9^ |nt, le H»T Ift IT ith >nr- kten Mnff jrt, V'U. fbi iMrs. [kce* ttin^ nhot jHrr- |»t hrt tilled l»f ar- They observer RUmMBIR 19, rnj ^ IB Yankrr 1>raft -Abandokwt*!—Onr rea^’ers J’H rerollPPt fht^t Morday last f],e 5th in8t. was the flTPd on for the draft in Lincnln'a dominion!.. Ncir York papers of the Tth have been received, in which there is no acconnt of any draft, hnt on the contrary we are told that“SewRrd irade a speech at Anbnm rhifl Plare of residence] on Satnrday nijrht annonnoinar that therf- wnuld be n» draff, there be. mf, plenty of volvnfeern." This i» a fact of incflti- maWe impoHance to n«. The reason assiffned bv {Reward for absndoninir the draft is manifestly and notorionsly false. It is well known from the vankee papers of all parties that there has been scarcelv any Tolnnteerinpr. »nd it is also well known that not a week before this speech of Seward’s, letters from '^Vashirirton to the New York papers stated that in view of the failnre to volnnteer. Lincoln had e.xpress- ed himself as nnalterably determined to enforce the draft. Why then is it not enforced? Simply and plainly >-ecanse l/nroln afraid in enforce it «frnid of a revolution at home, of which there were abnndant si?rs. in all parts of the country, from the creat centre in New Yvk to the extremities in Ma ryland end the Northwest. The ya^kees are tired of the wnr. Thev were compar'^tively irdiffcrent a- hont the slanpHer of the’r troops—of whom Grant alone hss sacriPced more thnn a himdred t>'onaan(3 in killed, wonnded nrd prsoners within the last fenr months—so lonsr as their ermii^s were crimpoced Germans and Irish and the lower rlassf^j? at horae Pnt when all became snHf'o^ to .^raft, ?rd none wen allowed to buv them?elvop o'^with .«3fWV—when ha’f a million more men were caPed for to he tbr'i^t into Tft T^x ex 'Rakk’s.— Trt the ft*om Rich mond of Mr Attorney Qeneral PaTis, on a visit to North Carolina, Mr. Wade Keveg, Actini' jkttomey General, ^ves an opinion-to the Secretary of th« Trea-nry on the case made by the Banks of North Carolina and Cape Pear, whether t>*ey are liable to ♦he Confederate tax laid by the act of 17th FebV last. The banks nrtre that “they were established, not merely for the benefit of the private Stockhold ers, but are the frreat fiscal afrents of the State, which is also lai^ly interested in them as Stockholders. They are also reqnired by their charters to loan money to th« State, to receive the deposits of the State, and to perform many ot’-er duties that are not reqnired of any other banks.” And Mr. Trenholm desired an oninicn w»'''t],er thev we e liable *o any tax, end if sr>. whether t»’e interest of the State is liable. Mr. Keyes savs that barks are liable, and that the State beinjr a stockholdrr do'JS not ex empt them. Instead of raisinsf thp banks to its own '‘overeijrn character by becominjr a «tpckbolder. the State thereby so fnr divests i+oelf of ifs i»overpi{rnty and descends to a level with those with whom it thns associates itself narilc U. .S’ v.,. Pr.tnfers' Genrqia. 0 Wheato,> •967. But he'decides that the banks are exempt from taxation because they are the fiscal atrrnts of the State. They are a part of the machinery of the St"te froTemment. with which, nnder our system of separate, distinct and independ ent srovernments, ^he Confedenito (rovernmen* has no nprht to interfere. Auy other const-nction, he says, would enable the Confederate'frovernmpnt a:re»1y to embar'ass, if not wholly to arrest, the op«- ratiwn” of n StV' and to prostrat/' it at the fc>ot of the Coafederaie e^vernmeut. if it, may tax one in- atrun'eat employed by a State, it may tax all,—ild every process, all its property, anr *even its reve nues, wb'ch was rever intended. The question is in truth, pays Mr. Keyes, a question o' independence. The powers and machinery of ce’ther govemmont the slftuehter pen. t^e people would no* ?tan 1 it .... Lincoln has quailed before tbcir determination not to 1 taxmj? or^other bglslative submit. The result ’P. that there will be no mor’ rpp)er\!5h inr of Grant’s and Shermpn’s rrmies. They mnat f*eht it ont with their reduc'd forc''®. constantly re- du'^ed still farther bv expiration of term-s of servic*- and bv casualties in battle. The pro^=pect brichtens We shall whip them., and t^at soon. Thk Loss of Ati..akta —It is not surprisirtj that ♦he yankees should fire salutes ?nd mcke sn^eches and Lincoln issue a Proclamation of thankseirinir over the fall of Atlenta. for these thinsrs are helps to the re-election of that functionary. Put that any body in the Confederacy should be so unduly de pressed ns pomp seem to be. is surprisini?. ^ little more than a year a?o we pusta’ped reverses a hun dred times more severe than this o' Atlanta. W lost Ticksbursr, and with it a ?reat army and the navitration of the Mississippi and the facilities for commnnicatins' with the trans-Mississippi reeion Kt the same time we lost the battle of Oettysburf. These wpre indeed terrible disaster?; bn* the country did not qnail under them. Neither the a’-my nor the people dpsponded. On« or two presses, indeed, ftmck their colors and went over to the enemy, and did a trood deal of misch’ef by encouratrine desertion from the army; but they have been so efTectnally re- hnked that they are likely for the future to heed the •vidences of public opinion too well to commit similar blander aeain. Tliesfi reverses have been followed, by the blessine of Heeven, by a Ion? series o' wonderful snccesses. after which comes on-' dis- Jipter. the loss of a town and it* workshops and 15tX> out of a frreat army. And for this some feeble kreed people are prastrate in the dust. Porehr.inel The cause of the {'onfederacy is not lost, nor*likely t.’i be lost. It will sprinir torward again. *nd that rig’ht soon *»nd jjliirioi'is'y.^ V e rarro*' aflord to hi’ «orqnerC‘^ Thprefore .^houid wo no* sit do\ra and »rev» ovtr any reverse, even thf-uarh it wt-r*. ton ♦’.me? as Had as that of the loss of Atlanta, l ut on the con*'"arv po eamestiy to work rep^^.- the Wdmaee. by striking? a blow that will send the yan kees to fH^itin? and rrfiyer in«twd of thankspi'^’n?. A» tn the. effect of t^e fall of .\tlanta upon the • ection of Lincoln, we ore by n t ’roans sure, but that if it should elect him it will V>e equal to a victory for u.a. We douh* if we ohonhl pain any thin^r by {Vp election of Mc( IclV'i.'i. His adm nifitration *fon!d b^‘ far more able than L:nco'n wonlil . on. dui t the war with much more sk;-l ^nd vTj'O' oo«aii/ly do u® even greater mischief by pla’j.-'iblo ird deceptive prorosition.= . oyFRDKRATK RovDS OR Ckrtii'ICatkb.— fhc pa triotic citizen who from ape or other can^e is exempt from dntv in the field, cun serve the country almost •-* well bv 'upplyinsr *t with funds-; and tbif- can be dpne, and must be d^no if t^'e treasury is to b.- ede (natcly puoplied, not only by paying such taxes as •re Itjvied, but by investinar every dollar of snrp’ua fnnds in government securities. For this purpose the new untaxable € per cent bonds and the untax ab|p e, pr-r cent, certificates present favorable oppor trinities. The former have 30 years to run, and the •oupons are equal to specie for the payment of ex port and irfport duties. The latter have no coupons hut are payable two years after the close of the war. the interest payable pemi-annually. In advisin/r our readers to iavest in these bonds and certificates, fwhi^h are advertised in this paper,) we only advise what we have done ourselv*fl We have not bought • dollar's worth of any other kind of property since thp war bep«n. bat h ive parted wi*h other property invest in them. We believe th-^se bondii offer as pood an investment as can be made; bntth.-vt if they did not, it would still be self intercut ti> t»k- the,-, •mce thereby the government is snstAmed and tfa« •anse upheld. Thb Maho. As ngnal, since the int«rroption of travel on the Weldon ro»d. we arc without Virginia ...necof lat^r date than l..t Thnr.day morninir. Th. mail- aiT-^ar lo be oarrica with coMl|terable r-. rnkritynow on me Iter-iil,. ro.m- and „„B ,t > reach thi» place n, thej did n,.il a^ent. ^r-ist in pnltin,, off the Faye'f jlll- lil at Kaleigh, wm rehy oin- in:vi!.s a-e c p>i a ... a tr/0 in;«ls n itnloigh some way msi ifondr\ys—when are missing, being necessarily «iay behind, except on # , ^ detiined ' Tnere muKt be lack of conve^'ance *'f remeljing this. •ADCAsrAT.Tv._On Friday la.t, Alex’r Spnce, this county, ore of tnc Home (iranl on dr^y m M^nre county, wa.s inetAU^y k. , = led by the ntai d.^.hargc of a gun in tho i... id. of a omraoe. His bo, 7 was bronfh‘ her- for ii.K r-r>ent. A.okymocp WKiT>rR.«.-Whe,n writers state im portant fa-.ts for pnblioation, they should give the Mito., their names, not for puljlication, but to jus tify th insertion of their articles. “A Sohiier” hav- mtr failed to give his name, is declined. But we dis pose of lis article more usefully, probably, by send- mp it to-he (reneral commanding Reserves. Titlici- - a yankec Colonel Rt Nashville signs himiclf .Mapsey of the 10th U. S. C I. O. ri rt. 'Iwhich meatis “Colonel of the 10th U- mred Htal* Colored Infantry, and Coramiiiio«er of «f the D. S. •olorad Troops. power of the other. But as the question is a novel and important one,. Mr. Kfyes supgests that a cnee be made up for iudi- ;ial delermir.aiion. Fn.ui- Whi itr'* fvrnjnnnd.—We learn that a courier has arrived br-npinp full accounts of opera tions of our cavalry in the rear of the enemy on the State road It api>ears that when Wheeler first rc>4ched I'alton ard turned off in th« direction of l!leaveland, he orden‘d Gen. Martin, commandinp one of the cavalry divisiocjr, to blow up the tunnel at Tur.ne' Hill. This order was not obeyed, nor did Gi-u. Wheeler lean, ot it until Martin's divi.sion h;ul left the road and fornied a junction with the main h. dy of c.nr forreij. As «oon, however, as it was a.s- ertainpd that the order had not been oarrie«l into flV'ct. (ien. Martin p'atedunder arrest and sent bai k to Atlanta, and a picked body of men was do- 'ached from the command and sent to the State road wi’h positive orders t,» desToy the tunre' at all ha zards. a- well as to remain in the vicinity ol the road and capture all trains pastiinp. destroy the track, culverts, and irei'le work, and keep fthernian’B com- munic 't'ons cut C>n Wednesday las*, the courier n port.s. onr cav alry carried out these orders. The day btf >r»‘ they captured three trains of cars loaded with ammuni tion and ftcres. The stores were promptly destrov- ed viih the trains, but the cars hi^-n witli amn Hr’i- Tion were run bacii to the tnanel aud p!a*ed in.-^.de of it. IJoth sides of the tunnel were clo; ■ d up with rocks and dirt, after the powder had bien arranged insidP, a'-d, everything being prepared, the ^ru.nwas tirf'd, and in a few seconds the tunnel wa» a ma.'is of ruins. Our informant states that the conrer ’■eporls its destruction as beinp complete. The tunnel is now a perfect wreck and will take at least two months of hard labof to rpbu>’d. At last accounts our cav airy were still at work teerinz up the road, und it was believed that they could not be drven ofi except by a very large f-Tce. which will doubtless he scLt again.st ihe:o. now tl;: t Atlanta has fa!l»n. If this re]>ort be true—and it is not impossible— there is a glimmer of hope for f>ar arms yet. It i 3t:it-d that .Sherman fa.as but few trains of cars south of the T nnel. and if these can be Ciipturt d by onr cavalry ho will then bf unab!" to transport his pro vision.' t‘> Atlanta. We are informed ^>y an e.xperi enced railroad man that a moii can be buiit aroun‘1 the Tunnel in a few days. 'I'hiti would ena ble Sherman t^ have his stores shipp d on the cars to the North side f the Tunnf*! snd then carried by wapons to the South side and n-.«hipped on the ‘rains ho may have on this side. >?ut il, as w" ob serve above. these trains are captured and destroyed, iie will b'! unable to transport his snppliejj frr.mih'\t point to Atlanta It is a distance of 107 miles, and four rauh s could scarcely dn more than haul euouijh corn and fodd' r lor their own feedinp, mu h less to o'vrry enough prov ioni end aiEmun;t> n to supply an army cT the s'ze *h’*t Sl't'Tinan's is Marrm Tel , fifh The Mx.rder ,.f fJen. 'rf^r'ian.—The circumstances of the kiMiri^' (>f the l.mteuted Gcji. .Morpan. as de tailed t(» us '■’.r» aipht. miy bp briefly seated as fol- iows; (ien. Vorgan, with hi.s staff, h.id his h'-ad^pi ;r- tera at the hous® of a Mrs. Williams, in Greenville, and on Satuiuuy niphr si.e de^. r’' 'Pfd to betrny l.er 'ri;est aud have h’lu inv.r.lcred, *'*'ith tuis view sho left her bouse at an early hour in the night aud rode hv ."in unfrequented and ungu«rdcd way to Hull’s Gap, a distance of 15 miies, where the yankec forces were euf araped, and ih^re informing theyankee com mander of her errand, a troop of cavalry was imuie diately de*ailed and sent nnder h^'r pilotage ti per form the cowardly work. They entered Greenville undiscovered, and hetore daylight surrcnnded the house in which their intendel victun lay all uncon scious of the danger that ’^enaced him. Py somo means he was aroused befort'they entered the Loose and running into the yard attempted to reakn his escape, but the foe was aronnd him on every slae. l»rawing his pistol, he fired five shots at his assail- aiits, who were firing heavily npon him, and ut I'nrth a musket bait entered his heart, killing him instenlly. Gen. Morgnti’smen oeing aroused by the firing, soon rallied and drove the enemy from the town. The nusband of Mrs. Williamt;, who played such a consoicuou® nart iu thi.s blood” dr^m.o. is a^member of Bnrn-*ide’R Staff. She ard her children, we h arn. were inimedfjiteJy ordered to leave oar lines, and she fiurTT trr-i JvtixKTT? r» the rewa^'d of her munk ious treachery. The body of Gen. Morgan was bronpht to Ablag- dou yestefday, where it was into’-red to awa't the tiii.c’when the, soil of bis own loved Keat’u ky can rcceive into its bo^o'*' the remaiua of her gjiliant and heroic son.—Lynchbunj Hqnibliran. Fr> tr Pftenhnr’j.—Thursday’s Express mentionb t^f r,.i!irvinp. the only incident of interest in that ncigld'orhood on the preceding day: “Earlv vpsterflay morning a detachment of men from N. C. Brigade surprised and captnred a vankee picket post in the yard of the Davis house, on tke Weldon railroad, bagging twelve prisoners, with their arms and the fixtures of their temporary cjimp. I’he ftfl’air was most neatly and successlully itiauaged. 1’he blue coats were flanked and taken without the tiring of a gun.” BY T E IL, E Olt, A. I* H. O* TH« Pmid* ARSOOIATIOa #Vo« Pe/er,sbi*rgr.—PwrsRSBitRO, Sept. 10.—This mornin(f at S oJeloeV the enemy massed 11 regiments in fr^nt of Pinega” and Ha’ris’s pkirmifh lines, driv ing in two of our li»ip?^ and cap^^ring SO prisoners. Pinegan and Harris qnickly rallied their men, retook the inner line and captnred 60 yankees, including an officer. Onr skirmish lines were re-pstablished. There was sharpshooting yesterday on this psrt of thp line, where hithprto a flort, of truce had existed. The lines were at rome po’ntp ?00 yards apart, at others not more than FO yards. Nothing of interest going on now. Offieial Ntws from Grn. Wheeler.—Richmond, Sept. II.— Official d\.patchps f'»)m headquarters [of Army of Tennesoop] say th'»t Wt,. der rpn/'rts as fol low?:—We destroyed the railrr ard bridpes on the Nashville railroad; then worked down on the Alaba- mn % Tennessee railroad, destroying KO miles of road, several trains pnd much proneny. In every fight wi"h the e!''‘mvthusf9'‘we h&vebepi snccepsfiil, cap- tnr'pp a largp rumber. Onr ’''ps is about KK> in kill ed and wounded. No prisoner;-! have been taken from us in Rctioc. Frnni Mnhih .—'*oBTi..R. Sept. 9.— (ien. Dick Tai lor has ’«-'i,mod commend of this Department. Gov. Watts is here. Pour blockaders ate in sight, but all is quiet. Pr >Tn >4OB/LR, Sept. 10.—The Mem- ph is Evening Bulletin of thf> 7tii has a report that Sbelley with 5000 men is threatening Charleston and Cape Girardeau. Missouri. Large numbers ofPrice’p mpn are ip Southern Missouri, apparently awaiting the errival of tlit^ir General. Memphis is full of Ar kansas rumors, btst none arc regarded reliable. Prf/m the XorfJt..— tRichm nd. Sept. II.—The new reniauc patiopj Constitntir>n for Marylard was adopt ed on the 6tL Inst . yci-s 53- nayt 2ft. Mr. Dert, who yotpd in the r^jraiive. declared the Constitn^ion an strument ot wrong and oppression unexampled in *he hist.'rv of Amencap C titntions. The Con vention has adjonmed. sHbjpct. to President’s call. Beast Butler >"as written p lonp letter reply to tTudpe Onld s Pecor^ f>f*-positions fcr anexchanpe of nrieoners. He pays that if Cot federate authori ties are willing to exchange c''’o»'ed soldiers who ar*' pWsoners and claimed as slaves ’n the Confederate State*, the principal dHTicult,- affecting exchanges wili be removed. The N'ew York Morenrv says that the Chicago ( onver.tion tjicitly aprped nncn a plan of reconstruc tion of the tnion, coutemplatinp the orranizatinn of five separatp Confe-Jeracirs. eech independent of the others in the mnunpemeiil of local affairs, but bound to each oth»r by an al*ian«‘e offensive and def‘*nsive. 1 hese Confederacies to consist as follows; The South -Atlantic Stato.o. Truns-Mississippi States, North west. Vliddle Stafos, New En^dand States. A sim ilar plan was proposed by M >• V allandigham in Con gress in February 1861. THE F.\LL «)P ATI-.vrn'A. From tht- \upust« ronatitnfionaliat, Tuinkinj; that a brief resTnne ef the oporations on the Crpf'ry'ift lin^ rnay without its iiiterpt^t aru^ us** we ubji'in an ouflire hit*tjry. c^'eful'v ni-»de up fr in the varif^us sourci’s of if'tellip‘nce at our comrrard Up t! the V gth ult. the eni*my s lint s 1 north *ast an^ uth wet^t. l»etwpea Atk-. . the rh»tt»hoochpe. but on that day chunpcd direction po a- to reach from San.l t.'Wn t« a |>oirt rvj.po(sitt> t.« art’ Kii^t Point and Fa'rburn. The ^8th ai.d 2f*t}i to hav.'“]»‘nt in preparations for an advance, and on thi* Si'th ■-ix aripv 'rp' in two heavy C' luinnR set out fir Jonesl>or'. Skir- mi-hirip betw**en our outposts and the ene -iy’s alvance imri'.etllttt'ly ccmmeur^l and ccptinueii (binn.n-the pre.nt- er portion -f the day in th** ne’chborhood ,f that jilace. WKr>\K»i.AT i rTc.irr, .»ro. .Slrr. To cherk thp Premv’s a'v:it.if, i,te’« and HardeeV corps werft immediately detached hv Oen. o-viii". it is •s vtd, t/> thf puiiles losirjT their w»v, did not arrivo In iH'sition til! lat.e in the n.iv. In thi-» wav the attack which was to havf» l*en t.iade on the morrl'’sr of the SI St did not take place till hot ween 2 and S oVIork ■ I. the ev*nin^ cf that day. Thp interval o'" leitnre thus arforthfi them was taken ailvantat^** >f bv the enemy to throw tip soin* enrthw..rk , whic^- \» re a-'sanlte! by >ur tP.oi^ witft onlv a -. ''.-‘■al -u-'e.-.?. The enemy's‘s»?ir- iiiish lir.e 'Rit* taken and a xi'^rf-on .of ror[" enptur. el the work' immeliaU‘ly in its front. In tront of a i^reat { art of Hardees c«.irj)s a dart pnlly intt-rv^npii l>etwei‘n it ami th-‘ »nem\ s w .'-'k®, rond."-i»-. the ch.iTtre on this- ■,">int alxirtive. I ndt»r these cjror.r''tHnce« it wa* found to HttBin the o' .tn.ood, and onr tr«.^)p witht.ri'w at nii'hlfal! to their orijjiual position and en trenched THLliai>AT« »ATTt.B, tr|-T. 1 «T On the B''xt eveninp the oneniv b-ft }i!f> entrenchments and moved apainst our work« in hr-^\y force. Four sue. ee««ive ard fnri.,u.^ »^*au!t wer»« in turn m* t and repnU cd, but on th" ftth eharpn t!.e f.ucp hroiijr^jt si»ainst uovar s briif«xfie '.^as io •'V-rwiie'uninp as t.i foree it bark therel.y flankinp tho•^.■ YH>rlior.s of fii« p.ne which still rtifod tirni, I’nder tli.-.-.e circurnitjineea—outtlanfced and in want of ainmunitior—Preri H»r,V-* wis comiH ll.*.! to apain w.thdraw, which hr did in the d.irection of I.ove joys, thi.s side of (U-n. who aj>pt'.ar' 'o have.he’d !>>• ripht of our lino ip iv;^ with.’r ■:t di r'rtr the ni-ht t^.w.-ird,-* AtUma, for’the pur- tKjse of forniinp -> junction Oen, •i*-; y. rRu>Av‘« oi-Rasmv*. -riT. 2i>. Tb'’>-»'n]t, of V w»nesU\V ard Ttoiraday s fi^htinc- hirif ^e*'’ so upf-rt.UnB- , JL.rdc.-p>',„.;np cut ofT. a..d t’le enemy ti- i.’v l.rfi"«d on the ?:..eon rc a.i. it whs evident tha‘ At'ar'ta ni^. FSre. t^ear Rirhmfmd.—^Ttfr*rifO!n>, Sept. 10.—A very destructive fire occurred last nipbt in Manches ter, [a sn^'nrb of Richmond,] originating in Gilmer’s Tob*cc.o Pactory, which, with a large stock of To- baccf'. was entirely destroyed. Gray’s Pactory and sevwral dwellings were also bnmed. The loss will exceed $1,500,000. The fire was the work of an in cendiary. Returned to (he Field.—The North Carolina Sol diers’ Fk'me, comer of Mfiiu and Nineteenth streets, one of the best kept institutions of the kind in the city, has fewer inmates new than at any previous time »ince it wns established. They have all gone to the front—Richmond Frammer, 8th. SoPrtHCM.—We have received from the Publish er, J. W. Randolph, Richmond, Va., a pamphlet of 71 pages, ‘•Experiments with Sorghum Sugar Cane; and Treatise on the Manufacture of Syrup and Su- par.” Revised froin the Cincinnati edition. We do not know the price of the work At the residence of Mr^. i r.Hnees Pemberton, Montpo- merv ecimtv. N C . by Rev. 'SV. H. Bobbitt. Maj. L. D. ANPBF.WS to Miss MARTHA A. PVMBERTON. BIIB, In ibis town, on the 8th inst.. JOHN RICHARD, son of l?ifhsrd and Harriet E. Brooks. Killed ipstantlv on the Ju'\. Lieut. RICHAHD M. QI’INHE, 7th Pes’*t V. P. T., psed ‘2(> veurp, only re- msining son pf Mr. Parker Qnlrce o*" 'Vilmington The adape that “Death loves a sh’cing maiV” h.-is nev er been exemi>1ified more tndv th^p in the fat.p of the ptjllart ALKX’R I. WT''LIAMS, formerly a resident of ♦his town, and a member of Col. Ctrimsteftd’s Arkansas Pcpimi nt, who was wounded on the S'TIh April 1864, in th*-b«tt1e of JenkipB* Ferr%-. on the Sabine River, Ark, and had hi« throat cut by the incarnate nemis tnto wfroTw hmuds he fell by the fortunes of w’ar. He died at the npe of 20 veers, near Tulip. Ark., on the 9th of May etipuing, from the effect of his wounds. Another martfr has sealed his devotion to the cause with a i>reciou« life. [t'om. LlZZlK SWAN, iffsnt danphter of Dr. D. S. «nd Mrs. M. K. Williams, of Arkadelphia, Ark., died on the 81st May 13P4, ap“d IT months. “All that’s bright must fade.— IHio brightest still the fleetest.” [Com. i} IVotice to Public Creditors. QUAKTBKJIASTam’S OBri''B, FATBmvTUi Akskhai. & Abhobt Fept. 9, 18®4. PERSONS having claims Afsiast th* andersignftd *ontraoted since Feb’y 17th, 1864, are reqarat^ to give ooiioe at this Oflioe immediBtely, of the usoanta of said oUima re?pcotivel», for wbieh they are willing to receive payment in cert'fioatea of IndsbtedBesa, to be issned by the Secretary of th* Treasury, und»r an Act of the CenfeJerate CoDgresa, "to rcdnoe the oorrenoy ard to antbori»p » new lacne of notes and bonds,” ap proved Feh’y 17, 1864 Those oertifieates offer strong tlndneemfnts to capitalists for investinreLt, as they bear >Dtereet at the rate of sis p^r e{>n‘ per aoKnm. piyatl** spisi-anLn»liy, a^id are not Uahie to taxation either cn prinoipftl or interest. They will be transferable by the holdera, nnder regn'ationa to be prepcrih«d bv the Beo’y of Treasury Publio orpditors who avhil tl'oioselves of this offer will, 'rtils*; rrcmoU.-sj tbcir cwn i-^.tcreate, aid tto Qoveinment in its ficanc-a‘ cp'-rationa. JOHN L HOLMES. - Pfi 8tl A A Q M.. C 8 A List your Titties. All persons who have faiied to rctnrn their crops of Wbe*!, Ort % Byeand Wool, arc to meot oie at the HoBsoiu raye'tevilleon tne '6th and 27* h !vgt ftela(i»es of those now tbaent in ibe Home Quarda an * SerVr Rsaerves are rtqacijJed to nsaLe re'utns for all 7U0 I lO abavnt T&ia la tho la>t chatseo Vw lis’. ‘Lo at>cve named crops In h’l oasos when i^t jrus are not now m4de I wiil h-va «o ascertain the %c3r-up.t pvor’xiosd in the best way I can, Wiie» tee estimatss 'srit be iranafv'rred for co leo- lio". with tie 6C0 per o.:ntat{n. » J A. JOHNSON A:,-cf;for West Dibt, Cnmherlsni Co , N C Pep* 10 Itpd WouLidi,!: ? J Pbil'ip. Operations iti the. I alley.— tVinchkstrr, S6pt. 4. An enpagement occurred at Bc-rryville in which Kershaw’s division attacked the enemy's 5th corps, and drove it out of a line of breastworks at Bcrry- villo with comparatively small loss on our side. In WoO’ord s and Kershaw’s brgades the loss is very s!-gtit, probably not mure than a hun^^red. Another brigade, name not heard, lost rather more. Total loss probably, TtOO. Wounded men who have just come in ' here report that all is quiet at Berryville this morn- inp, and ♦hat the enemy is believed to have left. • A. drawn fight tooK place near Banker Hill, be tween a part of Lonrax’s cavalry division, and the cavalry of the enemy. Harry (iilmor was wounded in the neck, but ia doing well. A cavalry f5ght also occurred »bout seven miles from this place, on the Valley Pike, in the direction of Newbern. I have not beard the resnlt. Oar infantry is Iiere at Banker Hill. - , Sixteen wagons were captured on yeaterday from Yanffliim and JolinsoB’i cavalry. #Wr. Rich. Sonknel. !^e jr ,,j. »nd iiccordinijly. Si 2 o- Fri(!ay ^orninp our nrmv evacuated the reir‘^'\Lrir «'j(itii.>«.rti, townrJ . irdee. Between and 1 I oVifx k in the day. that pinion of the enemj •'till in pi*itio(i berorc Atlani/i M’eriT| th« city, and after Icavir-K a garrison, pre(««ej *hroii;rii ,,u th« trai:;k of our forces. p'TV'ST e"* inv. L'-s^rs, ax'-, Abou* I '.’cl.oek o-; Sr.tiir''ti_, m.jrr.iDg, the third. Hood Ptfeetcd his jnr.ciion with ^Kordr.-. nnd at last sc ciniits our entire army wa.* Hrawr i*;. in line of battle before Lovejnv’s, no whit dun-oraMitf 1. and but little weak- ned by loss of ic' n or malertri In We 'ne.«day’ei fight we lesru thst, onr loss was com- pa»-,,uvely alipht.; a, «l hs or> the succetdiog day, we fought l>ehiDrt breast work?. rhi* da V loss too was far frotn beinp arythirg t^jual to t .K *he encmv. *i>r pr»'SP'’t liu'> is uiiuerst fn .'-teod from Ijove- joj’p 0 sfcDouough, t’uis latter place Ln''ing b^*en proba bly chot>»ri as a resting piacu for our right, in crder to permit t,‘)e line, if neccf^sary, to be eT'-ndi'd towards CoviogUm. on th« Georgia ad. Surh ig a brief and. as fnr Hr. we can .w t.' ” accurate account of the opt^ra- tioPf* atiPini.tn* on ta* tail o A*1>»ntq The How. though und‘-uic* ly b^ary. is by ro mean* dishesrtening; and as to any f»t»l efl'-ct it may hav''. w.^ cr.-' only say that we ere icd reyeis..; tn-bI-7 jievere. and FfUl '>ur .ot jit » n-y b p-di V" leg' ?irn. were n(>* ov T f'f'*'; ♦’--'.t o' ern.'”iy i''' Nt-'.-iated over .'i.uoo. his diVprcpojtir;' Tsat'riiufed ♦■•the 'act of the yan- hiivirg a*.‘('inc p-'UMii c'’6’'g^d m as many a? ton Hr o fj,.ep. Hard“"V r ips is rtp'iii'd i'l particul.ir as having foupht with th-i moj-t ileop#—gsrllantry on the 1st. Our lo?"® apart from m*'U was: X l' ‘d p'eccs lo?t by Hard?" at JonesU.ro’, la';.-i of !: ui s, s to Vatd thf.m otf; «ome hieg-: left by i*.>'jd at Ai;au.a; .'S to « locomo- tive*-; ’.'SO'to 200 fieiffht ■np.rs; r.iui some ordnance, com- u>is=ary and quart. rina«ter stores destroyed. Keports from AManta «tate that no ou'rapes have been coinmiited by the enemy, and the only annoyances felt so far have been frem. pilfering a-'d roMtiy by stragglers me of the inhaluitmts who rai.-^ed the white flag ou the advent of the yankees, were met with volleys of ahus^ for their c-.wardice u:,u decNruiioiis thai. they (the ene my) would not trust thone who after living so long in a rebel city, had at leogih turn.3d agaiurt their fellow citi- Eens. Jonen and BvartA.—We have received reliable intelligence, throjgb a citi*en of tliis place, who has recei’-ed a letter from a Qnariermftster in the service in Moore county, of th'' capture ot the notorious murderer, Henderson Jones, and of the snppostd killing of the bnrglar, Fry, aliax KvauB. who was in jail here awaiting his trial. Jones was tried for the murder ot Stephenson at Alamance Superior Court when he was convicted; he appealed to the Snpreme court, and at the last Jane J'eriQ of that court, the judpment of the court below was confirmed. The gallows w»B full before him, and in tjis desperation to escape alld with the Leip of some outside friends he broke onr jail and made forthwith for the haunts of the deserters and outlaws in Liandolph and lWc»ore W'e are glad to announce his apprehension, and con gratulate the law abiding people, who so much re gretted his escape and who so desired to see him pay the extreme penalty of the law. We suppose he will be returned to the Sheriff here to await condemna tion at AJaaaaee. vhcrtt he wiil be ozeooted aboald h« Ht« Btt agaia bntak jail.—tfretm. Wifftitn CASir^LTliSB IN K C. TROOPS. ff«»a TH8 OBUEaVStt. MeF'rs E J. H*’.? & Sn^p: Pirs;—I fof^s.rd yott Hate of e*BU»!'-ies OT'm's’s Br5«r».'^e cn t’'»' 21p* ar-d ‘’2d 'o ust. trVioH yon vi!’. rubiiah and oblige, V»ry rt8po''tfuliy, voura W L LONDON, A A O & L Li3i of e*«ualties cf Ot'ropj’s Diigsde in t>*e enj-mre tear V* . cn th» 2’rt Acru.st l>'ttl: 8'’^ R‘f’t N r ''r: orn. (’o f(—Wour(?pd: f*pr*r B sfcfil F— ’iVoun'ted: Th S‘hc»riil 4SJ It^’i N T.''.j{-a A — Hill'd: J Brlnaoo, L * Quin Wouudtl: H li Ora;5 Q B \?o>^lc7 iJ—Wovndn K SvCela, W M Ki-’ih Vct,i8 C—K’llccS: C rp n A'*'eTp.-'a, -Jes EJoy*U. J Rf'e>'a WouBi’wi: f’jut iiiirea 1) W G*rJccr, J leu.J. A’ fi'i fcn j, J Acr er H—tVonm! ?v-: C'p* Carev r T?eg’> > J K Litrijo, 8^^ M«j P. L Jo. r. J il r^ «btE»~i, rt f V u;h»i H—Ki'lod: ' rp J E'^’obS Wc.inS.-r: 6^- J 1 r D Hi!'. -! Jcr I p. Vurncr i’—W.nr.Sf.f?; ( 1 : J II f rrif’. ii—.Vour-je,i: t>, ' ;>i.- H—KU'.fu- J M >yfi;ia’'d: j VV Tii^'iase, SI*' ' A|0 I—Ki^’e-*: n G'ilFf^r -^ Ti If rruc,i, *>T L Hi.droth. F J Te-.!. O “ Daaitn K—V.'cu .f: Bi"! B-.b* .'iirw died.) W ^ Ce.-\- »e;i, Jao Pr.'* I »ac f'atec*, W T rriigton, A J ck->n. A—'Venid'’J. Mi ’ ■xrtiag L' u: > T" R ' r '2-2(l 4‘itH R^p'i N C Tror-pT A—■'^carried: Cbjs I^rc^.^rd To K—li L to .. 1 —'V Jrji nicks 53J i •; C Ji C-jfP ‘i !•!. .1 {. u.i. , ■}d.) T i~ *^j1 ("j.i cr difi ) I'd N C TiM Q—n,.unle'; Jv’ Hsnricn Re.; —K» !oi l', wccc’.ed f;2. Cfcp .»1: r ' Gr:nes's Brir&.'e on .*’j» I? 4 •id iicg'i N 0 i', Done. 4 1 .. fS.t '-d ! B‘v* **1 u “ , 4olb Fii'’! N C Trof fs B—V7 unJ.'o: ^’•■▼.£9 A’". Ic. I)—W I'ic : a, '. L:'»'..il‘n *■’—'."oi’c *- ; P.iv\:e .’«;r«!ii. II—: li III W '.iiir.-’. 1—■“'o u. .“'j: 8 eV*ul K—W unte>: Priva.'^ Pr.'''’*er Kecapl u .’i ' u— Ki i.c: lif'ce, Wiuc^^'’! 6. viis orsKav/i.i Killed, in S C.^sr; f-n nr-rr v'»7.rsi ft ■■••ns’ Sfaii n cr. ihe ‘J-'.n J Q. t^iii«. Co F, “’(•rh R» ■'*. T t., «• j "t cf t' as roen ,'t' ‘*e ■ »f 1 :5ie ».ri» o- i ■^, I*-': h** b» 'r . zciac 'p. Tn*. aia c.'ori", N 0 , '%':d ca ? ’i.! 1st i»':b *he d f: -9 >f ► :s ,j 00 •! "r/ F ' mj-j .h*r. »t*o vears L- ;u tu' Ij.'.i.' r‘ \.:7 rr:^- t e enemy ir unv’^r fco co*uu Oa tbf ‘JStu r • , w \ e.3i.rge crdete ’ oa hf Rtila ’.d n (.r Rt fct: j’ T v . n, ncne ^ rarg fn’nard iror*! ai'.crMv .!>•,.■ i; ,-L- youit; bm. al*s. a n* ba.l pierced b» loTebead, c«n»irg ivstxut itchth he ipoetseJ ■•as ag?dfc' oo> 20 > »e.r»; and is lb ; third *va of Jkmrs Sl^is, vro tiw d.«j ni i.o« servii > o; ccoatry. Ttty were Oior cf fJii? c'>np*ny Tp;* flrvt. W-.n P Slhv. ore-l 22. ef r|;aFa8! a June lR»i3 Si'Tsr* J N E.lia r * i f,t n-iL.veburg Pa., *h« n Gen L*e fe.il back fr- a» t;'/i j-c»ro fc' eur juuotd; fe l iiito t-t- ha^ddof 'h- c'ntrac'e- r. ■'■iiiiS in acnt.'»n p:ia us rL ch i roved fatal, J»"’y It* •4 Tiia »t8'Cted v^rinxs o; thesp t^rce nonl? youtho K*ve go f. ?«iy offered up tacir •ires for cvr mde- P*ul#tos. and hHTe bttta cjs dovra in tbe ver- blo&Ji of life, bive our warr-.wst srn^ratby A CcmUavk i.*i Ajiie.. Assessor’s I%oticf. ''pT'lj T%- P'yer 1 ;p tbe *if per I)-=tTict 'Pobe- *. ron c. uhty ’’uvis i Stpiec! the.r ccps tf R'"': t’u'c ’ Hay r rvr r^rfrtf9tvi to meet ijie : • *hf ^ sr iref" •ntf p’’- jareJ fc liat; AVer’ ViHh, l«f‘4 ■ Dr^i 21V T5!a^ klj isf??', ^ t -2d Lt*o:i*'c Br di-e, "o i. Ni P*u1’h, Se'"t ?nd vv;?i9r(’B, 2‘^i'h in Lumbenrn It ’S rf thfi ntns'^rt iw;.3rf*f'' this ir'S'tpr be t ■iT'ctvell” aitended to ss *h*; Ar*?n*acern * rec-ivet-e i’rtt,'- './i t U i? so’otr-ojr’c.t v ftb *>*- fr:Pi .le Ae«. .‘;so“. T.i.-i h: , ^ to lisi w-i' ‘sBohjcrt tc the iiai t»-T. IInon A r>MPPELL. AsfCb -'r Uprcr IM- ri*t. 8« pt. 8 G6 4t nir«. RI^eill and Iflrs. l«anea«, asfliated by the ICwea Elliaop, will open their SCBOOli for Toang Ladies, at ths foot of Haymoont, on Mooda/ October Sd. 1864. TiBMB rsa sissioa or twmtt wuki: EngUsh branches, $^6 00 Preuch and Latin, each, 2R 00 Musio, ^ Taiticn payable half in advance, tha balance at Uia close of the Session. Sert 13 Jlliss H. E. Croir will open sciiool in Green Street on the 8d day of Ootooer 18*'4. Sept 12. Piano Tnnintr- PARTIES living in or nrar Fayetteville desiring to have their Pianss tnned. are informed that Prof. W. S B. Mattbews -rill be in »owa about ihe eighteenth of rtsptember and will atleni to any crders that maj be left for him at the Pcft Office or et Mr. J. A Worth a stcro Strings replaosd and other repairing neatly ex ecuted. Mr MtttbewB will tune in the country when convey ance is rro7ided 66-tf Rice and 4^ld at Auction. ON Thursday next the 15h icat. wjll be lold at Ao«-^ t^on, 5 Casks Rice, just received; ^ Lady’s Qold T^ever W**ch; 2 bounty of Cumberland Bond* of JlOrt each. JOHN R. COOK. Auet’r. Si'pt 10 lfoi’«e Shoe Iron at Auction. 1 AAA lbs. horfe phoe iron, iUUU 24 pra STOUT ENGLISH SHOES Will be sold at Accioa or Thursday 'he 22d inst. JOHN H COOK Anofr. Sant. 12 66 2t l.ost or SItolcn, APUia Bisek Sum PARASOU 8v>ioewh«t wor^v hav ing a figured border end fringe T*' finder will ne Hiitvbiy rewarded on Je'viEJ' it at thisOffise Sept 12. HEAPQK'S KKSERVK OF X. C., > SvO!. 8 h, 18t-l J Genr-»'*1 O'ders 1 8 ( f THF 'r''oT!D«r ord i'ii 5re pubV.Rhr'I for '.^jC i-fr-r • a Kitticti ard d'liJ’frce of all rono'?rT'9?; Anj T AND Tssp’r Gbvbral’s 0*=r70H, > Rtchi-; «'), rc: 21st, 1^64 / Gaeers! 1 «2 » 1 PAR.*GR\PH V . Q O^d- r» No. So, Adj't •\r ’ ■ pe»' ,'r Q r:-?rai’. Of^i’e, Pep'-’r 12,1862, is so far a-i’t d F.a to re»d *3 'oi' jt*-: rcr-lor V rr ’e.'rui‘:3g offcers, 'n the d'oribsrite of ► fr-r mder th>* Crr-' rr'pt rr ^!her Acts, er? tn jr'i.C'l to renr>ove or intcfere woTkir'en "'r rm- Ti*'vreP St the Kitr'’. L5»d or Cope r >^orVs. rr Miners I r ? r-3 ' ry Orvrr^Er.. ' f ■ IScct's t - y oen tT'. •€!» '■ t 0'-‘!a':rc ’ th- ut f'i' ir.L’ • >' fi'tAirin- ih* eoricsnt of the 8up’’‘i'.teod- eijt, cr cffi'rr is chsrp'', wili Ke held strictly re- ?pcu:i' ’e r.r J1T» 5'J»0 ? of flSC I^OST, ON Saturday last, the 3d ichi , between Mrs Pa»>k8’fl Stor • an,* Mr V! H Ha sh’s Law cffio", a p*'r of HE \VY GOLD 8PECTAC1 E3. The findir will be very h’i>e?*ily rewarded on leavir^ tbem it the dwellir of Mrs. MARY GILCHBISr. 8“pt. 5 It-pd Cane Ifon Rollers. My HOR&L POWER CAr^E »iILL with * good oom- nlemcnt of Poilers' and Evaporators, is in operation oij CfOF.3 Creek, near tbe Factcrv. Toll one fourth. JOHN KERSHAW. Sept. 10. 66 2tpd ' By (S gr,-u) a f'0.^PER, AdJ't an 1 Ipsr''."'tor Gen?r*l G::n‘*r^’ O* No 18 Apjt ahd Tksp’h OrriOB, ^ KiaPiuond Fe’: 'y 5Hh, 18ti4 f ■ors,\ IV. OENIi’^'.L 0?.DFP^. it •rr'r'^rre--V Fiirii*ce'' cr S'*r« ''7 T O-j- 0 nt". ' J rd. r.-.d ; T'?f;»l N->. !'2, (seriie 180S,1 for .’■Sme'i or empl'y**' *t ■I-’. iib.;’"er wOiV'» r* Thpf*r o^de^s arc now ’3 erUed to them an F-. 1- «t, 'ta,- •'If' Ofi'iC' . COOPPR. \ ' ;'t »ind T-rp’r Ge^'TS^! •f *pe ^bow,*' 's "r j ;”ei iipcn = S‘s:3 aa fsr a* ii re'a'.es to REWARD. EN ffOBc my stable on the night of the 6th inst., •- snail i?srk iron gr*y MAitE, eight years old Also u.y P>!cl.Me and Bridle *Tke Ingt hiard cf the thief he waa op the rosd lesdipf to the Grassy loiands, eig*’t ir:’’e6 ficm fbe Pee l>ee River. * e was a BRsad m*n. of '•ark ccmplcc*ien *nd were a cap aud ronadabonl gray »ud bl*,ck ? aBts. I will fti^e tbe above rewara fee the d“iivery ef tbe M*rc snd jroof for the rcBvioticn of ►cetb’>f tUN*’AN McLAU'^HLlM. Arti-le P. O . Sen*. 10 66 U*2t 10.000 Pieces ]\cir iHusie, JUST received, wnjoh will be rent to any addiccs en rec.ipt of our Cataiopu!' jr c s We ha*e now t»oonie tfce SOLE AGENTS in Nortk Csvrl'.’a. foi* Geo Duun A Co. of Ricbincnd. who are the largut and fineti '^uaic Tablishers ia the South All orders to ihein, fr-’m 'his ctata, will be iSUed at our 8tjre One La’* cff to t^-e Trade Ai ply for Cataljgues cf Books. Mu^’o, &o BflANgON & FARRAR, Rsleigh. N C Sept 5 _ Executor’s ;!\otice. rpHE sub.soritErs harlr;; qaOiSjd at Beptember Term I IP64 of Cu'sbnr’and C ■ ■.»nt* Honrt. a? Exe*ntorB to tts I'^et Vi!l au;? Tes'-emt-nt of M«j Jofcn T Q-ilmore, dzu'd, iere’oy nt»ify all pirsoa's h»via^ olaiiaii ag*inat tbs Fsia:e o*'their T'«?a«.or. to pr«seac them within the lirue .•reB"ribed by lew, cr th’i Koti^o will be pleaded in bar of tbcir rccov-.-y ^ ATPv X BYBVV ^ -ARCH’D Mf LSAN, [-Ex’ra. E F MOOBE, ) «' Lr . jyo Qf^i rTr.LM'is. ■7 niNSDAf-E, %5s’t t G n?Tal. ‘H 7t tjV-tY .'.n- f*e»5»8Fti^. tirriTE !F QU -» V,•I.sT^u, ?'• ^ 1"'4 t ri' QIJ* RMa?* : V ! (he Stf-te nrr . ‘ i*^.3t tt'e'r T ; “.I Coun*^ .*f*en*s to 'I?’ »• r.. e '••i:' i Df * ’-n .Te '•> » of t‘-e neirssf ’•aU- ■”•1 -'.s e —a»-d s.»r • ir;ff’^in^ti'o *3 th:a fll'i’ so that .*a rarv b; sf -v ri^c.-i* th.-m. er V.nj AChi fQ »/. P t N. onice POfif Quart«*nnaster, 4i,b yislrlct H f \Ts.'!TtTi.L*, N. C , 8ep^ of»*->» r. unt’rB of Cnojbrrlard, >ii!. B!aa.'D, I'a.^oett, Columbus er, ) ■p^ f t'*.) FATETTBVILL]!L’ market.—?»ent^l2. RiViEW OP TO*? MAi*.SET. Bucon to 4 00 Port 2 50. Ls.'J B'-t f 1 50 ’« 2 00 per po:’''d. ’■eta'l. P ^ ^50 '5 Oo to O'). (.■ ' 50 to 1 75. f’o-i" tr. io 00. —’iO 00 to 0 i'O por f n ”0(t '1‘rr doTf’"' *. i; —&()> e.r. 75 F • iVy‘il80. fi-i''-? t j> 00 10 ’0 CK* o ’'n. lOC-0 r.-iy 3 00. ‘o'« 50. Cr-er' Apv'?3 4 oO to 5 03 ;r *-usSp1. (Jrjj*—.for’'. CO to S22 60 \^hest .?25 00 ?16 '* S20 ( H‘-a 15 00 ?. -W .‘o S W dry 5 00 to 6 00. Iro?—Pw.^’^ei 00 tn 3 50. Le iihr-r—rpr.«r 20 05, Pole 17 ^0. .1;^- f,(o 00. Apple BE ?40 001? Ot' M'^'^ases, cotinfry nr * !e. 00 to 25 (VO. Hiet "*0 hy 8 00 per bbl; r:-(4tl tO lo i*' 0 Soa^—F*nily Bar 2 00 p?r li>.. T.'»ilet f ilfl Sod* 6 00, re»ail. N»i rt S 00 to 4 00 per lb.. Oa’*K8 20 00 pe*" bns'i»el. Po'^'oes—-Iriib S5 t*' ?6 l":ush: p»»eet 5>>0 O'l 8pirita Tnrpeotinn 3 0) p'*’ ^i,'.ion Ffcyst'eviile 4-4 Sheelin.-,r?, 1 40 to 1=^. PaU?.5 Oft to ^7 o*' nor busocl Tail.'w S »)0 to 3 50.' Wool $6 to VTOrK'F t - r’frTHf'" i>| P. H-Ctr ;»r.d B'unaw’o't ts wi’l 1"e rp*n cn '^e cf t'-'C rn'r.ih to r»- ceive tt>.» Tit'-s 0»‘h, Fve. ^c-'l snd ct*c'- Hty You w'U taVe ycu^ e»nai'\*- a to Tit**e »*r«‘nt8 i,nd get reoe’pts - ^hen Non; bn? r>?u!»r Tithe /.^•uis in y-rr »r •p>=oa''a Cocri'e-s ar» sll-jwei to re ceive ‘•Titi»»‘s R'-T>ipv» Ifs—'.f’ reverel rrrsons hivo be*^n in- ferE'‘d by irfl.i»r.*ir-l men tb»! th y need not pay more han 50 per c nt. in oas'- of failuro to r>«y ihe;r Tenth, I hereby n'‘*ify y.'v. ihat i‘ ia »i Act of rpng’^'ss to ool- }ec» thr' 50(' p'f c nt cn tbe crop'’ of 18^4 and B*con cf last 8»»f-oii T«ere;ore it 5s better to p&y yonr Tithes and ‘ave ’He p^m.Uy. Tre Geverniiient needs tbe pro- very 'iiuoh, it is h''^e t th»i- ;->»rti(*H will brinjr iu pri'nip*’y. *.’aj. Ul unt, Q M . at 8mHlivilli>, will rrce^ve th»- Ti'Hes of rarties '.a that part of Brunewiok V'' T.. TIa>’ T''” rtceiv'' at liivers^’c p-r*!p> ' . o d ) ret '.'st t eir xi he? tl»« fc'- r'M or? riM ha-yp■ "•tbcir'"mb. lii-t th** bps* wRy they o*i% -'-ov?i>l bi; tr''cs'rrr“d for oolleo- tio-a ”ti*h f. r-* r rcTP.ee T b.i"e V^m.frs IT It ”»•? r'”fir'r ''y ro .as to av ’d t a* : C£?eg!i’. V f'.' ;u y ,f?e-d. • J ^FsTcE COI XTV A«EXT,) Hit r l>lst*Icl y F.-.YuTTEvr.L,6. lb'4. J Or'^f'F’s b"rtbv t^.Ht D?pot[i wi'il be cpeotd or T^nrpd'y tSeT>th ‘.".st., *i. toe folio'rinp: p'acet, i f,ii' t.no re "p i -n f m T?ind f'" 1%''': ^e=!'em I Di?T> t atChri^'^’an MeKeithau’r; Snrtbom I>or ot j rt K *>r^‘ -Trv. ^a''.i/‘.rn De'ct at ' vlar Ceolral ; T>ep. ’ -t 7—s^i-^'f. A'.» miiti* .•/ *'■? • sf'SfC 'h »r^v'ue- X. *. I I'-vr -d »' or2«- *^be rw?uo“r p:ere”t bia estl St. i^-e ♦!m”i cf '’ri‘v“'v. ?*! *!»»t t''** A';’'et may I r-3Ci!>t t^'rrnr: ,'or V •: > Ii Wrol ; ca ei'iine.t" be r*’o .1 .[ ’. iia i ■' Q. ■ M'- I A~ ' F - • u- ^i’-fl'*y. N' P.yc I%otice ol l$^»ie. rn‘ ; ExocutoTS of liie above John T Gilmore, dea'd, J will so’l »t PubJio Auction, in tie town of Fayette- ■•s'.i-:, 't »h»> I»t« jjesidcnoa of th? deoe»»ed, corner of wi Hi>I«borc’ sirce^P, on Faturday the 1st day of ^ioioVer "ext, all tbe per «h»ble rr. p?rty usnally kept snd ^s«d about tha baid Tcwa residenoe, consisting of Poa^eheid asu Kiiohen Furnitnre. Bnggy, ^Tamesa, Wa'^-n. B-'oVrs. E. ver, Cowand Calf, and other valuable tr!!‘*l^T Terms made knawn at sale. Tr Hmt of sale o? the 8tcck, Crop, Fcmitnro. Uf*n- -i'l' ’to , at the Pla^tati^n. has not been apoointed yet. Dt-e 'jot'cr will ’’e given of ttiat eale, when the time ia fi*e1 (5, » 7 66*s rTcTriCE. ^ . 4 ■ S pfeJtuer Tera» of tiioConrt'if Pleas and Quarter fJeesi'ua of Cumberlaiid county, general letters of \dfni.'jiB.«'At!OT! were irrantod (o the pubsriber cn the *• £ts*» of the Istc John R. Mnrohison. Pe’^ou'! haying Ku»to*.o8 0” acoount of the E’fite must jivo attention ton> atoticd. JANE E. MCRGHI80N. Sept 7 t;5-lltpd ~RELf«l«Ul»» ,'^€>TICE. T1HE Pee l*oe A»eu3ix! ''u -aill commence ita Annual 1 B-E.s\on with the Pprjcg Htll Bsptiat Chwoh, Rich- tnoRd eocoiy, on FridAV b^forg th.-* tfcond 8*bbath of Oc'oher n°xt The plsce of tncotiuj ia 25 miles 8. 1 o^ r.eckingnam, sad 11 nii!*s from the 8boe-he«l and Laurinburg Depots cn the fPilming'on. C & R R JOHN MO'JROE grpt. 8. Powder. DUPONT’8 FFFir UIFLS POWim^t. for aah by JAMES MARTJNE. g»pt. « . >5 9tpd ^ WAI%TEf>, A SITUATION fcr th«i ensuinj se> s on in sorn# Rchool or r.oll“^,e '• he ar^rlic^ot. >s •* g*adu*>? of a Sonth- ■ nrclleff'—also of f'e Bcivers’ty of Virginia—haa b«>sDi *«ohins for ts=n yearn, both iu male and female, Sehocis ft'd Collef'es and caT» furnish the best testun»» ni’^ls of ebsrr.c'er and quaUfi^a'io'''' Tl’oje in waat of a leecbi'r will t>1'!>3s add^'esi, s'wirg terras. It*! P-C'X I*'?, Petershure. c«... t fron fi't to r^.?iteeiv ‘xprtssly >*tien haAv’e. Pers--^s ‘i ch property to lo w*ll to brir.g it v, tot a? tar!y as osnvenient. •ITI *asiou3 to Vuv and »iil paj the hi^riie^i cash prioe*. I live Bcw Clio, Msrlbcto’ r‘i9‘r.ct, 8. 0 •) G DUNBAH. * Pa;tt 5 * C5 4tpd I 29 Or Coaisiuisns^iit. } MAt femoitir S Do. ; A I/, w, Jf yt w*n »o I yorri» o>‘ 1 .■« Its Fs v' • I l ere-’V ordlere ' ' K%»• •»iOe. ou ! t- s; to FivG Hundred Million Loan Non-Taxable j »^r.>^d ti, ^ ...*r i ; s Bonds. j »l;l aec t£*^t y.H p:=i6‘.0 NOTIPi; ip hc»-e'i-T g:v. n, ih>. tbe p-k « cf the above ■ ccti1i-'d i” i"ed>ate*y. Bondti at SFIS6 and inUrost wil' bo disoontiuaca l Co 4»»in after ths 30th inst Pales v-iU b« suppende‘1 to oo*r- | ei'ier the •?xpe^ler'iy r-f sdvi^ eit'fr t-->ejrio6. 1 ampr - j It-'hiii. pared to deUv.‘r Bn.«>ds of ?100. :^6C0, and $10^0 aow > fflAHi^N np and copimHted to t' .• Jail of Cunber’and AUG W STKBL. Agor.t for Br-lt Bonis, j | cranty, ' ‘ OFFICK, \ ■ A iKisTr yoUr.Ti, C..P;- ( i> coi'c'j- b :«•.’«"»’ t.to tges ot 18 »nd >*»Ne fc*’W8rd.^'? t''tit’'^c^ fcr A. Ti"*-T*, TO . . '• t ' luc r! It K.l7 'r H ;«"»t . '■repftr«d ^ , '1' -H6d ’ E'.ir’-j f)'' Any --• 7^vor i‘1 vil' nTr»>'' p S rr.d fo“- i ■ >»•* ' e-ja/ti g ur i. r f*'is bead are A II TOT..*P. Capt. and E»irolling Offle*'- Prrt. 10 Bfi 2wi ijO«1—Pocket Rook. ..fo H'>v '3’ho ea»s hig nar^e is ANTHO NY s.ud belongs to Joseph lioUMav, Conway lorongh, t. O. Hid forn c>r was >-r Boykin of 8an??eon e^nrtv. Anthony is about 38 or 40 years of age, dark with «!»the law direcie liberal reward fr it or for it to be placed v>y where on the road so that 1 oan get it Cumberland coanty, Sept 1. OLIVER HALL. «6-2tpd Sept. !• ALDERMAN, Jailer ft6tf F>ange of nrioes 561 40 to If 4 per lb. JOn>T H. HALL, B Co. 6 Blue Stone! Ulue >itone!: tnr A LBS BSr.T ESGLI3H PLUE 8T0NS. for iZl'U ei-^ie WORTH & CO , * Wiliaiogwp. N. C. A,^. 26. _ WOXOJ* FOR ^iALE. $5i {i,(KX^,0001’onfrderato Six Per Ont. Boufc. b'nds present ifee g eaMut induoesnenM for I ; i-restnient. They have thirty years to rrm, inter- r . ».abi-ceOTi-aEnaa'dy, asd. are a«*''ured by import x'crt duties; are exempt, principal and intereei, froii tax* ion, and ihc coupons reoeivsble as com for The pii lirouni prioe has been nxeo. The old issue Confederate eastom duf.e’ fcr the p'esent, at fl3o. -— — -ii w TiMsurv Not'*?, (except Uie $100 notce.) will be ry- ooived in payoient at 6^ per cent. ^ gTEEL, Ai^ent for the 1. S. Trc».sury, FayetlevilV Avr R ””The En»t« rprise Cotton Factory is now prepared to eichanpe for cora or bacon the Finest Numbers of Spun Yarih suitable for Spring and Summer Qoth. of tt fwperior quality, not sutr«s,od W&r fedeiecy. FftvottaTiUa. May *

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