i-iu aijj^iou la dju-.. «3f»tc, or thay inny be witat'a.'cd boiurr h of tua Peaoe or Clerk of my Coart. FORM OF POWER OF ATrO"S.’'-Y. I, —— of , do aoT.'hy r-7r>3i:5t , : f , roy trno and lawfr.l A;.reat to sign r«"?-pi2 lar, ana recairo payment of s>l' ic^aeya dag to an ty i1b E ^iao:r I>o- partrattiii 0? th.i Con* dor*? j of :> r tho partia^u> Bvsrvioca of Cij ali»d;' eu ^lf^yed »f l-.'iororj defenoe«> at , darinp tea laciih 0? , Witnefis my saad ts.'i tea! t,t —, 186 (Signed ia ■i 'piicftc.) Wltne^so thr at. Fort. Ffsixer. |j''UL2’’* ■, ' ' v-^v: : v' •v.ioa fo" I !_» - T' ' ‘Vt'.Hi' *■ ■ io h' '•'.".'■\1. Per?'’"*'* bavin?? thefB «* "■'' *•’ •'n' ij- ^ >e prioe f,-uppiioa tioa to tbo ub«orlber at iiis q'J s^*nd or »t .Mr. J. W Powtrt’v cn fJay Rtia»t. S. I. BSIDI, Qw>l Af'lL co.yr--. -rsj ^ Tho sif jiataie: i'! by thre«; w»^»ic>r.-. 9 fhet’fi musit .‘ifip.-r?*'' lirrb' ' '•■ for efc-:h nv'i«-h t i - : I - ration at t ltd oi'i':?. V7. n. Oat>;. Jan’y 20,13t>4 rii“ laad iS5 dey of ■ J : A»;.u.;cj lleadi|uarterfi Bcserve, N. €.» . ivALiiaa Aug. 1, lSu4. j^E?.Irict ] Gtti'aHAi OaDBB.'i, \ t,o 4 if iCaptai.'?B cf Be&ior EUiserve, in the Mveral eonntiee • of tho St»'e of North Carolina, where Gom^nica eeon or;^ft’?iir«i, * will a^somb’o th3m at thti' to p:ctiT? Ct'cr.' 1I.->Q3>3,'every Satard^y at 12 o’oLook, for Jrili .'jid ihstmotioB. By Cciramsnd of GG 7t Lt. Oea Holmes JNO. W. HINSDALE. A. A 0. ^usi'ar Caiic mela«8t's. rn3E uad-.r igirfU wid c'^eot by tuo 20th of Auguat ia i Fi.iU37ilio a doubli-geared Sug.r ’ane Mill, with (HON ROijL*"Bd, of the very bett mariufaelure. Alto a full get at ETstporaiors £ud Bjilois. £i^Th6 toll will ba oi.o foarth of Uie Syrap, and nono less than an aore will be taken to grind. JOHN KERSHAW HENRY E. COLTON. Aul . 56 4t IVOTl€£2. The andors5gned, as Adsniniatrator of W J. MoNeill, a; d by d.'oree of the Court cf Plo%3 aad Qu»rter Sfiasl''i>s of Mo re county, will sell at tbe Court House in '’arth»g%, on Tuesday 231 of August 1864, »80 »orea ; f T.ATiD, on *be rtmiura of ButlaioOreck, aboat 8 miles V7»'6t cf .1oce.iboro’ Depot jn Lho F & W. R. R. There is on the prein!?e3 a amall dwoUing houM &»d some oat b-^ui « with t> CP 8 ?3res of cle.vtid Ucd. Tie piaoe l« di I! /. ^api.edt'O tne cu'draUtin of o.-ra, ci>tioa ».cd sit f"e pr juct- ra.^iiv’ in i»ia .-teoiioa of tbe couatry, *«d ii u jjcod -^iil-.jrhMod. A raro ohsaoe for 'hose who f!i.j to iuTs^t ih'-tr ai uej in Rial F-stata. Torms 6 c at'afl creiit, boal and seourity. JOilN MoNEILL, Adm’r. A”n- 2. 66 ts f«rns t;-r!3 they oao get wmM'-ii- -i.- c':c r.vO- ; rcfl ?, t'to to coilc3t the snozot a v- (ri'j £fy rer os't ed’2.I) uuft"ii7ctid i> Qaai*- I ‘.crTyv^rcr U. BT.h’ITM. Cc^. 81'^t D.J^- W C. •"jti'o ' iri fr;r hid i-” ' 23';: '.7 T?!'J rsttcsd ai the titEc*3 aa *_>3;ao«' zven- I'o • d Vo'.v?, 1 "-••aecB th«» tifc cp3«'T’o.jl, W^oftt, ''•■tr. R i' •;? ■ UKf, prodao-”! 1^ 1 no'vzs. T C. '?"0>’OLf3 Ab'c^sits tar in kis *. P'lfBbiirr’, Aajnst 5. f8 * IS fr'OR $$A^4E. Fire Handred Million €onfed«rate Six Per Cent. Bonds. t’onlcflcrafc Tax notice. ^IIE A’!SjP2cr3 of Oauicuerate Ti»x for Mcare ccnaty T____ . J . f X Vill r::>ei the tax psycrs st iho fMlcwiu;^ Utcm nnd HB3E BONDS preseat tae graatesl ’-.d’jc?Eo".ts for f nU-., for tuo rurposa of rec^iv'r-' tfco tax l;sta for the iave«tm‘:nt. Tttey h»vo t.iir.y t-»ts lo ran. inter-1 eet payable P€3ii-aanttal’y, aad arc Jf.on.'sJ, by i.-Bn3rt p"* /-.-V-d Erlly’s S-’nt. 5tb; S’aasbaresr’s >«1 Urs-la and export duties; are er.empt. prrajipnl ir^ter-?!, • - - _ .1 _ - „ . .. from tax^tiOQ^ and the conp^i cs’n for oaatom dcM-:B Tbe o'Kip'nfl of thow d"" lo', 186'’, have been ordered to be f;'!?irci i i ;.*y.“i.’a tf :ap'.~t dntie* in advano3 of maturity A.pciv ro ALLEN 8. GIRBK^. \rcnt Treaoary Dopartmcat, WiiUiiijj^oc, N. 0. Aug. 9. • 58 T Qeadquarters, Jf. C. UescrTC, ' lialeig t, Aug. 6 io64. J OinxaL Ordibs \ No. 5 I T hsks bien reported to the Li;nt3Q4at G:ner^PI'3ni- manding Reserves, taat deaeri^r? from tha a?ray "•ra jwnaittod to remain uvn»ji??tei in c"rts'Ti r^aaiica of this State. It hereby male the dyiy of the StjiifT’ ResAirtM, to apprcbead axid .?2livs* t j^-a ^ ( Ise nr'??'"*■> Military Cona>andint; acd he 0%pt*ia3 Jl ti-^ eat oimpaaies B^ro »-ada aud will be hjUi vlci': I7 ro- sponsible fjr the ex«cation of this or Jer, in t'lsir :“i:- speotive oo’^ntiea. By oammasd of Lt. General Holmes. JNO. W. HINSDALE, A A. G'sn^r'-.L Aug. 8. (>7-7f f! ftl6*r- McN i;”8 Sfp: 17tb; Grnuam’s ho-t 19'! ; ’I ccrU Hptinpa Sapt 20th; Mrs Birrztt’s S pt 2lj*.; CMthff" 3cpt 22 i Tbe tiT p»yer3 of tbe con .ly am li'reby n»j*ifted tb aUei“i zi *he ti'»’ja *fr:d plact’e sbove etstfd, ft”.d furiiich oorr'c' lis 3 of t'jo fullowiasr cubjjets of i.'s.T'it’on nn . t or h‘ ld or cwaed oa 17th day of Feb’y 1V.'?4, ▼;*: ‘ No. of ao'*^? of Isai eoiplojf'd in agriculture; No , age I s!^i sex cf slavcE do do; No. horees. mules, cx'^a do do; p ng’ e other fvraiiag itai'lc J'.nts d? do, a?ii hU o.baf prop4.(y onplcy?d in njrricalturo Aleo, No. s^'.^es 'jt li.i»4 and other r“il esiate not 1 la a^- fivju; rt; No , r-rn na’ sex of s'.iv-Ja nof. eii;p’'.fi-d in i >gr>'o';ur ; Nj. hcr=-t?Q, siii’cs Rod 3S"iit dcj No. "f CA-*- i il ' (r 'o'yiTie apeoics; No of sheop, goV,? And { N V 0' pcctids cf coltcn an! rofl; No. pruftc -.f tSb-^o i 'tv. b'l’icl'. cjrn. ry--, cv.s tie *i'. i c; - r I sw”*- of p9ia'‘J?8 of ivl r.p-,?, he&u' I gT.'u;;il £.";d ctVr pri'd'ACts of the fsrai, ‘‘rvriiea or o ch*'l. Va' n of fio-Jr, ra:^fri. sajir miis--* bicoa, ' lirJi rnd •’ibr r t'^:Kjari“3. goods, w»tc!» aad la'-rchai'- • d;»c. rp I i 'iiu ’•naors olkr, vincff^p, wi'iffl, A-. Va’uo ' cii all hoas-'b dd* and kiu'.-hra furaiiare, ».7r..a taril A AIofh'’r putt out the *yei of he'^ .SV>ft to k*«p him f'om ihr V-'ar.—A deed to make, humanity bhuJdor waa enactcd recently in tho noifjhbor- hoc'i of Tcrro Haute. Mra. John Eastwick, the wife ct u rcflpeotable i'armer, was the mother of Hcven childrer, all boys. In the c&rly part of t‘',e wav two of these enlisted and served with iJiiell ia Kentucky. Orre ol' them, the eldest, Esirti, di'jd of exposure in camp, rnu hia brother 'I boiuas scon afterward sufiFered an amputation of t'lo ri^ht leg from i'^jaries received in a cavalry c’cirmish. These casualties operated upon Mrs. Knstwi'ik'a mind to Euch a degi’e*3 th*\t she lost a1 f rtitudc aua prcsenue oi mind, and sat during ^hole days »veeping and full of forebodings All.* on 2: her premonitions waa a curious one that bor t’>urd eon. Stark, would die in battle Ai t^^o w»T p.dvanoed and conacriptiou bcj^n, Mrs I >*’3o*r-;rtV’p x-i^^rg ^cw intense, j -^ncl.y tho tiiat draft the h—1 ; £«1 it5 ;"ote in almost every district, and Btark j-ro!n sed Lia mother that under no oircutnfltanees Ws,.iid La go to tho Hold. But a second draft be- iny projected the mother’s excitemont augment cJ Sh * endeavored to persuade her son to leav« the country aud make a voyage to aea. He en- dcavoicd to pacify her^ and lef^ home for a time. On his return, finding her in tho sam« mf'laaoholy frame of Kind, he threatened, io jest, if she made lurt^ -jj* reference to the mutter, to enlist volunta rily. Mrp Eastwick, doubtless laboring under tome Kailnoination, seems now to have resolved upon fho Had act of mutilating her "on so that he sLoald not bo accepted for military service. She held a burning ooal close to his right eye, while he slept upua a lounge, and'the optick nerve was destroyed without more than momentary pain to young Mr. Eastwick JJi it now entirely blind. Indiana Betii'ner. One Good Turn De$crves Another.—A tinker waii traveling ia t.ue country, and having travers ed mnny miles Without finding anything to do, h« stopped weary and hungry, at a tavern Here he ifJt^ conversation with a glazier, to whom he related his troubles. The latter sympathised mth him deeply, aud tolling him he should havt » job before long, advised him to gc to his dinner tiod cat heartily. The tinker took his advice, ate his fill, and when he returned to tho bar room no ^3“ overjoyed to he^r that the landlord required ills services to mend a lot of pans and kettles, which bad suddealy “spT;>og aleuk.” The tinker p.t once fcM to work, accomplished the task, and rejwived a liberal sum therei'or, and started on hi3 way rejoicing. Up ja rcaclilsg the outaidc of the house, ho found UiU glazier, who said: 7^” see i told the trath. 1 procured you a job* of work snd how do you think I accomplished it.?" ‘‘I am bure I cannot tell you,” rejoiued tho tinker. “You told mo you w«re W(>ary, hungry and pon- nilosa 1 knew the landlord was w^ell off and tto'ng » go°^ bu6iae«8, so^I watched the oppor- t'larjLs, and a heart full of giatitude, resumeu bis jc'urney, br.t he had not proeeedei many varin before lie raac'ieJ fclio village charch, wben ft bril'iaat idea atruok him. The glaairr b:frisnded bim—be would befriend the glazier The church he thought could afford to bear a nli^h* los3 in •>. good cau'c, so taking a position where he could not, bs seen, he riddled cvory vindc-;? in the edifioe with stones; aad theii, higlily e!?\ted with his exploits, he retrHoed his 8tf 03 r,o liotiiy tho glazier he would speedily have a vzTJ important job. lie met the glazier at the door of the tavern. “Sir," said h:, “I am happy to inform you that iorlnne has enabled me to return the kindness 1 rcoeived from you aa hour since.” “How so?” as&ed tho glazier, pleasantly. “I have broken every pan' of gla3‘ in the church,” answered tne tinker, “acd you, of course, will be employed to p’lt them in again.” The glazier’s jaw fell, and hii face assumed a blank expression, as he said, in a tromuIoTiB voice, “You don’t mean that, do yea?” “Ce’tainly,” replied the tinker; “tuere isn’t a whole pane of gla^s in the building. One goad turn deserves another, you know.” “Yes,” acswered tbe glazier, in utter dcspai', “but you informal scoundrel, you have ruined me, for 1 keep the church windows in repair the yearl’* between fmo Opini'tns.—A iter ia ihj Montgomery Mail furnishes the t>ysiowi-g L08T, the proper oiutikoriti?a to iseu’? tj xao di’pi-.rat j o ’ ot' s»id ocrtifiMle URIAH SMiiEasisanoB:^. Ftyettevillc. N C., Au^-; 10. 18;54. 67-3tpl. iricident: A yiokee “b'>ld soldior” having ciepc up be hind a tree rataor oi >so tj our works at (Jold ilarb -r, .was discovered by our boy, who bru'igftt 6ome dozen danserous looking muzzsk to bear on hi a u.ud ordered him to “cjine in.” Y'.ffk hefii- tat >d; “bang, bang;” th«3 dirt and bark .f the tree va.5 kr cckod nboufc his ears. He sew be wa? “in a and bO coDcluded to come in, lor whicn p\irp'?;t; he laid down his pun. Seeing his ob- . . , , iec*. l)‘.s yankeft brethren begin to fare on him. pnttirer fLii» C!:ar-'.red his mind and ho started lack to ' th lu, >v'>eicupon ii whole ‘ pos*ie” of rebs let fly AU prop-rty an 3 ‘i-jscts rVapttiLH! WE are now tuaftsug a very su. ^ror trf.iclo c'TJAf’- THA, whioh wa recommard to Arai'.a&lr^ asl Rsil- ro'da. It may be used for o'eaning the as wall the most er>BimoQ Ma;>hia'ry. and it ia Bap^r^or to tlio boat oil for claA&ning flrnns of rast, &o. MOORE, GASflWELT. ft CO. An«. S. 55 Tjm fi*almai Cbristi Bcaa«. THB Bobseribor wUl pay tte hiisllest cush prt«-«o for aay qn«ai.itj of CMfrtl>.eac!». J A- WO'R^'nJ fVt 5 . J WAiWEO, ' I WISH to buy a gooi Htva BlaciLimith and two «r »hreo likely yomg boys or Rirlj Aov h»»lij • such eaa ad ireee mo at Areras.-ioroi’, N C. “ „ D MoN. Mcl'wAY Harrett ^0 , N O , Aug. 8. 57 4^ i>ow .^^r-iv-«7 AiJROWN cow, liiAik.,' i ‘ru'iP i"> • ' '•!'r' t’T-*: "i- bit botii cars, medium a»£e. Any iaf0"'0ik.i0u wiil be obderfolly received, and a liberal rsir>r'l pa'.J i}r k«t tMovary, by Mrs. K. M. WALKER. Hkt 19. 8sble ol S^laves. At Lambortou on > ae 4il> M' u j*y of this month, I will a. II at six months orodit or lor 0 i«h in new iaace— two slaves—4>«lonKing to the estate ef the late William H. Willia. The slaves an geod servants aad reUabl*. WM W. JOinU^ OesouiAMMK. A«|.^ Wanted—Wood JLand. The undersigned will give a fair price for a welF w.wded tiwt of LAND of 100 or 200aere^, on the ,r.«id at any poiat betwe«a Joneaboro’ aad Favettaville. Wood pitch pine boxod or nc'juxod ' ’ ’ liENRY E. OOIjTON, Ageat K. R 0'> Favctteville. April 1!>. ^ j^l^Ua and 0.\T3 tt-U bu cxchan^.a t>on , the MoLftunn. bysi^: ,.- hi® * f, ^ Eotio*). Fionr ^ood, (>5*t» Jio, J. bi?:k or whitj 2a J Yoimg’§ AriiluBetieal DicUonai Embracing a systen of Arithmetic, Beady I ’.eokon- er.Iat«c«aiOaUa]ator, Book Keeping. Fora s, 4 f OT8. oil r’C-.k.’. TO'V 'fcrl'f* ?.rl ‘tid o whisLutr iaco!'p*‘'r(j-i*i vr nit Oo.d «vo I silver 0 in, g>l i dum, tr^U -ad silver 1>ullio > Anouat of all 3Jlvat Gi’ls hll etber pr.per is-Haed m carr.'tsfT (exoepl uo** ii*ifrc9‘ ’ Varinqr Coaf«d“r^:a T^ctsnr» aot-.'s) and dji eai 'ioyvi ,in N t~xed on^.floss' V%bio of aM tnoucj^i h-’ld abroad, . bi.lB of exibangs on foreiga oonatries. ValiX'3 0/ ft'l • arfioles 0/ perscail cr mixjd property col eni’ rtced la «be f jregoinc- Tue : 'o^lfi'lor will rtt?nd W’th tha A^se'^’r? at the •abcT'' 'o’" St* r p'irpo"c cf cci! jtiR^talltho 4SX doe tha Cj G ’vercnicrif- in the c »uatj hVANDE.T. MoGILVARY, \ JOHN 0. JAOKSON, |A .s,u&o.s. '^p.rlhs^c. Aug 12, 18^>4 —A LSi.^ — The Asp-'n^orp for Tix in Kiid will bo at thi above srpo'ntrnents f-^r (bi? pnrposo of Ii>^ting the crfits of W!w“,vt. O.^t?. Rve. our?d ilay aad Woe!. !'• ia request ed tii*t ai* ppmonis oanctraed b« prompt in »tten sic^ to this niaiter. E. R PATRIDG?:,! . D M SINCL.UH, /‘ J^g^l5 RIchRiond I'o. iX. r. [ m, at hi r. ■ V»; k fjuickly came to a perhaps to wcigii the fl';ucc3, b«'th sides halk>oing tor him to come to th 'ra. Wisely deciding tha rcbs wore the most dangoruuT Tnarksmeu, he turn''d and atarted for them at soinGthiog a little above a double-quick. Til'S who^*' vinkee Ui?e fired on h m; bui. dc3pite of ssvoij'y ii.c Tards of open field and thro© tum bles •cbioK he tjok in the race, he reaciiod our lines in e-f ty, wiih a” alc:ost breathless 'ChTist A’niifibtv! how ;yurc fellows t-hoot! He said he had H se tman until rcccntly, and gave his name us i?'»i^'t'.d the Sailor. Doubtless hi* advent into tbo robe! inrs will compare favorably with yoma oi' I) e adveufures of the hero of the Arabian Nigiits Kockliigbani, f'hyffsc .It-iot. —A reccnt discovery Las brought to !i"fit t- o fact tlmt Jew's are very nuaierons in Cb’na A Jewish officer in tbo British navy eatiiurit '! at one million. It wa^ by niero lui- • 1 ^jcciJcnt that this community of Oriental ’!iina ond’TPigpcd w'.u'd ri?9p-'C‘*ally inforia *1 p . ^ j discovered. The ofScer refi*rrcd to 5_ r»id Mio rublie Tcnsr-iUy t Si at .ho J*;' '• up oije ot their rivers and observed a largj ,.r.U I I'd, blit Coahy, obtaiuing au int«rvi« w with ■ihra. P tbnn.l i» T. I i' bndcd undei his protection, and *G *V.V, cu crt’iar W:ll pprp.5’. of, ' • T Toh'-.ico, ^ t » Th |N«fd-er. K'n> Pi" k ' ■ I. TO cd i “ Lsu3a'J"-m Ctrrrher, A’ G—E«r. l-.l”* Su car rni C'*T-, u^S*" ^0 ■^iU h?- tcr oa the r> *«t firorab-e ter^-S n.vj cf ' Wi r at G TO* him a o?ll. if you wtsh ir ^ Wi r»t WILLIAM H ILERY, S** .1 MABniad b« Carter as a Har* CP • ;r«—^3, i'lf, S -ice. £ tha.itaoi fenaerly aeoopi* t bf Carter ■*62$ MPUfciW tho cl i«.ir I ibund, to h‘s astonifihraent, an iniiucaso pr>pQ-a- tion of Jews. . « — — • Qt'v, Jolipst'^n —Wc eaT'n that when the crC/’ mv raade the idvanoo on Macon tbot Ger J Johnstou tooX the field promptly at the ht-ii of the impromptu forccs that were reined tc defend the city, and the number of hia oommaud proved equal to the emer^caey. Hurrah foe the (JljiteDt old ehitClMn.-—

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