VOL. XIV.) S''AYETTEVILLE. • NOVEMBER 14, lsf)4 (NO 1384.] PRINTED MOSDAY8 aND THUBSDAlfi. I-OWIKD i. B1L£ & SONS. EDITORS AND PaOPRIETO&S. ‘ 8»mI-WeeJrly 0»*jimTB» fit 00, pidd i« , . »ao«. j **«r Ue Weekly 0«»«KVKm *10 W p« wiau«, paid in ■ ’•*^nce j •^.ADVERTISEMPNTB iiuerted for ft p*r s^aar* I •t 12 lie-8 or 1-99 for th» tnt, and 52 for •ao^ * ra«8«ediDg pabhoaiioi:. Advenisflra are requested to j *t*t« th« aoAhcr ef- iiuitrtioxig desit^ n th«>7 wlH . seatfbued tilLforbid, and oliargcd ^ocordinjiy.’ I AdT*rti3erBcnta oontiawd tasidt, oharyed aa acw ad- %erti»etB«ats. I To th« IBembers of tke Hoase of CdininoiiB FATaTTiriLi,!. N. C., Anftnal 17, 1864 I COTTOM CAWtOH, iVo. lO. The payetteviue cotton card MANUPia | , TJJRIN6 COMPANTare now DinQufacturitigrA RDS ' QQiifntirucii ri'tpso^fally prM'nta biomlf toyosp TOperior t« any ran throogh the bl©cfcw5.e,aad at prwaent; I m a ou)di;f»td tor elcddon to tae ofBoe of ar® ^liag for a les* price the single pair ©r by the qaan- ^rinoipjJ CJwk of the Hoa«« of Cf mosoaatf the General _ I Awembly of the Btate of North Caroliaa Any person orderfng wx or more pairs, they wHl be I *8-td ' HBNRY E. COLTON, securely packed and delivered iu Wilmington free of ex pense. Call mpoB or addren Fayetterille, N. 0., April 18 spbclal noti(;5b. rw' 'a • a t«T kbis dat«, uc name of a new subscriber | reasoBable tertna *- ■ be snteT«c ??;thoat p«.yineQt ia adrnaoe, «er will I the pa|er br 'zv t.m ' i;;.w v..t?mr v. ‘ v ' - -■ Such O' o'.ir old Bobc jribere d«»aire to take ta« pA- . per on iIdk syete-^ will pi«aae notify ns whea makiag ■ ramiuanctis. Jan’y 1, ISSS. j A. A. McKETHAN. /. A. WORTH, ALEX. JOHNSON, Jr. 24tf F«yelte»’lH« BMiHWI Works. OUR Oil Works are now in complote opcraSoa, and as we use notiii^:* bnt ^eod roain in prodaci’^ar the Oil we can recomm-ad it te be the best *f the k?ad made to thia omatry. It is a fine Lnbricatine ar j Tamer’s Oil, and we would be ’ ’ ' OoTerament and the I Hoorice«perfilii|i of tiie sieiimte. rpe« urs'eraijrte.'l fre"'''*:fcll7 9ao«no!is hiia-'*lf ae a I I P^n-i* *',e for sb? ua^- ct ASBrSTANT DOOB- I KEEPER to tho-5'!'>»te of TtraHija *t ♦he easa ! »ng p'>‘» 'ion '}* the L^iisUtu'^ I hwo h^en la s^rrioe I wa* wjundpd, and aw a-: l>(cbt dr»/y If eleotod,.1 I will do all I oan to serve t Saa^te f^t-afunr-aacUao ! oeptiihly. J. H. LOOOEBMILK j Oi,T«4 7A^ 0oorkeej9:rsi»if9St4> tfee SSeniite. a Si M.tf bc& lii f- W. DiiAUGUOJ«, AUC-nOlSBEE, S. B. Coruer M«rkPt Sq«are» FAYETTETILLE, If. C. Protrrl a'uLtioa giien tv tli kssisfss ic hU cntrrete-.i Ic him. Jnne 10, 1864. Ool*r *i5. ▼ur since AnrU 18«1, t If ''lllf ITTTfiy rHTTETILLE NORTH CilROLlflA Iiut Session of this laeiitution will eommetxee >/ Ft .iTjary, 1S66 'tliSB for .ad.'iiJsion ba ta\i9 orior to 1 viia.*.r.', f865. about whioa tiuio tbe tttm* wiil kncra- f rFi;ai.ed, two Te*ebeta of Military Educatioa and |.W in thisl*'StlUition. Address M*j. WM A. BANRI. Sap«f}iJrK(>ut. 80 tf Boxes F«r Sh»ldler«. ES F0BS«LD11«8 O&'PRIdONlRB OP North Car^tiiiB., d»liverad to the follow t>er8o>i vi)! be prompUy forwarded of f Snvmey, A’?lievMl«; A Oo’l-tt, Moriraatoti; A1J‘«''a, Suttevi’H*; ?r?eu«borp; jyirloite; Hillsboro’ N. €t ^iliUrj AcatSeaij. *T>HE n-xc r.cep*'‘u of thin Insdtation will begin on 1 Vs ed ri^iia?, Fen’y 1st, 18'J5- Applicat'ons for ad- m'-’slco uiuft be iniwif p^’tT to 15:h Di»c’r I8i4. about which tiiDe the will h» m^da known \d'*rena WjI. M GORHON, Baperict^ndcat. Ott. 1 72 4m Floreact ai4 FajettefiUe RaiirM^* STOCKHOLDERS* MBETIN^. ABUFPiCIBNT amsvni having been »ul3««r>»e'l to author's^ the orffftttivwdon af th« i^Mrve naaied Go«- a.naedrig ef the SteekHolden.ia hetl'bjr oi^«i to meet la Fajett«ville, on Thnm >ay the 16th dav of Do- eenber n«x^ for the pnrpn*e pf elMUnft a Preeideat and Diree&or' &f »aid Ooaapaoy, and for Ihe trscsaotion of ■u'jh other bn;ii«era Mjai'^y come before the BUxrtc- holdm. Tae Boo'4 of ■ eabewiption are at^-open. This is an im'^rtaitt road to th)s edmoniidty and to the geceriliy. We hoT>« every man wUl fwl the iBBoortaned ot doinjc what ha ea'» to teosre the speedv oompletioB of tVis road - W. MeL MeKAT, > JNO M. ROSE, • I I A. A. MeKETHAN, iCom. D A RAY. 1 i „ A>W. 8TEBl ; Faycttev«l9,N. 0.,N. / 7 82t» WA£.TGR WATS^aiW, jnglSl IffaXyg ■■■ ■i.f. The Largeit Own v* the World,—Th* prraad test of the twenty inch Bodaiftn ;un at Fort Haib> ilton, Ob Wednesday, proved to be »n entire Ett> Considerablo deUy was ezperienoed ia proper adjostment of the piece, as it was a«t SB* til h^ilf-past two o’olook th# first discbai^ • blank cartridge cf one hvndred pounds ci powder, wae fired. The e)noa8aio& following th« dlie^arg* was slight, and the recoil of the gaa moeh than was anticipated. The piece was next loaded with a charge of fifty pounds of pow^ a»d » thoasand pound shell. He time tiien w loaaiag was about half an hour. The second trial waa M successful as the first, the ball, in consequenoe ot considerable depression of th» gun, striking the ! wato* i J a quarter of a nule distance, riccchetiag ■ Boveral times. The on examination, being LfiPHPd to have received jio strain, preparations werw 1 ii -^i ^kt ^ o^clock the piooa 40if iS.^AC HOLLlNGSWORTfl, ti^roeer and i'offlaissioa Mercfaaat) FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. Jane ) S 40 tf i ■i i EAQLil FOUNDRY, 1 ?AT*TT»v;Li,a. N. 0.. Juiy i. V^f^4. • L' ARK mOlfi PBEPIHSI) TO REC'EIVE OF- rfare for RAIL ROAD WHEELS 60.000 i Oil. 1 l§liiu^l«9 Wanted. SHINGLE^ WANTED A^rJv to 18A ^C HOLLINGSWORTH. 72'f J^UeJL, iittomey at Law, Fatxttjiyillb, N: 0. ilfJuLL atteud tie Ceuuty and Superior Ooorta ef > f Cnnbetl&ad, Harnett, Moore and ^besen Coon- tie«. Prompt attontioa givea to the ooUectien of all •laims entrusted te his Ont. 17, 18*j5#. W-tf • repctat^ioa by all Rail Bo'd CoinpiuioH. We havs the best faoil'tiee for transportaticn fey Steamers to Wilmington. fi'»m th^hCe tc asy part of th? 0«ofe»*c»T»(jy Orxif'rs re8p)*ci'Hl!y solicitHl 4€tfl D ANDERSON & 00 JOIS. UTLfiir, ^roccr and. (Oosn3i*iesion J^ejrcf9ani, FAYETTjfiVlLLE, N 0. Jaa’y 16, 186d. SS-i# lUTaAK ITiAriKAN. vm. H. BSUixaO. H. A. $i»r£D^lA.Y A €Om WaOLESALi^ Mi) Kia^AlL DEALERS AHD April 2t). Jio, A^, May FA^En'EVlfhja, N. 0 25tl WESTEHM UAIL EZOAD. The FP.KiGIiT AND PASSENG?:a TRAIN« of this Rsvl l»ave Fayoiteville diiily, (Scaiays exoepted) at 8 0’cl^>ck, A. M., aad returning leave Efypt at 1 o'clocs, P. M. OazU€ omi ffc-rt- JVi FRIDAY. Byorlor jyo. M. BOSE, Ti3m> and Onn’l IVana. Ag,'L J%ui. 22, S7if Card r^oflce. T iET£ ’g eow reaiy to be Ur.ici from ihi^ Dznarl. n>ci;*- t,i t*v.; d ffcr- n‘ n*i-n fha ct'ta a lot of Tb's lot 0* Cardi wil* for tsciinf to the '•iti- ote pair lo intended for having a ii’-e Jot backed r"*dy frr ' ill be re?.t oat a'-.'i Bold to tflo fa-aiiies of s'^Hiers as fast aa »hey oia b -B3''. ia a*. TT.ach less p-ioo. Agents are req-estG^ 10 icai:e arrar^'cmsnts aud cjU fvr ihfir. H. A. DO'TD, A. Q. M. Oot. 20 78 6t . msORS & CASH97ELL, FayettevlJle, N. C. O&L! Olff.!! . WE are nf w ezteaiivsly e'^g»ge i in the niannfa‘*t«ire of a Tery rupcrior »r‘‘o'* or LUBRICATING OIL j This Oil ig i.ii-i- froaa R ;>in. ' ut by an atttrely new MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and sproecss, tn j bo f»r eurras?P3 the vegetable oils a-reto tore nr^ado in tbia coaatry ihat g)od ja Ves h i.T*i pro^ ccanoe^*. it nlna^t, if not q'lit--. equal, *'^‘r lubrio^tirrg parpoeee. ta rn« hest Train Oil It h»3 b-'pn l-r^-jy u ^eJ bj t*>« B:»i!roaj>3 in Vlrgirjia N ‘Tth '■ ,,^^lilla onl fullr a^rweri ail the r^rrcses an'i K r:a • ,,^^lIlla oni ruiif a^rweri au tie r^rrcses Oi2 aned after tJie lat f!?iy ol Oclo- I tf ifci; maa' v ;ve oih Ruritsfore used. W7t/r«ter b-?r, Oab'B Fjksisg* wiii bj $40, Daok P.33ajr. tij; tried it ha- jfii'encom/j!ttsta/i*/aeiioH, md b%r, Way Pasfige is i>ror.o?t»o’» ’ pe-mr.a n ir, t*k»*a taa p!aoe of «;i ot»*er ' ab.njAtora J0?3 A. WORTH, C. ? St-aax Bf>at Go j Ir i’ rtr tk51t b-:9T Vi'iBTAnLa uu. Kaoa la «■ T H. LCrr£*lf.Oa, Njr'h Owo.iaa. * Co^fsasa.wa cTiTss. BU8HEL8 WHK-Vi-, 00 Ai*. 2,500 i“waoaM kaviAg the above turiic'es to aeil will resaive iu0 K/m»h Uy oniilMg mt S»ir. ^ T4ii m , at the M.erohaut Milis, i Ayt-Ueviu,;, tr on thv' subecr-- >«r at ars old si-aau c-n ^Mrket Hquare. AL..X. JOIiNRO:^, Jr. fiov. 6, 1802. 76tf B. M. OaRELL. Kate ]V»c‘Lxur!n. Fayefte»ills. Sapt ‘*7 7U-ltti*lta ARMl' eARr%£!$s$. 1AM prepsrea to mauafaoturc aii -cuv^q of Wagon iiarautie ior Ariiiy use. I taa my ietiaer aad oait jiTe good biii’gains. Agfeu(« wili do weJ to eoai thbir nrdei'S to mo ad tfl* y siiiill i*ve prompt atteuuou, aai Mi't off in quick dwji*iea. JOHN OAuiili. fieldstcn P. O., Ciaataam Co., L^. C., 1 wune 13, lSCi2. / Surgeofl ixeBeral’4 OMce, ) RAiitiQu, r«. ' jcij* l\>ra, 18-4. / ’£.8.?EN'lEPk will iLiT** tul.'-; ;*iiiae va =.ae aiid tae trtsf.. h day. vt raoniQ, tor Uea Lce’e •ria;. Ail Loxes icit U'.i«5 fjr aa? icj^;)ir oi laat Jtnay wiii oo o.*mea taeru pruajii!i.iy t»y tiaj a&» (ieuTsrea to tae ow&er. EDWARD WARRE:!, 41 tf Surgeou Gonfir*t Worth Oaroiin^. Wanted to Ijca^e, FR one cr m:r‘* yevs* th? MONTAGUE PL'CE. 10 .t» li vsUrc £•« via -F*w» Road to R‘>!;h Tne trait coat.*ru-« 741 sv'.e*. K desired, to oui wii'> basRufflciact foroi ti«, j»‘k ftrm wo wil' PeV. au in?“?-e'' Neill M.^D.i/w-i, K la’s Lt-nding P O., will scow the plica to »a«- f,na d -.-jring to B53 i‘ C. C BARiJf^E & CO. Barfl»y*iile, Cn'.berlind Co , Sep* I**. 69tf 2000 » Cl/Vl^ '. Alter tlu» date i will pay iu GcuU po»r goau>i f«r rage, or tae nigftiist m»r&ftt piiuc, eaiivorel la .ae, cr at a\r laiiis ca D. MURPHY, fe k’y Id, l6rA 7-t/ “ frXOUK A.^1# OA'JTS^. HLOtrtfc aadrOAl- wdi be oxoaaii^ea for Ocrn at the j} bture of i). :.uoiaai:iu, by ginag him a *ew dayb UvUce. f'lour gocu, Hv. i, ulacx or %’hii::. Jau’~ 'i‘J~ Oi^A'AitCS £jti*AErM^N;, \ iiAiJciaa, tS. U., Jl&j b, i8G4. j I XiAD WANTED.—1 wiea t.o puroaade Lsad for thu Li i>t:p»riai.3nt. Pcraatfi a&voi^ large or eiaail quaa* UUC& w iU pleaaa appi/At oiioe. Wiu gt»o 1 pou&a oJ POrt'Diiit tor lU pouiiiii of iiJSjAD. Titos. D. iiOGQ, C*pt. 0. S. si^-a In caarge of orunaaoe. To Wiue tli&ker^ or llisiMllers. IHA Vi2 t^c ti«ic w irou 6(.uai acafy oi.^ >i£NT- 1>G iaTj»NDa, of c»,-a3it/ cf 1»>U g« i.ou3; a.a>, 4 not eo iicAvy, cia«ae h.zs Pri3c HKigi./ 9 0\) eaua. Auy pcr8i«i4 wrow^ii t?A.iCt3 wuvficc >-a liitva uiosa for $1000 atd T. 'littiv aay obe u make or diituli Bi*nd/. Also, !>Oiiie of haii elza of al>oire tor at liart tae abuve tmioi- RlNBY E iXiLTON Fi/atttTilio, Oct. 1. . 72if lor Siale. BUSH^'LS SOUND 8AiT. n»io in thcwpriag ISG^—#*i;l escaiitge it fof Bvjoii L wri O'-ra, or . ^onfj ioraw T.'e^^ary N :c3. Also, 30 ^nc CSE'^ING T*’BiCOO; for sale mys,c,:n orp.^siie Cijre Foar Ba.ik. A. G TilOi»NT)N. 8=pt 2. .6-1 tf &'r©sa a»d alter this date the Sicamer A. P. HuRT will leave St S o’clock, A. M., on VIonia« waa I'iiiiTsday. JOd. A. WOiV'^H, April 6—17tf ] Ag’t C. F. atcam Baat Co. C0N7£fifiUATK STATKsTf iKRRICii ) EaciiiBvn DarABTMSvi, Dior. Caf* Fe/.b, }■ Wiimiagtc-r., N. C., Tiiarca itith, iS*i3 j 'I^OTICE is her^iby riven to all pcreoos bavia» c'aiina il agaiitn the Eiippnser PansrtrBeut, for eerrices of fr’avcf e!opIoyed as la'icrers on the land defencet n«4r WilinlsRtoE, N C-, thRt tr.3 nndereigne^i io aathorixi.d aad prcp-'.red to pay t.^e eime at his wince, on Uie ee- c.md flt^or of the buUdiag next above Mearea’ Drug Store, t\i^irket ;?ire!t. PertToa? eicsnting Powers of Attorney will ob- ssrve the fcIlo”Ji3g form—fh«irei.jnaturea, in all eased, t# b3 wltBw^ed by tw3 tad signed ia dupli- Ciift, or the/ my be wUne^aed before a Jnstictf of the Peace cr Cb rk anv Coart, • FORM OF POWiiR 0? ^TIORNEY. I, —— of , do nere’oy itppoist , of —ray tnia s.ad lawful Ageat to glpc receipts for, sad receive prymeot of all laoupja du*)'to me by the fingine3r De- pj^rfTJ*at of th' Confederate of America, for the 8erviC(» of ®y elare^ *.’aployed as ]»>;rrer3 ort the land defenoea at , dturing the coath of , 188 Wii»-^g3 my hand and s*t4 at . tj»» dsy of , ISO (Oijrnei^ to [Seal ] WU»^w;j« iii\Te now (-n fiand, whioh we off-^r ut a 9trf ie«r price, 875 BHls. Lubricatlsg OIL 75 to T*nncrs’ Oil. 60 do Painiisg OJ. Wc as'O rnakir*? ba*re}a javroek, ai4. *oH' 'r» T»»« I 11 ' »ii"W ‘ r> ■. '**' div dufld. MOORE & CASHWELL, Fayet‘.erir8, N. C. Oct’f 20 78-2ia W. DRAUGFON, iiuctl-aeer. P L A I^ TATIO.lf \Fifl» Crop, iSfock, W»sron«, ;?fiiles, tlie**eo«7, Ia?e John T. tiilliiiK^re’s, ti> l>c sold at Pablic Aacfion. T'dij above j.rop-'r'y will b* offei^d f.>r fale on tbe p~!ini;es oa XUE'DAY tte 21kh Nct?eniber 1^64. I’rja Laud ii in cueb'd,7, »al o?nf‘iin*48S acres ne»il? »tl of wsicii ia v»;asble Sw^.^ip Laal, there being eU acrcs well drained, ciairei »''d tin ier eultirsti'^c, yield ing ^be rc3t crjp- of aty laid ia tins b.'c(?o»’ o' t’4" Hiate. Thora is also about ^00 asce;^ of 6watnp Laad eqially as gJod as thai u**‘iar caittyaiioa, t? beolear dj wnioh may be easily dr 'ined, (some of waioSs la already Ii ocod ifii partly eleare'i;) t::9 rauiajnacf ia used "or o>iiuf6 aai w* jJ Lad. T o hous.i aid b'aildinjS a'e at a convenieut dis'^ino') fnm. tae farming lands "above ^ described, oa a h^auhy, h)gh and dry part of the traot, | wi h good water. Tae bull lioga are ia good '’cpair, in- i oUiiing a co>i>fort%ble dwc.lii.g Ji'>us3, coavaai-nt »r.i * wwii arraa .;ed uei^ra htases; g^od *aarcs. stsbloa, barae, ctit>9, lota, gardens, The p'.ant:.tioQ il 14 niilej from F*y= t^bville, on tae East-s'.de of the Capo Fe'.r Rirsr, about oue asd a b&U*ia:led froci the River, > &d PdbrAoea w:i3t Li known Allig^t^r j^wamp, aojoina Jo^iison i*.ad othere, aad is rot vary far from the m^a h r.f Cedar Greek and the r4si:eaee of Mr. J. C Blooker. ekcw, C«»leiaiB; P.ob'rts, Mnrfreejboro ixes sfcotild bo we’l !;ooped propar'* lu&'ked | and de.t|(red iu tiiae for tny 8pcc-&l ?-5f£sTger who j leaves Baei,^h cn tbi firsf. day of orery month. > EDflT^ RD Surgcor G;-’l N 0. Raleigh, Oo> 29. 801 m | Steamboats and Railroads taka Notice, i That I an prepared t j r^p^ir '^oil*ra, doLa^ihd WoTk, I •-•jy kiiod cr Cjpper Work or Castii>g, It eiiort mtica j at Iho Star Foundry, by M. A PAKRB | Oofr 17. 70 Itn ; £.AWD FOa SALE.’ | By virtue ef a Dcc*c^ of the Cvurt of Equ!ty in t^e j C.'BO of Ccgald .'•loPhail a»ii ct^eri egriiigl Taee j MoPh&i- and vtners—Po'itlon for sale cf for Pai- t:>ien—I will ex^>os« for 9*>e, on Tuesday tbe 16'h diy | «f November, 8 Trac a of L.AND, oa ths E.ist side o' i Cape Fear River, coatsiniog 50 aores, 'J| acrc3, and 81J acres, the prpivcrty of the late Rcb-.rt McPi ail. Tao sale to be at late residence of eaid MoPaail, near Fl^a Hill, ia Camboriaa*' Gouoty. Tertas at sale WM J. MqPHAIL, Corooi!Sitot;er. Oot\* ’2 7fl-ts Tax ill Kind'—JRolbeson donnty. An ESTlilATB of the present year’s crcp of corn, short com, buokwhe&t, KougH riao, Iriea potatoes, cor(;d fodder, sugar, molasses of eane, moUeses of sor- gbuni, ooitco. peas b. aos and ground peas, beins u*/l- ^ far by the G^veraraen': We will meet the fa-msrs of Bcbeion Ccaaty, at the following times and places to take their respe^«e lists, to-wi: At Lombertoa, Moada'*, Tuesday aad Wednesday of Coanty Court, Nov. 28tb, 29»h and SOi^h Burnt Swar&p, T hursday, Deo r 1st, 1864. South’s, Friday 2ad; Bloe 8priare, Saturday 8d; Liuaber Bridge, Mmday 6tb; 8( Ptial’e, Tuesday 6^'a; HowjUfViUe, Wed -sdiy 7th; Barvt 1.^ aadr, laorrday 8.h; Ltunbarion, Friday 9i ; P'.e'( S«^;mp, Baturday lOtii; A fordsvilie, Monday 12;.ti; Thompson’s, Tceaday ISth; White Huuse, Wednesday 14th; Bttrling’s Mills, Thursday 15th; Sealey’e, Friday 16ih; It will be Men that farmers are required te render fall fcn4 aeourate lista of their e«tire «r?p of the above aTWrt hand ia their 'iata aader oata Otbarwit^e they will be coEPidefB * li:.ble to tbe tax, and iieli rsspcnsitie It aff-^rda as pleasure through this mfnlinm, to ao- know^e..go the l.*yftity, p»tTiotiasi and prompMiPsa of the faroiera of Robeson Couaty, ia lisliag tbeir rm'll gra'ia aud wo-^ •V/itU very few excr-ptjona. those r.quirfJ to *'iy a tix in k*ud c*me fotward proapily, %% r ac;i Me R3 tHcy ''oul'! Ti>ect o'", aad retderad i, eir liififl. wit*io.:t a ruu^iiP" AU deem'd unite'^ npon tup tre gv "!i iesno—«ar aause and couatr'- Suffer u' vhea, fallow oil zj*:8, to ar.ticip'te the same glori?tw sncne'^a in ccr app’oac‘>iag cvipaigi Prepare "oar -iisfa prep.*’’'} btf'ire t;ie d*y of iiat'i,g if f.oBa b e—'■'?'a;:.’aber;ng at i.&e e.sie tijcie, t») B:>lii-orV wires aal oiu'73 ar-u.>>d you wa^i are left aloa?, and h&re no pjr,aoa toaMrnl to t!i.> matter for th>ia, and b-'Ug tb-ira with your own, cn the d%y oet a|.art to rcceive them. Wa ^oa d bi unit«rd, * alcaa and «icf.i»3 in disoharg- Ing every kaowa daty in tliia oar great struggla for iife aad liberty. HUGH A f’AMPBELL, AKGUd D B^’OiVN, Aear’s 25ih Tax D "t. N C. Lnvberton Nov. 5. Si il N*f16N patch. E MINERS of Reserves «cd Hoxca Guards t IU thrir nrma reprJred at half pr'o*. o'»m>! wirk doue H%y Fajettevillo, N. C. d^nct! of £. J. Rato, Eeq Nov 6 made'for^ the fi-«l test. __ -j a jrag affcdn liMided with a charge of one huJxdred ^ , T ’1 ~ ~ii*'‘ilir { 6niu and Pistols ni.id6^and Itoipftirod wt{h DUr {gaai m,(j IS^ands—-oftr©£ t*ia^if^ect erff^ 'jj. o"J» have AU kiB{B0f.\la- cpposiie the resi 82 8^pd I l>EVOiir BULL FOR «AL£. HaVE a VP17 Hue DEVOSf BULL, fit and in fine condiiion, which I will fioi;; bo ia about eight yca’e ci'^, fall blood and was bonght for me in B^himore when fii^all. Any person wi&bin,( to bay if ill ailrefis me at Wi-mingtoa I prefer that potne f^riuer woaid have him to selling cim to a Vulche?. D.iN’L L. EU^SELL. Wi’wingtcn, Nov. 1. 83-3i:d ‘ Persons who wish to sead Packages to Co F, 24th N ,C. Beg’t, Ortmb':lan > Plow B>ys, will ieare ihsm with A. A. Ma- Ketb.'^n Esq . Fftyett«v:il?, or at ^edar Creek L'a.r,i5ii g, rea.:; cn the 16ih N^v , ae I will leave on ihe 17th r>r my company. 18I0N HORNP S^rg’t Oo. r, 24th E«g t N ' . f. FayaUevllle, Nev. 5. 82-8» WE will be eompellod, after thia date, to increase oar charges, for Professional «er*iee«, toaniraount apprcximating tbe cost ef living. Thc&e who will pa* in Prsviaions will be charged ao* cording to old raiea. B. W. ROBlNfiON, M D. H. A. MoSW.4IN, M D. W. 0 MoDUr^iS, H. D J. A MoEAB, M. D. K. A BLACK. M D T. D. HAIUH, M. D Nov 7. 81 atpd €loak Lost. Lost, betwee ■ Jonn McNe’ll’*. fieq and Lieut. Neill McNdilt’s, near Jraln's Cre,;k, UMro oooniy, on the } ta h Oc‘ober, a D ^RK BROWN UL ^XH CLO--K, with _ J . ^ liberal rewsrd wiil oe paid red ard bl'^ek taoscis for ita reoovery by Fayatloviili’, Nov. 6. Mrs MINOR. 82 8t rvoncjE. I witl gi*o SPUN YABN for Brandy, W>ae, Baoon Lard and Bitter D. D.. fBS9CB. LUrab^rten, Nov. 4 ^ ®a-6tj»d The f»ig.n»tcr68 of colored r trwoas shotiid be iritnesse .1 by thr’3 witacOTee- Xbere itaai b«i for eaKjh mc>ttU,. i oatioa at this of^oe W P CfcPt » Chief Enf. Thw’t. *jo. ’ At the same time and |:U3e will be offered for sal', !he follnwing p«rsca«l pi*ep .rty: 1 Oi) td 2000 bunaels «f Corn; The crop 0' Fi d>r, ^huoka. Peas, 4o; Stock of Cttt>, ilcgs, G^atd, &o; 4V^u:ibld Mule«; Onn Sorrel >*are; Ojp Jenn«t; Oae 4 Horse Wag «n; cne Timber Cart; with all the Fa^'mi^g Tools aad ct^^sr articl's on tbe premises. Terms will be u^de jtaowu oefore ale. A J. BYRNE ) A MoLElN, VEx’rs. E F MOORE,) Fa; cttci^Ue, N. C-, Oct. 11 77-ta iin eeo^te dapli^ Powers of Attorney i. BlaxLk fcriaa likn be t? »dt npvc applt- i*alma €liri«ti l^aus. wbt-. flbdT wili |»y ue hi^&est oasa price« (ov A •ay of Pal:. C \riyn Baana. I A %VA.^TEMP, Hides to t*a oa Bh.iri,i». Xaraa, J Leather or ite eqaifahut in casa We caa t*a it tn a very thorc tune it (ifldired. by Hickla’s p-..tfiat. Pdraoos wi«ai;jg thair Hidva taaaed oan e^icu them to oar al'ir-saa to Egypt Dspot. where itiey wtU l)3 tnisea from uid Leather delivered at oar eii/oner. Oa? eddrcsa ij Baaumont, Chatham Ooua.> W tVATB'>£t & v)0. Reference V>essrjt. G Witiiams & Oi, FAyetteviile. I Anj ‘il 61*&awllJpd i \p^>ilcattoa wiii be made to ! ».he ijvxt ii .. -lit L iiwara jf Nor.i Omjiik* i tor an •^CI. c£ ia^'irp'r .•i >q t ir E^«rprli»3 'Jo&kau j M«'uur«ct.uriag Uoniv>*ny, i»ua»t€.l ij i’ayeltuvul^. j Or.t. 8. i I Wool Wanted for the State of N, Carolina. I^HE undersigned oontlnue to ex.ih=^nf-3 COTTON . YARN for WOOL, one bu.idl3 of Yam for 4 lbs. ua* washed, or 8 Ibj. cleA-i w^jaed Wooi Taey will also pay a liberal pris? in cash for i»r?e or sm-*U lots. GEO. W. WlLLlAxMfl & CO., A^ta. Fayetteville. Jane 16. 42“f A tjoH or i^toieH} Plv»-.B Blaos lii'A if-^r:. f»ar in* a hgarsi it-rltr aai V j a=ji.=r tfin oe :^^pt. 1.‘ FAYSSTTIi VILLE SfCTUAL INSUaANCS Capital ia P’-cminn Notea anoaats to $267,088 2h Ga^ on haart an! tjther aaeets, 6,077 35 . 52:2,706 IG The Conipauy’ aave paid all losses promptly, aad have Epver raada ta assessment on their premiuMi po^&s Total iossea paid, f29 f b2 OrtiOlRK: ’ G£Oi M'jI'iUiLL Fiesi.deat, D. A. RA\, Vioa President C. A. MoMtLLu\N, 3go’y. OiitaoTtms: W. N. Tiilingnastr S^TRAVJBD, From tko srttecribar ia August lac;-, • RED COW with %a anier square ia the right ear, and over eqaore lb* leXt 1 iriii p«y ft UOer^ reward for said C livared to v le i^i FayetteriLe, or any infcrtnatiun fuilv recei red. W. H. WILSON Oct. 27., * 79 otpi ^^pt Coal Mitie. The 'inderfrigsoa were, at the Novorcber Term of Coofedencte Coiirt, District of Ncrth Carolicsv pointed Ma'a>v^i»»s of the Egypt Coal Miso prcp'rt;*, and bnT3 caierod into oopartnership for the purpose cf mining and e^'Ui'itg Coal, and solicit orders for the in au7 derireal quantity. Orders for any amount cs.& '•« Tr>-p3ir!;* short oouoe. The Coal f-rom this pro- ^Ti7 .’w UTi'loal 'tcdiy tisS bert in the Ocafedsrate Stau^ a?pi.'~tticT;s vTj msrle to Chas. E. Siallett, Fayei:-' ’i. ‘J nr* Browne, Chiil‘?StoB, S. C CH.‘*RTJi8 B. MALLJKTT Ttpnxwa Confederate Tax IVotice, IWn/ii altani wtth the Asie-ijra lor Mjora foanty at the following tlrass and pl»oes for t&e purpoee of ooreotirg al* t^xes now dae tbe Coafaiera-? Govern ment. VI*; At A:oh'd Kelly’s Nov2tat; a? M 'beSeli’a. No» 2-.1; at &k er’a, Nov ‘>3.J; Ahtoa’s. No? 21tb; D M Mcla'^sh’a. ^o» 25th; John 8 ^enpard’a. Nov 26',fe; McNftili’d, Nov 23th; D Graham’^, Njv 29io; Car h»g?, Nov 3(Hh, 18u4 All who hava not given ia are hereby n-ttifi.l to attend with t eir l';3ta properly made out. Miet mt 10 o’olook at any nf the ab.ire n^ms I cla*cs modt CAav«’nie-,t . ALEX. KELLY, Col. 32d Di5:. Nov 4, 1864 82 3t Clo^e—Tithe Payers of Robcsoa Comity. All that have not dsUv'^red t^ir Wheu, Rye, Oa's, W-Jol, ara r*ppe«ifally r^aosted to d) so by the fir at 0'D.. camber next. AU t9»t Lva witain 12 miies cf Tithe Depots on t‘'e Ra'lroai most baul their’pre- daoe to them. Regular D-^pota, Lutaoerton, Mos.^ N»ck and Shoe Heel. B. STA»»SIL, Q M. Ag’t. Bo. Co. Noi. 1. lt»U 0. Barnett, JohnsonviUo, Not. 1, iS6(. f'llo.wiug oaj’tS'i me "itjora t f C»pi Ji.8 Hosk- r*8 Co. Sjaior BwarVsf*. cf Hvaett eounty, who wiiltoat« le*va, are he*-o^v ordered to Sentcr, at ^ilajin, t!>n, N n., TB J A jH W'i’tson, M Ttrcka. j j woo-*- ’hursjef!, B M irrJ", C Lujas, W >fian4,) D McDoa\ld, D M£;lni.ir«, D Mo H Niianory, K Norris, J E ^lark, B Brauob, 8 *!al:n W9, R P.t?, J au*w*.'t, M Weaver, , n^nfiB Bisga* A 7araeroa. Jo;'l D^nnlEg, W J G‘‘'’iWin, L ii■»’*!, W Hobby, Q Luoas, D >luore, i .'■io^-re, ii4 Morris, A P*tt*reon (of tJuob'rlaad ) .*,-1.7 mta failing to report wit.iin ten da;s fro*n the P’*Mi9t!ion of tfos ord^i will be coneiiered a de^^erter •»ri ff/.twitb Ro-’ordingly wisM t«k n'np You havn not only disgraced yourseiv's hut tha c'uuty to which yen h laiag, ia staying away when oallei ■>« to go to the fr'at ' A- H. TOI.AR, 82 31 ' Capt anl E. O 'mm m if—■ Ijn 11 in r iff IlV- THE Tfuatees of Ndi .^.cademy wish to eiaploy-a toaoh- er cf experiensf, ani well qaalidei to preptre boys fur CoUega. A good musio keacaer ia aUo •raui'd. Th« uex. seesian will oomoieaee about the 1st of Jftu’y n9X^ AppUoai^ts ara ieqnired to exaibit t'^stioioniais f coa eieaoy to Sec’y board of Trasiee*. vJ. C COVINGTON. N ?. 8 81-3t '6£.V£RAIL OADSBS. Hat M^uafaaturers &t StateBvili^. N. 0 , wish to J. purona?o 1,000,000 FUR .SKLirS, t!uc»^ RAtJBtTd. .V aSKRATS, rOJN, MINK FOX, OlTEa »ud BE vVEii, for whica we wili p%y to® higu- (r3*- priijea ei:R;r ic OonfederAt* 'tl:aey, Baci Bil 3 a>id bpecie, Of exohk!tS9> for 'Dottoa Y ri or fl»‘s. Wo hope ta&t all wao wUh to cao^arage a S..a*.hera Bnterprwe, wUl excit tbt'mieWes in getting us furs. Merohauis will plfa ■ act as Agents, ba riog in mind that wo w 11 p»y 25 ccnt. mor« than any one else. WITIKOWSKY & 8ALTZ8BRY. Mr. 8 BRANDT ia our authorized Age?i' for Guro- bsiiaad ooaaty to pur'aase Furs for na Wli’TKOWSKY & SALTZBERY. Nov’p 3. . 81 2 a A Crentieman, uamarried, of several years exp-irituse, d-j^iras a Claiiictil And jldihe- matieal ccaaoi s r the en3u;ng year. • F^r terrrs, Referetceij aad othar pirtijuiara, apply »«• mediately to C*pt- R)0't Xait. Laurinbarg, Nor. 8. 81 6tpd __ The Cora-nttoo 0’ Ex+oiiaaiton of OooiPoa School Taa3J?rs f.r Robeson couaiy will m«ot L':iab?r toa, the 12i,h day of Noyembe? next, (the la L for the present yaar ) All who expeot to a;j-ply fcr C’urtjfi oatc are requested ta atu'ni oa that uay. HENRY T. POPE, Chm’r. Oct 29. 1864. «l-3‘ To the Mesbsrs of the Homo of Gommois. IpHjk andaraigaed, a oiusen of Chauam Oouaty. a%d i now a member of Co. E, 44A N- 0. Reg’t, rtspsot- .‘al'y asncunoes himself a Candidate for Ro^dbg OSk-rV ct the House of Comtaons of tbe General Asscisbly t>f tjiorih Carolina He etrnf)sUy aDUoits yoar #upr)-'. 0. 0. OOLDiTO I. Oo’dston, N. C., Get. 26. 8Ita’*ts LO«»T, r[£ Subsoriber hae loot a 4 i-*r o«uL CfiETlFI'JATE i for a Coof«derate 8t»tes B*ad, signed Ijy Wm Q. Brcalfoot. aad No. 1531, for i|2M. Nrftica is kffcby givsn to aJl pcrsnas not to reorive said Cer;ifio%( - or tt trade for the e^me. i shall laake applioatioi? to the proper authorities to isane to rae * dupl’oate eop; of said Oartifi*ate. URIAH 8CHERMBSS0RN. . Fay*ttevilie, N C., Oct’r 24. 83*6tp4 * TVotice is iiereby giTeiA tliat Ap- pUoation will be made for a '^uolic^ of a cert:fi;i to lost or mislaid—issaed by W. G. Broik'ifdat. C -i. De- poeitary at Fayetteville—-iatedMaroa 1^, 1864, No 4^0. *0 Dr J. H. F^ovan, for Five Hondrel Dollars, for 4 p^r oent. Interest per aonaan—under aet 17th F&b’/ 1864 . nance projepriiea ever o^st. Owing to Che rather improznptu arracgeaie&ta for raising the ball, it W|kt found to bo anything but nn easy task to adjost it. However, at the hour m»‘ntioacd, the piece was loaded, ruid every body stood clear frr tht i::st ^raad trial The gun was raised to an eleva* tion of twenty-five degrees, and the discharge Wii deafoning. Tbe ball was twenty four sooonds ii^ the airy aad fell at a dLitanoe oflabout three miles and • balf. Co:siderAbie applause followed the final shot, and all concerned in the management oftha piece were warmly congratulated. Tbe following are the diaaensions of this last great aciaevement of Captain Rodman: weight of gun 116,497 pounds; leng’h 21 feet; bore 20 inches; usual charge cf powder, 100; average weight of ball, 1,0,00 pounds.—JV. K lie aid Dialogrie—Scene/Hvgtings f'ourt Clerk'*o0iee. —Dropping into this ofiice about ton o'cloclc, % few mornings slooe, we overheard^he following dialogue, between the .Clerk and antrishman who wanted a martiae;e license: Irishman—“Top o' the morning io ye. Is the clerk’s office in?” Clerk (smiling)—‘*He ia sir; what will you have?” Irishman.—“It’s tJie pravaliga to marry th*t Tni after.” Clerk.—“You want a license then, sir? Wl»t is the lady’s name to whom you are to be max* ried?^’ Irishman. - ‘*It’s Mary that I am afther oaliiiig j me wife. Please give me the proper paphers " I C’ork.—“Mary! Well, sir, wLat Mary? She must have some other name.” IriEhman (stratehing his head in a perplexed manner.)—“Be Ja«us, and that’s the naaia I know her by. Aiu’t it enough, sir?” Clerk.—“No, sir, not for me. You must giw me some other name /’ Irishman —“An^ faith, won’t her name be Mary O’Jiooney whin we are married? But, b« Jasns, I Lave it now; it’s Mary Jane. Mary fret sad JTane next, will tim* now, master olerkf'^ Oitk—■“Nrnir. jj no>, «o Tv»» ' ter bring Miss Mary here herself. Were you ever tn:;iried bafnre?" Irishman.—“Yis, sir, and sure I have; but my wife is no more, poor soul. She died nigh on to two wdcks ago, and left me two little brats to take cure My Mary hss agrade to be a mother to t :e litle orphans.” Olork (laughing audibly)—“Well, Mr. O’ Roon* ey, how long have you been acquainted with Mia* Mary Jane?” Irishman —“Och! It’s a long time that I have known her, too. Let me see (counting on his fing?r;) one, two, three, and—. Ah! it’s the risin* of four weeks that we’ve known ache other. Mary Jane was the ghal who nursed and buried poor Bddget O’Rooney •” Clerk.—“I can't do anything ior you sir, with out you give mo her whole name. If you will bring MisslHury Jane here at 12 9’clock, I'll at tend to you.” Irishman.—“Faitli, I’ll do that. Now, Misther Clerk, you’ll be sure to be here, for at two o’clock we’re to be joined together.” Exit Irishman—and in a short time after vp also left—Richmond Vfh-g. Reading ahud.—There ia no treat so great M to bear good reading of any kicd. Ni?t one gentleman or lady in a hundred *an read «o as to piesse the ear and send the \tords with g«ntlo force to th 3 heart and underdtaadiag. An indis* daet utterance guttural notes husitatiorss, and oiner viots of elocution are c.lmo’it uaT-^r^ai. Why it is, no one can say, unless it be tha^ cither the pulpit* or rhe nursery, or the Sunday Hobool gives tlis style in these days. Ma*.y a iidy caa 3\ng Italian so igs with considerablo execution, !>ut cannot rend Eng'ish paspabiy Yet reading is by far tbe the mostt vi^luiolo accomplishment of tlie tpo. In most drawicg rooais. if anytLirg 13 to be read, one has weak iur=g^, another gels very hoarse, ac Jthe- has an abominable sicg Hong from rcaatag hymoj whcu he was too young to I understand thoT; another rambles like * broad ’P'hueled wagon; another has a way of reading whiciu Bccmd to rrt»ciatm that what 19 read i» of DO sort of conaequenes and had better not be lin- teced to-' Thirst find Hungtr. —Every one is f'tmiliat _ with the fac« that the atiinjal system can boar up ■ much longer under the iafiuenoto of hanger than toat oi* thirst. The reason is that during absti- rense fiom food the orgiBi.:m livt s upon ita own substonoe. Tue accumulation of fat fecdd the system, which does not sufFor raaterially until thiit source of snstenanc'^ is exhausted During abstinence from liquid, the organism has no aelf* sa3?aimng supply. Except when a person ifl s'jitvL-if r-V-''if i O" >-n-3^ V *l ■ai‘4 1.'5' iouBg’s AritkuieUcai OicU^aary,. •^MBRiClJiG a s,/3tsm of Anthm-uo, Reaiy R.^ok>>v i!i er. Latarest GaiooUtor, Bo>k Koepia^, Forma, «o. B. i. MAU& k aONS. Ws If, Heary Lilly, H. L. Myrover,. 8. T. Hawley, ITitnan A. Stedman, C B. Mallctt, James Kyle, A. A. McKeihak, J. D. WtUiama, B. W. Tilliaghast. 8. J. tlinsdalo, Wm. MsLaurin, T. 8. Luiterloh, A. W. Sicel, J. Q. C^rok, Hon. J. G. Shephard, d. F. Brown, ) A.E. HaU, John Colliaa aaid 0. 0. MoOrammen, Traveling AgaDt;-. OampMiy ia«t« ft^pUM^ioaa. Mat »klill. n> SHtate ot IVortit t'arolina. OUM8EHLAND t.OUNlY ftuvx’rior Co-ir‘ -.? L..w,’F-M T^rm D 1^68 la aC'T W'li’.lu'wU vs W iHamsoa, ■*" , Petlu^a for Divoroa H *f ptar>''g to the ERtis^Mti n of (hf t.'?tth? Dsfen^ant Mary Wil'tatr-s^ ■ ;, s c • BAOJ!»! SRACrSR—Th© infe* riftr quality of tHe pip^r on'Which tt2 _ . tObsarver laas been printed of late, and | t;j »h ■* which ig a gjret' \ ye-ssre t? tis cwiog to the want of j j c-.r-. : * spf&oia'atEuppl^ ofgt'Otl r.4g , wdtha eoa^equMt nto* j j^r.-v, I of ilie ' r esslty tc reeorb t'> » afonor mktaiiAls. We appeal to the ,u. r-?:**' » pr.-v.-n* of th - V^.r fritnus et the Oc§.-x '?er all aceessiblo pTiints, lo 3S.r* uj ana bring to ton a all the ra*re they o»n prodore. Wfc hMe no timft oat selves to atlvod to parohase. but Messrs. Gao. W.. Willi«^m8 u Co., the Ageats iw this tcwm of B/Ir. Mta phy, wili pay 15 cents per lb. Io* he:n 1. J HALE a BONe. «'-K> 15, R Itf 75 ftf r«t j in"'a very moist atmosphere, three daya of i^tate of IVortit Carolina, • d eprivation of drink is usually the limit of endu- tion. T£!»^TAi?U:]!VX AXO HVAllVS. pONFEDERATB States , Bible Society Testamentfi. \J A CoUectioB af h Sokool Hynns. f^iaiabf n 1. BAiJI a eOl^a. I-is h ;fetjio ordtr '.d, i* . ix weeks in the Fayet: .-;'!-^ «> * i» r» 1 D*ifsn«**.nt, M»ry WiUUiis'ji, hi. %;i\i ^•K n-.r* f*ap»r!or Con'-t rf Law, t-, h.» he- .Cc‘;al7 lij 1 ca-L :a 9 . t'ftf e»? vt i^r the f'-srr-bAi.iac'i! t.t ihe Horioc ia - 7 ■ if' f tV ■ -tf ', D v> tfei.ih^^r '■ D i>”j“ '!■ •If de'tT'*!/ r f- i ‘ I‘ft I '• cx T »r. e ■* ;. D j • v ro ^ ’ i fAtneti- Ju >a W Bak iv I at OSoe in Fayei^vUl^, N ‘ V er .■'sJ 'iftyrer i I.. h^a*d CJ ' jf t'tjr ta’ i Coori, the 7th Monday after Ik* 4tk Moaday of S^teatar, A. D. 186^. J. W. BAKSR, Oiark. 8URRY COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter 8«4iion, Ang Term, 1864. H. C. Hampton, Adm’r of John A Adams, djo d, vo. John Jones- Ori^al Attaooment levied on Land- fN this Ctao, it appearing to the eatisfiMtion of ti.e I Coert, that the defendAnt, John JoaM, ii * ' vlaat of tais State: It ia Ordered bytae G-^nvt t>»t mu- v.?rtMemeat be made it the Weekly FayetteviHo i»CP"r- vor fpr six we»k«. cotifying tha de'oadant to -P^*J ni l plead or repbvy, or jadgment wUl be default against him, aat! th* laid lorisd on t? tbe satisfaction of Plaintiff’s debt, aai order of aale H. C. Hampton, Clerk -'f Office, the *eooad C. C. 0. 74«6tpd Oei*r 6. 1864. Wmiraats fcr wk lwf«* r^noe; while persons have been known to exist without food from fifteen to twenty days. Raging thirst is the most terrible iodiction which can ba visited upon man—it is far more tcrribla thaa starvation. The snbjcction to thirst is m«ek ni^re effectual in taming animals than thair da* privation of food. ' • Yankee Moi-al$ —A yonng woman in JacksODm Mich , has been carrying on the rccruiting bad ness in an original aad highly peculiar manner. Marries a man cn condition that he will enlist and give her his bounty. She being strikisglj handsome, the poor dupe consents. After he g(we she marries another. Four men fcaa ah* thus wedded and sent to the maj, 0* th# OQoasiim she wat dftootod.