'Oil ’ - ^ (ii- i ‘ or da- itiu- ■ ’iiltt ©f , n.duc- / ■. the «ua,v, '■n 8,1 ii over- Nt iat- u :‘ry ia I'.i? u.'|li- V :’.itor'or .^ lov in u, labor A 11 and •ent aud e/-v;oi ai L‘Cd- tlcioA snd»f if-r and ‘>»ny «^a- ter- d he ig aader ■ aeiiod .•re-'ag n t'le hlF :r re- i: br i-.jrt .lou to Vf*-; p - >,• lue ■ ‘‘‘t y- . ;ss V ;..er n. is- -trnct: ; • -.rdfc 'I - nia rl'i 'lie ’ i i t; V at P M 1' M ». M. A M \ M. P. t?. bi A L n, witSi aoa~ per- ireu 0613 li lOT • h-if to u> 'O X!V v'AYK J'rE^ lLU:, ^ NOVEMBER 10, I8tvl. fNo 1383)' INTFD MONDAYS aND THURSl>AYS J i. jJALE & SOSS. -LlTOr.3 Aiii) rROPlUETORB. ?r'3* fPT tue 6emi-\V?«kly (tsuimviK $li> tK). |;»ld U jdTfcn;«. V9f t^e W(i€kiy UBtsKVSR fiO 00 i»i>r unaxK, paid In 4W**ADV>;RTISt;'MiINT8 -.tjifortod fer per S juAre of 12 lines or Icpa for tiia firjt, and #‘i for each BQCCcMinc pubUoatic'B. Advertisera arc reqa?8ted to «t»t« ih^ nuiEV.wr ot lasertionB d^nire^, or they will be erntlinied tii! foiMd, »>;d cLirfed aooordingiy. Adycrtiar rj-nta ooatiDwd charged a* ne's ad- t?niioT!i'n . KPKJUJ* Norrcs. froa r»ii. 7^iCi .aisdati', no name of a nev •ubaoribM )T.U be e:.t«r?d i»ithcut f.aymciit ia advanoe, aor will tie P»}'f ■ t« t«* suo)! subeoribors for »longer Ums 4 • . 'nf. Sui;: I. -iir old ?Vib3C“!>'er3 as desire to take th« pa- p«r on ihb v'sifcffi ■wili please bctlf/ ns irhen making fi’iiiiti luct' Jan’y 1, 1858. gg' ■ ■'■ —"!'■_■■■■, , JgJL 1j W. £>KAUOIIOi\« AOCTIOWEEK, • 8. K. Coroer Market Sqoare, FAYETTETILLE, C. a®* Frr>avt' BUeuiica to all baf)ia«g« ia his roTToiv %o. lo. rHE FATETTEVILIE COTTON CARD MANUFAi'- TURING COMPANY are now manunicturi jgCARL'S •nperior to any rua thruagb the olock^e, ac i »t prt^aent are selling for a less prica the single pair or bj the quaa- tlty. Any person ordering six or morp pairs, they wiil b« ■ecorely packed aud delivered in Wilmington free of ox- j»eu8e. Call apon or addrtes A. A. McKBrilAN. • J. A. WOHTa. ALEX. JOTfN'SON. Jr. , Fayettevillfl, N. C., April 18 24lf I FayetteviUe Rosin OH Works. OUR W(U'k8 are now In complete operation, and as wo use notkin? but ^ood rosin in pro'’uciiicj tlie j Oil we can recommend it to be the be^t of the kind nmdo I La this country. It is a tint» Luhricating ar.d Tanncr’a I ^il, aiid wa would be ^litd to receive orJera ft'oiu the i Oovenimeat and the public ^enerallj. We will sell on ; raaeonablc tonaa. MOOillS, OASHWEl.L A CO. Afril 16. 2*-tf ' To tbs iilembera of the House of Comaioad. I FATSTTgviitB, N. U., August 17, 18S4 ond»rsi;o8d I'eflreo'fnllj prcb'ntd hitnself to.'voor a .'.Tir* r? i c*>rfdi*’lir for re eleattr.n to th? cSicij ci I T riaoinal ciprk of tli9 H -'asoof Cojimcus cf the Genera) 1 A«»tiably of the Btaie of NoriU 1 ilEi^ar E. COLTON ltoorSct |>er»tb^p ol t3»e J^en^Ce. 'I’ilS in. ef^iisfoel ro^viu »ali) \i.ncuno*a feiaiiin-l' ib a \ irdi io or ih‘ >E3f cf ASSlSriNT DOOR- r-.EEPE" to *,''e oi ^'»rjl!n% it the easu- Bft'-ioE. L»tu: *• I uv6n >11 fljrvici, W'-fl w unJrd. aud an- uojr o^. l est d:;. - If fleo’ed, I rill >0 aU j can to scria (i* 8jaate f-i hfuUy and ao cepu.b:y. J. H. LOUDEKMILK ■ ’1 78 ■ bEtrif.eJ to tiim. J.,re 10, 18t>4. 40tf ISAAC HOUIVGSWORTfl, ^roeer tad CofflMii^jiioa Merehait) FAYETTEVILLE, N 0, joce 13. 40 tf S4\n. JflcJL, McKJi F, Attorney at Law, il'ATKTTtVILL*, N. 0. itrrLL attend ttie Couuty and Superior Courts af IT Csaberi&nd, fiaraett, Moore ani Robeaon Coofi- d*e. Prosipt attention givew to the coUeotioa of all )Iaimi encrusted to bis hacdd Oct. IT. 1859. 68-tf Ji^S. rTLEY, and Commission ^VerchatU* FAYETTEVILLE, N. 0. rfWi’y Id, IH'iS. 93-tf *ATi*-S‘ A. STkDMA-V. WV. H. BKKXiJLD. .*%. rV A CO., l^aOLESiLE iXD IIETIIL DEALERS AND €0T1 .n£RCH^% .to. 19, Hay Strteif fayettevilla:, n. c -Vrtl N. 26 tf WAi^TED. Klia BUSHELS WUEAT, >4,0UU 1,500 •* CORN. I’er - as kaviag t&e abcT^e articlca tc acll wtilreeaiTe .5 CskSa yricv 'jv calliuff ou Mr. VI. Tiioaap-'u, lefiit .nt Mril'T, rajvite’Tuie, ar o« the •aiwu.t r I t.is alrt aujil 3u Mvrk« 8q'i»re ALti' JOaKSON, Jr. Jot. 0. 1862. T6tf ^Ail^5 Y IIAJkSe^. 5 .\M prepared lo manataotare ali kmcU of Wagoa i baiu\:i!S lor Army U3e. I tan my leather bui caii life gyoct biJgaian. Agears will do WcU lo ocai their ; v ia 10 kd iti j Buail hare prompt attention, and jit lu 4U.13!: (ii*patcCt. JOHN CARTER. Qxi.dr.^ir. P. 0.. C2c;aam Co., N. C., ) ^ , Jime 13, 1862. / Surgeon CreQeral’s Office, \ Rataiuu, N. Jcjia lOru, ls->4. / ’'LSfeENGEbl Will Itave tais Ofica oa tfie first d*y, bi^ k me fitceeuih day, of erery oionth, for -Gen Lee I* hraj. All uoxes left herj for aay muuibar o' taa'. *r-^y ifiii oe o*iriei uiere proinpil/ by aim and dearer.;.! to ii.e owaer. EDWARD WARREN. ii li Sorgeoa General North Carolina i- Alter tbi» date I will pay 15 Gentd per pound for raga, or :AC bi^heet isariiet price, deUvered in »Velk's or at my tnilw m Rockftah. D. MURPHY. F^Vy le, IS.4 7-tf i' LO UR A.\b OATS. |?LOCR and OATH w;li be exo|iajiged f.ir Com at the 1; otore of D. :iicLaarin, by giTiug him a few days aotiid. Jf'ioor good, Oata No. 1. black or white. -a’y 29. 2-tf j ^>oor34i:ep.'rs3iii>|to the I ■•-5'’ -iber rcjp'?ct.’’'liv rt;iT»nvii)A. r'-j-.joi aOAN- DI > IE for th*= caioe of PSIV IPAL L'OOR- ■ F - Ef'Fa lo ts.- n.’xt SENATE of N n^. Ho ^ h-3 be: n ;a i c wat t'tar Bi'oo April 18«1, and 'u now 4 .-*iaiblea aod nA ’.i;t55t dv»y. 1/ elected he pla4« e hio*- f'"lf !o ■* iilfchft.rge of duty * 'fT - ■= Oot’r 26. 79 ORUXAXCE DaPlBTfiSXT, ) RAxaxaa, N. U., M^ay U, 1863. / ; LAD WANTED.—1 wiah to pumhaoe Lewi for this Lj i>. t itriLueut. I^eraoaa uavu.g .ar^o or «me.U quao- liueo w»ll plead!} apply at oiice. Will gire i pooad of POWDER for 10 pounda of JuEAJD. TM08. D. iiOQG, Capt. U. S. '^& tf la charge of Ordnance. iue !flak6Pj or ifistillern. 1 llAVL f.r b»ie 10 irua bound heav/oak FERMENT- Jl I.mJ cT.-i.ViJS, of ca^oaoity of 1^0 ga Ions; aiao, 4 n«t 'Oh'.-My, ■,.a'H3 fiZj Prtce eicgl/$'00 caoh. Any f ;r,H .a w 0 Will tnkd tae waote o*u a*ve*iaaui for $1000. Ta- y ' ; j*bie t > any on* wiakiOg to make Wiue or Jie.i,. Ai j. 'O-aa of h*'f sii8 of abo»e for sfcio at ha)/ the ! .•. r .-,9 HENRY £. COLTON • ij .'. i—'5 Oct. 1. 72tf l*alma Christi Beans. S”' £ 'ibeeriber trill pay the liigh«et oasb rrioM f*’*' S .'Uaxi.iiy of Pal*?* Baavis Ot* » » i '»OBTP WAx\T£D, Hinss to tan on sharcB. Tersis, i Leather or its eqiitaieat in caoh We o«a tin H in • very -iiorf ’;m» if desired, by Hiokle’s patent P'rsias wishing ‘■isw'ir Hid94 tanned cau sjod th im ^ oar aadresa lo iiijj pt Depot, w;»ere they will be ukeo fr- ui ^nd Leather -lebTsred at our «xpe:»e. Oar adi.easjs Beauoiont, Coatliaai Uouoty W D. WA >N & 00 Refarcnoe ,Vle«sr» Q w. WililaTaa 4 Uo , F^ottetiUe. An . 44. 61*&3wtljpd l(»Hiig’§ irittmeUcal DicUdnary, I jVtlBRAClNQ aeyetem of AriLbmetio, Heady Beokoo- iU ’T, latereat Qalo«l%tor, BoA Kaeping, Forms, Jto. 1 J. BALK * BOBS ?' h , I*, EAGLC FOIJNDRT, \ FaTiTTaviLL*. N 0.. Jaiy 4, l^R. t WB ARE NOW Pr.EPARED TO RKCEIVE OR- der« for ^ RAIL ROAD WHEELS of the following sites. ▼ «: 24, 26, 28 and 30 iaoii. f’eo CHILLED TIllES The Iron we shaH use for th ‘ willbeOOLD BLAST CHARPOAL IRON, anAwa war- r»Ht oar wheels NOT TO nRACK, aud to b« i*qasl to any oaa le in the Con'ederaoy, or to those of Vbsiney A Sons of Pkiladtlphiiv, wbo«* repata;ioa ia s ■ woll known by all Rail Ro d Companies. We hai»e thb best faoiUtiee for transportation by Steamers to Wilmiogtoa, from theaoa to any part of tb:* Confeeraay. Orders respeot^illy eolioitei 46tf] D. ANDRR80N % TO ~WESTE»1%' 11HE FRSIGHT AND PASSENGER TR.UN« of this . Read leave FayetteTlUe d^ily, (Sundays excepted) at 8 o’clock, A M.. and retuming leave Egypt at 1 o’clock, P. M. Cniiie sud Born ?V«i> MONDAY, WEDKESDATaa.i FRIDAY. By order JNO. M. ROBE, Treas’i’ and Gen’I Trans. Ag'i. Jan. 22. 18d8. ^Ttf On and after the Iwt day of Octo ber, Cabin Pasnajc^ wilt be ^0; Dcck Passage #25; Way Passage in prosoriion JOS A. WORTH. C. r Steam Boat Co T 8 LCTTERT Oa, North Carolina. R M. ORRELL. fate MoLturin. Payatt^TiUe. Sept i7 71-l&.*ln) Wanted to Lease, For one or m yomrts. th* 'lONT.AGUE FL*CE 12 to 14 mi!»a fro*^ Fayetiatille ou the old Pir*r ®Tm aoiiLauia ill aoraa. »• desired. ti oau wtjo batfeniuji'Dtforo^ tj t. yrr tSt N r x., \r© will sell *n lutereat M*j. Neili K Is’d LtnJing P O , wiil show the rlaji to an- one defiric? to see it C C BARSI^E & CO. Baro’ay’iJIe, Oan;bcrUad Co , Sep* ‘ C^if Salt tor S»le. BU9H>;LS S0U:^U .SAI.T -sad: m thp Spring l&bS—willexciiins^ilforBa’Jor. Lari Orn, or Oonfelerate TroMary N tea. Also, ^0 b xe* 5r.e CHEWING T'>B.ACCO; for sale v. in» sjoro orpoei's Gape Fear Bank. A. G THOP.NTON. S»Dt 2 64-tf and Thursdaj. April 6—17tf ] From and after thic date the Steamer A. P. HURT wil.' leave at 8 o'clock, A. M., ou Monday JOS. A. WORTH, Ag’t C. F. Steam Boat Co. GOMr&fiKRATS STATM OF IMKBICA, ] ExQiaaaa Dkpaetiixst, Dist. Caps Fsas, v Wiinungton, N. C., March Itjth, 1863. j Notice is hereby given to all persons baTics olaim.« ai^aisBt the Engineer Departnect, for eervioca of slaves employed as laborers on the land dtfmcu near Wilmiiigtoa, Ci G , that the cnderBigned is authorised and prepared to pay the same at his sScc, cn ihe ee-’ ooad floor of the building next above Meares’ Drag Store, Market Street. Persons executing Powers of Attomay wul ob serve the following form—their sigiiatures, in all eajefi, to be witnessed bj two witnesses and signed in dupli cate, or they may be witnosaed before a Jnstise of the Psaoe or Clerk of any Coart. FORM OF POWER OF ATIORNSY. I, —— of , do hereby appoint —-, of —, my true and lawfol Agent to sign reosipta for, s.nd receive payment of all monoys due to me by the Engineer De partment of the Confsderate States of America, for tbc services of my slaves c’lployod as laborers cb the land defences at , daring the month of , 186 Witaam my hand and mai at , the day of , 186 (Signed la dnBlioaU.) • Wttaa rBeal.] The sigaaluxes of eolored tH-rsobs sboold be witneesed by three witaessea. There must be separate dnplieaie F suers of Attorney for eaoh m nth. Bluik ^onnis oas b« Sad upon appli- oaiioti at thii office W H JAMKR civpt » Chief En,r. Un’» 90 1Pf*4 iaOO.f Wool Wanted for the State of N. Caroliaa. The andersigaed ooatinae to exohange COTTON YARN for WOOL, one baudle of Yarn for 4 lbs. un washed, or 8 lbs. clean washed Wool They will ali>o pay a liberal prioe in oash for large or sqiall lot^. GEO. W. WILI.UM8 k CO., Agts. FayeUeville, June 16 ' 42tf FAYETTJE VILLE MUTCiL INSURANCE G«pital ia Framiura Notea amouuta to $267,088 :£n Cash on hand and other assets. 6,077 35 .Application will be made to ' li X‘. aejdi >a of tue Ligtsiaioro of Norta C*rohba a-a Act of lu’ofp'jj' una fir il’ 8 .erpria? Cottju ■'i- .ur*ci.ufing tJompany, d'.tuatpdt io Fayetteville. O'i S ■*4t8 Lo.4t €»r l§tolen, ^ B1/m:3 Ki k P VR.V.8')t*, someiraat worn hat- - 'S a ^gaT*}i bor i*^r and fringe Tiii fandijr will be ■» r -ja'un.l t le>»iag it at UiisOfii&* Sept. 12 Uill^iboro’ Xi €. iHilitary Acadeiny* The n xt srssicn cf this In?iitutIon will begin on W>ii‘?.’da;, Feb’y 1st, 18o*» Applications for al- la^sim rsa-'t bo t"%ie nr:or lo 15th Dec’r 1854, about w^iel^ lis» will be node knowi Adore*? Mhj. W.vi. M GOl'I>ON, Sup^rictrndeat. Oil. \ 7^ 4oj l^hin;;lr$ Wanted. - /»A AAA SHINGLES W^N'TED Arrly tJ UU.Ul/l/ ISA\G HOLLINGSWORTH. 72ff «cr. 1, Card .Notice. TFIEP.E Is bow reaiy to be lisaed from thi^ Depart* m*nt to tae different in the ..tate « lot of COTTON AND WOOL CARDS This lot of Cards will be seat to the ♦g?nta, with Backs ready for tac’^iog t'ao ^»r^*s cn, and be sold at $22.60 P'-r pair to the oiii- soQB generally; i n; irs.riK' ) ia luore than o5e pair to bs 6jld t:> a ftmiiy *hes* cards arc n'lt inteod^d for th>' fj riili*:" of so diora. Thj Department is b»v';Bg a Urge let backed ready for usi, whici 'ill be fceaf out and s-Jid to the famiii-a of aol'iiara as f*sl as hcy can b» inai3 at ^ trach less p»‘io9 Apcnta are rcqaestci to make aifTan^vix,cnt* and o»ll for th ■«?. n. A. D0VyT>, A. Q. M. Oct. 20 78 6i Total, 5272,765 IS The Oompnaj have paid ali losses promptl;, and kavc oefver mair an aM68:Taaent on their preodusi notes. Total losses paid, Ornoaaa: GBO. McNEILL., President. D. A. RAY, Vice President. 0. A. 'MoMILLAN, Seo’y. Dimsoross: Hearj Lilly, W. N. Tiliinjrhast, H. L. Myrover, B. J. Uinadale, 8. T. Hawley, Wm. MoLinrin, N&than A. StedmMi, »T. S. Luttorloh, C. B. Mallett, A. W. Steel, James Kyle, J- G. C^ok,. A. A. MoELeth^ Hon. J. G. Shepherd, J, D. WilliMtti, B. F. Bruwn, \ , . 8. W. TilUaghiBt. A. B. Uall, / Jokn ColliBS Mid 0> G. MoGranuaeA, Traveling Agents i^Tk* OoBUBMUr If pUMtiOM- meORE & CASH VELL, Fayetteviile, N. C. OIL! OIL!! \I7E are now ex.tn>iivel/ e’-g»ged In the mannfa-'tnre “ o' a very »>uperior fv^'Q]^ ot LUBRIOATLJG OIL Th^a Oil is in»,^e from R -'.m, hut by an enStrely ntve frocns tnd so f»r Burpas.^; j the vegetable oils h?rj;o- fore msdi in tbis country that go >d ju Ijjen ha».‘» pro- I. un;ci it aliii..;jt, if not qiiiii, equal, for lubricating purpcaes. to the bast Train Oii It hit. bte » l^rgc'y used by tbi* Railroads ia Virginia an 1 North Tar. iina ac i ful r an* s irs all ths purroses of tie moH- eApe,.?ive oils Zieretofore UHod. WA^rgr^r it has btfn tried it Aa» ffivefi compUte taiU/action, and hfti, perman u'lj, tak.a tie p’.4ce of til otbsr ' cbrijators Ir 18 ras vnKr Bssr ViaxtABLi Oil madi is tdi CoaraDEKATi States. We have now na haaJ, which we offer at a rery Uu> price, 875 Bbla Lubricating Oil. 75 Qo Taauers’Otl. 60 do Paljttticg Od We are m\kir^ shcat sixt, barrels a week, and soli cit orlern from Railroads, FwUD^ries, F.'vctories and in- air'uu*»«» rvtnry'txn a xy ~ tr*‘rr'rr-r;r.'r.^ Fajtt'^evil'e. N. C. Oot’r :;d 78-2m PLAirTATIO:¥ W't'i Oo|>, «*ock, WasrojiK, YIiiIcm, tVr., Iliereois, la«c .^»|or Jokii T. t^rui.'>rcN, lo be «ol«i at Public Aiiciitin. TIK ab’ te properly will be offc'ed for sale on tbe premit.ea »a IUE-^DaF the ^iJih November lJ*o4. iae Laai n m oa?b''i/, and cjaaiu4 48'i> acras. nearly .11 oi waioh is Swi-.np Lan 1, there beiag bO acres well dramod, cleared and under cultirtti^n, yield- 'Dg the h09t crjp* of any land in this suction o’’ the Tiers ia aliia aboui '-OO aorea of Sw^mp Land cqiali> as good as that uuicr cait.vation, to bcolear-d, waish .nay be ca«»Iy drained, (same of waici is already di oied and partly c.eared,) tag rtjaiaiad.’r ’s used for pasture aui W3ad iaai. Tcs Uouiia aad buildtn^a are at-a couveai'^i.t diat.-vaoa froci the farming lauds above described, oa a healthy, h-ga a:;d dry part of ibe tract, wiih ;rood wa er. TUa buii.'ings are in good 'epair, in- oluJ’ng a co'-ifortable dwsHicg h«nso, oonveui*nt and wv>i arrauged negrj aonses; K9odf&n':cs. atablea, barus, cribs, bts. gardenc, &J The planution i^ 14 miles from twiitoviile, oa ta« Ea3t side of the Cape Fear Rivar, a^out one aad a half miles from the River, rnd cmb'A3«a what ia knowa aa Alligacr Swamp, adjoics Jobnaou aixd otaers, &ad ia not very far from >he mouth of Cedar Creek ani the residence of Mr J. 0 Blocker. FAYnTTEViLLE WORTH CAROLINA •IC.f fp3F Pfi-;* i' -HOT o*” t»is luslittt'ion will r;ommi'nce J Is* Of F?..(a:rrr, 1865 Apvl vuiicna for adra^Mioa mnH bo made prior to ibi* 1 »• » a'liftr', 1865. about wliia'« tioje *he tet!a«> will he ttaie Al?'>, V '.;,‘.ad, two Te^ohflrd of Milst«ry Rduoaflon and » SifcWJ.; • ia thii I'-aiituticP. A-Mr/M M»j. WM A. BANKS Saperlitotdent 80 tf Boxes Eor l^oidlers. i LL rCXEd FOR FOLDIE^.S OR PKIjONKRBO? ij. W»,t .-41 Nortii Caroiiu'i, deli»t»rc«I to the follovr ing LKoidi peraous wiit be promptly fii ifirdcd fi*«e of okurgv-: Dr D F Bummey, AstieviJie; •’ A Morjr*iitor>; w-x J W Allip-iD. StatcsviUc; L No.tg'o, Gfeeas’'oro; i»f A tij}'aa. Obarlottc; Mr E3it;.rd c5o^e, Salssai; > -t ^ M.eDnwell, A WortU. - XI & v3o,.WilHiin|ttoa; Mr F L Bend. Tarboro; Mr J J Aekew, Colerain; ’'ir F id Robertti, Murfreesboro T: ' R?iea 8'iou*i be wo-1 booped. jjicp?r!T nia»k^ and deii*cted iu time for my aptci&r M-rsBV-gsr who leaves R%eich cn tbc first da/ cf every mont:\. ^ EOkVARD WARREN. Surgeof G=snM N 0. JlileigK, ^ot 2^ 80 1m Steamboats and Railroads take NoticeT AT 1 atn prepared to repair ^oiUrs, do Lathe Work, JL an/ kiod of C 'pper Work or Casiinj', at sbo.*‘t Rctice at the Siar Foundry, by M. A BAKER Oot’r 17. 76 iro LAUD FOR SALE. ~ B\ virtue of a Decree of the Court of Equity in the Ci»»e of Dagald MoPha^l and otberj as>inst Thos ftloPuail aud otaers—Petition for sale of Lau'* for Par tition—I will cx -ose for sale, o' T'lesiay the 15-h day *f Ncvciabsr, 3 Trao s cf LAND, oa the E»3i aide o’ Cape Fear P,4Vrr, coj'..ainiQg 60 aores, *icr*B, ani 31J acres, the pros'erty of the iMe Riburt MoPbail Tbc aaie uo bi» at late reBiJeoofl of g»ii Ms^hail, near Flea Hill, in ComberUa i County. Terms at saie W.'i J. MePtlAlL, Ccmmiesiorer. _^Oot’r t2 76-t8 Xax iu Kind—Bobc«$on County. An fiJIlWAlEof the prefent year’s cf"p of corn, sLort oorn, bocUwh^at, Roug*> rice. Irish potato*;?, cur>'d fodder engar. molasses of cane, molasses of eor- g:um, cotton, peas b?aus and ^oucd peas, being c*’l- ei f'r by the Goveri.m;n'; Wo will meet the fafmfrs >f Rv be-ion Countv, at the following times and places to take their r0sp.>oti»e lisfsr to-wit; At L rabcrfoD, Moodav, Toe*dty and Wedn'esday of County Ocun, Nov 28t}>, 29.i and 80ih Barnt Swamp, Tuuraiay, Deo r 1st. 1864. Satitb’?, Friday 2nd; Blue Sprints, Suurday 8J; Lumber Bridcc, Monday 5tfc; • P* Paul’n, Tuesday 6;ii; HowelloT.lle, Wt d ('9'’ay 7ih; * Ban»t Ib’andf, Thar^Jaj 8tb; Lumberton Friday 9t.’; Back 8w*mp, Saturday lOlh; Alfordsville, Monday 12th; Thompson^ Tuesday 13ih; White House. Wednesday I4th; S'erliQg’s Mills, Thursday 15th; Sealey’s, F»'iday 16th; It'"1)1 be seen taat farai«rs are reqairnd to render fall and a^curam liats of tfceir enitre crcp i..f the »i/0»e articles of prodii?e Althongh *»ome may a.'t bi» ll«bl « T..T 18 Kjod b» VOL^I wiil br rcauired to t>ani in 1. IB..' U">--r '*ta vji’irrifi"'" *»»i( coneiJere ■ liable to th^ tax, anv> iitli rcjponaifcle It vff'Ti's U3 plaaiiuro t.hrough this mtdinn:, lo ao- know c Ig ‘b“ 1 7*lty, patviotis.a and promptocss of the farnier? 'fRo eaoa Ciujty, ia Jistia? fiair -rm II #raia aud wool. Wita very f»w exo^pticns t'tose required to pay a t#x la kia : came f;i wa'd protuptlf, at such ‘iirra as they toaid ^ueet a«, aud readereil tbiir l.tu, vitbo> t a Biu'roa.- All secaied united upon the one »;r-dl i??ue—our c*uae and ortantr7 Safer (hen, fell'w citij ia, -0 au-ioip'ie the sams glorious sucozss in cur approaohitg ci-'P*igu Prepare jcur lists prop;*ij before the d&y of list.ag if pt.ssible—remembering at the same time, tn* sold'ers’ wives and others around yea wha are left tilouo, aud havs ao pars'^n to attend to this matter f^r thea, >nd bring ibars with your own, on the d.iy srt apart to receive them. We s'aould be uait. J. zjalous and activc 2u disoharg- in^ evoij knowa duty in this oar great struggle for life and liberty. FUGH A CAMPBELL, ANGUS D BI^OVYN, Assr’s 25tb Tax D «t. N C. Lumberton Nov. 5. 82 tloN^tlSN At tbc sams lime aad rl.ie will be offered for sale, ihe foSlDwins; r^rsca*! prtp^r'f: 1" 00 to 2000 bushels yf C 'fn; T^e crop of Fonder, Shucks, Peas, &o; Btnok of C%ttle, Hogs, Qjats, &o; 4 Vaiuible Mules; t)a3 Sorrel M ire; One Jenaat; (.)ite 4 Horse Wagon; one Timber Cart; with all the Farmiut! Tools and otosr artlolee on tne prcmiMs TeruM wti! be ui»de kno-jra before ^ale. A. J. ni KNJS ) A MoLEAN, J-Ex’m. E F MOORE.) Fa.,ettevil!e, N C , Oot. 11 77-t« JiTRA'!^JD^ From thesubacnbsr in August last, » RED COW with an under square ia the rigbtear, and over square In tbe lelt I will pay a lioeral reward for said Cow de livered to me ia Fayetteville, or any informvion th»ak- fu.ly received. W. H. WILSON Oot. 27. 79 5tpd Coal iHine. The onderaignoa were, at the November Term of the Ooafedcrate Court, District of North Cuolinay.ap- pointed Managers of the Egypt Goal Mine prcperty, aad have eatorcd into oopartnersUip for the purpose of mining *nd sciUt^ Coal, and solicit orders for the same in any desired quantity. Orders for any ainoant can *>e supplied od abort notioe. The Coal from this pro perty is nndaubtcdiy Uie beat in the Confederate States. _>^ppU»ti;aji may be ms.de to Ohas. B. Mallctt, Fayettt- "iU N n, or J ft: wee Browne, Charleston, 8. C- CHARLES B. MALLET' RAiiii^! RA«iS!!—The iafe- f- fior quality of tho paper on wbiob the Ob°tirver has boen printed of late, and which is a great ey^-'Sore to us, is owing to the want of a safHcient supply of gifod rajrii, and the con«eqaobt neo- eealty »c re«cr* fo im^rior miieriai^. We appeal to fue fri'j^^d? ot the Ottserver at alt aooef^ible points,' tu tt*re a[- AUrt bring to town ail tUo raga they can projure We have no time oirselves to attend to thoir purol>>Me, but Messrs. Geo. W. '.Villiams ft Co., the /Igeats in this tofm of Mr. Morpay, will p»y 16 acntg per lb. foi.- them I J HALK « S.^NV ?>*>>!« • , r, .r TESTAWE.^TS AI1» HYilliVS. CONFEDERATE Stfttes Bible Society Testament*!. A Collection of Sabbath School Hymns. 7or tale h»- B J HALE ♦ Wiwpf »t» *9r kmm- Florence aird Fayetterille Railroad* STOCKHOLDERS’ MEETIN^. ASUFFiClENT amova* h*ring b?90 subsar bed to autlior xc the orgaal«a'ioc of tho %t>ove naned Corr« i.an;, a mcedttg of the Stockholders ia hereby oall'Sd to t i5 F*yett«(vilte, on TLursday tbe 16th day of Da- oe>/)he7 i^ext. for the pnrp.se of electing a Prei«idenL and Director of said Company, and for the transaotion of I'll'’.'', bti«iine38 *« oiy oome before the Stock- hoHsr;} Tbe Broks of sabsjrlptioB are still open. This is an im''ortaat road t3 this community and to the COOP r; goperiliy. We hare fevsry man wlU feel tbe f>i>rortic(!,} of dc:r.g what he oa^i tu eeoore the speedy comr'ction cf tbls road W McL McK\Y, 1 JNO M. ROSE, i A, A. McK‘3THAN, fCom. D A RAY j A. W. 8TEEU, J FayeltevIIIc, N. 0 , Nc-r 7 FZfm WALTEB^ATSOxlf, txao, Pistol Maker and Machinist. »Bd Pistola made and Repaired with Dls- patcb. E 'BER3 of Reserves and Home Guarda can have th*- ir arms repaired at half price. All kinds of Ma- ckiae work done H«y Mount. Fayetteville, N. 0., opposite the real deaca cf E. J. Bale, Esq Nov 5 82 Btpd ~ 1j»JE VOx^ Bf L L FOR SALE^ I HAVE a very flae DEVON BULL, fat and in fine condition, which I will aeli; he is about eight yea^s old. full blood and was bought for ore in Baltimore when ai»an. Any person wishing to buy will address me at Wilmington I prefer that some farsier wotild have him to selling him to a butcher. DAN’L L. RUSSELL. Wilmington, Nov. 1. 82-3i;d M‘ Persons who wish to send Packages to Co F, 24th N C. Reg’t, CambeiUaa Plow Bjys, will leave them with A. A. Mc- Kethan Esq . F»yetl.avill?, or at Cedar Creek Lsndirg. reaJy ou the 16th Nav., as I wiH leave on the 17th for my company. .8I0N HORNE, S'rg’t Co. F, 24th Reg t N . T. Fayetteville, Nov. 5, 8:2-at A CARD. WE will be oampelied, after this date, to increaer oar charges, for Professional servioes tc f.'t anoaat ap}’roximatiog the co?t of living. Those who wiJ pat in Provisions will be charged ao cording to old rates. B. W. ROBINSON. M D. H A. Mo^WAl». M D. W. 0 MoDU-'-ylB. «4. » J. A MsRAE, M. D. K. A BLACK M D T. D. HAir^ff, M. D. Nov 7. 81 2cpd Cloak Lost. Lost, between Joan McNeill’s. Esq. and Lieat. Neill MoNeill’s, near ' raia s Creak, iiootA ooonty, on the la h Ociober, • D^RK BROWN CL »TU OLO.iK, with red and bicck taoftels A liberal reward wi'l be paid for its recovery by Mrs MINOR. Fayetteville.Nov.fi. 82-8t . 1 will give SPUN YARN for Brandy, Wme, Bacon, LrdaLdDit>r D. D. FRENCH. Luntbettoa. Nsv. 4 82 6tpd Coutcderate Tax IVotice. I WILL attend vit:. the Aase.«ajr3 for Moore Hoaety at the foi’owicg timas snl places for the purpoae of collecting aP taxes n.iw due the CoufadeVatr Govern ment, vi^: .'*.t Arch’d Kelly’n. Nov 2lat; atM i’beffield’s, No» 22i; at Rit er’s, Nov “’31; Alstou’s, No? 21tii; D M ■McIa orh’a, No» 25tb; John Sipppard's. Ncv 26tb; MoN-'ill’a, Nav 2Sth; D Grihtm’ *, Nj? 29.ii: Car h>ige. Nov 30th, 18 j4 All who have not given in aro hereby niti&id to attcad with t elr lists properly made out M'et at 10 o’clock at anr of the at'^'ve nimei places most canvrnie'^t ALEX. KELLY, Col. 32d Dist. Nov 4 1864 82 3t Notice—Titlie Payers of Robeson County. All that have not doUv^red their Wbe^t."Rye, ^>ats, and Waoi, are r.iopeotfally r; qaested to d) so bv firaift/ Ijjr rn>.- —••»•*« WJtn-.n i2 miles cf T‘uie Dspota on t*-e Railroad mast h*al their pre- duoe to them. Begnl»r Depots, Luoibertcn, Moss Nook and Shoo HaeL B. STANSIL, Q M. Ag’t. Bo. Co. No^. 1 l;»lt ,AOt:UiMiinJLn ACADE.HY. 'I’r.t "'USi.-n o'f'a: ; aJTyw- .. -.wi. -ur a leuua 1. er cf ezporleass, ab.> weii qtiaitned to pr«i>are boys f r Coilogj \ g)oJ laosio teacher is aUo waat^d. Too uexi •xissioa will cumiaence a.>o'a^ (he Ist of Jan’y n.xt. Applicants are zeqtiired to exhibit tvatimoniala f comi eieacy to Seo’v ooari of Trustee* 0. C COVINGTON. N.»v. 8 81 8t geT^eraTTorderssI The Hat Maaafa^siarera at Siateiivili>*. N. 0 , wiah to purouase 1,000,000 FCR SSKIi^S, Such RABBITS, \iU3KRATS, COON, MINK, FOX, O'CTER and BEaVER, for whicti we will pay tae hlga e»t prices either in G.nfederat« Money, Bank Bills aod Specie, or exchauge f:ir 3ottoii Yar,i or Hats. We h>'pe tuat all those wao wiiii to encearaga a S.nthern Rnterpriae, will exert themtelvei in getting as furs. Merchaats will pleaie act as AgeiZta, botriug in mind that we w-ll pay 25 per eent. mor* than any oae else. WITTKOWSKY * 8ALTZ3ERY. Mr. 8 BRANDI ia oar authorisad Ageut for Ganc- berlaad aouaty to purclsafe Fars for as WIIIKOWSKY Sl SALTZBERY. Nov’r 8. 81 2m A Cfentleman, unmarried, ot several ye*r>> experience, desires a ClatnecU and Mathe matical eoaaol r r the ensuing year. F jr terr g, RefereaeeSf and.other particalars, apply mtdialely to Capt. R.>b t Talt Laurinbarg, Nor. 3- 81 5tpd K. 0. Harnett, Johnsonviile, Not. 1, 1864. tpHE f'>llowiug Lamei members nf Capt. Jab Hook- J. ady's Co. Senior Rjssrves, of Harnett coanty. who are row abf.ent without leave, are he~oby ordcr4>d to r«*port to L'eut W H Seater. at '^ilaiuFioa, N 0., wit.^out d'lay: A Ruy, E Rollioe, J A 0 aitti (cf O.i.s- berUad,) L Taomaa H W^taon, M Wreka J J Voo1- w«rd R Johnson, W Barges, R M*rria, G Lucas, W Lee (e'(’umUirlaad,) D .McDonald, D Mclntiro, D Mo Ccrquiil, H Knnnery, K N->tna, J E ' lark, B Rranoa, A ii^k4r, 8 ivlatthaws. S Pite. J 8'ew«t. M Weavpr, A Br*.11y, Benton Biggn. A Gameroa. Joal Denning, W Dewer, T Goawiit, L Hall, W Hobby, G Lao%9, D Maore, A Moore, M Moiris. A Patteriou (of Cumberland ) Any man failing to report within ten days from the publication of this ordsi will be considered a deserl^r wd ealt with sooordingly whQ« t^ken op You have not only disgraoed yoaraelv^s bat the county to wi>ioh yon b3leng, in staying away when oilled on to go to the fr^nt A. H. TOLAR, 82 3t Capt and E. 0 S^tate ot ilfortli t'arollna, CUMBERLAND COUNTY Sunarior Oouri. of Law, Fall Term A D 1"68. Ib'ac T Williamson vs Mary Williamson. Petition for Divorce, btp c US'*, it apptsaring to the satiafaoti'n of the C ri idn Defendant M»ry WilHatraori rces ?efi hfyir 1 tbn i»nita of tUo State, rr so c'i>'!>'%'s ht*tftelf t^.'^• ih'of flr. — rrc'’»g« of the law ctimai be served •••yc^’i r; It 18 therefore ordared, that ;>uU;oation be ir"-.''.' j: «5x wisko in the Feyetievillo O >i*>rve». that vhl D-*fenda.nt, Mary Williamsin, be and appear %t ■>nr neit Sanorior Ooart of Law, to be heM for the fi punt? Oi'OnnberlsTid at the Coart House in Fayetto- v.llf;, ‘■■n > 7 J> M b Uv after tb« 4th Mo«d*? in Sop- a-ubf' A D tPW :- i tbe-n »nd there plesd, answer I’r t'cn uT'v. rii ‘ •■i'- . . r 'he okuae wid be heard ex rartc an 4 D -c re ’ ;io30rdingly. itness John W B>k>-r, Jr , Clerk of oar said Coari, at 0£&oe in Ff>yet«'.;*iile, N ii, the 7th Monday after the 4th Monday af September, A. D. IBO’i 1- W. BAKER, Qtttk. IVOTICE. The Committee oi Exatniu«tioa of Common 8cbocl Toadbers f^r Robe:3aa ooonty will meet at Lsmbcr ton, the I2kh day of November next, (the la t time for the present year ) All who expect to apply for CertiS oate are reqaested to attend on Chat day. HENRY T. POPB, Chm’n. uat 1804. A. To the Meaabars of ihe Honsa of Conunons. The nndardigaad, a oitissn of Chatham Connty, aad now a member of Co. E, 44th N. C. Reg’t, respect iuliy annouaeca himself a Candidate for Roi^ixg CUrk of the Uoose of Gommons of the General Assembly of North Carolina He earne'»tly sshoita yoar anpp9''t. G. 0. GOLD.^TON. Goldeton, N C., Oot. 26. Slts*i6 lostT ~ rimE Subscriber has lost a 4 per cent. CERTIFICATE X for a Codfederaie States i>ond, sigaud by Wm G. Broadfoot, and No. 1631, for $200. Notice ia hereby given to all persons not to reoeire said Certificate or t.> trade for tae same. 1 shall make applicatiou tc the proper aathoritlee to issue to m« a dapl’oate oopy of said G7rtifiwto URIAH SCHERUBRHORN. Fayetteville, N C.. Oct’r 24 80*6tpd rVotiee is hereby that Ap- plioation will t>e maie fjr a -duplicate of a oertift3«te lost or mislaid—issned by W. G. Broalf^ot, 0 8. De positary at Fayetteville—dated »laroa 1>>, 1864, No 490, to Dr J. H. Freeman, for Five Hundred Dollars, for 4 per cent. Interest per annua—aader aet 17th Feb’y 1864 Oet. 12. 76 fit*p^ State ot north Carolina, 8URRY COUNTY. CoQ.t of Pleas and Q-’arter 8*>ssion, Ang Term, 1864. H. 0. Hampton, Adm'r of John A Adams, deo’d, vs. , John Joues. Original Attaoament levied oa Land. IN this case, it appnarisg to the satisfaotion cf the Go>^rt, that the defendant, Johs Jones, is not a resi dent of this State: It is Ordered by the G''>nrt, that ad vertiseroent be made in tbe Weekly Fay*tteville Obser ver for six wesl9. notifying the de'aadant to appoM* aad plead or reylevy, or jadgment will be renda;ti bv dcfAtUt i^>i!iat him, and tne land levied oa ooniemnad to tlie a«ti^f%etim ot Plainiiff'a debt, aad ord-'ir of sal; granted. Wi'jxeec, H. G. Hampton, Clerk of oar said Court, at Office, the second Monday of Aogast 1S64 H. C HAMPTON. C. C. a Oot’r 6, 1804. 74«etpd 7%e safety of /JmzAotoik/.—Richmond has never been so safe, and aever felt herself ao safa, siaod the battle of Williamsburg, as at this day. Most eingalar result of a “siege” of six montha by the greatest (though the greatest be.soiall) of yaukec generals, leading or directing armies amountiog to over 300,000 men, wielding at hia absolute discretion military powers and reMur«*« literally without limit, by sea and land, and all that vast power poncentrated, bent and strained to the uttermost for the capture of this poor littlo city of 50,000 inhabitants. What is mcst I** markable of all ia th-jt the greatest of yaakee generals is here in front of the town ytf: tho wondrous siege ia still in full blast: wa can still hear his guns bellowing: by nigh'u we drop asleep to the lullaby of their hollow rosx: in the corn ing they sonnd our reveille. The man is oven now taking Richmond, vows he has it by the tliroat:—yet our city never felt so safe, never • slept so tranquilly, nor awoke so hopefully, atoee the dlav MoClollan landed on the Peninsala. The reason I6, that wu all kaow (««a. J-aa ^mm Utely received—and it was ali he wanted—a ocr* tain number (no need to specify how many) of the very ehoieest reinforcements, for the purposes . of the present campaign, that the genuine old Virginia stock could afford him. By tbe revoca* tion of details, and the present energetie admin ia* tration of the conscript laws, especially by the flocking in of the reserves, boys under IS and men over 45, a new foroe has been added to that veteran army which has fought the hosts of Q rant since tbe 5th of May. Tne detailed men alao from North Carolina have been brought up ia goodly numbers—the reserves of that State re maining for local dcfencc; so that upon the whole Gen Lee has been .re'n forced by fresh troops whose numbers and whose quaUty—let Grant find out Indeed he has already partially found ovt; ho has “felt” theroj and it is with pride and high contentment, and a fce.ing, if possible, of inereased security, cur citizens have learned the full and true results of th& enemy’s grand advano* OA Thursday last; in which the repulse of the yan> k ^es was bath complete and shameful, and the disproportion of loss shows a heavier balaOM . aeainst the foe than even Spotsylvania or Oold Harbor.—Richmond Hifhig. From'the Confederate. Mo»irs. Editors: As most perso^ have preaaed their oane, I regret that I could ^t have giTeOi through your columns, to the public, before this lime, the results of my ezpeiiments with the 8of' thum cr Chinese Sugar Cane. But I hop* it ii not too late for some this year, and it may be of use to all next year. I find that by a simple and cheap prodMi, a good yield oi ezoellent Brown sagar can be mad*. 1 will state my process now, in as few words as possible, and promise at some leisure tim« to make a more full statement. The juice ontains ttarch and gum or jelly, which it mu^t be clear- ed of, before it can make either good syrap or lUgar; and this must be done before it hoii$. For these purposes, 1 have a receiver uader my iroa mill, suifioiently large to hold enough to all my boiler. Into X, naur_ a half eallon of oUar ;»me water fo 50 gallons of jutoei in it. The juice being pressed, and tbe ataroh having settled to the bottom, I draw it off through a spile hole near the bott?m, leaving the starch oa the bottom, below the spile. It is now carried to the clarifi.tr^ which is a sheet iron bottomed bail er, 0^ a flue so high that a tube may run froia aear the bottoin to the top' of the boiler proper. Ia this clarifijr I simmer three hours. (Jit mutt not boU.) During the last half ho€r of this aim- mering, I cover the surface of the juice with bits of charcoal, chopped to about the sizs pf the thumb ends. When it has simmered three hours, I put out the fire and allow the juice to get cold, the colder the better Under moderate heat, the lime has done its work, a thick jelly has formed on the bottom below the tube, the ooal ha?* precipi tated the lime and floats on the top, with the scum. I now draw off the juice, through the tube, from under the scum and irom over tne jelly, into tho boiler, and boil the now clarified juice as rapidly as passible until it foams and assamea a beautiful yellow eolorj then draw out my fire and boil aloW| until it has puffed steam for some minutes, the meanwhile sfirring with a wooden paddle. The syrup is now removed to some open vesf&l to cool and granulate. If made properly, it will granulate before it Is entirely cold, but it may take two or three days, or even more. If it doef not in 24 hours, I sprinkle a little sugar over it. After it has granulated, it may be put in leak/ barrels, or into a bag to.drip. I have had it to turn to a solid lump of sugar as soon as'cold. I find that 100 pounds of cane wUl yield about 80 ponuds of juice, or 8 gallons. Which will maka about, say from, 6 to 8 pounds of sugar, and fro& 4 to 6 pounds of good molassos, far superior to the syrup that is made without extraeting tho jelly. If any person who haa boiled his syrup in the ordinary way, desires t» see the eff.;ot8 of not getting clear of the gum or jelly, let him attempt to make candy of it, and when he pulls or e^ it, I think he will be satisfied that it is akin to gatn elui>tlu. If any person will follow the princir-le above indicated, he will most a'^surcdly succeed ia making sugar. I will further add, if he ^Ilt have the fixtures and follow my process he will Sad that he has made a good article of sugar by % cheap and easy process, that has oo~t him but little more than the cammon syrup that he kaa been making. W S. LONG, Yauceyville, N. 0. Oheerfuln^$8.—^Try for a singla day, I bewMjh you, to preserve yourself in an easy and ohtssrful frame of mind. Bs but for one day, instead of a fire-worshipper of passion, the sua worshipper of clear self-possession, aad compare the day ia which you have rooted out the weed of dissatisfaction with that on whicb- you have allowed it to grow up, and you will find your heart open to every good motive, your breast armed with a puioplj against every trick offatej truly, you will wonder at your cwa improvement—Jean Paul Richter. Vanity —Id the infinitely modified varieties of human v^tnity, the mDst unpluasant to the indi vidual, and to those who are broogbt ia contact w^th him, is irritable conceit. The vain m»a, who is not satisfied that ali the world thinks ‘ta well of him as he thinka of himself, is a wretched creature. Prid^, though an isolatina: passion, is, at all events, independent. Vanity is dependent upon others’ opinions fat its iatisGketioB^ if aot iqr ili (Report.

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