1 ■ j y?* PRESnWEST’S MESBAQE. To ,i« ^tntU and th« JUoutt of ReprtttntaHPtt 9fihe0ik- frdrrate Sta’es cf Americi: It 18 wiih 8- isftcii n »h*st I wMcome your presenoe »a «»rl .‘r d»y t..*n tuiM n'^ual f^r your session. *t>cl with o'ni ’ n-e »/4t I «> • t *«■ •i'i rour oounsels at ft «j«5 of pnch l a ^iis rxV«-«iy Th« osnpk^ga whioi ifA" ooBJra rc d ^Airon^ •^maUsneonsly tritb your se-^'i'u «**r'y n M fa r wa’oh WM BtiU *b pr> g e«s y Ml' Kuj iir m*n. a tha mi of Jaae, !»•*« OT >«* r.-% hoi >'9 o’.'Sd 1' ft" pr3*^n*ea on ft mu: jjr. vwi- rof ^f !v» an-qn*\l d Wbrn ire r-T r- t> »■ o ■! :*:.) f "■•.■’ c>u'-i»-y at I'i*' if'Ofp- tion of t '« -?p?r» «T rf S'*** j>r.v .t tJ »>>• Jn»«r- siiul' th-' pr^'p»fMop ^y th« cremy, tb« n'mhjr of bis f 'cvx tie fc ■anj-*!r,tioa of his warl kd euppu'B »r-J T w i*» wrtirh h^8 Tft t rf- 8ou‘o?s hftTa ve>>n 1»t a* oi i~ 11# »U* :ipt t'' r^' tnoo^si MB'uc ; w’jen \#« c;*B'tr.8t the fiUjabTta B>e^o» »t oar di p s i r. fs’g tace. *B.i b«-B ws eon t»mrl»te th«» '■f ft »rB-g’i ftpp^ren'Iy so rn»- .qiftl. m ci»3r>i}‘ f'^il. wH'le wni*»ia« the f,l\ of ae»er»e>ii pr»)e> »c cur jteB*r»?a ftn4 »o’lie'’P. top«ro»iTe ♦bftt ft Po» r h gh*r t>>3P r-ia t>*s3 wiU4dl our de^.itkr ftn*«. and crAte''u\1y to r o'irr.’** fhn of • kiod P.'OTiJepcj i*' *-rftbfi ;(r O'^ tUtsce’^ifally to «i'h p'ftni utxoit. S rts of tbe tnfiny f.-r ont srv*^ja^»- tioa At t*"* hi»(t'a^’'n7 cf th* yf»r tfca St fe of T'X4s ir»s p»f«iil y in p-«fe-M'in -f »iip (.o9oaj\ ft*-d Urr* p r iom of l.oui ••"li ftrd >rk«nsisUy »rp*r'n'’y 01 tlf F vl r»’s ’•! rs w'^o i'vjvd^* V V' *-rt kn 'wn '0 r>w .’a ft? ; riBoutr^ •wmr In 5T •>»’th ▼r8'*r« I o fl > r. ‘y- U *Tjp. l »rmv fvtj>d bv • p I-. rfiil fi • T^-j --p-pmt' J f ds'- .*>''•, iP ' d-ev-cti 5'a t - infi a’/ 0 p‘nf)f i« of rtno IS-- '■* ’la jiu'a‘’.ir3. % Utj*-- p {. f>i i'.s r-.iiitK* (r.tina r:)d ra-PV !:•»• «pr»:'B »r; t 7n!^Oi'•. Thf ei 4> Id;‘8 ccruo j-n of iri^t in :e'?uo 'o ;h« t.'-TC’* diBirici c'-isO’^.'U d ^y the fUns «'f t’s fl'ft. Ark^r* f»9 ri»p-i »#civfr«A viw i e rf»f-.tr f inififd r^^ta w ilo our terras penetrft'cd iwe Cl t'ti'*’XfiS'ijar?, affjrdi»g,£»'' cup e-': d brttftr'.-’ I* &t B‘ ft'i org>*iu i' v—cf r ■io'* mmr atT-. s.i '*.1 el «b»m*=!ir 7—ff g:figi^ f.y Ubp-.-fciioa flpam -Ibe :a w u?0*» (h- ■" h: y* ’ i»y» g-«» f «jj * - ^a'tTs#T'a« Af ih” MiM'o 'S pi. **>na of ecjae r«- Ter-e;*. «r« ujcch of a«o for gr&ta!*tion The eo® my hsrsi to dariag tbc prwjit yw» by ooco«n- trrjit'u cf forces, the oonqifst irbioS fce hud pre^ioqoly f«i!ed to ftctfoirpli^h by icoro rx'a&drd CoTpel'ed. t>#rj'ore. to witbdraw or Fctiously tf'Wt»k en tha str njith fh» armiAd of oooup^tiou »t d flf;r*>ut po'Dts, be ba« rlF’rJed C8 *he oppcr^uclty of rsoc^fring pc«9e‘9t.>a of • usWo dietrlc's of our t^^ri^ory. N-;»r- Jy t^o whfil* cf ••rrihern ind wpstfrn Mips'islpp’, rf n’>r’bera A ft^'arrt, und rf wo'6rn TennF^oeo, areft^^iu in our pnF»-■sicn; •pi »11 »ttempts to pf^cetrats frrin the o'»9* 1 ne icti th» imerior of the At-ftelio «na Galf 8*ft‘en b2Ts been b ffl «i On eutire o^eftu aod ga'f c;«st of the Coufedprftcy, (he whole Fuecoflf* of the cn*mT, with t*ie pcormfm ntra^ refiourc?s at big c"!* r?*nd, bft« be»n iimittd to the capture of the cut«» de fences of ^Jobite B if If we DOW inrn to the resuUi afootopli:h?d by the two great am 59« so «otfiJenily relied on by the in ▼ftiiera te fofB^Unt to secure the Bcbvers'on of oar OoTsrn'reot and ihe sul j ^o^ion of our people to foreign dominaiioa. we have tiill (greater causa for devout, yrati u ie to Divine Power In fcutkwestern Virginia, Fnco'esirs arn.iea which thre«.t«ned the capture of LTBChbu'jr and StllviUo bate been routed an-i driven out cf the country, and a portion o' r-SEtern T>'Dnebeo recor q ifred by our troopa Iti northern VirglBia cx len*ivj (.istri.if*; fortarrJy cccupicd by tho enciay are noirf.-pefr m their prrs'nce In the lower Valley, their Orner*.’. renJrred de?psrate by bis iatbilily to maittain a h ‘'.i!o oacnpsitjcn, bsta resorted to t’aa ia- fa»TCU9 rxrediect of convening a frc’tful land ia>o a desert by burning i*a rcil'fl, scr;ca!i?3 and h:r:*st6fc''0, and JeBlroyicjj (he foo^, et-cdi; ^ crops, li»c rto.'k aai • ^ieu tufal iinplen!e*'t8 cf peaceful con-oombat^ntB. Tne -ra'n a-aiy, tfter a seriea of defcalo in Trhiab its Ice?-8 bive been enoracu-;; after attcmjtn by raid’Cjj Tar.ies lo ’> *eaV np ou? railroad 03miaun:0iti0w9, which rcsa’te^ ii ths destraoiicn of a iar^e p»rt of the cava’ry eng»g*d in tie work; after coaii^ant rjpuhe of reseated a99aaU8 cn oar defensivi? linos, is, with the aiJ of heavy reinfcrcAm»nta, but with, it is hoped, waning prospcct of furlhrr prog^ees in fbe dsei^^n, etill cngigei in aa ffirt. oomaaenc'd raore tban four months »g' to ca:>;”,ri» the town of Poterebarg Tie aroiy of Qea. Sh«rtnfc’», ft'thcugb euaoeoiiaj at t^e ead of the PU’nmer in ob aining possef.ai 'ja of At!an*a. baa been unabH to secure an " uUi'^sate advsntago i om this sucoew. Tae stma G’n-ra! who in Peb'osry last n^rehed a large army fro*u Vioksbarg t> M«r dian with no 0 be” rt^aU ta*n being forosd to msrch ba\:k a^ain, was abh, by the aid of g-fft‘iy icorea^ed numbfrs, and after tcaah d- Uy, to f )rc3 » passage from CJiattamoga to A'4aata>i o j!y t^ be for 'ha csaouJ tiaoe oompelled to withdraw m Im? of bis siImbq^, wit^^oat obtaioic^ rnr*t of % ‘ fi-gV E3!?# ^ f»rn>ory 6'iyo ii the osrrow lr%cX ot ra*rcli, »nX wlfU'-Ui r il Z i~\t bfc/33u the prec^irioQ^ po*B-a«ijn of a few fortifijd psiats in Which he CDSjp?'! i tomtioU:n heayy garrisini, and whiob are menioei with reoipture Tae li=!«'ns jff riled bf the history of this war are fr*i»bt with instrcotion and encoaragsment. Repaa • edl7 dnrirg war have 'ortndible ezpedltisni been diVfot ii ty the ►:nei3y againt p)iat3 igQorantly^uproa- ed *0 be of viisl imf or acca to the C nfideraoy. Sjine of th’88 exp d iioa? bav?, at itmnense cjost, been «>:o ccsj'u’; bui ic ro in-^t^oo^ have the proai'ne^ fruits been r-jnre > ia the p*ea?!’it oatnpaign, was th« dc u’-'^T fo^l'r c erij''® 1 t-it cx'>tar9 of Atl*inta »R^ II :‘-ra' d wMjid. if tlf ctftl end the w*T by tha Ov»rt*>r» w >* our 1 ■v'rn'^''nt an i 'be sab^i-ision of cu** ppflnJ? We u aow j ;d/fl by CTp ;fihow unitnp r- t»D^ iS theo' the form-r cv .jt u.->oa on? ca p»o'it» f r i.‘ft»ir^= uoia ba r.T.i'aro snl rpiri’ of th-i people, an 1 sl’^bll-ty of fe 0 *orn-n?oT nisy, in l^ki t :i'. if t’l;} c^^ipiija ajra uet R com-i'doa r isa t d i.i s ’cod-t iiiste-d of faiijr-'; if tho va’o? of the a,'ci/ ud tcr ih- !‘i«d r:h?p o i’s -o Cf'EipliaSeJ C'mnfev.irai* r’s s’ed n i^'n hr* ovu' wiaimip^ na-8 s wiiijs w;ra OQ 11 . o) :trar/ d -o 3v- Iv Te"'u!s'd; if wj had bean cjinoulti'i to eviouve R cimini ai w’il aj At'an’*, tti» Cjsf'jJeracy ul 1 bav* rema ned erijt aaii fi*Ti as e^'r. Sjihinsr C'ti'dh vnb*90 ei*Tig^d in t ifl paro ?e of'W Q >'»nra!T>.'t, iTti*inl")aifble vilor of ir.^ trjop® o* tn tie uo^a'a":’!- »bl’8p rit of i 6 p»o;>le. Tj* b Ifl i ao 1 dis^ppiict- cJ fo' w-'ulM 1 va a baire Siia^m rep jr>3 o' ?our proo»e tt «inae p ^w la»i“!»^i¥3 3i»t, for %'j indi o«)ion prorr m hiU -13-n made ia his gig^atij t^sk of oonq-ivioar p'')ile Ta jtru^b “o pat'a* to us miter^ I-rg ■>» f )ra>^ ^p1tlt^■‘ relcc!- at Nor.^«.n T e-rt ».r»n) vinl piint? oi tfi'^ fraf. ivf-t 0 = o'w^icb heoia'ii »d ■x'^tc'^o'? 'f tha (>'lif^d raiy i?e- pecds T j=''-e IS CO m iitarv sujj !-s of ’he en ray 7 lofe can •cooujr't-h its d stra'f'."'u. li jt. ti e 'VI o; Ktjn BTO’'J, r*o»‘ V» ila»!T«t • m, tor C'i»rl nor Ss?aa >b, ror M •bil", »>6r of nil ootnbiaod. can save tho ppcay 1r« in «>e c n''tsnt an! rx'iausiive ur%ia of blood auJ lre»^ ir* w?)ic.h ma^t om’iauo uiul he shi’.l riifiooiic?> t'>a». no peace iasita.aabla unless basid upon the recog nition of our iniefaasib*«> risrh*a.' Pe'or^ leaving this eubj’ot it ii gratifyi’ig to aeanre yeti tbft ibe milit«ry fiupplieb fa3Pn»i*Uy rsqaisit^ for pnblie d^fenos w.ll bs fjnnd, a? heret'sfore, adpquate to car ne’i-*; anl taat *Hr>ni\nt crop* !i»Ta rowtrdei i.he la^'or of the f^roaer, ani r^nler:d abortive the inhuaiaa attempt of the emmy to proiuc3, by devastation, fam ine amen;; tie pcoj»>. FJRSrOH RfLATI3II3. I‘ la n^t in my power t.> aio'-.aass any ehang3 in the oonduat of fjreirn pa were. No Rtsoh ac?i'»a has b«*pn t«ken by the f hriit'an Tsa'iona cf Earcps as might jT»t'y ha»> b'ei erp oVj 'r m thiir i'ir.tory, fr-j-a Jh-^ t5«'.'os imp380 br !v;^^r')^t’on lla'ff, and frontbe claitns of bu ami.'y Is is c 'arltaH^i to aHribu'e th»!r oaa’uct to no Wsjrse oBotiva than in'jif jrwaoe to the C3n8eq'i?n* o?s of % etrnrgla whi;}h eba'ies ocly the R>publioan portion cf the A-ne^ic^Q 0'n' n:nt; and not to ascribe to design a coarse oaloa'ated ensure tho prolonga tion of hostilities. N > ios'anoe in h'ctory is remembtred by me in whlolt • nation pratoo^i-jg to ex«rois3 dominion o?er another, asserting i's iaieprndenoe. has been the first to oon- oede th« oxiuenoe of sueb iad«penden09. N« oase o»n he recalled to my roisd in which nen'rai powers have fftiied to set the exsmpin of rea>ga'xing tba independ- erca of a nation, whm gatisfi^d of tho inability of its enemy tornbrert i s Qovercucn ; and this, too,' )n ot'^ee wiitr? tha pr?viom relation between the oontendlufpar. ti'-R h*d bren c'>rjf9E8dly th«t of mother oouatry and de pend nt o''’oo5; not, as la oar cass, that of ooeqialS‘a*>s u iited »-v F.»Jer*l oompaot It bas e^cr been o^aeidered t*"* rripf-r ruuc'i'n and doty of noatr.'l powars to per form (He'fl» j“ of ja Vn? whether in p/int of fact tbena* tion nms^t' .nn domiiiiin tbie to muks good its preJen- Bi^^rs b^r forf'“ of a-ia-!, an! if not, by reco/^ai,tioa of the rfpi p^rfy ((x^ieccuntecaiceihsftTrtber c3Sti'*uanoe tf the corifis Ani th) revioa w'^y this duty it in- c. nh »>i o" tj“a*-»l po~ers is plti Ay apparent, when w r 11 pt ih^t tbe pri *c and pasii'n which bliad the ■* I " ■■ “ot of i'i3 panics to tLe conflict cause the can- t ri;»T,[.p o' aciiT‘ w-irfftre, and c^^-^pequent uae^osa B.jun tjr.’or?: afl. r r.’c intsvUrv'-lo re'ult has be**om3 fcpp^r lit to all not eojrurfd in iha Btruggle. 80 lonr. SrecoKDition of ou^ ird^.cnd?uoo to airn uao^ that, in their judgment, the Uni.ed St»tei are unable to radnoe tha ConfeJeraoy to Babmwsiou, their conduot will be accepted by cur cnetaioa as • tacit onoouragemBnt to contiaue theit cf- forti, and *3 mpUed aasoranQo thM belief is eater- tefneti by Beatrai Batteaf 1b ftk« imMMf of their de- lifBS A direet etia*l«e, irkeiher iBteBttiaal or act, !■ thus implied to MenrlBK • oo^tinoaiioe. of tho oar- sage and d«Tasiatirn whieh deso!^ thii eoBtisoBt, aad whtoh |hcy prr&aa deeply to deplore- The disrec&'d of tbia jtut. hamaae, aad Obriatiaa ! publi* (fut« br the patioB* of Europe is tbe-mere re- ; ma**kable, fron t^e faet tbat &atbeatio ezprewiea bai i long si^«'e >e«ui given by tbe doTnmmeBtt of both i '■n.'n-c ajd Kattand to the «r«?iet’cn thU tbe Uaitrd , States are ua'.ble te ooaqwr 'the Coafederaey. It ia I ef>w »»!«re t'lan two ye%rs s‘a"e the QcTe>nnaat of j 'nro»«e*d ofitoiahy.io the /»’iiBe's cf London I aiii* St. P ter V or? i»9 ovt> a{iOo=a«!dB th»t tha Uaiied St.-tes w :re uaable to aehi^ve a«y deeMva ailitary eue- I oe*8. la ibe AOJwers ««pt hv thee- po««rs no tstima- fion nfartonirarv opiato' was eorveyd, an*! itia Bate- j ri-.a« tt-.at tr io*h fa aad e«t of Parliameat, I t»»e cne-bere-»f H*r B t«nai« M»j««tr’e Gwramftnt ; hav* B»t Sae’*at«d to expreea thia o»oviaUoBla miqdali- ' iii terms. Tha dsaiai rf ©or rifbt B^der theee eir j cnm^ian-'ja is *j ebT^outly itcjMt, v»i dieeriafQai*s po j ncfalely >a favcr ef t^e Vslted Statee, that csatrala 1 b^ve fou5ni t> pall’ato ihe wroBf ef irhioh thev are ; oo9?riou9 by pr.>feeeiat to «eBail«>r. fai oppeeitieB te ! n^tpticae tr-*h and to tH kaoWB belief af hoih bellig erents, th*Mbe reoosBMiaB if ear iadaMBdcBoe would vt’n^le-= their iBtu^niiom in the e»rog#l>; an inlwreaUon af which we dlaol^ the de- I 3-re ao rr ‘•f ^u»t the atw|4afa We OMik aefttver, we j wieh n-j hj'wv-atlon, we Rbow esrteltae IfeUy eenpa I tewt *o jrt\kt*}o oar own rrgirt* asd/ladepeiideBoe ifcfr i»»a»»er* ef onr eodBtty. mud we feel Joati fi^d in Mftjntng, wlibeat tba aid da«t«»i from re- i m’tUof tb ?'!• ar'ci>4 from foreifv oiQQtiiea, t^e iev* 1 d.’i-e ere •■Via hcr« b?»A irwkii froib our aoH I '*’> '• ■gt^iioa '--f tifi Ods'tdaraoy was r«ftiec-U n B in tba fhU of 1882. ih« r^i'ntvl w«b X rs' ’ irrort'-i tbrt> asy ae*.l=« b-/ M»je« fj’» r*^-t «rn^j bav# tn» •fF*ot rf the ^ iti^iorg of b»;i;g»reHa and af pv*v«»lnr there to 13 f f peuie It ie aRsniaed ifcai tbIaopbioB was elB r?r».’y enter(»in*d; but the cxperieae* of two years of •reqnall'd c"re*ig«, s*- cw9t that it wag e.rroneoaa. and that the r r.uH wa« tka revels* of what tbeBritieh bs^b- J^try bqt">"ely dfflred. • policy n^^rfvig of oocQ«s«ioB to an tbf. d'vvaada of our eiMiBiae, ig witbin the p>wer of Her Majefty's tforerament, a«4 would it ifiAiir topreaame, be prcdoetive of floveqoea• 028 th« cppotite of these wkieh have aarertcnately fol- liwfd lie^^ole ocuree cf conduct from tbe eomnie»ce- raini ef tbfi war to t^e preseut time In ^ word, peace ^ •mposf.ib'e T'ilhcnt indep»adeaet, aod it is net to be ‘xp>ct?i1- iha^ the en^my will antioipate nenirals in the reco?ni’icn of thet inder*ndenoe When the bisto ry of this war sball be fnHy dis^lcsed. the calm judg inctt of the^* artial publioist will, for tbese reason?, be unable to a^sol'^e tbe aeutral aatieas of Eorope from r. sbsro in (be laoral responsibility fcr the aijriadsef bu- rnan lives that have beea onaeoeasarily aaorlieed dar ing i'B prngrcti. The renewed li!Btiti>ee8 in »hicb foreign Powers have given us jiti eiBce of cafflpiaiat need not bare be de ‘ailed The extracts from the csrrespoodeace cf the State Depsrtaeat, wbicb aoooDtpaa; titis meetagt, wiH (ilird BU'h further inforaation as can be given withcnt deirimect to tbe labile interest and we must reserye for tbe future Buch aotion as ay then be dcsaaed advis able t9 eectuTii redresa. Fufxaoia. Tocr special atteofioa is caraeitly limited to the re port of tbe Secretary of tbe Ti*eaanry, snbaitted La coa- forii]i«y with I'TT. Tbe facta therein disclosed are far froin dIsconrsgiBg, and demonstrate that, with jiJi oi:u3 ieg’ala’ioQ we eball be enabled to aseet aU the exi.^crc’^s of tUe w»r frcai ear abiudaat rtacnrees, anr: av id, at tbe ebos tiice. such an accamclation of d'M ts would recdsr al all doabtftd cor e^pscity to re deem it •The tot>l reosift' ict* tte trsasary for the two qnar- t. ri ending on the SOtb September, 18G4, were f4‘6,- 19’,650, which fuja adde^ to the balaase of f808,28i,- 722, thit retrsised ia the Treasury on 'Jie 1st April Unt. fjrns a total cf f728,474,^72 Of this total, aot tf.r from half, that ia to s-y, f'S42,560,827, haTe been appli?^ to tho cxtinoiioa ef the pablio debt, while the •Ota! exp*ni^’tures bave been $272,878 505, leading a balance ia the Treatary on the 1st October, 1864, of f 108,435 440. The tjt&l amount of the pablie debt as exhibited on the bi'ots of the P-.'sri8t(fr of the Treaenry. on the 1st Oat. ’86t was J1 147 970 20“. of whif^b 540,OW. were fuaded Uebv. braring i :ure«t, f2®3,88),150 were tMa. sury c >lee of tha n£w iriae, and the r*aa»iader oenilstei of tbe foruipr iesae ctircacary sctss, which will be eon- v«rt«d itrto ct^ar forms of iibt and will ecaee to exist as cu^reooj ou the 8Ist of next month Tco repari, however, exvi^iae that, la eeneeqnease of theabieno3 of certain reioms from distant eficrra, the true amoaat of tae debt is les9, by abaat tweaty- cne and balf mlllioaa of doUft^, than appears oa the books of the R«^iij«r, aad that the total pablio deht ob ‘UJsv-o OT ?«■ The inoraaae of the pablio debt darinf the six mcBths from tbe 1st Ap*il to tha 1st Oj.*b'r, was 597,350,780, being rather mjre than $16,000,000 per month, and ^ill be apparent, on a perusal of (be report, that this augmentation would vave been aroided and a positive reiuotion of tbe amount would have been elFseted, but for certaitl defsots in the legialation on the subjtct ef the ficf-ncs. wh'ch are pointed out ia the report, and wbioh seem tu adi^^it of etay re'*>edy In the sratonsnis j'lat made the f^rsign debt is oeit- trd I. coiisi? s on y of the uap%id > al»n?o cf tha lo^n kn^iwri «B tte C 5tt^n lean. Th?s baiaase is bat £i,- ;iOO 000 ani is ideqaa'elT provided for by abant 2i0,- OOu of c'itton owaei by tas Qn»eram*nt. eveti if n ’ cjtton he rat d n worth bat aix peooe per pound There is f'u^ item of tan pabia debt U3t iaolided ic ho tables prcs:;a'?*’J. to wbtch vour attention i * r-q i r^ s *. The "^oujty b-jaia proaisai to oar s ll’e'n by the third H(.o ioQ of the aot of I7lh February. 186i wer. ! liver a "'6 oi to I'j*. Oot ;b?r Tae Secretary h»e j’liia ua*b!e t3 is'ia? tiq b^ r*asia of aa omission io ihs Uw. no tioia beiag thereia fixed (or the payment of f!ie b^n ls T e »g5r?ga‘e appropriations called for b7 tbe dif- f r^i. d;Dsn'aeB»9 of tha GoT'ranent acaordicg to the sub-Tii ted wito ttie repjrt. foe the six moatbs on t 3g oa t!»a 3i):a Jdne, 1865. amount tj $438 102,- 6' 9 w^ils t'le 3 oratary>etitn*:s9 (hat ttiera will re- ■a^ n iin'^^penied, cut of form’r anor-'prla'ioas, on th‘ ’st '‘ana'»r*, l8op abt!-.a-35 of $467,416 604 It woaid, fh-^-efom; B’'»fa Aat fir n’t »suaia'.c3 hare bom large ■y in i>xo?38 of>c^u*l xp’^rjditarjg. aa t that no addi t otn.1 aporonrii-'.i ju.^ are rrqj'red f'r m -etin^tbe aaeds •'f t i.-s ;u lie sjrvic-! up io t^.o 1st July nex‘ ye^r. Ia d.'*’, if (S' e^ti'ttai.*'^ n sr pr-jsintrd sHoaid prov-* to ba **8 rauoS in >xc-»n of ac(a%l exoo di arcs as hea nereto- f >T' b-^’n th ‘ o33, ft eo!j»ider»b’c b ’A>i''e will sti^ re 13 - in un xnended at the cbse of tha first balf of thoeu 3ai'j^ year. ’> U-3 o >i9' d'fil.su’ty to ba -ppreheaded ib eonaeotion with 01? fi i^aajs, rnaaltfl frrm tha depr>t3iation »f ths 'rjistjr/E wbiob eoeras jmtly (o ba attribnted br tha S i-’y to two oaa’i?^ redau Uncy in am'ioat ani W4'3t of crnSi>ro3 ia nlti'^ata redem’itioa; for both of wbi h remedies are sa?g3stcd that will cotnmead (h»m- sdlves to y}ur 03asiier*ti}n.ae being praotieable as well as elacieat. The «ala f»atar»a of the plan presented are snbStaB- tialiy rhC3': l«t. Th»t th3 faith ef the Ooreranient be plci/ced that t-he notes shall ever remain ezeaipt from tuc.vion. '21 That no is^no shall be m.ade beyond (hat rhiou is alreaiy aathorisad by law. 3d Tiut a cer- MK fixed portion of the ananal reoaiptsfroai taxation du- r'ag tbe war shall bs aet apart epee; ally for the gradual eiticotioa of the out -t?;T»d*!Ji a>aoa^t un^l it shall hare B'^n rsda^w ^to $150 000,000; aad 4;h. Tho pledge and appropriati-ia of sacH pr jportioa of the tax in kind, aad for saoh au^bcr of years ifier the return of i>eaos, atf sh-^ll bn EuSsicnt for the final redemption of the entire oirou'ation. Tbe details of the plan, the oalonlatienB on wliioh it is based, the effialonoy ef iti* operation, and the vast advantages whioh woald resttltfremitasaeoess, are fully detailed in the rerort, and oannot be flatly presented in » form suSdsntiy condensed for this message. I doabt not it will reooive from yo’ nat earnest and oandid oonslder^tion whioh ia merited by the importance of the sabjeot. Tha recommeadations of the report for the repeal of 03rta>n proTisiona of the tax laws whioh prodaoe in equality in the burthen of taxati-tn: for exempting all G jremment loase from taxation on oapital, and from any adverse disorimination in taxation cn inoome de rived from them; for placing the taxation on banks on the same footing as the taxation of ot-Her corporate bodies; for secariog the payment into the treaenry of thst portion of. the bank oironlation wh’oh is liabb to C3n&?r«tioa heoaass held by alifn enetnies; for tho oon- ve,T3io9 of the Interesf'-bearing treasury notes now out- Btacding into oo'poa bonds, an4.for ti;e quarterly ool- iestion of taxation; all prcsoat praAtioal qiestions for Ifg^lation which, if wisely devised, will greatly im- •'Tovc the public credit, atid alleviate the burthens now imncscd by the extreme and nnnesessary depredation ia tho valae of the ourrecoy. The rtlnrns of tho Produce Loan Bareaa are (rab- mltted with the report, aod the information ieoonveyed, that the Treasury Agency in tbe trana-Mississippi De partment has been fully orgasixed, and is now in ope ration with pro:aisd of effioiency and saccess The provisioB heretofore made to some exteat for in- cre»sing tbe oompensatioa of pablie offioe'e, eivil and military, is found to ba in eome plaoes ioadeqoaUe to ; their lappor^ p«rh^ ao( asre ae tajwhm tkw ia UehiMi^, aad iB^aby. wttk a triew ie remedy, is eaggeeted te year eoaetdeva'iesu ie also ealled pi the eo«4itiea «f eerMa efts Treeaary, whe were enitted ia Ihe kwe Ah* the relief ef ether pablio eSenv, ed ia the report of the Seeretary ef the D«»A»TMBHT Of WAB , eenditioa of the varioae branehee of ih^ serriee is stated ia tke aeeeanuiytag rtpen e«tary of War Amoag the sogeestioaa lae. giriative action with a view to *d to the »«i efficiency of the army, all of wbieh will coosideratica, there are some promiaeat iepj merit spaeial notiee Tbe exemption from military duty aow i iftw ta all persons eegaged ia oertain epee 1 or prafeesicns is shown by «xp*rienee to nop is it bebsved to be ^^efensibie ia theory, teaee of home, family ead eonntry ie oaivei nited as tbe paramount pelitioal dnty ef ever ef sooiety; and in a fsrm of gavenneat like ftke ■BbHWrfleertw*a mmmm. tm easaai paitleij | Jfieeia# MMnhtr 9f Chngrm».-—1S.t. Joteph B. pwvtDgtheMoiutMoftb* AfHaans who hftvo, by tho will « | Tenaeaece, WB* Bot in bve plaoe yeBtenlay wnen X Si™ I the Bonn wm 0.IM »o order; *«Uier »it knom bnmo »imtlar folatioo 10 tho AftJeon nre. the poopl-v^O oollea«:UNI OT his OODetituente W»er« he IS «hit: Som. mbA. i«o. Mr ... .. i Hei»k*ll «eiml ip®" •* >“ ” Tennessee by a party of “Uaioa'* bngande, »t even | oomuxondcd by Federal ofttscrs. Jlis hwids were " “ ' he wat boni»d back \o la this corvlitioa be was carried 60 miles by railroad tc Knoxville, of At each itaticn out oo ihe tat ibelr eonne. Theso coa*)' oxb!e lo the lmpr.»hol»!o oonflniWBoy oloaent of re«*«t*noo tbao w our proMiit oonditl^ If tM ■r>ent»ti«n thove moie, for-iho tKining of “i*;*** r»'«« «Piiie»f«l. •hall Bioft TOW approval. H t« «-ruln rtn»t tho aneoial aervJco for wh loh tti«T »re onw amoloyoe ^ a i - oTBoa oar4a«B»To | ooarpe ftaodicg tip in the oars. At e he and his fellas onptire were pcebed eaeh eitiseB eojoje aa equality of rlsrhta ee rivile bmber rhete oal aetiv* rtions oonB' M ea^‘ gee. nothing oaa be more iavidione *haa _ _ distributioa of dutlee aad obligat^oBB. Jfe p^pt position ehotild relieve aay one, whe le able to duty, from earelmeat ia the army, n^eM hie or eervicee are mere asefnl te tbe deteee hf try ia another sphere Bat it ie ma^eet tkati ■ot be tho oftse with entire elaeeee All telejgy epo ratore, werkmsa in misee, prufsesore, i Peers, editere and employees of newspapers. printers, shoemsksrs, t&oners. hlaekssdlihs. phyeieiana. asd tbe Bum;rfln4 other els fee in Uie laws, eaanot is the aature ef thinge equally ntoee«iry in their o(ir«ral prcfoesioas. t’ri'.nled tbronghoat the onn-ry in euoh pr. bat ««tly the ext et wmbtrs required pt* t«v L'Cft’I'y; nor can it be ev'rywhere impoeeli>le those wjtUn the coBst-rict a^e by laea eldwr capable of active field Fervioee. A diecretl ■ be v«iit«d Li'tbj epilttery autboriiiee so th nnxber of those F.esfatial to the pablie a M detailed to*contiana tbe oxorotee of proftaaicao, int tbe txemetleaTrom lire classes should be WheHy a^ faoitity for abnsee, cffore rcMijr IMM. •# and is OBO of ho prteol:. onemUoo of Mo eoaeeript la' A goaerml nilitia law ie BoedJ publie defeoeo The Coaetitatica, hy er 1b Con grass, iaipoeaa oa it the daty ef previl orgaaising armleg and disoipliaisg the siliKa, and for govemlng eosh part of thom aa may be cmpleyM ia the service ef the Confederate States ” The great divereity iB the legislation ef the M*aral Statee oa this snbjeet, and the aheeaee ef aay prevision tttablishing sa exact aetkcd for cftUing the militia inte CoafWderale aerviee, are scnreee ef embarraeement whieh ought ae leager to be enffored te impede defensive measares The leglelauon in relation te the cavalry temaade ehcage The policy of reqniring the men to (kmish their own ^oreee hae proven pemieions in many recpeete It interferes with dieoipline impeire eAeieney, and is the oaase «f freqeent aad proleaged abecBCc from ap propriate dnty. The eaijeot is folly treated ia the Be- cratary’s report, with suggestions as to the prcper m«a- sares for referming that branch of (hs service. Tbe reeommendation hitherto often lUMie ia again re newed, that jome measare be adopUd for the reergaai- xation and o«neclidation of compaaiee aad regimente when so far reduced ia atuabera as toacrioady impair their efficiency It is the more neeeccary that this should b« done, ae the abeenoe of legislation en the satject hae forced Otaerals ia the field to resort te variens expedi- chtc for approximatlag tha deeired ead. It ie sarely ae evil tii^t a eonuBftsding cflaer ehonld be placed ia a po sition which forcee npoa him the choice of ailewing the effiieesey of his conunaad to be eeriondy impeired, or of attempting to snpply hy the ezeroise ef donhtfol an- tkority the want of proper legal provision The regard for ihe sensibility of omtere who have heretofore eervod with credit, and whioh ie believed to be the cootrtdling motive that hae hitherto ebetrnetcd legislation oa this subject, however honorable a**d proper, may be carried te a po’nt which serioaely injaree the pablie geod; and if this be tbe eeee, it oan seareely be ^neetioned whieh '3f the two considerations sheald be deemed parameaat. The Secretary’e reoommcadatione oa the eabjeet of faoilitatieg the aoqnisitien of the iron requirtxi for qaaintainiBg the efficienoy of ralbroad commnaicatioa on the important, military Unce are commeaded te yoar fa vor The aeceerity for the operatien in fall vigor of such liaec ie teo apparest to need cosBBUBt Tbe qaaetion ia diepate betwcea the two Qov«aaeatc relative to the excluuige of prleenere of war has beea freqaeatly preeeaicd iik former mssasgss aad reports, aad ia folly treated hy the Besteiary The eelicitude *f the GovemmeBt far tbe relief of onr captive faliew- citiiens hae Icbowb no abatement; hat hac, ea the con trary, beea etill more deeply evoked hy the adMittonal cufferlage te which thhy have beea waatoaly eahjeeted, by deprivauon cf adefaatcfeed, fa A which thav wan •*nt a—^igBSBa4mo aci»' ■ inding that the eaeny ftttempt^ to'tncaee U^'af tho Navy ao4 the P«i*tma*ter Wonorai «• OPI* Kivo ample Inforaiailon reitlvo to the oood1»loo of tho reipeotivo Se?a*moBW Thoy «»»«lo •uSBw«oB»Tbr lacif'^w rMuiiod ui remedy raoh CorooSTta tho ealatli^ lawt aa have b^a CiMloaoC by eiporionao. hat aoao of a» ceooT«il or t^noctwt a cha racter aa to require that 1 »hool4 4o moro than toooaaonC tho« to mbt (hvorable ooBiMoratioa BBOoaiATioin roB raAoa . -. .. Tho CtaoaainoL of thia Govortowat tor a poaMfVl aotadoo of tho laaaea whUh tho onvair haa rofiirr*S a> tho arh»tra«o«i of araa, hat booB loo often naBtfbatod, and la loo w«ll known to need bow Si,M?SLraut wWo U I. true that ladlvtdoata aad I. tbo Uaited itatoi havo iDdlaatad a detiro to BabjiJtato ^aBi f''^ aad by aefoiiattiu to amp tho farther facrtflae of hniiM llfo. and to aneat^o caKHltlot whlah aow afllat both aoacttlea, the an- thorttlao who «ontml the tovomailBt of onrooemiea have too ono^ and loo alowty expreaaod laelr re«>latt»o to on terma ofon» BoaoDdltloaal aabmiaaimi «• ai aay b«po of the aeaaation of hoaUIiUoa nolM tho dalurioB of thoir abtlttv to o>>nqnor aa la ditr'Uod. Ab»obs tho«o wboaiaaiPB^dhpowd for fsaee, natoy aro aa- tnaieii by (Minalplo and by dt«ipproval aad abborrWW of tha Ini- aattrB* w«rfcri |«*t iheir ■uveramoot la waflnf. «|Vl« otheij aro m«*ed ».y tbo aonvlcH.io tb^t |r It ao U.nfer to the imere»t «f iho Unlwd KtntM -o eonitnoe a a«n»fflO la wbleh ■ocooa« la nnattalni- lila Whenaver thia f»«t-fr>wlrf rooveilon thall baoa t»ken tlrm r.«)t la tha m iit of» »a)..r1iv tf tha jNonh^m pwipU. tl are will he a^uc»«! that willi***’'" to ! Of«t»»u r>r peaa. whlao It now tomir fid# U nnnlf»*t-y * ti#>»re« by b ’th parties tu thlt war. and ihad »i>o«lilon for liam-ioc naroii- «iair« wl l be be*t aod inoai rortalnly «*v.i|ed h ' the drmon*»rmtB»o OB fur partofalillity and usBhaked d-terml'iatlon tu deirnd oar riahw. aod t hold ne earthlf pnee toe dear fw their parcRaiw Whenever there ahall bo oa th* p*ri of our ea»Biie» a dettre fo' peace, thero wrti bo d» ditl^n’iy in flndmg meant by which oego- tlaikms aan be opened; boi it l«*tbvioa» *hai noae^avy »an be aol'ed netion amil thla dealre.thall be nintaal W»ea that rontla- khall happen, tbe tSoverament, w which ItaonBded tbe traa MW, aan bo at aa >oe« for aMt odapied lo aeeofB' rtnJtt, BBd lo develop* teaaboadant oituiai teiouraea l^^fbieh they ar- bl««aed, let ua then reio'ately eiinttcae lu de- ’oie cur united and anUiipal'od eaerglee to itie uetcoee of onr homea, onr Uvea aad oar hbertloa Tbie la the true Mih to poaeo L^t oa tread It with aoaSdaaeo ia the aaaarad retnii ... ^ ^ J«FP«lj#Olf »ATli. Elehann4. Nov. 7th, 1W«. __ csptire platform to bo a m&rk for tbe hoot* and oakf^** negroes and ot’iera. Arriving at Ka(^zvjll4, he waa marched through the itr?eta, wtiie ♦^e negroes of the town were invited w hoot aa4 pfU him. Here it waa intimated t ahonld be put on Us trial for * treeaan ^ Mr. Hoidkell haa been an indttetriona and faitb ful Member of Congressj and haa been apeaiaily desirous at all times t-o induce cur Garori:m9Tit te take a decided oooree on tho aubjeot of r«t«Iia tion. There was now an ojpportnnity to sj^cw how far ho would 50 in assertion of the prinaipie Accordingly, whenevor he could pet pen and pa- T\er, and the meana of oominunicaTing ?rith pcop e ontflide, he oan.ird tbe following' raost e&rrost 8ug,;eati(iQ to be made to hie Tb#t th»* Confederate Oovemmeat shcuU, bo «r iiiglj urged, ioBtantly oa 1 arnirg that ^e vas put ou trial for treason, to bang two (Jni^n prisoaers— aod then to give the enemy notiae of tbe ftct, and also notitie that on hearing of any farther procfcding upon that tr^al, they wtiuld h&ng two mere; and that if he were convicted on auoh a their barbarons treatment by the anfeoaded allcgatioa that it waa retalialoiy for lilic eenduat oa our part, mn offer w*s made by us with a view ef ending all pretext for enoh reeriwinations, er pretended retaliation. The effer has been aAceated, aad eaoh Governmeat is, hereafter, ta be allowed to provide aeeessary comforts to its own citizens held eaptave by the other. Active efforts are ia progreae for the imiaediate exeeation of ;bis agreement, aad it is hoped that bat f«w daja will eiapfe before we sV^li be ralisvtd ftom the distressing thought that painful physical enffaTiag la endared by s' miny cf our fellow citisaas whoee fortitude in captivitj. iil'Xstrates the cational character as fully as did their va'or in aeinal confi ct bhpi.*tmbvt er slavbs. Thi* ejnnl'ivmen* of (•I’iv.ts 'or s^^f5e« with the i^rTpv as tenmstrr*. or ronks, or in the way of work upon fortiflca- (ioni. tiri-i tho Uov.tr'taient woricsh'ipi, or li huxpllnU, acil other 'iinitiir liut'es, w.u au horizeil by the act of 17ih Pebiu^ry lait, an>( |ir)T:ai.ii w;ii m ide lor tiicir liiiprrs>inent to a nninb'r not exroeilii)^ j0,U09. if it should l>e found iiiipraciicabie to obtnin Die'll by cantnct with the owuers. The Uw contempiaiad the hirini; uny ni' lakrt^.if ih>!»e slaves and Imposed on the Gov- tiiimint tiiB 'iHliitHy in f'lr tha value of such as might be l.*«t !o tneor.-ners fr ni caiu.ilties resttUing Iroin their einpleyiuent in tiie *«.*rvicj. This ai'.t hav prndnecd irst resnit than was anticipated, and ftirther provisiim is required to render It efficacious. Bat my present purp >se is c.i inri'e yonr cun^ider-ttion to the propriety of a ridical m')i>ticatiin in the theory of tho law. Viewed iiure!y as rropeity, nud therefrtre aa the aubjertaf Im. pres«mem, the service or labur of the slave has been frequently r;alme:i f‘;r »h»rt periods, io the coi^structioa of dclensive norks. T>ie sii'.ve, however, ite^trs another reiition tu the diate, that of >i p.-rsim. Thu law of l.ist February rontemplates only the ra- i ;tiin ofihns-av^ tithe iimtcr, a:id tiniiu me impre«sin>nt to a '.ertHin ler.n of servce Bat for the parpVies enuaier itrd in the hct, imuuctiiia iii the manner «f enc imping, mirchingand park in:; t.’.iint needful, so that even in this limited tiB|^yin!‘nt, V’c'h 'if service a,ld-« gTfaliy to tho value of the negro’s la«v. liiizifd is also rDroiin:->red in all tbe positions to which ne-.;ri)es c 111 lie i:nrii litr service wito tho ariuy, and the datlet roqa red of them deiimad ovalty and smI Id this xtpeci t!:e relation of person predominates to f^r as to r>n er st ilo ihitut wnciher tne ptiviiie right of property c.in con- kistrntl' and beneririaliy he e-mtinued. and It won Id seem |>n>per to arnuiro for the public service the entire proparty in the labor of tlie slave, and to piy ttierrfor due eoiiipensaion, mther than lo impress his labor for shon^rms; and this tre more especially as the etn ct of (he present la# would vr»t this entire prop«n«^in all cases where the sUve uiigiit he recaptured after coiapeDsation for his ioss h-id been paid lo the priva-e owner. Whenever the entire properly la lbs service of a slave ia tha.s acqniied by the Gov eriiment, the question is presented, by wh\t lenure he shoald be held Sihould he be retiined In-serviiode or should his emancl- pation be he'd ont to him as a reward for faithrol servlea, or sh mid it b:* grinted at once on tho promise of aueh oerv.ee; and if emancipated, what action should be taken ti> secure for the freed man the (wrnii>!>lon nf the dtate from whieh he was drawo^ le side within its liniils a'ter tbo close of hia pablie serv perm'ss'ion would doabtlesa be mure readily Recorded a for ptsl faitbfol service; and a doable motive for aei charge of duty would thus be olTered to those employi Government, their freed rm and the gratificatioa ' ' tachment which is ao marked a characterlstl fiirmt so powerful aa incentive t'l hit g^elnz to lllerate tlie negro on his tally reiiiierM, semi tu mj prefdra^ie dlaie minnm.t'ilon, or that of retainin P'llicy should recommend Itself to tbe judini su)igested that, in addition to tlio daties hei the slave, he might be advantageoiuly employed aa a |i engineer laborer; and in that event, that tho aamber aucmeoted to40,(Kie. Beyond this limit and these employoients it does not aooi desirable, under existing cireumstaaees, ta gi>. A broad mn. tinction exists between the use of slaves as soldiers In tho tehnce of their h'imes and the Incitement of the same pertons lo Intniroa- tion against their masters. The one it jattittable If necesaarv the other is inlqaitoos and unworthy of a civlllaed people; and tub ia the judgment of all writers on pablie law, aa wall as that exprasa- ed and insisted on by oar enemiet In all wan prior to that now wased aeainst u«. By none havo the practices, of which Ihov are now gnilty, been denounced with greater severity than bv ttem- seives In the two wars with Great Britain In the laat and taibe present centary; and In the Oeclaratinn of Independence ofl77fl when enumeration was mide of tho wrongs which JattMed the n- volt from Great Britain, the climax of atmeity wii* deemed lo be reached only when the English monarch was donoOBced as baviva “excited domestic insnrrectlona amongst oa.^ The subject U to bo viewed by ua. therefore, aolely ia the licht of policy and our aoclal economy. Wheo ao regarded. I mnst'disaant from those who advise a general levy and arming of the alaVea for tbe dutv of aoldiers. Until our while popalathm thall prove Inanf- (icienl for ihe armies we require and can alToid 10 keep In tho iold to employ as a toldier Ihe negro who hat merely keen traia^ to labor, and as a lalxirer tbe white mtn accoAtumed from his voath to the use of tire arms, would scarcely be deemed wise or Bdvan tageous by any; and this is the qaettlon now before ut. Batthould the a'ternative ever be pretented of aabjaatk>n or of the eiiiolov- ment of ‘.he slave at a soldier, there .^ems'nu reaaon lo doubt what should then be o'lr decision.' Whether onr view) rmh^es what woiild. in so eztrenie a case be the sum of misery enlalled bv the dominion Ilf the enemy, or be restricted solely to the effect auon the welfare and happiness of the ne^ro popaiatton themselves ^e result would be the saiiie* ,Xho appalling demoralization, satferinc. disease and deith which have been caosed iiy ;artiaily substinit^ ine the invidors’ system of pnhce, f.»r the Itliid rt:iillon previoraiy snbtlsiing between master and slave,'have been a sufficient demon- stra'ion that external interference with oar iaatitation of doniMtie slavery is productive of evil only. If the sanject invnlved no other considetatioa than the Biero right of proo.'rty, tbe sacrifices heretofore made by oar aeople have been such u j to iiermit no doubt of their readieoss to surrender ev ery possofsioQ ill order ta tecore their independence Bat the toelal and political qu.'slioB which ia exeioalvely andor tho control of Nia several Butea, bat a (hr wider aad iaor»eiidB(iag Imporlaaea . thattf pecoaUry talssssi tm —is»m nha— h m ^n. Bladev C«aaty B»ndf. TBI aaiereigaed will affer fer aala, ia ■licabethtowa, ea SMardajp the S(kk tmM, sia% ihjreo iheaMBd (flS,0te) delh^ ia Boadb ef Mm aaaaly ef BJtdeB heartag # per ceat lateses* aad payahly kwelve aoathe afUrdaJ*. J W PURDIl Vov’r If 84 4ipd I €*Bfcd«rat« Tax If^tice. WILL aticBd at the fellawiag plaeee fer the parp'^ee of co!iec>iag the Ceafederate Tax te-wit: Liberty, en MeaA»y Baeember fth, 19M; Widow Oex's, Tnc^cy Dec fttb; fraBkiiasvUla, Wedaeeday Dee 7tli| 0. 0 lilcr'c, Thaiedey Bsc tvh^ Jeeteh ^'haefc’c, frlday Dec fth) MefflU’e Mille, aaiartey Dec lOthi Claerflc Ipeacer’c lloaday Dae llthf 111 Bfaaeaei’s. Taec^y Doe li«hj Leeeiier'e If iUa Wedaeeday Bee Idski TcBsplc Gaaaferd’e, Thnrsday Dee Itu^ B A Merfha’c Friday Dee 14th; fleam Mill, fatoiday Dec 17th; Nalhaa Bpe>ear*B. Ifeadaj Bae Itil^ Viacveh lash'i, Taeeday Bee Mtla Peaael Araeli’s, Wednecday Dee ^Ist; Heaekiah Doraatt'a. Titnr3.iay Dee 224( Bac^ Hill, friday Bie 284; Vew Market, latoxday Bsc Mthf New Saless, ll^aday Dec ;f:h; Aehebere', Taaeday Dae S7tb; Byrd Therabarg’s, Wedacgdav Bm fliih. Ferseas who have act uid all their tithe ef it4 better ascet me aad pay ute meaey. The Aeecsccre wid seeeapeBy me 4er the ptira takia^ the list ef thece whe have act listed. Distillers caa gtve ia the aamber ef galleas distilled. I keae the p«ep!c will meet me promptly sad early lair Taxes. J. B. 1 aad pay ap tbair Taxes. Hov*r 11. TROT, Oelleater Baadolph eeuaty. •4«4t Tax li liii—CubtrUad C«oitja WB wlU aiaet the f anaen ef Oamhcrlaad coaaty at (ha felleaiag ti«ee aad ylaeee tc reeoive tlieir Uste ef Oena, Bhort Oera, Iriah Pelateee, Bice, (htred Podder, Care^ lay. BoAwhcaft, Bagar, ^elassea. Peaa, Beans, Ckeaad Paae, aad Cettea: dedar Oreak VMOtev •* mmt vnm, vac tti; ItCdt Itoek’c Creek de at Joaeph Cade’s, Dec 7th: Flaa Hill do at Mary’s Cardea, Dee ttb; Silver Baa de at David Malfeili’s, Dee tth; Black Blver de at tha Skelter acar ladth's Milic, Dee IftJi; Oray’s Greek de at Bethel Gbnrch, Dee Itib; Rookta^ de ai Rocklsb VUiagc. Dee liih; Q*jwkiile de at Mrs Jao A MeKeitkest’s, ISih 8ev9cty-tfst de at D 0 Mearoe’e, Dee IOi*( Oarvtr’s Creek de at Ktagsbnty, Dee ITtk; fayette iite do at Market Rease, l*th A 29th T:ie Far'tnsrs are required te list the watire crap e tke a>ove named pr^dcoe, whether gatberad er aet, ia etdiirg wha' may have i^*a scld cr ooamaied. We hop) evar/ produasr will attead pra^^ptly, and khercby s»ve ikesuelvce as musb tr -abtr O. n BLuCEER, J A »OHSfiON, Atasssors 2id Ti»x Di^t. If 6 Nov’r ». 88 6t^8t I¥OTl€£. 'pQE Tithe Payers of Rtoaaioai coaaty will pltaee de X liver all thsir Tithes of Wheat, Oats, Rye aad Wool by the 20th day of Nov. By order Oapt Jamee M. MeGswan, Post Q M. 8 w. «WBB3, Co. Agent Nov’r 8. 88-dt JTOTMCE. WB will effdr for sale to the highest bid^er, at tha reeiucoee of the litte Hon 8 H Christian, I'uesday, 22> iost, all t^e ioierest of said deceased in the Fa/etieville‘& Mberaarle Plank Hoad ^Iso. at tbe jatue time a q'*&ntit/ of eawed Lumber, lyiag near said r ftd at Jas BjstioK'a Bsq T^r a.^ rnaio known at day ofsale O a noiKGHY, E O L BARRliiaBB, / ”* Montgomsry oonnty, N.rv 7. 83-2t|.d Will be sold at Public A.uctton on Mo-idiky of i/oart woec, 2l«t a*y ot Nj^eaber, for Cash, 9 Likely Nt'groes, aa fol’ewai 6 Likely yoaag Negro men. 1 *' “ •* Girl, 1 •• Woman and '’btld. Tbe womaa is a good nsher, Ircnsr and Cook. T^ey are lonnd and healthy not refngee negro ae, and a~e sold for no fault. TUv KER, ANDdBWS A CJ. Aaotr’c & Com. Mereh’te, Bileigh N G Nev’r 9. 8i-5kpd iVon-lTAxablc BondB. 00 Bullion LoaB.—aalo CbaUhbbA.' U^0U5 applioattona having been made at the establi3hed prioe ef $l-**6 aad interest, nndar cirenm ataaoee that entitle thciya to favorable caasidjration, aae beea detcnaiaed ic eoatinae the aale aat41 ftirther aoticc. • AUG. W. 8TUL, Ag’i fer sale of Coafederate Benda Fayetteville, Oct. 22. 78 i8m RJBinOVAli. THB aadcrsigBed have reaoved from their cid stand ea Water Street, te No. 7, MABKII SI&SfiT, where thm expect to eoatiaae the Oenorai ConunlMiaa & Orooary BoalBesi, Prompt attention will be given te all «rd«ra and cen- sigameate eatmeted te ear care. L. 0. UNlBJlBBr K 00 WUadaatAB. It 0. Oat 10 7» fdlBq»d Am O0tci€tl Rtpori ftwm Q^. JWr'd.—^TIm following ie Gen Forreat'e aaocunt.ofi ihe ba»d> eoma aacceae whieh praoedad hia laal grae4i reported by telcffraph:— Pab7«, T«Nir., Oot 31 —Li9*»i Qwk R Toy- My batleriee oa t^e Teaae«Bee rivsr Vtave eagegad the aneTvy all day with fftmi anetMed Taro gnaboata ao^ two transporte wevs daaVrojc4 in aitemptiaf to p&es. Oce gnnboat srd t^wo traaeporte are now ia imy pr«ce«rior, ready for use, nah.art. Tbe ritbtw' gultb-iat ajnd traBrport florted down the river in a dic«bl«d «oiilitioB and both will bo either destroyed or oaptnred^ ea avjr troope arc ttill in permit N H fuKRMT, Maj tfua N’jfth iSidtt —The oaioi oontlnaec an this *ide of t!-•? Jeni^, do offoBsive movcar.aot of any kicd Ltvisj tnken pl*»* for e?Tcrsl daya A lers'ft firat of 5'neb;ate * .iron cl-wJe arc report^«d te Vi? in »b» -i7*T b^'lnv; Dutch G»p Ji they axe wat«T»g t.) thToaffb Btitl*r's csael, it will be •■iTOft idme b'-^OTO they afl»ail Ob»(S»«’s and Drew- ty's Biuffa ~~R*chmo^ Satinet, 9th.. Gr.oi N’-ifs fr>m — ijoathem aewi of pa I”.**' dat? *.»> ' 24th c^f Of^ober haa baaa T-iCsiyrd fro;n Gen Price. A^ w* haveherctcrfirTc pr.'>d:fp.^wa r-f iiia wsj all a lie, 13'! .'iii? Tti;.rc’i £i‘nH;vard wf.s pr»f/''*(3iratfd Hia army is bt , T-i'ienng to go in‘o wip.tor qu;ir rr^ 1 ns Tccrn't#*^!. art; ed and eq'iippc-i fhoD*!»nd roea; V’c has wbipped the ccemy iu rve^y ^n;rap*rav:nt; saved nearly all hiu 0 iptured artav stor?«, and bis eriny is io iplctt- did spirits aad daily incrcaei^j; Northorn papeca state that Gen« Rr»eer»ns and A J. Soiilh had «h.™ th»j wo«id bwg-. I»(« nnmber. Mr, .wriyai at St tomr. .•J"*''"’*'‘’>2. “* IT • . >> _ jji-j __ .^.4 ihntin r.arauilLof-Pnce.——/?»cAfr,a»'t 4/*^elaft. HeiBkeil addad that ^ waa ai4^re of 4km mortal risk to himself in- enlerifig npta auoh a oooT^ but an impreaeed waa he with the vi*»l t ecceeity of it that he would take the 'riak Shortly after that letter wae written, Mr. Heiskell waa remoyed aeoretly from Knoxville. His lawyer, who is also his brother in law, waa not informed whither he wBf sent, but waa told that he would never see him again until tke day of trial. Where, or when, thia trial ia to taka place, has not been made known. 6uoh is the present condition of ibis affair. The facts w# have mentioned either hare been, or will immediately be, broueht under the notioe of thia Government and of the Oongreae th an authentic form —Richmond JExaminer. »iet. In tbls eoTinty, mornirst' of Btb Inst., after a long ill- neea, Mr. NEILL McARtUUR, San. Ha waa a good an, and was for many years an Elder ia Big Buck&ih Ppesbfterian rhurch —Com. In Halifax, N. C., on Sa’Airday Nov. 4th 1864, THEO DORE BRYA^T, aon of Rev. T B. and P. I Kiagabury, aged two moDlhs and seventeen days liotin parauit of-Price /Vom PUBMjMC COL ANL»R5e>» tt H BAtyaON. lk«r at;?p‘;ac cf the OuDS^-arlsQi Hosplta’ Jas':cir i«'». ▼ H ar a r abUc >ddr*»s cpon * .’^aticbai. ^ o»c» ” #t t'a F».T9tfi‘vii;e H-ilTca TUESDAY IVKi^lKO, lesl a* o’oicok TiflVfcts oi admJeeloa $2 f#, to be l td *t tke «’cc-r ThejproQaeds wi 1 bs app'tcd to th» rtf.'ef •■f he Krn- la«''y soldiers in tla Confederate Amy th'* South. Kov’r 14. JOHN H. COOl, Apollencer. Pine Land asid HickWf AT AUCTION. ON THUPlDAY tbe 2ii in»»aat. w: l b» -oM ia fror.! of my Store CO lores »t Ptne Ticbr’.'d LAND, tboat half nile from Ball Bosd at ff^ou- Spring—Oh thia Land is a qiuntiiy cf excellent Ligx'trocd At same time, 1 Hickory BUG0T, Bcarly »ow. Nov 14. • * 84 2t Salt and Cotton Cards at A net Ion. QV Thafsday next the Itth lost, wUl be sold o.t Aue Hon, 20 Vfteks Salt; 12 Prs Ceitea Trrda. Nov’r 13. juiuf n. OOOBI aa«rr. It W I^OTICE. ILL be rented at Public Auotion at the Market Hense en Thursday the 24th !a*t., that very des!- rwble ^EilDENCE at tbs career of Bansell and D'ok etrscts, oelonj^iag to.the Es'ate of John M«lli:>e, deo'd, w'th large lot '.nd gtrJen edjoiiiing, and a^eess^vrj ont- hoases T) be rertee far twelve aiohths, aod poszcb- B!0* givei} immf.diate’y * .^t the same time and placo will be rented fer twelve rn«'n'fcs froci the firsi of January nrxt, the Liberty Point Hsu.’e. Thi«i i.'* a larjre house, pr.tvi jcd with rootri -ufflji’rt i'^r a '’oardi*g hou^e. cr BovT»ii f»roi!i5a TeroiS made known »t roatlng. F:r farther infer '.nation atlfSrot-s JOHN H OOO^ Nov’r 14 84 r President and Directors’ Offlce» l/AUi&iSBUiis, f». O , Nov 7, i844. ’■flFE Aiuuwl M-(*:irg of the 8;3ckhoI.icr« of il«.e Wil- I mirgtoa Cli‘*rbl!ft A K’itb6rf*ird Railroad Ooiapany, wiU b-* held in the Town of Lico'^lntoa on Wedneed^y, .^Oih NoveJiber 1864 8ttr» JAMES I MoCALLUVf. SeVy. Reward. D\NI^L NOitTON, who r.as beea ccRfinrd In p-loon -•vcr t'^o years, brcka out of the J^ii cf Risnni'^nd oountT oa the uijtht of iba 7th ml*., an - n»e m^ie J.t? s?ap«. Siid Fort^a is »b-'.ut 45 or "0 ■rci.je. ri Jark hair anl d»rk vhiskers and moaj-wcbc; h:^d cn ivbrn ho l«ft a enit of gray j ji 'f; ihnei i-.tadc ■, wiiL leather s'ringp; icok^ vory t«’^'l:r»nd tIc»oh*d from bis Icng confi-i‘n:cnt- is abcct 5 fc-ct 10 iuo-ie» bijr^ ; was it. jail upon a oh rge of the murtlcr of A'a^us C»«rpbpli t wil' give $500 for hia delivery to r-.j or ocniIi'.em.Lt ia any Jail bi I e-»>» ge^ hict. I Will give $100 reward f?r W. Tntner Pry, wto broke j-*\l at. the saae t»m-> Ha oaVa hims'lf acmp liffiee W T. Hcrtii also W T. Erans. He is aboi:t 5 •eet 6 or 8 ijobos bijrb; dark bairi sear oa his rght l?g jaat above hia tnk’«; bad on whca he left a cap bouno with red; wae in Jail for horee stca'lng JOH ! A. LO'?G, Sheriff of Richmond connty. Nov’r 8. 84 6t SALT F )R SALE. AOOI^BiaNUENT of 600 Baahels gaed dry SALT ai tiie lowest market pries or less for the whole iet. GEO. W. WILLIAMS A GO. Nov 9. SS-2w STRAYED, ON the 16th alt, a light red - O0, eplit ea the left .ear, iojared in her Isft hip, heavy with calf, oram- pled heraa A reward of $oO wiU Im paid for her de livery at tbe Arsenal Gate to Mr. Fiia. Any iaf>rma- tioB of her whereabonte will be tlkaahfaliy received. No^'ember 9,18ti4. 83-2tpd STRAYED, AL ABGBBRINDLB cow, white fa»s, toU half white, probably haa a salt Baaka, Bobeeda ocua^. nOy rcvavM, She eame firom aear Red Aay iafonaattoa will be Uba- lU&T B. aiLGHRlST. Bank ol IVorth CuroSina. ADIVIDKN.^ of six p :r ce’:i oti tbe -apitsi d'.ook oi this RMik for tbe Kst six months his been de lared thia day—payable in the Fcur Per Crnt boLds of tbe Confeceraie S ates at tbr ir f»o>; and all suaie ntder rne hunJr'd dollars payable in Confederate Treasury Notes at a dedcction of obb Tdian -said DiTidend payable to ^^be Stockholders oa tbe 20iii instaat, at the priisoipal 'Bank Frbr.c^t.8 and Afeootoe The ’ ivideoag cl Trbd-o’, N«.wbern, Wilmington Windsor and Goldsboro’ p:iyable ftt Kol^igb, and of Wentworth Agency at Milton. 0 DEWfcY Gas'iier, No*’r 10 . 84 8t I.OST, BETWEEN Shoe-Heei D^pet, W. G. & B R R , an» my Soap Faotory, .nihc let ct the prc.eni month, a Pocket Book cautaiaiag tht'ol’owi^g noteo, wit: Oaenoteon E P Pattericva pay^iyl^ to W P McDonald, dated som'a tim^* in Ju or Jaly last, for $2010; one note cn H Middletcn for $fl00 with a eredit of $260, dated Sept’r ’PS; one eenifis^tc for a Confed erate 4 per ceat bond $100 H B H*Ti-.ttond Wades- bora’ N. C , Depositarr, date.ani nrimb r not recollect ed All pereons are hereV.y foretriroei from trading for any of said notes, and the parti;-g n^akivg t!-®ia wiU not pay thftia to any person sivo myself. A^>d noti«^ Ls hereby given, that arplioftkit-n wUl be m^c for a do plicate cf the above mentioned eertifioate J. B ASKEW. Rockingham, Nov. 7. 81-2ipd UtfGrgim—Ic was refv.cted yectcrdaj that Qen. Hoed had oaptured Frioklin aad Ca- Inmbla. Tbe news was frona a Oaprain of kis army, who bad j aat returned irom North Alabama No other particulars were received. Columbia is* thirty-five miles'from Nashville.—Ma»on T4I., 7tk Everything apptarfe to be quiet abaut Atlanta. Three prisoner! were captured by our icanm bka other day near the city. Tha friaoners ray«t that the ganieon has baan largely rainforaad ra- coctly, and tLat trains ara aomiog tkTavgk frasi C hattanooga.—I ^ •We learn that Sherman has rctnred to Atlaftia with four corps, whioh, with ♦hi garrfsoa left at that peint, make a total of fiva corpa in aad akoat the city Fresh Irviea h«vc reaertly kaaa saat la Middle Tenoessee, sweliiog Ihe Tankaa forea le forty thousand, wh;ch acablea 8hern>aB ta icava Thomas in thsrge If these reports be tfis, va may expect an early advanaa mpou Amgal a ar M*oon. Our army did rot lake Deaatvr AlW a demcnstration in force, it paes©'! below tkat poiat and our it^funnetion this morning plaaee Gasu Hood’s Headqnarters at Tuccumbla —i/anf. MmiL TarksM /Vrrfe a/* i^ wfiteole —-Tka New York Tribune of the 8th hae a reporb* that Ho>d's army croeicd the Tenneeaea under tka pre»eare of fcis soldiera, who threatened ta deeert unless Ifd towards the fe'-tUe fltlda of Teanaaiaa. A Wasliagti'sn telegram of tl* 7th saym A letter ^roni fo rffiter e.t Ohattartsioga, dal^ tha 1st, eave Hood a»d • large portion of his army nave crodced tbe Tennessee river at 71oraa#«, for the purpjce of iovading Middle Tenneesca. Gross’s brigade phased here to day oa tbs road le Ath ene to head liim off. Sheiiaan ie pareaiag. Gross ftankio,! A large amoant of governmeat storee, and coai^tlerable artillory were eaplarcd by tbe rebels at .Tohn^ODviile. The Rtpcfted *'ap*urt of th* Tka New JTork Timcit of tbe 8th bas a telegram from ^ostcn anaouneiog tbe arrival at that port of iha Kcarsag^ from St. Tbomee, wiA tha 8irgaoa asd el^t of fhe ccew of the^'lorida, oaptnred by the steamer Wachusett, in the bay of S-n Seivador, Oct. 7th. 5S of tho crew and 12 ofBoefs of the Florida were captured without the ke^ of a aaa. Another Sp^-^ch hy Sic’y Setonrd —The New York Times of the 8th contains the report 0/ Rew ard’s spjcoh at Auburn cn Monday. Hesa>s the war muat conMnue until we or the enemy give np the conflict. He vrants no brmistioe, no cessatioa of hostilities, no ncaroiiation with Rebels in arms. Jle ch8r9cteria«s tne Democrats aia pusillanimous,' lictiou3 minority of the North. Ott” Exchanged Frito^en —We are pleaspd to see tba spirit with whicu our people are l.ok* ing after tbe comfort and wcUarc ot the bravo men socn to bo relumed to our shores. The ladies have taken tho matter in band and seem determined to devote every spare bed aad blanket in the city to the weary liinba ot those unfortu nate patriots—Sav ijinah RepubHcan. Sert-s^wnist to be Mung hy order of B. F. ler.—A recently arrived blockade runner brings tho story that Biil Jones, the farmer well-known fishmonger and poli^ci’n, is to be hung at But ler’s headqiartera next Fridfty. Jjnes ran off fr^m thia city some montns ago to avoid conscrip tion Tiie story is thaf, ou r .aching Noifolk he •^as pointed out to t le Y? k*’.’ Eu'horities aj o.ie of th« m'n who ^a:^.2d tne fi -t seo^ssieo fl*g iu Vsrgitiiand wlio, with others, threatontd to m>b c nla'n Uoio?- aie_:ber3 of the Virf^icia Con- venMcn He waa «rrei-ted a.»id after sojac kind of trial, was scut need to bo hung, which s'atence i-^ to b»' ca^ricd out in presence of the army of the James next Ffiday. — Ric'xvn'ind Sen'intl. Sec**vd C'»fs 3'me Gu irds f'nl/ed Out.—- Gov. Vanca has c&llcd u’’oa the S?cond Class to relievo the First chiBs Jhe men of the First Class will got home in a few days MAKRIXi), la Wilmiiryton. on tbe 8 h i'"Pt.. bv the Rev. Mr. Mo* raa.ftr. bTArEY V.\SAMtHi«n«'to Utas FANNI^ dau^ter of S. D. Wallace, E q , all of that p^ace. PAYETTflVILLE MARKET.—N-v- 14. XEViEH' OF THB M*RKFT The only changes are: Rye $20 to |'22; Oats $11; Braik- dy $50 to $55; Sweat Potatoes $5 to $3; Super Floar $280, Family $240; Corn $1S to $19. WAiVTED, smN31jV8; 60,000 eSO REWARD. STOLEN abcBt 29 mil-a frcm P yeUe»ille ?'n tbe Fay etteville and A'bemar’e Flank Boad. on the 8th of November, a meiium six^d BAY HOE^E. blind in tbe left eye, vrith e^ort thin maao. and aged aboat 10 yMia- The above reward will be paid for hie delivery (0 J. A GILLI9, At FajeUeville Areeaal. Hdrt II. 1,000 lbs B>a«wax; 1,009 yds CcuBtry Hoa-e^pllii; POO yds Woolen Jeens. For whioh I will pay tbe fall market price ot esh ohaage Cot^oa Yara, Bairtinc ve S«U. ISAAC HOLLTNQdWOBTE. Nov’r 14. 84 i4tpi ^ Preebjterian copy 2 wseke. 1 AA'SACKS DRY SALT, hr ssJe by lUU S T HAWLFY & SON. N.v’r 14 *4 2tpd $i04> rew1Trd.~ OW tbe Bigfat rf the 7«b iast, w*m >t.>lea-fro*n my sta ble, near■R'lokingham, a TI^l^T GRAY C^LT, 8 ye«rs oM next Spring, abcnt 15} haa-e biga, rather sUm bailt. with d«rk mane tail and leg*, hears tbe tDirk of the coTlar on tbe rig'it ttbo”lier ani bnd when taken psrt of ft shoe ''a the rigtt fore fr>ct. Tae Holt- waa no doubt taken bv tha notorlcu Fry wlp broke Jail in BookiBgh^aiL, on the nirht •b^-vs aea- t!onef. I will give the above reward for the Colt, ev any iaformatioa by whieh I can get him. and obc he» dted dollars mere for tk« ^pr^aeioa of the rogoa. eSO. KORTEAli