BLIO ^xrra> Fhe> *f It-'H. An Att 0 J\m4, ftur Ijimdt ike Omrr^'v Sbotior 1. ‘/h* lm7W«ra.'e Sfa't of Awitirica ic -riMct, T\tt iLe KdMevt of all 'Trcaeary o»(es Abor« tLe ieuowififtliua of Ip5, oot besacg mt«rc«t, b« aaiil the Iftfe Uj of April omt of ?^.e Miti(c«ppi, to um«, aed nctil tli9 p4nc«ls asd at the pl(t«ea sUtcd, t^he holden of all leck TreM>/7 BotCB shdl ba tJiowed (• fnsd th« mma '» terad hooda, 20 j«u« litar tkei^ date, bo«ruig iDtoTMt at the rat« of 4 jxr *•*»« »»• ama, jmjtMe «n the Irt of Jaaaarf ■’td July of •Mil 7«ac. 8«c 2 The ^wtaij ^ tbs '{VeMury u herebf aachcru«d to isaaa tb» bonds rat^aked ft!kr tite ftindiQi; provided for im ^ preeediag seAtioB, acd. antii die bonds eaa b« foroparod he msj isnne oertific&tw to aasver the parpo»e. Sncb boadf> and certifioatM shaU be reeeivi^lo without iar^r- 60t in psymoQi, of all Govern ^M»ot dues payable in thfi jtrear es^esr e«p »rt »t*d rmport datisg 3. That ail Treaaury tiotas of the denon>i- Dftlaon oJ 1100, not bearine: interest, which shall not be pfR?«nrei for funding undf r the pyovisionit of the let svotion of this act, shaH, frtnn and aft r the 1st day of April 186i. ca^tof the Mi^inaippi riv«, and the 1st day of Jniy 1864, weat of tu« Mi^iA^ippi, oeaee to be receivable in payment of i p^^bllc (‘sns, and s;ud n«‘i3, if not *o presented af i that t3*^e, shall, in addinon to the tax of 3oi i oentB iiuL)c»?d ia the 4th section of thie set, b#* •he!! t-i ri'ioet to a t** of H8^ per cent, on «v- •ry d«un- ^oruf*yd *l»c A»r^f rwd ta* to i« «w«) actM wkeret^^T *f*iiisl*d, ifid Mid sv to* t«> K« tat> iaWfl Md c»ei»aarfl*ble for Btw '7>aa«ary m provided, aubjMt ta ft* de^wf/t>«« 9t *a»d «♦»» ggff li:- Tb»* »oy »»*to b#IdSog T**«nury noee Hef'>?e tke tinacm herwD i*ed for tMxiar "»*» iihfeM be aM-iweJ till ihe first jay of Jas j&rj 186f>, W fuad the saae in 6 per oest boada oi the Confederate 8kaiec, paytlilo 30 yeant after dat«, and eke iatareet payable »eoki- aaaaaUy. But *11 TreaMtry reeeived by aay Stat« after tbe tinie ftx^ for tasi»« the uune as aforesaid, ahaH be held to have bees received disuoished by tise utAC’-ant of said tax. Tirs di»- mwiaatioR Wtveec tibe cotes HXibja«t^ ba the tiis and the«e not ao sobjeot, ahall be— S»(J. 13. That Tr«Sw*ary cotes hwrefcofore isso^ bearinjr infc«re«t at the rate of $7 30 on the ^1»K) par ajQsuiu. «r.all no longer l>e r«oeiv?d in pfcf- raent of p?b«i« unca, Hal; nh'iU be 4»eniod a-id noi!!iide»'ed bo»mia or Oonftdcra^i* pa; a- ble tw* Tfflura sHrr the ’rtifiostio* ot •. ^.^ty of per..r« with the United Star^, the rate 'J intercut apccified on their f»^». ’^fabl? lit of Jaaiiary of eaoh and every vsar. Sko. 14. That the Secretary of ^be Tr‘»a«TfT be, and ha is hereby, Bnthitriacd, i« ’••e the e ti s’eoeie? o4 *hc Government %hon{«* r«jj«fe it, tw or v3av!> Of Siak, u#t n mm pnoetHm^ Wnritan tixbo wmmid Hkftraia, 10 f*r cwit., ia addilMa «• tbe tez Ml «Qok pr^tt m iaooue, iwd«r Uit Act lUbrMid. m. On IIm aiao«fit of profits MCMdiBg 36 p«r oMt., Biale doriag •ith«r of the joars mi4 1854^ bj Mj b*nk or b&^ug neoipaaj, iaturftnoe, OAOftl, uaTiMtioii, im- porWiif juid •xportiaf, tol«fra^, railro««l, dry dock, or otber joiot stock oonp&BT of any do««ription, whetber IceorvorAted or sot, 25 per oeat ou •ooh vxoma. 8isc. &. TLe Mlowia^ aaHMiaj^ofis from t&‘« sndor tiua act Aixall M allowed, to-wit: 1. Prepervy »f each head of a iamiij to tfa« ralne of $500; and for each*miaor child ot )tie faudily to the further value of $100; and for •kcu boh actnallj engaged in the unriy Ar uiry, or who has died or been killod in the military or naval Bervice, and who was a member of the family when be enteriv? tfe*» a»rvice, t© the further vsJu* ot 1^50^. ri. Property of the widow of any oflicer, BoWier, ^iior w aiarln**, who may have pay t^i> d'^n»!tnd of any pTiblie ^re^itor vniise d»bt.! died ot been killed in the military or naval xnfttf Via cor*^cT.ed after ♦he paj#*^«e of this SJ*, wiHTntr to r®««ive the aatne in a of in debtedness, t# Vts iKued by said S^Hirctary in «ti A Bnbjeato4 to a tax ef 10 per eenl per montU an \ form as he may proper, p-iTable two yesrs til 80 presented; which ta»e« shall atwch to s^id j * ratif cati««i of a treaty ^ pesoe with the uotes wherever circulated, and bhali be deducted j United 8t«*^?^. hearas: intproet at too r?:te of »jx from the f»oe of said now* whenever nrescn'ed 1 per eoa». per annusR, x>ayablp >r~v»v!fiaf^lly, aad for payxaent or f«r funding, and said uot»8 akaii | tianst^'rable enly by !T>eeiaI aador»^oirent, under not ba exchangeable for the new iasue of Trea-1 reeula*ioTiB to be prowtribed by tbie Seoretary of sury notoa provided for in thia aet. I **»• 9V»wa»7. •«! ■«id oh«*i h» cxeapt Sko. 4. That on ail said Treasury notes LiOt funded or lucd in payment of tazoA at the datea and places prescribed in the lat so^don of thi» aot, there shall be levied at said dates and plaoes a ta^ of 3Si oenta for every dollar promised on the taoe of said notes; aaid tax ■hali attaeii to mid notes wherever oiroolatcd, and shall be eoUeeted by deduoting the same at the treasury, its depoei- tories and by tax oolieotors, and by Govern ment cheers receiving the asm* whenevor pre sented fjr payment or forfaading, or Lb payment of Goverumcnt dues, or for from tasation in principal aad interest. Sb€. 15. The Secretary oi the Treasury is au- tbonKsd to incre&so the suiaber of depcsitoriof so as to meet the requiremeats of this act, «nd w th that view to employ «iueh of the bankK * the s^«v- eral States u he omt deestf espcdient. Sso. 16 The Sc'iretary of the TreaflTMry skill forthwith advertise this a^i in auoti ne.wsp&p-^rs pnblitthed in the sovetal St*i3s, and by sath ot) er Qisans as shaii soeure imaecl^te publicity; mi& the Secretary of War sjehI the Secretary of »hc Navy shall each cause it to be published in gOKO- the army wid pottte^e, or in ex- ohange for rcw notes, as hcreioafter provided, and j rai order for th,. uaformatiaa said Treasury notes shail be fandable in boo(e a^ I aavy. fpovided in the 1st section of this aot, until the | S»o. 17. Tk« 42d Bcet:oQ of the aot for the st day of January 1865, a; rl\e rate of 65| eente j v‘?9ca?T:i’Tit ar,d e- ' cricn cr: approved May on tie dollar; and it shaii be the duty of the Sec i 1st bcyc’^y i cv.'^'-ad. ' ‘ ~ Ssv' IS Tlia SccrCiAvj of the Treasury ip ■i:ri A.: io I. u fe u £0(^ :. retary ot the Treasury, at aay tiajc boiwoes tii« Istol April ajid the 1st w July, 1804, ?to»» .ji the MissuTsippi river, and the 'A Janui.Ty is6), to substitute and exchaa^e new Tr.'it.n^ry cotcs for the same at the race of 66i orAjts on the ctl- That notes of the d»;jo2i'Daii:»n jf ®100^ball net ba entitled to the pn of said exchan^; I^^ided furr^^ tha; tnu rigfUt to fund any of said Treasury nocos, alter i r, of Jantury 1665, ii hereby ^f^^C8n anay; A'^.i pro- ritAfti fwther. That upon a.U suoh Tts-jMiry .. res whiofa may reTiain outetaading on tl.4 h; 3r, ci January 1865, md which laay not o:;fcj.i\Vc!d for new Treasury notes, as hsrsin pr.ividcd, :--t of ^00 per oent. is hereby imposed. Seo. 5 That after the Srsi davcf Ar* * u. s;, all liuthority heretofore given to iha 2;,aiai.^rj c: the Treasury ta issue Tieaaury notes chsJi be. aiJ is hereby, revoked: Frovilcd, tiie S->jr:tary o' the Treamry way, after tbai Liia«, iso-; -' Treaau-y act*!®, .a buch foriu t.t. K% / -r : - payable vo ycots arter the ra? \ of peaoe Tith th, Csivu %..:i new .-. u to ba receiv»ble 1q paymeat ii nil pubUu -ia;:;. except export and import dadob, to be iv-u-.d exch«uge for old notes at the rate oi 2 doll»:s of the new for 3 of the old issuer, whethi^r sai"^, o’ i notes be surreudsrod tor es«r.sgu ly the h le .- thereo?, or be Tr-ec*7cu (be Tro«'Ury um '* ■ the provisions of u£ '.ko new oo£as or of the old qoOc«, ox• tL:-* ox the denominatioa of $100, after they .ire l ed'ioed to j ha h&nhi'.'ts 661 cents on the ^ilar by the >‘*i iu"*rc55ad, may ' delivered convert the same icoo call oijriifipat^a b6»rin:? in^ 1 Tn.a+ sarviG\ -H where there is no widow, then of the fhmi'v, Iwiing iitrnor children, to tb& vaine of 11000. T.K, Pro}.*ertT of ev«rr offlcor, toldier, sailor or marine, aotually enga^^’ed in the militAT^^ or naval sorvice, or uf such m have been disabled iu such service, to the value of §1000; provided, that the above ©xemp tioTM aKAjl UAt. Appljr to |»or«o«, whiUfi* property, exclusive of household tnrniture, skall be aMeseed at a value exceeding $1(^00. lY. That where property hat been injured or destroyed by the eaemy, or the owner thereof has been temporai ilv do[»'ived of the use or occupancy thereof, or of the means of cultivatiug the tame, by reason of Iho preeeace or the proximity of tke enemy, the asgeeanoent en smch property may be reduoed, in proportion to the damage sus tained by the ©wner, or the tax aasosoed theret>n may be reduced in the ^ame ratio by ehe district collector, ea satififacterj evi dcQce fobmit^d te him by the owner or as liOMOr. Sixj. 6. That the ttvxos on property lr*id for ti‘e yesa* 18^, shall be at>*es«ed &r on hereby &uii ori^cti anJ -^cQiiircd, upon the ao^li- of *X\is ftct, and •■a‘ior t!* t« c hr.! - r ot sii'v ca.H c. ! whiali, | due and ooUectod Oil tlie 1st djiy ot «junc l y the firc^ toctioa of the tier to pi ' for the fuBciQe: an l i»irth«r iasti? of Troas:.;-y Bctcs, ap proved I'it cii 23d l.S(33, was re»v;ired to be* tbovciitri-r to be hoi'icr a V-v;id rlaeretor ; r-v saivi I next, or *a soon after aa practicable, allow- in? an axtansiou of 00 days W*«t of tlie ulifitMftsippi river Tlia additional taxes on ^oad, to isauo to shoh in343me« or profits for the year 1863, levied .0 rke terais provided | by thifc act, shall asseesod and collected I forthwitb; &nd the tax«« on incomes or pro- cem ' 1864, shall be aKca»od and i » .poTi of ’ collected according to the provisioos ol the . of -the ConiodorUc i tax rbo w^sment acts of 1>«63. do ftuftc,, That in ad li , , ^ : hv ihe n.ct “to l4v 'Apr.i 1^6o, as levies a tax on la- fcnd toc.Hr-y ou I ^oraea derivbd from property or effecra on - -.rlMrctn Sf.,VL« ’• I am->unt or v^ilne of which a tax ic levied by this act, and aUo the let section of aaid • rd^jrate Stuto«l, *'3, tl.vre shall br *■ f' iwtv or cr&xV-^ herein t^vxcd ad valorem, ’1a* Iiri .tioT), ‘ "■ ~e;ue ^ tu. *■ e law i;nyot:;'*g; u, -^.dd An Aji ros>t»pmd the privilege of ths : TT, \ , Piovidfcd,, ^ Habiw Corpus in certain cojks. terest at the rate of 4 per coat, pet annum, and I S'- -?-? ** ailov;’&J oeyx)ud 5 | Whereas, the OoHStitution of the Confed- payabla two yeaxs after * raJi^v,it»oa of a tr=atv i i! erate States of America provides in Article oi peaee with the United Swtes, uuIo-»e sooatr ' T' i •**' wa*oc : 1, Section 9, Paragraph 3, that “the privi- oonvwted into new not.e8. . i jewo'v, ;.‘iweJry ar.a r'c.tcaea, 10 ; ot the writ of habeas corpus shall not 8io 6. That to pay the txp^vn^ of the Gov- i ftuspeuded usiless when in case of rebsl- srnment uo^ otherwise provided Tor, the-Sooreury j ot pmp,?rty tixod nnc^er ! iioB or invaaion, the public safety may re- of the Treasury is hereby authoriicd t© ipsns 6! sect’oii Bhal^ ’s'vgessed on the basis of j quire it;” and whereas, the power of sus- ^ “ amount not exceoi>:ag five ; ra&rket vain? o: the «ara?, or similar pA> j pending the privilege of said writ as i*cok- hcfidrod ujilH»s of dollars, ae priacipsi iid in-; P«rty in the nei^bborho^ ^ w here as6^iS3cd in uizod iu caid Article 1, is vested solely in fbr/hA e:ic^}>t in cases whore \w d, rbo Conjjr,s8, which is the exclusive iudjre for .he mmaut of mterea^ thereon tta entu-e net s aves, cotton or tohacco have b.'ien pnr of the oecowit^ of such eusnension* and re.ei;,t8 of any export duty herealter laid cn the ! ciiAEod eince the Isl dav of Jftaua^-v lSi-5? or sucn suspension, and value of »n7 cotton, t^ae^, and oavai stores, {in which easo tuo said‘land, slaves'cott >n whicn .ha 1 ^ exported from the Confederate and tobacco so purclia^^.:, shall be a3e«s^d n /w lVo-sorucKVasU^^^^ actuaHy paid for tho sai^e ^y pled^L^:°Frovfdel^ on * &hArea or intnr- •rnp. are hereby pledged Lc psid in spne-o, or in steriicg o. e law iin’-oei'-g; u, •-‘.au orcmr.iont: Piovided,! ha aIlov;’&J beyx>ud 5 j ^ciX on &'o gaftpo*:d^.d for tRo ^ear 1864, and i:'Vir ior.*d i’‘I" hire or interest on pro- , . ■-'ri-n.-.j- ’''wSv.’3- r...’.!, v‘,r J dr.n.>fr} p ■ ^ ' t T i t.,i. ijJ '.Tx’t r^o«i, phall b(i at,occc: or t*Acd incomes uuclwi tsx R''^- or A^f?3- Sro. s. I' . i: ■;:‘i zAx iin'p.'*ie^ b|^ thia xct Oil b?nds ot lae CoufedGrace States hereto fore isauttd, shall in no csiae exceed tho in- te'*e?t on the same, ajid aoch bonds, when tX. Of coiiPP’'«ftrisa. cr atvJ^e^t* to ato prMOAers at held by th« X/«ik4»rate Biases. X. Of coMpir&(nM, or or prepa* mtioM to itid •ottcuy. XL Oi ptTMiit adriittng or iueiting Aikcrs t3 abafidom the Co&federaDe eausa, (m* to re sist the Ooaldderata States, or to adhere to the en«mj. Xn. W wilawtimy burning, d««^yiaR •r inuring, or afctomptiDg to barn, destroy or injure any bridge or railroad, or tei«- gaepMc line of coBim&Bicatiea, or proyariy, witu the ifit^t Of aiaing the eneay. XIR. Of treasoaable d«el|^s to impair military power tke GK>Temmeiit by destroying, or atfeemptinv Iq destroy, vftssels »r arms, or muuitioat of war, or ars^aals, foundries, workshops, or otfaeM- f»ronerty of the Oiufederate States. Sec. 2. The President shall eajee proper officers to investigate tho coses of all pei'scms so arrested, or detained, in order liiat they may be discharged if improperly detaiifb f, unless they can be speedily tried ir due course of law. Sec. S. That during the susjponsion »fore- said, no military or other oiiicer shall be compelled, iu answer to any writ of habeas corp'.w, to ap}»ear in person, or to retura the body of any j>ei-8#n or pereona detaiecti bv him, by the authority of the President, 8e crstary of War, or the (.twnorai oflicer com manding the Trand MissHB»i}vpi department; bui upoa the certificate, under oath, of the officer having charj^c of any one so dstaiBed, i~h»t stich person is detained by him aa a o«* «x«aj^ oAVMio* specified, uador the aathority aforesaid,.fur ther proceedings ander the writ of habeas oorpT;£ shall immediately cease and remain Busj>en[ded so long as this act skall continao in force. Sec. 4. This act shall cMitinae m force fcH* ninety days al^er the next meotiug of 0»a- greaa, aad no longer. THE MIUTARY BILL. Section 1. That from and after tlie pas£a«fe of this act all white men, residents of the C-onlVierate States, between the ages of 17 and 50, shall be in the military Bervice of the Confoderato States for tho war. Sec. a. Tltat all tho porsons aforesaid, b*- t^reon the agos of 18 pnd 45, now in service, ^liaii be rotained during tho prescut war with the U. S., in..tho Rftino re/iinei.ts, bati- taiione and compunios, to vrhich they belong at the passage of tbis .act, with the same or ganization and olficere, unless regularly transferred or diBchari^ed, in accordancc with the laws and regnlationi ftr the gov ernment of the j*i*my; Provided, that com panies from one State, organized against their consent, fcxproseed at the time, with bft U, bft «> 4^- Hi ^ iei4 for tite wv, M ifii bol«««a tb* MgM 0t' IS and 45. S«c. 8. Tkat kemAer Um dstiai of pro' vest aud oq»itel fwrda and Uid of clerks, gaards, a|^ta, esscloy«M «r labor- ftrs ia the GoauuiMA^ aaa Quart«rmAit«r’fi Departmeata, i& tke Urdaaace Botmk, aad of d«rka aad •oaployM* of navy ageitta, as also in tk« ex«catioa of tk« •aroUm^at act, and all similar datiM, ikall be performed by parsons who ar^ withia tha agea of ^8 aad 45 years, and who by th« report of a Board of army surgeona akall b« reported as uaable to p«rfo%m active service in the field, but capable of performing some of tie above said dutiee, apecifying which, and when these persons shall have been assi^ cd to those duties as far as practicable, the .^^re- sideut shall assi^ or detail to their perform ance such bodies of troops, or individuals, required to be enrolled under tho 5tb sec tion of this act, as may be needed for the discharge of such duties; Provided, that persons between tlie ages of 17 and 18 shall be assigned to those duties: Provided tur- ther, that nothing contained iu this act shall be 60 construed as to prevent the President from detailing artiijuus, mechanics, or per sons of scientific skill, to perform indispen sable duties in th« departments or bureaus herein inentionwd. Sec. 9. That any Quartermaster or As sistant Quart-ermastw’, Commissary or As sistant Commieaary, (other than those serv ing with brii^iides or regiments in the Held,) or officers in the Ordnance Bureau, or Navy A.^«Kto, ur ^»reU(»l, ur iu the conijcript service, who shall hereafter employ or retain in his employment any person in any of Iheir said departoidata or bureaus, or iu any of the duties mentioned in the 8th sectaon of this act, in violation of the provisions hereof, shall, on coaviction thereof by a court-mBrtial or military court, be c&shiere^i; and it shall" be the duty of any department or district commander, upon proof, by the oath of any credible person, that any scch ©ificer has violated this pro vision, immediately to relieve such officer from duty; and eald coir.maaders shall take prompt measures to have him tried for such ofTenco; and any commander as aforaeaid failing to perlbrm tho duties enjoined by this eoction, shall upon being d'aly convieted tiicreoi, be discharged from tha service. Sec. 10. That eIi laws granting ©xemp- tiona from military service be, and the same JSJ5, hereby repealed, and hereatYcr none shall be exempted except the following: J. All who shall be held uniit for milita ry Burvice, under rule# to be prescribed by tLe Secretary of War. 2. 'Die Yice Preiidunt of the Oonf&derate , St Htf 8, tu0 members a.’id ofiScerg of Congress regimatilB or bjittiilious from another iState, j the asveral State LegiBlaturcs, aud shall have th« privilcga of Inking transferred ^Qcb othi>r Confaderate and State officers ae !d by or for iai»irs or Innatics, shall b#> to orrrauinatiorf® of trooj^'S, ia the arra of the fitrvicG, from the h^itca in which said compftniec w/tg nilsod; a’vd tlie soldie.“8 from one Ststv, in comu-atilts froui auothsr State, shall be fcllow?d, it they dc-^’re it, a transfer to ori'an\'^\t,icu3 lioiri i^'.^ir ovra Sta,t(i6, in the f.ame a-iii of tl:c r.t-vic^ tciC. ti. ■ iiiiZat t!i.i ex. u‘ . ni of6’... from liic tlrsit diiy of A pnl next, a bountv ol .'tlOO in a six per ceut. (jovern i?’it bond, which the S3crc:;iry of tbe Tiuasury is here by authorized to issue, aha’l bo | iid to evy- ry n-jii-co.umissioucd uihoer, musician aud the Pre.‘idcnt, or the Govcnior of the re spective States, may c-crtify to bo necessary for tho p-'*oper administration of the Oon- federatf. or State Governments, as the ease may to* ! ■ - hy j &. 4* '■'*1 fr»ri »►-» ■s'^d to «til tkft ;^ri*;ooj Mid grain Bo^ OS iuuii, c>e«i ha racy raiM from jmr to ▼•»r wht^ exem>fia« CttntiBBM, to tk« (iovernantnt nr to the tiot- ilie« of 0ol4i«»rft, at pricas Qxed bf the €oi«. aniaftionftra of State under the imprees- meat act: Provided, that any persfui empted as aforesaid, shali be eatitied to t credit 25 per cent on any amount of u.eit which he Biay deliver withiu three from the passage «»f this act: Proviciijd far ther, tlvar !)er8on« comino; Tvitftiu the prow si>&t of thie exemption eh»ll not be deprived of tihe benefit thereof by reason of having been enrolled since the 1st day of l^ eb. 186i. 4. In addition to the forogoing eiemji- t:;oa8, tii^i Srscretary ot V/ar, urider the di- rx.odon of the Pre.-ideiA, luuy exemj;' or da- tail such other ]>er6t>na aa ha u.^y !>e sntie.- ied ought to bo exempved on uccijuut ©f public iiece&aity, and 'to iissure the produc tion of grain and other provisions for tke army and the families of soidiera. He mar, also, grant exemptioiis or details, on such terms as ho may prescribe, to such over seers, fartnerB or planters fts hij may be sat- isfied will be more nijeful to the country ia tho pursuits of agriculture than in the u.ili- tary service: Provided, that such exemptioa shall ceado whenever the iarmer, planter or ovijTBoer shall tail diligently to employ in good faith, his owa skill, ca>|>ital and labor exclasivoly in the pr.^acti;u of grain and provisions, to be sold to the Government aud the families of Boldiers at prices not exceed ing o«e fixed at the time for like articloe by V- Jommlfisioners of the State under the iis»»rfc38ment act. 5. The president, treasurer, auditor and superintendent of any railroad company ea- gaged in traneportation for the Govern meut, and such officers and em])loyees thereof m the president or eupcrintendent shall on oath to be indis]>eni?at)]e t^ the eficient operation of said railroad: Provided, that the number of persons so exempted by this act on any railroad shall not exceed one per son for eacli mile of &.uch road in actual ns« fo.*^. ;^tary transportation; and sa’d exempt^ sbftai i}Q reported by name and dascriptioji, wibi the nsrnes of any who have leit ths fikmpioyment oi saM company, or who may eftssjstj to be indispensable. That nothing herein contained aiusfl be construed as repealing the act approved April the 14th 1863, entitled an act to ex-, cmpt contractors for carrying the mails ot the Confederate States, and the drivers rf post coaches and hoicks, from military ser vice: Provided, that all ihe exemptioos granted under this act shall only continue whilst the persona exempted are actually enga"ed in their raqpective pursuits or o(^ cupstiona. Sec. 11. That the Precident l)Ci and he ig hereby, authorised to grant detailis, ander ^eneriil rulsa and Mgulation.- to be issued Irom tho War Depr.riment, either oi pyrevas bet';vceii and tV years of a;rc, a tVom the army in the £cid, ia all cr.sea where, in hif jti: Ico, cqriizy and noce6..ity re- qnira such clci.vll ^ and he nis.y rovdke su.;h i from tli«r tax iu *»»1 cas*^ wU* th '■.tCieit o- the same shall t.ot exceed JU'OO private wiio Atiail then be in service, or in E i evtjiii ot his dt>alh picv'ioas to the |>eiic‘d >. j ut euca jiajaisi'.., tnen to the po'~on or pei- • publication of newapADer; thi . aous wno would be entitled to receivt oy printer of the Oc^nfederate and Stat ;n coTipyj,8 Oi said boude. suspension; whereas, in the Oj>inion of the Congress, the public safety rei»oiro« the suspension of said writ ia the existing case of the invasion of ^heae States by the armies of the United States; and wbv^juj, the President has asked —uuvr laiu on r M ■ u ^ ^ . i suapeisaica oi the writ of kabeaa cor- aad shJl hereaf.; r>ankmg company or j jva?., and informed Congress of conditions of iriicg oxehacge, or j >ia^ig»ition, importii g. public danger which render the sufstiension tiic ^T^“&gc8of his pay; bat no o^e shall bo (i^ovemments, and such joumevmen print entitled to the bounty herein provided who er# as the said oublic printer .Wl certify, ea at any time, diirinff the period of six , qq oath, to be indispenasbfe to perform the mon^ next after the said firat day of April, ■ ppblic printing; one skilled apothecary in be a jseiit fn.’n his command witfiout l^vo. j apothecary store, who was doing btisi- ^ Oct’r 18?52, aud has eocdnued said business, without intermission, since tiiat period; all physi- . , ciar.s over tha age of 30 years, who now are, , , lurnis^iod subotitutefo | ^he last 7 yeare have been, in the ariy longer oxempied by reaeon thereof: j sctxiiil and rernilar practice of their profes- 1 rovidea, that no pereon, here.otore exempt-1 gion, but the term phytdcian shall not iu- 3. l^/:rv rrinister of religion authonzed to proacb *. .o ’ing to tho rulos of his cliurch, ar.d , Cl the ot this act, shall he ^ regnliv-l '’’ en\ployod in the discharge of his | orders of dctnii.* Tvhcnevor ho ^hinks pr.* minie-^riui duties: snperintendonts and ph}'-. siciana of aeylums for the deaf and dumb and oHud and of the insane; one editor for e.*-;.'!h newspaper boing publiehed at the time of this act, 8»d such employees as said edi tor irkM-y e«rl,ity, oa oatL, to be indi8j>en«able he puDiic printer or tiie uouteaerate and State Sec. 4. That no peraca shall bo relieved from the operation of this act by reason of having been heretofore discharged from the army where no disahiUty now exists; nor shall those w.ho hav exporting, insurance, .manufacturing, tc 6- ii^c. 7. That the iieeretaiy of the Treasury is ! 0xpr««8, railroad, and dry-dock co a- hcrei>y wjtfc/fisod, Iroai tbne to tijnc, as the } other joint 3c-'>ck compaa'es wansH ot tiie Trcat-ury may require it, to sell or ! «svery kind, whether incorporated or n**t, tiypytaecavii for Tievury notca ^*14 bonds, or aay I ^ P^r coat. ae to ■ value of property taxed nndor tl is m ..P.r..,naaonB uy Congre*^, aad at the Mame. section chail be as -ossed upon the basis of tm«3 .mi resinct tho aioouas of ihe eircu-1 t^o m rke ' ' Ution ID Lraasury notec withia rcaecmabie aad ' ^ Site. 8. Tlia bonds authoriied by the 6tL aea- fcioa of this s; may be either registered or cou pon bonds, &n ihe parties taking them leuy cicct and thtiy toay be exohinged for each ochcr under Buoh mgaiauons aa tho Seoretnry of the Treasury may preaerit^. They ohall be for «100, and shall toQ^ethei witii the eoupoos thereto attaehod, be in such fbim and of such autUemio^tion as the 8«> retary of ihe Treasury may preuoribo; tha iutsreBt shall be payable half yearly on the fir!;t of Jan’y and July m each year; the principal slial! pay able not leu3 than 30 years from their da'e. Sao. 9. AU or a eertiScatcs bhall ba fundable, ^d shall be CL..i:sa in all respects as is provided for th« Treasury notes into which they are aon- vertible. V converted before tho time fixed for taxing the Treasury notes, such certificates shall from ttiat time bear iatoreat upon only 66i eon a for every dollar prou^ed upon their face, aad shall bo redeemable in new Treasury notes aft that rate; but after th® paaaage of this aot no call «crtifioates shali bo is>ued until aftor the first dav oi April, 18t>4. ^ 8*0. 10. That if any bank of deposit shall dvo tin depositors thfl bonds authoriaca by tho first •ectioa of this aot, in exchange f^r tUair deposits lUiu rii^itying the came on tke bonds by some . Jt.^uootivo mark or token, to betgreod upon with ihe Kocrataiy of the Xreasury, thea tho naid de- puaitor shall b« entitlod to relieve the aiao;int of * J Treat.ory notes, ysann,'/ ao Interest and outetanuiog »t the pashags ot tiiis aot; pro- tnded, tfie s«d bonds are presented before the I>rivUegf i)t funding aaiti notos at w shall ooasr ^ M herem preserit;od. Treasuiy notes heretofore maci ot the denommatioa of shall ooa^ .i lo be receivabia m p»m.-jat ot oubiia • - provided by law, v,/Sndablo JZ vrovisioaa e* «kis Mt, imtil the r mt of j i iMt, and until the first Osteber 1«64 ’ ' ' * value of such pro^)crty in ta© j uci^uborhood where assessed, in such citr- I rency as uiaj be ic **!•«] uo« tbAra, in taa I gurcnase and «&le of such property, at t^e time of asA&ssmeHt. Sec. 3. Upon the amoon* of ^11 gold aad silver coin, gold dust, gold or silver bullion, wkettier hold by the banks or other corf*o- mtiouB or individuals, 5 per c«nt.; and upon all moneys held abroad, or upon tho aoiouat ot h1) bilk of exchange, drawn therefor oa fore’.gn countries, a tax of 5 per cent.; such tax upon money abroad to be assessed and collected according to the value thereof at tke place whera the t^ is paid. ^ li. OpoQ tha amount of all solvent cre dits, and of ail bank bills and all other p'®- ners issued ^ cnrrency, ©xclueivo of nou- iuteraat bearing Contedorato treasury uot.c^, and not employed in a registered buslnesd, the income derived from whicL ia tj^xed, 5 par cent Sec. 4. Ui>o>i profits made \a trade and business, s« follows: L On all proiitii mada by buyuig aad sell ing spixitoua li(iuors, Hour, wheat, corn, ric-s, sugar, molasQCG or ab-up, =ait, bawn, pork, hogtt, ba-it' or beel oa'.de, sh-aop, oau:, haj-, todUer, raw tiidea, ieatbcr, iiorses, mules, bx»t8, shoes, coiu>u yftrna, wool, woolvii, co"^ tm ' » 1 -. c^>ai, tw^ea of to the tax on. such pi’oiits as income under the*‘act to lay tajc«9forfcho common defence, arid fvc.rr^ GU the ifovsmmont of the Oon liKleraJ'-e approved Aprii 24, ■’L Or; -lil pro^7"> made b^ buying and ' I.-i'V, r''‘ .C ■ 't'-t‘f--i of the writ a measure proper for the public deience against invasion and insurreotion; now, therefore, The Congroas of the Confederate States of America do enact. That during the present invasion ot the Confederate States, the priv- iiOge of the writ of hat>ea8 corpus l>e, and tiio same is hereby, suspended; but such sus pension shall apply only to the cases of per- iKkua ureatod or detained by order of the rreeident, Secretly of lTar,*or Ttio-€kiu».i»t Officer commanding the Trans-Mississippi Military Department, by the authority and under the control of the President It is hereby declared that the purpose of Con gress in the passage of this act is to provide more effectually for the public safety by BTispendmg the writ of habeas oorpua ia the following cases and no other: L Of treason, or treasonable efforts or coxabinations to subvert the government of the Confederate Stotc». LL Of conapirame*; to overthrow the gOY- ernmcnt, or ’ ’ • ■ • ' - -» authority ot ipi ed on account of religioua opinions and who has paid tiie tax levied to relieve him from service, shall bo required to render military service nnder this act Sec. 5. That all white male residents of the Co’ifederate States, between the ages of 17 and 18 and 45 r.nd 50 yer.ra, ghAl! enroll tliemselvos at such timtift and placca, and under such regulations, as the Presidout may prescribe, the time ii,llowcd not being lt»a than 30 days for tb(j«je ea-st, and 60 duyd for thodo weat of t.!io Mississippi rivor, and any person who shall fail st) to enroll him- selr, without a reasonable excuse thereior, to be judged of by the President, shall bo placed ia iorvico iu the lield for the Wir, in the same manner as though they were be- tweea the ages of IS and 45: Provided, that the persons mentioned in this section shall OOnStltUie U iC»or-ro tlufiujCil e.i>rj detail duty, aad shall not be required to perlbrm service oat of tho Stat^ m which they reaido. Sec. 6. That all pcrvsous rt-^iuivod by the 6th eection of thia aot to (iuroQ thomsiVives, may within 30 days atcer the pa*iage tb'gre^ ot,* o4' the fiiiseissippi, aud vrithin 60 days, if west of said river, form themt^olvas into voluntary organiaatiooa of companies, battsilioEo or reginjw>tj3, and elect thbir ow: 3a>d orgiiuixut'.ona t-j cunform to the* conspir.^^iefi to resist the la%ul 1 a»id, hju-ing so organii^'^d, to the Lfontbdorate St.atcs. j *^-id^ir tooir eervices ao voluateers during iho war to tho Prefiidont; and if ^^iYibining to jvsaist the enei'n.v', or of commauicatini* - in. dfct.i ag ititelligonce to the enemy. Graving him aid and comfort IV. Ol o5tj ipiraciea, preparations and at tempts to ./f . ‘c; sisfvile inAurrection. V. Of uiv-. -I'tions or encouraging deser tions, of hart>onng desortors, and ot attempts to avoid inllit,;ry »servicc: Prorided, Thas in . case of palpablo T^ong and oppression bv ar.y subordinate o3icer upon any *>arty who does not legaUy ow? nulitary servii^3, his 'Eperior oScer shall grant prompt relief to VII. (X holding oorrespoadenc© or inter- cofU80^ with the enemy, without necessity and without the M' without the p«rmiaaion of the Oonlede- JL rf nnlawfol trading: with the ore- d 0>hrr f-fSe^noOa %srs,irrpt *h« I'O iring ncli or-.jau- izations shall r'urnisb proper musror roiU, as now organized, and deposit a copy thoreof with tho enrolling ot£cor of thair district, which sjfirill ba equivalant to «r±rolliaont, t»iey mny l>e A«’cei>ted as minute men for eecvioe in «uoh State, but in ho evoat to bo token out oi it Tlit».«) who do not so voluu- toar and or^^anize, shall enroll themselves as holbra proviiljd; aud may, by tho President, be re^atred assemble at convenient pla- cae of res-deaw^ous, aud be formed or organ- iaed mto companies, battalions and regi ments, ander regulataoas to be prescribed by him;; And shall have the right to elect tlioir company and rogimontai otflcers; and ail trooips orgjMiixed under this, act for Stalo defonce, ah^l be anti^ed, while in actual servioo, to tho sawuj pay aad all>wance aa troops now in the iiold. 3^ 7. That any person who ehall fail to ns reqnir«»d Miaaisflinpi nvcr, but after Uiat stocks, notes, debts, credits, or obligations the Confedei ato States, enated to promote! the President, without ifr* I MUM umo the, ot any kiud, aad any mercnaudue, proper-^ their guccesa in th© war. ^ I Ht’ftr.i? :;t th« ot rw^^-'y-r I by tho authority of the Pres \ a excv^ to be judged by iuui. Sion, ciuie dr’-'t’sts* ail presidaiita and teachers of colic :es. theok»gical seminaries, acade mies aiic. ^ctoch, who hav© been regularly engaged i.s &uch for two years next before tho pa-jsr^o of tliis act: I’rovided, that tho beuetit ot this exemption shall extend to those teiichons only whose Echools are com posed »f iiO students or mo'e. All superin tendent of public hospitals, eBtiiblis^od by law before the passage of this act, and such physicians and nurtos theioin as such su perintendents shall ceutify, on cath, to be indispeueable to the proper and eMcient mami^ement thwreof. 4. There shall be exempt one person as owner or agriculturist on each farm or plan tation upon which there are now, and woro on the 1st day of J an’y last, lo able-bodied field-haud^ between the iiges of 16 and 60, upon ihe following conditions: 1. Tlus exemption shall oaly bo gwintad lu cases in which there is no white male I i^uit on the farm or plantation not liable to military service, nor unless the person elaiia- ing the exemption was on the 1st day of Jau’y 1864, either the owner and maaagor or ovarseer of said plantation, but in no case ohail more than one [>ersva he exempted for one farm or plantation. 3. Such persoa ehall first ex^ute % bond, payable to tiie C^jnfederate States of Amer ica, ia such forra, aad witb such eecurity, Jind in such penalty as the Secretary of War may prescribe, conditioned that he wiU de liver to tho Governmont at some railroad depot, or such other place or places as may be designated by tiie Secretary ot War, within 12 months next ensuing, 100 pt.unda of bacon, or, at tho election ot tho GovetR- !uent, its equivalent ui p,^rk, and 100 lbs. oi uat bwf (said beef to bo delivered on toot,) ftM* each able-bodied slave on said^larm or plaatation, within the above said agoa, whe ther said slaves in the field or not, which said bacon or pwk aad beef shall be paid for by the Government at the prices fixed by tlie Oommissionofs ol the fctato under the impressment act: Provided, that when the pere«)n thus exempted shall produo«» satis factory eridenoe that it has been impossible for him, by the oxcroise of proper diligence, to furnish the amount of meat thos contract ed for, and leave an adequate supply for the aubsistenoe of those living on the aaid tiarm •'*r t>bintfW»oi\, tno Seofetjiry oi" War direct a commutation of the same, to tho Qxteati Qi two-thirdd thereof iu grain or othoc J P-’ovid-d, that the power heroin grautud tc tbo President to make details and evf^irp- tions f hail not i>e Ck;a3lrued to antiiorize the exemption or detail of any contr=.ctor foi fornisiiing euppIit.'S of auy kini to thi ''ckjv- ernment, by resaon 'ft' aaid contract, unless the he*d or socretary of tho department n-a- king such contract ihall ceiiit; that tiie be^ sonal services of such contractor are india neneable to the execution of aaid contrHct: Wovided further, that wlcn aay such eon tractor shall faiij diligently and iaitbfuliy, to prccced with tho execution of such cfu- tract, his exemption or detAil shall coaso. Sec. 12. That in appointing local boards of surgeons for the examination of portoas liable to military service, no ni'cmber c *ai- }K)sing the saiuo shall be apj'-ointed fron» the county or enrolling district in which they are required to make such exaiainatio’j. Pcz; Oiaoe, Fayolteviiia, tV. U., ^ OcroBEr. 3, 18G3. ) SehtvuU c f ths Arricai e.nd DiphrtiK-» of ih« MiiU at tku Oj^»6€. llA.LEWn T>.. AVEaASBOvO’. Ac. A.rrlTcs aiiilv, cxoepf Saadiiy, fA p. .H. Dcp:*rt3 exvOpt iJrttarj'.y *£.t 0 P. iJ. RAL r- IQ a via 8 U .Vi M i' RVI fjL 5. D#ijArts Tues’.Uy aad Fri by at G A. \l. Arrifcs VTci:; asd st ^ P. M 4SBA-r Til CLINTO?* Arrivfa dtily fct 12 ar^a Diip^ris tikili at I' M- C’.RTHAQE. Arri'7:s Tneedt/, P ^wunip.y 7 P. i)cp4.r>« Aiocasy. t^r^••is^^1tday * i-i FruUy ta I P. M. CHKiiiW, S. •G. Arrivfts TuPSil%y, lUar- l:»y tiad at P M D 'piirts Su«di)f, Tue«;U; aaJ fct 1 t*. M. Hf.CrF T.a LUMit£lUOM. Atrivftrt fc. Ssi.-y, I.'iui’stlay and S%tvrd»j at G A. M Pc-p-'-r.a T'V- aci Thure i»y at 1 P. M. P.0U13-S.).^ iS vj^ C iZoaJnj, Ww»7 »0'i Frul*j at 6 A. If. i'-i»ud BiJ,ari».y at 2 P. 92. L’LlZ.\BK?HTO« N vi» TSU£Bl»TH. -irTiTe-i Moudsy tt it P. 34. Dapart^ Sirae Cir {.^Soaday) it 6 P. M. MAaHOLli T*a crPHESS CRlSBlt. AiTi»8s Tae*'5iiT -i*. i P. M. Ucp-irta asra? d»y (Taeaday) at 2^ P M 3WIFX via MONTROSE, «k» FOWRLLruN .l^rrives Tn'*«d»y ai P. M. ' DepiPta Wcdn- •.!«f f-.Tl A. 3^. 8Wif i'S^LAND via IP-Ov ArrivOT Tnes 'iy ■ P. AJ. Depsrtf Wfe^casdav U 11 A M AU ffliiia lSAVia_^ 02? rr-. 7- ^ tu« eveo ng t>CiVr« 9 P. \-l IV r.- :.j oatii otf froa '•■•I’S ofii'ii.:, -liiior ‘ y /»»■!, c-.usi 6 pi'd far ii! ant by’a*il. All 'fttprn'^iottU ^.c p;«-paid bjr i c^at - T|ue ofliija iriU t>o •>{>« 00 Suniay ftn.-a S| to 9J A ^ , aad fr^m 4^ to 5^ P. :4. JAS. 9. COOK. P VJ. T'im PSIITEiSa, *'* h*-:- Srt -5 urtfe»r j.ooif *• rfii£ c\aoLs.ir4L aCTiJiL u?g i.'lisjjai.^ca C0ilPA.1i!f, T^OW in tbe t«cta jmt oi succsssmi op«r.-\uoa, with i« growing eapit^ aad firmer kold upon publie ooa- ftddnoe, eo&tiBues t> iua'ire iha lives of *11 hcsltky per- sooji from 14 60 ysg^a *f age, for «ao yaar, for scTen years, and for Ufa—all iJi» weiBbers sharing in 'he j»roSt9 All slavea from 10 to iO ys^rs cf age are iasured »» oae y«tf *^r for &ve years for two thiris theu' value- aJj JoPMfl &r* pimeiuaLly paid wUlun SW d%ja satiafiwii ry proof presi»*-^d. Per liuther infjmatiea i>ite public ih referred to Agent* « the Oomi'anT in \ll parts t di# 8ts>t«, as» I B. «.'BATTLJ, 8.^?rc.ury, a.,le«?a S. J. IfALB, A.^eii*. %t Jaa’f iS&d. Par*''-e»d'* ^ Blank Waxraats for saie here.

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