in Jt i’"* cr.-^ s;ii .1 (I r •• i wili -I i. .1, , ; . , .p ■'V'l’r- . ■ i 'iil- I .u > ' t •r.’i J ■' - ’ ,i ■ -;C- i ’ . a \7 - > a:. IbiC , >0 y ill *ure. d il tl»v‘r ii U U Up t I *5uIuC Q •T8 il isjeij rt-in b.- /C hufi- ie d laci. " ya-> vd h-ii ^ Ifs- ■ns j to .; >atidrd; J PAJU• r»ecu.rr. Pisher’.i Win- e !*8me .—The turdsy claizxj b'wher s nian is Valiev Oot ■ retj enuiflca it Mie. i —T'if' nJD the •publ. bel.ed, cape. bl.ek- J -hn ro s s., rtiki- t'O'ocrn- ^!d on got :Ut roa, >*y he W1.H low the uditi jn, C jaiies leerrt s- iie ves- k»o the to gov- 66 a^ to whi. h iTfi. 0m of tho Uif tho to ar- b'vo i V 0/ n )t ad '■ cd t f ■XlTO lut i'lr Pe »rj lOi re- sur- V ktiCu, Chat- lowini.' I'rcri- N (' S. c (' *h N *1 >th N fch > [u popu aw it all th axiuy Wi-re he 'Aii y aaU Mjr no C3 by aces. ty r«- puta- poacio iy ot oh to taud deral e of oau _pBSEIiYlEH. FAYETTEVILLE. ” THVKHnAl. SEPTRMBKB 29, isJwT McC lellak’s I’RospRt-Ts—We are indebtod to our friend ('apt. J. W. Stranjre, now stationed on the Biackwater, for a copy of the New York WorM of the 19th inst. More than 21 columns of it, in •umll typCj are devoted to a depcription of im- naeuse McClellan ratidcation meeting, qf series of ineetings, that took place at Union 8q ’arp on the lith. The World claims that there %»ere lUO.OOO p^’ople pr *8eDt. and that they yrere ei'thu-iaptio in their dttermifmtiofl to elect Mct.’lellan. Meetings were organized at ten different stiinds around the Sqnarc, and speeches were bemp delivered ut iili of them at the same time. 68 McCleilau dijhs, from t_he didt'rent W ards of the city and the surroundinsr towns and villages, joiDcJ the grnnd procession, onl- haui with batinefs and lights. Mayor ^uuther pre sidea and spoke at Stand No. 1, and amonir otbrr ep(>akers were Hon. li.^bert C. Winthrcp of IJ^'ston Uov. Parker of New Jersey, Jas. T. BraiJ;-. A. Oakey Hftil, Angnste Belo-.ont. McICfon, i nrdy, tJallatin, Tallmadge. Wulbridtre, 3t . Such ttiingg mdic.'ite thui we may have been too hasty in eetiin^ down thrdefeat oraloCldlan as cer tain. There appears to be more of vitality in hia party than ^'e L;ui f'upposed. Bat then‘ is one view which may decidediv coh>- plicati' % election. I’he theory orth« Uhlted'state^ 18 that tWre are stitl or 40 States, as the may be, in tat Union. It requires a majority of ah the votes of all the States, to elect*. Now suppose all ihei>tates, including i^-e ('onfed»rate States, be entitled to .5»H) votes. Lincoln mnst receive l.^G to elect him. He Must get these 156 rotes in the Lnited States. Kve-y (.’oafederate State that fails to vote in the election, is. in effect, equivalent to a vote for-McOlellan, and therefore, if ne thould ac tually receive some TO or 75 votes, though he till not of course be elected, neither will-Lincoln b*e. Aud the same result may happen iu the jiouse of licpre- s^tativee, into which the election would then be thrown LincMn must there get a majority of all the .Sut^. aud it will not do for him to say that the Confederate States are not par^of ihe Uuiied States. It is said that the New if oik Trioune concedes that ilcClelian will carry tive or six Stafes iu the Elec- loral colleges. So wc uray yet hope for trouble to the yankees from the election. Though we may cart* but little whether acoln or McClellan be citcted, we ',io care, and are very deeply interested, mat they get into another revoludon iu consequence. —There are neany a nundred thousand occupying the grievous position of prisoatrs of \»:*r—ne»ny 60.000 on each side. AUowiug the mod erate number oi five to each family to wnich they b .oag, and there are near half a million ot persons DQidn, woiHi^n UQci children—honi6, §rieviug ov^r tl-j aplirity. the coniiuement, and tne i;l usage of th.-ir de-r ones. All owiug to the beanicssaess and in usuce of Lincoln. He is bound by every obliga- tiua 10 treat his own soldiers, at least, if uot ours, W;tn humanity; yet he suffers th^iu to experience all the hard3hi4)- of prison life fiecaase to gel them back he Euusi restore Coufederate soldier^; to iheir tam;ly and country ; and because the term ot service of many j>f hi'? soldicr^« wiiom we nold us prisoners aas ejc- pired, and if esctianged they would not go ba a lUK) the rauiis. X meaner pretext, a case ot more rank iB_^‘?«»!c**,rn o'pn t^would noi; Ot e.i?y to I tiaf the Nortneru people «aHinit u> it. would oc a wonder but tor the tact tuat so large a pro(>ortioa of .the prisouers b«ld oy us are foreigu- tra, wno uave few in lue Umted State* to care for them, ana tuose te** people of no poUtif al inilaence. 1 he accounts of the treatmeut experienced by our man m the yankee prisous are very coutradictory, owing, we have no doubt, to the diti'eriog characters of tue men wno have cojimand at the diilereni pris ons. We hear (x a letter liom a youag prisoner at Point Lookout, to ms mothsr m this pUce, ;n wnich tue pleasatu Situation of tue camp, the rations, the facility for bathing and listiiug, and the treatment generally, are spo^eu of iu t^rms of commeuflhliion. We like to hear of such case.-*, for tue evidences ot ill treatment at ott'er places are too pooitivi and maltiplied tb be douoted. Thb VALLEf Battlks.—It need«"d no gliobt to tell what troops it was mat lost tue day in thvi acver^ battle near V'*'uichestcr on me’ tyihiusi. Tae V rgiuia papers were and are "as eileiii as tae grave oa cuat point. No one can be surpnied tueiciore to Icara by letters from the troops of otner tuat it wa^ tue def>'cUon of'V'irginians that caused the disaster Bead the letter to tue Italcign Coatederate, aad ao^ mat our N or th v j*trolmiaus were lit ting up their ncarts to (i-od in thaaiiamess tor a victory already gained when the Virg ma cavaLy caaij dying from a foe who.was nownere to be aeeu—ruumcg froai iheir u'^n snadowa—uud so the tide was turned, tiie day was lost. We Buould uot thus cafl special attention lo this fact but fv^r tne cQurse of the same V’'irgin;a iu impaii;ijj severe blame to olen. liamaeur on a re cent occa'^ion of a loss of a part ot iiia iJiVision in the same alley army. ien. ttams^ur has oeeu ac quitted of blaaie m this matter; but who or what'will justify tnese V'lrgmia cavalry, upon taeir own soil,— their own State, their homds and property, their wivea and chil irea, depending for protection upon their galiautryT It is probable tuat tuey w«re p]au«d to |ta iiupor*aat |joiat f>ecau3e it wa.i natural th 8up(|)is? that mterest and honor and pride would all combine to make them ctaad to their aruis. xet they tied panic stricken without a pursuer We never near »^ithout amaaement of a Virginia Regiment or Brigade wavering or breamug in the Army of V irg;ma. Wuh so much at SUK^*, in the presence as it were of their wivea aad childrea who arc to be the victims of tneu’ cowardly piiiic, how can they answer it to their grejit leado.", Lee, that they iliflch from the periurmance of all, aud more than all, that is expected of them? Yet uuriag t^e present cauipaign of live moatua tne iu«ta:iues nav«^ been repeated,—at i5j5ottsylvania, at Lynciiourg, at Cold Harbor, at Wincheut'jf, aad.psrnaps 0i,her pla ces still, where great disaster aas befallen, or great good failed to de accompiisued, by-tne deiection of a Virginia ilegiment or Brigade. It is, as we aavs said, amaziug. COCNCIL CK Statr.—'J'he Govcruor has called a meeting of tiie Council «t State, lo be held on Wed nesday next the 5th of October. 'I’tie purpose is not stated, but miiy possibly be to consider tue propriety of '-ailing the Legislature togetacr, as 0. ea urged npoii the Goveraor, in advaace of its regular sessioD on tne 3d Monday of Novemoor.* Two members ot the Council haviug resigaed, all the otuera are earn estly requested to attend. 'I Hic Railkoad DivpDgND.—.A week or two ago we memioned that the N. C. ttailroad had doclared a dividend of 7 per cent. A SiNUL* Class from thk UNivKRsiTT.-^'nie following from the Raleigh Conservative furnishes a remarkable history of the class that was last gradu ated at the L niversity of North Carolina previous to the breakine Otit of the war. 11 consisted of 81 members, hailing from 10 States, ahd of these it will be seen that 60 are known to be or to have been in the army; of whom 15 have been killed, 1 died iu service, 2 resigned on account of bad health. 1 re signed on account of wounds, 1 resigned for reason not stated, and 40 arfe still in the army. .Most of the 21 who are not enumerated in the Conservative's list were from distant States, and dbubtless they too are or have been in the army:— of tlie S*c-!Ui,r of 1«.'>9 tio Sydenham l'«. AU'X!»i>- d^r ).» ft Cm.tftiii in thi* 4 M N C. ki', Lnv\T.-nrf' -M Andf-r.^on Wa^ kilUnl at Sliiloh, liiaac T Atruore, till- etl in \ irginiA, Alexander liarrctt id a Li.‘ut*-naiit in the 4'.Hh N. 0. Ri'irui'iTit. .Tiinius (J. I'.attli* wus killed at Shsrpiiburi;. T^)iid a OaptaiD and »rr!nance >fli- vr, . H. Borden is a Lieutenant >n* Mtth N.- 0. H'u^inifiit, Sierlir.^ Hrickell w;is= a Oaptaiii in llte t jf h 0 . Biiil nviirntHl in i''n«ei.[iif>nce of wourdsi, rt'. M 13rooiv'; is in the 41st Rcffiinenc, Charles Kruce, jr , Killed in one of the battle.® Rieiiuiono, Cnj>t. (i?ori»e I’JJryaa wa-" recently hilled bolow Richin>!,d, I’cire.' .M l^utlir to the 2d s. C cava’i-y, Al»*xun dcr T J'ole is iu the •i!:d Ue^Mracnt IN. « , Trooj's, ]>at R Coleman IS with the 2'»th. R K Cooper i.- a Ohrtj)1ain in Cobb’s Legion, Ti;un:as Cooper, a Lici’tenai t in ihe. 11th N. C.. was killed at GettV'-bii'*', Venuhle •l>:iniel is a Lieutenant in thf ICth, Tht.iuas - H.s.-is was Lieutenant in the Stii. ."xnd resit^niMi or' aei'oiuil ft’ li::i! K L Drake is iu a Tentossce Regiment, Jno. 1> Faic is a (’«j>ta!n i»> the 3.'}d Keginii-nt, itijrace i-'errurd in a J.oui.sinra He^imert. J O A FogU is iu a t.eorgia Rej^imeut, Samui ' jft Franklin died. C K ,_'.y in » Vis- mwippt R^irhtrry*- Jifuf-B A (.%r*hsm is a l2iettt»-nant in the 27th Regiment. Ckarleu llaigh in Tii the ^ C, E J Ua1«». Jr. ia As»=i!tant A4ljutant 0%.-ral to (-lene- ral J li Laue, H J Hardin is a Lientonanf and Adjntant t« Colonel Mallett of the Conscript Bureau, VViili«ui J lleadeii was a flrnt Licuteaaut iu ihc 2titu Reg’i, ncd lias ju‘f bt-eu el?cic>d for the st-Cv-ud time to the .State Legislature from Chath>’m coun‘y. W W H«>uiy is in the VVesteru Army. S A Kijirhtower is iu the JGtQ L'oiiii'i'iini. ihos C ^'oHiday was Captaiu aud Afjii.-vaut Adjaiaut General to General Davio. killed, R B H Jlou.-?tou wa>^ a !j|*nt“imnt in the 5M N C, aisd rtsig/i.'d. 11 K Jonc.' ai«l to (»en l^urg killed, A’altfr J Jones i^ iu one of.ou* h avy Artillery Keatiments. W J King is in the Me’icul U.partmeut at Ric*inou!l, J B Lutterloh was a Lieuten ant in the 56th and k ll.d at Gum Swamp. Eugene S 4iar- tin is a Livut.uant in the 1st Battalion Ueavy .^rtiiltry G 'o;^ .Martin. kllhHl. James B McCallum kiii-d. J.itnes C McCTeUand died. K T McKetbau •is a Lieutenant in the 5lst N c, A N McKi;nmou is in the Qmrtennif-t'r Dt uessee. William T Nicholson -s a Captain iu ihe 37ih N C, and Judge AdvixjBte to VVilcox's i>iviiBi n Court, U VV PearcH i» ia the 41st N C. R G Pitman is in the Lngiiieer KefJartmi-nt, Geo McD Quarles v« dead. Iowa Royster a Lieutenant ia the 37th a\is killed at (Jettyshurg. K B Samle’-s is in the 3.'>tb. Joseph 11 c^aiinders is Majur of the iVid aud a prisoner, K DScales isaOommts.Tarr. I-aiquuard Suiith and Nortleet Smitn are iu th^ 4lst. I'h j.s L iiuith billed. Ed G Sterling died iu service, R J Syk-'s is in a -Mi'sissippi Regiment, G Taylor is aa .^^i.sUnt Sur- S«^n, Jouu 11 Thorp is a Captain in thu I7tu. S.\niuel i‘ Ve'r was a Lieutenaut in 'hs 46th aud Tiilled at b'. ed-.- ricksburg George L Wilsoadied. and William vVouiter, a *'antain in the 1st N C, was killed iu oue of the ijattl;s around Richmond. Rei.'ikorcixii thk Army.—Tii^' Raleigh Confede rate htt^ receutly published a series of Kditorxal arti- ‘les urging a reintorcement of the anny by requiring ome of the ejfcL?mpted classes to go into the service. In its last issue the t.^onfederaie say.s that only one paper, the Charlotte Democrat, has responded fa>or- ably to its sugge.'tious; and it inter.-; that the other paper.' in the .'srate are of an4>pposite way of tnian- lair. ThiS is a misconstruction of our sileat.e. It is uot that we are either opposed to or in favor -d the Confederate’s suggestion, out simply that we Imve not access to tne stt^iStics uecess>vry to thf fonu’ag o'" an opimoa upon the sub|ecL It is a very deiu- iie jucetioa. how lac the prodaciug classes may be fur- laer dtpieied lo sirebgtniiu tuu u«nuoir question whi. li It is the p*ovm..e of tue Coaicderaie nd -ilave governiuen'-S to decide, aud as to wnich, us we Uave said, we have 00*1 data upon which to fouad. an opinion or lo ja>-tify advice. Aii tuat we can do will be to coutorai to the decisions of Congress au>i the Legislature upju so vital a point, acd this wc are prepared to do, aad will be giad d' the d.;ci-ion sauli oe that any of us caa be more useiul lu the ticid taan m priatiug a ue-vspaper. Baow.v Stkfus-ns uersus iioLUK.v.— i'he (iov- ernor of Georgia and tae V'lce Fresiueat ot tue Con federacy aave oeea lalsely claimed as tu3 tile-ieudcrs of tae iijkieigu S;andard aad its party ad la .’’avor oi ouleac'4oa lu tue 4icgotiatioa of a peace. Gjv. iirowcv aas aiauy vagaaes to aaswcr lor, bat this is uot one ot them. ±lii auswer to Saerma^’s proposal to noiu a uoaiereace Wita tum aad Stw^aeus ou tae subject, is coDolusi^e e/iueacti of uis disseat irom tae Staadard, U ta^ire aaa uot oeea suaicieat evi- ueuce previously. “*reil viea. Sucrmaa,’' said tiov. Bi’owu, • liiat 1 auderstaad him to oe only a x^eaeriil of oafi ot tae Federal armies, W-ulst 1 am merely a Goveraor oi oae oi the Contederate State# 1 doa f see how we can negotiate; or, it we should uudertaKe It, now oar aegouatious caa lead to any prav;ticai reouits.” Seiiaioiy aua truly ^poKeu. auu just as tue 'jrovemor of Norm C.iroiiua w>o«^-.l uave spoica uader siaiiiar circumsiuaoe.s. Bat waat wou4«i aai'e Oeea the course of our woulu-ue Governor/' Wuy ot course he wo’ald nave oeea oouau c*y ais pledgtts to meet Duermaili, aaa taa.f comiuit aiaiselt aui tuc pcopl ■ of tli.j *'5(ate to a vioiatioa oi tae CoaieUerate coHaJtutiou, wuica expressly coaaajs to tae Crosi- deut aad Seaate tae exoluswe ngat to uegouute aad make creatiej wila foroi^u porfero. ii vjijv. Browa or aay otner Governor were to ea*er into a aegoua- tioa WKU me eac:my ue wouid oe a traaor and would oeserve a traitor s doom. StranvJK C0Ki>P0T.-—Fiyerecaaaut conscripts dis- appearr^d from tnis town TuesUay evening uuder sjagalar circuU3t>ancea. It id thv^uabit of me Com- ifiandaaf of the Home Guaras now ia Moore oouuty, whea*a deserter or recusani. conscript ooaies ia aud delivers himself up, to give him a furlough of a fovv da/s to go borne atid taake his arraagemeats to start to the army. Among the many who aad enjoyed this furlough and faitafuily returned to camp were y coascripu aad 1 deserter, who were StarLed off for tlie -rmy ou iiouday al'teruoOD. ’ Tuey were in charge' of a single private of the Home Guard, unanacd, a«^d walked part of tiie '. ay to the Railroad ou Monday night and the remainder on Tuesday moraiiig. I'iiey then came oa the train to this'place, and wuile taeii guaru waiJ procuridg trausportatiou ucke^s ave oi tae cbnscripts deserted, leavmg the ouo deserte: aud four other conscripts to go on. 1 hese men came iu of their own accord; taey could ha/e violaseu tiieir parol iu Moore; they could have escaped at any time on Monday or I’lffesday during the march to tins place; but they came oU so quietly and resolute ly as not to excite the siighoeat suspicion of an in tern ion to runaway, and yet disappeared as soon aa .they arrived here. W e did not hear tfleir names. Wki.l. Done.—Two of our Fayetteviilft compa nies of Home Guards now in Moore, i^rmng that a widow near their camp w;i3 hkely to lose ner crop of fodder for want of labor^rB to pull it, turned m and Stripped it upon a ten acre Held, i’he wtdow s biedsiuga rest upon them tor me good deed. OUR PRISONERS AT FORT DELAWARE • From the Richmond Whig. Wc have received the following, how or through whoin we care not to etate. 1-t is the nnvaraisfced account of ot^e who has seen and felt the hnrible treatment, to which Confederate prisoners are sub jected at Fon IMaware:— “Fort Del•» ware,-fituated upon an islend ne:tr the mouth of the Delaware river, was tof.ned by th ■ Binkiiig of an English vespel loaded with pea pnii thence takes its uame as Pea Patch Island, )a- more familiarly known both to yauKees and ‘ Ro»d’ as fl — 1. It coiitaiiiB about 75 acres o{ latid, auo ir entirely surround»*d by a wail seven or eight leei high, that the ialaud rnay not be overllowed t.y 5?ater as 11 is six teet below high tide so it will-be »>e-n at once that the wall is a very uecea.-'O^y pn'^eau^'oa li k.:epiog-iue inimt>itaats hem r>t-iDg wasfi*‘d i'ltere i3 a ditch ruftuing ealirelv arcuud lUHi.y thr wt^ll; the Ulterior is t u* uc» in smuh diich*;?! ai.d rj semoles the plat ot some town, to b^ built in Lr .uti future. There are a-fcw ahur>by houses i n ihe jji Kt used a- “ooArdii:? houRc?.’' piiiH-ipii.iiy »y jh. eui- ployees.* 'I'aere h-s hoeu « >rvrv go*-d cujreh bni;' Out. by whnt i'^ei ominatiou »r fc-r \;aat parpv's-l aro uiiuble to suy, uf taey ail to be hi.4;hlj educa ted in ttie art Siveaniiir, iroi-tii g ihe'r itl!ow beings with tiie grc.-ie.^i Oaroarity. i’he .fort is a mere a'^'Oii, and -woaid c -* two good rouuds ^roai oae ol our t» eces, ai d 1 uiider-tand it is "fii'-ca-'v cra’cked. Ii has poice very » d Colun.i>ia-,i*i zaouaued ou it, which use tl'e Oid-fa.‘inionod ihv'll, v.’ii.h tow lu.'f-; bu; it is not ivy intention to de'-crilte jiie ion. ioit to siy a few n^orus in r gard t» the 'leatmcnt of“i*ricc:ieiR, givings a tew stitches nere aad there just as they happ.;ned. I hiwve U'jw been a prisoner of war inontas, and of course a j{i-eat deal hua happened WDi- o 1 have torgotteu, ns 1 kept *. dii*r^,o«»ly *tr-n> iiie^iorv. ihe-gea«ral df priswi^rs-wfw tuvi^ig fthf to t>at—sufficient to keep body and soul toge’^ber,' aad most of «8 being ragged and withoJU snoes or head covering. ar« taken out of our barracks almost dai^y andvrowded fogether upon a smail piece of grc^ni, called 11—I's Half Acre, surrounded oy a ditcii. I'nere we are kept almost the wuoie day uuder a scorching sun. If it was wiuter, it woulu have the opposite effect, lree*ing our liinb.^, which it did very eflec; uaiiy tor a great many. A great many ditu troni th's kind of treatmeat. Prisoners were allow ed in the spring of ’t>4, to receive clothing—after the yanks thought there was a suificieut quantity iu the barracks to make a raid ‘•pay,'.' (hey woulu hav.' a geiier.4 out"—(a term tney oae wheu drivin^j prisoners out of the bat racks,) to have all tneclothts they had received taken from them, leaving theci wiihoijt a ciiaagc of clothing. 'I'hiJ nystem of rob ot ry coutinuts np to this time. 'I’^iey said this w*s doue to clothe th> ragc'ed prisoner.'; r>ut i have nit .;een t.hem give aay oi the clothes to aay one. 1 hey are'vcry strict in .^ear-hiag the men. After makio^ as pull oO boots, Ac.fthey latce our pocket kuivot, spoons, eu|;s, ,tc., ooaght from the sutler. Somi* (f tae bo\-jocosely remarked, this was, doue to pny their war debi. Our rations ara of the p'orc«i, kint. not cooked well, aud very scant. It is principally S:5it oecf and craciiers—si.t'crackcCi and a tj ounces o! beef being the aliowaace per day. Tits diet caused tue«scurvy to break out ou *ne m« dreadfully. It was a horrible signt, to see ta« poor fellows limping about, covered with ulcers from tuat dreadful disease—which could have oeeu easiiy pn- venttd if the yanks would nave i.ssued a few unt.- scorbntics—such as vinegar or vegetaoles. I'acre is a poisonous niia.sma wcieh rises oa the ioiaud, whicn lays a i^an liaole to any aud all di.scases. I'h' peculiar disease is termed by prisoners t;ie Lincoiu. grip wnicn makes us appt-afance in sumaier. It comes with ali.>ve the ey s, and lasts trom live to -sevea days. 'I’here seems to be uo remedy lor it. and nature has to taiie its eourse. t’he barracks are open and exH-euieiy * old la winter, one stove oaiy IS allowed two uuadred aion with one bu-jhel ut fuel per day. Haeh m-a gets a single blauket. A, grtat many aiju were tai-jii lrt*m,ihd b.irracKs last Winter still'frozen. 1 he ouly way they mauage to escape I'reeAiiig is oy concuua'.ly doutSle qiuciiiag. -Mauy say tiicy uojbie (.{Uicacd lUor.' WiUtei' tn.iu ti>ey did uariug three uioatus' s^r-i'ice .n tuc ar- aiy. t-'or' tne leaat otlenc'e men are saot down lU^ are hay n-“tted. straca Ovei tiie neais wi'ji >, >r tied up by tae taauios. Not a morning pa^S‘'S out ttiat somo poor Contcdera'e is uot stru.4g up for me amaseinent ot the azure UdlUed gentry. Alter o-jia^' tliod Kickcd uad cuil'e.l, it outraged inaan-'od dares to resent ’ae treatment death is tae certam peaaity. It IS du„* to tram to state that our prisoners nave tjeea more humanely treated ol laic oy the tif.U Ma^- sachUof'.Lto regimeat, aad the pr.vates would oe kiu-'- er u tne oihc*;rs would permit it. -For a imirt we were uudjr the command of a-L Morion, ahas Campoell, a deserter trom Co. 1, iU; . .M iss. He tooi the oath aud as a regard tor u;s treachery received a commieiion. 1 caunot relra.a from retailing au laciaeat vaica occurred dariag u.-: admioistraiiou. As norrioli^ a-* it i.s, it c.ia oc u - est*jd by numcroas trutatul » A poor de.i.e^ Coutederate oeiag stripped naied, was laid la rouga box for la- rm-au K.'ca la Uc^ih Uia f^ > ?ore a siuue. A yauiicij -dov .or seeing it exciaimeo, •‘tne d—d Reo. is griuaiug .*1 me; ' aad se.z ag ti; axe, mutilaied aad uiaugied a foi'ui oetore wuica would uave quailed if file hid not ueea exiiuct. Our men are all «uried aa cross-ties on a la.a’o. 1 laid crossways uatil tuey are tnree deep, lu ij.* tOey died at the rate of -■) p t aay, bat uj*v we a uot lose more taan 4 or 5 la tae sams period, ii puolisn thi3, and you will oouge oue “vao aa« sail'er>- L'ar: Elkctiow.— (’iie *xew Yom vV'orid oi ths i'Jtu lUat. nas tae ioUo.».ng: — T,\e T(>.ij,'j,pk u U S'ja md Hh -* (Jar U-mooraiic fii-juls .vul dj wjo to r.‘ju-mb.r t:u. 111^ t.-l -grupa WiTdS. iiae i.ic p Jr-tv-mvc, le aui.:r i-asciu irol of Ur. Ijineoia aad ai.-* p.»r ;.-4.i is. .me laibj r■ idiai: tr m »iaan:, claiuiiag tW;:H/i»j»l ,;,.veuty-a.e tQ->us u-j mijrity ror vX)Uy. wiiou, lu i^jt. lii.'i mijjut/ ol 17;iiu Ust year b ea vvuittl-rd.aowa to o. f.D'tJ tai- / .-jr t'j i)jm.>cratic gaias lu e»orj oou uy ‘a»e trvo, aiu oae s^»;cim;a oi t le usj that -*viu ui .aud; ot' thu co.iii j; oi ia-“ wir-'S. But lUe uia'is a »d tae wires .ire tjU.i_^-tic yes ;i:id ^*ars ol ta; n-oa.a-uo aji.-p,-.i at .va-!ai..i{ioii. Mr. t'lucolu, at tu j »>,aite Uou.-?, is every day tu the aaOit of receivi.i^ »ad r ad; ig ai.^/iiC.iei s'oiea off tae A’ire-i, as his podi.uaater-, aro la tj aibit of opoaiug uad r-.-admg tU2 letters of Uwiujorats waua are seai tai;i.»gu lae m.iiis. Our IVieiido .tUI U • wei., tu>jroluie, to u.,,- ciphers m taose waieu ure ol aay impar.u loe poluicahy. and to tmjuy lue expr.s-j campamej m«t«*d of tUtf uuiin l\M!taiaster Blair, Secretary Stauton and I'residaat Liiicaia cuouivo a; aui praeiic- tUis taieving IVoio »ele- grapu wires, a d Ham nialls. i'a^ usuai p.;cCaatioa'j agamst such tnii^ving uiaat, taerelore, be t«koa. SrARruNfl Nkw.s /bom M.oorb (Jounty.—In the New ^ork World of the 19th, we Hud an extract 'rom the XNetvbern Tiaaea, a« follows;— “On the 18tu ait .acull'sioatauk place in Moore couuty We bhoMld have Baid div-i betwoeu the deserters, aome stTeateeu naadraa m uuaiu-r, idend No. 1 of tUteen per ceut Ttii* wiU «ve tol «*8UI%BiukiflfFwr«W)000 * ^lwito*»o«o((^kUl«lM4Qaewoaa4ed.’^. FROM THE VALLEY. I'he Rockingham Register of the 24th inst. save the fight near Winchester commenced on Suuday afternoon, at a late hoar, and was resumed early next morning and continued until the afternoon of Monday, at which time the Confederates were com pelled to retreat, leaving onr dead and the most of our wounded in the hands of the enemy in tho «arly pi>-rt of the engagement the enemy, altHougb in ^ti :ng>.*r force,^as driven before the (Jonfederat*‘» t.-r ^ome dii:tiince; but n portion of our cavalry on ! ne lett, mifortunately gave way, when our whole line v.-,\s iijrceo bock, 'i'he battle was “■ hard fought and Mcody oue, tiie number of de.i.d and wounded being very apavy. Oar loss in killed, wounded and missing s vanousiy eaiiraatcd dt from 2,500 to 3,000, whilst • hat ot tne enemy is represented as “territic,” as we ised artillery upon tbeni ut short 4uiige with pre*it '■ifect. A gentleman—un odicer—who pabsed over a part of the battle-fjeld as we were drif ng them ■Ki'ore u3, says thtir !eud lay in heaps—“their loss was terr'tic." in tne fight w’e are said to have captured si.x or se^^ven huadred prisoners, includmg ihree colonels. )ur loss ia -aptured is said to be about live hundred, incMiditig the sick aad t-ad'y wounded Official dieputches received on the 23d state that the e-itmy attacked Gen. Early late ye.'-rei'tay (22d) nt Fi.‘?her a Hill, and succeeded in forr.uig back me left of thi* line; aud throwi 'g a force ui his rear, compelled him to abandon tue p-3suio", leaving' 12 I leces^of canuou in tueir bauds, though losing but tew men. Gen. Early la said to have fallen bacK to Port Re public, on tU3 South bank of tue South lord ot the Senandoah a pi'sition naturally very, stron'^. Since writing the above, we learu by pabsotgers who ar rived on tlie Ct-ntral train last evening, that Gea. liad uot fali«>n back to Port liepubiic. Out w»a at Ko«'zle- towu, 811 uiiies ntirth of the lirat uimied place. Heavj catiuoaading w«b Leortt m:'tit«aa«m'*Marday and day morning, showing that Eai-ly had turned ujjoa tue enenjy. If he iield them in check until j’esterday, there 1-5 a cause to expect that the next news iroin the V'alley- wili be of a cheering cUaracter.—Utcntrond £'ent , Jtith (The Virginia cavnlry ran at Fisher’s Hill as at V. in chest+T, causing the second as they did thii hrst retreat, i'he. Exaniintr learns “tuat when the attack was uiaue by the enemy, our cavalry (Gou bless em) ou the left ran olf, aud that Gen, Karly i>t once ordered a retreat, which wad executed in good order and without loss, exoept ut th« twelve oannou.”] for tis obshrtbr. Gkimer!! Bai*.\DE, ,'«kak Wi.scirKsrKa, Sept. la. Me»srs. E. J. Hale «k ^^onb: 1 seud'herewita m list of casualties in tnis Brigade, In aii engagement with Aluj. (ren. A venll’s Diviaioa ot Cavalry, neur this place, whiea you will please publish lor the benetil of those wno have friends ’ii the lirigade. Respectfully, ♦V. L.•Lj.'ti)o.'», a. a. ■). List of Casualties in Grimes's Bngade in the engagement on the 6th Sept. 1S64. 43d N. C. T.—Wouaded; Oo. O, Lieut S I) Killette; E, John W hitley; U, Lieut B 1’ Moore, W’m llarringtoii; 1, R Redlearn; tt, Isaac Sueed, B S Poad, Oeo K Caudell. piU C. T.— Woutided: Co. K, John i'robst; 1, Elijah Corcoran. 4Stn N. C. T.—Wound«jd; Co, A, David Joyce;*C, Wm Harris; P, Sergt Lewis. 63d N. 0. T.—Wounded: Co. B, J X Howie; K, Sergt W E Patterson; 11, John Eaton. “ Recapitulation; Killed none, wotmded 16. S3 Y rF JB IL. E: P H. KXPOBTB or laz l oxs^ ahbooiatioh From the Valley of Virginia.—Chablottks viLLB, Sept. 2^7.—Tnere was an engagement near Port Republic on Monday between cor cavalry and That of tn#» enemy. They came over the ri^er bat were driven back 3 mil?s. The eneu^s ca^’alry entered Staunton about 6 P. M. Monday. A force appeared at Waynesboro’ at 9 o’clock this morning, but went back a mile from town aad have d(m«Mio damage up to 4 P. M. Smoke seen indicates thit they are burDi''^- the railroad tracK between Chriati''n’.s creek aijd Stannton. Up to 4 ii’clock this afteraf’on no fighting betweei} the armiis. No serious anxiety la felt here. CuARi.OTiKrsviLi.B, Sept. 28.—It is difficult to get at precise facts. Horn armies have moved, Karly (f Rowing the enemy. Reportg say he will attack them to-day at M t. Sudney. It is reported that we whipped the enemy yester day at W eir’s Cave. The enemy’s cavalry are on a raid, their where abouts not known. From the, \ori^—RkTbmond, Sept. 28.—New York pap'^rs t f Monday contain no war ne^lfe of im- portauce. At last accounts Sheridan, they say, was still i(T pursuit of E^riy. Gov- Pennipon has not yet accepted the Post Master Generalship. A Democratic meeting in Lincoln county, Mb- couri, was broken up by soldiers, one man killed and tnre-'' wounded. Hei»ry Wiuver Davis of Maryland has taken the stump for Lincoln. FOR TUU •BIHBTBB. Messrs. Editors; Please give room in your paper for the folio uring list of eaaualtio.s, for the ben* tit oi those wno littvn irieads aud relatives iu this Couipauy: Casualties in Co. 11, hOtu N. C. T., ia thu battit* of the lyt.i S>ept., ueur VV luohesler, Va.— VVounded; Corp'l J J llight, uiortally; Corpi H Matthews, leg broken. Miss- lug; Private E Hendrick. A D. McGiu., Acting Ord, Serg’t. --1/isoJt Compamts 14?/i C. T., at ^Valchtste^, li/,—Co. o—Killed: Private A’’ LStanoack. vN oun05ii:, Lt'v»' A ijiles iu foot, Sgt J VV Turner •leg, v-o/p j li V\ aadill rigut thigh, iYivaie C Coyer suoalder, J J McLeii(iou ielt arm, li A Monoa leg (coLflusuTii), W C i'ureadgill left hj^d ana prijoner, i' J y» utKuis in face and jjhoulder, Jos. vV'keeltr iu kuee. 11—KUied; Capt J H Deberry. Missing; Pri- mftrrrHiu^o's:^ Jca; Corp h^owder in he^d. isi Alaoorry severe in .eit suoulucr. Private B M'Maberry, D D Nooles in ri .i:; arm, Ji liu Dry. Frotn Europe.—Richmond, Sept. 28.—European advices are to the 12m inst. ,Tue British press are discussing jankee politit^, generaHly fuvoriug or predicting McClellan's etection. I’he city of Nankin, C'hina, has been captured by the Imper;aiial8. The Prince and Prin^'ess o£ Wales have received a deuionsiratfon in Denmark. They will visit Sweden and Strasburg. I'he marriage of the Banker, Erlanger, [who nego tiated me Confederate loan,] to Miss Slidell, has caused a sensation in Paris.* Snlt for Blue Stone—A farmer friend at ou? elbow says salt is an excellent substitute for blu4 stone, in the preparation of feed wheat It would not cost much to try \t.——A»^eville Ne/trt FAYHTTEVtLLE MARKET.—Sept 29. • RISVIKW OP THB MARKET. Bacoi 6 50 to ^ 00 Pork 2 60. Lard 60 to t«. Beef 1 60 to 2 00 per pound, retail. BeeBTTiX 8 00 Butter 6 00 to 6 00 Or.Hf'r ^ 50 to 1 76 Coffee 12 60 to 16 00 CnttoD Y»m—20 CO lo 40 00 per bunoh Cpt'pcraa, retail S6. FWed Fruit 1 00 to ' W) per lb. ‘2 60 t.‘ 8 t*0 pw doiea. Extraet Logwood 6 00 to 8 00 p«r lb. plfNfTr—Super, $250, Faicilyi 1265 Ft9X«ei*d 8 00 to '0 00 per bu PvJder 1000 Hay 8 00 Shnoks « 60. 6rvcn ApslM 10 00 to 12 00 per f'uthei. Grain—Com I2H 50. Wheat $30 00 to 00. &je $20 Oats f 10. Peas 15 00 Hldee—Qresn 2 60 to 8 60, dry 6 00 to 6 00. Iron—Swedes 8 00 te 3 50. Le»tber—Upper 20 00, Sole 17 60. L'onora—C'orn Whiskey 00. Apple aad Peaok Brandy $40 00 to $46 00 'folb«ee, country made, 16 00. Rice ^0 b' oask. Sugar 8 00!;^r«t»il 0 CO to 10 fO. Soap—Faoily Bar 2*00. per lb., ToUat 6 00. g^da 5 00, rttail Naiis 3 00 to 4 00 per lb. OnlccB 20 00 per basheL Pfitttop.i—Irirh $10 to $16 bush; sweet $10 to $t2. Spirits Terpentine 3 00 por ^Ueor F(>yettoTi!ie 4-4 Sheetings, 1 62 to 8 60. Salt 37 50 to 40 00*per buabel. *• 3 00 to 8 50. Wool $5 tq. $®. Viat>i ef Gtn ii. D Jokit.on.—Brig. Geo. Robert D. Joaa.->toa, uomai.iadiag the 5tn, l;sth, ZOta and 2.;d di- >;aa.ais ot Nona tJaro ia.t I'ruops is repjrtoa lo hckVt .> Rill d ai iiicULSter oa JijaJay last. lieu. J. wa.-* i.o.a Liiacu.a couuky, waeie ae raised a com^aay early ■ a loOl. This coai*»aay was attached t' tne i;ilu Volua •a';, XixQjo,) aad oa lue re-orgaui.aatioa oi the '-■api- Joaastju w*ts in^de Licat. colour,*], tor a..--uigai aea ga.i-,»uti-y he >.'8 !>romotcd to iirigaditu' It :at-rai ii'oUi L.icavcaik it o'oloael, aud assigauU lo tae ) ol tuea k.K>wu as iversou’s lirigade. a - .» .* uepUrw ot Goi. -tViiuaai Jouusion, of Ca.ii-iOtie 11 i j^r.*.aa.tLe'i a- oar ■■'tiits UaiveraiC/ lu i&oti, wita uis- L.c^i'ja. ~'ijl ^jijiistrvanvt .» u dc i and Ci ■tur,i —e nave seen a letter f om «i .ermaste; ■ la ; iJngaJc to which lae 2;Ja o. . .» • 1 ■ a. vh.,-„ il-..-! -aai. Oji. U.O. JJiaoKa.til, ot »c.4..Liwat, iccciVcU . ^vo.»aa in Wie iwot auu was . n.i-.a a iau_> Ujusj la »V.n2 ..-•lo', where, oa tlie r i.iiag u oar lorccs i'j.a taai piaoe, ue, of uuact^, fell .to J a.iaii.i ol t-»e eaeiu_; i l ae iciioi- slates taat UoL .• iiuaii s cjjiiuaail a.»a a inj t lupor.aut pos;ti a, . lu y acii; VV ta p .i -iiste u v .nor aud Utiua^ss, ih rc- ] .-u. ;ag tu,- iiiijjiwie I. >iot lae liivisiou. lae regiai_‘ai- ui'd pici'Hjf lieoiaiaicd aad rc;.i. Tais is ihu laiia .aj laat inis oili.;er has h.-ea v^ouu> ed aad taiicu .utO Iho aallds ol tad eaeui/.—tL^^. Ujt/tJ .rjte. Lecture.—Tue adurcss ot Cap... iieajaai.u UobiQ- son was delivered oa Monday uight, according to uotico, boiore a vory respectaole audieace at thf^ Fayetteville Hall, lao aut>ject was woll canceive'i, and Its delivery reflected no discredit ou tais youtig otticer,*wao haj coiflbattei tas ene^ny ou maay a oattie tield, and ^ears nouorublo evid^iaces of the part he has tasea in tU3 war. He suowcid uu *’ista- Kaole signs of equal Qtaeas for position in tnis new .ircna. llis suoject was Nortn Caroliaa, her in terests, aud her duty in tne straggle for our iadepea- dence, aad every oue wno heard uioi doubtless relt at the *iose oi lae address taat he was -proud of uis Statcutnd the prowess of ner soldiers in tae held, aad olu.saed to h“ar of a single croaker witniu ner borders. ^ The proceeds of this Lecture are to «be contribu ted to a fund ior the e^taolisnaient of a Ho*^ital>;; Library in this place, aad we hope tue lead taken by our yqang friend ia delivering the urst ijocture may De loiiowed by otueis of tue talented in our cominauity. The cause ts one that appeals to our patriotism and generosity. North Carolinian. Deaf and Uui)it> .Asyta n.—.o.icxauaor Coliie, Esq , ot Loudon, has forwaraed*to WiUie J. Palioar, Principal of the North Carolina Inslituiion for the Deaf aud Duiuo aud tae iilind, a valuable pres ent, .consistiug of books, ni^vps; beads, Acc., for the tilind ol the Insticution. The articles nave Solely* arrived—Kaieiyh Conservative. Dead — We regret to .earn taat Jam,s j4. ii^il jck, Esq., ol Grauville, late a m.'inb^ir ot the H-iuh3 ot Coin poas from that couaty, was toaud dead on nie farm a f;.‘W day* Ago, uear, or oa the laii road, having fallea trom his nurse. Wactucr uii duatii wa* caused oy apoplexy or by some asaaadn, seemed to be a matter of doaM lb. Qeneral Early aad oue ol his aids.* iueatMwat Qoloael Mtnn Page, bad ttMir tu»8«i lotted tnder : tbm U)« at WiA«he«tQC> (j^en. Heanrejxrd.—vjeu. Beauregard, accoaipa- iiiud oy Col it. U. llairis. Coi. a.. Ci. aaa i.,oi. ja. jLtdiuaa, ol tuj siaif, arrived lu l.'uariestoa ouaday moruiag. Wc learu that Prcsi- dcat Davis aad liencC‘1 lir'auregard uad alo>i^ oou- ultation at ijurkeviiie, V'a., last week, tae rviouit of which 13 saiu to u^kve bcea uigiily giauiyiag, aaa will prooauly lead to me asiigumeat oi ’ tijli. iicauregard to the coaiinand ol tue Araiy of .x'ea- u jssee. lue tieaeral wui rcaiaiu in our city uuui luriaer orders.^t/Viarieaco/i C^juner, 2tiik. As puOiic curiosity is uruch eiercised jionceraiiig tais uistiaguisued hero, and more pardcuiariy at present witu regard to hia aisuiuption ol coaiaiaaa m Georgia, we are perautted to gwe the saosiauce of a brief colloquy between a gondOtBaa and Presi dent Davis: (:^rttleinan.—*'Mt. President, we have heard here tiiat Geu. ilood has been superssdeU. I* ic so V' I'reaident.—“It so, 1 have not he^d it and do uot kuow it to oe so.” QeiUlcmj,7i.—'" 9 understand that Gen. Beaure gard wi^ to aasuoie coaiiuand.” i^resioent.—-Gen. iieauregard will take any com- aiaud and to serve his country. He win pa^s inrough Augusta in a few days.” 1 he quidauncb are welcome to draw whatever con- taeioiis they please.—Augusta ConntittUionalist. Southwestern Virginia.—It is reported, and we oelieve oa good authority, that a large force ol Fed eral troops are col'ecting at iieaver Creek, Ken tucky, a snort distance oeyond Pound Gap, lor the imrpoi»3 of makiug a raid on the V^irgiai-^ Salt Works, it 18 also reported that twelve luousaud men (Yankee) were at ijexingion, Ky., two weeks ago.—liichmond SeiUiaei, 26tn. F om the Scv'/t- —Jacksox, Miss , Sept. 5i7, via Mobils.—Certain [probably N»w OrleansJ papers 24th and 2{*th[V] received. Hanks has l>een superceded by Geo. llurinut of Mt^uiphis, and has gone North. Before leaving ne published a tive column lett r in the Era full of hi.-i lies Ironi t>eginning to end about Loui^ana. The steaint-r Coluseus in Ohio river has been captured by H ». onf^derate prisuners bn board, who killed tliree, paroled the others, and escaped with their arms. Tne Missouri campaign is said to be under Maii-ruder, Price aud Dobliins. Dispatches from Cairo say they are near tape Uirarde^^. • The yaakee li’on clad guuboat Antelope, carrying ijuns .struck a snag six miles from New Oilt-aus last f ri^ day and i.uiik 1 he steamer Sar>itu^» was tire'^ lutu^ir »»edatsday nearly opposite Baton tiouge by Cont'ederate LaUerifs. Damage uot Unowu. .\ uegro was shot in Vick.sburg on the liith for deser tion from the yankee army. Canby ha^ fttsued orders seizing all cotton sold by Con federate government to foreigners a^d delivered on Mis sissippi river. CHINKSE SUGAR CANE. FOB THB O-BSERVEK. . Messrs. Editors:. Many inquiries have fl?ei^TOde of me in regard to ilie Cuinese Sugar Caue auU its treatment; allow me to repiy through your paper. First, as to its poisoning cattle: M.y opiuion i» that the cause is similar to a theory which I h.tve in pri vate expressed as to the cauie of tne lanaous Milk .Sick, it is a noted tact, iu our mountains at least, ihatlf cat Lie are kept up uutil the dew dries off from the grcea forage and diiveu in before the dew falls inlhe evening, taat ihe^- never eutfcr fiom this sick- ilcuce 1 urew the idea that it was caused by some poisoauua exhalation waich comoining either with tiic Hydrogen oi tne dew or wnth some of tue cut micai eiemeats of tue plants—perhaps botli lonned as loug ai tao dew lasted a poison— •luiiiar to Hydiocyanio (PrasBicj Acid or some oi its coaibiuauou.-. .^t anv ratA: I am. ^i>ruied •'! .1 7itfrisii tree on OUT Oionntam even of our coaimon wild Cherry wuen wet with dew are d.-adly poisoa, but when dry iiom the sun are uarmlesa. I'ne similar theory 1 nave in relation to tne sjoighum is that us poisonous qualities, if it has any, are due to » similar coitjomatioa of its acid witn soaie other cuemical constituent with the dew, and tuat the reason ot its being more injurious to cattie m certain sections—swampy regions for instance—is because the dews are heavier ana more fully laden' with the hurtful gascs in tnose sections. Tnis is theory it is true but theory drawn from observation. I’neu too fiome may puil it with dew on, others in tne middle of the day. Tueu agaia that caue grown on* high sanay'iaud is not-so apt t»poiaou as tuat grown ou ricn swamp or low laad. ;Some think tlie cause IS from the horous matter accumuiatiug in. the sto mach and, oeing hard aud indigestible, tnus tijls me passages aad produces dcata. i do uot liunk auy oue nas proved thi3 oy openmg tne stomacu of an auimal, uead from eating the bugar Caue; and if it were so the same result would occur lu oue section as wed as in anot^r. vS'ueecas a geutleman «t bampsou says his uaiiie died trom eating the ciiagar Cane, whiie geutlcmeu from Kichmond aud ^(obeson bay ta»ir catile live ou it. i am ia^ witn these ideas oui/ luey may serve some oue, wuo has tne abiUty, for t'oandauoas on wnich to base experiments Uext year. M.y opinion is that sugar cannot be made to any profit, from the riorgaum. The only part of the caue wbvcp. Will make -sugar is tuat waiuu has a red heart, and iL It IS jdoaired to make sugar tne butts up to uear ’'Vue.e tue red ueart ceoseii must be cut oH at^fi 'I'ouDi for that purpose, dome varieties have no red tieart. Tne ^vperiinjuts waich i have made show that it IS very nard i^tr tne caue to get too ripe, aad if kept or d.;v.-i.'al ua}s altei' rut Will yield less juice out aiore ’ ?yrup, iu«i if cut and imaiediately pi'esseJ. Ihe Setcchi^riue lUattcr does not evaporate, it loses ouiy the waLeiy Akcid. The gam is; saving of time la pr^-^siag aud boi/ing. Tnus: instead oi maKing io «:aiioao ol s^i up from 100 gallons of juice you maiO besidea. tne syrup is better. A.§;ain, liLer taiorougu eipdriments I found tne su rest way of maiiu^ gv^d syrup to be uot to use any soda or iime. x tkjaed the juiCe aown to say oue- nalf aad thea aduu i two or taroe buckets of j;ood spring water, boUdd down again and if thuughc ne- ceasary added uiwre waiter lad tneu ooiled it to a syrup. If tne soda Or other aiiiali ia added at the proper time—when tue acid matter is far lu the mi- a- ruy it may do good, out if added at auy Ume wnen Uie acia uas th€; preponde.'aace it la almost certam to Rire the syrap that quality which blackens the ,eeih. Tii3 great secret, though, is in having tue caue ^ully ripe, j^till i tluuK uuiess under very care- tul mauagenieat tnak sodu had best not be uaed. Jiy opiuiou 13 that high sandy land fairly manured produces the caue froui wtiicu to make the best syrup. A., hue D.;er, aud oy u^Uiration an excellent article of ram, may be made irom tiLe ssimmings by patting to each haif barrel iU or 15 gaiious of warm water tue washings of the pots, domb oi the froth which rises m the last part of toe process* of boiling tUe syrup should, too, be auded. Thi» runi.. well made, is said by judges to give eggnog a better ilavor than auy oth^r ai^uor. Fayettevuie, iV. C., Sept 27, 1864. SM. 1 The Lossfs in t.Xe Valley.—Gen. Early, we hear good autnority, pu*^a down ms toul casualties in the battle of liioaday, at 1500. i'ne Yankee odiuial dispatches say lUey lost '2000. ^ Lyncnharg Ke^nolican, 2Ath. Cjptain Semmet NtM Sh'p*—)i\xi6 ‘ London Telegraph” of the 10th inst says: An agent of Lloyd’s reports tnat a large steamer is stated to have put iato Nieaup, with biguais for a pilot. She cuanged colors at Bremerhaven aud hoisted the rebel flag Tne pilot who took her to Bre.iierhaven believes uae still remains there. She steams ten kaots at half speed. She is reported to be command ed by Capt. St-mmes, has three hundred men on board, and is pierced for forty guns. • She ia stated to have b^n buitt at Bordeaux. Hew AN Akmt Blkkps.—A correspondent of the vjlntfin Rebel says tua|> the army of Georgia “sleeps witu one eye open, aud tuat oue fpllowmg tua mo- ^loUB ot Hueroiaa.” . Au old fnend in New York onoe said, that to 8acoe«d in boBiuMs io that tbaip utj, a must tie«|pwiUiooa«7eQpeDa»donalM(Mrtof iMd. Xbo liol^i ia aav« i»pr«viidr JQHn E. COOK, Aaotloaeer. Fine Buggy Halmcss. ON Thurada'/ Htb OetoDer will be sold at Aootioa. 1 Set SUFliBIOit NEW BUCKiT HARNESS At the sail e iiiue, ] New Hiokory Bu^gy; 1 Fme Bufrgjr fioree Sept 26 71 2t Miss H. £. Crow will open a School for Toong Laa:ea ou Gre.>u Str et. v>v,i. 3i, 18>a She is • gradcate of Si. Mary’s dall, Barliogtoti, N J., anU » duhseqa?at reside&oe of tro years witii a Frenoh family is F^i adel^hi* eaahled her to aeqaire fl>ienoy lo the Frencii iasf uage. v^hs has had five year*’ experienoo 'a iceohiof.' She wi 1 teaeii tJie ordinary EafUah Orano&es &nd FreuoU TBBMS riB Bastioa or TwaaTT wbbks: Esglish, $60 00 FruDoh, 25.00 Oae i-'a^r to b? pai-i in advacoe. the rest a^ tiie end of iKf- tes^ioa Itpd ifliss lU. A. Dews will commeiicc a^^aOOL vQ th« lOta Of Ool k' taereaiaeaea of J JU»rdiriok. Termn $20 for tea weeks 8ep 71-8tp-1 k-^ROLl.l]V& OFFICE, • Mai>. Ex&Miaiaa i>vabi>, 4tu ^ohu Dibt. Wilaiittgton. N. C., Sept. 2etn, 18«4. PAR I —In obedieooe to Circular No. 46, Con^oript Office, RaUjgh, N C., dated flept. 17th, 1864, all #rhite aiE.le resident, of ihe Congreaeional diatrlot. liable fo nri-itery duty, between ii*e of 17 aad 60. ,eioopi thco'c wao a»re reeeived ptrmatl^t (ertifiealM ->f cx.'mp*ioB frcm jMed'cal £zau>ini&g iioaru *^9* April 'SI. 180i;) aieo all male free persona of cotor be- tweeu the b'ts uf and f*0, will report at tne foltow- i&g tiDics and places -for medioal examination, to wit; New rt»jiOT*r Oouniy, i2'l Ergiment N 0 at Wii- raingtoB. Oot 7JS. 8>.ii and lUi>b. N^w Hfcao»ir OcanLy, 2id Regimeat N C M at Wit- :aiagtOn Co Uia aaJ I2ia. C^'i'>nty, P6th Begimtnt N 0 U at Smith v-i'lf O jt 14»,a »ud loih. Ctrujibus CoQcty, 57bh Regiment N C bi at White- ville Ojt 17ta 18th and I9th uiohuctd Coui-y, 61ii Regickr&t N U i>iai Rooking- .•aui O.t :^l3t aid 22i Ricniasx-i i’-uaiv, ‘Wta R«gim?tit N C M at Lturln- ba g Oc. -"u 2 »tn. Kob:s3Q Oouut;. 68ta Regiment N U M, at Lumber- 1 . o-»» •??'«• -'S " *«>**. Kon^sji.. Oovc j, 50i.a RefimG'^tN G M, atLamberton Oot 31 »aa Nov Itt Blfkd^n j'ouDt/, 65th Regiarat M C M, at £lix»heth> loan r^or 3'i aud 4ih Coluber a d CQuactj, o3d Regiment N C M, at Fay- evitl» N-jv iib B n and ‘Jth . Camojriauvi Oouct/, (4tit RigimoatN C M, at FaT- tteviiU Kov lOia, llta anJ 12th. Harnett C u.itf, 5 ^d Eegiaieat N C M, at Johnson- tillo Nov 15.a and 16’.a II —Ujnt‘orifii3 rooommenied for “light duty,” bat uot yet asi^igaed, are i^iuded in this call. III —‘-Se aior Reserves” orgtn xei into oompaaias and subjeot to tae uraers of Uieir com aaadiag officers, are on«iier«d in me eerfioe, and are cot ordered to report. IT —£tt.'ali3n^ USicars wi;l order before the £z»m- lat^g Board ijr re-«xaatiuaUon parties noldmg ptrma- nent oerufiaaies of exemption, whan there is reason to otiUeve inoir physical condition has improved, or where traud w>s praoiioed in toe original examination. V.—^Uocuiy EnroUiug OSoers, and officers of the militia ana n;;me guard, win see that this order is rigid ly eotoroed, ana tiiat every man embraced in th4 call 13 prtseut at the proper ume SAM I# E EiXer, Sure P A 0. S.. 71 2w bui Gaat’n Board 4th Diet N. 0. FOR TQB OBSBKrSB. ^ Tne mf mbera of the Young Ladies Knitting So ciety are requested to meet at Mr. A. W. Steel's residence on afternoon. Sept. 29tu. , i'ax in Kliid—aichmoiMl Coiintsr. 1^1i£ F«nauiS ot tae lower «na of Richmond couaiy, wdo have not listed their crops of wheat, oats, rye, oured hay aad wool, are rcqaest^d to meet ne and list tne same m tne foiljwing umss and places: At S.ewart^vilie, on tee 6ta OJtober. Laurel Hill, on the 6;h. WtUiaoixon’s, on this 7 th. WoU Fit, un the 8tn I hopt aii will onme forward promptly, as this ia the i%?i opportQBwy tnat w l» offireU. Tuose who fail ttf liat Will hivi. to pay 500 par ceot o" iha estimated *e 0- i.iiair titUe PETER MoE .E, ^Bteeeor. Stpt. 27, 1864. - CUlef Q. C. 8. liUattct Soria iiaroUoa, - *-•*» :to, *834. i LL Oocs^ripta evrvitiij ia tn>8 Depvtmeui: ijL oat the dia e, Dcder the a'Sigaineut of • JSxaauning x>.;a;a6,” wiJ presvnS tiieia.v l«ts w.tntuc decay to the ^^^•nitiog Boards of ine^r rcspeo ive Coa^ressioBal l>ijtrioii for r^examiaatiun, an-i rep'jrt t.» t^is ottiee tae Uerii&jates of said JSxa .linattja, wactaer cooflrma- t«-y or uot o* taa Ojrtihcates bow h».d, on «r before -.Sc 20t& oay at OailhMr next, Oudar ip.e penally of beiag .uiae iiately (her^«.m reported tor fidtd se’^ioe •* f ♦ i 71 3t W W PEItt'jE, Msj. &, Chief Q. M Diet. N. O. Libb&al—At a meeting ia Macoa, Geo., ou the 23d lasu, nearly $35,000 were sabscrited tor the re- Uef pf the refugees from Atlanta. In Robeson county, on the 18th is'^t, by Alexander .McIntyre, Esq., H. H. to ^rs.. MAltrilA P. KiiliLY, late of GolUlu^'a8 couaty, N. C. AllB, In Raleigh, on Sanday night last, Mr J()ilN KNOX VV^ARDEN, of ttiis.towh, aged about 44 years. Un Haymoont, 2M Sept'r, JOdS AUSTIN LEWIS, oidy child uf John Marsoall and Sarah A. Bradford, agad 11 Yimnthu, In this eoooty, «i tlw inst, PASCH iL AU£X- AND&ti^ inkttii sou of ik. A aad C. Ut fKMWupatmw oea; S*wuiar*ill»t ou tha ceai'EOjCtfirt! ru Norivic. I^ILL attend wita me Assessors at the offioe of A. M. OliapDell, from Wednesday Oetober 12ih to Tuea- vi*y Oct. IHth, 18*14: At John McPhaii’s, on Wednesday Oot 19ih; At ’air. Blue’s old place, Tanrsday Oct. 20.h: At B Oulareth’^ Friday Oot. 21st; At Sheriff BdeNeiU’s, Saturday Oct. 22d; At D McKinnon’s, Monday Oct. 24th; At O. D. Baker's. laesaay Oct. 2otta; At Mrs McKaitiian’a, Ww-iaetday Oot. 26th, To oolluot the i;onrederate 'i’azes due, io wlt^ ‘fax on Sales for tk;, qoarter eniiag Uot. 1st. The 80 per cent, tax on profits on sales made betwMB the 17th.Feb’7 1864 and the 1st J ify 1864. 'rhe Tax on pro''eny. The Soldiers’ Tax. Tax payen wiU pleaae attend prompi^j »t 10 o’^ook, av the above places most convenient 10 them, and pay tk«ir 'axes . E- W. UAJiDiE, Dib( Oolleeter. P,pt. ii 7Mi26tlL. Chosf^e Tobacxo, Ac. iWE uadersignsd cffera for sab, 1’OBaUGO, SNUFF, MATCHES, COrtON YAi^N, PENCILS, PAPiSE, &o , on aa favorable tirnia as tae times wUl afford, for ctsh or eiehrnge for B»oon, Cloth, Oats, Md ^er .eonntry produce. IS AAC HOLLINQSWOETH.. Sept 29 71*^ Cane ilSUII. t np near the Arseai Apply to Mai> M. P. I7l-2t ^ FIRST Tit'S mill ha^been pat up near tte Arsea^ which will grind on tnares TATLOR at the ArsenaL Uopt. 29. On and alter tlie 1st day ol Oc^ her, Oaba Passage will be $4h l>*«k Pase^e SS6t Ha, “P~Port^«o"EIH. C.F. Steam Boat C».; T 8. LUnSELOB, North GarotiW^ B. M. OiUUUil^Sat* MolMxiB. ♦