BImIO I.'AW8. iiSvAcrrED FkbV t«. 1864:. 4n A€t to fSind, Tax and the Onrrenctt. Sbotion 1. Ihe CoT^/rtu the Confederate litahn of Afurrixi do rnccty Tliat ^ke heldcrs of all Troagury o«fc«8 above the doaomination of §5, not bearing interest, shall be aiiowed mntil the 1st tlay of April 1864, eaat of tha MLwisiif.pi, to fund the Ei le, and until the periods ud at the plaocfl stateJ, the holders of sli such Trouary notes ghRlj be zJiswod to fund tfce mn^ in regis tered boads, payable 20 years »iff«r their bearing ialere^'9t at th# rate of 4 per ce«t. ]>«»• ax nam, payable cn thd 1st of Jasuary and July of eaeh 8*0.2. The SUeret'iry of tho Treeflijcy ut hereby anthoriied to wane the bcr^Ja rei^uired f^r the fanding provided for in the prsotfdmj? sention, and upt'.J tiir bonds can be prepar*d he M'.y ass'll** -certificate^ tbg j^acrt b irt4 and ^priifioato-' shall rcr&iva.I'tt' est, ir pByraftnt of ell Grt'Per'jjsr «■ y.'iyjjbl in t’«‘ 1^4 «>rt?T»rf d;;⁣- -V T’m-' ;;2 Treasunr nQt«M *f Jb* >^- V t’-. Sr-C oafsivu aludl be psbjee^ t» • tea. 4jt 33} per eeat. on ev- erj dolla nromiied os the face thereof, mid tax t6 attack t« said neteo wherever oxroalatcd, and said liotes to be fuadable and pxahang«able for new Troas'ary notes, an herein provided, sabjcet V. the de^'.'^'iif n of Scdd trsx. Sse 1?. Th&fc any State holding T^?as»ry rejc, 'Cd before the timea jlicrcin for t*xinec s%i-• notes siiall be aU.>^cd till the first day of Jaatary 1836, to fand tho suaaa ia 6 per cent, bsndfl of tbo Odnfoderate States, payable 20 years aicer date, :vid the intereet payable nenii- KQcnally. But aH T’rcastiry notes rooeivcd by any St?ifce after th« time fixed f'-r taxinip; th© »ame as aforesaid, phaH be held to hcve teea rcoeivei d’tr’-.ished bv t:;c ari'%nnt cf said The dig- i*rlni’P2t.(on bct'ipren ike notes iinbj**''t !sf> the ir%r and tl^ose not bo fcHbjject, f-^»ll fca— ?i:o. 7-. Tbi^t Troaflury note^i bp ;.'toforc i««»*d bcan-'«r - *t t^e Tst'> of $7 S') ^n the 81 »G per ar^uni- ne .- riffer be r«''C'iv$d in p» y- n’rriT of T.nh'-^ ■!!?.’>, hut (efiall b’ ^'•^*^a^^d • p.' Oopfed'^rs.i PtstAa, p:i’ a- t. T ''iV •: - = ' • 't *TCtlty 0^ tvii’; tbe- J ,^taref-. be^.-'.iw trie «*nte ri\ y*r •(«»:. VX5? f'XCf “ :'S b-'urija* ioter*:\ vrfe.ea siii not b o >. for »ndf*r pMTimckttsi of ih',* sc#"-!#?! f! tth a®t. suv’i,it^i« aS'^ a.^r the ^y el 1®^, 3a5tof tbc 1 ^ river, nnu ^va 1st dr-y rf -Jaly 1S?4, ive*5t ■ , corw^o to be rt'»aiTsblc ia of f'-T » wabHc d*83, aod foid not^ ,. id’ aot so jiresviiteii &t' b feat ^me, sh^-lj i® ,i4dii«&B kt tk« tux sf oeato knpefictf in the itb aeetion ef a«f, bis snhjeotea to a p{ 10 p«r e*at jms>v wj- tii 80 p«*9eatedj whioh tuset c^.«U \ to s\ii. uotos wkarerer ci-'- slsWi. a«d akty be dc ';;.'t#i i froaa th« fccs-'of ootM ^''^ea^ver ' tor pavKiiP.t or fe? a.i.'si «{».'« rhft' not h« 63r®ta:?«rf.-ihb3 f*r t-'e ri-T ^ T’^ a- j su^ nutea »rovidjJ fvr m rhk aot. 8e«, 4. Thai ea aH said TieMvry wH«e not; fuhded or i«»ed i» j lymcat ef t»*es ait Jaa daicn ! and plnces preseriSsc iu th 1st ««?!9b "f i'll* j : aot, tiidre fciail be J-:yJfca «;t «ai^ ax^ pi •.{■« i a tax ef ?SJ cents fcr «vory dollar ]»ros>lDad en j the face otf said r ‘tee; said t&£ tkail ali»eJlt *w wtii ■ notes vrherever eirsnlritea, aad sk^l b« coli#^fri by ded«et:ag ike aaae p4 the treasury, i»* dep«gi. tones an« by ttix wller^ra, a^d by dl €W«r?;- ment eSiecra re*.eivi*j: t«ie um* vii9c^var ]tre* sented for payment or fer fa.ndi3ff, #r 'n p-> *«ot et Gk {imment d'*c-s, or for j*«*tege, *r ia !*.- chanire fcr new Mot3, as ’'■srcijSA'fjor provHed, and ^ sfid Treftsu*-;/ i\:rvU b* fnaftablo i« b«v-dw aa ’ provi^ef? in the l^-? station *1 this uolal vtic day of J jnuarj 188B, at the rat-a ef «wat» j on the dollar; aud i' shsil be the duw ef the W- j rcNry oi tbs Trprry, at r^_\: nae i»c:T.'psa t&e Iflt of Ap^l fc^d tbi 1st ef JaJy, lSe4, 're^.t cf ‘ tte M=sfci«ippi river, sod ^he’of January , to finbstitct^ and ;^.t«ha«^e ncsv Tve^sniv r.o.4« ' for the aaaae at v»fa ei c «ii ^0 dol lar: ]^omd«dy Tbat notes of tha d^' aiisati^n «f ' $100 chali aet be entitled to the pri*. of said exc-ac^e: Pt^tidr^d, fwritiet'f tbai: th.. \.(j tncd aay oi sciid 'i?Tca«ury now, »!*«.=’ th--^ la: da)- «f J&nnary IfiSi*, is hcre% t~ken : J W fr&~ \ vidtd further, mpeo RBeh Ti;)«i vry aote? ^ which Ejay rcujsin outfit«a-^is; ea lei diy ./ ; Jaaa&iy 1SG5, aad which iray not l>o ! as heraia pru7idc4, a '*a ! Cx TOO 8OP lA lli^WeKTr -irmwrMAfl? I ocn blfl p,.T ,*r.-,r, fihfiir tnw '‘»i»'abl« l«t 0* JasB'.rj ef .»nd cvnrv vfl5i’. '■••>crct^*ry o? 'rrf^tfliry '■aby, it* '.'^e O r-vr'T ■ d?r>!r»i ; , cftniracc'-d '-.rV ^ or oSiaote of a®y kind, &•! oiamdrat^ a ttte pracsdiH^ paragraph, between the times DamM tkdrein, 10 par coat., in additioa txj the tax ©Q suck pr'oj&ts as*iaeoiue, under the act aforeeaid. m. Ou the amcKiQt of proSts ezc^edicg 25 per ceat., otade dim,ag eithar of the years 1SB3 aud 1864, by any hank or banking ’rompanj, iiis'jraB^e, cauel, xiaTi^tie^i, Ihi- po^ng aad exp«/rtiH^, telegraph, express, ra^n^a, B»wiufac1raring, dry d(^ck, or ot^er compnuy of auj deaeription, wuelaer ir.eorxv>VHtoa or not, 25 per oent on oueii excfc«s. 8ec. 5. The follovsnng exeniptioBs froia under this act jOiaU U allovred, to-v/it: I. Pr^^perty «f «a«U head of a tamiiy t& the ot ?^560; aad for each minor child df tlje the further value of $10% STad for bod actually engaged in thi* «*"v, or vrho tia» cKed or boeR ki’ted in tho mirtary or naval service, an.i wl«e wan a m5.uaber of the iamily- when be enteitwJ *I\e n«rvice, t» tko fart.ijer vain® uf £SL Of eoaiKKracies; or attenpts to Mber- akali be liable to b« jjilaoed is teryioo in the ate priBoners of war held by the Confederate States. X. Of crtnaplraciies, or attempti» or prepa- ratiottB to aidjhe eia^my. H. Of pereens adviting or inciting otbers to abafidea the Ceafederato eanse, or to re sist the OoHteuaiate States, or to ^kere to feke enemy. YTT; Of unlawfally bnraiag, destroying or isijnring, or attsmj&tii-g to burn, daetroy or injure aay bridge er railroad, or tele graphic liao of ftoaimuRication, or properly, Wiok tke iatcnt ef aiding the eaemy. ^ Of treasonable design* to iiiapair the military pewer of tfee Gevernmcnt by dtsGtroyieg, ev attempting te dettroy, veaatilfl or ariAB, or municiojis of war, or ar&An&is, fonijdrieo, workshops, pr fro-p^vty of the Gwiafedcrfti-e States. iSeo. 2. The shr.II canoe proper officers t» iii '/estimate ine cases isf all pora« »ns ao arraPtce, or d«t?,ise.l, io orior that they >j} 5' i>3 discliArged if iinproperly detahie*!. nnleES t^cy ci' »! bti speedily tri«sd ir day s'nthorised. 'c «3o the f :i icse i* «bo\iW ^"jfau'e it, to J pr3V!;> d» bt tfcs p^!f:»3re ©f tais 9-st, . I ei»ur£c 01 law. iL of the widow of any ?:£cer,! Sec. o. That during the suspenRion aore *‘©]dier, «^iior f-r marine, who laay has'c'“‘ ’'* «r. 4i*d er Wen "fcined ia tke nuilitji.rv •t r to re««iyc (b- «r,Ta« ia a •'-.ti^Oftte ef >«- f-'> -T. kcit,>(1 Juj r,-»*d ??.'«• ,i#icry ia «« th ' a l«e r» -!^ .."&VQ \'ro’»sr. snyalfl* two ye».rs ^!f#r s 'atir.f . ®'' «f s 'l ealT t>f pesoe t **•> o of .iij »r E2tsI 5omco,/Br service, >>r where there is ho widew, theii eke family, lx*i«g aainer children, to ©f 51600. I^I. Property ef eveiy o^er,-^ er actually *V? TtK-.'ai'y, sal »'Jd oa-^tiS^atet frb?S bs axeaapc | rl^bisd i» anoU of gl6C^, froTided, t«at vi«us sHrD u«t apply t» aay pr«]>«rtj, «7iehie»ve ®f k«HacKotd fnraoi? «tiaJ] be 8sss3i«d at a v&loc exce^diEg |I#u fire« tk'raaoB in r.rirsjiTHil »»d int-'^reift. Sac. If* The ieflro*«ry «i the Trtvwy is fcu-, na _ . 1 , . tkorlK'd to i.ier4."« tke rujiai»er «f tori.oj j ‘ ■rrR*i‘.?i property sa« este« M ti wert ««brt •.'6*a^Tri3»«uf ef tbia act, *iud w?y? ■ '^r Aestroyed by tise eaeaiy, er tjs^ Ctwnier tka^ nfi* to ef tke k’sois trin ■'v- j tker^of fcs4 k&ea t-feiBpfti'arily deprived ef ?n\l as bd tM.y d«^a» expedi««.t. I er e««mpa»«y tbor«ef, *r of tke Kxeasie IS Th» f f-f ^0 Tr«fvr-'y ibttfl j fcf colfeivaiEag tlie Karae, by reason ef tke forthw>;l} adv«?rri?^ *it*a in s!n>h nc'ytipap^r*'. t'abHp'i.^ i > d:ver?' ar .i bv Ku«b etker as s'liiA n^Mirc i*nBO«cS*t'' pnbncity? md of ^' tir ^■he J??«re?‘?'ry of '-h^ Navy . i,‘li rt«c it to be T'V^^b'shod in "«'ac- ftTTCy itcd 1 T'sre-ence or the ^1*0x1 raity e£ the etemy, Uie af*es»i*eflt «n i^e-h prapertj" way be reduced, in property on to the dama^*a*8iaj' tfcined Ky the or the tax a&ses^ed bi.*rooii inay be reduced in tae eame ratif I «\y 6ke ^iptriot cellect^r, «?>n gatlsfivct^^ry cvi '• dfir.Rc te him bv the nvruor or s^a- j suid, no mllitr.ry or other pfiicer dhali 00 I efisipOileC', in anssvar to any writ of h?.»eas ; corpus, t5 appsax ia peraoa, or t» retnria the ! b-^ay ©f any pei^^ «r pcj’sens detaiaefi by ’rs, by tbo aiTthority of thi .Pro&ideac, 8e- :y of Wstr, %»r the (ienavai o'Sficer aifm- the Traas-Misijia^yippi de^artiui^iti; CQri,iSefi,t-a, ui»uer odb, ef ihc per&ca m ^5t«Iae^ by bi«n f t l fer ef tke «?feaies ut^.oiabo-M'n spacifisd, uB^cr tk^ &-ith%>ritj Jivforcsai4, far* thor proeacdiftge ui.^ior Ui(a writ ef b4fcc:'fl #orptyj sk?.ll isiisieciui^ aly ce?iSe and remain ' sio l«a^ a* tkU act skr.U continue ia force. U9C. 4:. Tki* act ahall centinae ia foroo fi»r aiu^.ty ^iiys aftsr tke aext liiedt-iug of O'vis- grcss, aad n© lor. .-ter. iieH fer tiie war, ae if he were between the ag«3 ef 13 and 45. Sec. 8. That hereafter the datiea of pro vost and • recital guards and clerks, and of clerk?*, ^’.:ar«9, ageats, employeea or labor- or6 in tao CoinniisBary and Quartermaster’s Departments, in the Ordaance Bureaa, and of clerks and cBiploycss of navy agents, rs also in ths execstiew ©f the enrollment fKil:, and all similar duties, shall be porformod by p^'Tsona vrho are withia the ages of |18 and 45 years, and who by the report ©f a jjoai’d of army surgeeiis ekall be reported as anable t© perform active service in the fiald, but capablo of perfornairig *.!txie of the above cr:d duties, a^ecifyiii/ which, a>id when these persouR shall have been fsgsigned to those duiies as fcr as practii’Jible, tbo }*rc-1 ±_ )- ftident shall aasigu or dettail to ' heir pnvf>n ro-1 r •o ,,’. ance such bodios cf troops, or individnalb. required to he esrollci under tho 5th ae?> tioji of this act, as m.’.y he li-tded f.a the disclia.’*;ie of Huch duries: ProTidcd, that, persons betweon tlie uj;ea of 17 and IS »b.all bo assignad. to thoee dntiee: Provided fur ther, tiiiit nftthing cciitaineu in this act ?hali be to eonalrued as to prevent ihe Prosidftnt from detailing artisan, in.ecb?,nicc;, i>- per BG38 of fecieatiic akiil, tar perferm iadispou- 8f.bie duties ia the dspartmersia ^r b'ar«a&i, bereia in»n;;lonsd. SiC. 9. That aay Qu:irtorm:wr.5r ’ or iu- aistaat Qu«i/:Grniajter, Coffisaia^^'y in Aii- si8tr.nt Cotjraisiiary, (ether than t’lvie lery- \ briartaaa oj* jctiiuieQts in the §old,) i o** o:ii/^5rs ?M fiae Ordeaiee Bcreftti, ^r i^sry A.^aati}, or X*r#vost Jiarskal, or oScar ir; thd r.©»script serricc, who chall Ber«»Tl:«r prorisieni^ to be, delivered by anoh pereoi, as aforesaid at eqnivalent rates. 3. Such person siiall furtl.tjr bind hini^t to sell the marketable enrolsg of r.roviaiona and grain now on hand, iJad whicn be may raise from year to year whilo his exeraplioa ccntijiner>, to the Governmcat or '00 the fam- iiioa ®f Eoidiors, at pricos fixed by the @om- Kiia3i0nei*s of the State under ttjo iairpreas- t'-'.il £ ivii - ij-iv ul'iv:r ■ ; »0Cv lion of rrr.- ■■, sirniv iJ'id t!-o iV.i §. That the taxee ea aroperty laid i ral sr;^.’*r f^r tb. ’ of t.'fte ; jurrf. 17 TT:« sf!^*raoa of tha c.:;t for tb» c.^c*3srj»r;f- r-'^i • ^t'rn i.t’ taxes, approved Tjay 1st 185o, is ii«T«by . 1 r 1 . . . 8:o IS T'(» r*:ji'f*ary a-" the Trcasary is I yi'ar 1?^54, ch!*»li b® a'Ae?aed oa hereby au*' > nd ff-.ul? d. np,-® tbo r.fpb-1 ‘^-*7 ot the passage of thia act, and atiea of tl= -r r.7 v.y c^’I *r?ttif^e, Tvhiaii, | and col'sstsd %n the l^t day df Jane by tk* kr»t of the t?t vj p^0T^Je fir the ! aoxt, ©r 5£^oa after aa praccioal&Ie, allow- fasdiEf and fiwtirr i.^saa of Tri^ae'-'-y sotss, »p- | ii?jf an cxtensien of SO days "West of tiie •«h y.-'v? 1S6", 'waa 5-sf;r*ir«l to be of TSE JinJTAST BILI. 3ecti.‘!>a 1. Tliat iVoia a^d ati^^r t-.!® pae33"t tbi* act «n wkit-o mea, roeide?it« of tii.5 Uon^Hdoriita S:atc3, betwoan tha tiges cf 17 and &0, shr!.Ll ba : th» railit^iry ssrvics ef the CoDfotlRrate fe.itoa fer the war. * i ^iiriplej er rctaia in his eBepleyment any p®re«n in a'^y of th«ir asid dcf artmeata ©r er ia any of the dn1ti«a ?a*ationed la tke 8rh se'^oa of thU aet, ia violation of mont •f^t: Frorlftcd, tiiat Ejy person «s- «m))tcd ac aforesaid, shall be eaMllr d to a credit of 25 per cent, en auy aMioaut of meat which ho may deliver within three monthe Irofu tj:'^ passive of this act: Proxided^fsr- tbcr, th?/ psmors C'mini;* within tha provi- 8!i>ii8 Jf c-y.-^uiv;' Ion ohr.l! rot bo deprived of 'v-r- f‘c by r?>ii3ia of havin'*’ bM; i c'iroU::d dru e :i.o iz-. .' of Feb. 186^- * ; ‘’if. "' .>:•« ^oing oj.:em| • (>;■ r ''iner the . luci I- exempt or de- i .ur;o!ir, w r.o nnav be sntiB- e'xnv xi vi wceount ef a U iu.;."-. the proaac- r w .;.c-r pro- isioiiF for tke “’•’s fsokl'iers. Me may, or drtaiis, on KHffi :'iv e, 10 8UC11 over- r he may be sat- tho country in th:ia in the ctili- ju', £ueh exemptior shall ceiiitJ vrlicnever tiuj planter or ovGi sLs,]] di’’>f0iiilj to fniplay ia good faith, hiis own C{’rpi^al an« labor exe-lnsiveiy in the pred^ictioa of grain aad prPVjf.lO'i'ia, to tA t^« Oevernrneat sad tbe ©f c«:dic:*s at pr*.06*» afl»t exceed ing' *• «>ie £xed at tha tiiee /©r like article* by V > Odmiffiigsieiiers of the State andcr the ir&r*res?m€at act. 5. Tlia piesiient, trc&snrer, auditor and smperiatdndeflt of any railroad company ea -■ 'V. ’ ifijCed v?'.ii tiiO tf.rv sorvic.: >n- .7^ j of a.v. I Pr(^h the pi’ovisiees hereof, shall, oa eosvietioa ! gag»»d ia traaaj>crtatiVrs fortho Govornmeat, TOO per eoat. is jhersby iznpDeed. . ,v- ^.-.v Seg. 5 That after t&« first day of April next, | tars^i f«r' eroTec bs i^ie.rin lr:' f ;cido? . ■■ b;/ s»id v An Act • •? .' Vcc. St»te.% tien to '. i ■-i'- ir- tr. *ssr:e t® e»ich ♦ ft!.tit provided the e^m- ■'t"hr ? ' / &f Hf^se^rtffunt. i..i* uc-iia:rti5> of iUiS €Joaf«derfc*te '.x,i d; €-.act, Tl:?.t ia addi- ie'fi'^i. by the rot i»y ftiiimfta V dfoac^ f.r.d to carry ea cf tdxsiion hereafter Xreasnry aotee, in ^oh fena as ^le liciv sreverike ' j n ^ ^ payable ^70 yaais ajter tke ratifieativi J a treat? ' ^*cte« iroa evfjy person, cepartaer- of peaoa vrJi Ae United Soites, soiU new I aaaeciaboa or c^rpoiRti.^M, liable tie^e- ae« to ba. reoeivablc ha paymeot ef all pabHe aaes, except export and import datiea, te be iwned in ■aai^ii^gc fer old uotes at the rate 2 delfera of tike new for S &f the old isau&s, whfitKer Mud eld note'* be miwaadered for exckanpe by the holders th-i.-'.oi, pr be received into the'^TrsC^ory mader the proTiJ '•-%g el tliiB ast; and the holdcn sf the fc!ippi rivtv TJje additions) t^xes on i£e«aaeiS or proilte f^r the year 186i>, levied by thie a*t, chall ise assessed and colleotea ferth^th; aad the taxes on iacoiKen or pre- fits fer the year 1SG4, ehall be asse'^red and GC'lleetod acesrding to the provisioaa cf the tax and asaeaemeat acts ef lSb"3. Be». 7. 80 Einck of the tax act of the 24th day of April 1113, ae levies a tax on i«- ooi£«a den ved from pr®p©**ty or eiTocls oa the aiaeaat er value of which a tfti is levied by tkia act, aad also the 1st sectioa of said i -^xt, are 8«8pej't?i fer tke j^ear 1554, and I Me eetiai!)atec hire er latersftt on pro perty er cre^i%! feereia taxed ad valorem, I ekall be aaeecse^i er taxed as iacome^ aader tka tax aet ef Sse. $. Tkfii tax imposed by this act ea beads ef iiM Confederate Sdates hereto fore isaaed, akall in ae caae 4^xceed the m- tareet on the aaaxe, aad anch heada, wLaa held by er fer oaiaors or lanatics, shall b« ■sxeinpt from the tax ia all eases rrkere tb N*x,M>**Aaa«*i*wA w* aitC* ViiC cents on the del’^r by the tix afore^jud, njay eonvcrt the same iato call edi'txleatds k«uric^ ia- tersst at the raia of -4 pc:r ceti. per aa^asi, and payable two yease atar a rRii£os.tvj2 ef ^ ttiaty ot jwatvj ^'itii tbo Uniteu Slatod, converted into ac^ noted. 8so. 6. Ti-at t'j pay the c-xfoe^ea of tke Gov- eruineaiaoscthjiivijo providfti? for, ibc- jS-.ernr^iry of t%e Treasury 13 hereby aulficrisei to i.,.sne C por birdd to ?.a aiuouut aot cr.occuicg iivo hcu^--‘4 Hi-ilioaa of doUtSit;, the prinr.ip'i* aud in- t^-- ‘; hcreoi shuii V tree f' jsi t-ix a id for the •'"Tmeat of latej'c,-t rbci c". t'.o c:utire net reaeipt’i ifany expert dt? :^ tiy.- -.rter bid r>n the value of »U7 cctw-c, too:ii?oo, and cavil whion sball be exp^rsod Iroaa thfi Ooafederfi^c Sute?, aad he nei procfcod.'i of iha import datiea propc-i'-. t'.xod ill t’-.'» 0 I suspended ualesft wUgm in case of rehol- nnGer jiion er invasion, fha public safety raay^re- j quire it;-’ and ’whereas, the power ©f eus- i'-.o 01 i..e SoiUO, or p o-! p^aadiug tbe priviles:^ o^ r^^-'A writ as recog- (>er{T in t-i*?-.eto>ou v. iiei'?*-z^f'ssod ir ‘ ‘ tWCtiT with the U ig^ tucj prc-6' S., inithe tf^me i ci'^iineate, b&t- bercof by a Gourt-Eaartial or military court, be; a?id it shall be the duty ef aay piirtmsiit or dieiriet comc^fisder, npt*B pr«of, by Iho oath ef any /jrediblo person, • 3iat r.’sj' fi^ch ©fScer h?,^ violated thi« pro- viaioa, iamediately to rtilieve such officer from duty; and gaid corariiaad«r8 shall take protapt mea3ar*8 to hare him ts-ied for sncb OiTe>ii.e; aiul ftny Ci^raraaildar as aforesiiid * rm tho duUes enjoiaad by 11 apoa bfting daly eoavietcd thereof, be rUackarged from the ssrvice. Ssc. 10. I'uat all laws ;jranting eiemp- and iueh offii'^rs^aad employees thcreoi* as the prosidoct or snporiuiondent shall certi^ oa oath to be Indisjjensabla to tlie eiScieut operation of said rj.iirop.d: Provided, that the nninbev of pergong yo circmpted by thi$ act any raiiroad shall cot exceed one per son. each ntile of each road in actaal uee f«i’ rv.itary transpCi’ttUion; and i-aid e^roraptc sbnei* reported the names t-*. t.'ixea as foIJoTra, twit: I. IJpca the value ©f property, real, par 8« isJ aad mix^, of «yery kind and desoiHp- tiea, aet bereiuai'ter exemjjtsd or taxed f t a diferent' raie, 5 p«r Provided, T%at trona this tax on *.tio ralue of property «B' pleyed ia agrioultard c-hall be «ciu£Le*d ho . - , new n«t^5 or of the old aet^, except t^oee «f tke j valae of the ta:i inklcd delivered therefreai, I >»terc3t oa the same shall aot exceed tlOOO. denoaunatioc of *100, after they arc re-Iueed te 1 aa assessed Kfide.: iUe law delivered to Gove Tf??t no cred.’: nhtll bo juiUvYt-a ocyona oj Where'is, - erato ^tate* of America provides in Article II. On tnc vT.ins v,f gold and ailvcr wj.^fvs 1, gcctioa 9, Paragraph S, tfcat> “the privi- and piate, i8Wih3, jo'Teiry pjid A-atcbas, 10 l^jre tf tbe vrrit of h^.bj^a* corpus shall not per cent. . . - . _ . ITI. Tha val!:3 0 this 8€>0rK.Vi sholl t'i themKi-Kv” . .... ... ^ >ou v. iier?-z^f'.'ssod sp j tissd in uaid Article 1, ia vesvod solely in , cTcn^ i iu catOo './here laj.d,; rl-.Q C'-ngro.os, which is the cxciueive judge "p , '■r i="-.a-;c,> I v.'c p;r • the ne^^eeait/ cf such enspenaion; and l"t ol ur.iidiry xSi 2, •c^herc-as, in the oinion of the Congress, the 8iori?5,,’II y7ii!.r;ii -iL='i ... e E_ a J'ind. yii,ve5, CxjIL .>n public B;iiV.l.y rot^uk’os the snspeitsion of said «-T u t>i;acco ;.o |. urHi.-. Su, s; all -jij jc ! writ ia tho er,' .15^ caeo of the invasion of aowlaii, 0-50 muoh thereof 33 may bo nece=i^ar/ip;--! lor tiie bauio jyjiheao States by tl^e armies of the Uaitod ta pay aauualiy the interest, are herrby epeoiahv i , j and wb ■“''.''iuthe President has asked pledged: Provided, that the duties no^ kid os • f' / ot au Baarca or lnt^!^ ; tor the 8U(cpe!i«^c-i o: the writ of habc^ cor- ' estfl neba in any onnk, oankmg company 0* j png^ ^-^d infcrmed Oongresa of conditions 01 e'taicooiutioii, cuiiSii, . navii^fi;: ;'t, imj'crtij g. ' -’ i - . ' » . t • exporiiug, ii.iiiranoe, in:vai;..:-jturl!':^, tf ,e gr^ipu, cxpl’Obi, r »ih\:i; J, .lUu ch y-d .'ck c6 n- i‘id rti-' tt-.bor j iSiOt ;r cobiyjan es^ with tiie laws and regalat'ons for tke gov- Krmrient ef tho anay: j^roTtded, that c«m- paines iV«.*in en^ S:ate, organized t^aiiist their coaeeat, sxpreaced at tha time, vrith. regimcntc or battalions frojii anetber State, ehail havxi tha privilfgj of being transferred te oi’ganizatioss of troops, In the ^tao aroi of the Esrvics, from the Btatea ia which said ceLiaanies were raised; aad t\o soldiers frem ©ne State, ia coinwuias fro?a another State, shaii bid ailoweu, ii they dcak-o it, a transfer j to organiuations from their ©wa State®, ia | 3 • ’ the 6ftBaej5j.rn^ of tlie feerviee. i raoaths I and who, at the passage ©f this act, »>hcill bo ry £ervice, ander relea to tb i oecrotary ©f Vt&r. 2. Tke Tice President of tli^ Coai-: iorato .'■''3, the members and oScer^ of Or •sgres^: p'ld of the several State Le'.;'i£:.i-"Uic^, and ejxch other Cenfederate aad biuce oii.>er?j ai the Presiaent, or the Goven or or th» re spectiv« States, may o*rtifr to br; nece^e^iry for the proper administratiop. of tbs Oon- ' derr-ta o? Stat^ Governu»entfi, i:he i’ast: ry miaieter of reIi|^on uuthoiised to a&ccrdingto the rales of i'is cb.nrch, J pnd dsscriptioa, of any v.ho have left the efr»i©yment of said company, or who may 10 be isAispenRable, That nething horein coutaiaod ahafi fee tonstruod a^ repealing'tho CiCt approvtjd April the 14th 1863, entitled an act to ex empt contractors for carryifig the mails oi the O'^nfed'iralft Gtatoa, and ii;e ilrivers ot pc^t cos^ch.cp 'itid ] acbr;, fiv.Trs military aer- vicu: .ProTivo;',', ib^^t tl! i d exemptione gjrc^r-:‘.9d UM bir t jii p.ot el /: ..hi;y continue whiivt th-3 « rr?o?s o.'^rMEptcii are actually c:i;\. .:od ij Ji I: ii. p^clirc ^ai’snib* or oo- iiL-: 11. '! -r.t lL.3 Fro?.id*.:ti be, and he ii, authorised to gri^ai uetaila, aader iionerR.i rukTi end regulation s to bo issued from tho V.- Z'- ■^nrtuent, of persona b'jtwcrii and c-.‘ yearo of fv,o, or from the In the 6 li, in all caccy where, ia hii juctic.*> ^-fiiiity ?.p4 neceeaity re- ik- id hi) revoke such , qC'ra tocu «*t ef IlOa ia a six tsar 1 employed ia tke discharga of his i orcie;* of di.ta.iit. vci.i.ncver ne S^aiiiks pro»>er; from fh« iirst day ef April aert, a bc^jnty ef $10d ia a six per cent. Qovemmeat boad, 1 sic^ns of aaylunas for tbo deaf and dumb | thtt Precident to make details aad exomp- I Provided, that tlic jj. owor boi»em graated 1.0 by authorixed to iaaae ahall ba niwd to «▼«- i j uv j 1 rreciuent to maxe aewis aad exomp- ry noa.c#sarE;K'anei »aoer mnsiciaa and I r^* '““s; on« oo.iior for ' tloaa shill uct ;>e ncraitrael to aathoruse the fafn'shiag suppiies of any kind to tho Gov ernment, by reason of eaid contract, unless the head or ecorerai’y of the department ma king such contract shall ecriify that the per sonal cervices of sach contractor are india- peasablo ro tho cseeutioa of said contract; piivato who shall then be in service, or ia | ti^jg gy^jj empleyees as said edi- ven o* s deaih previoiis to tae penod tor may cftrtify, on oath, to be indispensable of SGch payment, then te the person «r pei'- • •' • * - - ’ - * Ecns whe wenld l)e entitled te receive by law »y tiiearrearageaof his pay; but no one Ghall be entitled ti bwauvy eorehi provided who shall at ^ny time, during the poried of eix montha k 5xt after tho suiu fir^t day of April, be ab'?'-:^'t from hid co nm*nd witiiout l&vv^. Sec. 4. no pti>f>n sbflll bo I’olieved ■Vo = T the 0|>er' tivn of tiiis act by r«a£oa of having b :cn L ji di^ckarged from the urmy v. b'jre i:T> dis--'liity now e:dsi>»; nor Rh.\U tL ■■ ' v;bo .'.are fiiriiislied ^ubeiiiatijs ■ ‘10 year slave*, ■lOU importa are hereby pledged aad sb^ll bcr-'sf- ter be paid ia spccio, or in sterling czchaai'u, or in eoupous of said beads. Sjrc. 7. Th-t the Scorctary of the T-car'ixr; is hereby authorised, Irosa t.iiao 10 i-ie wants ot the Treayiiry ir.ay rcqsirc ; ro .^.ril t hypochec'ito for Trc2 -!i?y notes said i :r r.ny part thereof, apon tire best terms he ro *,i ;o meet appri>priatioiia by C.>ngre-«^, and ;eep. ne tdraa redaoe and rostriat the asiuuat of ‘J:c circn- lation in Treaaury notes withba re&soi ..;io sui sale limits. _ Sjso. 8. The bonds authorize by the fJih Reo- tiou of this act may be either rogislv-rod or oo:s- poa bondsf as the partiea taWng them may cleat; and they may bo exchanged for each other nader • such regulations aa the 8c.^ret»ry uiay prcucribe. They shaii be for aether withlhe coiipoaii thereto jJttoh form-aad of saca aathontioAHou %n ino Jjo-:;- retary of the Treasury may pre5Qrii>e; tLo intvrast gaall be payable hair' yearly oa the urst of dan'y and Jcdy ia each year; tho principal shall be pay able aot loss than 30 years from theii- dAt-3. Sbo. 9. All oail oertiSeatos ehall be i'uad;^bIo, aad shall bo taxed in aM respeota as is provided for tho Tre'isury notes iato which they are oon- vertibie. If ooavertod before the time fixed for taxing the Tre&aui'j notes, such certificates shall to the publication of such newspaper, tke public printer of the G>nfederat© aud State Governments, aad each jonraeymca print ers as the said pablic printer shall certify, on oath, to bo indispeasable to perform the pablic printing; one skilled apothecary in each apothecary store, who was doing busi ness as* such on* the 10th day of Oct’r 1SJ>2, ?nd ha^ eontinned said business, -wit'hoftit iiitermlisioa, eince that period; all physi cian.^ ove: tho ap^e of 30 years, who now are, last 7 years have been, in the e of their profes- ciaa shall not in- eriis and teachers 1 n V ■ jx 1 ••• Icollsios- tl’.eological seminaries, acado- reader military j liiiga who have Ixjon regularly engagou j 3 wVich for two years next before die of thU-act: i’rovided, thfli the bcnciit oi this exemption ahall extend to those teachers only whose Bchools are com- and tor tl i'he: va. 10 of prop'_riy 11 '>0 iiised I ad or n >t, L.\x.'d ander tl is ,>'';olic danger which render the 8i:'p9asic« of the writ a mci^ure proper for the public i dotcnca aj.,:iiust iDvaeion aud inBurrcction; j HOW', therefore, ' ! The Congress of the (Confederate Stit-js of j Aruenca do enact, That during tho present invasion of the Cijifedorate State*, the priv ervice nr^der t:ua act. Sco. 5. That all whit3 male re?.idcnta of tho Oouf2derf,io Siatcc, between tbo ages of 17 and 3 8 aud 45 and 50 ycare, shall enroll diemscl voi at sach timc3 and places, aud posed of 20 students or more. All sniierin- luder each ragiyations, as the President j tendo.nt3 of public hospitals, ostablishW by bo, tha lime allowed not »>eing j li.w before tho passage of this act, and ducL taay prcse ict3 thafi mO tiavii for tha^c eist, and dO days I physicians and nnrecs therein as sach en- Mi^aisaiooi rivor. anH i perintendontb shall *.ectify, on oath, to be pUi'CUfc.3 fime oi' f, B-.'C. ; at 01 oi 6Ui_a property, at t^e j P^ldent, Secretary of War, or tho General ' jC3cer commanding the Trans-Mississippi il gold sud Ti^iiitary Department, by thd authority iliid imder the control of tho Prosidon" ' hereby declared that tho pur|^>ose grec3 ia^tho ppssa^e of this mor-i euectiially for the auspendiug the widt of liaae following cases and no other: I. Of treason, or treasonable combinatiecfl to subvert the govoramoi^ the Confederate States. IL Of conspiracies to overthrow tbA -CiJ «.Cf3^iU., oi- upon',j£^a:D.ouGt ' of ali bills of 0‘ccaang0, drawa thorefoi* on foreign counti’lcs, a tax of. 5 por cent.; each uvx upon mon>y abroad to be assesced and coijedou accoi ling to tho value thereof at th^l.^ce where the tax is paid. n. Cfpoa the amount of all solvent cre- -dits, aaa of ail bank bills and all other pa pers iaauod aa currency, exclusive of nou- irom lUM time bw intereet up.n oni» W! cent=, f Oc^ederato troMory notes, - - ^ J' : and not employea m a registered busineaa, the incomsj derived from wliioh is taxed, 5 lor thoiie west of the ilic>8is8iupi river, aad y porsou who &b:iU fail so to enroll him self, without a rcvisoiiabla excuse therefor, to bo j'ldirrjd of by t}\e President, rihiili i^e :.dacou in i,jrvice in tiie Held for the war, in life eame manner as though i;hey were be- tweeii tbo ages of IS and 45: Provided, that tho p-irdons mentioaod ia tliis section shall ooGstitnta a reaorva for State dofeaco and detail duty, aad ehall -not bo reqaired to perform service out of the Stato in which they reaido. of the Mississippi, aad vsathia 60 (daye, if west of said river, form theuieelvea into volantary organlzatioaa of ooyapaaiee, batt&lioa? or regimente, and elect their own oSicers; eaid organisations to couform to the for eveij dollar proaused upon their face, and shall be redeemable in new Treasury noses at that rase; but after tho passage of this act no call eertificates shall be issuod natil after the first day oi April, 1864. Saa. 10. That if any baak of deposit shall give ite depcaitors tho bon^ authoriaed by the first sootion ot thi3 aot, ia exchange for their deposits »al spooiiying the same on the bonds by somo ii^linctivo mark or token, to be agreed apoa with the Soorctsry 01 the Treasury, then the said de- pwitor shuii Ob entitled to rcuieve the amount of iAiA bcQus ia Treasury nutes, bearing no interest »nd outstanding at the paasago ox this act: /Vo- the said bonds are preseated before the privilejjo oi fuaduig tajd notes at par ahall ecase *s ncroia prcsoribcd. > Treasn 7 notes herctotoro ^uea oi tho douoiainatioa of 95 shall ooatm le w be receivable in pjwment of public dues, as provided by Uw, •vad luad;:bl9 at par under the i7or - ic,jxa «; eiiii *ct, until first of July, 186-1. iMt, and Until tno first October * —■ ' per cent See. 4. Upoa profits atade in trade aud bufiiness, aa follows: L On all proiitia made by buying and sell ing spiritons liquors, Hoar, wheat, corn, rice, engar, mbla.^ea or sii*ap, :?alt, bacon, porJc, bogs, beef or beof cattlo, sheep, ojitg, hay, fofliier, raw hides, leather, hoi*sGC, mules, | does boots, shoes, cott/>n yams, wool, Tioohn^ co^ ton or mixed clotlis, 1-a^ wagona, harnesa, coal, iron, eteol o? L'r.lle, at any tiaae b»f- twe*3?i the lot ot Js^nuary iSsu, aad the l&t of January 1S65, 10 per ocat., ia additioji to tho tax on sucli proliwi a? income tmder tha “act to lay toxoaiortiio coiaaioadefoace, aad carry on tha Goforr nent of the Coa fedora:e fclites,” approvtia April 24,1803. U. On all profilta mad© by buying and snlb'r-fT t^o^ov. .T'" ’ %eilv?'r forf!^'2pi e.Tf’-hange, . . ^ telligeace 10 mo enemy, s . . j 3 * ' or giving him alH and comfort. j ^9^ organised, aad deposit a copy tayred lY. Ot coBflpiracios, preparations and St- euroaing oilicor of their district, taints to Miuite servile insurrection. I eqaiv-aient to enrollmont, V. Of du6Qi‘tioiifl or encouragiag deser- 00 accepted as miiiU’je men tor indispensable to tlie proper and oKciont jnang-iromont there)f. 4. 'iiiero ehall bo exempt one person ae owner or agriculturist on each farm or plan tation upon which there are now, aad v/ere oa the 1st day of Jan’y last, 15 able-bodied field-hands, between the ages of 16 and 50, upon tJie following conditions: 1. This execaption shall only be graated ia cases in which there is no white male ^ , I ftdult on the farm or plantation not liable to bcc. t/. ihat all per.3oa5 required by the niiiitary service, nor unless the poraon claica- h^optioii ot^i-h’8 act to enroll tbemfsclves, ing tho exemption was on the 1st day of .ftar tfeo p»>sa^^ there- Jcai’y 18&4, either "tha owaev^ and manager" or overseer of said plantation, bat in ao case shall more than one person tw exempted for one farm or [>laatation. 2. Sach porsoa shall first execute a bond, | payable to the Confederate States 01 Amor- j iea, in anch form, aud tyith sneh secarity, I ana. in each penalty as the Secretary of War i may proscribe, conditioncHi that ho will da^ | liver to the Government at some raili’oad 2opoT, or such other placaor j)laces as cii’.y be de3!i;aated by the Secretary oi War, rrovided further, that when any such con tractor shall foil, diligently and faithfully, to proccefi with tho exccatlon of each con tract, bis cr.emptioii or dotail shall cuase. Ssc. 12-. That in appointing local boards of surgeons for the examination of persona Liable 10 military cor vice, no member com posing the same siiali bo appointed from the county or cnrollin:;; distiict ii) v/hicii they are required to make such o’saminiition. tioas, of aarbi^^ ri ug doaerters, aAd of attempts to avoid i£>ilit«-y sorvice: Proridod, That in case ol pal|>aoIo wrong and oppression by any subordmato ofScer upon aay party who not legally owe uulitaiy service, his upfcrior o0icer ehall grant prompt relief to rJia oppre^ed party, aad tho sabordinftte shaJ bo dlsmiaaed from' oMce. VI. Of epiea aad other cuoissHries of the enemy. ViL Of holding correGpondenoo or inter- COUT8-3 with the enemy, ^thout aecesaity) iiid without tha parmieaion of the Oocfede- rete ■':atea. ^ ^ IL 0/ unlawfol trading vrith the «iio- d thar ojffbnesa against Iho laws of tkil’w — first October 18G4, west of stocks, uotes, debts, credits, or obligations the Oonfedorato States, ffliated to promot® nver, but after that tima they ? of aay kind, aad any laorchandiz©, proper- th«ir «ucc©aft ia th^ ww. ,iy bo acceptsd as minute men for service in such bat in ao eyoat to bo taken oat ot it. Those whs do not s:) volun teer and orga»ii», shall aaroil fchsiaselres ae before provided; and may, by the President, be required to asjanable at convenient pla ces of roiidesTous, and bo ionjisd or organ ized Into compar.io5, battalions aad reo*i- ment^ onder r^alations to bo prescribed by him; and sh^ have tha right to elect their eompany and regimental otEoera; gnd all troops orgajiined under this aot for Stato dofeaco, ahsdl be ontitiod, while in actual service, to tho saaio pay and allowance as troops now in the field. See, 7. Thsvt any person who ahsll fail to «ttend at tkn rdncnoi required by the authority of the President, without a su^^t Qzco;^ to ba judged of by hirn, with i a months next ensuing, 100 pounds ot bacon, or. at the election ot tha C^ovei*.T- mont, its ei^nivalent la pork, aud 100 lbs. ot net beof (said beof to f.»e.doiiverod oa foot,) tbf each abla-bodied sLavo ou said tarm or plantation, within the at>ove said ages, whe ther said slaves in the field or aot, which said bacon or pork and beof shall be P^^id for by the Goverameat at the priocs nxed by the Oomaiissionera of the St&te under tho imD.'essment act: Provided, that when tha pGT8>a thus exempted shall prodac-o satia- tact >ry evidence t^t it has beoa impossible for him, by the exerciae of prdper diiigeace, to foraiah the amoent of meat thas coatract- ed for, and leave an adeqaato supply for tho subsl^tmco of ihoso living chi the said ferm or ptxitiition, tae Searetnrr of War sfeaU direct a commatation of the same, to the eiboat of twothixda thordof iagraia or oth^ Ft5t G.Igb, rayaUQviUtj, fa. G.,) OcXOUEit 3, ISo^J. j of the Arrivai an-l Dfp>i,Tiiir» cf th.s at thit Ojnct. R.4iEIGn T 1 AVEaAblJ{)aO’, bo. krrxta dt.ily, ex-.jcpt Sumlay, bi P. M. D>3pjirt4 exoi yt SaiarJiy «t 6 P. F-AL3KII1 via SUMML'RVILuE. Depsr»3 rasij'Iijr *r.d Frid*/ at e A. M. Anivee We.iE?^;!»y and Su‘ii&y tt 9 P. Jl. WASdAV/ via CLIWi'OK. Arr»Vps df'ly 12 C'^oa. Depirta dju^ P. AI. CAATdAOf ' -irriv^^ Ta»j::iy, Tasrdasy ani SaKH-i*/ *t 7 P. -i.-!? NSu-iij, Wedne.-iaiiy *ml i’ridij at I P. M. CriSfi ’.W, ?. C. A.rriM 9 Xa -3^»,y, T-^uradfty aad *?»turd»y Et 6 P M. I>cpi»ta Stndiy, To.codiy ta ' «t 1 p. JJ[. FMU BLUFF vi% LUMBE?.TOK. Arrives TwbUj, Thur&iay aud datiuJ^'y at 6 X. 33. I>?P=UC3 Tuesday aad 1 P. M. ROUtil.-iOS’S i:LIZAB*!irHT0i7N. D-f sri-f Men-ay, VV,; «nei4t/ au-1 Fn%y »t 6 A. M. Arr’ ,'.» j Ta jiid-ry, Tri>i.rrls,7 »jq4 Saturday at 2 P. K. '^J4l?:iSS2Kl’0*7W via TiPJ^fiil'ITH. \.*rirca Mcna^y at :> P. M. ‘->?p&5;o sa^.r ttiy (Moc^ay) %* 6 P. M. v-.crpPvKss oaeBs -*• ‘i P. M." - ("T’C:;'*-jM a.* P \1. 18LANU 7ii '• ri>VlNGTON Md ■='73LLf'>N Amvii la-jfjdi:’ o P. M. OdpiT.'S VsOdiH-• 1». *l A. -d. • 6VT ,i r . Til, TROY Arrives T-'itr;.:;/ ■'t j P. M. Woc?a:^‘3(?i.y *.t I'l A. M. Au tc -7i.a o;:. ir-: A. M , »'s rloaed tae evea Tig *. •! ■!. All l?iteru to i»e Beat off froa i .aj-j oLi-'r;, >4. i«r(i'aia t.y «^ll, rr.ast oe paii fer as if ’Kui by •'i-.i. 4!’letters eaouli bo pre-paid by ^ U^ct 61 . Tia 'ultfi will ia San4«y firam to A- , 1^4 frcss 4^ t" 6^ ?. Al. JAS. O. COOS, P. M. ffsas BiXIB G'OR ii-.* rolits ’ -?r ' -ppl at ici»«aiU - f.V - mf caiii 3t«iiTa €4^ROLiiva. HCTSAt. UFd iAStliiixiJii N0T7 in tke tenth yaar of sucooggml epsratjon, witk growiag oapiUi ^sd firmer hold opoa publio cou- fidaace, 3oatmae! to iur.ure the live^ of all bealtky por> sons from 14 t» C-) 9t age, for ens yea?, for seven years, aad for life—aUlii'a members aaariag in th« j^rofita All slaves froa 10 to 60 years of are are Iniared ot one year wr forsfa years for twj t'lird* thsir Talae. , All lo3fle* aw puactually paid wiUiia 90 days ifter •ati3faot,ory proof ia pre3i»**d. For further iaforavktim vae pj’^U'» ta refarroi to Agents or tke Compaay in all ppjrM 0 ac anJ te E. 3. FATTlii;*, Ssarfilary, «L i. HAI.S, AjeTit %i iaa'7 1»W. P»y%tt»Yiiii, if. d Biaak Warraai3 for sale hero-^