4 PDTBIiIO IiAWa. SsMma Fn*T 1€, 1864. Am Actio I\iuL Ihx and Limit the SBOXiew l. 'flu Gongreu of the ^onfeaeratt Uta^ of Anyerica (io enacty That the ooMai’S of *\1 Tieasury do tea above the denomiia*^’''u ot 85, not boariag iatcrast, shall be ailow^o natii the eij doU« prom^ od «1m ftoe *«mo^ *« th© pre^iq^ to attooh to arid notes whfiwvet airoolatod, and said notes to bo fwndable and ejwliaafstjable for now nain«d tberein, 10 p«r ceiit^ in additioa to the tax on snch prolits as income, under the Treaaury noteS) as herein |>rovidod, suhjeot V» g^|; aforeeaid. the deduetion of said tax. | HI. On the amount of profits exceeding Sbo. 12. That any State holding I per cent, made during either of the years notes received before the times herein fixed tor ^ggg ^ banking firati .. land the same, and antil%hc peritwi.) ' ai placa* «t»ted. the holders of all bu. ! ary , l^l^dHteTLT thTTnTer^r semi- j railroad, ’^^^"facturing, dry dock, or notes shall be aUowed to fund the Uul’all Treasury notes received by I joint stock company of any description, tored bonds, payable 20 ycare after tueir i ^ ^ whether incoriwrated or n^t, 25 per coiiton interest »t the rate ?« ^^fo-^said, shaU bo held to bava boon rocoivei such excess. oam, peyuble on the 1st of JanaarA, and Jut o. j ^ The di. - ea«h year b«ni,g intoritV the nU ,.f 4 per con- jwr as-, ^ . I diminished by the amount of said tax. Tho di* • Sk: 2 Th« a«.rctor7 of th» Treuarj b ho.ehy | ">»■>»•«»> Wt.ooD the not« rabjeot to fue .«ho.«ato i»ae .he bead, required fo.- ^ trains- provided for in the p,eccdi=s Mctioo, I S.0, li That Treaeurj oo^ »ud antil Ae bouds c« be pre^eJ he m., > ae b'-'nog interest >t th j rate of »7 30 on the »l K) o..-ificites to answer the purpeee. Pu..;, bpndi,' P" •onuin shall no loiiKer be reee.ved .a [, f- ment of pabho duee, but shall be deoniod n la and certincatcs shall be receivable ▼'itlij' t iptir , , r c ^ * oa ast in p«yn:ent of all Goveroment Jao^ oayi^blo ^J“’dered bon^ of the Unfcderate Sta «s, p^: a- in the year 1864, exccpt exp-jrt and impca. duties j t'^o Jfa” after the ratiacation of a treary » Sac. 3. That all Treasury nows of iKo dem United >tates, bearing the n.r.i »1 nation of «100, not boarin- interest, which saall i specified on their face, payable i«t u cot b--'pres.'-atod for binding under thf'jtrovis .ns 1 of the t;ection of this act, shall, fio«n ar-I 1 1 hat the Secretary ot the j.roast ry &c l6t thy of April 1864, e.*stof the Misrii-^sii-r); | be. and b^* is hereby, authorized, in case the o vi-^ rive-, Rtd the 1st day of July 1864, we-t of ^.ie 1 Government should require ir, to >»is».isv-pi, wise to be reoeivablc in oI ' demand of any public creditor wh^e u lit J abUc d Jto, and said noK'3, it not so pr at; coairacted alter the passage of this a :t, .ai»t iimc, shall, in addition ‘c the t^t of ..'H recaive the same in a cert aoate cf n- c;*iit(« 'niTKJsed in the 4th seoti^'ii of . a*T, i>e i ’ to be issued by said Socrct&ry in i>u Ih iabjerte . io a tax of 10 rer pc"» . un- j te tu&j det>n proper, payable two y&.rs 'il St' pr iCDtrd; which ta?rc» »’'a!i •» * i-'- ^id i of a treaty of peacc with t - bearing interest at the raw ot ux pfi-irnaoi. psyabJe semi-ttnaually, ^ aJ traistorable only by special eadoracMcct, u:.'^cr ~e to be prescribed by the Soerct:.r,- of luc Treu-iury, and said certifieat:3 shs'l be oxe- pt *f ’;n iasatinn in principal and inierc-t. i*'^r I 'S. The St’oretary of the Treasury u- i u- '&on*ed lo increase the number of dewaiUirij.; . o -•ot-er- wherever eiraulAtc';. a"J f“ou’ ttic f.iv.0 of sai'l aiti.3 '•''. ■’fver tor paTitCTf or tor iuiJdim’, a’ o r;v I not l>e oliui^eablo for ti>e ■ ’■«’ sur/ rj' . ^royided ior ia thi^ a'. £’5l . t I hat ou j.il ^c-.^d TiCt: tunflid .red in pa?m«nt of .‘C'^co ' f'. iCil od cd i cot aud v' i 30f^ ihc^ ' ■ A f .X liS lace ‘i notes whv. by d''d'.’c ‘■crit s .nd . i='.L> ■ JtC" ^ ■ h- t. J for •''i’r r* p , iU'>i • Ir 0 prc2criocu in the 1st .sf-'L’.''"! oi t ;-s i ■j-'l be levied at salJ dac-'i pl?n gs I **’ the roquircments of thi-* a* t, au^i w t" V ''.n[3 for every prcn.:--;d on' J * vie.v to employ ?^ueh of the b-'cktj of I’.'fl v .f3.-.h ro s:.id ' > as Lc may deem expeOiCiu coiicvted ! i‘ $lUuU; provided, tliut the alwvo exemp- tious shdl not apply tc> auy person, whoso property, o.^clufive o: lioudeh.old tunn'’iirc, aliail be jibseasei^ at u ^'aluo excet'ling $1600- IV. TliHt whore property haa been injured or doatroyed by the riK 'ny, or the ovriior .lioroof has bcou temporanly deprived oftiie d not^ said tax ■5.f3.-h ro s:.id ' as Lc may tlcem expeOiCiu j 1150 or oci’-iipancy therttd, or ot tll^f meaus - 'irraht^jd. »v«t sl-ill I/? colicvted I Tho So*.* cUry ot the Treaaai j bl> i". •-t cnltlvatiisg the sai iO, by re«.8on «^f the ■ *10 eajic atthc trt.'isTi-,, jC5'icpcd-'*^ct ia sucii taw.) a; cs j pioii*jnoe or the proximity of ti'e eaeiuv, - ax eoliocfots, na l h','c.il Oo’Toro- f-c.biii-hed ia the severil States, aLi by huu;. o 'tr rho af.eceeuient on sncl } roperty may bo 5 >\.:h;iviai: the «?ame ivbontver pro-: ni-_an9 as shail secure iuimciliaUi publicity, a ’ •■•■ » » i o,,» flt-it or for fandiat-, oi in paycient ' Sflcrctary of War an-d the Secreuiry hr duo3 or for ■nm^a • cr in ex- . ■^•‘vy shail caoh cause it to be published ic " > le ■ ioto-i’asLei'oinitctr'p'oviflcd.iQd ' a*-rd^’- for the informatioa of tho army -ad •y ii t«a shall Le fV.'la-r io br.nis I'.a j n*^7* iiii 4€!^on of thia a« . until tlie Si-o. 17. The 42d eectien of the act for the ?-•. . *ry 18t>5 fil therntu .f riots i lont and ocUeotion of taxes, approved i> .»/ i-Jk,; had it shall bo t.ie lui7 cl tho Sec : -t is hereby repealed EL Of MMrxDRaiCAeB, or_«tite«ipti to Hher- imoim of war held by ()oa«id«rate StefeM. X Of conspiracies, or attemptg or prepa- n^ioos to aid the euem^. TT. ^pergonsadviwng or inciting others to abandon the Confederate cause, or to re sist the Confederate States, or to adhere to the enemy. XII. Of unlawfully burning, destroying or injuring, w attempting to burn, destroy or injure any bridge or railroad, or tele- gnipliic line of communication, or property, with tJie intent of aiding the enemy. XIII. Of trcftsonublo dtBigns to imp.-.ir tlie military power of tlie (Tovernmcnt l>y destroying, or attempting to destroy, voBsels or arms, or munitions of w?.r, or arsenals, foundries, wurkHhops, or otho” property ot tlie Oonfederatc States. Sec. 2, Tho PrCtoiUent sliull cause proper ofiic'.'rs to investigate the casoji (»f all ]>orsofip 80 arrested, or detai»ied, in order that tliey may be discharged if improt»crly detaiiiei!. unless they can be speedily ti-ied in t!ie due course of law. Sec. 3. Timt during tho BUopension afore said, no military or other otuccr shah be compelled, in answer to any writ of luabeaa corpus, to appear in per-oon, or t > retur;. tho body of any person or persons detuiried by him, by tho authority of tho President, Be lli. Property of every otficer, soldie**, cretiry of War, or the Gerier.il oflioer com- dailor or marine, actnully engaged in tht* j Tniuuhng tho Transvifieaijaiptii tiopartment; military or tiaval service, ^r of Huch as have but upon the certiticiito, under oat!i, of tuo boon disabled in such bervicf, U> the vduc offiocr having charge of any one So detained, that such person is detained by him as u pi’isoner for auy of the cauee'^ hereinbefore specified, under the authority afores-iid, fur ther proceedings under the wrt of I’.alicas corpus shall immediately ccasa ;'.nd remain suaj>ended bo long as this act shall (x^ntinae in force. Sec. 4. This act shall continue in force fur ninety days afte- the next meeting Ccn- gress, and no longer. THE MILlTAPwY BII.L. Section 1. That i'rom and after the pa^ayje of this act all white men, rcsidetits of tho Confederjite States, between the nj;v^ of 17 Sfxj. 5. The following exemptions from taxation under tliia act shall be allowed, io-wit: I. Property of eacli head of a family to the value of $500; and for each minor child of ti'o faiT-iily to tlio further value of $100; aud for eiich son actually engaged in the Hfiny or navy, or who has died or been killed in tho military or naval service, and who WHS a member of the family wlien ho entered Uie service, to tho further vain© of iJoOO. II. Property of the widow of any officer, t^oldier, i;ailor or m;u*ino, who may have died or been killed in tho military or naval acrvice, or whore there ia no witlow, then of the family, l>oing minor children, to the value of $1000. rttcry cf the it igury, at any tij's the I 18. The Secretary of the Trcasurj i-i lf‘ o: ^p.il aod the I't :•' Jul' i authoriied and required, upon the sip; li- ti'0a^il!«.i■ Jipl4rivfr,'•-n : u; ■ :’.M. ’%*- ? 355, i holder of any c^ll ecvtificate, wh’-'h, to snbnitate and rs.-.b^’ieo T-t , ^^tes j l>7 the ?V3t ecction of the act to provide for t>r the sr.oie r.t ‘he ra.c o‘ 6t>5 . ; »)oi-' lUtt-i .n? and luTxhcr ianuo of Trea*,nry noto'. jv i ThatufctoH of 'he dcn-^it. -.i .u ot 1 Proved Zdarch 23d 1863, was required t,j - c ■hall h% liable to be placed in tenrioe 2a tiM proyineai, to be d^T«md by «u3i p«iM field for the war, as if he were between the 1 u aforeniid at eqniv^nt ratet. ages of 18 and 46. j 3. Snch person shall further bind hiraaeu Sec. 8. That hereafter the dntiM of pro- ■ to sell the marketable surplus of proviwoili vost and hospital guards and clerks, and of and grain now on hand, and whi^ be n»y clerks, guards, agents, employees or labor- raise from year to year while his exemption ers in the Commissary and Quartermaster’s continues, to the Gfovernment or to the fam- Departments, in the Ordnance Bureau, and iHes of soldiers, at prices tixed by the Com* of clerks and empbyees of navy agents, as missioners of the State under the impresfl- also in tho execution of the enrollment act, ment act: Provided, that any person ex- and all similar duties, shall be jK'rformed ' ompted as aforesaid, shall be entitled to a by persons who are witliin the ages of 18 ! credit of 25 per cent, on any amount of meat and years, and who by the report ot a j v^hich he may deliver within three months Board of army surgeons shall l>e reported | ;rom tlie passage of this act; Provided fur- as unable to perform active service in the j [her, that persons coming within the provi- lieid, but capablc ot pertorraiug gome ot the i sims of this exemption shall not be deprived above naid dutit'P, ep«cifying which, and j ,f the benefit thereof by reason of having 310U &ha!' np be entiled to tiiC priv’kea d | tiiercaft- r deerned be a bond, to Isiue to s' exiiianae: Pr.fViJ-rl /wr/.W, mac ti. tiioi i !iy Di XxA Treatury LOtt ■, a^er tiu' of Janu'TV 18'.i5.1.'h*'rtbj'laicn vv '/’i fui . h •, TLil upon Rii-sue.X i.'s;=w u . wbiou oiiv _ut»iir.EiiD'- r.,. . j S . . Jaaatrj 1865, ‘.-:d '.Thlv..t nny ; ^ -n, ,_';i^d for a«.r T.'»atfury n ■ta*;, hcrv^_ a ..tax of lO'i cor ccct is liCi'e’i'y iiutVA.. '.. 3sfl. That 8*ier the first d'^y «■: AptI: next, a’.l h»‘'-*'» )tbrc given la ;ac T'ecrf .ry of the Trcas'jry note:: ail fij, ind ie horeby, ravoked; rbii Se«rp‘ »ry of tho Trocauxy n^-y, aitsr that tiiiic, new Troasury noU>8, in si;'>h form aa hw muy pi'Hciibe, payable »'wo yea^i ofrer the ratiSeadon % ■ ' .roiiiy li payru^flt cA iill except t-xcort and impo.'t da^’iofi, tv> be ;s5 JoJ exoba:;ie for oM uotod at ike rate of a f*.(> iia.s .■* iiold**r a boad therefy; of peace with ino \ p-tc i StAtca, to 1 ^cft’vable ii. paym^at of ji'l pu- 3"t!80r. Sec. t). That the taxes on property laid fVr tho year l?f4, shall be assessed as on ^he ;!ny of piiGsage d’ this act, and be due and collected on the 1st day of Juue H3Xt, or as soon after pructicable, »U-'W- iiig an oxtonsion of 00 days We^^t of tho ^liseisdivpi rivor Tho adciiti.'jnal taxes on Incomes or prodts for tho year 1863, levied by this act, shall bo assessed and collect^! 7‘-rlhwith; and tlie taxes on im^'omes or pro- •'1 3 for tiie year 1864, shail bo i\c?es6ed and «7v/ sumK>H of Gov^.n^vun accordiu;^' to the provisl- iis of the Soc. 1. The Congrets of the Confedcnuc ^ , StatQj? of America do enact, That in ad li i thet-axaetot t.iw^4t.ii tiou to tho taxes levied by the act “to livi^^**^ of Aprd as levK ., a tax on in- taxes for tho common defence and to carrv on I derived from pro|,erty or efto^s on ♦^he Government of the Confederate State.i,’' j! ?.monut or value ot w^iic.i a tax is ’^♦'vkkI unproved 24th ot April 1863, there shall | j tdso tlio Lit section oi said levied, from tho passago of this act, on tlie i suspended for the year 18t>4, and Bubjects of taxation hereafter mentiouf«d, I estimated rent, hire or mterest on pvo- rediiced, in proportion to tlio damage »U3- Uiined by the owner, or the tax assessed thereon may be rcduced in the same ratio '.>y tijo district collecUir, on satisfactory evi dence feubuiitt‘d to him by the owner 'r as-j and 50, shall bo in tho military service of the Confederate States for tiio war. /»*.■ H> I » uuju iiiurcij' uj'Ou the tcrui.'' pro' i i-' : dr./ [ by c:.. i An Ac ' to liPj uIditio?*al Tieoe-^ for the ck m- .'/of }«jrty or credits herein taxed ad valorem, idiali bo assvitsed or taxed as incomes under ibe tax Jit-.t of 1363. the now 3 of the old noit'S L'j ‘■'urrendered fcr excbe.. th£''cof, c- ' J i'Nv ivcd into ih.-; Tier--;- tue pro': - i .'Cs of this 'usi; ^ad ne? r of the oi l notes, uz:itpt tl tiexirtr m e.-' • e»i>* ■ a. vaytS „ ^/iictuer c -id old jc by tiic h-vlderi Ticr-T? lan?.- r the ti.r yl tc .::oa of ClOO, sff-^r they ar ou t'jc !o''ar I;y liic aLi ^ samo o-i’l f-’ttiuj';;..; \ i». rii **ats cf 4 por p> r ii • ’■ .arEr^jui t :.z ^ L‘- tr..M the liQilrLvl States, •Qnve»-iP(l into new nofei. S '"'. l» hitt to T ’-y the I ^ o^cac' t z:;-- othor¥i,ic providoi for, ‘bu tl iv~?ry is I.erci?*y £,ctho-ii^i' ■ :'ij to au itfiiuont BC4 iceju;. • ’ nap • V dolisvr'-: ■.uc ^ ri::cipai s.. i ia- 'f >,e frci fcoru 'axatic . 'jnd ni of ; 6re-on tha eat'-^j u-t u. tv 2: laid tl s: and collected fp>m ev'^ry porson, copartner tetiip, association or corjKiration, liiblo tl.e*e- io, Mxca rvi foUovie, I. Uixm the vuiue of proptjriy, real, r jr , , , ^ ^ ^ , ’'1. ’ au'j. inixe^i, of every hind •’.nd.de^ti the O>nfedorate States heret^> tioii, not hereinafter exemptt-d i>r t.^xed 8 issued, shall in no c.^3c cxceod •the i:i- diifcreut -ate, p-r Pi-o.’i.^-u, T Isame., a-id such bonds, whou tl.ia tivx Oil tiu val.ie of i'-oiK3rt>- n- i mnatics, shall i,e d 'u agricnltnr-j ol-.ali be uoduotod ■ ■‘ L.e tiix kirJ deliveie l the?efr ■e:;:-.jd fU’uc idw ito]''T.ii,;f it, ua-.l. /JJ^rt U>nufpend ike jtrivile^je of tfie Wnt .-rod to the Government: li\>v*ucd, j of ffahiias Corpus in ctirUiin capes. bcycii .i h , Wtieroas, the Consritutiori of the Confer^- P‘‘0 \ It r fJM ’ '*3 Sjxj. 8. That the tax im^kobed V>y this act ! exempt from tiu) tiix in all ca-?es where the interest on the same shall not e.xcoed SIW'.J uo v-xdit si oU*. ,1 T I'.lluWC*] r.veir', j;ad A wtciiee, Lo per nTVEUlT*' ' ^rc^: for the {, rec?i '3 •jrj'nri /•i wbiCi; V now to aaLu;Jhv piciged: i'.'.v imporii ter bo pol l in in >.0UIK5»1 • c .■ier..jy s. •: ; /tii.- ! \C ' . y-'j : I . . . V l ie value >j property t-;x? i cuCer r s-ion fur'i ’;o a£2C6sed on ^he ba.=ir of m.'invit . ■> of the eame', or tiiniJai- v r, :j uio neigliborhood whereess-i^jsc ' ip j'idv IH^I't, fexcept in cases v/here la: d. •*, jott^r. or tobueco have been p ir* •irato Statijs of America providv.s in Ar:icle ii«! Vtilno of gold auo 8ii vor wa 1^ Section 9, i*ara^raph 3, that “tho ].rivi- liige'd' the writ ot haboa* corpus shall not ba Busjjended unless when in ’rso of rel>cl lion or ipTa.;io&, tlie public eafety may ro- qniro it; ’ and whereae, tho pov/er o» e'ii> peMding the privilege of .>aid writ as reco:^- Iii^cd in «aid Article 1, is vestod solely in the Congrots, v/iiich is the exclusive Judge o: tho uocessity of Euch suspensior; and liis 1st day ot Jarua:y 1" .'2. i wherean, in tlie opinion of theUongresa, the id of CJils hold lu any banic, banking coiapany w ap r; '.cuie r.- I'i ^!^ioil la ea'o kvni.' fc>KC. liop it. t‘. po.^ Ul. ,V, .U-rtT,Tt IlLiu -.J**.' . JS-iV ' t> »«fih roysiu ,ix‘ t I iJi y ' ■ •; lo^ctKr,-: »U -.; t.cui arid ot duc?i a crcby pled*;cd ;;au tr :a storlic;^ ■ i bonc-^. ■'e kjccrof'aiy ^ I'.i. ' irra* t’;3s to - U-y U-jy , - i.'- r, fi'.id r...o Vcra-, I 'y ■> r -'r.';' i;Q . •^ry w^liia t- Buiij licrcoi- oxohan;30, -.-r ! '^rnaju-y it: riruc, ”tuO .‘jy CO or i^Oudp, C.- ^ ly J CHi^, ^0 ^ j ’ .Vi h* , ..aft 3.»tvo~iz^fi by tbe 6th n \ 'o rc;5i3iorfJ - a • .i» If iheya pvay , . *01 Gt r n . ^ -''.r 'xi-j r>i ulc Trr u ^ • • / -ilOO, Ttil? •;« ■JioreL'j ali^ohcd, , ■'ja'.if;.*tion i-.'j io..t;y c' t.-.o r ay prvth^ ia'ctc. t sh.ji^^C pa7:*c.„ iii-,d \-'ariy on :_iC unit C.l ttuu Juiy i:.»ch /OS.-.-; tat; i •loiii bo ttk't*; nj». c'lS r.-jko J • jcr.fii TOir ^.leir du'e. iiiJO. ;1 C; L ' saii!Ci;.C-.- b'i iUi.dT.D5c, am. s'l-a 1 r/ r- .a «)j ro.ir-eol8 tor 'he „r.r: !_.r- f i’i-.* _ . _ pus, and informed Congress of conditions of lu •, >c caaai, navigation, importir g. i public danger which rjnder the snspension oxp itutt', insurance, manulacturing, tc e- j *)t the wnt a measure proper for tho public railroad, and dry-dock CO u- dofence against invasion and insurrection: ..... ... DQw, thorofore, The Oongroiki of the 0»nfederate States of Ameri(^ do enact, Tliat during tho present iuvaoiou of tho 0^iitederaL*3 States, tho priv ilege of the writ of haljeas corpuj bo, aivl the saiue is hereby, 8iu;pend«i«i; l>ut such su.s- ptinaifm ehall appi v only to the oa^es of jH;r- detained by order of li\o ju'i Oo, «:xi all Other joint stock compan »? Cii,:-/ iiir'd, whothor incorporated or n >t, > > Ul Ti.-i ■ ulr.w cf property taxed uhder tJ.is secti .‘a eIiaU bo assessoa upon the baei.;. '.d' ':uo "u rket 7alue of such property in tae avj;;::^M_tyruood vrhorH asaesH'id, in autii c*ir- rvii:cy a., -friay ve in general iiio there, in t le ! suiis arrested uiiro' . H id f-. 'lo cj’ Bucii prouorcy, at t, le ■..iiU‘} ot a*i.jt?Hiiaaut. 5oc. .3. If^pon the amo.mt of SU.'tr dt',^old dvibt,gold or s w r r.;r hold by the banks or r.thor cor Sec. 2. That all the pennons aforesaid, be tween the ages of lb and -45, now in service, shall be retained during the j>resent war with the U. S., in.the eauie r>';;itnont.^, bat talions and companies, to whicn t.hey belmg at the passage of this act, wifn the same or ganization and oiliccrs, unleus regularly trarisferred or dischar^od, in aeecndance with the laws and regulations for tl.e gov ernment of tiie army: Provided, that c(»ni- panies from one State, organized Hgainu.t their consent, expressed at the time, wiH; regiments or battalions from anoiher State*, shall have the ju-iviloge d’ !*cini: ^ra:kd'err‘*d to organiiuUions of troops, in tne .-sam'i ;inu of the service, iroiu the iSiatef in which hhM companie-c were raine-l; :vvi t'te ■;>] iiers iVom one State, in companies iVuiu another State. 6h?ll be allowed, if they de.drc ir, a tran^ibr to organisatioTis from their ovvn States. V.'. the same arm of the servlce. Scc. 3. That at tho expiration td bi.\ mcnths from tlie first day of A] ril next, a b'^uiity ilOO in a six jjer cent. Govcrnnieat bond, which the Secretary of tiie Treasury is i:eie- by authorized to it.«uc, .=>Itall be o;.id to eve ry non-commissioned uiliccr, '.iiiH^^ian and private who shall tlicn IhJ in -..n'ice, or in the event of hia desiu prcviuiit, .le p, rii-J of 6uoh paymex'tt, theu ti» tiiO pert, ii tr per sons who woi; Id bo oiiiitled to it'ceivebv law she arreara}.icsof his pay; but uo ono h’.i'iI! !,e entitled to the bounty Loiuin pruvido l v.’L^> shall at any time, duiii':^ r!.;> j i^ri >d wf eix moutiisnex* attor '.hei-a’d lir.J /ay ■ f April, ba absent from his coiiiinand w;thon‘ leave. Sec. 4. That no percO'i rhail be relieved from tho operation of thie. act ijy reason of having been heretofore discharj^ed fVom t i*.^ an.i^ whore no die,'ibi!iiy tu-v/ exicts; Tior fth&ii thc-pc who have furnished .^ubs'initcs be any longer oxeiapted by reason Luereof: Provided, that no ])erson, her d.>rbre exempt ed on aecimnt of r'ilijjiouq opini;>ns and wiio h££ paid tho tax levied to relie o him from service, shall be rep:irt-d to rendor uiilitary uervicu under this acc. Sec. 5. That all rrhito tnale residciits of the Confaderal.0 Stated, between the aj'es «d’ 17 and 18 and d5 and 5'= yonrs, bhidl etiroll thomsolvea at eucit »b>:c.s and p!aee.s, u;d )mder silch reguhtlion.;, :i.- die L'reaident may prot3cril>e, the *.ime nih wo I not being iOss than t O dayjt* i‘>r ih'ric eiist, afid GO tlays for those v/cst ot the i'V..:>fcis.:ij)pi river, auil any person who shall tr.ii so to e.'tro!! '.’r.i- e-elt, without a rcaeonabje exciiv.e tljerofor, io be Judged of by t!;o L'ro-.;u’‘ist, i>o placea iii servico in tho ti-.*M i i- tho .v.*;, in ;hosame m.'tn-er .ui tliough Llicy were l.-e- tween tho agea of IS and i!>; Pr .^^idcd, that ance such bodies id' troops, or individuals, re(iuired to be enrolled under the 5th ‘oue- tion of this act, as may be rieeded for the discharge of such duties: Provided, tliat jiersons between tho •goiii of 17 and 18 shall be iissigned to those duties: Provided fur ther, that nothing contained in this act shall l>e so construed as to prevent the President froiu detailiiig artisans, mechanics, or per sons of bcientiftc skill, to )>erform itidispen- sable duties in the departments or b:;reaus herein mentioned. Sec. 9. Tliat any Quartermaster or As sistant ,Quarterxa:istor, Commissary or'Aa- eistaut Commissary, (othor than tiiose serv ing with brigades or regiments in the field,) or offiocra in the Ordnance Bureau, or Navy Agents, or Pro vest Marshal, or officer in the conscript servico, who shall hereafter employ or retain in hi? employment any person in any of their said departments or imroans, or in any of the duties mentioned i 'n Ti>e 8th soetio/i of this act, in violation of j the provisions hereof, shall, on conviction 1 thereof by a court-martial or military court, j iK) caphiered; and it shall be the duty of any tiopartment or district commander, upon j proof, by the oath of any credible person, j tiiat any snch otlicer has violated this pro- j vision, uumetiiateiy to relieve such officer from duty: and said commanders shall tahe I prompt measures to have him tried for such i -fferice; and any commander as aforesaid i falling to perf(.»rm the duties enjoined by j this section, shall u\Kr,i being duly couvioted I thereof, bq distdiarged from the service. ! See. 10. That all laws granting exemj)- j tions from milit,;ry service be, and *^he same are, hereby repealed, and hereatler none shall be eSeni’pted except the ftdlowing: 1. All who shall l>e held unlit for milita ry service, under rules to be prescribed by the Secretary ot' War. “2. The Vice President of the Confederate j States, the members and officers of C;ngress (and of tho bcvoral State Leirislaturcs, and I. ■.?!h other Confederate and State officers as j tiiC J’rc?ident, or the Uovenior of the ro- ;.ectivc States, may certify to be nccessary Tor tiio })roj>cr admini^^tr.^tion of the Con- • rcdente or Stat^'. Govyrnmonts, as tho ear^e i n.ay rection of the President, may exempt or de tail such other persons as he may be satis- aed ought to be exempted on account of [>ublic necessity, and to insure the j)roduc- rion of grain aud other provisions for the army and the families of soldiers, lie may, also, grant exemptions or details, on such terms as he may prescribe, to such over- ■ieers, fanaers or planters as he may be sat isfied will be more useful to the country in tho pursuits of agriculture than in the mili tary service: Provided, that snch exemption mall ce:ise whenever the farmer, planter or overseer shall fail diligently to emploj' in ^ood faith, his own skill, capital and labor ' xciudivoly in the production of grain and provisions, to be sold to the Government and "he families of eoldiers at prices not exceed ing tiiose fixed at tho time for like article* :jy the Commissioners of tho State under the impressment act. 5. The president, treasurer, auditor and puperiotendent of any railroad company en gaged >n ti*ansportation for the Government, :tnd sucii officers and employees thereof as the president or superintendent shall certify on oath to be indispensable to the efficient operation of said railroad: Provided, that the number of persons so exempted by this act on any railroad shall not exceed one per son for each mile of such road in actual use tor military transportation; and said exempts shall be reported by name and description, wifh the names of any who have left the jmployment of said company, or who may ceaso to be indispensable. 6. Tliat nothing herein contained shall be constr!t»ed jis repealing the act approved April the 1-ith 18t>3, entitled an act to ex empt contractors for carrying the mails ol he Confederate States, and the drivers of post coaches and hacks, from military ser vice: Provided, tiiat ail the exemptions granted under this act shall only continue whilst the persons exempted are actually engaged in their respective pursuits or >c- cupadons. See. 11. That tiie I’rerident be, and he is hereby, authorir.ed to grant details, under j^cneral rules and regulations to be i^raed from the War Dopartn .-nt, either of persons bt-tween 45 and 50 yeai s oi age. or from the 3. Kverv m;nisiv.f of religion anth.orized to .irmy in tho field, in all oses wliere, in his resident, Sooretary of ^Tar, or tim QrHr.eiid i ivjrdou'i moiiu ;nod in this dc.aion : I ; Odl^jcr coiamaudin^ thy Trtins-Miasi-jslopi I d ’' im*,; ;>hI ■ all gold .and ! .Aliiitary Departmont, b/tho authority mid i- ■ hu' not. r .' piirod. lo silver bullion, ; uader the control d’ tlio President, h ig j }|-J'ft>nu i^^rvico out of thrj Sta^o vv’ --jli ^ othor cog o-j hereby doclared that the purpose of (>.)i roa-.a-- or j'lamduaiB, 5 per c-jur.; nnd upon j •rt-ous in tho i^aesage of this fict ig'toi^fovT'.' a;: held abroad, or upon t,h« ninoi> lit r..A... .i,., . ..ui:. ^ . they reaide. Side, Th;it a' jcr-'oug roviUirod oy th ) I' .V .1 •i.j b'-i* p' vorabb irori. -ii.y for 7‘ . shi;Li h ; ■’ V* ^ thai L- dso. id itfl dop' ■! : aoctioi'. ci I.!', and rfp-.'jiiy; didnaoliTc li. the S«>c.«>.T w us p’’ovided ' .m'ujI. .i;cy .\re cou- A ir-kri- tl,o titao Si :d for = Buoii .slw-it ■.tost nr>o.'> oaiy OJi ounts •i? :■! ;uK>a their fHeo, and !:• f-Ci? l»-.a.«!t'.'y t. Ilf, i (.*;j.sn^r' of i.K^s -o cad n rh«i luv* -• I iuw J t ' ;n I' u'-hau . ot u.n. i-y » :?r tu.j- • 0 I i h(j bona.s ? %7 pOdlU/I said IfOad." or t or tiHc Oi> 'i IWOQU I ! ’ a«'rc.Ai upoii with i\n.-i y, iutu the K6.U d^- ;d fc: O oi* , r.u^;.i, raring tin ia.uf..st And outHiac -..iv f ji, oi tiif r.-.;:: *ideti, the si.-^d i»>n«s v.rc pre,M**tcd bc* >r'j ttn- prtvi!‘?f/ - ; f'siuJj f .-id a‘ , ,iv 1^ heirjif}. ,. i )5v/.’br-.. aso. 1.1. i.i ■ ,C^.U.,j7q laaaed 'ii ‘ic dccorniPJ.Uoa of So sliai! co«r. a '« *0 Uc :ec‘iivab’c in p'^moiit of publio duti aa provi'itO iiv •'’’io ^ndabic a*; par ji^dcr t ic provLfioc^ - d-j u;»tU the ftrt t of ^aly, ae'Lii:gmoaoy,gold,silver, foreiga oxciiauge, i •ci ffstii '%o C ^ Ootot/cr lyG4, of at-' ukn. w*:.?®, dob'4, .'^■edita, or o»ilii’fttioD^ ^ Ifce "• ‘ . - ' . ' ' L-j»ou the amount or nil solveitt cie- d'to, -md of all bank bdU .^ad all other pi p ."' ifciuc'l as currency, exclusive of ncji boiiriug 0>uf)dcrai.« tre.V'ory note?, and no: aiaployed m a regiiioied Iv.isii.ob., i;vw; lU ('eiivo'i ‘>'om wIhoIi w fji.;ed, ■> per oe:'.t, 6-jc. 4. Upon protihj cuady m trado ?.a i bu3lno€8. s? follows: ]. On ,*d ]Totitn made by buying and Boll ing vipu'itoiii. inpiors, floni, whe it, corn, rieo, £ug:tr, .aolossoo or sirup, salt, bacon, pork, hc«i;3, bcoi ord/oet cattle, oheep, oate, ht\y, oi-u>vi ui ua»,i; oj?i*er upon any party K»dter. - v»v hidiifi, leather, norscs, mules doc-e n.Qt legHliy owo ’uilit-ry sdr^ ■» his b .'A.-. :-h -u, co’i^-n ycu-:. i, w.k I, woolen, oo - _ t.p^trior odcer shall grant prompt roiiJt to •orY * H.iv-.i cir.iI.B, hafc^ v7itgon«, h?irne.4»., i iu, oppressed party, and the subordiaatn cojd, ,!^ i. or uaiis, ai any time b?r i shall bo dlsmiesed from ollicj- .f j-io i «*.ud other et-i't.jar^a of tiio 11. Cl c^)rirtpira(*io8 t) overthrow (.he ernment, (.r oc-nBj.inicios to the Ic'^ul authority ot the (Jonfederato ::'^ates. ^-l. ^^1 coml>innig t*"' a‘.-Hii3t f !i‘? qr*f»inv.j .'>■»■ OI coiamuuicatiiig iiitcliigtmoe to the enemy, -tr^j^iviiig iii;ii aid and c,»mforu IV. Oi coiispiracifaB, nrcparations aud at- to ’noit.e sorvila uifmrrection. Y. Ot desertions or onct>aragi»ir/ dcser- t.ons,ot harboring des.3rtera, iiid ol ^ttempte tj ;.roid mihtaiy sorvice: Provided, That in ea.;e or palpabla wronj; ^nd oppression by any siibordinai;^ otiiccr upon any party who 1 -t of January 1803, and tho ist 10 per cent., in r.ddiiio.t ilio lax on suoii profits as iucoriio an da.* tho "iv/ to lay taxoa lor tlie coinrQ,(i» c .>iO’ice, iiL'd ci*.rpf on tlie Governmeut of tiO Oon td^ioruie iStates,” approved Aj'rii T. . 130Ji». n »ll profiia xoado by ba;ri ’^ aad VL •jnt-Diy, y^H.. coirodpoijdiiico Ol iiaier- c' witli tl\e enemy, without necoaaity, v.dthout Llje permission of the Oojuuda- ret» ' ates. 1. Of uuiawtiil trading with tho ©uo- d other offeaooa against the laws of .iad&rato Sifctett, ovi&rted to r romote v»incers; anid conf r ni to il existing lUWi; and, haviiig y>> utviinizod, to tender laeir scrviocii aj vou\uic-:tj iur:;;-; the war to tho Ppj.-»tderi; ;>r\ I ii r;,ij'> •rga.ii- iz.-itions tihau tu/iiisd prop-i' ods. iu nov/ organized, and de;>0!iit ■» c«']>v resd With the enrolling oiiice»’ d ?he'r dit.t.ict, wh;ch sh:..!! bo 0‘iuiv.de if io ei.rollmcnt, they may oo accepted a.* /uinuio men fov sorv;co in SU\t>, but ia no >,>c.it to bo taken out ol it. Thojc wlio dn ;>(»t eo vobir' t*xr and organi;:o, shall enroll llu iiwoivoj aj Ixjlbro'provil-jd; ..ud .j.ay, i:/ luj Pr.^id.aL, be roomrod to asoombie i,t co'avenieiit ida- ces'd reudc.’i'.vouH, r.u .1 h. ioriu-.ul >r ■>r_'an ir.,w.i into ::oi:i:'a’Mi^. a'^d 'cgi monte, nridar rogulations to be urcscrdied by him; and oh;i^ have the right to elect tlioir ooiupany and regimental ofdceru; and all troops organized nndo~ -hij "C‘ t State defence, shall entitled, wiiiio in ‘ictual oerviCQ, to the same pay and aUov*r‘je as troops now in the field. See. 7. That any person who shai taii to attend at tho place of rondosvoas aa re-purel by the anthohtj of tke 'i^re«ident, wlUio&t j }»reaoh c.ccording t - the rules of ids churcli, I and wfio, at the pu-^sage ot this act, shall be ; rcijiiiarly employed iii the dicchargo of hia ininistorial duties; supv rii.tendents and phy- ; bicians oj :tt.ylums for the deaf and dumb and idiii'l '\Uv|jOi tho insane; one editor for ot:ch newcpapar being p ublished at the time : ■)} th’3 aci, .nnd such eiaplovees as said edi- ; .or liiny co.IitV, *u uatli. to L-e i'lditipensable. j to tiie publifation of ccch newsp.npc-r; the i ynblic printer of the Confederate and St».te Governments, and tach journeymen print er* as tiio 6aid }>ublic printer shall certify, on oath, to be indispensable to ]>orfoira tlie public printing; ono skilled apothecary in each apothecary store, who w’as doing busi ness a.^ such on tho XOtn day of Oct’r ISGii, and has coutiuued said business, without intermission, since tliat i>et:od; all physi- cir.ns over tlie a'^n f 30 yoarj, who now are, and f :r tlie Uiit T yc:\rs have been, in the actua' ai d regular I'raetico ot their profea- sivin, but the term piiytdcian shall not in clude denti-t-^; ail presiderikta and teachers of colleges, thcolugical bcminaries, acade mies and schools, who luive i>ecii regularly ongas^od as such for two years next before the pucsage of this act: Provided, that the i'.enefit of this o.'cemption shall extend to those toaehers oniy wiu»5e scl'.*x>l8 are com posed of 20 studon's or mo"e. All superin- tendenlb of public hospitals, established by luw before tlie pac kage of this act, aud such physicians and um-ses therein as such gu- perintundonts’rihall certify, on oath, to be ludispeiisabie t » tho proper and ellicietit muna^oment thei\; d’. 4, Ibere s)hali be exempt ono person as owner or agriculturist ^jji each farm or plan tation u{K>n wh'ch thoro are now, and were on tli'j Ibt day of j..n'y last, l':> aUlt,-l>)diod field-.hauds, bel•v'e^?u the r.ges of 16 and 50, U))on tlie folhj'.viiig co:iditions: 1. This e.icmption shall only bo gr?'.nted ;u casj-i :n vdiiyh tiiere is no white male adnlt on lao farm o.- planta.tion not ii.^bia to milUary servico, uov unless the person clcim- .'•ig tho pui; =} Wilt’ t'D the Ifit dav '..f Jan’y Ist'i-, ei^^h.er tho owner ana maaager ’ ovor-'cor ,)J)snt:’,^iv/!i, but in nbcai,e nnry th.ia ,;? ,i • be o.xen'iptod for one ' or p-!ua:atu)n •J. Su' ii T>wr.,ou ehaii lir.ii. o.xecute a bond, ]*:;ya de to 'i ■■I ) an'.i in nca . 10 ly ; roiori 1 vMl' ;■-> ' d.‘pol, r.r fcU' 0 Cou:'odvirate txatcs of A.nier- H»na, iw'.d u^it.n such soourity, | onai y aj c;iy Secretary td V/ar conditio led tiiat Jio wdl d>- t. vornmcn? ai boiuo raii.road ii .>i.her place or places as may bo d; ,,i'4n;Ued by th-j c'eoroiary ot VVar, wirin'n 13 HJo -ths next ensuing, 100 pc.unds >i i>a»*on, o", .=1 liic electica of tho Govern- i:icr.t, ilf eip’sviil *■ t l;i pork, and iOO lbs. of not bool i^^’aid beef '.o Uo doli%’^erod on foot,) lor eaen a'du bodieJ .-nava oa said larm or P‘Li,it.*iiv..i. iilu ' -•>ove eaid ages, whe ther t;aul elav«j;i in die iield or not, which iu- } i ac-c.- OJ ! ojIc ;'.ud hii^i fchall bo paid * >• ‘»y rijt .st tho jwicci fixed by the Oo ouiaeiouyrs i,uo Stiito under the improssiao io a;^. i*ro\ laod, that wiien tlio pt-vson tl-u.- {*xomT>t-'.: ;hall producto eati;^' factory '-vidonof^ tl has boon impossible for him, b\ ?ho cxeroi j of proper diligence, to turnish tlio ar ouut .f meat thus contract ed for, .ted ](? ’.‘/'o an ad(up*ate supply for tho subsisteuc o't !• vii g on tho said farm or pl.antnti'tbo f4coro>a"v of 'Fsir shall dirowt a tf.;HUKUta»i0U of the aaiiiie, «1iq judgment, justice, eipiity and necessity re quire euch details, and he may revoke snch orders of details whenever he tliinks proper: P.ovided, that the power herein granted to the President to make details and exemp tions shad not bo construed to authorize the exemption cti* detail of any contractor ft»r furnishing supplies of any kind to the Gov ernment, by reason of said contract, unless the head or secretary of the department ma king Kuch contract shall certify that the per- Goiiai services ot such contractor are indie- pensable to tlie exocation of said contract: Provided further, that w^Len any such con tractor shall fail, diligently und faitiifally, to proceed with the execrtioa of each con tract, his exemption or derail ehaU cease. Sec. That in .appointing local boards of 8urge«*ns for the examination of j>cri*oi.fl liable t'^‘ nulitary service, no member com posing tlie same shall i>c ap’K>inted from the county or enrolling district in which they are roipured lo make such examination. Post GQce, Fayottevillo, N. G., > OcroajsB 3, lS6^i. } aj iiti A;riv:-l itui Dcpar:urt of tkt Maiii at ih'^ KAI.ElGI-l via WKii.lSBOiU)’, &o. .^rnros esjept »3ucuty, at '1^ i*. M. 1)'. pnri8 jails , iSarariij- «*t G P. RALLhiii Via SU.'-I.uEHV'iLLii. Dz. %vi6 Tuc-j*y aiii Fi'idsty at o A. M. .'ViriTfs Hni Suii iay 8t 9 P. ‘J.- 'f VJ.d.W; ria CLII’!(?;». Ari'ives dwiy « noon. I)r‘i Jftiljf at 1'. M. O.Vl’.TiIVUli. A$TiTt«3 IaCoi7, aad S; iui iiy 7 P M I/rj-iin. .7, Wt'luev*Hy »;.d \ i'. M. li -J :y , t.: . I'uwtiiy. Thursday au’i \j»iur-lay «,i ‘j P. M 1> P'S.' -a i;r..ia*y, Tuo:ljj wiii !'isur.;'ii7 1 P. iV. r'\ni aHjb'i-' v; i LUMP.CF. . _o*. Alt tT'3 TiiiJi'o'J .V* a»»ii ty u?. i A. M. S'if Tl^ci^.•i'-y ‘♦i«d Ti»t i P. M- P‘iiK-5v>:r 1 yi.» tiiJZfvl-hirHrOWN. hoiu'.iis .^o '.iiy, cIo d iay un.i Friuit i .1. \1. .’kCiVitj TLiiri^y and a», i P. VTJ \i.% Ar>*iv.s Mcad>,y .»i 6 P. H. gr.;>.vj -iliy « M u* t P. V. ) i K'.o;,- 4. »i 1 ' f pftrK d cB>va.^. A.'i->'h _• M, l»3r»: « ^».nj5 .*' (TnCrd.HV) h- 2?V. Vt. .^Kler }SIi.\M' V * M0Nr":>3{-, C'jVlNaTO'::{ .Htf.j PfSVir ■‘■.jjLii > '*• Aalc-g T';o?/. -.y 6 I'. U. D';pAr'-.i Wcircs'Ji/ *. j i A. oiViri w % r^: >‘ AiTivc-.T f i»«;! lf»y 8.(, 5 ■»». >i. 1 •. :.f L •- . / Ai :i ;i.» i:».vin. laj; ; :r-: »i I iii'. j'llii , '-I . ^ ■ (ant I*/ -'tkii i, ^ 0‘ias. 3 o' m‘' ' .*•1 , »i.3 f -.s ij i ' >' ;. t' * tj« feftn •'« -1* ;ii y’ > lor Ri ># *4 •>*> bj P. M. coil " uu J: r.« 3j A.. JA,^. U. OOJK. P M. -*3 ^3 }■: vx a #B, iiy A^OVV i. the I.-.*, yc. r ci e^ruiou I J V* ^ C!‘u-'‘v hoi.} upon i^mbiio gou '■hy pt*r- FOBS t-M H 00 yejT3 of for cau yc^r, for'.jo%oo yc.va, itc. i forhfe-ail njcinbcrs ebin-iag lu the proau-j of age »re iab.ored ;I, Ail .oveil arp riiiijuiaUy pj^nf «Mjia fJi) aausfnou-ry proof la pi-eecitcJ. ' For fuiihor iaforumvion iko q rriiTr. i Agcnti; o: the Coosp»ay ia aU o' ..he Cis.to v,,? ^ j. u.\Ll£, &t .V ,j Xtux’7 1859.

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