\»AH tmm —HSl VOL. XlV.l FAYETTEVILliJ >N-rr MONDAYS aKT> THURSDAYS. J^WARD J. HALE & SONS. KUITOKS AND PROPRIETORS thf ScTiU.W«rX!jf Obhibvrr $15 00, paid in Fc We«kly OfissBviiB 510 00 per ftcnuoi, paid In iw tBoe f 'V*ADVERTTSEMENTS inserted for 12 per 0 ]uare “ line‘s rr less for the first, and one dollar for each ■idinfc piblic»l.lon. Adverti'Jfr*’ arc requosted to e tBe uuinber of iuBertiona desired, or thoy will ■-■’atlMuc.} a l frrSiJ, and charged acoordlnrt> ^ i»ertis^rii ill continued charged as new aJ *erti«emri.J «uiiXje, ttowvi^v: oi a smw «abdenber will be entered withoat in ad«&nce, nor will the paper be sjnt to sach fubsoribcra for a longer tiHus is pftid for. 6uch of our old snhecrihers as desire to take the pa pet on thiB system will ploaee notify us when making remiltaaces. Jan’y 1, 1858. W. DRAHGHON, &nCTIONEER, 8. K. Corner Mvrkrt Sqo»re, FATETTETILLE, N. €. Prrirrt attfntics ^i^cn to all bupinese in his lire «rin>pled *0 him. JutP 10. 1864. 40tf H. IcftfoBffr and Cciemi$;!ifon ATercbaiit, •iVo. 3®, nap Street, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. Jvne 6. 89-3m COTl^iV €ARI»K, .'Vo. 10. The fayettevillk cotton card v\ndfac- TUBING COMPANY are now mnniitK ^unrif^CArtl*'. superior to any run thrmiph tbi. t-Uickiid*', and at prew nt are soiling for a leas price the m’ntilc pair or by the .laua- tity. Any pcrstB ordvrlnf; six or niorf i>n;r.'», they will be securoly packcd and delivered in Wilmington free of ex pense. Call upon or address A. A. MoKETHAN, J. A. worth. ALEX. JOHNSON. Jr. Fa^ttcville, N. C. April IS. 2itf fajeileville Kc^u Oil Work^. OUR Oil Works f-i-e now iti conn lete operBtion, arid a« w.* use nothing bri mx)d rosin in’jVotUioing U-a Oil we can rocoiamcnfl it to b« the beet of the kind mwie in thid cMuitry. ft is a tina Lqbrioatiog and Tannw'o I 10, tvud 'wa g^ad t«j receive ju^nm 4a«n tka ■■ ^ ^ ' .Vlii 3«*i« uU rMJwiMiiW tQtna MuOluS^ CASKWSLL k 00. April 1ft. as-tf ^roncord Fenmlc €»llrf(«. nnfTP vfxi fw.oion of tWs Icstitntkfi. looat«d *♦ ville will coiPTneBce m* bo tost Moodaj of Avfcwtt- fKe »>Hce f'f tuition, for tb« fMwien, will V« fmm 710 ir FO. Tbr price rf bo«rd will >• fieO dollMW Dontb. parable in adTaiyje. oolMa special ar- r-:2.|;nmeht shonJd be mad« with tlia Prefi'*eat. BMh bovder win be cirpeoted to flrrwMl b*r «WB tow el'*. and a pair of sbe«t«. * Leiterp of inqciry will ftrtavi »tt»»i|oa if a^dlrswod to J. M. M. CALDWELL. Aug. 1, 1864 ' 57 rtpd. 'b»rlolfe Female l«iififate. T3K e*erc'H»P of ibis BOHOOL will be reraised cm Wednesday Pei>t. 14. Those wko wMi ptow nnst make early appHoatioo. Fcr oircn^ ocAteiBiac term. ISAAC HOLLINGSWORTH. t^rorer UDd ConBi^iiiioB MeirhaDt) FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. uoe 1'i. 40 tf .Tfcfc. »TfrJST*f V, Attorney at Law, FAr*TTBVILLE, N. C. ^ITILL attend the County and Saperior Courts ot Cuaiberland, Harnett, Moore and P-ol>esoa Coun- iiee- Prompt attention given to the conr-c*ion of all .1x08 entrusted to his hands. Of' 17, 1S69. 58-tf &o, addrew ■ iR-OtpU TS N. C, AUGUST 29, 1864. Wanted—Wood I.aBd. ondweigned will give a fetir price for a well wooded aei of LAND ef 100 or 200 acres, on the RaiVoad at ujj loiBt between Jonesboro’ and Fayettevill«. 'Wood, If^tr pint boxed or unboxed. HENRY B. COLTON, Agent P. K. Co. J foMoville, April 19. 86tf iiIRAIIi’8 mAJLXB. TBI8 8ALVB has been thomgblj tested for mugr years, and ia bow offorod to the pablio witk the guarantee that It poanaaet all the valuable haaling prep- Headqaarten, N. C. Reserre, \ Balei^, Aug. 6. 1864. ) 6»iaAX. OsDns I No. 6. f •e*een reported to the Lieutenant Qeneral Cobb' Bdiag RewTes, that deserters from the army mro ipr Bad to remain anmole«ted in certain counties «f i^ftatc. It is hereby made the duty of the Senior I, to apprehend and dcliTer them to the naareEt Comaaadant; and the Oaptaiss of the differ- . >'^Hii|MUiic« are wade and ulUhe hett atriotly re- the ummiioc at thie In iheir 7^ rif&itiTe oountiea. B7 command of Lt. general Hohnea. * 4 JNO. W. HINSDALE. A. A. QeneraL Aug. 8. 57 7t liirRRICATIMG OIL. The undersigned is now prepared to furaiBh to e ■ crUta claimed for it. For all enta, bmiaea, bums, soalda, pu ,lic * »ery siipi ri.)r article of LUBRICATING rieinm. fHons. bli8tim.nWMrfl. (>Tfloriati(iBiLSAreiiinttI*H. OIL, far CoUon and Woolen Fmctoriu. We claim toat this Oil doe? uot gun, and may be run at greater srei?(J witti lesa power thu any other Oil ezoept Sperm. Mr W H Porter, Superintendent of Phesnix Cotton Factory, ss.ya of it; “1 have beea using your Lubricat ing Oil for S or 8 months, and find it to be superior to any other Oil now in use for lubricating.” .V:r John Kershaw, Sup’t of Blount’s Creek Factory, says: “1 can cheerfully say your Labricating Oil is a superior article. It does not gum in the least, but keeps ihe journals clear and bright ” Mr A F Beckerdite, Chief Engineer of the C 8 Arse nal and Armory of this place, was requested to try It and says: “I thirk for light machinery—puoh as Cotton Factories—andf or heavy machinery when the motion is slow, your Lubricating Oil will compare next in qual ity to Sperm ” Other o^^on manufacturers have tried it and pro nounoed favorably of H. HENRY E. COLTON, Agent Fayetteville Kerosine Co. April 4, 1864 20-tf JO«. DTIaEY, t^rocer atui Cammii*»i«n .V^rrhntUt FAYETTEVILLE. N Jau y 10, 18G3 !« :f Nin. K.N HTED>*.V.V. WU. H. BKRSAHn 1[. A. STEDnA!% & €^0., WHOLESALE AiVB HETilL PlillLfiBS AND • to. 10, Kuy Strffl^ T^WETTEVILLE, N C ,r 25tf 1} - XTH H. O. As CO. .r;stfn! =*.nd Foncrardlng fiiorcUauts. fiirr Sire*t^ V- ri:MINOT()N, N 0 Iv!. tW. 7H 12i UDS''.i,L8 WHKAT, l .oCX) ■ C«^RN 'F«; - ■ 10 )1 Jtl'j = J-ighe.:.' C-'isii p«ioe by caliintr on Mr M riiomajij.i. M '•••• n'Tohs.’?*. Milk, tHyclievi’lf!, or un iLo sub'-m- 01.1 -• fcis "^Id BtviJ ■■1 Mi.vkei Sqaifie. .\hEZ JOfJNfiON. Jr Not. r 7fiff I N* pfe-ared to luaaufac-ir'- I'.l kind- of Wagon I itiiiii*'.! ?'r Army u*je. ’’ wj leather linl can yiv jji-'d h'iTgairk'i .Agcn'i *to well i j aend their rdT? ‘.o *0'! a? *‘)-"y Bhall t'*»o prom^a aticutioa, and of* ia 'juick dlspatcb. JOHN CARTER. Goi ifiton P O Chatham Co., K C. •I’one 18, l^tj'J. w EAGLE FOUNI>RT, \ Fatittbvilli, N. C., July 4, 1*64. j E ARE NOW PREPARED TO RECEIVE OR derq for RAIL ROAD WHEELS of the following sixea, v'l: 24, 26, 28 and 9C :?«h Also CHILLED TIRE8. The Iron we shall use far them willbe10LD BLAST CHARTAL I^N^and wejrar- any made in the Confederacy, or to thos« of Whitney & 0ona cf Philadelphia, who"*" reputation ia s'' well known by »11 Rail Ro*d Companies. We have the best fa:i'.iti}s for transportation bj Steamers to Wilmington, from thenoe to any part of the Confp'^eracy. Ord-T" •••sr'^^ulty solioitod. 46tf i ‘ D ANDERSON & CO ^ wester:^ kail road. rpHE FREIGHT AND PA88BNGER TRAIN8 of this I rioad leave Faycn ville daily, (SauJaya eioepted) kt 8 o’-'lcck, A. M , and retaruiug icavc Egypt at 1 o’cl->cR, I‘- M CiilXe aiidUorae 7Vi.n .MONDAY, WEDNEdDAY and FRIDAY. Sy Mrder JNO. M UOSE, Trcas’r and Gen’l Trana. Ag’t. Jtn. ■2.2., 18(>8. 97tf From anil alter tiiiti date Ihe Steamer A. P. HURT will leave at 8 o’clook, A. M., on Monday and Thuroday. J08. A. WORTH, •April C—ITtf] Ag't C F. Steam Boat Co rifings, fHons, blister*, nloera, excoriations, sore Bipples^ rising and gathered breaate, and for all vommdt of every dereription. it will b* foand eminently snooeenfnl in af fording relief and effectinr a cure. It is peculiarly adapted to wrnnds exhibiting eymp- toms of erysipelas. It will also be found one of the best aprlicatioDS to the breast when it becomes neoes- sary to dry up the storetion of milk. Non«i renuine witboat the signatnre of the Proprietor. Reference is made to the following persons who have nfed the Salve and can testify to ite healing powers: P. O Snowdea, Pnrg P. A. O. S.; Dr Wm F. Ber- rv; Rev. Hobert B. Sutton. Raotor ef l?t. Bartholomew’s Church, Pittsboroogh: Col. Henry A. LoDdoo,* Hon- A. Rencber. Ex-Oov. of N. Meiieo; W. F. Harllee, mem ber of Ex. Board 7th Cong. Diet. F. AIBAM. For sale in VayAtiavill* hy R J HTNHDALE TnW 97 n» Otr>^ FOR SAI^e. LiaHT 8IX-PA88FNOEB 8TAQB COACH with deck seat, newly tired and painted, and in exoel- A lent order Apply to B L PATTERSON, Ang 4. Patterson, Caldwell courty, N 56«bw4w C. ■} 8b«. ^Mttni Ar«l)ic lor sale by J. R LEE. (^ COtf Alter lliiJ* date 1 will r*? '’onta por pound for‘rags, or Lfc.; ujgLi-t mfrrict prloc, d?Uvtjrcd in TiTetteviL'e or at -ny miiis ou ii.ockfiah. i> MURPilY Iti, lrit-1 7-tI Wanted to Pur(‘iia»c\ i vTi:;UiS iiAIL ROAD iJKKJK, UiUik *:id Silver, S CaitL^ifc liCfdUfy Kcioa (ruiniable,) • t;i a&i $1', ^ios •;?. ••'a1 an'J ;hjw, Owi::»c>crl»aJ Bouda: •: ”.1 K'f 1 aycii.^viilc Boiidd; ■;rc-*:i. *oro XI luJ CortificatcB, ■ ...,.M- 7 - :i'. S por oent. y.yo, 0 .»...S,000,‘X>0 !oan; T vrn ua I Oo»uty i'-rtid;!, •' . .u iicudf; 3 LUTTKRLOj* 71t. } X BKF^IbtTMRXT, M. t'.. May 8, I LA '- T«'ANTr;)> --I ■■inb '•>'puroh»r*‘> l.«iad for thiB f ( r^:;vK iA.fg^ or sro.U: q'iai«- 'H will ■■ (^ri'iiy at oncc. Wiilpivo .• pon'd ci .\ir I- THt-F I- UOOv.', Cap''. 0. B. ( »iof Ordnance. POST FayetU'ThJc, N. C. ' • I -: , ■ : lion i9 Hat. atvni.i; *‘>an ioaod i. . ^ . r .1.-0 C17H frot-'. this p >ce ‘o .L> a ic , 1 *>11 r-o^i»’f pro- 7.>i*7 of H M't f..r ovryn'K- : jf .-ay -w • v-r '. nra !* ’ •“ *^‘“7 id': Kf tc'ai>cr.i.-v . r»ioo J O COOK P M ; G tf FAYETTEVILLE MSiTtJll. ISSIIRJNCB tOSPiHI. Cari^Al in I’rominm Notes amounts to J2*>7,08H 2b - 5,077 36 Oaah cn hand and other assets. Total, $272,7«6 1ft The Company have pail all losses prooiptly, and kave never made an aseesament on their premium notes. Total losses paid, f29,682 Ornoaas: QEO. MoNElLL, President D. A. RAY, Vice President C. A. MoMILLAN, Sec’y. DisnoTOBs: Henry Lilly, W. N. Tillinghaai, H L. Myrovcf, S. J. Hinsdale, 5, T. Hawley, Wm. McLaurin, Nathan A. Stcdman, T 8- Lutterloh, A. W. Steel, J. G. C»ok, lion. J. 0. Shepherd, Joiin CoUma and C. C. MvjlJrunnmen, Traveling Agents ggp-The Company iavite appUoatioos- Mav 38. C. B. Mallctt, James Kyle, A. A. MoKothan, J. D. Williams, 8. W. Tillinghast. - LOST, A CERTIFICATE of Depos'te for $TOOy iusned by John W. Sandford, Esq. Fayetteville, N. C., num ber^ 77, dated Maroh IS, 1864, and drawn in favor of Sirs Hannah J Tunnell. Notioe is hereby given *hat appfioation will be made for the issue of a new certifi- oat in lieu of the ono lost. ‘ D H. HILL Otvidsin College, Aug 12. S9 Im —t Bockioghjun, Kicteond Co. N. 0.\ ‘Amtost 1864 / fFQB nnderaigned would respeotfully inform his fHen^ 1 ind the publie generally that he ia just reoeivlng a smal etock of the foliowi'og articles, whioh he will sell as deap as the high taxes and a greatly depreciated eur»noy will permit of, to wii: Sni^, Tnbaooo, Cigars, Smoling Tobacoo, Candles, Matches, Pipes, Pina and Neeclcfl, Knitting Needles, Spoo' Thread, Flax and Silk Thread, Bleached and onbleached Homeepnn, Calies, Hoop Skirte, Copperas, SodB, Epsom Salts, Laudintun, Camphor, Alum, Ginger, Pejtper, Spiee, Sugar and Coffee. He will barter on the m'*st fhvomble terms aoy of his |oods for Butter, Eggs, Lard, Bacon, Co^n and Wheat Qive him a oali, if yon wish to get good b«r- gains WILLIAM R. TEBRY, At the stand fnrm«r!y oeeapied by Carter as a Har ass Bh0p. Ant 111 SvceoB OfDc*, 1 Rauiob, N. O., Juan IOtb, 1864. j AMESSBNOER will leave this Office on the first day, and ihe fifteenth day, of every month, for Oen. Lee’s army. All boxes left here for any member of Aat army will be carried there promptly by him and delivered to the owner. BDWARD WARRBN, 41-tf Surgaon General North Carolina. FajetteTiUe Aneaal Mid Armmr,) June SO, 1864. / 9100 BOUMTY. WioMU^a, 40 Jti^umied MiUiemen. AUTHORITY having bet*** granted by the War De partment to raise a Company of Moont«d Riflemen for eerviee in this vieinlty, notice is hereby given that recruits to the onmbet of 40 will be re ceived for this service, to fill np the cea9«^ lo the re quired Number of 100. Baeh aeeraAt ‘wiU b« Mttired to niTBi*a a rrr;c!^>!c isno, ftr w«6S IrUdi i* al lowed 40 cents ]^r diem, and hla ^y $12 per month. WritUR /wmwMen will be required ftrom parents or guardians, where the applicant is under the conscript Each reomit must bring with him a blanket or bed spread, and come prepared to remain. Bridlei), saddieii, halters and saddle blankets famish ed by the Government, c? if the reoruit oomos provided with them, he will be paid for them a fkir valaation. Apply to .Mdjor MATTHEW P. TAYLOR, at the Ar- etn'il , F. L. CHILDS, 46 tf] Lieut. CoL C. 8. A. Comd’g Poet. ©ollars^bWardT N (a8t Thursday my bay m«ra, with a black mane and tail, broke loose at Egypt Station, Chatham county I bave not eeen her since. I judge that some person haa taken her up or stolen her since she got loose She is of oommon siae, good looking, her mane considerably worn off with the collar; her lett eye has been aM knocked out, the' hair rubbed off her back. I will gi*e $100 for the reoovery of the mare and $100 fir the arrest of the thi*f if stolen HARRIS TY80R Fair July 2. 48-7tpd&*f WwA Wanted for the State of N. Carolina. The undersigned continue to exchange COTTON YARN for WOOL, one bundle of Yarn for 4 lbs. ua- wauhod. or 8 lbs. clean waslted Wool. They will also pay a liberal price in cash for large or sm^ll lota. GEO W. WILLIAMS A CO., Agts. Pftvettevil'c, June 16. 42tf Headqaarttn Beserre, V. C., \ ZiALiion, Ang. 1, 1864. / (Extract ] Gsmebai. OsDnas, \ No 4 / 1 Captains of Senior Reserve, ia the several oonnties « of the Stale of North Carolina, whore Oompanies have been orgAuised, will assemble them at their re peotive 0turt Housoa, every Saturday at 12 o’clock, for drill and instruction. a It » » « « By Command of Lt. Gen. Holhbs 66 7t .INO. W. HINSDALE, A. A 6. Claim your Hometi! Ehkollimo Ottiob, \ Fayetteville, N. C , Aug. 16, 1864 / TWO HOR8E8 were recently captured 7 miles from this plaoo, under oircnmstanoes whioh lead to the belief that they were ttolm by the Deserters in whose pns8e0Blon they were when captured. The criminals were traveling under fals« names, with forged papers, and eoold give no credible account of themaelves. The horses bore marks of having been ridden very hard. Their aasumeu uames and prcper description are as follows: J W Ckeaunt, 37 years old, haxel eyee, black hair, fair eompIeoUim. 6ftet high, Alabama, Cherokee eoanty. Allen Owl, 94 years old, blue eyes, black hair, fair compltotion, 5 feet II inches, N. 0 , Orange county. The former made his ssoap* in Wilmington and is again at large The latter has s'nee given hie name aa Irkkart, aad admitted himaelf to be a deaerter from the 4lsi , Reg’t, and $UJm that tha hontea wereeetlee fkwM waii ■■■ s^i f «iy frim* by Q. 11 . Fayetteville Arsenal and Annot^. Any one supposing himself the owner may address me on the matter. Whenever the real owners shall appear, the property shall be retarn»d or the party receive value thirrefoT. W. C. RENCHER, 69 St*! Lt. and E. O. C'uoberland. CJOIVFEDERATE TAXES. . THB CoBf'derate Tax Asseasors fer BiohiMad eoaatj will meet tbs Tax Payers at the foUowing ia»ea and places to reoeive their Tax Lists for the year 18C4: At Steele's, 29th aad 80th Angott; At Mineral Spriags, 81st Ang, and lat Seot; At RoeUnirham, 2d and 8d ^pt; At Laurel Hill, 6th and 6th Sept; At Stewartsville, 7th and 8th Sept; At Williamson’s, (>th and 10th Sept. To enable the Apsessors to get through with the As sessments within (be time allowed te eaeh Preolnet, Tax Payers must come prepared with complete lists of every article of property h^d and owned by them «n 17th Feb'y 1864, speci^ing what is aad what is sot ea gaged in AgriouUnre, with the value thereof ia 18C0, (except where lands, aegroee, cotton or tobaeeo hate been purchased sinoe 1st Jan’y 1M2, then the prices actual’y paid therefe*_(a he ^tM«A) Among the all^ieoia to'Se tlakad lit tellowiB( enumerated: Lands, slaves, borses, mnlea, cattle, hogs, sheep, goatg, oom, bacon, flonr, 1m«1 aad other agrioal- tttral prodoots, (except what may be neeessary for Ihe support of the white family and hoosb servaats fer the year lf>64, provided tbeee products are In the hands of the produoer and bave paid the tithe ) All artieles of merehaadize, household and kitchen ftimitnre, wsgcna, ploughs and aM agricultural and mechanieal tools aad implements, books, maps, mnsioal instruments, aad other works of art, buggies, carriages and sulkies, olooks and watohes, gold and silver plate, g»ld and sil ver coin aad bullion, amount of aU solvsnt credits, bank bills and other paper Issu'd as currency, (except non interest bearing Confederate Treasury Notes,) and not employed In a taxed buainess, moneys held abroad, blUs of exchange, and every description of property, whether real, personal or mixed Retrms must be promptly rendered of all specific tsxes and of gross quarterly sales np to 1st Joly 1864f as well as of all profits made from s^ea of property of every kind, purchased since 1st Jan’y 186S, aad sol‘f between 17th Feb’y 1864 and 1st July 1864. The Assesaors of the Tax in Kind will accompany the nndersigned for the purpose of Assessing the weol, wheat, oats, rye a»d other crops which have been gather ed. JOHN C. ENIOHT, JOHN W. LEAK, AFseseors. Aug. 18. 00 Stpd Tax in Kind—Richmond Connty. The Farmers residing in the following Districts, Richmond county, are notified to meet me at the following times and places for be purpose of listing their crops of Wheat, Oats, Rye and Hay, and Wvol, tbe present year’s crop, to-wit: Wolf Pit, on Laurel Hill, on 6th and 6th Sept; Stewartsville, on 7th snd 8th Sept; Williamson’s, on 9th and 10th Sept. Prompt attendance required. PETER McRAE, Assessor for low*r end of Richmond county. Aug. 19. (^0-4tpd Te Tithe Payers of Robeson Coiinty R. C. You will be allowed until the lat of Sept to bring in all produoe due from the orops of 1863, provided you bring it to Lamberton. None of the orops of 1864 will be received until notice is given. B. 8TANSEL, Q. M. Art. C S. A. Lumborton, Aug 19. 601*tl!sw 0 SVCiAR CAIVE MlliliS. RECEIVED, another of those Exoellent Mills, iron rollcrr and iron boxes, for sale at Manufacturer’s prices or exohange for provisions :UOi- f .e i’- «.t li'i" ■- cf • *-Arolni"., Ap- ..' F:yV .•o.iixiuor:.M, '■ V'l^poro f>t »!id Hotioit urdtr" ‘or the bui-k- ''tJcra tur nuy iiiiouiit cau f.ct: Ti-c Joal vrom ~i-in •i( ^;'i !n the (^ou^.'i^'r%tc dt*t*8. > D. Msile'.t, Tsyc'te- ' f .,jarl«»»«‘O. 8. 0 I> ^iALLhT'£. JAMES BRO«KW :-A7»tie*:Us. Jan’y iO. 18«8 •ll! C r I.*u. : -i;y . CONFKDZKAT& STATjCB Of AMERICA, ) EHOlHKitt D-iri-iiTKHMT, D18T. CaP« FiAB, V WUmingion, N. C., Maroh Kith, 18(53. J| Notice ia hereby given to all persona having cliiJT>s ftgainf^t :ho Etiginoar Depntmeut, (or aervioea cf slaves employed ae :*borert on tho i^nd dtfcncfj n«ar Wilmiugto", N 0., tot: the undcrsignid ia aothorised and prcparc;l to nay the aams at bis *ilfioe, on t^ ae- ooud floor of tho buildm^ aext »bovo Mcarea’ Drug Storj, Market 8tr“t. gfji^ Perflo>»3 eieoutin(£ Poirera of Attorney will ob serve the followiin: form—tUair aignaturoa, in all oajee, tc» he wiiuedsed by two wilneBaee and aig:ied in dupli cate, or they riny ba witaoBJoJ before a Juetioe of tho Peace or Clerk oi Any Court. FORM OF 1‘OWSR OF ATrORKEf. I, of , do hereby appoint , of , my true Ifttfful A^cat to sign rooeipta for, and reoeive payment of all rooaeya due to nie by the Engineer De- pArtmeiit of ;.he Conl’eder:kte States of America, for the Borvioea of my olavea enipl(»yed an labciora ou the land de(eno*;s at , dancg tiie mouth of , Ittb - Witnoha my hand and eeal at , the day of —. I8tj !8«al. j Ti.e Hij^nwoi-d ui Uv.crt-- fvrt-.-aa .t i wuncfwed iiir-ie Kibia Tbore uiui.^ vlupliuA'^i i erb o" Attorney lur each luouia. LIah.. c*-i be aad uiion &ppli- uation at tUia oSioe ,V. II JAMES, Capt. i Chief Eng. Jan'yiO, I300tf l^trayeil. A BROWN Ct ', marked with smooth crop and under bit both oars, uodium aixe Any information will » e nheerfolly received, and a liberal reward paid fo?» has peoovsty, by Mrs. B- M. WALKXK ParMonat. M*y H* Mtf Ang. 16. JOHN KERSHAW. 58 Ot BOMOS FOR IIALE. Five Hnudred Million Confederate Six Per Cent. Boiida. TRBl^E BONDS present tho greatost inducements for iave«tmcnt. They havo thirty years to rua. inter oct payable semi-annuaDy, and aro seen red by import and ezpor! duliea; are exempt, prinoipal and intores'., from taxation, and the eoupona rcoeivable aa ooin for cublom diiiies Tb'^ omtp- nu of these Bonds, due January lat, 1865, have be:u ordered to bo reoeivod ia pAyment of Import duties in advance of maturity Apply to ALLEN S. G1BBE8, Agent Treasury Department, Wilmington. N. C Aufc.!). 68 tf IVaptha! iVaptiia!! WG are now making a very superior article of NAP- THA, whioh wo recommend to Arsenals and Rail roads. It may be used for cleaning the finest as well aa tho m«.it common Maohin*ry, and it is superior to the best oil for cleanaing guns of rust, &o. MOORE. CASHWELT. & CO Afff. 3. 55-14 Palma €hristi Beans. The subearibcr will pay the h^heot' cash prices for any quAouty of Palma Christi Beaus. J. A. ^ORTH r^y'.tteviila. ;• ''T H FLOUR AND OATIS. Flour and oats win be exchanged for Com at the Store of D. McLaurin, by giving him a few days notice. Floor good. Oats No. 1, blaok or i^ite. Jan’y 29. *-tf Yoiuig’§ Arlttusetieal Dietionary, Embracing & aystem of ArithmeUo, Ready Beehon- cr. Interest Galoolator, Book Seepiag, forms, B- J. * somT Dee’r 1«. Tayetteriile Anenal and Armory, Q. M. 0(Bce,) FayeUeville, Aug 17, 1864. / Wood Wanted. SE.^LED PROPOSALS will >>e received at this office untri the 16th day of Sept 1«64, for the delivery of four hundred oorda of good sound BLACK JACK WO^D. to be delivered at suob time and place and in such quantities as the A. A. Q, M. at this po«t may re- qtiire. It must conform strtctly to the standard measure- meat for Cord Wood, vix: 8x4x4 Proposals to be marked Proposals for Wood for Q M. Dep’t JOHN L HOLMES, b9tf} Capt c.nd A A. Q M. • Confederate Taxes. WTLL meet the tax payers of the upper Diatriot of Robeson County at :he following times and places for the purpose of correcting some errors made in the last Mating (being the same days on which the astiessor of tithes will be ther^ ) At Smith’s, August 23d, 1864; Alfordsville, August 24ih; Wishart’s, August 25th; Howellsville, August 2tkh, St. Paul’s, August 27th; Lumber Bridge, August Randalsville, August SOth The Tax-payers of the county are hereby notified lo attend at the times and placee above stated, and furnish to the assessors correct liste of the following subjeota of Taxation, on hand, held and owned on the 17th Feb’y 1864, vix: No. of Acres of laad employed 1b agriculture. No. ae and sex of slaves “ “ *• No. Horses, Mules 4nd Oxen “ - No. Ploughs and other farming implements, do. * All other property employed in agrioulture. —ALSO— No uf acres laud and other Real Estate not employed in agrioulture. Nr*, age and sex of slaves not employed in agrioulture No of Horses, Mules and Asaes do. No of Cattle of the Bovine Kpeeies. No of Sheep, Goats and Hogs. No of poonds Cotton and Wool. No “ Tobacco. No bushels Com and Wheat, Rye, Oat«, Rice and other small graie Value of potatoes of all kinds, peas, beans, ground peas, and all other products ef the farm, garden or or chard. Value of flour, meal, sugar, molasses, bacon, lard and other groceries,, goods, wares and merohandise, spirit- ous liquors, wines, older, vinef^r, &e. Value of all household and kitchen furniture, agricul tural tools and implemeata, and all tools of meehanios and others, musical inatrumenta, and all artielea of do- meftic use. No bad value of wagons, carta, drays and all other vehialea on wheels. VaIuo of all gold and silver ware and plate, jewclH, jewelry and watohea. Value of all books, maps, pictures, paiutinga, sfatu ary and otiter works of art. All property and asaeta of banks, joint stock com panies and corporations, whether incorporated or not. Gold and silver ooin, gold dust, gold and silver bullion Amoqnt of all solvent credits, bank bills and all oth?r paper issued as cwrrency, (except non-intereat bearing Confederate Treaonry notes,) and not employed in a taxed businees. Value of all moneys held abi-e&d, bilid of cxoh&agc on foreign oonntrios. V^ne of all articles of personal or mixed property not embraoed in the fo'en'oing. D. 8. MORRISON. Assessor. Aug 15. 5^ *8w4t STOP^THE THlE^F. One Handred and Fifty Dollars Reward. STOLEN on the night of the 17th inet., from my plantation, a BAY HORSE, of ordinary size, oom f:aelly built, about five fee^ two itaBbes high, thin mane which inolines to the left side. When walking or trot ting, he tams his fore feet gmtly inward, whioh is the only peculiar inark of the animal reoollected. I win give a reward of One Hundred aad Fifty Dol lars for the Hoase and Thief or One Hundred Dol!an for the Horeo alcne. 1. B. DYER, Goldabero’, M. C. Ang. 19. 60-Jt HIAIMIVABTBBS BBSBBTB, N. C.\ BALaraa, Ang. 19. L8£4. j ■ \ Ho,«. r I. General Ordere-No. 8 paragraphs III., IV. and V , Headquarters Rceerve N. C., ourTeat aeriea, are hereby revoked. II. All Eztmptiont of persons within the Reserve agea, will be granted under general instmctiena tiom the Bureau of Consoription, without referenee to the Lt. Gen’l Commanding Reserve. III. Applioations for Def'iilot persona within the Re serve ages will not be rocetved by the Local Enrolling Officors, until after the organization of the eompacy from the county in which the applicant resides shall have t'oen effected They will then be oarefnlly investi- g*tcd, and aeted upon in conformity with the pruvi- sions of Ciroi^lars No. 8, 8 and 29, Bnreaa of Consorip- tiou, current' series, exocpt hereinafter prescribed: First, In cases of approval by the District Enrolling Officer, a fiirloagh for sixty davs will not be granted, when the party would, within that time, become eighteen years old Secondly, In cases of disapproval by the Distriot Enrolling Officer, if the party 1^ be tween forty-five an'* fifty years old he will be forth with assigned by the Enrolling Officer to the com pany of Senior Reserves from the county in whioh he resides; if between the ages of seventeen and eighteen years, be will be sent to Camp of Instruction for as signment by Che Commandant of ConscriTtts. aeoording tn oonnty and oongressional distriet Tkirdh/, All ap- pUoationH herein referred to, required by the Oiroulare from the Bureau of Consoription to be forwarded, will be transmitted, throuth the eommandant of Conscripts, to this office for fin»l action, instead of to the Suporia- tondent of the Bureau at Richmond. By oom'^and of Lient Gen. Holmes. JOHN W. HINSDALE, A A Gen. Aug 20. ' 60 7t METB0B8. Tbe annnal time ior the appaaranoe of meteors is agiua approaohing, and during the next mOnth more or less exhibitions of those teirarkable bodies may be expootcd. It i» somewhat remark able that the fact of this regular period of mctcorio phenomena was not nuticcd until a modem date. There can no longer bo any doubt that, for some reason or other, in tbe month of August, cspccially the early portion of it, there ie if regular rceurring exhibition of metoors in the ekjk; and during tho past few years airtrono- mers and others interested in celestial wonders bave watobed, examined, and noted tho appearan ces, 90 that the mass of evid«'nec eolleoted has bcooaiu hi^iy iasp«ftant sr,l ob?1«I 4w ieating iHic value OT the ^ffcreat theories wlbich have been suggested for the explanation of tho myste ry—for a mystery they are, although so much study have wjen given to them. Two theories rc^iain proibinont, and but two, whioh aro at pro£cnt held by the learned men. The first, whioh attributes to the meteor a lunar origin, is abandoned by most of its former adher ents. This theory is in substance this—-that vol canoes in the moon throw c ut stones with such force _as to send them beyond the sphere of at traction of the moon, and into the sphere of at traction of the earth, no that instead of falling back to the surface of the orb from whioh they came, they descend to the earth, are ignited by the rapid passage which they make through our atmosphere, and vanish in the combustion, or reach the ground ocensionally in fragments This idea is not so violent and improbable as it may seem. The force of the attraction of gravitation depends on the weight and distance of the attract ing body. The simplest explanation may be made by imagining a body placed between the earth and the moon at exactly equal distances from each. It will fall to the earth, because the attraction in that direction is much greater. So as the body is advanced farther and farther towards the moon it continues within the superior attraction of the earth until quite near to the surface of the moon. The force estimated as necessary to hurl a body from the moon into the superior influence of tho earth’s attractioa is only a few times greater than that of a Parrott gun. The other theory, which is now more generally received, and which possesses some striking fea tures, is that the meteors form a zone around th« sun, perhaps several zones, like fragments of de cayed planets, lying all along tho track of the ancient orbits; that the world in its annual circuit around the sun passes every August, and at va rious other tin^, through the track and through tho debris which is scattered along it, the frag ments igniting as they ent»: our atmosphere. This theory is based on the regularity of the appearance, the general uniformity of direction, and other facts whieh have been acted by'obtMic- TCT8 It is a startKag and mMntftoont idea; nor is it violent. The asteroids whieh have been dis covered have already given rise to a similar idea in relation to another planet. That the planets dccay, break up, disappear in the course of ages, who can dispute? The immutability of tho heavens is but a poetic idea. All things change. Dccay is the order of nature. The human frame, one of tbe most ex quisite works of the Creator, is doomed to fall in to dust. Trees and flowers grow, and fade and perish. The mountains ortunblc—the valleys fill up. There is nothing of physical matter known to man which docs not go through tho process of disintegration, and what we call decay. Why should suns and stars be exempt from the uni versal law? Whatever bo thn true theory, the l>eauty of meteors as a part ot tbe great celMtial system is not to be doubted; and in a lew day^it will bo possible for any ono lying on hb ba^ in a elcar eight under the sky, to count scores of larger and smaller '^shooting stars,” whieh will eroHs the sky and vanish.—Jour, a/ Commerce IVOTICE. THE Aetessors of the Tax in Kind for Hamot t county will be at the following plaoes on the following days, for the purpose of listing the crops of Wheat, Oats, Ry$, oared Hay and Wool, produots of 1864: At Johnsenville, l^ursday, Ang 26,1864; At Barbecue, Friday, Aug 26; At Tamer’s Store, Up Lit Riv Diat, Saturday, Ang 27; At Bunn’s Level, Stewart’s Greek Dist, Monday, Ang 29; At Averasboro’, Averaeboro’ Dist, Tuesday, Ang 80; At B Turlington’s, Grove Diet, Wednesday, Aug 8l; At Reuben Matthews’ Mills, Neal’s Greek Dist, Thurs day, Sept 1; At John Spenee’s, Hooter’s Creek Dist, Friday, S*pt|2; At Mrs Arnold’s, Buekhom Dist, Saturday, Sept 8 The Tax payers of the County of Haraett are respeet- fally requested to meet this notioe promptly. HUGH McLBAN. \ .-e»ior« JNO. L. ATKINS, Aug 18, 18i’>4. 60*2t2sw Profitable Investment. NTENDING hereafter to devote my entire individual attention to the Coal Oil Works, I cff«r for sale the fixtures of my BRANDY DISTILLERY. They consist of two Stills, with Worms, Caps and Tuba complete. The Stills are perfectly new and made of extra thiok corner I can safely say that there are not two better Stills in the South. One has a capacity of ^0 to 100 gallons, the other of 50 gallons, and they wiI turn out in stilling eider from 16 to 20 gallons of good proof Brandy per day. Also, if des’red, an APPLE MACHINE, whioh will grind fine 60 bushels of apples an hour. In an apple-growing seetion any enterprising man oan make froni $500 to $800 clear profit per day. HENRY E. COLTON, FayettevUle, N- C Ang. 17 50 itf $«^00 REWARB. I WILL pay the above reward of Five Hundred DoUara, for the apprehension of Joe. Lee, a free mulatto, who ib guiliy of the murder of Archibald Blue of J^ichmond county, N. C-, in any jail so that I can get him. Said Lee committed the murder on tho 8lh of Auduet inst., 18*^4 8a’d Lee ia five feet 8 or 10 inohea bicb, dark oompleotion and straight hair. When last seen h« waa on his w»y to Scufildtown, in Robeson county, where his Father came from MALCOM BLUE . M^troi«e. N C.. Auy 16 89-tf lilitrayed or HKtolen. The Bubporiber lo!t a likely BLACK MARE, under medium size, white spot on her back, caused by the harness, fore feet turns out, and tips her ancles in traveling, recently shod, four yean old, and in good order. A liberal reward will be givMi for the delivery of said Mare, or any information, so that I get her. Address the subseriber at Currieaville P 0, Moore County, N. C- KENNETH M. MoDONALD Aug. 10. ^ 58 8tpd Bl»nk Warraotf tor ea)« ber«. Singular Coincidenee—Wednesday morning we noticcd that an incident oceurred down the bay un Sunday night, and that Mr J. J Love had been killed %nd Mr. I*trrce severely wounded. The body of the supposed Love was brought up by the steamer Natchez and his friends notified of the fact, who immediately took charge of the remains, and preparations were madn for the burial. That afternoon (Tuesday) a tclo^';raphic dispatch was sent to Mrs. Love, who resides a short distance up the Mobile and Ohio railroad, to come to the city. She did so, but by that time the supposed remain.^ ol her husband wcro well placed away in a packed coffin, and the body being in such a state of decomposition that her friends told her it was a matter of impossibility for him to be recognizcd by her; and for fear of some bad results, as she wa.s cxceedint;ly shaken by grief, they refused to open the colBn to give her the usual last lock. On Wednesday afternoon the corpse was esoorked to its last resting-placc by Mrs. Love and a large concourse of intimate friends and acquaintances. IjO and behold the sefmel. On Wedncbday night, the live body cf Mr Love was brought up on the steamer l)iek Kcyee and restored to his “widow ed’' wife and sorrowful friends; the mistake having occurred in sending the body Orom Navy Cove to the fort. It appears that four men were in the boat that the accident occurred on, and that some confusion occurrcd in rcspeet to them, and that the person who .sent up the body to the fort told the one in charge of it that it was that of Joseph Love. He delivered it from person to party until it was forwarded, when it has since been proven that the dead man wap Dennis Mur« phy, also a very worthy citizen. The person of the deceased was about the same height and size as Love, and the haste and confusion in sending up the body caused tho mistake, whieh has ter minated in anything elso than a joke. It is also stated that, on the morning of Wed nesday, the newspapers containing the announce- meui of his death and funeral notice was road to Mr. Love at Fort Morgan. He immediately tel egraphed to a lady friend, (he not knowing that his wife was in the city), that he was safe and all right. The dispatch was received just before the funeral serviecs were performed, and, owing to the excitement at the time, she, thinking it some trival matter, laid the dispatch iu her work- basket and continued her preparation for the fu neral, and did not read it until Love made his appearance at her house at 12 o’clock at night, when the feelings of his wife and all present can be better imagined than described.—Mobile Trib. The Farmers'and Planters’A1- for 1H64 A few grote nwe jnat reeeived. faa’v n r HALS * OOMS