MfPORT OF A 8PBE0H BT OBW; E^LT Proiu tie Ph U-Jo!pl>»» Vercitrjr Ai thera have bjoa oontradiotory 8t»temeDt*fn rei?arrl to the authority by whioh Ch»mbertburg was burned, and tha purposes for which it WM doDC.TTe print below, from » reliable oorrespon- dont at Williamsport, xMd , a report of the remarks i - t.'torn ^ {3'Oueral fc^arly, upoD that The occasion of the remarka It seems and other subjoote i:» fjiven by a oorrespondant oi tiie Age. that some days after the conflajjratioo ot Cuaui*- b^rsbur^, (on SdHirday, August Uea E-rly, b^iuij then at William'sport, in W.-'shin^to’a rouay, Marvla’jd, dispatehod a puir'd t") Hasierstown, with tfiey 1ia4 iMofurmted it iAeI|r to ylaM • sttaoen ooii> > men«nr«t« to its ooet. | And now, cdDtieaeo, I wl'l repeat mj stMoere rei^t | that I am obi ged to subjeot yoQ to thid inoooTcnteno*. | I h»»e n> obj'ot b^t to vr«oare the relaasn of six oiiii^na of VirginU Tbo are now wroDcfaUy imorieon- I fd aniJ taerefore will m»ke yon as con»fortebl« as I pi*'!". It is aotorioaa that ma»>y of oar^asfMj-otmble | niiis.nn, who hwn b*en iirp’ioo icd by jonf Oov«rn- meot fcr fimilar ar leea seT.ou'! c«Qa*.s, h»Te b.-ea odu* j fiic.i in the Bams room with condersotd mileiaoiorM Go'tlanxi n, you ut-ed tare po of ?uoii trfa'n>eni while in ray oni«c>dy I pv'jposfi to ret»t» four of you re[(>f^ie t»Jo fifth on *-*8 rwrr.l^ t.^>ii i.a will b!a 0"’t !> 0'’lCt> ‘5 liXKfU'fO- •■’'•.r*. )*;».’ wH' onoe, if *.f f>ii 1 to i».T3';rri H ' wi«*iia tw."> \reef:«(, h« FW»f THB WORTS CAROLINA SOLlDERs. #»K TU^ On/?KRVEll Hurrrn'*i^ !r c- u;!u-' ^ .»* >t TV \x\* hr po?e to frr nt % r r-r. c-nri! •he- 'iv- -i-. » y.'.u i r,; cit i ifjw i> Ua'^iA ,.;-vio fo Ttxy cc-foJj" 1 •>il !; iii !h»> ^ oitTSeE J'r r'«Mect -'•*7 n of Vrv par- . jr. cif n’MUd w-w fpruts' cd bv ''c.l ’V'if*'. i'y '*'■ '7 uitacal of'Tcco*- to r O'" ■ •-'i-- .H % ■'’'•o.-ft'fM X-'\.*fOr •'fl T i to *i;\ l/aion :r^fin ac. hiUcr- j ' »■ .r I -'u not t^st I i >J U' 3:. •** ^ dfViint-d Da:on Maryla’jd, dispatched a pu aithonty to arrc'it -.Ix nan.-d oit'a ins o(‘ shat T>laoo. Tae gairJ arrested Isaac Nos it. A H. jJagf».r, t reJe i'3k Mcv’oti.h3, Sansuei 0^'Tlby. Rev. Mr. 1£ 1 A'a-ds, and Kov Mr Myde. Mr. O 'iihyhad' p-.*rn)is^io.i from ti;a.offiocr in chr.i;;o ti. /o to his c«i>»;nl>pr tor co»t, an a promise to ro v.rn iln /orgj t • cj lie biok,^owevor, >»Td ia ^7i.^ abflcnoe of “..i.itid. wandered out throush his t^ck y«*rd . j ?. v, rp / i l.n ■ ^»hig, ".cd v,.u.l f.v »Vi l>n!y >3Tn, thfre^’cr*', of tht prisooofs wo. . b^oii.v’ht j i e. ?*--*!! I a csuc y, bi'.'oro the }ufjerai. . Prev’iousiy the ilcv 1^‘* I ih.-- '.i j". a’iov nfii t ! ■i.l/ licrfoot and Mr. 0 '6t et thr' Colle;j:e ot St I vote 1 asr^inbi il e crdinsu>:« of n..oi j^&a t.‘>o be- in VVa.,iuovct-a ooantr, had ho,n arr.^ua h T*’" s h«,i ir.c? ... , 1 ' I J i-. i 1 !•' iHfti' Es'Isr. . IV- -'f / iTcor 1 f-;'" aor>bOi*'i- 3ipnl;ir ord. ia and paroled K,ev.r.-1 | „ j- c.*.; fb w W'lJ t'l'on rotu yi^vHtJli-j sa-vtti'u t-f i.*? o Ui •ry J; r.nii ?d ur roL •..d'l.ii •. lys, oer I Q i«*?tion’'>■ i'ni« ft/viiff Pr JO'rrri —Ik it iw a.% r j iois.'», bus i ’’C'*' ihst you ha~e to -\y * ^ as l. v 'l to t.'S r: .irj,. *i,u;l in I ia V -iOA r.s aav vrbo ' • /*eii«ii T FROM THB ARMT OF GEN BARLT 00i‘rc“pc'i?dir'0c of tiff B-if’i/rh t'onf"'^6*at-^- T^rcsDAr, Sept 20, 1804. Mdssrp. K’5fi'e; —Yi“»t€rday wts a bJooij day >:i;jtony of c^p li''e ' to i^a, - ’ll to oar fnem'rt At day- waa broken a^ain on the IGth iost. bv iight a. •pn-’civs hj cavalry was niide npor bugles sounding “boct:» and saddiea,’' fi| ‘ Joiiaptou'f* Diii.'*.^! ,« • UHir seur a '’i:i>c'j, on rationn of “hard tack” having alrea ly b^\i?'ued B- rfvv'illo ? j. to the mnn. A thousand and one ioquir*a vvpre ' W’^iuoiiehf:: j CaMp ?d CAr.\LST NBAR Keams’ SeptcuDer 22, Itii J | Messri. Bditors:—Thermo: •out h« from Jy i-?p((icd Oc«’ c’ b’r/n*.— A THKNd, mad6 by the nicu as to “where you rc'^oa we j f’r»»LU arc going, and what tor?” The muttor vyi kept ! ouflt^ft uiu:«., a profound seerct cxcept a tew “knowsatorop,” j apparent titat; t until we had “puTOed.over ibe bor'^ar, " ^.en lol i «ageaient .1 PKE9II»S5[T D4V18S SP^E^R IN MACOl* } • L:idiM and Geatl'imen, Friends and Fellow-! IfiTnfnom^ Oifitensi-L would Aavo gladdene-^ my heart to | a la Sep*. 2^3 -Om Forr^-sf ban capiared the r,ave lact yoa in profl^erity instead of adversity. i this place, including 2b*. ut 130U Bat fri. ndi? are d.awu toeether in p.dversity Aho prwicnger t^'JiicH, !jt) wa'ft,s and S 'R J a Ge^r^-ian, wh • toufrht through tV»e first Ivtout 500 b jTHeift liovo '’fon, I voulu be uutrpe to ujvsflf if. I h.horiJ }‘»;^rt tiie .Strte in '.er di-.v o/'v rl W jsiit trioatrh ivisfoj tuoe *.h.« tiofaJi '.r. .'ur ;infis f-om Dcoatur to Jone»-,jcr.’’, "'T ci.’t.-m i.^; >(.t l- et 1 nt f-on rc!p aerjj,” »'■ i w.jc> r*re. jur currc tmulv a.!f-bU>^erter> ot She us i;v' I t.'c C .«rj.‘ 'i, u;I in i lu £rc. j tu’ pc NU^' l^ r. ..airoi tai} -n Kiriy’-s i hr-:di| ;»r-o.. *, und h -^crrr M’-.y w^! h iiai not :> • ' 1 .!l^ '}o:*Kd bj tlic t! IPJ-i I'FlJpr.Hr- ri''* :o« ’.) • 'tt ' r-i wh-'ii in t/i* .l-u*. UfCt i w:,h e-pf i and itf.i.t ti o r I- s^c of tlie . Wfi.i.'i tiu Lv cr wc.e brnuiyht before' •. tu B riy. h.-y aadisfis^d by h’lnsulstan fi lly, i-iir 0’'rrcsc’.adont bsheve’, almJ8t it uat q s'fo litara ij as foiiows; G - fnj-u—) n-*.. hvj -’ou arr^ t;d Tiarply n * hes- t!j; Jo «• C'Ta Iho re.-'Me 0* f'.x j'ca>*.»:ae« resMinf' ut-»r H 4»i>BTitte, ’r Y r,imia, who ncw 1' d bj tnp Fed »»l 0- vi»rn , tct iu oo’ihtq ?oo of l»>?bata Wifr of t. f h't?c of a Mr Co^kusb; »..onfodsr*ta trpopo I h%T» fxsraiaei tie f»a«s i.a the c»'e. and am ihor 0U(Tt*lj sa'icfi'J liiat the bHraing wivi rur^If aocid®!>t*l —in'buTcing 9me railroid propor'y whioh th^y hfl btea ordare' lO destroy, the fira opito o' their effort*, w».s comasanicated to t*?a v.n^a of Mr CoekiiJ, BOi. far iisunt Ami yet ttic^e siz aentlcmeiu a P.ct Mr To»fd«. a pre»*h*ria that wbc, Taj rem.irki‘'l6 as a pioui. goo:i isft::. wna dii uoi ia w»ia p^lUi-'a aRd flra c bcr gen'lescen ia tbe ntiif‘•■boftjood. wao wfre ja«t a-s icaoTin* nai i^ucr^^nt of thf* •.pprofcoh or purpo!.e cf Luq iroap^ a? aay of jju. now in pri'oji in ouM^on^uod of th^ luursi i2 ot iiiat ^cu3) Tee families wtre §trippe3 of aii fbjt^r persjnul prjp. •rty, a&d Laving no cs^auc o* 0CDT;'jfa*;0'S, ?fe* d%3jrbtcr’ if tb* prfac'a.,r t»id ni^oA cf ouo o£ the otherj. w>ice.^ cig^ii c:i>B 10 ia> he» "q- a teis, aai ,eycE nsd **d nem-ta u.y 15= . jo rnar.p.e- to iford r» li ?f. £r t w!*h{> J m;* to ».rr?i,' Bca>c of thjit U ivi but 1 dii aot ^ea! it for the SDc'-ufra ifi r"'5 c#i" cif*»ci l .-'-jv' «'■>, : -,'r ilt'-y 1^*7 bt, • rfl 81:11 eM*':«s of to-a Sixtc of Virgi -*^., Si ’ P'cuctiac o; h r Uir:-; ws* hcpj irtv-^ . sir IV-m- ir.frroie. Ml jiili a cordUl al'egnlce to t*. Gov«a7a- ni. Bai it -3 y saoul i n t. u muir v. viT- on ihe St^te •>/ Vir«m;:^ ;o te*l wiih rhcia ■icoorl lUj? I'l her ‘.nt Uwi A m;r>i diff re:;c^ cf t>ol«i3iil opinK.n o»'g-t not snd tnu«t -ot s.’bj >o laiU-t- ry ruie And tberef>?«. infl x-hlv ,, { *u».a ca»e been to th^ dea'FaMicn of rriirate proper:/ or the molcBUtioo of nor.-ootnh«t*at o;t;i*nj, yet ii >g alway- U t e power of oae ariuy to fjroe tisc vther into rotaha- UOQ To illnstrate mr own Tie’irs on that fiu’-jaot, permit me to say t .at, Tory recently, a short disUnce acro»3 the mer, I approved a T«ry severe Bentesce of twj years in ta« pcaU3nt:»rf. pa^je i np« « sjidigt f.>r atetiinpr tHe horse of a aokonom'y dsoid^d Daion I will farther r«mark th*i faia is the fi'ih tim-s I h vj been in Mafy.aaJ »t tae he«i of «a arojy; *yet I heliave not on# pn*ar« houM ha. beea irju^-ed, aor oas non-oomb-.tant Sa«K,ueh«3a at Ham.ourg. and theaoe down to Ji ^ escape .nr g r HI* » ^ *** aiiddlfl, whertQo ii»e li?. J f ^ w-5twarJ. *n1 fro'i pr«! rerif J *' ‘ow* of WrightfltiHe in rerjr hnminant ' .roops lial juat heard of th» haming at '** . .u Georgia, by ihe Peder*! ariay: a largo aam- ot my ji'jn were frooQ ihai region, and very natural ly felt a st**oa- impaUa to rota'ittlon; bat at my v. ry urge^'t app^at ;hry »U, with ^Ucrity atid ea^rgy, jointd in a umled eifjri au i a3’r.«ily t>zti>igdLahed tbe flames la time to save the'tora, and yro-s r chiy r«rard«d by toe grata'al th*ns.a 0’ i*s 0‘t'x ns who j oiturly do Bouaoed their own troops for oxposiiig taam to such dange**. In Tork, Pfra?jiT»a*.a, I fjuad t»o ia'^g' in^Bufio- torieB eujmod ia making r*‘lro*l ctrs far 'co maat, wiia'i, of cmrsa, i'. wai my-dtit/ to desiroy; but a fihgit ei*a a»:;oa 8«ista!d me that ;o bara thesa won'J s^rioua f ead»ag«c a l*rge par ion of the towo; and I oparsi tU:'3i f.r ». rat! -^» e raa--. a:. Oa my ra tnra. I p*-'t'y ay al^.-iaciai? t'.cS, *nd wjs grea ly 3 :rpr(? d to ftols'. tiitle e»i or tnc-^ .-i' tae paiii,^ ' .)f no i«rg> as :*r:aj. Ia :^zi, . x5.-p, m hof»et aau fjr,g9 tor lae ariij, rs^f iiu'i- daiaigo had been t’uaiaiaii. ■ R*0-!utl/, i.' the hoTi3C at G ,v. Sr^dfoTi was bumt-d wihout hjt oriers JJ*; I 'liugt aid thti I approved i*.; a.jd had I been p.'ss^ea . won’.d hire onJer- ed it, lu r.'l»\ia'.;oa fo.‘ ihe baraioj^cf i ;e h.oaj of Gjt Letjh^r, wioa 1 know to ba • v.ry pjo^ :a.r.^ »aJ frnoae family wjr* oct 5-- m':;at33 icia-j/e ing or o'hsr ▼i’ iah!ts. AfirrTiri.^'nh^ja in froct :! WtBbiDg on, s 'jjc of n,y troo, « war* vt-ry det, ra»i icd to destroy na ,icai» of Mr. P aid a. d tuaily rermF.d b ni nf raraUar;. pro iabl? s.ipyos mg it fj b»i *n^ tj -i!^ ja-i, ! js of Faisral ca9;n»€. Atf sjja a« I ohT.'. I i 3 ueiiais.y avjppaJ the proo9ed:3g. nad coTiptliiJ he ?a^u rj^u- :t pv-re, artio,? ja f*r I .ciw, .1:11 p.-.jal * gj»rd prov.i; it. Attc of iiii rfuO: Ylratgatapr/ & ^ir, m, rn^ta- ber of .as Oii lact, su‘^je-'t6d i j a dia,>fv*nt ru e for obnoup'•-.■lioas ■ o, »n Gen H lal -n hiii r»id to L; ^.^ .b.i-tf. c»as- e«i wvJfi ayrt -u ra'a wicre.rer ua D'v'ol I f-.-ij ? -d him aojai g;xi,y ^aae^ »c.a i«n5ua/' , woaid fVii'iae »o .« -6« ^..r.L.u a.3 W^i;a a,a-ku nu^p.u. i/irsihjA %n.i otj,r ba Idtcfta n9rt aimojt uii- Tersa iy :.ur.t,a; of u ido-a ry, .td eTsryt. 11.4 a/*>.r,h.e (jr -19 su itsuauoa of hij.-:i!»a bie, BO >ar .^s hv-pju. ! cverywh-.-a We foaa la-ny, Tiij ■ aay fuaiUes ff aal-jln,., a a -111. ifi-s who at; auddtnly »ari.0u col of aoors, .m;ir a'asaa and ojniou.; ovsde-ituv* to t:-.« n»J! ; Hi f.POUSd int^’ ® 'em i.hag.trin,av rcr na .0 wita^cs wa. - r, -: r.rnfed in pcruolt. • an t)3c>i aiuoj Ocnauf’j'J r»/voic6 «*«ry»oere aad ha rioaly it a! ; yet he a.^ cvasoa aowo-vl/ oaa taat^ vf iho de,«. S theh"^''"* - .(»rn Virgi iiv ” r exaijpia, in Oaipc^or o..a»jty. Where O ae-*l Meado bqid hig hiadqaarvcrs, almoet •vary h-.ui?, aad tnild abis b-oa ln'ne'^;. v-ry r(,w havceeoapod tae flime- aact ut-.->r dwoiu.oa is aeea on every a%ai tvna t tnifcll taaaery. ia of Oeaer^ >e . ^aJq«*ru-r., wr^jra a pi.ot aan tau neJ a few f^r a t n ^^xgauo.-a oa Lo 8i»;o8 u mmidh».aar*,f r -he p-^.v wooiHa ,»n i Ci^iiir *a Who wera aeu -ura/muih-rtf, wvs tdrctdb/ i. ea -nV an4 tao bslf-ukaajd aaiai dr^wa ftjm lie vais * eat in. 1 h.%-t,h ilr.^a 10 pr»7«,t the j.oaaibiiilv of thetk b -lug a*to u>. ' Recently tasv h*ve bnracd_ thn reaideaoe of Andr**w Hua»or, ne*r ;h*r;. Mf.j«-a, Fith all its cjawuis, .-BQuJr- iag bie f»msly -o et-nd sy ani witneuti the cics .ruotion of taeir ho-oe. Th*s/ did the sama with tins a.juec of Edruacd J. ubc, na*' Shcph-raatiwn, ana rapeaiei i>, OB the buiidtoga -j{ Han ■'leaaater R itoteinr Sach ti.ii gj of t'jufae, c- anot be long eadurei, ^nd KUat i rofotd rotalia'ioa whenever it ia poaskble.* Ao cordingly I lUo y scat Q a MoCanaland to Pebnaylra nia I did uot wtaa Ij reul ate m M*rylaiid, beuvruse we all hope and bellcTo taa* aaarjucd wid eventually be a member of the Bontaern G^nfederacy I there* fore Sc I aiiu to Peaaa^ i»*ai-v, wi-.h jnatrnoii.^s t« iU maad cf la? Authcriti^s ol C.'ba,aiber8harg a au‘a nhfch would be pulBelt ni to ind;i;jni?/'t. ae g*>ntlen>tsn, and aiaofij HOjutf e?r damogfii vfUr’oh I spioiftea »a tha or^er, aau in de'au:* of thf>ir 0 -rapl'iDyo he waa in e'»no!9 - to tLira the town,^.*^ct^ i,arn w« dona, 1 w»^ Tory Tiunot'iat, and U ^na\ moat d 8ig''»*oi»ole dn y 0 iaflio'. .'iioa a da n«^ upon i^sse cnls^ae; bnt 1 eeju«;,' lijoacai.y toahow Ih0pe0|«’* Federal Fiat'^s t^^t we.r h-.a two cidea. I nope and baiievc ii b«4 *ad will - *6, a « > ’d effjj . I a.w *® »ble article hi the “‘•iUgenoer, waioh ealle^ up->n tlie Narth to •oatttUr (T^tti^ witatkw ««eii »ao4« efwwfart aa St f-U ' - t:.r :hi> can-t?‘ 3 ■ F-»'lr I .-'•s • •r in^ \ bi i ^ r . .'iff pa ros.j K'*f- v"’ in Wi; t r-rn .'. p- t >«u, 'f *■, » > _r.R > ti~o. '•>- .^-i.. •■li-.’ . fi.i . u'*crv-»' in f!* ^ c ■ f nu-u'. T M:;rj7 n 'j ■ kXo h\'. T ^ flrreni^d tf ^’•■'-■'5 »• » ia.ii,a^- t-r ‘wo si*'-b'=’"3 • b-r»J4 LrftsU!!»-a in V'v! >«>*n e>^,v.->d by fba l:s.>oy. Af'.rs hti»ia;r.r;ST n«a% ;is 'cnf.dara^j JoAn"*-.*.?'!*, cnTjpiisjri :Jir big !^■.•e. ht9. fi-^’ly, sad oth-r c pca?n ;i-»ka 01*. ponepnied to aa ex3*»*nga a»d Dr Boy i «'»' ’"o l*A3»d Bo* very «oj« af?er ho w^fi astafa ftrr«-.i nd a» hoKta«a f'(’ a man taken within onr lines, i« oi‘Isin’>. dvea^ f nd wbrj*P p*rers f 'U”d upon him f^raigho-! can viceln«r cv’denoe t'tat h« mM there under a cctrup^ ajr«ea:ent with a Federal *'ro»onl Marsaalia Maryla^ >, t.i deooy na%ro^H from Vir2'-*3ia. to be naed aa anbsti !u;a." or eoldiera in tha Feiural amy, the heavy b.'mt- ti»i or prcfiia to ba divided bsnftea them The Qorc.f>« a^aiit^'d not treat hl;n ar a > py, m it mi^ht bava done !»it aetkt him io Piokmond as a prianner of war. and Dr Bijd •»as arrested as a bop'»a^e Af?er »lonj^'ani tc-li- :as in pr.scaan/'nt, the C0Q/3derate 0. vemai5jat. a-'xilu.-i i-’ rpl'd^eaogcMlam-'E *'f(*.ini'*oa.‘»£C'ei to au exahanirs, hut ii-* S’ia.'M*r wa» by 'hkt fi i-* HI wita typaotc! feTcr, »nd di^ ‘'i prison, wVioa p! 'oxH, of oarai'^bn’fe fplpsair* Dr Bojc*. Bi* ka is atitl bcU on tha prat«'i' cf a hosUga for kom« ctbir To «ffej;t hj»i r«l?aij, 1 S»y* to day arre«t*d l>r Ko^'foot aad D? Coat, at t'3«= CAlkea but paro'.ad th» :B beta oa Cv>ndStii>a tSM thr> rr. rire the of Or Boyd or, if the .’ f*il t* d.i tbiJ two west's, -.hkf th?T re'urn to »->y » Q i>'tion by a p*is ner Mr BiwaMs)—flenerV pi *s;- a^’.ow me to ijqiihe xh, iter t*'(»rB ni*y T»ot aoae -ti*ficn'iy anee from tbs >.ct tij".' yoa l.ari oV.It fire o. ! ns pr v.a‘;ra, a*;l y«t ri'ouiro ih*« r*l‘^ae of i.’?* Q. rt t”ir.y—T it iji T-r;^ »rap si-; bat I cai Hardly tt\‘ O'^tc-.'saif *• rH.ise saoh a tj '.•f't-.-n, j's© 1 the ir>iy *ff i b? t'i o^'aspel *u-'. to pi?Jc np a f«*i* morf'. s tJij'ent to cq’iV’z; the munVrH T »> ? r'9^n..f 3 f>'Un»^y UT^l r*l'M9 il.frj »11, iff rir-j; tifir p^Tot'ia iho e^r Tjjj.'st po«»ibla l*a- gunpa The Q> n»l ii53i *.tod a lo*^ w^il^i. »nJ wau sW5w to y‘>eld F-oi’.ly, ftft-r l.iQg and eev- •■ral p«rsnual f-’ifu k of tb» prieocer# haa t for io*ir goc.l fa ta. t-v^ w:T'i all rclea'pd on 'he pam^' condition- a? w.^rs presuribad oa the release of Dr Ker- Wt and Dr Oo’-t For the t!ub*t>xctial aocur\cy of the rfro^i of Qeiieral E^r'y’fl remarks, »a given by '.fie oi^rrespcn «-.n* of ta? Ag?. h* refe'i to all tao*e who ware preceat. tnslniiag the prisoneia thsiri^eWes. Ia privats convj>r^ation. aid on many oooaaions in puMio. in the praaenoi oC cuit ‘na of all «h»d-* of . rinion, Gin K.,rlf in‘i-na*Pii thar he W0a)i freq’jehtly Mar/land aud PjcnsylTaiia, and that he won'd pii'cue the war o'retaliation aa long and wi bift.-'rly a oiroan(ta?*«fi mijrht '•eijai’e f/ie late Gen. RmIcs. -.Uaj jr General Kobert fil Roded waa born in Lynchburg, V''irginia, and graduated ia the cla;?5 ot at the Virgini* Military Inantute, aaa, after a tew years' profen- sorsLip at that imututioQ, he removed to Ala bama, where he mirried Miss Woodruff, of Tus- c-vloosa Gen. Kado? came oat iu 1861 ad cap taia of the ‘ Mo&.le Cadets,” and, upon the or- gacization of the 5th Alaoam^ Te^imeat, ho was appMnt'id jit? colonel. His bos; ealegy is the faithful record of his serviced. Promoted soon after tHe first battle ,ol Mauaasas to Uri^adicr General, he followed the fortuues of the arjiy of Northern Vifjrinia through the wiat«r of 1^01; the Bief'e of Yorktorvo; tv.’'unded in th» arjQ at the battle of Sovea Pi.ios; throughout the fleven diys’ battled anund liiohm-jad;. upon the Miry- Kind ctmp%i^n; wocnded at Sharpsourg; preaoot at Fredcncksbu g; at Ohaaceliorsville, where iie was m^de Major General; through the Pennsyl vania campaiga; from Mine Kan to Gaines’ Mill; wich E^riy in the icfence of Lyacbburg; a^ain into Maryland, - aud with the Valley army throughout its marohe» and battles, until hi h*s falle.i at \Vinch.ct;t9r, in the eervioo to which be dovotM himsslf, in the faithful di^gnarge of duty and in the oajoyment of tht' graiatul alniiratioa ot his eoao'ryaioQ Ho leaves a wido.^ and ohiid, t."> whom 50 earthiy honors can bring any consolat’oa, bu' to whom the toider pyihpHtiiio8 Ot all will bo J'^ly :Zc1k J, E- rof'pts from ilo-tsov’s, l>ea.log’s, 0’>»u)bli^i-.\ „o*v Dav’d’ti) aud ii~.i‘ritigr>r's iinVad.'’8 Oi'o'-i»rij^ ftde thf’''e wure tbe l:-!t, 2.^ sn.l 3d i’c,.:io. jts. The 5th was cthcrwise emi,. >vo.d Da ‘tidily raoTning (I 6ujir...:J0 it is ci'ifl m / utn-r miua'i^t) at une o’clock .vc i*ov‘d cff T e c;>l- aiiia (llvided b.> !>n *;> ti..rracti the pcunt of vttuct froo) bi’luw aad ih ve. • il.-''^scr ii*.d wont boljw, j>. ijig»jr i.nd ij ubir.:', t,> til- W,? haltf dltr it UKua.’nti to jiwiiit ) ♦'i.ui 14 wer, wi*U; \7^te rijH t n .■? O'^ - f ■ c w t'.V.f j^.h‘ i r.^;i;l -rv, ur J •. it • ,S ■•diii.e 1 t^hcvDiar ounno* keep up his 1 jni.' !'oe t-Ui Ji' > a ^ ucj: i en- I nication, and .f tr at swnti o.' 1-^ter Azn h. !iV ct HI t.,r h'^'.oed ! whftit th».t dr»y ."ompa, tbc 5'»»o tbat u'T* I the rifi? y (Hie m B r yviile, ‘ of tbe Frp^cii J^hnpire in its retic.>t tr.r.ti .lo-cdv. ' will be re eiiae‘.(d Our cuval-.-y » J ur . p' wiil harras^ !'0«1 d;*strcy 2h aiiay u- Ji* l' ■ • .■"• •inckB that ol N^.poleon, anu the ':u?ikef (J -.;i|. like Lim ’?». i.ii e. cap.? witb onl/» a I. dv i.mi- r ■ How e«n' riiis i e the most sp(’di*3 By the h:’ f-lood’s' ar*:. t;ifir Ana v.-jii they not’:' the barM-h d cxfl^s. tbcv ho;u- t*‘. A eir arra.ig;-moats t.> give bitu a attin^ rec'*^;:: Aoout 10 o'..iock tho art ll«ry piaycd m-^st in ;- uusly At jl, .the action beoamc g^-of.ral raged tcicJi gri»at fury for tbe space of iiatf baur. w'.iea oir Una oi' battle being hotly pr ■^n.-a fell back a disrance of tv7o f.' rt I ili'H ir.^v ‘ 11 ..oy Vo>OJtt>ic-tur. fl. Oar 1( 83 wao only 4 or 0 fci!l.i.’, aud aboui ‘Jd \rou'-d- cd Ou- tfo.->jH »r.i l-.i!l >'!f in will lT.vo in 1* fcv,’ in K:'aron oJ n>'w Auotjst.v, p^ liii—A !"t' • fW'iO W tip(l»>r’s v .2-^. ' ’ \ ■ >•-, *hai: ;,e iia" 1. ■ .J r ll-’f) a of lt*ilr«id in .Shor- ' : '1 -’.-iS ti. .’0 j 'iu- 70 ba. (lioi vjfd.s j ♦heir .suffj’r^:?: c?ur:'^y women ’ a:.d ref iifod id ^v).od otdcr. Th.i oneiijy e.'nt.'i out ooujpV ily wh-j,*. injji«f;r;c' n ;b'.y :u=' uc;d (c .-Jvaioc, and our troops, tho' ^b Utay -way, i* ^ nt-'oesasry t(? oufaatiibcrcd, addrtf‘»8cd tiiem.clve.'^ t“ the wor-. j *« >t>': w.-o wili .‘••t.iy r>vMy at tbi*'. i. t) foro *'icm like mtTa dcternfiice'* to conqat'- or, w .-rfiiv >1 ♦be natti-i of rJ.>'.r.-iao die 'f!e yanK.4e iin'* *dva?ic«d p’owiy Our i no >tf»pf;'il i? iX'crr'^-'ry Ji’.'Tave 1 bfJivv* y t'o**" s;.*«d tbe fire bke Bila"*:'! > je.’3, i>: * tan i/ioth rs - f - 11 X kii-w ot oro ti^- .tor ; t*l! ^’er c’lo of oUhi; ye* li'.d : ■ p ri arr- c .ce'- !•' i' w‘! '•.•C.- Sh«TinJl* r 'i ■’ r dnJa\iro to t.^ie r?i'r* itd. ' • Hr, ioiuuaio r:y . ri'tVy —rvicu’-v-’M>, iv>pw 20.— iiH-' j ■■•' i't PI1 J'* '- •’’•'■d; 11 viUiK KKK, .Sc-pt. -' - l^My .-f^ hiil :h - l ai tsty j 1 n 24.h, N--.-' .V♦ .. ' ' . * fcH lav.k t j IL-.'i'Ul’ii'j- i'- -s*' «' I * •• *'fi ioy li^^nced t,!.Tr.'C -o't;^vic>v; !-7 hav'in^^r .Jirtt „U: '. t/ d ■: t, ;.i!t M ,r I- T*} .■ •uiiov. in bav'in^^rcba- II. i:. u.i dim, '•! N-' i:; I WiiiN- s.v.;"ri • '• \ vV'e l '!t:i ■•jt cf m o un os .'rc.m O P -iDt, i^ure bravv* r t'o**" s;.>«d tbi zr. zi' '(’«('■ rn'joa ;>--d con-,' I p>i“d thoir rifl-s like m^?n wbo Wwre .• Vj ld ^od-'Anra? a-id 1 i’ll ^'-t W‘>r:h living t'c-. I ' ' Soc'. a '‘Ocr'(3 I. nr‘V.i; flritr;e^$''d. / I 1- . I ' I* T * 4I n •» T7 »»i>. l*-=rtioT)P '•eiic^.'d \ wiiO .fc:, at :-i\ i til 7io.r,-7h n ih.i/ruy ‘ ^r; L tl.if ren^'y, *nd t;.. to. «^,noal »or hctp t- the Th- -rXfO.. bj som‘> I' p^-'jc i fttud in in 7 V'’ Lo:i| of Hostd IfiTfioton’g 0ipfitr^. bii'VVO') t^kcn in Himproa’d late expeiition um ja*.ci of a. Ln d)3 grizi'-r to 8)0 p.,iiala n-it. litSt) bo. ves at' 8 JD poua^s w-ul-i ojuie ag^rcgita of 1,08^^,800 pjiiiijis, or "Ottilia a f action ot >100 niii/Jo it of p Xuid, dHtrtoaccd in dauy ratiausof a p>aad each, woaid fjcl 1000 men for ooarl/ 2000 diy^, 10,0 ) > .nea for 200. dtyrj, or 50,000 f-jr 10 day^, acd so }.jr-.,’ji. li 13 a ?ery nice adliii m to our com.aia^anat. t>ir-nno'>d S'''^1inel. Amf^rican l>i,Uiu‘fs. — i'ati olfitfcM jt :ho la- itaii Oifice in VVajh.a^^tofl vJity give aa eaumera- tion of ttie ladaa tribes withia tAo ooanda of tiae Confjiaraie aad (Jai^od iitataa with tuo pc>p- ul.iLioas of o>oti. Tiioy Hti^tti tha-iiggre.'ate nam twr at S38,07si. The largci^t tribob are tie Creiics 25 000, tbe OaeroiLee!} 17,350, t*'o Ohoccawd 10,- 000, the Navajoes 15,000, the Sioux 14,63ti. T^e CamansheH, of wtiodi wa have iisard mo much, are seated a^nly l,«00; ihe Appache8 7,300, A FiXUhful -ttichard, the property of John Witherspoon, J3&q, of 8aoiety Hilt, dis covered a fu‘W days Bttice, aear his master's plant- atijn, to Marlboro’ Dbjinct, a party oi three yao- kees who had escaped irom their plaae of ooattine- moot near Fiorenoa. The/ asaJ every persuasion aiid arguaaent to indu33 him to 1st th^m pass, but witnout Buccasd; and with a stick, wbioii wai the only weapon he had, thjy were held ia oauct uo- ^»1 he praoared tiio assbitanoe of some other ser- aa.B, when thay were arrested aud brougnt Sifcly inlormed ttiac somo thirty ol were latoJy dotected la makiag » ratt of rails -n h gr-jps viues with waioa to oaoM ttio Peo i>3e Kivor. aliBt of bunday'say.s that fiia dreadful Hao^x^^Q seems to be extending its ravages along our eoa.«. It IS rep» Savannah as well as (jharl-atoa aud ceruinly raging at Jacksonville and St. Au’ ^stineiiHa. Tnas far, our troops in Souta Car*,- lina havj peea exempt from its eaoroaotiuieuta Th^ Rice Vrop —K morcifal Providence has cartamly olessed as this year by stwyiog the oie- ments until oua- rioe farmers har/esfed tdeir oropa. Thera has reosntly i>eja deughtiul dry weather for harvesting purposM, and we (nut our tarmers took advMtage of it in gathsrittg in thek rioa •rop.—^ynWtam. \he.m Cftma -ix- »» • t xr J . • ~ vvl .x4 ..i .».*K ««*%■« m. Dcsnnp s uio;. aj they pouooc'^ apvO th. y^jwt j ■ pickets a-id ca.Ui\ ciprurirjj a!*i HO-^rteriBi; ail tutt*". stjod lu *h ir -KdkV A^ain ii»r cjJuoin ia(wei oa, Ool. Divis’s Biigido going in front, «ud vftry !.)on e “halt” from the yaiikee pioketg Win aa- swer?d witua oharg? by ♦he Virginiai\s. this road vfo r«jafterod the^ y *nkee picket.’, o*pta'ing 20 or 25 basidcs tii« t:mip and camp d^uipsge. By some meaoH, t ie v’.irk was not done m well as it 0!ight to have been done. StiU we UfcJvrd on to within three files of Princ' Ooorg-j t) H , dismounted, and in % few mi»'iitcs h .d .^jlrtintial btria.'itworks gtVArding tiie way jf a»^pr..a'.' tro'M Grant’s main fore:? abuvo ‘ Spa’iet ijiiib^couio tramps” aud a iboiisa’jd stjut hearted cj\alicrs invited an attack, each o»iC f. eliug James did in Soo'tish romance, whrn be defied lid par- suers with— » ••Cou.'0 one. o>»'?'^ all. tb?B r. k 1 4/, Pfocii na fi.ta ''!««• Roon ^va 1 ” Wp reu3'ic*.d htT3 uuti! about 10 •'"citck, the eneaiy in fr ut ’iB tlc'ng bat i ‘>1x1)0- st’^ation, li :atly with ou*' t.-lft'i'a. Rosser bid 5u*c(-od d ‘-iik-j a c^nrm’’ bcl v;, a;:3 by this tiuc bal i:ivrc oat ali tbo catl’o aad ;hf»y Wtre niw “vyijjiu j aio^'y o'^.r tac ica” — number it.'‘id 4:5'.> Tn' mers r&ken nTtc-erei near 4^0, iiioluiiug t^o Mijars Cap{u:cs ai;- oording \Ve tbea'wed o.i. quictlj, wich scaicely a gun t > till u.-i th-iv wa wjrj iu “.n mi> my’s Uni ” Bat, a? if they would as“ th.i h^U-y, four or five Kegimeit-j sho^^pd thcm‘?eiv'pa in car front ju'^t as our advance reacned tbe yiciaity ot the dera'^alea i’iatik road in the evening. Gon. Hampton being an expert caw driver, though it is not a cummoa calling in S O. where h^ cauic from, turnid his cattle »iif to thejeft by anoihor route, while K.3is»’r and l)?ariLg, who were in ad vance, dismr.uated and went to x.ort, det'-rmijed to remove all obstructions or make t^nn move themselves—it mattered but iiitie which. 1 had almost forgotten tj tell you that Capts. Grahim’s and McGregor’s b.^tteritts were represented ia our column, l»ving each two pieces Ii tha cavalry had Decn unmiodfa! of tbe presence of tne Artil- icrista before, th«ir m?morie« were Cv-riaiuly jog ged about dantiOt 'Or a iittla Ktror >Mr^ uKa raar—cams up, lor &uoh an amoant ot “home made” thaador, I 'b.'ver heard iron so small a battery. I am Sitialied tint it was doc witnout effect either. At all eveuts ^otween the nre of our Artillery and the spirited cliarge.^ of our dis mounted •cavalry, the eaem rkf tr>tr \ *or our wagon train and ail About this time tney a,j pearcd in the re»r iu thi load we had cona^> up. Ool. Roberts of tb^ 2l N C a*^teaded t« tb«;.a there. By the by, rho gallantry of tao '•'■Z Uons N.C.,” as they are cillcd, is pr /V^rbiil, and Inhtnk It is dederved, tbvu:* i it is not certain that tae other Rcgitnf'uts of i>rig*‘le arc a wait bem iij. la fact our Virginia X'sjciaics ^ay thit iiar^uic-.r haj tha best i^rlgade ia this arjay. 2.f!, y ! r- jids your corre :poado9t’s undjr^i jg or rcitori iug the assertion Jarther '■haa be aa.^ djnc Wo reached oar old quirt'rj wi'a all ou;- pin- lU'r safe; yanitces, cow.s, norae.-^, w ;gO'JS a*^d N a.n’, Ac , &c., that bad beeo cipiar.i iroa t."ie yaui..;c conimiKsarint The ioj-> during t«c exp'diCiOn was T-ery light—25 per:i»ps, neiHy al! of ;^him were oaptaroi at diffjreat u.u;s from various causfis. Ali is quiet agdi! Ailo^v me t-.> giv a - isi«.'3t«the ’•rutbfulntis of which is vouched ior ijy la^oj y/h Ris-.: ’s men w.->ro drivi^^ the yaQke-’> b taeai ,;t t.’ic l*ianic l{5ad, they haltj l aad for a m.ooijnt every thiag wat still. Tas yvkea® were ciois by in the’thi-jket, and roircd oat to,oar msn to ••bnai>' up them b.iil-^, bri-Jg up th.^iu cows," &c K ° 3ftr’s mea replied at oaco by ctiar.;i.i ' tacni, b i- Ii^iag ss they w«,r, ai i;’ “tho oUtle u^jon 4 mju- •*and hilh” uad been turriod lo- sj iiiteijs'iy m.d iei»ed I need not toil you tiiac t ie Pne.a; d*! not s^ay ?o meet such ci'/iluiei, or to r c^iv.j-vAi' V't'” Thus ends our first trip to Graat’s cow- peh May the next«j.^ ai aucejs dul as ii'at w^s. Gen W. H. F. Lee ejui.ii.ndol our Diviuon, Gon Bi.*ring?r r.ur Bri^'ada, Maj Mood our tlog’t, and Oipt. lirook-t our c^mpsiay (D) tiad all tUibgs went omuothlj on This moroiag sunrise we heard the first gun of what proved to bo an hour’s W;kJc with ar-. rillcry near Petersburg The hriiig was very rapid all the ti nc, occasionally coming in volleys. -What tho particulars are I do uot know We rrill see ero long. No oae here seems to care any thing for McOlellan’s ‘ war letter.” They begin to look apon him a.s a woaihor-coak. Maj. McNeill of the 5th Reg’t preaches every Sabbith at Urtgade h^'adtjuirterd. Tho mea l>ke to listen to tho Mnjor, howbeit, it .looks strani»e lO Boe a man with a star on preaching. 13dt I fear I weary you. As evtjr yours, Ne.m/ne. I^orth G'lfohn 'ans Jiuri'.d ne. ir I'^}rfrexi> Monroe.—In a list of Gonfederaies buncd near Fort Monroe wc Bad from North Oarolina: \Ja -he south fcide of the creek, W J Stone, Oo F, 5th N 0, JuQO rOth, 1862; Riobard P L’ngly I’o G, IStn N 0. Au.xust 29 h, 186^1; A F Ooo- North side of CVeck i.Z T'J.- N 0. .M-y 2fi,. 'B4; J ' ^C,JaDel8,'64;H B Mo«ro., Co D,' wih A •mall pj'^tafe, not larger than a plate, said to be pamted by R.oaael when only twolvey“« of *^,1^8 B)ld P.t tlie Hotel DrJuot. It ^ knoek«d d^n to iiaron de KoUkaokui tor 6.700 poiikda,—* N >aa CO l.i ta 0 tOWT t.);!! ■ r, ex. : j- ir tj-.rjt -.* v r W.t i .-s to c -n; a i V lb r- a - 'VC ri- :> 0 » I’J t.hc . I a 1 > CO.U ijj >.n oar I I).’ i '. • nomy r * cr.ii ,‘d 1 tiit-^ r Tbe an^el «1 d-.ath was reapiag a foprf j1 b'»fveat. The Yankffe line in a few minutes i ogaa to look ragged and rent. It wavered, con- lu.'^ion ensred, and the minionn of the tyrant turned thtir backs and retreated ’n co.ifu'won Then the shouts of. victory rang al«ng our lines HO as to cheer the heart o'f every lover of his country. Standing on the bloody field I could* not f> r- bear to lift ao my heart and say, “blessed bo the name of the Lord who bath given as the victory ” The enemy retired soma distance and attempted to reform' Dis artillery also fell back Hi.4 fire had slackened, and everything oa nil tjides coiu- bfucd to shuw that our victory was complete. This was ab'^ut ond o’clock, and thinking tho. victory cotnplrte, 1 was engaged bringing the woLsndpd into tbc-rf^ity. A little aftsr three tho enomy’s cavalry made a i rals it-.non'tritiou on our Iflt, aiong*tba M»rtin:>burg tu"-)pike At thirt point wa** a br'gadc of oevalry ca!led^“Iirbod.?n^s mcu;” ftad Elthough Gfooral I.aboaOD \v«s ust«t;m^d when living as the em bodiment of patriotism and valor, and now w>^«-n ■Icidj a-t ttie as fal a-'d fffia’ent soldier, yet th.-t..; liieu, wirnoiit pr*:ssed, trivo way in caclu- “i >n, and c»me roshing into t,be two leading atrect.' of tho town its uiuith e*eitod a.s if they had looked th^ god Pan in lh« fac^, and crying oat they c..m? rushing aloig, “the yaakoes are comia^j'’ \yhil3t clouds of dii.n W'Te rising to h. i^hten the scene. Wagoners, teamsters, anibalaocd drivers, oegroes, boys, slt:i.lkers f'-om the b»t»i*, and .‘^quads loitering about the fieW, »11 c»ught the pauio and fell into the general rush, uatil it con stituted a periect storm ot the madnass of human folly. Soldi ?r« threw down their markets aboat tiic fields and tha streets, dives ted'themselves of oirtridge boxes, knspsacks and blankets, in order to faa light; n:nbalanocs just returning from tho battb;-field w;>nt galloping off in this wild whirl- potil, fiilod With the agomiiiig wounded,' all tetd- iflg to ^iKe ‘‘confosioii worse coni -uaded " I wa.s sitting in an ambalanoe io tuc street, by tb» d?ad body rd iSrig. Gon. Godwiii, which I had just assistol in bringing olf ttie b%^-!«? field, whsn i tok..nil dawii tha street 1 mw the trtioeicd ru-^h coming oa towarda me lixa m fiurricnoe. Dread- 'Qg its coatHot, 1 caUed to the dri» 3r to ju-;h with •ill i.toed, and it possIMe to keep 'bi-jvirc. ttis cur rent of luuaje# until wo cou!a Cioir tbe town, fcich the c mii 'Sj:, aud thus escap e being ran over. Upou oijsriaj’ ibe town Wji.fti od. x'..rrcr tlie space oi .^b.-uc li?. ail*’utcs the ji sii.?g, ruth- iii. oi v.ouiw >ji Lad pn rty ifi^ch aoated, i.tii pir:.>. 1 •, a. I ! ;• h for t. e yinkeos; I ro'jk tisva; •. , . -i; „)>; b^t, b^l^ola! I c.;'ild .^ot iv'or a s.. i. . • ■• I .oa..‘' ;o, ior n 'juc ?■ -.'.'i i ^b -no tia.'c Sjt. b .* i i aulea .'di, t - cd anythia •• 1 ■ • . t;»; btaui^^a: .1 r gado of- "Ijin^t pa,jic also .jap: “ 1-, W.10 fl ■'d 1 L’fc, ;*t chia ^>art«t i ,ii n • d tj.lia'jk our loic .s, .»rjd G ^r.ipQuto fi;i' ^acjt .it lii-ik. O t tr-us, biiiigio.^ .ff itil i-lij w uidc'l wc 0 riid, rui*(’h*rd otrmourg during the nigfit. (.) ir tri>op« ar-j coming up lO- uay aiiii taklag p.>iitl.»u in bre*s.wjrks ;hro,va up sever »i wctiks ago. Tais ptane is cabed iha Gii»raltir of tLo V^allcy, and is H milos from vViuoiicstcr. We Had to leave our d/-‘d in (btf hands ol tho enjnoy. Wo had gained a deciicu jiciory ia the hell a’xl were u»ast..;rs ox’ tae .■*.iiu- I’.i in, Oat tae pirt pltyed by a body of uadisoip-, a?feji trojos ^supoUci as ta drop th*? priz s. io^s is Uobffy, espoouily ia ofiicers. Maj >r :>0u. Kji.ja and Brig. Geu. Godwia >vera ki.tod. 't’lie Utcer oaiimatided “Hoko s Oii Bngado '' The Ooijual ...11 Lu'n. Colonel of tha 21at Ge.>rgia .ire amiag 1 alien. Oapt. .Riotiardioa, A. A. tx to jti i. G ulrfiO, lost a l^g. Lit.. Ool jhlilis, cjjimati'liQg tao 51th i>l. O. T, w*a severely ^ouad:td lu the left arm. It is impsssibla at this ime to oat a Ust of oajiaUids. Bat it will 00 a sad ona whan it sbiil appair. Oir loss, 1 teir xri>ai cne pr^eat lights QjioiC ms, will ran to nearly three thousand. That ot the enemy was saroij maou greater aad may sam ap five tnousand. We brought off about five hundred pridoaers. The prisoners inform us that Gan Grant was ia oommand and that Gea. Averi’l was Killed. ^lOMA. Oasuakiet.—From aa o&cer 01 Gau. Oox’s 'lirigadc, who waa wounded la tho fight on Mon> day last, we learn that Col. B. T.'iiaaaett, of tne 14cq N. 0. Kjgitueit, wa^i O:tptar0d; Mij J. 11 Lambeth, ot tue 14th, was woaaded aad loft at Winj^*ester; M J. Joaa P Cobb, of tnc 21, had tits leg fractured and was lofo at \yiochesi:er, Cd‘)nci Joan Vi. Laa, of the 5th, was wounded, ont on his way home Captaia Josepa Joaoo of this city, was sUghtly woaaded. Gen. Cox aad Geh. Grimes were both safe when out ia.'or- m^nt left. Cape. S ;aton Galea was oaptarod by tio enemy on Taars'iay last, nc:ar Strasoarg. Raleigh Conservative. ,jtiefnrn€d N rtk i)aro(inijt,ihs —Amoag the Confederate offcors who arrived ia Kiohoioad by Sag of trace last week, we notice th« following from North Carolina: Major J. MdLaod rarner, 7th N*. C , Captain W. C. Hogan, ^1, Capt W. II. Sponoer, Part^- zaa Rangers, Capt. H. 0. Wheeler, 2d N C. Bit taiion, Licats. J. H. Davis, 64th N. 0, E. T. Taompsoa, 28th, N. Saffoon, 2d, J J. Metta, 3d, J. U. Chambers, Gsh, M. W. Norflaet, 47th, Wil lis Whitaker, 37 th. The. Latt of the Old Suf'k.—Mrs. Grissom, relict of Mr. James Grissom, ot Qran«ille ooaaty, departed tl&s tiie about the 15th alt. Her hus band was a soldier ia the old Bevolation. Tber Wfite married several yean befor« that war. dhe ww aboet m * n& ywe rue cl ooautry w« we fi jd tbo Lenris and hands ot’ o’jr r-ob’e wotn^n enlisted ' They are seen wiierever tho f.\-e niay fall, or tbe stop tnra. They have one diity to p?rforiu — to buoy up the hp.4rts of our people. f ktjow the deep disgreci' feU by Georgia at oar araiy *allir'g back froia Ualton to tae interior of tbo Sta^^; bat f was not of tnosM who conpider- od Atlanta lost wliea our army crossed the (’hat t^aboochce I resolved that >t should not, aud I thca put ft man i« oomfT'aal who I knew would 9trii-'e an honest tmd uiholy blow for ti e ciJy, and •jiuuv a van*c;*'s blood was la^de to Duariah tfto soil bffute tlie prize \r&a xfdn. It »^of!fl CO*, bccome ns to revrrt to ^itrastei “Let tho dead bury th« dpad.” Lot ns wjtti one arm aud Oiic fffjrt'endcavcr to crmii Sbertnan. I &ra :?oiag to tha army to confer Tviih oa»^ Geufa- The end mast be the defeat ui onr I'ncti. It bfts hre3 sai*l that I hs»d abaodor»ed G io:g- i 0 h“r fat . Sh:vQie upoa eu *b a f,i!^rh'vo'i Where c--a.'d tae aatbor h;\’febcca whru w slker, wh."*!! ].V»k, and when Geu. Stepuen i). L-iO were sent to her assistance. Mi'^CTsblo ra»u T^e lar-a ^hojiiftersd this was a scoufidrel. He not n uiM to s^ve our countrj^. li .1 knew that a General did rsot po-»C'’S tbn right (jualitics fo commaDjI, would I not b^ wronir if he wa? not removfd? Why, wbe^' oar aim;- Wfts failing back from Northern Geot,oift, I even neard that I had seat Br'igg with pontoo''s to t^ross' it to Cuba Bet we ma t be charitable ^ The m**!! who c^n speculate oagTit to be made to fsko u;;> his musket. Waen t.bc '^'ar is over aad our iadependf uce w >n, (on-^ wt toW est bUsh our indrpendenc*,) who will be our aris'.ccr&c^^'::' 1 hope tho limping 9oldi-3r. T^ the yr>nng i?*d;dis I wonld say wteu choosing, b'tween su ep'pty sleeve and tha man who. has r^Jtaired at hi;tae and grown rich, always take the oiupty -rlcivc Let the oid men remain at home atid mik>- br^ad. Bat nboaid they know of any young m 3a keeping a-+ay i'rom the sarvice who canno*^ be njidt^ to go any othe'* w.'ty, let tbeiii write to the Kxecu ive. I read all k-i-iers sent m; irora tbe people, but nav* not the tiu'^ to reply .0 them. Vou *^»v-o n.rt Tuovj uucc bct^eru IB and 45 J:dt Ta.'- b >ys —God blc’s tae boys—are as rap idly p.s they f.:ciOL')e old r-uough goit-g to th.' field. The city tjl j'lac^a i fi.led with stoies, sick Pud woaudfd. It ina.-t n jt bj aband'tned, when tiircat- ened, out .wHf a rn'»my come, ir.steaa td’calling uooa iluod s nrHiy J. r oefcuce, the old men mast Gght, a”d vh«.n iKect.O'ny i’ drivcti beyond Cbat- lanooga, th' y t«‘u 3:^ 1 j iia iu ti'O general r j iicing. Vcur p>-iron-r= ^ u-.'ot a a t»-jrt ol I’^ankee capital.. I have -v ifd ths’t otic-of thoir Generals nai 1 tbff* fbcir ■ xon>i.ig • W'n -l defeat Sherman. I .fav. £; it;d cv 'ry c needed every thine u> ' ff;ct aa 'xchani.;e, to noj.urposc Butler tbe l>j;^bt, wit'u whom to Com’Q J of Exuhai'rge would bold iniercoarsc, hsid pubdsiad ia the •; effip:i;'crs ti at if we wor'd con.-.ent to the cx- »:Uauge of negrovii, all dil5 ^ilti s might be rc- lu )Vfd. This i.-^ repji ted a? aa cffirt of his to ..e, aimi‘ilf v?hitewashed by hf’ling intercourse wiih gentlemen If an exchange couid be eff ':ct- id, I dont know bat tiiat I m»gbt b-j induced to re -oguizo B itl«r But in the t - 'ure every effort wi'l be givoa a- iar as p:>ssible to offj.'t tao tnd. We w..nt ouc'^oUiera iu rho 5eld, and we want tlie Kies ami wounded to refar i uoaiii. It is not prop- r lo; m* to^peak of the number of m.?Q iu tfto fi.-'M Bat this I will say, tbit rwo-thlrds of oar men are absent—.;ome sick, s )!ue rtroUaded, bat most of them absent without li^.e. ihem'ia who repeats and goes b«ck to fi!s couiinindor volua'arily, «t once epncsi'.'strong ly to vxecaciv^j oitmcncy. But suppose Uo pt-ays aw'ij untir taQ war 15 over and his comrades re turn koms, wfiea tvery maa’s history will be told, whore will »’o shield himself? It is upon these rotiec^ions that I rely ti> m^iko men re ura to"*their dus/; out aftar conferring with our Gen erals at heaoquaricrs, if thera bo aay other reme dy It sB*ll ba applied I love my friends and I forgive my enemies. I hiive acea a-skod to sond rciaforcemcnviS fr-, m Virginia to Goofgi%. In Virgiaia th-e d»spa.nty in numoors is jasi as. groat as it ia in Georgia. Thp.n I have been ask id why tne army sent to the S ifcuaadaah* V alley was not sent here? It was oecausa aa army ot the enetHv had pcactr&ted thjtt Valley to toa very gates of Lynchborg, and Gcu. lilirly was Boat to drive theai bick. This be not only 8ujcj.-i6tully dil, but, croSsiDg the Potomac, Came well ni^h capturing Washiagton itself, and forced Grant, to sand fw-> oorpa of his army to protect it. Thi.s the eicmy denomia'ated a raid. II so, Siierman's murcli into Georgia is a raid. What would provcat thim aow, if Eirly wa? with- dra'Vn, p netratiog down the valley aad putting a oompletc cordon ok men aroand Riciimond? I ooaasullad wi.h tas.t great aad brave soldier, Gen. liee, upon >11 these points. My miud roamjd over tho whole dcld. With this wo 010 saocced’ If one half the men aow absent wiihoat leave will return to duty, ae can defeat the enemy. With (h.-\t hope I am going to the front, i may not rcaliaj this hop3, but.I know there ar? m6n there who nave looked deathvin the !aae too often to daspond now. Let no oae dsspond. Let np oae distrcut, and retnem- oer chat if geaias is tka beaa ideal, hope ia the reality }f bet-i^cea six and roi* t*«f‘a^Brid caval.y Ali our attempts to drive b&^'k Inis cavalry Ibics, which is known to be th»' fl »wcr of tbi wf nu' y;>,). kce army, proving anpuocctefal, we we>e urc. d to retire, which we did 111 goad ordc?-, v*irli ii»cc to the foe and conteitiLi^ t'.^^ry inch ot gt u d The or.emy being evidcfltiy Ko mich cai- up 11 pursue JUS with advanta^*^. oll ’'wo'^ otir coiucu only a short distance and • rew off. Our loss ia killed, w.-'u Jei and priSi'BCTs will certainly not exct’ed rw'^i;*y five h-ii:1r»*d laeu Rod»^s’ division saffered mont, oar loss tht^rein be- iiV a tl}OU^ftc I m«»i Wc pj-o:i3blv lo. tfi»c hao dred prisocerfi in tdl Ta^ ^'af^my’s b*-? is en'i Di'^ted a* bet'^eiiP six i»ad »;itbc tnuaganu mei. killed ficd wou'*df*l Oa W. ineslay lb« yan ku'-s with tbe flag o.f iU Vav.^ra cb’iaf-d th%». they i'ad ca’^tur.'jd £?? rhf.rsjind priiioaeri. Veb- tnrt^ny t^.f-.y bid n'tidrt.^.ei; tbcir pret^a.^i ns 0 fat as t-'» c’aia: ba* Jre huDrfr'*d It'TaB r.-p.j!t.d btrp y?ceri«v tb;it iVart -' d cf oar li -Id ofScer-^ Ir^-d bt-r-n ksilcf! aad vvoaadfd; cu-.iect Ji-»t of tbe pa^U' lift wa have reooiTc ftltiPi'. Cf.i. v. jrb aii Ti'^w ii."sr.t3 ij.> imprc'fT iliil, in t '’or.ty-r road sav*’n .y f. •( n.!i U uns, j^ceare, ,ji.; piSition on riiher’a .'0 miles flO'd'h ol Win- \* *ii -y i.arriT‘ie, and by the ssiiie ir LEii^.;s r.r«.rtb of Sfannton. Kirhj/ftrd JJr^minK- Cur» for th“ —Mix* one tabb-sp jonful of sulphur with hai;’a pint of milk to i;e taken' the »!»8» thing every day until favorable syjaptomiap pear, and then .uccasionally, as toe oas) may re quire. The above is a cheap, simple', but most infaliiable care for that most painful and uop.eas- ant disorder. It has been used with complete Buooess in old and inveterate ca^'js, where indi viduals had spent soorcs of dollars in medical ad vice. It is ej[ually as useful as a preyentiTe. li will in^iare none, ao‘d only requires a trial. Vmomtoum (4k*-) Xt tkern Nrica.—liiO;£.>>, Sept 20—The iviUfuiore .\mcrii3.n of the afternoon of Saturday a:iii3ias d'.-^i'ntchf-s foim Sheridan which claim a.i t!;^ v'ctury -over Jvtrly’s forces at. Fisher’s Hill CTi tfie 2_’d. Ail the yaaitpo dominion ii «=xc“odinaly jubilj.n^ at th> «.iws from the Valley Gold in Ne w y >rk h»i decliued to 200. Poa- ;na°t?r G^htr } B*air ba*: ri*;j5gnt‘d at the rcq'4P6t '>}■ Liusoln llis euctj^sH >r i-* ei-Gov. Denuison of Ohio - ■ Reptj'ffd KiC-'pi of Conf\irrat^. frcitL 'amp 'hase.—Maco.n, Sept. 20—Tho Ot:‘.»it&uooga (Jazette of the 20th says, upoo tte tiulborify of a dispatcn to the St. Loais llepubli can, that the p^i:^oacr8 in Camp Ohase rebel.ed, overpowered the guard and made their escape. Logtoj the Lynx— night tlie fiae block ade running steamer Lynx, belonging to John Frsrer&^Co.,croEsedNew lalet Bar sad pat to s k, bound to Bermuda, with a cargo consisting miiii- ly of over GOO bales of cotton, o«“-half on gO’»crn- ment-ac'iouat. Sae also bad §p0,000 in gold on freight fo’’ government Jast after she got oat she was pursued by the biookading squadroo, by which pae was complet-’ly hemii"d in. She was struck eight times, six times at or below the water-line Finding the ship in sinking condition, the Captain beached her some five i.r six laiies a>K>ve Fort Fisher Tho crew and psssengers is- caped with a portion of their effects, and ♦^he ves sel was burned l;o prevent bar falling into the bands of the enemy Tha gold beloaging togov- eroment was saved Tho eupaiy get so close as to fire a vo’lsy of musketry at the Ljnz, by which oae of the crew wa-* wounded Wdniingion jQurtkal^ 2.1th. Dii».ffer».—Col Miston, Commaadant of the IIo.aT Goard in toe coaaty, iuform’* us that tha resalt thus far of the effort of the Gaird to ar- rast deserters and reoujanf connoripts has been ia tho return t.> tha sarvice of forty t iree A por-'ion of thesa surrendered up.on hearing the procliimittoa of the Goj'ernor, o^her'’ Wtta not men in the “buihcs,’' but who hai reaiaiaad be yond tficir tluic at aooio and had laoarrcd t»ie oharjctor of des.irters, while. still others were isnuiaa wood'facn, who have bega lying oat for tuonths, aad some erea for y-»ar3. W inti on iSen'tnel. D-tprtert S'^ a.%d Taken.—We arc iufocutcu tiiat upwaros ot 300 deserters and re- casint co'jPOi'ipt.'? have be.'n taken and Lave sur rendered under the Proclamation of Gov. Vaace, ia Raadolph and the adjoioing oountics of Chat ham, Moore a.'id Moatgomery Gr4e*>shoro* Oitizen. ——The rcsigaations of the following the Prctji- 4th N. C. „ , - - - 24th N. 0. Rogt; Capt. Julian G Moore, Cj. C, 3d N C. ItiT .k..a rs^j: i »-r 0. R.jg’t; 2d Lieut J. M. Davis, Co G, 56tih xV. C Keg't—Rxf. ''otwervoiive. fSmall Pox.—The Small Pox in and about Yancyville, we learn, continues to spread. Its lavages are ohicfly coofiaed to tho negro popu- latiou. It is of a peculiar tyj^c, attacking aa it do^s those who have b“en vacctn-ted with all the fury it attacks those who have not, and in many oases marking th^'m worse than tho»e who were never vaccinated.—M Iroa *'hronicle. E’nhargo.-^Qtan Baker, oom uanding the 2d Diatrict of the D jpartmaat ot N jrth Carolina aad Southern Virginia, givas notice that hereafter no pennU3ion8 will be granted to pass our lines by flag of truca to Newborn ualer any circuiustaooes. The fVace \'«. We have a pretty re liable report of the result of the informal deputa tion to Gov Broivn to invito him to a poaoe conference with Gan. Sh«>rman. Tha reply ot G‘->v. Brown, we understand, was very maoh to this cllco': TeU G«3. Shcrjaan that I understand him to be only a general of one of the Federal armies, while I am merely a governor of one of the Confederate States. I don't Me how we can. neg^ate; or, if we should tmdertake it, how ou aegototioTw qm lead ta pnttimt rmoltB, ^-- - N onr the of t ■ Ulfl me mee 17 th p*'o~ thei ha. t tuin. part owiag, of lae ons. Point tue plec fadlity gfiitral We iiii( ill trei Dialtij. Tii lill wli battle papers pomt by lelt tne de Read taat to Go' when who. oifin WtiB W fact ia im cent tha quit )a. tbeir wivei their a \ sai* stj of ape on the est