J'FftOM TffE NORTH OAHOLfN\ SOLDI®Eia. '' CorrespoEd^ioe *f tU Obserrer. • illC0M-)ND, N jT 8. M ssra, Elitorsr-Toe pres» a» campaign hag h?c,. t.-ie ma^t se/ere the Annv of Varrhern emu ha^ Ctf.'r expdricnce- It on the 5 Ji ot 'liv at t.'.e WilJornesf- ir.d there tn ., t« .,:..sviv.nia an CoM H' oor Grant hu-io^ Ic- o;.« i-.i .rit o .r vetc • :* with me jmp-fu of(V‘r»i'a:r, resultiii^ only id thv slaJK^' ^ o a.s 'fh-! aircot advinco if the invader has otj.ally harr d that h'’ iia ■, beer to JW* whicn ii' t‘ a-r-y * ■' -• ve-* ■ li- ooaipello;! tnae stuv of Lnk aov.’ta-Qts tutho ca:vr^ct‘nz d watiu C’.rap-.i:a Ooas'.ju asiy Grint has slided arouad to our; riifbt ooatiiiu;»l!y, wiih a ^ase of w*ter naviji'ition thrt whi’o uiuil fac ha« movffd from the i^A^pa h ■'no3k to S )uth of Petersburg, w'th a line of b-it, Ja now 30 milos long. Had ae moved up the Jtaies at fi :*t, it set ms he might have oooupi-'d thi^J line iu six days instead ot s’X mont'i^. la tT r e e he would net have f j'lnd our defences B) iv.t■ niJable ns no;?, and his ariuy would co'^ hava . xporiencoi sach itniieaBe l"ss nod fitiga as has oeea iaflictad i:poa it So ti.it (9'n (iraui’s iuviiiioa aj'sinst 11 chmoa was bad'y plaanei and had r. t bcca .^u'cessfully 'r ^kil! t'al y oxoouted It 'ii^r> fo^'o e . idcnt .naik't of tiUarij and ifter all lu^ in r of m »vct«i nts ana teiutn a id posif.vo pro:iiit>3s, r^mforocmoutd ar« stili demanded. Soon after his ^ppe-*r»nc3 in front of Petere burg, the enfcmy occupied a portioa of the Wel don lliiiroad, but was iaimodiatcly drivao away by our forces under Gen. Mahone. This Road, Tunoicg straight South from Petoroburg, was coa- tinuily exposed to the left fl:ink of the eneoiy, lor it would be iinpraciicible for U3 to extead our right along the whol^ length of the Road—over 6u miles—in order to head off any sudden fl*uk movemeat of the enemy in that direction Our troops oocupiei the Road in force only a f w miL‘e out from Petersiburg and from there the defence of the road vk'as entrusted to an ordinary cavalry picket line On one dark nieht the enemy sud dtinly 0 il.ooted a force ot 30 000 or more and moved on the Weldon Rjad oejond the end of our forafioations and driving away our small picket forca. Sach a movement could De made at any time, and our only ahainativa w\s to die lodge them from th-' Road immediaiely after-their taking it. On Thursday evening 18th Augui^t, the en'my occupied the WeM>a Road in heavy force Probaoly our authorities did not know the force of the enemy, as only sooie two Brigades wera sent to drtvo them away on Friday. Tac attack failed, and on Saturday a lar:;or force was reac against thorn, but ilie ensuiy wai toaoc. strong ly fortified and reinforced, and our troow w« ri*. stiii unable to disljd^e them Ou Su-^daf ta? 2lit Aug. a more extensive rtemon:nraiioa waa mide, resaltiog ia a considerable cnya>v»ai=nt, in whicb our Divi'ioa or tae most of it paraOip-iu d I Thi enetay was driven fa*ci from *h .*ii • oatt' linei, bu: ho wai found too strongly . d • on the H.iiroad, witu an immani" na.a or o c^a con, t> jiistity the aaorfic- ot lit« ou oar ; nece*i»4ry to uke the wo its S'"* u was d c acd prop Cl tj mi»ka no further at'.ack on ihe . n^j-iiy t ' thit poir.t, liud ho has held the ro^d th-'-e . .’’r siQce Oa the24 h ot A gis .a pii^'t j‘ our'•.‘i; y, ino.uding two tirigaiea of our Divisi o, i o/ , a circuit )U4 rout^ aroand the left A.ii* of th en ;my and Came to the Ri'iroad a.?ar Stitioa, in reir of the pUc? w icfc we a acV the enemy on the previous daudij. ri o . t • 25th Aa^u«f, we foand t.ie eaoMy’s iiJ'jnrr- a 1 artillery in hne of bit-le b_*hind ordinary li-.-ts' * woriss ijimeiiatsly on the Riiiroa 1 sii.)rt .-o ^ briilia it Dat !e en u d, >-a^ wo t ok mt o£ workj at;aok_d und i ia"^Cc r.a arj.'- a- * , , coai^'ctaiy Dutiajj the »r my W h i'c i b licv ' hjlJ the R»iirjad fr ;n thi^ po.-.-- S>u.tu , Wird ever >inoe, and the » ujmy ru>ldi only s 'me * 3 ‘'r 4 mil 3 of t lo itjail bj-.wicn K.aais’B C5ca;iou ^ and PvJtersDarg. | Aojut the last M 9'pt'iabjr aad lit 0«;. iho 1 «nooay oscoa ••id bi.> loli I i tioavjr 'vtr.u uvUll | ’’J-i. a vi to fink )ur right :ind^etp;84 4J ,>a of the ^ S u'hs.i; il. lr al, wh.ch ra.ii out fro'u ' Pocorsbar' i’ais mo^emaat WiS traitrit?d and the eao'ny driven oaek «uh heavy lojo, thojgh by it he idvino':d his line over a mi aesrer tao South S dj iiiti, for we d >i noS irive hiji cn- tir ly ba:k to his line coar tLe Weldon R )ai Oa tne 26 h of Oat. thi: u iemj '^giiiu nasssd 1 his troops in hj^vy forca ~ our r ghc, ani early ! on tho mjrnlug ol the 27 a, suroru-:J aja Dr ko ! ac.'OSj » ir line 'A d'sauanted cavdiry to toe right ot ou. i'.rvin^ intriu ry line, a? i aoout s' v-.u miles 3 > i awcst uf Perer-bare T tiy .ti.*;' i t v- .rird tO'f .ds tae djutji--i jP! roii^ -u :» f^roe of some S0,Oi,*'>, 'jommiaded by O'! a .c in p .Ts-iu, sar • w.ij j ▼ » i1- h .. s ,1. Biua'l OAV*ify Ijroo fig uiuij • na rec^eat ag dloivly. i ' ^ uaf..r.a...j-!j t>a A irge i-iiOi of our i-.intry, lacla-liug o-ir ‘ * Jiv •‘.‘'Q, were r.tpidly t!;ro»fa around to meet the adv .uoiag columa of yanke^s, and Utc ia tbs aftaruoon cima la collwion with them several points. Tiicre followed prcttv heavy sod caa- unuwd S^uiiag, and th“re was every iadicatioa of a genera; oogagement in aa opea field figat. Tue enemy in his osa giaad flaak movcjacat fouai • doubU ttHftrRlas tha .nemy with a y«U^ Sad to let ihem «o ftfli keep np at bwt he J no oppor’ua^T *-o Iflam of th® aotlon of *tb«r N. 0 Tr6:>r'. ti">e8 -o all w . . h»i I'ifl cof i » '•»? ^qntnrl r -li >a> -J* ^R’.-mv ru - -ai i-' lias ft ' i; o ;jdT'6 aearf? «i>. PUe - to*-i pta i i ■ nr in »(i74''50 ;v’'6 ir ': t !" ■ y, '1=.-'»!biut :tji th^m O e r t ti - vr c c poai'to f ii:i>r/ w-.-'* 'a >■ :• ■ i- '‘ •'‘.‘J •*' -v" f *. li 3'iu. • • •, ■‘ '!‘U' ■r^'" ■ I >-e ^ ;* F.,r.‘ A-c:.?r sf*« o-:» ••!■’ '"i- ’ Ta‘T-’ aiotii: t> - >■' ' S'f-'": VI.'-'.', li ”'» ri.ie,.-■ ■ r -iaO' ' 1 . r toTf'’iif ' •' - ■■*•1 io hv> d ftiO I ■ cf -f-' '• ‘ ■'* .; » ■ '.-.--•A t'lc 05.1c ^ofK»'i ' ■ tte ‘lijVfi fi ; f>? 1*'* •■■■. -rr-'i, Fo': ' A"-K^* :-.u1 \ioi riti. i «lT*uoiii"a o-^ii- .i-ioraoi-r ditt»DC4 v5tii • A’'Cu«r- ** v. - Htr iiumot.-’ ruauiiu'; '»1 )'t t'o ■£. Mvi.it-! a i .'!1 th-'-' r» sier ’-ao Fji* whri h oa lif ii wbii h «\iC3i ' hv'll ”,S!CB 1^0 ii ■ 't t ■!!{'. a8 r' r.rri(» I iu .’ij j-a; d s c; ' ibo •m'-'sy ?uc ec ■ -f jil,-' ’•■■s' ; e ; o, r -’-zcs.’ Oi ?ort Tao « a*- j ^ .'rj I- h.'ii F -V A’li'i'--', I'U- uUk' tj’tiii-Vi jjU'i !•! For) ';c»v*s . v/s Kava or.iCi.-J i* ujw li jj 0 ' «0S8IP FROM WaBHINOTOH Darina •tJCpM.i and mmrder of Lieut^ant W/!» •! ''« RAMSiUR. I day to s!!>_d lustre .'u th^'ir cuu'.it y’s hiSJoiy, »>!p I to ~ in I'ji* f,he»jLis^ j u^o i rhey 'o Tt 0/1'r r’% jaiJ m. ‘ti>u*' ■r «>^». % "U-v'-aai J'J ui I'-g c*’’" i •! o- I'e r nrs’ »-a Yjusj^’b B igs-li>c, nn1 si.#! ."ra tj in V l.i-4 t ...t T'/O'S P»- •-■r il » v.-.t t '■ yU vitro n »r R • rtrk 'ur fur:.,;.? inl l' ( susav IESiiUicjr IT ?iiJ »i'i-i’ ’*-■ .* *'»»*t a'«a ^ St lo -iA's i;r-»i.;r p:wi--‘oa la iiis c Ho- *•-i >i •--v-r %'i h. vr Qi.i Vi»b-3ad r.c.l* ,% k .i-ii pttSiL-j M th- f «ni rnikr ot y.-»;.Rra lotcJ •t-’.Sv W43 n tue P.tokrt'r.' I’.i g‘i in tB’3 r'‘H lion ii&d u •lir.-j.'th » •’7 "r f*y beiircca the fore ut: 1^0 PUukr -*-i »"*■ • i*L of iiair *ru>j to onr >fi, ■o-cjln tUjrd »?m cg -.i - mtn' di%*o'v '• i e»' i siJs of u: Tftj liick ''u'' s p.-. ■ • '■,»vi u3 liU w? goi in ’los.-S'-a *md ^ery scan wj S'^Atrr- od ^«rw*ri on tb- Pliak'.*i nT:! lie r2*r a.irrruic md (i-iT.Dc: i^s e m/-—otjeot buing t> ocaf-i a. tn, di»;d'> tba;r r.>rce aai c-p.aro it>e riiU iri jx p*r4 a*:xt 13 ou*" lia's Vvt; 8U.;-3*9:lod ia a^xirai^iaj t;it ^necj Ai’d CM'ri'’;:; iiiTi »j v%.i . *o» fa-? encray p-i'h'ps tUroo eulirs oorp ■ n P.not KjaJ i*nd u- d^akiog f-.ra; V’b oer t-^inly inaudic:->i;w for t\o p!i*'poi. *jd 'iii .’t r-;«*of€*aj''k;t8 c.ul' . o'»'5 ' o.'0.*-;‘‘' 'i" bcf-i)'i> ui||;bt. .’rI*bone'j B fcrca^A .’a our itixr U3tnic.- 0' lae oiu*r 3.’ ie) au^l w-: caikr^d icrward, d-:i»iOi?, '■'J9 cnsmy'tvi c.' .-iurin? nri^Di^rs •*'si c* iO-jr,, ua •- jre rt£Cv.rd an oo^a Sdd ce to ihn ?i8'jkruii Here 3-. tat eUg»* cf • c 'iro'’-'*, i'>?i •r.O't or t-»i T ?-{- loue s BrijCtde trock Wuy'-- o’.u = j L €s.~a Uj , ^'»il4 :u*' oi'sr-'bd O" sUut-iTs.iise4T*? I'Ut *taonii; *.?. ima-.i^aae v-.uc*^s rorcs av: t:ui-re!y 5i::siipru’tfnl Wf-n c >-1^/ j :-»!l b»oi »/• h a L.?» v'.p.r I'v fife buaJr- u p-‘- f U£;i n*i -• -it i; :td *nil v'O'.rt.iiii Tu v* A ii o:;.» »(?—’.he 3 i:jie -orwir'i fs;ti * ai>! le ^al a iM . jifimu. iiau.tuId o; .'XOiie i y»aa.e .rj'j.Vl 1 voi aas'^U: a: o; svui i: * 73 li cl O' iii i.jj’. G M'Hao --.s 'r»;' ?’ \b' o - i'.T'icCj. E- ,'?o«.Tn- q j .e y .. 14 .iiw '•'■"o'.v o-.a.n'at bij 'ul' Cjud’s^.:' m ra. ■Jfrjlj. Loso Grabj. Ricnjl.^.su, ii^jT. 7 "I. -I'- .‘^^ ■'.1^4 • I.. n >r. —I ij .:\: » • .. sa. p’y Qi^ . . . J • ' L >? tv S> ■ T! • -Li y ■ %□^■oa^:ct h*« is^'lves an ;mniOi'tul l‘-;iie la boy • .•rf'^t^^ioao-a, to ‘^i!iph; d tbat t.TCSO roeruit^ ?r 5 warm aaJ dr-votid frienii-, »nd Iof ih--! r ,bot,iy “of the oradU ; their sabred obedien .'e to their n*- i reul aocot^.ioa ot ftrwr.gihj wuh or,lerd rot to la^^ve tr.« i ifou«’ it. O^ycrxz ..ui.urc;. pru BUnJfl ot ocUir>, b D’.ect'S ot trctiiary f-ifn &.? .plcte, iJ.nv i jad. .fit? . puoijc uiind, tua rsp-po al'y u.i the vai’ie ot | voini me luou ?rcre I f-li'Wiiig ui 'rnipg. (Jpon s03>.e ol tbc , and ' tiord's vi'u.-? Hf-euieA La inoanted hiH nicn (%rm j . c,, . . »» 1 rh'^'i- b *. r^rfin i-innto -‘■cuui'^A li - A itt Passing near hi-i o>*-a b 'lUv, hdi.jr tu Ui.* • -i ' r *.vs IS-- i»ti «^5t.s iha; m \v0 0 ior '•*WH UC»'4V>M »VP *.UV/>* |7 JB- '*4t« * tHand their pure moral charajter. They c iuo Ricnaioud last Tuarsuay ho . rnj 8*^10, .he promiu t) manhood, t^#Ono a mamber of the Epis-30pal, 1 Minsrva-born, ana the sirea su.^r. | Uoioc uiea, depnviog them ot ;;r.d ^he ofier of the Pr->sbytcriaa ohnvch. Foe' of Antaeas, that fci? a^taokiag colamna re- | liaest nors G aeral llamsoar entered Wost Pjint in 1856 and ;:iradaiied iiTlSUO, when ho was asaign ;d to daty ia tno sriiller;* of the Uuited States amiy. Whjn Linco'.n i.esacd his Proclamation he resigi- od lua.coiniaission aad waj sppointod a Lieutca- ans la artillery; but whiie at Montgoihery he rj- 3 'ivol the commissioa ot Captain ot tbo Ellis Ar t.llcry at Ralei-^h, aaJ chos" t ' resign bi.s oo;a- lul.^ioa in the regular arm? and aid in orgaaizuig our Stat.! foi'ces, which wero then being cal»el ro tne iietd. II j was oresent with uis battery aad dr nd tno «m1ui.o io O«[>itot i^aaro wiiioo »uaoanut4 we had seceded from the old Uaion He wa^ so>)a projaoted to a M+jor, aud ordered to Siciiatlcii!, on tue Jaiues, where he remaiued un til tiirf Puaiudular campaigu. He was then assign ed to the command ot the art llory in Crc.iwal MoLawo’ dirision While so actiag he 'fi*.-* eleci- cd Coiouol ot the 49th Xorth Cir>lina Troop*i, •jud hcisteaed to orgaa'za them at ll.ileigh iic' w«s ft:*s gaed to Gl>?a. li.iba-rt Rin.ioai’s br'gade, ind soon was Ci*lied to th-) deteacj ot Kio^imon i U j iiartioipaU'i lu the attacks on MisO.fcl.iD; au i at Malvern ILll while ac.iuj wita coo^j iea ■uf> pxsit:d y-ani'? i:cy in repaid to the nu^abt r Ot Holii^'tH h-? ha4 ff-.(;r fi'!j 1 d ii'in.; this cacipiiga It is 00DC2iled t^at l.c crossed the ilipid Ann wuh one hundr.?d and li'^ty thoa aui, a:id reuthcd tho Jam--} river witr. o.ily eighty ihou- Hi»ud, th re he rfocive.i Bailer’s army of ihir'y thojieand, and :::eanwhi!e, in tho con» ua£ piretia of addicioas hvin the ^evtr.il Srttt,.'), ha.s ao" oh taiaea less than iifiy thousand. \e‘, of fh’f" iiO't, counting t.vo hu i'irv.d atd t-’irty th-.iuiand m-*:;, it ii k cjowa al J'*3t to evivj olerk i.i the Wur !)c psrtmc'it thac G i 'tul G*'ant hes b=it cig.'tty lij-ju Barjd bi.io*‘c PeUraKu'g «n'i iticninjua. Ai;U wh'»t aro the b t'>s‘auri*l rcsiiif^ (i this Jioio'.*a.:t ot haaiaa life? F^rt Harris ^a, h worthloso our. po>!t urloe froa> the PotoniaM, whiro i c ctb^gri d re I l\-o dvV - miS la’yaijkee cavilrv ^ttc-oked Ro8- cvo'^t^ing n^^ie, findiag ,tni»t I in meu w ir: I ,:or tie *'.‘Ln b'-t *ef- rei'Uit>ed and drven uccd of tiiany neccjdury »r.ic'cs of clorluuf, h-. j ;j!\or.';l ctil' lo.s'ic^ 20U prli-on r** and a neither r:.'rmii;cd caeui, ouo at a timo, f* e.^tcr tao (itu«v. j iiO'-iCii of a violent Union citiz'in and e.i: at ru*>‘. ^'riiclrs j f.y,,,,, '>,= *• Uf^-xufypl - Cm .Hi on, La. as they aosolat'^ly neeu-.i, oateluih g I l;-i —T- t, with Yankee wunton «icjti ictiori. llavii'g iiia Ui^’c he c ntinacd his cour?e for rho ;Iver. Ho iuQrueoiately puraueJ by tbs nho i.l ot tho o-ua y ’.rif.j a pvs^e ot men. llpon l;iiir.;iig tiiis iatrt, he ordorei his auTi, v;ith the faoretH, lo crcss the river ik dpffdily as i>o*uible, Lis brother and him- Bcli i^i lUe rear to kcop tJio vncmj lu orieok till thfr )i.')i'«e3 oouid be sevured. Uavicg •ii8Jioa:if>*d, bh'. two bTjtherj procesicd actoss an open Gild lor tho purpose ef a«cenainibg the All tbcflrt f^ct^ aa^ refleotior.s r.r'fjist becoming I e.^act pr-sit’-.n and nu.ab"rs of taeir puraaare. gslia.itry was sever.ly wou idc-I ia lii-* »r n, and disable i iSf dairy. Wl.ib a: hoics he rc-oeiv- _ , od ffoai President D.avi.s !he coLa'iii'^sicn as j d'-at kti«w *■ dier Gent'ial, an • w.*s aa^igajd to the oooi u^-id ■ remin 1^ rro of tho .■♦•.ory ot one pub'io property, and the cff-;ct is (bsorvtbfc la tile iicpr;-rfrion and -fs:'''cdent air of*tiiO;; who oon^ti* ate tf-e powora th.tt be. E/rn tho * la.v». ‘'Ke riodjrT J.)c Miil:r, A'ho oceupus the Pri.sidcatiil chair of tho UnituJ S*at.3, •• nacks i>f this f*‘elin4. It i.s .«ai 1 tha*: a Ioa- /• nee a p?.r^y of "lia irieads, duriug a iOO'.vi call, interro/tttively »Xiirc8Sv;d tho h »po th.t 'he w»r va# piogro^^!3g to his eatrsfajtioa “Aii," ; my condition oi jur iilinolt. ot t:.a lameafed Ander-son. | ^r:y saJi.x-imabter?. who gi,e ..no of his pupila At Chanoellorsvillo Ki was under Jaeknoa ic ; thir-l * lapter of Diniel *s a restdi'ig le pun his celebrated flauk mo/oznc 't, aad wja for 'da- j ^ ^‘5 b.^afi; but vrhta he oa.na to tlm naujtra As th y noar'd tho road, they were fired upon by inaa who wu conc^aiod behind a brush fcnee Li'atciia..t B iwio rccc-ived niue l&uokihot ia txia head aad br- a-t. After Jailiag, he aroae apofc hi: hitnas aad kceea, and ora^liiig thoa eoverai yards, called k his brother to make hit eeeapa and to o;,rry :lie men and horses off safely, ifp-’S- sic>jj. Ud adJcd,-“l'oU ray mother that I lovpd i.er than >or» ever loved mother before, ana thkit 1 di3 ii^h:ing for my oouotry " A . uii it:riakcr in Brojkvilia, Marylaad, neat whica p)%co the »if\ir Oflcarred, took the body, -'li pK:ing it in a. cjlSn, conveyed it to the ci-’-yh kn wa a.1 “S'ameyV’ ia t^rince G?orge 1' - .* a. ->C .!C3*.l;ja- . C*. »OC ' A t f 1 i» izc n 1 k 10 .. (J : 1- v» M n ora ' 0 W i ro. .f -I .’ .) a»3 ijf- /.I !S SiiU • SI . a 0.C er»-' in' ii - ' - •»’ • •»■.• ji c' --.i.'- 1. ” -i’ V .d L » j ' 1 Or, I T sn, > ’i -y- ii.,« • ;a >" ■ " 3? ■ s t jt i:,~/ i y.i . vr r. HU t.»- i - .» •. '¥• r31. C ;j O', kaopiui’d it ia :>;>atl. T.-’e.s fl-ai n ; f auo •• t^ira ohic-r.ij >ra • '.iCj.-rS' y II I'd! b JS. .-t >aliti-)a a i-i -r.iixie t. :.> ficL t foic g^a.TJai O'-nir'JUi.; d’ [ 3-j vja ioe >oyA-aia?. • :;jp. n ' p' c b- o»Tk c i.'iojio' T 07.-r:j . (iV i.:‘; a 5-!-^ ■ fjita-.y •} f ti> »*'.'I *. O'\ J r ’U; { * .0'-.p.'; e. •: . ^ J •" 4 H i ^ ; i. - ' -I > • n I v djA^r *V . I y.u^i , . ir ,;: ug * ; i rou^:i t •Til ■ ^ Dg :o v»’ P-u * a ; ‘ t - .-.av: c . ap.-j ■ d- i c:c5,' - I eft imperisaaoie glory la one ot the most bri-.- lir.at ci»arg--8 oi the w»r, which at once marsed Kini as one of tha b *;it G>*:ierais ot the army Al! Gottyibarg, by a mast ekiiliul movemoat oc tti? | battle fi-jld, by vvuic'i tj CiptU'ed uiaay ot cut j prisoa^rs, »ad waj first to eutor the tovra, lie | a?.ii i added g.'eatiy t.) hij r^putatioa. Ac tli- ^ VViidoraes^ acd Sp.»'.isyivaa'a, He participate i | I largely, ai>d fjr hb iioroic coadu3t at tue ci-j-jd? : MAiio'Jt waero G.:aeral ili^ur J J'.hc.^ton »/u» ! I j»pt jred, lie w»* promoteJ, aad as^-^'id t^ t m, . j cj-fl utnti uf E%riy's division, i*hiC£. wai soon ‘ j tf ler.d to tie V.*li**y. W'uiis trtr-j, ne. f >r a ! .najQcat, sulfi.*rod *rom tho liii-3 aad l:o4. tiou- j .»»rg-.'3 ji%xo upda his ondu?; at ViacL :s« r, t wtOi i h.3 divit: 'a saff?rei a roa*^, aoti^Ua- aa •- ' . ing hid iouricjjj sad duag€ro‘is fiXp*.>5iirc ot Li:a- ' ! .-iair .a a te ap:in- tJ ra'ly Lh tro->p«; oac th.s *va- ’ ..'joa di,.Tipi-: d bj the ^t ra voice or tracri, wt i.Si. . j-'s )ac,at?(l him, aai p:*c;d biitme wnare i.- De- : ouge 1 Ou toe -iec.*.n of the lcmoa:c.i R/ie.-i. i u-j ^ia^^J^.a^Jd to hii p »:>iuoa, ia the d .d rj w ,ija r.%1 xormjr.y Dclonged, ana wuiic | ^ oiliag hifl diVLiioa 7iJtoriou-*iy &g.»..":>■ th^ . ■ » u*'ci/, f**!! in'iri*il y w luadoi by a sh t thiouiiti j j r»i iighv ljui; Mr. Obairm-ia, this is ms IniS'ory—»’u* hnt »ry ot o;»o o: tha uijai niiib .iien ar>d bruliaat 9jliiers luat hie yet olf-fed uims-If on his ooaatry’j altar. Us was luv fnead latiuii'elv ai, aad I for him. Ht- I oar ooa lira’s fiia..d, aal ws should aii •o."- r;jw fo: hiai. '' ofS^tr-dOi.’.Mtshiok Rui ADrdnnkro th-y were | Ooun:y H.-re iic was t>ariud, hia ^neral being unproiio-jiKuabJe 'Tie maat. r requlrea »ho uoy | atrojd.-d by * iarita o^ni'xiraa of UdiM aad g*u- to p- 0- eu, but l^e failed a^vn Ho tried a 2 a'- ; tl' ^' o—^•^s f)rru r no’^bSora and fh-ud*. It i- gitij:; bat ?til- it oi ko Releati.r^ toli i h - :.'j cetir.g cha'iiflr aaa r«.iai , he I he prt- I’wiiow J t.-> paa- ra's. B::gate.iitii? u^>, tn- little ^ .1 oil faTuOU-iy aiiUi he r-aohed the i-ist ver:«c, .vhea, ? eu-‘ifig i^i-'h s I -ok of diimay, he olo:ie‘i :be So k *ay» *'/ ’i no sir; here are thcfdi p-opf^r r-j aGu hi* brother uuide a priaoii- er; but the re*: of the meu jo; off laftlj witk »le fcor*es. >ouu'^.’-d !>av»’• iDt' WiitHi river aid gOb# to jWs.- 0'?*ins. T^ia itidiea':iv fi jLtiagin North- era Ar‘;a3ra3. Ei^-hr loided with trrops, aad ovfo biiii-rie^, h’»ve lelt Mor/aiiaa foi Wbit-’ Rivar. The Yankees landcdet B*youSarafcur d»j“ ego and con mcr.ccd r-ulli: g duwn hounofl ». d carrying the ms*eriaf to Murii(SRZt to baiM wkitcr quartera. Wfilo ta -re, th^y uoiamiti,ed bu.ih oa*^r«ges rpa* tne ladiea, th&t tbirtj of t» era hs^ve been pi»eel in irone, and offioara who perai.ted it eoak- iared. Frrm th« A’erf/i—Richmond, Nor 14— Njrtbcfu papff^ of the 12‘h rjLtiit> a tel;^rai« fr'ra Chattanooga on the lltl: whie aays tfcii ‘a* W(.(iu‘«d«y morDing the enemy b^de tbre* al* laoka on Atlaaia, iheir fbelui bsing throwa a« ^be Roiling Mil-'n A luoat deaperat* attaok w«e ratftle on the Rough had R«kdy road, the eneu^y’s artillery being within 100 jard of oir vrorka, and tbcir inlanrry »nd disuaoaatsd oaval- ry within two hurdred yards O^r forceaqaiek- ly Diaor-ed the de:enaes and avcn drove th» re^t’g t'ff \V« «n«tai»ed ao lo«a Tk« a*«aj wae a part of Yoan^’a e-jniuiaod, wko iaallj iair«»t»4 tow.ards Maoon." MaOiellan reatgned hij •oamiaaioa ia (*« army. Liac -la'a majority in Graut'a arm; ia r»- oortfd to be 8,000 According lo the Tribtaa, Niff Yorkgi'-'B Ltn'^ol'i 8 500 m^joVitit. TJi# Tiie ca-rtard J-y v-hos-s blow Lia«t. Bawie fell I Nevr E'jj?l»od S afet, 150,000, inpltiiiag the ’->e fi loics iuj'nn; - tha'^,” i-avi the v;i\*t JoiCfr to hi^ ‘ rej [ ^i.aatod, geatle- LU r>, ;u r:,^'urtl i-» ri?*>-i G-*aeri!6 ” T'.t* urr-. ut oatttp ■: „’n *i'l, in ail probability, el's . v.'i'h si :o:i'.- r atts.:k oa K.ohas'iad. '^he com- i’ t 'C O' li i'l r's rii-.r.. a;i i St y thou-'.ana reiu * TJ -ac.-its arv (-■••n /- coa'i.!;'-ui p”e;?d.iaf co ar- ' 'ic.-»a 1 1 .i *!--', h.>Y?cV T, w Ii oe l’.-'i3li’ a, Aiii tUe* w -tc'. l U' fjr a caaia; .cd Idi^d and '•» v.-.l 1 »jvf-m-iit, t'l-' ia- er of a very {'^rtud.i.bk ci>a*«iotui. tor i; .6 ».ii t.iat '.0 i*'-» than d:t^. iroi •r ad-, w: I 0 : pri*ra.:- uud s-te uOi# t;:ag ■ra;l-..u in t'l 3 Jfttii.o riv if.'’ wro « f' ht.' ^?ii«r-iitri^kcn father ;n thei* worJa: ‘•Sir; I a u b.ippy to inform y ta taat I L«v« sci ii u ',ojr d*mn*l tbio'^insr a--»i if you it his damatd wjrt*ile-B bod,, you «aa »an-a t.r :t.” diari’ • •’ -rir » 000 TriO soonodrei wh^ §.io» hina and i»r j»# iLu:! icwuy bft* ti, reitcuitti »•>'. t 1 It'r w ;s aiai^d Anes. M It . if he over c*teVi't> him h?* w Auil revcuse "iie ue.'th oi tee i^obiw iicatrci i>oi*ie Richmond Ditpatmh. ; Vjj-.- jti'l K- 1 VV- -er*. V' .. j Mti‘J ei'i' S -a He e«-.. ! b 1 ! puN'icv;:. 1, COO, r r.o M .-0; Dtdfh oj Fj} i>v Mivtmvno Llaiauoa J of ft. q' O Oaroliua, uic>. *: hii \ Hia: , I ita-i, S 0 , on the £'V tata ii'i- n*.-i >4.sv. **ed ; Ch'Jtha-ii. 11 lilroiul—Kfmp P flattie »iv«. ti- ■ ses 4.^ i,0u.» of N. C. Coupon Bou-. s, i-.=(ucu for the bea lit of the Jaatbkai iiaiiroadC iap-::jy, eec ircd O.-urVo/ North C.ro.aic, Juui l.-rai, 1864, by | i>V amaking fuud, proviJ.tiK for tneir re PitricX H Winston, Rrpo ter.'’ We a.'o nl.^isod j 'iompi.i >a wnea due. *0 fiad that the h-..;ad n jcea or coaane etat?aieuts }V'nt:,»n’$ Jieiwri —Wo iiave oi) our dc-flk the a -it vo.uma of ‘ii p>-^rt* ot -fl ot ai l ir» hl.j- i y, ijrfcfue-a an-j dote.ruiaed ir. tha .Sapro to !tl“ J • 'I'jil •. a.4 -« *» I ^ -;o cii t , I'l ta j; r rr. :ni i pr iu t 0 n ^ .1 L*0(3 iij , Wlii Od t- -w tj I 4^ 1' in F»7« ti-iile, vV« ■f-Id er?. 1 >f >■ ■A- r^IjSfS r»0-Uftl B )' J • r nr.-.a ta- \uT la tK-ivok I '.a 'fttiai- •^y ;n 11- ii* ■, a.id za'i. .3 - w ~ • : _•! • • r av t u.^ - . ' a • un -re -r • u iltj Ok. 3 r" r,‘' ■. i irf-i ! -»“ . ‘ ■ 1 •;? a a.' , 'I- »fD .1 ■ •I ’ ; fo .1 F d ba : . I . 1 j‘ -.I I, aril/ by 0 T-'. a r:- .l3:«rber-i cipcuas o i.irj./ oaaui sujr gsra n w.aa t.? ca ir la t i ugi ti»iajii/, I j i.j ;uaio :iT3a d p.'oojfs i.te u'i^asirj p*p.;r- 'or h:m Wty s'l9 Hosp;t»lc ira ar.yr at P>a?t3 a'lOas; the Ri:i'‘c(*n T 0U8 at himselt fiaa^ed and surprised. Even some of his ; Or-easbjro. .a :>b'.l8'^ed by ti Ha* presiiag and flanking tho eaeaiy. w.iiie tue c»pid 1 '.ir and dcif ning roar of oaaaan aud the hriet r^tfcie of masks'.ry would every no.^ and then foro^ jm to believe the grand o.all had opened. Thus went the game on the military ohcsa board till darkaess and rain put an end to the Boene. Then the weary and huagry soldier with some gloomy thoughts of the marrow, laid him self oa the wet leaves to rest. These aro tho times that try the soul ot a soldier But the veterans if tLis Army, with their noble leader, are equal to all eaaergencies. They deserve all ! the cansfdcration and aid their g^uercuj friends | at home can bestow on them. Tne enemy re-1 ? treated in has;» under cover of night back to his | ,,f former posiiiao, leaving huadi’ods of bis dead aai ’ wounded and arms and clothing strewed axi over the ground. So after a decided Confederate victory things have relapsed into thair former state of quiet and monotoay. Of 1.1 • otiiiies ot t^e 2l8t »ai 25»th Aa^ast I do-aan it onceoassbry at this time to areak ‘eusm. Oa* brig ade (MoK%d’ti—formariy P^-ttigcaw’s •"d the i Kirs- laod’s) was exposad to a vary urri&o aaoliiop; oa itie 21st wttiia adTaaeing with otasr troops ia fro .1 of th etroag works oa the Waid;a liiad. Qoa M* hoae ttal mjved hia eimciaad tj tae rijj it ia ordjr to daik the enemy's left, bat failed, ana our ao'ioa in front being depeadentoo hia, weeoaia not waU'^o any- thiag. Oa the 26th MoRae’s. Cocke’• «uid Lsno'j ting a-eu, all North Caroliuiaaa, and the only xafautry on the fleH, ma'e a aaooesafol oaarge ou tlic e-jemy b woTka near Rjams’a 8t»ioii oapiared th? wsfks and I touted % foroe of tHe oaemy snora tw t.hoir owu la numbere Hare we fought BEfcasoaifB e>ppj, ti»o ^ ta.oarn tft.> t 5“ , *«“• Lee gi^aa due credit to oar i ii-dHa for tbeirv«iar *ad aaooesj on ttiia occasiju, -•••) ii ia r.., ! isiy •• P i neoessary fur »nybo.Jr elw to baj maota. Wi.* ^ Gb’i I lie r’^ n oaiiBot tiate or or.ponas:iiy to ^uU !i..c;>r ' O ' ^ N C Tro>p.. -L-ag q.,-^ » ^ d , -V M theajjistiee n L eor ‘ t b.'Qc:'.-,- « ‘kMT‘ I WM nat present at the b*u!** ,r .10111 Se-t a--» t t Got.. • ad do not know rjuoi oi Hue’s BrijtfcJ* o*ptured ee cf*. ti -.iivai r,.; ti.n 44 h »b1 52a Rtrg'is made a gi» Unt, n nr: f ffared ne«#y load f ae other Rtg mu, a, I . ***^ in » diff^r^nt po.sitioa »a1 not oruerea ’in oh.'tt?' \ — " I b%Te b,-en iafdriotfd ia*t on the lei. Ool. oader a 3^«.vy Ci-e, U i ii\ U^* but locy pwa no tioa. ae than told Uu» t>, ka»t, bat om tie/ weat « lO.i A * t-T t c.’iijieai aud -’jT »U1\ k V-J l lOJ. 1 as :;Ulld..lg -.8 100 ~mi »4. inro.i i, J. tK> go*, « tai^-r mm -- i„ - - PO'H 10 .'. L>* Nj* gi; ~i t Cl L-.to • .»? . -tio ■SyiiiO ' * Hi Vf'or r. ■- a tao ar- iiiy picvijjaly aad -.r. Ling wid foLm. rj^ .Tiiauin\nt tjj. ttie ■I'tt^ iN C liej.’t. H-i J a ^ald,~r is aoi ijuja.ion- ed. », .i 1ojj:u1 it 'i >oaga aa »as oa 11*1 b la c Biitn4 scir iap.iOj.'ai, i*r3v.)di M .rai'jl, bu’. ”.• siuip.y «»kow '•■s 'aruM'n i>r c»iiiacof li« is, ,*a t I n.j 5a t")ca iroljDrai'!-to ta^ t> 2 oia ^.flord ia ?ach &a Mj aai linarrii iusaa?: f.3 to laikifu aiia.^u.:t at ami ui-j ■. • ;*j V f-.a’ Ci‘-» -'{j.'i.u xj».vla> Tula ’■.l.Oi 3 b-t>f3 1 .ii' i) nvil I’! -sa I Ojatr.sl K3ii where I ‘ry 3'),a‘i fj" a 2-DJ y,rd3 fr.;.a ;.»o >, »j.l ai.ie ■ or t.*’? .('jp :t i’a; I'.ju. a •.!.€ h'.i^ d^poi la i\ juc or couth iliohm-'Uil FiVA sejr.j fuTS, o! p -o/.’.a %ni biyiav>3s. A a-.a o«Q hu7 aa wvtti b^ro cioaay ni tgh »ud p .^•^ nor. ao li j; i f->r arlioli's .*j Taigat ha txpoatad 1 tuiuk ^ivc ei » dc'ot^ia^ cxn bo -oagtit hfre oa D4ttef tjraj taaa .ay waereolao in tie Cjufederacy. i:-rarytl>la ij qn'et abng ta.j fr>at, bat more fixating is txp'-ctad f>-j:oro tas Ar n-es g-* iata watar mwtftra. Ofn E*il/hiK r.c:.iily igu’d ori?ra p?3jor;o asr Ihe ui03t rig d diaoiptiao for his artay. 1 _»7a aa^a • good et#.t« 0* (i.ycipiian ^rrivui 1^'. 4,11 0/ % sa ilea- It aaiai be etfjoiod graiu^ilj, xuard ii aisoipiia^ witU- on tyraauy, bu*. ofnaer tyraaay iritcout d sj:',t;iu-3. Jii’fiQaABJ ?oa Taa OBa;jiv.^a. Ns.ia Pfl-raasiBOtto. Va , Oal lu, 18G4. —Oa^ua'iito rtf Oa i\, 44 i iisg't S. 0. T.. ttrigiio, A N Virijinin K Ij': 3«rgV V/ B .'Jh^^weU. V7oua-iei: Sjr^’lJ.iha fV>lx 1 ..i'- ■; .llpum Jrlecfitt B'aoft di’jJ; Carp 1 iic.i- "t eru; aad saoa; *ar; Hi >,. L^2t ijt'. aa>.s Fjiitm I'aovnssA'a ri|»':ii ip Iii'.i r loot; iJrua log; >orp’l John .\V 4 1^04 u-;^* P-ric-abar^—K Uei: Cal»ia ' 5 id ‘V uiiii; M;i^cra S- ^ps »ruj Ii 7. K iij» Ur, J 'lei K Q ■. . ; i J ' H »ir, rS: J f£ OriJE j, ,J a A. v-r it ..a a. li j T vrojl ' r *•/->•' 'C. A 27. .5 ir t .1113 . T.ao T-reevn T^-.ii .a gO'jd O'-'iJi f'-.r ■A 11 ir. . , - 0 H i.»r. »al wlia ii-v 8.r fl » Eiianttoa .»■! ••0iD»efipti0n ” .cit. *n’i t D> wi’ tn ."■al a^biis, edaOAird, aad ‘-souild ca ttc f->o'e ” A'drrgo v/a^ It. LUV^iS, lieadersoavillt, N. 0. ^\isu amonj xV. ■ O fi-e rs t\t 35 n Iligi'.a'n* \. C- Troop?, -t Kiasjai’s Brig-de, ri3 satF;ra.i SiVj-’oIy siuce tae cpja:ng 01 ;ho prosoai. o.impai ',.1 Tao followiaic are the cas- Ualtitd among i'le coiamis-itjied offijurs: /Oi Jot : U J a ’ -, ■•/P.-r: . u. kil:.; * :a » o': >rg'Ju» ' 7la \j% i a'ii i Ii kill-d ;a i cha c • ‘j;.i Joan J Trvn-jl»ft.aj, i;cd j; 1 ijujrf J -5" 24 I. VV.lf-:'! .a. K!!;3, -,f V/.;,;oa i.e ' f •i Uj.a ’-I* 2t h. Li'u N^’U H K‘'1v. of M. -p =.•■0 ■ in •[ 'J'sy-^ a .Jji'U' -i'O »> E , 1 ,»!3* J >"(c I \ i ci-p 1 . L ji .\ii, ta it ft.!.* ■ . >1; ■: ■ ual-i M.,« 2J. i.,i‘ at Jaijo N L.-., ot > i » • >-■-». .-a.a A .’11 2U u..j,i * -M.m . j-'U v:oa, ..i..-** .u is; i’lyivou.n .i *J.‘ u .it at ti:as.2t , Oi a litd 0 i .'z'! ."^a/ 23.11. Tan 4!) ;i R)■. iiont N. C. Troops, Riusotii’s rt'i^Ade, lias suh .-r d even wjfse t^aa tue Hom. Tii3 foUoiviiig oaiuilLiea Lave beca reported .itnoag its olficor.': ■ ■■:- Jj. .i V ?:C fif Mol) ^’1, killed io ba'il? Ju y 33.a C*i>t o A Dur.iaai, of ’'far-iatd. cicd (>t (fM’a-'i 0“-,r. -ieo »V L#/t;s, cf MoDj^ci', killed in 'fiy IG. El^'ia V Ilji'Cij*, of O-.farfa, la f)-*t*l3 Ja'y 50;a. Jiin. J«u03 P Arlray of is.'it :ii arg. Ki.i'i la ostuc, Jdar 14 L’cut J-na S 3a >i a'>»-3 f.r Ircd-jli, u;l id in b^tll-; J ia> 22 Li.-a; 7/i. i .ce A ItvK a. o*’ u*'ji la, kil: i lu b»Ule J ^ .*? 23 *. lit C1 X Pi-iifir, of L .iij'd, k-i:id la oa tij Ja if 18:1 bi-; n il Ol»yO a>oy. of M.DiWvU: tiHea »i M*y ib a. Lkat l>*ai-l Lsttiuier:, C 6»7«tAad, .All.'Jd iu ovilo Aug. 2^> Leal W-*i P B^ta it .f or U%^‘OQ, ►uui in i'». RaUi/h Co'i^frvattve, A N^2ib Sw'itf!/.— vVe uuicrstaod tliil during ths r^oant meeting of the liiptis: State Coaven- tioa a; Warreutoa, a s joioty w*s orgaaized for trie purpase ot exc.tiag a deep interest m tiic subjjot of cdu3.'tiag tae iadigeat ohUdrea of N jrth Car olina soldiers A Board cotapos^d of 5U gou.lo rn ;n wi8 appoiated who will publish tao pi in in fall. Wo unierstind it is no: pr-opo.icd Ot> secviie -*n enlowaunt, but to espjad ali mooeys oolleated ia paying thj taidoa of children ac «x- isLing seaools neiresi the ^csii'noj t)f tJieir pa rents AU 0 )mmiai3at.onj an 1 eoatrimiioas tor ^ho work may be adlre^sed, tor the prcieit, to Rev. J. B. Uirdwiak, Cor. S?o., at Fa/outovillj, N. G.—fiaie jk OjH*3-''atioe. pl ti'n R spsctable. Z>t««er.''—Tho'Standard complaia3 that *‘a man of means canaot pu.'chaso what willfai£;i3haro8p.iotabio diaaoi’for his family f r less than ono nuadred dollars.” And hare id the bill of faro and the cost of it, whioh it lay^^ out for a ismil/ ot ‘'six or soveu:” “Oac nam of 12 ,lb3, 8S4; -I log. steak 810; couple of fowls, $10; cotplo Oi caboages, §S; to say nothing of bread and sou,), .and p tatoes, and a dozon smtll conatituenta whioh Cianut be dispensed wi*-h." This ia liberal feeding for a man ot any amoaut of meaas. and in these ticaes of bc^rcity ought to *00 restricted. Divida oat this di'iaes bctwoon SIX or seven, a:ii aaoh individral would have to ‘^wallow two pouaJs of bacon, half pound steak, one third of a ••lowi,'' a pound or two >1 j.'ibbage, a qaart or t.vo of soup, a peek or two of potat^,(.*s, and a quart or two or a dozen “j*nia'l oonstitaents ^aizo. oanoot bo dispensed with The breed ot such a “family," ought co bo pat a 3tnp to, or rise exiled to a m )r* picndnil oounir) than ours is at toe prasens time^ no uiattcr what their meaas..—Silitowi/ W I'rh^^nn. Tho war bears hard upon piper.'i Nortti aa W'^lf as South. \/hen the war eoaimenctid there were forty papers in New Hampshire. Thera are now ooly tweaty-9&«. uf tho poiutd deoido i in eioh cas:' are admirably done- Hd t::e y ofe-isi.in hsd raa*«on to oxp^et ot eo acajuipiishedand l‘;*rDed a lawyer as Mr Wiusion. Tney are l%ithtui, sucoinot; eotii^jretn'naiv-:?—omit ting no'DiBg ■-Taie': should be exprets^d, eiubra-> i i j f ' i * » 'n ^ ^ , i, ■, ► i wuhoat other fo>d for weeks togetter. Ueeae c»t:g ev-^r.taing L.to.53ary to show itio‘‘poiDM ci I _ , _ _ _ j .i .__ __j tns 0A3C.” Tfit prrti'*e may bo a’^ardcd to f'harc'^ I for Suri^ie.—It is pori^aps aot ^«ne* rally kio-vn that oce of the boat arcieles that can tie f.iv',-n to p.v.a.', vvhila iu nrt-paracion for the tab, is coa;mjn charoual. Tne nutritive proper- licrt lire so great t'lat they have suos'stcd upon it the sta;aracc;s f the case^, mey oeiag full with out having the eoaimja fiUtt ol verbooity. Riifijh f’orsc'-o’itive. One of Lnm‘'’s B>ft.—Lamb once couvuiscu a ctiaipauy witu -iu aucodo^- oi Cj'cridg-, wnien, w tho;zt dub:, n„ hatch :i in his hoax lo/ia^braiu. '[ was,” :?aid a*-, “g i ,g i'r...ii uy housj ac hi'i a^ld. to t.ie Ka c Indii llja^c oa^' muraiiig, wn».n I laa C jiviii.'o oa his wiy to j>ay sic a visit, lie Wii bfi.iifal of u w iioa, and, ia spite of my assuring him taa; ti;ne was preci. us, he drew mo withia the gate of au u.iooc >piedgiirden by the roadside, and tiiere, baclt»fcd rrom obser. Vition by a fledge of evergreens, no took me by the outtoa ot roy coat, and. Closing his eyes, com- aiCDOod an cloLiuoikt di:>ooarsc, waving bis right ^and gently as tho uiuiic^l woras fi j^vcd in an unbroken stream from his Iip?. I li-ter»cd en- ranced; but tae striking clock rceallcd me to a 330,0 ot duty. I i-aw it was of no use to attempt to bPeaff away; so, i^kiug advmtage of his absorp tion la hisauoj;ct, and, wuU my pen k’tife, quiet ly beveling my ou Cori f.om aiy coat, 1 dieamp- ed. Five hours aft-'r in pa.siing the sime garden on my way home, 1 heard Colondgi’s voter; and, on looking io, th to he w.is with closed eyes, the outcon in uis fiagers, and the right ha;id grace- nniy nu wuca I Icft him. Ho had never missed me. tioe i as !0 di,pr ve iLem of motion, and fitfcned on three grains of corn per d»y and as Qiuob coal ae they can d voar, have became fat ia right days Tha hogs tsa*^ voraciously aficr a i little fi:iie, a-id are never siek while they have a good M’pplv. I: snouii always bJ kept in the sty, ind be fed to tJie inmates rogalirly, like all otn _r loOa. Tne t’ r^r ot the '^ocj wt of S .hara is oeiag re- ir.ov d b/ the appUc.*tion of jjoienes. In 18G0 av. w ;l s h.id b ec oprned, i)ringing fis^ cs to tho sartice troui a depth of li ve hundred feet. Vege- t;riou i-» Rpris^ing up arouad the weus, and the “d -sert b!i>..-i >in like the rose.” Hs on^gr.vxR of IIjBi I? LTigi', No 123, of «r-'.";tjp held in tieir Ha>i, at Nof 1st, 1S64, t::e foliowing Range of Soun^.—rfersohel gives throe hun dred and forty-five miles a? tho greatest known distance to which Round hts ever been carried in the air. This wa? when the avrfal explosioa of a volcano at St. Vincent's waj heard in D-3merara. Tho cannonading at tho b.ittlc of Leaa was Juit heard in the open fields near Dresden, a distance of ninety-two miles, and in the basement of the fortress ic was very Uistinat. The bombardment of Antwerp is said to have been heard iu the mines of Sax'^ny, thfee huadred and seventy miles distant. The cannonading at Port Royal was heard ia Florida, a distance of one hunft'ed and fitly miles. I refer to these instaaocti because of .ao many iaqairies that have been made, why sound is not always transmitted throa;>h the air with equal facility. Sound wilt at all tijies run alons; atmospherio waves in whioh meteors or clouds are forming, and it is then transmitted, in certain directions, with remarkable dis.inctn^^ss. i’he waves of atmosphere anti the orbit« the clouds, io north latitudes,-run from le^t to right, and the metcotfi of clouds rotate from right to lef*^. Tho waves or cloud orbits go upward and northward from tne Equator to latitude thirty-one, and then n »rthwird aud eastward ia suoh manner that oatsiie of fifty north the waves or orbito lie nearly from west to east. A Specific Rem.e'iy tor Sirk Headnche.—If r\oy of our readers arc troubled with that distreaa- ns: compiiiiot, sici or ner^oas h'adach', 1-it taem (iiesaUe a large tea^poo j full ot common salt in >iaif a ')ommoa tumoL'r of ojld wa-.pr, and drink it. I'ct this bj repe.ttod tw ce or *hric3 at inter vals ot twenty minut.s, wnilj the piticnt sits ■#ich his feet to a large fire, and a cure will be eSecti-d in loss thin furty miautad. Try it, all who are thu3 affl.etei, ani see for yourselves. Let all the salt be diS^olvod before drinking, aauaea wd yoadcing viU ossna. fca Af a i M ir- F; re &n 5 ' Ff.ui iusriU^, N. C- pr- fia«i K s;ii.Uoa' w:?? ad.-pte It li*d t. e g-«at .Aro^jifJCl of ifae U- to rjr o* *rxi onr « cieitt ani bonor*ble Fr t?rjj^?". onr u.uc > e.'t'^ v.ed B-jthcr, Psrsa Bx.aok, who u ■ J r ;K 1?. 1S34. Wei, ii't. Ttivt iu tbii lea U o-.r Pio ■» r tais ujj'C 'i'i-j lOB !B?uhcr •ind '’ot.inanity A u;.r Kit citiz ii vid k.1' 1 nu'g'ibo’', ii a « dc 7or»-d •Jii3j»'id hij Civil Jrci’ ■»u f-ti -a^ij- h e p ,rcu». E.a /vrd 2d, Tcii. i,ie -s-iiow a:; i reUuoaa U-ttis oa- hc-rt'9't 85aipt.thi;8 :n the> tii V'ni*»‘fc7fiD«‘at, and Siftt th^y ncei tot wctp a? IUPS9 that -aivo i;o uopt, for we r.o d 'ubt hat tieir 11«8 is hi6 t trr.r.i g«a. Ix‘ Sol*ed. 8d, Th»t tl«;i si-iab»;ra or ts w«»r * ”~to*'ikir days. »ud th«t », o. py nf tueao R.:S lull as ce eeni t j t'le *Iac » copy to tne F^yettorilie 0‘'8er7ir &ai 6re2aa* boro’ P.^trict, for puMio»:ica J M. Odill, 1 O G®at, > Ccm. W P Fox, J J. W. OoiLi., Sec.’y. f*cuu* tiffcuuk fr^;* Ju,fOO to fOjOO# ncln^r^ir »o)d>,p' »vta Marjlaiid Id,- O‘i ^ wt 5) 00 i, Iliinoi* 24 000, Uv N . Of.p U) Lioo-.ila ia •1* >ii«* uri T.ced for Liaaoia j ruy ia >’.'w Jeriay ia 7,CO0 -.'f r K- ntacky I’L* Ra> t'.iisi la CoDirreinioral N " -.i^s, Lina ’c re*.-*r'td 2t,- ifcti 27,^ UO. uiouMoJ(i->, XuT 15.--A (5h OAgo tel^irtaai•! Ex QcTcr^cr j t’"!e \)’l ihs' ''i:»ra*n ^ a« O iiy mada a shew o: ;• I'-' V J !ii c i, •'■hlir he btA heen bua;ly aa- i* ti tter r;: bi; »e^a.riog raiiroada, f.iid k«5a ’ e^^li^.g sjt pi tr* for n aew movauieatof ■tt u^e r U.I ca AUer ^therieg aufi- he w'I sJ^ri pi'n £f« coipi on a WM*i*r fc-ur ii.r% u -n tt.c Cj-i/a Ssate?, 1.«tv'£ I'i i for w iia i Oha :a».o,'ga aad I 'jk af- r«;r Ho.»d. Jt ;a pr-.’b*t>ie the coming weak will «iIUlM tie itariing oi ihi^ rxpedition. Tie VV'*sbin:.*toa oorreapondenta et aeverai Northern journaia aaaart that efforta are being mada to induce Lincoln to sead commiaaiooorti tu Rich- monJ to found the aathoriiiea upon the subj««t uf peace. MoBiLf, Nov 15 —Tno Memphi* Ar-ai of the I'Jcb, a^d the Balbiin of the 13th, witii St. Louis dat&= £0 the lOt.^i and 12th, have hewn re ccived. Tao Republio'in papois '•■ave discovered a tremendous oonspiraey t^o deatroy Chisago acd releat^e tho .Camp Dooglas prisoners. Large qu^n*^^ities of aruis were to^nd in the houfes of Southern By.xpjthise»'8. 3evt-rai handnd citi- zoas were arrested Ttse y&atee losi ia Goverciaent stores at John- eouvilie vae 86,000,000. Ii b said thj fire of Forrotit’d b tterics was terriiic. GunDoats Dolow Jot.nsonviU^ are uaabte t > rrococd up, offing to Forrest’s batteries comji*.nding tne streaaj. A New York correspondent o- October 25.h eays the rebel Gen Buckacr oaptured iVIorgaiiza on the 25ta He tieid the fort savea hours »nd captured 1,900 prisoners. He carried off all the field arttiiery, and destroyed all aicge and war materials. Price is supposed to have crossed the Ar^raasas river. Guerrilla troubles continue in the State, though the main bodies'have let't with Piico. * IS HKMJRY XO MY UKP.VRTaD WlfK LOCtaA.” Qrcea '»n i tiv tvrf abor: ttrs, Fr.** jd of my b i ar Nonrt ka.'W t'.-5o bot t i !ov8 tSes, -I Bisje'l n* • . ai o praibcl Tev? f-?ll whe*i (hou r?ri dying From ■5^68 unni^d *o weep, Ant ocg w^B’e th >u art Ificg Wjli I ho oold ta"f steep. Wh'*’) ?fhc«c trutii w*3 proTna Lika lUi’o are Ki ^ ,a ea’’t'^, Thero ehoiild * h ht r orea Tf* te I tfce wo? d t*!-if rr’^tn. An I I wb« w 'f ■ ic'rrjw Tj O'lt'p lh;n' ^ *i ivv « Who fhared t*‘y j ■ : . >i Whose we*l »» i ^r.»o were lUiaa, It ph 'uld be rai»>e t;* iraid it Arcu.id thy f*»^d t»ror Bat I’ve ia T^i^^ ii And f;?el I carirci hila njemory M -s rie w^cv *a?«, Ncr thought a r worh s.rtj f> «e. The grief is fixjd too d ‘nplr That »"ou'ai a BiAa I ke ‘«e 8a« w»s a oaArini ig w-fs The joy tni pri »o c.' *r> v* lif*, Ff:^Ta b,»r a Ho*, - laat-h,'ct a amlle;, Wou’ ’ qip-l tb*i dark^-t elnfe H*r hoiy ir» the duf.t I resign, H«r spirit t' Qcd 1 wii’. He"* Btay in t*is ireary wirld 'Vaa quick aad bUort aad siiU. He" bIo'>Tniag o'i«-ki t»nd roa/ Ltpa, Ob! U'svor 9*1-il I forgMl Her fip«tkUui[; eyea aad fl«xta kair Are ia tuy »aeJuory jui, Ae1 Bh»ll rem«ia m fresti and greaa Aa wden l ist 1 sjca i>(>r row Up-)d the fevered pillow of death. Bat k«r apint ia wiU Jaaw MW. A. Yank^^- Rum^'^x —The Wishingtou Govern- oicat had rec jilted uoafirm?tiou o? cne raport that iJapt. Samm'3 h*s .rone to tike command of the Sea King, i l^rge sfiunch soro'^ steamer, btiilt at GliiSijow ia 1864 It is reported tiii*''. Li ,cola aa-i called for 1,000,* 000 lueu. Gen. RosceratiZ has Bupercedod Meade in the army of tiie Po6om«a. Jff^ln in Aricj..itcu.—In Ark-'jsas, the Con- feieiate Govcruoicut holda d-oui'iiioa over about tLirtj.^n e^uulies. A constderahle portion oi the S-iif ij hold by ncitber p?rty, the enemy not be- I'lg able to ic-tain po^esaion of but a small part permascutly The L-.gidlatu'e meet this fall with very nearly a inll repriSsntatioQ. The spirit tf our people is gootl ana hopefi:!. Richmond Dispatch. Frcm Below ■—From Plymouth and Washing ton, we have nothing 0i laterert—at the former phce we understand the Yankees have a small garrison—the rumor, that the plaos'was d^troyed aud evacuated is erroneotis. Only a few housei* were barnr, and they were burnt, beeaose they were oostraotioos in the range ot some of the for tifications. The enemy have not yet oeaupied WaOiiingtoD—there have been no gun boats near the Town as yet.— Tarboro’ Sontk»>ner 12fA Hjm.“ Guard in the Western Coundm — The Home Guard in the ooanties of Sarry. Wilkes, Iredell, Catawba and Rutherford, and of the counties west, is called out lor tho detecM Of Wester a North Carolina. One third to go into aervioe immediately and to report to Brig. Gen. J. G. Martin. Bonded Extmpft.—We are auchorieed to wj that Judge Saaadv^r^, in the ease of the Bonded Exempts, pending before him on h"bti» c'^pv*, haa decided ngainst the parties, aad remandad rheai to the service. We learn from a private source, that tiib opinion of Judge Siuade.s on- ears with that of Chief Joitice Peirson aad the other Justioes of the Supremo Court Beach. Ralrijh • 'onfrderafe- Fire.—Augusta, Nov. 14.—The large wai^ house ot Kernigham & Co, at Hamburg, was barned with ita ooatents thi^ moroing- Ima luwdKid ImIm «C •oMoa mn 4«iln9r«^ i:; The News.—T^o two days past. 'J’h luch as we have by i rable iirportao‘e. ’ that our ftnoy in der the yaakt-ea io K^sf JEarope in that ifae i Harbor uf 8an Saiv* all the mur iirne po* all- Vi^co knows f)ni oppuftuniiy to • wii'ji •prt ad-eti^^-e >uniiee.H preasea toeir aoiliry t Sewurd wiu upolocizi ^hich oiily regrc*s tn an English or a Freac curb its rauip„nt di-oii The Leg slaiare of Monday next tae ‘ilst We tba 1 expe t to sage on 'I'hursday Uiol the Obgerver ol laal We cegrei to soe bi the members. May of the couiiiry wili pq the Peoplfc'b liispfcsei themBflvcB, not .^gi-in commou ♦•ueui^ ? i hi considerutiuu ai.u u Dat Oi Himiuati was very jfcueroil_^- ooi Presiaeai- Diivi-. 't'l Divine iJcfvice, and i/ oioaed. Fisa.—Ue Mor.dav in tne satc&e-aouje deBtrc>iog that &Ld a great trxeruoua o: tan ont-hoaaes were (suTat acaidental. Tue Sui-eiiLrr Coar this week ■ Juijge tJi tunatcly baa co oe>:a but lei»ru teat iba :-o- crimiual auU ot tc mau CbiDcd JuS. indictmeiii tor i-»rrioi to b« OQu ut nei - .eie Baxtoiij for .^c Hon. J. u. i .^.r.ij PCB„iC -i , .-L. .5 tao l.eciure o;^ N requfce-o. Tuecdhy eni WoULUt- , Da rfaioti, » 1. u .. c a^^i i to tnt5 Jvauiu fo-'uier —i-;i! of many au. afiSi6UiQt..c t.uti. i O' V»'a >.■, the speu.iier. aa p.raou,i; iiouwr, itii proauat'iiily tcivjro as plea of a& weii . oppoaitea, ttia: r«?puoi ol na ionai faiiu Hud in tae ayce of all uiUij KWttX and great, aueU he always presei^ied If we may tAxe tj W Ool. Dawson, we i appear to aa to bo at vective tkgaiust cue P thin^, is Qcitaer bettt world, and iheretore the world, t'l r ubase. GsoaoiA. —'i ae oa done tOi tuo beadle’ its acUun Ou i.:ie du j| in which t>jay •• from tae ui-*uo.iOi' s througa the preicxt publican suyo; — ••.\ir. vVi*et uii'tTi d ti] Tious et-ssiy. B K :• a, vijj onr Uidfpfi.iifiiee ^.■ial OlfcrcU euO.-i.lu. - ui'j to otler to pt- oor ftttbors lu i 7 !6. a UongreB^ to tuucavor Tae ifnusiitutu Wu:- rt'j J 9oU air. vv'e.sis r-^ul vot e isi wofijy| appioved b/ tu.j pc^p the ejaji^ rei^'iui.'uas c the pjac . vvau tae war.’’ There can be uo movemeatb oftuca n tend to peace, ludced of ^aojugatioa, Uud u will never sac-ait tc long the war oy enca Two Nkvt Wars Herald of tUe ‘Jih, ^fc uakaowa fnead,) coe tion, seems to consu back me South, and trine and cia army ol Oauada aoa auoiher MexiCo; to criag P: Napolei>n to lerius. nothmg but a torag ed sympathied of « be graciously pcrmii tne good giuccs of two new wars in plat will 8BU to be fcxtvia all meaaii let it be t One OF l^l.NCOUN’a ia the aut;.'o''ry for I that a Wt*?tera I’ca that a Colonel o a ot 860 vo;.s8, of vm for McClellan, wa‘i in it, :rie C>-loiiei a: old ntuster ro.l as i H8 they pleasevi t.-r man demuua^ro , flir,’’ rep.ieu ’ • toj^ethor ucti cha., tlis bco.o, “i'. Woii , taken i .y w • , too litn,.. iw.thin .uy p lected u a*. !.*r presaiiig ne-tsjity applied oy th-; 8.J la to coniiuct my o to let the frieuds

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