THti Af.iUAMA AND THK RKARJAiiB. The f .llowin;? Hoofficial oomiimni ’aU«n, sayH our thrj Seatincl, hns beon p!»wi »t JiHncHil by tho Secretary of tho Navy:— Pawis. Jun« ‘JS, 1P64 * « * s^r.j v»9 I'D bo»rd the At»V.»xu^ „,jar T'V f'lr h-r Ift-I, «.P I rben sha ttotuudnr 'f" Si*, a i. .’Mi-.Kf. »'-id tb*- bat*!*; nl ,i.*rv Vl ..>,f10i*o th'i ‘h? / --^r-■■■•■'■1 r"c- '? ■ fK-n olhcru ^.,*1 -vj;.. •v’*!" iv) j i »1* I R»*» ini . IQV«0 •• y mi’ i in d rt.i!ed f> m. nncr ,1? I 3.»f-ir9 I begin mr >forT, h iwerer, let »»»’ cnni.oTt TfMir »ih;l .‘C «>• sur^'^C'! fVi»t tr.S ' hv"’^ oiir S'lip i.n4 Lsfcr .‘»v urdoiiot^'il;^ 3uh sin^d u heuvy h ' t..: 1 ^-n c .iivi*;? -.' inni wf i in prc«- ; . • b' i ■ okdt-’i’ n i«. !* ft-* V rfl ..*!’ 10 u.'ici. Cft&s* •.* • r'li'.ib ares'- hw^’.o p*o- jl \ '.'iJ BccI* »n tl'. '*l •»■;• >«;*>! mftJ** 'o p'i. > II ■ »' . •fir u.-iJa:.'. k.'.j ^xwsln'Uf.'l, «jrnn?rit iho luij'ts rtf '.fiK* Fffion p>.niii0, »«i ftusounl o'.jD-pi'?_v «n! >.h'.irt»ii^!» oii.' p?op'.’ \'bioh *■>? 10 i'.'ti r pnsgiti’c ecu'd »e f"e cbls.>cd, rtsI • ht*'* r-if c*f I'nr ■?; ?/ t!’’ —•V tn.'n^'r llini*. pood wlU 1 Atl fiPuli: for i»>t " il ti> po -l viii i' vhc onsyn!'' i to «'*f \=> *•!' I'ritrd be hue uudoultoUlT tcea r-st^ftin r i by nant of fiympathfltic feeling on th« part of th? ns'it'D ** l*Tgi*, «s feel'njt ifbioh thi ■ rncst heroic battle t»a kip 'Ifd »r. tbe Und 1 will now i*’l' ■>'^>u I p%w in det»il: 0* Frld*y, T7tH, I heard il.'i Sercoies ) sent k lett'-r t•:> Win.slow, »o.ifp*ing *Se fffar of 1«, trtioh *^0 h%d insnltingly aivi.j him. by «t^»*?2inir arouad his fillip «')d tLea cut of ■'!? h*rb«r—waioh is not a n^iur^’ one, but protect >*d ty !v Vrei.kwjUpr CTcr 7h'0bi the ocenn Is in siK^t the in%u >.24 h%rhar. My son h*d b«en crl'rci to T!*j:>iu bin sbtn. sr \ I i^ «h« cif*.st of R'ltUrf bim re«.i» fo ].>sira on J'tow^nj' I huvileol *« rm p» kcd vp »nt 9«art.?d him off in tliree hours »o join his elv'p. I ~m'il t»oi, hftTB h«d hi"» mi^« '’C *■ r iJi* w^r>* iffxi a%j I B?ttkd iny affi’re and fol lowed or. tHe wc'ad ir»in after. I arriTed in Cher bourg fk. i". t>e iarrninff. ! T?ent lajt».'.^i*t.>i7 ''"wu to *b ? pier, :«.&•! L«d •^ot tko i-’Mt .JifSjutty m itoi i^c cff M :brt >-aip t^-«n w th her steaui np *n * appawni- ly ‘.bcut fo raoTi 1 ea&cot expT^'B fo jio the feeling ^ith irh'-h 1 w»jyi»d rcund her deok?. The offioer*«, inMudin; Senmcp, l"Pkod roagb jaded »r.d worn out. Thp mer »ere r.^njh 10 ' bat a'fine set of fel'»wa I h^d ll loBsr tslk of »” *'oc- v'fh 0(‘'rinsfl VFhi'u I io’.d him I ha I ciaao ou ei;'T»“«'7 *'* rff>r my *»rvioi^ to him, he tS-nkp.’ Tf ’■•'t 2'i.! i* «r»>j in>r .'F"iMi» A.r fc*.ra »o m c.*p* '''i'ts, Pi'.ich M. .‘‘0 Fon' J ’o ttenfor fce 00': J T'f,- d' -’o witton: vir 1-it‘pp an 'raplied cb.lg^ticn to iiio F'^*nV t'.'vcrnasp'U 1* ' w.-rr; to ^t^cajpi :o gi^c you an ide» cf t'je laagr- n!f x^.i ppiri* I'.at p’-sTaUeJ oa board that sbio. I ithon'd p?''jrly fail--i »oinot*>?nj5 beynpd an«’iMng I ey?r iDi*ginc.u—it w%« wildly herofo Whc" tbe or der was it'^en “lift an^ho’.’’ they fairly 4aw aroard wlia ibe ««p«ian. was a« calm aa thou(;h be were to’.nt' to ehuroh He 8^sined to ha?o weighed tito a«M.'cr w«i’ in hie o»" Toifd, and de«ertainatiou waa n»«rktil ia ^Terr line 0* fis oo^o^fnarc* War noble Ala--*U!4 had eoiroeiy t"rns‘d her bows to s^vard whbQ ^tie K^aruai^e o»m> in Rtgbt to the eastward Tft.’* two aaife-iieomcd od to seaward, c>n »er«iM» towards oh ct»er The Frenoi* i*-oa cl'* Corronne woc^ cul t. «ee th*‘ fliey did not join i«su‘^ iKtliu French waters. ’Ttr»8 a r^nlar Jno', a-, tfee piers bre&kwater. hos!d-t''ps. uiasta of »he n.(»a-of war. hill- ar-iuod lae town trcri 11 orowd.’.i by tton #an '2 of p ec(».t jrs tcT*itnesa th’ n^abai. aa they would havr ass^ttiMed to wit^irt-a a boll tight. It w»€ very *•■»- idem ihK*. the 5.?mj'»;cy war* •jDi'reriia’ ia fa«o^ rf th-'’ Alabtma. She looked so much tb9.11 tt-j Xear aagc that ja-’g4 sinp'y by lye I sbonlJ proLonac^?'^ the 10 be cn^-third larTcr. i brA ■ple'iuid glact«,2, aiid cool.l «ee efcry moveme''.t and I ■aw at a g'acc* tha» tbo Kevr^ajt? had muon f^'e ad- vant?g>» iti sp>'‘u The first jtin v*9 tired by th«> Ala bama The two ahip.o then passed prpRcnt-ng tiieir eiarhoard brr'^dside Alib-ma ou'B'de Bru^- Bidet ’*^ro discharged in ca33-zg an' tbs fl’'i ig b‘cac!6 rapid and T**ry bea^y Th? Alabama tred mnch the fast!s‘. I should «ay three gun« to two from the K'ar- ■age; tut gi'.e serned to fira h'j’i, for I o.'fuld isary her shells burst ^'ry hign 10 tbe air, while thoff? from tbe Kearsigo burst Tery near tbe water They had bni“noed to wisen I obeerred »n( remvk- •d oc the dilf>renoe in the eol>r of >ho smoke from the con? of the two sh’pa- If taair dlffaranca id aU» ka^d •»_»» «iMVvs^ ni« VO thfm, 1 oonld havn done it by t.*;»t. Tae srf -.ka from tbe Alabamti wia !!¥■: paff* of heavy stean. while that from the Koarsage waa muoh lighter atsd I am now thoroughly conv noed that the nnpreoed»nfed oruig« of the Alabama had more sr l.’ss iamaated her powder; for, In at two in- •tances, I hwsinne asoertalned that hfr shot failed to rena'fite tbe rhip when they atrack the naked wood —one of which strucV h«r sfempost, and h*d it b«^ proper p;i* ! shou'd b^**e ds‘royed '» th ber rud- d-r and cretr. It .-inly stuck m. SeverRl 8tn:2k the or*in a m»r, aad l&e dipfance s^onld hate gore throiifh a-;H i;Ko hfjr bjiler’, bu‘ *hcy hr-'ke the chai,n and f t( hirinless It w-> - pyidf^ni tha» the Alftb»m* w»s crippl*il: fcr she made sail ard pet her eead in ehoro. Tcey ha*i ih flgst i"' a rlrol", ninn?”K r.'uni • ronirson cen'rj »hon- aeren tiirc-a The K ..rfigj, U'ireTor now ca»re "p. rapidly pas’'Rg '.he Al-hjroa on the port side. deliT?ring her he^Ty broadside from the starboard gun-'; bat re- oeivicg only twi gais >n answer It wa» all oter; and »t 12;^.0 oar nobie aai*' went down etsrn forem^at, and oar mi>ieribb. bated foe steamed by in triuraph, with her 8-j','crBei flag? fl,:ing froK ber m*£the-«ia 1 wcLt to my room ai.d staf an account of the affair, and then started cut, ifce hopo *h,^l s?s:* '*f tbe brare fell'-'ws pioied up r.y thv Itrats iJint I kne-* to be out. wouli be laniio^, I w«s jujt in time; fori p%% mt i;'‘owi ri(«hin' lo’^a-Ja the laniing Pmaisg rny «»> tbrou^h 1 ••a.n do^ru t'?e step.^ jatt 'n time to meet a l.o%t Up ?--,i Lt .A^ir-iroBg, Mr "rooks, Ap^jpt aa: Enr'-J'rr. i-,p ea-l n)*ker, and seran non They were .-.i o uf’f-, ;hod and thiyropiThj' wbt. s.nd Mr .'■'-.-'T'-ig -»-is ’Ufht.y Toa^'ded by a piece cf fi shell ’ e>-s? iim ry »r-n, »n ? l.llir.F ti.e ro*»t to f I- r ' gh the crowd t i mr Jio’p' Ab m or. vB wj » ri-' 1 'h»»r.\ s'ju'i na.tisd Vfars placcd in n:y h«' ^ a pr.nV.^r • ■ f "^’uahl"i paperR that had bren oominiti--; :o ■-P - re by S •nTnes Thii hmva fallow had beer pio'-^- a- by one of the bo&i^ o* ii.f K^artare, hat h’ ,: 'n! of h»r s.«d pwam to t»e pilot boa', at the g*- i-r ; i. in > r U r fha*. ba nisrbi. not f^i! I wutt tne snonts tnar. went up iro«i DurKtuiaui. i’ts; 1 to quarters, •’'d ick? after jDke went ruun ’ until two tT'Doneots are now within *an»i»ot; •> :^t ».^e .r i« mi^r^ •••— kW-wv«arlt>,»tl^ry! ►«•»-»! fi-- : tain, offiw^r^ arid -ihlpmatoe whom they loved, , r^nrn'»d .» Fan. to ha*.* aon.e arrangements made f pt'fwib’e, fjr the to«r rffioers whom the held, -ind --cfased to leafo on parole. The following i« inside ▼’ew, from one of «he gal lant p«rt5c'’'anB: Lnst.o’*. J'jlv 7. m4 —rrm ecmi-croe this AUbama’fl ar;.W*I in Cherbourg, irh.ah waaoa th« 11th \ltb»Ui.*\ van to h^»e hatilnd Into dock for ra- bu» ih- apo?»r%u^ of tbe K*«an.ago altered our Pbnr >V^ wero oue t^oeh preparib-s the fWp fer ao- lion Knl 1 nee^ n^-t toll you lookod forward to » d'a Pi rate b«t cno 'inter 7*ith her. But fate ti- 'ttrr -icr superior uumVrn, gu«9 >.iid t‘Aa*« C‘arf- Jiw d-’cid-jd »^air«* ii'« and ha world r0i"ow»)ed A!a- ift ?■' Ti ••» tadn® Var tlnal rp«* in IS'': h\st‘?r)0%I (if not eiaH' icil) wate>’-i cf the Kcttlish obaauel H jw like «orHdi*d dear by ihc ho»jn'l6, I’nHl, nature out, tarn-t to b*f, ai.d af ‘r i eallant ^«j^h», dies uear tbo foicst that gava it htr«,h Th"' paveif will of caurtto ci»fl v.,m a'l t'lP pa^tl luHru of the^ffvr -ind ail »c-'uuii!‘i t*ken fr^ot the Ea^liab pr*«5s you may rely u >en I ha»o rca-J all of tb»nj, and tl^d theoi lu the io-»In o 'rrcc' I will *>dd t little, not much, for as you can Imacine I have h«r! ho msnv quootions ask^d about it that I aui quite worn 'ut You cannot imagine the eroitement in i.berbourjj the moraing we ateim«d ou*.. It wat a Iotc- V Sabbaih day, and the b^y oivered with yachts and men of " »t; about 12 miles out lay the Reartage, in our rear the ciiy wiih its frown'ng fortifioation? .Ka noon as th" horbor wft'’ cleared tbe officers and erew wsfft as 8en;4>1ed on the quarter d»ok and an address re^d them thfl oapiain A pin might have been beard ic drop until its couolu3*on, and then onr timbers Mtually trem bled with the sbonts that went up from our gallant tars; then th« t and the Alaharaa opens tb« bail that ia to «era»ia*t* m brr otf«r dfrHfnc*ion For one hour round and r.«'!id, '^ithln 300 yMda. bro*d»iue broadaiJelo ero:iM>g d Afout five minutes *'«er the o.jmir.ea'jcmcat of nt an entire broadside froi>i the Ke»r- ■aro gfri'ok u-». th.2 r?»n lall but om* from the port ide the afUrgun,) were swept aw»y, their blood and fcrait'r rovoncg me from head to foot; the sume thi.»g bapn.'ning at tho other niV'it Tho apswrr to this was a ehcer from our gallant t»oys, which aotu ♦lly drowned the roar of the guns Again and again the pivots were manned from the other guns, and again 4Qd ag«ia swept away. 8uoh a scene of carnage may I utjver Bee again. At lvt tho cry is beard, the ship is (inkir.g. The co’Pm-'n'^ Is pa'ssed below, ‘ All steaui. keep her far 'he land,” the an3w»r i.s. “tha flret are •uf. w^» oanrot go aheac*!” Tbe K it now uuJsr our etern; pounng in broadvidcs. ^cd raking U3 from stem to stern. The Alabuna is now iyia a helpless wreck, rapidly sinking;, lae men, oa!m and o«oi aw^itini; their fat»» My CBuspe w»i wonderful I am 0i..vcrfd win s.ight wcnsds (root ac:;d u 'o'tt An ll-in'a aoa'.l ex ploded under me, tearing up the deok; another un ter on^ ef roy g^n^. di.^nj^nating it, and « fr*gR:ert taking off a'y oap, jtc. A' la^t the tiri&g oovfcd, and 1 had mys^lf ujburt; but now another desiruotiuo stHres me in tbo ft>os; thj shio has S'ttt’ed entirely out of eight aft; the order has p^ui, “All hacd« save yourselves ' In a mooieat th(t water is covered with humasheadf; 3tiU I o^n90t make up my mlsd to leave the gallaat old >.hip At ia«t all have Ufi—I s-.*ad aloce, mj o^mpan- ijns in tho water oaliing ou*. ‘jump ovsrboad, tUp abir will tnke you d.?wn with ner ” They hal SQtronly fipokrn. wbon do;rn she went, 1 with hor; in fow uiou'ouic 1 oame to the ^urf*oe and struok ou*. for a pp '.r Bca’-. After ewimiaiag for about half an ho ir, was pio>cd up by the Kearsajte’s boats, but see'ag the i£cgtish yaoht Desrhoand engtf>'4 in the samo I wa’^ibed lay ohanoc, ^nd Jumping ovorooard, sw.vm un diioovared 10 tho Dieriiouid, w-is taken on bo'kr'1. taken to douthampioa, and now here I am, again Our re.'cption ia mof>t grttifyiag Last evenicig, I •pent at Lady Franklin’n, widow of Sir John, of Arctic memory; mel there a inraa number of the no>>ility. To ni^’bt I cirae wita Lord luvitait'na 03me »u fraiu morning till night 1 have had a private box at the opera present' d t> me; in ioed, I am qoite a iion; and r^onid wiiii^ffly j*art with ad my hanors to have the .Alabama siill etioat. and after the war to have steamed her into Charleston. FOR TUX OBSiaVSE 9gi John P Dewar, Co I, BIst N C T, and youngest «^n of A H Dewar of Harnet:. couiity, was shot thraogh tiie bead by a sharpsho'jt*r nar Petersburg, Va, and lUetactly killed on the 30th June, 18t>4. The Soalharn Confe3er!\oy has lost no truer or brarer soldier. He waa a fhithful member of the >iothoJist Church, and whili his aged parents and brothers and sisters are much grieved at the «udd«in death of their son and brother, yet it ia a h^ppy oou3olation when the/ think he was pr.-pared to meet his Qod in poace J A *. Kl!1Mr!5Kfl (^F thK M)NFP.I)ERATE aTATK3 I prio«8 - ^^tri M«.ofMturor», r.ilro.d oompanie. .nd | THE AMMUXTToH SX->I.08I)H AT riTT POINT to s*‘^r. :aAPt tn the vjter. w’s’O' h -' h»i pjiRbt. not f^i! ;eu hi3 oipiai: ard comfoite.V'' ic of ic” ; !;/r e>50i of the ■.'T»a, »ad cr ■i -I U’ i ci'ipcr ft'i rcc'd c-Ttf^ri ,^'lp »rlcn Ur Q.»it ;!*, wi'h t^» VTPuno..'d fli wt.- cf tl c Tir.ii won’d h» landed '.’If r.t oo^rdthe c»r- -i'id UiCd of “• '^tl" 'Jg. '•• •?- - *, _. ■. »« tT a-j. --.r' or »h- t -o see t^ ?*- rhrHi.'ifcl ..i tbade .d. V long lici^ -.r fo'n, »ich ^ith ’t« wb oicth- dere! I b»' , ' oa!E8 i* >•' ’ ; in SnforZ!-; i Ti ; f. ffiV at oner penti-f'.• • c As ^ ' I o ; comn>o * .* • ■' t) ■ • ' the i su'l I soon tAmr up witJ „ . _ , blc>-d7 I- r.»r.-. mf >vc froc f*re Aiabasia an^ tlr^i* fron the Kearsw, otrric ? on tbe shcul'icrs of ‘'rtiioh siil- ors. As I 'Jro»-' by porae of the brtvTe fellows recognis ed me, and rii-jn? 'bomoelve.t op, cheered fo- the Ala bama a d ('■■*]>{ Thfir br*v.j spirits wo'e ctill utcruq 'no French pHlors ar.d ro’diers took itur—»ni tbin 5: the f^fl?-r> yrKsh I cppt-k of in the l-'K^ '?' .ry T.Sir-», tSjg |«rribl« lo-’a to us h;n •w»!»“nri ?c h«-»rfp f ih« F ero^ propje, and wh'i»h I l^!rk, "ill be frort.' t > us •» Jii -nAla- bamts NotU.ux Cf-tt’d exceed" tae )intneb» of the French cCl iers. Had o^r ratn taeir own they c.'Xild not h«v» ehowc oore genuinn eympatljy aa^ Wndn»>8rf. f’-oia th® snrgefa d/wn to tho nareer; while thr prrtrncc of t!jc:c pwsct Eigt-'ra of Charity was, in U'^cl*, * runbefta;. ■» * - I mu t dyrtas ajifti«' to epei>k pariicuJsrly of these ma;ned i-.nd %r.ui:ded ipeu If the spirit of the crew of th^ .V&h:i ft »afi grar'.l raen tihe went cut to the un- equ»l c-'.nie«t, wbat can 1 oail that rrf those roble fel ’owe £».'■>? I* -trii'-k’ evrn the irrpulflivc Fr»*ohaaer with adr.uratioa Tf.oir firet inquiry wae about their oaptain 1 nd cfficern. ana when I ircq able to t«U them tiafe, thei* delight was unbounded. Even while eitduTiDg t»>e pain of having tkeir wounds dresa- M they pa’p «»tttraD*«, ia «x jlamat'oos, to tho de^re t&v the. wgSt poon be np and with »nothe» ohauoo »t that Rb'p The m n^dc-i r'da ocmfor'able, cttme the (*8k of r-anag n^fn 1, u' onsf on rJiore, of keoping them ii *ood htjnro- w>th tbe-^po1v«. „d with the oouutry of their adop.if ' In m1 .t-»o 1 «i->o?ede4 br^oedmy sioM Banguinr e-r-, ,-rw.-^rB Th,>v 1 *0 ved r- wr!l d ahc-- M no« ;i tl. . 1,:..., ^, iir,p-f^.,jaa I ureed th'n S.U T- Ve..- Pobei, r^mtu.'jcr ihe-^ maf’e % • nu>e Tti^h they nu-t not tsrnitfc, a:id tht,y oame fu iy uf to rr.^rk A- ntgat ;Sey mtda e Con federate prd ae.n m'.r»»Iof evrry man waa »ob-*> Md reaJ" f.''•'*5 ehiu'Tt,..-? qa rUon!d^i^ to their with ti»g to fr'sr.' I ,rap. prond'to one 0" 'ue ?»w tu follow femt oortoga. J3rerj7rhrr«, M W9 pe8e«. tl«» peopit»rl nroovsred, and tti utl most BVt 'p%''• y P'Iwr; rOK TBI OMSRVIB. Killed Inotaatly, Ckriyiu?, me ool->rs in from of his regimant, in 'he battle of tl^Ha-er Juiotion, 2.'11 M*? ISUl, C*>»t Ndill ‘J MaLfod, Oo K, 34.a N U X, aged 28 yenrs, 9 mjuths and 20 days B3ra in the ooantv of Mcntgomery of pious and rcspccied parents, and Uught t& eprvf. hip Lord, he w*3 a faithful foibwer of Cnrisi, ard oelovad by his paron'n, frioaus and all who knew him He waa a true and faithful soldier He vjtua t3e?t>d Iti.h of S^pt 1861 aad served &a a n3d-a''nitaiM lion :d rl&'Ter uuiti the i^attle of Kiohmond Be was the ■ elected 2i Licui. He served truly and faithfully as an offioer and soldier, exccpt while wounded, until the fatal ball took aid precious l;fe. Bat wa do truly hope that our loss is his eternal gain Ue was wounded lu the battle of Manassas, 26th Aug 1862, and again at Qettysburg on tht 2J July. About ih ly. of May ho was promo>ed to Captain of hid Ocmpaaf which be had bravely command'd ever sincj His Com pany has lost one of its aobles'. «nd best offioors; his eountrj one of its noblest eoai, t^e ojmmuniiy r. nobia brother, aad th» Cburca a noaie b'otae anl ful- ijwer of Oiiri:3t Well may hid ooaitry ba’proad of suoh a son, and may his name bj written higu on the^i p4g*sof'ama and honor Long will hm m.:mury be oheriahed by hia eorrBwicg frisnds. Bat they sorrow not aa tho»« who have no hope. b'3iug fu'.ly a^dured that ttieir loss is bio cterual gain Uc died in triumpa of that precious faith in whioh he livdd. FOB TH£ 0BS£aVS3. Died on t&* 4’Ji Juao I86J, from woaadd r.iueiTol on 21 June at Tola Jarior, V.», Sjt Murdooh I) .\loLeod, uo H, 4im N X, igel 23 years, 5 rajutau*r,d 14 days. Thns lias ‘alien »-iiolher of M ja gomjry's noble flim. 'Weil may North C^roliaa 63 prcul ol Buoa >i son, aad b'.t eh livi higa oa the pa^re of nibtor/. Nevt-r Ji) a nobler vouih f»l- i.t dcf-jiioo cf h:s vututry. H« r . >.he uird bruther that h.'»a friiiea i i the laiat montt.t, Hia C ut orothor, K J fe ii': vji.ityeouig, Idt Jaly 18t>3, hud nis acts.', 0»pf»in jn ■J MoLeo.', f. il on tao 2i i of May, *jd then ae th. oa iWe 2d Juae—taree of th3 nobl'^i broihgrs th t o»er we?« in Conrader. e Rervice a»/e fiutea m tuo ehort anwe of twelve moatha. .Mjirdooa vuiu;«*eared '6tij of -VI»-.-oh ihOi, ADd served throU($n all ti»« figu'tt and maiuhes waich that Dobic rcgineat ptsjed irit^xout ever beiag wounded until the fatal ball struok him He was tbe prile of hisri&jera and oomrt^es in oaiap, fall of pa'ri'-iism. seal and honor, actuated by pi:iTicipleH noble and gjod, and ever ready and wiiling to dis- cswpe his duty both in q/imp anti od the baitile-field. lie lf»vcn an affeotioontc fatuer, two siBters and two aiilal*rga oircli of fritndo o mou; n thair irreparable Hus Hut we m^urn act as thoogh. we bad ao hope, lor wa do truly hope that ha is safa in, hc4vea. foa TQi oBssavKa Died 00 221 September ^803, Irom wounis t-eoeivcd in ttjo batt.1., 0* Gatt/rfharg. F*. Wiliiaui Eenry Ok.y Ee«»cG, Co Q, 2tiih N C T, in his 21st year. A more open hea'-ted, geutrous pers.^n waa seldom found; a warmsr hearted pa riot never livod; and a bettor so’diet never died He never shrank from any duty; thrvugh heat or cold, nigh; or day he was ever ready to act m any ca pacity where duty ca!i«d Taougn ae is gone he has loft tn the boBoms of all who knew him an undying me oiory, for uone knew bim but to admire him He baa left «u> affeotiona;« father aad mother, kind brothers loving stetfrs and numerous relativea and t ^it-ads to mourn tiie{r irrep*r»bie loss A FUli^ND. »4 jv. IJiivhatt fit fol owlnf» K’ttor fron t\ = iJ'cct^'y nf ib * Treanury in rarly •> a letter frouv h!ni‘»«If: — TitEASURT Dki*artment, V S. A , ) iiiclnnond, Aup'. 5, lSft4. ) To Uiu EjLCtUenci/ Governor Bonham: j J->EAii Sm: Your very kitid and enooarai«inK j letter (.»! iho iiOtli ultimo was rec'>'vcd yester*^'’^. 11' it phiil' pr>'Vf' ’0 ba n>y liapy>y 'uiirougb tlio Divine bieshu.jj;, to c>iitr;b'’'‘/e Jq any degree to the weU'are of mv •‘''jijtry, 1 abail be more thuu uoa»D*>*'r'.'tod lor ;i!l the liborn aad auXJCtios V*;jrh .1 'lave been Hppo'tntc'i. Kxprcss’.dns ol cunftdcuoe aud i»ood will un tiie pnrt ot my lovv-oitiiens, sucli as you jiave b^'eti ^ooti eoomih to couvey to me, af«^ most siratoiul aud cuootira- vrin^. r roj^'ttrJ tho Trottsury ot tli«‘ CiMifeil^r^tc States ltd most p?i.'uli:ii y tUf Treasury il th« pt’ople, and there in m)fhiiig in the power ol man tbr.t Wi'iild 8(> 800U rt;store it to a oondition ot ease ftUd prosperity as tl>e universal and geccroua Kupport ot our people There is nothinj^ m its present oircuiu3ttnees to inspire alarm, butoD tbe contrary every m.'^tivc tor oontidcnoe. An all pervading cause of cuibtirrassmcnt and distreBU, hi.s been the character of our legislation. ever patriotically intend-K’, it it not to be denied tb»t iho mea.?utes adopted by Gongresa fcr the reform of the ourreiicy, b'id the unhappy effect ot inspiring the public mind with feelings ot t?ar and didtriwt to tho oours3 that would i^^-ui'-tte* ly ptir.^ued i.-} Tcia*^tin vi t»tat jijtrt, ui'Oie putj- lio debt i« rrprenonfcd by the Troadury Notes. Apprelieasi'n^ t>}' ultimate repudiation crcpt iik-> &n all pervading poison into the minds of the people, »nd groatly oircumscribiHi and diminished tho purchasing power of the Notes. There were mnny distineuished aad patriotic m;n in Congress who earnestly believed that the great, it not the sole, evil of the currency was to bo toond in its redundancy aloi e. And reason ing trom this promi'i'’, they inferred thu a cor responding reduction of this large volmne ot the purcha.HiD!; uicdiuxa, wv)>ild produca an immediate reduction in the prioo of all saleable eomniodities. Others eutertainod a difl'crent opiuion, and, be- iieriag that tho purchasing ^wwer and value of those notes had a critical and sensitive dependence npon the eonlidenoe and ^ood will of these who were called upon to exchange their substance tor them, insisted that a reduction of the quantity, by any measure that di»turbcd the coniid«Doe of the people in the good faith of the Government, would lead to tfbiversal distrust aud stili greatc-r dep*'eciation. The majority was, unhappily, found to be of the tirst opinion, and it must now be univeraally admitted, I think, that tho pulioy that prevailed was erroneous, and the consequences precisely such as had bt'en predicted by those who opposed it. The immcnso rednotion elFected by the tax of por eent’. levied upon the curreaoy, and by the process ot ooiupuUory funding, produced very little upon the pricos ol oymm>dities. Everybody regarded, witn diitrust, a new issue of notes of the .same character as the lant, and resting for their support as a circulating inodium up.>n the f»amo pledges which had ended in disap pointment before That thi« is the true difficulty we have to cn- oountcr, I think every candid person mu^t allow, and I cannot refrain trom indulging the hope that a new and eoua«^cr policy wrl govern our future legislation Too patriotisia ot Congress is not to be called in questioa, nor are we at lib erty to Qoubt thei’ willingness to reoounoo any policy thal may be proven by experience to be errOH^Ujt ;U)di i ' iMme time, should not be silent; anu iu tnis re spect th« patriotic cUisons of tlie great aud suf fering U9miiionweahh of Virginia have act a no ble example. On my arrival in Ikichmond I found that the CommisaioQorji of prices had fixed tho schedule rates for wheat and corn at 930 and 8-4 per bushel respectively, for the months of Au:^ufltand September. The feeling of disippointmont and alarm with whioli I was inspired by this cireum stance, you can easily imagine. This painful feeling was, however, soon changcd for one ot renewed eontidence and hope by the tarmcrs of Virginia. Public meetings were held in the ag ricultural couutica and resolutions adf’pted bold ly avowing the jmpossibiiity of maintaining the public faith if the Govern men J were forced by the people to pay such prices for supplies, and patrioticaHy insisting upon a reduction of the standard rates, and their ciitablitjhmcnt upon a basis sufficiently low tc inspire confidcuco in the currency. The result wa.s that the Commi.'wion- ers reassembled and reduced the schedule prices toS7i for wheat for the month of August and fd' Ssptember. A wiser and more pa*^riotic coune was never pursued by any people, and 1 would rosp3Ctfully appeal to you as the Chief Magistrate of our ga'lant and patriotij S^atc, to suggest and encourage similar meutiug') and resolutions on the part of our own people. 1 have an abiding coafidcnce that a general and well established belief in the intention of Congress under no cir- cumBtanc's of temptation or trial to shrink trom the observance of the most rigid good faith io the mon^y dealings of the Qoveroiaent, will en able as to overcome all our financial difficulties. That such is their real intention I cannot doubt; hut this determination should be eno''uragcd and supported by the public declarations of our peo ple, expressive of their own resolute will to foster tho credit of the Government by the establibh- mr'nt of low prices, and by the patriotic support ot ita Treasury. WhAttver differcnoes of opinion may have existed in tho past, or whatever errors m*y be supposed to have been oomrnitted, *rt%j now be buficd in a eon^tnon grave. We are making a new start in our fiaances, and nnder oiroumitanoo8 by no means unfavorable or dis couraging. Tho expenditures of the Government are of two classes—those incurred abroad, and those in ourred at home. In respect ot the first, there has hitherto been but little embarrassment nor is there any reason to expect greater difficulty in the future. Our foreign supplies will probably be procured wi^out making any addition to the pubhc debt. Tho malice of our focp bute' to this reform. Let ua con*cnt oume*^^ with moderate prices and ko‘P dowo ,ae pubho debt; and not, by extortiiMf *^e highest prices, swell the public biM^^en and distnrb on- own confidence i» * ^e virtue and the reeouroes of the Gov*r**'^cnt 1 remain, dear sir, Yottrrt, with great respect, G. A. THKNHOLM CHATHAM! OOONTy—OyrioiAL r- I Q OFFlCi: ROST qUARTC:R.tI^|iTER, | 4(1 Cooi;;re8sioaal Histriet, Jl. c. {■ J>'ATarTKvix.i.a. N. J , Auk *''• ) 7b the M^armera orthe 4th Congr^eaaiotml District. T'.iX PAYEB3 who have p*»id t’ici’’ Tax t2 Ktad to •f ArTiy Q-. .'Ir’s r Commis'ariet«, or auy i rifijer Con!- o**’-cit :r. a Oomp«y 3f Troeps, etc., any bo'>fle4 i«geut, eie., will f. rwA.d the Tooeip*s to lae aui 1. will cre'lit to*!ir s>s iic%i€s for the samo .1 M McfO»^AN, Capt aud Post Q. M , 4:h Gocg i» at. N. C. j . J^’olicc to Coopers. I I 18H lo make a oontrao*. oa the p*rt it »tie Oovern- J * CTPRS88, JUNIPKB. or LIED OAK 1 pall. h t- fell o-f withftut * tittftacr Vot* one aud . SorghoBi Syrop ust ^d ihe=^-pfcssa^9 0V6t to Soakh*wptte, ko^ita toicap- * Aa| 34 raised the pric^ of cotton to 30d7'per poi'ad’^n European marketa, while th« depreciation of our currency enables us at the same time to buy it at home at loM a«tually than 4d. it is plainly seen that It can bo no diflicult task to draw from our enemies, and from the complacent snectators of this atrocious war, the means of Bupplyin;^ all ljur foreign wants. This would leave us then only our domestic debt to deaKwith, and when it IS considered that all that is asked of our people, und all that the Government ia called upon to pay for, is simply their surplus productions and their services in transportation and mechanical and olher labors, who can doubt the ability ot the people to bear this burthen? If they eave ‘^ 's asked without compensation, they wou d Mk at last no more than their surplus and •would be no poorer fur the gift. How, then, can I he./condition be made worse oy rcociving the money and the bonds of the Government in place ot receiving nothisg? I hope, my dear sir, that you wUl agree with me m the opmioos and sentiments I have expresa- fd, and mav join with me in tho effort to cire a now r^nd^noroa*! impulse to the public sentimopt upou thi. topic of our national affairs. I do nci think that planters and farmer* shomid I n *_rw eight, yankees were killed and one hnn-; nt. (!> j'>i—.‘N'i l.^nTa, dred and twenty-six wounded by the ammunition ! atiriti'Uv ir h .-gwu «•' nKitn t'ti explosion at (3ity Point on tho 9th instant. A | j^p^j t-nrj^int ‘J f'ri;irj witl correspondent of the New ^ o« Tribuut*, who j t|-ev.‘ ban Imt';. ' *> witnessed it, say*: • ine tu rhf ' ‘‘Every iranie-hyvist: in thu t“Wn jarr*jd by | t tbe coiioiirj.';ion alone to the extent ot having its 1 \ h 'It I -'r I i.'h. t;a J- ip^iu.’ pla-leriHg knocked otf, beside other damages j vo--.t- , .n- ^ hy k-. Ag-v.ust tho and .-th , r-.!, -V - obstruftious nt'ar the whavt, and -vc-.i up^m 1' e j kn- be>o»-, tf hili, h’lndreds, and perhaps thouH'iud-, ot ^rokt-, )ii ... n . -’ .J ...1 -ml sMch ^-br-.-, fw th- 1.;., I’r i t;*' n) tn; liu-i V 1 M - 7.1^ C> Ji "J 0*08»»» QO ^ CD ' gcen — CJO ^ Xf •01 — i3t • « M »-«0—'OWg O 9» c. O O •■o O S 01 ^ '9 ^ X •— Ot w 0 s 1^ Mo» — «o — oo.,» — ae'j*'9«c« — X3b--iNig 0> H •-> o — .S »-• ri 4 Confederate TascM. Ilf I r.L meet the tax pavert of the D|7p«r IKatriot of Robraon C'-uoty at Ihe following tines and plae for tha purpose of oorrecitBg soaie orrir* sMdc tpf. last listing (being tho same days on whi «a th9 «aro'*bor of titbea will i>e there ) At jji&lth’s. Aagast 2Si, lbS4; Alfordaville, Angoat; Wiahart’n. Aagu«t26ih; Howeilaville. Aogtut Wtk; 8t. P^al’a, August 27tb; Lumber Brid«, August " . • •• w «. . . »/>, k TLe Tas-paysra of th* eooaty are kereby noiifteJ to attend at the tin«4 aad plaoa#above ttat*d, and furr.iM^ to the aaaeseora oorreet lista of the foUowiag subject; of Taxation, on kaad, held aad owaad ontha 17th Feb'y 1864 Tlx: No of Aoti^ of laad employed in afriooiture. No. age aod aex of elave* “ “ « JNo. Horeee, Mulea and Oxen “ •' No. Pioofhs and other farming implaneu^, d'j Ail oiJier protieriy employed in agr1oaItti>v —ALSO— No of aerei laud aad other Beal Eatate tuit employed in st;ricaUure. No. apf* and sox of slaves not employed ia agTfeulturti Ni 0' Hornes, VuIch and Asses do. No of Gattlo of >he Bovine "peciee • No of Sbcep. OoRts and Hogn. No of pounds Cotton and Wool No Tebacce. No bnahela t’ora and Tlliaat. Ryte, Oata. Rlcn and other amall grain. Valne of potatoe* of all kinds^ p^aa, h#anfl. ground peaa, aad alt other products of the farm, garden or or chard. Valne of flonr, meal, sugar, laolapsos, baoon, Isrd and ether groceries, goods, wares and roerchaaiise, spirit- ous liqaora. wines, cider, vinegar. &c. Value of all honseh^ld anl kitchen furaitore, ai^ricnl tnral tools and implemenui, aod all tooU o.* neob&nics and others, maaioal instmmanta, and ^1 art-'nles of do me* tic ose. No and >alue of wagons, carta, drays and' all other vehiclea on wceela. Value of all gold and a'lver waia and plato,- jeweie, jewelry and watchtiS Valu« nf all bofks, maps, pioturee, paintiugs, atatu ary and other works of art. All property aud aueta of banks, joint atock; eA-n- panles «od corporations, whether incorporatod c T ntfc. Gold and ailv*r coia. gold dust, gold and ailver t ullirrt. Amount of all aolvent oredits, bank bills and a’» other paper issued w e»rrenoy, (except nen^intereo: (.^aricg Ginfederaie Treaeoyy notes,) and act employe a in a taxed baain«R8. Value o' all moneya held abraad, bills of exchs pige on foreirn conntriea. Value of all articles of personal or mixed r. titvtvLj not embraced ia the fore^rting. D S. M0BRI80N, \ae iRflor. Aug. 16 68.«b' r4t hili, h'lndreds, and pcrhapi twisted ami spiiatcrcJ mn-ikf.t'^. -ini SMeh If’.y ill d--i:{h., like straw Orifti.'^l by ibe w tic:; ep . ^!I over tlie ground for »t W.wt quarter ot « uuU* !n-Ui lilt' •'jcne of tue espl;'^ •»!. ^ erupe, o..nni«ter, musket arit^ t^'unic biiHn, puccs ot sbel’.'^, n:*i!s, scr.-^s, b 'l rf '•■f.d boU he''d’, t»n‘. rsl't'ienty ot ahri-p' everythin'^ - wvioJff, iroii and leaden-you cat. fb nk -r.^ .t’fiwn and drifted like liail and chu’-l:s nf ic^ immediately after 2> drcudful h:ui r:to’‘u'. “Kverywhere are Ri'tti' ■ renJi*, denfM, deep abrasions and scarreU of the iron and .‘ac’en storm The thou.^ndth part c%rn.ot be told “My tir^t thought wh'^ that an ammunitiOQ car had exploded ju“t ahead cf the one i was on, and that it would be of little use to try to c.seapc the fitortn thnt Vc'.d ^ope uti and would conac dow>^ that one was about as safe iii cue place as anotb‘*r; oh! !:ow it did ralu and Laii all the tcrribli* ■uhtruuiuiith 0^ ws^r . . “It MO* a valiioa-I ct-r. the amniTunuoc bargo.J. K. Kendriok, that had cxplo'ied Irc m the earrle»?s handling o»‘ pcr-ufif.ion sheila or .hoilo other kind of au:muuitiou, it ia .suppfisod No ODO that’ was aboard ol the \»oat rcmaius to ttjll fLo talc of her destrnctioc. The spHnters that strew the river may be hei:*, or they may be uot The section uf tVe twieted ’•ilw rf a keel that ii:.' ill the SJt^it frequen^’cd ptrt of the town, • n tau hill, two hundred yards dis'ant, ic*i7 be hois '» tHy may belong to one ot her «^i -nppearcd ccn sorts. , “You ha^e read of en^ptions of V csuviu?, feuct* af buried Herculsneum and l*tiop-?ii Tou nave se^n illustrations ot them iu the book.4 i&mt have been such an explosion as oue ol tueso, except that, instead of lava and dust and a.ihet', it rained over the circle of a mile, in whole pack ages and by pieoe-meal, everything you can iro- miine at a military depot. Kotire boxefi of fixed aiumnuitio^ came down auioug the tents in the town, a quarter ot a mile distant, and eoarcaly a tenti or Loubc, or boat, c»n be lound within the circle ol a milo that is not riddled by bteil, »oiid shot, or >.ma)l ammunition. “How many were blown in atom.® into the river trom tbe Kendrick, irever to be heard ot, is cot known. The capt*^]^ ct the Kendrick is saf", having been absent at the time of tho explosion on another boat. The other boat« entirely drs^- troyed and sank were the Gen Meado aud t'if J. (,’. Campl'.-.’l. “The ma.«sive pine wharf in front of where these boats lay, which was bolted down up'JD piles and .sleepers of piue tree’, i^ bri’shed a.-;ivic for about a third of its length, as it it I d beeu made ot the paper 1 write cn, while tiie substan tial plank 'varehouse, with Djissive hcatnt', built for at least a quarter ot a century, has bee'’ crash ed nearly ite entire letgth, as ii' it huJ Icen a lady’s band-box. The ir :^Jit-trui.: tr - as jujt ready to start when the explo-i ''' ’ a*=d, is shattered in nearly evcrv '.^^r, tl . past re pair; and I had the uuictore- r>i' 'aciion ol gtk^ing where my rema’ne wousd /tbly ha'C ^‘Tho pine-board row, in which were tbe post- pliice, Adam^)' Kxpress office, and a quartcrmas- t^;r's office, were also crushed by tbe ooncasion an d the heavier forces brought against it, like a ban»5-box, but fortunately, or rather miraculously, none I'f its occupants were seriou.sly injured. “VarSyaa theories are afloat as to cause of tie explosion • Some Pay the careless handling ot ammunition; others, cn old time torpedo; somo surmise a rebel spy ia the nlftttcr; while others attribute tht? disaster to a rebel shell or shot trom across the river.” fw .... t':'- 1,;.. ' IIrmv ■'re ■ *. tt’dc O* Opi- nrep;:’'* >' il»* wuM it it ^er.t ia IV ’ I th ■ ■ ti if':> ^ ■M*’ it> thrt' tl'Ti. Hv,- rai‘1 *1' ■'■d I1. b- H- vtd; Ttc”;' d >o '. fi{ CM - airy H 'Iflnii/fl'- •/' 't t'nu* th'’ ga'I'i"'*' ‘ .Joh'* >: Yatikec w-seoK ti;in, ncsr cjutitv, on WodnoiJ lviY 01 W.K-: Aldif. in li'judf. : •• e.eki t-'p^ Tci ?.i r Claim your Horsei^ BaaoLuao Ovpica. FajeUeville, N. C , Aug 16. ’ | Ttro HORSES were reeeatlj oaptared 7 mil# frora this piaoa, tudi’f oiroumstances whioh lead a» the belief that they were slolm by the D.^rters ir» w!ia'« poasessloa thej were wbea captaivd. The o' ihainals were traveling under fals" names, wifi forgeJ *papo-t). and C'3tild give no oredib'e aocount of themaelve f. Tae hor^ea bort marks of having been ridden ver y hard. Their aai^amed names and proper deaoription are aa followc: J W Cheanut, 87 years old, haxel eyes, blr clt hair, fair oompleotion, 6fe?t high, Alabama. Cherokee. couuty Allen Owl, 3* jeara old, blue eyes, black ' latr, fair oompleetioD, 6 feet It Jieh*s, N. C , Oraaga c oanty The former made hia eaoap*. In Wilmin^t lu and ia again-at large The Utter has a’mee given ’ui:! name a« Irkhart, and admitted himself to be a des^tn^sr* from the: 4)at Qa , Reg’t, and atal(*a that the horaes were gotten, from Deserters. Said hoorsea are cewhclil C'ulyeot to mj ordera by Q M , Fayettevflle Araen&l «ud Armory. Any one supposiog himself the owner m&j adt^paaa me . on the matter. Whenever the real owners ahiJl anpear,. the propertT shaU l>e returned or the party leoeivw value therefor. W. G. BBNOHBH, 69 3tl Lt. and R. O. Oomberlaud. FayettevlUe ineaal and Armory, Q. H. Ofllee, \ Fayetteville, Aug. 17, 1801 / Wood Want ted. SEALED PROPOSALS will be i noeived at this office until the 16th day of Sept 186 4, for the dellwery of' foor hundred eorda of good so and BL.\OK JACK WOOD, to be deliverei at snoh t' ima and place aad in > such quantities as the A. 4. Q, M i. at this post m»y re quire. It r'ust nonfortn afrietly to tbe atandard mes.enre- mr.ftt for Cord Weod, viz: 8x4x4 Proposala to be marked Propo' nhi for Wood for Q M. Dep’t JO HN L HOLMES. 69tf ] ' Oapt. and A A. Q M. f —^— •lQtt9 be «ftUed wjjQft to dQetiae ia Jivot ot towir 1 |hi I The Enterprise CAotton Factory is now prepared to exobango Kny «om oc baoon the Finest Ramben r/f Spiin Tarn, soiUble Ibr Spring aad Suxm m doth. Thla Thread i»' of a Mtperior vuOsj, not ipanaA tv any \a the Oob- I daO-HARDT. imi Fl'rt Gain*v —Captain Donglads V'ai^s, pay master ot the army, left Fort Gaines on Saturday night at 10 o’clock, in a row boat for Fort Mor gan, arid .arrived in th? city by the Eastern Shore last night He givt-s thtj following particulars of the condition of atiairs when he lolt: Oa Thursday a yankee monitor npnroached the lort on the Gulf sidt» and opeied fi:« The fort had three 10 inch columbiads. and in tho first shots in reply to the monitor, tro oi them were dismounted and disabled bv the breaking of their carriages. On Friday the fleet ran by Fort Mor gan. Captain Vas.t had s fins view of the whole soene, and the Mubaequertt naval fight. The T**cumseh, the fincdl monitor in the Yankee navy, went down almost instautly, a tremendous column of water being thrown up around her—evidently the work of a torpedo Her commandcr, Craven, was lost in her, for tbe yankee truce boat inquired if he was among our prisoners, and finding he was not, they said he went down with his shir. [The same monitor which had shelled the fort Irom the Gulf side, now approached to within li&if a mile of the wharf and opened again. There «'as but one 10 inch gun left to fight her, and the carriage of that gua tmi>n beijamc unsafe. Oo WofineBJay uipbt, the Yankee troops, esti mated from 3,000 to i),000, landed on the Island and gratiually approached to within 400 yards ot the fort. Tbey bad been confronted from tbe trout by a lino of skirmishers thrown out from the fort. The enemy had planted their batteries or iig'ut Parrott guns on a sand hili near the Gull shots, c.nother mid-way of the Island in front of the fort, and a third on little Dauphin Island. Thetie, with the monitor in the water front, were enabled to bring a fire to bear upon every part cf the Wi>rk, and with the aid of Bharpsho’>tcTs, oT;r men were not able to stand at their guns. Ttio bomb proofs wera only capjtblo of oov rijg men out of the garrisou, t»>o rest were exposed to bombardment. Up to the time Capt. Vass left, the commander, Col. Anderson, had said nothing about capitulation; but he saw sigas of demoral ization in the garrison. Some of the officers ex pressed decidod opinions in favor of surrender they thought the placc would be taken aud there would be a frightful waste of life to no purpose. The men saw little or no hope of relief since the Tennessoe was lost, and they much exhausted by skirmishing all day and working in the tort at night Capt. VasB states that up to the time he left, Col. Anderson behaved with great resolution and spirit, gallantly exposing himself and urging his line of skirmishers to maintain its ground. It was tbe night after Capt. V. left that Gen. P»ge psssed over to Fort Gaines. Capt. V. is of the opinion that Fort Morgan will hold out as long as i»s provisions do, and that will be tue b“^t part ot a The yankee fleet was badly c*!. ’ ^r]y every ship is careened over, a'^ .re busily repairing. It is holiev. > \ less ^an 750.—Mobile Netn. ve M. Gist burned -lO wa-.'OtiS .oa J^. w;t.i •Iitt’s a.ujy, ?»nd took rrisr. Maj'jr, 2 Captains and fi Lio’^k- cd »t the «nmo tim'* ni’ ''s w't^ich were broiiyb'’ r-if np.t'^'T wagons waa a F;tycl'nstcr’-5 e' n ml hund.*-eti th;U°.an 1 f-: 0 w* ich were btirned, our it.- mf'c of the {.r;?'rc;: of ‘•nri ' were •'•■nfimier', rj t..': V liii ’ in"’y tt'M tl>‘ iiJ '■! *' • l-'i iT 20 u: tho y v.l,' Fer- siderab'f ru’Ttber wn>tr.:^«d woi:od.';d, ttipe killed —' i- n-i 1 1 -ur Tid 8:1 M in ttie ol ihe 'Tjire; t.eve- cor. -j 11! H’in yriz pi. the hlMcd M S-p>v-f Ui 'ftht Ir-st 4 L 'i ll0 Mlo !'-■ 'D 'J, rifJOtlS'j' AVhetkr er;- ''- * t! Jl V. ' ( ’0 ’. fcuuday, sortcc we J?arn that Gee t^hatuuoochrc Kivcr cn Thu- three poparatc b'jUt^'H uf cava;~j, r rtil.-* ring i-cvi - ra! tboii3i.Gd tir c^'-.'c m-.'P, and j roc 'c-’cf! rn hi rnnrch f>'r tbe. er.eittj’s rear io tl'c It l'iiwiu'. dji\ a pic}:et >=ody 1* ii.vU J n i> v. r^' -t.s ’. i ow a w'cre? crrov’dit^on cf ;!r • t inijt-j • •, - fli’k ol WJich h^s not trm.-p5red • • ? • that a gencrm in o* i ••u- nessoe iiiforMicd a getillenian -har^ v u i oue wcuk a.aio, t.Jon. lloddy, wit*- ’u m?-«, started trciaj .)peJika to eo oj-ia’-; a Wheeler. These aoo^uDta are e.>rr”‘* ir - v ^ known that ou^- eavalry luve sli-t;-!! !• ' ■ i: Q'y’n rear, la a }'”-v tlayd we tiiail u:iVi.' ju'" inforiLatiou of tbt'i' tjxplo ta, whci; w» ; ■ . t- give our readers a I'raiiJyinj^ account ol i\i struction ot Shcrman’e line ot oi.iii:i.uraea i. r screat deal cepeiids upon this expeui*i >r, ■ n tiuf^t it wili be in every re-irjco' a succc -.tu‘ every Yunfc'^e Rai>! ~ Wc d- A We ti'.c Resijpted.—The re'ngo'’ named officers of North C , bfton aeoepted by th«j Pre&iu •y Waddell, 3d Cavalry Maj. „ Regi«ea.^ JUwll. £xtus hmmt 334 iUg.jiiit* ^ Yiin/c'^e ~ Wc undc:»taud Trnkf'es h*ive o^ice more trtpp^d the i‘ec-,i'. .u? 'tnd Welvion railroad abou*; mldwjy b 'fA ;i n Reams’ S:.iiion and l*cter:sburg, ard I.hv'* ai:«o-‘ur the tci*'''raph wire.-. We have u‘‘ fartiealnrj of ;ht raid or the itgury duae tv/ the ro':id Go ihl/crro' J'funwi', lb» A We are pained to learn that L ,k C'tmden Lowis, o^ Cc’ujpany D. l''th rOi,'iiii?.^'. N. C T., wad killed in iheli^ht b:-low llichm jui Cd iho 10:h insiant. Lseu' Lewis was a .intive of Biad *G county, and iu cjiamartu of oce of ±e companies from that county. H« was a bra'*e and clever young g> ntlemau- We ujderstand iiiai his rcicaios will be sent home for intcuieut. Journaly ly^i. f- ■ ,r rr ^ ^ i.* 1* Jj. g—,. —1 .i..^ telligence conveys the news of lae d . h of -n-jtuer ol tae hcrtiic youth o^ Ita ei^u. C^p:. George Brvan ha^ boen kiilod iu this b-itile [o;t the tVu- infeuiaj—tallcu like to the otiiers of tu .t gioricus baud, who have so nobiy, alas'. bv> luiLhy r pr:- tseni.d t^sis commuaity lU tho bloody acti''’ tbis war.—Ra:eiyh Lon/ftetat. drnnt's Lots*:S.—P. W. A. uri-cf. to tuv ..u- vannah Hcpublioan:— “I do njt know tnat the statement i au. •i juu*. to make is true, but if it is, it showc ti;-at i^nvi'j : operations, though not crowacd wi h tho ci,prir.. of Washiugtoc, have nevarihelc:^^ h'l.n: ^ iiU‘t. Inteliigenec his just reaciied here r*. l.i . the most rciiaOie chauuel by wUi^h wo eau com municate with the eatuly’s couutry, liiut Gr^nt aud staff arrived at Wasaiugtoa oa SatiUiy list, che 7th last, and that he tooji. witn iiim u ejn&ia- erable portion of his army. We hcM- also, ti:.. Grant’s toial losses hinoa ho crosied the ilai .j vj nave been 115,^^70 men. In this numbci u;c i eluded the kiilod, the v/oundcd who have f ' , returned to their ooaimaads, pri-jjaer, dcotr ■ sick, and thotie whose tcTms oi service have pired.. Grant’s original iorcc was estimircd 125,000 men. lie received at SpjUsylvaau some 15,000 more, making 140,OOU. To th ^ should oe added Builar’s command, and tuc troops sent Uim from New Orleans and otLc. points, say l>5,000, making the grand total 175,- tiOO. It wo Bubtr^ct from tius, 11.'),h7'J, ac would have left as his predcut effjctive lorce 130 men. These figures show what Lee aui Beauregard acd their brave commands have done fur the enemy.” A Negro Dosorter, the first that h&> rcacrod our lines, c.ime in yostoniay, having deserted Iroai »he iiTttt regimeui of U. S. colored troop.^, wi.L Grant’s army ia front of Peter.iburg. Hia n.i*.ic is John Tliomas liutcbcr, free mulatto, atd i/e- fore his capture by the enemy, on the 1 Ul* of .>1 ay last, vrt.3 a tiremau ou tlie llioLuioua aci i'etciSjurg railroad. Hu wile aud cuildren li>-' in Dili viddio county. Ou latt V/cdacbua) i^e vas pat ou outer picket near i'orc Ulittou, au i gave & brother black piokci a bribo to let Liui iTce, which he did. Uutciier lasiied seveiai rail:* fogetcer witu his knapsack strapi, aad, plun^itig intx) the Appomattox, swam acious antl‘eu»ue luw our pifkeia. ihc negro is most inteiiii/ent and iccisu. aou givos a r;cu account of how he vrad put into the servxCw. i.Uasea, one oi dcm juj iot>if a pen and piece ot p*iu -r and made a cr.'js lu^vu. so. Den he say, “Can you make a mark like Told him cettaiu, sure I coaid, and i v.occ aaii done it. Then he t>ay, “You’re ;; soiiier- .. corporal; here bj your clothes ’ liatyiu ' w committed to the Castle for the prcse ;r Kichm^ind -.inilutr. Horrible.—When the Yankees entered i> "n tur, Ga., an o!, the liov. xMr. met them with a gun in his baud. Tbe hellish fiends, in order to vfreak reveuge on the old man for his act, bound him in his bijuse and then fired the building, burning him with it. C'orn.—The whol*» of Middle aud Njrth iilia- sissippi is reppetsented as a vast eorufield, aai tho erop is said to be the finest ever Reon ia tnat re gion. The erofs iu the Trana-Mississippi Distriot are .7cr^ ejTJiiug The liks has never beco seec b'-- toi'c. Texasal.ino could feed the eutire army lor a year. ^ Gcncr:d /e-Thc'T^xanTnl^e^inst ^ucr- r f a sang of Yankee General otaelctj ana here it iq; ‘•General F-« !eriokbfeeIe coicao stcalii.? 6»eele, ero loag you may foei Th« blifMiaf •tbotf of very oQid ttMl.”

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