BLIO LAWS. tmxffnm Fxk’t '14. 19#4 A; At Avr* Ti-t W OnrrmHif. > t t CmngreM Ike (hn^1*rxt€ ^ ■ .•{»;>*♦,-.u e’utet, Tiut We koW»l* of aK ’l y-a-iiry ii^i*e doovc the rf|5, niit I'la.iu,- !pr> hliall b« »ibwdi »Btil Ae i:-. ;i i \i: V . ’A. *.Ait *f tiiJ ML«ifl«yvpi, t» ti. ,d !:■ «- V. r. ■ iuiil *h« i*«n'WU »ai t* Ac |)i. s nrgt- i ir Noldcfl! ftii siM^i Tr«Mnrf . .e-i ?•-. :) be iS-’^.ed io taad tli« •om* i* r*i»* ‘JO y«-r» after Awr iMe, I . ...V r Tho raw 4 per j«ot p#» «• ■uaM b* ' ^r* «i 8IM ^ oti^ots oc' uifr, u«t «j#*uaaorat^ b e>v MU oa A* &•• tk«reof, >*id t»ji jwocediK^ between tiw l« artaih tf' iRkTd bHot wfc*r«T«r cjrral«t«d, »nd nnmed tkeroia, 1J p«r cent., in acMlti®* Mid &«Hc to b« fmadaM* tmd rxok«B>r«5«W« for sew tbe tex 00 •ucli profits *6 iocoiuo, undor Ibe Ti'flMOFy liotem, sss her«i» provided, sakjoot to act aforoeaiJ. tbs 9i Kid tcux. j IXJ. On tiie suiouut o^ 8m. 12. TW Mky S*fc*e h*Wicg j 25 per cent, made duriag dither of the years •ot«i > ed W»ff ti*« lk*r«i« **®d lor ISCt, by anj banker bftuking isdWi aiftll i»Mowed tatt [ i>omp>vny, utaurjwTe*'. caukl, naTio:awon, i»i- 4*f of Ja*i*i«7 18©6, tc ftia^ the la b yK^r ; ©x'ioriiw^, UlsgrApli, Oipr«fcs, e«at bdtuk 0*n^er*te rKilr'»?.fi. m&uuftictvring, elvy dock, or other of «,j decori!.ti«n, «, (V,!. Ae. am, *.») for tk, i or uol, p,,r «inv on .c i sneh c »cesA. 5. 'i’he n ilowji*: fruiia I iiuaaci»iie*i ky •« »E*»'UBt of c«»d tejt Tixe i*’ • 1 _ . ^ -i** V nv I, ; rrkBi»»linn *• n«MO »P tlie t-vj I »cn«M- tJiw tJuilj he jaJuW«l, tue OlliitAr, , . Ju.^il. JLX. Qf or arc««ipte Uj Mtdr- ate pria»a««ri or war b«ld bj th* C«KtfQd«rar« St&tos. X. Of coi^p«r]*.cist}, oi' attouipts or propa- ra!iona k» « tlio etKsoa^*. XI. Of p»re»u8 adviatcg or incitiag «t.herrf td abaudori tiis Confouorate cauee, or to ro- 4st the Cdufodorftta &ti^t.og, or to KUhei a tu Ae oucr.iy. XJI. Uf nnla\rfftily Ivaruing, d«4tr«&_7iug (jr iujuriog, or attom;?tiug r.urn, destroy (>r iniare &uy bridge vr rftilrv»jtd, or te’u- grftpfcic line oi’ eoiamuklctitiou, or prov>et‘!y, with tl>e inUat of aiding tho ‘ittuu*y. !tIR, Of tr«»ti«niablo derJ^ne t«> iiupair tue oiilitarj pow^r of the G-ovt;rn!:aoi«t bj tw atteuiptiiij-; tv utisi roy, vs’i-c. tt i: a ft « i'r»»iiwrtv o: eucb of r tainiiy tc j ur ariu*, or uiuiatioua of vf;4r, vr;. '*^•1 r*l^a^ ■jwuion i 8itO- IS- Twwsury QOWH lk*fCof«V« UMHI 1 1 i iji ou.-u ;.m:hu 01 n I-JHUHJ tv I ’\,r I—tJ ! beMing i’.it'tfeps »t thn rate of $7 ^0 -*« t«he 81 K), ij,*» vft!'>t' of ‘J>5uO; a\!d fo. cat^h minor ci»9d 1 ioundrloe, workclro}).;, or utho’ ,»ro;“=‘?'*y of r 8ueb bondia : i#«r«r Iw* in y f-j ot' 1 iu. f>iiinly n. rlie li.i-tlior vulu.* 01 Jj iOi.^j tlie C^»nfcden*te Stato^. i.'-:'kli lie rccilviii'l* iafc'»r-j «ne«, bilf W t ;a *,.•»{>«> A..n :;r'ni:ilh 1 .i^-;;iji;ed in t)ie{ 8cc. Tl;»i Pret’.i*k“nf p}!m1I Cn v3 pr ^'cr 1 o:' -lae* payiible '01 5-iie (^otrfed-Tii;' Slfctw. p.*:; v ; ^ l,^yo | io ii; osili^.!te tf.e ciuico *f nii poitc;’;- bl® yaarK si^f■ ’■b* ->t T«afy , j ^ .T nervice, Rud | so or d4tnined, in f>rJ.‘r i:.;it >1k:\ j tl.-n leii l:t*! nnv be liia^iiAJXod if itu|)rotc'«' s' ■, »:iiKi,ii shi\!l liable to be uinced in lierviiie 1m wa Held for ttie war, as rf he were betwaen the ages of 18 and 45. Sac. 8. That horoafler tbe dntiee of pro- V oat and ' oepital guarda and clerks, aud of clerkfl, f^aards, agents, employees or labor ers in the Cominisaary aua Quartermaalor’a Dopartiuenta, in the OrduMvce JbJnrean, and of clwrka and eiuploteea of navy agenta, as also in the oxeoalion of tko enrolliriect act, and alJ ffimilar dutiei*, biiaU bo pcrforn’ftd by pevtiona vbo are tbe i'.ge« of iiiiu 45 years, and wl'o by the rtport of & ijoard of u'.'iay Eurj^woutt'Bhail ht- rep orted 3Ui uriKlIo to |/C? ronri Ec;ivo nfn v'ws iu tLe Sold, bnl capable of perf( some of tbo above firJ l dulloft, sipofntyin^ \viiic:>. siiu r-i'riiona eiiiUl UKve b.:-»*ii i.- . •-•n'i'i to ilio.^.e sl ifie.j Hi r*»r aa ’. i;u j •rOV! to #0 *d*»l4V»», ^ iu afo.-eie*jd *t cquiriJf ^ 3. Siicn peK»on eb.all tt t*joi to s^ll tbe marketable «uri.’*n and j/rain cow on hand, fcnv laiia from year t^«ar whiie ©n eouliyiae«i, to tbe Gov«mi»eat i r to i iiies of Boldiere, at prices fixed te ■ ■ 'ttissioEerfc of the State under tU* u •Kcat acts Provided, that any ptr-w® cm pled tea fcfoi eiaid, ehall be ere ii »-t 2fj y er cent, on auy amo*jit e-' m Lu i-ay delivei’ within tL.-o* la^, tiu.'i; the pi.-*age ef thia act: Prvviiieti rar* j ifUjti*. rilit persons coBCiii2g TTithiu tt.6 \>rovi- ■ioaa cf tiuB exeiiir.ticn ahall uot b* tlciirived ■ ^o t'h.iir vcri- ri 'iK.d-uw of tr-.' ;*3, I'r iiJ‘.iiv’’uiu - M .i: M 6 **^6ro,:i..rtaBditnr^->"tonK«». - 'i. t;u* .-ir'. .t Ma- iM Hcrvsce, Run ’•'* v; T-.‘- . ; r- aovse of *tc ienomi-1 tn^ I silk'd 8tat«p, .>‘~*r>.*f ‘ . j .m & i.u'UK'er ■»! the iniuily when l:t* ?U>.' u • Uti.ViKf iotor^at, wkitrti «k«ii ;oo ^eir -^t 0 j ^ ‘‘it-^.-irviccj, t*« ibo furPier v;»hie of .. .« ,. . ^ 1 tr.iing uadcr tlie prov-ious i J*na*r.T of »nd ev«ry ’.fccwv . rh;, .ot,»hail,frt« and after 1 S«c. U Toat of >^e ' . -.V , ISU. mat of the I and » h^nhj, au»hw^, >e ^ .*d :V.c Ur ihr, *,i July nCA, west ol tUo U'«r.(Hc» 0* Oo^eTPKeMt »hoak ;t. u« .ecu^ c^ be n ccivablo ia p*yai«i» oi! P'-J-Hi ’ demand of any ponh« art^iU- ... . ur d s;rii !, if uot to prei?»ut«d nt i b'*' e*Btrarr«i •’.«'» raB^TC Ot luie *►... i>- \ .hfUl. in dtiifioD to tii« eas of 3a| wiRiae: ♦•> r^-my iht sa-ao in a ‘n .f.„ scotico oi tfaifi tu>t, f d‘btedB«»«, ^ m by BJua SiHraUry t ixi f.f iO p«r eant por as(-:th an . fonn ts. bs o.*^ |»rop«i, pdVitbla i\ro y-^.r» v. .i. >ri; Tv} rb loivit sh*ii ftttsck %r eai4 1 a^tor » rstifio»t%s« ©f a. treaty at y^*«* -^nb rnf ' ' - acd he df^uoh^d j Hnited Ststae, bwnng rn^* of ' ^ *n •- .; r ^ whasjver prrs^Dc«'i ' (Kot. por spwi ati-jauJiw. M-Mr r ’Jii, &cd MUd ust«s nb%.U 1 tnr:sfenble oaly by gp«v>»i ftaocr^e.v^pl. an.^sr e ter Wi« c«w i«?»« of Tt«- I r^nkti^aa to Vo prworibed ly Ao of srr.y noi..i f.u*i>kvi in this act. | Treasury, »nJ vud oeraieatc# nhstti u* «MApt "0 ^1. i’v wl' tlu' I, •’ i!o.' ” M i 'Vld' ";ni* AV 01 uny otfjcer, V.'l,. Ii>;.. luwt unki.3S they ciu be 8pochIy tne*d i»' clue course of U>Y. Sec. 'Hiat during the Krpi>eTi6iun .v.ortj- uaid, n-» miiitary ur oit;»r.r ’Cv 1 Tvt; Uvl 11 the :»iiiir-.«.rv ^.m- nxv;tl ' c.nuj.olled, in r.n-^.vv«r t‘» ;uiy ■)t I U.H >c:v iCK- ;s ii) V . 'hen >f j i-' .\|»pour i« pui.‘»j, ?>• *.' -H.ri'-i . :» .siiioJit fi- iV';air»iJ to 1>»i nn'ior t'uui ;;*ii sei f ti.i." s('.i, afi aiF.v be nec-ded l-jr liio •r^o -of cnc’f! uiiiivis: i*»ovidt;i, to.ii pen;u!!:i !>c3'tVy'0i''i thft of IT and bi: ut>»;ii.7iiv; 1 to tiioao dncies: i'*ro\’’ided lur-, tuiit iit)tliiii» contaijied wi this ;,ct i.o bw '•'>iiair;:?d as to prevcHt Presider.t iViM’j ij^aiiinj!; Hrti«^an». tn*-.c?!anicif., or pii;- *oiior :o : -Jijiii ijc->t;Ti(!l5c SKi.i. l-> otri''*rn ia'j;.ip *T! liiioron, t.> tlic ! btn^N of 1 iv or [»erBons deiit^'=':d In j wi';ic duriHr; ii: tbe dupit''t:L'6ut6 or b'ii'tiii:s I'i' ■» n ' tlic i’kvu 'v, ' ' *f[. ! t'"i” or i) -i ii}^ , t V. i‘ I t b- -*T\ i’l fUi uic-J, .i .i' int x.ik>vvi e.xeuip | tl>ai *u*h jt!j!boij dotH.Iacci k+y liiiu »;a u Uonii tl'S>ll ret > s-u v I priik>ii« iW auy oi' th* cau* .-o iiuicini>'. ‘''fic * Ago; i'\ca'v ortt .*;nni.v .C O. >>r *t’ ier'. sue. Ij'p* hj tre fulhoritv .if' fbc i tcM'dv-nl. 6e- '?r. «i*’iduir,' rrotftry >tt' V/w, or ii;c "i , tr .'i-i- yjr d iu the I . .aa*!?'!" Trano-M’. -.! ■-'!>w- -iv'V'Hi t;'*« ;•!• ■ u.ii nr. lijivc ! I-,it. upi.-n i(j» co: iiucj’..:i, jvaI «•'* 'Ik. : > thf value j nffioor hHriny* cljft>-gc 01 ivrty «>i . ho 4 that 01 rjl tiid Troaamy not j tt«n» taxarioa in oriaoiwJ &ftd funtioi Of vued in a.'.vaw’it oi raxej at* ibe I 15. The Seoreitary *n tJi* IVtw unry is va- iind j'ir«ces predi riboc in the l«t tMtios ael, tLcre i;ba i }■•: ned »t a*id dat« a ta.-? n »>nts k* t^yerj douar pr»r the tuo.'**iJ sotw, s^d tax nhall atuoh — — I / \ ‘ 1 • . - ■ •• «• 1.1 note* vriuTiivwt-oircalatci, and I’Mil be *olleov«d j ^•’3- 12- Tho 8o«r©44.^'y of tie Trfasr.ry d>i 4!* j ot c\uti * riiiiij' t;u »vii'uo. oy re»^oia Oi tbe by deur.i!UQ2 1*1*5 Ui'5k9 &t Vh# trwMsrr, its ! ftrthwiiii advtrtisti tlii.-* sw>» In suoi*. b?.*^ j iti* .wv'w Oi vr-.-^iiUiiy vt th'S ev*»>*iiy, by mx rr.iloJtors, »ai Oovera-, pnblisbed ie th^ Rsrcra'aad by «!nh otl p. : i;-j 'U»wi;;uo:it c '. SK*;h property U j aicnt >doers roc.w>i7iBt* the saoK- whi’aefor pre- re»»io? as fball (W''*«r9 imaiet-^aie prblici'|; | roJuc^-1, iM j i','/v.irt;/i) to the dania^ ‘d bT ll.3 c lor. or tile zUsoC&s-u o sen'.i'u hr p'^ni^ or for faBdioi!:, or la cayEient ■ tbt fWoretwy of itrd th/; of ‘h^- auv-b, for ^ ia oa- ■ 5»vj e;»oi sautf it to be p»ib!i^ in qc.,o- | ^ 1,^ | c: f.utn r u!.v Boto?,es hereinafter pTtivided, cod ra! ofdr frr tf.* ^tsna^riiw* 0* tr.a arr.iy *nu j r on ‘SHrirfapt c\ •' lii .v atioa of tnls sol, luit'.l the I nac. li Tae ««k& •oo»H>a Ci ihe lot tov ♦(.■' > a««eflBm«>nt and of tjixes. a^provnd M»y I liero:u rn*»tuiju0u, Kv‘.!. 0. Thr.t liny Qaarwrninetei' or A... t.*r;-'.: tc-ra;U- lor, Caiaifii-^'^*ry '.a' An- rtii'/fi-,.. Oo.nroiG'iar/, (other than those bfr'-- ii;g v.'iih bri,-;»ujo jc re':,iniunL' i:i the ti;:Id.) #r (ifh'tert- ifi ii**5 l’Kre»*a, or I'^hv v or Pr!\o«t M.Aiob.iL or ofi^.e*»r iu i'lvporlv, e.\vIatJ\e o*‘ bouseh.>l .i I'mTrlturo, | .^j-eei^ed, imdor the iiutLv»riiy ature^aid, . gir-I tho coLisciiu' s -cvico. ivho sKiall i’Grtj'iflvr i'lis'il bt* u i »i V \iue oxctH 'iini’; If 1000. j i,her j)neeeilirigs i>«d*ir rho 'xrif of h.a*-e^3 j oTHT>!''y or r jtdiu ui LLa employioesf iinr e piVf-**rty has OeiMi tRjure*i I o^>r{tt»a bhajl iLunwdiately cut-'^e 1 pcixon Iu any of theU' sftid de)»»irtuniiii8 ov ■'.vudj'! ausiieiid*^ CO fuijif a* tJiio “hnil contiiuie j liurcau**, or ia any of the diUi^ tnentioned in j in Jne ■ich Siotioii of this .“lot, in vi^iatio-T Oi i.This ftvi obail coruinnoiu f«,-rc«j f-jr j ilio prorjoiot^ Lei’eux, ebcli, on C'^nvi.tijoa ninety cts-jR t;ft«r tho i .Xi, iii.^en'cff A Gon- I t,‘;or.iof by a o '-irt-uiarUHl or lUilitiiry cour^, •rrswh, Mid uo loiis’or. - ■ '.i eiciiieved: . .n>i itnhall b* \;be d uIt oi any ^ I I ' J • *1 — — uMpsrirnuat or a/Li')c{ coitroanuoi, ur>)r. THK illJJ-TARY i proof, by the o?.ta of any credibi*' y^Yboii, Scc’doa i. That I'rom and M,iWr vhe Oifi;?fer hss vloUted ihis pro of ti;»s .'.«t all ^^Uitt: iiion, resident.^ of ll>e vision. li^iiyicdiHtO''^ to rciicvt^ snc-h Cont^tdoi^te be. yean lue of 1? jfiuLii UlI':', , and tald ooii'-in^a-d^rs Dmill tako ."vnd t»0, liliall be iu Uis aviiitr.ry eerviou of l£.- ! ft day o: .)s,.^ uir_v at the rate of b*lj oa it.js uOi ar- M’d it sh»H bo the c nfiy >t i^e S»«- ctf& j jf ■ Trca«nry, at aoy hrsc botw®‘a th«- L': .ii A ».! z^-ii tbe lit of JuJy, 1864. wott »t ’J".' .i-j-vii’v i M ri yc •, and tit I.: or Jcjs-viry i SOS, fcu'uaufnCv esch&fls-e iic» Tiia-. u»'y aowa tt.r ^ : i « O^H .ei: th. dol- br: ' , T' Sl'-'V r-h; .! ;.. i>.i lit lS3t», ie is*ri»b> ^oyc-Ued Sac 18 'fte Si'-.rt'**?/ o' c};' T^iasury v horeby »«rfcor’s»>d r?w/airru. upjc thii ao;..i fctiou oi' tbi bol'ior cf ainy • .H perd'5c.*fc. • Vx h. if.c »irst g^ctl.ia c/ »he f-o prv-viic f-.: *•;- t’oiid’JS »ra iTj-lbf iv-J’ oI' TiO:-'.v -nr 'u.tea ol tue uci,‘o(iiiKatioa of 1 proved March war* rt aire^i i> b.- f*t!svi t>'( 11! ; of said tbcroalt^ i' d«i.'’c«i to b« is. bc^d, ti- i.'^-ic £^» n»':l ex3u.jr.g,;. 2'*,\rt ' U.i farUi-tr, tha; ili*! n^bt to i boii-^r * b&ini therefor npoa cto ter’*.; prori'tt . 'J j! c- . Tr3„.iury lio.js, arv./ ihc Ifltiay by stiid ii«t. QiKtMi-iSkt. LUo.-ebj tr.isti in.'.:, .isdtr-f^' . . , ~ , . . ;;—. Vna; u-^ju sJI ecoh Ti^isary not« ' ^ % &*ici»H!ruu thi c-cr. Ui4v ro.wii.u *2 th« let d%y JfeQuiry r%id T»hie'a jasy not b« ov>i:aug«d tor ;ic-» ir^ac>uij i., c-??, m h«r«iii ’^rovid ’ Rtai "y-j t-a: -jfat v#> hire'r*v iin'xecd. t/i^v tiiMi trajip^ri of - V per -jfat v#> htireby iu;n Sec. o I'i;aI 'Se 5rst all &u ^.;r fiit Ti'fa-) i» hereby, ffic T-ca TroV'U ; ■p\vrtoi • or poace day of i jirii naxv, uJt'T ■ rj I'ivtr. to «tj S'v^'e-ary of ’ L-. Tr ibu-j tct«; shall be, aad . o.v i: 1V-i-.rci, *.>ic Sc-JfctFjy ef ; i-^y, :ii:ic t^at iiaio, Ivius b«»' :l. 5»ioa I'Oi’a ;wj ’Tiay ir'^^rtb#, rVr thj r^ti5?itlf hec 1. 1^-5 GvUjiS’-e«« of ti*' ‘>unft*-ier;.:t St.'« >-i of /l-nfinca di Tbit in .'td i- tior- to the tAr^e* luviovl by iLe a-.-l ' i\v tkxe*- 'er rhe cor^mon dvfence ar.d tr, c;\rfy tue oovernr*-"Jt of t,l!:i {'!-;;;fcdo’'\to apvn'O'^ed 2-kU of A{>ril ls»r .e cL.-;^ i leTied, from rh? pstrisa.-^** of Aot, on )‘ c fcubjtvuts of ifcx&tion horeai'tjr men'’' std e-Vi'iccT^a froiK ev^ry pt,;\ 11, C'-V’iiiaai ^hi’> K*i>ci»Dca or corwriit’An, ;>'■•• 3 tii^;c G. Ti.: f«'!' tLiC VOl'T ':i^ , V 0? :v S :.,4 : r^::vr z :^'.s :b. ti;o co!l:ct5d ...i' t:i\ r‘fi‘1 :i/-c i.V. c^. Oti ty cfl'.d 'f. • ro t ii be a‘:‘-of*ie:i Kud iiw.a o'.:0 eorsioo u • l;..> \«.- ■ioiOc.ji-'I it' • (.*n incormxi ur }.>r> ... ’ • ^” rd; t'* Li;o r.;-ovi.?’oni of tho ?n-.“ i ■) ‘U of 1563. : i;c’;i vf t*ie t.iK a :t uf tLo '^th .’i{'6 a iro. oii i« o!*y or tsiioc'c u!i ? • . '■■ :■>'■ :\ :.i*x i- Icvid.' ' t-*'.' ■ »'t " i* .‘-I f.‘r >i e vtro' i:r'd, -.i i’l. ■.* '■ .• ii)-»^Mht K p.v- i i T ii a.d vah reui, tl»« vyoufodfrutt; Stat,f.;r -Lj '”jir. aid ! Sec. 2. Thgrt, all the pdi ioris a:oji&aia, bu V. «ed Si oii 1 two- i- tho ago*B >.»i IS iiuJ -^5, u- -.y ‘a rer Ku j hw ^' ali. io ;'uc?.i.iOv’ darii ].•. • .* it ’'.ir h ’’ .'i d'illt tI»C . . b., * . t.iO ;lc, j a:; 1 CO.UpH.iiO^, tJ v^OICii liiC'. v- ^.. f ' aT i;,* pi . a j;e of th'i r.ct, th, 7... :r t-sx'; *'H sr.'«->.E lull «.-n1 oh:-ofu, ..lii «-c-o r-^: i 6i>, ic. io’u i i-rai.a.urr^.l ur i;i ;u:Of '^ i d C'jI 6Cii-i I '•''itii ti O I.i'sv’s a!.u. iti,L.i?'_ri'.j 1.^ I o"uiriC'i-'i. of !iie aiiuy; P*ov)d--1 th?. X 11- ■ ju« ' 1 ' * V l-i-. j Uie.r o-'U2‘„Nit, ex;'r&3.'to': u' tijo . -te or ballKl’OU* :K>u: I oU/*.] l^'y pi 1' i'toi.ti v.>i '.-Ciii'' J ic or^a-ii.-'itioiiB li: t.-oopr, !n i!;;. I of th3 i\.i x ice, trorn the bu\t-: • h: rie, wita ■r .Sta{3. rnf, lerr c •J 1. -.:niT3 arv'r r-r.j r^tiij?s.u>R ei a treaty . the ODi^G *aid ii.?w liun^b * . . • i.. to b9 rccci.ible ia p»r’»:r£!t of ail pablio due**, 1 Io.iv'f?8, lo w:t: eto*i;*t ex^iort aau irap-^nt duties, to b« \b * , ® ^ f *' y n. t*I C-. ’ *^’*1! -j;o .s’: v:l b'i • wWcd, ii )hey •. r. ■•" ai;!.‘.:.ho'in fro;a t’u.> c ■ ’ ; . : T iJ a.‘i vaK reui, , f-io ?iUU6 of ftirvi;:,!. ot i r txxrO inooruee uud^r j £cc. 3. T iiat at tho expire.oi'siK ^nouih t>i.-; \.K2i ■)>’ .5 - - I froiu the r'-ret (.'-UY of April nczt^ a oou.'; 8-;c. S . * . .*x ..ifK»tjud bv tj\ fc.t i •>* ;^iO'j iu a six per cent. iTOrefamenl buri, * ^ - t. 3 A. k^... 1. iirrW«AV« oroiiipi iii0i*\ar0fe U? havo him tri^id ioreuch of>aucc; uiu i%ny o^*>iranudar pj> ;»!»•(..? . jii lo pwrlorxu ih« dui;v*'« «\jOir.?5d by thi.j fiootioa, uposi i -ant; Ciiiy eouvlctsd ihf-fOt.’I. i!iS *^O.ii 11.,.' .‘jCI'V , -., L'i- .* ilii . C tivj^is ji'i'iu DTilitiuy t>e.','ice i>«, uii-i Uio tiRsno art-. .d, aci iiyr-,‘!.,jr liouc a!.-;l . j r-.jii 'rd oxcept iho > ;:»o';iinjf: 1. AV: MLophy;] be, holi nu£t fer milita- :^ervic.j, .ndor ru.c* : be-pieccrl.^ti.i bv ?•■ vv f War. ti. 'i. , Vit;*. Pre:iaoai •/ihe O.Qfv'dwairt, L. 3 •0i2c»i*fe v)f C->U5^» e. i» %V’. I >1 I. t-f' ;-^ul Ijw.^£i,tiirJ".’, riLid Cl: .-tl» r C ..u; aud Btfito officei-a a-.i :.hv- i*r "*■. or lt;0 v3u . v>rUui' of £Ji^ le- oGi'afy l>.'» bi> jAiy p '--,V\>r J-. IXHi ii.ii'l :*li ' XA Oi tlkti ' ui t’v Cto .e: li.u&ets, ir& tV-e J. vj.. r w'roii.?voi: a->.thori£cu to ^ . . .. '■ to iLe riiloa of Cjiareli^ .Snd ' . ' '^.o ps-saago 01 this act, ah all be ^ ; ‘:.U;;l=,.yei i:i t*^e d'Ech;’.r^e of his It. iuruw- aip.vo! inienderiW and phy- 'luui'c toi* tii.0 deaf and dQtub sr -;cu. ii*ed Skftto*, aalo«e j and plate, jewsl«, jewelry and r-atchee, 10' Iej;e of the vv'rit of haboa* corpus ahall not t ' r\ 1 P®r cent. 1 b« snspeuded nnlens when in case (jf rebel- r,:me..!o.lo;b= *:..^pro*i£frorrtLo3“^^^ , .™- Tf>> P«>portj t»iM Ender ; Ik.,; or .M pnoU'. *s.U f ^rc"^arv h l.-mby aurboriied to i*Bue 6 i eoction shail be fcoRO&aed on the ba^ia o. q.iire it, &:id v/.,.o“or - .n. ■:ov,- w .... fo a/i aiaoonf not eroeedine five ' market value of tho same, or sjmiltir p>^> i ponding; tho priTi’ -e .t writ eroeeaing ave r iiiioEs of doiUvrs, tb« principal aad ia-. P5*’^y la nex^hborhood where ag£&?f»e>i ip .•i'shall be has fro a t&xatiaa, and I the year I8t0, feiccrt iu caoe^j ’.vGore lai d, ihe v ;ii: .h is as rocosf- zed in .-aid Arf'^'u 1, ir, vested g-doly in excluoivo jud.'/c and ot pwu'>i w ’*.1; tli(’ i ai^ed convcr;cd ;aco ne;? actes. , * , . „ Oi . a per cent. ! t>*i snspe ir,:mertc.t .tL\l?^rro^iS.rr°ra°oSMKt.7Tl ,.™- ^’>0 nnder; Ik..; or i:ivR.v.m;. uo pnolic. *»&ly n.ay ro Qf ifTT «i this eoction shai! be fcoRO&aed on the b&nis oi u>i:ro it,” &;id v/i'orof .fi. ;:ov,*Oi- ol suh- Ur *' for tbe cmont oi iaterfc-'t tillrc*i»i t'as fptire net i filavea. cotton or tohftcco have been re-jcipti o; iiij export duty herotfter laid oa the j chased since v *;u Ol ' CO ivD, toiiaooo, aiid p.'^val iworca, j in which c«e ■yi.ioii -jliA.i v: tiiported troai tiic CoDfederate j and tobacco so ^.a,eH. liu * tie u-jt prcccoa.-> oi th«j ixaport dufciea price aclTOftlly t lijA- iai i, o .0 wucii tber-jof as ajay be ceceasary , owner, to Jay 4inui P' ha into-ast, arc hcraby specially L/i-.-d ■••j'i; I*ii.-videi, thai the da*i^ row laid on I i i-j • i - i i • Lp .0,0b, pleaded ba.ibn;TO-np: Tel : -,2. a J'notliK oxciisnic, „ , 9-, ciivii apothetjary storo, v.'ilO Trs.-j doiuj bii^i- Se3. 1. That no perioii eliali be i\;iie» ed as sueli on the lOth day of OctV 1S62, trom tijc >i>eriition of tb.^^ act by ro;ii>o!i ot ^ and iiiid C‘>.’;'.inued* tu;d businoes, xvithoat hr.viiig IkcU hcrc*t*-.jfor'j diecha’'”o. 1 ffO?a the i i,itor?ni5r.:o-i,' Binco ih.'^t I'-eilod; a!l pbysi- army tyhcre tk* disability :iu;v cxifcts; i'*r ; ove^ i : uire «*f oJ ye.^rs. Mrho now are, thodo who havy liiriu-hod s.;^ tor 3 loit V yo...* bet-.n, in tae be a.n}’ lon^or exompied !)V rea«,OH ti!jrcd; .-ctu.xi r«i:. .’\yuiAr p.act’ce of liieir profes- i r-jv^CiCd, t hilt 110 jjersou, horelio»'o "Ao:u|.t- ijiit 3 ter in phyf. eh.*.’! not in sterling oxoliaage, or y 18 - - -J n , . ■ , , . iu from time to time, aa tbe 1 and all otcer joint atock coaipi*.n ei | now, therotoro, ■ a. •. boaoa I exporting, iasnrauce, manutaotaring, x.Ha: liie icMretary of the Treasury ib ^“P^' es.pie.'^, radrostd, Alld dry-d oi the nccoca'’^7 of ‘'.’'■cii Sec. 2. Ou tho value of all ehrircn ^Ou hoc 'dj iiii Li:o uarries cakic" theai aiay elco*; u.ay u -7 b> ciolisinged lor each octisr under ft,' i"'-r i-vis :x3 iLo Sc-'jretary ci the Trt’^asury ui-y prfctaCi ii.c-. U';;,iy ohall be for 8IOO, and shail to3*l;ier v Uh tbt ooupous thereto attaohod, be io fcnu* u.q»4 '•« r.v>u a«tb.iQfeiofct\c/a &a ♦ho S««. rct:..fv uf toe "i lea. ary in^iy p-^oacrit:e) Iko intereat afaail l>f; hiili yearly cu the ilrat of Jau’y ^nd Ju y :u yc'.i; tbe priacipal shall bo pay- *b!: no-- ioss Liau 3U years from their data. Sc :, y. .iil ciU ooruficatea shall be fuadable, sad bo tiizcti »T> all reapco*-* ao is provided Sec. 3. Upon the amount of all gold a. id iilver coin, gold duat,gold or Bviver bullioa, wkethor Weld by the banks or other corj o- and SUrf- por- the Greueral g luo .ir.ins-Mibsiiiijippi JiUittiry Departiaont, by the authority aud riader the control of the i'reiiident. It ia horeijy declared ihut tho purpocio of Ooii- c\i ’ I lee-'i ttia.i oO dayii f^v th».>6e eabi, and oO phviicuiiis and liiinioo thuiein as snch tiU- ^fjtorthoee wcust ot the Mississippi river, and i.'erintcnde’its bhall certify, on oath, lo be pret5cnt j per^a wiio shall fail bo to unroll hi;;;- intliopeusuble to the proper and eiliCleut '0 priv- ; without, a reaionable excuiie therefor, | 'nanatc:Uimt thereof. to bd judged of by tho l*ief;deut, >j1i:\11 be | 4, Inhere bhidi be exempt one pcisen as placed in service iu the iiehi for the nvht, ia o*Tner or agriculturist ou oach tana or i'>lai’- vU.^ ^ ^ . . _ A' redoeoi-Aoi*; iu ae^ Troasary DOtea at ■‘.jiit i.v'vc; !;ii* alter the paesago of this aot no call certificates uLail bo it>siied until after the first day of A;Til, 1854. Sk:. '0. That if &aj back of dcpoait shall give rations or individuals, 6 per cent.; and ujwn 1 gress in the pasia^^e of this act i& to ^>rovido all moneys held abread, or upon the amouat j more eiiictuc-ily for the public ci*iecy by of ail bills of cxchaoge, drawn therefor on \ siib^jcaiin^ tho writ of habeas corpus in the foreigQ coutttrieS) a tax of 5 per cent.; such 1 following cajea aad no other; tax upon money abroad to be asseaped and | I. Of treacon, or treasouable effovts or collecteU according to the value thereof -it | coiabiaalioas to tuovcrt tho governirtant of tho place where the tax la paid. the Confederate States. IL Upon th?i a’nouDt of all solvent ere-! II. Ol' coriapLraei^jB to ov erthrow the gov- erutiiiai:, or coi;spli’iicio8 to rcSiut the la^-ful ’ aall orily of the Cvjulodori^to Statec. ILL. Ol O'j'-iiOiUii.Co’.bt tue cuemy, or 01 coininuiii'vj;’,Lu'.j:j luiAidujonce to the eaeinyy or irivia^ him aiu aad comfort. iV. Ot couspaano3, preparationa atid at- teriKjta to ^iinte aervile iaaurrectiou. V. Of u^)t5ortioa3 or encouraging doeer- tiouii, o. iiai-tioriug descrtors, and ot attempts to avoid inilitary eervice: Provideu, fhat iu tho inooiue derived from wiucii is taxed, 5 per cent. Bee. 4. Upoa profits maae m trad^ aud ba«tiQoee, aa follows: L On all proSta made by buying and sell ing spiritous liquors, flour, \rheat, corn, rieoj^ owner and 'luaaagor ito cii, j;xMitc.r3 uie boatu authorixcd by the first —o-r x - a, » - ^oc*. cl thi3 ajt, in exohaugc tor t>oir dop33its eugar, uioiaeaee or sirup, sail, oacou, poi'.!£, j case oi piii{j,ir)le vTron':^ aad opprefiMoii by ' orgaaLia, ohall enroh theiuselv jrt aii ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ' ibo.du oScar upon any imrty who may, by tae Fiwidon!, constitute a re«erve tor Ht>»to dofonco nnd upoa the follovrin^ conditions: detail duty, aud tiiall uol bo reijuircd to I. Thio exeuipiioa thf».il ouiy be grAnted fwrtorm wervioe out of tlie State In which *n cas'ds in whicli there is no”whii>2 male taey rea^^iO' 1 ad;ilt on t'ao farm or plants.tiou not liuble to Soc. b. ihat Rll pirsona required by the | jnilicary sei vice, nor uale.>s the persoa claim- ath section ot thw act to earod theiaselvcs, 1 ;ag the exemptlv>.a waa ou the 1st day of 'xay Within CO days attj,r t h^ p&3sage thero- JaaV ISGi, either the c ot, c^i^t o£ tae .^ILi^^iBdippi, a*id \^ithin 00 days, if wc9t of said riTcr, tbria tbemselvoe into voluntary orgauizationa of eoaipauies, battalions or regimcata, and elect their own ofiicere; eaid orgauiiatioas to coaforia r.o Liic existia;i^idW6; and, having so or^, to tender Choir eeiyicviS aa v'oiiintoe.ri during die war to tho t'resident; tiiid if >iueh orgaa- ixatious shail faraish proper laa.stor rolls, as DOW oigaulaod, and deposit a coj>y thereof with tho enrolling olficar of' their district, wbich siiall be equivsleat to earolliuent, tuey may bo accepted as minute men far service ;a'sach Semite, bat in no oveat to bo tokeu out (Ml it. Tiiose who do aot bo vohui tiiti jamc on the bonds by some t hogs, beef or beet cattle, shocp, oats, h«y, aay &i va'i. lUilU,('t.’*C servica, his tapt relioi to sub'>rdiaato priyi ego ol fiindiug baid noccs &t par f»hall eoace M heroin prossrlbed. b.Ho. ii. Tuav all Trcwury aoteg horltotore uisii«,d of the c'ji*omInatioa of ^ shall oontia-ie 0 be rc'^ei7pb!o in payueat of pabao dvos, as prof:-«4 its ‘^d lund'ible at p^r und^ the r cnaiaai^ries of the enemy. VII. Of 1 oidiug corrQspoadoucQ or inter ol Jauui^ry lSt>5, 10 pet ceut., in addition to the tax on such profits as inco:n« uade>* the “act to lay taxesiorthq common defence, yrith the eueiay, without acoesaity, and tarry on the Government of tiie Coa ai;*.' ryithout the i>ermi3ion of the Ooaledd- federsite btates,” approved April 2i, 1SG3. rj t/i IL On all pipfiii mado by buyinj-; and v»ilipi^>nonft'f,'johKoilvp.r. forfi#^ i os Of ualiiw.'iil ‘rndiug with’tiie vn-3- be ronoued to assojiblo at coaTcaieat pin- ctic ot^ renUoafous, and bi foriucd or org^irj iiod into compaaioa, battalioaa and njgi meatB, undar regu’.itioi^ to ix» piescr:bo«i by him; and shall have the right to eloci their company aad regiuioutai otlicera; and aU troops organiaad under tliia aot for Stat^ defence, shall fc>e entitled, vfhile in actual service, to the satno pay and allowkince au troops now in the flold. S. a. V- Ths.t any parson who shall fail ' or ovuraeor o» said ;jlaut&lioa, but in no case shall mora than one person be exomptod for oue fiyrm or plantation. ti. Such person shall first execute a bond, pay.ib’e to the Ooafcdorutf? States of Amer- •oa, :n such lonri, and with such scH'anty, au. . ill suo.ti peuaity as the Secro-ury ot War may prtjacribc, lioaditioaoa that he will do- a . or to tho Oovernment at some railroad depot, or such other place or places jw may bo designated by tho Secretary ot W^ar, writhin 12 montha noxt easuing, 100 pvunda ol iKUjoii, or, at tho election ot tho (/ovein- •acnt, itn cf^uivalent in pork, and ICO lbs. oi net b«K»t (HHid l)oef to bo delivered on foot,) ‘‘-•r njir.i. ahb) bodiod slave on S!*id f:*rm or piiuii.t-.htin^ A’Ktiin flio above aaid a^oii, wUo- fiiMr ivaii! nl iv.Ki m tho tieid oc u,7t, which •aul hmv>M O, ,M«k and boof /uvll be paid • >» i.v Ml., (i„T„niiu«fU at t.^o prices fixe^. hy Ur, \ ot tho Htato under ‘',0 • a.,f rrov,.|„,i^ that wh^H jxt jHim.n tl.My r^.nntod nhall product- rsatis- Uet-.ry .wi-!«nno it hau boon irr,- .lisiblc lor hiiM, by Hi«» ns«,rr;!:',o of .. 'onco ‘ ittsoontract- oi r‘:c bro'-', uif.y exempt vr ie> tail isuch olhnr ;>o--3vi.-rt as lj« ujny he Hiid uup^iit to L‘0 u.Kefijpt,«d on account »f pu'ti];.' n4:cn.;rtir,-, liiiJ to insure tbe pfudnc- u’on ot grain j,j;J o-hjr jirovisioUB f»ir tke ar;ny aad riie f..iiuiies of soldiers. H» als, i^taat ex«iipti^s-or detail*, en cuek teria.i as he ?aay ? .>■€'?-».ri he. to such ov«r- ;tcto, t;U '>.*.-ra or pirtat*;i'j »• he mey be tat- itjiioJ be in ;rc ubclai to the cjuutry ia Hic pursuits 01 i.gricwiture thau in the mili- livr’.’ l'’ri»vaif?d, that suoh ex«itn^iieQ iihali civ.yf*' vdi ystover the farmer, planter er • t v . i irtii tlil’gcMly to emijloy in good f’iic?-. ii'i:; o^ya skill , capital ana laber e.7;cia^-\veiy iu the pioIuc:i;u of ^rain amU provi -.!oaa, fo I'.e sold to the Government aad t:iie '■‘iiiiiiie.'i ol BoWiers «t pi icefi not exee*4- in« uxyd at the t’lae for l.iic artiolet by - ^oiuEcis«ion*»r3 of th« State under the in ’V. tosin-^t aet. 6. The prf;ftideafc, traaaurer, au«litw and supfcriHtwi' of any railrcad coiupaoy en gaged in ti ausoortutloB for tho Geverimeat, and such oliicoi'* aud employees tiiereef ae llie pi 3sid»ut or Buperiatefident i^hall et»rttfy on o >.ta to be indispensable to the eSoieat oper.itj!*! Vi said railroad: Provided, that ine naaiber of pwsons *o exempt^^ by this act o! auy railroed shall not ozces4 eue per- j sou ^'iT eich mile of *ach road ia actual om I fo ■ *»i > itary transportatioa; and sfHd exeoapte ! shj^. uAi repoitod by niaiti aad daeerieSiea, j W}hi ihe u^iacsS of aay who have ieft Ike j ^n;p.wynseut of ^aid compaay, or whe sbay uo r>e i Jidicpenhaoie. ». Tnjit iuthiag hereiu c^ntaiaed »ka£ { be coai5tr>ie.l repoaliug the aot apftrevad ' Api .l the 14th 1S83, eatiih-.d au aot to ex- i ompt; coatractora for carry:u^ dio m&ils el ih'j 0>afo'ierate State.?, aou tho drivers ei j c'»ache% aad hackj, frotu military ser vice: Provided, tbikt all me exempcit>aa granted audt^r thia aet sfci*li o*ily coating vt’ulist the pereoni exoiapted are actually : oagagcu ia iheir respective parEuits er oe- : cupaaoni. I .Sec. 11.4diat tho I'ieaideat be, acd he is Lereoy, auihoriaed to g.'ant dstails, afider gene*vl rules and rt;jul.atioas to be iaeaed inj.n the War Dopanir'.cjiit, either of penjooe • bC’Urecu 45 ai.J IJ jeiT-a of ii^e, or from tee ' ikiTi.y in the aeld, la all ca2:jc vrherc, im hie jud^ii.oat, jutttic-i, o-xiiiity and nee^iiy re quire such detailto, he iraj revoke euek orders of details wheaevei he Aiaks proper: i PioviJed, that the power herein grsiaAee to I the Presidoat to laako deiaila aad eKemp- 1 tionfc shall uot be eocstruad tM authorice the cxciaptioa or detail of ivay ooDlraotor for cr.itieJt, th« head or secretary the department ma- *f.iag Buch contract saill ctrtiiV that the per sonal boTvicea of eueh con wi cbip irOi ari) i&dis- penBible to the cxecutica of e&id coatraot; Provided furthur, ihiit when kay saeh con- cractor shall fail, diligeiitly aad laichlully, to proceed with tho execution oi* such con tract, his e.\emption or detail fchall coase. Sac. li. Thivt In appoiating local boards of-o'jrgeons ibr tf.e oxaii;ination.of persona liablsj to military eervict, no ni.ember com- iKjjiag*the same shi^.il be appointed f^-om the ■>juniy or enrolling disiiict in which they are required to make bUch e.\amiiAtion. Test OlEoe, Fayetteviilo, N. C.,) 0cTOG«R ,S, 1863. ) o/tht Arrival an4 Dfpari^'t of tht Mailt tU iM r..kLSiaiI -ri» .\VLH,AeS05l0’, &c. \-riT? - I’’-.''', cxccpi Suj.^ay. £.1 4^ ? IU. l)cf *ri*i except S-4 urUa)* %t b P M. KXl ?'r..3rt GC'MMERVILLE. Depart 3 Tueydiy stid Friday »t 6 A. >4. \rrives V>^?iaesi»7 Rnd fianiay at 9 P. M. ^’TARdAVf ti* CLU?XOS. ArriTOB 4»ily *( 12 coon i>cp.>na aailj' at S'. M. 0-*i&TaAQB. .Arrive.^ T^e».i?.7, Xiiur«U«y i»Qi S»torJay at 7 P. M. !);;• arLii Nioujaw, Wrdee»d.'iy and Friday at 1 P. M. CaERAW, S. C. lirir^9 Tim iay, Thiirsdtoy and Saturday at 6 P. M. Depend Sutt^y, Tuealay and liiureday at 1 9. M. r\lR BLU?F yi* LC!dBEaTON. ikfT-.Tes Tu.cel*ty, Thureday*aud !?atar>liy at 6 A. M. Dv^artc :?ucd4y, Tcs-d»y and Ttjorediy at 1 P. M. F.OLiidON’d TU BiilZABErRTOWN. Dcf'.rta .'loadsy, VVtdae&day auJ Friday at 6 A. M. Ajtit-o? Tcosd^y, Tb»rd*y aad Saiurd^y at 2 P. M. ELIZ VBETUTO’VN yi* TSEtKBIiiTH. Aniycs Monday at 6 P. M. Uepartd iickine day (Mcnd»y) a*- 6 P. M. MAUNOh-A yta CTPHiEaS CaSBK- Arrives Tuestiay at St P. U. Dopait^ 8%ma day (faeod/iy) at 2| P. M. dWIfcT ISLAND yi» MOSTROiJB, OOVIHQTOH aad POWBLLXON. AiTiysB Tiissday at ti P. M. DcpArtfi WcdaeuJv tl A. M. 8Vf IFF ISLAND yia TBO¥ Arnyoe Taoaiay kA 6 P. M. Dapttib* Wodae^Ay at 11 A. M. Ail «a*iU 'iHTic j jafjrs 7^ 1. Ji , or« olosad the ayea iOg b“fof* *'. 8 P. .ii -\11 leUcTs to bo Beat off fro* ia. wi£c3, oi«jur !a~a by raail, mudt o« paid far a« il *.:at by jiaU. All drop ii}t»«rs shoald b« pre-paid by 2 C40t stanpe. T&;3 oai w will be op*a oa Sunday from 8^ ta 9| A. .^4 , aad from 4| to oi P. M. JA8. O. OOOK, P M. Ti££ »Li:iE Pi&imeit, 'OR Luvj** F»‘s^ ^ for.a*r «i>pi.y ai moi^aalt •rf. . r..-> -t, T r'kt.'f » ■>o?»8 't).- AB r*^?!^ jrorifiona J-'iii ac*, ■'-•ntil the ftrsc of .Jaly. 1834 , _ . , , ^ ,,t • lad.., aad uatil tue fir»t Ootobor 1861, west of' stocks, notes, debts, credits, or obligati->ns the Sdtu-,, euated w promote' authority of the Piosideut,^ with.>at I dirota u c.mi.nuLation 4.1 1 ho saai > *^to^ tl^* thj Mibsiseippi river, but after that tiiu« they of auy kiud, aud any merchaudiiw. proper- their auccess iu tho war. ' oxcu^ to ba Jud^jod oi* by him. .v^tcutof two-UurdsthuWiuKfiiiaoroth^ « I t->r, mhI Uavfi idoj.u;to supply for the r.ub.:..t.moo of i:,-;,,., tuo ^id la-a .1:.. ■' ^ .h 1' lio same, to tho I i{igcalu,oi: other I Tifl'l C^»OLl.¥A toapAStf, t'* O iT in the t«uut yoftr of sucoeaarui op«r^uoa, with growiag c '-pii aud firmer koM upoa publie e®»- aicacc, ociiti:; a insaro Lik« Uvea aealtay per- ?ons from 14 la 60 years ef ajto, fcr vjna year, for seTOB otupi, a^d for life—^ lift mer .i^ere scaring la ttie |»reit8 All slavc£ from 10 to 60 y of age are inaared foff oae year it for St? yeare for two ttiird.'« tiieir yalaa. AU los^ aril puootaallj paid mthia 90 days aftai ;:,tiHfsc.tcry proof is For Luther infornatiea tke pajU'^ is rettrred to igeo 4 of tae Coatpesy ia ^11 part j«' iha dtat^ aad k« a. 15. HAITLS, Si'-.Tf'JUFj, R^laigk. IL J. iLiVJLtS, AAoat at J;-j’y ’?JS9. V ar4(.tavth«t N. 0 Uiauk W^uncanta for sale