'mmavsam mm. untiM ■■— f Sarrjr. 1, kud oi f)t«coe of go iQto ig. OeD. d to Buaded I em Alidad a de>B on- I and (be moh. Jsrnf*' we ward* I, 8. 0. S Fil- 1^ I l!;'J”i'K 4 ii I ^ 1 ti I K‘>tiA1, Nw • K. «uir R il, IJstti. Tuk News—The mail from VirsiQia has failed for Ufo {>»st. Thd late uewa, therefore, i? oolv ju'Q ii3 we have by lolegraph, arid that is of coudide- iirportance. e ba»e tJcn, Lee’s word for if thiit cur »'»rtay ni der G.'r. Breckiriridge hai whipped the yaLiit'Cs ia Ki8tTtan“af>ot\ And tht> aewa froiE Korope IK that ihe yaakee outrage to Brazil io the DarOor of San haivndor is JiKely lo De refieotpd br kli the m»r urae powers, ae an vf?»nce ajrainst them ftll v^tio knows Oat th*it Lirco»a may thne have an (.'ppvftuQiiy to ‘ whip tae world in ariijs,’' wuicU the ipr. ad fu^-'e >ankeeM nave long aud so ofieu ex pressed taeir atuliiy aad inclination to dj? r’ut no: Sowufd Will upclogize, and the New York llerald, V bicb only regri'»s that the Florida was not seized iu an Kagiish or a French port, will again be obri^ed to caro Its rampant desire tor a \\ar with those powers. fi}e Leg slatare of No. th Caro’iua will u>eet on Monday next ibe 2lst mat.. We sba 1 Oicpect to receive tho (iovern'’rV Mes sage on i hursday iijunung, and if so to publish it in tiie Observer of laai «3ay. V> e regret to see sigua of party dirieiona among the members. May we iiui cope that the necessitier of the couutry wih nnite all hearts and .hands among tbe People’a RspfCScntativoB as well as the People tbemsrlves, not .^«»inst each other but against the comaiou .*ueiiiy? i his is no tim*» for a-g-ht bni a CouSiUcratiuii atd lauor for thn puoJio suftty. Dat Gi Hinii.iATioji AND PRAYttt.—Yesterday wa# Very i^cuerully observed here, a rtc'miiioii'^cd b' Freei«teu. Davi®. 'ihe- Cnnrciiod were opened fo.' DiVinc jJcrvice, and tud plucvs of ousineos ^cnerailv CiUaed. Fim» — Oc Monday aftcraooii laa: a 5re bro*o ou in tD« smo^e-nouae of the Kav. Joseph C. llueke. dt8t’(^ing ihat and a servaiii't house near it. 13^ great rxeruous oi tae ciiiaciia his dMciiing and other out-hojses were vaTsd. Ihe Bro was uudoubt^dly »kciu«atai. IlO Su^eiiirr Coari for th.* county is ia seBsion iiiii w.cK'-Juuge GjU-aui presid.ag. vVe have lor- '.ucalciy hau co occasioa to visii, ito Court ilousu, but Ico'ii 10&1 vhs uocd6t .8 fil 1 CO overtiow.nj^ of aid ot er si.aie Cds.s. On I’uesdsy a youu^ 21bj Li-U^cd Jas. «\ . Cowden was acquitted on aij j lor parntiut, wh« a-jt being cleany thown j :j oe . ji i>ei--eieiicd. F.>r i:ie oiate, ao icitoi I bc£Cou, tor tuc prisoucT, V» zu. ii \\ riijiit, *kuc | V . U. .■ii.-rd. Th« 8tabtatio5 Dinnib.—The Raleigh Standard | ro* oBaBST». is mightily‘ riled” becanse we do not believe that | For generaMnformation the Committee of the Cumber- every body is starving; and even more inceMi«ed, be- ’ •- * - cauee, as one of the groards of the faith that ia in us that tbe Standard’s jadgmi-nt is incorrect and that it is incapftble of a correct jiidgroent o i the question, we cited the Standard’s notion of *•»» plain, r tjpectable ffioaer” for a family of 6 or 7 pc-r’on.i ia t’iis tinie of starvation, viz: 12 lbs. of ham, 4 lbs.»f steak, 2iow!s,'i! cabbages, bread, soup, potatoes, and “a dozen small coDCom>tantg whi«*h cannot be d'fpenpffl with ” Now «yiilj such ideas of “a r lain, rtspectabic d.'’ner,’’ ve do not wonder that the Standord tniuka people are starving. Bat, we, and ether people, wt>o eat -‘plain, reppf'ctable’’ dinrers of mach more moder.tle propor tions, see aavthiug but starvation in the Htnndard’s dinner. In fact, wo don’t sc^ how a man of Ics. girth than Daniel Lambert couid find spact", either in times of plenty or of scarcity, to pack away in one stomach, at one meal, 3 lbs. of meat, witn cab- oagPB, bread, soup, and potatoes in proi*oriioa, and then on top oi it one-Sij;th of the ediblts and drink- Hblfs which conatitn'o the dozen ind-eprnsable ccn- comitacts. Bat this is only » dideiva^’.e of opinion, ''r at most of appeti*e, between us aid ttie Stanuar"', Hr.o there was really no necessity for tbe spitelnl ex- ibition'of the ill butnor of cur wonld-b« (iovernor, unless his digestion uas be*»n disordered V>y eatiai' nis f-ixtii of ihe dintit'r aforesai.i, as ais wits seem to have been by his hmall experiinent for (iovemor. This last exhibition ia like many preceding, ar.d is bat half a colajin of abuse of thi? Kuitors of lise Ob server for tbe ttiieged m king of a fovtuue out of t-e war, and d*piting its coBlinnanoe that tiv.v raako larger fo'tuoes yet. Weil, woshaii bt» groatly obliged u> the Siaadard if it v;iil extend its inquiries into onr private uffjirs and show us the lortnne. IVe I jau’*^ tina it., and are very sure that v?e siiall fiiiO | iTuod use for it whenever the Standard fihall put ua i in pt ssession, Qaukly, we hope; for the posj-e-sioii ' would solve some doaijfo wuich ^ave freque* tly oe.^e UB aj to whether onr eainings “wiil ii^ake the two ; ends meat.” By way of narrowmj the held of ia vesMRation, and tnf-reby lighieciug the labor of love whiea we prop jse to the Standard, it tnay as wel' be mentioned that we have just parted with that one of ihe nianulactnring conct rn# which the Siand.trd su^-- poses to have endowed uo wiih - he U-gf-r part or our •■fortaue." becaose, danjg the near two years’ oi oar j proptietoraliip we had received not oni ccn; oi pro- i fit. nor tjvea a cent of iaiereri on :£.i> iiiTesun>.ut. So j the Standard will see. ih&t, ao far as our kao^led^e I extrrd', its charitaole suggestion iu reluiion t'' t-Tc ^Otises which induce m to »nifA or to fulfil is pledga Oi' Xortn Oa-'oliju’e loyjlty :o tbo car.'* i Conft derate iadepeuiKace is an error. It is po?3;b!-" vh»t ia*t y Otaer peou!e are e^uuiiy ia error lu sup- lard Ua.-:pitai Associ:' tion makes tbe following statement of ibe operalionp >I the A’sociation for the past year: The receipts into tbe Trt*agury have been $9,128, wLieh add d,to $1,088 balrtiice from previous year, makes the .'U7r. of 510,210. Ttie Difbnrs-'Hfnts have be« n $8,490,IfavlLg abaiatce of s>M2o now 'n bald. In :>!}difioi) lo the abore, the p.^oceeda of t'ol. Da»sou> Adlre^s $SOU. have b*xn reauttea to the Kentucky t xiU's in f«toigia. Tje ■u*»d‘! ^ave usmilly Ven invent-.1 in clofliiug and ;rov'i-io a l)ii»id’e tb av'iclrs purch is'-d, tbvre have b.H*i; doiutticue to tbe ARsociuiiou of clo hiug, provisions. &e 'I’htj ri.‘C’p»cnts of aid f’av'' It*** a the Hcspit^vla of Eieh- nicrd. Hait'igb, Was'iiiii ior> a u Fa.et'eviiU; Col. Mc- -*v! t'j >!i's R^gintsnt al I*' ters^ urg. Fiiinegiirs Brisr‘'i« «t Florida at IVtcr«>)artf. "'a.pbrr and i-’ioa^ii fJoys, ,'ith and 1 j‘h Ark.^nt^-s Rt’gi'.ncn s. Army of iVno‘?S!f, Gen i3n'paf’ *. .-Vimf of N.rtheru Va ; and iudig- nt hjI- dier-5 of Outrb rland jrd i.tiji-r ciiunti..^ tassmg tbrvuitb iia^’'* b ii abnofjt d iiy rco»pi' n'a of ci toiug. A Lirue anaou' I ot soets has b--n d»spenie! tfrcueh e ct iif ii'ul>'d 1-y toe Y(.;i’ig La«iieb’iinii- fiiig S‘'ci t''. tlie Juveni\‘ Ivn.tfi,'g.Soci. ty.aud the M.d- cb. si r Si.Jdiei' Aid o. c'ft>. red ctiog great or dit on !fj ir i dll try .vu.i -\l80 valua-fle coatribu- i! r: from a.\jo!nia,>' c. ir.ii’ s have b r-n received uodd'^- r .n?. d l>y ;h.- .As.-ooi,’.’on. Tilt- A.'s -.ci tio ! a.'i al.>- furni.-iht^d by contrnct to the ( rra. l.iV i) oTtrrent at ►'a’eieh, about t.. lee t'ou^and irt.-; i-.,’- ^ "liieis iu the liold. This ■•ontidct >r i)i^*r. d i;.-'> l.r; ihu A.-.-;c';iti.)r f.r rne purpose of 'urn soi,>- •.:i.p'"jni. I to tbn i.-dig r.t t»‘i-ou!i’s of tii*- o-'inai i :r-- l, i!ja'?i;av“’n ir-g f .jui.xhc.i by t^*e Gev’t tie •ii.iri.') w-e t by (hv ‘-efloeij^.tion at co.-1 of ub >r—no ,;ro'‘* cuji’iicd This coutr«ct has been !'• ^ Ti»ia'‘-.'ti f S’'tial v'are. In ^rti ■'* fo'itci lao •-{deH'in of our Tri-a.^iK y the IU in'x'. - •■.. the Art-o i«- r ;b t u.u' ou tbe co;uitj (tl>r,i i? • 1 '.1' wh ■ hdM • •.■.’••'c II .;l>u.-d any au' u;i« i.. mo:! \ or my air,c- oi' c otu” g or eUit rwise) are rr- 'o ii in :it itir Ir-.isuiv", Mrs. E. J. Lilly ■ y li-i I) . a.ii i>; fckv ev' r, t' r. *> nionii)'-. i.niius wiio iiav- :’t-» r co >ic but* U aai'ar-i^i: ar; -«olicit-'d lo b- Ciiinij ni mnifj ’;i i*Ji> I'.i.f'vir i-.m. n':t. Thi' ; j 1-a • ~ bj i g *1 :;uc'■ f-a-y lii Hcoo;np;i.-?h- in- iil ai'd .-e.ir :i^ I j-'' *y up- n ibe fri^n s d ibs Ar-'oci- ; i n. I’ i-* 1-di.-piS’Mi* :j c:r-a.y ibr ihe ruiur« op-ra- i 3 0* t .) .^.'-^ ci i- n that the Tivus iry s;iou':d bi- !• pl.’tiV'.‘d, :.nt it i? ihon^b' ibat .a !^>si*-raatic -ch'ui>- by .*■ .ifh «iucill but c riain mid c.iu'inu.'u? contri> utioii!> .■■‘•nl.l S \r irie ‘rn;:i'Ui'v wciilJ ^ii**ciualiy ai'cop*- .•lifh the purM"'®*." ^vifhont b.-i.ig b;ird^n.«ome to any out* Thi t'ouiaiiitf.; vnrafr-'iy iavl^>.^ t‘'e at.'-ntion of tuv g;n'! T.-- I toih. iaj v ri-.’icco: 'ii.?iitinin^ thi-Atsjcialion. their lio- ruhty wiii i;n.'.b!‘' .hi aj lo le.'poua more fui!y !o ia>- ireu.’e .i -nzid ar,ieut uppeaie iu Le.;altof our eol- diei.-( Fcr ouv gfce.'ous fii« n.l.- \»,"o have hithf »o '■nccuruit- ed ar 1 i.t'd our na id- bv 'brirctietTlui and ready r i> ■ t(’ our oalir-, w * -j-iil ,v.-r pl.^y itat G u will ii*- aif’aih r h‘to. ;i'id "bear i-i m ib>- h-avenf prayv.T Jird ‘ '.cir auppl.cAtiou and Ui.jiutai.i tutir c-U‘“." CoMMlTfEE. FOa THU 08.--iiRVKa. T( THE MAtiirfTiiATl'.S OF CUilHERL4.N].> ; *ia . Ji>ua i’. «.Ti;u;orf by nis lant *• lii aad 'i'Cct.tineat, * afirr ro-nt; .-uih 1 to his la-x: of kin, ga»e lo Liiv ‘.'oca' v' ot i'uiaL“ritua halt of tae resiiiue ol iiis Es taU-, I le r g to I'r* njuAiiy i.iviaed bci>v:ca tac v' uai-.^s 1,1 v-inata an.l I'arudt j\t, a iuo-uu:ont ave oeea coa- , Not. 14, 1864. Measrs. Editors: I have n"en no notice in the pa pers of the organization of the Th^rd Regimetit of Home Guards, and’presnmiEg tnat j-i'ur ro2de~s may feel some interest in it, I bog leave to give you such information touching it as may bv^ ia my power. Ma ny of us are pubacribf rs to the Objierser, wbiun cir culates largely in the sections of country repre-^ented io the reg’t. Tnis is my excuse for troubling you with this letter. The reg’t was organized on the 26th of October, and the foliowing on'cers assigned to it: Oscar R. H^nd of Wa^e, L. (’o! Coa)m''.ndiDg. VVm. A. Allen of Duplin, lU.ajo'', Acting Lt. Col. Henry C. Walser of iJividson, idujor. G. Prio3 01 Meeklenbarg, Q'lar eroiasfer. W W Virdi n oi liandolpii, burtreon. W\ U. 'V^atson oi Xsab, .a-ss’t Surgeon. Company a i- c«.iuiprsed - f m- n ironi ttie. conn- tie.^ ot Anson, li *b^ son and (./uc berland, and is com- iflunded by Capt. L. L Boggaa of .* naon Co. B i cuaipoocd of laeu Iroin Yadkir>. Forsytn and iiladen, and is oommitnuad by Oapt. J. C. Jar- ratt 01 Yadkiu. Co. O ia composed of men from llockingham and Efarnetr, and i.s commanded by Capt. H. S. Kallam «tf Rockingham. Co. D is composed of men from Orange a;id Mont gomery, and id commanded by Capt. L. (x L> ach of Orange. ' ' Co. E is composed of men from i^tokes and Rich mond, and is commanded by Capt. Sceriiog AdaOiS oi S okes C J. tP is comiH)sed of men froai Moore, ana is commanued by Ccpt. E. T. W.liianis C >. G 13 composed of men troin Uarie, and is com- int ijiea oy Capt. A. M. Boue. After the organiK^tioo, tna comm.^adiug odicer appoiuiea Lit, S a. Sealy of iiobosou conniy, Aoju- laot; Jig’f iw. Cariingion of urange, Sg t Majo-j Private W ai,.er L. Steele of Hi hm nd county, {^. Sg’t; f’nvato Jo^io W. Pipmu of Harnett, Ooia- aai.it^ry x'riTtttC Ru;u’«l a. Oule ot M.oor«, K^rix- nance dg i, anu Private 11 C. Stroud of OjmU^- , llospitr.l Steward. _ On tne 8 bt of Oct. our olonel receivi*d marching off tue Mersey on her”iasrtrip" ordti's anu in tvvo hours we w^re on tbe tr»in e rejtcu- ■ ed our camping ground about nigiit, aiid had t*.' fare as Weil as wo Ci-ulu, having no timu to piuvLue a sbeiter. Mfxt oa> \,u aet about uiakiug oUiesIVM as eomfortjble ao Lh.? cae-.; Wouid silovv, ard in two da\s we ail ti.’d i , . • > i dry quarters, consti uuted lika oi»tilt> sneas. «nu covereo ; ^'wisp disaoled. with Ooar.is anu fti'aw and ibrt. ■» e art: now scmi #hat prep^red for tiio colu weattivf and euivavor tu late oui .■'itualiou with falnuiOBS and philosophy. Alorft of cs nav'ti taniiUos at home whom We love—our wives anti children »irc abaoni tut mi con.snlb oUjsjIv--5 that many ot oui' ootiniryiiicn ure fcir lv!i c.Huiorlatle tuaa wu arc, and r-|u rfeu lo do uiucli luvec i.«bunou:> and aaz: rdouo Julies iSo patriot can couij>iain of the cervice s»tdch m'T jc MaiujB: gk a je* la. AUCTION SAliES. ByH. iSoMILLAN, Anotlonoer. WIT,i. ^ £-j]d 5r. front of ray Store on tie Istdar t- f-»}.vor, tfca A’ilcwing lets of fin* CHSWIK9 T03ArC0: ■ B ,i;a ^Jc-uUroh ft Grey. ]'») .1 jpes'ih 9cd Honey. KO • .Signet. 8ai-io e. ei -wa »* tr.j,Sale pcsHiT*. —ALSO— A* »>.! Bttire fmf ^>Q riMsr 2 Bfs P R Sov-ST B.’J's 4 4 8he«tin^:, aacdrj other artiol#* Nar r ’7 M ite Crrol ciar* C9pr t*U eal«. 1 e* Desirable Dwrllie^ for Rent at lneti«B* H. Bfol^lLLAlff, Aaotioneer. ILL f ni rr toa n 7 1 tcr^ doo*" ob Tto irtday l«i D*. s iVtge :.n(l ••oe-enietit DWELLING ROUBB, cot- 7 ^ c t > ^ 6 fin p'ar^f. Tb% yard it iarge, r?n >>v all stccs»«‘->‘y outb «*jb &nd a well of excel- V ur, wi h go'd gsrdan attached; hoosM and cTi* (•onnfotfd with tH.» «>etaMisliiseBt new aad ifi ko d rep ir i bi? Cwcllirg from Hs looaUog, (Hay- aj'vnt.) v'c; ca ■e\i ct^ vCB is read-red on# ef the BOft es5f»b’e io ihr- t’c ri'.y o? FayetieviUc- Poetnioa l.?f o! Js m rw Njt.V17 ' 86itr ^■'■'^rol’a.a-: o: * y il' I't Doo. avpoKTS or raa A»»ixii.xr:03 ^ From the. United States —Richmond, Nov. 16.— New York papers of h« morning aod Baltimore pa- ■p»rs of the evening of iiouaay last, the 14th ias'i, have been received, 'I’he Herald eays that safficient retnrn? have Vtf'-n received to warrant tbe annoancement that Lincoln has rt popular mr»j'«nty of more than 300,^00, has carriT-d e'1 Ihe States voting except three, rnd will have a majority 01 192 votes ia the ei‘ctoraI colleges. 'I'he yaokees crow lustily over a recent succesa at Ceda^towr?, [ia tbe Y?;lley,J and claim to have cap tured 2 c£nnon and l.'>0 prisoners, but acknowledge a e jnfiiderftbie lo.-s. They say nothing of their de- fe?i nt Middlelowfl. Nothing late iu reference toShermen’s operatiors is nif d ■ public. Lieut. Gov. J.vo's of K'*ntueky hna been arie.sted by tb»^ Gov't and is on the "ray to Washington. 'J’he Wachnsctt has arrifed at F-^rt Monroa with the Florida in tow. nv-legrams from Cairo say that the rebels have disapoea ed from Jebnsonville [the scone of For- re.^t’s Inet kno»vn exploit J 111 New York on Monday gold was selling at 244. From Etiropr.—RicHiioNo, Nov. 16.—Enronean advices are to the 4th icsc. Tne sei*ure of the Flo rida had been telegrapned by her commander. Cap*’. Morr s, to tho Confederate Agents in London 'J'he London Times says that the seizure was an act of piraoy. Tha I^ondcn Herald recommends tnat ail the maritime powers interfere if tbe Florida be not it'ven up It h stflTed that the *teanaer Laura from Liver pool bad tra'isforr«^d cre-v, a'ir.>meiit and ammnni- tion to the Alabama off .Madeir.*. A harri'-ane Calcutta on the 5th nit. drove 150 veBsels from t> eir moorngs, stranded and damaged ih ni. \2,U00 iv.rEODS were drowned. Tan lJ7.ar ot Ra.^sia, after an ioteroiew with Napo- looa »t Xico, haul o viait the £in^ of Prussia at Potsdam. The steamer J ura [of the Gunard I!aeJ was wrecSed T’/’i' Kr -hi' ge of Prisoners—fiAVANifAU, Nov. IG.— i'o-njght llOd of our prisoners were t>ronght up oy the Yankees. About one-third were sicK and The wboie nnusber so far receiv ed a little exceeds 3100. The delivery of yaniiee pri«oners will begiu on Thureday, i rotn .Athi t - leacn from a g; nlUnian, who ha.- I jU't arrived f ora Lov. J>>y ftution, thii'it id b ‘K>;Voii tht'r, i , o. • w ' thai lb- yank- e.'are'vaeQating AiU ita Tbe ctmuio-! ^ ^ f i tiQu ■ nihng tiif lorci-s ib-'re. tb.-it guve ri;=e 10 be report | ’ ’ ’ I* ■’ - v H ■ Li' i which v.iw currt'nt n fow days since, that Atlanta was^ t? I \ • ;’.t> .' ■’ ''4 N fc lFiT TbOU- '■ .,( l,L KF OF 'ORXn f AROIINa bIX PE51 T ^ Y \ i: .VK:^ ' OUf ON DON D8 Tu«m Further Notice oj the Sale of the Plan tatiohy Stocky Crop, ^c. of the late jMaj. Jno. 'jr. Oil more. ^•liS Wi. * i>j cn, "ccvtdicg »o the sdvertis*- t’ 11 tit h. !•«>'.•/ ■} ublisucd fct ihe Plantation on the E«‘,f t'Tp - O r '* F- • lJ.l7cr .•.btot 14 Dii'es f-xm the • rw f F . O'T 1UE5SDAY T'-’K 29ib KO VEMP-EK l*ti4. TERMS. T e PI i> a:i..n vdl-i-c sold wording to thnreqi^c- iafeu.8 of h»' V^ii* on pii** ind two years' crelit, for nM*; bet>f’ g t -rest lb-* «kci. p, wi.d bo eold cu six months' tr&- dit, curet. Trom ''ato with privi’ejKe to the |«r- cn^erri'to *y cisr- »r g'V« notes A J RYBNE, ) -A MoLEAli. VBx’n E. P VOORE i W Dt-AUGHON, *ailuneee. Ncv'r It^. 18ti4 85ts Pr ibyt?ri a till eaie. L;xi:y CatoMniac oec3 * week til! S:-1P $50,000 Internal Iniprovement 9fortM Carolina State Bonds For'Salc! we are required to parfunu' aa.i hence, \.U5 a.np "is ! -''F ot troopr,, .c b« fit ..f .h* .haih«- E & i Vi.ir.l, u if iLojijht they are leavin^j the ..iiy, ' at t*' ar; e-i. rr'' by ♦ sirktBg /aad. 'Ihf BivyraiS ol tae Rfy; t are highly t-xempiHrj', bin l'=w oaihs are iiearo, and ln« voico oi j|»rai-e i;oea up uightly 10 i-tie ih.'ocu ol ucavcnly grace, it u a^ooui v r-ijjui to otal- >%art in')j, aiu-r tfic dui.csot tae.ia^ urv iwrr, .-jur.ound :bc c*iup Ol eo ..ua "witU tne tpint aua ui.niTr:iar.uiu^’ aii;g yuiu.-i ot lo • t «au ad»>i auou, ».';U uti r up faiurat^-iayt M C'jn Vtt-fcderatt North Carolina. (tJlcerH iii Waf,hingfon (' 'y. —Ca">i. \\ . A. Danii n, oiet X. C 'I'., sends lO Ivalei^u C,:nft uejute the foliowin-r list of ofhcr s ci tk-. i-t-. ’i.'tf o_ U. —tf ' L mL C iss — A cft ^Uru uuu.er.-«c artend^\I ’ II i.or,’’ dci^vereii at tnt ‘ -iTvt. «. u ilk-api^ul Acf'jt.a.ira on ; •, lor 1^0 eu' V,; \.z\i *io.; aLi. V* k.-ii^u.Ay, by Cvl. A. U. li. ,,'a,v»vi -, « i_- .. V c- c; .a c. v\ e ir,:st thit t_ • '■tC.j. i ^ . ctiv/:v Ol C »oOU, «:'jueO .0 kUr „va.f.ou..ca l^r #jmc purp--se oa » : ;j'-»er .’.-r.‘_’ c^a .vrt ;l:e oe i-s.d. 0. V. UiU.t OJ wno 13 cut o£’ lei.-la.ii.,; irwii- Lij o>- i\ l a.j^.ircd, >1 s I., w:.ai ^a* ?- , ta.'..c3. J a-a wi Cu c.cj,aiuy ai^d c.oyj.iCuliy said bj ' U19 *ptj.aer. rsat»oaai honor is quite as etaeatia. sip.is.aa. lioi.or, i\^d u la wtii aad wise 10 .>.eep ' p:CdiiU>-_uy Ctibro at al. iirns:! »lms r^oj* exum- piis of s. j.ii, as weii ao t£c lUtleouB pictures 01 ineir oppoBiic*, that rt»pudiali0u, and evtry othet violation ill aa icuai faiih and honor, may bs rendered odioae :& laj of all mwu, and that t e examples of the 2sAiu aLU great, such as WA.aui!toTos and L», m-.»3 b« kiways prea.:nved lor aimiratioa and lUiaauon. If we uiay taae l e ubircy to make a suggeetiou Ml Col. l>awsv)n, wr would say, that there uovS not uppear to as to oe any e-.»£jLent reason for his in vcttive agaiast ..*0 Press, wu.th, we are iocliiied to tUaii, 18 uv;uner netter cor worse than tne rest of the world, and tnercJ>.,re need not oe oiogld out, of all the wi'.-.a, u r abuse. Nt V'A V'ABvkC:'X MU'-A • aiUt.tb a-k O C& IIUJ UIJ i; wU ‘ • J V». *v/ • I t* ViV U VX V/»A'’l U I • 1 U T 31 » • t \ tj 1 i ^ ‘ l ^ , j ti.e in n.oi v ol M.j-.r t..buor.>, a. d to -- cure t.'.e c-.o i L- - our JiicaNeniy >a.b^r. be^c^ cl.l„-iiiiu lu keej.«ii ‘ bntjae-. CdptureO at i-ort li>-rri£On. icpt. ii'iii \j. a t]i-. .tiii on «>) more Is3 i;ig wnoilt vi tiio -^Jrve '.li. la ’-Uu ihcivfaiuilit-i a^a u.c^ ..u.a ot at ;w upv/a | ii-J-v CO..hncu la tne old Capitoi: oi v. :i; i -f B 1 i.iia'^ fec v otjer. aiiow me K> ? ug- tocir i;cicvt-.d couutry tuLn i Ic^iixigs .-.a in iiio >* ladoui >»’ *. J I'ttTs. ('np^ l> H Br.’t-cp, Lt A II G'.e/orj. ! a', the a.n u.it f ilial li gacy ot subjc.'ibfd to i:if! j tnay u im lue Lt T Iv.’t^, ar.d ijt Li L Larnburdt, 0i iho 6ih 'j ,>ii ii .f r.:‘ d: i'i.-i-fiioo iia i/oa i, - o *re i.Jg-iyw;ih oi. ik:iuO. »'o na-b !en al- g n - nv. ^ u., ! V. .. i. .. .... ...; 1 . t r .J T nr fil.-V. .1 R "C.i.vi-1' :.F r i ♦ 7 rtVi ' d fcr .b -‘ir r.d -.nft='E y'her dae No b.itcr i>i- S C-' ! b.- f‘ I nd -‘c-r';'E of tee law *aiho»ifl«g i- .'t-jo... fc ' wfcd c»i-tip ic»ficn to iiis .iCd a; i Lvttfvr!. Co-tr.siou Mtr- B^llLE X '. 6 86-.’i GKOaiiA.—Tae cjiiTaiuiah iiepubiic*a has a “Wei dciic 10. ino senate’ ol Geor^i.i ou tae uccis on ol it* ai;ii-ii o- tac au ject oi inucpeaU^noe and peai>-. .n ^ nil n tKiay to tne rcscue oi t.ie tSi tc from L.ie u;-nouor s ugat to oj oro-igiit ap^n her trrudgn tne pretext oi a uoiire for ^e^ce, ’ Tue iie- jjaoi;>,un s-ya; — • \ir. •>cpi ou.-i.d tiie re^jlut.on.' of .he last and pr?- Tiou- !*• ‘a;j. s kr a vig.jrou- prose>.uiioa ol lue war uiuil our ILd .ofl.deiiCC s.itii! \j; ai::;ie*vd. W.icn ilr. Lzz:i; i u i jiio-t.iui- uigii.g tae uo„j, dtfra;e Gover.jinri^i Vo to pe.*C'; O.A luj great priuoiplesueclated b^ our lalQor! lu ilTo. aiid ur.;iag our Krpres.'U'aiivtn in •.rtjLp^ref* io i,a-(.avor to i-iop in:s uunaiurai ts rife, ite Tae iuohutun; Wu.'- r' j .ctcd, rocciviug Mr. hizArd t tute jlr. »Ve.-,t'.-! r:fuiutio.i was u u-.unous'j ad.'p.ed ‘ rhi* .'ot-i i3 rtori'jy of Geo.gi-Ans, and will ne co 'dia ly »ppiovttti by JU‘j pc./pic, ]Now, let the House re-auopi itie sajii rc=»iu.;oai aud reba-.e me uii-eraoli tp ; il of iiiii p.ac . niaii.;rs wao arj doing .-s i much to pi^tp-tuate tae War.'’ There can be uo doubt about tne etijci of the aiovemfentb of tuca “pen ao Mr. Ezzard, Tney raignt. lend to peace, lodeed, but it wonjd oe only^ne pjace of 6 jojugation, a.id as the people of tne Confederacy wdi never sucinit t\> that, tne reai en.ct is to pro long the war by eneour. ging the enemy. ' poi-in { lhtts.tfo-ct.iied ■‘p'^'^ce’’ it.'.c .erte fram the Cotfdcr w; to the ank e ciuse in i-ope ot savtng froj S|>oliaiioa tbt; large ^hre cf world s g"ods wi'b "h'chih^y h*-ve ■»»-oa iat.iv en- !o" «*S ich er.'ore*, or jup ;o.e« o.-; rs. >i y il at laeti a inot.ves .'.re noi fit nia’.'eri to be; jiaigfu j m* rjiy inor!, a-_a t-.iei'- pri.’aie ou: ^ae-3 jol a C. ■si 'jtjjof iie*»j^yapjr 4.i •Us^.on; nni'h icf.-r'- tn.^ japcr mediies v.-i.-i ae;i . .v tha «.ii:'' no.' tiie oi..r:. , Buw tdtj S',i.*.’.ard n abo pr iplieuoaiiy iDc;'ii; U, and pie*--ed iO p.-c.;.oL tna’ shoa;.i ’.^ic jani-ei?5 o. - JI-P3 iLii regio . Wouia •■.»iiK-t.g ’he !i , • it; ' iktJ f I'&i- ?a\pt;i- n a . J t'".iT»erty. v ^-V, t i fj sr? i r ^.i'ajters , i;it , _ ' ‘ ' oC > ■; -■'i-r wri-'ii li*e i,r>.uule ojLU'.-s, 1, -1 pu. f ulh our wc u pr 1. .c i.-a_, je.tr c-o;. *11 ....u .. u.nTeo e;'. :t? to ia..^ work, urade this Koau ftnU nkve il oorucod. vV uen ih*y ao, »t W;ii ae tiiui* en^^uga 'or rcit'-.y iop tUe ir-;", 1:' uac aiitprtowa ^hoci i fall—wnicb us to reply to tne S'&naira’s proph-/y, wnxn v,f ^ forb..l—,h« u>;. u sj bj uepu from soins otne; _ ... , , T'>aJ a 1C. -i!-* T^o a avail«bie bv ms tioverii- I n*eui, ov o.iiiipiaiiiinir irast may pr.ve ,.,-l..uDac; as .-s i i*o guoe.-n-io- « oua.y.ar^irum tbe time | n-a.l wai now do so. Tiui prediction! V> xake no n.edg>'y, .,ut wc ao u .s o -aiuj i.c-ci; it alin'»st a peVfJot level a.’ior you hope iUaw the pledge oi ieyai’y whiun is iinphed by ■ cr 'ss ti;g iw j« -n-n, a ui'..eo fro.Ti t ayctieviau, atid only our «.ti£eac>hip not in our any ot trial h.) for gottea and oatse.vcs disgraced a't I’aji.ir. ,>ii ii ■: r.:‘ "i.d: i'i. •leiioo iia i/oa i, ' e *re i Jg-iywlih oi. ik:iuO. »'o na-b !en al- .■tua t! *! iT.viv «■ U-; aririi ^ n.i a ih*' fu>c. aj plied Lo ino ! 'Vlys.ourieono u;iU k.uil ia »iio iiiiercuurte wilIj ^’o0^ i'iit.'i, lt to CijuO^'ie ibe Cuilur«:n ot ds.'eased and ^ -oows every * 0fcue i./ our intc»ceC 11^,0 ' I'U:!! !* T>' aiuleJ .>'».i:i.-i‘3. iiijpi Siiiou iiuj oivju^bt us ccntJot wi'u n.in T.' ('(. --..loa >.f v.iir' r'l.T.l ip • 1 vital imporiaaci: to ' .^oie'. .iau w iin the ota«r hein oihoerii, ai.a hence v.c inr'i w:i a. I. c >"!-i_v ata n.'.V li tne f.ae lo ?.‘care it . uni o i.t-r mau wo tfiow i.ieu; 'iH-v are dou.^i.i>;-5 :f ilmir.fn u;a n.i , ..'.ate'j fail iaUj lu> ha::ii.- -O'-'i* Meuund wia proVt tiiciurtlve^ o^y-.t-lc « ».v....i-.on i v -lUi- tn 11 wxLi then o.- o', vr.ii ja.portaiu-;; lo •.u^ , .iuiro c\nl.-. .ra> Ij- -a \'’e .v ,1 ti.-.-n no ^..oAfis oi .0 .a/' eadi?ivored to oj .Lir duty cuee.:'a\y ia ail -rL.n.^ arias and mu.ii ; j?of wa.-froni tOe Ar.«r-nai j rtsijcc.s ilow far ouccci? hi j aiienaca tneeli.Tw tiie ; •If. t iir, pluce out oy w.uro;;* .•» tUe .M^nciies.er roa i, or lowing cjrgiau.ai.ory oraer r*.v.'-;juy i-.iu a; D.’tis.; iV aiTo:oy cii.- .ja ! and wagoiii* to the >ortn | r&de \*iii »aow; pie.uce a£ii-e.*(i n.. I •♦f.'iii.a ,--4V 'UM n wncan* of tranipori. 1 Aastnc our ;',iend3 ti.f-t we a:'e p.'ettj vcL tau-.iiv-'-i i:l Now li j —quit • as well ro to ^'o i-.Uii bo I., cj n; efad n.-; it ii.*y j ol l!u irisj..; h ....a o. ■■ur ft *>Ui' -s .oai&c tin: .>v-6 i. ■ \i, o r. oi.i I ji'cfa-iK'r;! in lUsjir-•'i.ruggi.^ juiierea nariicuips ooinparevi co wiiic.i oui- 1 *0or^ ti.ieia» ic noiitUy f.niUre- ineat^ .•, nd snail Wv> prove oU''jc.ts ■unwort...y «.l’ 1 uur ioiV i'oM v.a rrt.. iuie»>» Very respiy. Ir'-Ultiic ^)illiH. g n t a.- r .J T Cr oley. Lt J K N’o.vfJ'. jji ,F r 1 J ' u * 1' >. I t J ii'ir . i;ug, i t .1 L i'Jtf li t I ...-1 -. ai d Li ir J.-' 01 ! it- :S; t .V f ■' l>t i' I'ittmai f ir.i"* Mh. n ' ?•, g mvni f.v - ■ V Si*-'W .V !>ir L -or. i. iJ ■ i:c it . L' c? Ko-jrcf. :.i.! '■ lu. i l-t \ tj i'.^.inji l u d- .ipt Vs tio.,. Caj. i- J Bin ‘I., a- d Li - ; P J a’.;d « ii.'iurca ia.\u ti'* .‘•am-j Aj id, Jiv aiso .'..;ta 1 »v t . J J Wil- g» irf-nt. L. , Q • :e. ot .;i- vii. \ ;» vJ. I >V iay,. tae \ elc-.-a ti>.e Xoriii U..-1 li so ni’.ea i:; letigin, it pnsse.’ turougb a fertile country— ihe Ayj/'v cf our SfCUon f t ihc last two years. If it had th.i iuanaer of ; beeii iinlt, i*=t yov Ouriibri laaU 0jualy might have ibat loaa wnose vot« n* the Statu CwU*eatiOii p.unged i niore in •''ey by ',ae liiaoly purchass and iraospftri r.'^ into th a terr ble w»r, aud *?aose p'tiig; of .isz- laiQing tiis vote -»i h “the dollar .lad the .ait aita' of North Carolina la uafal^iU^:u, aai mads a term of reproach bi/ iis maker aguns: otneri >.no, he supposes, intend to sej ;t I'aiiilied. A Nkw Yokk Oolo Mi.ns,—'i'. e New York Her ald ^ivcB a lung accoaui of a splendid dv/ciliug in the upper part of that city, to cost, for toe .ot '>nllaiag.s ;>lt‘y,UOU, and •dvscfibej lu the foliowiag re. aoaobviaut styie the proceja of ooioial coTupiioa by •7L1 h tne proprie.or is enabiod to creot it: — • T( le^ il .ric-*. wh. 1 c-.aipl td. '.viii b? a i.ilrnak ill ia-‘ pr _cr.:ii' of oar cliy. -id ai»/ s rv- ■ ro aivcn. ir .i:n j'_ir iut n.un 'aou.-a »ua >ii.i.cri>r.i;Dg n.ca > Two Nsw Wars Pao.iECTKo.—The New York ii raid of tne 'Jth, (for whicn wn ato i«.drut«u 10 sorre uc.kuo«n (ncna.j coainicnting upon Liccoli.’8 re-elec- t:rn seems to coniiaer it an eajy mafer now to win I bda tee.', .ta,and tnun it gj^es for tne Monroe doc-1 tnae and an army of 1UO,«'OU men to march agr.insl j $ 0 Canada ana anot ,jii iut u-a.-ti^ . ar v.iung C now ai ^dil,»li ,1 j; 1 Tv; .IjV i: lo iJol Ta 1 . .Ar zoaa. Ixovaai, or r in oUi ii .'Upp 'it.i, ■■• j'old or silv-jr lieua of Ihe Li. w 1; t . i\;i.j y c,i ■ ;b ir att.-ntiou to ^he i.ut ta^t u ta-j li iu or .s .v Vo.K * 1 ly poii^iCi*' *ajio ate p'*v**..t? ' as pi .dac.i*o ^ ■)/u!c i'.j ’ a.' g 'i^eoa.'iy g'itierou'? a3 ji'ty t.>> bi* i .uria i t ibe iitr w-sieni s^fcttoii- 01 our couiify ..no p .'i ileuui \Vi;d, tiirowing up it.-i iwo haiiufijd a-.d lilty ba'r.-i.' p di-m, c-in oe^in lo livai in ea. y piodav:«i*eno'f lj(! .c- eeipta ot an a^tuto aad act ve ci-y p3liiic.ii mi. ag -r v no has i>e«u lucky enoogb to oota.a control of ibo • p iriy oia^hiue” wucnce city aud coun.y nom.nation^ arc ■•ground oat ” This, indc'cd,is lue true gold mine—i>ie ’lue fiiver m.ae—the tiu.“ pjtroltuni w->.l tbe; fou tuiu oi in'-xnau-'Si.ibie greenbacks, i^jt ao yrung man t:duK of euiigi’aang ia t^aron 01 lortuae. iu. i-jt .u.u .aiiitrujj- p>y nimsjil vigoron.-^ y to g ;.;ing a :-lro ;g u ».ni itti n ior ar Coin.non O-'UacU in join, and b ioi e many y.-ar.-* ii;;e Alierraan i'cruace K.iiiey, he wia oj c.i..i»‘.*-d co rc- ^ji*e to oi*oa*t uSta ets and u sta^e.j ico,^.! ifi ino ^rav—.ai icpose of our Wti-ca-J-iria i »ab_.b.’’ RjSlikf Fund.—The foUowiug list of auhscrip ioas to the Fund for the reliei’ oi' thj indigaat of tbis towu during tbe presem and app''oachi'’g ssaso.i han been hande-i tr. x,. r.. ^ ^ •••« *nenns thus provia?»d, the Malasers of tas F-ind ‘■a.e so- cured .>0j cords of wood, aad Will froai tiaie to time I ohta.n the requisite supply of fo d. . I Contributions cf— ach- attou of * oru thiu woul,.l t>« r« juired to supjiort her juor lor ye»r.'. we lui.'iii sa.e as muca more the [reseut year if »-e hud thii roal. Take into cousid^riition tbe ■id.'anMU inveotn .-.Tt in tni? road ^»juid oe to tbe coini^ry »' largu a- wel! a.^ tiio Coaniy, and 1 submit tbi." y . ; -an nia'e no other lue of it ihal will pay so well. I i jpc tae .vi »^fstr.4te.- wi.l ^ive tins subject iiii consiJ eri.l.oa its impxtiMiucu' deni.indj. iae lr-ii' for tne it->ad cia ba niade in tn« townof Fay- ttceu;l.i It vv; wi 1 only deterni.ne to vio it. It was only a Week >:r itvo ibat sj.ne two or three iC'^ntleniej ■ !it.re :n Ka_>etiev iie t-« buy eoai tor a l.v>Uing \Lili li! / o.'..aor.'iied i.i Co!u3:I).u, a. C , to inakv.- iron lor me uaj of I'le tiov.'.'iiaieut.. i'o U1.1L Iroa tne v ; t.'i ii..Vo Coal, and they propo-e Oujing that oalhert. 3 . pt*-ug It ;ro.u h.Te to i.niiiiglon by i>o it.s aud t'hei.. b\ it.i. 11'.11 t > 0 .'.u.u',>-,a No.v 1; incy can pay tne ir, igbt i >r Jo g.’. at a u:it inc^ n.ui in-ikc Iron iu CoiuLn- oia, 13 11 p 13 ij.j i.naC w.iii ail !bj material at our eoui- !:’..»n.l Wo caULot inaae tne Irou horeV Dout owu it if it ia so. A\liubS. Koa TUK oasiar^a. '“OL iL U. DA>\'SON". This gcntl-jin sn, wiiose f;un.' a-j a puolic bpoaker ha«l preceded him, lieave.cl tiiTs Ad ireeS on "2>ational Ho nor'ia tin-il **1 of mo Fayctleville Hotel on Tucbday nigi.t t-i a large and atton'ive audiencii He has eifi- dentiy stu lieil his sai-j-ct in all i-i bearings, ofien gave uttera.ics to senLKn‘;nl:> tb it woald do honor to any of the atinaard orators, ancieat or modern. Tiie theme, beirg coinprcbfcrifcive, rivcs scope for liie aisplay of deep re-i-.iich anil exieujive inf irm.iti n, an»l the 01. handled it in a iiiHStftiy iu...ni.-.■•. Tii:) liutt of di'Siiaction which lie di c'v 0et>veen n -n.ir aad glory di-pioted vixidly to lite mind tiie evil c.ni5eijuencj» wnicn ensue when mere glo- rv an.! self :iggra*» ru jnien'; is tiir, ruling pHs^^ion 01 tnoae iu powc.’— iiiit wniist iio.soa puriti.-s a.id exjiiis buutaui- ly, giory often albtr-r.s to iinn a.id d»gra'HMon. ive ,u. e ni v”i-?!• I o any bio/mo.*! ,jf p.iic dly drawn lb -n t'j’: [i>.rai;'.:l bo;,v. en » • n,ia.:tt;r.i «f v, a.-ihTn'..v,»a :t;id li.*'ia(>ar:r, I.tying a.^ld ■. di .> gl.t'. u' a.id tinsel of m • - tvftf rcn.>-.vn ih.it rfurroani- ib ■ one, b“ held up'the mni , . Nv... ,r ■ f- otho'- ID ■ .It p' a.-=i Ig .-.oallM't. 1 ne 'ol p “'s to au j3*iieiu (i'jg.-e^ the great qnal- i y cf a f>acc ;-i)OHkf.r. uid 'r: beenfer.^te.wt ana soui iuso ■1'“ ,'‘U''j 'i.t. t^t’* c; iiH'”!unce iigbt-* np, if'fi e_^c g!owi v.-i h t e '.ii'e t e'luU-ia.sn); b'vo nin ' inril d wi'h the i r,.^i'.7 11 ir- e.j'oii'^:'.' LM’s.^if. ae tniiil.s hijjaudi or? nothing but a foreign war will re-cement the sunder ed Byrrpathies of u people, and so tae South is to fit gratijasly permitted lo fignt its way back into tne go: J giuccs of the yankecs by joining them in two new wars in place of the present one. The South will I eu to be excased. If a must hght any one, by aa meauo lei it be the deiestable yauKeo. OsK OF i_i.scoLN’s JoKEs —The Now York Herald • the auti on'y for Liac do’s latest 'joke.' It Peema taat a Western Conirressman complaifled to lancolu ttiat a Coionel o a rlji^iment had seat nome a rtcord ■ ’t ebJ vot^s, of whiCb i^ere for Liacoln aud 70 ‘jr ilcCicllan, wo.'n the reg ment iiaU but 1.50 mpn ;n It, r.e Colonel aad the Aojutant having Ua »n the n,d Drtu.i;er roil as it existed iwoyc irsavro and voted tbe^ pu ated tor e/ery d .id man. 'i'ne Congress- lOdvfi-ined pi'a.idw h tne ovenni.''’s oni.'ri.iin!ii lit, mi «e h !r."d ma '.y corcmia-taioiy r; ni -rk.-: luvrte, wtii' ae crowd »'xs dt-pcriiiug, to botu the fpvanc-r und mu:i- iauiri. ' 3, j Hav .:-u a w ai'.d under th : au.-p-c h oJ (h.- Cumhsjrland EJ Halo it i'ons, O U >fallett, Jits Kvlp, ‘ lj;ulc s' ifo.'^fiitai .ciai on, h« p-.id a handsone tri- V i in/. ../.J. , i, . 1 Joan . I Hail, Henry Lilly, H L Myrov.-r, A i l>aie i. ail io i volenl .'^oci- iicH i- o.t.» ly ^ her ot 100,00 J men to inarch against 5 ^ j I>\Uy, J »V .Saadford, Geo W Williato-j, - Tj 1 ho Add e. h >»t s co-iolod-d oy a w 11 a •s'lvjicoinpli- .ViexiJo; to t>iing Pnimcrston aad ii isseii and Jmouis 1 ^XajTh, T -S Ln-.i' rl ih—?il,UOO : m^nt " the L.di’.i s*.nd U iiMcmea who iavorci tiie*oc- Xapoievu to terms, it base all hioLory teaches that | .-Smi.’o -a.d—J ,M vv .Jo.s IM-^y, Jchn ^n-iw, .J | fi.a- i'n with ,iome . x ;f.lentind-M>p'-opnateaa ic Evrry- li L“e, ^lexV Johnion, Jr, J f> Miliiaui.'., A Steel, Oco McNeill. Jos A ‘.V'orth, John Ge *—^ 0,o00. .■> 0 escb—'JfO Brandt, J A Pemberton, ^ M^Tntyrc, rZ !•' M.''o^"e—j i'00. each—kV N Tillinghast, U E Cdton, (box black berry orandy,)—*'>00 *2;>(i '• ch—’^aiii’l J Hinsdale, I> A Uay, E L Pem berton—-?oOO. ^10(1 each—.J V' l‘.;arc.?, N A St^'dinan, E (liovdr, .t (t liotlfrey, J A" Bak“r, S T Hawley, - dcL ilcKay, A MeLean, Ja« X Smit!i, A Q Thorntou, J W Leti, J Kcr- ^haw—^12o0. each—^lex .McL".uch!in, C^sh (■’• G >1.) Laac I)'‘dd, A liHjjhoad, 1’ Taylor—^^’>0 >■*;■> esch—1. tioil’.ngsworth, M McKianon—?5>0 ;§20—C K Leete Ad>' amount by (} W V- iUiansH, ba’.arce in hi!? hands from J?ayettevillb Supply 2^35 50 •■UK.\iHjL*i;xtaf ju Kso'r, H. G., Nov. 1/ ' *’ • ••Too ooinisauoiu^ ci!'.cer ttiinks be tias seen •nougb of the liegiment to warrant him m fHiatving tnat ne c&u safety iruat to tne honor of his oien lor the pre- s.Tvatiou of tfiit d---coruin uud the obaervauoe ot luut cijjru J-j CO fi whicQ a^waj'S Ol'tinguiabes t*'e geullemab and the patriot. He feels great jiriae lu thiuki».g tnat ne comminde » body of men who v*ili compare lavoraoly with tbe great mass 01 their fellow'-cit):ens, iu niorais, tn-ellig .‘n'rf and suostautial wortii. mia iiitii koo.viug »3 they do, ihe duae.-> wn:cn taeir coaairy Uaa Oevoive.i uj.,oa Liiem, it occasion shttli evci- requir.- it, t,iey w..l ei. tiioit all cuosc qusUtios W! itn a deieuce ol tne r .luiior, llieir h^artiistonts, »nd tbtir native son iinpvr-ti't ly laaa is. llo sincerely Lr’asl.i tii:.;, tuis trial of tucir mua- iiOol v,iii iioi Vi.‘Co,ue in.ceso• ry., bu’u t.'*al aoon, aU t ; tneni !udV re.urn lo Lueir iiooiea lo enjoy tor ix.aay i.,ag years «»». thoj.f oico.-:i::gj .vnion, ua,lii‘ lao ias'o.’ o. ll-a- ven, Ue c i.ia.lc;.iiy ex^'ects to llo>v irom iho pcace and in ie^'uara»‘-e o^ tooir coUui.r^. * ’ iiy ..rder of Ijt, wo» v*. it. U.vmi. a. -I, vL\, .-.01 fc. 2ur A~ -n(L—Tee (.’huriottc Buliei u is iL.de'>t- ed *0 -\lr. A IL D^>xn, Ap#at, i:.r tuc f-.d owiag .'UUi lefit». •’i'a:. i.> K.ad-' r-.‘t c“iv.:a a.-., ocpot ■'•’’u. 2, hii.itte, t'or ;ne in;mn“ of Aoi^-aJt, a.-pi. ana Oct. i^o4; t> iscei.' W r.eat, 2 3bT do Oa-.s, 7.5 d • Rye, 3:i o-i‘) It. -. lirtV, 'i oL'S ibs. Fodder. 3iT los. U o.d. rne .arrest re:ur.. o.' wueat w.;-: .^Tj bushels, oy .V» ij. Z. -i. Gr «,r. Too largest rcta. n of o.Us wus )i net'f tjy dobn V»'alker. FiStj. 'Ice Lr:'est r- tura «I w -jl, v/ St iilO^ ao laJs, oy Xitniia B.T »yior. »q. Th • aeXi. tor^^cst ivas 18^ pounds, oj W.ti. A. SuM!pifl, Kjq. Avu^>: 4; ©r £x€hanse, ^ ts Yii'.j.Mj- ■ E, :wo M.»iOS» CowB Alsooaeor D '-V. i?. ».- C- I' ^ I Plgd j KERSHAW. ^ 7 85-3 , ^icliisnoad County. iv .. « a Oouu 7 or tcqieetfd t» i - ' ii-»os 't>d ; laoee. yreftnd fc • • .1 ,.>v: "a 13uck.wh«4i, ' ti. P:J-r, li»y, »f 0»a« ' '-a s-nd Grcni.i P^a-, lo-wit: : .> -5 n i d nth Deuenicsr ■» ■ • 7 i‘ f' It ..cJ 9 ai.o i- it. G'.! , -.e ■rn ^nsk.’ . iVl” .« ov JlUS r. 7-3 . . i.6 I ... *:i; li- • Mj ir. - ~i c pv^oad, £1ji hw»a 4 50 iaattcr d ’J. t) V * .^J V ■• ♦■'.'j. C'JiCfc ]i! Cv » , - Vk. u—-ib ;.u ; >.'i 0 ' i T bu i-. • >• KiLS f a -i> Lsrd 7^ to 6. 50 rctu'a 01 tse »ciirs q«ait- . c t- r.r -dnced ty bin da- , al r;l c? i. j' tr hanired p atde of s«t ptfh, n- ...i. f ii ;or r;;®"*,. eoA f»ttei*iog 1 aciis T i jj '/ inu*. ;mn-Gh a list cf the »ma- pvua r n.; xo^c'.s 10 ar‘i aUim the dm Jb rtsde. Tho Meals oi i -OSS »Hk4ci iu itie arsy are eMacsdj tc^ncsccd t« ■.fitXtT tetm W D TOWNSEND. rEi'ER MottAE itssGssom 3ia Tx Dist N 0. 12. 86 *6D . rr». if.- — -• -v#Vr2*J. -i;i 'i>( V.'-. ~ nil ^ irjJ , Near Saad.r-' iKll, jljn'.^oui ry co.*n:y, rv. c;., cu the liJta n.’ i". G. c>u.a.l.;rs, nuSj., JAiiES D. li^ixijY to jiiS. L .iiiulN^ liL'tiuV, ail >'i :.'(oaigj.a ly c-'auLy. On the jOth iast., by xiev. N. T. liowdon, aou t ilCS. S. GP.KEN, • apiaia of co. E, -bUi iS. •. i.,'lO 2dn--u KEZ/.IE i'. Vv'uObihiV, all of Moatgomery c»>auiy. At Lit. Airy, 2?th Oct., littie CAliKiE, infant daugh ter of S. L. anJ il. O, Gilmer. • • ■ O.o 7 r'-. : J 0 / ‘ l' ■ i J-J , C*0 i;.— ' S t-f» . i 3 ;0 $5 i.J ‘O'*'-;?!. . . 0 CO a 0>. vii"* Pei*.’ 12 rvj 15 (K). ; . -• Iv iO. 7 CO ;.o 8 OC per i\ , Toiiai 8 iX* ii 10 0.». U O \jU Ij i V Lq 'J'. p,,: o/i -»i7 oe . it* 4 or/. IO •ul'i; s'--.' ‘.T* ,Sy 1. '» ii J. n: >»TiSS..i >» ‘o; 'ib u. $7. 15 L VvHB«c.ro3. * -siat. r.v ( V .. ir Total, KOU THE OBSERVEa. SUGAR CANE ilILL PRorEGTOR. ile-srs. if ale it Sans: t take the e.idi-)*t o^iportu,dty to respond to tho tnimane call of Il.ili't U. Wmith, Esq., in bij wrdl written artie?e oil ciugar l^ine MUIp, the sav ing of hands, lingers, Ac. w hiCh aro inde«'d too import ant appendages to bs .«acrihc.ed for the need of a very C'if-/> ; nd .»»-j le p uU lor which I «(ided to my null tlio iiri-t dny 1 put it in operation, wliich any farm liand can np’ply. It IS simj'ly a pie *5 ofplaak placed in fr>nt of I tne ro ItTS w’th slo't- cut tiiree or four incbca lor" anU ' ore ai.vl a q\i.vi-i,er inches wide or e-ntiicieatly larjcT! to ad- lui'- tb-- liirti.’st s’alktj; the number of slots proportioned ■; “ to i.ii« longi/i of roI:tr; it filso keei>!« tho stalks iu line 50 f nienng tiie ro't^^r^ without tbe aid of nand laeti'ng „ ^ , ,, ■',7' me nn!l. 1 cor.talii it a valui^ln improveiiient and The Onn li>scK.-Send i- your notee Oi tne serious accident- „ old is;ne, '>f ?b ano upwards, rniit they njay oe rr- ^ ia worsiQir th^-m llespcetfnily, J. KERSHAW. lil be worthlees. »» t i* • T ji Box^iS, sSic., ijr rrisoiisr^i ei V»ar aad Uow TUK yAKKtfS AkMY W KI.T8 AwaT. Th“NeW Scjdicr'j* Saicoca (i n. ?■ w*... 1 i l i.ceive T.>t . fj 3 ,li.;er8 sini p'lBca- thty •nan deii’u);aco i i.-tice a 'ni-s: tue oicce;. ‘ My dear . r ,.. ea .. i-. :a n ,ra bing his lean hands i 1""“'Af.:er t:.e 31st cf December : ,;eih -- :iDd cl a k’.'.ng .. ,/ay dowu to t’ae bjttoTi of lio be., o, wy.il - s. ein tiiat i,ae.->e ofticero h.ivn iktn . y w. ru.j, tiicrv ii nobody hurt,’ ooznewba'. York Trioufe gives a list of 02 regiments, 7 oatta- , i , . g \-jQ l.it.,« ; nag ... a aiat^er of corr.caon is not lioce, aod 4 uuttcriea, of troojis f.-om th}«i State which | »ad f.-.r'?-. ■ * thin ,..j p ... r. I ■; .. • cc;ea u. au - lor w.hicb. let me confers, 1 sae no remnants consobuated with otner raiments presamg ne essity—ib- prop^-r remedies must '> ■ Messrs Editors: AlthoHg'i we iive in a tr iubious time —amid se-’nes of civil coai:notio.’i—of tne dlisrupiion of fraceri.al ties—of the u, heaving of tac social structure— aiui.l tar.’.:i~o aad blOoashetl—in which 'Vars inevi'-abio c .ncomitaiu, gom monster Death, sits uiupiri* and uo- uianUs ina.-y victim.?, yet the ui mory of dei'ari-cd tVieuds siiouid not be forg’i'tvn nur laeir viriucs over looked. ia tiii.H c mnexioa a brief iriunte ol respcut aud a;fecbi )n is cue tho Hon. liainuel ii. i li-istiim, wao *1«- iiarted this lite nt nis home iu I, , -J .••null in tne 49tn y- o' oi ois age. Ilia subject of this alem >ir was generally a d f'.voratdy known taroeghout tne couiitry. ilis active OUsines.* ha bits guve him general faaie and drew t.irgc crowds oi peopiC from several turi-ound:ng couaties, wiio, oy nis j oiiterprioing .-pirit were largely >>enerittd by ids li.-uvy | iuvet't.uenta of eapiial iu merchanaiz.;, ni.^amactor*e.-i i aad mdls. Ho wat, rep.?at *dly nonored With tru jis of high positiou and great reaponsibiiity, in uli of wr.icH he «lischarg«‘d his duty well and f.uinfuiiy. in tno Legisla tive HhiIs he l>^long.jd to that order ol men, wiu>, v.-u- out I'biS-iing them nith the brilliant were never*neh-ss the most useful an«l tuerir.orioas. Bo was a working m.an— worked, dili^jentiy, judiciously an ! honestly tor thepuo- dc good. Possessing u mind ewii.ier ly sorial. praodt sd utilrarian in it'i character, withal weli-bt- red with his- ■otical and political knowlodgo, and inaitely repnbhcan— h* v. as in e high degree q'jalitied to r« preooi^t an iion.?st, high toned, corliding jieople. A man of strong re^^olves. true Cl iirdge, indomitable energy ot 4:haracier—personal ia«.i u.ental, an unshrinking devotion to his conntry'M tve^t irtereats of every eliHracte:*, e&peri.i)iy of t bot-o con- .tuciv« lo her industrial pursuits—he wa.s reg.trded as I mpbaV'callj’ the peoplt^’H man. frank and o{»en, his po litical sentiments were avowed aud prorna]gat.;d w.ibour, o-ailft or dicsimulation. He iiad Oc> n out rrct-ntly e!f rted I t>y n ll ittering vote to the C'jnfederato Lo,,i;re.ss ati>*' an ! I.xcitiig and able canvass, in which h.' i m.ily ouunci • atcd views, tntberto undivuUed ou the hu tings. Had • he lived tc parr.Cipate in me dtdi?iera1io:n >f that body j ho wo’ild •'*« have CuiTiod oat th.j- ■ vi*! v? i-; re 1 >'ard >,0 tho terrible and wasting carnai^ in •vhic.i we f * are f'ngigp'^. I'rban • in nis manuor.-, kiti«l :;:m ct/.ihk * *'ff> in hi^ teinperiracnt, h-* w.is iVr.,.- from eveiy tfiint of; O env'y .'• j'in discernment qafck an ! clear, in | pnrpof^e Vt.roog, he yet yielded with cotnplacenry to t!in ; por*uasion of irie ida or ti:o c nv>ti.m of hi.'* *:te.’jiuig- ^ me.it "ile ba'^ bis } tou!iarities—idif^syncriic'cs. ifa..y . r.'*j'l-5- f-—but they were horn wiiii him. .-waited tolum i fonstbuntiir a phrt of bis cban.ctT and LL«.e>tary t^ ■ * Ids I'otn: I-te.’e.«s.” T)>o D8f*dy ahvays found iu him a j d}.., rL V iii> i. ;-c liJv f‘i'i d iu s>npplyi:’g t..eir wa>'ts and rrdni, tering ; art,i>*tiieir Tv oi’«sitia^. iiif> ho.spitdity which he di?- '>0''. 16 peii8»i w8. : rove'o;.*.!? i"b ' ' ; KETl'ilS^ my si:'e ;re tban'ii^ t. the kind friends b\' i win te i)''.in it i-ii i ca'i’e.^'U eiforu at tae l-ice on iiiy p;‘eiidse-5. niy dw, Id.ng houise ami kiiencu re savv’d iVoni do?'ruci,i''n; uu i .ii-o ’i.ir ^Tatafui .iit*.ntii'n-' u> my fuiiiily uuiing the coid'ariau of the tan.?. .,^ov. *7. *1. '- HLiSi^E. • - N M' j I .a, ln-':t= u pr-oiJs : I : h co:' . ' ' iii.' iUfitVA.a fn l'..vV Nt'VEM. i.a 18 i8-.4 H.-'iSPlAN C'O^iP..' . V : I, ! t?. r qii“Mt. wi' ^ ,i.i; -ii'-n : ^nt cn i'ri ay E^‘.-^ :n,. [' 3 op 'a at 7 ■- olco.. e.t .0 j-aaitK. • tt 7^ o’cl .•■'if V. i .v s CO lo ro'a,.J o;' the P'o- o; F: y- .Vin •;'.i''.- $0. Chi!-*.-!! *1-' M I.»a4iy «t oKiic >**X55er6es«f.« 1:^ Tn-c. d 3i*(«r A I'tiVacn-n s Ij. fcMo f.nd cc ^ Vntii •-)>ch f-tp '.ra.T . ii.an-. --■■» ti f^ii-.U. !.;■> ruuia:'' u*. f t L/.tir-. F sik ' Mu't'c i,u me Pi no l ie f oc gi? n *t>4 rcqn nd For fu't^fti-r ;oa, *pp y to Mr. I>. i> FKENOH, uiuS' enec, >f.b?iiec r-i v c,. N:~ 10 85 2tpd i . I.^00 . kil'A K .--It 0 W ■ A i* . V 1,000 - 10 r%/ - id lt:.:. > 0P?EH\3. ‘*AIT P- (’■ J. A ViioOT’EJ-. G.ac.’a }v-' £u -Tf^us y i. ?:FD-r '■ ,.f Ho Tax Fayers. f ■•liilii.t r... . ‘ "i)' wiigtiR!’ AC J uiaMS 10 r«- 1. ce ••* e ‘p ri/ Oi‘ 6 f--.' 33;i T;** au.i tlv« 8cl- irto' T-.zi 'l>i Tax c v •er-y -'ili be rccsmd ia 4 r..!r Cv J*. cer--,sc-i .*) Tb? ^ >iaien>’Xt.x ln.cew 183K6 ;.j- A; fik. ,n Aiinir^y fcp, > Taee‘5»'» otfa *ad 6iK D»o. A. . :.I wv-i-’;' VV';iJuesday 7in; -ca u.. £- ar ;iay Fndar 8:h and 9th; L-t..r»l • ■ ■ ' a -ui Tu;e'iat 12:h aad ISiti; S 3-i. V,'-„da'8 !,»> and Taursday 14ia & l6tk; Vs'ii'ia:. u’s. Ft’aa/ irt,n Ail p r wh eve -t^x will .10 well to att?nd and i. .t'«i u. Iae reaic ; tni-tU’S of tho law will be ea- ’'i.Ofd Tbc A'^s^s’f^rs - (• '.uo Tax Ja Kiai will also atUod to '.3 aivi tic lithe itst lor to^ ir;p of 18Si not alread/ ,eitd L W' MoLAURIN. Tax Colkotor. 83d D.*t N 0 Not’* 5 tS.feD IVOTHCeT" j XT1* -It itt'i '-*e f0l*0TTi*ig &nd plaC68| fsJT tke 2 r-iirp.'f-e ooV*'Ot*ag the G«x*feder^ts XmX9S« dae on "•fVeri.’^ at 5 pc? c;-ut s.leo t*)e ftddi i' ai T»x of 1 per wnt -c*- tfc■* ?+.• Sdidif-rs; the Tux 00 Q^arurly .■i-.i, 5 oil.’ Oj; l^t ?»ni ail arre .rs of T*x#s up lo tial '^‘■n c.i.tnt'S ?ira f.i^e i»o fa vie b* th* , o»i.-. r3 c' Tax X na fir t^j^s Cod.-t % iis: \ ri-r, ?.T ed'-.v r>f Oaonty O'-uri; lil -’&-,£»• -I'sy list, 864; jj .i J »y Sd; iiTib"' B -.r- Mord*y iS P G-: n‘fc; V -1,.. V. ri .g.m 7iti: B ( ^ ! oer TbUT'ffi. 8.b; ic. i.uksrt .4. fc'rid«j 9;h; >: r=; r^-T . n Stti!-ci.» . jOtfc; A ?£.' -b f'ay T «’r.r> 't-’o Tuesday IHth; ^^■r: . Weiucsv^sy 14th; t? :/.,r :’p M '?p, T^a’’rdi/ iS'b; Siaity’c Fiidfcy 16th. Pr.T- T. Ts • ■ JH r*' rilV ^rtwi’ct tr9a’ i« .U) io' .'.c '". -xiM I .' xc'.'c.e .!.fX ii ^lcMlI^L,^N rr. «. r'.'k Nr'r 14 86 1t*2t lae ^*r0T£em. ilH'j !. «jf CO’-'J/r.it'fces of b?' diffa-'i.^t D «■ \ h/ Coaat/ C. an of R,-.i»±>oa f ,• s^ribu'io.'- f raotey rr;v,e'-oo -,'Tuiro 1-* S-i,di rs’ 'p?iUie.-, ?re hfrc"7 "t t’i* Fl'use ii* Lajob^rloa or ■-kc. S8‘Jh :^y '■f No’" , A D ISGi and r»Cft?T(* for d7«tri*4u;'an fe r-r:r* -a fo? 1>>65 A iaa*»n»I »i t'ndvrfce is c-rsr-.Uy requested. J03N W.\LKEa. Cosaiaisaincc'’ fcr K Oetoa unty. No-v 14. 85 5 pd f, rc‘-j« • u fr.'.-s fitsA4 '-I'T’a i' t 0 y- «: ;.) fi-> 7. MARKET gmMr. jfji, ,• : • *0 CO'iitinu.- tii* Gv^a^.ral Go.n ni ^si3n Grrooary Bajinass. L Ib.i, l’’ i &•: J ‘20 ( a ter'i‘'n b-’ «iv©a to all or'i^s wid o«’«- i r -a. -,. In e5-Ti».n m car carr. L. 0. LfifEBIRRr k fKJ iRuspd u0,000 o. 85 .i £.ff..ir, and it cor- have eitbcr been mustered outof ecrvi-e or had tneir i »• '^-eor ..b.i-r - -h.; B.ses bsou - ce t>r i panion, tb., dHiirbror ns fii.-^-.is, i-^d ao: an better ir ‘ h i t.s.eti 0; .n'a, .9. , ueey c.'sa rca'h | or truer, aniir'iitcd ani v hei^r.'i. at ' '•■if'st atfecii'-nnte, 1 contitbng and truMilVi liii bi.“ ! his plai'e i K'.N'Ci ].>.'• 1 COa ihfe r- ,> 00 tra B »«x; ‘V'-a C untry njarespan; 'fO ;.-D VV -olctj Jeane. c . T-b'rh i »' - pv Market price 9f cs* J t^cVon Yfc-■, S.’i 'fnx cr Salt, ISAAO HOLLTNOSWORTH, O'r -4. 84-i4tpd applied oy th-: .S^ale aatbontiefa. LiBKiiAi..—Amone tne rr-poris made to the Bap- Raie g- ■ / tho last 't I'.cr.th i wi!^h t';e s c: lo uo to mark. *rlth vriiteniti' ■ ■OSSJr-?. 5D0 Miili n Lo - 3o:.t n’t j \'C .-E -U j »> nu Vf i - 1 ■ bfl filledi Not only may biB fsaiiU' le^jl tbn blow mostj3 ‘••-t'bliR^^d ,t*r:c«'of T1 o *.ni ;•}.’.r otrcin I «iruciin«, 60 tlai I may i' ^.roj’erlj’dose. j i^-ievously and hfavily, not only-community, in which J sSuicip'• at -it.' ^ *c m lo fi -n-Abl? o'* - ^ ^ A'i b. X63 far tuison>‘r8 of F*r must be *b liabt r^j ! he lived, but to them and to h's county and surroundintr ' tun been d^torij iaad 10 oantiriUe iu^ Bi't urtil f -.riik-* ; soitable for Spring aad Snmstter Cloth. This tttMdi “ • ‘ -J = 4r.i w r,r;=Ki. • qofdUy, 00* •WpMlli taMm ■ . „ P P tjgt State Convention ut Warreutoa & week or two n.;* u. mo lui utwuu7i.t ui r»r uius«. i>« -b ngin.--o , ..o »o .B to con .uct my own caoipaigu in my own way, and _ aboufrgoO.OOO had been contriout- possible. If Uwj Bhocld w«igh more tbaa 100 lbs thej I country liis loss is indeed irreparable. He was a good aoUoe. Aliv* W. W let the frieuuft ot (ieo. ilcCleUan coodact UuiIrA . «u. by inat denoSua»ttoa dunng the pa»t jear for | oaaxuA m. JOS&Pa^ A. WO&SH. I huabaad, an indolgeat father, a good neighbor, a kind, i A|rt for eabof GaBfader^BMas. I «ms Wlpocten. V 1&. [^1 S. ^ 22- Tlx i .Jirrprige Cotton Factorfr i now preps^red to exchange for corn or baooa the Finest IJomliers of Span Tar^

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