vol.. XIV.] FAYETTRVn I B, N. C„ SEPTEMBER 19, 1864. [NO 1368.] PRINTFD M0NDAT8 aND TBUBSDAYB EDWARD J. HALE & SONS. SDIT0R8 AND PR0PRIBT0R8. Priic for the 8eml-Wf>ekly Ossvsvir. fl5 00, paii ?n *dv»uoe. For the Weekly OancrnvBS $10 00 per ftanoa, Id vlTance. i^T ADVERTIFEMENT8 iuerted for $2 per a jaare of 12 lines or lew for the first, snd one dollur for Snc?eedia|i; pablioatioa. AdrMlisera arc rcqueatod to state the number of insertions desired, or they »ill b« coBtinned till forbid, and ohar^ed aoeordlnjcly. AdTertiseni«>ni8 oontipued tn*i4e, oharged «« bow %d- wtieemeBts- 8PE01AL yOTirE. Fnm »B' % t»>r tT»i» nc a*.r"* of • sobecr’b^ will b« (mtcred withont pajmcct ii« 'vdTtmee, nor will thajiper b« seat to ^ob 9ubBoriber«> for a loDf«r time than is paid for 8ueh of omr old sabeoribcrs a» deaire to take Uva pr.- per oB this systeiB will ploase cetity cs when maUniE remitta&ees. Jan’y 1, 18158 W. DFAUGHOIV* AUCTIONEER, 8. I. forrpr Mrtkrt Fqonrf, FjiTETTETILLE, N. €. Promrt stt^Eticr pircc to *11 VT»‘?Tt)(»pr ’3 b5p r«*rnBete? *o hinr., Jute lO, 1P64. 40tf fSAAC HOLLiyGSWORTHT' Mrecfr and CoBSif^ioB tfercbaDtt FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. Jane IS. w 40 if COTTOJV CARDS, JVo. lO. THF. FATETTTTVn-lE COTTON CARD MANUFAr. TCFJKG COKPANY are row mannfi>.cturiQgGABDS Riperfor to Any rcn threnph Ite blockade,and at present are selling for a IcfiS i rice Ibe single pair or by the qaan- tify. Acyp^’TSOB orderirp pix or n ore palm, they will be ■ecorely packed and dt-livered in Wilnsingtcn free of ex pense. Call npoB cr addrera A. A. MoKETHAN. J. A. WORTH. ALEX. JOHNSON. Jr. Pafette-rilJe, N. C., /pril 18 24tf W^nt€«^—W«o«l l>fiRc1. The ondersisfDed will give a fairprics for a veil wooled tract of I(AND of Ifio or 200 acfpa. on the Railroad at any point between Joncsl'oro’ai'd Fayottmillo. Wood, pitch p-ine bcxed or nrboxe*! PENRY F^ (X>LTON. Agt?nt F. K. Co Fftyrt»cville, Apiil 1?. 2Stf FajetteTlile So^in Oil WerksT , , OUR CHI Works are now in complete oporad(», and , jSItFoiJl as we UB8 notking but good roein in prodocinf the .’ I 5 .1 AdJ’t 8Bd Insp’r den’s OiBee,) PlCHMfHii Acg. 14, 1864. J Extbaot GravBAk rsbiBS, \ No. 67. / •»*•••• V. Pararrftph I., Q'ntral Orders No. 6*, (currect fl!i'Ias,' is (bus asiendcd: All df.t»i!^* t;r», (iio'ading these b^iwi^en 18 and 46 r4>»r; of a»e.^ will wTort to, >a OMssaadcd by the flpner*l cl Ecr rfr* ip the Rt«t8 in wbioh tb^y bavo b'’CB aseigrrd J, who riil crcsn’i® them i»o otmpa-ie* tmt trtra’iprn I* ia itoi thet tfc^y wiP be o. I'.td out, «>xc?“pt in emergescirs occu«TiB}i' is >r r ear tb,i“ " of thMr icMdeno?; ncr wi'l Be'T'CM fc? f-xec*.'d tf tbm; b^rcrd tJo'e eonnHp? Mtl crT Bi'cti ocnt5imnp»i thernto; exct iit lb»t cctnra^Us l)Fr» pPt r formef! n-ay r’or.irod f ' perform 'c'ei in rti re'Hr? reids a 15»»e of r*'’ro*d rcsuing tlfrocg'- tL'> r*“F»“Cti^e coisrtics Ail rzetarta ais £.Ilcvet’. »iid invileJ to tbt^reeWee with •«ch crcpuiee ro to prer^Aj-p-i to kid in ihetr wben‘meBt.c*. * by the enemy. nothing but good roein in prodocin^ Oil we can recommend it to So the best of the kiad made i» this cOTntry. It is a fine Lubricating and Tanner’s ' Oil, and we would bo riad to receive oraers from tue Ooyermnent and the' pnmic g^erally. We will sell mi ceaeonahlc terms. M00RJ5, CASHWELL 4 CO. April 15. SS-tf Official—Jao. W. HiiSDAiB. A 8 COOPER. A and I. Gen. A. Gen. ffW. JficJL. Attorney at Law, Payhttivilli, N. 0. WILL attend the County and Superior Coarts cf Cnaib-s’Iaad, Hara«tu Morre and Kob«t>on Cou:.' Udfl. Prompt attendun girca to tho oo^lactica of «il ilalrx ec-rusted t» his huil3. (>«t. 17, 1869. 5»-tf J^TrCTLE Y, Uroctr and VommisHan J^trrhaHt% FAYETTEVILLE.. N. 0 Jau’y 10, 186a. 9S-tf MATHA» A. aTBI»U.K. WM. H. BKKXASn. M. A. »i»TEOMAV A CO., mOlMUlE AND RETAIL DEALERS AND e4»MNi8S10i¥ .'HERCHA1VT9, 19, Hay Strettf FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. Apsil SO. 25tf » a woET* ». o w«BVH. ». o. Dam)u. WOKTH & CO., ‘Momilaeioii and Forwsrdlsg V/ T T ■>.' 7 ";J ■ tT^ N n. 3cl. 1>>. .'M;;s t V-p\ -ii -'"N • -“f > / v-l EAeUB FOUIVDRT, ( FATBTTiyaLB, N. j., July i, 1^6^. i WE ABC NOW PREP.UiED TO ivE;KlVE ‘R cierfl for RAIL R04D WHEELS of the f''l?ow’.nf s:r«a, t i: 24, 2C, 28 » iU 80 H -,n. ! CHILLED TlRKt? Vb' Ir>ti w«* «b»!l \iS3 for th*.'. will be COLU B‘\3r on^».lt)AL IRON, -n 5 ' r-vjQt car winse'fl Ni)T 10 ’^KAOS, o--J 1:- ^-^zzl say leai'T in ih>.' Conl\n’crsoy, r,.* to th'!' c : ;y jr 3-.aJof (TiJf;»- ?.,pui»'.iju »•* e > v?!i mio-ft: by .*il F^l Cjturanics. v7* !x'»r9 ?he L’^ I.‘>oiIit-es for ‘i*-aEp ir iiicn >- 3tti«it:ers to *^5! .'a, *r?!rj ti» t; *ay piit Oi' ’t* OettfcHdf»f7 OrJ?ni r.ep_i.iDoi:cit’.l 46tf] I> AND^RdOM & 0 Qbbbbal Obsbbs, HliBqVARTBgg BB8KKYBJT. C. | Balbios. Aof 98, 1864 No 7. } I. Pnsaaat to Qeseral Orders No 67, paragrpph V., Adjrtlant and lofpect jr Ge&or»Vtt OCice, dated Aufoat IBth, 1881, L(NoaI RnrolliBg Offlcori> will prucoe’ »it once to cTgsDiz? tie deUileJ wn, of whatever Ir’ad, is Jbeir rrepeotiTs oaun*iPB, into oomvaolea. reportltf io tfa ’■ cffice the namss *Bd realJeuo* of > (fEoi-ra e!uite-l. II. Al! ezi’rspffl am ta«ited, ac-d carcestly rr.qneUed, »n attach thems'lTw la eomfanua (huate be crs»nise.l, fi:r hcica de'fBte Ams arJ i.n'Knidtiua will L tiuuea t.s Boon na tie 0'jir.pac:-5 ar) formed B/ ccc isKnd cT Lt. Oen Ho’ Ji;0 W. imTDlT-E, A A G. FATETTKTILIK lESESAl AND ABXOBT.) An". 26, 18G4 I TliHIVER WAi^TED. 8TE.VDY »ad rei;*bie cr>ai> vbo unde«tands his trade can find stotdy «Bip!ovn'>'fft at fo'J w^ce#. Apply to tb?. C7-(5t COM DG OFFICER A Police to Public Creditors. „ QcAB*KKM/6VBB’s OBn''B, 1 £«pj. 8, i864. i , ® hjYfng cIi'.bjs ^la'ppt th-' acdersigcci. -cBtraclcd since Ptb’y ir;h, 18S4, are reqnesied t^ Office >mmedi>ely, cf the amounts of pao ii-;®* resptoirtfJ,, for w.kioh they »r« vi’&g to leceivc p»yEi(jj^ in certificatce of iBdebfeui.es8, to be tPKaeJ by tl-.c Secretary oi the Trtaeciy, un^«*r an Ac >f the Cr'i*6(ifraie Cor gTrBd, ‘‘to n'dcce the oumaoy atd to »tbcri*e » vtit isfce of not^s acd bocdi,” ap* proyrt Fcb’y 17,1864 TlciW e!rtl§osffs cffer strong ti aroemeBta to c*piis!tsfs frr ioTtetn ei.t, as th«.y bear ii'terert st the rale cl «ix per j«t aDi»n&!>. .»re^fcnru»i.y, »rd an' not itab'o to tHc-tjf.n ei‘har u Ci:nktp.»| o» iM«rtst Thfy wiL be triaafi>rttii} by the j tisdcr rcgn'et’ons t-» l e prt*F«ribs-«1 b'’ tte Seo’.v '(r r ttjy Pnolii creditors rho »»Mi thoaisel’tes cf »H*t 'f* ^ tJill, wLiU't tr Biotirg fb«ir own i: terea>e, aid ibc \ t fi*a,ctt JB ill; ficfiiuii*i operatio.-f JOMN U 30LME8. A A Q w C B A 3EADQB’S BKSSBTE OF 9. C., \ Kfileieh 8«p*. 9tb, 1864. / Otppral Orders "I Wo. 8. / I THE follnwinr 'Otderu er^ published foi the iafcr- a matioa ai:d goidsBceof ali crcDcemec': Adj’t /kd Ibsp'b Gbhbbal’b OrrroB, \ Rictmc-cd, Marcb 2lst, 1864 j Gener*i Orders, 1 No 32. / 1 PARAG-jRAPH V , O^ner*! Orders No. 66, Adj’t end lEspecior Gpoera!’» Officc, Sept’r 12,1862, U so far emended as to read «e frUov'-: Earoliipg cr reeruita’g 'ificerr, in the difcbarge cf their dnlicn osder tfce Co;u crjpt or ether Acts, j*re en joined not to remove or ir.terffre w:t> wcrkircB »'r etn- ploveec ai the NUre, or Cspn^r Wo'is, cr MiKfre or Furnaces workftni by Oi ver»-mei-t cfScers rr by con tractors for th«* 0»dfctnc*‘ D«r»vti35entj ^i.hcat first ajv. rrieinpr a»»d obtainirf' tb* cragpBt ruperiDtend- eat, or officer in cfcsrgt, wb'^ will be Irid sinotly re- ppoMt^le for any abuae or evaaii a ct li^ law. BorgooB 6coenil*t Ofllce, \ Kalbick, N. . Ji »B 10th. 18‘‘4 f ] 41^PS8ENG!l«t i»i”. Ijavs tbl* 08i' on the fir*i 4**y, tbo Liv. ol $7cr locnih. for LTp’d inuy. Ail ts/xes l«t »-.ro for TQemb«r of | tha* *tT5sv will \>3 carried thzra piC.rJjjiJ/ by him aoi * d.‘UT;jc-l t'-. vtc omtr I H)WARD WAESEN. 41-tf • Sn'geoa Giafrt" 2Jcr»b C*r?^15n». . } 2,50*? 1,^ * Lb '^Per*n-us hatiny t^c U> =.•; tke highc't Caish price ' J 3- Mr M at the M. - oh ant K? illy. 5' filie, «r cn -•». xM' hr at hi; oH stau • •; L ‘ v- ■ ■ *I FX. :r Mov. 6, 1862. I 'I- %;1 ■ry AU .’^5 V Ff A n S IkM preparvi Uj dam c;4S for Ktfnj ui; give good srdcTS to ■.'se .~'i ■ O^T'Ui quiot Cil-CV-v:i J Qo!»9i -f. P. O.. Co., i'C. t 18*12 I wejster:^ kajl roa». r[E FREI3HT AND PA:3r?ENGFR TBA1N« cf thir Road leave FaycUc-.Ilk J&ily, (Sun Uj ^ c»e ptS'*) at 8 o’clock, A M , aa*! r'iamln» U^ro “^.-pt at 1 o'cloct, P. M. jui iforij T' ttu ^ONl> V", lkI!?;rlL;'D i. JarJ r. I.y ord*^ JNO. li freriit r vj'J ttta’i i.va'e». Ag’t. Jau. 23, 1863 i-7.f fey8rt«vlll« Art«i^l »Pf! Arwcry, > Jurif* 80 ’ ( I iSilOO BOUNTY. I 40 JUotiMtfd Riilenteu.^ CTH Vcr^uti ’ by t» f» W»r I>i-i tt t-* k (!v' • of JUiS't-' n ( I f -.7' ■ u’ -.ii? yi'.-'Mliv *'•' •' 1..*^ pivpc th*.* j rocTU; a o’fjc ■ urr^oT- 4» ~ie^ r-:.i$^rrjfs to ra s-.ui'i ' I- t •..» t3i ’r-. U; .*' ! Ui- t V’ T?>r> ry I I rv qairo*! i« ’tsbrr o! r- '..il b’' I 10 fnrni'•'! f.ir n-:? ».!' l*“ fc'- I lorreci 4C cca.s rcr xi'. i bi-. pi/ $12 p.-r liisarb. I R'nV^Mi ftrmtsiign «.il '.a r^quirfd fraru v*reD ^ »r joardlaru, wh'-ro lb? ipplicrnt is 183 o:!?^.i-ript »§«• Each T'craH mnsi br’is wUh lii»n a blink i or bed ■spr^i, f a t c'’!".;; pi >r*r"d to rer'.*«« Bridle'’, hf.i..aad s.vlii* bl&cic's f«”"i9S- • i by il Gov rriscal. 'ir >f th» i“cr.s!( ticiaL's provi.iol •7;*' !!••. na, he V’i» l>v ? ('IT 3 f »r t*!!.rat''on. Am t to M^jor MaTIBK* P. TAVU)C the Ar ' P. CillLDS, tr) Lie’*’. (k>! 0 S. A Ct-ai'l’z P. rI. A'’.: !b«. €iJ%«2fi saScby j. E. Liei:. HBAP^I'AITBaS 8u ’V^tllTABT DlSTBICT, I’rp T N. 0 ABT) Sor»'UU'.^B Vizainft. Vi'iluicctoa N C Au^r.^; 80:.^, 1^^64 l^l'EriAL ICE. ! \LL B act r"«:dcnl^ of p_.J»!4»ine are reqaeet- ed r-f w ~ ti i»pp'yij5 at. litadqaarters f.;'' fr- j i/!.3ai r* 10 v’k's the Fcrfs '--r 10 js.o CJT>n ilm ri^er u: ths ] 0 'V«»tnj«*iv E fitters TU*3 is Hdircased to v:id>L4j ivlxi/C at » ist .nc**, eifefi*L'v ia tue hc*'^ of j pr.'Toriiiesr a fttiitlejs joiua^'v froin ih'ir npcet Upon no co«i.ic!crit5on, fcr tue prr?#Ef i*i 1 ait. will pera;p- V'- ' 5 rivoa to pai** np-a 'h-^ Gcvfran'eijt n *8. tv on jircurslancci »i I a^-:it of a rtltaiilcE of till ‘-as nouaa will be glvfa 1 . u. •saKtrrr ’■'* *iUli~eat pomtm w*H tv to'•'•t't v*raiti»p\ A. Q 11 TSey t’.otild be L,:it*V>l'o KfT'* *1 be V U V** T-.tj c>B*tbl' t-,r luti*' tnrouch f. n'ls Ct£?'V: ^ E. C V’niTING. Vitjor teener*!. Javbs II *’iLL, 14.; '-u.i ' ft 3jnl 8-p‘ Vt Ife ‘ *44 61 un lo’-His’iuc. a new prccj^g* j X fcOSi.N OIL. pjp rior !' ouy Kpratofbre maic, | aad tR- ndw rtt»y for «sa!t ku.^ d-..-v , | J50 Sbls Lubric% t§ Oil. 1.0 do P'lnt OiL SO 10 T>inn‘r»’ Oil UAnTTftd C;»npi*n’e« and C;ircTT.x.'nt •'{fciuls ara rs tjU.^i*.:d b ri»€ lLt:C« '‘jia a iri*.? Thiy w:il ',» sobi at ou' tert>: t**: o;'t '•■f other t-i*-, lor m''« r, ur'ffss we n good. T. 8. LU'ri'iiR^-Otf FfcysUe^iilo,, .Aui»tist5iO 1PS4 6S 3w Asiiestor’s Jlotice. Tax r»yers rv'sldijg in ffee iipper District Pobe- I Pvn coar.Sy who >BTe not listed their cr&ps uf ^hCAt liye 04it9, Cuie^ Ha^ .=>.avi W.-'oJ. **0 r?quc#{e * to iEcet | uc >t !.>;«• fcl'oviog times asd plaov? preparevil :o Ilbt: .4Jj >rdrV!l1t feopt 2Uth, 1^64- 5nk;th’d. tfi'ft. 21it Blue Spring, iej t 22d Lux:-'*'e? Bridce, 8«p* ?8d. ft P.Mil’p, 8»pt. 24th. HcwelLviile ani Wiebpri’s, 26th in Lumterton. I» is of f'e utrtCH,t imvortabo« that this matter be puuct'-irlly aitvbdei to as the Ageata otaaot reoaive tfcv I'itiio witiiont i( ia tc'^ompanied with an estiir.ate from the A.*e>’seo'' Thost failiag to list will b« eabject tc the addiL«.n£i tax. HUGH A C*MPPELL, Assffasof Upper Di»‘ri»^t. Bupt. 8 C6 4t OflAce Post Quartermaster, ) 4th Congresslcusi Abtrlct M. C., >- FaY£ttbvulb, H. C , 8ept 6th ) Notice to Farmers of U;e Conntien of rnmbi>r’at!d, R'bescB. Kiotiaic&d, Bidden, Hsjaitt, Coijtabud a"d Brangn'fl'j Dv;i»'ta »nil be op n on the 16th of tkia month to rr- ceivo the TLtlfs of Whe2^., Oa*s, Rye. Woo! ind cared H y Vnr. v'.li lafee ycnr eetimu'su to th« T^ibe tgents and ?»t receip'fl rn them Non«i bat r. talar Tithe acfcr.M ia y'-ur otpaotive Couniiea are Rl'.awci to rt - o-.'!»% ‘-TUhf? ” K»vi{jg !;>»rred *^at Lovsral reratus } are beeu ir>- formed by inC i^at^-l men f^lttt tuey used tot pay E»?.ro than 60 per ot-at. In ot«e 0^ failar* to p»y their Te&ib, I hereby n.rtiiy yc« that it is ?n Aot of Corgrf'ss to cc!- hflt the 600 p-»r cent *u tba orcpo cf i8^4, and Bacca of Uet fi.*a?na Tt>i rcf^'rt it is bt»tt®r to p*y yonr Tithes »nd p*Te *he pi^aaliv. TKc Governsaoiit nreds the pre- duoa v.'iry ranoh, acd U is hcr-e;! that psrti’.s will brio in prcrap'ly. Maj. Blouct, Q. M., tit SaUbville, witi rt czive »b« Ti'bea of rtrsiee in liat part of Branawict W r.. Hall rea.'iwM i*t iiivrrs’io Pr'r ..,n who do nrt 1*31 tneir i'itheis tha aesessoris rill haTo ‘o T’-i' tbeir hmz, »rd ti:& the beat way ‘It’y 0 V, when t^.e viil be t’^aofjrred for ocliec- tiun w.tb the ftOO per cm age. I h‘ .‘« that. FaTTers ».;ll r»y p’c^'i'i'S.y fo as to avoid tie noc9asl*y of havijs." a.uytl>in^ impre'^Krd. J M hicGOW.'.JJ, 65-4*3 Quarter Master. Eiecator’s !Votice. rryjg y|)r3c|^M,#a kaeieeqwUii^e'i *t 4*ot«M.b«r T-r-» aii Cxemt:rP t i O e Will in ! Teefanient of V»j Jo.in T Gilc’cr?, .Uo’l, ^e^’Sbr rU pcrscTfn n v'cg cUiocs Rg»i&.‘t t.*>o of t^eT ’r -ti.-nor t- r-«-. «at ttiew wi'Lia tbs trme r>y 'nw, or thi« ur.tipc will be Li b .r of thttjf ^e‘:unfy. ALFX J. ByRV.3, ARHrt’D McLFAH, VEx’rs. ^ F XSXtBE B- ovu«r: (S)goed) S. COOPEB. Adj’t and Inspector General Adj’t abd Ibsp’b Gbbbbal’s Ovrroa, ) Biohmood Feb’j 9th, 1H64. ) Oaceral Orders, 1 Np 18 ; IV. GiJNEBAL ORDERS, No. ?2, {terf;9 1863.) for- bidi* •ater^-^'enee with the workmen or employees at Mioen, Fnraa" »e or Nitrn T7orie, whether wc. ked by th^ Qovst7»jj:!‘> i or Ccnt*ftot-:ie Thcsa crdtre are bow repe.*ted, aad especial atteaticn is called to them.- # By or4«r: (Signed) 8. COOPER, A?j’l »cd Ttpp’r Gevfi^ II. A ff'rsjt '•v^oco o* t>>o above ia enjoined neon all FaroIH''^ OSocr.? in ibiE &;ate as far as it rektcirto persnrs wHi>in Ren'rve r.ges. By conicLjfcii'i '^f Lt. Gb» Foiiits. JNO W HINSDALE .\ss’t Adj’t G n^'ral. Sept 13. 66 7t HXIIOL1.IVO OITICi:, \ Bakhett ConsTT, tfeff- K, 1864. / Alt. men in this ccnriy betTrccn the egeg cf 18 anu 45yesT. of a^ Van ■•r Vft forwarded petitiopii for deiei)^ aa r*vr>' •. rs, Elfcol-ir-itas, Shoen akcr?, Ac., *rc h»raby ordered to repc't to me 6t »h« Market Hcnno in K.*ie'tevi^i.>, oe t^e eve*. i>’f; the ‘^Ist inat, rrcpare ? to >co to VviiMiiL-gton. U C , T'^urpday morri’Bg. Any cno fs.i!iog 10 roi>ort pr.^r-n l ' will b»* ar»’ocf84 .;nd fcr- wardnd to Caoip o? iustruotif*. The Militia tffioers will Bietbt,* bU p'jvacn-'i coming under this bend axe nrtiied i*«niedi6t^5y. A H TOLAR, 66-4ipdl Ctpt and Enrolling OfBce’'. J?ia^© T?iiiinsr* PARTIES litlKg in or nr».r F'sjett-vi’le desiring to have teeir Pit a!" j ton d, ipf.-'rrf^rd Prcf W. 8 B Matthe'ffs ^'il bo '-n *i ^b r,t the c'sateenf. of Suptombce anl wid ail«'c to i-iif crae.-a ihr.t rr»*j be left for huh at the P"?t'tij' or **t Mr. J A Wf^ih s store Btringa r-cplw l tuU re;.aaiE2 nsstly tx ecated. , ■ Mr M»ttheir»i ai>. :u tt« courtryTrben ccevey- ance is provii5ei €6 :f Horse Ireu at Anction. 1 AAA I-®® BOFt^E SL^OK IBON, ilM.'l/ 24 prs 8I01T tl^QLidH Will be eoid al Aboucc » n T«ar'i?av ib^* 22d iaet. Ber t )2 66 2t SrRV.3,1 LFAH, 11 B. i A5i^2* lhi» fi wa5l j£.j vJ (3?ni3 rt-T pound T»r i’*-;,.' O’' Ih.- xna - • V.. -I prTi, if Uiil'tf? T-» itjr = Fo‘-’v 16, 18*>4 I^LOCR and O.VTd wil! be eijHiio-.J for Corn tue I Store of D. MaLaurin, by girla.K him a £avf d^/» notice- ?^our Kccd. 'lats No. I, bia'k 'r J»p’y 2?> f^T, A01[’‘’IPinAT£oi r>epoa’-‘e for §TOO, it^’ucibj •Tchn W. Sunlford, Esq. Fayd’cv Jl^, N C., ciik:- b.-rsd 77. d^^tfd Mi’xa 18, 1804 and ("rawn in ffcvor o.' Mrs HaJi«*h J TuantlL Nouw >e hereby j^iveu arplieati'ia xril; be m>de for tio i. «ae cf i new cii^ifi- c*'» ’n ifciii of the one b-et D ” r I>«viddtD College, Aaj 12 ‘ H HILL 69 Im S£SOO REWARD. I WILL pay tae >b've rew&r ? of Fiv^ Hoaarcd Do’.la'^a fcr the apprehetnioo of Joe Lee, a free mulatto, who !• guilty cf the murd'.r ef Arohtbald Blue uf WoLscnd eounty N 0 , in any jail so 1 oat 1 c*:* get him, Sitd La3 oommitiftd tb« laurler on ths 8‘.i» of Aorust iast., 18*'4 Ba'd Lee is five feet 8 or 10 inches hiah, darl oompleotion and straight hMr. When l^at seen h** wa^ oB his way to Hcoffls»owo, in Robes!>a ooiiii^y, wha-e his Father c*cc.e fr'vn MALOOM iiLU3 Me«tr«*«> #I C. iui, 1^ iSO-t' o’*vvi.fCic B’^ri5R*MS'rr. i • T .c;', N ■■ ; M-7 t. i IKAjD —i wieu 10 piro.-’Ate Irtfcd ior tbis i Dcp*rt.uioi. i?€.'noca h»vio>r or em* 'lsee wiH pTtA."{-‘ a;:p’/ at o;ic6. P)WI>f::i *01-10 > >f ^ Ti>'-k j.' M'J'iO, C-V'- 59.^ f .i oi-1- ?- oi Orir.s,-! rrom asjd tiiio av.s tho 3t.e&ij«r A- T'. liJST Hill it v.-c a; 8 o'oiook, .1- ii., on Moaday aa'i Thn^Td^7. J03. /-• V’fOR’^H, April C—17tf ] Ag’t 0 ?• 8i22Ja Deal Co. 5^*21 Y E V £ 2!ii3i.'Ri.ve.*: cospisi. Capital in Pr,}3L!vtci SkJi;oa«i.H ’-o )j^7,68S au 0«a ca lit'il and otLer ajsA. j, .>,077 io T.t^i, ^72,7i>6 1? lhi hr?o pikid a pmraptiy, and kirencr^:' Staie an jacdS4m«sur ^J^u t.aeir pieuLiuwi nstcit- bi;4ce pAid, O^TteTiA: xfi^O. Li w = ■, £*i o*"l-ii**- D. '. lli V. V!o«; Prtaiflcii'. C. C-'uii y. ’>Xotv^ ri/Ub; N. B. J. Kiui )Vra. McLikUriii, ». B. liv.ueriah, A. yf/. J *sJ. G.#ofc^ h.'i 1. G- fiu-jiiiv.d, 'd. ilravn, A. )i. H*ii, ‘C l, -.‘r:*rc-i)«5” AijeCirt tiuiry -ail/, IJ. L. *5yrovor, 8. r. n&^fky, Nathan A. Utcdraa'i, C. B. Mftlbru., Ji^yi K/ia, A. A. McKeths.a, J. D. S. W. rii.in,*;A».i'i.. JftQ ColUJt: •• uu C 0. ’ » ■^.jrTSo V'Wj-as*-1-!‘- Mar*’'. Wuoi’ijtaa. POST OFf ltK, Fj.yetseTiiIs N. C. The Csrtr.-'iHf v.ij bNvin-^ s. ,-.-. l ai/ ihe t»ora .a r(.i».c '/i78 frc*.'a lii’i plaoe to ti* cigu V -s Bu'»a’* hu'niBf r»iU‘, 6c , \ r 1> T-'fs ’t. v*.j- 1,* ciia OK.c rr. 7 . J' • Uo c »i; for tn« r i -ue ■: i‘ lie CwUtr-. I hi. iutiU 1 :.*i f. i8'j7. OVfOk V. ■ 6 E|^y5»l C«.^5 i«aae. \[lu ufldiraigned were, *t the November Term of lAt I Confe^liratc Court, Dinttkx of Worta Carohua, ap- N>l>!fcQa**rs of the iixyni C/^ul Wins prvpjrty, ^ i-V(j ci.vcfixi ^oiM.-rtnu'-aiiip tu3 pui'poac of f ^ aud Hailing Coal, ani solicit orders for tie samt r^y oMir?d quantity. Orders for any amooat oaa *n!ie-t (,T «Ut.rt i«ot>oe. The Coal from this pro- tac i^vi iv fiic Confederate .States. j'jb nmy b# made lo 0!>a»i. B. Mallett, Fayott*- • V* . f ^ I I ■ I I Mt riT> fl f\ ijOHFSDERATS 8T.\T^y s»F j jSrtOmE 'a DiPAMMSiiT, Disi. Capm Kba«, 1- ^'ilin 'igi- a, e(. C., i»;?^ro3 16th, 18TJJ } I'Tf'"' ’(JTi ia horci/j g^ivna to aL por. oo;j aaviug (.lalinj ; i :n-.f the Esjf.n'jer /.‘epartintnt, lor eiof'i&eu «.f c-uT toyjd as Ubofera on the ie/eo9ea XiM&: Wilniiri.t M, C , t'\V. the uiidc/t!if,aed is iuthorlxod »’;d prtiparcd lo pay iho uiae at ^lia tdiioe, on sa- oooi floor ot th5 building ner.t -^b.rTe jJe^rtje’ Drug i*U)Te, ?>i:»rkc-l L'treet. -Bar Per^OQfi ezeoutlng Powcrd al Attorney will ob- dcrve the foUoiria; form—their signaturca, in all caae^ be w^taeehfi i by tw‘> nuaesae i anu signed iu dupli cate, or they may bo witn 'JNcd befott* a Jiiid/Ae of uia Pcacsj cr Clerk any Co^irt FORM OF PtkWHii OF ATrORNBY. 1, —r-, of -•—, d j »i'‘r»!'ay appoiiit , oi , luy j true an«* lawful Ag'jut to tiga rei0Jt/»:8 for, aud reoeiv* j pajmeLi at ail looaeya due *o me Ly Lie Eti^incff De-* o' tilt Ooni'«^eri»tc States ii AtaSiies, 5or tac 1 -wrvicsi of my aiaw er~.picy"'i a-» Is^taers ot tbd U-ad ■ at dari»;» Jho a-finih ci , 'AilueiiJt my aa^il >»»-d »e«j '■'* , tft-i day c>i —,* 186 (Visra--? m dn:.lj'"t» ) WUneeafl DKAlHirARTERi 2d DlSTBICT, fiipartiKfnt iti. C. £od 80 Va. «.^oi.f Boro’. epi. 1. 1864 NOii; I ;•> ac».>b7 -iven '{> j -itiora v>»o have arr'ied f"r p*'ru*'e«>'n to jjas.? tor •iacj Veit'S K;n tfu, tftt •pp:;c^t;c^ wiil La le-'e vad not.l t f> lO'h in-!.. all whyir iTiteativnie toTerraii- >>?tfcit ilt* li*«-s 0^>b« l^ h ir*t, fcil Vfh(>flt .viiai-ar- ioprcTcd i*t ih'cc llrfcdqab-/-*c.a. -vill he fcrw.rc’« > to the ssfmy’s ou*pvls r-«»f NifjViTi by fl»g n* truci prriiilgri'^'U wil! only bfi »rai:ici v i *- ■:: f*:Ti»c‘- nsiiMwi'i d;a" th't f-p Tfcifv ?r TTt to K''r.rn By f.’ucr Oi Bi.g G .u. L t. Pai:*;3:; C4 't r. UcBfF, A. A O-^r rVotice of TH^ Exacutrra of the rbuve Joba T GiliaoTP, dcc’J, vIU 6>e*l »t Pub'ic Anction. in ihe town of Fayette- ]•■ , ft 'hr Isi" r**siJanoe 01 the dcec»»»d, corner of H-j-rac fTid HUl-boro’ strei'ts, on Patorday the 1st da/ 0^ Ootote- t ext, ifcll the rH-ri, aablc rr->perty u'.nally kept and u«v(i about a.^id Town rt-siJcrco, consisting cf Hotj*:-'b(’id and Ki*ob~u Fu'nitai'e. Bixffj, »*arn^!»p, Wapon. Bscki Stiver Cow and « *lf and oifccr vaicablo art'olta. Terma ma'ie kaown at bale. The tin* of ‘’aie of thp .’itock. Crop, Furuiinre, Ut»n- ai’a «c , ».t tb* FU-'ttU-'n bAS not been ap?oii.>'’d yet. L*uo notice wiU te gi"^..u 0' ti jit -tale, when the iiuio u filed 8ect. 7. 66?8 Foiiodry. ITJAIITFD TJ V'l x^ a -r 4 *'lib>i*ijd NEGRO »V jjKN by tb-i jfl oc ;-r i'-*’ ^■’•laiico ol tS^etear. Foi tuch ths Ifjghe. t |;ricc »»>l' 11 i >. P ANnpit°0V ft rO 8. 64 '•t iNnIt for S«lc. BU8nPl.b tJOUMi>B V» r. I’ 'if in iheSprin ’ 186!?—TiiiexobangeitrorP'soou, Lara or Co«ife(J(»rate T e« -ury Al»ia, 80 b^xc^ Bno CHEV^INQ Tf'BACOO; for saio at my siore orposite Cape Fear Baak A. G THORNTON. 8*pt 2 61-tf $100 REWARR. STOLifcN fiom m/stable, 81st Aifgast, twc UORiwBL MARES. O-ie is aooat 18 yc-ara oM; the otfee? P- Tuere if- a« marV on t.’Hs o!d Ksrp. tte oth. r bM a nUr cn bv’r forehc* *. D^ViD OLDHAM P'dittr’s H:1, ClitlLam «jiuiity, K C 8»pt 2 64 4tpl wXilTEfpr HI’^E.'^ to trn on hhrrs". Tfruis \ ieat*«r or its eqaivalent. ia oaeh Wa oai> tr.n a iii a very ^hoTt time if de'jlred by Bjckic’a Pfrsoan wLiftiijj t*'ejr nidea larncd can feid t>em *o our ad«'rcpB to Egy?>i Depot, wlic-reihey willbetak^Si f.'‘cm»ndLca*b«r delivered at tur exTtccie. Onr ad*r‘ %. i« Beaairout, Ohathiim Cconty. W. P. WAT80N & t O Heferenee Mesere. G W. Willl»i?»fl ft Go , FaveUeviilr. Aug. 24 61*&mlJpd W«ol Wanted for the State of N. Caroliua. The umlarsignad cSatinna ta eznhsnge COTTON YAP-N for WOC>L, one bu’^dle of Yarr for 4 lb.s. un washed. or 8 lbs. clspn wwhoi Woo! T'loy wiU al3>^ p»y a liberal price in CAsb for large or w.^aU lots. GEO W WILr.T AMS *00., A.^tH. /ayetbjviHe, June 16. 42’,f VI' rajn*. CHARLES B. MALLEIT JAMES BftOWNB. ’'Ue. Ja.i’y l»*»« •6«f The si«,natuies «>f o^^tora•l perau«3 sit jnld b« mtuedsed by thT60 witaebses. There mait be sep^rrats duplicate P}Wi i'i» of Attorney for eaah month. Blaak forms can be had apt a appli- oation at this office. W. H. JAMES, Capt. & Oitief £n«. Jan’7 20,1864 ISOOtf • ROr«V»$ FOR !§AI[ E. Fhre Hundred Million Confederate SU Per Cent. BOBds. rpHK?B BONDS preseni tae fteittist iedaeemc' ts for i. iavcxtnioat. Thsy have tkiriy yseira run- later- tirit p«3r»blc .‘Mjmi ;nn:iiry, and *re stoUi’cd by impart Rxd eaport dutie.i; arc ecempt, priaoin&l an'^ interrsi, ffcm t;.rai!oa, and the o:ur»;>?s rccei?»,b-.c as ooia fo aastum dutu:t*. Tao 0 'Pp^nj of theso T»i>ads. due Jar»i»ry lat, 186** tavo bean ordared t.« be reoeivcd ia payment of import diUM' in advance of maturity Apnl^ to ALr.EN 8. GIBBE?, Age»it Troasary Department, Wilmissrton N. C Ang, 9 ' 58 If The Farmerft’ anft^lantcri*’ A l> «aniM for 1864. A few grooe tuora juot ttoaived. t1. B ]. #ALB * BnWtt i\OTICE. At 8’pteirber Tonu of theConrtsf Pleas aud Quarter . Pecwi'nd of Cnaberiaad aoant/, general lotier.n of .'idmiiiisiiTti. u were grroted to tlio subecriber cn the Fs'Ate of the late Jcha S. .Mnrchisin. Pe’^ecBS bt^iog busir.'^.rs cn Monoat o! ».h» tnusS give »ttet»fioa to it> BBCiiMt. JAMJ K, MCiROHISON. Sfpt 7 b5 lltpd Cane ill ill—Iron Ru3ier ». My ROi’vtj'ji POn'Lti CANS MILL, with a good com- pltffc’tM' of Boilerti aa-i Lv»pofH.''rH, it in opaiMioa 01 Crc"3 Creek, f-esr the FACtrry Toil on« fM'rtb. JOHN KEB8HAW.- Se'^t. 10. Cf* 2ipd DAvin^ir coixfiOE, v. e. Ths n.-'si 8 tsioa of th,B li,«!'-jiuMtjn, ar.d of tha I*re- p»ri»'orT nepa-ti^ert coBne‘'t'd with ii, will oo»- ffipuce tbo 3 ) cf OC.TOD‘' it Toit?ot $50 per fesBua of five r cc-ti: 'me price of Br-srd wiit berpguiatei by t^e c^fct of piovipious Ah heretofore it will be aa ).ow tEC ratea o' liviaj vill purmit Those who may be wUil;fg to pay iu prcvisiops at ta« cld priors oaa ob tain board tt I..0 pfi^ia ►'tud'rtfl i'-rovide thrir own r,'om furwitare. lights au J futl. J. L KIRKPATRICK, Pres’t. N B. S udar.ta *r:i»»r.g mt Charlotte on McsJay, \reU),iEJ»y or Friday vill fi-id n oonveyan-^e to bring L*in to *2e Cc 51‘>ge v^t! cut dotcntiou. Aug. 30. 64-6t 5?6*a. J, W:«rd wiia yc- m>m! the duties o- br.r i?OH«.K>L in Fayettevilie, oa the 31 d:\y ?f O-t 18tH, ia Atoh St. Aug. ^0. 63-lm Wnnt^fi to purchase. Confederate 7 and 8 ptv cent. Bunds. Ditto *4 per cc’iit. fioi'es W6at;rn Railroad fctock Bank Notes, Gold aoa Bilvcr. 7 30 Notice. T. 6 LDTTERLOH Auf^cot 22, 1864 63-8w ^ale of I§iavc8. PURSUANT to an ort’or of tbe last Term of Robeson Ciitn*./Court, I will aell at the Cfnrt Kouae in LrnnhiTton rti MoDday ''f the Sa?orior Cou-t ffcek— (ihe 28ih of Ber tea>bcr) a let of t>^av33 belvn,Jtg to the e’^ildreo of 11i« late Dr. *. M. MoLeaa. Ttnas cash JOHN LE.'J^H, CorjB’ispionfir. Auj: SI 63 7.pd i^atchcs. J HAVE a lot of >;Iatchcs la rounl boxes, for a«le by t*cpt- 6. fAS. a COOK 64 2k YoHBg’8 Arhhfiii«ti«al Dietioaary, EMBRACIN0 a systM>i of Arithmetic. Beady Reckon cr, latcrost C»vl'’ulp’t«r, Booft Ke^niac. Forma, Ac. B. J. HALE A SONS. r>«v ifi Lost cr Stolen, AP;.a:r B'.«c* ?!'» P.^iilPt*' sj'-fvhn* in_' “1 fl ■ - b''r r .'.nJ f.-i'-. ;•=. I'*'-: r rfnilr..'>)y rfci!c.'t’cd on le'viufc ti.n ihi&Offi...' wort> hav 'J T w!llb-' Sept 12 3iis8 IS. E. Crow wii! op«i3 scSiOoS ic Gr.'c»* Hi"ic on i*i 3d df--^ . ^ O ii**.e'‘ Irt' 4 8 pt 12. DUPOKT‘8 FFFpr KiPLli POWDr for s^le hj ■ J y,E8 MAKlLfE. 8»pt. 6 65 9ipd WAi^TEIi*, ASITUAIION for ih'i ^csaicg EC'S 0" ic eotoo Fcbool or Coll*‘go The •■.i'o';C''n* ?a » f.raiu'»»c f a dcuth- c*a Oolleee—also uf it e Ui-r r;'r?)iy o* —has ^eea teachiug tar tea yea^^. both la male s,n 1 fpi^&ie Sohr-cU ■> d ns.l c&n tc 0 ->ij 'L’t I'l'fi.. ti s*ir.;j- rxiab of chsvfci^r aid qnanrios'iors Tho*e in watt of a taaohrr vill pl'&59 udd'CP'i. E tir^.^®, 4^. BOX 157, Petersburg. Va. Srpt 5. 65 9>J l%rgrocsi %Vant€(l. want to purcht.8e a likei* NK3R0 QtT?L8, from flflt-n to cighteeti ye.irs oiu, 'iprssBlv for p’ai. tatloa h'isda. Pvt'3ji;Si fcaviijg i rth pr'pcrtv to b«U wil- do w :ii t'v bring il »•.. nif as early vi c^u»eulen, es 1 au! «nxicG3 to btry anu ri.U piy th« hlgr-ceK, cisb priocs I live ccjr Ciio, M'^rlt-cro’ iH?trict, & C J G DU?»BAR. -•^ept 5 65 4*pd i.oi8t—Pockct Rook, Between Fayeti.-viile and G"ih?n>’a Br«c'gn, ccntMa- iag $3 60 ic motcy, ttro tmAll notes, s- L^e little ac- oou.its, a furlough aud a •^essriptive lidt 1 give will a iiber«d reward for it or for it to be plsoed any wb^re oa the i«ad bo iLat I o«n g«i it. OLIVER H ‘ LL. OuabrrlaDd ctm.uy, c^pt 1. 68 2.‘pd Tithtp PeanotB. OFFICB OF C»lEF QUaBTFRMI A3TER, \ RaIiSioh, 9tu Septeiiibe*-, 1864 j POST QU4 RTKRUA8 i'£B8 tbroug^out tbo State are reqt»v8»cd to instroct tbeIr ceveral Coua»y Agents to oolleot all the Tithe Peanats at some ooaven*cnt d?poi on tbc isa^ of tbe »i'r.r?st »^all- road as e^riy ^ pofsib)e, and eesd isfoiai'siics to this c>ffi}e, so th»t an Ag'nt msy b3 sent to receive them. \v F P^^I^CF 68 4l»2t] Mfj & Chief Q M. Dl. t. N.’cj. OFFICf: COUWTY A«ENT,) 4th Cong. Ulstrlct N. C., }- FATtTTBVlLLB, Sopt. 6. lb‘^^4. J Notice is tcroby gi»ei>, that Depots wii! bo epentd on T' urpday the ‘5ihisst., atfh«' foHo—iag piase**, for tb« re-rpti.on • f the T« m Kind for 1"G'?: W-'*«!crs De’ ,-t at ^us Ci'.^;5:;!»a .*Jciit!th5;i’6; at Kingabury, t!a«'icra Dopot at ' edar Cr ’^ek; Central Dc{'t at Fiyetteville. All i.rtjole9 e'L'm’.ffd by tl’s Atscfssors iray be do- livered fit oaoe. The prouuc-:r mt^st prt*3i.>i !!,•§ esti mail at tbe time of ■.(•rviry, r o that the A^ent miy rccoipt thereon for th^ ar-ioio t^.otivad. Cleaned Wool Oki estimate to bo pa’ i 5*j Vco’. J. IT. Vl.' LI\M\Q M. Aq;’t flS-2t“2tl t f V u cvri ^i;-l uc:inty. Pal^&a Chriati Beans. THK snbseriber will paj the highest caeh prices fcr any tjn wity af Palm* Cbrisli Beaas. J. A. W0U?H. VayetaavHU. 0«t. 8. (tTAf SUtic ot j*Vortl;i I'aroliBa^ COUyiY of RIOF?MOl?D. Court of Piess aud Qoa’-itr Sta^oas, Jy.l? Tt^nj, 1554 8ar;^h Brown v#. Thum.-v! Brrremine and AngeUna hf* WU?, E G Wrigbi tnd Jtis wif*.', sad others. Petitio-^ f >r Dower. IT appcsrin;]; to t?*c b.«ls'j?*6Uo:i ot? the C/crt, ttsM 8»rah tad Orem Wright.. i.>onard I»rown, and A;«5- acder B’’own, rofide beyooa tap limits of this Statq, ordered: that publication bo mnde ia the Fayetteville Obsereer, » nowoparer published io P*yetl^^ille, N. 0 for 9is,^eck3, netifyiwg paid r.oa-reH’deat defeadaais tc ba and appear a» the n^xi t»rn» of this C^-nrt, tob? held &t, the Ouon Houao in Bookiag!>&i oa the 81 MoivJajr of Ootobar next, then «td there to p!ea&, answer or do uiur to the petition filed in tbii ease, otherwise the dame will bo hea'^d ex p»rte ad judgment pro ecafes^o entered a*« to them Witness, ^ onis H. Webb, Clerk of our said Court, at office ia Boekingham, 8d Monday of Ju>. 186-1 L. H. WEBB, C. C. C., «2-6t] H. H. WEBB, Dipt. Cltrk. MODUS OPERANDI OF FEDERAL RECRUITING. 5heNew Ytrk corrcspondfct of the London Daily News, who must be considered excellent authority on evt rythipg that concevns the inter ests of his employers, makes the following curi ous revelations in an attempt to vindicate the Washington Government from the charge of re cruiting: “In the first place, fifteen dollars were otfcred in Now York to ‘anybody bringing in a rec uit.* The objcct of this wos to intcjrest ermebody in doing the indispensable work ol cacvaFsir.g, of hunting up those who were likely to join the army, and in pcrFuoiing them to join. This work has to be done by somebody. In England, It IS done by oflFcers and non ccmmissioned offi cers, t?pccially detailed for this service, and di rected (see tlie late tdrcular uf ttc J>aVc vt 3«m- hridge,) to frequent fairs, msrkete, and all other places resorted to by i»^le or adventurous or needy meu; and in spite of their exertions, it is found no easy matter to keep the British army, small as it is, up to the required strength. Suppose it were suddenly raised to six hundred thousand men, end that gaps of tremendous size were be ing made in it by the casualties and disease of a bloody war, do you suppose the regular recruit ing service would be the only agency to which the Government would resort to keep its ranks full? Do you imagine that it would be saved the necessity of canvassing altogether by the sponta neous rush into the service, as private soldiers, of the ‘genteel’ people, who are now filled with such horror because the Americans make no scruple about employing mercenaries? “The brokers here, however, not only pocket the ‘hand money’ for bringing the rccruit, but they, in general, manage to share the bounty also. That they should be able to do so is a striking illus tration of the simplicity oi the irhss of those whom they eulist; but they do so to such an ex tent that more than one of them in this eitj have made large fortunes by the buf>ine.«s They hunt up the recruits all over the country, explain to them what may he had by enlisting, offer to as sist them in getting it, bully tiiem or make them drink till they comply, advance them money to bring them to the provost marshal’s office, show them the proper office to apply t», and, in fact, make use of the thousand advantages which a shrewd, city bred knave generally possesses over country bumpkins, and especially “raw Irish men,” to enable them to get hold of a large share ot the money. I have heard of cases in which, out of ?700, the broker pocketed 8600; and I think there were few men enlisted through the instrumentality of the brokers iu this city in which the recruit managed to retain over 3300 ot 84J0. You will see from this that when ni;,n are called for by the 200,000 or 300,000, the profit# ot the business must be enormous. The slave trade can hardly compare with it. If abro ker only hroughl in one man a week he was rich ly paid; there were few of ths ruccessiul ones who ilijr aot bxiwg'is a a iv^ck. “Nobody will eupposa tbat er-ergetlo men, with gainH on each h scale as this within their reach, wotjld limit tbeir field of operations to any o»*e S nte or diatriot. They scoured all possible parts ot the United States and Canada for recruits; and the ugh I do not know of their having goue to Ireland,-I should be greatly asfonished to find ti.ry had not done so. Ia no place are rccruits 80 easily procured, especially for America, and no men make better soldiers thao Ir?shmea It woixld, therefore, be the mcsr natural thing in the world if every bounty broker in New York had his agent in Cork and Limerick and Galway, picking up and dispatching to him every able- bcd.ed munhe could lay bands on.” The following may teach a lesson to those who grieve too much over the Ices cf Atlanta: Frtm the M -con t.hritfkn Irdf x AN CSTOWASD 1 VENT AND ITS CONPEQUENCES I. On the 18th day of June, 18()4, the city of Macon, Ga., vas visited by a severe lain, and the night following the city bridge, a rcble structure, that Etrctched acrosi? th'-- Ocaulgee, broke in two in the middle, owinsc to the dipplaccment ct a few stones in the centrf: pier. The rains had noE raised the fiver very l;»gh, and the destruction of the bridge was consi^pr- d 2 strange rvent, ae f«'W ooiild corcprchcr d how vatf’r corl i dif^pkce, L.m the bottom of n solid s^orc pior, rocks that had withstood the s-ioruis of more than thirty years. And yet such was the fact; and while the pier stood iofcly and alinost infact in the middle of the river, the bri.-jge r arted asnnier, and t) e ends driftt d aro'ind to the barks, where they ro- m'itjpd. Had they floated dcwn against the rail road bridge, that, too, would have been washed away; hut •‘There is t diviai*y wii b ?\ap a ocr enda. Rough hew thta; a-3 wc -i»i?l ’* II. On the 30th of July, 1864, the Yankee ra'dcrs, under Stoneman, marcbed uf on Macon, and camo in sight of the city, beyocd the Ocmulgee river. Their express order? were to furprise the city iiiid rush their iioibes acros ti;c briilge Vefore it could be successfully d-,fended or destroyed; but when thev learnt ot the r-'cent destruction o*' the bridge, and of their inability to perform that part of their programme, they bc-fxme ic a measuie disheartened and dcmrvralized, exolaimiug, “We • caii’t cross the liver In attempting to do so on Said, wo will all be killed ” Accort’Ingly they were dismounted, and made a feeble atifck, aud wc-'o eahily driven off Verilf— *'Gf>d vcr>.‘ in • wyFtcri 'us rs», H 0 r»o;iL rs to fif»fo ;ri! ’ A sharp yankso weat into the shop ot a dry go^, ds dealer down Ea-^t, r-nd thus accosted the prf prietcr: “Squire, do you trade?" ‘‘ConsiJcrw- blc/’ was tbe reply. ‘*I mean do you dicke*?” “S^mc; whdt ye got ter dicker?" ‘*A egg,” “What ye v. a at for a egg'' ’ “Guv .-.s I’d like a datoiu’ needle.” The r’quirod ncrdic*w^ dick- ere i for the egg, and the yankec waj going awuy, whon he turnel and said, ‘*^\{uiro, do you treat?” “Well, L don’t mind if i do,” replied the gocd-naturcd tradesoian, Ti.ey repaired to an adjaoent tavern, and the usual Bourbon was produced. “Hold on,” cried the yankee; “my chist’s very weak, and I never could take whis key without a egg ia it.” The generous ehop- keeper handed him the dickered egg, but with out asking for his needle back again. The yankee broke the shell on the edgo ot the glass, when he exclaimed, “Q-eewilUkiasl this egg’s got two yolks. Gaces you must gin me another I darnin' B«edle, squire.”