F^^LIO ^ A vT3. it?'lU:* J*^3V t6, ISoir. nmr.iMWifcii of 33^ per «ent sj/n «•>• tv oi difects of any kmdj aot eaiuudrated n | he fd03 thcrool, said tfcs. ^ tiie precedia^ pi&rai;n4:;b, hotwoen tho tinxs , h' mBM ii. Of or aixsm'jjto to li j, . ^ . r, 1 , - , i*.t3 ;f wjit* hfiid bv the’Cont'ed'oti^i- . , Eameu tkoroui, 10 jvar ceat., in additiou tu Stat-js. pa»dtot«to. WfcndaWe and cxohaEg.jauie for m=:^ | zhe cm aach pix^iits &s ineoine, uac .-. tic ( X. /h ocsi.,jav^u.S3, or s,tccu.i.u o. -*i*t • -*3 to lilvi Mii; ^ ... . „. , ... 'il. C; -j-auaf, ,25 r.gi” cer^t.. i\iaAi^,,:ir{i'.iri.rUheii-nTtiui - ‘: • i\- a' c? i^d tax it'bwt any .„ tjU •mI ti.:> tfeSt. h. ; - in a?L ■->■ ;tCt £.ioiV'^:wd. j iii. Cli iho ^iUOiUa of J^'O&CJ «£C86’U.J i. ’"'t*.". ! pS^" Ot tjfiC I'oUii,* It/I ■ i OiT'^J 10i>-4 J _ 1 1 1 . *' I ihill bo = r.i joat to * t62 of I ery doiio'" prc»»*?5«-2 on the to atteoh tc b&:M notes wherevnr droulatod. 'V I - i:7 Tax and lAnnit tJte Ourrenc^ i Bectjon 1 'fhe niTtarcti ‘f tJui provided, sul^eot t Sttifie c/ j4i;i5“. ’,/ iu'/> ri;.cc* tlio holvlors of® dedu^ *11 Treaaizrt* }.(jo\-. «iei.'ifiitirUioD of'SJ^, i ^ Ei»fc bearing sJ^a’l u- ed jnivl tbcl rC Isfc day of Ajijs) Ciw.r of tf i t'j if'-i- . * invH tifc tac.fr ftjui «nHl tJ;.- .« s’ plr.cce note>! ter; Ik r.izui. - *. ill the let cf i,rv un ’ J -i/ ■ j sl>tui held to >i?v2 hcoji ro»;-ivii'- , iv. ' ej^vccia. Ot0h yets. ' - ' din)inif»bcd by the araottat ot sF:l* tiiX. 'i iai iwi-j Ci;o. 5. Tho toUov/iag oxeniy^Sioris tx-fr Sta.2. Tri3 Se cret*-, jt’i?.-''r’rc'iST-i V L. K 'vobv ; tLo notes sttbjcct to'Ac i taxatioi' nndor tbis net', slif-11 "'O ^U.nvrT.'d. l>«} iUtj>iC to bt; pt&f;ed ill service the j prorisieiia, to bt deliyored by such u«rtoB i*v A f. r... ,^®v- o ,♦ h.m. «.j... ^ isjas afcresfisd su. e^iivalent jpt Speh ^*ersop hsll ft.rtaer hijad feiu3«elf !ie*d f. rL.,‘ irav. ifhft v*vc btjtwtie.. tii i;?crj oi IS iuu 1: >■■. 'il.fci h.^vu!l*l ti- 2 ilackiip ■-v..rL -..It i 1 • ■- ,:J. . .;t.: j as afcresfisd ai eqiivalent maXiiB. lacwip t>t *(■' ijuaxketsdc surplaa of provitioius fl-VK.. !tXiJ ot 1 end y'rtir hoif on hirid, aad whicl' he may . 3hJ) be aSl..■->-•> -M H.o f;« fin.; i::sarai»oe, caniu n&vi ..,-a r O, V LiL -■.{ th*» eaeriuj i.;\vU'. !lir.i>Io 'Ii-ftitTiH tv tjtJ' sJ. otrrs H SP CC*‘. Hi J . a J- K Trht fr .1 tli3 , for ^r.y:*u: -c* ■(«; jf 9i»rv rott .. t : > 4- jC: *’tli C C 2c« » a piaco^ prv^" »•«, tj-3pro &ha!! i tf fifci ;-u. c-tu.. fw50 of 3f it? Cf.>:p '. her’ 1 y de^’'.; I.. tones Mfl ijy uird *' (* !.;;c . Ti ."i ;. *.-eh r)finv.lp I Hithc-ut .nror ih'-.i], iiOSi Hi;*: itcer :; 0. Lhi> Mijais.'iippi 1-6-J, v-ct ci the . ;. i-.'-.s iv in p;-.yi2-nj of ., ;f noi- so prtSiinU'^ at authfiiised t» Lssii'' ; ,» ftindiu^ Pi'-’Tldc.' ' .v i•-•.•' and m -ii Uic bj>r,d:j ,*ii ' oftTuIlj^atc.'? to rir.v^ ;r the ' ADu oertifioD-r--s ;; * v^i ,. ' ifj pa3^^^;rf;^ liii Go-v’r^nvnf 'iu2i- p£y:iMc in t ie year Iv 1, jrt'i.TiJ Brc. n. •?> ■■ . :;>r. U:.- •‘ou;-a:i- nr:ioa of 9t»*.), v, ^ r-n^r vhic?: ' Mi ni>f be ppcsflr,.> 1 K>,r f nc'-ini&r>r rlsp provi--^jas th} 1st sac ' 1 ■’ •‘■;‘= ^ the 1«t l->,7 o' Avri- = rwf?r, inci the ^ -i v'..iv of • isEvp.'iij (J. •. ;> ( ; e ftc >Iirt «iiiC;3, f" K-no *' ■ ‘ , ;• p\Up .;; - I the tai: of B3i .. ef th h ait, b;; - ^ per r os\tU un- iv; ■..■■- l'-k .; •'.il t'» jwid liiiCi /fhr.Ji be •Jcd’a‘.*i(-d \uT' " .V..'-7 I'iteu •: aiudS shaU ; \.i Ji.-" id3ixc ci Trca- .i-- VJ :ni- ! ■; 'i.??D8tti7 toi'33 not r i ■■ IAC3 ut the f '.- xi'.' •vOdcu of this . uAd d.4C.:?c auI pJai;r.3 i :rv dolbr promist-d on ^ :.^.,i t:is fhail atcach to saifii* .'-...-vd, »vQu shall be collaoted i tlic sra^iury, \t& •iit; id’s, and by al* ■-aei-t o&ooiv rtv,*t;h u f^’c s.-ijo v/lieaever pre- 86-1- i.ed i >r ps).Tr.-.,r\t "vr Ic: or 1q payiuc.at (3-oTc.vTii 'Cnt •!• ''.■!, or for poiiiage, or in ex- chan :e T-r tt af*^'.erciiiftfter provided, and Evirf ' :*crj»ufy . u'' I'T.'i he furdab?e in bonds ae ■ viiiea ja *T , of this ect, until the '> diy of JaD V',.7 l"’'3fi, t^io rr-te of 6ft} cents .' *;he doilai" ii be tho duty of the 8eo- rt‘ ;>ry of'ho '»v,-,a;>,.: y, sit nay time bstwceu tiie .I' oif Apr^ v. iL.; ..f «5'iiy, 1804, wait of •' I • V amA.tiiuc. * ■ :. . .■i.rvC-’ft vtow Trcasavy uotei? > " ths jiauio a' if'- r‘.',e >■ ccnrg on t^vc- d>j- •■i>. ^of tbe deoGCiijiarion 0* dfia'. U0-- ^ '. !oi to tha priiolc?« of a./ n ;hfr, lont tbs’ri^ut tc- >^'nX »ay of y idtc-r foe irSc'av • |ji.n&L.>"7 to r-;’'.* r..'V - ’ay-y: An-i p-rf>- . lidf'jiHhi.-. 1.. . . ; ... itch'IH'e^.ar? aotfe: ?Kio':i a-.ay ^ •ti. cu tU6 Jst (L*;y cf msy cot bo exciiaiigcid aad thoae not; o ruf jcct. r,b?ll 1 e— hy^i}. 13. Thi?-, TVoft'VJvy nr>‘' i h jrato; ' :;s-. }•> bir.i.Qg ir?fore.=it o.t Uio r^ro oJ $7 JX' or C o *i )0 pe? phall uo locgo? be r-.'-.■i''-'’ ;n pt v- ircp*- r? pubiio dues, but rtull b^-' a id cr -':d.?red bondn of the (jOuft-.i.‘rat« psv *\-1 c- lie two j-^.are cftr'r tho ratific.'^tion oI' a t>’put? ii ■ ^!j., p»a.’c t^ith the United F5^/irc.s. hoiirj.!’," ih.T r;,t J [ ,'i. ” 1 !Qtfiv?;t Npf'ciilod OR fijeir facc, pay^bif- •Taiiuary of r*.ch and every year. ■ ■•n. ■: vl:- 3)- vit ■ i ii. • - »i'. ns lie:- -lo to pBrfcrm nctivo ForY-ico ’’'■t of perior:i”'n‘r e>. tni ) I. i'lV’pSIiy of c .ic'i Lcwl ;.‘f 1 diG v'iivc. of $500; aivi v)r y.'.-b . iu.;i [of llic fariJ’ir b> the losiher vaiiir^ j aui.l ior sc-n ruiinai’y ] jiAvy, Oi’ %vho d' .>;■ or m'iiiaj v or r'av.-.l f.'-n'iy cnter-cd Ihc si.jvicc, t-- .t^c . Of. or ii*r)or . raiov ^ oar ti^joi.*-cpMla bis exejn|*tion hiiu '! -oontiiiues, t*? ll.*' ( ovci'n^.iyiit or to tliP fjvtft- at ;.,; ic«:.. iued by tlie Com- tlii' 1 \doi' ibe irapresfr cut &oi: *uiy pcrfcvdi o\- Si-^ '-.-iiid, ft'tall >o outitbjd to « ; ’ cr or. Raj .mouat cf raeat siiU' he laay Cyjiv... w'tLln ♦hrtio inojiihp, • _n the pfisaage u tiiiivact: jirovided fnr- j tuRf porp->n8 ooioiinj^ >/rii}ii. the provi- I OX tlii.i c'^caivt i.T’. oliad not b% doprived ! " the boiictit J ci-oo-' hj- i-eas\.-a having UV.J i.uei! ::cen >nro‘'i 5 '^inc'; -'' e I ' 'dayofFel. bie.u;ei!o-i 4.. aJditioii to tL ;U rliO Ordnance Liiiuiiu, and j iiies of fcoldiers ’’ks iTi*^ )vt;eb uf uavv i. -rvre, a- • ;aiRBkii!'n of ili litw ■• »bi ■ >j . liv.' til »>iiIL;Cflt (ii V > ir>*it v/>,' P '.'I i'. ■; c V CliSt.!' lo 'X.i'li-VIT'iC.. ibv }.Vc..^ 'j. IV Oi >1 i-.vX'rt.-i-'j in the i of the (fyit...'' i’; u n;j >»i:o \v;f s ro»i?ab'jr f-tl''; iic’! Uo .^Tjo. Id. Thit the Hcfitotiiry of th* ry V, fcn'’ hr ii? hereby, an^horizod, f.iqif: tlio c a- ,:^ccdiy L’ropf.riy of tbe v?idow ui pc5ncio8 of tho Gcvcrjiiiio'it Bh'.‘Tikt t'eqxiiLC it, fo ! Bailor or roai iTi3, ■'•, :• 1-^ly pay th'^ d^'inand of any pfMic V,rx!>i:os: i hi 1 '.iiod or })t‘cn ];i]iod !{) tho of li;’vril mfty b« eontrartftd afier the p of *’»« - j r^srvvjo. m v.'Xicu’e tliero is no widow, Uio ; of Hliin^ to Ti^ccive t;h*’fwric in H eer’'^or.to oJ ;.n- tko fatiily, !>eing xainor chi'idrev lo ihe t’tbicdijce?;. to ’ r> IjJK'U'ji by r-a‘^1 S'-orciary in stj tii foTTti ss h« r»^y dcorr. propf-r, two yo-.rt :-fUir ;* rafineatb>iu aic trei^-y of pijoe ■;Tith ?!’C T.Tiiihi-sd Sictga, bei-'iT^^ iator'ist at tUi rxito of at;; per err,t. pat •'’u nri, rsj’i:bk EXffii-.innually, wl vabie of HX Property ot’ every ofilzi^r, r.r»!>’ ; sailor or m&rine, actUiiLiy engaged it' 1 Tijiliiary or naval tsorvice. cr of encii aa i (iiesbled in enoij service, to tLc v !ii!- •,>( I .Hit..., ^i,:y Ciii I f ic.-:'/v ■>i -j '.: • tT;;^ io;i - >' '-rfVt.- . ,.} TJO ' ‘UL-^r o-JAll ho tci Ip- ilc-1, in -'c; io ;>::v ^v■ '• irf liU-’xa^^ •-.> Hpjx-t.r li) pt-.vBnii, «'i ti> loiurn the ■i>c*3 of any i)Ci.':.u or pcr-jo;'-n dotr^iac- by h'tr.. by t':e unr.ho> iiy the Frotudonl: So- ■.•' -^Ihrv oi' '»/ r, or ’i!-: Cier.oral (••ilu''!: conv ^ .-vsv^. .‘La,., ; 'iTi'i .-s-.Mir.isi.rriip'oi depHi’i?i'anlj \ S'] 'itii, Kpr i; t!i«: oe* Ufio;'ito> Hudt-i' .v. u.T' .»r3o'.;i’ haviTsg f^hargc of any «’‘no 30 detained. • -• - :.ti .■'■■>'i~n orcv- >.'J uv.!- !i «ii ; ‘.. ho I : I.?-; = hil ■t-h' '■. . ■ /;; d’l.'•jtil ■ -=nc'. botvvec’’ tbo -'’.vc? ot to inose duti«^:i: .r :! lUK^ . L..U L - j auGitiOii to ruo-t ijc-j^otng c.enip- li-.ur pci’f(.viTii-j th(.i H'.t. i;i War, lii'd^r ti i di- r .aJi\'Kit*Aii=, I- ctioii of tii.e Pre.-'ident, laay cxoni]»t oi le- ific Ota I il.; 1 lOVUniU, J »3ht j imi 1 slialj ■■ dl c-} *r;ii I lied j I t ior. fnr- nr?. trr.rfrj*lc o,Uybj sp«i.J r.n,W.Mnt, ,f pri.jidsd, tbat t!i« fclwvo axri;l|^ i,.at snch iwwn w dttauiod h r^puMions to be prtiefinoi-d c-v tii» Hecrotarv 01 j „v.-n *. ■• * # ‘ ^ tie Trtasniy, and sidl be osi^^pt' “ »VP‘J' ^ fro-, hxBHoi. in 5riD«pal ijid into-Kt. propMi,y, exclusire ot h908eho;d hinm-m, — ^ - - .diaJi I3i ;u iff f'-alAiiic:-- in this ii.-t d r: = prevent t.l>o Prc:iii' ;i!i:nait* , iiioch‘j!,nic?, or iv^. l\ poivons sw he iviuy \>o ftH. q- t ■ iiu v. :cin]'tcd 0:1 ;lCCOUnt iv' nocos^i* . :i! ;l to iisure tho produo c.;- ^•rr.ln and cthc-r provi.doiis for tho r ■) rho t'an.i nef; of e«'ldier8. Demny, •dsjo, g;iaut ext'?i:ptii'!K c-r deti'.ib, >r. pnch jc.rms as ho luay preoCrii,e, to tiucb >Vttr- farir.ora or [(luiitcrn m lio niny l»e eat- s:iii!0 (j;-.i.:c-.- in me ucpai' finrein moutivntyl. Irhsr Ri'iy Qtuirr.or(nu~tor or elti-i'.rt Qiiartormaetcr, (?oinrai.=iSRiy .-.r Ar,- aic-r;;nt Com.‘Aipi?;ir\', (otlior-than tliO-^e sorv- *^1;“ i.e-7 Treaaucy nr/ta':. as liervin orovide*!, ata£ ft’ Idu aer ofsit. *u aer-jbj' iniri.«Jti. ■Jkd. & ii.it alter rna 3rist i:tj of April next, *h Lcrc .: ?orc ^Vc;a to tao Stoi'Ciary of ?.T£ 15. 'fhe Scarotary of tVn TreariCfv ip >u- 5hcTij-"d iX' in»r«ar’^. thn rint-.Vr of jdfipadtr ki 5C ,*.5 *0 mopt tfcr r^iejjuireEaeats of tM^ sict, nnd v’rtJ’ ••tit vit'W to emplcy snck of tfco b>.nkg oi' thp *-!V- cjmI Statoa 8?? ha isay deem cspedloiit. SiiC. 16. Tbe Seeroiary of the Trcaeo^ry e1; v? forth^!:iih ailypr4i»i' tbi? asi-t in sath ne?72pap irj, publiahod. ir the several otates, and by Fuoh otl- cv lEsana aa »bftl3 seanro itamiMjiats publimiy^ jcd Socrofeury ci" War acd tho Bcoretaiy of the Navy shall caak oanae it to he pnblished in gs:ic- ral order ftsr the icfbrniatioR of tfee aroiy c-ad nmvf. 8ro. 17- Tfec section of the aot for th*; aaf^eefm^i asd asUcodoa of taxes, :^proved May' Iflt 1868, is hwreby repealed. >?so, 18. Tb« Saorfttary of th« Treasury U hf.rf4>y antiioriisd &iid reqtdred^ upoa the api'.li- eation of tka holder of any call ccrtificatG. \7Md1. by t.l’ft f.rsi 3^3tion o*' tlse ?.at to provide fi>r tho f^dir.^ ard ivjrtutr 3.''S!ie ojC Trociiry «0t03, ijv pr''v('4^ March ikd l.B^., vo?; required t/> be thcroiifter dcori.?d-a> b« a bi^d, to iitroe to «>»oii boider a boud ‘■jijyrfcr ipoi'. rJia tfc.rmi^ proviled. by tmM sst. Jlc« to lay tuu^iional fvi' i/tc cciji- aaul of bt^^>aa’nm6^ i, Gsc. 1. “Tb' af tlie Confi::dorito Stat'^ of America do eimct. That iu &d ii- tion to the ts^iae le-ried by the act ‘‘t:. i ay t-»xes for the commoK defence njid to e^ry on th 3 Govern meat of tbe Coniederats Statasi,” 1863, there shall be of tiiiB act, on fhv . , , , bereaftar mention^id., pro-^nbe. from «very perBon, coparti>-T Zt :”nS ship, asaociation or corp^y^ation, liabf« the*©-- ,ni i=scrt dniio.-., 'bo isani,: in !-.»!’« *■>“ d pTOjw^rty, reiil, ];i eld Q0l*3 f.t the ..t/,* ^ ^ doixarj o. evoiy kind and d.e^i\\y- ^ S of the Old iscc.-:si, wlii^tbcr r^d old berc.iRaft«r esoniptAd or tassd ac ?5 sreayartf - ,I i'oi a^^r5^v; ly thc.ic’-’orr i mt:o, •> ror cant,.: .ProvMed, i' la^ ijo th yitli f.i;^:-.deci or rc^;!.n':ntg in ti!0 lield.) iiiia iin II i c.t ..>iiip.ers In the Ordiiauco Diiruav.,.or K:ivy jnsOTor for aay of the cans&i heroinbor-.r^ j Aor,.nio^ ,.r Trovoot Ma/cua!, or oilL-jer in be assieaseu at a vtvlna*Dxoeediug $100\ rv". Tbiit ^bcre propei ty hab been injnii:) 1 or ilcf'Croycil hy ibe CJiCtny, or tiie owuor Uioreof bjis been temporarily deorived of tih) aio or oe#5Ui)ancy thereof, or of fcbo liiojiaa ■if cultivating the saino, by rea£;o? .m t lo presoDce or the prosiisity of thv- cvieiny, the id£6Genieut on sttcb pi^jperty nif\y bo yodiiced, in proportion to the djiiita^.? 4)^dDed by tae ovrner, or the tii .- ?jf^:{ja8od thereon may be redact in the ratio by the districi collector, cn satisSacujvy evi dence submitted to him by tlie owner * -r us- seiasor. Siic. 6. Tust ?he taica on proi^erfcy l5u;i i for the year 1864, shall be aeeaesed a* ou the day of tlifi passage of this act, and ha duo and collected on the 1st day oi' Ju.io next, or VJB noon after aa practicable, al't an cxtoi'.sion of 90 days West of i.ji; Itjjseiisippi rivw The additim’.&l tAxsi. .:n iaojra» or profits for tho y-Oar lSo3, la . ied hy thia act, ahali be .'isscii;o»l and c.oHecri4. ibftl;’'vyith; and the tases on incomog or p:c- ilra to/ the ycflr 1354, shiill ’x)! asaossod k..= cclicclcd acoordicg to tho proTbioriS of ft-' tax ai»d iifis3«smeiit aota of ISf^. Biso- 7. 8o mncb of the tax iict of iiio 'Mtl. day of April ISCS, m levies a tax on. In come denved from property or efrcf^Jo or the amoiuit or value of which a tax is 1 jv -ini by tliis act, and tJso the 1st section of BJ&nl act, are tjcspeadcd fhr the vaar 186 i, "'id no eatimntca ract, hire or mtext^st on p.n. - perty or crodits herein tAxed a^i vri!orcii> shall be assessed or taxed sa incomes v.r-i-M' tho ta.T act of 186S, IBkc- s. That the H. imposei by thlt' iV -on hondfe of tb« Oonfederat© Stata^ bcic^o •fers 'SETTod, shall ,'n r»o car.a L'xceed t.rf’eet on the 3*i?ri©, and sncb bonfe, fry *arvfHmiituaiu>nt;a o£fV>u 4‘|j»‘>ciP.yfl, nndcr the r.nthorily at‘rer..y.d, uir ■ the w.iiii ript ifcvvioe, who shfill *liorcaft*>r m ^M'oa. ^ j in the ecccion of thiiS fict, in violaiion of Be3. 4. Tiii« act ehall coiitiuuo in tcrci^ior j tJ'cj r>rs.ivL,iioL;d lioreof, siuil, 011 conviction rtitety days aiior lb« next nieatuic ot l;o !-1 tucr.r;of 1;*' a Ci.>ur!-inartial or miit;.a.rv- ooar'c, sno!-*, r,aq -no iCT;-^'cr ‘ : . v: crisuii-imd; a.ri.d it etial! Lo the dnly of any j dep.'ii-t:;'.ont or district commandei-, upon o ^ y ino.u, ;;y tho oicii 01 any ci-ediblo v^rcion, becfoon 1. That sjom and alter the | o!B«;cr htiw vioiaioJ i£ii3 pro- £iU wiiito iiieu, rosiflout.; j vLe.ioi:., iinii.od!atoiy to roiiove ai:oh oiaccr Uo^^.ijerato »5iiiti;3, ootwecai the o- li j .;,i dutv: juia cald coLaiatuidei-a bhali tike Uo iXi t.i.1,0 IZU-li \ the Confederate St.atos for Sec. S. Tiiat ail the per.vr V7itli tiiO i8WD 5.Uid rCgLltitiOLla lOI' [hc eraiiiaiit of tba iiniiy: Provids^J, t..,„t vo. j- VLicii* OXpiCii^iCd ,-i. ilii- Xi.-ii.'-, \JliL ’■ag’:nOi:ii3 or L^tcaji-.m.s Iroui uu« iliof aluiU Kas'o tlio priv'ilc^c oi' i:o or.;^2:niai!;jw>n3 of troo'oe, ia ti:e =^1.110 .an. «.f tli--’ . -ice, froLi Llio ;=Ji c«..jv?£i'£ rjiifiOr^j liiid tiic c-.i i.c-y iron' onouk..iti, in iv:uipr.'iif;>c fr(tni a:'..;i-ior S; s, t“.h:kil 'io aiiowed, if thoy uo; irij Ir, .i tiYins.e: u> :u;;Qtii.Ar?i tl’oi/' ''■''.'’n u' Ibo 5-:.i3 fir’a 01 th' eorv ' Go^o. 3. Tiiat at tlic 'sspirfttioii (',f ifie to pGfiortu iiidisjien-1 isiled wiil l-w U!*rc uc-cful t(' t}io c(.>untrv in :^a)i!o (j;..t.'c.- in the dcpai'Lincnt.i' or btirc^s'i’.e! the pnrjiiitB >f tiixriculture th-m in the niili iHj' ecj’vice: Provided, that siicb. oxenjption b’u.ll cea.se whenever tho farmer, planter or ►vorsecr t?hs!l t'ai! dili'rentU' to enipb.y in good fkith, liit» o'.vr v'kill, capital and la^>->r oJicladi v'ciy in tl i * r-nluotion of grain an ! prorieious, to be > i to tlie Gioverninent an^ the families of >’ ji's at prices not e?c.eGd- iag those Sxed . ■ ^he time for like arriclos by the Ooinrai- . ;iei'6 of tlie State andej tho iraprefiijmouL net. b. Tee prcfeidcnt, ti-ciisuror, auditor and •superintendent of any railroal conipany en- in transjiortatiori for tiie Goveitiine'nt, and sucii oliicera and cmpioyeeo tbore'>f as tho presidoTit or 5U|>t riutendont ehall certify on oatJi to l>e indispensable to the eflicieat \>parv.tio!X ot aaid raiirojvi; Provided, that tt.e number ot' perf?oriB 8u excjnpted by this {ict fin a:iy raib-oad uhill not cxteod one per son Jor eacli iiiiie of such road in ^M3tllal iibO tor military traniiportation; and said exempts tihall bt reported by dame and ieac^ iption, \'ifh the n*!,!uoa ol ajiy ^7ho have left tl:e who ni4iy coatuined ^liall approved act to ex- nuula ol drivers ol post coiichos tiiid hacks, from militiry ser- '.'iee: Provided, that :ill the oxeh3j>tit'nB granted under this act rthall only continue whilst the persons cxemntol awj actnaily euga^od in ti-eir I'ospect'vo punmita or oc- oupatlona. 8ec. 11. Tliat the PrttBident be, and be is •{ioreby, >«it}:OJ‘iiMvi to grant details, rmdcr onjoin crihcd hy • ry undfr rruai to bs pr . iLii 1-’i.'.*'fuhiry ui Wj.. . O. a.iiU V l. v. P/Ofi:-ICliL 01 lIiO Oollfodoruu) , «jLJ^ i,.Gn:,bor*; aii.ioriiocre of \J:>’:;>re£3 ; i nd of ific He xriii I^e^’tsh-.lursa, and j fci'.c'ii other Oonfodo";tto and Siate ufilcorG as iiio Prcsidor.t, or c G .vcn;or of tl;o i-e- [ -.pc;:-t:vo t-'t:-vi.o.3; '.aa_/ c-^,rtffy to bo ?;eccf.jaiy -iioreoy, atitnwiiioCi 10 gr ; iot psc-por adniiuitti'aiiun cf the C»n-! generAl rulei^ and regubaionB to l>o iggued fcdorr-t.i or S;..irt Iv T -i ran'-n^a^ pxi tho oa.'c tho War Department, eitber of persons I Tiiuy bij, ■ ■"' - Evorv r (jfroli between ‘ 5 j«ii oO joars of aj^o, or tirora tfje fl-iJ-hori^-isd to ru-tuy in tho floid, in all casea wherr, in liis jndgrient, juBtic3, ohvdty and nec'e«ity re- or lTini!,tic3. ^h'^ll be \yho slif tiTrm t «?s t*‘ ru\ 0± IVi OEitirly JUii er ►- t 10 rnioft ')f i>n «'h.i:ror.. CCO’ r li uiHvspi.pai LoItj^ I ibtt xn p.arvioo, ‘pfjthie ftct» aiid^an^u r 0‘ ^b, X b>,’ ?> .tO 7>abiioiit;on ai. r-iynxx or detail ot «ny contractor Itut i tniW .nm^r n^irp ior. of-'ftny'Trfnd to th© (3uv •jiGl'KiXisaVilo j ornmont, "r*in"on ot Baid contract, unlooi \ r.v;cb^ n6v.»]wf>er; tlie } the head or Doci otaiy vi the d.op&i’tinent >ita- >; e “Joi tod Btdl43 kioff fiv.-;;h cfjrtr^tct f-hfui cortiiy tluit the ^y.iWTS tv;o . oi ptaco . v'Ofi\ yrtef. ^-’io . C}SiC C. '.Jsi&t ercx:*/**- ao; ni'-- of Trcftisjjpy ;^e rif-r pai hoi I-i hno.i^cd niillox; c. 'l-oi-i'-''’-'', t ;■ wierioi be f ikar t 't r>i^ji£.-£i raoul; ^ cu ■V ’■ 'i" .. ^ ._ . Iv-j; Wiil EUc* ; Iv ; rV-u fCP an-' >i - . u -i f-'i D9‘.7 -lii. C" !■ ■ -. - t» pv • - ■ J. an^rfc, . »r zu r •. s-.). /. •UVv ■ n*.ribv a wuxt*- . i . r> ';.’ xiyr -I.!' ' part r. r ; .. . : ^ ‘ ’ '■ :i > 2B0i li.. ■ii3 ;,y Con'^''c: tfcie ''.c-F.^sc ; ■-> hti IftiabT V ’ .■ ■' ; • / r - . Herreti.-j ' ir t-o 'sPi’-o 6 ;:^^■c^i>-r^i r«:id i;'- 1 ir.arloTi, and n. i>o tlie •aiao of gold ruid e.ilver wa;x30 j i. Section 9, Faragr;»ph 3, thnt ‘‘'Jie'r aE-d. platfe, _ieT7eI^ .w”elry and v?aU.b...S5 10! lego of the v/iifc of bab'Cas eprpn®. e’- t£ nt.xr bycPi frvi ;)rr > j'.-O. cd ^.iropCjt (»! !.-&? tiiis :^^etiori .shidl lv3 ivosoL-sed oa ths b&c^Ie of tlio iap.»’kot veJti*.* tliuB^’Joe, ov ai’o^Uar ^ \> 'I'^'.rty in t)ie neigh.borii'^od whei»;:v,.^'rod, ir i ? ye-'ir I860, except in caeos where 1ai d. k-'": iuim tr^G ;. p-”a‘i' iv ^- tirmv whv^'-o ...j -.aiire not i f'C‘*x>n or tobacao have bf-eu be eujspendou noleiia when ia a m of rebel uQii 'T irrv\iei^*ii, tlic- public safety :.;oV quLe ii:;'' and ^7LeJ=ea^^, tbe powoi- o sv^ perid.*7iis; tlie }>r‘vil8go of said ’c*'Hc aij v-:vrv>^ | 1 -r^r’ nized iu aaid Ardcle 1, ie ycc«tc'd solol/ i:i hv, ci.T-'i . Z. .1 I . -I • I -1 • • I 1 BrUy iu A./ 1;; the CongrcLiB, wh'ca la toe cxclnsivo j loy^ I ice. of the uece/jsity of sach Bitapcariio)!^ iLi -vr ' "ce ‘ j.i;' -I, -1: and iviuio-.ir. io iv, sbiiil ‘/C •’£ .0. . fJ-‘ iiH ?! ;.pric t priiit-1 Ronal ;;c;r\'icoa c'.icli contriictor aro iadls- t;' -il I };enb:^'/id to t.'.-3 o.xccTstiori of said contract’: [>vr- . ;>o l i - .i-j^ .d >> 1'oi- v/iiO:i uny ancii coti- .- XT, ;» f if- ,u.,ii ‘ ic isl7;l-3i fipotht--i."v it -V fi .iriiS; -fii r!w. tl o* t\- 1..U .vd i ;i XI iiioninn^j ^i.4 y >CtC o--xipati Of Lf-'j • '• a i VfiiO ’.VliC, OCin^r •,;U3V ■ ^y rl Oct’” lsf.i2- : phy.i- "'! yeari*, w!, : •> w are, r& ht;.-’ ':i: V'Q -■'df,e of UK -r t.].. TU,i. j V u: i t .^;i,ch‘:m 1 i.y. ;-.r:.d-> t.itioU'r c.hall f«‘ , diiigently &nd faithiuUy, to prvceod v. ita the execatioa oi’ fiuch con tra.;., uu-t t:.> o ■ t^'^or dor.ail shall c -abo. S.^c. I-» Tijrit iii^ppointini^ I.>ca] Ixjardri ' ’ a,- : I*- the cxaifiination of ponwjng lUbio lo tiditary eei vice, no. mtmlxjr c>in* >OoiT ;l the Biviuo ?-.L'aIl l»^ tipp'irtod Iroio the or oni .'-Lhji; -di^lrfct vhich tbey • ^ro TC;’itfvv’ U? i»;ako tuca ex.- I'natie*-*. J -V- 1- P,r.> -ly i .xi, tii a t t! .t uH cKr'!;d u X t, I t'^ode^, 5^u-J uJ 'Ah^ f .jobi' -^oll rr • . or any 30 as to -3 at dio name ' cf iiic ciica- -;S:'v?n^blc aad flRW '■ O. tica S-‘ Se%4 p«r. to, ? ■ i '.uoriiE^-l hy the 6th ecc- i-i£i)';r rojTi^tcrcd or voa- 8 >.rci s tsMo^ thftn aaav cieotj B&d tks7 T',},^ bo cii-aacgo^ ior each olber «u'lor c5 bhe So-'ret-Ary of tho Tr«vflurv raa^ i '2c,cj sUall bo lor 5100, an'?. ul all t^attnar viL thj .v^r-p;- -.i t'iicroto attachcu, Lc ia Sirci !;r.c oi ;./.tiiiCEiLiOitiou as tho Coc- x^tary k£ tka % ^.ay prcAOTibo; tho iatorest skiJi Wa »;^;.bb biH‘ yo-'ly on the of J?-2*y kmI Jtiiy in .aoi t’ 3 t'ri».dp«d shall bo p^y- n«l li.is3 fcii-.n 20 yc? 3 froDi their d"*te. Steo. ». A M Cf 1,1 ccrt'-iloa^ia Ftiall fuadahUi, Aod (j^ll b* tuzcu ia a!i rcttpcctii as is r»rovi.^od fiar tho 1rt!&a'~ry cote,^ iai.:) ■which Oiev are con- v«tibio. F coavortcci -bci'r.- e Lho tine fixed • for txmc^ the TriK-OTiry rci-ca, psich .5erti£catc3 ehidl fpom that time bisar iutP.ofj* npon only coats itr every d«llar proxrissd uj>->n their face, and Bhali i»e roiajzariiid ic n«w Treasury co-te.s at that bac aftor the pa.w^e of this aot no oall oer*iS.oa«es siiall bo iaHaed uTidl after tho first day of 18f4. boKJ. 10. i’luit if c,'"T batik of deposit shall (pive kfl ijpfcjViCb she bcnis authcritcd by the ferut i»wx,& c* thij :vct, in exchangv' tor tUoir dcpoaits a.i4 aye*'djnag tlrf N«cne oa ihc bonds by some dhfb. -w.va jm&ik or vokcn, to be agreed upoa with fclw ii««rciary of the Treasury, then the s^d d«- poKt^r ekali-})( Cfidtkd to recicvc tho aaotmt of teood? in Tr^saflnry notc.'^, '-oaring no iateroat and * -'tatai!illij^ -he ct ihia a3t: Pro- vided, tkw, «;a4(j prcaontcd beforo flie pitvil^c ef Kadim- aS t>e.t ph-dl 03350 M kewiu pr*^lW- SbO. 11. !!^vt all -»oa9t2T7 r\oto.^ herofcoloro igmod flf kk« de*iOM.\ia.t.!Ou. .f >5 e;-.a,ll ©ontinie to Iftc ia i^-aoEt r^nhlio duos, aa yigMn w'?- '•a? ixn^Hblo at jjje Msiuil&u ^ libiu a«% Tatil tixe fiiit of 1S64 immU %e f Ft Ootober 186i, woi^ ^ V n* *f**r tjfpt • -■t overy b per oouJ. ho Ok p*'G^>Oi^CJ- ta^iis f>'s;bo?i Ini »r,x>u 'ClkO 0 tho HUs-rket vaiio 3'axili p/oporty in tsf ne'^'cibf-rhijod whero aaass'Jcd, m siwh c?a'- reney ac msy be ia gauarnl ii3e thsJ^3. in tie “ purchi^ and ard s of ru 'ii pvopcrty, ai t-as uirio of a999i'aiiii";t. 3. UjK;i ths atica.’tc of fcU guid arid C”’lvoi' cola, sold dusi, giild or silver bullion, \7kofc})®r beto by the li&nkjEi oi’ other corj'o- r;itio. ..»cfr iiidividoals, 6 per cenL; and op^*n all moRoya lyaid abroad, or ^poii tho fimoniit of a\3 Uli» rtf ftx*i55ku^4i, dira'jm tberofor oa foreign conatrl'je, a ttx of 5 p^r cont.; fiuch tf.x npon raonoy abroad to bo asacGCcd and ocdleotftd ficcording to the vjdno tbjorcof .at th;’! placc wliora tbo taz if; paid. if. Uc>on the arioant r>f all aolv«nt cre dits, >^nLn of all banlc bills and all otbor p&- piWrt i-sTAisd as OTuwnoy, %ixclr;aivo of non- intero&t bearln;^ Ooafedarat^v ti^iiaory notc.-i, and not emplo>id in ft rsgi*Jtoroil bnsincGa, tho iac-ome dorive't from wbinh ia tax«»4, 5 per coat. Sue. 4. CJpoE proiiiiii tnndii iji trado ai^d bti«iL5ca3, as foHows; 1- On all proiits laado by buying and sell ing spiritooB lii^ucra, fioiit, wheat, uorn-rico, sugar, i:jola3isei; or sirup, isalt, baaon, por k, ho«?%, bciif or best c&ttlc, shef^p, oats, hay, fodder, raw hidtij, leathor, hoities, tuulos, _ . b«)Js, shoes, cotton yartvfi, wool, wot'ion,-co - _ u|.KJ’ior oJSicar ahail ^raal proiti.pt leliti u» ’ " an^ho ivab)rdlni.to i!^fni"niod (■‘■‘QpTQc^j of’ !*o»d.i-’ r.d -;C ;I.killer'vrhich' reudcr £-./v .ri {-k • ti'Q writ a ' p:’op. / >>>r tli'^ .•xif.j't , onco inv: Jon -nd : J v\ iilO i 51! 4'»0 ;•/'>1 I •♦■'?. L "‘t ut' .’- >.U'►.'U.b'n- 'I iC/' O.'f Vh'*(:tj iiiclC dilT'iufe; 'b j •Xu’fer . j u ; the Co{ift =-.:^;r:it51'^tsUvi, the p.- • * -; tjj..A \\'i it of ^-■e, £*i: i. I tho w;io iii hereby, paspGiidaj,; but burili . :> | J i. ri. C, ( 0 : y, li-i3. J c/ '-ij . : r>,rc:i 1%; Di^LH-irr.: .•/ ii tku OflUt. 5».' L.t'ai\ Vil AV£RAi-:flOi.;{?’, fte .■ .«■.;•!!>'■. vuii.’ jy. tt* > 1' .. : '.I .■ .■ :iV . ; : AJ‘V .u:i; i„k. ' ■ ■ . Xi bo Oi i.y i Lio 31v;paI u‘. iji uio vj KuVii; ' * ,woen ico oi i-. end 4 lantiencd Secretary of War, t^r tjjo GGn«ii-?.i '^'7'^ ii-SuiH-.ma lo. t-.i.. e,..o*o.ri si, -■ - — . iroo3t:tai«;i a resKirve lor btara dotenso ;ind pdasion shall *»pply only to tlij c.'^.o3 ol jijoiis jii’iviited or Jetainoil by ..>^^1^ of f-h Preaidu Officer comcftandinij; tho TranfrSiariis^a:!)!; ! [i m T-K-r . M'i diltv, iiS-d sh^iii HOt LitAi-^ ly^ IfiC iii^ iii i. * - • - Uiidor vhe control of the Prosldciit. I grosi? more :pcr,rs.uig ti*s Will oi ii&DC^w ccxptaJv fbHoTTing c.a3es aiad othm-: • ••* I. Of tTGSson, or traasonablo 'cffcftG r coiabinarlona to eabvort th« ^yovoi-^Riiini c:. tho Oonfederate States- r^ivuiviu, that ■i V O *jrKv .‘.I- o.- L.. on 'i* pL„.. -. ■ p ) I Ah:--i. iii'o now, Wid v/orc iO x^i. d-iV oft^aii’y last, 15 ?;lilo-bouiod i>t '\Tcca ino r.,'xe3 (>'/ l6 and co/iditionrt: i. 'i. h;a ex&:npt,f >n &lrall only in r:^.oi? in vy1_iicb thrjre U no vzhite raal3 sdnit . .a tho fwfiji or piSfcTihition not liable to miiii Rorvico. nor tho per«.in cjf.im- ■’£? tr.o f xc-iipti jn V/L3 on tjie 1st diiy of oilher the owner and manager in ■xir^rin irVlf‘0 OHi Sei'b' U}.*' n i ?. t 4v i>o wriated ■4*.,. of viiO a^iftfUK5'»ppi, and \>ithiii ■-!&ys if we:t of a?Jd '•ivnr, i'^irrn thnriis."! itc volun'tsi-y 0i’.c"sni?.?iti0n8 cf oo-up:, J &tt;g-].ior>s or r;v;^i?nWj Rud oi^Kt thoiro ii- Ci' couapiraciaB to oyc-rthrow tbo gov ' org-ui to (v/ntoi .^a to tJ r.nicct.oi o&iBpirscioiJ to rc.,W the Uf/ft: > c aebi-.? l,:w»; rx. i, h^r.t.i- so ftnritv of fbn I «"5'- acrvKiei :« v.i).mts.OT annt emnicct aatfcority of tho Oonf3^IOrato.St.»tcs- , j ■. v. ItL OfGombining So asaet the oneK;,fr! '«■,sn.d n such ou^ of cona?nii!ilGS»tin^intolli^n3e tv ta*> en^oay, «r ^viiig him ai^ oocaforL JLv. (if conspiraciea,Twoparatioaa ancjlat tempts to 'acito eer/ile lasurroction. V\ Of defesrtions or encoaraj^n^ d^ar- tione, of harboring desortars, aad ot aiteik >t4 to avoid iHilitary 6©i-vix^: Provi Joa,Ihi*. ‘it zatioas ahi^U niriKr^ih proj^er ma^t:ir r/ils, now ort^aaisod, and .copo^it a a^y>y then vidth tiiO cnnMliug ^ili«or «>f ihou* diatri which cii.iiU l>e eqaivahviit to onr'>iIme; rhty ia.^v be accuptod ea ininuto laou l i;fc.rv..i;o iQ &-jicL 'J5tate, but ia tyj ovoul. uj t :k&en v^i it* ^Li.v"»s^’ dc* 1*0 b w» V ol tojr «v.:.d 6iiaL. e.iroil theirio-oivci cciwoj palpable wrong and oppr«rja9 Dy , . asj iiabSrfSalo offieoTapon ai ?partyfwlW, ^ ;>y wi Ja ■ !.d., logaUy owe military aemc^ ™ . (.iOek3 iiX> ton or nu»K> clotitT, h&ts, wa^ns, harneat^ (*Jie oppr,3f'fiod par^, an^ho ivab)ralnif.to coal, iron, stacil or luuio, at i^iy'wluaa btr- ah^iU be dianiiasod from oiJlcG. tween the 1st oi Jantiary 1863, and the 1st Vi. Oi 8T>ic-^ »vn.d otlior am'iSvTari^y oi tiic f January lS8?i, 10 >>e:r ce it, in lidditio i to the tax on ntica proilts as incom^a undex* till “act to lay taxop .tbrtiie ccHnrti£>ndcfcnij&, &ndi.>carr7 on tho Gov^iiTiviftiit of the Ood federate Stateo,” approved Agril|>34, 18^3. IL On siil profits raads by buying find VL Of spic-^ iin5my. VIL Of holdio.g coiTespoii-ienca i«r iater- »2om6e with the oaenay, -wnthoai witboat the pcjrmitjcioi of Kf4£ rtatea- Y‘-‘ L Of onlawfol trading vifik tho otio- d oth«r ^&aoG9 against of : ;.;c*deui^ SlTii?ai. lo in V»*‘r of^ ivnd be ibriJic'^ t^r 33t^d iiito 'C-0nCi.j.AAn.iuG« ai>m j to bo o-cbci:1 0'-’ hy him; cual aL^I- ha/o tbo right to clect Ib.iJ* cor:)pj\ny and rcgfiownt:;! ->liuy5r3; -and cb croc'p.^ cr2:'V?ivod tin.^or f b.ie •‘’.c'; for State dcfon«^:\ sh-i^ b(.. cnt'tb'*!, vyhUe in actn^ii. GO'-iccj to the aaire p'^y »»]lowa>fi.'3f s^- tr/)opc now in tho field. 8sc- 7. That e^y psraon '.?ho shjili fail to atteid at the plr.co of i-ond'^e^c^ae roqttired by ^0 tf Pratdrnt, •?u ;.y, T-.aia'u'.7 s r'c iKC'.-vi'C •* CHESAW, .3. 0. \rtlT:3 Tuof Uy, Thurs-iay sko.^ 3^*ur-‘> at 6 P M r*«r.3J‘i!3 8a24.\r, Tu?ii^ay '>v^ ■i.- arHr!ivy in I ?. M- FAIii ULUe'F 1 Tiiuioday iui L.^iorday ai 0 A. M Lap&. ie aaai-1^, T iC'Sd...y wiJ Th T-sday p.t 1 P. M. ttanfisos’a rLiZA'^*- • .hitown. I>7pirls Mo^iay, Wcinea.lay >»•-' ^ !-:day *t' 6 A- M. AriT?98 Tuesda^', Tl»uri*y *ua S>*i at 2 P. M. £LL’£AB£im}t.» Ti;. . jLmt. MoaJ*y at 6 P. AI. I>-;r'Vr-- s.iiietl'iy at o I *7- •UAaKOIJA..'*ia 0Yi’R33S ESK. .•5r;ived ij;!aa«»y at'2 P. M. r.e . irt: Aiy (Tawlay) at 2# 1-^5. FWli't ISiiASi> Tii 'JO.W-.J ‘S!’ /Lrt i»w'rue.sd**y fti 6 P. M 0«pi?ij9 W .Hhi:>?d«y ai J 1 A- M. yV/H.s'I LSI: * •’ Arriroa TueatlRV at 6 P. !t. fti '1 ^1. M. All ieiv»2? A. , (*rt.- o-oiyi tae uef.i c,0 P. -J. -Vt lr‘>erR t? l.r» -en: jE fr-.i tliie c£ !'S oi.u.v tl- J! 1/ 'aud. c,nt p*.*! fsr tx it tt^ai r.y tuu. Ai! >Afou i^tusra aii.KiUI ;w prtf p&lu !>/ 2 o-at fl'» ;i{>j 'faj aJijo w^.ii r.^'.a od Suaiiy from to 9) A M . aiiii Ij w J'i P. M. JA3. O. fMXJJI. ?. ^ .'jf SJ&VCeJ =>a.c^/n o»- i^'nk ?'.nd bofif shall be paid lor cy tho G-orarniric'vt at tha j)r:cc6 fixed uj *:he Oojaraisc’or.oni ct the Stare nndor tho iff-rrc^-rf^jont ftcfj: iV'.*vided, th.'it ^^hen the Mtrjftn thus oxe;r).t?te.* eb&ll prodc.ce natia- Ii"'*; ;rv evjdenco t^.at it been inipoasible tor hi:n., by the oxercise cf proper diiigencc;, to farn'-'ih the ?*'nount ot meat thus c.oricraGt- iid for, Rnd ieave ac adequste supply for the eiTbiiatenoe of thow*. living on the siid fiarm or Blantation, the Socret?-ry of War shall of fbr^ s?m». fe*. ♦’'O mjnsiu 'C - i L.i i»> " M.r , A, ,■»»' t.*f 9-liM/ S.- »- o'* ' I./ J -■ *■ ; I :» T> .'• . MmiiL Now ia tjie t«ath of wicousenil oper«mu, mtb growiny oapit&i and timer kold upon pubiio co# ii(kacs, ooiuicaep to iuso/e tlit i'vss of all beakay per &oai froiii 14 Ut 60 *'t ag'i. (n oaa y«»r, lor ficy?3 y oars, aiuJ for iife—^ nfe rzembtra soaring in the {irofl ts All slaves from 10 to 60 years of age are iofiured tor cao yx3kt »i f'A yeard for two tiiL^ tb^ir vtuuiS. A'l loi'3cs aiD paoAiuftU/ paid vitMn 9C dayd after ei.'iq£i^* '>Tj proof ifi pre»e>‘-«i'l. For rortber ioforrsKdea ike pabii*i is referred to Lptoxaal the Com:>say ia all paria c ‘ (h« dtate, aa4 to R.‘ 3. BATTIij, Bsar-’t-jry, Eaieigii. £. J.-KAJUE, Kxsnt k Jte’y lS5d. Pfcyettet.tte, H. H Wnrm-a^jf*s»l* (*-r *.t tSii# ■* > *> • * f * f I' 'I Pri I : Ifc V " cotin-.y L-v -10 01 IH-/1 cc*ail'.o on fi biH F I b/-1> l-O- r.u*u (*h.- 'MM}’, r» >r ' > rfli ■. •Ui.’ ia - » I .it>| I ; .i'J \ wt ~ 'Kji

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