P7BLIO LAWS. EjyAcncp FwV 16,1864. An Act to Fund, Jbx and Limit the Oun'enc^-. Section 1. Ihe Cont.rji/ oj the (hvif«^£rate States 9f Jo Tkut tbe hohdew of all TiOMt^iy Qot6a tiiwve tbo cftsrminatica of S6j noti bcfttiag ioUicai, shsll Ic dlawed nrtil thc 1st it/m of Apiil ISW, east of iJiJ Miwissippij to fnr*? "01M, ?'nd until tJis 7rri»«ifi *nd at tha plv. Ao holdera of ail »vtoh I'i^ary uotoa nKflll bs iiloTved to iund tli« eama ia rc,^ia- tered bcLil^, p^&ble 20 yc«rs after thei? d-t«, bcsriog interest at the rat® of 4 per ocnt. per a«- Buai, payai^i 9^ th« 1st of Juiiuury and July of «a«k year. 8so. 2. Tbs Rso^otary of tli* Tr6s,atiry is hereby authorixed to issue the boT^dh rsi^xiired for the fVind'ng provided for in the pv'ecediag scction, and until -ho boadn oan bo pre^^ared he may issue certifioatfifi to anfv^er the rurp^’ac- Such bonds and jortlfioato« dhell ho roacivable without int^r- in payment of all Government dues payable »» the year 1864. exocpt export and import duties. Site. 3. That all Treasury notes of the denomi nation of flOO. not boarin" interest, which shal^ aot he prcseittfl'l for funding under the proviaioua •rf iho i-if. section of ilii3 act, ehall, from and alter the 1st day of April 1S64, east of the Miesbsippi jjytr, and the Isfc d*;y of July 1864, west of tUe Misawsipj-i, oosjte to l/« raoeiv4ble in paymant of publio duoe, and ewd notes, if not no prcBonicd at di&t time, shai!, in addition xa the tax of 83i oenta inj posed in the 4th Hoolion of this act, be Bnbjected to a i«\z r/t 10 p?r eent. per month un til 30 preseoted; which tax^s shail attach to said uotes whorcTcr circuk tsd, and ah&ll bo dedaoted (irom the feoe of said notoe wheacvcr presented for nayment or fcr ^undine, and w: ’ notea hkall not be exohangeable ioT the new i' due of Trea sury notoa provided for in this act. 8ko. 4. That on all said Treasury ootes not Ainded or nsod in payment of taxes at the dat^ and plaoea preeeribed in the 1st section of this aot, thero shall be levied at eaid dated and placos a tax of S8i oents for every dollar prooiisod on the face of said notes; eaid tax shall att-ach lo said notes wherever circolatcd. and shill be eolloctod by deducting the same at the treasury, ite ucpoii- tories and by tax collectors, and by all Caovern- mert ofioers recciviafr the Bame whenever pre sented for paytaeat orfor funding, or ia paynwat of Gk)vemnient dues, or for postage, or in ox- ohan^ for new notos, as hereinafter provided, and said Tr>'osury notas shall be fundable in bonds as previdad in the lit section of this aot, until the 1st day of January 1865, at the rate of 66} oenta on the dollar; tmd it shall bo the duty of the See- Ktary of the Treasury, at any time between the 1st c4 April and the 1st of July, 1864, weat of the Mississippi river, and the let of January 1865, to substitute and cxehan^o new Treasury notes &r the same at tho rate of 66} ecnta on the dol- Ion Proinded, That notra of the danomisation ei f 100 shall not be entitled to the privilege of said exchange: IVomded further, that the right to fund any of aaid Treasury notos, after U\e 1st day oS January 1S65, in hereby taken away: And pro vided further, That upon all aaoh Treasury notes which may remain outstanding on the 1st day of January 1S6&, aad which may not be exchanged new Treasury notes, as her^ provided, a tax of 100 per cent, is hereby imposed. Sso. &. That after the first day of April next, all autharity heretofora given to the Secretary oi’ th« Troasury t« issue Treasury not«s shall be, and is keceby, revskod: the Secretary of Uie Treasury may, alter that time, issue new Treasury notM, in aaoh form as ht may presoribe, payable tw« year^i aR;er tlie ratifteatioa of a treaty of peace wit-h the Ucit«i Staten, esid new iBsnes to DO re«oi\abla in puytaost of all public dues, except expart and import duties, to bs i&jued in exchange ol4 notos at tlie raf« of 2 dollam of tke new for 8 of tho oM isaaea, whether snid old notoa ba dUK’dadeied for exehtuge by the holders tkflToof, or be reeeivad into the Treasury undar the provkaons of this act; and the holders of tho new notes ot of the old sotcs, csccpt those ©f the denomina^OD ef ilOO, after ^cy are redaecd to 6^t ocnts on i^o dollar by the ta:s aforesaid, may convert the a^mo into ciU certificates bearing in- lecest at (he rata of 4 per oent. per ansum, aiid payable two years after a rati&oatlon of a trc^ity oi peaee with the United States, unless aoooer eoovarted into now notes. 8*0. 6. That to yay tho expenses of tho Qov- omment not otherwise provided for, the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorised to issue 6 nor eent. bonds to an amount not exceeding five kiwdrcd uciilioas of dollars, the principal and iu- iere^ whereof shall be free from taxation, and U>o payir^oQt of interest tharecn the entire net reoeiptfi of any export duty hercafler laid on the value of any cotton, tobacco, and caral storea, which shall be exported from the Confed^. &to Staten, and the net proceeds of the import duties now laid, or so much thereof as may be nocc--«ary !• pay annually the interest, are hereby specially pIldgtKl: tr>j>nded, that the duties now laid on imports are hereby pledged and shall hereaf ter b« paid in spewe, or in sterling cxchsnge, or in cotp'^nH of eald bonds. 0*0. 7. Tli.at the Secreta^ of the Treasury ia hereby autboriaou, from time to time, as the wants of the Treasury miay require it, to sell or hypotheeate ’or Treasury notes eaid bonds, or any part thereof, upon the best terms he oan, so as to meet i^>propriationB by Congrcyw, and at the same time reduoe and roetriot tbo amount of the circu lation in ItflMury notes within reasonable and sale limits. Sio. S. The bonds authorised by the 6th sec tion rf this aot may be either registered or cou pon bonds, as the parties taking ^cm may elect; •od they m^ be axchanged for each other under Moh reguiallbas as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe. They shall be for $100, and ihall together with the aonpons thereto attached, be in Buch form and such authentication as tho Sec retary (d the Treasury cuy prescribe; the interest ■hall be payable half yearly on the first of Jan’y •ad J uly in each year; the prinoipal shall bo pay able not lesa than 30 years from their date. Sic. 9. All oall certificates shall be fundable, and shall be taxed in all respects sa is provided for the Treasury notes into whioh they are oon ▼ertible. If oonverted before the time fixed for taxing the Troasury notos, such oertifioates shall from that time bear iuterost upon only 66i cents for every dollar promised upon tbcir faoc, and shall be redoemaLle in new Treasury notes at that rate; but after tho pasaage of this act no call certificates shall be iasuod until after the first day of April, 1864. 8*0. 10. I’hat if any bank of deposit shall pve ita depositors tho bon^ authorir^ by tho first sootion 0* this act, ia exoht.nge for tbeir doposits aad specifying the same cn chu bonds by some fi»tinotive mark or tokw, to be agreed upon with fche Seorotary ol tho Tr^^asury, then the said d»- poeiitor shall be cntitiod to rcoicvtf tho amount of said bonds in Treusory noiea, beariag no interest and outstanding at the ps.s3»ge ot this act: jPro- vidsdf the said bonds aro presontod before iu) prtvilo^ of binding daid notes at par ehall ocrKse as herein prccsribed. 8*0. li. Tliat ail Treasury notes herctotore iamifid of the denomination of 95 shall contiD le lo be receivable iu nti^mcnt of publis dues, aa provided by lew« *«a l^dablc at }»r imder the ^forisieBi if thi« aot, until the firrt of Juy, 1864, aMt, a»4 • «t Ootoboi la64, weet of Jlir •; .» erydoUa pron5?«:d on the ft-e therw-f iid uu -suo to attach &a;d n^toe wbormc-f oircL:iau--ii, iuu. tiatnsd tiiivrt.ia, 10 tver ui aJ.a?tiO-i ti) taidnotop i*>befuacisbio c:voV...»£; • ti'f^'f the f.iJ- Miir iv- iilu-uiK?, IL. Tisanury . ■ V ;iv t pi iCi - .i'i v. the dcdon^' V ,;f «s'i va- Jil. On tL« ci 8»o. ^ . Thrx Bt-y K ■ “ not'Cs If ■ . i' 'y'lC' t^ . tasin:,'?: .. ‘j *jii»ll bi* Rilowcd uil ! t7x>nipany, insurance, caoaI, navi^^tica, irr„- 1S86, to fund the aame in 6 per r \^;laiBg IVesijary i .jg nia4e during either of tlia jearf herein fixed lor jl8f>4, by ah.y bank or l>auLIfl?ij ft J: porting and exportii-ig, tolograpii. cxprafi.:, t-ailroad, maanfactarir*^, dry dook, or othei Btoelr com puny o/ laiy cio2cripdoi- ce..i j06u acnuaUy. liut »il 'rreasurj uscea any 8t!;te after tho time fixed i>sr taiiag tba s^aie as aforesaid, slw.ll be held to btvo been rcoeived r • ti v n • «• r diminif^edby theammintoffu)-.] tr.t. Tbo ii^-1 b^. 5. xha loilowiag oxmnpticna fwi criminntirji between the notes subject to the t'X j ijixiitiou uncior th:8 act fllliili and those not so subject, shall bo— ! nf'r.iiA ot tha Confederate Stated, payabio20 dat-c, tho intinjct pay able soiai- rejoivci by!3^*“^ wmpuny vi ‘ wIietliGr in^viorvor.itcd or lioi, S>s> per cciit a; Quch exccss. and for army ot Sko. 18. That Treasury notoa boTctoIyro »d j I. Prof>ert7 of cacb baad of a tamily \ j j , i bearing intlerest at tJhe rate of 87 SO on the II*>0 j tha value of ijSOO; and for rach minor cliild j fc jn'ivit s, per annum, shall no longer be reocived in p; y-1 ({^,3 fqmily ti ment of publio dues, but sball be riesmcd a td ' eonsid'Tod bonds of the Confederate St;vres, pu; n- ble two years after tho ratitioation of a trcuty >f roaoe with the IToited S^‘^tcs, besT'ng tbo rato A intereet specified on their face, payable l^t Rf January of each and «very yc ir. Sko. 14 That the Secrete vy of the Treaat ry bJ, and he is hereby, authorised, in ease tbe e ii •'eceics of *he Governiue it 9?;cuH rrf.yl.ro it, tt ,m vc- - 1 pay thv^ dcTuar^d of any pu^ilicci^jifcr wIv.h-c 1 'liG'i or been kfllod iii tho militufy or u^vhI IX. Of cj'nepiraoioi, or to Hr ‘ * of w?.r hold l>y Oi-nifedAriii/V or attemptt. cj j;-,,; '•?i* ; ' to 21'i A.. V..*; .-tt'i Ox to abandon the Oonf&deia^xa cau30, or re sist the Goufedorate G'tabes, or to adhciw to tho - isisniy. Xn. 0" imlawitdly biiniia^, daatrc-ying f in juring, or &ttcinptiD'> tv dor.troy •r iiijuiie JS.UV biidg« or rwiii’oud, or tsaiv lina of commauic:*tiou, or propci ly, vriiii l:io intent o* aiding tho e/ienay. A lit. Of trt',ui>onc,ble designs to impair be allovre i ' i>e miliLa'.'v power oi‘ tlia (J^>vornir50Ti'.; L y ! •»." attempting lo douroy, vdijii-jl.'} to tho further value of $100; jach son actually eujf^’i^ed in tka | n&vy, or who has diod or bv cu j killed in the militai-y or navul aerviGt*, and i j who was a monibe-r of tho icimlly when he i i entered tiie oervice, to th-e t’uitbtir value of | {i?5)0. ! II. PropjjiHy oi tho widow of au»* oiHcer, tojioldier, BHiior or ru.irMic, who may !)are or mnuilioua of war, or arsenaib, ndi it .-i, work6b-'|>6, or othi*’' ,uoperty of thit Ci*n:;Asieiat3 Stiuea. tu. i^renident tihull tv.uBo pro]:-8r i lo iuvofcti|2;uto the cases of all poraooo may be ooiitrac^ed after t^o. ^su^h.^o cJua s willing to receive tbe pan.-s iu s c'rf'fi-:ate oi u- dcbtedness, to be is'ned by sale tlccrctary in i^o ih form as he naav deem proper, payaM« *v?o ycMs after a ratilieatioc of a treaty of }U'8jo tKc TTni^sd States, bearing int>rc«!; at ho rate of «ix o^>r cent, per anar.m, paypble somi-anaually, a>sd transferable only by speoiul cJidorseiuent, under regulations to be prescribed by the SccretAry of the Treasury, aad said oortificatcs shall be excisipt firom taxation in principal and int^'rcst. Sbo. 15. The Seorotary of the Trcaeury is »u- tborized to inorea'^e tbc number of dtpoflitorio» so to meet the requirements of this act, and w tb that ^icw to employ such of the bvjk} of the » v- eral States as ho may deem axpedicnt. Sko. 16 Tb^ Se«'r jtary of the Trejvsury si ill forthwith adverlis:; this act in BUcb news^pap w; pabliebcd in the 637er.jl Suitrs, and by snch otl er nr?au3 83 shall fetcure imuiodiato publioityj tad thsc Secretary of War and the Scjretary of ffie Navy shall c-aoh cause it to be published in ge»ie- ral order for the information of tha army and MMWJ. S*o. 17. The 42d section of the act for the a9se6S!xi€Qt and oollcotion of taxss, approved May 1st 1853, ia hereby repealed. 8»o. 18. The Secretary of tho Treasury is hereby auinoriied and reqmred, upon ttjo appli cation of the holder of any call oeriifioate, whioh, by the first section of the aot to pi*ovide for tho fanding and further issue of Treasury notes, np- provcd March 28d 1803, waa required to be thereafter deemed tc be a bond, to issue to sitch holder a bond therefor upon the term* provided by sud aet. An Act Ut lay addUional TaxMfor iha oan- tnon dff»*hce and snt/pport of Government. Sac. 1. The Congress of the Oonfadewrfe States of America do enact, That in ad4i- tion to tlic tares levied by tho act “to lay taxes for tha comm-'ta defence and to carry on the Govemnieut cT the Confederate Staten,” approved 24th of April 1803, there shall be leric'd, fi*ota the pcssaj»e of this act, on thiS BubjeetB of taxation hereafter mention*jd, and collected from evsrj person, copartD ir- ship, association or eorpci’ation, liabfi ti>©'e- to, t{\xH0 »a follows, b-i-wit: I. U|K)n the value of property, real, per aoaal and miTed, of every kiDd .lad deGci ip- tion, not hereinafter exempted or raxed «t» diSferoot rate, 5 prr ceui.: i'r*..vidcd, TMat from this tat wn the value of inoperty f oa- ployed In ag^icTiUnro ehall be deducted ChA valto of tho in k'nd deUvorcd thersfroa, ,1 crvico, or whtuo there i» no widow, then of the iV.niily, i>oing minor children, to the value of ^1000. III. Property of every officer, poldier, sailor or marine, aiCtnally engaged in the military or naval Ecrvico, or of guch as have been disabled in gnch service, to tho value of $1000; provided, that the alx»ve oxomp- tionc fhall not apply to any person, whc-ee property, excliiaive of honaehold furnitura, •;hall bo assiee^ed at a ralne exceeding $1000. 1\T. Thai where property baa been injntad or destroyed by tho enemy, or the owner thereof has l>cen temporarily deprived of the use or occupancy thereof, or of the means of cultivating the same, by reason of the ^>resonco or the proximity of tho enemy, tho asset^sment on sach property may be reduced, in proportion to the damage sui- tained by tn« owner, or the tax aeeessed tkeroon may ba reduced in the earn* ratio by the district oolleetor, on satisfactory evi- danoe submitted te him by the owner or as- sesaor. Sec. 6. lliat the taxes on property laid for the year 1864, shall be assessed aa on the day of tha passage this act, and be due and collacted on the 1st day of Jane next, or as toon after as practicable, allow- ing an extension of 90 daya West of the MiesLscippi river The additional taxes on inoomet or profits for the year 1863, levied by this aet, shall be assesded and collected forthwith; and the taxes on incomes or pro fit for the year 1864, shall be assessed and collected according to the provisions of the tax and assessment acts of 1^63. Sec. 7. So much of the tax act of the 24th day of April 186S, as levies a tax cm in- oomas denv«d from property or effects oh the ameant or value of which a tax is lovied by this act, and also the 1st section of said act, are suspended for the ^ear 1864, and no estimated rent, hiro or mterest on pro perty or credits herein taxed ad valorom, shall bo aesess»d or taxed as incomes under the tax aet of 1863. Sti3. 8. Thtit the tax imposed by this vjit on bonds of the Otmfederate States hereto fore issued, ehali in no case exceed the in terest on tha ramo, and suck bonds, when held by or for mii.oi'a or lanatica, shall ha exempt from the tax in all cases where the iatercst on the came ehall not exceed I^TOCO. lis r.5ses8e-:i ur.cior tiie law inipcsii^g it, a_ad An Act tlte i f the V/rit delivere-l to lb*? (lovernment: Prcvidod, - r^r t That no credit f hiil} l>e allowed boyond 5 per II. On the value of gold srd silver wa;'e« and plate, jowela, joweliv ard watches, 10 per cent. IIL The value of property t&xod under this section shall be assessed on tho baai» of the market value of the same, or similar i^^-o- I'erty iu the neighborhood where assoesea. in tha year 1860, except in caees where la? d, slaves, cotton or tobacco have been p sr- chased aince the 1st day of January 18« *2, in which case the said land, slaves, cott >n and tobacco so purchasod, shall be aecesa^d at tho prioo actually paid for tha same >y the owner. Sec. 2. On the value of all shares or intnr- esta held in any bank, banking company or association, canal, navigation, importii g. exporting, insurance, mannfaoturing, tc ,o~ graph, express, railroad, and dry-dock co a- panies, and all other joint stock compaa^es of every kind, whether incorporatoi or n*>t, 5 ^r cent. ^e value of property taxed under t] is section shaU bo assaseod upon tho basis of tho market value of tuch property in t^^e neighborhood where aaseosed, m such cu*- rency a« may bo in general u^o there, in t ae purchase and eale of !uch propojly, at t'le Sme of asec-^Timeat. Soc. 3. Upon tho amount of ail gold a»id silver coin,^old dust, gold or silvor bullion, wkether hei3 by the bauk3 or other corfo- rationa or iudividuala, 6 por cent; and upon all moneys heid Roroad, or ujx)n the amount of all billii of exchango, drawn thorofor on foreign countries, a tax of 5 per cent; such tax upon raonoy abroad to be aaaossed and collected according to the value theroef at the place whero tho tax ia IX. Upon tho amount ot ail solvent cre dits, ana of all bank bills and ell other pa- jjors issued as currency, excluaive of non- mtorost bearing Oonfedorat j tr>iasury note*, and not empioj cd in a registered busineaj, the in/jomo derived from whioii ie taiod, 5 per cont. ?ec. 4. Upon proflta mado ir\ tiada and buiiinera, as follows: I. On all profits mado by buying and sell ing spirltooa liquors, flour, wheat, corn, rice, suf^ur, ui'jlas3€c or sirup, salt, bacon, pork, ho.;«?, baef or bcof cattle, shce}>, oata, hav foddor, raw hivitiii, latrhor, borsos, mularS, boots, shoos, corton yiir:;e, wmJ, wooleu, «x>'- ^ tiptj-ioi ouicar aiiaii grant prompt reliet to ton or Diixc 1 ciothij, hata, wagor.s, liarnesi-v, [ ihe oppressad party, and tha subordinate coal, iron, or nuila, at any tirufe tw;- sh.'iU bo diamissod m)m cf H(jJ>€a i O&rpus in yrtr,m ea^t W hcreas, the Constitution of tho 0«nfed- erate States of America provides in Article 1, Soction 9, Paragraph 3, that “tiio pri,:- lego OI the writ of habeas corpus shall u^-t be euspended unletA when in caso of rebel lion or invasion, the public safety may re quire it;” aad wheraas, the power of sas,- pending the privilege of f>aid writ aa r^tog- nifed in said Artide 1, ia vested solely in the Congresfl, which is the eiclueivc judgs of tho ii*>C€vwity of aucli dii>?penp,ion; aud whereas, in the opinion of tho Congress, the public safety reij-triros tho suspension of Siiid wnt in the existing ca«o of tho invasion of these StatGS by tli armies of the United States; and where.'w, the President has aakec for the sospension cf the writ of habeai cor- wu3, and inxbrraed Congress of condifionij of public dangor which render the sttaj-mnfiiun of tiie writ a measure proper for the public defonce againat iavasion and insurrectiou; now, therefore. The Oongross of the Oonfedorato Stattis of America do caact, Tluvt during the prosent invasion of the C«jnfederate States, the priv- iJego of th3 writ of habeas corpus ba, and tho same is hereby, suspended; but such soa- pocaicm shall apply only to the caseo of per- eono ai’rostod or eotained by order of the Frosidont, Secretary of War, or the Gsucrsl OSicor commanding the Trans-Missicsippi Military Dopartnsent, by tho authority and nndar tho control of the President it ia hereby doclarad that the purpose of Con grees lo the paasa^ of this aci is to j>ix)vido more elie&tually tor the public safety by 8U8')CJx]ing tha writ of h:\bojw oorpua in the following eases and no otiier: I. Of twjason, or tretiJionable efforts or combinations to subvert tho government of the ODnfederate States. IJL Of conspiracies to ovortlirow tho gor ernment, or conaplrftcioa to resist the lawfal authoriW of the Cont^crato States. IIL Of combining to assist the enomy oi- of communi{satin^ mtelligenco to tho enemy or dving him aid and comfort, ‘ ’ fv. Ol conspiraciea, preparations and at- tei^ta to Incite servile inanrroction. V. Of desertions or encouraging desor- tioufl, of harboring desertors, and of attempts to avoid military sorvice; Provided, That in CAio cf palpble wrong and oppression by any subordinate officer upon auy party who does not legally «we military service, his uperior ofiicer shall gran' .:> arnvMod, or detained, in order that they i. o di.tcharged if improperly detained, t^ey can be speedily tried in the due c«»ur6e 01 law. Sec. 3. That during the suspension afore- ;iuid, no military or other officer shall be ccm|X3lled, in ansv/er to any writ of haboas odrpua, to appear in pennon, or to return tho body of any i^erson or persons detained by him, by the authority of the President, Se- crv‘’:iry of V/ar, or the General officer com- ii4»-iiding tho Trana Mi86issi])pi department; but upon tbo certificate, under oath, of the ofiicer having charge of any one so detained, that sneh person is detained by him cs a prisoner for any of the causes hereinbefore specified, under the authority aforesaid, fur- thei' prooeedings under the writ of habeas corpus shall immediately cease and rem&in suspended so long aa this aot shall continue in loroe. Sec. 4. This act shall continue in force for ninety days alter the next meeting of Oon- grc»8, and no longer. THE MIUTARY BELL. Soclion 1. That from and after the paesa&e of this aet all white men, reeidente of the Oonfoderate States, between the ages of 17 aud 50, shall be ia the military SM^ee of the Confederate States for the war. S«c. 3. Thftt all the pcnoni aforesaid, be tween the ages of IS and 45, now in service, shall be retained during ^e preeent w;>;r with tho U. S., in^the same regiments, bat talions and companies, to which they belong at the passage of thisjaot, with the same or ganization and officers, unless regularly transferred or discharged, in accordance with the laws and reg^ationi for the gov ernment of the army: Provided, that e©m- panies from one State, organist against their consent, expressed at the time, with regimants or battaliona from another Stat»^, shall have the privilege of being transferred to organiaatioas of troopo, in the Mme an . of tko service, from the States in wnich Siud companies were raised; and the coldien frcia one State, in companietj from another Stale, shall bo aillowed, if they desire it, a transfer to organisations from their own States, in the same ^xm of the servioe. 6on.‘3. That at the oxpiration of six months from tho first day of April next, a bo^ty , ot §100 in a six per ocnt. Gt^ernmont bouu, | inlnisterial dutiea; anperintendiiuta and phy- wh.ch tbe 8«retory of tho Tr^ury is h.r«- ( f„7 the deaf and dimb by bu.horized to i£«ne, b« |md to evo- blind and of tha inaano; orio editor for feiadl te liable to l»e place'^ in service te the Ji?»;d for the w?jx, as if he w«r-, bo; wean tiis of 18 and 45. Sc.r,. S. Tl.*.^ l;o.*cafter the Gtiticj of pr.- ■yzt and Loini ,'l j^uiiid.. clork.;; i.iu' ciGrka, f,;or labor ers iu t Ooi2imi6aary aud *t4u»rtermastoi*’s in the Ordnance Bureau, and of clyrkrt and ex^ipl ^y eea of navy agents, a& also in the azocutioii «>f ike cru-«>lltvieut act, t^d all ciiiiil&r uutie--:, alinJl ba pfci-lV/rmcd by porvioiis who sr^ within tho agsi> of ,18 i«d 45 yeara, and who by the report of a Board c;f ai niy Bai'geoue shall be reported 79 unable to perform active service in the field, but capable of performing some of the jibove Raid duties, ppecifyiug which, and when these licnjuno shall have been assigned to those duties ;v: far as practicalde, the Pre sident shall assif/n or detail to th "*ir perform ance such UsdioB of troops, or individuals, required to be enrolled under tho 5th sec tion of this act, as may be needed for tho dischar^^e of such duties: Provided, that Eersotis between the ages of 17 and 18 shall e assigned to those duties: Provided fur ther, that nothing contained in this act shall l>e so construed as to prevent the President from detailing artisans, mechanics, or per sons of scientific skill, to perforin indispen sable duties in the departments or bureaus heroiu mentioned. Sec. 9. That-any Quartermaster or As aistant Quartermaster, Commissary or As sistant Commissary, (other than those serv ing with bric^ades or regiments in the field,) or officero in the Ordnance Bureau, or Navy Agents, or Provost Marshal, or ofllcer’in the conscript service, who shall hereafter employ or retain in his employment any person in any of their said deps^ments or bureaus, or in any of the duties mentioned in the 8th soctioa of this act, in violation of the provisions hereof, shall, on coaviction thereof by a court-muiiiial or military com t, be cashiered; and it shall be the duty of any depaitment or district commander, upon proof, by the oath of any credible person, that any such oiiiccr has violated this pro vision, immediately to relieve such oMcer from duty; and said commaaders shall take prompt measure* to have hiia tiied for such offence; and any commander ac afor^^iu fjiiling to perforui the dutiei enjoined by this section, shall upon being duly convicted thererf, b© discharged from tho sorvico. Sec. 10. Tuat all laws granting ■exemp tions from military service Oe, and we ts&nii} are, hereby repealed, and hereatW none shall be ex&inpled except the following: 1. All who shall be held un£t for milita ry sorvioo, under rules to bo pij3cribed by tne Secretary of War. S. Tlia Vice President of tho Confederate States, the niombers and of Con^r&aa and of the several State L^islaturcs, and sucu other Confederate and ^ate ofiioers aa the Pitiiildeut, or the G"rtjrEor of the re- s^'eotive may certify to ba nocesrmry wr the proj)Gr administration ol the Ccn- fcQdrate or StiLe ^rnmonu., ae tho oase may 1>*, 3. Every iainiuter of religion anthon^cd to w»ach according; to ^ho ruiee of hia church, ar: i *rho, at the ps.i’age of this a^t, shall be reffuiiuly employed in the discharge of hia ry iion-commifisionei ofScer, musician and private who shall then be in service, or in 3ach newspup-er being pubVUhed at the tinii of this aot, and eacii employees as c&id cdl- Indispensable newspaper; tho f ..V/ printer ot tne Confederate aud State Government^ and such journeymen print- i\& the ?a’d public printer eiiajl cei-tify, on oath, to l>e indispensable to perform the public printing; one skilled apothecary in each up>thocary store, who was doing busi ness as such on tho 10th day of Oct’r 1862, and has continued said business, without irtormisslon, since that period; all physi cians over the age of 30 years, who now are, and for the last 7 years have been, in the and regular practice of their profes- the arrer,ragc3of h’s pay; but no one ah^l bo ent'tled to the Iwanty herein prr-vided ’who ; shall at ii'.ij time, during tho period of ' montiia next a\er the said first day of April, he from his command without leave. Sec. 4. Tbu- no person shall be relieved from tho opora'tion of thia act by i-ea^n of ha "ing \>een heretofore diacharg^ from the Army ■'vUai-e no diaability now exlate; nor onsli thoao who have furnished substitutes bo any lou^r exemDtcd bv reason thereof: l>;oW.io.i uo ,.kca. h,roto.ore oxo,n.. :S^-i;;rtho''‘teri; "phS shaU »11 preiiideMa and teachere lil tor„l.o«hiin from Ol- c.->ll-;gos thcolo^cal seminarioe, aciide- * * * I ougaged as «uch for two jears next befot’e the passage of this act* l*rovided, that the beaeat ot this exemption shall extend to those tc’-ichers only wnoee schools are oom- poeed of 20 atudenta or more. All superin tendents of pTitlic h- Bpitals, oatablished by law before the paeeag^e of tliis act, and such physicians and i;jirsQt> therein as such su perintendents "thall cevtify, on oath, to be indispensable to the proper and efficient maua^meut thereof. 4. There shall be exempt one person as owner or agricnlturlst on each farm or plan tation upon which thore aro now, and wera ou the 1st day of Jan’y last, 15 able-bodied lield-handa, between tbo fvgea of 16 and 50, upon t.he following conditions; 1. This exemption shall only be granted in 04ie€« in which there is no white mule adidt cn tho farm or plantstion not liable to military oerviee, oor u«l«sa the person claim ing the exemption was on the 1st day of Jau’y 1864, either the owner and manugor or overceer of said plantjation, but in no cp.oe shall more thau one person be exempted for one farm or plantation. 2. Such person shall first execute a bond, payable to the Confederate States of Amer- ic»\, in such form, and with such security, and in such penalty as the Secretary of War may prescribe, conditioned that he will de liver to tho Government at some railroad depot, or such other plaoe or places aa may bo de;}ignated by the Secretary of V/ar, within 13 months next^usuing, 100 j>^yund0 of i>acon, or, at the election ot tho Govern- iuont, its equivalent in pork and 100 lbs. oi net beet (said beef to be delivered on foot.) fr>r each able-bodied slave on a;*id i&rm or 'i.ot'ktion, within tho above said ages, whe- proTOon^ to be delivered by •uch perM aa £.for€8i&id at equivalent rates. J5. Ench ]>en?on shall further bind hiuiself it) _yll the marketable surplaa of piovi*ioa8 and giuin now ou hand, Kx'd whiiJi no may riuiie from year t^esr wLila his GXbm^tion c^iinues, to the Govomruont or to the fam ilies of s6ldi«^, at prices tizGd by the Com- iais2\op.ers of lae Slate under the iBr.preM- meut act; Fro^n'Itid, thnt any per8*->n ex empted as afoveiaid, lLuH bo^ entitled to a credit of 25 per csnt. on any amount of meat which he may deliver within three months fn>m the passage of this act: Provided fur ther, that persona coming Within the provi sions of this exemption shall net be deprived of the benefit thereof by reason of having been enrolled since the 1st day of Feb. 1864. 4. In addition to the forugoiug exemp tions, the Secrotary of War, under the di rection of the Pre?iident, may exempt or de tail siich other persons as he may be satis- tied ought to be exempted on account of public necessity, and to insure the produc tion oi‘ grain and other provisions for the army nd the familic-s of soldiers. He may, {ilso, grant exemptions on details, on such tei’ma as lie may prescribe, to such over seers, farmei-8 or planters as he may be sat isfied will be more useful to the country in the pursuits of agriculture than in the mili tary service: Provided, that such exemption shall cease whenever the farmer, planter or overseer shall fail diligently to employ in good faith, his own akill, capital ana labor exclusively in the production of grain and provisions, to be sold to the Government and the families of soldiers at prices not exceed ing those fixed at the time for like articles by the Commissioners of the State under the impressment act. 5. The president, treasurer, auditor and superintendent of any railroad company en gaged in transportation for the Government, and such officers wd employees thereof as the president or superint^dent shall certifjr cn oath to be indispensable to the efficient operation of said railroad: Provided, that the number of persons so exempted by this act on any railroad shall not exceed one per son for each mile of such road in actual use for military transportation; and said exempts shall be reported bv name and description, with the names of any who have left the employment of said company, or who may cease to be indispensable. 6. Tliat nothing herein contained shaU la construed as repealing the act approved April the 14th 18b3, entitled an act to ex empt contractors for carrying the mails oi tho Confederate States, and the drivers ot post coaches and hacki^ from military ser vice: Provided, that all the exemptions ^*1 tinted under this act shall only continue whilst the persons exempted are Mtually engaged in thoir respective pursuits or oo- cupsifioEa. bee. 11. That the President be, and he is hereby, authoriaed to grant details, under general rr.lee and regulations to be issued tforii the War De^rtment, either of persons between 46 and M years of age, or from the army in the field, in aU cases where, in his judgment, j^ustice, equity and necessity re- qui:*e such details, and he may revoke such orders of details whenever he thinks propen Providdd, thUt tho power herein grantea to the President to make detaih and exemp- Mons shall not be construed to authorize tho exemption or detail of an^ contractor for fumlEaing supplies of any kind to the Gh)v- ernment, by resaon of said contract, nnlees the head or cecretary of the department ma king such contract ^all certify that the per sonal services of such contractor are indis pensable to the execution of said contract: Provided further, that when any such cou- tmctor shall fail, diligently and faithfully, to pr»Kjeed with the execution of such con tract, hia exemption or detail shall cease. Sec. 12. That in appointing local boards of surgeons for the examination of persons liable to militai-y service, no member com- ixeing tho same shall be appointed from the county or enrolling district in which they are required to mafce such examination. Sec. 5. That all white male residents of :Gonioderate States, between the ag^^ of 17 aud 18 and 45 and 50 years, shall enroll thon;Av.lvw at sack tjmwj and pl.'ices, and under aucli regulations, a? the Preeideut i-’*‘escril>e, the time rJIowed not beiu" than 30 di'ys for those east, and 60 days lor thotv' wGSt of tlie Mis3iBtjip}>i river, aud any pei'tion who shall fail so to en«>ll hira- solt, witiiont a reasonable excuse therefor, to bfi judged of by the President, shall bo [Aaobd in B-orvice in the £eM tor the war, in the same nianiior as though they wore be- twoea tho agos of IS aud Provided, that tiie psrsoo3 meutirtn «d in this section shall couatitr^a a rowrvo ff.r Stito dofence an 1 detail duty, and Khali not ?>e required to por&ra> Bcrvice out of tlo Stat^ in which the^’ roibido. &i*c. 6. That all jiareerw r«-'mir€»d by t! 6th section of this act to onrofl tliemselvco, m&y within 30 d^^ .-.flar the pacaugo there of ortst of tho Miosiasippi, and within GO daya, if v/aat of said river, form themselves into voluntary organiaationa of cornpanioa, battalions or regiments, and elect their own otficors; said organizations to conform to the existing laws: and, having so organiiied, to t-ender fJJieir earvices as volunteers duriuf' the war to the President; aud if such oj^ar? ixations shall furnish proper muster rolls, as now organized, and deposit a copy thereof with tho enrolling officer of their dis^ict, which sball be equivalent to enrollment’ tuey may be accepted as minute men for service in suoh State,, but in no event to be taken out ol it. Those who do not so volun teer and organize, shall enroll themsolvea as j^tbro provided; and may, by the Preaident, * „xt«- J*eQuired to assenable at convenient pla- tner said slaves iu tho field or not, w^hich Post OMoe, Fayotteville, W. C,,) OcTOEBR 3, 1868. ) Schedul: of tA« ArrwiU and Departure th* Mculs at (Am Ogiet. SALEiaH Tia AVEBASBORO', &a. Arrivw daily, except Sonday, at 41 P. U. Departs ally, except gaturd-iy at 6 P. M. EAL'^IGH ?;;i SUMMERVILLE. Dep*rw Tueiwlf.y aad Friday at 6 A- M. ArrivfaS Wuiuedilfty anl Sunday at 8 P. J ' WAftSAW Tia CUKVON. Arrives dtulj at 12 noon- Deput« Jiiiy at 1^ P. OARTHAQB Arrive Tuasday, Thorsdiy ao i S»iurdl»y at 7 P. M Dep&rts ftiooday, Wcdneaday ». d Friday at 1 P. Si. CUEEAW, S. 0. .AjTrivee Tucaday, Thursd»y ead SaiurviSay at 6 P. M t'jparts Tupsday and uraday ai 1 P. M. FAIS. BLUFF v;» LUM: SRTON. Arrives Tuceuajr, Thursday aud .turday at ti A. M. Su«id*y, Taesdav and T raday at 1 P.*M. a0B230IVH Tifc ELIZAO 3T0WN. Doparis Moc'-tdiy, Wreinaaday ac " iday at ^ A. Ml. Arri»09 Tuesday, Thurday and 2 •Jay at > P. M. ELlZAEiSrUTOWN via T» . .’iiNTH. Anivos ^t & P. KL Dopiurte aam^ day (Kiondayt at 3 ^ M. MAGNOLIA via C/. llBg.- EEK. Arrivce .Tuesday at 2 P. 51. Departs same day (Tucsiaj ) M T'f ^ M- SWIFT IGLAND via M02JT&0- . * IN»TON and POWBLLTO" Arrivoa Tuesday at 6 P, M. LKjpariH WedncBday fct 11 A- M. SWIFT KLAND via T:?0? Arrives Tu«ad»y at 6 P. >f. Departs Wednesday at 11 A. M. All maiU leavias before A. .\f . «re alosod tiio e»«u iag at 9 P. All letters ..o be neat off fro» thiii otuue, oihidT itian hy mail, mast Da paid for as if sent l>y luail. Ail drop shoul'l be pre-paid by 2 oeat r aLdpa. I'aa or\M will be op«a ou Sunday from to 9J A. 5I-. a»d frvni 4i to 6^ P. M. JAS. G. COOK. P. M. r;V (‘teA t? tweon the Ist of Januury 18G3, t>ad the 1ft of January i8o;>, 10 pt*. cent., in .^dditio t to th.e tax cn such pr=.)ta us inaoina undoT tha “act to lay tasri for the comnicmdeience, and carry on tho (•s07.'j/A;ue»t of the Don federate States,” /* pril 24, 1363. II. Ou uU proCtu raaJo by buying aud i selling money, gold, r 11 v?r, fr-rei^'n-Toh'ic^a f ; nt'jnVj. ri^.x dohta, rro i'ti. obH, ' > iTomoiliee, vL Qi spies avid other euiispAriee of enemy. Vll. Of holding correspondence or inter oci^i mth the eu«uy, without necoesity and vTitaout tie • wuiiasioa of the Oouiodt L Oi urdawftd trading with tho enc- d other oifenoaa against the laws of tedorato • >W l» ftfc % K.;i.d bitc^ja or p>i'k and beof shall bo |.»aiu ;oi’ by tho Gk>vorument at tho pricoc’ iixed by the O^jnrai^isiono;« ol ttia State undor the impreaSi i t-iit act: Provided, Liiat when tho poraon thus exemptod shall prodluco cee ol rotidezyoud, and be formed or organ iaod into companies, battalions and regi menta, under re»idatione to be t>rescribed by hitn; and ehall have the right to elect tiieir compfiay and regimental ofHcers; and all troopu or^ranized under this act tor State dafence, shall be entitled, while in actual ici vicc, lo tfie catae pay and allowance as croops now 'n the field. Soo. 7. Tliat any porsoa who shall fail to Jittend at tho place ot rendezvous as required j or plantati-.Hi, bf tho ?»uthority of the Preaident, without I iirect r-'^auainkaticT' of F/ixao, to tha \ vvHi «fX«vrMc, f f W MI ' t*' DJUCiE paLni:^ l^^OH i-- Lit- • S'-*’': to od ibr, an J laivo an ad^uate supply for the eubsisteuca of those living on tlio said farm the" Secretary of Wat shall T2Ifi .WKTH C^ROCIilTA iXSUUAi^iCfi CO.tfPlNI, arO’iV iu Uia teiita ysar of 8uooaa«tul operiuoa, wilk iM gtowins capii*^ “F'» pablic oo«- Sdenco, ocaiinuos to insure the livee of all aeutay bons flrom 14 ta 60 yq»rfl ef age, for on* year, for s**® yoars, an J for Ufa—all uiie acnbera saarxng w the proes All tuavee fcozu ID to 60 yaara of are issure# flk cae year »r for ave years for two tl^ds their taiu^^ All leaaea are ponotuall^ paid withia 90 days Sflv t«ti»fi«tory prog/ is pr«se»*^. _ . Fc5 further ia/oriaaiioa «.*»«> pub»*» ia rewrwi to Areata ef the Company ia all aaris o the 8tato»Ma R. a. BATa’LB, SeoreUry, BufWgh. Jka'j 1368. s. J. UALE, Aaei#JUl FayettcTili^lR. '0 (mfr et