mmsk PUBLIC LAWS. SvAontD Fbb*t lS6i. ^e to .fWncI, Tax and LimU Ae Ourrencjf. SwnaoH 1. lis Oongreu of ik» Confederate States of Ammriea do ettacif Titftt tho holders of •11 Treaioiy notes abore the deaomina^toii of 85, not beariag interest, shall be allowed aoti! the 1st daj of April 18M, east of the jlissisiippi, to fond the same, and antil tho periods aod at tbe plaoee ntated, the holders of all such TV^»snry notes shall be allowed to ^od tlw i in rofSW- ">««• •ft'' at the rate of 4 per cent, per aa- ^mox, payable on the 1st of Janaacy aiid Jaly of eaeh year. Sm. 2. The Secretary of the Treasury is hereby andioriied to isRue the bonds required for t'to f\inding provided for in the preceding sooiioii, and untii the boads can be prepared he may isaue oeftifiratef* to audwer the purpose. Suoh bond^ aud oertiioatM'shall be rcccivable without intar- («t in payment of all Oovernm^nt dues payable in the fear 1%4. except export and import duties. Ssc. 3. That all Treasury notes of the denoaii- natioQ C’i 1100, not bearing interest, which shall not be vresonted for funding under tho provisions rtf tl'6 litt flootion of this aot, shall, from andafwr 1st day of April 1864, east of the Mississ’ppi river, .nd thp lat day of July 1864, west of tue riissif>»ppi, cease to be pooeivablo in payment of poblio daea, and said notes, if not so prcseateJ at '.bat time, shall, in addition to tho t'^ of oenbf imposed in the 4th sootion of this aot, be bDlyocted to a (juc of 10 per ccnt. per month un til oo pretteatcd; whioh faxes shitll attach to said totOH tfherevcr ciroalatod, and shall be deducted ?ro«n the fiwe of said notes whenever prewnted for payment or fur iundiu;', and said hH«s fihall not be exohaDgeablo for tho new issue of Trea sury notes provided for in this act. Sso.-i. Thct oa all snid Treaaui^ noLcs net | fundeJ or vl ia payment of taxes ut the Juies j aud places j.rcacriled is tho let section of tais i aot, there shall be levied »t said dates and pla-^s | a tax ot 33i cents for evory dollar proniiood on j the face of duid notesjj said tax shall attach to said | notcH wheraver circulated, and shall b** ajllcoted by dodnctiag the same at the trccdury, its depuei- tories and by tax eollectors, and by all Govera- otcQt otiioers eocivinj; the samr whonever pre sented fnr pay.flcut ov for fund'Tsg, or in paysaent ot OoverDTvau* dut^s, or for postage, or in ex change for QCT? notes, as horoinafter prcvidfd, and a&irt Trsiasuvy uotoR stall i>c fuariable in bonds as ?ruvided in tho 1st scction of this aot, uidti! tho s! day of January 1866, at the rate oerta OQ the dollar; it shall bo the dutj of tLc 8oc- rctary >?f the Treasury, at &zy Hue between the Is: ci -xpril anJ the 1st of July, 1864, 's^cat of the Alisiiaiippi river, aiii the lal of Januaij 1865, to substitute aad exor -.ngs liCv? Treajury nctos ior the same at the rate of 66} ecnta on ^he «lol- lart Prr ptdeH, That notes of the denomin.’^ti is of JJlOO shall not be entitled to the privMeg'^ of exchange: Provided further^ ihit: ii> ns?ht -o ■ and any oi aaid Treasury notes, ?iit;r l‘*taay (rf Janu^y 186d, is hereby talt' u a>> fcy: Jk-' yro- otJed /rirther^ That upon all such Tr?::sar' noioa which may reisaia out^itanding on It ^ J»t day of Janaa:^ 1866, au'i whiuh may not for ne^ ireaf-urv notcj, as henwR pro\iJe:, at'.i of 100 per cent, is horoby imposed. 8so. a. That aiber the first day of April next, a; authority b«retofore given to thd Socrcury of the Troascry to is^iuu Treasury notes shall i a&d is hetefty, rcvclr»y^- Provided, the Seorc ary of Txie Treaaury siij, . ter that time, iasc.c new TroaBTiry isrt.«s3, in suoh term as hsmay pre scribe, pay&blt tva' yeuh# uficr the ratifioaiioa of a treaty of pcn-'O ’ntU the Unite^i Stau'.8, siid &-‘W iaeuu. to be rcsiiivable in payma'at of all public daeh, oxeept export and import duties, to be issued in axchatige tor old notes at the rtue of 2 doUarik o£ the aovf lor 6 of the cid L.suos, whother said old not s I* fcsrrendered for exchaago by the holdeiH fhe.dcj, or be received into the Troa^iary uuder *he provis’ODE- ot this jtotj and iLe holders of the a«w oT tha iaid notes, except tnoee of the den',:m'D".ti.}n of SlOO, aft^^r they are rpfla^yl to cf on tho til,Mar hy the tax aforcsaiu, niiy oonvcjf tho aacie int« certiftcftto^ bc«r in- at tho rate of 1 {.or vnt. por ^x}z~j p_»i*L»lc; 4.*fo jcars u ratihoatiu^ *'t « tr my with the United Stat#ifl, .. 'tf •of»verU;d luto drw ao^«5 B';c. ft. Tbrt to p'iy the expenses cf tl« Gcv • rniacQt no; otherwise provided for, the .5ce.'* ur j of tlie Tres>rury is iir'reby authorixed ‘ j 'rv ue o rcvr C-. a. bolide U> a'j amount cot cxceo^.iag 5 v»* uodn-d uiiiliorA.'i ct (i jllar* tiie j riuoipal a-id ia- terd;;t wh “hall be tr;: frooi .ax ttion, .»ad ♦jr fclio payuiant o*‘ intvr'5*t thereon the eiithc ii?t rttoeipte o* any ejiptri iu y h laid on tbo value of 107 ‘"'■-tLoE, t-vxi"'?';, aui iiaval which shall ^ exported Jrom the Conlo*i«‘8ij State , and Uie a‘;t prooc-fls o! tit import uuuoo nov iaiu, or much thoi-caf •-« ii»ay I'C neocrtsar/ to pay aauv.«I>y the io*-si*ist, are hereby ypooially piedgcd: i^Gvid^d, that thi datie« now laid on imports are hereby pledged Jind ehall hereaf ter t>c paid .a dpucie, or ia sterling ezehange, or >n oOvii;t»n.3 o/ c.aid boaci.s ■Si^c. i. I'liat t^e HecrcUry oi the Trea>ur_y ts h«r«hv aulh .i W.-u, from time to aa 'be naiit. >>i vhe Tr^'aiury ic-ay rc/|'iirt* it, to soli vf •>j: .i li: f !v Treacury co^ts iaid Ixjwia, or anv at tL' BO'-'n t'le 'k'S-. torms ho can, to >ks tj i.foc upur 3i>r at.ooH !>> '^ougrmff and at ‘lio ame cn.l rf^utno^ ihc ausount of tha oiroa- iu l r«..'w.tsry nilen wiMan rc.j.*onablo i;,-,d •wie J •t*«. The Ir-'U'?- r.aUiC.-iaed by the 6th S30- ti n oi z'-.ii. s,j. iuay ;.ft oithcr ip^:k;lcTC‘l or cuu- 111 . uknig \hnni ui;*y RDU t.tyy r.ay be eAO»iaUj;ed lor caoh utbcr uodcr eucL * tU« .H-o.fc-tii.ty of tl.c '-' m. ,, priScriixj. Th y ;a,l ho l-,r 81'.''J, ..aO jhau liu^auv'-' -4.6 vwUJ.^'U i,*' ftU'iii u^ixi ;;a • ul suC'u "*'.-uoau3i*vioa -id the Hf^s- rc ary ot ito Tn-.-ar.ity riay proffcnbo; tUe ii.w*ro> t shJ) b. hall yc^'iy oa the liret ci.' Jaa’y xhd J rdy -,ii earli yoar, priue’ shall bo jay- abH- 30’ lo.sji _:o yci:iii ir;>ci their ‘late. Ail V. »1 c.rtiirea'-OH b=- fu:d^blo, tiizcJ. in all tc'isp'jaU. a* i;- provided r ii:nc;i in* / whioti tjijy *»rc oon- •'v.ivoj";J tho time fiy^d lor Truicii!^ .oto.i, 3tio.'\ «.«tf4U«;atci flhall : ;iuiO hoj; ; npou o.:ly 6t>i cents .oi;jr [>r.a.:ftOd uptju their ii*cc, and ro-iee:.-: ,L>:- la new Tr^sury notc& at th^ r.itt, .Slit 6U01 vAs {,a6f-ago of this aet mo call o^rniJSoau-x -ii-:.!, >« i-v.ueU uufJl aft«» tho f :sld?.y of iH§4 10 Ihcj li» i:j»- iliaabtflihjMtitataKcrSH w «Mil. urn fv- ty or «iSwts of ftnj kimd, Qol eammffal^ n «KyddhrimBuodmth« Amo said tu J the preMdisf^ p«n^i«ph, between tho tiiuM to aMaefc to add notaB f^arerer tirouUted, and ‘ -* ** ‘ *-* ntd &otwto be focdaiMe and exdhaagoablo for new Traaaary notas, aa herein provided, subjeot to the dedaotion ^ laid (as. 8x0. 12. That any State holdi^ Trea4tf j notee reo^ired b«fe?e the tiiaea herein fixed for taxijig said notea shall ^ allowed till the fint day of January 1866, to fhnd the same in 6 per cent, bonds oi the Confederate States, {mw^1c20 Jo 7 and for oaoli son actually army or navy, or wlu) has killed iu tlie military or uaval aervioo, and who was a member of tho family when he entered tho service, to the further valae of |50{). II. l*roperty of the widow of any officer, soldier, sailor or marine, who may have died or been killed in tlie military or naval service, or where there is no widow, then of the family, l>eiug minor children, to the value of vlOO(>. III. Property of everr ofBc‘r, soldier,! eailor or marine, actuiiUy engaged in the military or T^val aervioe, or of %uch hs have been disabled in tiuoh service, to tho value of $10(K>: provided, that the above exem|>- tions shall not apply to any person, whose property, exclusive of household furniture, ;sball be asseeeed at a value exceeding $1000. IV. That where nroporty Jias been injured or destroyed hy the eaemy, or the owner thereof has been temporarily deprived of the use or occupancy there*/, or of the means of cultivating the same, by reason of the presence or the proximity of the enemy, tho aeseesment on such property may be reduced, in proportion to the damage 6ua- mined by the owner, or the tax assessed thereon may be reduced in the same ratio by the district collector, on eatipfactory evi dence submitted to him by the owner or a«- bOBSor. Sbxj. 0. That the taxes on property laid for the year 1864, shall be assessed aa ou the day ot the passage of this aot, and be duo and collected on tho 1st-day of June next, or as soon afler as practicable, allow- i^ an extension of 90 aays West of the luississippi river The additional tsxes on .incomes or profits for the year 1863, levied by this act, shall be assessed and collected forthwith; and the taxes on incomes or pro fits for the year 1864, shall Vkj assessed and collected according to tl>e provisions of the tax and assessment acta of lt63. Sko. 7. So much of the tax act of the 24th day of April 1863, as levies a tax on in comes denved from property or effects oh the amount or value of which a tax ia levied by this act, and also the 1st section of said jict, are suspended for the year 1864, and no estimatea rent, hire or interest on pro- ]>erty or credits herein taxed ad valorem, &hall be aaeessed or taxed as incomes under the tax act of 1863. Seo. 8. That the tax imposed by this act ou bonds of tha Confederate States hereto- roro issued, shall m no caee exceed the in- teregf on the bume, and suoh lx>nds, when held by or for minors or lunatics, ehall l>o tixompt fn*m the tax in all caaea where the int,ereHt on the same shall not exceed $KXk). An Art to suspend ike privilege of the Writ cf llahcas Corpus in certain ca*e«. Whereas, tlie CJonstitution of the Confed- orute States of Am«irioa providt's iu Article 1, Section 9, Paragraph 3, that “the privi- IwjT^o of the writ of haljeas corpus ahaJ not rie Rnspeuded anioss when in case of rel>el- lion or invafaion, tho public safety nmy re quire it;” and whereas, the power of siis- ]>eMding the j-rivilgge of said writ as recog- in said Artide 1, is vested solely in the Oongrese, whioh ia tho exdosiva judge of the necessity of such suspension; arui wh^re^«, iu the opinion of the Consrresa, the I'ublic safety re|uire8 the suaptjusion of said writ in the existing case of tho invasion of these States by the armies of the United States; and whereas, the President has asked for the suspension of the writ of habeaa cor pus, and infi>rmed Congress of conditions of public danger which render the suspension of the writ a measure proper for tho public defence agaiust invasion and insurrection; now, therefore. The Congniss of the Cjufedorate States *>f America do enact, That during the present invasifm of the Confederate Statea, the priv ilege of tho writ of habeas corpus be, aod the same is hereby, sustjendftd; but such sua- peuaion shall apply only tn the cases of j>er- ftons arrested or detained by order of tlio Pr^ident, Secr«tary of War, or ihe Genera! 1 OHicer commanding the Trans-Mississippi j Military Department by the authority and [ under the control of tho President. It is hereby declared that the purpose of Coii- ii^rene m tho passage of this act is to provide moro otro«tuailj tor uio public safety by i«ua,.*euding the writ of habe;i» eorpna in the tbllovnng c^aeu and no other: I. Of treason, or treasouHblo efforts or oouibiuHtioua to nubvert the goveruuaent of tho Confederate States. engaged in the . I died or been namtd tkweuif 10 ptr C6Dt., in additik>B to the tax on such pix>fita m incctfne, under the aot ftfumaid. m. On the amooni of exceeding 25 per cent, made daring cither of the years 18^ and 1864, by any bank ot banking company, insurance^ canal, oay\|;^ti», im* portmg and exporti^, telegi^pn, express, y«m .ttor d.t«, ud the mtenet p.,iblo scoti-1 «>'»»•. maonfiiotnriug, dry dotj, or rther snDually. But all Treasury notes received by stock company of any description, any State after the timo fixed for taxing the saiue | whether incorporated or not, 25 per 0«nt on aa aforesaid, shall be held to have been roociv sd ' such excess. diminished by the amount of said tax. The din> | Sbo. 5. The following exemptions from oriminatioo between the notes subjeot to the t-\x j taxation under this act shall do allowed, and those not ao subjeot, ahall be— {to-wit: ^ 8x0. 13. That Treasury notes heretoforo isou id j J, Proj>erty of each head of a family to bearing interest at the rato of $7 30 on the 81 >0 : tj,Q value of |l500; and tor each minor child per annum, s^ll no longer be reoeived in f- [ family to tho further value of $100i ment of pnblio dues, but shall be deemod a id consider^ bonds of (he Oonfodorate StateiH, pa; a- blo two years after the ratifloatiou of a treaty >f peaoe with the United States, bearing the rate ># interest specified on their faoe, payable l«t f January of each and every year. Sec. 14. That the Sooretary of the TroaiJi ry bo, and he is horoby, authorized, in case tho e a- gencies of the Government should require it, to pay tho demand of any public creditor whoai: d* «»l utay bs contracted after tbo passage of thi^ a :t, willing to reoeive the same in a certifioate ol : n- debtedness, to be issued by said Secretary in au h form as he may deem proper, payable two yojrs after a ratification of a treaty of peace with tbo United States, bearing interest at the rate of &ix per cent, per annum, poyable semi-annually, aad transferable only by special endorsement, under regulations to b^ preaoribed by tho Secretary of thf Treasury, and said certificates shall be exotbpt from taxation in prinoipal and interest. 3sw. 15. The ^retary of the Trea-sury i*; »u- thoiirod to increase the ntunber of' depositorie* -»o as to meet the reqmrements of this aut, and w tb ifcit view to employ suoh of the banks of the t* v- eral Scatcs as he may deem expedient. Sj!0. 16. The Sooretary of the Treasury sb il! forthwith advertise this act in such newuoap T3 publifthod in the several States, and by euoh oM er msan^ shall secure immedirite publicity; a nd the Secretary of War and the Secretary of «h« Navy shall each cause it to be published in ge le- ral order for the information of the army aad navy. See. 17. The 42d section of the aot for the asaessTQent and oolleotion of taxes, approved May lat is hereby ropealod. 8x0. 18. The Seoretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized and required, upon the appli cation of the holder of any call certificate, whish, by the first section of the act to provide for ;ho funding and further ibsi^e of Treasury aot«i;, ap- pro’-ed .March 23d 1863, was required to be thereafter deemed to be a bond, to iesue to sttch b older a bond therefor upon the terms provj'le.t by said aot. ^ w .Mid flli; for *■ uiO Vi I ■ •%)!• frwai l' for Stull b- Ah Act to l/iy additional Taxes for ihe oertk man d^enoe md support of Oovcmmen\. Sac. 1. Tlie Congress of the Oonfaderfctc States of America do enact, That in ad ii bon to the taxes levied by the act “to ley taxea for the common defence and to carry on tho Government of tho Confederate Statea,” approved 24th of April 1863, there shall b# levied, from the pasaage of this act, on t,.nfc sufcnects of taxation hereafter mentioned, ana c*?llected from evory person, copartn:ar ship, association or corp‘>ration, liable tho-.'0 to, taxes as follows, hvwit: •I. Upon the value of property, real, par* soMiil and mised, r»f every tmd and des^ t tiua, uut hcreinatter cxom}>ted or tuxod s: a different rate, 5 per ceJt.: Provided, T^tat from thi.=? Uix on tlie valne of CTOjierty »m- piuy»id iu agriculturd shall be aaduct^d ’ hn vf/iae of the in kind deHvdrod therofrooi, as Mi«086t»vJ uiidor tho. law imj’^ihinx' it, aiid delivtred to the Govorumeut: Provided. That no crcdit’. ho (vllowwl beyond 5 ,>c»’ ceiu. l!. Cn the vhiue ul goid and silver >ii«l plnio, jO'S'J-’, jr^'.^tlry and ivatclie'i, 10 111. The valu«j of pro|>erty un*icr Jli'H w^tiou We assessed on tho baf.'a of ih« (unrkei v;’.' nv of tho same, or amTilar r;’o lu iha uoiguborho>d wher« aa&c>..i80»i iu iho yiar l8ot>, except in cases whero laud, tUves, cotWn or tobacco have been p ir j « pin'-o the 1st day of Janua/y 18* 3, in winch l uoe the said land, sluveL, cotton ru.d t'»^i.‘co) so purchased, shall be ascoseed at the j-iiCij actttally paid for the same >y tho owi’‘'-r. Sec. tJ. On tjie value of ail shares or int ir- Jifct-i held in any bank, banking cotnpany or Jit^ociation, CAiial, navigation, imj>ortir ex|x>rting, insurance, manufacturing, t€ e oxproijs, railroad, and dry-do^ co u jwiuiois, aad ail other joiat stock ct)mpau't» of eveiy kind, whether incorpjrafed or n-it, 5 ^r cent. The value cl’ property taxed under t) it ecctiou sbaii be .'issesseti u^)on the basis ol tho market vafuo of such property in> neighborhood whore assessed, in such 01 ir- reucy as luay be la goiorul use there, io Uie purohaso and eaUi of auou {)roperty, at t qa limo oi’ aik-esiitueut. Si'c. 3. Upon the amount of ail gold and silvor .oiu,gold dust,gold or silver bullion, witelh‘^r hoft by the banks or othor corj o- r: aouo indiridu.'Us, 6 per ceiit.; and upou slk heUi abrvHkU, or tipoH ».no M.muuut Of ,iJJ f)ihs 01 exchango, drawn therefor on ^ fAx of 6 per coat-; encl. I'oreiiTii vw.aatrios. :: oaok of dep-wit .shi U v[»ve Dor.ut' i.u» il»}'fcxi liy firHt •keotiv .ioi -L. , la p.roriapip t»cir dcpositb JUid Hpcou^. . it:i; . oa lac buod.s ly some disciuofcivt. uirjit or t ikcu, 0 &e a;^c«u a;>on with tie 01 then tho said de positor sr.iii Ti) Ttciovt the aoici/jt ^f aaixl b'ud.d iv Irf^t'sni-y boa.iii^ uo iuierot. - •cdov^Unc U u»o ot this aof />o, *iiiedy t{:o urc proacatod hMuio Sv P^^viiorro cf fuudiiitj!^ nc-.-OH t'h'*.!* i*..u4e3 as herft'Q p:‘.*&cii!',y*. i tan 1i. Tb*t iUl rrowary aoc*B . ei-jo,-» j iaa«od uf ta.i Jbno’-...r..>tioa of ih shall '^0ii'>j ao | to be reooivi t ii jb ^meat of publio lu’o.-., ' KX fuudabiw »f par ji/idsi the pwvidecl bi i .. lauuaDM* »t- par ari pBorw'-anb * . l* aoi, astl tijc arat of July, 1>«(>4 aa#, ‘ b «t Cioujbcr war» of '■ >1--. tai u]>ou i£i »uey aoroad t»j l»o iissossed mid c^!le(^cd .iccoidm;:; to the value ther6,»f nt t'lo 1 vvhore the lax to paid. Q. Upon tho auiount 01 ail solviat cro- ditrf, s.nit oi' all bank bills and all oUier p.>- as curreiicy, exclusive of nt>ii intcrost boating Cjufedorate treasury uotei, and not emylfoyed i)i a regiatorod business, the ir.coaip dorivol from wiiioli is touted, 5 per cent. Hoc. i. U}x»u protita luatie m trade and businecis, as toUowa: I. On h!1 profits mt>iu by buying ai»d soil ing 18 li-^uors, Hour, wiioai, coru, ricj, engar, or sirup, salt, bacon, pork, ho^, boei or heft -Vittle, shot^p, oatfi, hav, iii,4iler, r;.w hi'ies, i’latfior, Jiorsos, miiloB, bcotn, bii'jtjs, ootU.*u yarns, wool, woolen, co*- l jTi or mL\od *ioih»>, hate, wagous, haruea»i, ir^.i, HtoeJ or naiiS, ac any time hfv t.'^ooa tlio 1 ^t of January 11363, aud the 1*1 d Ja/uujy 1865, 10 ^>er cout., in uddltio.i : > tbo tft v C l such proCts as iucoiuo under • to lay taxes for the common d'Tifonoo, Ajvi cairy on the Government of the Con , jb'larHte Si*toe,” approviKl April ii4, 1863. iJL On all profits ufiade by buyiag and j aelJicgmoney,^old,&ilyer, foreign oxctiange, > i itc ^Vs, •’.I'ixm aebti, aredito, or ohliij^tion; p aUprlK)uen IT Of oonapiMHsieSj or to liber- » pr^uen of war held by the Confederate Stslei. X. Of conapiraciee, or attempts or prepa- raHoM to aid the eoemy. ^ ^ XL Ofpereons advising or inciting others to abandon flie Confederate cause, or to re sist the Confederate Statea, or to adhere to the enemy. YTT- Of onlawftilly burning, destroying or injoring, or attempting to burn, destroy or injure any bridge or railroaid, or tele graphic line of communication, or property, with the intent of aiding the enemy. 3TTTT- Of treasonable designs to imj.air the military power of the (4ovor»iinont by destroying, or attempting to tiestroy, vessols or arms, or munitions of whi*, ‘J'" arsanais, foundries, workshops, or oiiio” ^ropei'ty of the Confederate Statos. Sec. 2. The President t;haiI cauno ^>roper officers to investigate tiio caseB »f all persons so ari*ested, or detained, in »Aicr that they may be discharged if iinj)r.>)*orly dctaine !, unless they can be speedily tried in the due course of law. • Sec. 3. That during tlie snspensioii uf';ic said, uo military or otiier oiiu* comjHjlled, in answer to any v - ' •:Do:u5 corpus, to apj)ear in perst>n. • ! > ' turn tho b«^y of any person or pc? ’'i! 'i^Uuned by him, by the authority >>r ?h.* Piceident, Se cretary of War, or tlie Oeuoral officer com manding the Trans Mississippi department; lw»t upon the certificate, under oath, >f the officer having charge of any one so detained, that such pers.m is detained by him as a prisoner for any of the causes heroinbetore shall be liff>le to be placed in eorvioe in t^ field for the war, m if he were between the ages of 18 and 45. Sec. That hereafter the duties of pro vost and hospital guards and clerks, and of clerks, gnaras, a^nts, employees or labor ers in the Commissary ana Qnartermaster proTisitms, le be delirered by snch pe»on as afiyreifid at eqoiTideDt rates. S. Snch pecson shall fhrther bind himself to sell the marketoble STirplus of proyiwona and grain now on hand, and which he may raise from year to year while his exemption ^ cjntinuee, to the (Government or to the fam- Departments, in the Ordnance Bureau, and | ilies of soldiers, at prices fixed by the Com* of clerks and empl .>yee8 of navy ag^^nts, as miasioners of the State nnder the imprese- also in the execution of the enrollment act,! ment act: Provided, that any pereon ex- and all similar duties, shall be porformed j empted as aforesaid, shall -be entitled to a by persons wlio are within the ages of 18 credit of 25 per cent, on any amount ot meat and 45 years, and who by the report of n j whith he may deliver within three months Board of army surgeons shall l^e re]H>rtod | from the passage of this actj Provided fur- as unable t> j>erf*)rfn active service in the | thsr, that persons coming within the prov^ field, bttt capable of sjino ' f the | sioas of this exemption shall not be deprived ahovw said duties, specuy*ng wliicli. uid ' of the benefit thereof by reason of having id ; been enrolled since the 1st day of Feb. 1864. 4. In addition to the foregoing exenip- %l IT f > Hi OihlK* V* \ l V I when these perrionR luive benii ; tt> those JntioK • ■ |>. :vctn:at the Pro- j .-idont shall i*i (ioiHil itiioir perform ance such iM.oiert >i tPffop.s, i»r individuals, roquir.-.i :■> i>f eiii'oilcd under tiiO 5th oec- tio.i jf {ivis acf, as may be needed‘for tho lischiu 40 bucii duiico: Provided, that ,)croun.> iKUween the aget^ ol 17 and 18 shall he specified, under the authority aft>resaid, far- tU©] er proceedings under the writ of habeas corpns shall immediately ctiase aud remain Busoended so long aa this act shall continue in force. Sec. 4. This act shall continue in force for ,issi;/iied to those duties: Provided fur- r, tluit nothing contained in this act slwill 1! bo 60 consirued as to prevent the President fr;m detailing artisans, mechanics, or per sons of bL'ieritilic ski!!, to j^crform indispen sable duties in the departments t>r bureaus herein mentioned. Sec. 9. That any Quartermaater or As sistant Quartermaster, Commissai’y or As eistant Comniisyary, (other than those serv ing with brigades or regimciUH in the field,) or ofiicera in t!io Oi'lnaace Pureau, >r Navy A'jjcnts, t>r ProvoRt Marshal, or officer in the conscript Bc*rvice, who shall iiCreafter etnjdoy or rct.’iin in his employment any person in any t,>f their said departments or bureaus, or in any of tho duties mentioned ii\ the Sth soctioii of this act, in violation of the provisions hereof, shall, oh conviction ninety days after tlib next meetint; of Gtu- thereof by a court-martial or military court. gross, and no longer THE MILITARY BILL. Section 1. That from and atler the pastage of this act all white men, residents of the Confederate States, between the ages of 17 and 60, shall be in the military service of Ihe Confederate States for the war. Sec. 2. That all the persona aforesaid, bo- tweou the ages of 18 and 45, now iu service, shall be retained during the present war with the U. S., inUhe same regimontii, bat talions aud companies, to which they belong at the passage of this^act, with the same r- ganizatiou and officers, unless regularly transferred or discharged, in accordance with tlie laws and regiviations for tho gov ernment of the army: Provided, that eom- pauies from one State, organized against their couseut, expressed at the time, with regiments or battalions from another Stiito, shall have the privilege of being transferred be cashiered; and it shall bo the duty of any department or district commander, upf>n pr».*of, by the oath of any credible person, that any such officer has violated this pro vision, immediately to relieve such officer from duty; and said commanders shall take prompt measures to have him tried for such offence; and any commamler as aforesaid facing to perform the duties enjoined by this section, shall upon being duly convicted tiiereof, be di";charged from tho service. Sec. 10. That aa laws granting exemp tions from military service bo, and the same are, hereby repealed, and hereafter none shall be exempted except tlie following; 1. All who shall be held unlit for milita ry service, under rules to be prescribed by the Secretary of 'Wa.r. 2. The V'^ice President of the Confederate States, the members and officers of Congress and of the several State Legislatures, and buch other Confederate and State officers gs Governor of the re certify to be necessary ..... ]>r»)p«r aaoiiuistration of the Con- companies irom ano^lier State, j federate or State Governments, as the case shall be allowed, if they doeire it, a transfer } j^y >.0 organizations from their own States, in j 3 Evory mi^i :l.r of religion authorized to the same ^he service. 1 p-eacli according to cao rules of his church Sec. 3. That at theexpiratioa ol six moiiths ^ho, at tho ptu;s» .ge ot this act, shall be April next, a bomity regularly employed iu tho discharge of his at $100 in a six per ceat. GovernmePt bond, ■■ ‘ which the Secrotiiry of the Trn.'XKnry W hor«- by authorixed to issue, aliull be paid to ovc liiiuisterial duties; suj.»oriateudentt> aud phy- twyturns lur the Jcaf and aunir> aud hlind and of tho insane: one editor for ry non-commi^ioned officer, inubicijui andT^^g^ch uowspr.] «r being jmblished at the time private who shall then be in ser. ice, or in ; ^hi^ and .ucii cM.nli>yee ^ aa said edi- the event of his death provious to the pori'-d of such payment, thou to the person or per sons who would be eutitled to recdi vo by law the arrearages of his pay; but no one sl.all be eutitled to the bounty herein provided v-’ho shall at any time, during tho jfcri- I ,.f six mouths uoxt after the said fii-at day of April, be absent from his command without leave. Sec. 4. That no person shall l>e relieved irom the operation of ihls act by reason jf having boon herotoloro discharged from the army whore uo disalMlity now exists; nor uhall those who have furnished substitutes be any longer exempted by reason iheri^of: Provided, toat no pers'>n, heretof. >r« c.veinpt ed on acc'j^int of religious opinion» aud who has paid the tax levied to relieve him from service, shall be required to render military service ander this act. Sec. 5. That all white male rosideuts »f the Confederate States, between tho ages of 17 and 18 and 45 and 50 years, shall enroll thejnselves at such times aud placo.s, i»nd mider such regulations, iw the P»esidout may proscribe, tho time allowed nut i>eiug less tuan 30 dajp for th»Be east, and 60 tlays tor tuoso west ot the Alissitwippi river, and any person who shall fail so to enroll him- Koll, without a reasonable e.vcuio therelor, to be judtied of by tho President, ohall bo :or :nay ■ rrify, = *.; catii, to be iiidisponsablo to the publiiuiiloii «»t fciich uew3paj)or; the •;ublic printer of tno CMifcdera^^o and State (J-ovorniueuto, and ^nch journeyiuen prlnt- ora as the “^aid jmbliti printer bliHll certify, (>a :'ath, 10 luj inaispemr.ble to perform the public printing; one skilled ajMithecary in each a}x)thecary store, wh.o was doing busi- no83 as such on the 10th day of Oct’r lSt>2, and has coatiuued saiii business, with«i»it intermission, since that period; al) physi cians over thd age of 30 yeare, who now are, and f^r the hxst 7 years have been, in tho actual and regular ])ractice >>t their 'profes- rion, b!?t tho term phy; xiau sliall not in clude cenlist.r, all prosidoi^s and teachers ot colleg-js, theological seniinarios, acade mies and schools, who have been regularly engaged as such, for two years ne.xt before the passage of this act: Provided, that the i>euoht of this txoiuptioii ehall extend to thoso toiichers only whoso sch-^ols are com posed ot 20 students or m. tre. All superin tendents of [tibiic hospitals, esiablished by law l>eforc the passage of this act, and such pliysiciana and nurses thoioin as such su- ^>erintonuent3“8}iaI’ o.ertiry, on oath, to be iiidispeiitiablo to the proper and efficient maaa‘;e«ueuc thereof. i. There sb.all bo o.\etnj>t one person as detail duty, and shall not be repiired to perform service out of the State in which the^ reside. See. 6. Tliat aii pei*i>ous lotjuirod by the £t« Saactioa of this act to enroll thoiusv^lvos may withim 30 days after tho passage tlisro- of, cast of tho Mississipui, aad vithia tJO days, if west of said river, ibrm themselves into voluutary orgtiuiziitious of cumj>-.iuos, battalions or regimante, aud elect their owrl IL Of conspiracies to overthrow the gov- organisations to conform to th ■ « MTw _* J * . » • ^ . r % V V-^4 f VI 1 1. • » ernraeut, or oonspiracies t^ rofeigt tho lawful authority of the Coufederato States. lU. Of combining to assist the enemy, or r.r c(>mmunicating ititelligeuce to the enemy, »r giving him aid and comfort. IV. ()f coi^piracies, proparations and at- te.npts to ’ncite survile insurrection. V. Of desertions or encouraging doser- tioaa, of harboring deserters, and of attempts io avoid military service: Provided, That in cSiio t»t }>alpable wrong aud oppre.'isiou by any subordinalo officer upon a’ly party who does not legally owe military service, his uj*€) ior officer sluill grant prompt relief to !he ooprcssad part^, and the snbordiauto shall bo d’srnissod from oifico. .V^L Ot aud other emissaries of tho- «!acmy. Vfl. Of holding correspouduii.^ or inter- coami with the enemy, without necessity, aad \7ithout the permiBsion of the Oonlede- rvie ^‘■ates. I. Of unlawful trading with the en&- d other offenoes against the laws of )4^oderate Slaiea, on&etod to lyrowote r»r vi** oxidtuig laws; aud, having so )Pganiisod, to tender 6ioir services ai voluntoors durin"- the wnr to tho President; atul if sucfi o^j^ati*^ izatious shall furnish proper muster rolls as now organized, and deposit a copy thoroof with tho enrolling officer 01 their district, which shall be oquivalent to euroilmont, they may bo accepteil as mi;iuto men f.»r servioe in such State, but in no event to bo takou out 01 it. Thoso who do not so >ro|iin- ■teer aad organize, shall enroll thom.-»olvos as betbro pro/idod; aud may, l>y the President, l>a required to asserdble at convenient pla ces ol rendezvous, and !>e tormeil or organ- info couipaaios, batttilioas’ and rogi monte, ander reguiatious to bo preacr;bed by him; and shall have tha right to elect tiiiiir company and regimental oi’lcors; and ail fe-oope oi^auized undor this iiut i >r State defence, sh-aal bo entitled, while in actual service, to the same pay aud allowance as troops now ia the field. Sec. 7. That any person who sliail fail to atlcud at the place ot reudesvoua as l u^juired by the authcoity oi the President, without - ^ k*«». upon the following conditions: 1. This oxemi;tion sliall only b-3 grautad in cases in vrfiich there is uo white inalo adnlt on tho tarr.i o- o!>i: ’i#‘‘oii r.ot ilaoio to lOiJtary se. vicc... !^^>r nn'ijM t- 01'Or-ior- claitu- ing tu oi'jnij)4..tjfi Vv'tvj ou tus uay of Jun’y iStJi, either tno ov/nor and luanager ;>r ovoi. eo;' of but in no CftvJO biiall ii’.oie than one j’crcion l)o oxenipted for oae iAri i oi piau;.aiu;7 2. Such }H;r.vni s’t.ili iirot « ;;iocute a bond payable to the Ooufodcrato Stales of Amor iCit, in fcuch lorm, and with suoh security aiii ;u Gm;ii pcualL/ uo the Secjotary ot ViTar uiay piesciiiMj, condiiion-jd that he will do Ii /or to the Govci nment at some railroad depot, or sucii .'ther place or placcs as raay bo d osiguatod by the Secretary of War, within 12 luontho next ensuing, 100 ixnmda of bacon, or, at tho oloction of tho Govern- nient, its oqu’VT.iont m pork, and 100 lbs. of n»M h ; ';f ' - ii \ H ; jf t.' '00 delive.»'ed on foot,) lor nblo lK>diod slave oa said fai’m or pl tnution, within the c;l>ove s&id ages, who- ti.' jr nai'i siavca lii tliO liclu or not, which aa--l I acou Oi pork aad beef shall be t il' by th«.'»it at tho. prices nxed by the C^oi i!tii8i2iouertt ot tho State under tiio iai'.ncssijt !it act; Pr*yi'.iod, that when tho person tli’js exemptu i .^.ttall produce satis factory evidence tiK'i! it has boca impassible for him, b; the exorcii,o of proper diligence, to furnish the aiuouixt of moat thoa contract ed for, and ioav^e -au adej[uate supply for the subsistencu of tht>6o living on the said farm or piantaiioiij tho Secre'ary of War shall , dircot a oomiautation of the «aiae, to the - of ».? —'-I'w «v- tions, the Secretary pf War, under the di rection of the President, may exempt or de tail such other }>erBon8 as he may be satis fied ought to be exempted on account of public necessity, and to insure the produc tion of grain aud other provisions for the army and the families of soldiers. He may, also, grant exemptions or details, on such terms as he may prescribe, to such ©ver- seers, farmer^ or planters as he may be sat isfied will be more useful to the countfy in the pursuits of agriculture than in the mili tary service: Provided, that such exemption shall cease whenever the farmer, planter or overseer shall fail diligently to employ in gx»d faith, his own skill, capital and labdr exclusively iiuthe production of grain and provisions, to be sold to the Government aud the families of soldiers at prices not exceed ing those fixed at the time for like articles by the Onnmissioners of .the State under the impressment act. 5. The president, treasurer, auditor and superint43nde«t of any railroad company en gaged in transportation for the Government, and such officers and employees thereof as the president or superintendent shall certify on oath to Iks indispensable to the efficient operation of said railroad: Provided, that * the number of persons so exempted by this act on any railroad shall not exceed one per son for each mile of such road in actual use for military transportation; and said exempts shall be reported b^ name and description, witli the names ot any who have left the employment of said company, or who may cease to be indispensable. 6. That nothing heroin contained shall l>e construed as repealing the aot approved April the 14th 1863, entitled an act to ex empt contractors for carrying the mails of riie Confederate States, and the drivers of post coaches and hacks, from military ser vice: Provided, that «ll the exemptions granted under this act fahall only continue whilst the persons exempted are actually engaged in their respoctiva pursuits or oc- cnpatiocA. Sec. 11. That the Freeident be, aod he la hereby, authorized to grant details, nnder general rules and regulations to be issued f»«m the War Department, either of persons between 45 and 50 years of age, or from the army in the field, in all cases where, in his judgment, justice, equity and necessity re quire such details, aud he may revoke such orders of details whenever he fcinks proper: Provided, that the power he*ein‘granted to the I'rosident to make details and exemp tions shall not be construed to authorize the exemption or detail of any contractor for furnishing supplies of any kind to the Gov ernment, by reason of said contract, unless the head or secretary of the dej>artment ma king such c(jntract shall certify that tho per sonal services of such conlractor are indis- IHjnsable to tlie execution t)f said contract: Provided further, tJint when any such con tractor shall fail, diligently and faithfully, to pro«;eed with the execution of such con tract, his e*\emptioa or deti*ii shall cease. bed. 12. That ia appoiating local boards jf surgeons for the examiaution of p^raona liable to military service, r » member com- p>sing fiie same shall be apj>ointed from the cj»unty or enrolling distnct iu which they are rej[uircd to uiaKe such examination. Pn?t Office, Fayetteville, W. C.,) OoroBiiB 3, 1863. j if(htdut4 of t/ip Arrivai ind Dfpartu •« of tM* Mailt at (f!U OffiSit. dALBlOd »i» AVdltAtJDUUil’, &o Arraes ddily, “icijpi tiun^ay, ai 4| P. M. Ii-jf-a'ts daily, eioott Satutiay ut 6 P. M. UALEIGH via 8UMMEUVILLS. Oepaxts Tueaday aud Friday al 6 A. M. ArriTiM! W«diiedd»y and Sait\!ay at 9 P.*M. WaLSA*? via (jUNTON. AATivea daily at 12 noon. 1-. ria IvlyatlJP. M. CAftTHAOE Vrrive!? Tuesdiiy, Thar!?.!ay aud Saturday al 7 P M DcpdiUj ‘Icodaj, Wedi3:;di*y . n.d Fnd*y at J P. M. C'ULlvAW, d. 0. Ariir-.o i'acd l^/, ii.,; iSaiurdjiy at P. M bu'^'irtd Suu Uj, Tuoiki ./ .isd Thurssday ai 1 P. M FAIP. IfljVFir via liUMBERTON. Arrives Tuesday, Tburdday r.aJ Saturday at b A. M iiepatlb Suaday, Tu^d^ky aui i.„...-3l-.y 1 P. M. ROCKiJON’d via aL.IZAi;GTn i'>WN. 1>opitrt8 llouds-y, Wednesday aad Friday at 6 A. .M ,4rriv'8 Tuesday, Tiiurday and 8%turday at 2 P. U ULlZAiJlST^iTOWN ria t SREBISTH- I'T’vcd iVoD>i‘»y at u p. M. U»t'srti tjam.i (Mjada/i *t £» P. M MAaNOLl-V Fia€YPKl.d8 CHiJJSK l'u«»d»y at‘a P- M. I>e'.mri8 eavms .lav Tucs i>.y) at F. M 8W1F1 ISLAND vV MfVNTltO.SL;, CC*VIIJaTOW »nd PyWfcLLTON Arri-fvs Tuoivij./ ‘i 1’. 51 Ocparti* Weduc.vlay at M A M ifWlFV H3LAND t.» ''ilov Arrives Taosday at UP. M. Depart,? Woiikc;aitiy at II A M .\ll Biail.'i 7^ . vf , oJu^eJ laa t-tun mg bcUifi *.♦ tv I AU 0 >e -scat oU' from this uCiio:, oili«r iotu t>y cs*il, irudi oe j'aid ter as it sant b7 »a^il \il d^vp lett*>ra uhculd be pra-paid by 2 ceut si&ra^j. The aC-; vt:ll be on 8anday from 8| to 91 A \» , from 4} I'l 61} 1'- V!. JA8. Q. (;00K, P. M. TlfK IMKIIJ X’ffMIUKT poR t'tf - yo'is.-. .* UrtHev '-uppiy %i wtsolsi^a)* . t *5 \ THK 310ttTH ~ ttJITHiL UF25 COUPiiVy, ^OW in th-s teatb ycer cf j'lcocsalul operation ihifa growiDK capiul auJ arr=»r hold upon pubUo oon Sdeaoo, aoulinuoa to iuAure tlie liven of all noalthy per- 8008 froEs 14 t» 00 of age. for ouo year, for eeren years, \nd for life - ai! U% members ahariag la the profiiH All ::i&7es froa 10 to yc-ara of ag« are iaauUd for onoyear jr for five yoaru ior iwv> thirds (he»r v!»!ae All iosjeo ar« puuotually p»i-i within 'jO days aOer satitifajtcry proof is preseSled. For forUier information tWo pabli:» i« referred to A|;eittadf the Comphayia all ppr. j1^, state, aad to B. H. BAX'fLiii, betretary, Raleijirh. la-ti ^ *t j5“ f i'ayetteviUe, N. 0 Slfmk W*TfvHm$m\m f«r tlbin OSfTT