.ITS • rs. leadquAf Ived ^ t» [t J f'-C-Ct jff-. vill- laix P': ra^) o°l.l U>y- kw Rnd f, •n- lt:o'' '»a S'.-«t?n |mxr'%n>i [uitt ac- Iriso-'io'* le lai'' boipg m. In |iar/»io^ fiiuf f 2H G- r') j.rA, |a i»*y» io»l , F li I t ; IrdiO’ lowr'■*, k-r: T iUi d |o tiiue fr( at O P'f& K Tns Sv-AVF.s .* n-T.KrR - Tho M+Arifti^ is frlllipe thpi V»’«‘ tbp ovoo^iie of O’is fSpBHifr. ’p p.oti«p» -f'mt. t}‘ I er’«.lnfnrc shnll iriO’-r** f-oroiiyMv ir+o aH inatter- ftotirrctfd wit>> hr*. Fo «ny wp. hut for » very frrent res?on. ifov.\9h a ftiU inqniry Vranse we wish the (JorpTiOr ^ credit for an erferpi^e nltog-ether nrraralle’ed for its pro fit, direi t Pt^ laJirect—i's gain in mooey, but far more its ^ in romfoTt to onr soldiers, for its con tributions.^ ♦beir rlotbinjr and gnbsistence. and to the relie^of their fDinilies et home. We truPt tha» aooe able memV-er of a con>iPitt««> on this subied will t*Ve the tronbV to make biireelf thoroapblv mirter of it. nrtl ^’11 pive to the State and to the fonntrv a d«« nnient worthy to po down to posterit} M an in.HTi{-tion open this monnmen* of the Stated intellipe'-ce, fnterpripe and petriotiam We fear the Stardard was j?led when the Ai Vonce wap t rp.nT-i’d. It eeized npon a mmor th-^t there were f 25 in ?old on boord— a mmor which no varkee nocon!’+so far peen has c-or.firmed—en^ pv-rVcFtf'd fhnt it was the State’s losp; that tbeClov- error hfi(> borro^*^*^ '♦ f'"*'"’ benk?; that the pe’- ple's hnnl‘^f»'pii!ira mns^t be taxed to pay the los-s extravHfrrafv=» of fW ki2’?. Srv. Ac. )'he ''ollowit'e from fre \'nn rv:»tp e. evidently by nn'bority, woultl «eeiP tf'= stW';— ..;Va t>’«t tbr- CMM' th** PCC’flf't.'' I'f ' Oov '*> •' ’ • r.c. ivii'/ if'* ‘ ‘ •'• '■ ' ' i or )7" ..yC' !’' : th*' r»r^ I, 5 .c oV. honv''*'?'^ “I t V ' ov > ' jrpt-rn to lancf* I’ *'* . f p' - I, '!■!- pfiv,!je T ;i li'-f''MJ tht-kr't w) yv I u '-1! ' 11=1’' ! *’!■ u;J t Nti'bi i T t*i ir*3te -.v^'iv ,v jioilH:’ ill i. ivii./ ii'-^ frt i/ht. Thj *% irt r.>?t 'r ill) ’1. -’xt i disu': t-* i-U’ abi o fy'thi r Gi,\ . V:>’ • In.r tin* S’-, r 5 av- ■r.-l 1 iri'ui -b*’ Barb!?. s,>r mi y I'n^ t.' .. Tl>» r»> h- H t'l)cp'sitv lor it Ti. (1i >-t in F>;rrp.-' Gf'v. ?l(ltc : an'''U' t »1' ;n!'-?-Tr'! cb as r>.:i V t c 'iv'r*'rc ' •' *' 'j- in' i mu:* t-:0 p'^r s fli'i*. n-o' i^-'y :\'i T th:‘ =i^nirj ■ t }i Nrf T! th? TT it( nr J tbi* f\>’• f f'ai" 'iiia wi'l o'V' OHrH-s'in a ajrou-1 of ir''r. y. r--i.. a»'V (.„iv :n at tbc port c 'f'f i>? rfd' o’' tVe Stt\i 'a cotir nr- n-iv?l A larrf por k i of tbe cotton !t^^ narHl «»rr s‘o n.iiV*'*h«* pn>ni>;'t. ftlnad-- on haf ,.t f.w'V frcTp fTit'iiiv's r*a«'h i^o fa? iron h>it'.;/Hi ^ ro\s' fo’tl from tbe Bariks n ;-rf h w h'J )■*' t'l 4 ?o s?i) a cjnFi'’rvaM , yi.- ;j, ;■■' on Vr c'ti vl." i« wnr'f' ®P' !n TO be y.laip eDO»ieb and'^ositive eno’ ij’-'i ssit'^fy St!»ndfrtl. wbi'h ?nv3 t cred’t, tbe st.'.fen’O’^t that t^'f *'- v!i'vr+'^ r?ni«Fi. T* ia hnr*’ to con vipce i’ roar Mii'*- u t^in.Tir- no+ tru^* ■ bicb he wi?h. ■ to be iT’if. It f-onU* h » asveet tporpe] f;*r the St »ni’ ard to k”rw i^pt tV(‘ io-'S of P ,'Tolil v’O'lil upon 1hpS'j;e: rot tb>'t xre think if^ii->^es the p^'^'pl to be }'ea''i?"r i!>xos> - ihe K itrr of Ihi Stnnde.-'l ori' f f tpr- T'eonle tbat wt.n b''vo i3r taxe« pi'v- hnt 't wonld (■&V r’l such a "lorioj tber'e for Ci-r-o^ucl flie J ;>vfrnor and couip'ttinin!? of tl’in?? >;OiieTiil>-. .Vow»^'.o have entire i^itn the Oot;.«(-rfittivf 's ai iteinent; and are c'lf d to believr it true—el-^d lo ociier? ttfi' the vioveruor borrov ed ao ero’d. ftcd tVe State iost none. After Ft -'in;? tnat it doeo cot credit the Conserva- tiye’i? statement, tbe 8^Hr,da.''il eays;— ‘*]f gold rot t.rrrowort {ropi a Rank or by the GfiV4‘n!' T. wo J'inc "r> d rn-on to V)f»l’n>ve th'^t tfft'rt ir-vr ni H.; b tro-.v i? Bot flrJmif tb > s'atcment of th‘rrrtHvp. *! :it )bf ono in fc-.ld w;is rh'p pe;1 Vij r.i'ivrttv r-rt'f?. roy; r.cn"‘ i' ihv t rm «• ' thutt iu-' by x: t-r '-irr’i, are i'b-^ro Whn p‘hf pr.-^is vriib ii;'‘T? *.rp th-'r ' »ny pfflp*^rs or iiii • 'jyei'p c'incf'rr“d in bijaipeos? ' *^ir3t the wre led to boI’Pve ?hnt theH^K^v- eraop ha^ boi-t.. '«u, arCK'^. 1 lent i!. if'ti it rt«t c f thei!* ik ' • '• 'V’ ■ tjjuit if* tr»** arothei - aTiV. ' ’?e'?'el. ■ ‘ the Vi^Sr'. ■ •■' sawed that ! .» •hiupin? by is -. Ttrif Pptict of P»*Krit—Th^ nt+icl# of oor cor_ respopd'^'nt ‘ rreperts a very ptriVirp prd as w* tb'nk p«»rpib1e Tie'p' of theroliVv. papt erd rros nectl^e, of the Flmreror of tbe FrercK It peeme to OR th’t he Of nld pot pFord ti> let the I7’'ited State? «'onqner the Sontb.or in anv irey reoon'trnft t^e old Cnion. it e’ther wer^ roppible. for he world far better fijfht th» fTvited {?tntep Viy the Pide of the Confede*ft- cy than the Urited Ptfttep ord the Confederacy re united. If the Ponth were pnbdned, or reTnited 0 the North, the Monroe doetrir’e world urdopbtedl’r be Bsperted at the point of the bavoeet. and Franc® wonid have to ffpht for Mexico It is bnt reaaona- bl»» there^iore, to s»’pro8e thafr France would not pee the Corfederacy cmphed, bnt that, if we ahonld real- V peed flpeiptance. and conld not do withcnt it. phe w'^nld conne to onr help. Pead the article, which nrcaenta the pnbieot in »d able w»anner. A OuHiora Becohd.—We have peen Iwo General Orders ippned by A dintant Oereral Cooper, pivinp the ran'es of no lepn than 6^4 off cerp “drorred from tbe T?o11p of the Arwv” between ♦he Ipt Jan’v and 1st Jnly 1P64. Tn the month of Jnne ?.^0 of them were dropped. Whrt is the mennipp cfthif? Were there so many in'-omnftent ofTcer ? O’* are ther the Pick ord wernded? Or lo'terprs at hcine. away from their pc.s^s cf duty? The Orders Bppigii no csinre ir> any case. Whatever mey bo the re»Pf n for thiB wholrsale difip^Jqepl, \re ere rf jo'ced tr find tl,fit the rrofortiop NoHh Ca’'ol’’na rames ip verv pmall. There is n.'’ '^onbt. we thiclt. that she has ore-fifth cf ell the Fo’-cep in fhe feld; bnt inptead of f-ndine npp ffth of the d'»T»“’'>«aln from pmotJEr her ofPcers. there i.=> bnt one in twenty one. vW-: ?1 ont^'f 6f4. "I he dropped V^'m tb'S'Ptste »r?, 1 Co'mel. 6 raijtains.'lO L'ents., n 2d Lients?., I Qtieriern'RPter, 1 Tax in if iod. and 1 f'hsplnin. !n?' next . \'.u* ' .. /■‘iv '.tiOil in n!il hnvo to P^. t^O£s^r"W ; ti.. . S’, r\ . '/I A H ic 1' f* A ^ ee rvi;’-; a 1 f r-,'e'« ii'»- ’'nly half >i "fi:- U-. i ; A. Haksh iMued tba fol j-v'rf7 O IStti:— ■PnT;«tt* l-'- '-3 0r i;'. **ry in :iciic.« .‘’DHR.— w. IMl i'lih IT ■ l' - ai'*'. ! n-.l / t'-- ! ' ■. : ■■■ ■» !’ • !'«; )1 : | ■.) -i-n • -.f: w t.. « I n U’ur c r!in'iirici'l'f>ri for i"'‘Toiid hi? •' i-i-. » !!■ ior* ins aif'n n a''»~ I’a.i l« v.-.U’fi i’ !’■ !a*?i fbal' i;T"> I r h'? '■.*f h» r,A\ ' in di?i'VM. ri''‘**»ry ■ *: vk tt .1 i*i y i.fli '• tH* arii.t-» 't ' • ! »ba’l !>-■ foun.! p y ■' pabiirjin,^.'’ ri ^lhic'■'•y ut at i» ii- A-fiy t'l ;ii" thf 11 f t' • rsm K=» rtl^ia o the o ^ c*'ari: ;uii We ai‘«‘ DOT Eiir«i bnt thul there iasome su-h |{«jra- latioB of loiu sirtP.iicp ifl ai-n y; bnt, if so, il W^n a d(?ad ieUer. Afldi» ou/ht to ba. It^fe’^i- ▼al at presi'nt io thiti perejiptory and sweepfnjr lan- fo»j;e, is *no«t ipjadicious and harsh. If itfBcerp and »r.ldierp writ^ to relativea and trotn tai ar.Ti'', ■wh.i'' ?ball they u’rife abor,'-. if noi ahou^ iniii- larv nri'tc^ * sfd operetn'i’'*' tl'W elp^ describe their sitn..iiu.i or p^nr -Jt their If th-y eaunot wnt« vrar, tne’r correppsnden.-.e will n‘’CHFFnr'!'’ ^ abridged a? to be altop;eH). v Hnsati«r'.ict(-j f^ Tne.xp»iiV3 or thc»r f'>>ndB. It, ia *im;>Ht i.»'pos«ii'ie for a ^oidirtr t"> coiiflne bimpelf witbiii the iim:rs of inis Order. We adaiit that ii>- i.jry if. flon.'’firaes uoje by disriosnres improperly ToatJi* ic Pti-b iutertixc^ed ieilers aad conisa'iDiuadoEP, but mnt b t'reu^er tii-nn 10 tiie spirit of tne troops will b.^ d..Ee br forni'^din,? theia to write. Ah to.onr N'orcQ rarolina troops, the Oj’der in al- ni»dt equi»uleat tf> isr''oririr their exti-’t?oce ia the arjay, for the V'irpi.na papers seidoni u>eiitioa then, aud our own p.-perrt and people are thf r^f're df pend ant uDoa peri-one in the army for iifcrmution. Acr «orai>)^' to this Ordtr. we s’lir’ore it ii* forbidden tp write fv"T pnl'I''(xti'ii «' r e •« n {•.>.• pr.vct.; ijfon'iBtiotj, shftuld it ti...d its *’ay to ti:e prep?», a UpI of casuaUios !Q ciiR^f onr V Oii'i'H'iier. )*( re^M.!euti ia a i;«t«.!>', aad tne j)ftop!e mu«-v .. .1*. l i j ait 1 ti c iR over be‘ot»^ a lis' ib iillovyet* to t>. xvrilten W’e hope tli-T'’id.-r «ci!i >>.’ r»‘.voi>r:.i. IlijiTORV KiM-5'ATa lf..Ki.K, — 111 n'’fci’i5r the Ptn*'*- A M>s MrypTEK.—The Htvermd WiHiem G Brownlow fprnipbes a ptrorsr arppirent to the heliev- e-a in the doctrine of “totel derravity.” Ap a Preach er be disprtpced ^is holy cplHnp by street f ph+s with nistolfl. Ap an Kditor he dispraced the party to which he attached hiirpelf Asa man be diptrracep —we had almopt said he dippraces the vanVeec, to whom he has attached himself; bnt that wonld be (Toipg too far—he diprmces the pp®n*es. In one ot hip lote iesres of tbe KncxviHe Whip he pp.ts "The trnf Uni^p prrtimentrof he ropptrv calif f^r th*' pnUine down of thi? h*]l brand rf-bidlioTi at nry co'-t of ’’iim.iu life ard hur'nn tveniiire, *rd if we ha*t tV power. »nd cocld c' ntrni fhe f-h-pifrto, wf* world ejn» -?nd unifornn. in thp F*-derp1 1 nMl>»’^rnt‘' fi" th" fowl-i of ‘Vip air. florl th^ tithes in •’ f> —txorx wnl' popthf-r ’ntnn^ourt and brar i" *h(» pu';T>t8>r? of ATrrvi«'n—pvi”->- ‘■ic''r el'p^HT't. arid in Pnrorp—ptpi*v rr.tt1p“Tial.'f' rrrroflile in t'^p swomp-j of P*p»'i(’p ’rd P iryfl—fcvcrr ' T"-t«'f, ip t}^f> S'" hprp C( rf '■ r^fv. p^"'* ■ v.'tv 'fvil ’p hi P. firiil t’vn th^ni 1 ' “'P ppon tl-p Por r wo T\-i.pV r''-V •» ' vfTv sir thf-^- the w»t»'r tf.pv dripV, ard tl'P ford ’hev est '^'e coi V'Tt hfll itep]f into n Crrfjit f'-'-rV*. apf’ hav‘ -t f xt>- 'fV‘(l I’T'dp’’ ‘he vppv pprt.^r ,-f the ror/c(’«‘r« 'v. > VP. u-p cqv. pi;t dowp the reheilviP, nr'd 'rrc^ rel” 1 ■ to lii v ilown ir Hrms if, in dc^rsr ‘o. wp hftv>> to ex ferm5r'ate frcin Or>«?’a jr^ppn pur^h pvery liv'Pg }tin a" lcip!^ rinuth of M.ifop prd DixoTt’p lippf’ a some one aarg. after reedir^ this ore csn al most fancy that he smellp brimotope. Fortonatelv he I'fip iiot the power to control f'e elements. “Sa tan was bound, Ir ! the?^ many years.” A \foDKu Dkmoorat —Anarupte Helmcnt, the Kreat banker of New York, fcrnishep. a FtriKin" ’cstance of tho bumbpppery often practised by poHtic’ani*. I.a thin State, eeveral of the veneet aristocrats that we ever paw, have been leaders of the democrate; and tbouph»their ariptocratic babit.s and leeb'ngs were well known to their followers, it seemed not to aOect xheir claim to be pennine demo c'^tH. at the foI!o^r:n«: 'tscrij-'liuo of «u tqui i/atx. 1-,.. - timt it is that epo’rted this s^'asoD Anij.)^^ - - .__ti^N#tiou»u twiaiairtW' of fjrllhlf . ^ "T*’® »qninaar«* fh*oKrow9'BlT7R.nJil¥ m ili»’"?llWi|l, i-au.«‘ 3 th.-i" l.» “palp thfir iaefr» tua1 fire*,*’ is thni of f h" ('hrtii"r>.n!i ' f tK« Donaocratic NatioiifdConireil'ea It of » I'.'W hi>r'nchp. dravrn by I’srir pIppkt;! anrl li.-ry Hior^^u^ ‘ hrcds, ’ with t o*lii!ions motiiitfd on the ipit 'ir ••rjc »r' lioptU' of each pair Two UK'iitiitjn, in ex t.pi'ir'e li»ery, are PiispendKl from a his:h went on the ortck of ;i»e otnhi'f called the “branib’e. ’ The baronrhp ;S ■'icd'w.ii.h ri( h safin d»pia?k, "•’•I the outside trim are ol* heavy trilt Thp po^tilMoijs are Hrejfied in hui'kskin i)rpechfR and hi^h top boote,_. with ^>'ack Bilk. Ti't'-et jackft* i.!id cfsp.s liiiiliiy o! iiatnef t'-fl with tjrdd I,..-.'. The io-;i are peon’iariv well foruied. htfving’ fat'en «~lect#d a;i'i trained in Kurope with eppecial r* fprpncp to '11 ir ■•hnilo ’ urd the urtrn ^iee of th=ir ‘I'alTeo.” Tiieir iviTV i:* iiiijw'‘rted at a mft of about and th* coal t *h? w)»ole ».ffa>r mar be copje.'turpd when 1 Pt«U' tl;at rhti horie uro vfllued at and the cnrri-re at Jtiooo. ,'iiid ti l? haii^'M nnd othpr trsppingT at v\'hen the ror»l c'ri«pe njakea its appearanc*' on the wiih’tbe Demorratic prince in full coptntiie, all vebicleB inefloctively frinn way, as thonjrh the oecuj>«nt was ir J**^d a “crowned hpad,” The “tjibles of his Demo- rritttr rrajp^ty are »ald tx> ijonf Jin Borae > horses, valued atilliuiu Li. :|*8n>0 tacfi.” T^e TiaHjp f»» fh^ TV 77et/ — A c^ordfngr to tV J’O'rt if rr>rT»'«t'OT» ^e hpvA bppp pl'le *0 cb*rip. the brt*V ♦ooV plpce 2 or 3 n’tlep ea®* of Wio('hp'’fer tr VP Is 8 rnl'e® pcnth of W'’rpb''fer. nrd. Fi.rher'!! FTill IP mi’ep fn»^her Pt> tb^ Tnllpv. It i.o a rp>r f.tr'T®' ropiriop thp pcp'*h bppk of t> c^feV h cmp+'‘eB jntr* the ?ber»r(^onh river, n crrron-rh i conth of Sharpebnrjr From’hi® rrir+to 'rrt r tVp 5p iri’Vp. rSrn. KnrV’ij p^Fi irp Mt F’sher’s Hi’l is inirre»n>alile to en.v forpp in froT't. Tht'"o”lv wav he can he reeobed is hy p wde flank Trovejrert nn the Tnray Valiev. We have beer T«rablp to obtain any importpRt rcr- ticn'arp of th}j> fipht. except those (Hvcp ip (Jeneral I ee’fl disratcb. |in IsPt Obperver.] Pri'-ste di?!. patches have been reoeived. pivire the information that fJen. Fitzhnfrh I ee received a Heph wornd ip the thiph. and that Gen. Geo. Patton wbp se^'onply wounded and left in 'W'incbppter T+ io b’po rpnor^e'’ that (ien. Whar+on is funded. We have no in formation of tbe loss on either side. In th’P battle our foroep were f^reatly oTitnnT'rhpre*'' A e-entleman recentV on (ipn. F'artV’p ttgff vho left W’Pchppter on Irtst fSnrdav nipbt. says Pheri^fin hap S.T.OOO infantry and 10.000 caralrv. It is beljpTed' that the varVee force in the Val^pv has been leff i't- wrea+lv arrmentpd hv re’nforermentp frfp> thp M’ppispjrpj VelVy arH from Pherni}»r’s arn>y. f^prre thinV that Shcrmijn has sent to Virpinia a.s mapy a« 20 000 troops. From 0 Fenttpmen vho left (^ep. Fprlv’s eriPv op, M opdoy E'pbt we have prrce few part;cpiar“ cf fl^f* fjrht. Thp at+a k wpp irpi’e bv the encmv on. 'McrdHv n(orpirir, jpof nf*er dK.ybrpf»V. Onr camp ’•»? *;ik" completely bv snrprfpe. The epen’v came npp ' oi 1 niee ip r.'Tprpoweripp' forpp np1 hip (itt:’( w.ifi cvdr’en ptd nrejprcted that opr ‘‘o'rp= wf-e ti»rovo. fo” t| p \rhi‘lp iptp corF'derahle fopfn''ion 7’hp frht rp«ro^ rll Vv At n'rl'* G''n Fn~lvf«'^’ hnck to ptph’r’p Pill *-r'r£r'rp rf nH hip vPPTi'F rvd frnr'l'OP Thip T^^ipt F'fher’p pill. i° 9 mi’"^’bis H’dp of of Ftra^hnror srd 8 ■'b*« f^ii’e r*’a(»^ The ereniv h“^ hepp pfronrl'^ rclrrorc'* i’'‘-’t the fpht. A cconptp Bt^tp t>i-4 reirfi icfiv'"*.3 ♦' ♦he rnmhpr of prme ir> or ?0 TOO irfp Vrd ht^pp re peivpd. Everythirg ird^cated that tbe euemy vft in preat ptrerrth. Geperal Podes wsp killed ahciit 10 o’clock in the »**'crrip£T vbile‘r the pet cf rall'^’ PF pcp"p portiop r*’ hip dir«’Vii. JTp Trap 0*rpck'cp the h^ad ''v a frp** ment of phpll ppi^ ^rpo ki'Vd ingtantly— never Fpe»h- ipfr after reoeiTipgr the blow. Gen FiVhpjrb Lee wps reported Miornded, hnt W8P tborpbt pot teriopplv •The errpr'v made ro rnrFnit of onr fcrcep iti 1h'‘'» retreat When p*’r irfcn'ppt left oi'r nrp'v h;'.(l rrachcd F'pher’p PiM _ fi f..miner B 'V TF; rJTl APH. or ‘••F* pawns ia.oCOATIOU From thf‘ Army »'w- Ocor,jin.~'VSei>t. 2S — T'fp nTipiptice exTiin ti rfp-ferdav. 708 ynnk*'*s an^ ,«on C'«irfedera+es vet reiraintnp to be cichanped Thio will be done in a dav or two. '')p'tT>ar.V cfivalrv is suppoped to have left Atlap. tp on Thnrpt^av. raps'nr ont to the r'"ht, bnt np to irpt accorrts thpre has been no eeneral irovemept o hip infant*^. No advance in this directicn is autici- nnte'^. Pheriran is snrropci to have 40,000 effective men. His storV ia in tbe worst plipbt. Onr trrce off^cprs report that the yankees yester day repeived a dippatcli from Pec’y Stanton daiminp t^hftt ShpridsiTi bad defeated Earlv, talrnjr 5,000 pris- ppprp. 5 pieces of artillery, and 9 stands of colorp. ard drivfrp Earlv 18 miles. • • M>cov. Pept 25—There is nothinp new from the front. Ptroens who left Atlanta yesterday report that np to that time the Fei^eral armv bad made no fnore in forve. Sbenuan was still bringing np heaTy supplies. ^ VARHTVll. /I thp rPFii^erre of the bride’s father, Havmomit, o* B ekrerip!>-of the 9”d. hv Pev. J M. Pherwooil. Mr. PT-N.-’.^N Mrp AF O’H'XIOK to Misa ^fTRTAM C, f’px’srhte'* of .Tp.a A. ^‘^orth, Ppq , of Fnvette-nle. On the f vtrirn- rf ?9d ipft , 5 . th’s ■Hcipity. a+ the re- i'rr.’P f ♦hp ■ r’ ’p'la fethrr. hv Pev. ,TflS. McJ>apiel. T/t. in''7(VfJiprt='ON’cf V'tmirgton to Miss BELLA T. . el'Vtf- /’"rt'i’tpr rf Rr-v. .T. M Pp^alev. To tliia towr. 9‘?(’ i»'f‘t. hv i ^ I-awrepce, Ilpq, Mr. ■''VTFL A yOT>P|!0^f of Harrett county t> M A RG * BFT POWER-« of Favetteville. Pi'finnJt'vf IV Georgia.— Mkoon. Sept 2il.— Preo'dept Pavip arrived here this morninp. vn. rnvfe •"rr Gen. Pood’s anny He made a speech at the Pay tipt (^hnrch tak'rp a bopefnl v'ew of the futnre Pc peid that i?l'eTiran wonld poon be forced to re ^tppt, srd th»+ the Fceres ofNaroleon’s retreat fron Vc'cow i».18I2 wonld be re enacted. 4^ Ihfi /r'n/t>'v’.* ivi Ihe Vrllpy.—Lyxch- ^^'ro. Va . PeVt ^ he enemy, purposed to be o pf rtirn rf PheridonV column, have made their ap- ’Tr'-pprp pt Grlrerer in heavy force, composed of irfi n'rT-. artillf rv ard cav^irv. 1 heir c«*velrv cro»p- p'’tre FaprahprnocV at TV'plford’s ford *yepterdev Thpi" ipfa.n^rv is within 3 mi’es rf Culpeper C. IT Tl ip hclif-vfd the irfpptr^ will attempt to- advance iii> the Pai^opd tewardp Gordor.pviUp. ppd the cav- fliry js mov:Vp in the direction of Charlottesville. BIIB. In this town, lapt evening, Mr. J^HN FOKT, ageA 69 Vfpra. ' TJie fnpprnl will teke place to-nrorrpw aftpmcoo at 4 V1orkfr''»nhi«1rte rfriilenpe fort of Parmount Fri'^nds "ipd ppon‘'’rtapcf s *'rp i'-vitp^l to aTterd Tp rntnwhp copntr Pppt 14 after a lore and palnfnl illppf=9. TTK>MAS5 .IFFFF^PON McNFTIL, seed 2S prrp. 4 iropth.= ppd ? jIpts f-rrrerly of Robeson coanty, and a merrber of ro F. .'^^d N. O. T ■RilbHl rn T'i'-Vpt. peer Pt'tershnrfr. .T^ly 18R4_ TVY T.F'VMP a mri»'Ver of C». H. S8ti> W 0. T., from Rar-lolph couptv. The Pffpidnv pnul — Thi® ft*>?r io over. ,TJf ep®mv hnvirt' htiw^d the Ppp’d;’p hridrre ani': rcir ipj-fted piip'^rT other denrodetirra thev ■wprn nron ■ ed hv the pcppd of a Vccirofirp ■ahVtle ip/'hcir rf - ft bfirfr pr}-pf •*hp'^ hfd f p* cr'fi tm’r »*t (’ pprer C. P. thrriifrK which r’fic". i* Prpef'r? t''‘* did not c(t»^p— -ihev p'prl'p.'^ h?>flr to f pr lnro it ' 1 + Ta!0 fpp’p neprlv no tr th-o hr;d''p, pfd ”110 inp rwnv in thp p^t pt ftprlV ard r arr* irrari’ ph^p' ^hp rp-’dj r? \^ rp surt pfho”''"' « t> i»'p'of;t hf Ptrpf d ♦f.v: prdc ■*h> f/ Pre''.^I'i ■'r c. Ac t'pf V r .prie in P'"lit tpe irvip cot'P'rr.pr-,-' •p),!''ir V>*>p1.' s,if.v'v a=; ’f alo ost c t 1 f pteeio N*-l-f p rid hcvp hpf p TC'^re «-X 'ep^)Vt-lr r^/ h to ’"he r'>'d r npd tVpv rc’’oT-^ed of hiv. Fiit th? ti'i'’v' t-r or bTp];’’ £r. keeT'Vr irpt ovt of r;.rrf, vr*i’ pnddi-r I7 tho •fiidcrf’ Tppf 'ved p vdVv o* inirk'^vv. ppvt rl hrrdrf'd oI Vrpf^ po'cirr;' !=prp-(r npon t^f-p- prifl p fierce iirht pn-pf d ^-V Inrf'-''r r.o'f rr rf hr>’ ? = that hfld hpen orip’pred hv tlip ^pc/riv ^ere r-'.’.U'* ” ed ir-prtv of them wero kilipi’- an^ %.''ri iicd. nrd with ti’e •'xcpT'tion of pome tf ke” prii’onpTp, ’h* rf'-'t v;ere disperved. and it is gpproa/-d m-’de’tHirftscPTc. RiA-'hmooifl h^^qi ^tr. . «/■ ^-trhatpn rn the12th; lOCO rebels reported at Chalk 'li ff. Gold 221* y-' tm thp Norf^ —'PTCPXOifD, Sept. ?.5.— The N T Herald of ^he 2*2d ccnta’np no wpr ne*^p of impor T.rce. S'-rersl of ibe rebels who cartnred and hnrr M tpe ptcamers on lake l^rie have been taken P'ifp’s rebel armv wrp at Pocabontap; Sbelhv at P h . Knropean advices are to the 1 Ith. Tbe owner of ■•he Georgia has b'en notifed that be peed expect no ipterfpr'nce by the Pritigb Gov’t in hip behalf •rd that he niTist defend his interests in the ITpited ,'^t itpp Prize (Vnrta. (’an^. Semmeo is reported apain afloat, in a line '■tcitme? with ?00 men. J^nflrr 0(1 cryW’T>/— M>CON. Sept. 23-—An ac A'Vprt occurred OP the Ccliimhpp railroad thip pr'orp r.r hy vhicb 8 perscps were killed «nd 36 wonrrdfcd (> rrorta^’'' /V. r?u ^ r? — Co' Bcsi] W I>rke of Kfotncky. ap b-f i]if r-ir-lov f t’ hc t nl'nrt rrd loirerited Gen. Wor f’^.ha- hpc.' r/B' o » Br-r.id'cr Gf^#-»8l Grit I'pV . P.- 1^. cpit-irc p,j a lit ue» ai t in h‘p o’d coirt *- P’S ccp'Trar dat tre'cnt ve learn, r. Ka‘' '1‘cfreFpfo- P’ hn>ov>:I Fxariimer. M The Prisoners hy Floq cf 7V?/re — Thirty-opo pf the prifioners died 011 the ptpnmer m the '■o^a. p from Point Lockout to Vp^ipa. which ip a fThrr,''lv cmmetitprv npm boasted YarV-'e c-.-ve erd crcr.P'.'- opjtv exhibited tdwards onr pHVonpfp. ^ We Ipfim from pri.acner’ thpt the ai p?pvrc rp*r' ( r of Coprederate pri.«oners held at Fort Pe'fwpre F^r.-p tbe battle of G*'ttvr:hrr{» was fj --po. pp i'^trr. val-cf pixteen month?, 3 SOO at Poir* Jjoekr'n^ COO were >-e’l at the t’roo the pripcoc-s left; 8 2-« »'’* Fort Delaware. IpR" i'OO vhn n-n-nxj nr. Jr- •' V Pnjr (■* tri.'t o. Tlip' !c‘rrrcd p^pay ttir*' he''o spf^e'ed CDO’^srh ppd v>il! pc'tp t'o ■*"k '’n pr ^(•.■’0 « afTp.ip Their pp.triotism ard ^pv)>ti, t) to th.:^ ;^r. •• ^n.tii.KrTT w*nrv; rrnfct»* of-cf>.‘9Ti«ir-ent.-^/PrV.Vf? Erntr.infr. Pepsrttneiit of Kemnrky are of rery ren of a de* id.‘=d!y c.beeri'-/ cbarpcter. Recn:it* fl/'ckinjr to .>nr ataiidard io iMrfe nnirtb'Tfc and v proper mauai^eipept a verv fo-’tridi-Mr ffr- e_ wid be pathered under Gen. John^op's command, mounted apd enuipp^d by the loval citizera ol t»# Department.— Lyvchhurg Republican. * Thjc D«rBvoc8 of Wiljiuiq*on.—As (Jen. Beau regard w«ui rec^Dtly in Wilmington, on a tour of in- *!p9(.tion, and subseqnently in Ra.'eiph. we presuine ho itj the very aiph authority for the following atate- a-ent in the Cotiservatice to the st£en;^th of, ita defencet!; * 'V« trc jrlftd to learn th-^t in the j'jfisrm'nt of one of oar pngiietr.^ the «"ni'? that iti* f iitiflcatioQ’- and means of dpfeiicc aro a'’iii'*’ah!r. Gi’ri. ''"h'ting ba'-. Jo 'e jiai.* if much crt-dit bv 'he rkii: aii:' a' ili'.y fhown in "ortif rirg the place. VVe d'»not‘^eriouH'y if tb"'enea'y ••an r^acti it oy ivuter. !»ri'3 a lorja;e f. rct! would be f‘quiri^. 5''iitanr»t*;:y. ihe prptiiv cannot t’O'a -piirt'. Oar forces at coaiinand ought to t»€' fully able to lii.-l-jnd tn - ptr.cv all odds.” TiiiS Sic.Moa Keskp.viss —The Regiment of Senior Beserves TrOin ibis aad othpr cojuries, lately orpaoin- ed u.t WiluiinKtoQ, waH di.'ibanded for the preSeut last \veek n’ao-«e from tliis connty returned home on Friday istst. Wo tnsb tuat in taeir brief term of service they have acquired some military exp«rie.ure which will be of use in case their coontry should agaia call tliem to the field. P/^tT f r A'l- ?/ — A I’^^^po pppbpp of c^.'f* T'~ y-.'ti’! V i-'H v- r ■d’i»'p tlrruf'b >b'; eitTfyeofp V p'* Tr.';>c, T tl e'r yj?-V to Gff Xee’“ PIP v t’ r- Fcij'b 6'dc c^ thp rivfT Tb'^v wfto a rer ■ ri rf t^( c{ C» r l>r]''’’‘’ rrcert ppp-sgr T^,. r-.'« with •bc.varVi fe 5p bp cf VirriT’T^ .-. r/1 br ro I*] rrehrp^^op (f a scrrCTtV c ‘'re ]\ n ef-t ffr rpT f-. tb'p W'pfe». fqr aVe.'f}-? •re rp.'*ro been pffU'rpd. tbrjc bps been eror'pl re; ’be vsr tp sburdsctly Enpxl t h IP.— P^cl n> f»'d iy>X[ ntch'. 7’’ e P^r-cl'Pf e f/ —Thceretny pf”-i a ETfat deal cf’abor asd eperry in tbe at tcrrrf to .scfl vp tbe port of ^Wilm’ppton. Tbe h'-.vf rrw lii.es of bloe\sr'ing veseels, tbat ptrctcb litt pkkc I’po aroDpd tbe er'trarce to tbo €'^0 ]'->;.r r’vfr Tbe vefpoi^ crDr-poPtPe tbe inner Hpe ; f I' ck;-f’erH b«ve, ea.oli, a prescribed pi«ce of w* t''.' to ;*oh. !>p-il p»-e c:'>rpt3tr!y ip '•’"otTcn bf*e\ ^-r.Td’5 and 'orw'rds over it, lile a sentinel tread»r v; . .\'d V--'.. :’•• pr*T cf rli, oVT , ',r,'?b,—i?" h^nov^ Settfiy'el. >irPRF«SS. ^FKI Tppyvp/’']^ v,o e«f.se«ted»o cfalWr • •" *'“• T-rrrrffp T»v*/'h »r»» Ip ' fl-p pvrr-l-''(-' rf r Ti*»-»-"or *Vp Ttpr{t»1 TP tUp '"T! rr tV?- f'’rr’rT' Frfrip? the 26^h Sept., at the -V-v Crr^ Pcillcr. Ofi It T^e rpen l»i« cprOT rri c'~'c r^'cr. Tniticn fc-r fl»»t qti»r p.-ycfrp n > r-r f»'rl*prt iritVrnt a kraw> ef terT>-». » >'1 ''p p-ry'rctfd fiT* fprfVer •> '*T?rr rrjr pp rltCCP •? $fB FfXl^E**- «pr* 0-1 9 2-. T-d !¥*'?!?€! EP. ?'!. will ofren srhool . f!'" i-iP 3(1 t'ty . 18^4 r,6 festrnrpjsTE'TAX SBTirE. Tn'^y T *' r Jlo-r'pn>p *t. illP rffc*A *■•■ r-f^r’ry Oetclerl2th toTufS T Op* ■'P''4* A'^.pVr M,r> ' V. or Oet 19‘h; fi* p> . •• r5(t T^r.r- T.*r *-»?•» O^'t 20 h; A« B. f»r» 2’n; flr n«rV-''*■’••• tTr.tr .'’-▼Or' At in MrTT-t.oTJ’',’'•0 " O'* ^1 n p p V ,’t 7. '*.^—^ o - 2*'h- . A Rt-p.T.'' r ■ ^Pt ?c»h. Tp •> ’ r f, r *■. i-*' rq ♦ TfT'o '’r'". W'*: T y ry p c q--#»*f>• rr(’’tp )tt l“t T’-» .‘‘O »r»-/-rr* r'T rr. pr-6*= Pt: Pf'P'P-.-dC bc*Wrei! I> 17 *■■ •■•'1^ 'he ' ■*! Jlll^ 1£f’4. , fr„ , „ . y r“'rd rfT'ii tW 10 e’c^'if-k jVr-r': -v.^. . T r At PIT t‘V* r-p”'c")~ c ~ I r-i ■ 70 ’ f ’ hr ' •.*» /? « .4 I iV, F VfT'(^r‘ ns>\ . ^ry * #» f V V ‘‘\ *' f ’ ? (‘rrr^ J ♦, V' e.1> W» 1>r.f n • r * T-f? ** * /;f *■ tfcX'-S Ti>»J b9 JOHN B. COCK, Bncllfawr^ kH T^n~d*-y »■*> Till h« wM ai iQ^Uoa— * fO t^rs Pt”Ort B"fMph Shofe; 60 Yds Bre*d"1ntl»; fO T.he. P«*eBt Fla* Tbreai; 1 I^Bflisb T*tert Le*eT Silver ^at«h; 1 Lady’s Oftld Watch; 1 VitT-v.-? f'nt*»r; $400 7 80 nnr.:>d*-r»l» N*tM{ S&OO N. C Treasoiy Notec. Sept. 96. It B7 S. M. WKST, inctfoiieer* WIlMlagtOB. Talvable Utock ot Hardware AT AUCTION. OH Tnes»»y, tbs 27tb ef hepteiaher. at tfca Btara Ha. 7 Market str««*. will ba so d at Aaetioa. »ha fol- wisg valnabla atoek of hardware, and otlivr avtiola^ ▼fa: A«pe*'a, CM'ela Sa -n. Ln«>a, Fcfpwa Najis T«eka. rh»Bt H»«dlee. 6«(e Bpoln*. Faapa and Htaitlaa, Prnp Latebes. Rtir«l LatehM. Mnriio« Latahflt, Coat and W^t Hoeka. rn»»*ln PJn«. P^arl »i»d M»l*ep*t'v D**r ard Phntfrr Katiba, rh»iis B'lfit. D*or B •>!♦#. Bran •ad’roDa, F^nd^rs. Cntters. Orrn T.ld* Bagtry Hubbg. Bnflc* Svr’pga. Sand D*'l»erlTppfi Mvl'-ts. Pl»f>eFapdle#, F»rd Paw Files. Harsp 8hc* ^•s»« Werd Baspa, rr^ps fu* P*w fi’m Knives Ff-rVs «b^ Proeaa, Wa’irt’e OuD Caps, Ccx’a water rroof Qan aa4 Pietp’ C*ps, TrnsB Hoops. Drawinr K»»lve8, Jto , Jto. —ALPO— Will b« cfferod fer sale, s* iht- mme tfme: 200 p>eka rura Jry 8A LT, in priae or«»er Sapt 18 ®9 2tpd I¥c»tire to A bsrntccs. PURPOANT TO ORDBRS frcna L'en* Gen B«liv, 0-'irwM*d*p» V^-ll*** Derartmepl, (Vitp’ria.) Ibara- f ive to *11 *b«"r tepa frria tha 83 Reitimnt N. f! H^ntrf, frrn* wbntevfr cfuve. whether alok, ^ortsd' tl er da*ailad, to repo't to ire in rerpen (or ky letter. Ptatpprar ja person b* impcutble) In ordar tbM. *b»ii»* fifnespfcr rfulT. ar Ih^ir ol»iros t« t'tlraajeat, m«7 eTamiaed iato and eonfidered by a medleal Bx- ami'ltip^vsrd I viH at'rnd fr-iP* Thnrpday, 92d last. untM further wtiee a' tbe rfiRt P jf Vepsr* O P P^tbVv A Co •. car- np» of rVpsfBot »rt N'-rfb Wster BlrerlP. at which pl*:ae a’l ab'-rntee* {with ut fxoert’on.l from countlcs oe»*'goons" to Wiloiirftcn ara exp‘ctfd (o report jr.ro"-p»ly . ffrVapra 1p cbarite of Hrspitol" wh»rc tber* are slk o>* wc’’tii1*-d PiTperirleB'^eats rf R»'l B'’sds Arrrvals, Si'ip Y^rtts Jro. hsTjr^ dete>Vi a>ee frcm *be abova rsrvd eewin* nd. tre le'rertfpl’y rrqnpstprf to iriva to ' hpse a’-t*er ihe*r cl^orre every faeili'T fT feiDp’yIrg ■^ih *Ve aV-oif. a= rj orrfiaar’^ PTOiise »i 1 he '•ntartain> '1, fcpt t*>e ir»n held striotiy-acoounttb!? fcr con com- • Iiet>c»^ wltt* this order Ar'-oi»'t"'PBt!« will '•e ma’f f.*r F»1 'g?i and Fayolta- i f wh’cb cun nctice * il’ h** WM. M piWSLFY » Tie*:*. Rfginirpt N. 0 Tnfi’y. Wnp-irpt'*.!' N ' fi9 6t N' rl r >) I X-. Tl-i r-r nV- F- V-- yi.» IV.I.*>r’‘- ‘.•^ Ti.. t, t,. r' ft f-r VP V (.!• • Rvrrn-fil f.r’i! "V. -nh V>r \Viii'liw’«. I-‘r !i-y •JPi.ti. rw'Of* '’ppi^ny 17ih. rtbr-tn Ti;pser^ IF!b. U p|1nr«d y 1B’*« 'I biwdfiV 20ih- FrMHV 21«t Vill.-.U rd- e^rfcveflih I’ !*>ituid»y SBih. I P ill'r 'I I •■••p?’'- Oro^p Tl rt' ?*' fi:* 'i the A?: ‘25 r--r c'rf An (f - e O '*t’i ^ (hv V'T' TP''vT p'tist rff • '■t'i*r Ifit, 6E(! I Tjpc e ?P -*'r-Tf' ^i'l heve *hfir lift , sr.fB. ’with an sdditiensl tsx cf Ki»-d r-ri stt'-rd «s abav* to ‘■prl F«*'. Tfx pajer** ■ : ef 'hr’r r^!>’r: rcrVn^hel A1' rm.'. pf of ou»rfcrly ealea rpt^ 0j rf *!■« rnnrihtr-of gp-l’ons T J rTn'^PBFP;, w J A v^'Va K I ' AsrPFsrre ...... 70 *02® r>es>r*ers.—Every dar and nipbt, oa tbe arri of the cars, larjro numoers of dcbert#'ra who rati pi~en tbemsplves up, pas.s by. oar r.*^ce door on t^**' wav to Csmp Holmes, from whence +bey are ff^r /arifci ed to their repper-tive,commands. This bap been ti case for sov.er!il weeks paPi, and wre suppose Ei>a|g two or three thousand have thug bppa returnetj ie dutv.—Ral ^rnnfd^yrnte. \ - A VaJvoi^^ Lob^r-tnt:>^ J^arJtine.—^ Dm^^fr tlijTe, >!r- Jpo Lfw>s of tbja connt^, ir- crni.^d a HP’' bf-r of vrltjab’c itopToveiPecte in , FT ’3 fJjrpcp‘r^,^:4*(^dc n 'pt^.-pr be Fsten* OfM?t ef'ii«ftTiQiO’:^'*'W'b’cb she ‘•nh f'r ?or*,"s nsost cc?erirti?’iip yopr*r psf or;e nov'd tbis pln^e - would «1- • 'rt*' Si! wno^avo Ijiipo p’tve futjilics sn* ptlHTs f“Te sMe anti bave not bands to procu re tb-'*e iracl’.ine.*! It is a prra*’- laboi sfsTcr can pi»ik. eard. ar d fM^in withitnsTDUC^- afl bnnds can do on a wheel in ^bo tine Mr. Lewi/? (Vp.scrvea epconrairero^nt '/>■ liifs ^ntcipriae, and wo hope be will rooeivc it. • Oreevth' rn' * i OFFiim ?*«ST «|lTASXTER!?fAMTKK, 4*b i>i-;^rs s^GPt'l ifi^trici, C., 41 ►TT'^ V»T TB Jf* '8 T’.'' J-vr»iii'T?» • ” ■ V •■?■.’: or ?-’ » P'-n T.f01EHK. ir aUawiweirW* ‘'if’wqp.*' |JS" ' ,-r 1 is. tn '■ ’■ ry'//»«W I'iept Ge«’rCii S. Dewey, Adjutant ?h-'! IftiT'JS’. Q (tivairy, has boon protnotoi to rhafham Supenor lea^n hnt onc^avf' i’0:*pti;inov cf Co 'F of laid lVgi«rent, op the was occupied oy his Hon. .Judge French iaTi.«pasin.^u.’’f ane -at' p-^culjjr valor and /kill-exhibited on of the criminal and civil dockets. The notocioi^v.^J e v»at le Seld Bill Owens was in prison there, expeciiiit' his tri,#!^, which had been moved there from Randolph; but ndt^ a single paper was Stsut op bv the clerk ot tbi,t connty, nor was there a single witne?s jirest-nt. ^rreeniihorr>' CUiten. Cept. S M. Stanford, 51*t Eeiri- •i.'^pt, Oapt. Joseph O Cherry, 50th Bepteeat Voof 8^ have res'gn'ed.—Raf *oc t>i-..or paoli^tie«l in Co i'VoCi ? h-i-l •v'ii' li'i:' ii-'l vrilo h;- a • 'J U-. t.id -I’r the £*oJ old ment of Gen. Gr.ipt. jn a re the y»iikse yape.-f.. lh b»i?t6d theii’ .ishiiniT ; r ^rfta' deal.; eod pad "jv)b (Cete,’’t»y pii'tinp !P'i> the uift.". we Orton M ^ l en jKaj* oo ui;.;r: I. ..'K li.- i Oi Spf.i'i, One *#f h s Virisha! raid ■.> a.ni v'?i !\■ ‘ ‘ i ,• y-'.a will net eurc«> i; vTy a":‘ iraSirij"- war i.t.;. ai ai. „i *• m .*•. but «hi'oo Kv^si y' .!« to lit' “ill txe-'rr')»i soUiit'i*. Tim Citti rtv r f.>j Cjii^r tMPsc.’' 'ihe w'^rtls were prophetip. The re uU, oniy iiimirhed au.>ther ili(|!fr,ra tion of ibf inuh. ^vhioh ftli t\i»-riry ienrhps, that « h'Hve, ucitpd. p,4t'*i.;i, nt . i.iic.J pMipl«, espcci ally if tijfv hHvc i Mch t>uf^)* t re, :^iiri> rpfiouicv*-. i»nil Boca eziPi-.t (’f tL-n-itdpy. :is >»t; f.--. I’rn i>e sijojii'ottjit by no force tuat, ii ik pmoiic.-i !-_• laove !vcaii)Bt tbt-ni ” riouuu i^iiu riu«. iiefjijig upou tbo favi>r of hlo-fv^'u, we nave t.iiiy to be true to ourselves to m&ko t.h'B var u rvjpeiitioi; of all histofy. It will be Hoc»*aipiiHi.ed ihruugh much bafieriog and many oat ai'.d ^oa «9d« ar« #»!d9m gitl*- wiihoat autfencg aii4 «a«iftaM- TeM'W Ft'-er tn Sewbern.— Intelligence by d«? of trwce woii'ti arrived back from 3. aukee 1 up& vescerday morning, leaves no dou!»* whaie'-'er of titr- exi^ience of yaiiow fever in -\owbern. It ip rrtsiieir v^iolentlv. killinjr a large m-mher d^itv, ?-.ud all co,7i munication between Newbt rn and other ya ilrre poStii, | nonb or south, is eubiect to qu-vrant'no reyuiai!.?!;;*. ' (i'AiUhjrovijn Ji nnrol, 7’/?^ Peace .tf-n io- (louvril.—'I'hd Colninbiri cor- respondnt of t;io Ciaciotii*ti Ootnmerc ;iL, wriuiv (September 13) n-rf follows; “The p“«ce ineu i5iiv.'^ ja.=t co'clnds 1 f.ii Pxtcnd^Mf confe'-eace. Ale. Ij Lon;' yestorday ;>flV>red a ro;K»ln- tion in caucus that onoraer tick3t do sonint'.'e 1 Citiaea Corry aud be ma.ie violent spe^ cb‘s oa vi'e subject. Tnis eveain? tbay receiveJ a dri^paion fco.a A f^iiPilar caacno in Yor^ c.i»y, cOinposcd >*f delegates froia all paKs of ihS'COuntiy, aclvj.oojr tuat, ander the circnmFt.vij-v;«iS, it wa? oesc uot to nv>iQ! ;a » ar.plhsr Mokec. Toey then adioarned s’ne die. y-itli- out lakiag any action, but tacitly agreeing to aa^part the liciiet.” FOR THB OBSHBVER. Messrs. 3ale:—1 find tbe iu ‘'Tviii^icsoD' Cyclopedia of Usefa! Arts,” I tuirk it v^luokbla in-1 foraiatioQ to consumers of Bituaiiaous Coal. j o. J. HfNHOAi.K. ; KWOMT tN-U8*KG Sm.Ml'tOl* OiAL. Fill the grate with fref-h coals (jitite up t() the ovp'r bar but one; then lay ou the wQod in t.'ie ut-u:d tnauner. r.^ ther p.(>iTecletl in a maps th«n scattered: ovi*r the w >od | plac« the cindprs of the preceding dev, pvled as high e» j the grate will admit and placed in rtiiher Idrcr*' frai;- j menta. in ordei that tbe draught niaj’ V)e free; a bit or ‘ two of fre«h ooal may be added to th>‘ciider.-5 when oace j they are lighted, but no iiina]] coal tnp>^t tie thrown on et I first. When all is prepared, light the wood, when the j cinders in a short tiiaa becominjr-thori'>\4!>rhly i^t-itei', ' the g i3 rising from the coal= heiow, which wlHnow ha i aflfected by the heat, wi'l take tire af> it jjasses thruuffh Sef/nri Hr.'-^itnh—We Icam frotn Maj. -I- r,. P'^rrjr^ Sap^riut^ndent of. A»'try Records fo. Vsi fr-'O) 8, J spho h vi.^ntin? tho Bereut] i -. ioiviT ;or '•’ela m r;l?.t;oii to J'-coasrd soldipri, i m-r' of inter.'fi- id relation to tbo Geaes il - li rysidc H's:»'t&K at Selo’»i. Since tbe «s ■Dtof'h - iorm .r^ Apri; lij. 18H2 uulil ^•:rv n.,y ol S'-pt-i-'tiCr, »HG4 5,205 pitiec'x f ado'jttei, v£ tvbtoh 108 died, frnit) t' e !.3 fiilioTFs; Alaot'Dia, ^3; jJissiaFip} i, naufl, 6: Loui'i-«uft, C; «3-eorgia, 4; Tennen I't xfts, o; Missoari; ^jrSo'jth CaroUns, 1; tTiia, 1. Iho adJ»lii«on« in tbe Way;«ide fifd. fcicee i's-e.crabl’s'impnt on tbo 20tb of ^ aiiP'*, ^6S, to the 15f-n of September, 18(>i, 15 ill), of \»i.ieh 8 dli d Tbe 5iajor ^ fed i • 4 iiloxiiC’tt^r teviES cf Jbf ckaniln» rs ard ny ipm which is S(,ip' i’oat iu both hospitald, atd rr »^une; R tl^.bca ojodel establirib^iontH. } ' Sehha M>siii%'-yp^an. - * .5 ? vSlVi^JVOi' TH*« .•« i tp.Vtt fo F.-!i*k 2 6D. Lard to 6 60. •t’d’fr'i ^'.-at ^ 70 4.-* ' iso© Of ■«'" qi'9 55 .1^ - . '■tr-.ri cf T: rr -■ 'V ~t b7tii*'mii“—*~ ‘hs p0p!ne«l| r ?hl or «Jip*hl(«(l •«.** »rr&'*r pt S126 P'f ’r>»*t’eB'pt Ov*! Tftton, gor.rrpra. c but I, i:-T'’io%*ion ro« Q* Msi'cr. f'f f‘S-£ ;!}♦» ¥w*'ciidi?iry. 1' ■PR .. ■ ro . Hrri'• r i*2'>0ff r evi(tont*« : r p..t-t.-ia ur r, firf fc r(j(. ' M?rr 3t»w tt*rpa mii?* ■ n h- ''ff ilt of ibp 15*h inft. t r,l. 70 8t A«-—r * f.t thp 8 «-. h*r M f iP'-i PiiiBO. Aprly 1’cf M*r. Ma^eill and Mra. «» tf f? Oack n^otes. $>S,OG» ci£«J i;o!i|>ena. Ii2,000 r'. ttaii fi.oad ■ i > U •*-!.») \!tto 4. C' k*:fe, E*l'i«h, N C. f.rt Zi TOfltpd u A ! E Ifjrn f. L ] i - ? H ■» ■! * rf • ’ ff’ ’ ^ 14 !'>cf" // .r. Vl :5 ^ I - • >js»- «td Fileg; J, .TAME9 i^c-t 1? M-'RTIVS, TO fttpd r. VofHwlrrr IVaiTv Ompfmy. JO* - F. *s ►-rib pi'OB ir.'hp F»rcli«f’•*er« ff Ctri^] rit. Vi’u’t. rr p>| *By *n,i «h« Ijp (f'-rfrsl y, tl*a» ftp h p^s ffV fur‘hrr «u»>»erl'tion -p j-f- eV 5i- 1101^ crrcptiPT he pc»'-'ivp’y o'e*pd for f- r'lipp FohForip^iea en or beforp- the fi.-st da’’ of Npv*ra- ter next Pert>*e deeirirp lo »t«ko inve^tmects ii* tb’a pri»r rh-e will be (ffsrcd rn ofpprtnpity up to lhat ^»t», tut pot ef{erw*rd«i, *»?. r-*'c« ia hereby further c’vr>n to thc^e t ho hare alrp»dy subfrribed and sha’l I'ni’ to r»v into th* lii»4enry Ibe aar-eunt of tbeip su**- .•C'irtlrpf ' a or * efTH the s»it '?*>v, that thay will bfl ch»r^ed ’itfreri e« their Puhf0'’'p l0Ef»«»d tba Company will proceed to ooJle?* by l»w 0 P MIRDINHALL PrerdeBfr. B«pt n €0 8w ^'trayed or Stolen, FBOM or n«i^r my pransiaM, an Monday aaoming laat, a Fina l>iPOAT, el«kt BK'atka old, Bpottad, black ui w^lta, Biark a T>lit Is tl>a rlffct #ar. Any in'orBiatlo*, that I can gat kar, or avidaaaa Bnfloiant to convtcA tho tbiaf, ■^lU b* IhankfoUy racal»»d and liberally r*. «a?ded, bvapplying to JOBPUA CARVOIi «ept 2'J *»> 2t »TSt/kYE», FP0Mll.«»»-p.i«i*a^o'41r J*H 6iokl*y, In V l‘“, K. C... OP to* a'>'^.ittiof of 6atu»day the 17lk l»it a ai8* BLV » M^L* Vo marko reccoUl^ led .'xetpt kat bar w«aa and tall warenicaly tri«nad. I will p*y a Ubaral reward ftor aar dalivery to na at *h« p ii GIS—ii> Fitalfarilia. Any iaforinail a a aaam- iBifteBMi^ aakfuU/ iRUaivad G. W„ OTDHAIi. 2t «>» Waated la Lease, FOU c»a or m'-ra y«»r«, tha MONT.A(« ITS PL'Ol. > ' 2 to 14 ailea frca* Fayatterilla on tka old Bivar B.aad to R^Iaiffh Tkc tract aantaiiu 741 aaraa'^,V debired, 'a one who baa Rpaoiontforoata work the f'l^ will belt »n lataraat M>>j Haill McDarald, Kfla’8 L^ndiop P O , will ikow tka plaaa to v ona dCk'Tlaf te Me it G. O 0A1*BBI 4 CO. Bara'ayMUa, Cun barland Co , Pap* tHt WAilT£D, ONB T WH* EL nf a 8ia»ai Bngine, 8 or t ar 141 faai in diasaaiar, 4 or S iBahea ia tka ay«, gaufalsf ”000 nr 2M0 !'.j. Any paraon having anah a whaal, ?*i; gat an old !&akiotiad trada for it. by addrawiag tka atabvcribkr »t F»41ar*a liU f. O, Gkatkaai aonnty, f 0 A B. BBWHT. fiapt at M ttp4 ^^jVTED. LBI BBCSHAZ. Tka higkaataarkat^ite paM T. B LUTTBRLOE. **. $»ml rxakanga tar Bala and Upper Laathar. at tka ataaa I> MaLAITKIN. Hay 8t « C9 4tpd 5000 Sept r.; Sa»t. ’* ' ~*OJ» sai/e, AOOOD Cav^bry hera^. fav« vaarei J E. BLOAH, aaar Joneakaro’. »'pt, *1 aid. Apply U J. M SLOAjr. (t9-t^pd M’; HcMBrn.—The yankees had a grand jolbflcation pctti- Pcitfrsburg a few days ago over the capture of the dag 01 tbe 24tb N 0. Rrgiinent. A speech w.i.8 jDade by Gen. Medde, and mediiis {‘eather probaoly) pre.^jonted to th»»-captortt. Several officers of the Re* giHu iil iiave cttiieu on the Petersburg Expr*?si(Jb say that its Hag ty»s not been captured ai all, but is iu Un poui^ession of the Regimeat, by which il is greatly pnaed, as a present from Mrs. Olarke, the wife «f the Oolccal. lum Haa, \>f * bTfnaiwa vnai«r. I io 2 CO per pound, retail. .ti.-wiX 5 00 Batter 6 00 to 6 00. • : t*i6 1 60 ti, » 76 Cuif^9 12 50 tjj 16 0« Fern—20 00 to 4v 00 per bUBOli rots.-I S5. Fruit. 1 00 ! 60 per . 3-.^’ ■' ".S' 0''"» dcisa. Iir.^ir:(7.^.6 .00 8 00 p-'r lb. 'j?' ?ar«ar, ?««j1/, ^326 ir'ii'• 00 lo 0 00 r^r bu . I'Voi0‘>0 Hhv 8 60. ghiioif^ 9 AO. / 4 60 i-:j 5 CD rt^r ^siahel r,«. —roc« f 25 O') to f'?♦} 00 WaeM $K 60. Ej - !'5 w*y 15 00 Ir^en 'i aO to 8 "try 6 00 to C C-0. j| ’rerw .5; v(!-i';5 S. 8 fK). theio, lea^ng a very small portion of emoke tot'o np th^ • i , chimney. One advantage iil thi^ mode of Hfritiiig is. ; i 1* rii Vrr. ^ Sio 09 Appip Fc»c^ that, small coal Is better suited to the purposp t'*an tsr^e | ^\se''y Ot) tr 00 exCt-pt a few pieces in front; to ket-p tiio euiall fiv-m f'if- 1 I'V'.S .' coua'-.’jf ’r.^rf-j • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 1. '' C ..-’r 16 r,0 to 20 00. ,11 day witnout uiiytliing bi Ij g done j Ip. s nrt boci’’? to cak" it m-'s^ «e .«(;■ r d !• }■; ■» 5 -.i p.)»if I I ! IJI ing 'Ut of tN^ grate. Iti? (•ta'lfd ta/it a fire lighted in this way wi •! ouiTi all ' to it When th:' np^er pnrt b?gi bu* tn^ 'xy-n^r ma * i'Ot i't; tooc 'd -t i.h'' h •1'''.TQ .' t fti ■ jrra'*' m-.’.-l li ■ ^'i-; c tti“ fiut and sn-'S of tne fo»-;a> i d iv’. the P'liall i50-.tusl -lift itii d i , >h'‘cc-al ing tiie 3'*!. In tnip case't v?itl c m'i- a.- t, hn.’. w ith a sni uldcrirg h> at fur tjilrteeu or f->a'ieen ho:irs. wit • so little con-nuif>l ien of fuel that > t ih-* eno of tas' tiio-^, on being srirred un and air ailmitied. e 'ivaly fire i.'J pro duced Bren when smouldering the fire givei oat e mode rate dagrae ef heat it —ia Tpr]^ »t two d()il«P9 ft fAQQd. A sw4 te^Fnfc •‘•aw »IwieW. A y- '-, r.'ip}] » CO ‘o 1^ 10. :>■, '3 (v-i X.- lb., ro-;>t ■ (>o. 5. yf • .T Ih. :.:0 ? a*-’;; 5.'5 00 n •' 3 Iv • ' . fll -A I r ? 1 40 ;o 8 00 ‘t'O '^nrl -fs lo 5«. 'O^'pn ''O .i-i-.'7»«a old Marct :s».,’ 'i'\ ’■ r> , vf;r- t *ik r.rd f.9 goc;.- a ir. m r-.. j” .. . : j ■! ■;> wntM h»vn b'tn; -ir*^ o* • i f a • e i i.*R i?, food bl6od*1 few M%ri'3 1' ■' f i. J P;\ 4 f »■■ r-: 'ft ,.rt ‘‘i.w cfj.;»pe r. r,.’;«t;c^ !?tUO *rl= Vf 0'«) = ' p-'p 874 or 71 ! - no.i!. I^DDILL. *esri 'U- 70*4?pd 1 id- E !• B*. V f-r r e if the 20»k 'art Oi*^*Y ‘.i'E, i.ff.'Iy w un 16 yrara old. fib- th-' rr'"W of » f'» "t p'^ ter for** to?fs T^.p aflt aff.rd ■ t tii' :f iff le v.c a- 'h« Piauk Hoi^d, in flu ?r 8i;£iuii^t ; f B i -'.’.:' '"I'l.v , Or-i^T-Iag Cjp'Jk, g 'UJ ’tt tie K*h'-‘ i~:'i ef s-M ;■ Hp i^ tUppoaed to be ,>».V*-ja*' v.iiiio ifli.t Ficto \fr.-j.'uEcan .^ItLincliliJS’i %ivj- s, ?' t ■' , • I ir‘’l f t'-e aboetr reward ■>r *b-T J^.iar u‘ I * ii:;.. 6 .ij.i p/tu.' tila ^or>vi«>- t.:n'? Se f-»NDSAT F«7Citfv5;lo P ’f^,c"pv3J», TO’Sij-d s ISEWilttW. ci/ i>iy'T’ tr ->n vVpiioeaiay ni;;ht *ke . iT'T J3' V casjsios sits, 12 ycRrs o J. v-iii ' -'iTjitlJ P'v- u^r f 'Ci. fj‘6'« m».> « and tali BTJftil rocr't tl'e pu-'ei'* ''t S’s*- ’•Igat hind 'oat abov* s yst‘! :-jf» or lf f ■^1‘pn Rt'jil-’B Tie su.ii'* '•‘■uiief •*»»; fy)..si .0 ih> t,e,i'ijheTh30d tke STOLPH ia I rc • to fcoeJ. Tl e r,u,j^'> ■K.7 !ba >* 0' ilf .'i ;• ■ V. «7 c ot -•. 1 ft ♦. r/ •, , '!♦* r T Ni’-- r r i i ?.C0 fr.r i.^ 2 i r;i, n.i •n'j . ' ■» f -i': x.ad • ■ U d^t)-tl= f'■ T3 St.;?=j 'i'lO !•)■« f A ;h jeu. k 3'f- ■‘p£ r,T»..-ri*-F'*y?.lJ-vuiu. r cf if e t.. m? ajjo . ---Vr >0-to OCP”ict {‘I'M 0 •VS.T^'ON g iU l'l.:2 r>: AIV ■ W A Bi9. coiad t»PoverFn»aaa^ w«Ua8li«Zid Preas fifady 4j|^d iarimrijoa b»¥^ tgr fVajnwat» (hi* •tfti !SEW PI 'FORI Bb'GGlEfc; ?ooocd Hv iD'*»airay« r-w*^t« 0 8 S 'oi’cd Halid 4 So'^away*; • SO F-^^t«4fted Osk Fimp Btrrsla; OM mriihM aad Bag^aa aad BMisga, takan ia ex - A. A M«mp dClite of iVortli Carolina, MOOftI OUNTT Caurt cf Plaaa aad ^aarMr Baaaioaa, Jnly Tana. 1^§4. ^ oka Doab-p. Ad«*r, a«. Javaa Beak an^ wife aad ctkan- Patition far Aoc'nat and SattlaBiaat. I'' app*«ving tn (ha BatiafMtioa cf tha Goan that tka Dafandant JunaB Baak ia a non raaidaatef tha Btatat r#a KOtica, it ie or«larad ikat |Snblieation ba made tut ■iz aaccaaBiva weckain tha Fayattavilla Obaarver, ncfd* yin^ the tatd d^f»n‘'ant,*Jam»f Baak, prraooaUy ta ba 'iad appear *■» tka next Temj of «bi* CoPTt, to ba kali f'-r tsa a'^ontv of Moor^ at fka Gnnrt Hoa^a in Cat' th»)r». oa ^la Maad^tj af Oc‘ob*r next, then i>Ba tfcera to riltid "'aiswir^or aVaar to tha Patitioa filed ia »kii oiikBa, oikarvia* will ba kaard ag^parta, aad jad'^ant pro acnfesso will ha entarad aa tvvim Witnass, A H. XaNail) Claak of onr aaid Ganrt, ai OSe* in Cartkaga tk Monday 0^ Jnlv 1R64 70*6»] H MoN»lLL C 0. ~ State ol JVortii Carolina, WOOB8 GOWNTf. f ott»t of Plaa* ana Quarter SastleaB, Jnly Tana, IBM. B. T :i;.aiDa. at *1, va. P«-I. Mjrick aod wifa, at tl Petition to Divid* Blavaa. IN thia eadk, upon motioa, it la ordered by tka Coiri, teat pahlieatioa be oiada for giz asaeeaeita waak« la fra Fayatt^vtlie Observer, notifjrlag tha Defaadan'B, P. K Bayria’ aad wifa Nanay, Ak* fluusnckar and wife D>oy, and tha Haira o' Dorcas Kaanedy, dac’d, wka ara noa raaid' ata, p«nonaily to ba aad appear at tha aazi Ter» of t.»ia Goort, ta ba held for tka aoanty of Moora. » tha ^cert Bona* ia raithag', oa tha 4tk Monday la Oclobar B»xt. »hea aad ihare to plead, anawar or daaiav >0 tha Faation i ad in thia aaaa, otharwl»a ike eama wUl t>e heard ez pari* aa to tkaa and Jadgmcnt pro aoalMtt tili ba antei^. Witaasa A. H. MeWaill Clark af our taH Govt, at Office ir r«rtk«f#, 4tfc Ftid&j )r .’oly 7C»«0 A H. MoNEILL, G G. 0 EaterprUe «'oMoii Factorjr Is now prepared to exohauga for com or ha*;oo tke llnest HnBiL5rs of Spun Ta*af . guitftble for Spring &2d PoraBser (Tloth. This T>raM la of a puparior quality, n«t wpawod ATOIV E, MAIili, mw li. ^9^

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