m ho 0. ii ai S li V 43 ii^ % Vf KVuXe7 f; n^SniT. ^'OVKMBKR S^rniw. Vi'vOv’TH AOA.iv Lopr TO cs.—It is with deep re- jfTft inat we chrotiiclo the capture ot Plymouth, in jin.r Stutp. by the yankeep. This is a serious disaster, *.:t- mo’e to be regretted becanse-it is naid to K;. O'?' fJ to the Bnrprise of a ftnard of 30 rvea, who nDTi a:', inipprt-int po^nt npd w^re o.tptnrc.' with- ou' *’"« iiarm. A''?er the g.'^llant deed of onr :-i i.>rr 'Huler Gen- itoke in o*.ptnrioj6r thf* place from riv '-e> P. ■» !•; too i'sd to lose it ai8;ftin in puch a , ,'! >ce ■will (loriht'*'CR ’’0 tn:i3e the Vtape of rpe- ■gJ!L ■n Dici«i0»i or T» Scp*»Mi CotTBT.-—At the late called Term of the Supreme Court a habeas corpus case of Wm. D. .Tohnson vb. Peter Mallett was de cided in fa,vor of Johason, and another, Wm. Dnna- hue Vi Thoa. Wilson, enrolling officer for Wayne county, was d«cided in favoT of Dunahue. Johnson, arrested as a conscript, proved that he wa» one of the Raleigh police, and had be?id?B, the charge of keeping the ci^y pumps in order. •Judge Battle, in the opinion of the CouH", iayp; •'It is now generally, if not univ^i^Rlly, concode l that the Confederate OonareM have no power to orJpr t INTERESTING FROM WILMTNGrON. Correspondence the Richmond Pis^atcb. WiLMiwGTON, N. C., Oct. 25, 1864. The ap]>earftace of yellow fever in ihia city some two weeks ago caused considerable alarm, whlcii the sad experience of tne year 18C2 served to augment. Appearing io difil^r^ut parta of ihe town a* the s%me time, upon a warm, flukry day, it wati feered it would spread with gri^at rapidity; and the people were ad vised to go into the country at once. But those fears were a n realized. The wealher tnroed sudden ly cold, p i-videntially, and couseqaeatly then- were only ap.irad'c cr^'eg of the dispase. The latecesg of the season ivuders i‘ I'igbly improbable it will r,ecome phj.i.Un, Ve of opinioa it ha. fi.llv .Inm.T ibB stttn »l,1di crfalo! it liril .'1 Ihf i ‘'“.V- ' been ten detilis «n.iu crcaieu ii. aru d.i ine 1 aireu)v ropoited. and tv;o ct^aee mf.utioned th-s p.m.-rtf conferred on it tuui«t be undorMcod to hsve be.-r. civaa with the lunitatiua that i;i exocnting ihotn iiothir g ■ shHll be (^one to intnrfere vriih the imk>pe«n.'-ut t xr-pc;. | raorone in ar/irulJ viorhs. It is supposed fheae “ a '•'or.? p'l c r.tr.)ifioi( during the warm weatuer >■ ;t3 flovereign powers by eooh ytatc. Cnr-r-s? ch» j ^V? ': ^or blwk fronts -xre fatal to the dis- i: ro'r n-r to onr Sinro. ni'd perb*\ps hnviig iv j have no right. th._.reform, tu'duprtvo a Hute of tlie n r\i I hud two, •I fi!i. n- '’T‘oa i tTAir.j in V:>./'.nia. Doubt- ? ''l'’i‘‘er r.'csiiary to the aiU «•. of its ;ro' etn j , noiirt that ibe pros,«ect of an earlv attack upon d) 'justed uy tiie papers; oui, ■ iii.j vL'' /.ill tak.-cur*^,hovievcr, toen.vd 'sib'u* ; Wi.oiir.f ,(.n Ir. f^t abouf. !'i is k.iiiwii. Thtjre is iio!' even ft lArio'.N.—rt'fci vA 'z irt tiiw } itei h? reudor to the vtry o:' »T' a. fiee to Gt a. w 1 .> pi. iiir.' of egiity Con- ■ ^,fi .-u. I.-* i. VMik oti tuo L>atch (iap cinal. t x’H'- 1 • ' '‘ic- t're cf oiir own biit>eric3. Gen. vsr.er thi? pi>i;'>is of War. Lee. i’fihiijw (.fhi? bu.7:a-8s to do bo if he ,'uir’: tiI K’.ii to;'.r he coni"’ not do so if t V. * ' • ' vieu. Leer’s constitutional posi- t\a I- 'I' I'l p.e.’cable us h;s mhifary poj'jt’on. The • T ■r r-. v ;.r.oiU ^’ubi’.shii’g -.he betters, repre- i.uv -j.iv ■ >(. ii-iDfi). a.-* havirg wii'idrawn the negioes fri'fli w ri\ t.n .cn.t i a’^ .oiiS iu consotjuenct? of Uat- : r ^ uti. n »>ii ti'o?!’ >?o I'onr'dfra’ts It will f. a ■ tuiH Ip 00“ of ihtir oastomiiry f.ibiica- t 'I b’.ceis aco'Iif’r yenke^ outrage even more infa- !i thi.'. ut l)jtch tiap. Erery train that cr A - !-«.Ciri.i wiiti supplied lor SheridaQ s arniv ■ '0 ^ ot Its • urs crowdt'd witn Con- :: M — i'"t evtu soi-iitirs Dui cou-coiui'ai- -■i. — 4 • p ui-v V n c'oiiti.derate otffck-* ! fi' V ut p i? outeiiera’e !dO:eb ■ With eq.iul p.o- i' -' ■> -'t Lucii iuivs 01 uatiic: uec ■f ■■ ‘‘e At uU -uri;r;.-e-i .f raey coEcMiue tc ■- — ■■ tAi’ i.xoa ;a a very di iv'i e one. . I- J" I'Ur C V:' TV tuvia? ..= ,.r .. .* L.- u - ;d «roni a und i;*'ildrt'n .r. - Tta Sj U V lutiigo Oi Ud in Si'- ; .iV.i-.-. V. :-!a ,.0 ciert tht^r ticuuidl. ■ ■ ;; i^tji'les: itiat our gjvtrc- , • > ■ to ;h..so outrage.^. I'ouo "V ■! f:-- ■ • !-• lii '-v auu Liufo atrocious wrciig? -s or. ' ns of r>, but every act of the in- a.' -i- ;'rc .;oiis moro aud m'>re like a deier- 31. A.1 ■ r :• i;,*! uU ilicugui* 01 luercy, and to ci oiU uou youug. ui.iie Aua I'emale. I - • —VJur rtdJers .^iiouid t>ear in m'nd I' ...Oiij : .-.y iwo mouths duimg which tue •' '■ • L u..ii ul aad up^arcs -.1 0- : iica oy the goveriiuiciit. Alter tiie : o: .li-cr uil oui?iuuUiug uoies of these ' - ■- v' tt tutti i.xot luj per •eat. ana * - -5* -1 -J woriiii. s8. .1.- ■ •-•c ’ ^ u li.ige ciffiount, of sucn uotes 1 . ,L. ■ • .‘t lac iiUii •*ili : .gaoiaiict; or thouglinecisuesd, to Driiig ; • -o. .4V-.J. iu r-o.ae of thtf ?>ouiheru '’a'.i: .u._. ■ --U aO’V c .•.i=sfcil Oii'T ai aaijcvi iniol • ' :■ •' '■-•ti- vhe t-.cc, ludteai of per -- •J .,v-..nuju. .iiLi-, ii-iU p.ima - Tor rt J. uipuou to the aeposiiahes. ui ;i i } •u' Lii. ^ocrctary I'l me Treasury S3u\^,a ,11, ,;e t-vfiy ijtius unu iiiaica Bank aa agon* incir reucuipaou, aaa evea e.^’a i an iuUivhisial u. pu.ai?. so vid 10 givt.- .i.i pro per laciiiiieb 'o ih'> livj.dcrd. If tms u^jI doue, t; “r- w.ii ov gr^ auu , asc cauie of couipi i.ut >y tiiote wuj isxjtj iio.a auy ut i!ie ujIc-^ atlcr Iqo olsi pri.ismiO. Co.V'jaKss w.ll aiect, ya jiondi>y next ihe Ttu iu^t. In reIej''Uoc l* : i . -atj . t ui'cOiiiidcruUoa— ’.lie : UicoUL;il DilUiiCcJ—the ii;cuul JUii acDtiUj; luoii,' 10 ue r.couiiiii;.tluL:ou6 cl iu- .Secretary oi ifi.- ltL-i.?ary ui-ly to curry t‘oai muc.: judi in- “ -cC.t : a.-- ii*j u.»3 the r'.-spccl au4 coutiJeucj of ihi ..y. 'i’a*' ScaUucl ih.uii' tae wa}i> •i: a j C'.u I Uo ed ma^iy jy ta.ia-Jo;!, - ^ t..' Ill**' i.i .an Ifoi^ vO:cn a ^ ..i’. Cui^grco3 jiiuit a.;t oe iiiaia li. io avui‘i bu‘>jatali. n, i-»rj.'e taice V i» ; ■ oat iftt incm oe l^.d tliSiTcctiv', au j over ciiJMV ^ r.d t’lH* Staifi il>eif ii» t’u' sole iu ';rp as to tli? titliiTrs tb'it R T npct'-iSArx f,i” tnrpoWv'’ . * a'VAre that t-te 1(1 ‘Vdt^rKio ('iingii',-' h»i; ' i '-.ni'.>r to •usi.arb thf u^u.''! q'lii t of the streets, end p ?e- VI'* ® fxcrcj-it' of H "v powvr i» oo'’i- } '.'o f.\pr- s.-ied to liio result of the fight, ;»at wth thiHi fund.’»!ipctl p-iroiple of Rtr.ts sov r ; cDoald one occur. F r fon’c tune ti e Nortn ra pu- 1 n t le oonirnry in all the *ii f j \vb;ch i* !i:, i p.^rs k;»ve b*‘. li )Oud in tl i ir U*-./ a.ud.-4 !or tne c losure *-ft Cl* port of VVi n'ii:!.'-*o. which nov; appears lo Ht.at>i 11':-f s I ti,p,„ . ... roiifrzr. a;''of ' doi;en Tillahas-ee-i, about „ ’ unip.ion. I pi-.ir:. a, y:,- up fi .he oc^nn. and, lo user'Hirovo I Ijese acts are en ’ntieraled; ai^d in accordance w-t)j i "ti d.:s! id v.>!riiroaiiy to f wocp do wn U}>- tlte latest of then), the Legi.-qlatur,’ ha? phiiiret) the (**^ v,.u^..*e c ■ ^..ncico. Hr. ecu is along ibe coaac. exemption of the Mavor and Police of K 'leigh de-^ aud Lit>!iii,g j .icrosts are at clar^ne i" the preamble lo U.s r.snlntions tliat • Co- - 1 ^of comn.erc at im- ‘ _ Tv-i.m. luai. v/u j ;u’c . i 1'-peonip arc c ovoufj tor !' spe-'ov at- grci-s iias no power in conicript State offcers.’' 'I'be j t ck: r.’Hi it ‘'oi uino-sihlt* their iinpor-uti.t’es ira^ OPT. on alt)rm.s the ^ig^t of th* Legisiatnre. to tr.e I ^e ■ e i.uvua c* lu-'i y'c^ an irv>;- daii llcft cg>iiii8t . xciuiion of every other 'depurtmCDt of the Stu’e i ' ''c.-oa.n o.c F*rrag,.ior Porter. iTAO’.jrt'mailt * .1 l%ta'o« a O'l'ccrs, It is s-id. repcrt a urge fleet eov^.rnmeut. to demand those exempvor-,. lor “the j power 18 the aapren:e power in tfe« .State. ' j jjoa* o* tr tnu^ t*ojt:?nunv' of V\ liniia^iou haroor; uat of vrr»^cti r%r*^ «if- * •*» vur* vbi*4^ >, ati» • li»nit«'daudume:'trictevlexc«:pt by iliec'oa.siituiiun, ist-Ht I J ^^!l wi;;io«Jt ti'e aid of a luuo force. l'in;n ilio f.»'(crl iniug Wi .vt ( die.rs, in addillxn to tifI— f'tc; . tpif.-tuci tirisf f, rom t* Cisu ‘I>i8 force i)‘ ob- ".(•d n the Ci'n^titutioi;, are r.eces!>ary for the eliuicn* ' nuoa? ii v-'oulu f-tvm. bv ms rt-oCiJted calis fo mmmBmBmmmmmammmsamsmBmsBmm Pall of Plymouth.—A ■pe^'ial dispatch ^ated near Plymoath. 3ist, to be found in oar telegraphic news, brings us the di«tr«asing intelligence of the re-cap ture of Plymouth by the yankees. When we heard of the sinking of the iron-clad Al- bemarla we were prepared to hear of an attempt on the part, of th® yankecs to occupy Plymouth, though' our information was as stated yesterday, that tbe guns of the Albemarle were still effective anu com manded the channel. Gen. L. S. Baker commanded the garrison in per son, and the protracted resistance the yankees met gives some indication of a bloodv fight. It wca'd seem that immediately after sinking tbe Alb-^Lrarie, probably at daylight Friday morning, the fleet ascended the river and commenced the at tack upoa the forts, and that the attack was c'nti- nued Friday, Saturday and Sanday, for our dispatch says tUe fight lasted three day’s. On 6undav night the yankees. finding the front attack uua/aiiiug, moved down toe river again, and ns'end^d iiiddlp river, and on Monday lyorniug were (»u;id on tiie flank or -.ear the forts, »nd i^en tasued Toe at tacii wiiich resuited in disnioiinting all our guns. NotUit'g wa.« thet iofi Gen Baker but lo get oT hts troops, and the town was evacuated. Goldsborough SSlale Journnl, 2d. FcnTUKR Statistics or Geohcia.—The Keoor^ cf GoupiJoJief lieut-ral Thweat, rcicrred to ia nar h et. « Y T J3 JE G£l J^JP a.. aapo&T* or tan pbb«* .\iao*iAnoM From the North.—Bicrmond, Nov'r 2d.—New York and Baltimore papers to tn»5 eveoirg of 31st contain telegrams from Chattanooga, dated the 30th, which state that Hood attacked Decatur cn the night of the 29th and morning of the 30th, and was handsomely repulsed each tima. 4piec^sof enil- lery were captured, 2 spiked, and 220 prisoners taken. The rebels are retreating ^om Decatnr, bat rre reported to have crossed the Tennessee at the mouth of Cypress Creek. Prisoners say that Beauregard and Hood are with tbe rebel army, and that Hood’s Orders state Sher man’s force at not more than 35,000. The Louisville Journal says that parties from Chat+anooga r^^port the evacnation of At'anta by .Sherman, lleport discredited. I’RTKjtaBURo, Nov. 2.—The Lincolnite majority in I*ennsylvania is 12.000. Lincoln has issued prot- lamiition s'dmitting Nevada into the Union. An ek'cuon riot occurred in Philadelphia on the 29th, ;n whif-h or.e man was tilled and many seriously iu- j jared. 100 arredts were made ;n Buffalo, N. Y., on ctie 30th, tbe iaibtary expecting a rebel raid from Canada. Gold 221^. C«]Hiti«l Lodge abov*. over whioh the Supreme Oraad fiTfhHotjt of tbe Uirfverse presidea, and into whiek all gord Mmoos >«opo at last to gala AdniiUance. 2d, That tha many virtaes *nd social q«»U- t1ni ef cnr dprwk'ed Brother, endeared bim to as aa • b'Rtn(>r ftcj mcdowed him as a worthj Maeon 8d. That, as a baeband h« waa gentle and ^f7er'tlc>!:.i.r, M a father, tender and doting, as a oelgk- bor and friend, kind, sincere and true, and that bj aii lioath 0T>r oomnnnHy has lo?t one of its most enterprii' ’Dr Msd wcrthr Resolved 4th, That ^e «xtend onr most cordial syw- ^atldee to the flftisilj end rcutivps of tbe deoeased aiil tender to them oar sincere oondolenee for their irrepara* b?e Tofs- Besolved 6th, That ?n farther tok«& of esteem W» ►■«ar the asral B>dge of moaming for thiH^ days. ReboItc*’ 6th, That these Reeolations be rronrded on the aeerctny’;- Buok and a copy of the same b*>. «eat ta the fansily of the dfceaaed. Also a copy to the Wilmfpg- tcn Journal atd Fayetteville Observer for pablioatica. 0 C. GORE, ) J. J DEAN, tCoBL F GEORGE J FOR R£]VT. Ff>ft TPDt, the' DWELL^NQ HoU K rccentlT owned and oocupied by T J. Curtis, Epq . on SBVQioaBt. he Lot e''ntai;:8 3 ^t«s, aad is considered ona of tbt b‘-st garden spote in th»t vicinity There is cn tha a Tnos! cxsellent woU of water, and all aeaea* oat a..u'?t. • Tre abf've propwty will be rented at Aactioa, at the Nothing ie- ; jvi»kei House, 84tnrdar. 12**' Nn-^embpr ; W DR.^UailON, Auoti''n*‘er. ; N V 8, 1P64 8' Wt uav W ui.nn.i.rerae»>t of tho urfairs oi the> .'UiW. ns'it thfn i f so- jioinvu^ tl)e otij. ers auu preecribing tlieir Out it;.-. Tli * [>owf“S cf tbe other tvvo grt'Ht vicjiaitnicnts of govir-i- lucnt are vt'ry ditt. rent. To the judiciary is a^eigr.c^ the J-iwcr of espounili''^ the oos s-iiiut>'-.i:iil !.u%h. the I xecutive tias aulciy ih« power ti. etfl'jrc*- !’• eir I fai'W'ii f.xecution. i'rom th'w it se*-u;rt *.o u.- U> fi>il jw i -• '..-•i'i'fcl aev.j'; -: cc- wl-.-n ir, ir^ th^t cic) I .'lau: i> tnv* aa eo th-offi'vrs i.;nt set - i f=ai v to lae a.iio-i i>i iti i'ovvrnuioui, iij Lririf'.iturc, »ni i iV‘ u ic’al-ilure al 'ae, tl.-c‘'r_'aii t y wnii li ! m»‘nt H to ‘ asccTt^inei! uu^ m.idc kn'i>vQ. It !!v,y . " ’ th:it tiie Lesrisl.-^'utr) can ."•eU'cl I'.cd a|>p>irt ?h" (i \ crnor its H'jfvut lo ciiriiu it- l.lec’^' >n, b u wt? ur.- 'i.; | ub'e o aa.'. A.ii'.ii g t pow.-r- i,nfa o ’i»- (...‘C- • . : (•rr.rncn* miy ai: :’..r ry to c..:;trr iv.xi I'l . • t - ■ t.;t^‘=;e ! owvr ti !ihi .It (1 • Itn.::-;J.- -A' -.rt.! liie lu Oiues rtud towns, auo v.'pcc--ily '.riv •>{ oeinz verv lan ort pa"t3 of tne or, ,t i -/, r -o of a .State, me i.cgi^laturo had po-. -r t,; vy:-. r,f‘ .h= petitioner as oue ooc''»3a’'y :a *ao u Io'k, .-t ai . q 'he L»w*. A:.d a? was «co.*vi.jir;y wscuiirgoJ. Ct. f-r Jui icf“ Pj5-3oa ••concurred fu;ly in •'"•%€■ , Bati.e s decision, lor ihese r*’aaou>:— « "li-t Wh.-.t ofTuvr;* are r.i;c>*s.'ii>'y ,idJ proj.er f >r thu j B.’iaii.i>>rat;On ili. (K-»rrciUi-ul. in « u'rttt,*r c ' itii’d I to »h‘ wistlom of liie Letrirrl'aiuri; by i u* Oo .-timtl.in of j ttie Sta'e. exe.?pt in rc-?;)cOt to tho t.iri,e.' ' t. . c 1 ro. i .»i;ni2 "I'b^’ tiiai't.tr U!;c*at it t. '«’i h-.* '.fu- L* 1^- '.■■Jature crf*a>s and tills an oti.i, *, or au't>. ri? ? d . )un y j ^•r luunicipai corpjr.%1:on lo uo so, it is uik-.Mi c ii- 1 ('(VJ'.l’" y Ha a ' plt'S'iUlj'iioU of IhW" t iUt i.:.ci» o'iKV ie ' necei' ary t»nd proper, i .^r, ota>-r A ir'C, th« ot cre.k- | ting 'ind continui' g a i.i-i-ie-f otK-.'e itnpu'.eo 'o the ! L«TLiis alure. ' -C. Titr- r. VOr.>'.-i-, Uieoiue.s ...f ih- .ngir'ftur-:, • a---' i ■ r.n* o'.her ot'; oi t'l- .slitle. i»r» C '' ' i’ • '• • ■ ■ i y'..e *’"ce t T-c'i>i I'.c C .■■ ..'-i ur 1 ri;i ih* >Vcrml .t, a.'i.'i n'j nx-- •>!' \ uj. 'i..a e;’*uT hr aa 11..1 c'> 'ir -ii- .-f t.h-j-i’> il-.! ; Li :i oi 111*' ttuv- r.iO.', ...■ .il! .V.' ui 1 ■ ■_ iro '■'•.n ;tie p.cAi^r t-j cuQticri(it : -aic,. d ^'V tlii; ci-iiui^.ioa tuat ll .iv>e-i not incluiie ctK of tnt- .Stores. I'tii* • wi-t*. ’t:- '/•» fure of the c-eji-Jr woaid be luudi. to d' pcrid on t/ie 'Cl.' 0'' ihc; cr-^aiur- ••J, : ih ac; r ' -i .’.rnoD' t!s^ .r.i^ .’i^ ••x. -.i, -l.h.; 'i.iuiirri o in.' - V, r.d orat- u g; tu-c^. a-d O'.ier f-.Ij.; r.s I til T'jv..T;ioi'ot^:it: : 'p-.wi.i' I r 11 • ;o ?je uecfji.:drj, tar tho nroi»T ■uini.a.-U'atiOTi oi tin; itvi .,ov'>nnif n'!“ act i? ?'ft)y. iHot, -e.'. 10, oimi-' a ' oiA'ter ot “up Tcrog.ttioD. I'be c-.rtiu.ave o- t le (.i-.vi’ri - .• th' rela rtq liroa a»' ii.) l-'gil ■ tl ci, >inl lu-.* ’■.■•'oliitio!! o! la • ’ cgi? a;ur=, w'aigti .1 uij.»u3 'iii *r.x--uij.cioa •■' State o'5c*?r-‘. is ia ett-ct a proit- t ay ihv. tod^ iigii::.'! ;b'- riiai led oa la p,irt of C^agr* to coa^cr pi ■■.:i- C-rs oi'the .St ;t'; by ea i .'ic-iLiii.i.; luc^u »iiio;.g ui'.- p-.r- lii ^'.hoin iu i;s w mou. it u t^ticaijd e.\t, .di at lo ex- ..inp; In ihe otiiar case, i>anahtxa was diuchargt'd on more iro^."^?, that (jraiii would not be iik;.iylo ip^rt- •uiy of Ills vctei'arii-: St-ori'lan ' all he c. m atiend lo 111 tue Valt -y: ftaertnau ucuis to be suilicJeLiUy aiuj.'icd. ill iNO-ta Ueorgia >*ud th-i ytiiikee f.)rjetj ;j ici:! \V. dt quite luaiU {.i.,ae to take cure ot Gen. i-'nc.-. 'I'htMv f. t!i i;u.' ,i. • rcc uil?, it it true; bu tbvy C'':; u::t--ie t-i; :U ♦* foi th.i itiuick .\' U ;{ ! rivgu. i'lonl.i hu. ■ ■ .*■ tm;., to make t!-; : l I iiipl. Cdiroa: r-i> ri, Uo^c.v.-r. porutd on.. .1 J il.xf ;M the dert.'.n iuon oi' he i''on-cl:.vd ficei ■ovtf .I-iit.d, u iii: .> • ill t>e detiuitcij do- u-riv.ce;i, Ti ‘ . . c P*u=t -io!. *'!'' l! u. p.Vpi 1’ - ;;e - i» • nr-.u or - I- a t .•I I to IIV, i:!, U. iT.c •? ri:u iPr cAi, LT C‘ a_\ 1 \vc,. ;i vert- '. iv'vr. it vV.-i 1, I(;i •; 0J-; !0r lit- W.i' U'i iN J .• rct-j' >-j I .r g ' -..ty ’ ,•. 0 •r.' i >;ll I. i-i lic'iO.' i by ' ci. •0 Ul- N.-kV volui.lf •;• i. r iiCv.1 oi gi »i ‘ter . ,n ti.= ;voi . i.tiiK t U5 C a 111 ' ' . A ca:‘.;l •\ ! , U l"% . iJI. > t :t .'iora lij.i. ^ Uv,o>x tho ioau U.i'i i';-.,0'.a ..iii -J.L* -Ji l.i clcr.i . ‘I. A ioi’g. lu , C.oS.S L.'ir. lllvatu 01 L.irro ‘ 'r.i'.Q-.-i aw v.'1'cer e.:ch Oitic*.. ■ ■■, tVi-i ;i,n) ^Ve.-;.cr oi • J. '.lit- •‘•■r, Liie cttern !»iiy h:Z*, and ihtj - OJicTi !rv ..I Iii.i-fg c:ur‘ '.u CIO-'C ;Cv '.uiirciy ;; i.rtler v.) a larger I: oui'U 'hf o'h.'T. 1,1 r-naer it ot over ilio b.*i- vcti.seis zo tl id lir.iugDi. Many years w-w ims Li.i. •Jua,'. .'.oisjacus wore sp.-nt lu >•.s 1.1 :iii > t io co^Ui.el. not o’ .-•jr Of.'Cti u«-ar« ■■f rsjM c. ii ,va;. ,i futi;e . ll (;i .:ii ;» ni ii .1 'lint;'. ui*i tui; pro- i’.-;; • is now coEsi .er«-d t lac L*«o oy o oi n..*..i • tiuvrt*, uUaou«;h •I sie.iji. ft. oiiig 10 N>'Sia go Ul Ul- ijo; over ©ouujuuo, la. i '••--y Tee iStat^e hu,s eio?naeu in relief of soldiers’ fumi- I agtu ib yeais. 5.>y68.2oy, conlnouted to 117,«b9 porsoui. J^ ff nJf #• , O’ ^ ^ . I iliiU'sdav) aiteniooa at clock. .Nu.nt,erof uogs m tae btate In amber of ; ^ Asvium Kaiciirh sacep iii le« oy luese doge 3x,04G i 't'i.; loiul ueot ol the la «J’23,98d,G92, nine inillioos III wiucii h.is ueen created ti r war puipo&es. Chops in ilANDoLfu.—A letter from Asheboro’ Bays; ••O.-op'^ ur:* short '.n uiy ncigliLiC.niood, and sllthemei. u^kcL t J die army, a...d uo wu-jaL tjoWeU, ei.Cepl a mi’uivrh have :-owed p.irt of iheir ctop. ’ ^ jc.,ul X AiXve.i^urt —G. iv. liiake, one of Gen. A. i* I Uar.ug and sui.cc3,3iul i*couis, i.au riillier i. | O' V * Got 25 C. G. GGLDSTOH. Rlw*is From Petersburg.—PETSBSRDaa, Nov. 2.—It is phuwp the averu. e value of laud in tne Suite to bt I reported that the enemy is busy sniuing troops from i?l(> 9.'?; of Slaves, itl,76i 42; of rtorses, 5!i723; Mulef, 1 tne I'lorth to tne 8outn side of James, and tnat there Si685; Oiiii pijr yoke, Stock Cattle, 4!>74; tiogt, I id cocsiusrable acti''ity m their camp. 520; Sheep, $21; Goals, ^9 70, Mitch Cows, 4!il42. i nmte is kaov,n as to their purpose. aoJtj niimoer of '1 ax Payers, 9i,.oU5, of whi>m ther-- i i are pe'boii.. owoiiig propijriy iu value 81.OU0 aud ! A'eit; Brigadiers.—Col. W. H. Payne, 40th Ala., 1 — - IU d x 22,3jl1; f»om ^I.UoO to 1^5,081; from | “U'I vjol- G. M. amail, Longstreet’s Jidjutaut Gene- i To tfeP KO'’ barS 01 the HCUS^ 01 COQUnOnS. lo >j5,000, 8,742; fromjJ.l UOO to 00.), j la , have been m«de Brirfa iiers j wndtr-’ga^d. » rt vf aihem Couaty, a\d iU.4;5.-; irom oOO to ;|jlU,00o, i3 215; trum ^f lM.Ooo •; rj j. * roember of Co E, 44 h N. C. R«it’t res^ofc- to ^2u.i)0a, I0,o4c; from «2d,OOi) lo S3t),f>00, 4,7oU; [ a . | y »Br.ouas- « » i*TS,'’f a for Reading Cl.rk fr-jns ijSJU.oOo to j55U.0i50, 4,047; from sfoO.OOO to 1 At A inder Qospllal, Richmond, on the 25thof Oct. of 1As»en»b^ of ^iOOUOO •/o2d' Iri m 5JluO,Ot»o to iiCUoO.OO>', 829; ' woui.as r«ceivoa near Uiohmaud, e.l>out three ■weeks pte-| He ?.»rneBtl.v aotioUB your t^pport. troiT,’S.iou.tuo. 13i- Irom JW'JOdlOO to 1 >'i »“ "Liie galluuily oairj,iug the Colors of his lleg’t, : S5un,G0J, 3d; over ?>50U,UU.>, 19. I WEOStfK V. Bn/vcn^Kif, (rtdtut soa or ««t. J. M. aad ‘ .\Jauu iie-»Fley, aged 2b yea; s. j — baptist Church, Ihi^ j jSs€^AiC/JE» CoS' 't^-e :f Era.'_;;rRiien of Ccmmoo School lu lue iDsune Asyiuui. Kakigh, Mrn. 5>A.i.Ail A. , J T. ae-;. x: f r Robesuu county rill meet at Lnmbtr- Si!,N I'KR, m me 34tu jear ol her age, dauguter of the ‘ , i;, 12,’, d-^y of Novfnsber uex , (the Ivt time fi»t iai« ^vrcaioaid Uameron of c umOerluud coui.i^'; Thougli j p.-r B«.pt ytn ) /til who expect (0 apply for Gertii* alUicted witn a meiuai derangement, at tunes, yet thero ' . , . . wci-e iuoid lutcrvate in wnicii she allowed lortn tnoeo loveii quuiili m wn.oii cbaractreri^eu Her former aiiu iiap- jjicr _> cu('3. iiie uii d of coitsUiupUon Rccoinpaid.-d uj djt-p^y. tilie liecly spoKe ot uving. aud 6een.eu laliy ic- iiigutd. j:i\cd tioiu a oooy ol saiteruig she will now -..tvo u.giorilicd Ooo}; aud tUat ini-.d wuicii had oeen ovirs-iadowe I iieie will now tjliine aimd the augeiS c. iighl ic ileaven. U. i'r .sbj Leiiau plciiio copy. ittt 0 •i VvOU'.Ftec lo R'tPii'J rii ih»t day. HENRY T POPE, Chm’n. 19, ■'S64, 8l-8t II • j'ct.irci's U S:atc9Tdl0, £{. c., wisk le ■ lui' .^a.oi and iauicroua aavcaiuie .'nio davj a^ .. Hi u- i tjuan.ii oy tue eui iuy an«i rcm. 1,0 l.ny i-’oiuL i.s «. ?j y 'rtuiw.Li 1 % , iiv i.a,i uic uo pi'ov’t «.10 atja-v\(lat iie aUj Ha'-1.^' c.ni»mvd I'cl- rc, lit: uiil n\jt lOde ulo rtil l>U33i;-.'i..ju, 'jU„ lo eU uujUL tiini lo see wlitl'.ier no C'.»ai.d nvl Ui.>»i-. jiL; vatiip - a^ u" han aoac uii so UiUiiV j v/u rt ; u- Atiir ii,, i..;oii.uond cou ty, on tho 24lh of ' OcloOfci' loo-J, 11.1...IZ tl>i!.ill *'a., uau^iilcr of ilargarc.. au.1 voiiu K. viiO.;iia, i-t ^eui s, 10 luontlis anu Zj i ..civa, li.iu ci.c aiioj^-ci ol ih.B notice more never uved [ ui,^ one Lu«,ic iove._v inoie inuooeriu iit-nevoienl, j ni> u anj o'.cial, >.ii; livod un oo* ;.iienl ._..ug!iici, u lovin^ ‘ .1-1-1. ai.d ii'i-ilini: o) a j»riyverb; ^eauia in Ler 0i«pO;:.- i ■ 'I- 'V dri no. loiig lu O.'i'ov ilL^ ii a-jv.jj i..an. , luiio aai; a^retu-ic iU uel' Oe^>ol tilient, and aniiauie •vLoc-- ni'jicai'ajfo siio^vevi ue wei' loUo iu lue 'vor.d, ■ ) ill iici' li.annc. '?. iPnI; : ,?ive lu all Jior li'jiitp 01 ciiui .^nd iva.. e incUucuoi\ Visago loid uuiul'i.ukeao.y ni- .Mie vi as ihe de..n.t>i. 01 j-"-i. ol ai; uer mo.ner a care, V..r g » . uipi:iie ol ilie army. i>i iKu l ade iipio luui luiaiuo uu ly. ' ;.ni; jii.; o .iy cana. Jiiic le ives a large circe oi i and, uuienii^' luio conveic.»iion, tioon leai ued mai, iie vs la j iricL'ili =»no iaui.iy couji.x.ous lo mour'.; ncr uii^mi'.iy j 1^" . d ;alii. 'Inej uiouru iiioii^n, i.ol a'j those who nave no j uio£b tuixiou.i ol ii\ing 1 ankces 10 retuxu "k . I,GO©,000 FUR -.7 h = /. cil/i, ; Uc KKATo, OON, MINK. PDX, ’ ■ 1C ' vi;,t t : rh 01 TTc Will pay the • At-c- ^oney, Baok Bills m4 . . OiJ, c:- g' ii - s.- ■OX'. Yfrj or HaB. ■=> t- v.L i loti Wi.'o w.ah to enonorage • ..• i.>. .'I,.v*i,i ' *-rf • in getting ■. p . s *? ;* a-"' act r- Apea^s, betring * n .r, •> L se w r i -j 25 p^»- c ct. ihan noy Oi..'. . mi#KQ'n’tKY & SaLTZBKRT. Mr. 6 "I' A 1>^ id ur »* !‘'’'r.2 a Ape ' for Gtua- d CoU .j curi' -ad.? ru'ft for oa »*ii'iikOi^ijLY s dALTZBERT. f? 7 r ? ’ 81 2ai and wiinug 10 run c.»u=iaiTaole risk to ucc iiijuiaii ni; i»i.rpose. i-iiakr 6 rcatiy w.i a;ii c.ioi u^ud quickiy c -n- COcLcd it plan. iney slipped Oeuuid a iu»uce and fcx c.ianj^eti clolnfcB, i)iaKe tt^cuming liie Vankee's n.'t.ntr aiiU L.ie 1 inl'.ce IJiuc.e'.^—i.iic 'iankccr i:....uuing lo g>tio-»ii uj coriivbs jiour.je as a pusouer o; war, luie liie oa^n ot aLet'iaac'.-, ano retain to tae Oosoiu ol nu lainity auU ^•aui(.il^iu paicu. Jua- iiieu it occurred to iliaSe that ne liau K'^tteu .1 pe, niui ci.u''rnueuay sli...uiu ciieerfuhy saoaiit t-j tuis j Vj^ BoilISe .ail oi^i'ea-'riiion oi \To«.r^ 1 rovideuce and oes'onirf rc.^irn * a.-* *. ».”• t .....J ed to ia=* ..Hi 1...,u.^: u.e irtter ol ner Ti.e, L-ids.—dale Caatiuued. V.3S vi^-ied Dy a ji‘i. s-ti- of tiie O.iepel nnd t-ae ivouiU V ^ ‘•C.j Oecn mtuie M Ukt nave niiii to L»apti.£v; iior, and dtirire'l him ti ealiKi her ' x' «.'>i-D'j-.hvd piiuvi vf $1'6 »ai1 i€reirt,i!ader ctreoa- n.iiu« in tiie ciuifeu nook, wucthcr she li\e.j. or uled t --iiCcs tftat •-tf.ua «t). iu lO ift'^oribie o-»i:e;a-.r»t^n, U ri.horiiy fctLe.rw.iid5. on oemg asiied waciher sao vvas will- I been c^lermincc! *3 e^Btinuc ♦.’»« S.ii8 'ujtil rnrinet ing lo die or not, » ie repliea, “liiai she Wao,” aiid soon tue waite winged U!rs.e.iger snatcued her spirit iroui lO'lOt AUG W. 3Tt:£L. As’t for fia'e of Cvufi.derate beads iiioisctl into a decidedly Oati sci’ape >aid ne to hiair-eii, j earia and wai'ed it U' augel •’aoifj' above In her, j Oct. 2}.. 78 iSa .i g ■•• • ..'aoie * lao t)d>r. m'et.4 irsr, i-ii > -.i-.vJi s: .i i J Up ».T « Ot ; ict- . ' . r* .Vf' V..- H .-'>1. .-a t ul Mi ; prc.-**-.' 't t^iPC, :»i ill! ,: iv;4U' iweii'y year = woi-. trUsJ (' v*Lti !(’ IV i, s L ' J • . , oil—lUi; cii iniiei ino\;r.g ubo 3a* of":" Noith t,'aro!ina lad iiarb.>r8 are cO' itint.y li' .g Irora j>iaci; to piifcc, .re and dce.i.‘ui'ig aao it-i it 1 go w> lUi3 man 3 company aud try lo palm njyseli oil as niui, 1 will certainly oe detecleo, ena l.'rlu»vuU iiuug as a 'i'y. wou I ucgia 1,0 uo. i want ».p wiiii road and see \f bomelh.ug wo;. . lurn up.' iso aoo.icr •■‘.kiU laaa done. Lie ii>iu waliira but a lew hun- driil var la tK-to>'e l.e tn«i a \auKie, lutiuulifii un a uoi’se auil li jtUicg ■ l«vo och»-r?. acre did ^ou gei tm.>oe iii.Ts-. .’. ij.jaifed B .tke .~ler.i ■,. 'iiov \-a. ;!i.j ivaO a .'/.I, tlie yiuiiiee, 'tney are slta\ hoi-es, nea-iae-' ap.'iOgi/.-ui' y il.ake pu'» 011 hir iuob. peiciuii’.ory .nau- iici' .'r.r.*y devild: i’o ci»cd. ' j>/u iw iii y .*ro nut ciiay uor- il you don; get d.j-*ii tins in^i,;!.nt, you L‘p.jri you lo lii..i.i j.iaiicis .^ad ;iav :hol iO 1 .-'• r i v ‘ : >: oc '■•ur. A' t ;.^g- . ons.aatly roi.og ' t Ii jii’ p.ace lo placy, t ,^u. ar I tae • *Cip ' Ii;.iu- : i or dcepecmg' us'toiiiiii- ;ag rapid.'y. At lu^? K*aUTD bar iuj ciijnnoi runs ^.'.hii r»r -:\vj yi'd iof the n'lore .i;iJ clO'p under ilic ^uiisui i’ or' i* i.iucr iiud t'.'Ti, l.iaLjo, wh.ie at t.ie Uci era 0 ir, F.jri C:*--i'reii guards it ctj ially iVa. H SiU'. ihos*« m-in dcicUciS ** e sjvetal Jiiaof oaitencfi s'.iUag aioiij tiic ueacn, located ai poiuta ta-Ji', 'o lu ea'1. ''-cr'a c y..*, .~cc u d to t)j«rmy^'. upon lO'. ir..f. A o; 'V-jois c •iiiiiigiuio tae rivor. 'I'nci-e 13, ..Uo, cio- i oy F.nt F; ^acr, aad oiapoiutoi laao I i rogue. I 'l i ■ a ni-:I • Tn! \ ^kte juinptd down :is qulc'.; a.- i.gJilciB^r. lil-.ii .• lid e, uaa i-iLcr jouic i...i^ iio-o;c in iu.g « O' t.Ulj a Oro':g..i. l»VO oi tiie ilui’rt':5 sa; W iiaL «>i tliH ^n>iir *U‘vil earth haw lost ac ornu.u:en‘ . iid n tve-i tfjuiod a prize. 11 tv rccd lo part tioni luo-e We i,ve, it eure to uieL-t to-iu.»rrow, V»'e still a pjj g o’ anguish prove, Aii'i led a i-.uch ol sorrow. But who can paiat ‘Jie briny *ears ■ p r..vd wiic- m- ive i.-viy— Ti‘ pm ^iwri.aj- i,ioutii^, lor yeari io pal L ^cinaj j 'oi'«;»er. But if our sou IS are lixed aright, A cheerii:g oopd io givto, Tiiough liere our proso !cis end in night, • e 11 meet ag.'.in in iitfi.'.-en. Vc», if our arc rui^e.l aHjve, iiti f.- cs;l W’icL in^s aever, tPOR 1 r,k B0XE8MA^CVAt I03ACOO,T*rioo» 1 iOU - a; I 600 lia3:ie;« superior oJd Salt ic b»g« aad bbtf. & L iB Browa ‘Uf%r; 3 B.,g3 Pol o r; 10 D^i Ji reuoa tJaif Bains. bt l 0 LiN£3Eaay * (a>. I W Imisiftou. 0-. O0-' iO 76-i6tpd :Since pailiiii.' I'l a ^hvioui s love ‘ ■- .ail -'il ru.i diula '““I t'j .y t.j o -ai'. J u;s dduuid oc reia^dicJ. ..pp.ikTi aj ;^>rdajg lu u jJit and equai ! ua LUC people Will Osar n gfeatdeai wii.i- iof lu-y Will rcg .id ii as tne price ; .ilid L'cedjdl i? ciieap iit any price.’' . 1. -/v.i.-'ji . urLu . I .Ol'in.».i. - oy iiicr. rtji ^ / 1 ■ 1:^1 ..V. : J I, piojj . ij ibUi, 1, !• . !f J. u • ■■'. 'i- i .Viil .I'r'd jUo >e.. i.i-*..... 1..- 1.. h ...d, a- 1 ,isi i) piv ill u I.i c ai-.: .'y. lit y Wi;: !'j-c to pi'o- ,/ 0:ia, aud \i:i a.w • >o lnr.,tv ini s ■ produ:^r k one pic'. at ta.x oiil cr..-^ : I...V s u.s 1.0 icli-.-ve cac gr-’Ut -aa.'.? i >1.;C aTitj, I-Ji lUjaty Wai.u vVOUld il..v '. i:; lax :^li/^ ia li-.uvi.p 1/ d i> 'nil’'.;. If luip a p r i. ^ ! >ar'.’*, .. i*' 1 .i *>*> prolK."'. luc .-uoic 'o aa cQ'ii- le pro Jiic*‘r. 1: ,s ne- .iva- g p.-ic -sa,li jjily ' a ^riviU.Dg bur l ;u . n pi ‘.•per tbx Taxes laid eir jjfoduc.s so much . r. ;.u (>.■■),lu.;e, t.ial i.i LO .-i.iy on Oatrir ui ii.tv.i 3—-V'JUM nave rt duf^roufc and a '■ ^ .1 ..1 woui‘l 0.- iun;uiai/!d aad sales !'i t ;; I- uj> sii j.-.la lio Hj»j»iito noiocly to .ii t . .(au.iy ij tanners. >vno constitJte the 1. 0. >au--... .'s. it ;.i a reni-irsc.i’.jUj laCt, ihal Ti;, w 1. Ii iPioJui . 'i on liie lerllle deUls in ■ III' vity. Oa ’ ne ha ii‘! grouad a.'itl lij UiC Same 'i -)C'i'V. ' l.’iiu uuy -e'.img al a i'rr.ii.tr ts- t Is g !, ’ *^a cii ..M iJ:t Oy u fcu-iij!i ( uaik'c la ifie j uio.iuj sa.idy oj-iouij tor ii 'va^ pr>'v m eae was m i iiie ci.a%-, ^-.1 • p io.ied nie c*en.ug preVioas lu “al jty. ■ lUi? r vviii 'J: .^c.:a tu>i cja.-iuci is o.incuit, e.ct. f iU .-o la, .. ' IU ' I o-ii bin plea that he was a ciii/ioa of .ilarylau J, l>om j ici^cea tUd “U p nnd tue o ir, a i i.; ge eiiia.vorK or wiiich he had tied to avoid the opp'’es.'ioa to wuicn nijund. ciVcteii oy (.'oi. Laia-j, ^coaicia^uer ot tae ne was suoj;cK}d as a sycipa hizer WitU lae rfo itr.. I .no iu.3 bv.oic >Acriai gt us. i-or sev- . , J cirai i'm ^ ^ cu ct. rvJ* lo l c Uetrl uotS-ati. He nad never aoaau..aea la.c-uoa lo retura to very jiro^^ riy >.epi tacia at e .e.pecUai di.s- Mary.aud v?hen ne cjiild do so wit i sai'eiy. lii; had lau ■« 1 ii.-i-e ,:uu.' aavo u piuugiog ai«j upoa tue 'crved a full t^ria ol 12 ra^alha ia oar a.iny, and was j .' .lard ir-,**a n- • ii’p to iiii ur und oeyi>ad; so ic J;-thargfdu li?d2 a - a .Uary.aadcr. He luea rc i •'-‘^^ c.ca aa irou-cuo iu i -at--r tn; .‘a-ovi-‘ij t t ;«e gau^ arj sdea".*i •. bear- mamed and.siaro^ i -al Ai.m lasc, ,v.i. n ae was coa- j ... rcteauy-cun^;-racu.d .’■cfiOeu. aad o-iL;^ foaud aai- for aj;d duty w,vs a - j jy lu'- t;g ver. ciiUo^ive or-i’jauoe. L'fi'jii i!.c 3i;aed to i.gat duty la .aj l .U. i>.-paf' ri..iat,. i a.i j c ivi.e;a aaa l.. :;o3i haiaoUialcly .a iio nii' dic ijniei' Jasucj decidcd tuao ne .v_ci aa alica tot^a) ' ■= wivck 01 lue ir-ju ciiid ■ im.- .vno bad noi acjaired a djji i;e in o»oriu Cai ji.a.., J iv aOi.i y 10 bear, iae pro.-:eni j t:i!refor>- uot liAOIi to caaicriiJ..oa. iua in po.a> oi 1 vy, o.: CO i.:l u'.,o jru-I ... , * 1 ais morning s mat* oricgs a -aird dici^iou, pro- - . , . , . Mvit.i pii iliu; piij'S; ill .1 11, IS ca-iiy iieisns'.ole; and i iaaced oy La.c'. J aatioe r^faraoa, m ttio cast* v\ „ ,. . Ivesler vs liraWiy, Oiiug aa a.'po.»i i'roai a dcci-iou •n lavor of tna piiiitiouer £k.eaier. wao, auer b-.n g ownscnoed aa a cieaior lies^rve, aador the ai: ot Fco’y 17, IH j4. ..rrucu at lae ag; 01 .>', «ad ola ^-ea a.'i di charge oj that grauaJ, vviica is gra.ii.id. I’ae i.iW provides, toai "From aai alter ih« passage of ids act, all waiie meu rcsMeais of tae Couicdoraie .->Late9, oetweea tao 3gds of seveateea and dfcy, eh ul oe in me military aecvice of tae Cjnijddrato ;5tatcs, 'or tho war.” Tae decision ia, ^*:at parsons arnvia? at th» .>r 17, »v aaj lime atter tae p -.csage of tne law, oe- come liable, aud that laose arriving at th^ ago r 1 ;"»J ct-ase to be liable; whereby, as the 8tat;3ito.s auow, the service will gala greatly, tor tue proportion of young men arriving at 17 ia aoout as liueea .0 one I id man arriving as, 5o. Tne reasoning in support of tha decision seems to 00 uonciusive. wtioai ne .vamped ciotueo it is impossiole lo tay. L^zam. t aJli ■lOU t.aa ij iiu o.'ii) n ;'J ii’ • oWi i:i»tu]-.,n t,. ro& ruk. ouail&vsa. liTii »JiViaio.N, ■* l.sOiiK li‘orir.\.., tilCH'IO.SI) V A., ^CL. 1.1, i.>l)4. ) .'ilct'i'. E. J. liali iV. co.jf;—i d. sire to aciuowi.dj..; the icjLijii luis day ot ojx-.j oout.>iuiiig iivd^iiai sUites au * sa;»p.i. s, co.siel.ag ol bi'idag-.'.s, i Id aucn u-d C'jjljn r &a.i’i.s ;»i.d ii'»we;s, pilljwe a..a ,'iiiotv tor-iL-y u .a ijo. io^I wiuis a. d orusas.i, -rin-gar, noaej, -ULi:*vard .-cud hiin;.-r, egfcS*. lie.;, i’ue tJOJC'^ ha«i evid.-..ii_; i>i;ca oa .ne way lo.' a laug time, .w ins oaacr and'e^•f;^ vv.rr-* bad / sjotUHi, and ilic dneU i'rait esticu up oj lUv s.nkui.i iim.-tiaiioa ot wU. fp^edy inins- p.riuiioa ;ihd duiiVtry prj.ci.ic-d up,»u a .^ood naiurod p 'C'fjle by tiie iiaitro ds aad ii.*iir^.'ud ag..‘uts la tUi.-'c tvar i.u ? la.j jta r a:i;ci..d were oui.d to be la exceUcu. lie piaj; o.'c.iUi not easi.y aui.i:;kg'.d -and .Je lair sjivers — UiOiigli •aaaiiowa—mav re.'t «;^i*ur:-c thal ,N L/. s^.diui;- wui d—*.o a’.tTy -.o.'s-in.j beacUv lioal latil goacicus c»nu liiiiu ueai't^d aoaat oa. tiiANK Foli.kss, ^arge >n in 'Jnarge. f ..t ihlia t.. ; C lU- Of T 1 . .tro rt.tii i>r iin . .1^ ..111.- —j ..!id il-^ r.i.! i> .i.i-, wiiica .ii'.>duc •led tro n Ku- l.iiva.,-.it, and i'll ul tunniii.; J suc 1 rcsuii!- ii, .. iiii:.. Ui;)!'':'. J. a. It nee.J-i n jt £)0 re- ■ ri- Ait ' ,, iMiij »ce Xi iL . Ctir(>ft, •ou.,n ol , .;• ii.iojdy .st.u'ved, aud n Li I Ji a.,i-y I ll . . ;u it ii" t »■. U.ily lu -fi. ' ll.- J' - '. ll. Ii t).;C«U:e ij no n.;r .-i^i'.y t> -j.a;'-! It, and no , i y f, wi.. -'i .;iy a man ■ i -O r. ■... .v. liO U.ul a 0U.'3..0l ■ 'i. , 'i > :■!!. J :ii.;n-'y Wits lip^a iiu.a.” ■; (I' e Miuii a»n ol I’ign tincci, e'-j>.; -ia!iy ;i'i »ii.-.>.iii^t '.‘1 U..1 cuircucy ia;ik«s ' ‘‘ y ■ 'j oiilV-d -rati! in«>n :y i« value- .1. ■■ iioiii.ij'^ ijy paying it iuto the.Tica- -V 'Aiil Uiivl liiat it IS at least a pay latea witti.’’ : >i .A. r u n >'.ijii'.R.'.— vVe )i ve rei;eiv'u a c^py ‘: ■' tJ>. II : 1 o. d«*r ;»an -.ni.ig to tne r(;a.i- a c;rtam jy .:o«.p-‘, dcpriV'Ug ihciii o. ih.iip colors, Ec.. ■ tj c-.: » qi. n,!; ul .iicir oi.igracelul bchavioir upon '-ery t,'ut u-jd. . n;s order has not oeen puolish- 'i dn; win ie, i.uc we will not pubiish it 'inlcss ira- I ‘- d .0 do «'i .;y >i lop tuion »n unjust treatiuen'. '! our lii-aut iSorui Carohna troops by ttie news- pop-r.^ ,,| itn. Tne iialeigh Standard informs us that i*; ‘ agree? with Mr. Stcpaeus m his views of puoli'" aff.i^rs,” and .uJKs ‘‘lioiv doeS tills di.}iaii,iou Ol onr pooitioa Slfkt ; i.he Ooserver?” VV'ay, jui «,-> m j.Bt o'.aer sta-ocr.od;^ in iE3 .Standard do—la.iiiug ia tne oue g'^eat e.seu- tal. iiead-rs of ihe Uouerver ara latnihar with me /ibivd uf Mr. Stephens ana wita those of tue S’anu- ard, and we don’t mink any 0^3 of nem has ever uu- o.ered that Mr. otepnoas js in favor 01 ‘•ino L'ni 11 13 it was, uGd tae tjoas'.'luaoii as li is." .Mi.iy oi heiu may d.fl'jr ou matlers oi' policy with air. Ste phens, but we und aii b^-lieve him a iruo C /Jl -u.'^a'vte. Tuough it deaiee being a recjii-ira-uoiui.t, ttio Standard does not deny tuat Mr. i^oyce’s »«'ter is Ltt favor of reconstr scuoa, aud tnat the Suindaid ‘cordially endorsed ’ tu.*i, letter. We puolisn to-day a letucr of Mr. Stephens ia wliich he reiuses to meet Gen. Saerman to difcuss the question of peacft lor tne distinct reason that neither he nor Gea. Sneiraan nave any au‘hontj to uo BO. Tne Standard’s cry for moiitus pu.,t ha-i o^.en to “nt-gotiale,’ ‘ negotiate,” without rcferet'cc to and 0 (lespite of autao' ity. I’lierc uiignt ne some p'ausi- ble pretext fo. this demand 01 the Standard if it could find anybody to ntg»iiate with. But if any such person could be found—if the yiinlvee gov,-rn- ment ^ould oaly consent to negotiate, s Ill 4’iuc a.i..qiat., ua.i, i aoi Uiiy •'! opiUJoQ, aole uj r- Slot ai'y iioat ►lie enemy can now bring against ta'-m. lilt an attaci iiy witer may noi oe t-xoected aioii-.*; Io'' ne liu-. i *siil uadjiic>i,.?diy co-opciats i^ii.h t.o,ae liai-i Of ifi.uj I jrce; u.ud we uave lo loot a.ao I tue lai-U ciJe 0. ttio voris. li re, loo, 1 oeueve, proper pro.iHioa ha.-» ooen nicid^i. li lu * pi m t».j c» i„iid mea ^t Loc>v#ood8 Foby to operat3 against t, as»v«,il, aud at Ma.:onboi'o' SoUad agaiuot For j Fisa- -.r, taca we masi. traso to our lauu torce lo uuct taoru. Oi General v\ amags force i ano«v *r. ^ A v.io;'‘Ul enure conudcuco IS here leit la hii aoiacy ij noid la-i positija. aad 1 i>ehi;ve he wiu do it. I'aere is uo man understands tae ground oetter, for as a li«^ufenaat m me L'mted Stati;6 army he has bur»eyed it over tud over. And oe.iidcfr, 110 IS del'eaa ug his owa uoaia aud his own peopic. vVith a proper lorce at co nmand, and I ha>^e tio fo*rs of tue result-.-il will lapse lUoO a r.l?ge tnd bo.noaru'iicut ol tue tor.^, as at ijuarieslon, un til the toaga Wiut^r vveaoner drives ih.i uaseatvortny icon ikouiuois iato some oaler havea. G- n. tfrjigg u here; bat wuether on a tour of in- spccu >ii or to take temporary co:Uin.iad, 1 have not Heard. For two or tnree days he nas f>eea visit.n» the various f^oi.iuccs wiih Gcu. VV'nitiag, and, 1 oe- .i.j-.o, is taaSJed v^im Cue latiei'3 tu^inccimg skili. ll , cuu-'i^i.*i..a wi.l i'*,-»n iia noie un^il lu»; lig li i: OVv 1. T.'i-i e IS .-^a'cc^y tin? u-.vs ab.ut to.va even f loc-'il a'-iK^'-t. I !i-.nc .“ : m-i lo Ite uo fear oi the euemy or oi * Jonn, ' liiid 1 liHur liO t-a k -a .out .lou-coiaoat.iuis 'Uiinitig loviiy. 1 i.n.ig.'..: they T. .1 a' s“cur>) us tha p :o- n;e ot ,i;;huij'i 1 a j ai tais ra >aieat. wUii; lir'^.nt’s ,t iny t a. d. i w g at, t.i r vc.y v.urs. v iiilor, u lo :guig .,-!.!! il me G iar.i. tv. a'i > y o.ur.c, v.a- lou.id drowned vd V i.-r t.vo aqo. ».a.'KC*y did ii. ^Tae recent h'av 'liiOiii I5 uciiiiiea m ill Ua- or w ■! aS>% a 'mall ai- ay Iroia i.ai.- p.ac^. A p;ovo-it n lara nan ite u pa'roiing ae .-’tti;f*--.» ■.'tCi' '•Ivj’k r-i auu di.:- I'ltT.*', mucu to tlie dis- ‘t'a et ot b.jth Cia-s'is. lae ucaltli of lUe oi y is by 110 aeaus gjaii—int ■! mitieai ii'id •■ih'-u-* fevers b.dng ihe j.-’cvaui: g u!s asc-*. 1 ne h -bp i-am are wcii lii kI. Miss lim*', In.: ••.'■noi'^r!' friend, ' oi’ 'vlioci meiittoa ha.- h»-t n I'l.tile, can iinies 'it-r ^OoJ a.id piitri-.'itic m fwioali re, d;voiing! cr viliole tin.e ami ein 1011 :o the dick and suf- ivrii'g =oidi. r.-', wii revcr th .; ca;i either tind thtm or bear ■jl tiiciu. hiuoe t.'«j bi‘^1 Vi ii^ 11 lao "ui ?he a ii biea mgag d iu this b.*'i ■von.nthty v‘c«'. a id lu-r actsot charity ,irTla; t o tiuaierous to ui ;in.ioa 'I'haiiki to t,iie (»• uoroR- ity Ul Lj.-h; ng ;;;e • i i luuning tbe ..ioiii.ide. «U'* I'j :it>le to pi'.icu.-- many lu\uri«j« ior tiie^ios.-'itais hfirc nod cis-e- *imj.(\ t'rovisions are Hjarce and d.'ar vv'ood ditto. .iK.'-jciauoa na3 bin lOi'Oed f -r th parpcse of Sup plying f>e poor vn;" v.’od viunng the wi-it. r. Arrival of -Foar hundred and fifty prisoners weie urougnt to tho ci*y yesteniay, and found comtoi'(-ole '.^Wi.er§ in me liio^s^r prison Xiaetv of lae aoove namber-WT^r«! ovnt in POK TiliC OSSitafltA. Tae Y.Va.ig [..a'iies c >.npos.ng iji. K.iit'.iag citty are j i^q.i .'ted lit lUeei. ist ihe yarioi Oi ta-j i’ A_»i i ev ine liotci on raiaiday ain.rnoa a uad pa-i ihrut; o'CiOcK. A lui. al’cadai.C - IS duiired, lU-. tOiJlel> iS to be »*u- tiri .y r.-oi'gauiz .tl In Blnd'sa cotmty. IDtti Oct.. by tae Rov. Colin fbaw, Dr. A. J. o. ilii’.ViAi.'J to Ulr^S .\I.-tiiY I.:, AjiDiitiS Y'ViLua_>1AN V. 8. -iavu’ c OF tiTg^ 5 75 ta 6 00. ?or:. ’2 60. Lird i* 75 to 6 00 B iaf ’ dl to 2 00 paa.'.d. Eje.'Swax 4 '»’6 iJit. ■, o o - t> 7 50. Onto.; 1 ■ 6) to ’ fi-2i *k'f " c-.*— —»o U*) to 49 00 p*? .' re'..*i! S»*. OriA l Fr a* i 03 jk.t !h F uv—Haf'sr, ?2'. 0, P&njilj- ':_15 Oil. '-.—n.iirn ^20. ;j>36 GO. Tlfe $20, Oatt i:*CM 15 00 Hid. r V. 50 to 8 60. 5 00 to 6 00. ir.o—4 0.) tc* naia-ry r>*.de 3 50. F i --^r, ew, $7 *o l$8, 0;d $10. Hay $5 b^^ tar f5. a 60 Pi*ne}il 8 00 *0 0^0 n»r ra U'SHi Ar :.3£ 15 00 r * 20 0 * p-^r Vofbel. t 60 ). 5 • •0 —Upj-er 25 00, Sole 20 CO. -!orr ^''hisioy $60 00. Appio %f\-* F?*--, ' #6'* 00 M ->1 12 t>0 to 16 00 It.* 7'» b' (jiisi fc ;; ^ ■nf-r bV; retail 10 60 S.j.i- ^ O'J I"* Cp Xu'v^nftne 8 00 r'^r 'gallon 5 —Fa ally Bw 3 0«) por 1^., Toib t 8 00 to 10 00. N''i' 1 -i 50 ta 4 O^' par lb {>ai. fis •'•5 00 per n.'^el r. —fri.'*’ flO io #16 ve •; 51f>. P-.y-r-tt.e-'. 4 K ••‘2 .; u", Kr!t40 00 ! 4'j OJ rer ^;.ir3Uci T -- W 4 00 u ooL i-6 if> V7. C h'T ^ I* r Ill ——llll _ , {Mi i'os aue onagnvKa.. 5Co'- tE is i.'if i^x.mit, fjy. 2i^. ;.&64 lijit..s: P r*se tu -i.c. iHt: tjv owia* bet oJ ; ualt'^,!, i» ; »e hi ■ 2^ i* fr>M !;.■» cOia S-jpi tj tue *; I cf Outoi>ir ic«3 .i.s.- O . A—Woa«ao... i*ri"v e ^ Ciius, icft hanJ, flesh; 3 Ne«bl , r;gi: gatfU- B - V. -a» a:-: J L Icfi a»iii, Biverj; .r.f, r> il S ;.t. r-aaJ, Siigh . u Wriiac.tJv.: J Aden, ri.sh-ieg, fljta; prir»to W a>.iU> Hidtt sii^Uy E—Kiv^a; Sgt J H Mieon, Woanlad: Sgt IsnM Jit !•>?, l«!it Vjj d h f—Vou;.dcJ: L. J G1 Hill, n/b'^ fja, Sal J W iiaiav’Oii. Ici. » iii 'o>oip. * ^it. io'i log sufpu- fc- i; pLiTftU (i tl Br .'♦JO. ie'» Uj, fl>^ii; John Hi^gne, :i*i :^lae, V ■) left silj^ut. G — ivcoaued: Gniiim, r.-yat 8 n.»uiaor *>nd irm ll tfh: ; nvaie J -.iin d-tciti, Ic i »rfu *aav*utfct*o; ThOtCt.e j it a, Uf. fiA'V ; r F ds.jcr .eii arm, s'i-i^at 11 -*l^oa ;dcd: P»i»*tj8 •> A Sum very, right ».nn, se- -V ; J ,» ttKiu^cit, ;c?i fO')t, d .-cb; P Cjciy, &e>Mi. flsvh; Jj u 1‘fc.ii.r. !tf- l“i-. fl th 1— /ouad a; ;;vralU b-u Saiith, left’eg frfcotursd U..1 Mui' Ri.»tud; pTi'*au-3 iS dmitu, L.g, a-ishc; J M ..0 /I H -r, a-i-io 8 igtl*. Ii.—Kil..;d: frgt U B •'Hyt'>a Woua^ed: 8gt W D a;ia.«j, tirei'i, scti.r.'; J»a Ma.'iia, ief«. . .iftii, K A aiusat, rigOi. foot, severe; A CcOK, 'i IS >t auvla, severe. E J DEBERRY, H 8 5id NOT. Co A 14'hX O — VViyu aa - Trcops Hirutbitrj Oct 19. : C'g ■ ’» Wa 'iJi siiO J if. m s..'*er. ly *V'Zi .-asiol ti.i.-ci .^niput^tcd . w a.iuou: U W .Mc.-tci'y luig setf-rj- JH 1) luo-J.ra taiga, o'-verp; A W vidiil tcoulafir, siterc; to Iai,.»dgiu .ag MiaeJii;: E B bsundjra »:id J D «• 0 (Jarit 'm VI >»eir ar.ort»lly, H M Diras- raa n>--':i.»tiy; d. t J F O>.'or.a log, 8t>»ora. Misra^i iJorp J F «c»ag N Ii.; ds JS tfouadira: jlu. i otii hip; Jno FahlarJ leg »m- u 4'cl; A M(j8». r mouth, eorere, B Peu ri leg, eevo'e -lissKiz: H 0 Ij^siiitsr F '’’v^und^d; bgt A fl Jcmce tifiga brokin *nl c*p inred; figt W B Westail rl'gat; / H isip, B-Trfe; 1) N Paifita fiager »ri:pa *-ta Mi.isicg: & Cimpoell, J C *1- if on. 0_»Voua-:tr.d; Ofept A ■» Ora'itsi thiga, wyt.', c%p-| i of IVorth Carolina, H.iA'-ETr* COUiSiY j Coer of Plesa mad Qauter tJflcSsuoB, isept. Ter^, 1*64. I BUic«k »f tl B Di'K;jX*a-i wif« Mary M.,Gmoy 1 I u^re, vm B'.Aio-a ,B D ilk I, Oaardifto fur HMd/ ' Buklcck. I iffttitioB ror Dower. IT *pipesr>og to tae eatiafAOtiou cf the Coart, that Wa Bitlook *L-d a D H*U, Ouardi«a far HurJj Bi«iook, o ' tu;: dt>fc^d..o'3 in tuU a^U33, reside beyood i.^au:e of t :ds Sfite: U >s therefor*, oa motion, ardercd & / t^ ‘ 0 ^ur , taat tkdrerti^ement, bt> m«de far aix wastJ sue'-siai«ciy iu the Fay-U«viiie Otaenrar, aatif/tag ih* e-.id deleadaats uf tbe fiuag «f this patiti'^n, and thftt aa t*ss they »ppe*r u the c-zt term of this Court, Mii «n>:wvr 'ae patUion, tae Pftoaj wul be t»kea pro eonfeMa jud aeA*d ez par;a m to *hsai ^^'icaes?, Beijuuin ¥ 8a%tr, Clerk cf Sftid Gaart. M m xi.lliagti n, 2d Maadiy ia Sap'-eaiber 8l*tiwJ B. F BSAW, Clerk. S$tate of rVorth Carolina, ;ourt of P:e*i8 iad Q i.ii'-r dosaiaos, Sapt T«»Tn 1864. a iJ r-ewir an» wife M-rr M, Gr»oy Oapra, T3 Wa BU- loci, ii 1> Hall, iiuat(Ii*a for il*rdy BUlcok. Pcituaa for Parutiop of L*ad. ! T appc.rUg o »co attiilaotioa of taa Court, that Wn i. Bi>^iu0w »uw B U :!&U, (xa^rdian for Hardy BUlaek, ».-cle&ciiit8 ia t*.i8 oaus , reside b^yoci the hmiw of .j’tf dt»t«: It is tberef-re, ou mot cn. orJered by the court. i,a»i. »d»tfriistE2eat be "'ada for »iz weeks eao- ».essivily la tae F*yet»orlle Oosorwr, nctifyiog the sna Btfeuiiaaia of tae fi.mg of laifl potitioa *u4 oalaM i.iey ttfp4:ar at ti>* uox. lorm vl tsia Uoarl, *.ad uoBWtr oae ptiiiam, txiJ i*m3 wul oa taitoa pro caafesaa and atara ei pane i» iaern V Uvicds, Bcfcjtxaia F Shtw, Clerk of said Coart, «4 (..’fiiae »a L dtagtvja, '^1 Moaacy ic fleptsmb. r 18H4 B. F SdAW, Ci«.k. iState of ]%orth Caroliiia, HaRN*ii.Jk‘OOiX Y ;jor'. -f Pi^'ss Q »rtcr^9a8:oa', dept Term, Ff!i:c-£ F B’ft o k. U;»oy Dap.'^, '« B DaWAiT aat #if« M.*Tf Jd, V3 >v*a iil4:J0k,ii D a*ll, Waardiiui for Eft*d, Bi look. ill' n fjT Diviaion of 8IaT*B. IT .ap -e^vias *-j ta« biiiid^tioa of t^ri Ciort, that Vm B D H»!l 0-i«iiaa far ii%nsj- Blaloek, da- i«aj«»at? la tins ^i»aio, rssido biyocd the liait'e of this •tats: It ia taFrefure, cn aioii'o, O'dtre-i i y th« Conrt, t.ist fcHterviacui . ak r-c maJe f-jr s'x ifOiiis fiaocesii'ely la the t’.^yeaeviiie O'aa r?«r, no ii r . g iho KaidDeft>na- r.u:a 01 laa hlii*g of iuis i-H'iua and ocless tCbj pp^^J• ftt ttie next i-e*'ta of luis t>’onrt aad answer the ,>eii lon tiie «amft «iii be ukca pro oonfc^so aad heard ex ji.'ikrtc •8 lo :.Ueia. i u .'8i, F. Cicrk ft.? ea>d Ccnrt, »t 2 1 aioa i*y i-- Seolcmb*' IfeBl. B F‘s tA Ulcrk. uieJ; W W atc.bclefield faja a-jvara. liissiiig: si j 0 t-">- '* :.ii ucg ,ir-4 I ol* if—Woti«de.u: 0gt 0 '' d.ihakle srm, 6CT«fo; 9g Ire | — ' 7"^ .iiioiti) 8;ie, PC’Tfi.-; SgiB.-u’ue’t liu-j-ie I rtf-i s^| O? 'IvJl.rOliliaj orj* It beu L»j>do.j ar « T,sre; Ja.i ifry Ug, te^*is; 1 il * i-lNi X OUNi'Y. 4 jlt-'* : .jO, e oipiui'o 1 I Ojur^ '-f P:9is s.mu (J v'ciSiOuS, bcptoisbcr TarB I .ts.: ‘ 'i B B :ill T“o!i 8"v?r?; ‘''~n ' li-64. ,*,d su Ul, , t ,v: rt; J d toim aa b g s i :a ; K )i>. A a i T fK-ijs Ro’Ji. s, Aom'r cf i. G DiagU^, d >VJ, t» J&aet • •’•fc *; ‘•J’ ri B U-ioa | oa* * f: Ntao-, .I«n5 »a'l Aroa’d K ^^Wouuuid? V E ‘*ii3 a 6-..u’i:ti\ s«ver ; J H •/-1 j Ucax'^s aat oi'sets. • iiia Ic^. etffce iliit-ing: -ig« i> Tn.-ii-'; so-.*, -i ¥ \V ni j P>t: ir-i-'O nike R -> Eit*te Apset*. > —K liv-’: none. ’’ •u''! i-’ii: oflie.tra 3; m«n 3 j. j fTftppeai-g t c ii.-i^o I- ~-ea. e 4* | .L -*• 01 tho Coart that ’d L'i7.'»-9, OOd of lit»: Dt ’■ ia thia ciuee. oe.'-uBd ac i'.tai s of tiie b at : it is therefore oa ..oiioii crlr';-d h t .a tJouii., n»t ti’'ser!iB9DB«nt be iofcdtt icr six !TeeV.a eooc -s.vil/ u t Payet»«Till* Oostrver, ut i yisg ‘■ae : a d dsi.;ad.i-t •■f the filiag ©f p-'E Tr«yte % oi' i»ai-*. t i^’i.ploy •'««», ;'5 •/.* prv’srj b^ys Go'}-.?*' ,-ioi •■a'-':? tf'Si&hvT id alfo r.'ie 9- x ciJX'ntriC» s-.uat *b» 1st o? .'fco’y ■1 X-. ::of"tBRr.>i?q>'rjred «oc-xhltit -pstincrtnla f co'^] -■ ,n . to See y bos'd of Tm-*«' =- , j?OK. TiijE OBaia V'Jtii. ; D-e : of phoid i.. »fr, i.. aoi ii.U at Fort Ha3iat‘f, N j -J, 16!j .iU, pii?ite y4iauti hi rtiii, s-.-n oi Amos Mar i n »,•. li/ftdeo n; u:i./, »g-a '2i ytj»?a and 2 ui;utai, a | tiie rrnt:>n aa i tnat uu:;i« 'a?7 ».i ear at tba nexit .xifaf i.*^oK 40.ii ll 0 r Trough jatd-^wniu the j lerm of ihl. Ccuttand »> >ffr tte petit on, tfc* T oie (,f it-o »fruer iias o:tiat re*«>oa to be- j »ili ov t«.kea pr-s o^'es^^a'sd n-jard ezp’-cteaa to bia. »«:▼-'t tS>l ne u^d r«t r^d from ihie worid of stri'a to | Witness, F i\iw. Clerk t;f rudCMrtat ifBoa. m LUbagl: 3 2d STaodfcy iu Nrv. 8 A C COVI.^TGTt.»N 8l-3i •iifire iiie lonard of i«e i’g-»t;ous lie Had oeen a uiem- > a. r of tiie rdiBsioiiikiy B*ii ut ohor a for 7 yeara anw i 8l*‘it] I •'« ever adjrnea proicttiU'ta by ol-aelj ooStsivieg »t» ' .qiirem at8 Bis ram'.iiis «iO!* ie«t ia tae tuijiag jir-oc »t fliuithTilln, wnilc htso'eraoiy li»t» iathe botwm ji n’8 comrade.-* ^ h F «hAW, COO. -* ' ^ '»:l i'X;j.irittUOt?, H UjdSticcl 'illil jrftlihs rncni'af '.b-sAl • r tiie c-n*ti., ye*!'. F -r RtHTfucefy a»i ■■ifxt-c- j-J » .c ap^’” «'»•- >rxtd:iitHy ' • •.;»»!■ i Ro^'‘» ' ii:-iu;atju j;, Ho«. 3 ?l-5tp.. iroiu we tliere w uiitl ■;ate Irom which these cowards come« | be no need of the Standard’s illegitimate oegotiutiout;, : \" j,iit‘.y oy Gcu. Lomux.—Richniond Examiner, 2d. | ‘ r i;:i; J roLtni w« omy say that they are not jSorth I for Freeideut Davis would iastautly coraiaissioa j County i3uads eold at aucuoa l)ut Saturday j ‘ voluiiiins, I proper iuqq to negotiate in a proper manner. § for ViZ.~Hdeigh CoitservtUive^ I ^■^lE •’nrtc: ,f .ed j He .1 • 10,000 j.outdsOl a > .it, i. oais. at liie uaiv’i mu -i. , .•* Aifl.\ GaaPowder, Tii/Jtd; Biao-- Fia* Th Bottoiit; ^off: Tobaooo. &3 ' IbAAC aOIAUJGSWORTH. Oct. 27, 78-*2wpl State Of i^orlh l/srolina, ARNETT cOUNty. Oiiort of Ple.’ss r-ni Qi^r'or Sjisiuiis, S^ptosber Ter®, 18.-4. A VcH y, D McKay, M J MoKay, W B Ho* Ki.y -S'S J ?1 Fi'Oig ^*»d arila Nancy C. • Pet-tioii fcr l>.7i3inn of 8i%Tea. IT »pp“*riag to tha vatufasii^D of «h9 Ooart that th« L» oaifcUtB la tHis e^use reside ba»oi;i t^e linuts of .is 8tnte: It is tbereforo, ca icotien, ordered tj the CaQ^ -^»i. ^ Ter.i^e^ {-u‘ t.p made for six weeks sujoaseiTHy tae F-»>eitfcT. le Obserter, n9tif>‘®8 ihe sad Pe- * .nd*r acfthe filing cf tbia jjjjt’ticn and th^ unl^ i uy appear at the sfXt torai of Court and answer ..te pjiuloathe same wlU be Uken pro oonf«*>o aad ; avard ex part^ as to them. # .11 mt \ taroogb tae Korci-js oi ou. Ueayo-.y i' ta i, >.aat waai | Wiine«8, Bcnjaniio F Shaw, Clerk M Ml • f \ may f.;om to b« oor Insa is to hi^ o«.raal gain, and { Offioe, fa J4UiBgio% 2d Monday m S«>tam^, 1 ^ . uu*Mlia«btoo»H6bn€^t4ad6Ua)ia$iiimberoftiiti8l-6tj ^ * BiiAw.wwy* JW>» TEJE OBUSttVS*. At c; called nie9'*”g of Leoaaon .uodga, JJi -0.', ■6id at rJscir H.»U, ii Wfeit«7iUe, N C, )«it. l;iltn 18jl, tft« f3..owiag Preamble fcoU reaoiiiiions were euojrie-j; Whereas,!', hai *a AJi wue Pio’fid^njo t. j»vtr tse ffccrcdtiea of Brotterhc-od which ostc sol *151: . Av.iei betwrea tsit'i bodste and car esta«u.ed aai *r r '• Brctaer Alueii Sj=U‘', who died a. nia resiacnJt ta W.utoTdie Got l^iU, I8w4 Ta^ra ore, R^asdted, Is f Xhi»i 'srtiw wo bo'f w:ta racek'se's to I one just deorees of Atn*K uy Gid we dseply tbe .w\- I it B* 0' our cepari G B.oih^r, at i t . ».w i»i*t>e tnat i I taroaxb tae Korci-js 01 ou> Ueayo-.y F th i, laat waat t